Feb 25 2015

Rup thrre,r4qa S6i4o SCHOOL V Kr,na Rallrfrfr 0 Wdr/ti Donnelly Street Waihi Ph 078638693 Fax Q7863 8671 Cell 021 0258 4817 Emai I [email protected]. nz www.waih ieast.school. nz Principal:EmilyHargreaves IMPORTANT DATES: 27 Feb: 27 Feb: 27 Feb: 2 March: 2 March: 4 March: 12March: 16March: 20 March: 23 March: l April: 2 April: 20April: 23 April: Scholastic Books lssue 1 Closes Senior Swim Champs-Waihi College Pool Last Day of Subway Orders The Lunch Box Club' Lunch Orders Start New Families Morning Tea Waihi Cluster Swimming-Central School Kiwisport Netball Years 1& 2 NorthCluster Swimming-Katikati Cultural Experience Day Years 5 & 6 ANZ Ambassador Visiting Giant PumBkin Weigh-ln Last Day Term1 First Day Term2 Phqtolife Fhotos-Class & lndividual 0on?alzeo TozettT & ?'uaaoa4azt'cllaaazzZzza & laaaax"el7ob,4'r& & ead4d eo44k4 a%aaao*lReopaalAtt? & ?aarkqlRelfat /iE Se4, ^ilot4 & ?6podq


Waihi East Primary School newsletter term 1 week 4 2015.

Transcript of Feb 25 2015

Page 1: Feb 25 2015

Rup thrre,r4qa S6i4o

SCHOOLV Kr,na Rallrfrfr 0 Wdr/tiDonnelly StreetWaihi

Ph 078638693Fax Q7 863 8671Cell 021 0258 4817

Emai I [email protected]. nzwww.waih ieast.school. nz

Principal: Emily Hargreaves


27 Feb:27 Feb:27 Feb:2 March:2 March:4 March:12 March:16 March:20 March:23 March:l April:2 April:20April:23 April:

Scholastic Books lssue 1 ClosesSenior Swim Champs-Waihi College PoolLast Day of Subway OrdersThe Lunch Box Club' Lunch Orders StartNew Families Morning TeaWaihi Cluster Swimming-Central SchoolKiwisport Netball Years 1& 2North Cluster Swimming- KatikatiCultural Experience Day Years 5 & 6ANZ Ambassador VisitingGiant PumBkin Weigh-lnLast Day Term 1First Day Term 2Phqtolife Fhotos-Class & lndividual

0on?alzeoTozettT & ?'uaaoa4azt'cllaaazzZzza & laaaax"el7ob,4'r& & ead4d eo44k 4 a%aaao*lReopaalAtt? & ?aarkqlRelfat /iE Se4, ^ilot4 & ?6podq

Page 2: Feb 25 2015

WAIHI ACADEMY CULTURAL EXPERIENCE The Waihi Academy is running another Cultural Experience Day where YR 5 & 6 students and adults have the oppor-tunity to explore various cultures through arts, music, sports and food! This is a fantastic day where students get to ex-perience these activities in an interactive and hands on ca-pacity. Cost includes lunch and materials. When: Friday 20th March 9.00am—2.30pm Who: Year 5 & 6 Students Cost: $15.00 per person Please complete the attached form and return with payment if you would like your child to attend.

PAYMENTS To make the start of year slightly easier, the administration team can help you set up an automatic payment. Forms are available from the office. Eft-pos is also available.


A silver locket with a filigree pattern on the front

(which opens) - lost on the field

A named, SZ 8 school fleece jacket

Please see the office if you have seen either of these.

SCHOOL PICNIC AND SPLASH & DASH Wow, what a busy few weeks we’ve had. Our annual picnic and Splash & Dash at Anzac Bay has been postponed until further notice. A huge thank you to all who offered to help. Keep an eye on the newsletter later on in the year for the new date.


Kia ora

Camps are an amazing experience for our tamariki. A huge thank you to all whanau who supported Year 5

and 6 camp to Aongatete and Year 3 and 4 Tent City sleep over. Together you have brought new experiences

and exciting memories for children to look back on with fondness. Thanks again to our teaching team for your

preparation and leadership of these exciting events.

Our annual school picnic and Splash & Dash was scheduled for today. However due to the child to ratio

numbers required and the number of helpers we had available, we have postponed this event. We are looking

to re-schedule this for the end of the year—something to look forward to. We appreciate the support that

was offered for transport and supervision, particularly after such a busy week with camps and other school


Swimming sports for years 4-6 will be on the 27th of February at Waihi College. Phil Gurnick will be

looking for help with transport and supervision from whanau to assist in making this day run smoothly. Come

and join the fun.

Please, if you have any concerns it is important to let the leadership team or your child/rens classroom

teacher know. We need your input to resolve issues and to support your child to be a future problem solver.

If hitches, glitches or difficulties continue, please contact our BOT Chairperson Mrs Donna Walker direct by

e-mailing: [email protected]

This year our budget allows for four teacher aides, which are shared across the school. Significant

support is in place in the classroom with our Resource Teacher of Literacy, Resource Teacher of Learning and

Behaviour and SPELD. Come and have a chat if you are concerned. We can help once we know there is an issue.

Nga mihi nui, Emily ([email protected])

READING TOGETHER Mrs Laing will be starting Reading Together workshops this week. Come along to these four sessions and dis-cover practical ways to bring fun and enjoyment into reading with your children at home. Chocolate and hot drinks supplied! Please let the office or Mrs Laing know if you would like to attend. Course will be held in the staffroom. Dates are:

Thursday 26th Feb 1.30—2.45pm

Thursday 5th March 1.30—2.45pm

Thursday 12th March 1.30—2.45pm

Thursday 26th March 1.30—2.45pm

SCHOOL LUNCHES Remember our new school lunches start next Monday, 2nd March. Food is made by Farmgate Deli in Waihi Beach and delivered to school daily. Remember to reg-ister, order and pay on-line for these lunch orders. A computer will be available at school for those without internet access. Please see the office if you missed the information last week or visit: www.thelunchboxclub.co.nz

Lunchbox Club Lunches, available everyday

Sushi, available Thursdays

This Friday will be the last day for Subway orders.

SCHOOL SWIMMING POOL If you are using our school pool with babies and toddlers swimming, it is an expectation that they will be wearing a swimming nappy. NO nappy = NO swimming.

SCHOOL CONTACTS P : 863 8693 M : 021 0258 4817 F : 863 8671 E : [email protected]

Visit our school’s new website www.waihieast.school.nz

Page 3: Feb 25 2015

STUDENTS PAGE John and Robert were rumbling through the gorge. The gorge was rocky and full with thick mud and big bush. They saw shining gold on Mount Pukewa. It was bright yellow and so they went on the big trip through rushing rivers, big bushes and down to the big rocks to the golden site. So when they got to the site they dug up a rocky tunnel, swinging the pic axes looking for gold and silver. When they got deep under they heard a big BOOME in the mine. “What was that?” said one of them. John said “It was TNT”. The entrance was blocked so they were stuck in the mine. One of them had TNT in their pocket so they blew it up and the Maori ran away. So they had peace and they kept on mining. By Connor L, RM 3, 8 YRS

Yesterday I went to the beach with my Mum and my brother. We played in the water and there was really rough waves ahead of us. Also we played in the sand and we built a sand castle and the waves destroyed it then we built another one. The water went up to our hips. My brother and me saw lots of waves at once. We ran away from the water and it was really fun. When we came there the sand was hot at the bottom of the sand and my brother brought his surfboard with him. We were scared when we thought it was going past our hips. By Mikayla C-G, RM 9, 7 YRS In the weekend, me and my Dad went on the Hauraki Rail Trail. It was my second time going on it. There are very steep hills I had to keep my brakes on going down. The little hills I could fly down them. We went over a bridge, past a waterfall and some sheep. If we kept on going we would have reached the tunnel that we are going on at Tent City. By Aaliyah T, RM 9, 7 YRS

Yesterday, Room 3 visited the Gold Mine Education Centre. We learnt about gold and how it was mined. First we talked to Phil. Then we did some amazing activities. First activity was iPods. We got a piece of paper and we had to scan them to get the answer. If you knew it you put it in the back of the page. Also you write your name. There was a box and if you find the code you have to quickly open it and get the prize. It was golden chocolate. Secondly, we had a reminder bracelet. We put on a scanning code and 6 gold beads, a tooth, chalk shaped like gold and a x-ray. Thirdly we had to pan for gold. Then we had to count up all of the gold that every team got. Team 1 got 35 nuggets. Team 2 got 25 and my team got 40. Wahoo and I bet everyone had a great time. By Paul W, RM 3, 8 YRS


Doctor Tineke Iverson has re-started her weekly Tuesday morning visits to school. Please make an appointment through the office.


Learn to Swim lessons will be offered in the East School pool on Monday’s & Wednesday’s after school (3.10pm—4.40pm). $10 per lesson. Contact Tess 021 138 5484 or 863 6130.


Mrs Wella Tasma’s music lessons have re-started for the year. Individual or group lessons are available in: Recorder, flute, singing, keyboard, guitar, ukulele and saxophone. For information and enrolment phone: 863 6322 or e-mail [email protected] SCHOOL NEWSLETTERS

Wednesday is school newsletter day and a newsletter is is-sued every Wednesday - ask your child for it each Wednes-

day or check it out on our school website. School newslet-ters are given to the eldest child in a family or the only child going to East School. These newsletters are the main means of communicating with parents and I would ask that parents read them carefully. Quite often a reply slip is at-tached and it is most helpful if we get an early response to such requests. Many thanks! We appreciate the support of those who pay for adverts on the newsletter. Please support them with your patronage. If you would prefer your news-letter emailed to you please email Sharon in the office.


Saturday night skating at the Waihi Events Centre starts again on Saturday 28th February: 6—8 PM $5 entry fee (includes skate hire –adult spectators free)


We require 3 x volunteers from East School to help out with the New World stocktake fundraiser on Sunday 1st March. Please contact the office if you can spare an hour or two.


Scholastic Issue # 1 closes 27th Feb. All orders to the office please.


Due to swimming lessons Monday’s & Wednesday’s, our school pool will be unavailable until after lessons finish at 4.40pm on these two afternoons.

My child _____________________ has permission to attend the Waihi Academy Cultural Experience day on Friday 20th March. Please find enclosed payment of $15.00 OR Please debit my school account if in credit (please circle one) I have a full drivers license, a registered and warranted vehicle and I can provide transport for _______________. Name:_________________ Signed: ____________________ Waihi East School will pay the $15 fee for the first five adults who return their form and can attend on the day as a helper.

Page 4: Feb 25 2015

News from the Board of TrusteesFebruary 2015

ChoiryersonCongrotulotions to Donm Wolker who wos oppointed Choirperson for 2015. We lookforword to her continued leodership of our school. Donno can be contocted [email protected]

Term One Focus- 6old

Leoming outconcs to dote includc:

Teochers hove done o great job storting up our clossroohs; they look inviting ondstimulatirg, the children are settling to their new routines ond ore rnostly hoppyond odjusting fo being bock ot school.Sqroh Connell held her new whonou welcome in the last weekof the holidoys.Most new enfrant whonou ottended.Eqch closs hos hod the opportunity to tour the Mine under Phil Sqlnon's excitingpresentolion. He hos done o superb job of making an inferoctive, fun ondinformotive et<petience thot will kick off our own learning inguiry.We are fortunote to be oble to swim dcily ond all teachers ore toking advontogeof this, to ofter children fhe opportunity to grow in luoter sofety confidence ondswirnriing skills. Teachers ore following up the few children who do not bringtheir swinming gecr.The bike trock continues to be o fovourite with eoch closs hoving ot leost 2sessions per week, to proctice their biking ond increose fifness.Due to the yar three bubble, we hove rebronded our teqms. New nomes qre

o Kotuku tean comprising roohs 1,2,3 ond 9o Piwokowoko teom comprising of rooms 4,5,6,7 and 8

Senior camp - Bosed in Aongotete hos been well plonned wifh o voriety ofopportunities to develop teom work ord chollenge individuols. Awesome porentsottended to support with supervision ond instruction. Huge lhanks to Liso Northfor her support in mony ospects of this week.Tenf City - Bi99er thon ever with 66 children ond three teachers. Cornp ocfivitiesincfude biking in the 9or9e ond onother visit to the Gold Centre. Mossive supportfrom porents ond sure to be o highlight of their school yeor!Senior feoders' doy-Phil hod the Yr6 sfudents ot the Event Cenlre for afeodership building doy resourced ond supporfed by Shor ond Project Eneegize.The class used the school bikes os their form of tronsport, on irnpressive sight.IEP's ore cohpleted with a f ight focus on matching T/ As to identif ied studentneeds ond outcomes.Teocher oides have individuolised progrommes being developed. This yeor childrenwill be withdrawn to smoll teoching spoces. All children working with o teocheroide will olso hove daily teocher instruction, o double dip situotion.

Page 5: Feb 25 2015

. Our onnual Dosh and Splash is on the 25rh. No boots will operdte. Our oim is fohove o fun whonau doy.

. KoPahoko storts this week with Lorn. All students will hove fhe opportunity to joinin. Phil will support Lorn during this time.

r Following our ERO review,lhere is on expectotion fhot oll teochers use the TKfweb site ond teoch atereo programme from this. Deputy principols will monitorthis expectation.

. New look closses this yeor with Phil toking oll year 6 sfudents. Students will holdfeodership roles ot school, form o student council ond be occeleroted in readinessfor their tronsition to College.

o Additionol support ond guidonce is in ploce for o smoll group of children. Thesechildren are presenting high leorning ondlor behoviour needs. Wehave GroupSpeciol Educotion, Resource Teocher of Literacy ond Resource Teochers ofLeorning ond Behoviour working with our teon.

Stcff Dcvclopnent 2Ol5. Sfoff ottended teocher only dcy on the 3Oth of Jonuory. Our sfaff meeting wos

setting the scene for the year, plonning, timetobles ond expectotions.. Brior, Glenotld Ernily ottended o hui on irnproving outcomes for Moori. The guest

speoker wos Hoono Peorson QSM, on extrernely tolenfed Auckland principol whohos been seconded into fhe Ministry of Educotion for fhis year.Her words wereinsightful and mode us consider our proctices within the school setting.. _

. Brior hos been accepted info the NAP Progrorn (Notional Aspirirg principols), ondwill be released Fri Weck 3 fo ottend the first NApp hui.

. Brior ottended a Nigel Loter presentotion in Woihi on the 19th of Februory.

. Glen ond Briar ottended the Non Violenl fntervenfion Course at Woikino Schoolthis week.

. Em qnd Brior will ottend the 2 day MOE ALL workshops, in reodiness to includethe whole school in this exciting Ministry funded,ot our direction/invenliowinitiotive. Exciting things will come of this for otrr learners.

. Stoff hove the opportunify lo renellt their First AideCertificale in April. This willbe in fhe school holidoys so no relieving cosfs.

. We are port of the Ministry of Educotion funded Assessrflent ond LeodershipProgromme. r hove rnef wiih our focilitator Ruth Pepper. personalised oims of ouryeor include

o Review of our ossessment schedule.o Professional readings.o Criticol eye on doto ond the monitoring of ochievement.

School 6r"oundsSchool looks fontosfic. Ross hos done qn cmozing job over the holidoys.

Page 6: Feb 25 2015

School PoolPool wos well used over the holidoys. Thonks Ross for keeping this resource running overour summer breok. A roster-involvjng the Douglas, Kelly, Moore, !.oney ond coxon whonouoperoted when Ross wos off site/evening locli up. Thii wos very suciessful. A reminderabout swim noppies was reguired due to on occident thot closed ihe school pool.A pool up-grade of filters moy be reguired. The Boord are looking into t'his ond nolicethere could be o significont cost involved.

Electricol up-grudeOur electricol up-grode hos been completed. Himi will complete the Ministry of Educotionpoperwork. There wos o significant cost to the school to ottend to this Ministry ofEducotion directed work.

I.CIour school server hos hod o meltdown ond died. we currently hove o server on loon. TheBOT will invesfigate onew server. A subcomnittee involving o Tineke Iverson ond Robbieto investigofe this.

Rood ChongesWe ore very a<cited thot OPUS ore reviewing Donnelly Street porking options. Thereore o few.options including moving the bus boy ond having odditionol io.Lorrc to tt"front of fhe school. rmproving oui crossing oreo is also o-considerotion. dir. *. hor"agre?-ment.on design, this will be presented to council for approvol. The qim is forproject to be completed this yeor.

Hcolfh ond Sofety. The rnerry.go-round wos vqndqlized this rnonth. This hos been fixed.t A tree wos renoved beside the bike contoiner ofter o lorge bronch broke

leoving the moin tree a heolth hozord. Thonks to Robin Dougios who oitendedto this in during Woitongi weekend.

' Police Ve! for comps hos been on issue. Vetting for oll overnight octivities willhappen the term before the octual octivity. w-e will review oi.

"omp policy ot

our next meelitry'.

Docfor in SchoolDoctor Tineke is running her school bqsed clinic every Tuesdcy morning.

Dor*ro, Seton, Julic. Peter, Tinekc, Alcx ond EmilyWoihi Eosi School Bood of Tnrstecs

Page 7: Feb 25 2015


New School Lunches Starting Monday 2 March, 2015


Roast Chicken Roll $3.50Glazed Ham Roll $3.50Bliss Ball (GF, sF) S2.60Chick Wholegrain S/wich %53.5OChick Wholegrain S/wich Lge S6.50Ham Wholegrain S/wich % 53.50Ham Wholegrain S/wich lee $6.50Beef Wholegrain S/wich %53,50Beef Wholegrain S/wich Lee 56.50Tandoori Chicken Wrap (GF) $6Ham Wrap (GF) $6Chicken Wrap (GF) $6Homemade Hummus &Vege Sticks $6Piece of Fresh Fruit 51.20Dried Fruit & Nut Pot $4Air Popped Popcorn $2

6F = Gulten FreeSF = Relined Sugor Free

Whole Scotch EeB (GF) 55.20Half Scotch ECg (GF) $3.20Bacon & Egg Pie $5Beef Lasagne - Lge 97.50Vege Lasagne - Lee $7.50Cheese Scone 54Kumara Crisps 40g (GF) SZ.8SHomemade Soup with Roll $5Macaroni Cheese $5.50Quiche Lorriane - Ham $5Quiche - Roast Veg 55Fish Cake xl (GF) 54Fish Cake x2 (GF) 98

Louise Cake Slice 54.50Homemade Sausage Roll $3.50Raw Choc Caramel Slice GF S4.50Yo Yo 52.50Shortbread $2.50Animal Cookie 53.30


Feijoa Frenzy Smoothie $4Tropical Storm Smoothie S4Very Berry Smoothie 54Coconut Water $3.50

Page 8: Feb 25 2015

NBgEHTUNEPE"US!Waihi Scout Group invites you tojoin them at their MudslideSaturday 7 March 2015, 9.30am-3pm

9630 State Highway 2,Waihi(2km's from Waihi-itwil l be signposted)


$5 per person entrySpectators a gold coin donation.Free off road parking.Bring a picnic or buy a Scout Sausage.Closed in footwear is recommended.

Get into the Adventure.

Page 9: Feb 25 2015

6as1lo ttiroBnfhdqy 7o1ies

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