Feeding the Future: Food Security and CPS

Feeding the Future: Food Security and CPS This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY

Transcript of Feeding the Future: Food Security and CPS

Feeding the Future:Food Security and CPS

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One Word Reactions



Conventional Farming Techniques




Farm workerBig Ag



Heads Up:

We will be referencing where meat comes from as well as

the natural life/death cycle

This animal takes more water to grow

out and process than that animal.

If a wild animal passes away on the land, here are some things you could do:


• Who: Kellie Syfan, M.Ed., BCBA

• What: Farmer (Clove Hitch Farm) and Behavior Analyst (Applied Behavioral Happiness LLC)

• When: 20+ years experience ranching, farming, gardening, and making soil

• Where: California, New Zealand, Colorado, Texas, and North Carolina

• Why: I love being a part of the food system solution!

The Guardian, May 10 2020

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2019 Data on Food Deserts in the United States

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We can create solutions.

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Before the session you were asked to…

Bring at least one piece of printer paper (8.5x11”) and things to write with (pen, pencil, markers, crayons, colored pencils, etc.)

Prompt: If you had a one acre plot in an urban environment, wouldn't it be nice if you could grow enough food to feed 500 children?

Formulate a challenge statement from this vision.

What’s your challenge statement?

• Getting some more data to clarify your challenge statement

• Refining your challenge statement as necessary

• Exploring ideas together

Data will be focused onWater, Soil, and Sustainable Agriculture practices

• Plant needs• Animals needs• Systems


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Current Solutions:Hydroponic System

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Current Solutions:Aquaponic System System

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Current Solutions:Ground Water Storage - Swale

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Current Solutions:Water Table Creation

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Current Solutions:Beyond Organic Practices

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Let’s watch a video!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K


Current Solutions:Worm Farming (vermiculture)

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Current Solutions:No Till

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Current Solutions:Rotational Grazing

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Current Solutions:Cover Crops

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Video time!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O


Sustainable Agriculture(Long term balance)

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Current Solutions:Permaculture

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This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC

IWWMI… make the best use of the space?make sure the food I produce is Kosher AND Halal?

Collect eggs for eating

Opportunity:Ten fish died

Bury them in the garden

Richer soil!

Start 10 new compost


Richer soil with better

water retention!

Feed them to soldier flies

Feed larvae to chickens

Feed larvae to ducks

Water from duck pond into garden

Richer soil with better

water retention!


Have you changed or refined your challenge statement?

Now that you have a challenge statement…

Formulate solutions and simulate your plan!

Break out brain out time!

Have your challenge statement ready

Each person gets ___ mins focused on their challenge statement

Keep an eye on the top of the screen, we will let you know when to switch

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But how do I simulate a farm??

Short side: 60-100Ft


g si







Tool that I think out

should consider: Matrix!

Sizing Key:

Leafy Green

Flower Plant space

1 post it:4,350ft sq

15 rabbits

5 mini pigs

Water space

Grass space

Gravel space

Compost space

Compost space

Berry bush

5 squash or melon

2 Mini cows 3 Mini Sheep

Avocado Tree

Nut Tree

Fruit Tree

4,300 leafy greens

360 berry bushes

4,000 flowers

IWWMI…feed a variety of fats to the 500 children?

Possible Solution (1) Fats

(2) Water

(3) People


Nut Tree 2 2 1 5

Hogs 2 1 1 4

Rabbits 1 3 2 6

Avocado 2 1 2 5

Ducks 2 2 2 6

Peanut plants 2 1 1 4

Key Score

(1) High in fats? +2

(2) Helps retain water?


(3) Many people can consume?


Possible Solution (1) Fats

(2) Water

(3) People


Nut Tree (Tree space) 2 2 1 5

Hogs 2 1 1 4

Rabbits (sm animal space) 1 3 2 6

Avocado (Tree space) 2 1 2 5

Ducks (sm animal space) 2 2 2 6

Peanut plants 2 1 1 4

Retention Pond

My Acre:




Duck house

Farm stand


Nut Tree




IWWMI…create the highest yield in the least amount of time?

Possible Solution (1) Quick

(2) Predict


Greens 3 5 8

Fish 2 2 4

Rabbits 3 4 7

Fruit Trees 0 2 2

Mini goats 0 1 1

Vining plants 2 5 7

Cornish Cross Chickens 3 5 8

Laying Pullets 3 5 8

Key Score

(1) Lots of food quickly?


(2) Highly predictable?


Possible Solution (1) Quick

(2) Predict


Greens (sm plant space) 3 5 8

Fish 2 2 4

Rabbits 3 4 7

Fruit Trees 0 2 2

Mini goats 0 1 1

Vining plants 2 5 7

Cornish Cross Chickens (sm animal space) 3 5 8

Laying pullets (sm animal space) 3 5 8

Drive through

My Acre:Water

Hydroponic growing facility(mostly greens)

With outdoor distribution center

Chicken Grazing Area (tractors)95% Cornish Super Cross,5% production egg layer

Hot compost energy plant

Chicken processing


Water collection

and recycling

Resources and Idea Sparkers

• YouTube• Stefan Sobkowiak• Gardening Australia

• Instagram• @clovehitchfarm• @blue_thumb_farms• @polyfacefarm*

• Netflix• Biggest Little Farm*

• Other:• Tractor Supply’s book

section*• Me!

[email protected] or text: 919.579.6192

I want to see your ideas!

Instagram - @cef_cpsi@clovehitchfarm

Twitter/Facebook -@cpsiconferenceClove Hitch Farm

LinkedIn - #creativeeducationfoundationKellie Syfan