Feb. 23, 2020 I show God’s love when I forgive …...1 Feb. 23, 2020 I show God’s love when I...

1 Feb. 23, 2020 I show God’s love when I forgive others. DATE PONDER POINT THE BIG GOD STORY REMEMBER VERSE The Loving Father Luke 15:11-24 CELEBRATE GOAL: Worship & welcome is all about engaging kids and helping them enter into worship, letting them know that class has begun preparing their minds for what they are going to hear. Establishes community and engages kids, drawing them in and preparing them to hear God’s word. 8:45-9:05 Play (15 minutes): Kids play in playroom while parents drop off kids. 9:05-9:20 Welcome, Rules, Worship & Connect (15 minutes): Establishes community and engages kids, drawing them in and preparing them to hear God’s word. WELCOME & RULES - 4 minutes IMAGE: Welcome We are so glad you are here at Critter Land today. Personalize your welcome. Relate to what’s happening such as holidays, school year, church camp, etc. Pique the curiosity about today’s Ponder Point/Story, tell a joke, do something to draw in the attending of the kids and mention any announcements! RULES VIDEO: Sheriff Hawk If you brought offering, go put it in the squirrel feeder while we worship! WORSHIP - 3 minutes (Worship Leader) WORSHIP VIDEO: My God is Powerful Direct kids to get with their groups and circle up with their small group leader before sitting down SMALL GROUP CONNECT QUESTIONS - 4 minutes VIDEO: 4 minute countdown What is the worst thing you have ever had to eat? If you could choose anything to eat what would you choose? Have you ever had a sister or brother or cousin do something mean to you? What happened? “Forgive each other.” Colossians 3:13

Transcript of Feb. 23, 2020 I show God’s love when I forgive …...1 Feb. 23, 2020 I show God’s love when I...

Page 1: Feb. 23, 2020 I show God’s love when I forgive …...1 Feb. 23, 2020 I show God’s love when I forgive others. DATE PONDER POINT THE BIG GOD STORY REMEMBER VERSE The Loving Father


Feb. 23, 2020 I show God’s love when I forgive others.



The Loving Father

Luke 15:11-24

CELEBRATE GOAL: Worship & welcome is all about engaging kids and helping them enter into worship, letting them know that class has begun preparing their minds for what they are going to hear. Establishes community and engages kids, drawing them in and preparing them to hear God’s word.

8:45-9:05 Play (15 minutes): Kids play in playroom while parents drop off kids. 9:05-9:20 Welcome, Rules, Worship & Connect (15 minutes): Establishes community and engages kids, drawing them in and preparing them to hear God’s word. WELCOME & RULES - 4 minutes

IMAGE: Welcome We are so glad you are here at Critter Land today. Personalize your welcome. Relate

to what’s happening such as holidays, school year, church camp, etc. Pique the curiosity about today’s Ponder Point/Story, tell a joke, do something to draw in the attending of the kids and mention any announcements!

RULES VIDEO: Sheriff Hawk If you brought offering, go put it in the squirrel feeder while we worship!

WORSHIP - 3 minutes (Worship Leader)

WORSHIP VIDEO: My God is Powerful Direct kids to get with their groups and circle up with their small group leader before sitting


SMALL GROUP CONNECT QUESTIONS - 4 minutes VIDEO: 4 minute countdown What is the worst thing you have ever had to eat? If you could choose anything to eat what would you choose? Have you ever had a sister or brother or cousin do something mean to you? What


“Forgive each other.”

Colossians 3:13

Page 2: Feb. 23, 2020 I show God’s love when I forgive …...1 Feb. 23, 2020 I show God’s love when I forgive others. DATE PONDER POINT THE BIG GOD STORY REMEMBER VERSE The Loving Father


GOAL: Worship & welcome is all about engaging kids and helping them enter into worship, letting

them know that class has begun preparing their minds for what they are going to hear. Establishes

community and engages kids, drawing them in and preparing them to hear God’s word.


What’sIt: Pigs

VIDEO: Wardrobe of Wonder Intro

Choose 1 volunteer. Volunteer picks two hats from wardrobe one for himself, one for host. Tell other kids to put on their “imaginary thinking caps”. Volunteer peeks in the What’s It box. Host gives 3 clues, kids get to vote on what they think it is.

Then as host you say….

If you think our clue is a , raise your hand.

If you think our clue is a , raise your hand.

If you think our clue is a , raise your hand.

Let the child volunteer tell which answer is correct!

I wonder why there is a ________ in the wardrobe? Let’s find out in the Big God


9:20-9:35 The Big God Story (12-15 minutes): Creates space for children to hear God’s word.

BIG GOD STORY (Storyteller see page 3 and following)

VIDEO: The Big Story Intro

9:35-9:42 Mail Time & Worship (7 minutes): Teaches the importance of memorizing scripture.


VIDEO: Mail Time Intro

Choose 2 kids one to hide and one to find the mail

Way to say your verse! Now let’s all keep standing and sing a song!


WORSHIP VIDEO: What do You Know?

WORSHIP VIDEO: Super Wonderful

Dismiss to Small Groups

9:42-9:58 Small Groups (16 minutes): Kids respond in small groups to what they heard in the Big God Story.

9:58-10:00 Dismiss (2 minutes): Allows children to practice their memory verse and be sent out with a sense of peace so they can be a blessing to others.

(See page 8 for 10:15 schedule and rotations.)

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Point out that what kids are about to hear is true and is recorded in the Bible. Open your Bible to

the passage and leave it open and visible throughout The Big God Story. Invite kids to open their

Bibles and follow along as you story tell. Children respond to what the Holy Spirit is teaching

them as they reflect on the day’s portion of The Big God Story.

STORYTELLING - 12 minutes (Storyteller) Show ring. How would you feel if someone gave you a ring as a present Volunteers answer. Listen

to find out who received a beautiful ring. (Hold Bible open to Luke 15 as you tell the following story.)

One day Jesus told a story about a father and his two sons. They lived on a big farm. The father

loved his sons. He took good care of them. They had everything they needed.

One day, after the boys were grown, the younger son said to his father, "You said I would get part of your money someday. Well, I want my part of your money now! I want to go live

somewhere else."

The father did not want his son to go away, but he gave his son the money. The boy took the money and packed his bags. He waved goodbye. He walked and walked. The father didn't stop

loving his son just because he went far away. No, the father still loved his son.

While the boy was far away, he spent his father's money for fancy food and clothes. He paid for big parties. He spent and spent and SPENT his money. One day all his money was gone. His fancy clothes got torn. He didn't have food to eat. Finally, he had to take a job feeding some pigs. It was hard work. He was dirty and tired. And he was SO hungry, he wished he could eat

the pigs' food!

While he took care of the pigs, the son thought about his father's farm. He said to himself, The men who work for my father have more food than they can eat! Here I am, starving to death. The son knew he had made his father sad. The son said, "I will go back to my father and tell him,

'Father, I'm sorry.' Maybe he'll at least give me some food to eat."

The son walked for a long time. Finally, he could see his father's farm. He could see his father's

house! And then he could see someone running toward him. Who was it? His FATHER!

The Prayer of Release allows children and leaders to pause, be still, and ask God to quiet their

hearts and minds. Before you pray, you might ask the kids to hold out their hands, palms up, in a

spirit of releasing their worries and distractions in order to better receive what the Holy Spirit

might have for them today. Then encourage the kids to quiet their voices, take a seat, and pray

with you. Supplies for Story: Ring

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The son said, "Oh, Father, I've spent all the money. I have done so many wrong things. I am

very sorry!"

The father hugged his son and forgave him. The father told his workers, "Bring my son the

best robe in the house! Give him new shoes and a beautiful ring! Let's have a big party!

The son was glad that his father was kind to him. The son was thankful for his father's

forgiveness. And the son was VERY glad that his father never stopped loving him.

God is like the father in our story. He loves us, and He forgives us when we do wrong. God wants us to forgive others, too. The Bible says, "Forgive each other." (Optional: Review story by using pages 382-387 in God's Story for Me Bible storybook.)

Talk About Why was the son happy when he left his home? What happened to the son's money? What did the son decide to do? What did the father do when the son came home? The Bible says, "Forgive each other." We can show God's love by forgiving others. We can be kind, even when others are unkind. The father was kind and forgave his son. We can forgive the people in our families, too. God promises to help us forgive. Pray briefly.

Storyteller @ 10:15 “Forgive each other.” See Colossians 3:13

Work on Memory Verse Holding your Bible open to Colossians 3:13, say verse aloud.

Has anyone ever done an unkind thing to you? Listen carefully to children’s responses. To forgive means to be kind to someone who has been unkind to you. You might say “I forgive you.” Lead children in repeating the verse while doing the following motions: “Forgive,” stomp one foot on each syllable; “each,” clap hands; other,” wiggle fingers in air. Repeat

verse and motions several times.

Let’s play “Follow the Father.” Children line up behind you as you recite this rhyme, moving in the

way you choose.

Here is the father who went down the road, Hoping to see if his son had come home. I think

he (marched).

Children follow and imitate your action as you move across the room.

Invite a volunteer to choose a different way to move (tiptoed, walked

backwards, etc.). Recite the rhyme each time you move.

2. When everyone has had a turn, end the game. Shade your eyes saying,

Look! Look! There on the road!

Someone is coming. The son’s coming home! (Cheer loudly!)

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GOAL: Kids respond in small groups to what they heard in the Big God Story.

Talk To Learn


• Activity Page (one per kid)

• Bible

• Crayons

• Activity Stickers (one set per kid)


Hand out Talk Time activity pages and demonstrate how to complete the page. Distribute sticker

pages and crayons or markers. As children complete their own page, talk about the items on the


Make sure children do front and back sides of their activity page.

After kids finish their papers use the following questions to keep the kids talking and to give them

review of the Bible story.


Why was the son happy when he left his home?

What happened to the son's money? What did the son decide to do?

What did the father do when the son came home?

The Bible says, "Forgive each other." We can show God's love by forgiving others. We can

be kind, even when others are unkind.

The father was kind and forgave his son. We can forgive the people in our families, too.

God promises to help us forgive. Pray briefly.

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Host will welcome kids to Critter Land. Worship Leader will lead kids in a time of worship and allow kids to give offering.

Song 1: Hosanna Rock Song 2: Jesus I Will Follow

Play Station (Play)—Kids will have time to play and enjoy each others company.

Different play options will be provided.

Big God Story (BGS)—The storyteller will present the Bible lesson and Work on memory Verse.

Read Aloud Story (RA Story) (In 10:15 Bin)

1. Pass out coloring sheet and set crayons on the table.

2. Read Aloud the Story while children color their page. (In 10:15 Bin)

3. Bathroom Break—Give children the opportunity to go to the bathroom and

get a drink from the water fountain

4. Make sure children have their name on their coloring page.

Kids will regather in Large

Group space for pick up


Transition DVD/Video:

10:30 - 10:43 10:45 - 10:58 11:00 - 11:15

Owls Play (113) BGS (114) RA story (115)

Bunnies RA story (116)

Turtles RA Story (115) Play (113) BGS (114)

Frogs RA Story (116)

Snails BGS (114) RA Story (115) Play (113)

Squirrels RA Story (117)

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Stories of real people living wayward lives and

then returning to God for forgiveness can be

found throughout the Bible (e.g., God’s people

during the Exodus), but Jesus’ story about the

prodigal son seems so much more personal.

Happily, it’s the very nature of God to continue

to call His people back to Him, to forgive them

and to set them on the right course again. It’s why Jesus

came to Earth and died on the cross to pay for our sins. Today

we can be grateful that God’s forgiveness knows no time limit.

➥ What is your story of forgiveness? Have you shared it with anyone lately?

➥ How has God’s love and forgiveness changed you?

Once we have become believers and are living lives closer to God, it is possible to become

negligent in coming to the Father and asking to be cleansed of “small” infractions—unkind words,

selfish actions, wrong thoughts, etc. Yet when we bring these sins to God, He graciously forgives

us. And He wants us to demonstrate forgiveness to others. Expressing forgiveness to young

children is a concrete way for them to begin to understand God’s forgiveness as well as to help

them extend forgiveness to others.