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Feedback Week 1 quizHelpYou submitted this quiz onSun 18 Aug 2013 2:07 PM PDT (UTC -0700). You got a score of10.00out of10.00. Question 1Finish the sentence 'Planning for teaching....'Your Answer

ScoreExplanationStarts with the goals of teaching

Starts with the principle that all teaching should be enjoyable

Starts with the goals of learningCorrect1.00Starting with the goals of teaching might include enjoyment but to be able to assess what has been learned the best place to start is obviously with the goals of learning.Starts with the principle that all learning should be enjoyable


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Question 2The 5Ws plus H are an important set of questions for teachers because...Your Answer

ScoreExplanationWHO children learn from and with is a critical determinant of attitude and achievementCorrect1.00WHO children learn from and with is a critical determinant of attitude and achievement. Much of WHAT they learn disappears all too soon. WHEN they learn is very dependent on the individual and of course the school is not the only or primary WHERE. And asking WHY is not redundant in any circumstance but a vital aspect of everyones learning.the WHY question is redundant when there is a set curriculum

it doesnt matter HOW children learn, WHAT they learn stays with them forever

the WHERE question does not refer simply to the classroom but also refers to the school as the primary site for learning

with regard to the WHEN of childrens learning we know that the morning is the time when they are most alert and receptive


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Question 3It is said that children live in three overlapping worlds the academic world, the social world and the cyber world. Taking this into account good teaching should...Your Answer

ScoreExplanationDiscourage children from doing their homework with their friends

Ensure that in the classroom these three worlds are kept strictly apart

Encourage children to share what and how they are learningCorrect1.00Encourage children to share what and how they are learning because that is a powerful way of rehearsing not only what has been taught but may also encourage children to share their learning preferences. Doing homework with friends ought not to be discouraged, nor the use of the internet when it is used effectively for the right purpose.Encourage parents to see that homework does not involve use of the internet


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Question 4Which of the following teachers would be using formative assessment?Your Answer

ScoreExplanationAssessment helps me to rank order my students

'I try to give everyone good grades so as not to damage their self esteem

The advice I give to students shows them how to improve their workCorrect1.00Formative assessment, or assessment for learning, is not about grades, or rank ordering, or thinking about students' self esteem when you are marking, but is concerned with the advice I give to students showing them how to improve their work.I always give feedback so that students know which are the right and wrong answers


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Question 5The difference between diagnostic and summative assessment refers to...Your Answer

ScoreExplanationThe fact that one is qualitative while the other is quantitative

The fact that one is concerned with grade only marking while the other is not

The level of detail a student receives as to where he/she has achieved, or not achieved, successCorrect1.00One of the distinguishing factors between diagnostic and summative assessment refers to the level of detail a student receives as to when he/she has achieved, or not achieved, success. Summative assessment may simply be a mark or comment. Diagnostic assessment pinpoints where failure and success lie and may be either quantitative or qualitative. It is also certainly not about the amount of feedback a student receives.The amount of feedback a student receives on one or more written or oral asssignments


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Question 6The evidence cited by David Berliner is that the most powerful effect on childrens attitudes is:Your Answer

ScoreExplanationTheir school

Their teachers

Their peersCorrect1.00The most powerful effect on childrens attitudes is, according to Berliner, the other children they mix with their peers. This does not discount the influence of parents and teachers, nor the fact that for some children it is their father, mother or their teacher who moulds and shapes their attitudes. But as a general research finding the peer effect (including brothers and sisters) outweighs the others.Their parents


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Question 7Three of the following are generally regarded as the hallmarks of a profession. Which of these would NOT generally be seen as a necessary professional attribute?Your Answer

ScoreExplanationHaving specialised knowledge

Acting ethically

Being a member of teachers' unionCorrect1.00Acting ethically, having specialised knowledge and serving the interests of others are all hallmarks of a profession. Being a member of a teachers' union may be desirable but of course many professional people do not belong to a union.Serving the interests of others


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Question 8The researcher Southworth identified what he called toxins and nutrients. The difference between these refers to three of the following. Which is of these is NOT a distinguishing criterion of a nutrient?Your Answer

ScoreExplanationBeing paid according to performanceCorrect1.00The feeling of being trusted as a professional, those aspects of school life that promote growth and having a sense of being valued are all what Southworth class nutrients. Being paid according to performance might in some circumstances be a nutrient but can also be a toxin when it is divisive and seen to be based on the wrong criteria.The feeilng of being trusted as a professional

Those aspects of school life that promote growth

A sense of being valued


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Question 9Learning is most effective when...Your Answer

ScoreExplanationTeachers emphasise the importance of doing as more important than or feeling or knowing

Teachers emphasise the importance of knowing over and above doing or feeling

Teachers pay attention to the relationship among all three aspects of learningCorrect1.00Learning is most effective when teachers pay attention to the relationship among all three aspects of learning knowing, feeling and doing. It is therefore incorrect to privilege knowing, or feeling, or doing, over the others. For instance, giving reign to emotions could be a disastrous policy!Teachers pay attention to encouraging free expression of emotion before trying to engage children in what needs to be known or done


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Question 10Good teaching, wherever possible starts with what children already know because...Your Answer

ScoreExplanationconceptual thinking cannot occur until misconceptions are removed

a lot of what needs to be taught can then be skipped

teachers can then build on and deepen childrens understanding and address misconceptionsCorrect1.00Good teaching, wherever possible, starts with what children already know because teachers can then build on and deepen childrens understanding and address their misconceptions. Misconceptions are not necessarily bad things to be removed but addressing them is helpful in clarifying concepts and building knowledge. Similarly, errors provide important information for diagnostic and formative assessment. 'Skipping material is also not helpful for rehearsing, revisiting or embedding prior learning.knowing what, knowing how, or knowing who cannot be learned without addressing errors children make when they first come into the classroom


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