February 2005 Retiree News - 1199SEIU Funds

1199SEIU Retired Members Division BULLETIN IN THIS ISSUE 330 West 42nd St. n New York NY 10036 n (646) 473-8761 n www.1199nbf.org Page 2 − 1199SEIU RMD President’s Message Page 3 − 1199SEIU Benefit & Pension Funds Executive Director’s Message Page 4 − NYC Calendar of Events Page 5 − Out-of-State Retiree Chapters Page 6 − Artículos Principales Traducidos Page 7 − Activist Page–1199SEIU President’s Message Page 8 − Upcoming Events/Trips JUNE/JULY 2007 Opportunities for Every Interest – 1199SEIU Retirees Stay Active, Creative and Fit Through the Retired Members Division 1199SEIU retirees are keeping busy with activities from lively dance sessions and arts and crafts to the relaxation of practicing yoga. “I used to admire beautiful and expensive quilts. I thought, ’I could do this myself,’” said Eva Horn, formerly of Brookdale Hospital and one of the first students to join the 1199SEIU quilting class. Now Eva finds pleasure in creating her own handiwork. “Quilting requires lots of dedication and gives even more pleasure. You can take a scrap of nothing and make something beautiful from it,” agrees another quilter, Joyce Beadle, retired from Beth Abraham Nursing Home. Retirees are also protecting their health with exercise classes. Carlton Williams, retired from Bronx Lebanon, joined the yoga class after recovering from a serious illness. “Yoga is energizing and helps keep me moving – and the camaraderie and encouragement from other retirees helps, too,” he said. He’s already mastered the eagle pose and is now working on other poses that are improving his balance both in class and outside of it. And anyone who’s attended a retiree banquet knows that 1199SEIU retirees love to dance. That’s why the new line dancing class is quickly becoming one of the most popular retiree activities. Instructor Luther Gales, who has been swing dancing for seven years, teaches students the cha-cha, quick step and the electric slide. “This is our version of Dancing with the Stars!” said Albertina Cobham, formerly of Menorah Home. “Instead of staying in the house, it’s a great way to get fit and meet new people,” added Regina Francis King, retired from Little Flower Nursing Home. For a full list of classes, check the Retired Members Division calendar on page 4. “This is our version of Dancing with the Stars!” – Albertina Cobham

Transcript of February 2005 Retiree News - 1199SEIU Funds

Page 1: February 2005 Retiree News - 1199SEIU Funds

1199SEIU Retired Members Division


In thIs I s s u e

330 West 42nd St. n New York NY 10036 n (646) 473-8761 n www.1199nbf.org

Page 2 − 1199SEIU RMD President’s MessagePage 3 − 1199SEIU Benefit & Pension Funds

Executive Director’s MessagePage 4 − NYC Calendar of Events

Page 5 − Out-of-State Retiree ChaptersPage 6 − Artículos Principales TraducidosPage 7 − Activist Page–1199SEIU President’s MessagePage 8 − Upcoming Events/Trips


Opportunities for Every Interest – 1199SEIU Retirees Stay Active, Creative and Fit Through the Retired Members Division

1199SEIU retirees are keeping busy with activities from lively dance sessions and arts and crafts to the relaxation of practicing yoga.

“I used to admire beautiful and expensive quilts. I thought, ’I could do this myself,’” said Eva Horn, formerly of Brookdale Hospital and one of the first students to join the 1199SEIU quilting class. Now Eva finds pleasure in creating her own handiwork. “Quilting requires lots of dedication and gives even more pleasure. You can take a scrap of nothing and make something beautiful from it,” agrees another quilter, Joyce Beadle, retired from Beth Abraham Nursing Home.

Retirees are also protecting their health with exercise classes. Carlton Williams, retired from Bronx Lebanon, joined the yoga class after recovering from a serious illness. “Yoga is energizing and helps keep me moving – and the camaraderie and encouragement from other retirees helps, too,” he said. He’s already mastered the eagle

pose and is now working on other poses that are improving his balance both in class and outside of it.

And anyone who’s attended a retiree banquet knows that 1199SEIU retirees love to dance. That’s why the new line

dancing class is quickly becoming one of the most popular retiree activities. Instructor Luther Gales, who has been swing dancing for seven years, teaches students the cha-cha, quick step and the electric slide.

“This is our version of Dancing with the Stars!” said Albertina Cobham, formerly of Menorah Home. “Instead of staying in the house, it’s a great way to get fit and meet new people,” added Regina Francis King, retired from Little Flower Nursing Home.

For a full list of classes, check the Retired Members Division calendar on page 4.

“This is our version of

Dancing with the Stars!”

– Albertina Cobham

Page 2: February 2005 Retiree News - 1199SEIU Funds

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

This spring, I had the chance to meet many new retirees at chapter meetings and activities through our Retired Members Division. I know that many of you are planning trips with your family and friends, but after you return from your relaxing summer break, don’t just sit around the house. When September comes, as usual we’ll have lots of activities planned. So come and join us in the fall and keep busy, active and connected with other retirees.

I also encourage you to come support our brothers and sisters who have worked hard on their creative work all through the year. So remember to attend the 1199SEIU Retirees Art Exhibit in July at the Union Gallery. There’s more information on page 4.

Keep an eye out for information from the Funds on more classes and activities, as well as the results of the June Retired Members Division elections. I hope to see you all in September and I wish all of you a great summer.

In Solidarity,

John Perkins

Queridos Hermanos y Hermanas,

Esta primavera tuve la oportunidad de conocer a muchos nuevos jubilados, en las reuniones y actividades de agrupaciones, por medio de nuestra División de Miembros Jubilados. Cuando los jubilados se reúnen, es una oportunidad muy grata para conocernos, de disfrutar de la compañía de los otros y de hablar acerca de lo que ocurre en nuestras vidas. También es una forma de averiguar lo que ocurre en los Fondos y el Sindicato y de ayudar a comprender mejor sus beneficios. Después de todo, si tiene una pregunta acerca de su cobertura de salud o su pensión, es frecuente que alguien en la misma agrupación tenga esa misma pregunta. Es por eso, que es importante que se mantenga en contacto asistiendo a las reuniones de la agrupación o simplemente yendo a la División de Miembros Jubilados.

La División de Miembros Jubilados no tendrá reuniones en agosto, pero cuando llegue septiembre tendremos muchas actividades. ¡Así que no se quede simplemente en la casa! Venga y únase a nosotros en el otoño y manténgase ocupado, activo y en contacto con otros jubilados. Y este otoño, hasta estamos creando un comité de actividades para jubilados para planificar las clases y actividades que quiere ver. Si desea participar, sírvase llamar a la División de Miembros Jubilados al (646) 473-8761.

Los aliento a que cada uno de ustedes se unan. Lo que tenemos en nuestra División de Miembros Jubilados es más que un Sindicato - es como una familia. Así que esté atento a la información de los fondos o de actividades próximas, así como a los resultados de las elecciones de junio de la División de Miembros Jubilados. Espero verlos a todos en septiembre y les deseo un espléndido verano. ¡No olvide mantenerse en contacto!

En Solidaridad,

John Perkins

� JUNE/JULY 2007 QUESTIONS? CALL: (646) 473-8761 • OUTSIDE NYC: (800) 892-2557

1199SEIU RMD President’s MessageMensaje Del Presidente

John Perkins

Learn To Dance With Other 1199SEIU RETIREESAre you interested in learning ballroom or line dancing? Please let us know by calling us at (646) 473-8761 or stopping by the Retired Members Division headquarters at 330 West 42nd Street, 9th floor.

Shakespeare Literature Class tuesdays, 12:30 PM

July 3, 10, 17, 24 & 31, 2007 “King Lear”

1199SEIU RMD 330 West 42nd Street, 9th Floor

Movie Series

Wednesday, July 11 – 12:45 - 2:45 PM“The Pursuit of Happyness” (2006) Will Smith & Jaden Smith

Wednesday, July 25 – noon - 3:00 PM“Happy Feet” (2006)Robin Williams

1199SEIU RMD 330 West 42nd Street, 9th FloorFor more information contact the RMD Main Office at (646) 473-8756.

Contacting the Fund Just Got easier

To make it easier for you to contact the Fund, we have created a toll-free

number just for retirees. Call (800) 892-2557 for any questions about your benefits.

Page 3: February 2005 Retiree News - 1199SEIU Funds

Dear Retired Member,

We’re pleased to see that so many of you are taking advantage of the opportunities offered through the Retired Members Division this spring.

If you’re leaving for the summer, don’t forget to join our activities when you return. Whether you want to develop or build on your appreciation of classical music and the arts, cultivate a new hobby or get some exercise with other retirees, there’s a class for you. And check to see if your chapter is holding a meeting this August – most will not, but don’t forget to attend your local meeting when it resumes in September.

No matter what your summer plans are, your Fund is still here for you. You can call with any questions, or if you have concerns about accessing your benefits while you travel. We look forward to seeing you when you return. And remember, if there is a class or program you’d like to see, please let us know by calling the Retired Members Division at (646) 473-8761.


Querido Miembro Jubilado

Nos complace ver que en esta primavera tantos de ustedes están aprovechando las oportunidades que se ofrecen a través de la División de Miembros Jubilados.

Si va a viajar por el verano, no se olvide de unirse a nuestras actividades cuando regrese. Ya sea que desee desarrollar o mejorar su apreciación de la música clásica y de las artes, aprender un nuevo pasatiempo o hacer ejercicio con otros jubilados, siempre hay una clase disponible para usted. Y no olvide consultar si su agrupación va a llevar a cabo una reunión en agosto, la mayoría no lo hace, pero no olvide asistir a su reunión local cuando vuelvan a darse a partir del mes de septiembre.

Sin importar cuáles sean sus planes para el verano, su Fondo siempre está disponible para usted. Puede llamar con cualquier pregunta, o si tiene inquietudes sobre el acceso a sus beneficios mientras viaja. Esperamos verlo a su regreso. Y recuerde, si hay una clase o programa que le gustaría que se incluya, sírvase hacérnoslo saber llamando a la División de Miembros Jubilados al (646) 473-8761.


QUESTIONS? CALL: (646) 473-8761 • OUTSIDE NYC: (800) 892-2557 � JUNE/JULY 2007

A Message fromUn Mensaje de Mitra Behroozi Executive Director of the 1199SEIU Benefit and Pension FundsLa Directora Ejecutiva del Fondo de Beneficios y Pensiones de 1199SEIU

Brooklyn Retirees: New Computer Class

If you want to take a class in basic computer skills, please call (646) 473-8766 to enroll. Be sure to leave your name and telephone number so that we can contact you.

Jewelry-Making Class

Would you like to learn to make beautiful and unique jewelry using simple tools? If you are interested in a jewelry-making class (using semiprecious stones, beads and metal), please call (646) 473-8756. Be sure to leave your name and telephone number, and mention your interest in the class.

RetireeEdna Burgess

Celebrates Her 101st BirthdayThe Retired Members Division congratulates Edna Burgess, who is celebrating her 101st year and is one of our oldest 1199SEIU retirees. Ms. Burgess worked at House of the Holy Comforter in the Bronx and retired in 1974. She is healthy and happy and living in Pembroke Pines, Florida, with her daughters Delva and Leonie.

Page 4: February 2005 Retiree News - 1199SEIU Funds

� JUNE/JULY 2007 QUESTIONS? CALL: (646) 473-8761 • OUTSIDE NYC: (800) 892-2557

NYC JULY CALENDAR & CHAPTER MEETINGS All classes are open to retirees and free of charge.

*Sponsored by HealthC

are Partners, IPA


210:30–11:30 Opera Appreciation

Class12–1 Art History

39:30–12 Photography10:30–12 Drama Class12–3 Art Class12:30–1:30 Shakespeare Class1:30–3 Discussion Group



511–12 Yoga*12 $1 Luncheon3–5 Arts & Crafts3–5 Sewing

610–12 Quilting Class 1–2 Dance Class

910:30–11:30 Opera Appreciation

Class12–1 Art History

109:30–12 Photography10:30–12 Drama Class12–3 Art Class12:30–1:30 Shakespeare Class1:30–3 Discussion Group

1110–12 Choral Group10–12 Needlework (Beg)12:30–4:30 Needlework (Int/Adv)12:45 Movie Series1–4 Needlework (BK)

1211–12 Yoga*12 $1 Luncheon3–5 Arts & Crafts3–5 Sewing

1310–12 Quilting Class1–2 Dance Class

1610:30–11:30 Opera Appreciation

Class12–1 Art History

179:30–12 Photography10:30–12 Drama Class12–3 Art Class12:30–1:30 Shakespeare Class1:30–3 Discussion Group

1810–12 Needlework, (Beg)12:30–4:30 Needlework (Int/Adv)1–4 Needlework (BK)

1911–12 Yoga*12 $1 Luncheon1:00 Birthday Party3–5 Arts & Crafts3–5 Sewing

2010–12 Quilting Class1–2 Dance Class

2310:30–11:30 Opera Appreciation

Class12–1 Art History

249:30–12 Photography10:30–12 Drama Class12–3 Art Class12:30–1:30 Shakespeare Class1:30–3 Discussion Group

2510–12 Choral Group10–12 Needlework (Beg)12–3 Grandkids Day1–4 Needlework (BK)

269–12 Exec Mtg.12 $1 Luncheon1:00 General Mtg.3–5 Arts & Crafts3–5 Sewing

2710–12 Quilting Class1–2 Dance Class

3010:30–11:30 Opera Appreciation

Class12–1 Art History

319:30–12 Photography10:30–12 Drama Class12–3 Art Class12:30–1:30 Shakespeare Class1:30–3 Discussion Group









Annual Retiree Art Show Begins July 9th

It’s that time of year again! The Retired Members Division annual month-long Art Exhibit begins in July. Come see the work of 1199SEIU retirees as they display creative works and design pieces from photography, art, knitting, arts and crafts, and sewing classes. The opening reception will take place on Monday, July 9, at 11:00 AM in the 1199SEIU Gallery at 310 West 43rd Street. The gallery will also be open for viewing Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM until July 30. The knitting exhibition will include sweaters, scarves, hats and other items of clothing from beginner, intermediate and advanced classes. Retiree Micheline Chery, formerly of St. Vincent’s Hospital, will display her intricately designed cable-knit sweater. She says, “I didn’t know how to knit before I started, but this is already my third piece and I’m very proud to show it!”

Page 5: February 2005 Retiree News - 1199SEIU Funds

QUESTIONS? CALL: (646) 473-8761 • OUTSIDE NYC: (800) 892-2557 � JUNE/JULY 2007


Summer is here, and many of our retirees have returned home to the north, so the June chapter meetings will be our last until the fall. Our monthly retiree meetings will begin again in September, except for the South Palm Beach Chapter (Delray Beach) meetings, which will begin in October.

We are looking for a new meeting location for the Ossie Davis Retiree Chapter (Miami-Dade). Watch for an announcement of the new venue in the August/September Bulletin.

We also need creative individuals who would like to teach a class to our retirees. If you or someone you know has a talent or skill to share with others, we want you! Please call me at (561) 369-8340 (Palm Beach County) or (877) 369-8340 (toll-free).

In the fall, all of our Florida chapters will hold elections to create a 2007-2008 Leadership Board. Your active participation in leadership, planning and chapter activities will make it an enjoyable year for all.

Have a wonderful, safe and healthy summer. See you in the fall.


Marilyn Silverberg




• Broward – Leon Davis ChapterNO MEETINGS JULY AND AUGUST

• south Palm Beach ChapterNO MEETINGS JULY AND AUGUST

• Miami-Dade – Ossie Davis ChapterNO MEETINGS JULY AND AUGUST

• Downtown Orlando ChapterNO MEETINGS JULY AND AUGUST

• Orlando – Casselberry ChapterNO MEETINGS JULY AND AUGUST


For information about Florida chapter meetings, contact Marilyn Silverberg:Toll-free: (877) 369-8340 Palm Beach County: (561) 369-8340Fax: (561) 369-83428775 Via Tuscany Drive, Boynton Beach FL 33437

nORth AnD sOuth CAROLInAs ChAPteR

• nO MeetInGs JuLY AnD AuGust

For more information about North and South Carolinas Chapter meetings, contact Nonnie B. Perry at (803) 481-0475.

Page 6: February 2005 Retiree News - 1199SEIU Funds


� JUNE/JULY 2007 QUESTIONS? CALL: (646) 473-8761 • OUTSIDE NYC: (800) 892-2557


Oportunidad Para Cada Interés – Los Jubilados de 1199SEIU Se

Mantienen Activos, Creativos y En Buen Estado Físico Por Intermedio de

la Divisiónde Miembros Jubilados

Los jubilados de 1199SEIU se mantienen ocupados con distintas actividades desde activas sesiones de baile, y artes y manualidades, hasta el relajamiento de la práctica del yoga.

“Antes admiraba los bellos y caros edredones. Pensé, “puedo hacer esto yo misma”, dijo Eva Horn, quien anteriormente trabajaba en el Brookdale Hospital y fue una de las primeras alumnas en inscribirse en la clase de edredones de 1199SEIU. Ahora Eva ha descubierto el placer de crear sus propias manualidades. “Hacer edredones requiere mucha dedicación y aporta aún más placer. Se puede tomar un retazo cualquiera y sacar algo bello de eso”, dice otra entusiasta en hacer edredones, Joyce Beadle, jubilada del Beth Abraham Nursing Home.

Los jubilados también están protegiendo su salud asistiendo a clases de ejercicios. Carlton Williams, jubilado del Bronx Lebanon, se unió a la clase de yoga después de recuperarse de una grave enfermedad. “Hacer yoga me da energías y me ayuda a mantenerme en actividad, y la camaradería y el ánimo que dan otros jubilados también ayuda”, afirmó. Él ya domina la pose del águila y ahora está practicando otras poses que mejoran su equilibrio tanto en la clase como fuera de ella.

Y cualquiera que asista a un banquete de jubilados sabe que a los jubilados de 1199SEIU les encanta bailar. Es por ello que la nueva línea de clases de danza esta convirtiéndose rápidamente en una de las actividades más populares entre los jubilados. El instructor Luther Gales, que ha bailado swing por siete años, enseña a los estudiantes el cha-cha, el quick step y la deslizada eléctrica.

“¡Esta es nuestra versión de “Bailando con las Estrellas!” dijo Albertina Cobham, quien antes trabajaba en Menorah Home. “En vez de quedarse en la casa, es una excelente manera de ponerse en forma y de conocer a gente nueva”, añadió Regina Francis King, jubilada de Little Flower Nursing Home.

Para obtener una lista completa de clases, consulte el calendario de la División de Miembros Jubilados en la página 4.

We all know that making it into the retirement years without gaining extra pounds is a challenge. But it’s especially important to watch your weight as you grow older. In fact, being overweight in your older years can significantly increase your risk of chronic medical conditions, including diabetes, high blood pressure and cholesterol, stroke and heart disease as well as various cancers.

But you can reduce your risk of these conditions by staying active and maintaining a healthy weight. Losing even as little as 5% of your body weight can go a long way in cutting down obesity-related health risks.

You can start by talking to your doctor about diet and exercise. Your doctor can help you determine weight loss goals and give you advice on the dietary changes and exercise that are best for you.

Then, begin making some simple changes. For example, you can:

• Start exercising by walking 30 minutes every day with a friend or in a group

• Join the Retired Members Division yoga or dance class• Check for active events for seniors at your local

community or senior center• Begin incorporating healthy eating habits in your daily

life by adding wholesome, fiber-rich foods such as whole fruits, vegetables and whole grains

• Try healthier ways to prepare old favorites, such as baking instead of frying

• Minimize the amount of high-calorie ingredients, like butter and sugar, that you use to make recipes you love

• Cook healthy meals together with friends and family• Pay attention to portion sizes

Before you know it, you’ll look and feel healthier!

Pullout: Nutritious eating is easy with What’s Cooking, the Benefit Fund’s healthy recipe cookbook. Many 1199SEIU retirees contributed your favorites – so go ahead and try them out. If you fill out a Protecting Our Health survey online at www.1199nbf.org, you’ll get a free copy!

Keeping Weight Off in Retirement Can Keep You Healthy

Page 7: February 2005 Retiree News - 1199SEIU Funds

QUESTIONS? CALL: (646) 473-8761 • OUTSIDE NYC: (800) 892-2557 � JUNE/JULY 2007



A Message from



Dreams of a better tomorrow have been a consistent theme for many of our greatest poets and leaders. Dr. Martin Luther King’s “dream” has, of course, become legend, and schoolchildren recite his “I Have a Dream” speech every January 15.

We who have been 1199 activists for many years have also had a dream – of building a national union of healthcare workers with more than one million members. There have been million-member national unions of steelworkers, autoworkers and teachers, but never one for healthcare workers.

Langston Hughes wrote about “a dream deferred” that dries up “like a raisin in the sun.” But our dream is about to become reality in Baltimore on June 23-25, when nearly 2,000 union activists all across the country convene to found a new, one-million-member national healthcare workers’ union.

To its credit, SEIU has asked our own Dennis Rivera to lead the new union. We 1199ers know that there is nobody better equipped than Dennis to guide this new venture.

A national healthcare workers’ union is an idea whose time has come. Some nine million U.S. healthcare workers have no union, but need one – for their own sake and for their families and their patients. Entire states are without a single organized healthcare worker. This will not be allowed to continue. The national union will leave Baltimore with $100 million set aside to organize new workers.

Healthcare for all is on the national agenda. There are 47 million Americans without coverage and even more who are underinsured. This issue will be front and center in the national conversation with the impending 2008 elections. The new national union will raise $40 million to advance the interests of healthcare workers during the election campaign.

Dr. King used to call 1199 his “favorite union.” For good reason: we have kept the dream alive and are making good on it.

In Solidarity,


Los sueños de un mejor mañana han sido un tema constante para muchos de nuestros grandes poetas y líderes. Por supuesto que el “sueño” del Dr. Martin Luther King, se ha convertido en leyenda, y los niños en la escuela recitan su discurso “Yo Tengo un Sueño” cada 15 de enero. Nosotros que por muchos años hemos sido activistas de la 1199 también teníamos un sueño – de formar un sindicato nacional de trabajadores de atención de la salud con más de un millón de miembros. Ha habido sindicatos nacionales de trabajadores de acero, de trabajadores de autos y de maestros, pero nunca uno de trabajadores de la atención de la salud. Langston Hughes escribió acerca de “un sueño postergado” que se seca “como una pasa al sol”. Pero nuestro sueño está por hacerse realidad en Baltimore del 23 al 25 de junio, cuando cerca de 2,000 activistas sindicales de todo el país se reúnan para fundar un nuevo sindicato nacional de trabajadores de la atención de la salud de un millón de miembros.Dicho sea en su honor, la SEIU ha pedido a nuestro mismo Dennis Rivera que lidere el nuevo sindicato. Nosotros los de 1199 sabemos que no hay nadie mejor preparado que Dennis para guiar esta nueva aventura. Ha llegado el momento de concretar la idea de un sindicato nacional de trabajadores de atención de la salud. Unos nueve millones de trabajadores de atención de la salud de los EE.UU. no tienen sindicato, pero necesitan uno – por su propio bienestar y por el de sus familias y sus pacientes. Hay estados completos que no tienen ni un solo trabajador organizado de atención de la salud. No permitiremos que esto continúe. El sindicato nacional saldrá de Baltimore con $100 millones reservados para organizar a los nuevos trabajadores. La atención de la salud para todos está en la agenda nacional. Hay 47 millones de estadounidenses sin cobertura de salud y aun más que están asegurados por menos del valor real. Este asunto será el tema central en el debate nacional con las elecciones inminentes del 2008. El nuevo sindicato nacional recaudará $40 millones para promover los intereses de los trabajadores de atención de la salud durante la campaña electoral.El Dr. King solía llamar a 1199 su “sindicato favorito”. Por una buena razón: hemos mantenido vigente el sueño y lo estamos haciendo realidad.

En Solidaridad,

Page 8: February 2005 Retiree News - 1199SEIU Funds

1199SEIU Benefit and Pension Funds330 West 42nd Street

New York NY 10036-6977

PresortedStandard Class Mail

U.S. Postage


Permit No. 3700


ALL PAYMENTS MUST BE MADE BY CHECK OR MONEY ORDER ONLY. For ALL TRIP reservations and information contact Vianka Biales at (646) 473-8756. While the RMD is happy to help make these trips available to 1199SEIU retirees, these trips are not a Fund benefit.

The 1199SEIU Funds are not responsible for transportation, food, lodging or any of the activities that occur during the trip.

SPECTACULAR CALIFORNIA• San Francisco • Monterey • Lake Tahoe • Napa Wine CountryFriday, sept. 21 – thursday, sept. 27, 2007

$1,879/person Double occupancy$2,289 Single occupancyTrip cancellation insurance is included in the price.

Package includes round-trip airfare, accommodations for 6 evenings, 6 breakfasts, 4 dinners, gratuities for meals, sightseeing, admissions, baggage handling and taxes. The services of a professional tour guide, transfers in San Francisco and transportation via deluxe motor coach are also included.

Final Payment due by August 21, 2007.

NEW YORK’S FINGER LAKES REGIONMonday, sept. 10 – Friday, sept. 14, 2007

Scott’s Resort HotelOquaga Lake House5 days, 4 nights

$459/person Double occupancy$559 Single occupancyTrip cancellation insurance is included in the price.

Package includes 4 nights’ accommodations, 3 meals daily, evening entertainment, daytime activities, countryside tour and lake cruise, baggage handling, taxes and round-trip transportation via deluxe motor coach.

Final Payment due by August 1, 2007.


Pay $19 – Get $18 Back

Manhattan – 9:00 AM1199SEIU – 310 W. 43rd Street(Bet. 8th and 9th Aves.)Vianka Biales (646) 473-8756

Brooklyn – 8:30 AMBrooklyn Cluster – 25 Elm Place(Bet. Fulton & Livingston Sts.)Lena Hayes (718) 624-1363

St. Albans – 8:30 AM197-01 Linden BoulevardClifton Rutherford (718) 657-8348