Feb 2012 - Christian Motorcyclists Association | CMA USAUserFiles/YMFEB12.pdfNational Evangelists...

In a time of year when the word ‘love’ over- populates our every waking moment, and when the whole planet seems to be bedazzled by shiny hearts, it is important to cut through the hype and remember the centrality of love to our whole life of faith. It’s not overstating anything to say, it all began, continues and will end with love. Love makes a big difference in our lives and in the lives of those around us. 1 John 4:7-10 encourages us to love. We read through loving others we can come to know God. 7 Dear friends, let us continue to love one another, for love comes from God. Anyone who loves is a child of God and knows God. 8 But anyone who does not love does not know God, for God is love. 9 God showed how much he loved us by sending his one and only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through him. 10 This is real lovenot that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins. God is, himself, love. He showed this love for us by sending Jesus, the perfect embodiment of love. This act of sacrifice not only paid for our sins, provided for our forgiveness and proved forever the Father’s love for us (Romans 5:8), but also gives us an example of how we should love others. I am certain we can all agree there is a definite need for God’s love in the world sur- rounding us. Our homes, friend groups and churches are filled with people who are in des- perate need of a kind word, a forgiving expres- sion or even a gentle non-judgmental look. They need love. And what about the motorcy- cling community, our reason for being? Bikers need love too. Motorcyclists of all ages and interests need a genuine follower of Jesus to show them a visual demonstration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ through love. When you offer compassion to a strug- gling young person, when you explain with hope the promise of Jesus for forgiveness of sins, when you remain a faithful influ- ence in the lives of teenagers, you are do- ing what God did as He sent His Son into the world. When you take the time to listen to mother at the motocross track go through her lengthy list of concerns for her children, you are showing God’s love to her. When you visit the biker in the hospital after a recent accident you are a walking example of Jesus’ love and concern for him. When you put your hand on the shoulder and pray for an individual at a rally who has allowed addictions to take them farther than they ever intended to go, you are God’s love in that moment. We should work to put away any atti- tude or motivation that judges others as “too much work”, “too far gone” or “deserving what they get”. These thoughts in the minds of Jesus’ disciples show we don’t really know God. Rather, as we love others, we actually become a picture of what God is all about. We become His full expression of love. When we love like this, we are God’s children and we begin, even in small ways to know who God truly is. Love makes a big difference jerod mcpherson OUR VISION: Changing the world, one young heart at a time. OUR MISSION: To love, support, and connect young people to the Kingdom of God and to the ministry of the Christian Motorcy- clists Association. February 2012 Feb 2012 THE GOODS: YM Evangelists’ Check In 1 YM Reports 2 Leaders In Training 3 Flame On Report 4 CONTACT US: [email protected] Newsletter Editor: Jennifer Dawson [email protected] Visit us on the web... www.cmausa.org Click on CMA Youth Movement Jerod & Jennifer McPherson National Evangelists CMA Youth Movement

Transcript of Feb 2012 - Christian Motorcyclists Association | CMA USAUserFiles/YMFEB12.pdfNational Evangelists...

In a time of year when the word ‘love’ over-

populates our every waking moment, and when the whole planet seems to be bedazzled by shiny hearts, it is important to cut through the hype and remember the centrality of love to our whole life of faith. It’s not overstating anything to say, it all began, continues and will end with love. Love makes a big difference in our lives and in the lives of those around us.

1 John 4:7-10 encourages us to love. We read through loving others we can come to know God.

7 Dear friends, let us continue to love one another, for love comes from God. Anyone who loves is a child of God and knows God. 8 But anyone who does not love does not know God, for God is love.

9 God showed how much he loved us by sending his one and only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through him. 10 This is real love—not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins.

God is, himself, love. He showed this love for us by sending Jesus, the perfect embodiment of love. This act of sacrifice not only paid for our sins, provided for our forgiveness and proved forever the Father’s love for us (Romans 5:8), but also gives us an example of how we should love others.

I am certain we can all agree there is a definite need for God’s love in the world sur-rounding us. Our homes, friend groups and churches are filled with people who are in des-perate need of a kind word, a forgiving expres-sion or even a gentle non-judgmental look. They need love. And what about the motorcy-cling community, our reason for being? Bikers need love too. Motorcyclists of all ages and interests need a genuine follower of Jesus to

show them a visual demonstration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ through love.

When you offer compassion to a strug-gling young person, when you explain with hope the promise of Jesus for forgiveness of sins, when you remain a faithful influ-ence in the lives of teenagers, you are do-ing what God did as He sent His Son into the world.

When you take the time to listen to mother at the motocross track go through her lengthy list of concerns for her children, you are showing God’s love to her. When you visit the biker in the hospital after a recent accident you are a walking example of Jesus’ love and concern for him. When you put your hand on the shoulder and pray for an individual at a rally who has allowed addictions to take them farther than they ever intended to go, you are God’s love in that moment.

We should work to put away any atti-tude or motivation that judges others as “too much work”, “too far gone” or “deserving what they get”. These thoughts in the minds of Jesus’ disciples show we don’t really know God. Rather, as we love others, we actually become a picture of what God is all about. We become His full expression of love. When we love like this, we are God’s children and we begin, even in small ways to know who God truly is.

Love makes a big difference jerod mcpherson


Changing the world, one young heart at a time.


To love, support, and connect young people to the Kingdom of God and to the ministry of the Christian Motorcy-clists Association.

February 2012

Feb 2012


YM Evangelists’ Check In


YM Reports 2

Leaders In Training 3

Flame On Report 4


[email protected]

Newsletter Editor:

Jennifer Dawson

[email protected]

Visit us on the web...


Click on CMA Youth


Jerod & Jennifer

McPherson National Evangelists

CMA Youth Movement

We are never too young to start falling

in love with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. My name is Luke Nolan. When I was growing up I had a great family, and I had been raised to go to church my entire life. When I was ten years old I walked down the isle of the church and told everyone I wanted to be baptized, also when I was 12, 15, and 17. Do you get the trend? I was just doing what I thought was right and I never truly gave my life to Christ.

When I was 17 and 18 God really started convicting me of my sins and truly wanted me to give my life to him. I just wanted to run!! I was the most popular guy in school; I was the star athlete, and I had a girlfriend. What else could a teenage boy ask for? Although all of those things never filled my life but somehow it just brought me lower. It wasn’t until the last few weeks of my senior year that I broke up with my girlfriend for many reasons, and really felt God tugging on my heart and drawing me with His Holy Spirit. In April of 2010 I TRULY gave my life to Jesus, and not just

going through the motions. I felt as if I was free from all my sins that I had committed and I had peace and the leading of the Holy Spirit in my life. From there I spent the last few weeks of my high school life telling everyone about Jesus and sharing with them that there was nothing in this world that matters except having a relationship with Jesus Christ.

In July of 2010 our church was searching for a youth pastor, and God had really been working on my heart to be a leader, and he called me to be the youth pastor of Bethel Church of Downs-ville. At this time I am still only 18, and a baby in Christ!! But I knew with my heart that God put me there for a purpose and that Jesus would lead me.

1 Timothy 4:12 says "Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity. Live your life in the manner we are told by our Lord. We must live our life in the Bible, Show love to all, share our faith and be pure in all we do and people will notice the Love of Je-sus in you. God is so good and He can change the world using you.

YM Ministry Report

You Are Never Too Young luke nolan—Leader in Training


“And this is love, That we walk according to His commandments.”

2 John 1:6 (ESV)

Do you want to contrib-ute to the Youth Movement Email

Update? Send articles, pictures,

testimonies to Jennifer Dawson at

[email protected]

Tebowing at

Flame On 2012


CMA encourages Youth Movement students (ages 12-18) to get involved in CMA’s Run for the Son.

Local Chapter Youth Move-

ments should make it their goal to find new and crea-tive ways to participate in Run for the Son.

Working together we can

make a big difference.

CMA Youth Movement’s Leaders in Train-

ing (LIT) program is growing and becoming a powerful force in “changing the world, one young heart at a time.” The LIT pro-gram is designed for high school seniors and young adults through mid-20’s. (High School seniors are encouraged to become involved as their maturity level allows.) Being a LIT isn’t for every student, it is a privilege that requires commitment to Godly standards & service. It is a decision that each student must carefully pray about and must be approved by YM lead-ership at the chapter level. Leaders in Training can use their gifts and talents to minister in their local chapter youth move-ment and assist at State and National Youth Movement Events.

Basic requirements for LIT’s:

LIT’s must be background checked & re-ceive their Ministry to Minor’s sticker.

LIT’s must continue to seek spiritual guid-ance from the Christian adult leadership around them. (i.e. YM Reps, Chapter offi-cers, Chapter Youth Movement leaders and adult leadership in their local churches)

LIT’s must be plugged into a local chapter to be effective as leaders and mentors for other YM students.

LIT’s must be actively seeking God’s will in every area of their life.

LIT’s should share goals with their YM

leaders as it pertains to their continued

spiritual growth.

LITs=Leaders In Training charles & tonya davis, area rep OK youth

Feb 2012 P.3

Have you checked out CMA Youth

Movement on FB? Many states have groups and event


Fun at Flame On

From the Editor jennifer dawson This issue has focused on Love. Love is the foundation of everything we do. If we

watch children’s movies, love looks simple. Valentine’s commercials advertise that if you pick the right gift, you will get immediate and perfect love. Life doesn’t work that way. Love is not easy. Love is messy.

God is love and we are called to love others as He has loved us. This isn’t easy. The only way we can hope to love like God loves us is to be in relationship with Him and other believ-ers. We have to reach outside of ourselves. We have to share our lives with others who love the Lord so they can support us and we can support them.

CMA Youth Movement desires to be here for you when you need us. Reach out to your local YM leader. Reach out to your Area Youth Movement Rep. Reach out to Jerod or Jenni-fer. We all know that life is rough sometimes and we want you to know you are loved. Thank you for being part of our big, loving CMA family.

Todd & Nikki Donnay—Minnesota Chuck & Cat Noland—Colorado

For more information on CMA Youth Movement LIT’s contact [email protected]


Flame on Report kelly & natalie klubek, area rep KS youth

Feb 2012 P.4


During the awesomeness that was

Flame On 2012, I had an experience that I just cannot keep to myself. It was Sat-urday early evening and it was during a great worship time. I was standing in the back of the room with my wife just tak-ing in what God was doing. A tap on my shoulder provoked me to turn and see who it was. Julie Hearne, asked to pray for me. After the prayer, Julie thanked me and I thanked her and we parted ways. I immediately started looking for my assignment that was obviously about to come.

Moving back in time a little, a stu-dent who was at Flame On for the first time, was watching a student from Kan-sas. The student was doing whatever this Kansas student was doing. The Kansas student started noticing this and was very cautious of why.

Back to the main story, Ken Stead was called to do the invitation time for the students. I am sure you remember this time well. “Three, please come” (not sure of the exact wording) Two, don’t hesitate. If you do, Satan will keep you from it.” And the final call. If you remem-ber, we had hundreds of students flood the stage area. I noticed one student standing with his hands to his side, he was slumping over a little, and his head was hung low. He had students around him with hands on praying, but it seemed that he was in a battle.

I reached out and spoke directly to this young man, telling him I was avail-able to pray for him and that I was there to listen. He shook his head yes as I started praying. I asked God to enter this young man’s life and take away the pain that he was having. I told God I had no idea what was going on, but I was there to help. I told God that it may be a family

problem or an issue of a personal nature, or maybe he was there to receive Jesus as his Savior. I asked the young man if this was the reason he was on stage. He shook his head again as tears rolled from his eyes.

We prayed and after knowing he understood what he was doing, I asked if he was ready to give his life to the Lord and have Him take over his life from that time on. He said yes. We prayed and he asked Jesus to be his savior and to help him by taking his life into the healing hands. I looked at him once again and told him that there was more informa-tion I wanted to tell him and asked him to find me after service. My intention was to talk to him about growing his faith and how to do this.

After the service was over I went and tried to find him. Unsuccessful, I spoke to Scott Eikelberry, chapter Youth Movement Leader, Hutchinson, Kansas. I told him the story and explained I could not find the student. As we were talking, I noticed a Kansas girl who been there when we prayed. I told her what had happened and asked her if she knew the student. She looked at me funny and pointed to the young man standing next to her. “It was Trace”, she said. I had no idea who I was talking to on stage, but it turned out to be a student who had come with my group from Kansas. It was then I remembered his face and realized this was who I prayed with.

This is not the end of this story. Re-member the Kansas Student Trace was mimicking? Turns out, this student was also from Kansas. Austin Eikleberry, yes the son of Scott, had been told the story of Trace accepting Christ. Austin was said to have acted like we were joking with him. When asked why he was doing this,

he said that he had noticed the “shadowing” and did not know why he was doing this. He said that during the invitation, when Ken said two, Austin said that he could not stay sitting and made his way to the stage. Guess who followed. Yep, it was Trace. Austin had asked God to show him that He was real during the prayer time. I believe, as does Austin, God showed him that He is real through this. Austin was asked how he felt now and he said that he was scared. I asked him why scared, it just seemed like a strange response to the ordeal. He said that he was scared because if he would not have gotten up and walked forward, Trace could still be lost.

Had Austin not been obedient in the act of coming forward, Trace could still be lost. If I would have remained on the floor and not gone to the prayer loft to pray, I would not have been able to pray with Trace and he could still be lost. If Julie would not have come to me and prayed, I may not have been ready and Trace could still be lost. All thanks and glory be to God, as he used three people to reach out to just one. Not only was Trace saved by the grace of God that day, but Austin was able to see God work, Julie was able to see the fruit of her work, and I was humbled when God hid Trace’s face from me to ensure there would be no pride on my part and to just do his work. Sometimes you have to leave the 99 to save one, but there are also times when he uses other sheep to lead the lost back to him. My tears flow again as I recount this whole testimony. It makes me happy to share this with you and I hope you are touched by how God works through us, His willing servants.