February 2011, Issue 2



Welcome to the second Issue of the Gateway Magazine, enjoy!

Transcript of February 2011, Issue 2

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Page 2: February 2011, Issue 2
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YOU’LL FIND IT HERE02 - welcome to 201103 - from the desk of karen04 - gaties kids08 - your church around the world10 - connecting at gateway12 - february / march calendar14 - summer... 20 - epiphany21 - pursue 201122 - op shop best buys23 - crave 201124 - watoto restore tour

Page 4: February 2011, Issue 2

Welcome to the second issue of the Gateway magazine. We hope that issue one was a great read over summer and stimulated some good conversation. Again our hope with these pages is to inform you, provoke you, let you in on some of what’s happening among us as a church, and keep you up to date with what’s going on.

A new year – some of us will have made new resolutions, some of us will be energized and excited by the prospects of the year ahead, some will have just scraped into January feeling like we barely made it. Summer is here and those sticky Hamilton evenings are just as sticky as ever. Whether we are concerned or carefree about the year ahead, 2011 is well and truly upon us and we as a church have many opportunities ahead to impact this city, see the love of God outworked in and through us, and to be a part of His story as we welcome Heaven to Earth.

Some of us thrive at the idea of a fresh start, a new year gives us an opportunity to take stock, make goals, create lists, and begin the task of ticking off the items. Others aren’t list makers, and if we did scribble something down on a random piece of paper last year, chances are we can’t find it anyway so it certainly won’t be ticked off as ‘completed’. I love that Gateway is made up of different people, those who make lists and those who don’t, infants to aged, outgoing to shy, people from many different cultures and different backgrounds. There are an amazing assortment of stories among us.

With all our similarities and our differences, and with such different experiences of journeying in Christ, we feel as a church it’s important to ask the ‘why’ and ‘how’ kind of question with regularity. Why do we do what we do? What are we about? What shapes the ‘how’ of what we do? Good questions to ask as we embark on all the challenges and

possibilities of another year together. A new year gives us the chance to converse about what makes us tick.

Answering those questions can be a very long and ongoing conversation, and a few thoughts at the start of this magazine aren’t going to give you a convincing conclusion to such wide open questions, however there are a few crucial commitments that we come back to as a church, to guide us through these times. Values play a major role within our community, they are not merely words hung on a wall to be occasionally glanced at, but rather a set of guidelines, boundary markers might be a better way to say it, that call us back to what we believe to be important, and ultimately allow for people to flourish in their exploration of faith in Christ Jesus.

‘What’, ‘why’, and ‘how’ decisions in the life of our church are shaped by these commitments – ‘we value people’; ‘we value authenticity’; ‘we value integrity’; ‘we value vulnerability’. These are ideals we aim for, it’s the kind of culture we really want to see made reality among us. Sometimes as church we miss the mark, sometimes we nail them, we are a work in progress, a church striving for the life of Christ to be made known in and through each of us.

Whether you are new among us or you have been a part of Gateway for sometime, it’d be worth checking out the ‘discover’ section of our website. Here you’ll be able to find a couple of messages on values and priorities which we hope will cause you to consider why you would call Gateway home, and challenge each of us to new action this year leading to Kingdom life among us. We pray that this year would be one of amazing discovery as each of us begin to see more clearly. We pray that this year would be rich with blessings as we learn to love more and more. We pray that this year we all would enjoy intimacy with Christ as He dwells in our hearts and floods our lives. We hope this issue of the Gateway magazine will be informative to you, enjoyable to read, and a great insight into some of the life that is happening in Gateway. D


a message from donald goodhall


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What a difference a summer can make.

Last summer was a difficult one for me. The culmination of eighteen years of a stressful family situation and bad health came to a head. I had tried for a long time to continue in my leadership duties at Gateway but was

realising more and more that I wasn't doing my job sufficiently. I had a decision to make! After much struggle I decided to step down for a year and give myself time to recover emotionally and physically.

At the same time as I felt released from having to be at a certain meeting, or preparing messages, I also felt guilty that I wasn't 'doing' anything. We, all of us, live under the strain of feeling we must 'do' rather than 'be'.

But I felt I had nothing to give and had many a question for God of the long journey I had been on. I tried to relax and just allow God to minister to the pain inside - and most days all I could say was, "God give me the grace to make it through.'

It's been a very slow process, but I am beginning to emerge from my cave. As usual God hasn't answered many of my questions, but I think I'm beginning to see Him more and I think that is sufficient.

I feel more optimistic again; more ready to help people through listening, preaching, teaching. I'm not there yet but summer is looking bright and fresh.

My desire for you is that you, if necessary, feel free to stop 'doing' for a while and try 'being'. It will test your motives and your self-esteem, as it did for me.

Ecclesiastes says there is a time for everything, including rest. When the time has ended, get up again and don't worry so much about the answers, just ask God to show you more of Himself.

Hold on; hang in there, and believe.

What a difference a summer can make .D

FROM THE DESK OF KARENa message from karen barry


Page 6: February 2011, Issue 2


Party Time! This year we will be celebrating 20 years of camping!

Back in the day we started out at Karakariki Camp but soon outgrew it and moved to Raglan CBM. These days we head out to the kids favourite, Finlay Park Camp on Karapiro. What has been thrilling to us is to have the kids who have gone to Gaties Camps over the years now coming back as our enthusiastic young leaders. I love it!!

Looking back over the photos, (something you do when you are older!!!!),I can’t help but wonder where some of the kids are today. Of one thing I am sure …. many of them were significantly touched at camp as they encountered the very tangible presence of God. The Bible tells us that “the pure in heart will see God” and we have always been blown away at the end of camp hearing the testimonies from the children. It seems the supernatural is perfectly natural to them !!

It is not only the children however that have been impacted. I know that I can speak on behalf of the other leaders in saying that some of the most powerful times we have encountered have been when we have been prayed for by the kids. I can say that I have witnessed what real worship looks like by watching a child pouring out their heart in worship to God. I have seen what real compassion looks like as I have looked on the face of a child wiping the tears of her friends as they are being healed in the presence of God.

I have so many stories to tell… but one of the most memorable is one that I can only describe as “the Night God’s love came down. “ In the midst of children kneeling in worship in response, I remember drenching children with my tears as I prayed for them sensing the Father’s passionate love for each one. It was indescribable!!

I am so thankful to our Gateway family who over the years have so faithfully and generously supported the kids by sponsoring them to go to camps. Each year the camp costs have risen and are now sadly out of reach for a lot of our families. There has not been one year however, where a child has had to miss out. I am so proud to be part of a church family that sees the importance of giving the children the opportunity to enjoy the fun activities, make great friendships and to experience for themselves their significance to God and to His purposes. D

GATIES GREAT CELEBRATION CAMP!!written by karen steward

We are all set for another year of ministry with our precious kids! This can only be achieved through the outstanding dedication and passion of our children’s leaders. They are simply the best. Along with our leaders it is such a privilege to partner with parents, standing on the sidelines as ‘coaches’ to cheer our Gaties on to run the race of their lives., to help them connect with their God and to discover the ‘gift that God has given them to serve others’.

What to do at the start of the term...

REGISTRATIONSRegistrations are a way of keeping our information up to date and most importantly in keeping communication with our parents.

Starting on Sunday 23rd January registration forms will be available up on the first floor in the Green Room. After February 13th you will be able to pick these forms up from the Information Desk and hand them in there. Babies and Toddlers will have registration forms in their respective downstairs rooms.

WHERE TO GO?There will be a handout available at the information desk with a map that will tell you where the different age groups meet at the start of the break. (NB The babies nursery operates from the start of the gathering.)

If you are new to Gateway there will be a Gaties host waiting at the information desk to guide you and your children to their rooms.

KEEPING IN TOUCHAll our Gaties events will be updated on our Gateway website and from time to time via email. Feel free to email me with any enquiries that you might have on [email protected]. D

GATIES 2011written by karen steward

GATIES KIDS MINISTRYGaties Kids Ministry does a phenomenal job every year, led by the lovely Karen Steward and her wonderful leaders, however it’s not often we get to hear about what they’ve been up to or what they’re looking forward to. For this issue of the Gateway Magazine Karen lets us know what the start of 2011 looks like for Gaties including a 20th anniversary for Kids Camp, and Jan Barker looks at some of the awesome work Gaties have been a part of.

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In John 6 Jesus took the lunch of a little boy, five barley loaves and two fish, and fed about five thousand men and their families. I love it how the Message Bible translates the remark of one of the disciples when he looked at the boy’s lunchbox, ‘But that’s a drop in the bucket for a crowd like this!’ Isn’t that so often our attitude as we look at the needs around us and around our world; anything that you or I can do is but a “drop in the bucket”. Yet when we and our children give our little into God’s hands, how far can it stretch?

Kids at Gateway have been encouraged over the years to give out to others. So much so that ‘Giving God’s Way’ has become engrained in Gaties’ culture. I experienced this child-driven desire to make a difference in mid 2010 when some children asked, ‘what are we going to do this year to raise money for the kids overseas?’ This was the impetus for the Gaties Mini Market fundraiser held last August. Wire crosses, wheat bags, cookies and gift cards, lemon honey, lemons, sausage sizzle and coffee - all made and sold by Gaties and their adult helpers. The church really got behind the children’s efforts and thanks to you all, Gaties funded the playground Sam Trenwith built in Uganda and

resourced the new Sunday school the Trenwiths set up for Ugandan children.

Gaties are totally ‘John 6’ kids – they have given their time and money, God has multiplied.

In 2007 jandal shaped biscuits were baked, decorated and sold to provide 500 pairs of jandals for the children of Gulu, Uganda; children who are forced to walk long distances for shelter and education. Hundreds of children turned up to receive what they were calling “the miracle from New Zealand”

In 2008 funds were raised by Gaties for a few fruit trees for impoverished children. Some of these trees are already more than 100 times the original size! The fruit feeds many people, and seedlings are being propagated to give away - to feed more and more people. John 6 in action!

A nine year old Ugandan girl, Juliet, was sponsored for a year through Gaties’ fundraising in 2008. Can any of us imagine the plans God has for Juliet? What difference will she make in her lifetime because of the education, health care and counselling that sponsorship offers her? Gaties making a difference! One life at a time!

In 2009 funds were raised for LifeStraws – personal water filters for children in Gulu. However Gaties raised enough funds to build something far greater, a protected spring, providing safe, clean water for many people, for many years.

Kids at Gateway are tuned into the heartbeat of God for the poor and are actively seeking justice for the vulnerable children of our world. You should be really proud of yourselves Gaties, because we all are – you really are kids who make a difference! D


written by jan barker


Page 10: February 2011, Issue 2

Gateway currently supports 10 individuals and families in countries as diverse as Indonesia and France, Thailand and Spain, India and the U.K. It is great to have two of the families we support home briefly to enjoy a kiwi summer and in the case of Sam and Carol, to celebrate the wedding of their daughter Sheryl. This month we have included a brief update from Sam and Carol from Indonesia, and Jenny and Eduardo from the U.K, which will give you some insight into their journey, and some of the story of their faith in action. We look forward to seeing them as they join with us at some point over the coming weeks.


THE AMALGRO FAMILY, Raquel, Sefora, Eduardo, Jenny


Page 11: February 2011, Issue 2

We would like to say Happy New Year to all the Gateway members and to thank you for your continued support of us over the years. I, Jenny have been a member of Gateway since 1981 and left for the mission field in 1986. I went to Spain to help in a church planting ministry amongst the addicted, poor and marginalized. Betel is a ministry that is peer driven and peer led. All the pastors and directors of rehab centres are ex addicts. I met and married the first addict that came into the centre Raul Casto. We had two children Sefora(21) and Raquel(18). In 1995 Raul died of AIDS and I found myself alone with my children in a foreign country having contracted the HIV virus from my husband.

Eduardo, my husband of 15 years, came into Betel Ceuta (city south of Spain) in 1991. He had been a heroin addict on the streets of Spain for 12 years. His life consisted of dealing drugs, lying, cheating, robberies, prison and addiction. After finding Christ and being set free of all his addiction and sin Eduardo committed his life totally to serving the Lord full time in Betel. He spent the next 4 years being sent into 3 different cities pioneering new works.

At the end of 1995 Eduardo felt the call of God on his life to join a missionary team that were pioneering a Betel church and centre in Birmingham UK. At that same time he felt the Lord spoke to him about marrying me and being the father of Sefi and Kelly. I had been a widow for 4 months. He didn’t tell anyone but in January 1996 travelled to the UK to begin ministry amongst the deprived in Britain. Meantime I visited the work in the UK in April that year. Eduardo and I met formally, before we knew each other only by sight. After returning to Spain I felt unrest about remaining there and it was suggested I pray about joining the UK team and marrying Eduardo. Of course I totally rejected the idea of marriage but began praying about moving to the UK. Throughout the month of May the Lord spoke to me every day about moving to the UK and marrying Eduardo. At the end of the month Eduardo rang me and the first thing he said was will you marry me. I answered yes without hesitation.

The girls( now aged 7 and 5 years old) and I moved to Birmingham on the 1st August 1996 and Eduardo and I were married in December of that year. We remained in Birmingham helping build a men’s and women’s rehab centre, and many businesses to finance the work and a church. The work grew to over 100 people and in August 2001 Eduardo and I felt the call of God again to move and pioneer a new church and centre in Nottingham. We have lived and ministered here for 9 ½ years building the work from a team of 5 to over 80 people. We have 3 men’s residences, 1 women’s, 6 married couples in accommodation and a 3 storey church building where we have offices for the centre and church work as well as holding our 3 public services weekly. We serve a free Sunday lunch to all that come to church on Sunday and live in the community 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Sefora, our eldest, is now at university in London doing a language and Culture course and studying Hebrew and Spanish. She is in her second year and in her third will be

studying in Jerusalem. Raquel began a Performing Arts degree in Buckinghamshire in September but by the end of November she was still so homesick and the grant money she had applied for from the government did not come through so she has since come home and is in the process of job hunting.

Eduardo and I and Raquel have once again felt the call of God on our lives to move on to pioneer yet another Betel work this time in South Africa. We will be coming back to NZ in February when we hope to meet up with old friends and new and to share our new calling with you. D

JENNY AND EDUARDO AMALGROwriting from nottingham, england

Sam and Carol are missionaries in Indonesia. Sam completed 3 years of Bible School training at the Assemblies of God Bible School in Ambon, Indonesia in 1963. After graduation he pioneered a church for 2 years under AOG America but was later moved by the organisation to evangelism which was his calling. For 8 years he travelled the islands of Indonesia conducting large outdoor campaigns and church meetings. He is still widely accepted for ministry by all churches in the country. Sam began teaching in the Tawangmangu Bible School of Central Java in the year 1973. He was principal from 1984-1995 and from then on Director. In 1998 God gave him a vision which has become a reality in West Kalimantan (Borneo), a boarding school for the poor children from the interior of Kalimantan. The vision is to house and school 2000 children at one time, evangelism being a priority.

Carol grew up in a missionary family. Having spent some of her childhood years in Indonesia it was not difficult to adapt to missionary life at the age of 18. Administration was Carol’s gifting which was a great help at the Tawangmangu Bible College. After marriage in 1972, Sam and Carol also travelled throughout Indonesia holding outdoor crusades.

Since 1984 they have been Directors of the Tawangmangu Bible College and have seen a high proportion of their students (90%) going on to full time Christian ministry. The vision is to put out as many Christian workers as possible to plant churches, pastor, evangelise and help in social ministries throughout Indonesia.

The new Mt Hope Foundation began as a vision God gave Sam in 1997. Today there are dorms housing 130 children plus a kindergarten and grades 1-8.

This year we plan to rebuild a larger bakery at Mt Hope plus a restaurant which will bring in an income for the foundation. The present bakery is not large enough to handle the orders. We also plan, in the near future, to build the senior high school (grades 9-12) and many more dorms. There are approximately 400 children attending the schools at present. Additional classes will be added for the kindergarten and grade school. Many parents beg us to enroll their children at Mt Hope but at present we just don’t have the extra classes.

Evangelistic rallies and crusades are held at Mt Hope, reaching the children, youth, adults and elderly in the region. Many have accepted Christ into their lives as a result. D

SAM AND CAROL SOUKOTTAwriting from Indonesia


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CONNECT GROUPSThe book of Acts speaks of the early church meeting together at the temple and public places and also of sharing their lives and faith in one anothers homes. We believe that there are great benefits in gathering together corporately for worship, teaching, prayer and developing and using the different gifts God has given to each one and we also believe in the benefit of meeting together in homes to share our faith and grow community.

For this reason we have over 35 connect groups that meet together throughout the city on different days of the week. Some are aimed at specific people with groups for Crave and Pursue - the youth area of Gateway. Some are for men or women, mums, or older believers, and some are simply open to anyone who wants to be part of a small group getting to know each other as they grow in their faith and share their journey. Groups meet weekly, fortnightly, and some monthly - usually in the evening but with some daytime groups and also some short term groups that get together to look at a specific topic over a set period.

If you want to get to know other people a little better and be part of a closer community within Gateway then be encouraged to be part of a connect group this year. For details of groups check out the website, see the connect notice board at the back of the auditorium or contact [email protected].

MEET YOUR GATEWAY NEIGHBOURLast year John and Linda Watson opened their home up for anyone interested to head along for lunch after the Sunday service. From there people that went along thought they would host a lunch in their home a few weeks later. Following that we had more than 15 hosts invite people in their neighbourhood that are part of Gateway, home for lunch to ‘meet their Gateway neighbour’. Great connections have been made as a result and we are hoping to carry this on in 2011. The first series of organised lunches is on the 13th of March. Meanwhile start practicing for the organised lunch by having someone round this week. Get fed - get connected.

WOMENFebruary the 19th will see the first women’s event for the year. Come and join us for morning tea! More details to come. For other opportunities to connect throughout the year keep an eye and an ear out for new connect groups and more events. If you ever have any questions, contact Ruth via the Gateway office or email her at [email protected]

MENMens breakfasts are run every couple of months on a Saturday morning at Gateway. This is a great opportunity to meet with other guys from Gateway. Last year we had a range of speakers who were both interesting and challenging. It is a brilliant place to bring people who are wanting to connect with God. The f irst breakfast for this year is planned for the 12th of February. It is open to any guys, regardless of age and we have been stoked to see a lot of dads getting along with their boys. If you haven’t been along before you can be assured there will be good food, a great bunch of guys and NO SINGING of any sor t! D

CONNECTING AT GATEWAYbrought to you by andy boyd

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MAINLY MUSIC STARTS I 10 am in the dining room, all welcome, $3 per family.


HEALING ROOMS I 7.30 pm - 9 pm, in the nursery.

PURSUE I first gathering, 7pm - 9pm, meet on the top floor

CRAVE I 6.30pm - 9pm, 1857 River Rd, bbq, biscuits, waterslide, parents and caregivers welcome, bring $2 and swimming gear

CRAVE CONNECT I Crave connect groups start tonight, not sure where your connect group meets? Contact your leader or Matt at the Gateway office.


MORNING GATHERING I 10 amEVENING GATHERING I 6.30 pmHYDRATE I registrations close today, for rego forms and more information visit the info desk or hydrateworship.org

WEDNESDAY NIGHT MEALS START I free community meal, 5.30 pm in the Dining Room

GATEWAY OP SHOP & BOOKS OPEN I Visit them at 14 Liverpool St., open 9am - 4pm Monday - Thursday & 9am - 3pm Fridays,.


CRAVE CONNECT I Not sure where your connect group meets? Contact your leader or Matt at the Gateway office.

CRAVE CONVERGE I 7pm - 9pm, meet on the third floor here in the Gateway building.

CRAVE CATCHUP I More details to come, keep an eye on the Gateway website and the Crave Facebook page

Pull it out, stick it on your fridge, these are the dates you need to keep in mind for February / March. As always, any new events will be posted on the Gateway website, www.gatewaychurch.org.nz, as well as on our Facebook page. Keep an eye on both!

FRIDAY MORNING PRAYER I 6.15 am in the Prayer Room, followed by breakfast

FRIDAY MORNING PRAYER I 6.15 am in the Prayer Room, followed by breakfast

FRIDAY MORNING PRAYER I 6.15 am in the Prayer Room, followed by breakfast

FRIDAY MORNING PRAYER I 6.15 am in the Prayer Room, followed by breakfast

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MEET YOUR GATEWAY NEIGHBOUR I Take a plate to share, get to know those you share a neighbourhood with! To find one near you check locations at the back of the church.

TOOLBOX REGISTRATION CUT OFF I Contact the Gateway office or visit the information desk to register.

WATOTO RESTORE TOUR I 7 pm, no cost.

HEALING ROOMS I 7.30 pm - 9 pm, in the nursery.

TOOLBOX I 7.15pm - 9.30pm in the Gateway nursery

TOOLBOX I 7.15pm - 9.30pm in the Gateway nursery

TOOLBOX I 7.15pm - 9.30pm in the Gateway nursery

TOOLBOX I 7.15pm - 9.30pm in the Gateway nursery

GATIES KIDS CAMP I 25th - 27th, registration forms will be available from February 6th.












































PURSUE I 7pm - 9pm, meet on the top floor

HYDRATE I 5th - 6th, starting midday

CRAVE CONNECT I Not sure where your connect group meets? Contact your leader or Matt at the Gateway office.

CRAVE CONVERGE I 7pm - 9pm, meet on the third floor here in the Gateway building.

CRAVE CONNECT I Not sure where your connect group meets? Contact your leader or Matt at the Gateway office.

CRAVE CONVERGE I 7pm - 9pm, meet on the third floor here in the Gateway building.

CRAVE CONNECT I Not sure where your connect group meets? Contact your leader or Matt at the Gateway office.

Pull it out, stick it on your fridge, these are the dates you need to keep in mind for February / March. As always, any new events will be posted on the Gateway website, www.gatewaychurch.org.nz, as well as on our Facebook page. Keep an eye on both!

FRIDAY MORNING PRAYER I 6.15 am in the Prayer Room, followed by breakfast

FRIDAY MORNING PRAYER I 6.15 am in the Prayer Room, followed by breakfast

FRIDAY MORNING PRAYER I 6.15 am in the Prayer Room, followed by breakfast

FRIDAY MORNING PRAYER I 6.15 am in the Prayer Room, followed by breakfast

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SUMMER...“We can do what we wanna ‘Cos today the world is oursNothing grey, just real time and colour In which to whittle away the hours” BROOKE FRASER

BLUE LAKE, photograph by Jared Brandon

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1 - PURANGI WINERY, photograph by Jessie Michels, 2, 3 & 4 - BLUE LAKE, ROTORUA, photographs by Jared Brandon, 5 - PHOTOGRAPH BY SAM MORGAN, 6 - MCLAREN FALLS, photograph by Wend Organ, 7 - SPLASH, photograph by Janaya Goodhall, 8 - HESLOP FAMILY, 9 - ELISABETH AND TRACEY BRISCOE, 10 - DAVID GOODHALL, photograph by Donald Goodhall



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5 6

7 8

9 10

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ABEL TASMAN, photograph by Ruth Gilmour

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The Christian calendar has ordered the Churches spiritual journey for centuries and as we kick into 2011 I want to take a very quick look at the ‘time’ we are currently in. January 6 is ‘Epiphany’, a day to celebrate the manifestation of Christ as the Son of God, the Saviour of the world. Epiphany speaks of the “unveiling” of Christ to the world, both to the Jews and beyond to the Gentiles. Traditionally the Epiphany day liturgy centres on the visit of the ‘wise men’, the magi from the east who brought gold, frankincense and myrrh to worship Jesus. And as we journey from the liturgy of that day and embrace a season of Epiphany spirituality, we are drawn to the passages that tell of Jesus’ baptism in the River Jordan, and of the wedding feast in Cana where Jesus performs His first miracle. There is much meaning and symbolism within each of these traditional Epiphany passages that reveal Jesus as the Saviour of the world, the one who has begun a new tide of Kingdom life. The rhythm of expectation that begins with Advent, runs through the Christmas celebrations, now is complete as we enter a time of focusing our attention towards Jesus’ life, His works, His saving deeds. Christ has been revealed as Saviour and we now have the opportunity to respond with faith, worshipping Him as truly the Son of God, our hope of salvation. Epiphany and the weeks that follow provide a two-fold focus for our spirituality. As pointed out already it is a time to celebrate and worship for the glory of God is revealed in Christ Jesus. As we read our way through the gospels we see that God’s glory is progressively unveiled throughout

Jesus’ life and it invites us to welcome the continued revealing of His light in our hearts. This time also challenges us to be people who shine the light of Christ to those around us. Jesus chose disciples to share in His work, and He entrusted his church to be an ongoing force of love in this world, redeeming and restoring all that we touch. Between Epiphany and Lent our focus is to be ‘salt and light’, as Christ is manifest in us so He is to be manifest through us. Paul, when writing to the church at Ephesus said these words, ‘When it came to presenting the Message to people who had no background in God’s way, I was the least qualified of any of the available Christians. God saw to it that I was equipped, but you can be sure that it had nothing to do with my natural abilities. And so here I am, preaching and writing about things that are way over my head, the inexhaustible riches and generosity of Christ. My task is to bring out in the open and make plain what God, who created all this in the first place, has been doing in secret and behind the scenes all along. Through followers of Jesus like yourselves gathered in churches, this extraordinary plan of God is becoming known and talked about even among the angels!’In the next few weeks leading up to Lent, why not let the Epiphany themes of ‘Christ manifest in us’ and ‘Christ manifest through us’, find a new place in your spirituality? Consider opening your heart a bit more to the miraculous works of the Son of God. Reflect on ways in which you can be ‘salt and light’ to those you have the privilege of influencing. Give us grace, O Lord, to answer readily the call of our Saviour Jesus Christ and proclaim to all people the good news of His salvation, that we and the whole world may perceive the glory of His marvelous works; who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.’ - The Book of Common Prayer D

EPIPHANYwritten by donald goodhall

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WHAT IS PURSUE?Pursue; verb, purr-sue, to chase after, derived from the greek word pursius god of dating, or in this context, a bunch of young people hanging out.

CAN I COME?I don’t know... can you? If you are between the ages of have left high school and can exercise without everything hurting, Pursue is for you.

WHAT DO YOU DO THERE?Speed dating, kite surfing, Zumba and liking ‘The DON’ Barry on facebook...are generally not part of it. Engaging in real, valuable relationships, the odd bit of teaching and worshiping our God is more of what we’re about. Kite surfing is permitted, no Zumba and don’t call Don ‘The Don’ without permission. He’s connected.

HOW DO I GET THERE?Go to the entrance on Victoria St and walk up the stairs until you’re tired. Then go one more flight to the top and that’s us.

WHEN?Tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No, not really. We kick off on February 16th.

BUT SERIOUSLYWe at Pursue were very excited about what God did with us last year. Great relationships were founded and small communities formed over coffees, cakes and Corinthians. Alliteration. This year we are aiming for more of the same, as well as fostering an excitement in people for the plans and purposes God has for them. If you’re in the 18 to 30yr old bracket and looking for a friendly, fun place to be connected, learn and share what you have to offer, Pursue is for you. 2011 is a year we hope to encourage people to have a place and a say in our humble little community. Look foward to seeing you there. D

PURSUE 2011written by brendon ‘noodle’ veysey


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GATEWAY OPSHOP BEST BUYSchosen by emma keenan1 - TOGS, Team them with some denim cut-offs and voila, beach outfit complete!

2 - INDIA, ISRAEL, THE GRAND CANYON, I’m always up for pouring through world atlases, these are a few goodies I found hidden in the corner of the op-shop. India stole my heart in 2009 when I went to Siliguri with the Blacks, and I’m keen to one day venture to Israel.

3 - SKIRTS, the ultimate in this Hamilton humidity. Floral, fun, flowy, ankle-cooling summer goodness.

4 - APRON, Buy one for your Mum today!

5 - RETRO TV RADIO THING, Nothing like a plug-in TV/Radio to brighten up your ride.

6 - RETRO CALENDAR, Does this need a caption? It’s just cool.

7 - BABY CLOTHES, I’m a sucker for cute baby clothes, what more can I say.

8 - KEITH GREEN, A true delight to find Keith hiding out in the box of records. ‘O Lord You’re Beautiful’ is a personal favourite.

9 - ANNE FRANK AND REVOLUTION IN WORLD MISSIONS, Anne Frank is a winner of a memoir and a must read if you haven’t already, A few years ago Dad passed on this gem of a book, ‘Revolution in World Missions’ - it’s a real insight into the outworkings of the Holy Spirit in India and around the world.

10 - SHIRTS Thought I better showcase some nifty menswear, these were my picks. D



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2011 is going to be a GREAT year. The key is to get connected early!

Whether you are a parent or teen, become friends with ‘crave’ on facebook and keep up to date with the details of what’s happening week to week.

Our second event for the year will be on Wednesday the 2nd of Feb with a BBQ, Waterslide, Jet-Skis and biscuiting. Parents you are invited to come and join us, meet your teen’s connect group leader and hang out. We’ll meet at 6.30 pm, 1857 River Road, with the pick-up/finish at 9:00pm. Bring: $2, a mate, a parent or caregiver, togs & towel.

We will kick into Connect groups from the 9th Feb.

Please visit the information desk on a Sunday to update your details or find out anything you need to know from one of our leaders.

Parents we would love to stay in touch this year but NEED your email address to do so. Please update your info at the information desk also. D

CRAVE: COMING UPwritten by matt martyn

Hey, I’m Roxana (AKA. Roxy, Rocket, Rocky, Skux)

I am one of the two year 10 girls leaders along with the amazing Laura. I am 19 and I work in reception here at Gateway. Some of my favourite things are ice creams and strawberries, people, baking, reading, sunshine and silly games. I love being part of Crave - the hang out times, God times and amazing supportive people.

Some cool memories from 2010 would have to be Easter Camp, the road trip, baptisms and the Gateway gathering taken by Crave. Nothing, however, tops the year 9s of 2010 girls connect group!

If you are at high school I encourage you to come along to Crave and get connected – there are some cool people and leaders who would love to get to know you, hang out and support you during your high school years.

Can’t wait to meet you in 2011! D

MEET A CRAVE LEADERroxana kelsen


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For more that 20 years the world was largely unaware of the plight of an estimated 20,000 + children who were abducted from Northern Uganda by the LRA(The Lord’s Resistance Army) rebels and turned into child soldiers to terrorize their communities.

The magnitude of this atrocity first came to my attention when the Gaties became involved with a project through Ora Connextion, called, “The Long Walk”.

The children helped to raise funds for jandals for some of the 50.000 children, who would trek up to 12 km to sleep in the towns each night for fear of being abducted in their sleep by the rebel army. We learnt that many of the diseases they contracted came through the cuts in their little bare feet as they walked from their villages.

Around that time I was reading a book called, “Girl Soldier “ It was the story of an amazing young girl called Grace who had been abducted by the LRA while at boarding school. It was one of the hardest books I have ever read. I could not even begin to have a context for understanding what Grace and the other children had endured.

Set to the backdrop of music, dance, drama and multimedia, The Watoto Restore Tour tells the tale of

the tragedy and the triumph of the child soldier and the greater community of northern Uganda, who have endured some of the worst atrocities known to man. As we meet the people and hear the true stories of many, we hear one single story - a story of conflict, struggle, forgiveness and restoration.

As Gateway partners with Tear Fund for the upcoming tour we have a wonderful opportunity to get to hear first hand these children’s stories of tragedy and also of hope. Come and find out how we can become partners in their journey of healing and show that we do care.

Watoto Restore Tour will raise support for Project Gulu - Watoto’s extensive rehabilitation centre in Northern Uganda. Here, former child soldiers and their mothers are restored and rehabilitated to fullness of life.

Watoto is an holistic care programme that was initiated as a response to the overwhelming number of abandoned and vulnerable children and women in Uganda, whose lives have been ravaged by war and disease. The Watoto model involves physical care; medical intervention including HIV/AIDS treatment; education – formal and technical; trauma rehabilitation and spiritual discipleship.

It is positioned to rescue an individual; raise each one as a leader in their chosen sphere of life; so that they, in turn, will rebuild their nation. For fur ther information, visit www.watoto.com, check out the tour online at www.restoretour.com or look them up on YouTube,

I know the Lord secures justice for the poor and upholds the cause of the needy” Ps 140:12 D

WATOTO RESTORE TOURwritten by karen steward


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