Feb 19, 2013 final

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Transcript of Feb 19, 2013 final

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    FEBRUARY 19, 2013

    9:00 AM

    AGENDAThe Board of County Commissioners asks that all cell phones are turned off or placed on silent (vibrate) mode. If you would like to

    comment on any matter, when recognized by the Chairman, state your name, sign the speaker log, and please adhere to the 3 minute

    time limit. If you plan on distributing any handouts (information) to the Commission, please provide a copy to the Clerk for the official


    9:00 AM Call to Order

    Prayer and Pledge

    Approval of Minutes

    Payment of County Bills

    9:15 AM Department Supervisors ReportHubert Chipman Superintendent of Public Works

    Fonda Davis Solid Waste Director

    Nikki Millender- Parks & Recreation

    Pam Brownell- Emergency Management

    Bill Mahan- Extensions

    9:45 AM Ms. Marsha Lindeman- FCPHU Director- To Request permanent status

    10:00 AM Board Decision on County Attorney

    10:20 AM TDC Update- Curt Blair

    10:30 AM Planning & Zoning Consent Agenda

    10:45 AM BOA Consent Agenda

    11:00 AM Marcia M. Johnson- Clerk of Courts- Report

    11:15 AM Alan Pierce Director of Administrative Services Report

    11:30 AM Michael Shuler- County Attorney- Report

    11:45 AM Commissioners and Public Comments

    12:00 PM Adjourn for Lunch

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    FEBRUARY 5, 2013

    9:00 AM


    Commissioners: Cheryl Sanders Chairman, William Massey Vice Chairman, Pinki Jackel,

    Noah Lockley, Joseph Parrish

    Others Present: Alan Pierce Director of Administrative Services, Michael Shuler County

    Attorney, Michael Morn Deputy Clerk/Board Secretary

    Call to Order (9:04 AM)

    Chairman Sanders called the Meeting to order.

    Prayer and Pledge (9:04 AM)

    There was a prayer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

    Approval of the Minutes (9:04 AM)

    Motion by Jackel, seconded by Parrish, to approve the Minutes of the January 15, 2013

    Regular Meeting; Motion carried 5-0.

    Payment of County Bills (9:05 AM)

    Motion by Lockley, seconded by Massey, to approve the payment of the Countys Bills as

    presented; Motion carried 5-0.

    Department Supervisor Report

    Hubert Chipman Superintendent of Public Works (9:05 AM)

    Mr. Chipman stated that Larry Brown has retired and asked the Board for direction on filling

    Mr. Browns position as Assistant Superintendent.

    Mr. Chipman recommended appointing Dewitt Polous as the Assistant Superintendent and

    Lamar Hardy and Howard Nabors as foremen, all at their current rate of pay.

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    Chairman Sanders recommended looking at the structure of the Road Dept. once Mr. Chipman


    Commissioner Lockley and Mr. Polous discussed the procedure for transferring from another

    department into the Road Department.

    Motion by Jackel, seconded by Massey, to accept Mr. Chipmans recommendation to have

    Dewitt Polous as the Assistant Superintendent, and Lamar Hardy and Howard Nabors as

    foremen until Mr. Chipman retires, at which time the Board will look at the structure of the

    Road Department; Motion carried 4-1 Lockley opposed.

    Commissioner Jackel asked Mr. Pierce to verify that there are job descriptions for each of those


    Commissioner Massey asked Mr. Chipman to look at a problem of a developing sink hole in

    front of Cheap Butts in Eastpoint.

    Fonda Davis Solid Waste Director (9:16 AM)

    Mr. Davis presented his report to the Board.


    FOR BOARD ACTION: The Waste Disposal Agreement between Franklin County and Waste

    Management Transfer Station expires on March 10, 2013. Waste Management submitted their

    RFP proposal for the operations of the Franklin County Transfer Station, with an increase rate

    from $46.29 to $57.95 (Difference of $11.66). Due to this large increase, the Board will have to

    increase the current Tipping Fees to offset this expense.REQUESTED ACTION: Motion to grant Waste Managements bid for operations of the Countys

    Transfer Station and to increase the Countys Household Tipping Fees to $65.00 Per Ton and

    Yard Trash to $45.00 Per Ton.

    Commissioner Parrish and Mr. Davis discussed the 5 year length of the contracts.

    Commissioner Jackel and Attorney Shuler discussed a cancellation or early termination

    provision clause in the contract. Commissioner Jackel would prefer that the County Attorney

    review the contract before any action is taken on this item.

    The Board and Mr. Davis discussed the contract.

    Motion by Jackel, seconded by Massey, to table this item until the County Attorney reviewscontract and includes a 90 day early termination provision; Motion carried 5-0.


    FOR BOARD ACTION: I have for the Boards approval and the Chairmans signature, the annual

    Application for Recovered Materials Certification and Reporting Form. We are required by

    Florida Statutes to report our recycling activities to the Florida Department of Environmental

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    Protection annually. During the year 2012, the recycling program, recycled 544.34, tons of

    recovered material. The annual cost for this certification is $50.00. ACTION REQUESTED:

    Motion authorizing the Chairmans signature on the FDEP Application for Recovered Materials

    Certification and Reporting Form and authorizing the payment of $50.00 for the annual fee.

    Motion by Lockley, seconded by Jackel, authorizing the Chairmans signature on the FDEP

    Application for Recovered Materials Certification and Reporting Form; Motion carried 5-0.

    SOLID WASTE: (Equipment Purchase)

    FOR BOARD APPROVAL: I am requesting Board assistance in the purchase of one new Pac Mac

    Loader for the 2003 Freightliner Knuckle Boom Truck currently in service.

    ACTION REQUESTED: Motion approving the purchase of one new Pac Mac Loader, costing

    approximately $37,179.00 from off the Florida Sheriffs Association and Florida Association of

    Counties FY 12/12 bid list.

    Commissioner Massey asked about the condition of the Pac Mac Loader. He stated that iffunding is a problem for the purchase of a new loader, maybe the main hydraulic pump can be

    rebuilt on the old truck.

    Commissioner Jackel and Mr. Davis discussed funding for this purchase.

    Commissioner Parrish stated why this equipment was needed.

    Commissioner Jackel asked that all equipment requests be included within proposed budgets.

    She also discussed the increasing cost of picking up trash on the sides of County roads.

    Motion by Lockley, seconded by Parrish, to approve Mr. Davis meeting with the Finance

    Office to discuss funding for this purchase, with Reserve for Contingency as a final funding

    source; Motion carried 4-1, Jackel opposed.

    ANIMAL CONTROL: (Equipment Purchase)

    FOR BOARD APPROVAL: I am requesting Board assistance in purchasing a truck for Animal

    Control. The 2001 Chevy Silverado has 290,000 miles on it and is constantly in the shop for


    ACTION REQUESTED: Motion approving the purchase of one new Animal Control Vehicle from

    off of the Florida Sheriffs Association and Florida Association of Counties FY 12/13 bid list.

    Commissioner Massey suggested that Mr. Davis look into purchasing a used vehicle for Animal


    Motion by Jackel, seconded by Massey, direct Mr. Davis, with Commissioner Masseys

    assistance, to look for a used truck for Animal Control with a maximum purchase price of

    $10,000, and present the information at the next meeting; Motion carried 5-0.

    Right-of-Way Debris Pickup / Recycle Material Hauled January 9th January 24thFOR BOARD


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    Apalachicola Eastpoint St George


    Carrabelle Lanark Alligator Po

    126.31 TONS 57.59 TONS 40.10 TONS 70.55 TONS 29.51 TONS 13.98 TON




    Eastpoint St George


    Carrabelle Lanark Alligator


    St Jam

    Cardboard 5.69 TONS 4.98




    1.58 TONS .32


    0 TONS .44 TO





    3.40 TONS 1.08




    1.11 TONS .32 TONS 1.54


    0 TON


    Nikki Millender Parks & Recreation (9:36 AM)

    Mrs. Millender had no action items.

    Mrs. Millender stated that March 22nd & 23rd has been designated as Day of Ball for the

    Franklin County Dixie Youth League.

    Commissioner Lockley requested additional playground equipment at the Kiddy Park section at

    D. W. Wilson Park in Apalachicola. Commissioner Parrish suggested buying the equipment forboth D. W. Wilson and Vrooman Park at the same time for better pricing.

    Motion by Lockley, seconded by Parrish, to add childrens playground equipment to D. W.

    Wilson Park in Apalachicola; Motion carried 5-0.

    The Board asked Mrs. Millender to add water fountains to all parks throughout the County.

    Commissioner Massey asked the Board to look at a stronger water fountain as others have

    been destroyed not too long after it has been installed.

    Mrs. Millender informed the Board that childrens playground equipment is very expensive.

    She also discussed other repairs, and the related expenses, she has been doing to the parks

    throughout the County.

    Chairman Sanders wanted everyone to be aware that the playground equipment at Kendrick

    Park was purchased with grant money.

    Mrs. Millender updated the Board on a timeline for repairs to the soccer field in Apalachicola.

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    Mrs. Millender stated that she will be maintaining the parks and ball fields year round, which

    has not been done in the past.

    Mr. Pierce stated that Mrs. Millender recently received a letter of commendation from the

    Apalachicola Chamber of Commerce for her efforts on the Eastpoint Christmas Parade and


    Pam Brownell Emergency Management Director (9:45 AM)

    Mrs. Brownell had no action items.

    Action Items: None

    Information Items:

    1. Franklin County Emergency Management conducted its Initial Planning Conference withthe Management Experts (TME) January 22

    ndto design a school security exercise for

    Franklin County. The ABC School was chosen as the site for the exercise and staff

    capabilities will be the focal point. The exercise will be funded through the State

    Homeland Security Grant Program (SHSGP).

    2. Franklin County Emergency Management continues to work on providing information toTME to submit Hazard Mitigation Grant applications for a new roof at the EOC and the

    county jail. Deadline for the applications is Feb. 15, 2013.


    Emergency Management along with Franklin County Solid Waste Departmentinterviewed AshBritt Environmental Services on Jan.17th

    with questions about its

    disaster debris services. All interviews with debris companies are now complete and a

    pre event contract must be developed.

    4. Shandscair, Emergency Medical Air Service, based in Perry Florida, was scheduled to flyin to the Franklin County Sheriffs Office for a Meet-and-Greet on Wed. Jan. 30, but had

    to cancel because of the weather. EMS hopes to reschedule. Shandscair will be

    replacing Airmedic and will be responding to calls in our area.

    5. Communications at the Sheriffs Department is undergoing changes in staff and therelocation of Dispatch. Franklin County Fire, EMS and Emergency Management areanxious to meet with the new personnel to brief them on the efforts of the Franklin

    County Communications Advisory Group to improve communications throughout the

    county and the region. The next meeting will be scheduled shortly.

    Bill Mahan County Extension Director (9:45 AM)

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    Mr. Mahan had no action items but discussed the following items from his report.

    Franklin - UF IFAS Updates

    1) Beekeeping in the Panhandle Workshops for 2013 A new series of educational programson beekeeping is now set. The Franklin UF IFAS is one of the host sites for this distance

    education program.

    Monday, February 18th

    : Queen and Package Bee Production

    Monday, February 25th

    : Nutrition/Immunity in Honey Bees

    Monday, March 4th

    : Integrated Pest Management for Disease/Pest Control

    Monday, March 11th

    : History and Theory of Honey Production

    These classes will be offered by interactive video at the Franklin UF IFAS County Extension

    Office located at 66 4th

    Street, Apalachicola, from 7-9 p.m. (Eastern Time).

    The registration fee is $25 per person or $40/couple and covers the costs of the classes,

    refreshments, and course materials. Registration is due by February 8, 2013.

    For more information, or to register, please contact the Franklin UF IFAS Extension Program,850-653-9337.

    2) Growing Turfgrass 101 The Basics - A new series of educational programs on beekeeping isnow set. The Franklin UF IFAS is one of the host sites for this distance education program.

    Tuesday February 26th: pH, Soil Types, Soil Testing, Turf TypesTuesday March 5th: FertilizationTuesday March 12th: Weed ControlTuesday March 19th: IrrigationThese classes will be offered by interactive video at the Franklin UF IFAS County Extension

    Office located at 66 4th

    Street, Apalachicola, from 7-9 p.m. (Eastern Time). Registration fee is

    $25 per person or $40/couple and covers the costs of the classes, refreshments and coursematerials. Registration is due by February 14, 2013.

    For more information, or to register, please contact the Franklin UF IFAS Extension Program,


    Mr. Mahan handed out some informational items and then discussed it with the Board.

    Report Weems Hospital (9:47 AM)

    Ray Brownsworth, CEO of Weems Hospital, introduced his wife, Lori Brownsworth, and thanked

    Ashley Teat for his work and saving the hospital $300 by providing training for the Fire & Life

    Safety Inspection.

    Mr. Brownsworth reviewed his report.

    1. HB 711 - The hospital valuation for HB711 should be complete in a couple of weeks. It isbeing prepared by Adams consulting group. After this, they will complete the debt

    capacity study for us.

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    2. Financial Assistance - Advertisements have been place on the radio and in the paper toeducate people on Weems financial assistance program.

    3. EHR - Initial bids will be opened at the February 5, 2013 County Commissioner meetingfor the Electronic Health Record. After this, the vendors under consideration will be

    narrowed down to 3 companies. Additional review will occur with a broad

    representation of individuals and positions participating.

    The Board, Mr. Brownsworth, and Attorney Shuler discussed re-advertising the bids.

    Motion by Jackel, seconded by Parrish, to reject all bids, then re-advertise for the

    Electronic Health Records; Motion carried 5-0.

    4. Physical Therapy - Discussions have continued with Tom Brocato to provide physicaltherapy services at Weems Memorial Hospital and Weems East. A contract has beensigned for inpatient and skilled care patients. Therapy Management Consultants (TMC)

    will continue to provide services concurrently with Mr. Brocato. Minor renovations to the

    Weems East Clinic are being evaluated, to provide for dedicated space for PT services.

    This will be discussed at the Board level.

    Tom Brocato and I will be working to gather seeking to gain health plan coverage for

    Franklin County residents related to Physical Therapy. This is a natural alliance for the

    hospital to work with area providers seeking to benefit the health of our county



    Capital Purchase of Fire Doors - I am asking for approval to purchase fire doors requiredby our ACHA inspection this past fall in the amount of $26,925.00 with Moore Doors.

    Bids were opened recently at the Board of County Commissioners. I also ask that the

    funds be taken out of the hospitals capital fund. I will make a similar request at the next

    Board of County Commissioners.

    Motion by Jackel, seconded by Lockley, to accept recommendation to accept the bid

    from Moore Doors in the amount of $26,925.00 for the purchase and installation of

    fire doors at Weems Hospital; Motion carried 5-0.

    6. Ambulance Billing - Steve Lanier and I are currently evaluating the performance of ourexisting EMS billing company and will most likely seek a different vendor due to a lack ofperformance and service. Michael Shuler is reviewing the contract for compliance with

    terms of termination.

    7. Hospice Medical Director - Big Bend Hospice has contacted me to engage Dr. EugeneCharbonneau as their medical director. Dr. Charbonneau and I will be working on the

    terms of an agreement to provide for this.

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    8. Capital Health Plan CHP has agreed to include Weems Memorial Hospital in is healthplan for the provision of Skilled Care services. The contract is currently under review.

    We have requested that our inpatient and outpatient services likewise be included in the


    9. Prison Employees - We are also looking at how to increase utilization of the hospital andclinics by the prison staff. I have contact Russell Hosford about the services that the

    hospital and our clinics can provide to employees with either Capital Health Plans or Blue

    Cross Blue Shield. He will pass this along to his staff.

    10.Prestige Health Plan - Prestige and Weems Memorial Hospital have signed a MedicaidPSN contract for the hospital and clinics. As you most likely know, Florida is dividing the

    state into regions with assigned health plan vendors for Medicaid providing an HMO

    product and a Provider Service Network.

    11.Medipass Patients - With Dr. Miniats leaving, Weems East has agreed to take about130 Medipass patients that he had previously serviced. We have also offered to the state

    to take over the Healthy Kids patients. At this time however, the state has not


    12.Additional Clinic Day - On January 28, 2012, Weems West began providing clinic serviceson Mondays also.

    Attorney Shuler discussed an item on his report regarding Dr. Miniat and the use of his

    old office building.

    Chairman Sanders congratulated Mr. Brownsworth on his services thus far and said she

    is very happy with what he is doing for the County.

    Mr. Brownsworth discussed Weems East and the possibility of adding a medical

    assistant due to the volume of patients being seen each day.

    13.Donated Equipment - A medical clinic in Gainesville, FL has donated a bone densitometryand CR X-ray machine to Weems. These should be de-installed and transported to

    Apalach by February 20th


    14.Cash Collections - As a performance improvement project, Admissions and the Businessoffices at the hospital and clinics have been focusing on improving our upfront collection

    of cash. They also have been looking improving the timeliness of bills by reducing on-

    hold days. The ER doctors and nursing are working to complete all physician charts by

    the end of shift.

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    15.Audit of Billing Companies - Hometown Health, a company providing services for theRural Flex Grant Program, will be performing an audit of our billing companies to be paid

    for by a $3,000 grant.

    16.New DON - Becky Gibson has been chosen to be the new Director of Nursing (DON) forthe hospital.

    17.EMS Medical Director - Dr. Conrad was named the Medical Director for the EMSdepartment at the December Medical Staff meeting.

    18.Blue Manta - I have renegotiated the IT contract with Bluemanta for $6,500 whichpreviously was $9,000 resulting in a savings of $30,000 annually. Along with this,

    additional accountability procedures have been put into place to monitor work

    completed as well as the ordering and receipt of equipment.

    Commissioner Lockley and Mr. Brownsworth discussed employment opportunities at theHospital and advertising for those positions.

    Steve Lanier, Comptroller of Weems Hospital, reviewed the financial report with the Board.

    Open Bids - Airport Hanger (60 x 60) (9:58 AM)

    Mr. Pierce stated that one of the Airport hangar bids was late by 5 minutes.

    Motion by Lockley, seconded by Massey, to accept the late bid for the Airport Hangar;

    Motion carried 5-0.

    Mr. Pierce opened and read the bids:

    Shumaker, Panama City, Florida - $261,307.00

    Cathey Construction, Mexico Beach, Florida - $246,435.00

    Poloronis Construction, Apalachicola, Florida - $229,500.00

    Sperry, Tallahassee, Florida - $196,290.00

    R. W. Thomas, Eastpoint, Florida - $206,240.00

    Mr. Pierce suggested converting a Hangar that is currently in use by the County for rental

    purposes especially since all of the bids are over the available amount.

    The Board discussed this suggestion and the funding expiration date.

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    Mr. Pierce stated that he will discuss this information with the Airport Committee at their

    meeting tonight.

    Motion by Parrish, seconded by Jackel, to forward information to Airport Advisory

    Committee for a recommendation and present it at the next BOCC Meeting; Motion carried 5-


    Marcia Johnson Clerk of Court Report (10:05 AM)

    Mrs. Johnson presented her report to the Board.

    1. I have been in discussions with my sister, Monica Lemieux, a representative of Centennial

    Bank, regarding the countys possible acquisition of bank-owned property in Eastpoint located

    directly behind the old Jr. Store at the intersection of Patton Drive and Highway 98 and across

    the street from the Eastpoint Pavilion. The property reaches from Highway 98 across to Patton

    Drive and is .45 of an acre in size. It comprises 124 ft on Highway 98 and 142.51 ft on PattonDrive and I've attached a drawing of the lot size and a copy of the banks survey. A larger, clearer

    copy is available for viewing. Monica and I had been talking about the needs of the seafood

    workers as we drove through the area one day, and as we talked about options, we decided that

    this property would be best suited for use by the county for the benefit of the seafood workers

    for additional parking. She moved the idea forward with the Bank, and they are receptive to the

    County making them the first offer for the property. It is assessed on the Property Appraiser's

    books at $36,849. I have viewed the property with my sister. Ifs a nice size property and would

    offer parking across the street from the Countys Pavilion. There is an old house on the property

    that the County would have to demolish, and the store has placed air conditioning units and a

    gas tank on the property, so these things have to be considered when deciding an offer as wellas the fact that the county would have to pay our engineers to assess the best lay-out for

    parking. Pursuant to Florida Statutes 125.355, if a purchase is under $100,000, an appraisal

    wouldn't be required. I'd like Board approval to exempt the requirement for an appraisal to

    speed the process along and direct Alan Pierce to negotiate an offer you agree upon. There are

    funds available in Capital Outlay.

    The Board discussed this item and was in favor of this idea.

    Commissioners Jackel and Parrish discussed negotiating for the property.

    Motion by Lockley, seconded by Massey, to approve negotiations for the purchase of

    property in Eastpoint and exempt the requirements for an appraisal; Motion carried 5-0.

    2. For the discussion of placing the MSBU special assessments on the property tax bills instead

    of mailing out separate bills and recording liens, see the attached report I completed.

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    If MSBU special assessments were to be included on one property tax bill utilizing 2011 MSBU information through


    Effects on the BCC

    Positives Negatives

    Postage saved to mail out MSBU $2,550.00 Loss of Recording Revenue $3,104.00

    Postage saved to mail out liens $690.75 (776 liens satisfied - BCC receives

    Postage saved to mail out satisfactions $349.20 $4 from recording fees)

    Recording Fees for liens (If Pd. Upfront) $23,110.00

    $26,699.95 $3,104.00

    The Tax Collector mailed out separate For each recording at $10, the BCC

    bills for the MSBU assessments. receives $2 dedicated to a fund for

    Once the unpaid MSBUs were turned the Judges, State Attorney, and

    over to the Clerk, the Clerk mailed out Public Defender for modernization.

    1535 liens. Up to 1/18/13, the Clerk Now, we record the lien and whenmailed out 776 satisfactions on liens they are paid, we record the

    that were taken care of (776 of 1535) satisfaction (2 instruments), thus

    the BCC is distributed $4.00.

    Effects on the Fire Departments

    Positives Negatives

    Possible increase from outstanding liens $25,090.00 Discounts for early pmts in Nov/Dec $7,848.27

    (759 liens recorded remain unpaid) Loss of Interest on liens satisfied/paid 664.60

    Possible increase in exemptions $7,210.00

    $32,300.00 $8,512.87

    Currently, the Tax Collector is authorized The numbers above indicate a possible

    to certify persons to be exempt and/or maximum positive net of $47,383.08.

    indigent. As indicated, those lien amts. These figures don't include staff time,

    certified totalled $7,210. If put on equipment, and supplies, but it takes

    1 tax bill, the Property Appraiser's office 2 to 3 months to complete the tasks.

    would be responsible for exemptions

    based on State law, and this number may

    decrease based on the BCC identifyingthe process to be utilized by the Tax Collector (no proof required now)

    Other Points:

    The Clerk will take the biggest monetary hit should the MSBUs be included on one tax bill due to the loss of

    recording fee revenues that go to operate that department. This is not a selfish action on the part of the clerk, but

    is being suggested to help the fire departments see an increase in their collections. Currently, the BCC has already

    received requests from both St. George Island Fire Department and Alligator Point Fire Department to hold a mail-

    out election in their districts to raise the MSBU assessments from $50 to $95. Should the BCC decide to put the

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    MSBUs on one property tax bill, the fire departments should see an increase in collections which could prevent the

    remaining fire departments from asking for a rate increase. Under the current 2011 year process, the Clerk

    received 1535 unpaid assessments and liens. Since the BCC added assessments for vacant land, the number of liens

    has increased probably by five times the original numbers. It is impossible to record that huge number of liens

    immediately. This could be a liability to the county should the liens not be recorded and a title closing occur on the

    property. The Official Records of the Clerk are full of MSBU liens that remain unpaid unless property is sold. Gulf,

    Wakulla, and Leon Counties send out only 1 tax bill which includes their MSBUs. Gadsden did the same when they

    had an MSBU. Liberty and Calhoun have no MSBUs. The records reflect that the MSBU separate bills are ignored by

    many. Were they to be included on the one tax bill, they would be paid by everyone who diligently pays their

    property taxes, and the fire departments would collect more money for their operations. The BCC has been told

    nobody could lose their homes if the special assessment was placed on the tax bill because the value of the

    assessment is below a certain threshold in the law.

    From a report on 1/18/13, $25,340 had been collected on 2011 MSBU liens and $664.60 interest had been

    collected. The unpaid MSBU liens from 2011 total $25,090.00. From the number of liens and the amounts, it's

    apparent that about one-half are not being collected in a timely manner. For 2012 MSBUs, liens will be recorded as

    in the past.

    Should the Board wish to have the special assessments placed on the property tax bill, pursuant to FS 197.3632, aresolution would have to be adopted at a public hearing held prior to March 1 and the property appraiser and tax

    collector would have to agree to the proposal. The Board would have to advertise a notice of their intent 4 times

    preceding the public hearing. For this to be accomplished, the Board would have to approve publishing a notice of

    the intent for the next 4 Thursdays (Feb. 7, 14, 21, and 28) and hold the public hearing on Feb. 28th at a time in the

    P.M. The Department of Revenue has verified the correctness of these steps.

    Rhonda Skipper, Property Appraiser, stated the amounts she needs in funding from the Board

    for inserts and advertising in order to provide information to property owners.

    James Harris, Tax Collector, stated the amount of one time funding he will need to get this to

    work on his bills. Mr. Harris stated that he wanted the districts to understand that the MSBU

    will be subject to the discount allowed for paying bills early.

    The Board, Mrs. Johnson, Mr. Harris, and Mrs. Skipper discussed this item further and were all

    in favor of this item.

    Mrs. Johnson stated that she also needs for the Board to hold a public hearing prior to March


    in order for the notice to be published in the newspaper.

    Motion by Jackel, seconded by Lockley, to accept recommendation and schedule a public

    hearing on February 28, 2013 @ 1:30 PM; Motion carried 5-0.

    Mr. Harris asked for Board action to adopt a Resolution for him to budget through the BOCC.

    Motion by Jackel, seconded by Massey, to adopt Resolution for James Harris, Tax Collector to

    budget through the BOCC; Motion carried 5-0.

    T. Michael Shuler County Attorney Report (10:19 AM)

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    Attorney Shuler presented his report to the Board.

    1. Senate Bill 2

    A bill is proposed for the upcoming legislative session that would restrict and limit the ability of

    municipal employees to hold office as a county commissioner. Current county commissioners

    employed by a municipality will be grand-fathered, but will be prevented from accepting any

    pay increases or job advancement.

    Board Action Requested: Does the Board want to contact our legislative delegation to oppose

    this bill?

    Motion by Lockley, seconded by Massey, to have Attorney Shuler contact Legislative

    Delegation to oppose Senate Bill 2; Motion carried 5-0.

    2. Lanark Village

    On January 17, 2013, I met with Carol Roberts, the Lanark Association President, to review two

    properties that may constitute possible nuisances. We viewed Apartments No. 19-6 and 48-6.Apartment 48-6 is not a legal nuisance in my opinion because while a corner of the roof has

    some minor damage, and some torn screens and paper garbage on the porch, that does not

    constitute an actionable nuisance.

    Apartment 19-6 is a nuisance. The roof is completely gone and has caved into the interior of the

    building, which is completely gutted and open to the elements. In my opinion, this is an

    actionable nuisance.

    Although we did not view the old Putnal Station in Lanark Village, Commissioner Sanders has

    expressed concern to me about the building. I am familiar with the building and it

    Finally, Daniel LaFleur was served with our recent lawsuit and has already paid to have theburned out apartment, and it has been, demolished to the slab. All of the owners of the burned

    units, including, Mr. LaFleur, have incurred several thousand dollars in assessment and clean-up


    Board Action Requested:

    a. Authority to take action to require the owner of Apartment 19-6, to clean the property to the


    Motion by Jackel, seconded by Massey, to approve Attorney Shulers recommendation to

    take action to require the owner of apartment 19-6 in Lanark Village to clean the property to

    the slab; Motion carried 5-0.

    b. Does the Board want to take action to clean-up part or all of the old Putnal Station?

    Motion by Lockley, seconded by Massey, to have building official visit the Putnal Station and

    other locations submitted by Commissioner Jackel; Motion carried 5-0.

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    c. Does the Board want me to continue the lawsuit against Mr. LaFleur for damages, attorney

    fees and costs, or simply drop the lawsuit now that he has cleaned the property?

    Motion by Lockley, seconded by Massey, to accept Attorney Shulers recommendation to

    dismiss lawsuit against Mr. LaFleur now that he has cleaned the property; Motion carried 5-0.

    3. City of Apalachicola Restore Lawsuit

    I have previously copied you with the lawsuit against Franklin County served by the City of

    Apalachicola on January 17, 2013. A reply is due February 6, 2013. I am still waiting on a

    coverage determination by your insurance carrier.

    Board Action Requested: No recommendation.

    Commissioner Jackel and Attorney Shuler discussed the Countys response to this item.

    4. Capital City Bank v. Franklin County

    a. I have previously copied you with the lawsuit against Franklin County served by the bank onJanuary 22, 2013. A reply is due February 11, 2013. I am still waiting on a coverage

    determination by your insurance carrier.

    b. On February 6, 2103, I have a motion to dismiss hearing in Tallahassee on another lawsuit

    filed by the bank over the revetment. This is the case that has been dismissed twice before.

    Board Action Recommended: No recommendation.

    Commissioner Parrish asked at what point these lawsuits become frivolous. Attorney Shuler

    stated that after the hearing tomorrow there should be no more lawsuits.

    The Board discussed this item with Attorney Shuler.

    5. MSBU Ballot Language

    I delivered the ballot language to the Supervisor of Elections last week.

    Board Action Recommended: No recommendation.

    6. Old Apalachicola Health Department Building

    Dr. Miniat is out of the building and I have notified Mr. Brownsworth to take such action as

    needed to assess the use of the building as a clinic.

    This item was addressed earlier in the Meeting.

    7. Tara Roberts Lot Donation

    Mrs. Roberts has informed me that after making her offer to donate the property to Franklin

    County, she was contacted by someone who desired to purchase the property. She may contact

    us if that sale falls through.

    8. SGI Pier Salvage

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    Mr. Ricky Banks called me Friday, February 1, 2013, and said that all but one strand of wire had

    been stolen and that the last strand had a "pull cable" attached to it. I contacted the FCSO that

    day and will file a report this week to begin an investigation.

    Mr. Banks has withdrawn his bid to salvage the metal.

    Recess (10:29 AM)

    Chairman Sanders called for a recess.

    Reconvene (10:45 AM)

    Chairman Sanders reconvened the Meeting.

    Interviews County Attorney Candidates (10:45 AM)

    Mr. Pierce introduced the candidates for the County Attorney position.

    Ethan Way

    Attorney Way stated that he is an attorney in Tallahassee, Florida and discussed his current

    practice, along with his law partners and he listed some of his qualifications. He gave some

    information on his history and ties to Franklin County and discussed why he thinks having an

    office in Tallahassee is very important. He and Commissioner Massey discussed Mr. Ways

    back-up attorney. Mr. Way stated that he would have his partner come from Jacksonville if

    needed but he stated that he would be here. He and Commissioner Jackel discussed his federal

    court experience, especially with the County being involved with the Restore Act. They alsodiscussed his ability to save the County money by not outsourcing litigation.

    Kristy Branch-Banks

    Attorney Banks discussed her experience as an attorney. She stated that she is a native of

    Franklin County and said she feels as though she offers a unique perspective in connection with

    some of the most important industries and foundations in the County. She stated that

    currently she isnt able to practice in Federal Court but has no problem with applying so that

    she can and stated that she is eligible to do so. She explained how she would represent the

    County and that she would resign from the political party she is affiliated with at this time. She

    stated that since she is the lower bidder she would be able to save the County money.

    She and Commissioner Jackel discussed the number of jury trials she has been involved in andMs. Banks stated that she has not been involved in any jury trials.

    She and Commissioner Jackel discussed how she would save the County money by not

    outsourcing litigation.

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    Daniel Cox

    Attorney Cox discussed his life and legal experience. He stated that he has focused that almost

    entirely with local government and folks who have problems with local governments. He has

    worked with communities to develop growth management plans and has experience in land

    development regulations, public finance among other things.

    He and Commissioner Jackel discussed how many jury trials and how many Federal cases he has

    been involved in and he stated that he hasnt been involved in any jury trials but has been

    involved in several Federal trials.

    He and Commissioner Jackel discussed whether he can save the County money by not

    outsourcing litigation.

    Shalene Grover

    Attorney Grover stated that she has been the County Attorney for Liberty County over the past

    12 years. She stated that she really loves the job and would like to focus her law practice on

    representing county governments and that is why she is interested in representing Franklin

    County.She and Commissioner Jackel discussed how many jury trials and Federal cases she has been

    involved in.

    Commissioners Massey and Jackel discussed the proposed FWC Firing Range in the County.

    Commissioner Jackel explained the Firing Range proposal in detail and also discussed the

    problems with the current location.

    Mr. Pierce discussed the Tates Hell Rod and Gun Club, which is new in Franklin County.

    Commissioner Jackel discussed this item further.

    Michael Shuler

    Attorney Shuler discussed his law experience and stated that he was born and raised in Franklin

    County. He gave some history of his familys involvement in the County and discussed the

    services he and his family have provided to the County throughout the years.

    He and Commissioner Jackel discussed his federal court experience.

    Commissioner Massey stated that he was threatened as to who to vote for so he is not making

    a decision today.

    Chairman Sanders stated that she has also had some unpleasant and threatening phone calls on

    this matter. She expressed her disappointment in the situation.

    Motion by Lockley, seconded by Parrish, to retain Attorney Shuler as County Attorney;Motion failed 2-3, Sanders, Jackel, Massey opposed.

    Commissioner Jackel stated that she thinks this issue should be tabled until the next Meeting

    before a decision is made.

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    Motion by Jackel, seconded by Massey, to table this item until the next Meeting; Motion

    carried 3-2, Parrish, Lockley opposed.

    Chairman Sanders recognized Warden Russell Hosford of Franklin Correctional Institute. The

    Board thanked him for all of his efforts in the County.

    Alan Pierce Director of Administrative Services Report (11:31 AM)

    Mr. Pierce presented his report to the Board.

    1- Inform Board that Senator Montford has announced the countys legislative delegation

    meeting will take place on Feb. 26, at 7 PM. The delegation is first meeting in Gulf County on

    the same day starting at 5 PM and then coming to Franklin.

    2- Inform the Board that Ms. Nikki Millender received a letter of appreciation from the

    Apalachicola Chamber of Commerce for her work during the Eastpoint Christmas Parade andCelebration.

    This item was addressed earlier in the Meeting.

    3- Inform the Board that I received an email from DOT providing assurance that CR 67 is not

    being taken over by DOT in either Franklin or Liberty County.

    4- Inform the Board that the US Dept of Labor has responded to the Boards Oct. 12 letter

    requesting a time extension for people to file unemployment claims based upon the damage

    that TS Debbie did to the oyster bars. The Dept. denied the request.

    5- Provide Board with material presented to Senator Charlie Deans Environmental and

    Preservation Committees hearing on the status of the Apalachicola Bay. Mr. Lee Edmiston

    made a presentation on the water wars and Mr. Chris Doolin and I followed up with some brief


    6- Inform the Board the Univ. of Florida will be providing the Board with a written architectural

    analysis of the Chapman Auditorium, its condition and what it would take to restore it. The UF

    contacted me last week and the report will be valuable if funding ever becomes available for

    historic preservation. The study will be done by UF architecture professors and their graduate


    7- Board direction to hold the workshop with those agencies providing services to the elderly in

    Franklin County after the Board meeting on March 5. The purpose of the workshop will be to

    make sure there is no duplication of services and costs. I believe the participants need to be the

    Franklin County Senior Center, the Wakulla County Senior Center as they do the meals on wheels

    in the eastern part of the county, the Apalachicola Senior Center, the Gulf County Senior Center

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    as they do the meals on wheels for the western part of the county, and Franklins Promise as

    they run the food pantry. Does anyone else need to be invited?

    Mr. Pierce stated that the workshop will begin at 1:30 PM.

    Commissioner Jackel stated that this workshop will give direction on how to fund these

    agencies during the next budget cycle.

    8- Inform Board that the federal flood insurance program is undergoing two major changes that

    will affect property in Franklin County as well as every other county in the state. One, as the

    Board is aware, the federal government is revising the flood zones and in almost every case base

    flood elevation requirements have become higher. The new flood maps are expected to go into

    effect sometime in March, 2013.

    The second change is that the federal flood insurance program is changing the rates

    charged for flood insurance. These rate changes are being dictated by the federal government.

    In order to stay in the federal flood insurance program, the federal government has

    issued a revised floodplain management ordinance the county must adopt. The Board musthold a public hearing and adopt the ordinance sometime after the flood maps go into effect.

    There are no substantial changes in the flood ordinance itself- most of the changes that will

    impact property and rates are on the maps themselves. However, the Board has the ability to

    help property owners mitigate the rising cost of flood insurance by allowing houses to start their

    first floor as much as 3 feet above the base flood requirements. The federal government is

    providing significant discounts to insurance premiums if houses are built above the base flood

    requirements. Franklin County has a requirement in its zoning code that prohibits houses from

    starting their first floors above the base flood requirement. The Board may want to amend the

    zoning code to keep the height of a house the same, which is 35 feet from the first floor, but to

    allow the first floor to be up to 3 feet higher. This is a discussion that can be had later.Board direction to schedule a public hearing for the revised Flood Ordinance sometime in


    The Board decided to discuss this at a later date.

    9- Inform Board that I will need to have the Road Dept. move the last 40 feet of Marks St. on St.

    George Island off private property. Marks St is an unpaved road that on the plat of the Island

    merges with West Bayshore in sort of a Y configuration. Over the 30 years the road has been

    in existence vehicular traffic has driven across private property instead of following the Right of

    Way. It has become a problem because the St. George Island water line is in the ROW but the

    county road is not. The ROW has been surveyed and is staked and I have met on site with theproperty owners affected, and the water company. The relocation of the road will require the

    removal of some small pine trees and the placement of some limerock. It is a fairly straight

    forward job.

    While equipment is on the Island I will also have the Road Dept. correct a drainage

    problem on Sawyer St.

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    10- Inform Board that the Dept. of Economic Opportunity (DEO) held an initial workshop in

    Franklin County on Jan. 24 to begin the process of collecting information on the countys

    economy. DEO has offered to provide funding for an economist/planning consultant to analyze

    the countys economyand offer suggestions for how it might diversify. The DEO staff has

    provided me with a list of work products they want a consultant to develop and DEO will provide

    the money to the county to hire the consultant. Board action to allow me to advertise for

    Request for Qualifications for a suitably qualified consultant. Before a consultant is hired the

    Board will sign a contract with DEO so that we have assurance that funds are available to pay

    the consultant but I need to begin the process of selecting a consultant because DEO wants a

    great deal of the work products delivered before June 30.

    Motion by Parrish, seconded by Massey, to begin the process to advertise for RFQs for a

    suitably qualified consultant; Motion carried 5-0.

    11- Board action to name additional members to the RESTORE Council. Chairman Sanders is

    naming Ms. Suzanne Zimmerman as her appointment.

    Commissioner Jackel appointed Ms Pat OConnell to the RESTORE Council as her representative

    and Commissioner Parrish appointed Ottice Amison to the RESTORE Council as his


    Commissioner Massey asked to be excused so he can discuss a matter related to this item with

    a City of Carrabelle Commissioner.

    The Board discussed meeting dates and a location for the first meeting. They also discussed

    guidelines for projects.

    Commissioner Massey explained that his original appointee was not in his district so he was

    now nominating Brenda La Paz.

    12- Board action award the low bid on the repairs to the SGI Fishing Pier to Gulf Group for

    $566,171 and to direct Preble-Rish to have all the appropriate contract documents signed and

    issue a Notice to Proceed.

    Motion by Jackel, seconded by Massey, to approve the low bid, in the amount of

    $566,171.00, for the SGI Fishing Pier repairs to Gulf Group; Motion carried 5-0.

    13- Inform Board that the county received an anonymous letter of complaint regarding a sign in

    the City of Carrabelle. I have spoken with the City and they are investigating.

    14- Board action to approve an agreement with DOT for the engineering and design of the

    Alligator Point Multi-Use Path for $122,000. The county had made the application for funding

    several years ago. Construction is still several years away.

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    Motion by Jackel, seconded by Massey, to approve an agreement with DOT for the

    engineering and design of the Alligator Point Multi-Use Path for $122,000.00; Motion carried


    15- Inform the Board that I spent Monday afternoon with the owner of the company involved in

    the Project Hovercraft. The Board may recall that I received direction from the Board to submit

    a proposal through Enterprise Florida for a company that wanted to relocate to Florida. The

    owner of the company did a site visit to Franklin County as well as some other sites in the

    Florida panhandle.

    Mr. Pierce stated that he has received a FEMA Project Worksheet for relocation funding of Gulf

    Shore Blvd.

    Commissioners & Public Comments (11:50 AM)

    Commissioner Lockley expressed concerns of the problems with both Cities and the Countyregarding the RESTORE Act.

    The Board and Attorney Shuler discussed this matter further.

    Motion by Jackel, seconded by Massey, to have Attorney Shuler contact the City of Carrabelle

    regarding the RESTORE Act lawsuit filed by the City of Apalachicola and discuss their

    involvement; Motion carried 5-0.

    Robin Vroegop, of Apalachicola, stated that there are Minutes on the City of Apalachicolas

    website concerning this matter.

    Chairman Sanders informed the Board of an Army Corps of Engineers meeting at the Gibson Inn

    on February 6, 2013.

    Chairman Sanders sent condolences to the families of Marion Millender, long time resident of

    the County, and also Mike Boysen, a seafood worker from Louisiana, who was well known in

    Franklin County.

    Mr. Walter Armistead stated that all threats made to elected officials should be investigated.

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    Adjourn (12:00 PM)There being no further business, Chairman Sanders adjourned the Meeting.


    Cheryl Sanders, Chairman FCBCC



    Marcia M. Johnson, Clerk of Courts

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    Franklin County Road DepartmentReport to Board of County CommissionersFebruary 19, 2013Summary of Material Hauled and Work Performed by District

    29 Cubic Yards of Debris

    42 Cubic Yards of Lime rock18 Cubic Yards of Mixed Dirt and Lime rock for shoulders

    Box Drag, Cut bushes back, repaired driveways, and picked up litter, filled in pot holes, build up shoulders and Sign


    33 Cubic Yards of Debris

    9 Cubic Yards of #57 Shell

    1062 Cubic Yards of Mixed Black dirt and lime rock for shoulders

    521.8 tons and 66 Cubic Yards of Lime rock

    18 Cubic Yards of Milled Asphalt

    297 Cubic Yards of Black dirt

    - Cut grass and cleaned out Ditches, repaired driveways, flagged traffic, graded roads, picked up litter, build up

    shoulders of road, cleaned sidewalks, filled in pot holes, cleaned off roads and repaired washouts.

    3 Cubic Yards of Debris

    9 Cubic Yards of Black Dirt

    Cut trees down, repaired driveways, picked up litter and trim trees.

    32 Cubic Yards of Debris

    9 Cubic Yards of #57 Shells

    9 Cubic Yards of 4-10 Rocks

    18 Cubic Yards of Sports Clay

    51 Cubic Yards of Lime rock

    Box drag, cleaned out culverts, filled in holes at boat landing, Installed culvert, cut and removed trees down, repaire

    driveways, picked up litter, build up shoulders of road, sign maintenance and trimmed trees.

    63 Cubic Yards of Debris

    18 Cubic Yards of Sports Clay

    6 Cubic Yards of Milled Asphalt

    Removed Beaver dam, Box drag, cleaned out culverts, cut bushes back, graded roads, picked up litter, filled in pot

    holes, cleaned sidewalks and trim trees.

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    FRANKLIN COUNTY DEPARTMENT OFSolid Waste & Recycling Animal Control

    210 State Road 65Eastpoint, Florida 32328

    Tel.: 850-670-8167Fax: 850-670-5716

    Email: [email protected]


    FOR: The Franklin County Board of County CommissionersDATE: February 19, 2013TIME: 9:00 A.M.



    FOR BOARD ACTION At the February 5th Board Meeting, it was requested that the CountyAttorney review the RFP Waste Management submitted for the operations of the FranklinCounty Transfer Station, which included an increase rate from $46.29 to $57.95 (Differenceof $11.66). The proposal has since been reviewed by the County Attorney and a WasteDisposal Agreement has been prepared for signature

    REQUESTED ACTION: Motion to sign the Waste Disposal Agreement for the operation ofthe Countys Transfer Station, between Franklin County and Waste Management and toincrease the Countys Household Tipping Fees to $65.00 Per Ton and Yard Trash to $45.00

    Per Ton, to offset the rate increase.


    Right-of-Way Debris Pickup / Recycle Material Hauled January 25th February 11t


    Apalachicola Eastpoint St George Island Carrabelle Lanark Alligator Point48.04 TONS 57.98 TONS 38.37 TONS 57.52 TONS 33.11 TONS 22.83 TONS

    RECYCLE MATERIAL HAULEDApalachicola Eastpoint St GeorgeIsland

    Carrabelle Lanark AlligatorPoint

    St James

    Cardboard 3.76 TONS 3.18 TONS 3.30 TONS 2.08 TONS 0 TONS 0 TONS 0 TONS



    1.68 TONS .23 TONS 3.67 TONS 1.87 TONS .37 TONS 1.94 TONS 0 TONS


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    FOR: The Franklin County Board of County Commissioners

    DATE: February 14, 2013

    For Board Action: The City of Carrabelle will have reuse water available in about a month for Kendrick PaThey recently gave me a price for .32 cents per 1,000 gallons. DW Wilson Sports Complex currently receiv

    reuse water from the City of Apalach. REQUESTED ACTION: Board Approval to authorize Alan Pierce to wr

    a letter to the City of Carrabelle requesting them to not charge the county for reuse water at Kendrick Spor


    For Board Information:

    * As of last month all Parks & Recreation Employees work schedule is Monday thru Friday 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.*Parks & Recreation Beach Clean-up Employees will be working Saturday March 2, 2013 at SGI Park due to thChili Cook-Off.

    *DW Wilson Sports Complex has received some long overdue extensive upgrades and renovations to the concessiostand, bathrooms, and ball fields.*Water Fountains for Vrooman Park, DW Wilson Park, & SGI Park have been ordered and is expected to be in thweek of February 20th, and is projected to be installed the same week.*Due to the electrical upgrades, the Fort Coombs Armory will be without power February 13, for approximately twweeks.

    Franklin County Parks & Recreation

    Nikki Millender, Director


    Street, Apalachicola, FL 32320

    850-653-8277/ 850-653-8279 [email protected]

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    28 Airport Road

    Apalachicola, Florida 32320(850) 653-8977, Fax (850) 653-3643

    [email protected]

    Report to Board of County Commissioners

    Date: February 19, 2013

    Action Items: A motion to approve the ranking of the Debris Contractors.Emergency Management and the Solid Waste Department met on February 7, 2013 to rank the Debris Contractors bexperience, price and availability. We will begin the process of working out the contract with the companies and oucounty attorney with the Boards approval.

    Bergeron Crowder Gulf Ashbritt J.B. Coxwell

    Information items:

    1. Pam Brownell attended the Area Contingency Plan update meeting on February 6, 2013 and will begin theprocess of making copies of the county plan and scheduling a meeting with stakeholders to compare the twodocuments.

    2. Franklin County Communications Advisory Group met at the Emergency Operations Center on February 13,2013.

    3. Emergency Management and The Management Experts conducted a school shooting planning meeting withABC school and other stakeholders on February 14, 2013.

    4. Emergency Management and ESF15 have a meeting today at 2:00pm in the EOC to meet with Citizen Corpand other interested persons in the county. This meeting is to discuss how we recruit other persons in thecounty that would like to volunteer during a disaster and the training they would need.

    5. Pamela Brownell will be attending the Crisis Management for School-Based Incident in Wakulla county,February 27, 2013 from 8:00am till 4:00pm.


    Pamela BrownellPamela BrownellDirector

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    The Foundation for The Gator NationAn Equal Opportunity Institution

    IFAS Extension Franklin UF/IFAS ExtensionFranklin County 66 4 th Street

    Apalachicola, FL 32320-1755


    [email protected] February 2013


    TO: The Franklin County Board of County Commissioners

    FROM: Bill Mahan, Franklin/UF - IFAS Extension Director BillSUBJECT: 19 February 2013, BCC Extension Update Report

    Franklin - UF IFAS Updates

    1) Growing Turfgrass 101 The Basics - A new series of educational programs on turfgrass is now set. The Franklin UFIFAS is one of the host sites for this distance education program.Tuesday February 26th: pH, Soil Types, Soil Testing, Turf TypesTuesday March 5th: FertilizationTuesday March 12th: Weed ControlTuesday March 19th: IrrigationThese classes will be offered by interactive video at the Franklin UF IFAS County Extension Office located at 66 4th

    Street, Apalachicola, from 7-9 p.m. (Eastern Time). Registration fee is $25 per person or $40/couple and covers the

    costs of the classes, refreshments and course materials.

    2) Franklin Community Traffic Safety Team Meeting The next meeting of the CTST is scheduled for noonWednesday, February 20, 2013 at the Carrabelle City Service Complex. The meeting is open to the public and they

    are encouraged to attend.

    3) National Institute of Health Sponsored Deepwater Horizon Research Consortium Public Meeting I have beeninvited to present a poster at the upcoming NIH in New Orleans, February 22 23.

    4) SMARRT Meeting The next regularly scheduled SMARRT Meeting in on February 25 at 6:00 PM at the ApalachicolaCommunity Center.

    5) DACS Shellfish Harvester& HACCP Training Meeting -6) Beekeeping in the Panhandle Workshops for 2013 Our new Extension District-wide program series of on

    beekeeping began last night. The power being turned off at the Armory has presented us with some challenges! The

    following is the program schedule. We currently have six people registered for the workshops.

    Monday, February 18th: Queen and Package Bee Production

    Monday, February 25th: Nutrition/Immunity in Honey Bees

    Monday, March 4th: Integrated Pest Management for Disease/Pest Control

    Monday, March 11


    : History and Theory of Honey ProductionThe classes are offered by interactive video from 7-9 p.m. (Eastern Time).

    The registration fee is $25 per person or $40/couple and covers the costs of the classes, refreshments, and course


    7) Carrabelle National Flood Insurance Program Discussion FL Sea Grant SpecialistsThomas Rupert & I met withCarrabelle City officials during their City Commission Meeting on February 7th and discussed the new FEMA National

    Flood Insurance Program changes and the potential impacts to Carrabelle and Franklin County. Thomas also

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    requested the Commissions support for a letter of interest to FL Sea Grant outlining a proposal to do a study on the

    impacts the new FEMA flood maps and flood insurance program changes will have on the county & cities. Carrabelle

    City officials gave their approval and Thomas Rupert has completed and sent the letter of interest to Sea Grant. If

    our letter is approved we will be asked to write a full proposal to compete for funds.

    8) Grant Writing Workshop Members of the UF Healthy Gulf/Healthy Communities and the UF Arts In Medicineoutreach teams taught a grant writing workshop for Extension Agents, hospital staff/administrators and non-

    governmental agency staff titled, Turning A Good Idea Into A High Quality Grant Proposal. The workshop was held

    in Apalachicola on February 8th

    . Thirty people attended the training.9) SMARRT Meeting The first meeting of the new SMARRT committee met on January 28 th. I was involved in

    coordinating the UF presentations. The first was a demonstration of a UF Oyster Recovery Team computer model of

    the Bay that can project conditions and oyster recruitment/survival in the Apalachicola Bay given specific

    environmental conditions. The second was a joint UF IFAS & DACS discussion of the new required educational

    programs/certification that the National Shellfish Sanitation Program now requires for all shellfish (oysters, clam &

    mussels) processors and harvesters.

    FL Fish & Wildlife Commission (FWC)

    10)Saltwater Game Fish, Sport Fish Designations The recent proposal to create saltwater game fish and sport fishdesignations in Florida was tabled by the FWC during their meeting in Orlando on February 13 th. It will be discussed

    again at the Commissions meeting in April, scheduled for Tallahassee. In the mean time staff h as been directed to

    draft catch-and-release guidelines for bonefish and tarpon.

    11)FWC Sets 2013 License Free Days The FWC has announced its 2013 license-free days for recreational fishing. Saltwater dates are June 1st and September 1st and freshwater dates are April 6rth and June 8th.

    12)2013 State Recreational Red Snapper Season ProposedThe FWC has proposed that this years recreational redsnapper season be open 44-days from June 1st July 14th. These dates are inconsistent with the currently proposed

    federal season that is expected to be around 27-days. Final action on the proposal will be at the FWCs scheduled

    meeting in Tallahassee in April.

    13)Gulf Gray Triggerfish Season Set the FWC has announced that state gray triggerfish regulations will be consistentwith pending federal regulations including: a closed recreational season from June 1st July 31; a two-fish daily

    recreational bag limit.

    The commercial regulations include: a closed commercial harvest season of June 1st July 31st; a 12-fish trip limit;

    fishermen must have a federal reef fish permit to fish in state waters; and commercial fishermen need to followfederal guidelines even in state waters.

    14)Gulf Recreational Gag Grouper Season Set for State Waters The FWC has announced the dates for the 2013recreational gag grouper season in state waters.

    State waters of Franklin, Wakulla, Jefferson and Taylor Counties, including Indian Pass, Apalachicola Bay andSteinhatchee River April 1st - June 30th. Not open June 1st December 3


    The rest of the Gulf Counties June 1st December 3rd.NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)

    15)Upcoming Public Workshop Series Charlie Bergmann, fishery biologists with the NMFS is planning a series ofpublic meetings from Mississippi through the FL Panhandle and down to Naples, FL. The meetings are being planned

    for the week of March 10 15. He is planning two meeting in our area: Panama City, March 10 and Carrabelle onMarch 11. The Carrabelle meeting will be held in the cafeteria at the City Service Center from 6:00 8:30 PM.

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    Franklin County United Firefighters Association

    The February, 2013 meeting of the Franklin County United Firefighters was called to order at6:10pm at the Eastpoint VFD by Chief Jay Abbott.

    Five of the seven county VFDs were represented, with Dog Island and Apalachicola the only onesabsent.

    The main focus of the meeting was to review quotes and decide on a vendor for undertaking the taskof upgrading the Franklin County Fire Net. The new system equipment and configuration design isexpected to increase reception of hand held VHF radios carried by Firefighters, First Responders ansome Law Enforcement Officers throughout the county.

    Of the two quotes reviewed it was unanimously agreed upon to accept Williams Communicationsthree-phase plan which will include replacing RF equipment at the Sheriffs Office, adding a narrowband emission to the St. Teresa Firehouse base station and installing a new cross-band repeater at thFranklin County EOC.A conference call to clarify certain line items was completed with a Mr. DaviA. Heupel, Technical Sales Engineer for Williams Communications, with additional questions beinganswered..

    Contingent upon receipt of a modified Scope of Work from Williams, the FCUFA is ready to sign

    the contract and proceed with the project, ASAP.

    The funding for the project, roughly $10,000, will be financed partly by the FCUFA with theremainder being divided equally between the 7 existing FVDs. That cost per VFD should run right a$1000 each.

    The cost for narrow banding individual radios, base stations, mobiles units and hand held units willbe the responsibility of each VFD.

    The meeting was concluded at 7:00pm.

    Respectfully Submitted,

    Sec / Treas FCUFA

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    Franklin County Communications Advisory GroupFeb 13, 2013

    Re: Meeting Notes

    Progress Energy

    Representative Bobby Pickels updated all on the purchase of Progress Energy by Duke Energy and we should be seeing theintegration of Duke into the area by the end of April, this year.There will be a supervisor change at the Odena Office with Mr. Tim White now the Operations Manager, covering the area froCarrabelle to Odena and Stan Garrett covering the area from Crawfordville to Carrabelle.

    He reported the completion of the installation of transmission lines around Apalachicola and St. George Island with the nextproject being the pole replacement between Eastpoint and Carrabelle starting sometime in 2014.Asked about emergency response time after hours , Mr.Pickels said that the average response time should still be consideredto be 60 minutes.

    VerizonRichard Spurrier and Kimberly Teagarden informed members that a cell tower site was being negotiated with the FranklinCounty School District, to be erected at the Franklin County K-12 School. However, it was pointed out that this is a very lengthprocess taking some past projects up to 12 years.

    The Franklin County Sheriffs Office questioned Verizon about the time frame for getting 4G service. There were manycomplaints about cell reception at the FCSO. It was reported that a 4G foot print could be expected in this area by next year. the meantime, Verizon suggested that a network extender might be employed instead of the tower. Bobby Pickels suggested

    the possibility that Verizon Co-Locate with Duke Energy on certain communications projects. Jay Abbott requested Verizon

    make a presentation to the BOCC in the future.Franklin County Sheriffs OfficeOfficer Jim Ward and Officer Allen Ham were introduced as the new FCSO Information Technology Specialist and the newFCSO 911 Coordinator respectively. They briefed everyone on the upcoming new mass notification system CODE REDscheduled to replace the old WENS System now in place. They will be developing their website to include a link for publicenrollment and it is designed to be smart device friendly.They are also working in conjunction with Calhoun and Jackson Counties to increase their mapping capabilities and lookforward to the March 2013 delivery of the final product GEO COM. At that point, they will start adding layers. Finally, Dispatch has been moved, again, back to its former location in the jail.

    Emergency Medical ServiceTim Andrews, Director Franklin County EMS, said they still cant hear dispatch calls at the Eastpoint Station. All they get is

    static and must call by phone to see what the call is about. They also cannot hear the TONES which precede the call. Williamcommunications will be contacted to see what the problem is at the Sheriffs end.He requested the loan of hand held SLERS 800 Mhz for each EMS unit to back up a the UHF system that is proving to be verytroublesome and failure prone.Information on an insurance program covering emergency life flights to the hospital was brought up. There presently is aprogram used at Shandscair, that will allow an individual to purchase insurance for $40 to $60 a year and used in case they neeemergency air transport to a medical facility. The going cost for a ride, presently runs from $15 to $20K !!

    Franklin County United Firefighters Association

    **Please refer to notes from FCUFA Feb. meeting.**Florida Forest Service

    Victor Rowland , going into FIRE SEASON, reported 3 arson fires set recently in the Bloody Bluff and Tates Hell areas of the

    county. He also gave a status report on equipment and said a new D 850 would soon be available to replace their worn outheavy dozer. They are presently down to only one heavy.

    Emergency Management

    Pam Brownell informed all that training the state would be willing to provide thru the next year will be discussed and voted oat the EOC on Monday Feb. 18. Any agency interested in training for the next year is urged to attend to find out its options.


    David Moody, St. Vincent Wildlife Refuge, briefed members about personnel and resources available on the Island foremergencies situations in Franklin County.

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    Franklin County Advisory

    Board of AdjustmentFebruary 19, 2013

    9:00 a.m.

    1. Approve a request for a variance to construct a rock revetment within the Critical Habitat Zone on propertdescribed as Lot 6, Savannah Cove, St. George Island, Franklin County, Florida. Request submitted by Ricky

    Moseley, agent for Robert and Juliet Barber, owners.




    *******Tuesday, February 19, 2013*******






    The Planning & Zoning Commission met on Tuesday, February 12, 2013 with the following recommendations:


    1- APPROVE- Unanimous Consideration of a request to construct a Single Family Private Dock in Sectio26, Township 7 South, Range 7 West, 1 Lunsford Lane, Eastpoint, Franklin County, Florida. Thisapplication meets all state and local requirements. The Dock will be 15 x 4 and 36 x 4 with a 26 x 6terminus. Request submitted by GEA, Inc, agent for John C. Nunnally, applicant.


    2- APPROVE- Unanimous Consideration of a request for a Public Hearing to re-zone a 20 foot parcelbetween lot 12 & 13 and all of Lot 13, Block Z, Unit 1, Lanark Beach, Franklin County, Florida from C-4Commercial Mixed Use to C-3 Commercial Recreational. Requests submitted by Mike Hughes, Ho-HumRV Park, Inc., applicant.

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    Report to the Board of County CommissionersFebruary 19, 2012

    1- Inform Board that I met with 2 Board members from The Nature Conservancy onFeb. 13. They had requested the meeting to offer assistance in applying for funds

    to buy land for preservation. Their intended source of funds is BP, either throughthe RESTORE Act, or perhaps NRDA. I showed them a map of the county whereover 80% of the county is already in public ownership. I told them that unless aparticular acquisition would either increase public access to the water, or providesome other specific benefit, the county would probably not support wholesaleremoval of land from the tax base.

    I did offer them some very specific projects that county has discussed inthe past, such as the Old Marina Site on St. George, and the strip of land south of US98 along Alligator Harbor that the county tried to acquire from St. Joe. If the Boardmembers have other specific projects the TNC would be glad to review them. TheTNCs role is not to buy the land but to facilitate someone else taking ownership.

    2- Inform the Board the Dept. of Economic Opportunity is moving forward with thecountys long term economic diversification summit. The intended date of the

    summit is Monday, March 11, and it will be held at the Reserve in Eastpoint. Thekeynote speaker at lunch will be the new head of DEO.

    3- Board action to approve the funding agreement with DEO to pay for the economicconsultant the Board will be selecting. The Board will be opening up RFQs for theconsultant at the March 5 Board meeting.

    4- Inform the Board that Congressman Southerlands office informed the county thatthere will be second round of funding out of the Gulf Tourism and SeafoodPromotional Fund. This is part of the BP settlement. I have turned the informationover to the county TDC. The application deadline is due March 29.

    5- Inform the Board that Mike Rundel, EM Coordinator, did turn in 2 HMGP grantsto FEMA for a new roof on the EOC, and a new roof on the Jail. The total amount ofmoney the county is eligible for is approximately $450,000. The new roof on theEOC is estimated to be $83,000. The estimated cost for a new roof on the jail isbetween $721,000 and $860,000. Both roof estimates are for raised metal roofs as theBoard had directed. Admittedly the Board did not know the estimates for the jailroof would be so large so the Board might want to consider other options. And thecurrent options include:

    A.) Waiting to see if the county will be able to get more HMGP funds. This hashappened in the past when other communities did not use their share of funds. MikeRundel hopes to hear from FEMA with 90 days.

    B.) Revisit the idea of a raised roof. The last flat roof the county put on the jailwas approximately $120,000 so there is a large difference in costs.

    C.) If the county does not receive additional HMGP funds then the question ishow to finance a new raised roof on the jail. I had a meeting with representatives of

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    the Sheriff several weeks ago and if the county will fix the roof, repair the plumbing,and make a few other repairs the jail is otherwise sound and should provide another10-20 years of service. In preparing the cost benefit analysis for the HMGP projectthe architect estimated the replacement cost of the a new jail would be $7.9M, so it iscost effective to fix these problems in lieu of building a new jail. I have spoken to

    the Finance Office about where money could come from and in the time that we arewaiting to hear from FEMA I hope to be able to provide the Board some fundingoptions.

    6-Board action to approve a Resolution authorizing the submission of 2 grants toFWC- building bathrooms at the St. George Island Boat Ramp, and buildingadditional docking at Abercombie Boat Ramp. The grant submission deadline isApril 4. Mark Curenton has finished the grants, and we have had them reviewed byFWC staff for completeness and believe they are strong grant applications.

    7- I have attended the last several Airport Advisory Committee meetings and

    recommend the Board appoint me as Airport Manager. I want to thank Mr. Mostellerfor his years of service in the double capacity of Airport Manager and Chairman ofthe Airport Advisory Committee. As I told the AAC, I believe in these last sixmonths we almost killed Mr. Mosteller with all the time he felt obligated to give theairport and I believe it is in the best interest of everyone, including Mr. Mosteller, thathe not continue in that double capacity. Mr. Mosteller will stay on as Chairman ofthe Committee and will help schedule those meetings. As Chairman, Mr. Mostellerwill not receive any compensation and he will no longer be the grant administratorafter we conclude these existing open grants. All grant administration will come outof the Planning Office. I told the AAC that it is my intention to have the AirportManager serve the AAC in the same way I, as County Planner, serve the Planning andZoning Commission. Both the Committee and Commission are advisory, and bothcreate recommendations for Board of County Commissioners to consider. And inboth cases the Chairman does not receive any compensation. I believe I haveprovided proper and competent guidance to the Board for 25 years on Planning andZoning matters and I believe I can be of assistance in moving the airport forward aswell. Board action on appointment of Airport Manager.

    8- At the last county commission meeting, the Board opened bids for a new hangerand I recommended that the Board let me go to the AAC and discuss anotheralternative, which was to improve the existing county hanger and rent that to Mr.Randall Terry instead of building another hanger. I did go to the AAC meeting andthey did agree that it was a better use of FAA funds to modify the existing countyhanger and turn that building into a revenue producer first, and then discuss otherimprovements with the FBO. So the next few items need action, and can all be in onemotion:

    A) Reject all bids opened on Feb. 5 for constructing a new hanger.B) Amend the lease description with Mr. Terry so that he will rent the existing

    county hanger instead of a new hanger. All terms will remain the same. Mr. Terryunderstands that he will be paying $500 a month rent for a 10 year old hanger instead

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    of a new hanger, but he is willing to do so as he will be getting new office space andthe hanger is in a better location for him.

    C) Authorize the Chairman to sign a supplemental JPA that will extend thetimeline on the existing JPAs so that we dont lose any funds, and to change the scopeof work consistent with the recommendations of the AAC and the FAA. The scope of

    work will now include building office space in the existing hanger and makingfencing/security improvements at the airport.

    9- Inform the Board that I will be attending the next Gulf Coast Consortium meeting,which is at the Gulf Coast College campus in Panama City on Feb. 28, starting at 2PM Eastern. I have discussed this with the Chairman. The county has receivedemails from Congressman Southerland informing the Board that Governor Scott hasasked DEP to propose restoration projects that will access funds allocated to projectsof Gulf-wide significance. The Board may recall that the RESTORE Act allocatesmoney into 3 pots. One pot, 35% of the funds, will go directly to the impactedcounties, a second pot, 30%, will go to a consortium of counties, and a third pot, 30%,

    will go to projects of a Gulf-wide significance. DEP will be generating a list ofprojects for that 3rd pot, and it is my understanding that there will be discussion of this3rd pot at the Feb. 28 meeting in Panama City. I believe the restoration of theApalachicola Bay oyster industry would be a strong candidate for a project of Gulf-wide significance.

    10- Inform the Board that a website called Florida Virtual Entrepreneur Center wouldlike Franklin County to join. For a cost of $2500 a year this website will promoteFranklin County and provide information to new businesses and businesses interestedin relocating to Franklin County. The website address iswww.flvec.com/franklinifanyone wants to check it out. This center is trying to get all 67 counties involved andat this time 28 counties have signed up.

    11- Pass out new proposed Flood Ordinance that the Board will have to adopt at somepoint after the flood maps are finalized. The Ordinance is required to be adopted ifthe Board wants to continue to participate in the National Flood Insurance Program.The Building Dept. will be holding a public workshop intended for builders andcontractors to explain the changes in the federal flood program. The workshop willbe held March 13, at 6:30 PM here in the Annex.

    12- Remind the Board that its Legislative Delegation meeting is next Tuesday, Feb.26, at 7 PM, here in the Annex.

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