Federal Reserve Bank of New York Circular Series circulars/1974_07402a.pdfFEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF...

FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF NEW YORK 1HH I J d May 1974 (fill SECOND FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Transcript of Federal Reserve Bank of New York Circular Series circulars/1974_07402a.pdfFEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF...


I Jd

May 1974


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Head Office ♦ 33 Liberty StreetFederal Reserve PO. Station New York, N.Y 10045

212-791-5000 (For use only when individual numbers are not known)

Buffalo Branch ♦ 160 Delaware Avenue PO. Box 961 Buffalo, N.Y. 14240


Cranford Office ♦ 2 Jackson DriveCranford, N.J. 07016


Jericho Office ♦ 113 South Service Road Jericho, N.Y 11753


Relocation Office ♦ P.O. Box 660Amherst, Mass. 01002


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May 1974

To All Banks in the

Second Federal Reserve District:

This edition of the directory of this Bank is an organization direc­

tory, showing the functional organization of the Bank and its departments

and divisions, together with the names and telephone numbers of the offi­

cers, division chiefs, and certain senior staff members of the Bank. This di­

rectory supplements the directory issued in December 1973, which listed

operational m atters on which we receive frequent telephone inquiries, the

departments in which they are handled, and the telephone numbers to which

such inquiries should be directed. New appointments of officers and changes

in their titles are announced currently in supplements to, or revisions of,

our Operating Circular No. 1, “Authorized Signatures.”

The use of this directory should aid you in communicating with the

appropriate persons and units in this Bank. We will be pleased to furnish

additional copies of the directory upon request.

A lfred H ayes,


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PageOrganization Directory

Directors ..................................................... 3

Member of Federal Advisory Council. . . 3

List of Officers:

Head Office............................................... 4

Buffalo B ranch ........................................ 6

Audit F u n c tio n ...................................... 6

Functional O rg an iza tio n .......................... 7

Telephone Numbers of PersonsListed in the D irectory ..........................16

(and inside back cover)

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Term expires December SI

R o sw e ll L. G ilpatric, Chairman, and Federal Reserve A g en t................................................................ 1974(Class C director—appointed by Board of Governors)Partner, Cravath, Swaine & Moore, Attorneys, New York, N. Y.

Frank R. M illik en , Deputy C hairm an ........................................................................................................... 1975( Class C director—appointed by Board of Governors)President, Kennecott Copper Corporation, New York, N. Y.

Norman B rassler ( Class A director—elected by Group 2 banks) ............................................................ 1974Chairman of the Board, New Jersey Bank (National Association), Clifton, N. J.

Maurice F. G ranville ( Class B director—elected by Group 1 banks)....................................................1976Chairman of the Board, Texaco Inc., New York, N. Y.

Jack B. Jackson (Class B director—elected by Group 3 banks).............................................................. 1975President, J. C. Penney Co., Inc., New York, N. Y.

A lan P ifer (Class C director—appointed by Board of G overnors)........................................................1976President, Carnegie Corporation of New York, New York, N. Y.

David R o ck e fe ller ( Class A director—elected by Group 1 banks)........................................................1976Chairman of the Board, The Chase Manhattan Bank (National Association), New York, N. Y.

W illiam S. Sn eath (Class B director—elected by Group 2 banks)........................................................1974President, Union Carbide Corporation, New York, N.Y.

Newman E. W ait, Jr. (Class A director—elected by Group 8 banks) ................................................... 1975President, The Adirondack Trust Company, Saratoga Springs, N. Y.

BUFFALO BRANCHNorman F. Beach, Chairm an .............................................................................................................................. 1974Vice President, Eastman Kodak Company, Rochester, N. Y.

J. Wallace Ely ........................................................................................................................................................ 1976Chairman of the Board, Security New York State Corporation, Rochester, N. Y.

Theodore M. McCl u r e ......................................................................................................................................... 1974President, The Citizens National Bank and Trust Company, Wellsville, N. Y.

Donald R. Nesbitt..................................................................................................................................................1975Owner and operator, Silver Creek Farms, Albion, N.Y.

Daniel G. Ra n so m ..................................................................................................................................................1976President, The Wm. Hengerer Company, Buffalo, N.Y.

Claude F. Shuchter ..............................................................................................................................................1975President, Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company, Buffalo, N. Y.

Rupert Wa rr en ...................................................................................................................................................... 1976Former President, Trico Products Corporation, Buffalo, N. Y.


Gabriel Ha u g e ........................................................................................................................................................ 1974Chairman of the Board, Manufacturers Hanover Trust Company, New York, N. Y.

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A l f r e d H a y e s , President R i c h a r d A . D eb s, F irst Vice President


C h a r l e s A . C oom bs, Senior Vice President T h o m a s M . T im le n , J r . , Senior Vice PresidentForeign Accounting Control, Building and Planning,

A l a n R. H o lm e s , Senior Vice President Data Services, Government Bond andOpen Market Operations and Treasury Issues Safekeeping of Securities, Loans and Credits,

Personnel, and ServiceT h o m a s 0 . W a a g e , Senior Vice President

Cash and Collection, Check Processing, and Public Information

W il l ia m H . B r a u n , J r .Vice President Cash and Collection

R i c h a r d G. D a v is , Vice President Research and Statistics

K a r l L. E g e , Vice President Check Processing

P e t e r F o u s e k , Economic A dviser Research and Statistics (Advice and special studies with respect to international economic and financial affairs)

G e o rg e G a rv y , Vice President and Senior A dviser Advice to President and First Vice President on policy matters, and responsibility for special studies

E d w a r d G. G u y , Vice President and General Counsel Legal

J a m e s 0 . A stonA ssistan t Vice President Check Processing . (Check Adjustment and Return Items, Check Processing, and Payment Systems Departments)

L o u i s J. B r e n d e l A ssistan t Vice President Building and Planning (Planning Department)

A. T h o m a s C o m b a d e r Buildings A dm inistrator Building and Planning (Building Operating Department)

R o b e r t L . C o o p e r A ssistan t Vice President Open Market Operations and Treasury Issues

J o s e p h R . C o y leChief Securities Trading OfficerOpen Market Operations and Treasury Issues

R o b e r t J. C r o w le y A ssistan t Vice President Foreign

P a u l B. H e n d e r s o n , J r .Vice President Data Services

J o h n T. K e a n e , Vice President Personnel

L e o n a r d L a p id u s , Vice President Public Information

R obert E . L lo y d , J r .Vice President Building and Planning

P a u l M e e k , M onetary A dviser Open Market Operations and Treasury Issues (Advice and special studies with respect to open market operations and policies)

S c o t t E . P a r d e e , Vice President Foreign

F red W . P id e r it , J r .Vice PresidentBank Supervision andRelations

H o w a r d F . C ru m b , A dviser Data S e rv ic e s

H e n r y S . F u j a r s k i , J r .A ssistan t Vice President Loans and Credits

M a r g a r e t L. G re e n e A ssistan t Vice President Foreign

R i c h a r d H . H o e n ig A ssistan t Vice President Public Information

M a t t h e w J . H o e y A ssistan t Vice President Government Bond and Safekeeping of Securities (Government Bond and Safekeeping Department)

W h it n e y R . I r w inA ssistan t Vice President Check Processing (Cranford Office—North Jersey Regional Check Processing Center)

F r e d H . K l o p s t o c k , A dviser F o r e ig n

A. M a r s h a l l P u c k e t t Vice President Accounting Control

T h o m a s C. S l o a n e Vice President Government Bond and Safekeeping of Securities

F r e d e r i c k L. S m e d le y Vice President Service

P e t e r D . S t e r n l i g h t Vice PresidentOpen Market Operations and Treasury Issues

H . D a v id W i l l e y , Vice President Foreign, and Loans and Credits

A n t o n S . N is s e nA ssistan t Vice President Research and Statistics (Statistics Department)

J a m e s H . O l t m a nA ssistan t General Counsel Legal

E d w in R . P o w e r s A ssistan t Vice President Data Services (Computer Operations, Computer Planning, and Computer Support Departments)

B e n e d ic t R a f a n e l l o A ssistan t Vice President B a n k S u p e rv is io n a n d R e la t io n s ( B a n k A p p lic a t io n s a n d F o r e ig n B a n k in g R e g u la t io n s D e p a r tm e n ts )

W a l t e r S . R u s h m o r e A ssistan t Vice President Accounting Control

I r w i n D. S a n d b e rgA ssistan t Vice President Open Market Operations and Treasury Issues

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OFFICERS— ContinuedF r e d e r i c k C. S c h a d r a c k , J r .

A dviserResearch and Statistics

W i l l i a m M . S c h u l t z A ssistan t Vice President S e rv ic e

R obert C . T h o m a nA ssistan t Vice President Bank Supervision and Relations (Bank Examinations and Bank Relations Departments)

B r u c e G. A le x a n d e r , Manager Personnel Department

L e o n a r d I . B e n n e t t s , Manager Check Adjustment and Return Items Department

J e r r y B e r k o w i tz , M anager Computer Planning Department

J a m e s H . B o o th , M anager Regulations and Bank Analysis Department

K a r e n J . B opp , Manager Cash Custody and Collection Departments

A rm o n d J . B r a ig e r , Manager Savings Bond Department

R a l p h A . C a n n III, M anager Check Processing Department

T e r r e n c e J . C h e c k i , M anager Personnel Department

J o h n C h o w a n s k y , M anager Management Information Department

P a u l J . C ie u rz o , M anager Government Bond and Safekeeping Department

L o u i s J . C o n ro y , M anager Emergency Planning Department

R i c h a r d D . C o o p e r s m i th A ssistan t Counsel

E . G e r a ld C o r r ig a n , Secretary

F r e d A . D e n e s e v ic h , M anager Check Processing Department

A dam R . D ic k , M anagerBank Relations Department

M a t t h e w C. D r e x l e r , Manager Building Operating Department

E d n a E . E h r l i c h , Manager International Research Department

R u d o l f T h u n b er gA ssistan t Vice President Research and Statistics (Domestic Research and International Research Departments)

P h i l i p V a n Orm a nA ssistan t Vice President Personnel

E u g e n e P. E m o n d , Manager Credit and Discount Department

F r e d e r i c k L . F r e y Chief Examiner Bank Examinations Department

P e t e r J . F u l l e n , Manager Computer Operations Department

M ic h a e l J . H am burg erSenior Economist

G e r a ld H a y d e n , Manager Computer Support Department

L e o n R . H o lm e s , Manager Cash Department

J o h n C. H o u h o u l i s , Manager Payment Systems Department

B e r n a r d J . J a c k s o n , Manager Foreign Department

E d w a r d F. K i p f s t u h l , Manager Foreign Banking Regulations Department

J o s e p h E . K la r b e r g , Manager Accounting Department

L e o n K o ro b o w , Manager Banking Studies Department

R o n a l d E . L o n g , Manager Planning Department

C h a r l e s M . L u c a s , Manager Statistics Department

F r a n k W . L u n d b la d , J r . M anagerProtection Department

J o s e p h M . O ’C o n n e l l , Manager Check Processing Department

T h e o d o r e N. O p p e n h e im e rA ssistan t Secretary

E d w a rd J . O zog , M anager Acceptance and Securities Departments

W il l ia m M . W a l s hA ssistan t Vice President Data Services (Research Computer Department)

W il l i a m H . W e t e n d o r f A ssistan t Vice President Government Bond and Safekeeping of Securities (Savings Bond and Security Custody Departments)

R o b e r t Y o u n g , J r .A ssistan t General Counsel Legal

E r n e s t T. P a t r ik isA ssistan t Counsel

J e r o m e P. P e r lo n g o , Manager Cranford Office—North Jersey Regional Check Processing Center

L e o p o ld S. R a s s n ic k , A ssistan t Counsel, and A ssistant Secretary

M a r y J . R o d g e r s A ssistan t Counsel

F r a n c i s H . R o h r b a c h , Manager Personnel Department

E d w in S. R o th m a n , Manager Foreign Department

H e r b e r t H . R u e s s , Manager Credit andDiscount Department

G e o rg e W . R y a n Foreign Exchange Officer

R a l p h C. S c h in d l e rResearch Computer Officer

C e c il A . S h e p h e r dEqual O pportunity Officer

B e n ja m in S t a c k h o u s e , Manager Bank Applications Department

G a r y H . S t e r n , Manager Domestic Research Department

S t e p h e n G. T h i e k e A ssistant Secretary

S h e i l a L . T s c h i n k e l , Manager Securities Department

R u t h A n n T y l e r , Manager Service Department

R i c h a r d V o l lk o m m e r , Manager Government Bond and Safekeeping Department

S t e p h e n P. W e is , Manager Security Custody Department


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OFFICERS— Continued


A n g u s A . M a c I n n e s , J r . , Vice President

R o n a l d B. G r a y , A ssistan t Vice President and Cashier Management Reports and Personnel

H a r r y A. C u r t h , J r . , A ssistan t Cashier P e t e r D. L u c e , A ssistan t CashierBank Relations and Public Information; Accounting; Check; and Computer ServicesCash; Protection; and Emergency Planning

G a r y S. W e i n t r a u b , A ssistan t Cashier Building Operating; Collection,Loans, and Fiscal Agency; and Service


G e o rg e C. S m i th , General Auditor J o h n E. F l a n a g a n , A ssistan t General A uditor

W. W i l l i a m B a u m g a r d t , M anager, Auditing Department

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A lfred H ayes , President

R ichard A. D eb s , F irst Vice President

C h arles A. Coombs,Senior Vice President (Foreign)

A la n R. H olm es , Senior Vice President (Open Market Operations and Treasury Issues)

T hom a s M. T im l e n , J r .,Senior Vice President (Accounting Control; Building and P lanning; Data Services; Government Bond and Safekeeping of Securities; Loans and C redits; Personnel; Service)

T hom a s 0 . W aage. Senior Vice President (Cash and Collection; Check Processing; Public Information)

Accounting Control

A. Ma r sh a ll P u c k ett , Vice President W alter S. R u sh m o r e , Assistant Vice President

ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT J o seph E . K larberg, ManagerAccounting Division ♦ JOHN J . STRICK, Chief Disbursing Division ♦ F r a n c is J . REISCHACH, Chief


Management InformationDivision ♦ A n t h o n y V PUCCIARELLI, Chief


George C. S m it h , General AuditorJ o h n E . F la n a g a n , Assistant General Auditor

Special Studies ♦ Oliver W. CORDZ, Special Assistant♦ J a m es La v in , J r ., Special Assistant♦ W oodrow F . S w e e n e y , Special Assistant

AUDITING DEPARTMENT W. W illia m B aumgardt, ManagerA udit Analysis Division ♦ DONALD R. A nderson , Chief

A uditing Division ♦ George J . KERRIGAN, Chief


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Bank Supervision and RelationsF red W . P id erit , J r ., Vice President B en ed ic t R a fa n ello , Assistant Vice President

(B an k A pp lications and F o re ig n B an k in g Regulations Departments)

R obert C. T h o m a n , A ssistant Vice President (Bank Examinations and Bank Relations Departments)

Special Studies ♦ A lfred E . H a m e l , Special Assistant

BANK APPLICATIONS DEPARTMENT B e n ja m in S t a c k h o u se , Manager Bank Applications Division ♦ ANTHONY J . Seg esti, Chief

♦ R obert C. R elyea , Special A ssistant

BANK EXAMINATIONS DEPARTMENTF rederick L. F rey , Chief Examiner

Examining Division ♦ J o h n A. Clear , Supervising Review Examiner♦ J o seph M. H a l p e r n , Supervising Examiner

(Automation)♦ W illia m J . M il u s ic h , Supervising Examiner

(Foreign)♦ A. J o h n Ma h e r , Supervising Review Examiner

(Trust)♦ E dward W. W arde, Supervising Review Exam iner

BANKING STUDIES DEPARTMENT L eon K orobow, ManagerBanking Studies Division ♦ George B u d zeik a , Special Assistant

♦ D avid G. H oldsw orth , Special Assistant


Bank Relations Division ♦ JOHN A. D ug a n , Special Assistant (Office)♦ A lfred A. B evacqua, J r ., Special Representative♦ B ruce A. Cassella , Special Representative♦ J o h n P . R e ic h , Special Representative♦ R aym ond C. L averty , Special Representative

Technical AssistanceDivision ♦ Carl H. A l l e n , Special A ssistant


Foreign Banking Regulations Division ♦ V in c e n t J . K ulda , Chief


Regulations and BankAnalysis Division ♦ JAMES P. B arry, Chief

Securities RegulationsDivision ♦ J am es M. M cN e il , Chief

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Building and Planning

R obert E. Lloyd, Jr., Vice President Louis J. B ren d el , Assistant Vice President

(Planning Department)A. T hom a s Combader, Buildings Administrator

(Building Operating Department)


J o seph C. Me e h a n , Building SuperintendentBuilding Maintenance

Division ♦ C h ester E . K m iec , Chief Building Service Division ♦ ANTHONY C. SGAMBAT, Chief

Power Plant Division ♦ E dward C. B erglin d , Chief Engineer

PLANNING DEPARTMENT R onald E . L ong , ManagerMethods and Systems

Division ♦ R obert J . M is c h l e r , Chief Purchasing Division ♦ F rederick W. F orberg, Purchasing A gent

Cash and Collection

W illia m H . B r a u n , J r ., Vice President

CASH DEPARTMENT L eon R. H o lm es , ManagerCash Administration

Division ♦ C harles J. MlNEUR, Chief Coin Division ♦ ANTHONY 0 . ACQUAVIVA, Chief

Paying and ReceivingDivision ♦ J o h n W L a n za , Chief

Sorting and CountingDivision ♦ F r a n k X. CASSIDY, Chief

CASH CUSTODY DEPARTMENT Karen J . B o pp , ManagerCash Custody Division ♦ W alter E .O ’Mara , Chief

COLLECTION DEPARTMENT Ka r en J . B o pp , ManagerCollection Division ♦ J o seph F. D o n n elly , Chief

Coupon Division ♦ JOSEPH P. B otta , Chief Wire Transfer Division ♦ CHARLES E . ROCKEY, Chief

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Check Processing

Karl L. E ge, Vice President J a m es 0 . A sto n , Assistant Vice President

(Check Adjustment and Return Items, Check Processing, and Payment Systems Departments)

W h it n e y R. I r w in , Assistant Vice President (Cranford Office—North Jersey Regional Check Processing Center)


Check Adjustment Division ♦ W illia m E. H a r t m a n n , Chief Return Items Division ♦ Gerard F. Clodgo, Chief

CHECK PROCESSING DEPARTMENT R a l p h A. Ca n n I I I , ManagerF red A. D e n e s e v ic h , Manager

J o seph M. O’Co n n e l l , ManagerAutomated Check

Processing Division ♦ H en r y F. W ie n e r , ChiefCheck Processing

Division (Day) ♦ J o h n F. Sobala, ChiefCheck ProcessingDivision (Night) ♦ M ic h a e l M. S a le r n o , Chief

Jericho Office—Long Island Regional Check

Processing Division ♦ EDWARD H. DENHOFF, Chief

CRANFORD OFFICE—North Jersey Regional Check Processing CenterW h it n e y R. I r w in , A ssistant Vice President

J erom e P. P erlongo , ManagerCranford Office—North Jersey

Regional Check Processing Division ♦ R o b e r t JOSEPH AMBROSE, Chief

♦ N oel R. S c a ffa , Special Assistant

PAYMENT SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT J o h n C. H o u h o u lis , Manager

Data Services

P aul B. H en d erso n , J r ., Vice President H oward F. Cr um b , Adviser E d w in R. P ow ers, Assistant Vice President

(Computer Operations, Computer Planning, and Computer Support Departments)

W illia m M. W a l s h , Assistant Vice President (Research Computer Department)


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Division ♦ George L uko w icz , Chief Computer Operations

Division ♦ K e n n e t h H. L y n c h , Chief Data Processing Division ♦ VINCENT P. CENTORRINO, Chief

P eter J . F u l l e n , Manager



Division ♦ D e n is L. Conw ay , Chief Project Development

Division ♦ H . JOHN COSTALOS, ChiefTechnical Services

Division ♦ ANGUS J . KENNEDY, Chief

J erry B er k o w itz , Manager

Gerald H ay d en , Manager

RESEARCH COMPUTER DEPARTMENTR a l p h C. S c h in d l e r , Research Computer Officer

Research CommunicationsDivision ♦ Oleg H o f fm a n , Chief

Research InformationSciences Division ♦ H erbert M. Qu in n , Chief

Research MathematicalSciences Division ♦ ISRAEL SENDROVIC, Chief

Research Operations Systems Support Division ♦ SALVATORE J. CALI, Chief

Equal OpportunityCec il A. S h e p h e r d , Equal Opportunity Officer

ForeignC harles A. Coombs, Senior Vice PresidentH. D avid W ille y , Vice PresidentScott E . P ardee, Vice PresidentR obert J. Crow ley , Assistant Vice PresidentMargaret L. Gr e e n e , Assistant Vice PresidentF red H. K lopstock , Adviser

FOREIGN DEPARTMENT B ernard J . J a c k so n , Manager E d w in S. R o t h m a n , Manager

George W R y a n , Foreign Exchange Officer

Cable Division ♦ T hom a s J . F ay , J r ., Chief Foreign Operations

Division ♦ T hom a s C. B a r m a n , Chief

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Government Bond and Safekeeping of Securities

T hom a s C. Sl o a n e , Vice President Ma tth ew J . H oey, Assistant Vice President

(Government Bond and Safekeeping Department) W illia m H . W eten d o rf , A ssistant Vice President

(Savings Bond and Security Custody Departments)Special Studies ♦ R ichard F . Da n b e c k , Special Assistant

♦ R obert V. K e ih n e r , J r., Special Assistant


R ichard V o llk o m m er , Manager Government Bond Division ♦ A r th u r A. Kla ss , Chief

Safekeeping Division ♦ JORGE A. B r a t h w a it e , Chief Securities Clearance

Division ♦ D onald E. Sc h m id , Chief

SAVINGS BOND DEPARTMENT A rm ond J . B raiger , ManagerSavings Bond Division ♦ MARK E. ASCERNO, Chief

SECURITY CUSTODY DEPARTMENT S t e p h e n P. W e is , ManagerSecurity Custody Division ♦ JOHN J . MACKENRODT, Chief

LegalE dward G. Guy , Vice President and General Counsel J am es H . Ol t m a n , Assistant General Counsel R obert Y oung , J r ., Assistant General Counsel

LEGAL DEPARTMENT R ichard D. Co o per sm ith , A ssistant CounselE r n e st T. P a t r ik is , A ssistant Counsel

L eopold S. R a s s n ic k , A ssistant Counsel, and A ssistant Secretary

Mary J . R odgers, A ssistant Counsel Law Library Division ♦ H el e n M. BURNS, Chief Law Librarian

Loans and CreditsH. D avid W ille y , Vice PresidentH en r y S. F u ja r s k i, J r ., A ssistant Vice President

CREDIT AND DISCOUNT DEPARTMENT E u gene P. E m o n d , ManagerH erbert H . R u ess , Manager

Credit Division ♦ JOSEPH A. Cl a r k , Chief Discount Division ♦ F r a n k l in T. L ove, Chief

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Open Market Operations and Treasury IssuesA la n R. H olm es , Senior Vice President P eter D. S t e r n l ig h t , Vice President P aul Me e k , Monetary Adviser R obert L. Cooper, Assistant Vice President J o seph R. Coyle, Chief Securities Trading Officer I r w in D. Sandberg , Assistant Vice President

ACCEPTANCE DEPARTMENT E dward J . Ozog, ManagerAcceptance Division ♦ R a l p h T. H e l f r ic h , Chief

SECURITIES DEPARTMENT E dward J . Ozog, Manager. . . , . S h e i l a L. T s c h i n k e l , Manager

Securities AnalysisDivision ♦ JOHN S. H il l , Chief

Securities OperationsDivision ♦ DANIEL B o lw ell , Chief

PersonnelJ o h n T. Ke a n e , Vice President P h il ip V a n Or m a n , A ssistant Vice President

PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT B ruce G. A lexa nder , ManagerT errence J . Ch e c k i , Manager

F ra n c is H. R oh r b a c h , Manager Career Development Division ♦ J am es H. Gaver, Chief

Compensation Division ♦ L eo W. V a n B e e k , ChiefMedical Division ♦ Dr . C h ester S. H oward, Medical Director

Personnel Services Division ♦ Margaret E. SLATTERY, Chief♦ E r n est A. K n a u ss , Special Assistant

Placement and CounselingDivision ♦ R oberta J . Gr e e n , Chief

Training Division ♦Special Projects Staff ♦ Grace K. Co l l in s , Special Assistant

♦ J a m es F. E g a n , Special Assistant♦ I r en e E . N ovak , Special Assistant

Public InformationL eonard L a pid u s , Vice President R ichard H . H o en ig , Assistant Vice President


Research and StatisticsR ichard G. Davis , Vice President P eter F o u sek , Economic Adviser A n to n S. N is s e n , Assistant Vice President

(S ta tis t ic s D ep a rtm en t)F rederick C. S chadrack , J r ., Adviser R udolf T h u n ber g , Assistant Vice President

(Domestic Research and International Research Departments)

M ic h a e l J . H am burger , Senior Economist

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DOMESTIC RESEARCH DEPARTMENT Gary H . S te r n , ManagerBusiness Conditions Division ♦ NICHOLAS PERNA, Chief Money and Finance Division ♦ F red J. L e v in , Chief

Research Library Division ♦ J e a n D e u s s , Chief Librarian Visual Aids Division ♦ JOHN H . HENDRICKSON, Chief


Balance of PaymentsDivision ♦ SUSAN B. FOSTER, Chief

Foreign Research Division ♦ ROGER M. KUBARYCH, Chief

STATISTICS DEPARTMENT C h a r l e s M. L u c a s , ManagerFinancial Statistics Division ♦ SUSAN C. YOUNG, Chief

Market Statistics Division ♦ E dward J. R eg a n , Chief

Secretary's OfficeE. Gerald Corrigan , Secretary T heodore N . Op p e n h e im e r , A ssistant Secretary L eopold S. R a s s n ic k , Assistant Secretary, and

Assistant Counsel S t e p h e n G. T h ie k e , Assistant Secretary

Circulars Division ♦ EDWARD J. ROONEY, Jr., Chief

Senior AdviserGeorge Garvy, Vice President and Senior Adviser

ServiceF rederick L. S m edley , Vice President W illia m M. S c h u ltz , A ssistant Vice President

EMERGENCY PLANNING DEPARTMENT Louis J . C o n ro y , ManagerRelocation Office Division ♦ ETHAN W A l l e n , Office Manager

PROTECTION DEPARTMENT F r a n k W L undblad , J r ., ManagerProtection Division ♦ B ernard T. F usco, Chief

Vault Division ♦ J o h n E . M cI n ty r e , Chief

SERVICE DEPARTMENT R u t h A n n T yler , ManagerCorrespondence Files

Division ♦ E il e e n P age, ChiefDuplicating Division ♦ PHILIP KRACKOW, Chief

Food Supply Division ♦ M argaret T . S u lliv a n , ChiefPost Office Division ♦ A n t h o n y N . Sagliano , Chief

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BUFFALO BRANCHA ngus A. MacI n n e s , J r ., Vice President

R onald B. Gray , Assistant Vice President and Cashier

Accounting; Check; and Computer Services

P eter D. L uce , Assistant Cashier

Accounting Division ♦ DONALD J . WEBER, ChiefCheck Division ♦ D avid P. SCHWARZMUELLER, Chief

Computer Services Division ♦ JOHN F. K r a ft , Chief


Branch Auditing ♦ F rederick W. Mo r ten so n , Branch Auditor

Bank Relations and Public Information; Cash; Protection; and Emergency Planning

H arry A. Cu r t h , J r ., A ssistant CashierBank Relations andPublic Information ♦ R obert J . McD o n n e l l , Special Representative

Cash Division ♦ P h il ip G. COLETTI, Chief Protection Division ♦ WILLIAM A. ROSS, Acting Captain

Emergency Planning ♦ E d w in E . MlLLIRON, Special Assistant

Building Operating; Collection, Loans, and Fiscal Agency; Service

Gary S. W ein tr a u b , Assistant Cashier

Building Operating Division ♦ S iegfried H. BOCHMANN, Building Superintendent Collection, Loans, and

Fiscal Agency Division ♦ Calvert NlEDERPREUM, Chief Service Division ♦ R aym ond A. Metz , Chief

Management Reports; Personnel

R onald B. Gray, Assistant Vice President and Cashier

Management Reports ♦ E d w in E . M il l ir o n , Special Assistant Personnel Division ♦ A lla n C. HlNES, Chief

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HEAD OFFICE(212) 791—

Acquaviva, Anthony 0 ............. 5112Alexander, Bruce G....................6261Allen, Carl H................................6072Anderson, Donald R..................5308Ascerno, Mark E ........................ 5972Aston, James 0 ........................... 6334Barman, Thomas C.................... 5833Barry, James P ........................... 5919Baumgardt, W. William............. 5297Bennetts, Leonard 1...................5292Berglind, Edward C...................5620Berkowitz, Jerry ........................5545Bevacqua, Alfred A., Jr............ 6071Bolwell, D a n ie l.......................... 5466Booth, James H...........................5910Bopp, Karen J ..............................5079Botta, Joseph P ...........................5081Braiger, Armond J .....................5970Brathwaite, Jorge A ..................6116Braun, William H., Jr.............. 6180Brendel, Louis J .......................... 6111Budzeika, George........................5845Burns, Helen M...........................5016Cali, Salvatore J .........................6211Cann, Ralph A., I l l ................. 6335Cassella, Bruce A........................6071Cassidy, Frank X ........................5052Centorrino, Vincent P ..............5458Checki, Terrence J ...................... 5534Chowansky, J o h n ......................5264Cieurzo, Paul J .............................5077Clark, Joseph A...........................6144Clear, John A...............................5899Clodgo, Gerard F . ......................5252Collins, Grace K...........................6033Combader, A. T hom as.............6198Conroy, Louis J ...........................5355Conway, Denis L.........................5144Coombs, Charles A ......................6170Cooper, Robert L........................ 5485Coopersmith, Richard D...........5007Cordz, Oliver W .........................5316Corrigan, E. G erald ................. 5222Costalos, H. J o h n ......................5578Coyle, Joseph R...........................5478Crowley, Robert J ...................... 5694Crumb, Howard F.......................5550Danbeck, Richard F . ................. 6068Davis, Richard G........................ 6332Debs, Richard A.......................... 6168Denesevich, Fred A .................... 5321Deuss, J e a n ................................ 5671Dick, Adam R...............................6070Donnelly, Joseph F.....................5740Drexler, Matthew C...................6200Dugan, John A.............................6071Egan, James F.............................6035Ege, Karl L...................................6011Ehrlich, Edna E ..........................6328Emond, Eugene P .......................6146Fay, Thomas J., Jr......................5439Flanagan, John E ...................... 5540Forberg, Frederick W ..............5527Foster, Susan B .......................... 5502Fousek, P eter.............................. 6314Frey, Frederick L...................... 5895

(212) 791—Fujarski, Henry S., Jr..............5349Fullen, Peter J .............................5460Fusco, Bernard T . ......................5108Garvy, G eorge ............................ 6085Gatgens, W. R aym ond............. 6109Gaver, James H...........................5536Green, Roberta J ........................ 6029Greene, Margaret L.................. 5688Guy, Edward G...........................6162Halpern, Joseph M.....................5887Hamburger, Michael J ..............6310Hamel, Alfred E .........................5892Hartmann, William E ................5294Hayden, G erald ..........................5139Helf rich, Ralph T .......................6077Henderson, Paul B., Jr..............5547Hendrickson, John H................ 5806Hill, John S ..................................5706Hoenig, Richard H......................6141Hoey, Matthew J .................... .. .6073Hoffman, O le g ............................ 6215Holdsworth, David G................. 5848Holmes, Alan R........................... 6186Holmes, Leon R...........................5049Houhoulis, John C...................... 5997Howard, Chester S.................... 5207Jackson, Bernard J .................... 5679Keane, John T ............................. 6182Keihner, Robert V., Jr................5361Kennedy, Angus J ...................... 5142Kerrigan, George J .................... 5299Kipfstuhl, Edward F . ............... 5881Klarberg, Joseph E .................... 5228Klass, Arthur A .......................... 5359Klopstock, Fred H...................... 5690Kmiec, Chester E ........................ 6205Knauss, Ernest A ....................... 5780Korobow, Leon............................ 5846Krackow, P hilip ..........................5416Kubarych, Roger M....................5488Kulda, Vincent J ......................... 5878Lanza, John W ...........................5060Lapidus, L eon ard ......................6136Laverty, Raymond C................ 6071Lavin, James, Jr.......................... 5543Levin, Fred J ............................... 5647Lloyd, Robert E., Jr.................. 6095Long, Ronald E ...........................6127Love, Franklin T . ......................5395Lucas, Charles M.......................6321Lukowicz, G eorge......................5453Lundblad, Frank W., Jr............6553Lynch, Kenneth H...................... 5457Mackenrodt, John J .................. 6367Maher, A. John............................ 5894McIntyre, John E .......................6091McNeil, James M....................... 5915Meehan, Joseph C...................... 6204Meek, Paul .................................5481Milusich, William J .................... 5888Mineur, Charles J ...................... 5047Mischler, Robert J .....................6113Nissen, Anton S.......................... 6345Novak, Irene E .............................6034O’Connell, Joseph M.................. 5321Oltman, James H........................ 5005

(212) 791-O’Mara, Walter E .......................561Oppenheimer, Theodore N. . . .521Ozog, Edward J ...........................547Page, Eileen ...............................543Pardee, Scott E ........................... 569Patrikis, Ernest T . ....................502Perna, Nicholas ........................ 563Piderit, Fred W., Jr .................... 616Powers, Edwin R.........................555Pucciarelli, Anthony V . ...........526Puckett, A. M arshall............... 526Quinn, Herbert M.......................517Rafanello, Benedict ..................587Rassnick, Leopold S .................. 501Regan, Edward J .........................565Reich, John P . ............................ 607Reischach, Francis J .................523Relyea, Robert C.........................586Rockey, Charles E ..................... 507Rodgers, Mary J .........................500Rohrbach, Francis H..................595Rooney, Edward J., Jr..............521Rothman, Edwin S.....................568Ruess, Herbert H.......................537Rushmore, Walter S .................. 526Ryan, George W .........................639Sagliano, Anthony N ................ 540Salerno, Michael M.................... 532Sandberg, Irwin D.................... 608Schadrack, Frederick C., J r . . .610Schindler, Ralph C.................... 621Schmid, Donald E .......................538Schultz, William M.................... 535Segesti, Anthony J .....................586Sendrovic, I s r a e l ......................621Sgambat, Anthony C................ 619Shepherd, Cecil A .......................595Slattery, Margaret E ................572Sloane, Thomas C.......................537Smedley, Frederick L................ 535Smith, George C......................... 553Sobala, John F . .......................... 532Stackhouse, B enjam in ............. 585Stern, Gary H............................. 631Sternlight, Peter D ...................548Strick, John J ...............................525Sullivan, Margaret T . ............. 512Sweeney, Woodrow F ................ 554Thieke, Steven G.........................610Thoman, Robert C...................... 589Thunberg, R u d olf......................630Timlen, Thomas M., Jr..............616Tschinkel, Sheila L.................... 571Tyler, Ruth A n n ........................512Van Beek, Leo W .......................626Van Orman, P h ilip ....................603Vollkommer, R ichard ............... 581Waage, Thomas 0 ...................... 615Walsh, William M.......................621Warde, Edward W .................... 589Weis, Stephen P . ........................636Wetendorf, William H.............. 581Wiener, Henry F .........................534Willey, H. D a v id ........................569Young, Robert, Jr ........................ 502Young, Susan C........................... 579


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Cranford O ffice-North Jersey Regional Check Processing Center

(201) 272-9000EXTENSION

Ambrose, Robert J o sep h ...........230Irwin, Whitney R.........................213Perlongo, Jerome P .................... 213Scaffa, Noel R.................................237

Jericho O ffice-Long Island Regional Check Processing Division

(516) 997-4500Denhoff, Edward H.

Relocation Office (Amherst, Mass.)

(413) 584-2674Allan, Ethan W.

Buffalo Branch (716) 853-1700


Bochmann, Siegfried H.............. 277Coletti, Philip G.............................294Curth, Harry A., Jr...................... 208Gray, Ronald B .............................204Hines, Allan C...............................260Kraft, John F .................................244Luce, Peter D.................................206Maclnnes, Angus A., Jr..............200McDonnell, Robert J ....................266Metz, Raymond A..........................259Milliron, Edwin E.........................225Mortenson, Frederick W............272Niederpreum, C a lv ert............... 227Ross, William A .............................231Schwarzmueller, David P . .........249Weber, Donald J .............................240Weintraub, Gary S........................203

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