Feb 2020 Newsletter - Healthy World Sedona: Compassionate … · 2020-02-01 · Issue 39, February...

Issue 39, February 1, 2020 HWS NEWS Calendar and upcoming events - p. 2 VegFest Photo Collage - p. 3 My Plant-Based Stor y: Enr ica Sacca - p. 4 Plant-Based Cooking: Tips - p. 6 Recipe of the Month: Gooey Mushroom Quesadillas P. 7 Tips-Quips-Snippets - p. 8 Where to eat out? - pp. 9-10 IN THIS ISSUE Healthyworldsedona.com 1 Sedona VegFest Meets Zero Waste Goal! Sedona VegFest 2020 has successfully become the first-ever large-scale, annual Sedona event to achieve Zero Waste status. ?Zero Waste? is defined as 90% or more of waste diverted from the landfill. The planning team worked all year in lockstep with Compost Crowd to create a plan, invest in reusable items, and coordinate with all stakeholders leading up to the event this month. MeetGreen.com tells us that the average attendee of a conference produces 4.16 pounds of waste per day of the event, making the events/meeting industry the second most wasteful industry after building and construction. The total amount of waste from the Sedona VegFest, with 750 attendees over two days, was 341.5 lbs, and all but 32.6 lbs was diverted from the landfill through composting. HWS acknowledges that our responsibility to the planet expands beyond a plant-based lifestyle and prioritized the Zero Waste target in a major way this year. We enlisted Compost Crowd to coordinate all Zero Waste efforts which included: eliminating avoidable single-use items like cutlery, plates, bowls, and mugs, communicating with vendors about providing recyclable packaging for their food products for sale, working closely with the concessions business, Balsamic Mercy, about encouraging customers to opt for reusable serveware over single-use to-go options, educating attendees throughout the event, and training volunteers to staff the three Zero Waste Stations. Because of the teamwork of all stakeholders ?planners, vendors, chefs, concessions, attendees, and volunteers, the awesome leadership of Kathleen Ventura and Brock Delinski of Compost Crowd, and meticulous planning, Sedona VegFest diverted just over 91% of all event waste from the landfill. This included composting food scraps and compostable serveware with Compost Crowd, self-sorting paper, cardboard, and accepted plastics at Sedona Recycles, and eliminating a tremendous amount of waste from being created in the first place by providing reusable options. The planning team feels strongly we can even improve on that number next year based on observations and feedback. For example, it was not taken into account that many attendees would bring landfill items such as single-use Starbucks cups from outside the event, adding unforeseen waste. Vendors also could be encouraged to ensure single-use serveware (for samples) that is recyclable in Sedona. This is a major milestone for Sedona. More and more annual Sedona events are beginning to upgrade their sustainability game and raise the bar for business-as-usual. Brock Delinski & Kathleen Ventura

Transcript of Feb 2020 Newsletter - Healthy World Sedona: Compassionate … · 2020-02-01 · Issue 39, February...

  • Issue 39, February 1, 2020


    Calendar and upcom ing events - p. 2

    VegFest Photo Col l age - p. 3

    My Plant-Based Stor y: Enr i ca Sacca - p. 4

    Plant-Based Cook ing: Tips - p. 6

    Recipe of the Month: Gooey Mushr oom Quesadi l l as P. 7

    Tips-Quips-Snippets - p. 8

    Wher e to eat out? - pp. 9-10




    Sedona VegFest Meet s Zero Wast e Goal!Sedona VegFest 2020 has successful ly become the f i r st-ever large-scale, annual Sedona event to achieve Zero Waste status. ?Zero Waste? is defined as 90% or more of waste diver ted from the landfi l l .

    The planning team worked al l year in lockstep w ith Compost Crowd to create a plan, invest in r eusable i tems, and coordinate w ith al l stakeholders leading up to the event this month. MeetGreen.com tel ls us that the average attendee of a conference produces 4.16 pounds of waste per day of the event, making the events/meeting industr y the second most wasteful industr y after bui lding and constr uction. The total amount of waste from the Sedona VegFest, w i th 750 attendees over two days, was 341.5 lbs, and al l but 32.6 lbs was diver ted from the landfi l l through composting. HWS acknow ledges that our r esponsibi l i ty to the planet expands beyond a plant-based l i festyle and pr ior i tized the Zero Waste target in a major way this year. We enlisted Compost Crowd to coordinate al l Zero Waste effor ts which included: el iminating

    avoidable single-use i tems l ike cutler y, plates, bow ls, and mugs, communicating w ith vendors about providing r ecyclable packaging for their food products for sale, working closely w ith the concessions business, Balsamic Mercy, about encouraging customers to opt for r eusable ser veware over single-use to-go options, educating attendees throughout the event, and tr aining volunteers to staff the three Zero Waste Stations.

    Because of the teamwork of al l stakeholders ?planners, vendors, chefs, concessions, attendees, and volunteers, the awesome leadership of Kathleen Ventura and Brock Delinski of Compost Crowd, and meticulous planning, Sedona VegFest diver ted just over 91% of al l event waste from the landfi l l . This included composting food scraps and compostable ser veware w ith Compost Crowd, self-sor ting paper , cardboard, and accepted plastics at Sedona Recycles, and el iminating a tr emendous amount of waste from being created in the f i r st place by providing r eusable options.

    The planning team feels strongly we can even improve on that number next year based on obser vations and feedback. For example, i t was not taken into account that many attendees would br ing landfi l l i tems such as single-use Starbucks cups from outside the event, adding unforeseen waste. Vendors also could be encouraged to ensure single-use ser veware (for samples) that is r ecyclable in Sedona.

    This is a major mi lestone for Sedona. More and more annual Sedona events are beginning to upgrade their sustainabi l i ty game and raise the bar for business-as-usual.

    Brock Delinski & Kathleen Ventura


  • Cal endar

    Mar ch 5

    Conscious Liv ing Pot luck , 5:30 p.m. Topic TBA . Br ing a vegan dish to share. RSVP at meetup.com.

    f ebr uar y 20Food for Li fe: Reaching a Heal thy Weight , noon-1:00 pm , Verde Valley Medical Center , Conf Rm B


    Febr uar y 6Food for Li fe: Fight i ng Cancer w i th your For k , 5:15-6:15 pm , Verde Valley Medical Center , Conf Rm B

    f ebr uar y 13Food for Li fe: Foods that Love Your Hear t , 5:15-7"15 pm , Verde Valley Medical Center , Conf Rm B

    f ebr uar y 27Food for Li fe: Foods that Soothe & Aid Digest i on , 5:15-6:15 pm , Verde Valley Medical Center , Conf Rm B

    The Food for Life class that started January 30, taught by Chris Kalinich at Verde Valley Medical Center, was so popular that some folks had to be turned away due to the room size. The good news is that the six-part series is scheduled again starting March

    26 (see below). Reserve your spot now!

    Sust ainabil i t y All iance Present s Sust ainable Solut ions Speaker Ser ies

    Star ting in the spr ing of 2020, the Sustainabi l i ty Al l iance w i l l be offer ing fr ee public presentations and discussions around Sustainable Solutions. In 2020, the theme is ?How we can address the cl imate cr isis?? Each quar ter , the ser ies w i l l examine the r elationship between cl imate change and another issue (i .e. food, energy, consumption, water ) at four di f ferent scales: home, community, state and nations.

    Learn what you and your community can do both to r educe your cl imate impacts and prepare for the predicted, inevi table changes.


    Free, open to the public: Fr idays, from 9-11am at OLLI (Yavapai College Sedona Campus)

    - March 20? What you can do at home- March 27? What we can do in our community- Apr i l 3? What needs to happen at the state level- Apr i l 10? What nations are doing and what else we should


    f ebr uar y 21

    Food for Li fe: Foods to Fight Disease, 5:15-6:15 pm , Verde Valley Medical Center , Conf Rm B

    f ebr uar y 23Save the Date for Sunday Supper , 3:00 p.m., home of Don Fr ies and Bev Bow. Detai ls to fol low in a separate mai l ing.


  • 3

    Sedona VegFest 2020Click here for more VegFest Photos


  • My Plant-Based Stor y Enrica Sacca

    We had the pleasure of meeting Enrica last fall when she was visiting Sedona from her home in New York. She is a passionate organizer and spokesperson for

    plant-based living, and with her partners in Plant-Powered Metro New York is transforming NYC!


    HWS:Thanks for tal k ing w i th m e. Tel l m e a bi t about your plant-base jour ney.

    ES: I am a typical New Yorker - f i r st generation Ital ian-Amer ican. I star ted out w ith my grandmother feeding me a ver y Mediter r anean diet, and then my mother developed Western ways of eating. She was inf luenced by marketing about the need to eat meat, and so our diets changed drastical ly. My grandmother came over from Italy late in her years, and she was the one who took care of me when my mother went off to work. I was eating a lot of legumes, and pasta fagiol i . Then suddenly we were eating meat al l the time. And as far back as I can remember , I star ted developing stomachaches and i r r i table bowel. I think I was in kindergar ten when I can remember being in school and suffer ing, and the teacher coming to look for me, and asking ?Are you okay??

    HWS: So pr oblem s star ted at a ver y young age.

    ES: Yes, but you keep on moving through l i fe. You just get used to things because you think, that?s the way i t is. My mother was busy working in a factor y. My father had a l i ttle barber shop. They were just doing their ow n thing, but in the meantime we al l got sick. My father developed type 2 diabetes, my mother had thyroid surger y. Eventually she developed l iver disease. I t?s just incredible how we can al l move through l i fe, functioning and tr ying to do things, and go to school and work, but we never slow dow n, stop and pay attention to our health. We?re al l on automatic. That?s who we were.

    HWS: What caused you to change?

    ES: I t changed for me when I par tnered up w ith somebody, Steve, who lost both his parents six months apar t from hear t disease when he was 18. He was my par tner for ten years, and he was the one who said no, don?t accept this.

    HWS: How old wer e you when you m et Steve?

    ES: For ty-f ive.

    HWS: You had a l ot of year s of poor heal th .

    ES: A l i fetime. I t?s crazy. I was a meat and potato gir l . He was only eating f ish at the time we met,

    and I ser ved him a steak on our f i r st date. He ate i t to make me happy. The f i r st thing we got r id of was dair y. Then through the years we star ted giving up more and more. Over time, w ith calm and clar i ty, he made me realize I had to pay attention to ever ything I was eating - ever ything. Slow ly, I?d give things up, and not always in a comfor table way. I would eat i t, and he?d say, ?I don?t think that?s a good idea,? and I?d get a stomachache and then the next time I wouldn?t eat i t. He really held my hand a lot. Once I r eal ized I could make a di f ference by paying attention to ever ything I ate, I got cer ti f ied by the eCornell Nutr i tion Studies Program, and that?s when I said, al l r ight I?m going to attach this to the science, and that?s when I r emember thinking, ?Wow , I feel r eal ly di f ferent.?

    HWS: You r eal l y not i ced a di f fer ence?

    ES: Yes, and one of the last things I gave up was the ol ive oi l . I t was the last of the battle. As an Ital ian, i t was almost sacr i legious. I mean ol ive oi l? Olive oil? But when I gave that up, w ithin a month?s time, I was no longer puffy or swollen. I no longer had any kind of water r etention. I could feel my body was so l ight. I t was amazing. I slowed dow n and star ted paying attention to food. When I was taking the eCornell course I thought, okay, I?m taking this 6-week course, and I?m going to prepare a di f ferent new recipe ever y day and total ly immerse myself in i t, and I did. I r eal ized, this is r eal, i t?s healing. The col i tis went away, and the thyroid problems - I was no longer on Synthroid - and I lost 15% of my body weight. My nai ls used to crack deeply, ver tical ly and that would hur t - no more cracked nai ls. I sleep l ike a rock. I put my head dow n on the pi l low and I don?t wake up unti l anywhere from six to eight hours.

    HWS: You went f r om doing th i s for your own heal th , to tak ing on a m ajor or ganizing r ole i n your com m uni ty. Tal k about that .

    ES: Once I r ead al l of the data and I got the cer ti f ication, I r eal ized, wow , i t is cr iminal that this education is not getting out to people. We?re having a health cr isis. Ever ybody has the r ight to know what belongs in our bodies and what doesn?t.

    Continued on page 5


  • And ever ybody gets to have suppor t to let go of stuff . I f I can do i t, anybody can do i t. I was a carnivore. I loved the deep fatty taste of cocoa mi lk and al l that stuff . I?m also a foodie. I f I could take away something my palate was addicted to, and detox from i t, anybody can do i t. We just need to suppor t each other. We can heal, and we can have healthy l ives. This has to get out there. We get to know this. I t?s a beauti ful gi f t. We?ve lost our way and we need to f ind our way back.

    HWS: Tel l m e about your gr oup.

    ES: I star ted a group because I wasn?t being heard. I can understand why people can?t hear this, because i t?s l ike, ?Yeah, yeah, eat your vegetables.? But i t?s not just veganism or eating your vegetables. I t?s the whole package. Whole food plant-based nutr i tion. Whole food. And people can?t hear i t. There?s too much noise. For the sake of my family I thought, I need to step out of my inner cir cle,

    because i f I could step out into the next cir cle, and the outer cir cle, they might hear me. I might make a di f ference, and there might be hope that my ow n family would say, ?What?s going on? What?s she up to?? By doing this, I r eal ized, wow there are a lot of people out here - people who are sick and are r eady to turn their l ives around. That was my motivation, the love w ithin my family, and not being heard. I needed a suppor t group and to connect w ith other people, and I found them.

    HWS: You star ted a gr oup in Queens?

    ES: I star ted Plant-Powered Queens. Lianna Levine-Reisner star ted Plant-Powered Manhattan six months pr ior. Then I met Mitch out on Long Island, Roger in the Bronx, and probably w ithin nine months we came together through the power of Lianna, and we formed Plant-Powered Metro New York. And now we?re f lying fast, r eal ly fast!

    HWS: What ar e som e of the th ings you?r e doing?

    ES:Within a few months we became a 501(c)(3) not-for -prof i t. We?ve got events al l over the ci ty, from movie screenings to tastings, to health ser ies, par tner ing up w ith Catholic Char i ties, and w ith major gyms. We are anywhere and ever ywhere where we can tel l people this is r eal, and i t?s the new health and wellness. I t can keep you healthy, and in many cases r everse disease.

    HWS: What i s m ost r ewar ding i n th i s wor k for you?

    ES: My most r ecent r ewarding moment was going to City Tech College in Brooklyn w ith the Coali tion for Healthy School Food. We brought in a doctor from Bellevue to do a talk to incoming nurses. I t?s amazing to hear incoming nurses say, ?Wow , you can reverse type 2 diabetes in three months?? I t is so tr ansformative to be able to tel l that to a cl inician or potential cl inician, and to be heard.

    HWS: What do you f i nd m ost f r ust r at i ng?

    ES: The most fr ustr ating thing is watching somebody who is sick and not know ing enough. I know somebody who has tumors in his bladder , and he makes sure he?s eating his Greek yogur t ever y day. This means he?s getting his dai ly dose of [cancer -promoting] IGF1 and casein, and I think, ?Oh no.? I f ind that hard, when i t?s scienti f ical ly proven and I know i t. The only way to stay af loat and get away from that, because i t?s so sad, is to do good. Do as much good as possible w ith food demos and talks and potlucks and having pioneer doctor s come in.

    HWS: What?s your i deal f u tur e?

    ES: What I see is people saying, ?Wow , I get this! Wow , I feel so much di f ferent! Wow , I get to eat al l of this and I sti l l don?t put on weight? And I can sleep better.? And then I see people having other awakenings, l ike our soi l , and the environment. You take care of yourself f i r st, l ike the oxygen mask on a plane, you heal yourself . Then you take care of the person next to you, and then the ear th. We need to take care of this ear th. I t al l f lows natural ly. That?s how i t happened for me. All of a sudden, I star ted paying attention to my garden, and the soi l and compost and recycl ing. I t just al l comes together natural ly.

    HWS: I f som eone was at the beginn ing stages of t r ansi t i on, what advi ce would you give them ?

    ES: Never stop learning. Never stop looking. That?s how i t worked for me. I t was always documentar ies, and tastings, and shar ing and communicating. Always being open to possibi l i ty. There are so many people out there r ight now who w i l l embrace other people, because the shi f t is so wonder ful and intense, and nobody has any agenda. I have come across so many people in the plant-powered wor ld who volunteer their time, just to let other people know. I think i t was Nelson Campbell who said, ?The tr uth is a stubborn thing: I t doesn?t go away.?And I?m not going away. I?m not going anywhere.

    I want people to know that l iving in a whole food plant-based wor ld is just as good as before. I don?t miss anything. We just have to r eprogram and learn di f ferent things. I want them to know that i t?s f ine on the other side - i t?s beauti ful.

    we've l ost our

    way and we need t o

    f ind our way back

    Enrica Sacca (continued from page 4)


  • Plant -Based Cook ing TipsThis month we're offering some general tips to make things easier in your kitchen

    Happy Cook ing!


    Make the m ost of your f r eezer

    We all know we can keep frozen veggies and leftovers in the fr eezer. But here are some other uses: Peel fr esh ginger and fr eeze i t. I t w i l l keep much longer , and also be easier to grate. And for other fr esh herbs, l ike ci lantro, basi l and parsley, that tend to go bad before you can use them up, wash and chop them, and then put them in a si l icone ice cube tr ay, cover w ith water and fr eeze. When you need them to add to a r ecipe, just pop out a cube. Simi lar ly, you can fr eeze tomato paste, stock and sauces in ice cube tr ays. And don't toss those vegetable tr immings. Keep a container for them in the fr eezer , and when you have a bunch, make them into vegetable stock for soups and stews.

    Rol l your ci t r us befor e sl i ci ng

    Sometimes al l a dish needs is a squeeze of lemon or l ime to take i t to the next level. To get the most juice out of your ci tr us, rol l i t on a cutting board before sl icing in.

    Wr i te i n your cookbooks

    Soup could have used more tomato? Muff ins needed ten more minutes in the oven? Make a note of i t and you?ll never make that mistake again.

    Use a dam p towel to keep a cut t i ng boar d i n place

    I t can be so annoying to tr y to chop on a cutting board that keeps sl iding al l over the counter. Lock i t in place by placing a damp dish towel underneath i t.

    Use the back side of your kn i fe to t r ansfer i ngr edients f r om a cut t i ng boar d

    When you drag your sharp kni fe across the cutting board, i t becomes dull . Just f l ip i t over for scraping and keep that sharp edge longer.

    Read the whole r ecipe befor e you star t cook ing

    Have you ever gotten par tway through a r ecipe to f ind out that one of the ingredients needed to mar inate for three hours, or soak overnight? Ugh. To avoid having to stop in mid-str eam, or make a mid-cooking grocer y-store tr ip, r ead the r ecipe from front to back? careful ly? before you star t.

    Cook gr ains and beans in double batches

    Prepping grains in mass quanti ties is less about taste than convenience. Rice, quinoa and even oatmeal last about a week in the fr idge after being cooked. Just double the measurements and store the leftovers, which are then so convenient to use up throughout the week. And you can put cooked beans in glass jar s and fr eeze them unti l your need them.

    Don't always r ely on sal t

    You?ve probably heard that whenever a dish is lacking a l i ttle something, the best thing to do is toss in some salt. But we know salt is not good for health, and there are other options for taste. When you?re tasting a dish at the end and you think i t needs a l i ttle oomph, often i t just needs a splash of acid (l ike lemon juice) to round out the f lavor , or tr y a bi t of nutr i tional yeast for complexi ty.

  • Gooey Mushr oom Quesadi l l asAdapted from a r ecipe by Katie Koteen and Kate Kasbee in their book Frugal Vegan

    If you miss the gooey texture of melted cheese, give these quesadillas a try. You'll be amazed!

    Ingr edients

    8 oz extr a f i rm tofu, drained

    1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoons water

    2 tablespoons plus 2 teaspoons tapioca f lour

    1 1/2 tablespoons nutr i tional yeast

    1 1/2 teaspooons lemon juice

    3/4 teaspoon gar l ic powder

    3/4 teaspoon salt

    2 cups cremeni mushrooms, f inely chopped

    1 teaspoon red pepper f lakes (or to taste)

    4 whole wheat tor ti l las

    Pico de gallo or salsa for ser ving

    Pr epar at i onTo m ake the cheese:

    1. Press the tofu w ith several layer s of paper towel to r emove as much water as possible.

    2. Break the tofu into a few small pieces and add them to the bow l of a food processor , fol lowed by the water , tapioca f lour , nutr i tional yeast, lemon juice, gar l ic powder and salt. Blend unti l completely smooth.

    3. Using a non-stick ski l let, sauté the mushrooms in a small amount of water unti l softened, about 3

    minutes. Remove from heat and set aside.

    4. Transfer the cheese mixture to a small saucepan and sti r constantly over low heat. The cheese w i l l begin to clump and eventually become gooey. Add the r ed pepper f lakes and continue sti r r ing for another minute or so. Add the sautéed mushrooms to the cheese mixture and sti r to evenly combine. Remove from heat.

    To Assem ble and Cook the Quesadi l l as:

    1. Lay the tor ti l las f lat and spread one half w i th a quar ter of the cheese mixture. Fold the tor ti l las in half and press l ightly to seal.

    2.Wipe the non-stick ski l let you used to cook the mushrooms w ith a paper towel. Return the ski l let to medium heat and cook the quesadi l las unti l l ightly brow n and cr ispy, about 2 minutes on each side. Repeat w ith the r emaining three tor ti l las.

    Fr om Dr . Michael Klaper 's Medicine Capsule newslet ter :

    With one choice, our body star ts becoming healthier w ith ever y meal and the cost of our being on this planet ? in mater ials used, energy consumed and waste generated ? r educes by orders of magnitude. In this next year or three, i f most of us humans evolve our dietar y choices to plant-predominant or , better , vegan, then the vast lands now used to grow feed corn and soybeans for animal feed can be used to grow foods for people. We could feed al l humans on this planet a nour ishing and satisfying diet. Wor ld hunger ? and w ith i t, much wor ld str i fe ? would largely disappear and the people would become healthier , as individuals and a society. That would fr ee up tr i l l ions of dol lar s to f ix the infr astr ucture, send our young people to col lege, make the internet avai lable to ever yone, and br ing modern society?s blessings to each person. Ver y impor tantly, the natural wor ld would begin to heal. With so much less land needed to grow food, the forests would begin to r eturn. The eroding soi ls would stabi l ize, less pesticides and herbicides would be sprayed, the r iver s would begin to r un clear again, the animals would r eturn and greenhouse gases would be sequestered in the new plant l i fe. Al l this for the simple act of choosing a plant-predominant diet.


    Recipe of t he Mont h

  • Tips, Quips and Snippet s


    Lim er i ck of the Monthby Sheron Foster

    Well the cl imate is changing, i t 's tr ue.

    But vegans have a great point of view :

    Grow just FOOD on a farm,

    NOT animals ~ that's harm!

    To them, the planet, me & YOU!

    Got Rhymes? Let us publish your limerick! Send it to [email protected].

    Check out t h is pat ient 's st ory

    In the medical journal BMJ Case Reports, Dr. Thomas Campbell reports on the impact of a plant-based diet on advanced kidney disease in a patient with type-2 diabetes. Read a summary.

    New t o Plant -Based Eat ing?Here's a great new resource from the Forks Over Knives folks: How to Eat Plant-Based. I t includes answers to common questions, plus the fol low ing highl ights:

    - How to roast and saute w ithout oi l

    - 5 ways to make healthy habits stick

    - Pro tips for dining out- Ki tchen Reboot: What to

    keep, what to toss, what to buy

    - Best Basics: 10 awesome homemade sauces, salad dressings, and condiments

    - A col lection of our favor i te breakfast, lunch, dinner , snack, and desser t r ecipes

    - Plus: a 5-day meal plan (w ith a shopping l ist and weekend prep plan) to get you star ted

    To all t he volunt eers, exhibit ors, speakers and sponsors who cam e t oget her t o m ake Sedona VegFest , and t he Sedona Healt h & Nut r it ion

    Conference, wonder ful exper iences for all who at t ended. We are so grat eful!

    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utm_source=Master+List&utm_campaign=jan20&utm_medium=email&utm_term=rapidresponseletter+linkshttps://nutritionstudies.org/treating-kidney-disease-with-plant-based-nutrition/?utm_source=Master+List&utm_campaign=jan20&utm_medium=email&utm_term=rapidresponseletter+linkshttps://nutritionstudies.org/treating-kidney-disease-with-plant-based-nutrition/?utm_source=Master+List&utm_campaign=jan20&utm_medium=email&utm_term=rapidresponseletter+linkshttps://nutritionstudies.org/treating-kidney-disease-with-plant-based-nutrition/?utm_source=Master+List&utm_campaign=jan20&utm_medium=email&utm_term=rapidresponseletter+linkshttps://nutritionstudies.org/treating-kidney-disease-with-plant-based-nutrition/?utm_source=Master+List&utm_campaign=jan20&utm_medium=email&utm_term=rapidresponseletter+linkshttps://nutritionstudies.org/treating-kidney-disease-with-plant-based-nutrition/?utm_source=Master+List&utm_campaign=jan20&utm_medium=email&utm_term=rapidresponseletter+linkshttps://nutritionstudies.org/treating-kidney-disease-with-plant-based-nutrition/?utm_source=Master+List&utm_campaign=jan20&utm_medium=email&utm_term=rapidresponseletter+linkshttps://nutritionstudies.org/treating-kidney-disease-with-plant-based-nutrition/?utm_source=Master+List&utm_campaign=jan20&utm_medium=email&utm_term=rapidresponseletter+linkshttps://nutritionstudies.org/treating-kidney-disease-with-plant-based-nutrition/?utm_source=Master+List&utm_campaign=jan20&utm_medium=email&utm_term=rapidresponseletter+linkshttps://nutritionstudies.org/treating-kidney-disease-with-plant-based-nutrition/?utm_source=Master+List&utm_campaign=jan20&utm_medium=email&utm_term=rapidresponseletter+linkshttps://nutritionstudies.org/treating-kidney-disease-with-plant-based-nutrition/?utm_source=Master+List&utm_campaign=jan20&utm_medium=email&utm_term=rapidresponseletter+linkshttps://nutritionstudies.org/treating-kidney-disease-with-plant-based-nutrition/?utm_source=Master+List&utm_campaign=jan20&utm_medium=email&utm_term=rapidresponseletter+linkshttps://www.forksoverknives.com/product/how-to-eat-plant-based/?utm_campaign=1.13.2020%20Beginner%27s%20Guide%20in%20Shop%20%28QCrDyz%29&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Klaviyo&_ke=eyJrbF9lbWFpbCI6ICJiZXZlcmx5YW5uYm93QGdtYWlsLmNvbSIsICJrbF9jb21wYW55X2lkIjogIktDSE5FYSJ9#gs.vlohi9https://www.forksoverknives.com/product/how-to-eat-plant-based/?utm_campaign=1.13.2020%20Beginner%27s%20Guide%20in%20Shop%20%28QCrDyz%29&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Klaviyo&_ke=eyJrbF9lbWFpbCI6ICJiZXZlcmx5YW5uYm93QGdtYWlsLmNvbSIsICJrbF9jb21wYW55X2lkIjogIktDSE5FYSJ9#gs.vlohi9https://www.forksoverknives.com/product/how-to-eat-plant-based/?utm_campaign=1.13.2020%20Beginner%27s%20Guide%20in%20Shop%20%28QCrDyz%29&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Klaviyo&_ke=eyJrbF9lbWFpbCI6ICJiZXZlcmx5YW5uYm93QGdtYWlsLmNvbSIsICJrbF9jb21wYW55X2lkIjogIktDSE5FYSJ9#gs.vlohi9https://www.forksoverknives.com/product/how-to-eat-plant-based/?utm_campaign=1.13.2020%20Beginner%27s%20Guide%20in%20Shop%20%28QCrDyz%29&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Klaviyo&_ke=eyJrbF9lbWFpbCI6ICJiZXZlcmx5YW5uYm93QGdtYWlsLmNvbSIsICJrbF9jb21wYW55X2lkIjogIktDSE5FYSJ9#gs.vlohi9

  • 9

    ?Wher e to Eat?

    Do you wonder wher e to eat out i n the Ver de Val l ey? Ever y m onth HWS News publ i shes a l i st of r estaur ants that have vegan opt i ons, now ex panded w i th m or e i n for m at ion! Cl i ck the r estaur ant nam e to v i si t i t s websi te.

    Do you have a favor i te place w i th vegan opt i ons? Em ai l us at info@healthywor ldsedona.com and we' l l add i t to the l i st nex t m onth.

    Restaur ants on the l i st m ust have at l east one plant-based ent r ée i tem l i sted on the m enu. Restaur ants l i sted i n r ed ar e vegan or have a separ ate vegan m enu.

    Continued on page 10

    Bom baz Gr i l l . Vegan options noted on the menu, plus they w i l l accommodate special r equests such as "oi l fr ee". Casual, Southwestern food. 3900 E. Western Dr., Cottonwood. Sun.11-5, Tue-Thur 11-9, Fr i -Sat 11-10. Closed Mon. (928) 963-6655.

    Canyon Br eeze. Mexican cantina offer s a blue corn vegan tamale. 300 N SR 89A, Sun-Thur 9-8, Fr i -Sat 9-9. (928-282-2112).

    Chipot le Mex ican Gr i l l . Many plant-based ingredients to bui ld you great tasting bur r i tos, bow ls, tacos, and more. 361 Forest Rd, Sedona. Dai ly 10:45am-10:00pm.

    ChocolaTr ee Or ganic Eater y. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner dai ly, except Wednesdays. The extensive menu is 100% organic, 100% gluten fr ee, and almost enti r ely plant-based. 1595 W Hw y 89A, Sedona. 9:00am to 9:00pm. dai ly; 11:00am to 9:00pm Wed. (928) 282-2997.

    Conscious Meals. A selection of vegan "grab 'n go" meals. 1710 W Hw y 89A, Sedona. 10:00am to 6:00pm dai ly - closed Monday. (928) 862-2991.

    Cr eekside Am er i can Bist r o. Offer s a vegan bento box for lunch or dinner , and other options that can be made vegan. 251 Hw y 179, Sedona. 7:30am ? 10:00pm.(928) 272-1705.

    Dahl & Di l uca. I tal ian cuisine w ith in a romantic setting. A couple of plant-based entreés, sides and desser ts. 2321 W Hw y 89A, Sedona. 5:00pm to closing ever y day. (928) 282-5219.

    Far side Bist r o. Mediter r anean Persian Cuisine, w ith good vegan options. Located in Cottonwood at 1075 S. State Route 260.Fr i .-Sat, 11:00am-9:00pm; Wed, Thurs & Sun, 11:00am-8:00pm. (928) 649-6563.

    Fr esh & Naur al Thai Ki tchen. Chef Pear l Pardee's long-awaited r estaurant is now open w ith many organic and vegan choices and options for oi l-fr ee on r equest.1439 Hw y 89A, Sedona. Dai ly, 12-8:30pm. (928) 862-4499.

    Ger ar do?s I tal i an Ki tchen. I tal ian pastas, salads, pizza and other specialties. Plant-based options, and w i l l ing to accommodate r equests. 2675 W Hw y 89A, Sedona. Tue-Sun, 3:00pm-9:30pm. (928) 862-4009.

    Indian Gar dens Café and Mar ket . Several options for sandw iches, soup or salad (just ask them to hold the cheese). Beauti ful garden setting in Oak Creek Canyon just 4 mi. nor th of Sedona. 3951 SR 89A, 7:30am-5:00pm, Mon.-Thur., 7:30am-6:00pm, Fr i .-Sun. (928) 282-7702.

    L'Auber ge de Sedona. For a special tr eat, L'Auberge now has vegan options on their Etch Kitchen + Bar menu, and a separate vegetar ian menu in their Pr ix-Fixe f ine dining r estaurant, Cress on Oak Creek. 301 L'Auberge Ln., (855) 905-5745.

    Local Ju i cer y. A chef-dr iven organic, cold-pressed juice bar and super food ki tchen. Organic juices, nut and seed mi lks, tonics, smoothies, açaí bow ls, seasonal salads, coffee, high-vibe vegan fare and raw tr eats. 3150 W Hw y 89A, Sedona. Mon-Sat 8:00am-5:00pm; Sun 10:00am-4:00pm. (928) 282-8932.

    Mai Thai On Main . Thai menu w ith cur r ies, sti r fr ies and other dishes w ith tofu or veggies -only options. 157 S Main St., Cottonwood. 11:30am-3:00pm; 4:30-9:00pm, Mon-Sat; closed Sunday. 928-649-2999.

    Mar iposa. Latin-Inspir ed Gr i l l . Plant-based options on both lunch and dinner menus. 700 W Hw y 89A, Sedona. Dai ly, 11:30am-2:30pm, lunch; 4:00pm-5:00pm tapas; 5:00pm-closing dinner. (928) 862-4444.

    Mesa Gr i l l . Offer s a great vegan burger bow l, veggie club sandw ich, vegetable plate and more. 1185 Air por t Rd, Sedona. Dai ly 7:00am-9:00pm. (928) 282-2400.

    Picazzo?s Or ganic I tal i an Ki tchen . Pizzas, pastas, salads, quinoa bow ls, and more. Now with a vegan-only menu; lots of gluten-fr ee choices, too. 1855 W Hw y 89A, Sedona. Sun-Thu 11:00am-9:00pm; Fr i -Sat 11:00am-10:00pm. (928) 282-4140.

    PussyCat Gelato This gelato shop, located in Uptow n inside Sacajwea Plaza, also has locations in Bisbee and Scottsdale. They offer a var iety of vegan, dair y-fr ee sorbets. 301 N. Highway 89A, Sedona. Fr i -Sat 12-8 pm, Mon-Thur 12-7 pm, closed Tue. (928) 593-9145.

    mailto:[email protected]://www.facebook.com/bombdotcom7/https://www.facebook.com/bombdotcom7/https://www.chipotle.comhttps://www.chipotle.comhttps://www.chipotle.comhttps://www.chipotle.comhttps://www.chipotle.comhttps://www.chipotle.comhttps://chocolatree.comhttps://chocolatree.comhttps://chocolatree.comhttp://creeksidesedona.comhttp://creeksidesedona.comhttp://creeksidesedona.comhttp://dahlanddiluca.comhttp://dahlanddiluca.comhttp://dahlanddiluca.comhttps://www.farsidebistro.comhttps://www.farsidebistro.comhttps://freshthaikitchen.comhttps://freshthaikitchen.comhttps://freshthaikitchen.comhttps://freshthaikitchen.comhttps://freshthaikitchen.comhttp://gerardositaliankitchen.comhttp://gerardositaliankitchen.comhttp://gerardositaliankitchen.comhttps://localjuicery.comhttp://indiangardens.comhttp://indiangardens.comhttp://indiangardens.comhttp://indiangardens.comhttp://indiangardens.comhttps://localjuicery.comhttps://www.lauberge.com/etch/https://www.lauberge.com/etch/https://www.lauberge.com/etch/https://localjuicery.comhttps://localjuicery.comhttp://www.maithaionmain.nethttp://www.maithaionmain.nethttp://www.maithaionmain.nethttp://www.maithaionmain.nethttp://mariposasedona.comhttp://mariposasedona.comhttp://mariposasedona.comhttp://mariposasedona.comhttp://mariposasedona.comhttp://mariposasedona.comhttp://mariposasedona.comhttp://mariposasedona.comhttp://mariposasedona.comhttp://mariposasedona.comhttp://mariposasedona.comhttp://mariposasedona.comhttp://mariposasedona.comhttp://mariposasedona.comhttp://mariposasedona.comhttp://mariposasedona.comhttp://mariposasedona.comhttp://mariposasedona.comhttp://mariposasedona.comhttp://mariposasedona.comhttp://mariposasedona.comhttps://mesagrillsedona.com/menu/lunch/https://mesagrillsedona.com/menu/lunch/http://www.picazzos.comhttp://www.picazzos.comhttp://www.picazzos.comhttp://www.picazzos.comhttp://pussycatgelato.comhttp://pussycatgelato.com

  • Where to Eat (continued from page 9)


    Red Chopst i ck . Chinese menu w ith many vegetable and tofu dishes.111 Bell Rock Plaza, VOC. Sun-Tue, 11 am to 9 pm, Thur -Sat, 11 am to 9:30 pm, closed Wed. 928-284-9088

    Red Rock Gelato Shoppe No need to skip desser t when you hur r y to that 7 pm movie. Located in the Harkins Plaza, you'l l f ind no fewer than f ive, dair y-fr ee sorbettos ever y day, and dair y-fr ee gelato as well ! 2055 W State Route 89A, Sedona. 11 am to 10 pm, ever y day. (928) 282-4490.

    Red Rooster Cafe. Lunch menu includes a hummus w rap (ask to hold the cheese) and salads. 901 N Main St, Cottonwood. Sun 7:30am-2:00pm, Mon-Sat 7:30am-3:30pm. (928) 649-8100.

    Red's Restaur ant . At Sedona Rouge Resor t and Spa. An extensive bar and w ine l ist, and nightly enter tainment. 2250 W Hw y 89A, Sedona. Dai ly 7:00am-9:00pm (10:00pm bar ).(928) 203-4111.

    Secr et Gar den Café. At Tlaquepaque Center. Lovely garden café w ith small indoor seating area and larger outdoor area. Includes vegan options for breakfast, lunch and dinner. 336 Hw y 179, Sedona. Dai ly 8:00am-8:00pm. (928) 203-9564.

    Sedona Com m uni ty Far m er s Mar ket . The Farmers Market, w inter season in the Wells Fargo parking lot on Hw y 89A, Sundays, noon to 4. Vendors offer fr esh vegetables, herbs, fr ui ts, and nuts, plus breads, canned goods, and other prepared i tems, al l from local growers and sel ler s.

    Sedona Poké Com pany. Bow ls include a vegan option w ith spr ing greens and/or brow n r ice for a base, and many veggie toppings. 2081 W SR 89A, Sedona. Dai ly, 11:00am-8:00pm. (928) 862-4197.

    Sedona Wel lness Ret r eat . Plant-based and organic lunch ser ved promptly at noon. Must cal l ahead to r eser ve a spot in this peaceful, quiet venue. 125 Kallof Place, Sedona, (928)239-4589.

    Szechuan . Chinese menu w ith a number of veggie options. Includes takeout or del iver y ser vice. 1350 W 89A, Sedona. Dai ly, 5:00pm-9:00pm. (928) 282-9288.

    Sound Bi tes Gr i l l . Ask for the al l-vegan menu! Nightly musical enter tainment in the Show Lounge, plus great outdoor seating. 101 N Hw y 89A, Sedona. Mon-Thu, 11:30am-9:00pm, unti l 10:00 pm Fr i /Sat. (928) 282-2713

    Tam al i za Café. Authentic Mexican cuisine, includes vegan tamales and enchi ladas. Tiny venue. Offer s takeout as well as dine-in options. 1155 W Hw y 89A, Sedona. Tue-Sat. 11:00am-7:00pm.

    Tar a Thai . Lots of veggie options. Located in the Vi l lage of Oak Creek at 34 Bell Rock Plaza. 11:00am-9:00pm, 12:00-9:00pm on Sun.(928) 284-9167.

    TC's Bar & Gr i l l . At Poco Diablo Resor t, 1752 Hw y 179, Sedona. Options include a vegan burger , sides, and pizzas and sandw iches that could be made w ithout cheese. Dai ly, 7:00am-1:30pm; 5:00-9:00pm.(877) 282-5755.

    Thai Palace. Thai menu w ith many meat-fr ee choices. Located in Uptow n Sedona at 260 Van Deren Rd.. Open dai ly 11:00am-9:00pm. Closed Wednesday.(928) 282-8424.

    Thai Spices Natur al Restaur ant . Master chef Pear l Pardee merges macrobiotic pr inciples w ith tr adi tional Thai cooking. Many dishes that can easi ly be made vegan. 2611 W Hw y 89A, Sedona. Mon-Sat 11:30am-2:30pm and 5:00pm-9:00pm; closed Sunday. 928-282-0599.

    Ti Gavo At Enchantment Resor t. Veggie burger , salad and an entrée option on both lunch and dinner menus. 525 Boynton Canyon Rd., Sedona. (928) 282-2900.

    Whole Foods Mar ket . In addition to an extensive r ange of healthy grocer y i tems, WF offer s a large ar ray of hot and cold prepared dishes buffet-style, w i th vegan i tems clear ly marked. Plenty of indoor and outdoor seating. 1420 W Hw y 89A, Sedona. Mon-Sat 11:00am-8:30pm; Sun 11:00am-7:30pm. (928)-282-6311.

    Wholesom e Fast Food . Located in Cottonwood at 704 S. Main St.A great place for yummy vegan w raps, smoothies and coffee dr inks. Tue-Fr i , 7:00am-6:00pm; Sat 8:00am-3:00pm; closed Sun/Mon. (928) 649-1212.

    Wi ldf l ower Br ead Com pany. Many vegan options, such as dai ly soups and salads that can be made vegan. Featur ing the V12 salad (12 vegetables). 101 N State Route 89A, Sedona. Mon-Fr i 6:00am-9:00pm; Sat 7:00am-9:00pm; Sun 7:00am-8:00pm.

    https://www.facebook.com/RedChopstick/?utm_source=tripadvisor&utm_medium=referralhttps://www.facebook.com/RedChopstick/?utm_source=tripadvisor&utm_medium=referralhttps://www.redrockgelato.com/about/https://www.redrockgelato.com/about/https://www.redrockgelato.com/about/https://www.redrockgelato.com/about/https://www.oldtownredroostercafe.comhttps://www.oldtownredroostercafe.comhttps://www.oldtownredroostercafe.comhttp://www.sedonarouge.com/reds-restaurant/http://www.sedonarouge.com/reds-restaurant/http://sedonasecretgardencafe.comhttp://sedonasecretgardencafe.comhttp://sedonasecretgardencafe.comhttp://sedonasecretgardencafe.comhttp://sedonasecretgardencafe.comhttp://sedona farmers markethttp://sedona farmers markethttp://sedona farmers markethttp://sedona farmers markethttp://sedonapokeco.comhttp://sedonapokeco.comhttp://sedonapokeco.comhttp://www.sedonawellnessretreat.comhttp://www.sedonawellnessretreat.comhttp://www.sedonawellnessretreat.comhttp://www.sedonawellnessretreat.comhttp://szechuansedona.nethttps://soundbitesgrill.com/vegan-options-at-sound-bites-grill/https://soundbitesgrill.com/vegan-options-at-sound-bites-grill/https://soundbitesgrill.com/vegan-options-at-sound-bites-grill/https://soundbitesgrill.com/vegan-options-at-sound-bites-grill/http://www.sedonatamaliza.com/tamaliza-cafe.htmlhttp://www.sedonatamaliza.com/tamaliza-cafe.htmlhttp://www.sedonatamaliza.com/tamaliza-cafe.htmlhttps://tarathaicuisine.wordpress.comhttps://tarathaicuisine.wordpress.comhttps://tarathaicuisine.wordpress.comhttp://www.pocodiablo.com/d/pocodiabloresponsive/media/PDFs/in-room_menus7.pdfhttp://www.pocodiablo.com/d/pocodiabloresponsive/media/PDFs/in-room_menus7.pdfhttp://www.pocodiablo.com/d/pocodiabloresponsive/media/PDFs/in-room_menus7.pdfhttp://www.pocodiablo.com/d/pocodiabloresponsive/media/PDFs/in-room_menus7.pdfhttp://www.thaipalaceaz.comhttp://www.thaipalaceaz.comhttp://www.thaispices.comhttp://www.thaispices.comhttp://www.thaispices.comhttp://www.thaispices.comhttp://www.thaispices.comhttps://www.enchantmentresort.com/tii_gavo_dining/https://www.enchantmentresort.com/tii_gavo_dining/http://www.wholesomefastfood.comhttp://www.wholesomefastfood.comhttp://www.wholesomefastfood.comhttps://www.wildflowerbread.com/locationhttps://www.wildflowerbread.com/locationhttps://www.wildflowerbread.com/location

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