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I" iW IN FALLS COUNTY’S SCKAP QUOTA 1.980 T O N S Collecled so ^ a r 1.972 toos VOL. 25, NO. 247 A Resional Newspaper Servinc NIm Irtic*l«d Idaho (^oaliea WAR BULLETIN LOSDOS. 4u. teiteB - mt»y (UhU«c ta Qtt Varweili weUr hu tsufatd ttUf cam; mb^ae« t* npt«n » teru «a Ihxt .bapoctul tmtt, ft rvmstsalqw rtpofted b; tht SoTVi r&«l* BMttor bttr. nld Ud*;. Ni->\ia4<rr •nVIN FALLS. IDAHO, FRIDAY. JANVAUY 29. lDi3 PRICE 5 CENTS FDR VISITS LIBERIA, BRAZIL President Talks To Executives of Two Hemispheres • Russians Capture 6,000 More Nazis In Voronezh Trapj Dj UE.NSV SUATIKO MOSCOW. Jan. 29 (UPJ—Picked Russian units, to. turn the Voronezh front into a sectjnd preat nan triT-. iaw capturcd 6,000 men, including thr«e generals, aad kilicti S,OCfc), within u few hours, a high comnufcd communiqu-e acrxcacoj ' todny. Surroundintr the enemy force, one of tuiny :hr«:ifo<Ni disaater on the Voronezh front midway b«twe<s and Rostov, tank fon Natives of Tripoli Watch British Gohv troops of the famous guards regimcnLi, and cavalr>-mcn drove into the attack. Tlie noon communique said U»e cnUre nxU force or 9.000 llQuldikted. One Ruwiut unit. Uic n munlque sild. li«d liberated 33 in- liablied locallUcs. vlllAscs tnd dlj- trlel cenlcrs. wlLhln two clnj-s In #r Klvancc 'KeM'Kord Kurik. ot the Kharkov-Moscow rftlroud Iran Coronezl). Thla unit look more Uim 300 prU- oiicrs and captured a larte quanUt; of war spoils. SUllnrwl SBnrnd< Tlie grim wort of cleaning out the Itfst, glgftnVie RULslaft m an Wa?. »• siallngrod. continued rclenUnsly and IV was Indicated that mere wuM tiardlj- be more than i.m mtn remaJnta* of the 220.000 eoclr- deU and smashed Ujerc. (The Moftcow radio, heard In Lon* don. saw Gcnnan Ueut. Oen. Bet«e had surrendered «l Stallnsrwl all that remained of the enUre Oer- nian »7th dlrtiJon. (lU’a Birenbours. famous Ruulan war corrcapondent’ . wrote In a spe- cial dispatch to the London News Clironlcle tliat Oen. Frederlcb too Paului. Oetman commander in chief •t Stalingrad, was said by Oenaaa . prtioncrs to have Hed. turning his command ortr to one LleuL Oen. KIbner, who In turn ^Uo dcstrted bU Yeiterday up to IMO Gcrmau Had been kUled and 300 more curten. dercd. aeeordln« lo ofJIcUl count, out of the raned, starring, hope- less thousands «ho re:nolned. A third potential man trap, which threatened the entire lu.ooo axis trttops below Rostor. waa'Ueveloplng. Vestfrda>-'s c»>ns brousht the Russians wltJiln seven mUes of Krop- otkin. soutliemmojt of tliree rail- road JuncUons through which the axis troops might hope to escape. Bnfllhc city n-as aUnOKt etKlrcled. A cy*wd poa-crful Russian ana}' was i-IUUn la mUea of TlkhoreUk. 55 mllVs north-northweat of Kropot- kin. thft second JuncUoa petal foe escape. Tills Russian annj- was less than IC*BllBi>4 *a r*«« 2. U mi ONDSMUP OUDl A rooming trend In Twin Falls county's purchases of U. S. war bonds Ijccaroe InettftilnRls evident Uie report of Series E bond sales totaling »1li7S in Uie Tlmes-News iur\-ey of the week ending Jan. 7X Not only was thla the largest amount of Series E bonds sold in Twin Falls county In any week tlnce the campaign began, with the hlgh- b *ucce».dul CasUeford bond auc- Uon receiving much of the credit, but It was the second time In Janu- ar.T that the record for the cam- paign ims been broken. In the week ending Jan. B the total was r?li2S. The January arerago was lowered b)' tlie report of the week ending Jan. 10. when sales totallne UI.TOO «fre reported. The January quota for Twin Palls county Is 013.000. while the total to dite. not counting sales of Jan. 3. U IIfiS400. with one full week's Mtles yet to report. The sale ot t3S.- 300 In boiMli other than Series E was not reported thU week. Institutions rtportluB U . __ Ttmea-News survey were: Twin l^sHs Bank and Trust company. Fidelity National bank. Ftnt Federal Sar- ingi and Loan asoKUUon. Southern Idaho Production Credit assoda- Uan. po6U5ffict, Twin Palls NaUonal Pam Loan associations. Orpheum theater and the Tlmes-News. all of Twin Falls: Farmers National bank. . Idaho First Uational bank and the postoftlee. all of Buhl; FldeUty Na- ttenaj bank. Flier: and poatoHleea at Kimberly and Rogcrsoa^ 4 Convoyed Ships Sunk by U-Boats MIAMI, n a .. Jan. 28 0U9 — Ptxir United Stales merchant ships in ec*voy •Kttt s\mk wSth'ihe appaxtnl loss of S3 crewmen In the largest single loss of allied merchant ship- ping in the western Atlantic yet to be annoimced by the nary. An axis wolfpack. striking a t mid- ntght off the northern coast of South America early this mooUx torpedoed the ship* In quick *ac- cession. A small ship exploded when topero crashd Into Its side. Flames Trom the wrecksce. as It swiftly ■ank.'lighted the area and made the other shlja In the «ooToy euj tw u tfc the gutentrlnftv VE JAP SHIPS IIMGEOByy.S. p m FORGES WASULNOTOX. ,’J = . . CO funcus cC todiT. Axericaa facw . i Japactse cargo sic a . r»%> | erj »cd a t»2ie r. ceaS-oj^C :» «r> emj pljses and k::>C » .-ajaarsT t«cpi la cyeraam w sjii la tie capcirv ai.esassj- <«=' mscd pcs:. Thrtc Jajjoaese werr ute=; oer. Oceof the c»rT> « lean r-*’**' w«r« rr-crtpil : fjsry coBSUSlqi*' 2C5; -Scum Ptfirj. “1. O n J a s - SCJavsKBM -lAl Q»c=ti ilcaail tttasd =. iS* ci> ccmmasit 5«S. T tisry jss •Jw" anese wwr E lto l’i a i SSr«» jra- o&en'aod a Jaije *aaa=i c« Abandonment of T.B. i Hospital at Gooding Urged by Committee I' By JOHN COHLETT . tarx two j Ida.. Jan. 29 (U.R)—Recommendiitioii thiit the .state aace wtre wiped co:l . Jil^andon its tubcrculo.si.s ho.-?pital a t Gooding, crcalt'd only -4B) Dsstes ti» =£3:=.5s:. , iwo ycars ap5 a t a cost of ?85,0D0 and .still tmuseil. wn.s niaih i iodaj'by the public in.stitutions committee of "the hou.se. IB M S IF pi dlte bcmbers _ ____ ed I It wa-s further recommended that the xovcrnur appoitii a gaged the enemj pujsra. a = i ; noh-parti.san committee to invc.stigate the jw-s.sibililie: piece reporu edn.-a> iiU sae ' terto des^rjed to i sis protabiy coScjctL Tie pUars d-tTped =o fecciia. n c ? C. S. plases are 'iC> A force cr M tn-jtitr lla laediiss Scaiiecy - b.-J; Alrac«6ra .Be:: P > 3 ‘ C 3 « « . ed ia3tai:aUee3 c c Island the yew C««rf;ia A (C mU m 4 m r«a« ^ CWtown FL\SHESof LIFE Qerk Always Right—Thai's A'ewest St>'Ie| CHICAGO.3 .r'-A'^s.vc! ' ar cajsa-. or. rrit; a, the cherjhcd 5ua:=e3o ^.'vaCf ■the cutccer a Wli.*« p a L w r j r c i T i : ir.;? DLSX^paiEXT ITIIEU) prrrssOTGH. Jan. a>—Edwm 1* CSxnr, a carpcntcr. disagreed Ju-i£e W. Hfbef DiUtrich tali hsn he c.vjld not be excused tr.T= crand luo' duty next Mon- d«J. •TTfa yoa'il ha\-p to," Crone In- 4S;.!fd a> r-3;ir. clerks stiffened in :hr;: rhalrr.. •H.-.ff t-. thBt?" sjiapped Use •In 5h»: a UJnt tl'-f 1 .'St;ipd, -W f » Uiere l:n't atiy- do” the. court :i xo'j well." :carce. the po^ic U &e«Bisrjc ' CUStOCfd to _ j treataifr.t wccii Si;itr m>f» j ranted the pts.i j::p la Sggqerf >Sajx : A few c£ ^•^-t m r S r y m ; In piiilc rriau;C3 iha: 5aiT r=s?r- i up la Chi;ai* a^: A lullca^e licea poueci;«7. Snar^-- | j : an tfa:= i'cr a dBUnsUcn. tc^il tS* c « a l a . - » . - J i . Uke to get D.\.\Ri:Rors SITHIEHEM. PerJi, Jan. 20— Aihlrie Jo>.n Me-.^ingpr was in *.»ip o.-odiu.-n and tiarrlng on ur.nf.-r.uy'j baxketball *• he Jo:.^fd a war-time pli.v- _i«al fjtDcx.' cia.'.s and. in rlgor- «c» u»;n!r«. mjurrd hL^ neck. Oaat.*! Gnrdon r4^•^ lie's out o: UiF b»stf.b»n llnrup for ^ev- er^l gamr:.. I grortry fisiocarr . . . Sax* caSr eot pound,” t.'se cjrrk S^i• t;aL. '■B'j: I hate two a : a = ^ ' Uie tomer pretested. '■ -So wr.:e = e a '.iir tirrt yawned. A bowler. aa.x2«a to ^ gam* eoTiss u £u: u ^ ccvce- eafs OQ aacc::er aZe?. 6«eis wf- nallat tte piafic? » s s e ^ w- Ucg the pL-A T te wp».i» cciJr s ia i- ed down ti* bey; !» left :i* Ijlag la the pt: arsi ti» aowte- itaadiag cerreo:y. ATar aicKS. r.-»* minutes of this siJRi: tjta'aaig g. ^ ptnboyyel>d; •fvowj feili. U Tcuitw s « hurry-up fe«::=s ciit cC jw r teta. n i set j « r cl=3.“ A hacsewife wes: c» 2sr scjtb- bochood Burtet res«a>dir 5s buy saaethlae beaalei pert ss* «ly meii ts* dcaisr had «£?tt By Sasaday ah« >!sa;;s.rtC bolcg-aajthiss the dt*2er wtth. -TftC. X x a w m finally hare to tak» cC U a : port.' *TDday. hdy. ?ct£ ccc=a S ite sanik or nothtng.- taW bnr. «ovGn p n s c r . Nrb_ Jan. 29—Pfc. Crap T-T.ink came heme on fur- s~fT rU.iP month-'' of work a3ar.g i,*ip new .Mean hishwai', He :aW ti Use harrt.shlp.v which In- cJodra Sra-.prratures 73 decrees belpw crra. Bpwrvrr. now he's wondering If .be ihaaliin’i go back. He caURht h a fw: eold tlnce Irsvlng the whJe on the furlough. QCAKrtRSL SiKt:* ATiSBfc. J t e . S <Oelaytd),UJD—CSi£«iS anoy atr fere* beatitcacaa as»- couBod today Cat cr««3 ef Ss&r UUcheH bomfitfs who SBC laa dn^Qver cn Cr» *a± o a ttf a, - list fcatl^r. aai aaJs* esiBirr a s s MOINES. Jan. » —Stale Sra. iu<brn C nrlll,v, a Dubuque O r5 a r« i. whrwed ft loud “whew," w^ira he npmpd a Irttrr at hb Ksate neat and out dropped a etn* Jot CJ»0. n was a Touune leiier from his toasik caning hU attcnUon to some srao n t bankias legtdation. 2s*tieaaoa ahowed Qxat the ..C ht^ was pt}-able to «omebody - : and had been cnclosrd tn the *r by rnUuke. Japanese Troops m m U.S. to Get Action in Combat aOJ.'Ol.rLTJ. Jan. 59 <Ui5—UeuU On. Drlot Eaanons. Ameiicui K%;e cacsaaadfr in Hawaii., said SaSsy that he ha* bero directed to uco MneAt^ m Japuese deggit sata the armed forces as ratetiea. TolaBtwr* wu be formed at tmiu on the mainland.* *ald. "When they have Snfiird and rqulpped. they will •jl* seat low th{ acuvc ibcatcr of of catabli.shing a tuberculosis hospital within the state, “which hospilal .slioulil be built to best serve the nci.d.'> of the tubercular ]ialiont.” Tlie commltlec r<':«ri, U foUoaed Uirough, would an-un c m lc ’ftn U- Kue U)al has been brlorr mu^' Irg- lilfltors In tlie pa-'.-.'hauld a T. B. hospital be coiu:.-.iclc\I, and U so. where. Many co.iiniunilln of Idaho have vied for suc.'i an iiuiltutlon. Balldlng nrmixldnl T ie lOil lfglil;iture app.-ovcd an appropriaUon of »«.«» lo remodel the old OoodlnK cuUcje Into a T. Q. ho^pllt^l. The coniiiH"M pointed oav tljat an additional J^'.OCO ft as jirtd- cd lo .equip Uie lirM of the tao collegc bmidlngN. SlOl.OOO lo re- model and equip Uie ;<-con<l hulld- 1ns and $131,000 lo upi raic the Urst building In the ciirrcr. tilriuiliiin. I "Wc recommeml llut no lurtlirr expajditurc of iiiriiO l>e made Uitf time for tlic cc::ip'.ciion and operation ot thU l'.r.;.;ii:al.' the re- port. signed by Cliainiuii R. L. Aa- denon. R.. Blngh.mi. said. ••We further rfco;iimrnd that the state retAlii title in Uie land and bulWlttg* a t Goodl:vs ulth Uit Uiought In mind Uut K might prove valuable to Uie\.sUi:c or tioverjimrn; f<V^ housing of 'yniw.uiiaie loldlfrs a fte r th e w ar ai;tl Ili.-M cu^todtJln be retained there lo' fiuard ar.d protect the properly." \ t v lloNtiiUK Kor U»e next f*i> a:; jtars. the commill'T IHi t.'iat ihe T. B. patients .sliouid be cx'cd for M ot present—In w.inh in various approved hospluls o\er tlie state. The house dlipa'Cd of the "loan shark" bill in fJiort on!rr. opproT* Ing It 52 to 2. Tl\r b'.il ■ j.O ' j W U«ns« small loan b.-okera and fix the Ui- terest rate for loaus up lo UOO a month at not to exceed three per ccnt. Introduced in tlie lioure wi______ which proTidf.’i lliat rural electrlll- cation lines be a.w.^ed by the stale <Cralli.a>4 *a Put :. I) Officer Denies He WiU Wed WAAC Strip-Tease Star HOLLYWOOD." Jan. 3 OU»-R»d- halred Kay orcgoo'- whose deftness at doffUig her clothes resulted In her dismissal from iJi« WAACs, was Irate today at LL lUmey Och's de- nial of the ImpendlrC’marTlage she has flimotmcto. — ■~He's almost making a divorced woman bf me before I'm even mar- rled.”-Mlsa Qrcsoo' aald. Stje add- ed tiu t Sunday, she would go to SUxJttoo. Calif, where Ochs Is sta- tioned la Uie air cottw to straighten It out. As “Amber d'Ceorg.* sirlp-teaser. Miss QrccOTT was Use hit of a Des Moines, la., theater until a pair of rortng military police dlscorered she was a WAAC without leare of absence. She announced yesterday that she and Ochs would be married rib, I. Uilc^.OcbBoU. «is a m to him. TTASHINXiTON. Ja.1.3 :if!—Wi labor board aoun.'ea coactdfd today that the sudden o-utbwj*. cf Ubsr crllicL-:m oJ t.*^ b o a rt'i wage pcC.'cji irjta WtJl cn the .«eat.~ These Kra.-ce.' dpjcr.beJ the at- !ai-5 on ti;o bcirc'x «o: cf IMag > ' w e ;>oUcT—-a-.« ■■d’.f.e t«- lin^la—a.<. 'a n cjytx inMUllaa” lo unicrj to df.-.;ir.J wig? lacrraies far in e\cr^i of thr IS per tent «i;o-»a£;;e IncrTa.-^ oi-er Jan. I. IMt. IcvrL% Drauf.d.' fer an upward irvl.vSoo cf t.’ie ft-.-mula mav betncie jo prtsa- inc that me v rt3 wt:i be 'T>i»ct« Jjckrd" into action, theic so«TC*9 ?.i;d. of t.he formula. Il^ry roci!r:xl. wo-oJd durvpV the WUJ's rnitre wa*v stahillsatica pro- Kram. D<frnd« .\rtloa WXB Chai.-Tr.an W iliu a H. t>avts viKoro-j.'lT defended the boonl'S »a.;r jvUcy hut night la a reply to a c;;a.-i:e by John L. l^wls. presi- dfr.t r; L*ie United Mine Woekers cf ARicrx-j. that the -littie stetl" for- r.ula an outrafieous b.t-ach aad Jalatlon of the no-strlke agrremtal , and pfftm- . n;ade la Dec. m i.“ an aruie written for Use '-.i^-Howa.-d newjpapfrs. ;.T.e foe of the WUl. mferrrd the wage formuU amo-.iatfd ZERO HOUR NEAR OR L A S I ALLIED PUSH IN AFRICA By TntXlA.M a . DICKINSON- LONDON. Jan. 3 <UP^The Bni Ish eighth arn»y crowded the rra: guard of the Afnka knrpi near the Tunisian fronUer today, as »igrj mulilplltd that the aero hour was near for the suprr.-ne allied a'fen- UTt to throw the Geraians and ttal- laos remaining on the African con- tment Into the .*-ea. Despite bad weather, allied planes of the middle east*m fomaand fwrpt low orer southem Italy and Sicily Wednwday night and y«ter- lo blast railway eomx.uniraUon and “other taixeii.- They »fre *aaU»tatolTi5 a ^•.radJ oJIensne against the rallrcads oirr whtch supplies arxl relnforrrTnenta a»rf rushed for ahlpment to the axis’ narrowing African brtdiehead. ATtinery Doel A communique of the mlrtcile ra.'t- em coeunand reported artiilrry pt- changTS between the elshth amv and the Afrtka kc\rp%‘ rear guard tnterday near Zuar^. 32 rr.lles fm.-n Tunisia and 6« allej wr;t of TJIpolL The relatively slaw procrr^t cf the elshth army since It tcck THp- oU and the ia« of a.tUlerr sugte'ted that Uanhal &«.tn Rcrvmel had ordertd a spirited rear guard de- fense. to give him time to prepare the Marrlh line. In lower 'ninlsla. for at least a trmporarr stand. Slagv Set But dl^tcltes fmm alllrd north African headquarters said ihe ttage had been set for a final, stunning offensiv* «galn.'t all aati forces re- maining tn .Africa. Axis radios sound- ed alarms of aturks and Impend- ing big-!<*le action, and oc:e allied rrport Indicated thjit American force* wTrt already dellTe.-jig the first creal Wow. Radio Algiers .>^d adx-ascir.c AmerltM troop* had reached M»- kassy. 75 tailes north of the Mareth One. near the Ttmi^lan-TriapUtsn- IWTrOBtttr.-' * ' *■ t*’ •*' Axis radios soundtd etjiet alarms ot » blc alllPd drive. Radio PatU said allied lorce* below ^akmxsy w«r« testing drferjes the axis was prrparlRC between Chott D>erid aiid Oabex. SwampT Cho!t DJerid Is Just above Gabei. and therv Is only M mllM cf pavjble land between it and the coasi- Tt»®p Mamaenta ■Ctn.'jderable alUed troop tnovt- ments ar# coatlr.utng In the Mtdjes el Bab-Bou .\.*ada sector." Yadlo \1chy rjild. - n l.« obTlo^js that the allies are prep»nng foe largr-scale actlcn." Med.'fs el Bab l^ 30 miles south- west of Tur.'_«.. Qo-4 Arad* ta 20 w iks south of Mfd.Vs el Bab. The axis radio V't.hy said patAls of the Dntl\h elihth arrrj had In- (Cmii>««4 « r>c« :. Dt I>0¥C.l.\S B. CORNTU. W ashington. Jaiv 29 — PiUng precedent on prece- dent, President Roo.'^evoli i.t i.-iking adv-antagc of his historic trip to north Africa by stopping off on route home and con- ferring with the heads of alli.nl nations in both hemispheres. Tlie latest of these nuviinjrs came yesterday, when Mr. RoikseveU .saw Prvsideni Getulio Viirga,<i of Brasil at Natal, -------------------------------------------------- m a i n S o u t h A m e r i c a n ( e r m i - of the airplane servicc to Onlj’ Woman .f ^o.\rd olllcUl pointed out. bow- f-.rr. that the tcard tre^pjeat*}- hv( Ui;cT«l Its can celling lo award l;i;hpr Incrraso J'istiT.fd ty whit t!;r UIJJ tenrj "mala^^ijtmfStj' cr -Lieq',;a:itlra." \ “Fsitew^ .Maadate'^. DjvIs a.v»rtcd that the\ boa.'d's poll-y -follows the clear masdate cn noie Jtabinatlca given It by pnal- drr.t Roosevelt and ccagrejs. .Mciciwhlle. a clash aasocig boanl irnitwra ihem.'*>e3 on L“;e t.’^ e aij;'r.i.-cd Ukely- Enploytr member H.irr> L. Derby ccnt&ted a demand bv n. J. Thomas. p.-T5idrat of the .VdtcoNbl'e Wcelttta .\n.er;£-a <CIOi aad a WLS Ubor mc.-Titrr. lor ahoiliioa of the •liu> •I" furaula. .^t the Mrr-o lllSf, Infc.'med board M cm rerraied that Ubor EMasber^ are dlvtdtd co whether higher lsc»as«3 should be allowed to combat rtsln* Uxlns costs. Idaho Financial Status “Critical,” Says Bottolfsen BOISE, fd i, Jan. 29 ai^^ — The ■•.aie-j financial statss waa docftbed by Oor. C. A. Bottoaiea as -cntKal' Ui a talk before ih* Ada cocaty Rural Republican thib. He said there was "only a Utile money in the state iitassry.” aad that w«n-4e waa “d«rwa b^jy." mad predicted the lectslalurt wwild tn a Lhe budget under his own rwcta- mendatloni. The govej_.. . for post-war •d^.:3 a and fMt' saw a swreping RfpaMlfaa rfctiXT Landlord Income R e n te r s Climb WASHINCrrt«f. Jan. S» CU%- Aa office of price. survey of 13 la r ^ w ^ cnten shows that net opmtinc tncoae ct land- lords todajr u Urcer la doQm «ad cents than It was ia im-40. The sarrey shows that tBcoeec to apartmeat house owcers is up H per cent and to owrsea of two. tim e, and four-laaxHy *“•*"**. u u? STpercmt, SPECIAL OEAI LEVY PROPOSED \V.>lS.HtSC5T0N. Jan. a OIP'- CcngTTMional advocates ol Ihe “sktp-a-jeaj" plan for placing In- come taaei cei a cjrrent basts today are prrpostag a .'pecial death tax to p.'T^rr.t tea Of revenue to Ihe gove 7>.p prcpoial Is deiigned tq meet t.-eaj-.s>- oS>ectio.is to pay-as-yo-j- co plans j.'-jt Involve evKcUaUoa cf taxes rn 1?C inccase. The death tax would be lexifd la addlUco to prra- eni taxes and would be dfilgned 10 trttrter at deaU) the amecnt cf taxes forvlrtn now. • This new development came as the hc-.re ways and aeaj« and the arastp finance cccnmlttes bexan dfra:j.m of b;Us to raise U>e IfSal d fit Umit fror * to *;iP.\'*3-a».COOi. T h e waya and rseans committee expects to eoes- plete action cn U this wwfc. P^Tonrnts of L^e death tax claim ihst It wt«U«m»ke uaneeessary the treir.::yj reported substitute tor the "stip-a-year” whKh would cancel 1«2 tnaese tax liahllllies for thcce In the Rr;t surtax group mcd write o.'f 19 per ceat of the taw * oes higher bracket taxpayers. The death tax Jdoa ortglnated with Bea.-dsley RumL New Yor* banker, who fi-nt proposed the plans to write oft the 1»U Income UahUltieo un- der a pay-*s-jwj-go pUa. ^ rU dhtlMtlM tt Dm KaaKTtll mast«B CbsrehUI wrat U ^T.CKC Capi, li««lK AadarM . ak«T«.«( t>««TtT. Calo. She b a stmcTapber •( tl»e bn4«carten UafT *t Ges. Dwight DMhtwtr. Africa. As they talked Bra- riliaiis celcbrate<l the first an- I niversary that nation’s |brf.nk with t^ie axi.s. II «as presumed the (WO chief ex- I ecutlvta had an opportunlly to dls- ! ctiss Brwai’s strategle Unportance In hemisp.Vrle defense. The While House disclosed last . night tliat Mr. Roose«lt had paused ; on his jounwy homeward from the momentoui war councils In nortlt .KfH.-a to greet the president of trcplraj Ubcrla, on the western bulge of .\fric*. There he trvlew«d Negro troops and In-vpected a planUUon turning oct war-»ital rubber. Cv&tmncc Ended Sanday News of hU Liberian visit was contamed tn ■ dupatch from Mon- . roTla. released through the %Vhlta UO-.M. Which told for Uie firvt Urns x ' of Mr. RooseveTt'a lr»veU-«fter thiL—. Prtaident.' Wlnstoa Churthlll-.and- the Aateruan and OrlUsh high csm- mandi charted their 19U war ]^ns In a 10-day confcrence at Casa- bUnca. Mcctwxv The cxinferentc ended Sunday, the chief exeruU^-e and prime minister d«iTe southward ISO mUes to Marra- kech. an andent Berber and Arab town at the tool ot the Atlas stoua- tala>of Preach Moroeto. There they xpest the aicht and there they nld thctr tUTwtUs the foUoirtnc d^y. ' ~^TOi not idmtlfled. Ur. Rooserele '' aad ha piny new to liberia In iwo focr-«aotoRd am y transpon pUnu. They were landed at Bobertt neld. •boot » milts from MonrorU, »nd were greeted by Brig. Oen. S. W. Fltaxerald. commandinc tha middle e»« wing of the air transport com- taaad, and Brig. Oen. Jam a P. B. njde. t«remandlr.g general of the central African serrtce of supply of the American armies. The Ptwldent was e»eorled to the om c«a‘ mrss hall where t>rft.ddeni Edwin Barclay of Liberia, C. .‘.''.‘e 1- Stapsca, Ubtrlsn secretiftT of .\tate. and Frederick P. Ulbbatd. .Atnerl.-Sia charge d'affalrs. were wattir.g lo gTTti him. Riae In Jeep er hmth. the two chief erccu- g.-Minto a twunclng Jeep and ' M nc* t. 3) Silence Hides -^ate of Trip To Save Herd Tt\» tl the S*.ar.‘<y b u ln under five feet ol snow today still hid the eytc^st cf aa eHo:l. to carrr emtrgen.7 .■atlo.-J to l£i head of s--anl.-.g calCe by the use of Sun I VaUej'S sncam 0 « t r McVer. ' c*tt>. iJld I rrceived no « Mer*. McVej-. i.V other owner, who; headed an eipfJitlon whi.-h Itf; Ket=.V.;aj Wedr.rvlay mi.-r.ir.s in an , effort to de'.itrr l»o tor.s of ctli meal cate. The t«o brv-thers arr | Tain r-ai:' 'ja.-itr-fr.t dea'.erv aod', Uy JOSTTO lAVtlN m t.'-.e S;a.~.>T b iiia ra^.r.^. \ W.KSHlNOTON. Jan. 2S lUP- m th Sua VaHry's isowraci::? • R«bher Duector Wl’alam .M. Jet- .ounied cr. a t.-ta;k. the «xjed;U.-n fery. relle.mng that his philosophy started a w.ind-atcut tr.p ci 2S0 was based on be'jef tn Cie man who tnlle*. =o.-e than fl’e times th e ! e*t.\ ta the kitchen and worta with more d w t rtjte to the ranch.: his sleevrs rolled up. vlgo.-ously « • w hth aw tlcsited by last W Tefat— today U*iat hi* recent frank fTfak s;o.-m- That Jic-Ta. accccapaa- | .'tatemeats were designed to fttfth- led by lUhtnlai. ih'iT.dcr and h.:th I e r his polilWal ambiUons. wwd. two feel of snow » He said m an Interrtcw that he ^ 'i S & a i J E F F E R S DENIES IICAL PLANS n hours, blockra a road that had been open oiet lh.Te feet cf aaow. Thev were forted to lr»te: br «->r of Carey. .A.-CO. Mackay and Challiv. with the iniwaicfclle sehed-.i'.Td to bp u-'ed for a 3(-r.ile crttj-oour.trr trip at the end Three Wounded In Prison Break W.^CPCN. Wlx. Jan. 3 TTitre mea were ah« and wc^zraded, one posstbir 'stal, in an attrmpted break from the WUccoiia su te prt- xe> tod*.v. maa Jiaxeeded t i grt- tlns over the wt?'. wall tu t was. cap- tu red tn a W»-.;r--T ►a-*>ge. The men dis.‘^^2 f.-c the while betr.r marched frca the i haU to the week sho;*. Mont«omery Major Qioiee for Commauder of African Forces ALLIED HE.KI>QUARTEIia Sorth AW?K Jan, » ^Delisedl. ai£>-0=* oi the Cect-dona made at the Caa- bUaca cnafer^nce. tt was reported today, waa to place a ttagle _ a cfieratlL______________ the Sues tsmedlately afte? tbe axis b dnvea from Tunisia. Tte name taosi mestioaed fbr the post w«s that of Gea. Sir Beruud U Mijatgomry. eooQWJOt o f Manhal &wtn Rommel and tactical cealus ot tlM British eighth ansy^ brll- tiant. L400-mlle march to TrtpoU. Toe choice of MoDtcccBcir was tald to be laely bettsse hia elshth anoy u coosViend izr t&Ultacy ihea to tette fioatftiiklM ^ wccH. In addition, he has had three y e a a . d i exj>«-.*o.>. f < h t » s G e r - m w a a id Italians. . It was taken for granted befe that north AfrVa wccld be a a^rrrarif slooe for the tavastea of K=ope aad that oae ot the basest a f iTOTiltt or hua*T «oali be Usachrt antotk soaiben Esope u aaoaastes open^lon for tl» ted actte. TTie fact that Oen. Oeccct ahaO. ciUef ef aun. » d Oca. Sir Barakl H. L. a Ataaattar. BmHb teomaader tor the extitie eest. 1%. ctlnd Bp-»-a»*otaaJ* repona «b the rmdalaB BCta9 sttnaoQ «m takea u a a tadtcaUoB tati* tin t «>• tetsslTW cvB;auanttlc|9^«DL^lKC: 4mr, , * - had heard r.jaot3 that he had l>«en -taUnng-to the people" because Ir w>j ir.tfTTstrd in bemg rrctldenl ot .tiie Cnilrd \ “Ttie OT-v i^rcsWrno' I'm inter- « te d in U l.^at of l.Se Union Pnclfic r«i:road-and I've got Lhat." hp said. -I dM t care what ihey tAlt about in Wai-^2»Srna and I care le.-a what they thlr.k. I am not lnlertsled la f»::tJv'3>. never was and. furthemjore. pevrr will be. Gel that itralght. yjs-mg man." Jeflers granted the Interview it the end cr a week which saw him InvcCxTd tn a conuoversy with the cCfve of war infKmalion about a staiement he made tn Baltimore M »day. He had denounced "so- called expediters—array and navy Xbalerv" He wil w^aln what be ra e ^ t fcy that lo a caigresslooal cvgnmiUte next Monday. He ad not tell Ihh tntmlewe. bowrrer. that he had been mUun- dn^cKd m the t2se of the word -loartsa.* “Ity an old raiSeart expiesito.* he said, -n means waebody who la cnrsecenaiy on a )o6. not one wt!0 ts laying down on lU” 168,500 Idahoans Sign in 5 Drafts SE .)^ Jaa.aQ19-Lt.Ool. ; >kcs;aa B. ACkLwn. »ele«lTe tatUt c t eew ve otO«r wparted today U>*t ' •hect :(UW MOieus mtitered ta . ts» O tft ' UM XX -Ttx «n

Transcript of FDR VISITS LIBERIA, BRAZILnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF068/PDF/1… ·...

Page 1: FDR VISITS LIBERIA, BRAZILnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF068/PDF/1… · I" iW IN F A L L S COUNTY’S SC K A P Q UOTA 1.980 TONS Collecled so^ar 1.972 toos


i W I N F A L L S C O U N T Y ’S


1.980 T O N S

Collecled s o ^ a r 1.972 toos

VOL. 25, N O . 247

A Resional N ew spaper S e rv in c NIm I r t ic * l« d Id a h o (^ o a lie a

WAR BULLETINLO SD O S. 4 u . t e i t e B -

m t»y (UhU«c ta Q tt V arw eili w eU r h u t s u f a td ttU f c a m ; m b ^ a e « t* n p t « n » t e r u «a Ihxt .b ap octu l tm tt, ft rvmstsalqw rtpofted b ; tht SoTVi r&«l* BM ttor b t t r . n ld U d*;.

Ni->\ia4<rr •n V IN F A L L S . ID A H O , F R ID A Y . JA N V A U Y 29. lD i3 PRICE 5 CEN TS

FDR VISITS LIBERIA, BRAZILPresident Talks To Executives of Two Hemispheres

• Russians Capture 6,000 More Nazis In Voronezh Trapj

D j UE.NSV SUATIKO MOSCOW. J a n . 29 (UPJ—Picked R ussian u n i ts , t o .

tu rn th e V oronezh f ro n t into a sectjnd p re a t n a n triT -. i a w cap tu rcd 6,000 m en, including thr«e generals, a a d k ilic ti S,OCfc), w ith in u few h o u rs , a high comnufcd communiqu-e a c r x c a c o j ' todny.

Surroundin tr th e enem y force, one o f tu in y :h r« :ifo< N i d isaa te r on th e V oronezh fron t midway b « tw e< s and Rostov, t a n k fo n

Natives of Tripoli Watch British Gohv

troops of th e fa m o u s guards regim cnLi, a n d cavalr>-mcn drove into th e a tta c k .

Tlie noon communique said U»e cnUre nxU force o r 9.000 llQuldikted.

One R uw iu t un it. Uic n munlque s ild . li«d liberated 33 in- liablied locallUcs. vlllAscs tn d dlj- trlel cenlcrs. wlLhln two clnj-s In #r Klvancc 'KeM'Kord Kurik. otthe Kharkov-Moscow rftlroud Iran Coronezl).

Thla un it look m ore U im 300 prU- oiicrs and captured a la rte quanUt; of war spoils.

S U lln rw l SBnrnd<Tlie grim w o rt of c leaning out the

Itfst, glgftnVie RULslaft m an Wa?. »• s iallngrod. continued rclenUnsly and IV was Indicated th a t mere wuM tiardlj- be more th a n i . m m tn remaJnta* of th e 220.000 eoclr- deU and smashed Ujerc.

(The Moftcow radio, heard In Lon* don. saw G cnnan U eu t. O en. Bet«e had surrendered « l S tallnsrw l all th a t remained of the enUre Oer- nian » 7 th dlrtiJon.

■ (lU’a B irenbours. fam ous R uulan war corrcapondent’. wrote In a spe­cial dispatch to th e London News Clironlcle tliat O en. Frederlcb too Paului. O etm an com m ander in chief • t Stalingrad, was said by O enaaa

. prtioncrs to have Hed. turning his command o r tr to one LleuL Oen. KIbner, who In tu rn ^Uo dcstrted bU

Yeiterday up to IMO G crm au Had been kUled and 300 more curten. dercd. aeeordln« lo ofJIcUl count, out of the r a n e d , s ta rrin g , hope­less thousands « h o re:nolned.

A third potential m an trap , which threatened the e n tire lu .ooo axis trttops below Rostor. waa'Ueveloplng.

Vestfrda>-'s c»>ns broush t the Russians wltJiln seven mUes of Krop­otkin. soutliem m ojt of tliree rail­road JuncUons through which the axis troops m ight hope to escape. Bnfllhc city n-as aUnOKt etKlrcled.

A cy*wd poa-crful R ussian ana}' was i-IUUn la mUea of TlkhoreUk. 55 mllVs north-northw eat of Kropot­kin. thft second JuncUoa pe tal foe escape.

Tills Russian annj- was less thanIC*BllBi>4 *a r*«« 2. U m i


A rooming trend In T w in Falls county's purchases of U. S. w ar bonds Ijccaroe InettftilnRls evident Uie report of Series E bond sales totaling »1li7S in Uie Tlmes-News iur\-ey of the week ending Jan . 7X

Not only was th la th e largest amount of Series E bonds sold in Twin Falls county In any week tlnce the campaign began, w ith th e hlgh- b *ucce».dul CasUeford bond auc- Uon receiving much of th e credit, but It was the second tim e In Janu- ar.T th a t the record for th e cam­paign ims been broken. In th e week ending Jan . B the to ta l was r?li2S. The January arerago was lowered b)' tlie report of th e week ending Jan. 10. when sales to ta llne UI.TOO «fre reported.

The January quota for Tw in Palls county Is 013.000. w hile th e to ta l to d ite. not counting sales o f Jan . 3. U IIfiS400. w ith one full week's Mtles yet to report. T h e sale o t t3S.- 300 In boiMli o ther th a n Series E was not reported thU week.

Institutions rtportluB U . __Ttmea-News survey w ere: Tw in l^sHs Bank and T rust company. Fidelity National bank. F t n t Federal Sar- ingi and Loan asoKUUon. Southern Idaho Production C redit assoda- Uan. po6U5ffict, T w in P a lls NaUonal P a m Loan associations. Orpheum theater and the Tlmes-News. a ll of Twin Falls: Farm ers N ational bank.

. Idaho F irs t U ational bank and the postoftlee. all of Buhl; FldeUty Na- ttenaj bank. Flier: and poatoHleea a t Kimberly and Rogcrsoa^

4 Convoyed Ships Sunk by U-Boats

MIAMI, n a . . Ja n . 28 0U9 — Ptxir United Stales m erchan t sh ips in ec*voy •Kttt s\mk w Sth 'ihe appaxtn l loss of S3 crewmen In the largest single loss of allied m erchan t ship­ping in the western A tlantic ye t to be annoimced by the na ry .

An axis wolfpack. striking a t mid- ntght off the n o rthern coast of South America early th is mooUx torpedoed the ship* In quick *ac- cession.

A small ship exploded when topero crashd Into Its side. Flames Trom the wrecksce. a s I t swiftly ■ank.'lighted the area and made the other sh lja In the «ooToy e u j t w u t f c th e gutentrlnftv


p m FORGESWASULNOTOX. ,’J = . . CO funcus cC

todiT. A xericaa fa c w . iJapactse cargo s i c a . r»%> |erj »cd a t»2i e r . ceaS-oj^C :» «r> emj pljses a n d k ::>C » .-ajaarsT t« cp i la cye ra a m w s j i i la tie capcirv e£ a i .e s a s s j - < « = ' mscd pcs:.

Thrtc Jajjoaese w err u te = ; oer.O ceof the c»rT> «

lean r-*’**' w«r« r r - c r tp i l : fjsry coBSUSlqi*' 2C5;-Scum P tfirj.“1. O n Jas -

SCJavsKBM -lAl Q »c=ti

i l ca a il tttasd = . iS * c i >

ccmmasit 5 « S . T t i s r y j s s •Jw" anese wwr E l t o l ’i a i SSr«» j r a - o&en'aod a Ja ije * a a a = i c«

Abandonment of T.B. i Hospital at Gooding

Urged by CommitteeI' By JO H N COHLETT .

tarx two j Ida.. Jan . 29 (U.R)— Recom m endiitioii thiit the .stateaace wtre wiped co:l . Jil^andon its tubcrculo.si.s ho.-?pital a t Gooding, crcalt'd only

-4B) Dsstes t i» =£3:=.5s:. , iwo y cars ap5 a t a cost of ?85,0D0 and .still tmuseil. wn.s niaih i io d a j 'b y the public in .stitu tions com m ittee of "the hou.se.

I B M S I Fp i

dlte bcmbers _ ____

ed I I t wa-s fu r th e r recom m ended th a t th e xovcrnur appoitii agaged the enemj pujsra. a = i ; noh-parti.san com m ittee to invc.stigate th e jw-s.sibililie:piece reporu edn.-a> i i U s a e ' terto des^rjed t o i sis protabiy coScjctL T ie pUars d-tTped =o fecciia. n c ? C.S. plases are

'iC> A force c r M tn - j t i t r lla laed iiss Sca iiecy -b .-J;Alrac«6ra .Be:: P > 3 ‘ C 3 « « . ed ia3tai:aUee3 c c Island the yew C««rf;ia A

(CmUm 4 m r«a« ^ CWtown


Qerk Always Right—Thai's A'ewest St>'Ie|

C H I C A G O . 3 . r ' - A '^ s . v c ! 'a r c a jsa - . or. r r i t ; a ,

the cherjhcd 5ua:=e3o ^.'vaCf ■the c u tc c e r a

Wli.*« p a L w r j r c iT i : ir .;?

D L S X ^p a iE X T IT IIE U )prrrssOTGH. Jan. a>—Edwm

1* CSxnr, a carpcntcr. disagreed Ju-i£e W. Hfbef DiUtrich

ta li hsn he c.vjld not be excused tr.T= crand luo ' duty nex t M on- d«J.

•TTfa yoa'il ha\-p to," Crone In- 4S;.!fd a> r-3;ir. clerks stiffened in :h r ;: rhalrr..

•H.-.ff t-. thBt?" sjiapped Use

•In 5h»: a U Jnt tl'-f 1 .'St;ipd, -W f »

Uiere l:n 't atiy- d o ” the. court

:i xo'j well.":carce. the po^ic U &e«Bisrjc ' CUStOCfd to _ jtreataifr.t w c c ii S i;itr m>f» j ranted the pts.i j: :p la Sggqerf >Sajx : A few c£ ^•^-t m r S r y m ;In p iiilc rriau;C3 ih a : 5 a iT r=s?r-

i up la C hi;ai* a ^ :A lullca^e lic ea poueci;«7 . Snar^-- |

•j: an tfa := i'c r adBUnsUcn. tc il tS* c « a l a . - » . - J i . Uke to get

D .\.\R i:R o rs SITHIEHEM. Pe rJi, J a n . 20— Aihlrie Jo>.n Me-.^ingpr was in

*.»ip o.-odiu.-n and tia rrlng on ur.nf.-r.uy'j baxketball

*•he Jo:.^fd a war-time pli.v-

_i«al fjtDcx.' cia.'.s and. in rlgor- «c» u»;n!r«. mjurrd hL neck. Oaat.*! Gnrdon r4 • lie's ou t o : UiF b»stf.b»n llnrup for ^ev- er^l gamr:..

I grortry fisiocarr

. . . Sax* caSr e o t pound,” t.'se cjrrk S^i• t;aL .

'■B'j: I hate two a : a = ^ ' Uie tomer pretested. '■

-So wr.:e = e a '.iir t i r r tyawned.

A bowler. aa.x2«a to ^gam* eoTiss u £ u : u ^ c c v c e - e afs OQ aacc::er aZe?. 6 « e is w f- na llat t te piafic? » s s e ^ w - Ucg the pL-A T te w p».i» cciJr s i a i - ed down ti* bey; ! » le f t : i *Ijlag la the pt: a rs i t i » aow te- itaadiag c erreo :y . A T ar aicKS. r.-»* minutes of this siJRi: t j t a 'a a ig g. ^ ptnboyyel>d;

•fvowj feili. U Tcuitw s « hurry-up fe«::=s c iit cC j w r teta. n i set j « r cl=3.“

A hacsewife w es: c» 2 s r s c jt b - bochood Burtet res«a> dir 5sbuy saaethlae beaalei p e r t ss* « ly m eii ts* dcaisr h a d « £ ? tt

By Sasaday ah« >!sa;;s.rtC b o lc g -a a j th is sthe dt*2er wtth. -TftC . X x a w m finally hare to tak» cC U a :p o rt.'

*TDday. hd y . ?ct£ ccc=a S i t e san ik or nothtng.- taW bnr.

«ovG np n s c r . Nrb_ Jan. 29—Pfc.

C rap T-T.ink came heme on fu r- s~fT rU.iP month-'' of work

a3ar.g i,*ip new .Mean hishwai', He :aW t i Use harrt.shlp.v which In- cJodra Sra-.prratures 73 decrees belpw crra.

Bpwrvrr. now he's wondering If .be ihaaliin’i go back. He caURht h a fw : eold tlnce Irsvlng the

whJe on the furlough.

QCAKrtRSL SiKt:* ATiSBfc. J t e . S <Oelaytd),UJD—CSi£«iS anoy atr fere* b e a t i t c a c a a as»- couBod today Cat c r««3 e f Ss&r UUcheH bomfitfs w ho SBC laa dn^Qver c n Cr» * a ± o a t t f a , - list fca tl^r. a a i a a J s *

e s iB ir ra s s MOINES. Jan . » —Stale

S ra . iu<brn C nrlll,v, a Dubuque O r5 a r« i. whrwed ft loud “whew," w^ira he npmpd a I rttrr a t h b K sate neat and out dropped a e t n * Jot CJ»0.

n was a Touune leiier from his toasik caning hU attcnUon to some s r a o n t bankias legtdation.

2 s * t ie a a o a ahowed Qxat the . .C h t^ was pt}-able to «omebody

- : and had been cnclosrd tn the *r by rnUuke.

Japanese Troops m m U.S. to Get Action in Combat

aOJ.'Ol.rLTJ. Jan . 59 <Ui5—UeuU O n . Drlot Eaanons. A m eiicui K%;e cacsaaadfr in Hawaii., said SaSsy tha t he ha* bero directed to

u c o M n e A t^ m J a p u e s e d e g g it sata the armed forces as ra te tie a .

TolaBtwr* wu be formed a t tm iu on the mainland.* *ald. "When they have

Snfiird and rqulpped. they will • j l * se a t low th{ acuvc ibcatcr of

o fcatabli.shing a tuberculosis h osp ita l w ithin the state, “ w h ich hospilal .slioulil be b u ilt to b est serve the nci.d.'> o f th e tubercu lar ]ialiont.”

Tlie commltlec r<':«ri, U foUoaed Uirough, would an-un c m lc ’ftn U- Kue U)al has been brlorr m u^ ' Irg- lilfltors In tlie pa-'.-.'hauld a T. B. hosp ital be coiu:.-.iclc\I, and U so. where. Many co.iiniunilln of Idaho have vied for suc.'i an iiuiltutlon.

Balldlng nrmixldnl T ie lOil lfglil;iture app.-ovcd an

appropriaUon of » « .« » lo remodel th e old OoodlnK cuUcje Into a T. Q. ho^pllt^l. The coniiiH"M pointed oav t l ja t an additional J '.OCO ft as jirtd- c d lo .equip Uie lirM of the tao collegc bmidlngN. SlOl.OOO lo re­m odel and equip Uie ;<-con<l hulld- 1ns and $131,000 lo upi raic the Urst building In the ciirrcr. tilriuiliiin. I

"Wc recommeml llu t no lurtlirr expajd itu rc of iiiriiO l>e made Uitf tim e for tlic cc::ip'.ciion and operation ot thU l'.r.;.;ii:al.' the re­port. signed by Cliainiuii R. L. Aa- d e n o n . R.. Blngh.mi. said.

••We fu rther rfco;iimrnd that the s ta te retAlii title in Uie land and bulWlttg* a t Goodl:vs u lth Uit U iought In mind U ut K might prove valuable to Uie\.sUi:c or tioverjimrn; f<V housing of 'yniw.uiiaie loldlfrs a fte r th e war ai;tl Ili.-M cu^todtJln be reta ined there lo' fiuard ar.d protect th e properly." \

t v lloNtiiUK Kor U»e next f*i> a:;

j t a r s . the commill'T IHi t.'iat ihe T . B. patients .sliouid be cx'cd for M o t present—In w.inh in various approved hospluls o\er tlie state.

T h e house dlipa'Cd of the "loan shark" bill in fJiort on!rr. opproT* Ing It 52 to 2. T l\r b'.il ■j.O'j W U«ns« small loan b.-okera and fix the Ui- te re st ra te for loaus up lo UOO a m onth a t no t to exceed three per ccnt.

Introduced in tlie lioure wi______w hich proTidf.’i lliat rural electrlll- cation lines be a.w.^ed by the stale

<Cralli.a>4 *a P ut :. I)

Officer Denies He WiU Wed WAAC

Strip-Tease StarHOLLYWOOD." Jan. 3 OU»-R»d-

halred K ay orcgoo'- whose deftness a t doffUig her clothes resulted In he r dismissal from iJi« WAACs, was Ira te today a t LL lU m ey Och's de­n ial of the ImpendlrC’marTlage she has flimotmcto. —

■~He's almost making a divorced woman b f me before I'm even mar- rled.” -Mlsa Q rcsoo' aald. Stje add­ed t i u t Sunday, she would go to SUxJttoo. C alif, where Ochs Is s ta ­tioned la Uie a ir cottw to straighten I t ou t.

As “Amber d'Ceorg.* sirlp-teaser. Miss QrccOTT was Use h it of a Des Moines, la ., theater until a pair of ro rtn g military police dlscorered she was a WAAC without leare of absence.

S h e announced yesterday tha t she and O chs would be married r ib , I. U ilc ^ .O c b B o U . « i s a m to him.

TTASHINXiTON. Ja .1 .3 :if!—Wi labor board aoun.'ea coactdfd today th a t the sudden o-utbwj*. cf Ubsr crllicL-:m oJ t.*^ b o a r t 'i wage pcC.'cji irjta W tJl cn th e .«eat.~

These Kra.-ce.' dpjcr.beJ the at- !ai-5 on ti;o bc irc 'x « o : cf IMag

> 'w e ;>oUcT—-a-.« ■■d’.f.e t « -lin^ la—a.<. 'a n cjytx inMUllaa” lo u n ic rj to df.-.;ir.J wig? lacrraies far in e \cr^ i of th r IS per ten t «i;o-»a£;;e IncrTa.-^ oi-er Jan . I. IMt.IcvrL%

D rauf.d .' fe r an upward irvl.vSoo cf t.’ie ft-.-mula mav betncie jo prtsa- inc th a t m e v r t 3 wt:i be 'T>i»ct« Jjckrd" into action, theic so«TC*9 ?.i;d. o f t.he formula.Il^ry roci!r:xl. wo-oJd durvpV the WUJ's rnitre wa*v stahillsatica pro-Kram.

D<frnd« .\rtloaWXB Chai.-Tr.an W iliu a H. t>avts

viKoro-j.'lT defended the boonl'S »a.;r jvUcy h u t n igh t la a reply to a c;;a.-i:e by Jo h n L. l^w ls. presi- dfr.t r ; L*ie U nited Mine Woekers cf ARicrx-j. th a t th e - litt ie s te tl" for- r.ula an outrafieous b.t-ach aad Jalatlon of th e no-strlke agrrem ta l

, and pfft m - . n;ade la Dec. m i . “

an a r u i e w ritten for Use '-.i^-Howa.-d newjpapfrs.;.T.e foe o f th e W U l. mferrrd the wage form uU amo-.iatfd


By TntXlA.M a . DICKINSON- LONDON. Ja n . 3 <UP^The Bni

Ish eighth arn»y crowded the rra : guard of the A fnka knrpi near the Tunisian fronUer today, as »igrj mulilplltd th a t the aero hour was near for the suprr.-ne allied a 'fen- UTt to throw th e G eraians and tta l- laos rem aining on th e African con- tm ent Into the .*-ea.

Despite bad w eather, allied planes of the middle east*m fom aand fwrpt low o rer sou them Italy and Sicily W ednwday n igh t and y« te r-

lo blast railway eomx.uniraUon and “other ta ix e i i.- They »fre *aaU»tatolTi5 a ^•.radJ oJIensne against th e rallrcads o i r r whtch supplies arxl relnforrrTnenta a» rf rushed for ahlpm ent to th e axis’ narrowing African brtdiehead.

ATtinery Doel A communique of the mlrtcile ra.'t-

em coeunand reported artiilrry pt- changTS between the e lsh th a m v and the A frtka kc\rp%‘ rea r guard tn te rd a y near Z uar^. 32 rr.lles fm.-n Tunisia and 6« a l l e j w r; t of TJIpolL

T he relatively slaw procrr^ t cf the e lsh th arm y since It tcck THp- oU and the ia« of a .tU lerr sug te 'ted th a t U a n h a l & « .tn Rcrvmel had ordertd a spirited re a r guard de­fense. to give h im tim e to prepare the M arrlh line. In lower 'n inlsla. for a t least a trm p o rarr stand.

Slagv Set But d l ^ t c l t e s fm m alllrd north

African headquarters said ihe ttage had been se t for a final, stunning offensiv* «galn.'t a ll a a ti forces re­maining tn .Africa. Axis radios sound­ed alarms of a tu rk s and Impend­ing big-!<*le action, and oc:e allied rrport Indicated th ji t American force* wTrt already dellTe.-jig the f irst c re a l Wow.

Radio Algiers .>^d adx-ascir.c AmerltM troop* had reached M»- kassy. 75 tailes north of the Mareth One. near the Ttmi^lan-TriapUtsn- IW T rO B tttr.- ' * ' *■ t * ’ •*'

Axis radios soundtd e tjie t alarms o t » b lc alllPd drive. Radio PatU said allied lorce* below ^ ak m x sy w«r« testing d rfe rje s th e ax is was prrparlRC between C hott D>erid aiid Oabex. SwampT C ho!t DJerid Is Just above Gabei. and therv Is only M mllM c f p a v jb le land between i t and the coasi-

Tt»®p M am aenta■Ctn.'jderable alUed troop tnovt-

m ents ar# coatlr.utng In th e M tdjes el Bab-Bou .\.*ada sector." Yadlo \1chy rjild. - n l.« obTlo^js th a t the allies are prep»nng foe largr-scale actlcn."

Med.'fs el Bab l^ 30 miles south­west of Tur.'_«.. Qo-4 Arad* ta 20 w ik s south of Mfd.Vs el Bab.

The axis radio V't.hy said patA ls of the D ntl\h e lih th a r r r j had In-

(Cmii>««4 « r>c« :.

Dt I> 0¥C .l.\S B . CORNTU.W a s h i n g t o n . J a i v 2 9 — PiU ng p re c e d e n t on p re c e ­

d e n t , P re s id e n t Roo.'^evoli i.t i.- ik ing adv -an tagc o f h i s h is to r ic t r i p to n o r th A fr ic a b y s to p p in g o f f on r o u te h o m e a n d c o n ­f e r r in g w ith th e h e a d s o f a lli .n l n a t io n s in b o th h e m is p h e re s .

T lie la te s t o f th e s e n u v i in j r s c a m e y e s te rd a y , w h e n M r. R oikseveU .saw P r v s id e n i G e tu l io Viirga,<i o f B ra s il a t N a t a l ,-------------------------------------------------- m a in S o u th A m e ric a n ( e r m i-

o f th e a irp la n e s e rv i c c toOnlj’ Woman

.f ^o.\rd olllcU l pointed out. bow- f-.rr. th a t the tc a rd tre^pjeat*}- hv( Ui;cT«l Its c a n celling lo award l;i;hpr In c rra so J'istiT.fd t y w hit t!;r U IJ J te n r j "m ala^ ^ ijtm fS tj ' cr -Lieq',;a:itlra." \

“Fsitew^ .Maadate'^.DjvIs a.v»rtcd th a t th e \ boa.'d's

poll-y -follows th e c lear m asdate cn no ie J ta b in a t lc a given It by pna l- drr.t Roosevelt a n d ccagrejs.

.Mciciwhlle. a c lash aasocig boanl irnitwra ihem .'*>e3 on L“;e t.’ e

aij;'r.i.-cd Ukely- E n p lo y tr member H.irr> L. Derby ccn t& ted a demand bv n . J . Thom as. p.-T5idrat of the

.VdtcoNbl'e Wcelttta .\n.er;£-a <CIOi a ad a W LS Ubor mc.-Titrr. lo r aho iliioa of the • liu >

•I" fu rau la . .^ t th e Mrr-o lllSf,Infc.'med board M c m rerraied

tha t Ubor EMasber^ a re dlvtdtd co w hether higher lsc»as«3 should be allowed to com bat r tsln* Uxlns costs.

Idaho Financial Status “Critical,”

Says BottolfsenBOISE, f d i , J a n . 29 ai^^ — The

■•.aie-j financial statss waa docftbed by O or. C. A. B o tto a iea a s -cn tK a l' Ui a talk before ih * Ada cocaty Rural Republican th ib .

He sa id th e re was "only a Utile money in the s ta te iita ss ry .” aad th a t w «n-4e waa “d«rwa b ^ jy ." mad predicted the lects la lu rt wwild t n a Lhe budget under h is own rw cta- mendatloni.

The govej_ .. . for post-w ar •d^.:3 a and fM t' saw a swreping R fpaM lfaa rfctiXT

Landlord Income R en ters Climb

W ASHINCrrt«f. J a n . S» CU%- Aa office of price. survey of 13 l a r ^ w ^ c n t e n shows th a t n e t o p m tin c tn c o ae c t land­lords todajr u U rc e r la doQ m «ad cents th a n I t was ia im -4 0 .

The sa rrey shows th a t tBcoeec to apartm eat house ow cers is up H per c e n t and to owrsea of two. tim e , a n d four-laaxHy *“•*"**. u u? S T p e rc m t,


\V.>lS.HtSC5T0N. Ja n . a O IP '- CcngTTMional advocates o l Ihe “sktp-a-jeaj" plan for p lacing In­come taaei cei a c jr r e n t basts today are prrpostag a .'pecial d e a th tax to p.'T^rr.t t e a Of revenue to Ihe gove

7>.p prcpoial Is deiigned tq meet t.-eaj-.s>- oS>ectio.is to pay-as-yo-j- co plans j . '- j t Involve evKcU aU oa cf taxes rn 1?C inccase. T h e d e a th tax would be lexifd la addlU co to prra- eni taxes and w ould bedfilgned 10 tr ttr te r a t deaU) the amecnt cf taxes fo rv lrtn now.• This new development cam e as the hc-.re ways and a e a j « a n d the arastp finance cccnmlttes bexan

dfra:j.m of b;Us to raise U>eIfSal d f it Umit fro r * to *;iP.\'*3-a».COOi. T he waya and rseans committee expects to eoes- plete action cn U th is wwfc.

P^T onrnts of L^e d e a th ta x claim ih st It wt«U«m»ke uaneeessary the t re ir .: :y j reported substitu te tor the "stip-a-year” w hK h would cancel 1«2 tn a ese ta x liahllllies for thcce In the R r ;t su rtax group mcd write o.'f 19 per cea t o f th e ta w * oes higher bracket taxpayers.

The death ta x Jdoa ortg lnated with Bea.-dsley RumL New Yor* banker, who fi-nt proposed th e p lans to write oft the 1»U Income UahUltieo un­der a pay-*s-jw j-go pU a. ^

r U dhtlM tlM t t Dm

KaaKTtll m ast«B CbsrehUI wrat U ^T.CKC Capi, li««lK A adarM . ak«T«.«( t>««TtT. Calo. She b a stm cTapber • ( tl»e bn4«carten UafT *t G es. Dwight D M htw tr.

A frica. As they ta lk e d B ra- rilia iis celcbrate<l th e f i r s t an-

I n iversary th a t n a tio n ’s |b rf.nk with t^ie axi.s.’ II «as presumed the (WO chief ex- I ecutlvta had an opportunlly to dls- ! ctiss Brwai’s strategle Unportance In hemisp.Vrle defense.

T he While House disclosed last . n igh t tliat Mr. Roose«lt had paused ; on his jounwy homeward from the

momentoui war councils In nortlt .KfH.-a to greet the president of trcp lra j Ubcrla, on the western bulge of .\fric*.

T here he trvlew«d Negro troops and In-vpected a planUUon turning o c t war-»ital rubber.

Cv&tmncc Ended Sanday News of hU Liberian visit was

contamed tn ■ dupatch from Mon- . roTla. released through the %Vhlta ’ UO-.M. Which told for Uie firvt Urns x ' of Mr. RooseveTt'a lr»veU-«fter thiL—. P rta iden t.' Wlnstoa Churthlll-.and- th e Aateruan and OrlUsh high csm - m and i charted their 19U war ] ^ n s In a 10-day confcrence a t Casa- bU nca. Mcctwxv

T he cxinferentc ended Sunday, the chief exeruU^-e and prime minister d«iTe southward ISO mUes to M arra­kech. an anden t Berber and Arab tow n a t the tool o t the Atlas stoua- ta la> o f Preach Moroeto. There they xpest the a ich t and there they n l d th c tr tUTwtUs the foUoirtnc d^y.

' ~ ^ T O inot idmtlfled. U r. Rooserele ' '

aad h a p in y new to lib e ria I n iwo focr-«aotoRd a m y transpon p U n u . T hey were landed a t Bobertt neld. •b o o t » milts from MonrorU, »nd w ere greeted by Brig. Oen. S . W. Fltaxerald. commandinc tha middle e » « wing of the air transport com- ta aa d , and Brig. Oen. J a m a P . B. n jd e . t«remandlr.g general o f the cen tra l African serrtce of supply of th e American armies.

T he Ptwldent was e»eorled to the o m c « a ‘ mrss hall where t>rft.ddeni Edwin Barclay of Liberia, C . .‘.''.‘e 1 - S tapsca, U btrlsn secretiftT of .\ta te . and Frederick P. Ulbbatd. .Atnerl.-Sia charge d'affalrs. were wattir.g lo gTTti him.

Riae In Jeep e r hm th. the two chief erccu- g.-M into a twunclng Jeep and '

M n c * t. 3)

Silence Hides -^ate of Trip

To Save HerdTt\» t l the S*.ar.‘<y b u ln

under five feet ol snow today still hid the ey tc^ st cf a a eH o:l. to c a rrr emtrgen.7 .■atlo.-J to l£ i head of s--anl.-.g calCe by the use of Sun I VaUej'S sncam

0 « t r McVer. 'c* tt> . iJld I rrceived no «Mer*. McVej-. i.V other owner, w ho; headed an eipfJitlon whi.-h Itf;Ket=.V.;aj Wedr.rvlay mi.-r.ir.s in an , effort to de'.itrr l»o tor.s of c tli meal cate. The t«o brv-thers a r r |T a in r-a i:' 'ja.-itr-fr.t dea'.erv a o d ', Uy JOSTTO lA V tlN

m t.'-.e S;a.~.>T b iiia ra^.r.^. ■ \ W.KSHlNOTON. Jan. 2S lU P - m th Sua VaHry's isow raci::? • R «bher Duector Wl’alam .M. Je t- .ounied cr. a t.-ta;k. the «xjed;U.-n fery. re lle .m ng tha t his philosophy

started a w .ind-atcut tr.p c i 2S0 w as based on be'jef tn Cie man who tnlle*. =o.-e than fl’e tim es t h e ! e*t.\ ta the kitchen and worta with more d w t r t j te to the r a n c h .: h is sleevrs rolled up. vlgo.-ously « • w h th a w tlcsited by last W T efat— today U*iat hi* recent frank fTfak s;o.-m- That Jic-Ta. accccapaa- | .'ta tem eats were designed to f ttfth - led by lU htnlai. ih'iT.dcr and h .:th I e r his polilWal ambiUons. wwd. two feel of snow » H e said m an Interrtcw th a t he


n hours, blockra a road th a t had been open o ie t lh.Te feet c f aaow. Thev were forted to lr» te : b r «->r of Carey. .A.-CO. Mackay and Challiv. w ith th e iniwaicfclle sehed-.i'.Td to bp u-'ed for a 3(-r.ile c rttj-oour.trr trip a t the end

Three Wounded In Prison Break

W.^CPCN. Wlx. Jan. 3 — TTitre mea were ah« and wc^zraded, one posstbir 's ta l, in an a ttrm pted break from the WUccoiia s u t e prt- xe> tod*.v.

maa Jiaxeeded t i g rt- tln s over the wt?'. wall tu t was. cap ­tured tn a W»-.;r--T ►a-*>ge.

The men dis.‘ ^2 f.-c the while betr.r marched f rc a th e i haU to the week sho;*.

Mont«omery Major Qioiee for Commauder of African Forces

ALLIED HE.KI>QUARTEIia S o rth AW?K Jan , » ^D elised l. a i£> -0= * oi the Cect-dona made at th e C a a - bUaca cnafer^nce. tt w as reported today, waa to place a ttagle

_ a cfieratlL______________the Sues tsmedlately afte? tbe axis b dnvea from Tunisia.

T te name taosi m estioaed fbr the post w«s that of Gea. Sir B e ru u d U Mijatgomry. eooQWJOt o f M anhal &wtn Rommel and tactical cealus ot tlM British eighth a n s y ^ brll- tiant. L400-mlle march to TrtpoU.

Toe choice of MoDtcccBcir was tald to be la e ly b e tts s e h ia e lsh th anoy u coosViend izr t&Ultacy ih e a to te tte fioat ftiiklM ^

wccH. In addition, he has had th ree y e a a .d i exj>«-.*o.>. f < h t» s G er- m w a a id Italians.. It was taken for granted befe that

north AfrVa wccld be a a^rrrarif slooe for the tavastea of K=ope a a d th a t oae ot the basest a f iTOTiltt or hua*T « o a li be U sachrt an to tk so a ib en E sop e u a a o a a s te s open^lon for t l» t e d a c tte .

TTie fac t th a t Oen. Oeccct ahaO. ciUef e f a u n . » d O ca . S ir B arakl H . L. a A taaattar. B m H b te o m aa d er to r the ex titie e est. 1%. c t l n d B p-» -a»*o taaJ* repona «b th e rm dalaB B C ta 9 s ttn a o Q « m takea u a a tadtcaUoB tati* t i n t «>• tetsslTW cvB ;a u an ttlc |9 ^ « D L ^ lK C : 4 m r , , * -

h a d heard r.jaot3 tha t he had l>«en -taU nng-to the people" because I r w >j ir.tfTTstrd in bemg r rc tld e n l ot

.tiie Cnilrd \“Ttie OT-v i^rcsWrno' I 'm inter-

« t e d in U l.^at of l.Se Union Pnclfic r« i:ro ad -an d I've got Lhat." hp said. - I d M t care w hat ihey tAlt about in Wai-^2»Srna and I care le.-a w hat they thlr.k. I am not lnlertsled la f»::tJv'3>. never was and. furthemjore. p e v rr will be. Gel tha t itra lgh t. yjs-mg man."

Je fle rs granted the Interview i t th e end cr a week which saw him InvcCxTd tn a conuoversy with the cCfve of war infKmalion about a sta iem ent he made tn Baltimore M » d a y . He had denounced "so- called expediters—array and navy Xbalerv" He w il w ^ a ln w hat be r a e ^ t fcy tha t lo a caigresslooal cvgnmiUte next Monday.

H e a d not tell Ihh tn tm le w e . bow rrer. tha t he had been mUun- d n ^ cK d m the t2se of the word -loartsa.*

“I ty an old raiSeart exp iesito .* h e said, - n means w aebody who la cnrsecenaiy on a )o6. not one wt!0 ts laying down on lU”

168,500 Idahoans Sign in 5 DraftsS E . ) ^ J a a .a Q 1 9 - L t .O o l . ;

>kcs;aa B. ACkLwn. »ele«lTe t a t U t ■ c t eew ve otO «r wparted today U>*t ' •h e c t : (U W M O ieus m titered ta .t s » O t f t '

UM XX -T tx « n

Page 2: FDR VISITS LIBERIA, BRAZILnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF068/PDF/1… · I" iW IN F A L L S COUNTY’S SC K A P Q UOTA 1.980 TONS Collecled so^ar 1.972 toos

Page l YO TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Friday , January 29, lOW


M B A U n8AVD08 8. KLEIN

WASJIINOTON, JB'i- » 'UP-'- ConUnued jRpanr.-^ Al'lp concenlfn- tioixs a t RibiUl. N«w ‘'*Jand. Indlfsttd todny Ui»t Uie fii- rmT soon mn; undfrttke a^iothcr m»Jor dri»f In Oie Aa-litHan nrr».

Rrporu lh»l Ifte fnrm)- had bten confft\irttli\E I. l»r»< near RabtuI tiaie brcn

Ucui Is t

............'Ivfd JieroU (« ii m ronnt-

msny n» 00 nnvalr« tlsIclnliy. T ilt »htfu nr« »*ld Wfly dl4p«r»fd 10 avoid an MitraUd elr itUrK.

KtTtril I)lr««»loniWIiAl nbjfcllvf ilK* Jnpnnr:

ilnd li m niirr of cJ rc t iir r Prom n»b»ul. enftny could alJllce out In ^cv*ral cllrec* tlon*-<-ut»arfI the allltrt. Mipply liiif.' briwrfn AiiMrslii mid the Uniiffl swiM i touiiicaji Bgolnit Ouadilcanal In the Bolo- motu and «gtiln»i P ^P 'u ; or iouth

............................ jss ln sl All



Us I pif.e«lv-IntoTTORUon nlfO Ui

ed lh«l the Japanne have landed ironp relnforwmenU In New Oulncft nntj on Timor L lBnd. U»e Utter 1y* Ins f'*f the northern Aumrillrn coait. The troop conecnUalloni on Mew Qclnea « ire lald to b« ilrable, biK not not on any maH scale In

• Timor.TImar U n d in o

Au»lrall»n.i were »indmtoo<t In b« particularly concitTied over the new enemy Isndlngs on Timor,: «'hleh provide an Ideal bu ito r operaUnni a ie ln ti Auitralla.

Some cxperu b«Ueved. however, lh a t Ihe Timor landing* m iy be * lolnl to draw allied naval *u«nglli to the nortw tit of Auilralli nnd Uiu.1 clve tha Japanese eulei u l t l n i agaliui \he Golomont or U ' allied lupply line.

V ol Gen. K on.U nllr »ov.ky. juU adraneed lo itiat ran* by r re m k r Btalln. rommandi Ihe IlUBlan Otfentiv* an the Don Tlrff .fronl. a pa ri of the many- p ren fid drive tovard RoiIot.

m\m 6,000

R[i r n a Pm * <>"•>

60 mllei ca ll of Kiuchevka, tO mllei norlh of TlkhoreUk and U jnllw south or noftor, Uilrd and lait «i' cape Junotlon.

!M.OM CwnalUet CZ^a Moscow radio l u i n lih t put

Ihs tolaj or German killod and li-ounded In the Iasi two monlhi more Uian 700.000.)

T h» noon eommunlaue reportwl new ta in s on both Uie southern n o rth Caucaiui (ronls irhere nUlrond juncUoni btlow Rojiov Uireatenod.

On lha southern front, whtra tha I tu u la n s ara drUlns on T lkhortuk and Xuchevka, 0 «rman count<i

. a tlac lu v«r« npulaed and lorUflc O trm an posliJons were ,capttH& tha communique lald.

In atreel f lih tln i /w » town In the no rth Caucsaus. » Russian In- Tantrj- u n it killed 200 Oerroanii an< took tome prlionen. In another sec­tor mobile Irtwpa broKo through to th e G erm an r ts r and cu t o il Uu T tlrea i p f„a targe O em jan motor. Itod column.

"P lgh tins U now In progrrss fo: th e ftiuilhUaUon oT Uie German col um n.“ the eommunlaue said.

Twin Falls Area . Farmer, 76, Dies

W. a MarrUon. 7«. Twin ra ll i farm er, died a t his home on route one Friday m om lnf. He had lived here since 1910 when he came '

- Waahlneton.• • U r . H arrUon was bom Sept. 30.

1888. In Seneca. Mo. He was n mem ber of the Baptist chiirth . Snr- vlvlntt are hU wife. Id a '^ t . Harrl- eon; three chlJrtn. Wllmer H arri­son. N am pa; Mn. Lolla M. lim y . HwUty. a w l an adopltd son, nichnrri Harrljion. now in the V . B. nnvv, MI.1S Dorothj- Harrleon. Twin Pnili nnd Mr*. B eu Han.ien, CstdweU. are among the nieces and nephewj Bun-lTlng.

He also leaves six grandchildren: two Rlsteni. Mrs. Cora Hlxon. Nam> I>a, and Mrs. Jacob KUion, U O rand . Ore.. and a brother. J. A. H arrlaon, Castleford.\P u n e ra l services will be held a t 3 \ . m . Saturday a t the While mor- U i\r7 chap«t wlt^ Rev. Hannan n ic t officiating. Burial will be In the Tw in PalU cemeleo'-

WEATHERTw in VbHi and T lelnU y-tlghl

anew Ihia attem een and leplfhL NbI 10 cold tonlfhL High j t i t t r - day 40. tew 30. Lew iM i m aralnr

irnai r>«* 0|») board of equallisUon Instead of by county asseuors,

The long.expected bill lim iting poueuJon of SlQiior to J7 QUarU w u Introduced In the senate by the .itate affairs committee. The mea* sure Is sponsored by the Idaho Al­lied Clvlo Forces. Also Introduced In the K n a u was n bill relating to the tax deeding of property.

O ranl llapealer Members of both houses antlcl-

psted consideration of two Import* a n t m e a iu re i-th e g ran t act repealer In the senate and tha prim ir)' re> vision bill In the house.

Doth measures are scheduled for vote Baturday, The house, however may defer action on the primary bill to allow lu members to crowd the senate tide and hear argum entj

1 the grant act repealer.Leaders of both parties predict

passage of the repeal bill In the settfcle, butnotxe eouM (orecast «U e' ther Oov, 0 . A. Dottolfsen would >lm o ; veto It, It U gets to his desk.

The problem of a possible deficit In the highway fimd th a t may af* feet gas tax allocations to counties was left in the lap of tha Joint stati a ifalrs committee of both houses Hlghtt-ay Director Joe D. Wood ported to the (rroup th a t his depart- me;it faces a dallclt II.AOO.OOO by e n l or 1«J. He figured f u tai revenue* would drop off about Hi par cent.

D epsrtm rni llxpendllareo He said the depnrtm snfB expendl-

turw . IneliirilnB lUOO.OOO in con. rnctum l obilRnllon.1 made last yrai ind to ' b^ flK t.-‘hl« yenr, totaled ibout t3.ero.DOO’ nml tlm t revenue Itom which be aViQted 10 countlM miH i.be (ieduoted, would be about »3,800,000, One Dee. 31 ln.'t. the fund h iu l '« balancc of I2H.OOO.

The problem of ftllocnllnK the 11,000,000 to the counties U >«rlo<i.-<.

!caa« AIIJ-. Oen. D ert H. Miller ;lrt th iit current claims ncn liu t the

departnient m ust b« paid before the ity allocallons could be made.


<rraiB T ift Onttflliratrd tlie southern sector ninng the frontier alUiough "atl«mpLn to mclrcl# I tsllsn and G erm an forcM n ‘ weMem Trlpolltanla have not mcceeded,"

An American drive to the TunUlan m il coait would be calculated to ilnrli off the retreating Afrlka korp.1 and grind It to pieces between 'IB Ainerlcani and the British ishili army, pushing toward the


TWIN rAWMhlnrio,

K eep th e W hite Flag o f Sa fe ty Flvlng

. Now n davt taUhout a death in o u r Magtc

GAININGUnder Impetus of warllme, mar*

rlu«e licenses luued In Twin Palls county in ISil showed a gain of ft»proxlm»Uli' 30,

Tentative tlgures as listed a t the counly rrcoider'.i office showed the tot.Ui, .\ubjcct lo revision, were 433 (lurlni; the p u t 13 monUis and 403 iiurinB 1041. Mftrtlngts performed 111 the counly. however, tota l con- tldrrobly more tlian the Ucerue figures since many persona who cured licenses elsewhere In the si came here to be wed.

jm O M t , Jan , 23-Joliii Dsnlel Hms. T*. prominent Jerome pli>- eer. died a t 0:30 p. m. Tlmrsdsy ‘ ,ie St, Valenllne's hoipltal. We

dell, following compllcailoiu from in/lijenra. _

Born In BCTlevm. O,. Nov. I. 1!5( the son of Ambrose Nlmi of New York. he heli>ed hi-' fallier pioneer a iiomestesd In Ohio, and as a young msn moved to aiciiuood Sprliits. Colo. In 1S88 lie slaried ns a printer and worked In the Olenwood Sprint^ vicinity on the U advllle Herald and the Aspen Times and in Red Cliff, Colo., in the early mining ds}i.

Kherirr In Celarsds Mr. Nlms was sheriff end cHy

c :«k or Bed Cliff for several yesr«. He married Mi-^s O ertrudi Puller, in Buens VUta. Colo,, July, UOi.

In i m Mr. Nlm.1 csme to Jer­ome and founded the NorUi side News; the first Issue was printed in November of th s t year. ^Tie publi­cation was sold in 1D37 to & -......Burke.

A chartcr member of llie Jerome Matonlo lodge. Odd Feliowi lodgi ind K oury club, Mr. Nlms wsi aC' Ive in many civic orgsnlMiloni- iie v u a member of the first villige :ouncll, and helped esisbiuh the flrit volunteer fire department end w ii a 'm em ber of .the flrit ichool board.

burvlrers Mrs, Nimi preceded him In

InOctober of 19(1. He Is survh son, Harry Qlllette Nimi, pub- her o f the Aberdeen, Ida.. Times:

a dsuBhter. Mrs. Earl □. Miller. Port Angeles, W uh .; tlx grsndehlldren;

brother, H erbert U Mmi, Csllfor<. la: a s liu r, Mrs. Abble rreM, flwanton. O.: and two ncphe-*i. Em. e.'.t C. NImi. Jerome, and Cloyile Nlma, PorOand. Both oW'dreii were a t his bodilde a t Uie time of driih.

Funornl services will be conduct­ed a t a p. m. Sunday at the Frei- byterlan ohurch with Rev, CImrlei Horejs offlelailng. D. A. L’llerrlion, long-Ume friend. Is In chsrie of the funeral

T^viii Falls News iii Brief

will be In th Jerome cemetery der direction of the Jerome funeral hom%

Esraivisiis RiA. mi

irfim Pi|« Out) rode to a parade ground wbere tin 4 lst englnecT.n and part of a de fense detachm ent commsniled by Col. A. A, Kirchoff were drawn' up a t attention.

After a b ind rendered fyll honorii and played Uie nations) anUtrm of Uie un ited e la te s and that of the republic /ounded In 1121 by Ntgrocs set f r e r l n Uic l/nlted flistej, the two Prraldenta rode up «ml riown Ihe lines of lroop.i. Inspecting Dicin carefuH.v.

George Seybold, general nisnscer of the Plreiione Rubber compsiiy's ff9,000-nere plaiitailon. lAOk clurKo of Ihe party a fte r the troop trvlrw. ■nu: planlntlon employes 18,000 inv-

The HospitalEmergency beds only were avail­

able a t the Twin Palls county hos- plUl Friday,

AD.MITTED B, E, M artin. E d tn ; Mr*. S. C,

Dice, shoihone; Mrs. Clyde Lcorci and MKi Barbara T itus, boUi of Twin Fails.

Piy.MltiliKT[)•Mrs, C. E, Yoweil. Dietrich;

E. P, Hansen. Pller, Miss Patty Snj'der, Haselton. and Mrs. Alton Wiliiam.1. 'T«ln Palls.

FuneralsHANSE.V-La.U honors will . .

paid to Mrs. Ida Christina Hansen a t lOiJO a . m. Saturday a t the Twin PalU mortuary ehapel w ith the eec> - Id ward L. D. a . buhoprlc d irect-

S Uie services. Interm ent will be In Sunset memorial park.

L U lte y -P u n era l srvlces fo r Arch Lundy k i l l be held a t a p. m. Bat< urday a t the Twin Palls mortuary ehapel w ith Rer. Mark 0 , Cronen- berjer offlclaUng. Burial will be In U ii ne ck O rwk o«aet«n’.


NATAL, Braill. Jan. 2fl (/fV-Prei- Ident noosovelt. safely bsck In the wesiem hemisphere after hn his­toric meeUng w itli Prirne MlnlMer Churcliill In Casablanca, conferred ye,Mfrdey wlih President Ceiullo Vnrniu of Brarll.

I t was the first meeUiii belTeeii Uie two preildcnu since 103(3. when Mr, Roosevelt visited Bmsll on n South Ameriesn tour, and csnir in Ills republic celebrated llie first an- liversary of h e r rupture of rels- Ions with the axU powers.I t was understood Uiat Admiral

June.1 tnsrani, commander of Unit­ed H utc t naval forces In Uie souUi Atliuitlr, and U. S. Ambassador Jcf- ferkcm Caffery sa t in on Uie lalk.i.

Natal, illustod on Uie "bulge' of BrnMl. Is -lie main western terminus if trikns-AUanUc plane serv’lccs op- Tailiik between South America and

AfrlcaAU Is the s lu of sn Import- an t Oriizll navul base from which U, S. naval forces operate and like­wise Uie site of a great U. S, army air bste Itom which A m uitan' planes u k e off for far-flung fight- inff fronu,

Ltks Uie conference a t Casablanca between Roosevelt and Cliurctdll, Dreparatloni for Uio meeUng here *ere made wlUi Uie greatest :recy,

A brief ofilclal announcement of the conference said merely th st Un lireildenu lud m et and (liat detail would be given following the Bra< rUlan chief exccuUve's return to nio de Janeiro.

GuesU or D aughter Mr. and M rs. P, B. :

Boise, have arrived for aviait wiUi th e ir daughter, Mrs, T. O, O'Urlen, and M r. O’Bncn, 83fl Wol' nut,

AecepUd by Navy 'David N ewtotj Bayleas, son of Ho­

mer Baylesa, 3#0 Jefferson streeu h u been accepted {or euUstment W Uie navy a t th e navy recrulUiig hendijuariera In Boise, according to informaUon received today,-

WAAC L Jeulenan l Heme. Agne* e tronk , rriembcr of jm en 'a auxllU ry army corps.

U home on leave lo vlalt her par- enU, Mr, and Mrs. M. A. Stronk. Recently commUsloned a t Port Des Molnei, la ,. L ieutenant Atronk will return to th e low a WAAO csmp Monday a n d will be stationed i t the oommunlcatloru eenUr.

K ntert M arines Charles (Dud) Glib, son of Mi

and M ri. C a ri Olib, S04 Blue Lake, boulevard, departed today for 6ait U k e Olty w here he «Ul be n o tn Into Ifle m arine corps. He enlisted a t the local m arine staUon sfier being proceaied-.through Uie draft board. T he youth Is a former Bloye of th e Roxy theater. Hi tended th e UnlvertUy ol Idi souUiem branch.

Three D riv en Pined The box icore of Uie police . .

SJU nent drive on traffis law vlo- lort U getUng amaller. Municipal Judge J . O, Pum phrey said flnei of

I I each were paid by Clay U Leu* berson. Buhl, and Glen Davis. Twin Falls, for hav ing Improper llgtiu. A I I fine was paid by Wilfred U Hsn- sen. BuJiJ—I I to r having jmprcper llghU, and f l (o r failure to (Um lights a t th e approach of anoUiei vehlcli.

Eldridge ItecuperatesW. H. Eldridjc. city clerk, li

ported recovering saUsfactorlly i ter a major ojiernUon Tuesday St. Luke's ho5[ilUl, Bobe. He Is scheduled u> undergo anoUier oper- aUon in about s week or 10 days.

BirthsTo ^!r. ju id Mrs. David Langley,

Buhl, a boy and to Mr. Rtid Mrs. Arthur Gable. Twin Falls, a boy. both bom Prlday Diorninif a t the. counly ho.'pli.il maternity liome; and a son, nsined Wlllism Arthur Taylor, to Dr, Oeorgeif J n i ! o r _ 6 n i Mrs. Toyior Jsn. 37 a t Uiclr resi- denes, 381 Jefferson.


ClmrRed w ith f irst degree burg, lary In connection with Uic thelt of A slot m achine from the H. H. Murray pool hnll n t Filer Wednes­day. Urls D ean M iirshbum. 30, look

1 Saturdny jnom lns to enter a and w,As belnR held In the Twin

l-’nlLi county Jail under gjoo bond.Mar,\hburn wan arrested shortly

after 4 b. m , Wednesday a.t a iiu> pect In tho burglary of the Murray place a little a fte r 3 a. m. A 10- cent slot m achine, containing a lltUe IcjLi than 100. sa id to have been taken from the M urray place, was found In the iitrcct o u ls l t l^ t is now t the sheriff 's office. 'The burglary wa-i discovered by

Clint McKinley, Filer n ight manhal, who fltnt heard th e crash of glau In Uie back door of Uie pooUitll, He

3 then In th e c ity building, which rioxt door lo th e other pliicc. While I'cstigatlnE In tho alley, and find

itiat an a tte m p t to enter Uu pool hall had been unnucccufu brc;»w of barred tioor, ho heard 11)8 tiu,h of g la a n l tlie frunt of the

building, 11c hurried tlirou«h the city building to invcstlgaK Qlitiirlisnce.

h i>;Ud to have bi s h u n dUUnce

from Uio pool hnll when MsKlnley ncrufd from llie clly building. Hi a.% iirn-.-.tcd in his room after Dep- ;y fiherlffi. F/l Hall and Virgil R.

Uordea a iuw rred a call from Uii night mar.Mial,

.Marshbuni wa.i represented at-hls srrolgniaent by W. L. Dunn. "

.tlan Sentenced Jack G ott wss sentenced to SO

days in Jail when he sppesre<l be­fore Probate Judge C. ,A. Bailey Thursday on a charge of being In­toxicated, and disturbing the p u ce . G ott was arrested by police Wed­nesday, and the complaint w u sign­ed by Chief of Police Howard Gil­lette. ___

At Coast Guard BaseWllmer (Doci-Newberry, ion of

Dr. A. A. Newberry and Mrs. New­berry. Is now on beach and hone paUol a t Uie new coait guard base a t Half Moon bay, Csllf. He w u sent to the new b u e from San Pran- rlsco, after Joining the e o u t itiard last November. His wife has re­mained a t their home in PorUi Ore,

Baek From Meeting Truman T, OreonhaJgh, member

of Uie city couneil, h u relum ed from Boise whiro he attended a meeting of the Idaho M unlc lul league. Grecnhalgh said plana for m alntj}nl»f the league oh a muS' Ml Male for the duraUon were dU- cussed a t the meeUng. and the em­ployment of a part-Ume secretary was decided upon.

Special Drill 'Lluei. George Warberg of Co. 9.

Idalio volunteer reserves, h la asked Uisk members of the special drill group report a t the high Khool gym­nasium a t 13:60 p. m. Saturday. Those who volunteered a t M ondayl

ting of Uie company, and any rn nblo to be on hand, were

u ked to wear uniforms and bring gun.i for a d rill to be presented for

:ml Idaho school odmlnls- tratsra and physical education Itader-1,

CRANSTON, R. I , Jan. » OXK- An ll-year-old Cranston schoolboy has confcMcd lhat he sliovett a play­mate into Uie path of a e p e ra i^ passenger train and Uten ro b W the child's body of a cheap wristwatch and »1,0S In casli, auUiorlUee ,an - nounced today.

The >1cUm wiu Clinton Place, Ir^ J . of Providence who lived near lije Cranston line. He wn.i crushed be* neiiUi the wheels of a New York- bour«l New Haven railroad tra in :

Summons Comes For A. H. Duclow

H. Dudow , 83. died Prl- iliig Bt the Puulcr res . Durio-i V.US bom Peb, U

18i3, at G louchesier. Mai.r, end lis den t of T «ln Falls

Ived by a dttugliter, Mrs. 1. Twin PfllLv and 'K In Hie ea.1t. M rs,,

wife, died September

leslde riles Kill be held a t : Monday a t Sunset niemoru:

l«rk wlUi Rev. O? L. Clark offlclal- :. l l i e body resU s t Uie White irtuary.


Diirlow, hli. 1941.

RATIONERR. If.' «Harry) Denton, Kimberly

civic lender, i-i a member of the Twin Pall.i county raUonlns bosrd and no'. P r td Denton. Twin Palis, U was pointed out today by R. W. CH‘ penter, Uie new chairman,

Tlie erroneous llsUng occurred yesterday in announcement of.Mr Carpenter's elevation to the eliolr' m.inslilp and appointment of Cari N. Anderion as chief clerk. Mr. An­derson resigned as chairman in or­der to become ch ief derk . In which post he will be in acUre charge * Uie raUonlng office.

Members of the ration board now Include Carpenter, R. H. Denlcn, 0 . H. Coleman, B ert Sweet. Dan J.

SiffnB Teachers’ Bil)BOISE. Jan . 3S W y-O ov . Bot-

tolfsen has signed a m euure per- m ltung m e su te board of eduuilon to lower quallflcaUons for Useheri in Idaho schools during the war­time emergency. The change w u asked by the departm ent to meet a t«ac&er (h o rU ft. -

Job Trip Halted For 14-Year-Olds

Tlirre it-yenr-o ld boys who lei iheir home.-, hern Monday to go W Port Towwpnrt, WBsh., were arrest­ed u t Caldwell Tliurixisy a t the re­quest of Sheriff W »rren Lowery, 1( w u said Bt Ihe slierlfrs offiee.

Tlie bovs w rre reported intending lo .'CRk wur InduMry Jolu a t Port Townsend, where tho faUier o f oni of Uiem 1.1 employed.

Nurses Leaving For Studies of ‘Kenny Method’

Mrs. Della O ecr. iV ln Palls, and Mrs. H orry 'W ilson. Buhl, bo;h feglslercd nurses, were to leave ihls nftem oon for Minn- eapolb. M inn., where Ihey will take a six-day course in Uie Kenny melhtxl of applying hot packs In the treatm ent of acute pollomyelltLn.

Expeiues of the nuracs taking the course a re to be borne by the Twin Pails coiuiiy chapter of Uie National PoundaUon for In- fanUla Paral^’sls, I t wa« lald by Mra. Mary A nn Knight, a mem­ber of Ihe advisory commltlee cf Uiat organltatlon. The chapter recelvii i t j funds rrom Uie an­nual infanU le p&ralyili drive which U now going on.

I t is conlcnu>lated Uiat the two nurses w ui conduct training courses for oUier Twin Palli county nursea a fte r their retuni.

V E 1 A P SHIPS l Y B O i E R S

On.)ance fire was started. All U. S. ilanen returned.

"(D) During Uic evening a force if Dauntlers (Douglas) dive bombers and Avenger lOrumann T . B..P.) torpedo planes wlUi Wildcat (Grum­man F48) e.tcork attacked an ene­my destroyer and a ceJgo ship In tlie Veils (tulf. Two direct hlUi were scored on the cargo ship which w u left sinking. Bomb.< fell close to Uie destroyer which was left smoking.

•■2. On Jan . 38ih:"(A) Durlns the afternoon a lorce

Of DaunUess dive bombers and: Avenger torpedo platies wlih Uglii- ning (Lockfieed P-38) escort a t­tacked Japanese ships about IS miles norUieast of KoIombsng;ira Is­land. A torpedo lilt cau-'.ed a large explosion on on enemy destroyer. One bomb h it and several near-hiu were scored on a cargo ship and near-hlij on a tanker were obscned. Tlie carso ship was la-it seen smok­ing. One of the four enemy rrros which Intercepted was sltoi down. All U. S. planes relumed."

At the time of Uie accident Uie train's engineer said he believed Uiat two boys pcrt.ilied since he had seen twn near the uacks. But only one body was found.

Displayed Waleh Tlie Identity of Ihe second boy

. as determined when Police Chief Boumel learned tha t Uie dead chlld'i chum v a i displaying the waich a t eohool.

A Uiree-man boerd compoaed of DUtrlet Judge LouU W. Dunn, City Solicitor Edward W. Day and Po­lice Chief Nelson Boumet met to de­termine w hat' kclion should be brought against Uie boy. whose •lenUty w u not j'e^-ealed.

Queetlonlng brought UiU con fu - on. aecording to)police;The boys had loeen playing In

Cranston during t^ i afUmoon gnd had argued over the watch. The U - year-old suspect had fruitlessly re­quested tha t he be ^ rm ltted to wear it. At supper «me tJiey sUrled home •long a sh o rK u t I h i t Jed across Uie railroad tracks. \

Saw Train Ap|iroaehln|As Uiey reached the tracks, it w u

said, they saw Uie train approach­ing.

"We beller w#lt unUJ Wie f n ln geU -by," Clinton was quoted.

Slde-by-slde Uiey stood a t tracks. As the train reached them. Uie suspect allegedly said, h i placed his hands on the victim's shoulders and shoved him beneaUi Uie wheels.

Tlie train possed over the body and hilled u quickly u possible. But the suspect had time to run to Uie boy, strip off Uie now-battered watoh, take the money, and flee across the tracks—unobserved In the eeml-darkneu.

President Joan Anienie Bles e( Chile rebovel asked hi* cengreu to sever rrlallDni wKh axU pawers. Cengrees responded by eoUlng tha tics.

Seen Today


Pfc. Jam es Bailey,In A laska, III of Sleeping Sickness

„ ..« n d M ra . JM k B .ilfy Iiivp re- eelved a telegram from the Rdjuwnt general a t Washington, D. C.. ni ing them of the serloes Illne Ihclr fon, Pfc. Jamea W. Dailey, who is siAtloned In Alaska.

Tlie noUee staled tliat PrI flslley Is suffering from nnite cephalitis, a form of sleeping i ness. Mrs. flftlley, his mother, been ill. for the past two week/

Injured Wife, 26, Still Unconscious

Still uncoMoiouj from a head In- jury received In a c ar crash Wed' nuday evening near her home soutr. of Buhl, Mrs. W alter McCauley, 98, WM said to be unimproved in r' p u l 34 houtv. She U a patient till T * ln PaUs county gc .ici- .. plial.

Tlie Buhl rarm woman recelvcti tha t her physician believes may be fraciured skull, bu t furUier ex

umlnaUon wae to be delayed unll she regained consclousnea, Her doC' • j r said her eondlUon w u still con. ildered crlUc&l.

Nurse Supervisor Resigns Position

Mrs, Mary Ann K night h u re- nlgncd u supen'lsor of nurses for the district heafUi unit, and Mrs, E lliabeU i'Sm ith, a nurse on the staff, h u been appointed acUng su­pervisor.

Or. o . T. Parkinson, health unit lirector. said tha t Miss Dortthy

Collard will arrive from Boise Peb. 4 to Uke o r rr the duties of that position.

M n. K n ljh t asid her pU nr Indefinite,

S U S, E N S i B A S E

WASHINGTON. Jun. 29 tA’h - Amerlcon lend loose aid lULi madi Uie DrIU'h liles "an Impregnabli base for offervlve operallon.i," Ed' ward R. Steltlnlus told eongre.is t0‘ day.

Stcltlnltis, lend lease admlnlitra. tor. asked continuance of lend lca.i( until July l(l«.

, testimony before the house for- affairs commltlec, stctUnus

a large part of the north Afrl- cainpnlgn and the middle c u t,

Itallnn Afrlcu, Syria and Martagos- ear offanslves stemmed from the British isic}.

He related that llie progruni w uMiilUnB In .^UIlply by other United

Nations of lor)ii. munlllon.i, services, barrackA I and iranspori.ition to

!ed plates troo|is Maiinned In n. a / well m making American iMiu of war avalUble to Britain,

Ra-.ila and this nation's

Woman driver spinning car wheels on lee, with her auto go­ing crossways In trafllc and run ­ning a red light to top off Uie per- formance . . . Boy helpfully chip­ping loo off the jxMiofllco il«pe . . . Judge Jim m npiirey (also Jujiloe Jim Pitmphrey) try f ti to figure out how to make one rubber stam p dp tlie work -of two- or three . . . Drlvee with eAwlboMd Instead of a left door glass, Uiking his ch-mccs in police safely crack­down , . • With recruits allowed by law now few and far betw-een^ Yeoman E rn tii Tcrmuncle doling peacefully . . . Taxicab stuck a t Ice along c u rb . , . Couple of ladies fltopplnfr to chat companlonably In middle of the town’s main In- tcrsecOon . . . Pieces of hall from Thursday night flurry still cover- Inff windowsill of vs(»nt down­town store a t li l t# a, m. Prlday . . . Pred Ingraham, silting very upright on bicycle, cauUously ne- RoUatlng slippery Bscond street norUi . . . DoroUiy Erickson doing it le u cauUously, swinging around eom cr a t rapid clip, and gelUng away w-lUi It . . . And H. 0 , Je p . pesen heading out to the hospiul wlih blK suck of blsnk birUl cer­tificates.

ex t^ dother allies.

PoMasc of leghllUi tlir net uppcured ccr publiiisn leaden have declared they would not oppose continuance of on act wWch ha.s provided billions of dollars worth of aid to others of the United Nations, but thei mnnds f<\ ft delnlled neeountlng of iiow the proijram is being cai^ec" out.

.Siettlnlus told the committee lhai “If there Li any ouesllon to be de. baled in connection wlUi tho lend lea.^e act. It b , to my mind the quei' lion of why we have not sent uion to otir Bllip*. not whether we should continue to send supplies to them.

He reiwrled thot lend lease aid the end of December. 1042, had amounted to I8JJS,000,000.

SPOT CASHFor Dead or WortbJats Hone*.

M ula and Cows Call Cellect 02g8-jS. Twin Falls MART AUCB TQOUT MOM

4 Wreck Victims Reported Better

BURLBV. Jan. 20-Fouf vlcHma nf a wreck es.n of here Wednes' ilny evening were said by their piiy- .ticlnns today to be improved. All ,.ire pallenl.1 In Uie Collage lios- ;>ltal.

Tlio-'.e lulurcd In Ihe wreck w«r( '.Ir. nnd Mrs. Tloy Orahood, Bur\ ey, and Mrs. atid Mrs. Earsul Twit-\ •hell. Elba.

Most seriously Injured was Mr.i. Orahood. both of whose legs were irokcn above Uie knee. In -addlUon o a head Inju/y she received, which le r plu'slclan Mid Is either a skull fracture or a brain concussion.

Mrs- TwUchell recdved a fra< lured leg In Uie crash, which can from a head-on collision w|ih ■ r\rmy truck. BoUi men received frai tured ribs.

India has about 100 languages, though only 18 are spoken exlen- ■avely.


[ s n n isIlM I PONTIAC T O R tE D O '

Radio, healer, exeellint w hiu sidewall .Ures. low mileage. Clean u a hound's tooth.

111! CHEVBOIET t-DOOR Healer, compleuly wlntcrlwd. ve iy good nibber. Uxally owned.

Boy,19,Will'Face Charges in Boise

Lee Belknap. 10. wtio was waiting a t the ih a lf f ’e office door to give himself ug fo i^^ar^ thsft when the p ln e c i .i r t^ t ,f ln ? rs d a y mornlnc, proUbly Uiken to Bolso byeapiU I 'oitieers to answer charges fllad Uiere. it was ssld by Deputy Bherirf John Lelser.

Sheriff Warren Lowery confirmed Belknap’s ^Io^y of having .stolen • ' ca r by ioeatlng a 1941 sedan belong­ing to E. Rodgers, Boise. T titre was 10 gasoline In Ihe ear. which w u standing on the highway e u t of

Twin Falls,Bclknop told Lower)’ Unit he

on hl.i way to Pocatello to gL work. When ho ran out of gas and was unable to obtain more, he says, h e decided tha t he would be caught for car theft anyhow, and might as well give hlnwelf up.

Piper Funeral SetJEROMH. ¥an . 20-runenU serv­

ices for Mrs. Maude Piper will be held ut 3:30 p. m. Ssturday s t tl Jerom e Presbyterian church wi Rev. Charles H oitji oIlltlaWriK. 1; t«m ienl will be in Uie Jerome cem U'ry.

IK* o( r««' andtrliklKf. CnrnelHns •I'J "• >•«' *

i.inh .r - -TIIF COMHANDC

NOW ! EndsTom orrow I H e 's ' d y n a m it e on HORSEBACK!

Buck head! for Uie gokl country ' to fight gun-mad .ouUawst

^mdchI im u


A 'k* Clwk"

S tA r ls N « x t f lu n d ty l

PLANS U i E R i yplans ore now underway for tho

third annual Twin Palls community awards banquet vlUi dale tenUlive- ly get fo r 'nwrsdoy evening, peb. 25, Harold Uckey. c lu lnpan . an ­nounced. The event Is sponsored by th e Jun ior Chamber of Comrnuce.

A w u ^ w\U be presented « Uie banquet to an unspecified n u i^ e r of Twin Palls men and women. Tlie award winners will be selected by a repre«nw ttvc cominlitcc within a «hnrt Mmf I.iCkeY empliosUed tha t Uie selecUon Committee, while •!»- pointed by the Junior Chamber of (Jommerce, ha i no connecUon wlUi th a t organUaUen. JaycMa act u sponsors and underwrite Uie gold modaU but ha te no voice in v>“»- ing Uie winners.

Pinal selecUon of dale and Place for Uie third snnuai event will be announced sooii. Tickets, strictly limited lo 100 or ito a t most, will probably not go on u ie unill two weeks prlor.to Uie banquet.

Members of Uie Jaycee commit- l»e hsndUng details of Uie dinner. Uie program and securing of award medals are Lackey. Tom Peavey. Loyal I, Perry, John q . Adams, Jr.. K enntUi shook, Paul- H. Gordon. Breck Pogln and J. J . Mullen. Ri|ss T liom u. Jayeee president. Is an ex- officlo member.

Ticket dUtrlbuUon vUl be in cli&rge or Mr. Shook. Chairman Lac­key ssld, but sales will be handled by Uie enUre committee and by Uie Chamber of Commerce.

India. wlUi an area of imOOO


Gens Titm ey


ENDS t o n ig h t : William raw tll


I TSaturday Only

.wiifiu u m irtui Haynf TirUfl 6[Y Kiji LUKC

$11 uvm

C»n»en. “ n>» l»tliUli

Sunday & Monday

G rcal Comody , FEA TU H ES

MIIJOIK lOUi ooN i i i i r v -




Page 3: FDR VISITS LIBERIA, BRAZILnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF068/PDF/1… · I" iW IN F A L L S COUNTY’S SC K A P Q UOTA 1.980 TONS Collecled so^ar 1.972 toos

F rid ay , J a n u a ry 29, 1043 TiMES-NEW S. T ^ N FALLS, IDAHO i Page Threo

ELPASKEOFOR Blood Transfusion at Front


lirelirr-ilve ovtr Uie future of liun* drtds or jwiBl! literal collfgw tiiroushout ihe rouiitry.- Ui« house mllimo’ committee decided lodny to rail on u«\nWiwcc conimlwlor CliBlrman PftUl V. McNutl for m wiilinc of Uie Bovfnunfni'* plaiis.. CImlrman Muy. O.. Ky.. oiinoun

ced th a t McNult »ould iMllfy t ^ (l»v *nd »pcclflc«Uy would be Hiked to aJiow tlie coromlllee how the smBller schooL-i would ftre under Uw mUllAry Irnlnlng p ro itm ir'to be curried oul *n cooptnulon with collcKe* w id unlvenltle.1.

May nnd other eommlttfc mem- bera Mid tentlmony already given by armv nnd navy ofJlclalj liidl- calfd tiia t m tle or no con.idcr- allon han been plveii to tlie jmnUer Inium tloii". most of «iilch nrt liidepcnclcntly operated, mn:iy o) rellBloui orBnnlmtlow.

WouH n« out of Lock■■Apparently. lhe*p jm allrr tcliooLi

ftould Jiuit be ou t'o f luck and lin to close unlcM w m etlilng la don<

lentfd nfpre.'.riilaUvc Kllday,. D„ Tei„ iiember of the commit-


JEROMT. J* a - 29 — O. A. P o trr . j tc itiT T e l C u a ib e r of OocimfTCf. h i i 4aao«aew l n r » andckalng bou n Jercesr, rei*UJtcna.

Ttie schedule fcy theBtTtiiaflU foU0V3.:

Dry c w d i u o rva — 9 n . to 6 p. m_ 9 m. ai. to T p. m.S*terl* j3 : w Ttc* sUiiMm — 8 » a. Bi. u> 6:30 p. ex. ^ ' ' 1, uvelucmi S a ta rd w ; w> S a a tU y w n w ; Tar. c iturr »ftd » u c « — S43»t!Ch(du> M s e r r v r n » U o n i *11A m crjXico c:ec< a t 6 p, n

t«rr:r.c*.D r:* ‘. o m 9 m. to 10 p. r

JJ p . m . cio.** on Situ: 19 a. Bi. to « FL m. SwiC*}

O ro c n j J to rw « i a aiaL-.um the jc h « iu > . Soem* been ep-

rr.ins ml * « . » . » o = f a t 8:XI and oL'vn *1» &. ax.

.\t Ifte m peur.1 o! CiMJH' ber WVJteroUi. ch a ira ia oUm manual n tslit. »u:edt lu l th e tn c r t ic r aerln

eater « t 7:33 p l?-e ijs c m v .e aO r . k<lj« w e a i . "n-.f e' sfs etiJr.

a lal

nnd feedlnf

.'.elected by the i\rtn! r manpower cnmtfll' unemled for hou.^n

.................if military sturtAt»nd for provldlni; -ipeclal study cour.''e5, textbook.1 and eoulpmei Tlie.v pavment.1, commlttre met bcrs felt, would help tlnnnce co tlnuance of .wme jchooLi wlie s tudent bo<lle.i have been drain by the armed (lervlce.'.

■Oral." i:n(Jerway T w tlm ony tn elate. mucJi of It

clvpM behliiil dosed rioord. Indicated, rommlttee m em ben .'aid. tha t there Is a "KraV In propre.M amons llic an«y. the navy and tlip manpower rommlMlon. « lth the larRrr

Ualnc Red Crois blood ptaima, Capt. \V. V. E d w d i ( r i (h t l . ot N n Albany. Ind.. (>ve a tnnsfB-iion lo a woBhded aoldler behind tbe Unc on the Buna fren t In New Guinea. Lt. J. J. Gutow o t rU sL M klu a u itte d Edward. The plasma was carried io the front line baspital by Papuan native b e m n .

bell.T lint th(

lulppwl ffhooh the prlrj;

luld he n

nerd I rclinoLi nnd thiit tlieli


brfore thrr committer vrMrrday by W ieeler Snmmon.i of ChlcnRO, ertlt- or nnd publlrl.er of Who> Who.

Snmmon.i, wlio said lie hiul inntle n dctnllpd .'tiidy of lili

. told tlienfhool.1 <iild

milt. tlie K ved if the

.......... /edcd byn ivy wece aUnltea iiroportlonatcly amonK ftU Mhool.v

Red Cross Room Opened in Filer

Wllllnm C. Dwyi matp first claw tn beea." Li In Oulfpo a five-day lef

. n t New Orlcan;) ht> wife

.1 too brief lo Another Ilnn.'.e camp 1.1 Olffor

II boy a t Oulfnort 1 Diirlc. -ion o( Mr

ftnrt Mrs. E . W. Dvitk.• Mr. nnd Mrs. J . R. Buncli Imvi been Informed th n t tliclr .ion, O r

■ vlll, ft blftck.imlth for Uie Copivi Cnnyon Mining company, nattle

•Mountain. Nev., was rerlniuly In­jured In an nccldent, nin condition, liowever, Li now Improved.

Prlend-1 In Hnnsen have received flip niinoiinrem rnt of tlie birth of

nnd M n. Harold r, and M r^ Hulls. Cnldw.;lwell wlie; : Hnn^en tthe

r i i l i r.1 bel

rdliiK lo Siipt. H, * .MilJjrct ndded lo Ul 1 Hint of p.\vcholoc> K tauRlit by Ml.^i Lot

»nd Mr.'. M. A. noblron ' host-1 to the Tliurrdny Evei Drldfie club a t Uiclr lioine. Tlie three Ublc.i were n l piny. Mr ' J. Doerlnc and Cnrol Clark nwnrdcd high hoiior.i. A lunch

nc d .1 Hni

\ trip lo Uie middle west: Jack \ nrown. EiiKenc W risht nnd J‘n t

Oliver, went to T«'ln Palli to eiill'l

\ P v t PMi! Row. l-'orl Oitl, Cnilf., lioji le ft AJlcr RptncllnR r futloMRli with hl« \pnreiiUi. Mr. nml Mn. Jinnee n a * . Knn.ien, and hl.i wife and Infant VlnuKliter. Ror.llyn Joyce. H ollbter. Itov. posed for n four- scnerntlon plctufc wlUi hl.i (jrand- niother. Ntnii Jw ie Rw.i. Hnn.wn, Ills fa the r a n d new dauBhter. mak- InR Uic second* such Rroup In hta family! The second .lej: Include Plnla Rom. hLi dauchter. Mr*. Carl Pen- dellon. and h e r dnuRhter. Carlene PecBj'. Vnllejt), Calif., and Mrs. Jane Ro.'.i. Hnaien.

Charle.-i (Drotm) Lundy, who J.i • In the nrrjiy ftl Fort DourIwi, a t­tended Uie funeral of his fatliet Arch Lundy. Rock Creek, whlcl WIL1 held In TR'ln FalU. aiarle*

. one of three sons of the Lund> family In 'U ie armed forces left the 'p rev lou .1 Saturday f< ducllon n t F c r t Dougins. Ployd Lundy, stntloned tn Alojika, ha.i vWted hla pftrenta In November and

, C lartnct UacV:> L\mdv, the thW m:i. Is stntloned a t llowxe. Tex. 'M r*. Oleniiu Tliomna and fa«tTy are now settled a t SeatUe,

.followlne th f lr tran.ifer from An- • chorase. Alaska, where Mr. Tlioma5

has been In covcmment work for two nnd a half years. Mrs. Tliomas U the dftUsUUr ot Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dunch.

A non wiu bom to Mr, nnd Mrs. Leo Trlpple, Jr.. King Hill, a t tlie Qoodlnif ho-'pltnl, according to word received bv liLi parcnLi. Mr. and

"M rs. Leo TVIpple, JIniuen. Leo, Jr., li employed on ihe railroad a t King

Demurrers Filed In Dress Dispute

C<r>ef»l fcad »pecuil demurrrrs been fUe<3 bT T«wi F . Alworxh.

tw Roy»iS C.MJven »nd TiUa.-x to tf te p ro b a te ctnxn w it M il r j t the c o = :p « iy fu titu ted by P.ctrace

This U a Oi w hich L^e pli i - f c h a r t t i t h j ; c lrar.irx o

« : th e r lo th o I a rrtr.me a ^p « . w .r a d of retnmlns U 5r O'* Xi.'e oJ so lre iit.

TT.e 6«ier»J d e tr .- r r f r declares i.*-.e -TO dpU tn: dspo n.M- »uti .MilfUtent to con-'lllule cansi

c: »c5ica ac»Si-n th e Cefrndant."TT.e 5pe«iJ eSetr.urrer character-

izn- 2 oJ pU ir.UfI> petl'■ M ei ccr.tilT j; th e al!e<r>lJi*vi,

bS *uri?»rtairx.

f * r ^ : e C,


EM ER SO NUr. x n l M rv Cwles

ler.rted t.“:e C r r m a n d Gold bill L-i Twir. Fx:i.-

Mr. ar.3 M rj. W iU ace Monn:r. I Mr. ir .d Mrr, I Ju tC d Mo.-^rur. ; r , , a rJ H. V. Mvv- e-.ir xw ie d a t the t h<«» f ' Mr. »:5d M rs. U H. Peler- I w ir,d itr - «.=d S i r e c ra itle i Mcei- 'c-u.-. Mr. and Mr?. \V*:i*fe Mon-

- • v c i : ? a e r r er. rwcie frccn Sal: L ate "'.J ■ C .;r tr^,%ee the ir daiith*i . u I ter. Mrj- O tan C ^ejw v, and farr.tlr. ‘--i-l Mr. M rs. I*

F » - ' xisiick-j. a : the hivne « her ir^d -'i.v.pr-’.ri-:

' \ i i l n . U -s ian S i h e r . t HSlUr.:

District Court Term in Gooding Lasts 5 Minutes

o;i Uie-dociel. I mer. WendtU, \ WeiiUtU. » a i .

of »

iftt of A. T . Lorl- . E. Q.Coimiioii,s. oiittnued u> Uie

1.V for colifciloii

Judge D. II. Sutphen i>:r.-.ided. CaUtO to ie r\e ».s Juric i were;

Wiley Harmon, TuUlr: Cliarles He.v. Goodins; Leland }'irLicli- man. Goodins: G lrnn A. I’atier- Non. Goodins: Herbert Ctiurchlll. Gccdlns: Ralpli Knulkiier. Good-lilt; Rail MillOfor^e P. Perry, Goo<liiii;; 'I'roy Cox. OoodliiB: Dell AriaMrong WeiwJell: II. J. Uirl;p. OcxxUhb; Ward Me\rr, Go<*llni;: C. W.

Pupils Sell .$547 In War Stamps at

School in JeromeJFJIOME, Jan, Z f-T ljp Junior

Red Crnvi menil>er:> cl the Wm Ii - trjiian k IiooI have :.n^d t^47 in war bond' and ^Ump5. Kiudenl.' are on

Mleviueix a 'U alt ftt\ l\uur Meifli (1

m e

be^^At 8 p.m. at I

tonum Ihe iiiInsiaT . rhntil i-ill pn*.''

:i Seen Red?- Tlie

Battery Case in Jerome Dismissed

JH50MK. Jaij 2 )-P robn le Judge Wllll*.n O. Conii'lock dLMnLv<'d tlie ra.v acaui'l Jafk MorRiin rhasKrd

fendai'.i.M nm n fta. elit

Mnjck Mrs. Aimlr head onh hi.^ li:i


M.-% Simon Uiid hns Roi i!io. Calif., lo visit he M r t rred Slor^-.

r t Malioiiry, former rJierUf of Ca:-sla couiily. taken lo llie Cot- taj;e ho<;);:al lo receive ire.itm ent for pneuT.onU.

H. C. V»n Qigrlen ha.^ rcturiird from a buviiis irip lo Angeles and Sin Prancirto. ,

Ca;>L U J. Rjidiolf. .^tntloiied a l n!.-! Warren, lla. recovered from

-ane Black and daughter, ■n, Ore. li.ive arrived t« •.Hi . verfci ttiUi he r parents, Mr . w. o. Lyon ,

I>ev>;ile uf Uie C hrh llan aiinlnK lo a ttend a

Darry W a t Uie home Mr. and Mrs, Wll-

there slie i i recover- ;c frem a recent operation.P»u Put Keewls club Rave a din­

er parlj nl Uie National hoiel wlUi . H. C Rich nnd Mrs, II. E. Wei-

: to San


Mr. and Mrx. CUrBrotti

e BrowiGler

M cr.«r. M: bet* a~d Mr. a; i t s . Mciier-^a: tsents.

M n. Kc--»^ 5- ccee JO sa r: La^ti leaded x in \

a JO IN • \ t ) L S 'JEROME. : s -

« mere er.r.'CIrd :a U^e Idahc T ^ : .‘^e^ tewrxT »s th e Mtvee hall pa rtU * »-.!h M a\-- S a ra R Va:

HawIiCT. cvn'-.-iatirj:. "H ie r ■tSy: w.U b f r rh - S SI M o«e


Ff.'.-j-. l u « left for P c it FalU irnd the funeral of Cher>l Lol.s Van- dner. sranridauKhler of Uie Brown.-;.

.\tr. and .Mrs, V. \V. Carr.on have r<\-eived «-ord lli.-\i the ir dauRhier. Miss Elaine. Carwin, ,r tudent dlell. i r a . suSmliied lo an eppendeclomy at the Harbor View ho.^plial, Seattle.

nob Gajtwi ij siaUoned In the n»>7- at Pearl Harbor, probably for i.’ie duraUon, accordlns lo word re­ceded here by h li wife.

MW Nina Prance hns been eni- pto>Td In llic ofnce of Uie county aceat to u k e Uie place of Mr?. C.eorje Slha, a h o rcslKne<l to be

■ er hu-vband a t Howze Held,

8 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 TO LOAN ON


r n o s E 2 0 1 Ha ShnhoDe St. East


JEROME. Jan , 2 3 -T lte North Side Pom ona Oranice met at Apple­ton G range ha ll wlUi approximate­ly 50 membera and Kuesis pre.-.eiit. T lie guesta Included three slate of­ficers. S la te Master E T. Taylor. Coeur d'A leiie: Ray.Smlih. Wendell. lrca^urer, and John Demond. DoL-.e.d e p 'J ty ; ................................ ■

A fter A pot-Iuck dinner, alx iiew members were,.slveii ilie-flllh de- Bree obligation by Demond, Tliey were Mr. and Mm, Glen Collier. Mr. and M n. Ogle Well and Mr. and Mrs, OcoTKeA^ncftster, Canyonilde G range. ^

Mrs, Noel Owarlney t ih elected and ln.italled n.i ireaMirer,

A rrsoluUon wa.s adopted n^klnc th a t milk route.i Ix- consnlidaled. K was b rought to the altentlnn nt Hie O range Umt tn wme inM.inces liucka Srom U nee illlltrm ‘.-TiTnrrr» Mjrs travel oxer the ranie r» .i' gftlherlng. milk nnd crenm

AnoUier ^e^olullon oppcr.ed the orsaiilzatlon of creamer^' eniillo\c3 In labor unlon.i aL'O wa.i wlopleil.

T lie pm gram wn prf.eiiled bv Uie lecturer. Mrs, R. II. Calleii. and consisted of two vocal j^lrcttoiis h\ Harold Cook, nceomiwnled by Mr:', Ogle Wall, nnd an addre.'.i by Mn.n- le r Taylor, followed Ijy trmip jIuk- ins of "Ood nie.vi America."

J E R O i M U

W illiam Nobllck. A^erlran Fallj. wtt.1 a Rue.il of Mr. nnd Mn. D. c . J(»nes.

Mrs, N orm an C. Eikln, Coalville, UlAh. ha.1 arrived to \W t at the liomen of Mr. nnd Mrs. R. W. Wll- llam w n, E. V, Ctvke. llenrlelia .?/ikln and Sam Eaklii

Jerom e Jayciday e InK a t the Chln«

t .Mon-

id buili M r, arej Mm, J . A. Peli

Mrs—1-oul.ic Shnwver vtlnn for Bestllc. Wa.*.h., where

lo depart they will

v b lt a t Uie name oi .Mr. nnd Mrs. G. D. Finch . Mrs. Knirli Lv a .Nl lrr of-Mrs. Peter.-.on mid Mrv Sliawver.

Mrs. Ray CInrk nnd children have left for Pendleton, O re. to mnte Uielr hom e. Tliey mil Join Mr, Clftrk the re , Ue rcceiuly Rccepied a jiofltlon n.i rL'.\l.'laiit nmnnRer of the C. C, At1der.^on slnre, Pendletoii. Hf fonnerly wn.i cinplo\nl wltli ilie purlUin Btore here and al Bol;e.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert MIIL-Jip and children. M r. nnd Mr . John Lind- sey nnd dniiBhtpr, Ilniy, and .Mn. Rny C lark and chlWre:Filer a tU n t llid;iyrjir>' dinner of Jot’in JncoUvn. prop­rieto r of Uie Filer liulel. Mr, Ja- cob.ien Is th e fnlher of Mn. Mlll.-Jip. Mrs. U ndscy and Mrs. ClArk, Mi Jncob.ien prepnretl dinner as wi a.1 A blrUidny cnke.

Three Sons in Service; Two

Others to JoinHANSEN. Ja n . 2 » -M r. and Mrs.

B1 C. '.Iiom pson. who recently moved from M urtauch. Into a homt. purchiicd on Uie Earl Clont* pro­perty, liave Uiree m iu In the t tc Ices a fourth who has been claw fled a t I-A In Uie dralt. and sixth. Dole, now In the Muriausli high .ichool. who U walUng U n th blrUiday to arrive w hi enter Uie na\-)-.

TJie Thompsotw have II However, five a re married and liave children bu t are ready to Jolr Uie armed torces II necejkwy. Tin n th r.on. Delbert. U of an age lo< youiiR for mlllinry service. A i:U members of the famllv Li a dautli- ter. Mrs. Blanch DnvLi. re^laln^ ai ■Muruusli.

Bernartl Tlionnison entered thi army In October. I9 « , ajid Li nin n liT seani In th e arm y a t Z xn \ Chafee. F»rl Sm llh. Ark. I.roii»rrl Joe Joined Uie navy lo it June and

• ‘loiifd In


CASTLEPORD. J a n . 2»-S«L Jim Tliomsbem-. »on o f Mr. and J tn . Waller Thomsberry. who was re-

la £srted mUislnt In aeUon after the )- (all of Bataan. Is a prlM ner of th«

Japane» tn Uie PhU Ipplnn and b I cood healdi.Tlial was Ihe Information re- rlved by his parents In a teSesram

from the adju tan t Beneral of ths irmy In W aahlngtan. D. C.

S«t ThomsberrT was wounded ihlle fUhlIng Uie Japanese on Feb.*

e. 1M3 but a fu r a few weeks In the horpllal he rejoined his regiment and fought under Oen. D ouglu MaeArUiur unUl hLi capture.

*nie announeemeiit Uiat he was prhoner was Ut> first tnformaUon

roncemlng the young man received by hLi parents shice the mUslng

•• report

nwall. Edward 1 ..........I Ihe armj-. while Robert h a


Early Buying of Trees Is Advised

DURU’ '. Jan- » -C a .v \la county rcMdcnt.i a re being ojked to pul Ir ihelr tree o rders early for fam Iil.inilng t>ecau^e of a heavy de- mnjid. according to County Agrni W. W. Palmer,

DUck lociw.l ;.eedUnKs can b< imrchn.ied lo r J l per -hundred, oi »4 iJPr Uiou-mnd, ntxl other tree; sudi a i RiLvMnn olive, gteen aJh nnd aeveral varleUea of conifer* run sllglitly higher In price, but In lno.^t co-'d are no t more than Sl.iO l>er hundred irce.i. '

Many trees have been’ Uied by Ihe Rovemmenl In such plac the Jnpaiieie relocation cent* Hunt. Uie Farragux naval ilatV

onlered early c.ni l>e planted before the genemi fnm i labor ru.-h com durhiR the la tte r p a rt of .'prtng.

W idow Is D eviseeMrs. Phoebe W illiams. Kimberly,

widow of the la te Robert IL Wll- ll.mis. Is named ns sole devliw for nn e;.lflle valued n t ."not In eaceu of SIO.OOO,* neoortUng lo the Wll- llami will, which ha.i been filed for probate.

Property ILsted Include.i a trs described n .i'lo l th ree . secUon fli lowaOilp n , m nge 18 C. B. M . ai a 1DI7 model m otor car. Mrs. Wll- llnnn bLno L\ named execuu-U In Ihe will, p robate Judge C, A, OMiey set the hearing for !0 a. m , Feb. IS.

Tlie Infot aUon rind Mrs, , .

Ca ll{ford. Cliat th e ir son, Danny, alv>'li silil alive. l ie was repaflcd mliJing In ' _cUon- In the Philip­pines la.1t May.

Five Honored at Special Meeting

Of Eden GrangeEDEN, Jan , 2> -C , D. SchmldRal,

Mr. and Mrs. C. O . Rolee and Mr. and Mrs, D. E Gordon received silver c«u;ica les embltmaUc l i years' tnemberililp tn Uie G range a t a iiieclal meeting of Uie Eden Granse.

The pre.ienullon was made by E T, Taylor, Coeur d'Alene. »UU> master, who also delivered an ad- drr-1.1. ALvj addre.-\sJng the meet­ing was Ray SmlUi. stAte treasurer, and John Desmond. sU te deputy.

The Eden Grange ftdopted a reso­lution opposing a proposed lawplae- InR Uie tale ot dn igs for eradlcotlon ot potato and w heat diseases and InsecLi exclusively tn Uie tlandx of drucctst) and alr.o the proposed llcea^nj of eambllng and lU i-- Mores.

Luncheon of Ice cream, cooUes and colfee was served.

TO L EW E JEROME JEROME. Jan, 29 — B. C. JontJ,

employe of .the N orth Side Auto company for icvenU m onths. wlU de- l» n Feb. 14 or 15 for American Falls, where he will be employed by D ue Ko.ianke, owner o ^ a farm n clilner}’ and automobile firm.

Childs ColdsV/iCKSV V a p o R u b


/ W W W . V . ^ V V i ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ l ■ ^ i V ^ ^ V l i ^ V W U ^ V W A W . ■


COMPLETE STOCKST a k e advantag-e o f .shopping in T w in F a l ls ’ most com p lete ly sto ck e d food sto re . T lie .s lie lves a r e loaded"to ca p a c ity w ith a ll th e viiriet.v ob ta in ab le , a n d a ll a t sa v in g in cost.


^ b lp ; Mr- o prrli'li. rrow Prml«t4'’ivo." jTa

XibvrtMn. illfTctor.

Hansen Building Damaged by WindHANSEN. Jan: S>—"X h e ae r wlcd-

ilorra c a u s^ damage to a buUdlcg being tised for slorage b>- ib e In . dependent Bean W arehouse etcs- pany. The west wall of Uie ce ic tc t block slnifture toppled ourward from Uie wind preiiu re from •wlUUa the building.

No one was Injured by the fam r< blocks, although men were w c rk tu iQ th t buUdiss a l t l»



H ear W hat t h e Bible Teaches A b o a t I t


S:00 o 'c feek J a o o a ry S I


B.3L D A Vm , r t e t a r

P a r t« . W. T. n-m iEK SPOO N

JUICESAm.le v-.s

I’ntiK; . I5i« !l ’lomaKGru\w.rruil C urrol

Pinciipiilt; rhitm ide \IV ;in u lp Apricutli;

SHORTENINGSCri.'^cu S n o w d r if t

M rs. T tic k c rV . lo w c l O ro a iiti P u r e l-;ifil

CANNED MEATSS in im P ro m S m ac k

V e a l L o a f P o rk SnusiiK>' Corn':t^ MulUvit

D rio d B e e f P o t te d M e a lV ie n n a Sau.saRC

ioneif'S K C h ickP ii W liik - S t a r Ttin.'i S t a r K is t \

( ! l e a n v a lc r F lakc«

RAISINSSccticii. Suii.Mnid P u ffed

Siin-Maid Scodli'.is lx'> or... 2 lbs. aud 1 lbs. S eo tlk ss

D ates — I-'niil C”;ike Mi.x Jliiicem cnt — Candied (Sherrie.'?

Currant.s — Dried F i^ s

FLOURGold Medal D rifted Snow

Peerless Pike.s Peak Idahomo

n«tiiiock Chief Swnnstioivn Whole W h ea t

Household Remedies-Vick\s Li.slerinc

\ ’a.-«llnc Anncin A .ipirin Tum>i Carlcr’s L iver PilLs

\ Ca.stor Oil All 'Kiiid.s Tooth Piu^te

----------tiinplc,"Do\iWe' Eripc B b tlc sPnblum

TOILET TISSUESBee Comfort N orthern

, Waldorf Sanisorb Kleene-x

Canned VegetablesMixed VeKctiible.s

Pea.s Dean.s Corn Toniinloea Spinncli


No. 10 PIE FRUITSBrookdule Apples

L ittle Boy Blue A pricots Hillsdale Yellow Pcachcs

F ire fly LosanbgrricsBiac1< Raspberries

K itchen King Cherries




W e I>ay H ighest Cash' P r ic e s fo r F resh Ranch E r s

V .V .% ^ i V ^ W A ^ ^ ^ V . ^ i V ^ l V b ^ V S W W U ^ J 4 N W f t


IJeldtiie Dark Karo W hite K aro Slalcy'.s Pc:

Antiiizo Lok Cabin V erm ont Maid — S i : W

S unny Jim L um berjack F am ily Favorite — Penick



Party Brand •?iliraclc Whip Ku-Crcst


CANNED FRUITSF r u i t Cocktail Cherriea

Peaches P earsPrunes

Blackborrie.<i Apricots G rapefruit


Steaks - < ^ow Cured Pw k - Steaks


Page 4: FDR VISITS LIBERIA, BRAZILnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF068/PDF/1… · I" iW IN F A L L S COUNTY’S SC K A P Q UOTA 1.980 TONS Collecled so^ar 1.972 toos

Pape Four TIMES-NEWS. TWIN FALLS. IDAilO Friday, J a n u a ry 29, 1943

T t o i tSJjtaSSS?. ?KV T -iiU IM4.

r«yu*d w«k <*n fm lao , u c m s*tiir4ir. •dw •> 1*0 6 tM « 'a i, T>li rtlk . S'

rsblWAlM CM*»b}.

« I . T«II r>ik. NiiM. »>4rt »>. « t «f K m k I. la n . flUUCIimOM RATD


TRIAL BY EPITH ET There a re those who arc-w orrlccf bccause

only the unquestionably pro-axls oiric la ldom h aa been cleaned out in no rth Africa—dlrcc t rcprejen to tlvcs of Hitler and Ihe relatively few who by specific action have proved th e m - aelvea enemies.

The g re a t m ass ot French o fficialdom re ­m ains in th e Jobs where It was p laced by Vichy or le f t by the Petaln regim e as a ho ld ­over from p re-dcfcal days. T his. some*bcllevc. constltu te j unjustifiable and haza rd o u s a p ­peasem ent.

Ftom th l5 distance, one would be foo lhardy to form a n y fixed conclusions abou t such m atters. However, there a re cooslderatlonsr which, ten tatively , may be sug sc ited In o ff- «et. '

T he s ta le departm ent's a tt i tu d e tow ard ' Vichy was b itte rly condemned by a vociferous

group of c ritics who felt th a t no self-respccl- Ing n ation could continue to deal w ith P e ta ln - D arlan 'L av a l collaborators.

When th e te s t came, th a t policy pa id huge dividends in lives of Americans who o th e r ­wise would have died irj’lng to lan d in n o r th Africa.' I t sho rtened th e In itia l o p e ra tio n so m uch th a t ou r expeditionary force w as a t th e gates of Tunis and Blzerte before I t was supposed to have consolidated th e o r ig ina l beachhcads.--

The policy toward Vichy w hich a ccom plish­ed th is probably really was one of "appease­m e n t '' S hould It, therefore, be tried and con­dem ned by «p lthe t?

We occupied no rth Africa—p u t ourselves in position to open the M editerranean a n d to establish a Jumping off place a g a in s t th e continent— fo r a song. In doing so. we m ade certa in com m itm ents to th e ' F rcnch who e ith e r helped us openly o r "resisted" w ith cor­d ia l form ality . Those comnxltracnts a w knnw n to only a few . I t Is a safe guess th a t th ey in ­cluded a prom ise not to Interfere w ith the civil adrh ln lstra tlon .

Some d ay soon we shall w ant to la n d In France. We hope to find a welcome th e re be­cause we sh a ll be coming as liberators.

If . now. w e assume civil control over n o r th Africa, bre'aklng express or Implied a g ree ­m en ts w ith th e French there, how can we expect th e ir b reth ren a t home to p u t f a ith In o u r prom ises?

A ppeasem ent Is a big word, a broad con> cepUon. T h e re can be th e futile appeasem ent o f dishonor, liice th&t of Munich, or th e sound appeasem en t of honorable « unp leasan t cx- pefliency.

L et's n o t be too Intolerant about th a t of w hich we know little.


W H I R L I G I GYVABASIi-'n>« poMcr «’hlch a u n til olliarctiy trum

IndUn# t i c r t l i o AC th e caplU I U beilnnln* to itorry rtvAl pATtUam. Ezcrpi lor Uie Iici Uikt tom e of Uiese old nel«hbon do n o l lik e hlzn.-U loolu t i ir Uie }M4 prrsldcn t)* ' RUr U ict for htiidtcmi Pau l V. McNuU.

Pau I o r t n e a the v t r Ri&npozrr ramm Uiioft. HU unviuins aide m chief of »«1gcUtc ttrvice i i BrU. G fn. D. HcrUwy. anoUifrK ootler. Ai MCrelAH’ of Acrlcidtart. CU ude WidcATd decides ch at «« ih a ll e a t And wlicn.^ M. Clifford

^ ToB-naend. a former sovtrnor of thljBAT TUCKEB midw eaiern commenKfalth, deitf-

mlnri ho« rdlblN ahA]] b« AlIocAttd. The most Im- po run i Indltldual of aU In UiU city Ij Wuyne Coy, Another wnall-Ufflg IncStana Tad. Wayne, a former Republican, U top] a t lh a execuUvo mantioh.

There are t fev m or« amATt boys from thb key tia ie «'ho manas« U iln n In W aihlnston. Elmer 0 « tu handle.i the office of w ar Infonnatlon. And he U dolnc A trand chore w tih tn Anny«nAvy UmlUUons. liyron Price n u u the c enaonh lp bureau and no prac* Ucal nevipaperm an o ffera any complaint a<ainit hlai. He and h li »Uff are perform ln* marvelously.

* At the (ummit U LoweU MeUett, one of Uiose lU “anwym oui White H ouse lecretarle*.- LoirelU an o!d Bcnppi'HosArd ed ito r, doesn't, do much talU nf or Iwiiuns. but he utAnds ace-W jh »lUi 7. D. R.

Here b the answer; J t MUUr Big Uilnks It Inei- pedlrnt to teek a fou rth term, and If he picks Paul as k pro.^pec^^e sueeeascr. McKutt will enter the 19if camiulKii »im one of the iironsest machine* In hbioo'. If they get th e word from the head man, A-atch t iCM Wabash c h a p t go to town!

IU.TS—Tlie coiisresslonal revolt of louUiemers aealiut Mr. llooievell. a s rortCAsi here weeks ago. has atlAlned unbelievable proportions. Old line Demnilci from belov the M uon m id DUon's Uiie wilt tupport the chief eircuUve on a ll Ujues. B ut on Uttle ehe.

It Aould not be fair to <juote olt-Uie-rfcord ejiplOB- Ions by the chalrroen of some of Uie more powerful committees on capltol hlU —leaden like Speaker Ray- bum. Sumners of Judiciary. Oene Cox of Oeorgln, Byrd and G lus of VlrElnln. FYank Mnlniiry of Con- recacut. Mite M onroney of'OklAhoma. Banking and Currtnry Btos SteasA^l o t AiWiama. If U were T>n- niL<4lb1e to publish th e ir p rlvaU remarks. P. D. R.'i eATs would bum. 1

ThU Is Vchat Is. taking place,/even tliouch the soloni ln»-olred may no t realize or^ ApprecJate It. For a decade they ha\-e been upholding a President who. as they understand poUtJe». la not a Democrat And they ar* weary o t plaj'lng aJong with A marerlck.

ThU ts not Uie w riter'* eaUmat* or characterluUon of U\e man In the W hit* House. I t U the summarUa- tlon of promlaenl m em bers of his party on capitol hllL

DetpUe the anU-RooseTclt sritUment exhibited h e n and eUewhere. New D ealers anticipate Uie Pre»ldenf* rteleetlon. They Ate layJns even money—no odd* asked cr glren—tha t he will b« re tu rned the While House In Norember. I M t T h eir b*U are being taken right And lefL

MO.SARCliY — Pre.ildent Roosevelt hAS holly de­nied lh»l Otto of H apsburg U our man for central Europe. B ui the handsom e young Archduke seems to be the falr-halred boy a round the aUU department and other lofty places In th a capital..

The Austrian has two Influential backers In his attempt to be recofn lied a s the key postwar figure In his lost country. BeUere I t or no t. his chief iponsor Is the supposedly Uberal F e l l i PrankTurter. When the supreme court JujUce was a little Ud In Vienna, where he lived until he was 13 yearn old. he was accorded favors by the ruUng house which were wltliheld from his friends. Otto's other prom oter Is Sumner Welle*, under secretary of s ta te . For some strange reason marry of our carecr dip lom ats are worahlpers of roy- Alty.

Veteran Washington obserrera see nothing wrong la pUTlo< Alaog w ith tli* poU shed. Viennese, pro- Tided he cAn puH A heavy oar In hU small shell of a state. I lls people may w a n t a revival of the Ancient monATchy In the future. A nd If they do. n will not be our bualncM to .wy no If w aot on Uie theon^ of self-delermUiAUon of naUons. .


FROM NEW YORKB O S S - 'n ie re are wheels w ithin

wheels In th e north African affair which the pubUo never see*, let Alone onderatand*. Most people u n im e tha t the De OauUe-DarUn O lraud brawl Is merely tha bick-

2 ) P o t S h o t sV- K ith the


Other Points of View

W ORKER INGENUITY T h irty A m erican workmen who could have

tended th c lr machines without bcsllrrlnR th e ir brains have produced labor-saving sug- gestlons w h ich will save 112.500 m anhours a yea r for w a r production.

One m an h a d an Idea th a t made It possible to reduce tw o operotlons to one, savInR 4197 m anhours a year. Another suRRCstcd a pow er kn ife to replace a hand operation, sav ing 1500 manhours, A th ird offered a workable m e th o d of Incrca.-Jlng production on one shell-m ftklng operation by 150 per ccn t.

This, of course. Is a principal secrct of American production genius. Our workm en a re n o t robots. Tliey arc hum an be lnw w ith Im agination a n d assurance th a t th e ir future.-; depend en tire ly upon w hat they can and will con tribu te to their Jobs.

B EER FOR BEER A ustralians are complaining th a t beer,

chew ing gum a n d com flakes arc bclnK f h tp - ped there fro m the United States. a lthouR h th e re arc re la tively ample supplies availab le down untler. They go fu rther and com plain th a t a lthough th e war effort is ham pered fo r

• lack of ships. American beer Is going to A us­tr a l ia while A ustralian beer cros.ies lls p a th en rou te to th e U. s . The sam e com plain t h a s been m ad e about wines.

In so enorm ous a business a s w artim e s u p ­p ly has becom e, some errors a re inevitable. I t m ay be t h a t th e episodes m entioned a rc Isolated in c iden ts attributable to hum an f a l ­libility . T he p u b lic ,fa n ts to believe t h a t th e y are.

Quick. Im p a rtia l Inquiry and a n honest re p o rt seem to be in order.

RUSSIAN SPIRIT U n th ink ing Americans have asserted th a t

love fo r C om m unism Is w hat m akes th e R ussian peop le fig h t so heroically ag a in s t t h e Nazis. Q y a Ehrcnbei^, who has been d e ­scrib ed as R u ss ia 's "most pow erful" w a r co rresponden t, h a s ano ther idea.

T hey fi« h t l o r the ir country, fo r its so il, fo r t b d r loved ones, says th is R ed S ta r c o r ­responden t, w h o could n o t be antl*Conim un> 1st a n d hold b i s Job.

W e com m end to American p a r ty lin e rs E hrenberg 's com m en t in a Y orkT im es m ag az lae : **Tti& co so o p w la o lsm o t

. t h e n in e te e n th cen tu ry is a th in g of th e p a £ t L o re fo r o n e 's own village h a s been re s u r - recled."

LET TH IS BE THE LASTTTie only cTlllcUm which may be made of President

RooaeTelt's ulUmatum to th e strlKlng PcBwylvanlA AnthrKlte tnlner»—ordering them .-as eomnjander-ln- chlrf of the A s ^ forces, to return to work within fortj'-eUht houM onaee th e neces.’iary consenuencts—

lu t he did not more m ore protnptly In taUng this detlslre acUon.

The coal miners maj- be entirely Justified in their demands, for a »2 a dai- Increase In wages and tha t they ahoukt not be re<]ulrcd lo pay Increased union d u n to John I.. Lewis. T hose, however, were not the pcinu i t L«ue. The only Lmuc in Uils su ike w u whfUier llirje men should be permUted lo Intem ipt the ptnductlon ot malerlaLn needed for vletor)' In war by walking off the Job. Instead of submitting their dlji«jte for orderlj- se ttlem ent Ujroush the extensive maehlner)- provided by th e government.

Wrre It not for th e war; a n Anthracite strike would >ause Httle n**loaal.eancem . UnUl this winter fewer an<} feaer homes, factories and public bulldlngj were beliK .healed bv an thracite. The anthracite miners' ^ t^ lk \o t lOis-M Itself Accelerated tltc movement. aU rrscly \iid e r way. for substtltuie fuels -^ ll. bituminous eoal. K«, eoke. *ood w aitc ' fueli. By iIHO. anthracite conUlbuied le.M than 10 pe r cent of tlie'naUon'.j toUl luel requirements. , \

It is different todAj'. howevvr. when the country needs all the fur] li cjxn get. no m atter w hat kind. Wllh Uie scarcity of fuel oil. hard coal h coming tuck, especially In the east where It U mo.'t readily available. Defore Uils s tr ik e benan anthracite pro- tiuctloii was higher than a t any time sliKC 1930:, Every ton contributes to the war effort. Jiu t as much a.i Uie p.trfuctlo.1 of A reunlUons factor^' or nn alreraft plant, \

W haieter merit lay In Ihe claims of Uie strlkerk U m u te d h)' their refaial to abide by labor's wartlltie pledge to stay on the job while dL'putes are soUid by medlslion. conclllAUon o r arb itra tion .‘To say thAt the imblic has loit iMtleiiee with Uils kind of vloleM and irrrjponslble action is to pu t It mlUlly. We are\ at a ar. and coal Is ainmuiiltJon. Tlie miner can no mo.'T lay down his tools th a n the Roldler' can lay

hto KMn in th e ba ille ol arms. This Is sUll a free countrj', yes. bu t lt.< privileges do not include the right to hamstring the war effort. T hat comes dangewuijy close to t r ta s o a —LewUton Tribune.

\T A II. TIIEHE IS A DIFTERE.VCECaptain Eddie fUckenbacker, a fte r rtU uiilng from

his gruelling experience in tJie South seas and h it In- .'pecUon of nghUng fronts, U the only man who haa laid what the American people needed to hear la eonnecUon w ith producUon problems. In the newspa­pers and la the news reela he said th a t If the sol­diers could be tran ife rrrd from th e hell holes they occupy on the balUefronis, to our’factories. And If the^ employes In the fActorles could be tratuferred to the batUefronts, producUon In til ls country would dbuble ■ In thirty day*.

By the tone of h is ro lce and hU ezpreslon. you could see UttV he waa tUsgtuled u l lh the PoUya&na talk about w w ken a t hom e being clAssed as lUllng ~ba(Ue SUUOQS.' Re em phasised tiia t nothing the people In th is country c an do will In any measure e^ual what the boys on th e battle lines are doing. Tljey d o n l get overtime pAy And they »ork day and a lgh t If necessary.

The people agree w ith C apta in Rlckenbacker. Just because of some of us w eu- "tin ha ts" -at home, we don’t want to bewme s w ^ e d up w ith the idea that we are filling "batUe s u U o a s '- w e are not. Battle staUoos are where the buUeU fty and men are dying: «here men work as long as there U s<lmethlng to do: w htr» orders are obeyed; w hert a re rt ta e pay and profits m n no t an Issue: and where th e perpet- uaUon of Ubrty and freedom for th« IndlvtdUAls ar« the guiding itAr*.-focAteUo T «bune.

We wotuler w hat ~Q ulsU ne' HUler would p lc t tor ruehrer of th e thilted 5U t«s if he hAd a chance. H any BTldges. the PacUlc coast labo r leader, would seem to

the best qualUlcatlOQs for U u Job.<-W a^ca


One of eo r ea it end Twin Falli sleuths brlngi ua t^ e felionlng pletnw which he awrar*. vows, af- (Irms anil Ms«verate« he saw with hU own eye« a t T.S i a . m. Thurs­day.

The from doer of a eerU la cor- ne rJo l resldenre opeoed. Out came a m an. Then came a Udy. carrying a baby carefully wrapj>rt up. The b d y and th e baby got Inside an anclenl a u la parked a t Uie curb. The m an get out (he auto crank and trudged l« the front of the ear. T hen the man cranked. Ihe lady pulled on the gas choke and the baby shouted gleefully.

The ear ttnally s tarted , the lady and baby get out a n d went bark into the house, the m an rattled the car toward Ihe downtcwn

wonns WELL d e s e r v e dJohn A. Brott-n. th e estimable

probation officer, sen t the foUowlng j m by way of l!ie courthouse

reporter. We don't know where he* got It but wf agree w ith Jolui'a . cllled comment, " th is i \ worth printing."

A TOAST TO O im BOYS (Wherever they arei

Let's drink a toast lo the widening host—

Amerluns .serving the naUon— TO those millions o f ^ d s land their

brvUiers and> are saving o^ir ctviluatioii.

To the men Irom the niKls and the tatms and the Ivtlls

And the cities and m ounuins plftins-

To Uie «orker\ and miners airplane deilgiiers.

And cre«'» on the &hlps and trains.

■rever they a re -b e It i

City; TwinNet 10 days.

n llHof he they are

duliig th rlr port TX) keep tills—"the laiid ol Uie free."

1 luck and God »pecd them— ly nothing impede Uirni ike them delny nor illRrei^—

May Uie near future find L'lcm with power behind them

To roll up a llna l succcm.

INVOICE Speaking of Ingenlmis birth an- suncemeuts. as so do e ie o ’ now ad when, one more has come to

Po t SJiots via Uncle Samuel's mall. Tlie envelo|>c was a n odd-sltaped

Cfalr with red yam tied through a ole. On Uie envelope In red was

"copy of Invoice enclosed.- Irulde VB found an Invoice sh e e t marked. 'Your^lnvolce. Stork & Company,

On the Invoice sheet was the fol- lowUig:

Shipped lo: Mr. arxS Mrs. Vie Ooertjen.

.. . number: .No. of pieces: One only. Description of merchandise: BO'

Name, C hatlet Dlmntxd O oeruen. Deliver)- date. Jan . 30. lOU. Coloi o t hslr, black. Weight, 7 pounds. 4 ounce.v Height, IB Inche.v Delivered by Dr. na lph Drake. Destination, Tftln Falls county general hospital.

And the Invoice was rubber itamped: -Received In good order."

THE MOnONS AUE BACK Hi there. Potter:

More about Uie morons.For Inatance, tiiere was t: ho wore one w hite and

sock to a parly . The Second Moron nme up and said. “Hey. dirt y; now j a had one red and on

,:hlte sock on?" "Yep." acknowl edged The r i n t Moron, "nnd I

mother pair Just like 'em a home.”

in w ent up to an litiam to visit Uie wjperinlendent

■ and as he wa< going In iho door. > very Herce looking moron came run­ning tltfough it wllh a knlte. The man Immediately turned and started to run because he knew the moron Intended u> kill him. He ran for about two blocks and fmally fell to tlie ground 'feeling Uiat If the moron going K ' ' him he m ight as vPell get It wim. He lay on the ground heard the moron pound up belilnd him. then he felt a strong blow on Urt " T asl Ywj're It'

said and turned anc.way.

-C e le jt.

CLE.\RING IT, VV The »©cUl editor was trjlng le

Ktl a name slra lgh i via telephone. ~Vi-t- u id she. "I got th a t

ipple? •» In . . . well. V as In Cln-

Theii -a' as li


. 4d ia n i

ODDITY CORNERSpotted over a t the courthouse

Letter from a Buhl farmer plain- lively asking how come he dldii't get a n ; la:: notice.

TnilTII DEFT.Dear Emperor:

The Pharaoh of H ler admiu great minds ru n in Uie same elian' n e l-b u t the channel Is too ofi

_ _ t i , a . . n r r t = c .

FAM0i;8 LAST LINE . And If you hadn'l been •«

Anxious to boy big CAfls of vegi* Ubles, we w eoldnt have lo count •em en the rmllan! . . •“



17 TEAR5 AGO. JAN. 29. U l> IS YEARS AGO. JAN. 29, 1».’An occasion unique, e&tertalnins

and Informative was Twin FaUs' flfUi annual Potato Breakfast, a t which more than 300 guests w tre serred a t the Rogenon hotel. Mot since the first breakfast In 1911 has there been an observance of the occasion so successful and so en> Joyable.

On Friday evening th e high school gM clubw lilglve the opere tta . T h e WlndmUls ot ItoUatvl." by OUa U . Carrtngten. The enterU U unent wlU be given In the high school audi* tfirlum and vlU commcnce a t 7:43 fl'clock.

Mr. and Mra. R. A. Carter sailed yesterday from Los Angeles, on a trip to Honolulu. They will return to Long Beach a fte r the trip to re­main there for a time.

A son. Richard B«y Io « t. » 'u bom Jan . J l lo Dr. and Mrs. R, O. loKU George loset. An older brcn Uier, was bom oo the same daU five yean ago.

L. A. ChajUn left last evening lo attend a conference of directon of the U uh -ld ah o Klwanls disuict in

'S a lt etealng.

C A R E O F Y .O U Jl


HOLD U P THAT n O H n N G MAN Dear boys and girls:Your big brother, your cousin,

your fa th e r perhaps, has gone to fight fo r your safety and happl- n e « . for your country. Things a t home a re different now tha t they are gone. There U not so much money, fo r one tiling. And there Is no t ao much happlnea. Your m other worries a lot about the family, about tho« in service, about you left a t home In her care. And you can 't have many things you used to have vlthout even askicg.

SuRnr 1.1 scarce so you can't put spoon-iful 'o n your ccreal. You llkc-d U b u t you re.illy did not need <0 much. You can't put tfie but­ter on your bread as thickly as you used to do but really, didn't

pu t It on a bit thick? And riucful to divide

v rangle i a re a Inuisance to U eu« I tenan t G ojera l I Elsenhower. B ut I If thoae who pull i the la re n would I U lk th e r could ezpOM ■ Tast s t r u n le by- big bualnasf Interest! which d w arfa .^ e m ilitary phaa* of the campaign. Onltcd State* and British cap iu ilstj a rt oppoMd In a game whose staki Is th e w ealth frtsn exploltaUon o U»e da rk continent.

O v e n e u censorship suppresses' tome of tha facU. and Ught-llpped procnoters who hope to line their pocketa conceal Uie Test of the pic­ture. This Is the heretofore tOioub* Ushed itory as revealed by Wall stxeel liu ld en ; It makes sense of some of the recent baffling moves by ou r state department,

A trade w ar for th e controlfrlca Is raelng behind Uie nmoke

of bftttl*. Three-way syndlcate.v- American. EnRllsh and French—i maneuvering for Advantage. We i dealfng through a combination Parl< financiers wha*e chief me ber b the powerful Lamrd Fre benklne hou.ie. a pa rtn e r of which Ij P rank Alt.ichul. brother-ln-li Herbert Lehman.

,R rehablllt-vtlon bow the . ,-k politician will be in a position lo say wlial relief and rccnnstrui tion materlAU shall be len t ' r^edlterran tan and whoshall receive Un considered hLi new responilbUlllM 80 v ita l th a t hfl could not w ait a monih to f/nW» his gubematort/if term, bu t dropped Instantly Into his fresh poit.

DISPVTE~-BrlUsh capl<alli.ls. old hands a t lecurlng the apolls of con- Queil, a re quietly operaUng through tkelr own group of Frcnch finan- cleni. They are In a ftrong position because London Is keepln? under wraps approximately 50 duly elecled members of tiie Fren*»i elwmber nf deputies, whose figurehead la De Gaulle: all others are being held by KlUer. Whenever Lombard street, elves th e high slen t» Mr, Churrhlll he can suggest Uial the exiled leg- Isiatora should lake over control of .the free secUons of the French em­pire. As the only unshackled legal representatives of Uie Gallic n a ­tion Uiey wou|d eonalituto a legi­tim ate government. .

The U. s. A. forces arrived second n the scene, and had to Uke the tft ovem, Mr. Hull decided to team •Ith Darlan and Uie VIcliy nrocon-

mils because they were linked to Pelaln. n de Jure head of state. We

a claim of sorU and we are In podsesslon. ,

W hat seems like petilfoggery and halrsplllUng will be Important to Investors in th e poslbdUum deviop- ment of the desert and Junsle, T liat ru t U rrltory Is straUglcaUy locat-

' ed and contain* limitless .na tura l resources, unexcelled w ater power, and a dodle labor supply willing to toil for a pittance. KUSe sum* sow depceited In American rau lU could float loan* on enormous project*.

A curloui feature o f the situ- aUon Is tha t thU m ost modem of confUcts In p a rt b being waged to put Africa back on Ui» m*p where she w u In ancient times when the stretch between Alexandria and CarUisge WAS the economlo center of Uie world. So while allied soldiers fight for bloodstained ground, American and British nnandal cUlmsnU and Uielr French asso- elates are In a dispute regarding Its

ESCAPE—The war w lT not be • won In m 3 as everyone boMted late last year when our soldiers .first splashed ashore on th« Moroccan strand. Our whole timetable has been ut»et J)ec*U8« Berlin has dls- co\-ertd how to use the only weapon which can stave off defeat.

Her successful arm Is the modem submarine. This, more than any oUier factor. U holdln* up Elsen- , bower’s advance and th e prtsnlsed thousand-plane raid.s on Italy and • the reich. These somber conclusions are made by one of the naUon's fore- moRt indu.itrBllst* serving close to the top In the w ar production - program,

America's m eat im portant ahio. he contends, is nelUier Uie dread­nought nor Uie a irc raft carrier: It Is t i l t lowly tanker, because all our maneuver*—military, naval, and a e r­ial—are founded on t>etroleum. Yet tlie proportion of such ves.'els being sunk Li higher than th a t .o f any oUier class, Sliould Mr. Knox's de­partment publish the complete fig- w t* on loista the country 'ft-ouW b* appalled—and reallre why It must go without fuel oil and gasoline.

Tlio narls have developed a speedy and armored tmderwatergiant nothing like th e weak egg shell of 19M-18. W hen- e a u g h t- .lt . can dive below the range of a deolh bomb, the killer of Woodrow ■ Wilson'* dav. A mechanism opens It* sides and causes I t to submerge as swlfUy as a *tone and escape de . tectlon. ,

curious feature of this conflict Is that Ehgland. a sea power, used the Spitfire, a n . a ir machine, to save Uie British Island*, and Uiat Germany, a land p ^ e r . has fallen hack <i(\ U\e tJ-boal, M narlne dcvlce.

I po.ilpon8 Uie day of disaster.

SOP—W ort'reaches New York •• _jntacL% wltlv the Ita lian under- grmmd th a t Coach Mussolini is yanking out players hoping to s i­lence the raising his own fans are giving him for war failures. H e re ­cently U naiferred Fascist SecreUry Andrea IppollU) to the b itt le front "at his ott-n request." ThI* parUcular • bully h is a long record of violence.In the old doy* he won acclaim from Uifl big boss by organizing a gang of roughnecks whose c h lc f ' ta.'k was beating up »tudent.i who licld-democratic views. His victims clnmored for hi* demotion and - DenlU) bounced him from office as - sop to the populace. OUiers. too,

•e getting Uie a*.


NATIONS AT WAR0 th a t ' e gets his

clinrc end no more. But you enoiiKh anyway, don't you? don't su ffe r even if you have t< .. w ithout 'such pleaisnl thmgi u sweets and steak and butter cookies.

Bugar tor l^hells You sec the fighting men have

to have sugar, lots of It, not just lo eat. T he ammunlUon they Iiv .ilns ea ts lon.t and tons. If you ate all th e candy you used and used all the sugar In your food th a t you used to use. your men would be short. So hold your hand a second.

Suppoae your fighting ms needed Ju.it one shell more to sai him. W ouldn't you go «-lthoi wiKnr for the .'rest of your life i , let him have enough for Uiat shell? I t 's like tha t for ereryUilng you are aaked lo do without, save. W hnt you save goes Ui hold up your ngh l5n t man In tha artny or the navy or the airforce. Every time you save a spoonful of sugar coffec. (jasollne, you add to ihr power of your fighting mon, Anc Uiat is w hat you want to do more than any th ing else in the world UiU m inute. You cannot shoulder a gun or m an n ship but you can hold up tho m an th a t went in your pli

If you remember about tha t man. and about your holding him up. you won't care about going without any. thing your mother tells you thai you can n o t have. You will even dc better. You will not make your moUier te ll you not to use so mud) sugar or w hatever else Is scarce. You will uja*onlT »ha t you need, and b« very careful tha t you really need It before using It. You won’ a.ik for more candy, money, o movies, o r toys. You »IU take what you gel thankfully and enjoy know­ing th a t , you are saving to help your flRhClng brother or father ■■lend a t th e front.

H elp Mother tae W hile you are saving to hold

your MAn. th ink out some way* lo help your mother. She need* a lofc if help these days. She is working

hard a n d wom-lng a lot so If you do more chore*, n m more errands, lake on more responsibility, she wlU not get so tired.

I f you work a llltle extra ai school lessons and get hlghei marks you will lilt a load of worry iff her m ind for she worries more ibout you Just now than about ail

the other troubles. You see you :rowlng up and 'y ou have a

lot of responsibility ahead of you and she wpnders If she I* doing sverythins possible to make you ible for your own Job, Just ahow her low able you are m ichool In home, abou t thoae household Jobs, and she will be *0 happy, *he •"forget tb worry.

Just lory we

You. la Bcbooi. Ible for the vie-

going to win as any

WASHINGTON. JoJi. 2 9 -In mlll- tar>' m atters, civilians m ust certain­ly give the benefit of the doubt to army and navy poUclcs. But the

— of ihn t is' .d istorted Into nb- lju rd lty by flomi I who do not be.I Have one should lever raise a quc*.I Uon.I Is Uiere anj reason why, as li

I being proposed In congress, a re­sponsible com­mittee. such a* the fcnate appro-

R A Y M o m S * S , a “ T 'mCLAPPER closed seulon dis­

cuss thoroughly with army, navy and manpower offlciaJs Uie que.tUon of Uie site of the army? That does no t m ean th a t th e senate approprl- a tloai committee could make a be t­ter decision then the army as to how m any men should be Inducted, nor does I t mean tha t congrrs* or any commlllee ahould even trj- to.

U a good lllustmtlon of the place th a t criticism and dlscus-'Jon iiave In a democracy. Perhaps dlf- fertncca of view exist among tin army, n a \y . marlUme commission manpow-er commission and war pro- diKtion board a« to how large ar army we should try to organlre. U n­doubtedly the army general stafi and the Joint chiefs of staff hav i discussed Uil* from every concelv. able aspect wlUi many other Ageci- clcs of the gorem m ent. Yet It is good Insurance ail around to double­check such decision* t>y thorough <;uesUonlng before one of th a re­sponsible committees o t congress. At least It c lean up civUlao misappre­hensions. At moAt U turns light or weak or doubUul decisions and en­courages reconsideration.

For Instance. *ome senator* wen beginning to demagogue on the sub­ject of sending rubber tire* undei lend-lease to o ther countries. In­cluding some In Latin America. The acnata agriculture committee called In Iend-]ease and board of econom­ic w arfare offlclaU to be quesUem- ed. W hen the fact* were developed In executive session, the sound rea­sons for exporUng some Ure* a t this time were obrlou* to Uio *enatoni and Uiey sold they found nothing to criuclre In Uie operaUoiu. T hat ts the least th a t c an come o.*

tlonliig earlier the navy would have made up Its mind earlier. CerUlnly we should have been fu rther ahead *1 syiiUietlc rubber If congre.M had prodflpd executive officials more vig­orously.

Congress doesn't have to d»«lde whnt the answer* ere lo be. If It only a.iks the right quwtlons. and forces executive officials and the military to double-check and stand examination, a useful purpoM Is sen-ed. '

An Important by-product of th li procedure Is the educational value to the onr.i who are asking the

Tliat Is an advantage of - i t Is a two-way jirocerjaemo(«cy-

of edilcatlo

The navy made w hat producUon ifflclal* consider a late i ta r t on it*

escort program. T here had been pre­conceived Ideu about dealing w ith lubmarlnea. The late atari now jrlnss th e e*cort-shlp prognun Into

conflict w ith rubber and 100-octane rasoline program*, both extremely urgent. Perhapa had there been more Tlgom:* congrestlonal que*-

br »tlU»f Aanlo P»tri la r*n of ------•!(*»«. r. O. Oo« T». * u u « o.Nrv York. R »n<l«lB< O'* m U .

ta tartt aiia Aan-


In some lay quarters there has been an unjustified Impatience wllh crltldwi of tlie appointment of for­mer Vichy pro-axls Frenclunen to poAlUons of Importance in north Africa. Tlie latM t ImporUtlon. of M. Peyrouton to be govrrnor of Al­giers, certainly a legitimate sub­ject of QUMtlonlng. I t Is not suffi­cient to shout down qursUon* with tlie statement Hint General ^IjenJ hower unted It. I f the full *lory'ever come.n out, and we know wliat some Importnnt and qualified people In Ihe government thought about It. the questions now being asked will appear very much to Uie 7»tnt-

SomeUilng of the vitality of IhLi country win die when w« no longer hove our Billy Mitchell*, our Bever- slcjs, our Ziff*, our Wlllkle.'?, and th e • many less conspicuous source* of criticism and svmesUon th a t chal- Itnae. not our purpoBO, but, cwc- methods- \ -

We are putUng 100 billion d o lla rs Into the war this year, and lives whose value cannot be computed. No official, civilian or military, can put- himself and his pollciea beyond' quesuon on Uie grOind of InfalUblN" ity. Nor can quesUonlng be Justifi­ably squelched by u y ln g th a t u wUl- Interfere with th e war. T he crlll- '' clsms of KansoD Baldwin .when 1 ^ ' came back frcm the southwest Pa> clflc were deplored here but they had a salutary effect. The crlUclans' of Waller Uppman of o u r pollU-- cal management Ip north Africa have, been severely frowned upon, - but Uieir force h w been fe lt In of­ficial Quarters and they are likely to have Ulneficlal effccto. D id n 't ' ' '

:body say th a t democracy was • gowmment by im taU ont

Paul Boyd Accepts Post in Marines

BOISE, Jan. 30- M>>—A*al*tant n . " 8 . DUtrlct Attorney Paul a Boyd ha* accepted a commission In the marine corp*.

Boyd, formerly of Buhl, ha* three broUier* serving la the arm ed forces. Ha wlU report for active duty Feb.

Tin army aay* each soWler 100 pounds of scoured wool durlnr his tin t year of scrrlce.

Page 5: FDR VISITS LIBERIA, BRAZILnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF068/PDF/1… · I" iW IN F A L L S COUNTY’S SC K A P Q UOTA 1.980 TONS Collecled so^ar 1.972 toos

F riday , J a n u a ry 29, 1943 TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Page Five


Polio tickets Good At Both Balls Here

Tickcta (o r th e F rta id o n l'a b irthday ball to bo he ld from ^ O-'iO r m S a tu rd ay to 12:30 a . m., will be jrood f o r either • R ^ i o Rondevoo o r the E lks hall, according to Jo h n Q. A dam s,

j r who Is chairm an o f tho Twin Falla c ity poho com m ittcc and also chairm an o l th e Jaycec w m m iU ec. ,

A larjrc crowd is expected n t both dan(;c3.._ N o rm an Her-tin k e r a n d hia o rchestra will ^ ^ ------------------play a t th e Radio Rondcvoo and A rlon B astian ’a o rchestra •will provide m usic a t th e Elks hall. B o th ballroom s have been donated fo r the evening.

Ill oddlUon 10 contributing Irte use of Radio Rondevcw. »muon K m »Uo la providing wrvlcci of the orchMtra there end li olferlng th e polio eommlttco liie entire pro­ceeds ol DdmUilom a t Uie door.

- The IKO benefit datuea *re pK led to draw c rond i rtnglng Iron 800 pcrton* upward. TBey are ex­pected 10 make Uie polio drive In Twin Palli llJl* year by f«r the most iuecewful In the hU too ' of

• ' RiLucll T liom u . pretldent of the Twin W ls Junior Chwnber of Com- mcrcf. heads the denee eommlllee. O ther mwiber* a re Cherles Slcber. Robert Oreene, L. H . Haalam. Robert W arberj and Jton*Jd B »t.

ro U R DANCES AT HUNT HUNT. Jo n . a>—ResldentJ of th*

MlnldoM rcloeotton center wlli con­duct four d ifferent d«neea ilmul- u a e o iu lr Saturday night to mark President RooMvelt’* birthday and rales funds for th i eampslgn against InXantlle paral>sls.. TTie four dances, expected lo draw hundreds o f pa rticipan t. «'1U be held a t dining halU In varied sec-, tlom of thB center. All proceeds will be donated to the Jerome county In- fantlle paralysis committee vhlch It directing the county celebration of Uic Prc.-ildeni’s -birthday.

M. S. and S. Group ■ Sew s for Ked Cross

•. M. 8 . and 8; «Iub mel Wednesday » ltn Mrs. H. A, pierce for an all day meeting lo sew for Red Croes. Mrs. W. fi. PartAh. vice-president, pre- tldod a t meeting.

Mrs. Merle SUnsbury, Mri.>Mary ^UlleT and Mrs. Batile JacHey -Keie In charge of th e luncheon. The group »1ll meet P^b. 10 to do Red Cros*

• sewing.¥ * *

Moose a t Chili SupperCandidates were Initialed ut re­

cent meetings «f the Moose lodge and Women of th e Moose. After buslnnu rcMlon th e memberi went 10 the home of Mr. and Mrn. C. C. Woolly, SOO T hird avenue east, for a chlU supper.

T r r

Sunday Is Date For Youth Meet

FHUi flundaj' rrierUjy: of Uie Inler*Cliurch Youth afflU atlon that brings rfp resenU U «9 together from cJiurchfs throughout Twin Palis Is acheduled for thU Sunday a t fi:30 p, m. In the Presbyterlao church parlors.

Ttie program wlU Include call to «-orshlp by Miss Dorothy Swope, prayer by Rev. MUo Chapm an, spe­cial music and bcnedlcUon by E r­nest Ikenbcrry. and IrtlJ fea ture a u m by John D. P la tt on -Ideas of Youllu"

Vouth from all churcliea In Twin Palls are «-elcome a t these m eetln ji.

Rural Club Does Red Cross Sewing

Salmon trac t Homemakera m et In the Orange kitchen for a n all-day roeetltvi wlU\ pot-lueJt .luncheon a t noon. T«-o comforters »-ereplelKJ for the Red Croea ___gcncy boxes and ano ther comforter was finished for one of th e mcm- bem.

The secretary reported tha t enough money had been collected for a war bond. MeaUe.u days were dlscus-Kd by the president, M n . J. M. Pierce. The group will hex t toeei with Mrs. Betty Paatoor for a Val­entine exchange. Mr*. Evelyn Kun- kel and Mrs. Verda Skeem were hostesses.



T]ie Plrst Lady has alw ays been

Marian'Mai’tin Pattern



T he sllmmed-doa-n silhouette re quires flawlessly flttlng'iU ps. Make severtU from P a tte rn S313 by Marian Martin. Tlie front U smooth and

. - paneled., with - « » bodice sections. -- The. I}ack waistline is. neatly darted. - - l^ . - e d g l t ig U .dftln ty . straps m a j

b<j self-fabric o r ribbon. I pa ttern 0313 may be ordered only

- .,ln mlAses' and u-omen’s sites 14. IB,I 10. SO. 3J, 3t. 30, 3B. « , 43 and <i.' su e 18 rtqulre* 9‘i yard* 3»*lnch.

Send SIXTEEN CENTS In coins for this ' Marian M artin pattern. w n t« plainly SIZE. NAME. AD­DRESS and S n X E NUaiDEB.

Just o u t—o u r Spring Pattern Book I A pracUcal sewing (Ulde. six

. tnakeorer designs; sn a r t , Ismple-to-1 f MW work, sp o ru and drcis-up styles

tor all agt<. P attern Book t i a cenU.Bend your order to Tlmei-News,

P attern P e p tita je n t, Twin ?tU», Jda.

T "w ha t busl- . . . . . . atU tude. ahi

h u a.iwered all kinds of queries d u r . tag herlO years In th e W hite House.

She gcntrally h as answered them .rell. too. But when somebody i ed to know If she Intended to . . tall her travel out of regard to the general request th a t clviUana stay pul 01 much as possible. Mrs..Roos«- velt. made an unfortunat« reply.

She said she didn’t intend to ~as lone as I call mtike enough tooney wrliltis '.My D w ' to pay my exijcnses,"

if she had said tlia t she would keep on because sJie felt I t w as good for t)>c President's wife to keep In touch with various sections o t the country; or because she could help her hu.^bsnd by reporting to h im on tlie things she nee* and he a rs d u r­ing her travels; o r If she h a d said she thought It wa.’i sood for th e cio- r a li of the people to be able to see and talk to the Presiden t's wife; or tha t a newspaper w riter legltl* m siely travels In order to Inform hlmaelf and others—then th e m ight have made a case.

But when she >akl ahe would trav ­el as long as .\he made enough money to pay her own way. th e set a bad precedent.

Can Afford Tripfc too The woman who Is worklne In •

war pUnt and has more m oney to sper;d than she ever had In her life can afford lo travel, to a

She can afford week-end trip* lo visit her friends tn neighboring towns, lo go shopping In a nearby city, or even lo go. th e re ju s t to have A good time. W hen h e r raca- Uon rolls around she will be able to afford a round tr ip Uckel clear across Uie counto'.

Yet she U betag asked to alay home. If she nan ts to she can now figure that since sh? can pay her own way she h is a tig h t ta Vravel whenever and wherever she preSsea. She has the P in t lA dy's reasoning to batk her tip.

When the question U asked her again, maybe Mrs. Roosevelt will give a different answer. She easily could—and probably would have U she had thought about tho effect her f b i t answer m ight h a re o a the other women of the country who can earn and pay th e ir own too,

* *

Miss Savelburg Feted a t Shower

FILER. Jan . XX-Mlss lone F itch and Miss E lltabeth F le tcher «nter> talned Tuesday evening a t th e Guy White home wlUt a personal shower In honor of Miss M ary Bavelburg, who l<»v» Saturday ior Loa An­geles td ' be mariAd.- - ..

M ia SaTelburg. In s tn ic to r 'lh 'thV FUer schools has leave, of a b se n o a ad wUl i t lw n lt» conUnuo h w w o rt, The evening w a i spen t play­ing "hearU" wim M rs. Oecrge J e n - ")n receiving high score.

Following the games th e gUtS' were -presented and retreshm enta served to U ie .lJ ladlea present.

« « «Discuss F u tu re P la n sLoyal Woman'i Blblo c la n oT th«

ChrtsUaa church m e t a t th e home of M n. 0 . C. Baynle n t u r t d a j to dljcusi plans for th e year.

'Die Chinese Inrenl ered silk, portclaln, and • gunpowd er.

Sophs Present Original Drama At League Meet

U embert of ihs Q lrb ' league of the Twin Falls hlgl» school were entertained by a play. -Women of Courage.' written by Janet H ar­per and Miss Qeorgta Dean, sopho- tccr* u n it aponsor,

Ulsa C e lw tta t Salmon, league prtsldenc. pm ld ed a t a brief busl- neu metUng during whicli 'Mlxs M arjorie.Albertscn and MUs Ann Parry s p ^ t , and then turned the metUng over to Miss Barbara Bey- mer who In turn Introduced Miss Audrey Sm ith who presented Uie cast of character!.

The cast Included Miss M argaret Potey, Mlsa Georgia Burgess. Mias Barbara Burdick. Miss Elslne Olenn. Mbs Marilyn North. Miss Ruby Grtns. Miss Mary McPatland. Miss Eretie Schulkr. Miss Ilah Dali. Mlsa ^ Ir le y Dayleaa, Mlsa Bonnie SmIUi, MU> Pat Dwyer. MUs Dixie Han- shaw. M lu R u th pavU. UUs Mary Jo Ca.\Ull. Miss Janet Ilarper. Miss Betty H arral. Miss LoU Pettygitive. MLm Francis Flynn. Miss Peggy Porter.

A violin duet w u plai-ed by Miss D onlira A ndreas and Mlsa RuUi MulrlhUl accompanied by Miss Ellen R at JoaUn. Misa B\ith Divls saj\R two num ben accom pvltd by MUs Marjorie Albertson.

Miss Melba Holt as.iljled In the production of the play.

Rock Ci-eek Club Donates to Drive

The Rock Creek Wortliwhlle club voted to contribute tS lo the maTch of dlmea when the group of 20 met

I the hccne o t MUs Ann tArsen.I t waa-decided since the member-

ahlp of the club was so scattered. Individual members should help a l • both the Hansen and Kimberly Red Cross headqitarten. which ever l5 rearer. Mis* M lnerra Shobe con­ducted Uie meeUng. Bridge and pinochle were "pJayed the remainder of Uie time. Mrs. Robert Wlhon and UtUe Ann Marie Walton were presenv as su tsta.

Members Feted At Club Party

Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Hall were hosu to the In itial Dinner club recentb* when dinner was ^en'(d a t live small Ubies. Mrs. Hadley Potee and Mrs. Parker Richards were In clmrge

' arrangements.Honors to r cards went to Mr.

and Mrs. June tClrkman and Mr. and Mra. Hetiry Jensen. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. J . U O r«n . Mr. and M n. B ert. Botogbroke, Mr. an<l Mrs. Morgan Slmmoni. Mr. and Mrs. W. F . Salmon. .Mr. and Mrs. Klrkman, Mr. and Mrs. Richards, Mr. and Mrs. Jensen. Mr. and .Mrs. Potee. Mr. and Mrs. A- S- Henson, and Mr. and Mrs. II. 0 . Schurger.

* • ♦Group P lans DanceJERO.UE. Ja n . 29 - De Sale club

membera m et Monday evening i parish house wlUi 13 attending. PUiu were dU cuutd Icr a Valen­tine's day dance; the date will be set soon. Committee was appointed.

Modem Menus


DV MBS. GAYNOR MADDOX NEA Serrlee Staff W rittr

Watercress U an unusually good source oT n tam ln C. Learn to use U more frequentlj- In salads, soups and slews. Here Is 'a special recipe Idea for Sunday supper.

■Vegttabla Sbsrtcaka ISerr** <•!

r s u r a l lm bacon. ' i cup ftaely diced green peppsr, 1 cup flneb' diced onion. 1 No. 3 can (2’i cups) tomatoes. 3 cups diced carroU, 3 cups diced young white tumlpa, 1 UMpoon sa lu >. Uaspoon pepper. 3 tablesoona canned tomato twite, I cup green pea* J l f desired.) I bunch watercres.v

Cut bacon Into ^ -Inch ^qunre.t. Cook over moderate heat In fry­ing pan un til golden browTi. Add onloni and green pepi>er. Saule until tender, about 5. minutes. Add onions and green pepper. Saute until lender, about S mlnute.t. Add tomatoes and cook uncovered over moderate h f t for 15 mlnuie.v Put carrots and turnips In it saucepot. A4d cup »»lttd w ait!. c«vtr tightly, and cook over moderate heat for IS minutes. Add carrots, turnips, the water In which they were cook­ed. the tomato paste and seasonings to the tomato*^

Add uncooked peas and Uie stems of the bunch of w a te r o w cut in *<- inch ItngtUs. Oook foe IJ minutes more, uncovered. Serve immediate­ly over w atercress bUcults.

IT ate ra tva BUetilU tSerrei 4-Sl

TWO cupa biscuit mix, ' j to cap milk. H i bunch watereress.

Place biscuit mU In a bowl. Light­ly itl r tn H bunch ooarsely chopped watercress leaves. Pour In cup mia: and aUr wlUi a ‘ fork unUl dough leaves the aides of Uie bowl U A fo rau ft ball. Add more milk If

. to make a soft dough: Turn onto « floured board and knead lightly. Roll Into a sheet about H Inch thick. Cut Into four <-lneh Usctilts. Place on a greased baking pan. Bake tn a hot oven (450 degree* F.) for 13 to IS m tnuio. Split bUctilt In half. PIU and top with vegetable tauce. Serve garnish­ed with



n Seem * Ae«. S . r b m U - W

“Y” Cadets Hold Dinner in Honor Of Four Members"h'our Star Performwice" was the

ihcnie of a recent “Y ' Cadet hostr&s dinner In Uie Y. W. C. A. rooms. The gunU were sealed one long ub le decked In patriotic colon.

Kolloaing the dinner and munliy singing led by Miss Lillian Laubenheln). Miss Norma Dickey, president, turned the meeting to MUs Adda Mae Bracken acted u m u te r of ceremonies to preseni* the "P^ur S tar Perform*

’ The outstanding perform en MUs Helen Thomas, MUs Lucille Thomas, MUs Betty Babcock and Ml.-j Marjorie Lash, all of whom arc leaving soon for PocaleDo to attend the Ualrerslty o t Idalio sout.hem braiidi.

The life work of each girl recallfd by MLi* Bracken oa told ol humorous Incidents In their lives. At the close each was pre­sented sn appfoprlale "Oscar.*

Ml.u Leona Rae Hughes headed Uie food committee and MUs Brack­en wnj In charge of the enlertaUi' ment.

¥ ♦ ♦

Mrs. C. Fi-aser Tells Civic Club Of N. Y. Canteen

JntO M E , Jan . 29 - At Jerome Civic «lul> m etung tlila Vitek, Mr*. C. C. Fraser described In tnleresUng iletAll the New York City's sU tgc doo^ canteen, one of Uie first such orgonlullons to be opened men of our armed forces. Mrs. f'ra* ser vuited the canteen where her daughter U hostess last summer d u r­ing liec May In New York.

An average of 33.000 soldiers vUlt Uie cniiteeii ever)' week. Mrs. F raser exiilidiitd. and Approximately 100.- 000 soldiers from ever)' branch of the senlce have been-cnlerlalned since iti openlnc night. M arch 3. when stsge. screen and rndlo celeb-


saUI.4.000 on Chrlilmas

Mrs. Kraser said Uiat on Clu’U^ mas day Uierc were 4.000 men who were entertained a t Uie canteen, and nearly th a t number were se n ' turkey dinners, l l i e lood as well the enlertaliiinent U donated free of charge to Ui« sen'lce Clirlstmas, 9,000 gifts were distribut­ed to the mrn.

PolnUng out Uie splendid tude of rooperntlon and good will of Uie stage iwrsoniUlUes. Mrs. Frn- ser remarked Uint. these people ar< always generoat M>nn>ors of the or- gantzatlons ot thl« kind.

Canteens In WajhlnKlon and in oUier state.t are accom])iUlilnfi e<iunlly remarkable ftork among Uifl soldiers of our armed sen'lce.i, Mr.<. Praser said.

T lie canteen ojieni dally a t 12 noon and elwei a l l^m tilnlsht. wlUi Uie top notch slnra Ui chnrge o t Its operation.

V aunt lloiletsra Hoateise:< who dsnee wiUi the sol*

diers are youni; and ntlrncilve wom­en, who are In the majority excel­lent dancers and talented enterta in ­ers who- sometlme.s double for fa* mouj peraonalltlPi unable to appear.

TIiMe who have frequented tlw canteen to offer tlitir time and ta l­en t to" entertain the soldiers Include famoai actors, acirevr.^, comedi­ennes and radio pfrsonnlltles.

PoHowlng Mrs. rraser s talk, .Miss Winifred Zeller, a talented young planUt of Jerome, jilayed Homer G runn's “ T l j lU lnlns": "Storm on Uic Lake" by Mihaly: Etiielbert Nev- In's •'Nightingale’s Sons" and "ClaJre De Lune" by DebiLuy. Miss Mnr>' Ruth Ballew of the itlgh .school, sans "My MoUier C.ime.From I r e ­land."


Members Display Hobbies at Meet

FILER, Jan . 29-Thlrly.«U lodle: attended a meeiing of the Pller W o­m an's club held at the home of Mrs O. J . Childs Wedne.'dsy afternoon

Mr*. H arriet McDennId dUplayert irrmtp of hobbles and read an ex-

eellrnt paper on the subject M rr LewU Hack and daughter, Louise explained the origin of SO dolls they have collecletl and Mr*. Frank Sikes exhibited a larfie number of her collecUon of pictures.

Refrealiments were ^erved from Uhle covered with a Ince cloth ana centered with hot Iiou.se flow­ers. Hostesses were Mrs. L. W. Hawkins. Mrs. P. M. Hudson and M h . Chlltl*.

* ¥ *

CalendarMembers of Uie cxecuUve board

of th e Waahlngton P.-T. A. wUl meet a t 2;30 p. m. Monday., » » *

Pro-lo Home DemonstraUon club will meet a t l p. mf Mdhday a t the home of M n. Roy D urk to complete a Red Cross quilt. Members were requesteij (o bring

• print scraps. '

USO W oriy Clinic Aids Sei-vice Men at Gotham

Judft Jesnelle G. Brill, noted New York woman JarUt, listens lo the (ronblea of a sailor at her USO elab *wori7 cHnle.'* Her experlenee atid tcalnlDg enable htr to aoUt'mest e< them tasUy.

NEW YORK (NEA )-Y oung wives J men In Uie senlce are-thU ' "forgoHen women." according to Judge Jeanette Brill, noted New York Jurist. "These young women really have serious problems." she explains. "Their husbands are c

s, and they are trying to live ... verj- limited budgets. If Uiey have young children, as so many of them do, Uiey are handlcappe Uylng to Increase Uielr meifgei comes. Some of those who com

re quite frantic. Tliey could get Jobs, but they have no one to for Uielr children. Tliey are proud of their husbands and eager to do evcri’ihing Uiey but are stopped. These young s..Ice wives need nursery schools Just as urgently u do young mothers In munitions plants."

‘ ti a Navy Y, M. C. A. USO club . the east coasl, Judge Brill li

currently contributing h e r advice —boUi legal and plain "horse #e —lo service men who come to . ... wIUj persona! troubles ranging from collecting for a uniform d iiM ged by a sharp-tooUied dog to rSck j.to f path of romance- \

The lorn unllorm Incident w s typical as any. A dog b it ..

soldier, tore his uniform badly. Tlie soldier had It repaired, b u t It foiled to pass Impectlon and he h.-id to

a new une. Like nioat service he had little money—and ev-


We have a limited supply ot New Elgins wlUi Uie T rip le

iDarolng leature.*

i We buy, tell and trade. Always f t liberal d eal

K. W. SNYDER’S f Sewing Mach.'^: Vacuum Shop I Berries- for All Makes /P h o n e 1&34-R <31 Main W.

Mrs. Max Gray Heads Committee

. For Annual BallPrayer by Mrs. Gcorce Ryan

opened the ’Dmrstlny meeting of the CaUiollc Woiimn's league conducted by the presldfiit, Mrs. OeorRe W al­lace. Msgr. J. P. OToole appointed Mrs. Max Or.iy as Kencrol chiilr- man for the annual S t. Patrick dniice.

.\fr.s. l.oyal perry, program clm lr- lan. Iiitroducwl .Mr.i, Jnseph Bocca,

who told of her experiences a t Uie bombing of Pearl Hnrbor. O . J , Bothne told of the "squelch th e ru ­mor" eanipalijn. .Miss M uriel Pug- llonb gave two piano selecUon.i ’and ducts Rere played by MUs rw rls Ann Wr.svrr and M lis D onnn Rae Bn(:lcy. music students of Mrs. Nel­lie O.'tront.

PaUitr Victor Lustlg showed m ov­ing pictures of hU ordination. Mrs. Louts Hughes, Mrs. E rnest Gyer. Mr*. Clarence Dulcher. M rs. Mnrle Patterson niid MUs Cecilia Tho-

wi're hoMe.'-se*.« « «

Friends Honor . Miss M. Cockrell

.MLss Margaret Cockrell was hon­ored at a surprise forewcll porly Tliursday evening a t Uie home of Mrs. > Fred Parmer. Miss Cockrell, who has been employed a t Zloni Wholesale grocery, U leaving S un­day for Salt Lake City.

Guests were Mrs. AlUin W hile- r.itl. Mrs. Laura Drown. Mr*. Monn

Brown, Mrs. LeDean Christianson, Mrs, Shirley Ti'ler. Mrs. A nne H u t­chins, Mrs, Connie H ansen, Mrs. June Coleman, MUs Neoma K lrk ­man, MIm Margaret Shupe, MUs Yvonne Morgan, MUs E\-elyn Cock­rell, Mlj-s DoroUiy Cockrell. Ml.« Lova Tolmon; Mrs. Virginia K irk- man, .Mrs. Jane Cockrell and Mrs. Belly Ruth Annga.

Mrs. CirlsUaason. Miss Tolman and Mra, Hutchins were In charse of group garner. Mr*. Fa rm er ami htlM Tolman were hostesses In charge.

ery cent he could aparo was needed by Ills moUier.

When sppealed lo, Uie welMo- -J owner of Uie dog refused to re- Imburao him. The soldier told his troubles to Judge Drill. Result: the esse U doted and the soldier has collected.

Very numerous are cases like Uitt of tlie young man who had been buying an engagement ring on the InsUllment plan. He easily ‘;?pt up payments during civilian liie. but now that he Is in Uie sen-lce he Is unable to do so. He wanted to con- Unue payments a t reduced insial- mrnti, but didn't know how to go about It. "We fixed It up." says Judge Brill, "and as In most ca.ses of thU kind, found the dealer very cooperaUve."

Many motfitrs of service men . )me In lo ask w hat can .be done about sons who m aro ' and ir.ins- ter Uielr allotments to Uie new

i. -Very often Uiese mouicis really need the money, and iheir first knowledge of a new dsugh-

•In-law comes wlUi Uie cessation government checks. Often Uiey

wont lo have the marriage annulled."In those easts, 1 usually adTlsr.

the mothers to keep their, hajids olf, as far os the marriages are concerned." explains Judge Brill. "It they a re In actual need. aJid If Uiclr soldier or tailor sons m il auUior-

anotiier deduction of five dol- a month, the government will

Utlp." ■ ■AnoUiet ewe, Uiat was simple

of soluiloil but hud Uie prlnclpaU desiierate with worry. Involved two brothers and ihelr l5-year-old Ms- ler. n ie lr faUier had died after

lUiKerlng Illness and the sister s alone In the world. Tliere was a

latge hospital bill and no money lo pay It. Judge Brill explained how simply such problems can be solv­ed;

"Wo wrote to Uie lio^pltal, ex­plaining Uie sltuntlon and {lendlng affidavits from the boya, .ihowlng Uielr economic status. Tlie hospital heads exiirr'.'cd miprrclatlon for prompt, dclinlte information and marked tlie bill "imcollectlble.' Tho young sb irr win ^cnt lo live wlUi a nelghborltiK family. Tlie ssllors’ Insurance pollclej had name*I their father as-leneliclary. I sUKgested Uiat they clinniic UiU to name the sbtcr. Now she U protected If any­thing Imnix-n-s to her brothers."


O K iu i/i;H ip groui) mel with Mrs. Harold

C. Ecliult Thursday afternoon. Roll call was an.swere<l tjy a poem. Tlie Klfl' i)la:uii'd to present a (slft lo Mrs. Viftw Goertj-cn. gunrdlan. Oamr.s were enjoyed following the bu.sliim ,sf.'-«loii.

Dressings Made By Hansen Unit

I1AN8EN, Jan. ZD—Four hundred and seventy.flve surgical d rta lng t were prepared by 23 women a t the Red Cros.'i Mwlng room ol the Hansen school.

If enough women are added to the working group, another sewing day will 'be arranged. The Instruc­tors have agreed to be present lo further Uie work. ilrs . W. A. Coiner, Mra. H. J . Doerlng and Mrs, Willard McMaster a te ovct-

In the Junior Red Cross dlvUIon, which U being direcled by MUs Ida Kllngemann, tfie girls of Uio fourUi, firui, and sixth grades are completing IS fracture pUlows. Tlie group prepared a large number of clu-lsimM packages In December which were sent overseu.

YWCA Picks Seven New Directors, Reviews Year

Seven i\ow m embera 'wcre elcclcd to th e board of directors of the Y.W .C.A. when tho board and Its guesta m e t fo r the ir th ird annual m eeting. M rs. V. W. Edm ondaon; Mra. Em nia K. BlodKctt: Mrft. W, W. T hom as; M rs. J . P . Bacca; Mrs. Verne M elton; M rs. E. F , S te ttle r and M rs. G. R . Halpin arc the new directors. .

M n, wllUam Baker, president, pre­sided over the business session. Mrs.R. L. Reed, executivs secretary of Uie county Y. W. C. A., presented her annual report. Tlie report re- vealed tha t 3.008 various "Y" meet­ings had been held tn the club rooms durtng the past year, and th a t J5M vlAllofs had tejU leted a t Uie ‘ooma. She read a list of Uie many service organtoUons the Y,W. c . A. had aided, and told lliat they hsd helped 17 wives of Hunt soldiers lo find suitable apartments.

Almost 3M noon-Ume lunches had been given In the Tooms. Mrs, Retd also sold th a t the various 'Y " or- ganlxaUons had collected enough tllk and nylon ilocktngs for <so p:vr- achutes.

T h e righteous shall live by falUi" was the tople ot Rev, Mark C. Cron- enberger when he led the devotion- »1«. M n. Helen Henderson, program chairman, presented a corsage to Mrs. Blodge;t and Mra. Reed.

Mrs. E. L. Ikenberry, spoke Inter. esUngly on China and dUplayed .souvenirs Including Intricately hand embroidered silk coats and a hand can-ed Jad?: bracelet. Mrs. R. E.Berthesu acompanled by Mra. O. P.Duvall o t Uie piano sang "Salula- Hon." and "The Mind Has a Thou­sand Eyes."

Tea was served from a laee cov­ered table centered wlUi flags to carry out the palrloUc thtm e. Mrs.Baker [Wured. Mrs. Prank Slack and .Mrs. L. J. Tencklnck were In charge of tea arrangemenU.

¥ » *

Royal NeighborsEntertain Guests

HANSEN. Jan . 29-D W rlct Dep- uly Mrs. Effle Walkln-v Twin Falls, and Uiree other membera of the Twin Palls Royal Neighbor camp,Mra. Angle iron. Mrs. J . N. CIsar. and M n. Suale PraU, were guests of the Hansen group a t Uielr meet­ing on Tue.sday evening a t the home ot MUa DoroUiea Wafel.

Plana were dlscus-sed for the aprlng convenUon of the dUtrlcl. which will be held a t Hansen, with the date to be set by Uie slate stipervUor, Mra. Alyce Oro«venor.

By popular subscription the lodge contributed to Uie march of dimes, as well as agreeing to each plan to contact the Red Crou produeUon chilrman, Mrs. Ed Ullg, for home work...............................................

Mtss Wafel. hostrsa, as well u program chairman of the evening, arranged' tables for pinochle. Prltea In the cards were received by Mra.Pratt, and Mrs. Minnie Bedow.

Corvelte* constnicled by Uie allies are generally of smaller alte than those designed early In tb« war.

Stake MeetingWomen's meeting of alt women

and girls of the Twin Falls L. D. a slake will be held a t 0 a. m. Sun­day a t the first ward recreation hall, conducted by the slake Re­lief society, -M.I.A. and primary orBanltatlow. A luncheon will bo held from 11:45 a. m. lo 1 p. m. for all stake members.

n n tr« « d ll« « r4 ^ tta• f Upprml by taeriesi

VtlsrlasryMeiltealndMmsI Hes»ltal lUseclstlOBS

MADE from th* sam« fa­mous oio-rt/P formula

Uitt hai mad* ribbon fm a ano-rvr ■ favorit* la thou- toads-of bemM. It preridtt grown dog* and puppitt with ■vtty known mineral and vitt- mln nMded for growth and vigor. Ezpertj iodon* It: dot* lovt ill Economical, alwl 3 box»» f»d as dit»eta<l U all nttd buy to f««d th« averagt- ili t dog ont full WMkl Now

_ ivtlltbU t t your grocer’s la ~ both meal and ribbon fbrra."


Small Acreage. wlUi out- bulldlnct. tullable f o r clilrken bu.sines.s,

ORBill cciuider renting up to M acres, with equipment, to work tor tcojoii. Prefer clo.se to ^^vln Palis.

H.-C. IJBSSE1U3 Sill P.asl

Morning Milk

ON the battle front or on the home front, Meat Is (ighting food. Iti strength'giving and tstlifying oualltiei have made meat the ccnter of the day's mealt In 30 million

American homes.

SAVE FATSAiatrUa attds yaif

wait* tmlt. Ok* •rfotr»ralil.ta«>eDtk. ityttria t« Ara fear ■all-alnnift thalli. grltg y**r fe»t t* «>l

the baili of aversge servings, meat is a richer source of more dietary essentlsli than any oUi<r single food. Regardless of ae*. age, or

----- eliluplitlen; wa »U tieed meat—richin vitamins, minerals, protein, and energy.

. .! and the best meat you can buy is

FALLS BRANDfor Quality and Economy, too!

Processed on({ diilribu ted by

INDEPENDENT MEAT CO.A Name Yoi^ve Known ior Years

j p -

Page 6: FDR VISITS LIBERIA, BRAZILnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF068/PDF/1… · I" iW IN F A L L S COUNTY’S SC K A P Q UOTA 1.980 TONS Collecled so^ar 1.972 toos

Page S k TIMES-NEWS,.TWIN FALLS, IDAHO : F rid ay , J a a o a ry 29, 1913


W EST I’OINT. Jan. 20 m — Leo Diirocher, iiiaiiiiK'cr o£ th e Brooklyn DodKcrH, today was iinmcd advisory bascbnil coach fo r five wcckfi a t th e U. S. m ilitary ac.idemy by Col. Ijiwreiicc (Biff) Jones ffraduale miinuKer of n th ’ Iclic-s. *

Duroclicr alll acl tu nilvlsor to U eui. W allff AlliPll .(lurltlK

klon {OtulOll IreiiUlive »r*-

Gov. <•. A. Bffl- tolfarn and othrr m rm brn o( Iho ofrirUI famll]' In Uolse atkrd th a t Ih f Irililature not be cluKrrrd Willi loo ma»7 bllli Dili irtilon —Ilirrcli}' facilllatinc Hir up In (lie procram tliat llie | 0V* rrtior had toucht.A rf[)rr:.riilatl

So, btliiK Ki>«l tlon looittrt ovrr lu c.inip 10 th r ^ot^clll lol

Ami wliiil Iiuiii>ftu7 Uirlit awaj .alan

norU;rni part or (lie alair, a cnU7 und tr lome kind o( pn (or (Iw Itirouth l(noraiicr) Uiroufh wltli Ricaiurc afirr lu re dnU ncd to take awar of the poKcn if llie itale and flih commliilon.

As R rrsuft Uicrc l.i ccn»kfrriibl< JiuUobiiloo now In 8i)oil.nnii'!i' c lK about anmtc bllh 35 and 38.

Tlie wfty I unrim uind Uu- men surrs, Uipy Ukc control of bciivc and oilier fiir-iJcnrltiK iinlmtiln nwn from the commLvilon nii<l I d III private intcrcjts do wli.it Uicy U'lUi tlicm.

In o th rr word.'', from nil n|i, ancfs thfl niM.'ure l.i ^pon^o^fd by tome (ur*iisUii; flnn, tliruiiKli p e n and lli(n throuKh ilio irapiKTs' Jpcislatlve rcprficnlntlvcs. to allow Imllwrlminate ilnuglitcrliig oj bea-

i tu h t now there U aome lueh a lauihter—but under the thumb o( the cammiulon. The trouble la th a t the Irappera law what a (Ins ' th in i the commlulon liad and w ant la raah in on It.W. R, Prlebc, clmlrmnn of the

fourth db trlc t of tiie WllillKe <;ed- emtlon, reporta t lu t tJic Kime and Ilih departm enl might lose aa much Bd 100.000 nmiunlly If the law goes throush—and Umt profit would so to tlie comrafrclnl trappers sent out by Uic b is fue companlea.

All official bulletin from Uic Ida ­ho Wildlife federation points out tJiat t]ie ttame and Ibli department spends around tSi.OOO antiunlly on the handllni; of benver nlom In

Idaho each year—and tliat If the zenat« bills 3S and 38 so Uiroujh the commlMlon still will have the ex* pense of opcrntlns Uic proiiram— with no Income. Tlio cojts woult come out of the 13 llcenjea bouRhi and paid for by Irtnho sportsmen.

Prom th e siirfnce It would npjieni Unit any rltfht-Uilnklng rcprricnt- ttUve In Idnlio would never vote for Buch a proposal—but you never can tell In polltlcj.

Ho the iportamen are taklni no chances and they are ttl lln c Into the scrap carly-and hoplnj they won’t be too Ute wllh too little.

Tlie lone measure a^ked of tlie Idaho lesWatoni this year by the sportAmeii la one neccisltaled by tlio lime.v

I t n.'ilo. In pnrt:T lin t coiisfriTiUon offlcen,' »a!-

arle.i br advanced «t a mte of 1100 and J:oo i>er annum liutead of Uic 150 and 1200,

Allows th e commission to dlii^nse with druwlnns and «peclnl fee.i when neces.virj' to rrducc rxce.ylve con­centration of wildlife reserves. .

G lie i the commlulon control o f \ n on -tam r fhh. luch as earp. ' suekrn . iturceon, d r., a i well a« fam s flah. The w«rd« “non-came flah- were InaUrertrntly left out of the fb h and lame commlulon act.

Salary Ceiling Not to Affect Baseball Stars

;lut>—to pu t In tlie annul bid for s. M larr ralM wiUiout re- gartl for (ovem m ent pay celltncs:

T he top.pold man' can je t a raise loo—If he can convince not only the owners bu t tlie treasury'^ bureau of Internal revenue Uiat hn Is entitled -t« It on t h i basis o( m erit or sen’lce.'. '

T hat was the effect of a ru lln j baseball fAlnrles by tlie bure rhlch has Jurisdiction over all pay 1 fxce.\s o£ 15.000 a year, and th a t

under 13,000 i^ald to - unorganized jtlve, administrative o r profes.

uonal perMn.'.T5ie bureau directed th a t clubs

must.Ille with It a schedule of.Ui salaries paid la^t'year. Tlie ranc ■from the low-.it to Uie h.lshest wll be accepted m the club's “estab’ llihed lulary Khcdule.”

Any man below the top fleure be ral-ied to th a t fieure "lor m or service" without prior permlislon from the bureiiu.

Since Umt covers nil but a hand­ful of b.ill players, tlie um nl indl- vlrtual barKBlnlns for a hlglier sal- an- contact Is In order.

If the bureau finds the

Seat'cli Starts For Semi-Pro Ball Umpires

IX)S ANOELUS. Jan, 2D lUPi-A mtlonwjrte fciirch for lumdred.i of ,ew umi’ilrM fOr'• sundlot biixcliall nme.i will start soon to replace tho^c •lio have Kone Into the ormy. Ollle .ndcrwin. director of the national

•ml-pro umpires.

Ross Whips Samoan, Wins Chief’s Daughter, Crown

p rrrsB u n o H /Jan . a , wjd - D am ey . ne ts, e* - welierwelshl cham pion who only a few weeks *B0 w as acclaimed lor Ills hero­ism w ith the marlines In tjio southw est Pacific, had achieved distinction of anotJ\er sort today.

nosa recently returned to tJie r ing to knock out a 215-pound Sam oan boxing idol and. In re­tu rn . wa* offered a notlve cJilef* ta in ’s daughter In morriage ond m chance to tiiam the tribal crown.

T lie s to ry was told In n letter received here, - wrllleti by Ben A ^lam ufle. former Pittsburgh

bajkelball player, now a pharmi- »• clit second class In the navy.

Malamude ^ald Hois rtluctanUj asreed to take on .the Saooan who '"w as Klvlng our army and navy heavyweights a golne- over." He returned to action, ap­parently. only because the p m - tiRe of the marines was a t stake. Malamude wrote.

T lie y uicd 16-ounee gloves." he r.ald. -b u t Barney had him on Uie deck II times before putting him lA-gy In the Mxlh round. ^

"ftav! beenme the hero Uien. " and one of the native chiefs of- fered him his daughter In mar- rlftKe and half of his crown.'

Giant Champ Helps Navy Swim Program

O REA T l a k e s ! 111., Jan. 23 Ml . will tAke 620,000 galloiu of water I n il the huKc Indoor swimming

|K>ol n c a r ln s compldloa n l Oreat Ljike.'.—Olid a t least a couple of thou-w iti .gallons will spln.'.h over the sides when Marvin Nclion, a whnle of a man. ipaiiks Uic surface In the Inaugural dive.

N cbon, u maraUiun snlmmer wlio hn.i won five IS-mtle tltlc.i anti m any lc.'.i-,strci


I loose l£> CJIU.'C

C feet. 1 Inch Ul!, wc. pounds, a n d ha.\ u ciicjt bis to dc lou r n tidal wave. They fliuilly decided to w c thi.i Kort Dodge, la.,

taff of

Wyoming Quint Defeats Regis Five, 101-45

LA R A M IE . W yo., Jan. 29 T h e ta ll Cowboys of W yom ing university took lim e o u t. from Moun­ta in F ive confcrcncc com­petition la.Ht niKht to smo­th e r ItcKi.s cotk'Be of Den­ver. 101 to -15.

F ir s t jind .second team men w ere iilteriialctl Ly Coach E v e re tt Shelton.

Cunningham Sees 4-Miniite Mile “Soon”

MT, VERNON, la.. Jan. 20 (-r>— ir, Glenn Cunnlnsham. wha^e «y IcKK cnrrled him (iver thq

rpute foster Uian nny other iiur relieve* Uiat the four-minute .III b<* necotiiplhhed In the "not too

, 106 fei

t fulTlie one-Ume "kins of the mller

ow director of pthletlc.1 a t Corn collpgr. Mid today tha t -some fi

those coming up n'*•111 * ude lout

O lrnn mlwed the ulUnmte t all mllers, but liU 4;0».4 mr special race at Dortmnuth In IBUO the lowe. t In Irack hlslor^'. I t w;i,

not rreojnljed, however, as a worit nnrk beciui.''! he wu.i paxed during ho race nin on a ^leclal Indooi

board track.Cunnlntiliam, dtscu.v'.lnft Uie pre. '

ent crop of mller*, said he l.i Im- pre.vsed by Uie records reported oi a iind rr ItneKfl. Uie 24-vear-oUI Swi'. flWi fireman wliD.'.e <:OfO mur ceiitly wiu iiccci)[«l as the

iiooUi runner," r iiddttl, huwei

holds hLi f lncrn US would do li countrj'.

Al thouKli he thlnk.7 Gilbert Dodd.i ~ IheolOKlan. L' erratic

lU.'e of jkvydioloiilcji iihwlmm Mild Dcxlits !ie SuRnr bowl comiv*' t frr this time of tin

Scholer Reelected as Fish and Game Head

D r . CeorKO 1*. Scbdler w as ro e le c tc d iiro.-<idci S iu t th c rn Id ah o Fi^li jiiid C a m e Ji.ssociu tio ii ii t tl

c c tin K o f th e liircvlur.s «if th e o rK u n iz a tio ii .Scholer, who lir.’iili'tf Die K'r('U|> hk.st y ea r, was

po.sl nluiiK’ \

err. Tlie curly-halred N( ha-1 to^'.ed off two

r>re, tias to h it Uie Ja le, or liLi'hope.i of c the hewl of the lln

Ir will be about as bright •oal bln,1K1 BlonK Allle Is ••

ns thi


- n ie first nil ilnutp mile will ha' an do It." he declar

Limited compen,^ oecujmtlonal iliseaj 14 etate.s.

.'IIIKI.KTTE N0.MI.S-ATK1)\ CHICAOO. Jail. 23 (-V^Whlrletle, IV kid .lister of W hirlauny. has bean nominated for the 1013 Arllns- ton J i.'.sle stakes, turfdom's lop race excliislveb' for two-year-old fillies.

K\er>' lllI nfloRt In th rotild nnchiir at one time harbor of Rio de Janeiro.

Strlckler, the Natloiml Foalb.ill leii- Kue tub.lhuniiier, pcve.s ihequr.MIo of who Sammy Bmiijh -rhould ha\ replaced In Uie Ali-LciiRue teaju backflcld . . , The sqiiatvkem nboi S.immy'.s failure to make the trni d idn 't mention th a t . , . Oeorse als rcport.1 th a t Dr. Dnnny I'ortniam Uie Bear’s perennial all-lrrvRu guard, ha-s been named t'.’.h tant resident sunteon a t the U. of Mao'- land hojpiuxl-w hleh may pul him right on th e ground for a good Job . . . Pred Mandfl, Jr.. ha.i taken ovei the publicity Job for hLs Delroil Uon.'* and oush t to do nil right II ho can m nre hltn.ielf a fciv more sto rlc i like ilKiiljiK Gui Dorals, •

T U n N A D o n ir"T A IR -S O M E - TIMES

The Toledo publlelly depL li responalble for th l. red-faeed re­port of hBpprainfi in a recent Tol^o-K lndU y basketball game . . . A fter » U ae oat, both teams became confnaed. Toledo tried to •core a ra in st Itself and the R nd . lay defense prerented IL When FlndUy (01 the ball, II moved to . ward the RoekeU' b a ik e t. . . Fln- aUy. a ite r taking the ball out of bonnds, a eoopU of Toledo boys caaght on to their mUtake and Art GroT« passed the ball Into th e hack court t« Dal Zober. who prempUy made two points (be righ t way.

TODAI-8 GtTEST STARflwaloe* sprine*(N. Y.) Saratoglan: 'N ews item:

u e r b o t BajTird ewope u rjcs patrona

dally double l)ecause vou stepped In a cart pulled by r.om IliOO clalinUiK iiau which yni rouiilcd DU being ripped out b Whlrlaway,"

.•lEHVlCE DEPT.The fonr Mehner broOien of

llU h, all bcm In Grrmaiiy, are doing all r lih t for their adopted country. Frank, Intermountaln tennli ehamplon from Utah I.'., now la a t the United S U In mlll- Ury academy: brother Fred la ftylnr over Tunlila; John also is In the army air eorpa, and lle ln t U In offleera' candidate aehooL

WORKING OVERTIME Olen Harmon, one of the rookit

hockey players Uie Montreal Con- have been bringing up wlUi icce.%s, ftLio ha.^ a Job In i

Coji/ullan aircraft plant . . , On thi ilKlii of hLs debut, Harmon shook iff well-wWiers and dre.ued In usli . . . "W hafs Uie hurry?" asked

Dick In'in,. Montreal coacli . . "I'm en Uie night ahUt." Harmor explained. "1 haven’t m udi time."

CLEANING THE GOFF The ClertUnd Indlani will In-

elode bontu clanses. bated en home atUndanee. In this- year's pUyer eontncU . . . “We’re goinr to bat* to re^Dlrt tbe ball players t« ramble «!Ui os,'' explains Vice Prealdent Roger Peeklnpaugh . . .A Brooklyn firm Is offering to sop- ply Belmont park with enough hor»e» and wagons to carry 5.000 to &000 etutomen a day from the raiiroad-aUUons to tbe track • • • From &afft t« riches . . .

Annual Utah State High School Cage Tourney Cancelled

aA I.T M K K CITY, Jan. 20 (.V,- Tlie 1013 slfttr lilKll mtIiooI bxvkel- ball toiirn;inienl wm c.illed off to­day hy the Utah Hlth School Ath Irllc ii^oocUtlon biLskdball commit

•me mlltitloa WAS b,v.cd c

CnmiK-tli pletlon of

Tlil.i wll

1 contest this ye,ir. will end wlUi <

>1 -whf<lulf?first year sincc

liuii, wiica .Mjiie-wldr |irei> coinpe- lllon wiLi stnrtcd, that Uie meet liaa lot been held.

Only two rcslons eiprewed'a de- Ire for a .state tourney this year, iie conm lttee r.ald. the offlelnli of he Uiird rcRlon being evenly dl- •Idcd for and agalmt.

NolhhiK w aj said by the comniUtec J to plan.1 for Uie more distant fu»

Cowboy Awards to Be Made in Texas

8AUNAS. C alif. Jan. S) (.V, - Officials nt th e Rodfo AswclaUon if America 'said official presenta- lon of awards to champion cow­

boy's win be made a t the stock show nnd rodeo. In Houston. Tex., Feb, 10.

Gerald RobcrtJi. Strong City. Kan,, will receive the RAA all- around UUlst Award, lnc^ldlns a gold and silver bell buckle and *625 In prizes.

Rolninsofi Signed For March I' Fight

Pim .A D n-P H IA , .Inn. 29 Rny iSuKari RobliL*,on, r.ensallonal Itarlrm wrllcrwelKht, will meet Jose n.i.NOra. New York, In n JO-rounder a t Phlladelplilft's convention hall March ]. Prtimoler Herman Taylor had announced today.

Taylor raid It will be the bit of action for Roblnwin. beaten In hLs entire amateur profr.'.slonnl career, before entering the army.




AVAILABLEfor Cars and Trucks

•F o r F u r th e r Inform ation

PH O N E 540


Dodge rijraouth

r A v w s M i W W .

'y today.

Former British Boxing Champion Located in Army

OAK1.AND, Calif- Jan. 25 (,n - rltlsher.n who have pondered over

whercnbout-1 nt •'OlnciT" Forail. UT featherwelKlil boxlnn chani- . nf Enslnnd. nrrd rprculHle

lonKcr, Tiie Llvc-ri><>il Irhh- . wa.s Inducted Into the U, S, y h c rr last week.Is American mananrr. Ralph

. . 1. dlsclo.'.cd today th a t prior 10 Induction Fornn had bren ttorl:- InK in a n 0 !\kljmd .'.lilpyard for rlKht moiitlw- He had irlrd to en- ILvt uhen the U, S. eiiiend the wnr tiut belnK a B rltbh .^ubjcct w.i.s turned down then.

Known throughout Enslnnd M "boxliiR's playboy," Koran came to th b country two year;. aRo and Korrd 11 knockout* In New York. He dropiwd ou t of .'Ishi and only recrntly L,ondnn new»p;i|ier rpiirl.'- paKc;; spcculntcd a.-( to hl.s where-

Lewiston Normal Evens Series With College of Idaho

LE^VlSTON. Jan. 23 i1 Normal t icd thf

•— I-e'

u-lth Cc.lh-sc ofbasketball Idaho la.*.t overtime period o t a wild, rouKh ball came. 57-54. TrnlllnK 21-23 ut the \mir, Lewiston wa.i never ahead untliythe final mlnute.i of the regu- latlonvKame which erwled 40-4C.

"nirce m en aliared hlKh wnrlns honors.'cach with n W a c k Rotfler l,cwLslon. and R. C. Pa.\ley and Vernon Mlllbrook of the Cnyote.v lyvon Chase. LewLston, and Nyle Williams, Idaho, were banished from the Kamo In the llnal 10 sec- ond-n when a flnreup of tempers brouKlit .^pcclalor.•I onto the floor md stopped the game for five mln-.

utesvertlme period ended

Willms Elected as Head of Cassia Rod and Gun Club

DURLKY, Jo:i. 29 (Specla ll-C as- ala County Rod and Qun dub ha.i elected Enill C. Wlllms as presld u t for the comlnc year, wUh E.irl J. liurn^ as vice pre.ildent. and Dale M, Rust.iy as .'.ecrctar)'.

D,\ve Clurlc.s, president-the past year, was In chnrKC of Uic election held recently a t the armory, John T, Matthews, .luncrvbor of the M in­idoka fore.',i. and G arnel Kidd

- nas-y'j pjiysieal harflenrnfr proKratn.

Every sailo r mu.st be ablt 50 yardr.. ‘Ilic new tank loHK and 75 f e d wide, can date 700 j.winimcr.s. 'Hiey the rou th ic of "abaniloii ship" by diving off a cal-walk 22 feet aboi the w ater In full whites and the ch u rn ln c the lennlli nf the pool.

Nelson won MO.OOO In ^wlmmln;; m nratho ii.1 from 1030 to 1034. Ui became n' hind lubber-cnterlliB I real eit.-vte bu.'.liie.M lii ,S>w Vo

Tlie w ar Intcrvene<l-;,o Ncis enlisted Ui tlic navy,

"I thouRlil a baltle.'lilp wa.s t blgKCst th in s afloat " exclaimed a flc r w ruffle th e w.iter In poobi a t G re a t Lak<

rcixirts .1 feedhifdiiton

Recently, several Burley -sports- en went to Jack.wn, Wyo., to take cturcs of elk herds In th a t vlcln- V, Tliose making the trip were 'Ilham H, 'niompson. aco rse J.

McOonlsal. Albert Koch, and Fjnll Wlllm.s. Tlie men viewed one herd if 4.602 elk being fed by Uie su te if Wyoming,

Gonzaga Boxers Decision Idaho

SPOKANE, Jan , 20 (-n — Tlie Gonzaga university Iwxlns team hammered out n 4-3 decision over

.rrslty of Idalio team lost......... AS the Zags recorded twotechnical knockouts, i

Roy Vfltri and Vic Felice scored le technical K.O.'s, Bill and Jerry

Williams, the Idaho brother combi­nation. accounted for two of Uie three Idaho victorii

ftates Set for Lewiston Rodeo

LErWlSTON, Jan, 23 <.1>-Dates for th e 1043 prc.'.entatlon of the Lewiston roundup—deiiciidcnt titwn w hether war conditions permit holdlnK of the ^how-v.■ere set for Sept, 24, 25 and 28 by Uie board of d irectors last nlKhl. M. L, T>ler was elected president of the olinw, Kucceedlng K. S. Cook, now servliiK with th e United States army over-


Tlio San Francisco Ijveball club lunced today the purcha.-,e of

Woodrow John.'on, left handed pllclicr. from PortamouUi of tlic P iedm ont league.

Hubbell Obtains Another Contract From N. Y. Giants

;i NfVOKf.AHOMA CIT\-_______

Curl Hubbell. the wcll.knowi York Ghint-1 ineiil ticket, L-. iMtly to Cc punched fi>r anoiii-r ba%etiiii

Led by ilTt perib of: In fni-.ty hit ucle.vICth ..............................

Glant.s have mailed him came by the jwr.t lotlny, but the club pn’lcy keeps even an old-Umer Uke Hub- brll feoni .’oiylng whetiier he ic- cepu or lioldn out.

■■ wever, since Hubbell wm full ilk about the new r.euon. and

he never has held out anv. : wor.->c than hLs bat land Ins iR record teaches us Ui»l U enough! It lakes no sletjlli to e he'll be on hand to begm Ing M arch 15.

r y r ' ^ ' W ' W ' W ' ^

ATTENTION!Cash Paid •F or W orlhltJsa o r Dead

Cow.t. HorsM nnd Price of I’clta fo r Dead Sheep

C all CoUcct Nearest Phono TWIN PALLS 314. GOODtNO IT




t In Ihe market dally.★CALL OR SEE . , ,


Twin FalU Phone3»-H8. Residence 2KIJ Orriea In Glbb Bcaa Elevator



115 head Horses90 Head, good W ashington work horses. Several well matchcd team s.15 Headi coming yearling mules.


, FR A N K THOMAS. Owner, Mnnajfcr T B o h em ia tt G Iul)K X PO R .T L A G E R B tE R

Page 7: FDR VISITS LIBERIA, BRAZILnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF068/PDF/1… · I" iW IN F A L L S COUNTY’S SC K A P Q UOTA 1.980 TONS Collecled so^ar 1.972 toos

F r i i i v , J a n u a r y -29, l a ’l l TIMES-NEWS. TW IN FALLS, IDAHO I ^ S e n s

RAOlO TELLSB ; CiUUd rn t*

r o p p i;h Dino AUlerr. lU U in bfcAiartnr lo Oermany. hM b « nlio rv » !;ip p rt. b r » CXrmia otfJcer »lio . n iu n - jd »ounil«J lasm the A :nc»n I n a t . found h li la Uie

fnvpy's Mms. Uit t « r t t out* Uw radio n a tio n G uiUv* Slferrted

ts ld UxJsy.Ai • result the sUtion u ld . Hic

Oc.-wa;i anny h « tn « ff« l *lf- BliiiCed i f t i l AWfri Iw dism lart w;cl tcsii homf.

TJic o fric tr in Ui« c w rtportrt l i l t cL-cumiances to tilJ Ktnfrtl »n«l Bikrd pfnnl;^lo.T lo challense Alf- Jrrt. «hc» bv virtue ot h ii offlc* tn - jo )» the s ia iu .1 of ctntlrm an. to ■

• duel. Uje #i«ilnn <D utI ForbUdea

A court of lionor »»* «uiMontd B u l i cuitCKnao'- Tlie court iafb»d«

ihp <Juel. -due to tb« fact tftil the o llender o t the honor oi the clllc»r 1 '« r tp m ^ n ia t i te of • for«l*n po»*rw ith » h lfh » e «r« alUtd a t ift#-----r n t m om rnt. and l*« iluel tl i rd jT.l«Jil our rtU U ois 'rllhth a t countrj'."

T he court w ld the o ^ c t r hid done hU duty hy tht*4htffc AltUrl, r tportJne th e cjiw to h b iuperlor. auir.c fo r *h 'l for •court o f h o R a

n -.e O fra ian arm y raflio Jtatloa M id U iat only c rcat dtplooiallc p m x u rc prcvcnl« l the court from t;vU \; rcrml-AtoR Jor » and forcini; Alflrri to fijh t or

Dee«d S«Uule AlficTj. B v t te n n cf the fajcbi

caMor olIrr:< and undt>an«r«. b knoirn as “ T hf Charrntr." Hf ti S6 je a rs old. His claim to fane U that « h tn Eroperw Ualle Selassie. •wUh the Italian.^ o \fm in n in j Ethiopia m scarch c l w y conquest, a p p ^ td «o th e Leasue of Nallons. AliJfri o rcan lzrd a s«hc of fascist toujtu who from th f Irafue eallfrtcs boo«l and hooted the rmppror.

T he G ustav SieslrlPd Etas »ta Uon IdenlU lfd th e otilcer a. Capt.

I Joachim ' von t n . of Uie staff o! a tank dlTtslon tn th e German Afrlka

- korps. » h o returned to Jind h u »lf« w ith " a m an of southern type. haU undrrsaed." I t nam ed the ofllcen e l th e court ol honor. <

I t Kaid th a t th e captain lashed Alftert acro is the face sevrrai tlm « » lih a horsewhip, threw him down- siair* and threw hla clothes after him .

B ills PassedI.S TOE SENATE

SD 43 by tnsurasc^—Amendlns llw s to perm it tlie sta te Insurance fuTid to be apjilScaWe tor pajioroV of premiums far reinsurance.

MJR by Vincent. R , Ada. e l a J - r r « ^ '- ln c a n amctirimfnt to the co.T.'iUtutlon to aboUsh Ihe board of p rl'on c om m tjlonen ,

HB ;♦ by Steen-^on. Anderron and H tn d rk k s . aU O. Banntjck—?rcrria. i n t fo r tcsU for syphilis for preg­n a n t o r rectnUv delivered women.

IN THE HOUSE SB 63 by .'.tate affairs—Pnwldlni

th a t th e s ta te auditor may offset I « u te obUcatians w ith a i ^ r a l of

s ta te boM d of t s a n i r m .SB IS by Deal. I t , Canyon—

AmendlnB uncfflpJoyment cosipen- ta tlo n Jaws to define “a^rloiltural labor.’*

T H IS C U ftlO U S W O RLD B y W iDUm FersD M ii

- ---- --- f M W / rA V JA 4 C M -, K«VEAEOeOTO THE KNOWLEO&E OP O U « OWN


CP I^? l5O N 0U S 5NAK&9 ABE MlNlATUtaS 0*= TMEIR R lM N ty , 03MPIXTE WITH


M I F O I O T O P R O O O C T l

Stale Salvage Head Explains MeUiotl in Scrapping Tin Cans

T he Times-News



F a rm e rs • A uctioneers "fiili column carries a Ust< lac of every farm sale advertucd la th e Tlmca-Newa. Protect your sale d a te by gclU as J-oui a«Jv«* Lisembbt tn early.

B U Y ER SW atch Ihl* column daily . . . U carries Dat« c f the U ajor Farm sa les in a ll M « lc Valley,


GLEN MeKEE A dT rrtlsm en t, J a n . : (

•A. L. nOL’GDTELIN AdTrrlUPAienI feb . 1

FE B R U A R Y 4


A d n tU aem en t Feb. t

Lynn W atson, Boise, fcnera l *ec- r tta ry of th e war pruducUon board MtTice departm ent for Idaho, ad- drejsed the K iw anij club a t its wwUy luncheon m eetlne T liunday

Watson declared th a t 100 cars of 6CT*p melal w tr t be tns ahlpped out ol Hie sta le lo .s le f l mUla e rtry month v id of Hits am ount a good vliare ts eomtnc frooj T w in FalU county. Tlie mills a re now runnlne

) capaclly.WiU Coetlnoe

However, h e said th a t th e talavge om paipn would continue un til the end ef the year. H e a.'ked th a t the dilvt for ra>-on and silk 'con tinue even though a la rte am ount of the reclaimed m ateria l la being re . celred.

WatLon sta ted th a t the caropolen for the eollfcUon of tin cans had been Inaugurated. T h e procedure in dbposlw: of tin cans was explained. He said the ends should be removed, placed inside the can and the can then crushed with the foot, "niey can be taken to a irrocer who will tu rn them over to th e local bottling works. B o ttlln t worka throughout the txallOD h a re taken cha.-Ke of the collection In re lu m for th e gov- em m tn l allowing them to continue the UM of gallon »l=e<J can.

Watson also explained th a t a ll lab tli and advertising m ntertal should be removed from th e cnna. Cans with lllhography th a t cannot be rrmored ar* n o t wanted. •

Walson was aceompanlrd to the meeting by Joe Roberta. aI?o of the WPD a.<tIvBce detvuw ient In the SUU. and Supt. A. \V. MofTnvn of the Twin P a lk sch o o l who Is coun- ty salvafe chalnnan . AH th ree were guesu ef U. JT: T ^ rrr . immediate past president fo th e Klwanians.

:MaaJcal Prtiffraa H ie address t o lo v ^ a musical

program provided by ituden ts the local .vhools. A boys’ q u a r . . , John Kcshy, Earl D augherty. Carl

two selectiwu. while lioger .'ang a m Io accompanied by Mrs. Nellie Oslrocn. Dorothy Allen, who was the guest of her father. C lar­ence Allen, the program chairman, played a piano solo.

President IL J . Schwendlroan pre­sent WUbur m i l w ith a three-year attendance tab and Ledyard Per- rlne with a one-year tab.

Emeai Oyer nddrc.vnsl the club on the •■rlctoo’ book" campaign, -■aylng tliat good quality flclion. technical and humor books were sought. They can b« turned the U 90 or Red CrcM.

Edgar I!. Olmstead w u Uie guest of llarr^' Eaton.

Art Cedtnjulsi received the stamp.



6B TO by lU tc a ffa lrt—Amending sUtutes to prohibit th e pouession of mere than cr.e ea.ne or 12 quartn of'liquor, prohlbltlnj; sollcilation of liquor sales or roa?:uniplion. and banning aales by the gUte to tndl- vlduals o r corepanlea who pos.'^u federal liquor dralera' tax permits.

IN THE HOUSE HB lt>8 by Indu’tTT- and corpom-

llons-A m endtnc sta tuU s to pro­vide for avew m ent o f electric tran.<i- mlsslon lines of ju r a l electrifica­tion ajiociations. '>


Get our qnotaUooi beforo you KlL We ar« aiwaya In th t market.

MACK ^BRIGHT•Twta Pans M C « P t. 7U

Residence P k C » 6 .J l BUYER fM D. a . tm M T R L I

Stock AuctionSATURDAY, Jan. 30

W e Will Have

75 head weaner Calves,( th e re a re e x tra good), in ad d ition to

* o u r re g u U r ru h o f liveatock.

B riryj in Any K lnd -o f.Iareslock P rices A r t Very Good


Ry nOQERT DOWSON LONDON. Ja n . 2D (U.R)_BefUn . _

dlo announced today th a t Paul Jo- teph Ooebbels, German propaganda minliter. would address a public mefUng tomorrow. lOtli anniversary of the n a d acces.^lon to power, and tliat Field .MarJinl Ilennann G oer- Ing. na£i N a 3 and a ir force chief, would addreu the G erman armed forces by radio.

I t was arniOuncM th a t Goebbels a t U n end of h is own speech p. m. IB a. m. M\VT) would read a proclamation by Hitler, Who In the pa.^t made tlie anniversary the occasion of one of the most boast­ful of his yearly speeches.

tlltler “Buiy"Thus the Inference was left open

th a t unless by surprlao—a* had hap ­pened once before during the war —Adolf HlUer, confronted by an inexorable advance of Russia'* red arm y and the Imminent liquidation '* an army o{ J » .« 0 m en la trlllced

hU glonr a t StaUngrad. would no t speak.

But always befora H itler had used the occasion to bluster and boast— In 1540. the Jlr^t war year, th a t he

colnjj In cruili Britain and France, jvnrt wlUi them "old Cham­berlain." as he called the late B rit­ish prime minister, and Edouard Daladler of France; In 1P41 th a t the United s u m had brttn - be good or he would .^Ink all It-t shlp«, and th a t Germany would defeat Britain w ithin th e year; In 1M3 that, though he did not know w hetlirr the w ar would end th a t year, Germany would win.

I9U Speech In llie 19« speech he said also

th a t though Germany was on the retreat a t that moment In Hussla m ow that Uie peak of winter r lgo« ha.1 pLas. cd they (the Ravilans) ahall soon sec u h a t ic means to taste the German steeL”

Reports came from continental Europe , th a t H itler m ight declare m artial law tiirouRhout Germany. dMplte Berlin radio denials, th a t despite the decision a t Casablanca th a t unconditional surrender o t the axis powers w u the pre-requlilte to peace he might try la come way to p u t out peace feelers.

There was general agreement th a t whatever. HiUer did he would have no reason to celebrate the day and th a t for Gennans generally it m u ld no t be a happy celebratioir.

HAILTY, Jan. ^ - T t i e THumph mine, on« of aouihem Idaho's la ir - eat producer! ol war tnlnerala. was forred today to discontinue the bulk o f lU producUoa until ip rlnc be­cause ore cannot be hauled over twisting mountain roads burtcd un- ider six feet of mow.

6upu A. M. Jensen announced thav ti\e n in e ^ a l laid olf IM to 175 men. keeping only a akeltlon crew of about 60 tnlntrs. TT>e men laid o ff will be shifted to other holdings of the tame company tn Nevada. Utah and northem Idaho.

Jensen said tba ahutdown will be tftectiv* unUl such Us>( as roacis

b« put in shape to truck the to the ahlwlQ* au tian only

ir se \en miles a*ay. The mine

X not rtauned full production last w eeki heavy snowstorms. S iw * equipment a t the Triumph lo-

caUon u too smaU to handle Uie ftix-foot depttis and drifts which reach many time* U a t b ilght, and th e danger of tildes b a source of worry.

Th» 6un Valley rotary plow h u been used to open a narrow 'road­way lo the mine.

T he Triumph, according lo Je n ­sen. was producing about 13.000 tons o f crude ore a month, including lead, a llr tr. zinc and a small amount of gold.




L 0 3 ANGELES. Jan. 3 (U /i-R ob­e r t Polkes, 31. Negro dining cook, said today he refused to enact the murder of a pretty bride In lower berth IJ becauie he was afraid of " that de#d woman's ghccL”

Nertouily fUiserlng a feathered carnation in the wide Ispel of hU blue herringbone tool suit. Polkes refused to go with police to a Pull­m an car ouUltted lor the r«-enact-

” No sir." he shouted. "I don’t w an t to see that dead woman'sghost."

lUsalnlnK h it compoiure. he said h e was acUiig on the advice of his attorney. Bui he forgot, apparrntl}' U ia t he lu a none.

Folltes had made a full confession to the bnital slaying of Mrs. M artha Vlntlnla James, 31. a na \7 enslRn's bride. But he ililt was vsgua when a.iked to.- a motive. Re said, how­ever. th a t he did not Intend U Vack h tr .

M n . James' body rolled Into the nl.'.le of a Pullman while It w .u

Uirouch Tangent, Gre_ be­fore liaan la. t Saturday. Polkes ad* in lt itd he sli'.lifd her throat with n knife when »li« awakened and txlKl lo eject him.

He was half a 'lrcp and 'h a lf drunk." he said, wtirn he slipped th e knife Into hU sleeve, put an overcoat on to ctaiceal his white kitchen clothes, and climbed Into lower berlh 13 bwlde th* sleeping bride.

Names in the News

H, 6. flj'lng forces are coonunlne munitions by weight to the tune of scBie UO pounds p e r opcratlns hour p e r engine.

By I'nltfd r re n Joeeph C. McCasklll. a -jb tan t to

th e commissioner of Indian affairs. aalcS today tha t there are more tluin 13.000 Indian wards of the go\Tm- m e n t In the armed services and an ­o th e r 13.000 In war indwuiei.

Darae May Whltty, veteran charac ter acireaa, h»» signed a loB f term eealrart with Metr»- G oldw ya-M ajte la pUy comedy a n d dramatle r«ln ef the Marie D ro l le r t y ; ^ She U now working OB "Madame Carte.'*T h e U st su^vlvL^s CItU war vet-

rTia of Douglsj touniy. O re, Wal- e r Emerson, died today in Ro.se-

b u rs . O rt., a t ti\t ase ot 9S, Uc had sc rred w ith the Ohio catalrj- dur­in g the Civil war and was captur­ed by the confederaies . . .

^TlsrtcU Sheehsn. ttte raa Hol­lywood predoerr. ta ji> eompletrd plan* to niia Iht life ef Capt. Ed­d ie lUckenbaeker. inrl^idlnc h b r rc e n t rescaa fnm a life ra ti in th e racUie . . .Sira. Marie T outj Hope, sister-

ln -l*w or Comedian Deb Hope, yes­te rd a y aued Uie co.-nedWn for *3.300 back pay, auertedly duo her for l o t as' his ifcrtt.vT. Hopen ie d a countersuit for J1.C5 for m oney borrowed but not repaid.

A cter Craig Beyoeldt. now a m arine Uentenaat. will rvtitm to th is country aoen lo marry blond B arbara Pepper, the aetr«s dta- c low d today. Beynolds, who en­lis ted as a private Isit year, waa e a G tttdaleanal for 6i «lsyi. Screcn a ta r Irene Herrty today

w as recuperating from an opentlcn on h e r kneecap whkh ihe fractured » » e e k agp In an automeblle acc- d e n t. Phyalclans u td she will be ab le to t i ^ crutches within three week* ..

Shirley Temple, farmer baby ■ tar and now a Jarenlle aetreas. w m became an asni in early stmi- m e r. Shirley annasnced today th a t h e r bratber, Jark. and bb wife a re expecting a haky (o ae tla e la J tm e.

Markets at a GlanceKKW YOBK, Jtn. I* tT>- fiwk> (um ; r«un<

Com xlTUinrf <(< S>! un-tanraki* far rvanirr nurWtlns.

C*ul.: tu rn , ro rllnn *a4 rn r- tlie W m »carr«, otixr

. . . ^ •I**.Il».<l

NE\V YORK. Jan . 29 t/*^Prlm e Industrials, with sletU coa<iplciiui_. took c iiarte of Uie cUmbliiB Jori'es in today's stock market and many farorites touched new hlclu for IS m onths or longer on Uie Urgeat vol­um e for the year to dale.

Bullish Insplrate again was a.vrib- ed mainly to the war news, invc.M- m en t demand and a alight toueh of InflaUonary temperature. Profit taklnR. attributed to tlie Idea n lchal correction was ovrfdue after th e VtiVRihy upswing, waa laliiy wtlV abuirbcd.

TYanifers were in Uie neighbor­hood of 1JOOJWO shares. '

A t peak Im ls for 1942-0 were Chryaler, Goodyear, U. 8. Rubber. N orth America. International Nickel, W eaiinghoase. Allied Chemical, Enflt- m a n Kodak. Standard Oil < r ' T exas Co.. United Merchant.' M anufaciuren. Pepsi-Cola a W arner Bros. Well in front were BeUilehem. Keiuiecott, O m n lb u C orp , American Tobacco "B", Mont corner^- Ward. D ouglu Alrrratt, O lenn M artin. Boeing and Youngs­tow n Bhert.

Bonds maintained Ihclr equilib­rium.

Mining Slocks

Km i UUhfUjtrka llullU- Kurvka Lllr L'

-------- OS*.

W reckingWeAre

THIS W EEK I N TW IN FALLSM BOBGE PICKOT. Motor, tr ta a , d m , tU In r « d »hap*. Body, fenders, wheels, and email part*, a ll told * u b .'U OLDS c o u r t 8UU bare an parta for this one. Pretty good shape, too.25 CHBYSLEB COUPE, Left aide only, food, all other parts ts lop shape.U n COUPE. Body, (todera, an teotor a sd chassb parts. 0« t here early. .i s DODGE, Trans, dlff. aad body aU In good shape. Rear fenders only. No motor.

Twin Falls Auto Wrecking

Jerome Auto Parts

rboM in . Twin nn* . e«s t u, W rite , W ire, o t P h ao e . W « S h ip C. a


UP 9 PER CENW .\aHlNGTON. Jon. 29 (U.n)-All

living cosU in the United States in ­creased nine per ctnv during the year a fte r Pearl Harbor, mnklnc

toinl Increaie since the war be- in Europe 32.1 per cent. 6ecre-

ur^- of Labor Prances Perkins re­ported today.

*nie labor depertmffit's figures In- e\utl«S cwi3 o t lood, clothing, house furnishings, rents and mlscelianeoua services.

From Nov. 15 to Dee. IJ, I9 « — the latest da te for whlclt f l ^ e * are avallab le-llv lnc coaU rose One-half of one per cent. Mis# Perkins said th a t Uie 33.1 per cent Ipcrease since 1939 compared with an almost S5 per cen t Incrtaao during the cor­responding period of the U st war.

ResponsibUlty for Uio continued Incrrase. she said, rests with the rising prices of goods and »er%'lcea no t controlled by the government. Goods and services under office of pries admlnUtraUon control ad­vanced only OJ per cen t from mid- •November unUl mid-December, Serrtcea controlled by other agen­cies reiAained u n c h s^ e d . Uncon­trolled goods and service* advanced two per cent.

G L O ^^Pupils a t the W ashlngU ..._____

can feel a warm glow a t Uie latest accompUshment of the Junior Red Cross a l th a t InsUlutlon.

To the naUonal childrens fund e n t JieJO in money. To the hos­

p ita l o f the arsty a ir base a t Poca­tello w ent a box containing 95 noi'- els, 398 crossword •puale*. e i cartoon books, six picture puzales. <8 ash trays, coe fracture pUlow abd package of wrlUng paper.

T he W ashington Junior Red Cross Is contributing 30 pounds of nuU to the DSO, and pU ni soon (o send a box ooataltilng witUn* portfolio* and rases to tho pocaUllo a ir b u e hosp ita l

Miss Lucille Neater and Ulss E thel K auU are in charge of the acUvIty a t th e school

C O N G E S S A C D O N .s v ;

csctA O C t, -2CL a ■£ r a & s s » « ! 'v'

^ <cRE?«Ha»l Saaa M L ^ s c p t» j i w .5

crC rw cc mi«*j a: awMc parsy

a aoB t 9 0 L aiS

a a a aC x s r = i i aSnSKid

3 asw«i.x2j(r«eB£.‘a sea

OtrOES LIVESTOCK J»ri. :» (T>—IU.1DA)—lio«it

S.Ubl* no. t«»l >Tl: moJ«r«ulr artl-*. • ur.r,r tc Uc Mfhcri top SIS en b« l IM lo sst IS. X lchu: lltSur ond hM>kr r«l£h(» dirvn SW.iO an j balow; r«« o<n (II In lll.rt.Caltl*! S*Iabl« SSI. Ij>U1 >11; mukH

krr f l«nu^h» .uiNk'i bulk tntdium Is food lU-rn Ill.iS9 IK : h<ir<n III to IIS: rammon bc<b ■ ■..f- i5o«n tA ts ftnd b«lav; tA

n I4.K

Judgment Upheld By Supreme CourtB O ISa Id a , Jan . 51 ~

Idaho saprese c c(st today wj another jodgaent T«'.=Falls dljt.-lct ccart. K tySseii Jury Judgrneet fatc tJrg L. XT. Saw » kins. fcKcer Twin Falls cecaSf s S tr - in . his r j r t ty aad t i * T ia s s e a Land c o c ip tv . w to isaS S « a s a s i by .M- C. MfU f ir a a alle^td ful levy aril^is: his perscaa; p rc jv [


B*Uh]« I0 down: VMkn

0, tout l.UO: BAMiu d prex-x'cvi' Metals

E \ery sliell fired acroas th o EBg’- llsh channel is >>ald Jio cost about I3AOO.

the Met2 Lire^tcck c«2pus.v. t j • . .enforce l.'-jt J-Jir=en: an rw U i.T S « s ^was levied. Mets ; n t e s M was made agslns: tJs ew s ;Instead of tSa: cf t b cc

W ill p ay hiffbeat .pricc#

' f o r tam e o r wild


— SKINS—Bring In ytiur deer aklns. tool

Idaho H ide & TallowTwta Fans . Gooding - Bnpcrl


Page 8: FDR VISITS LIBERIA, BRAZILnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF068/PDF/1… · I" iW IN F A L L S COUNTY’S SC K A P Q UOTA 1.980 TONS Collecled so^ar 1.972 toos

Page Eigbt TIMES-NEWS. TWIN/FALLS, IDAHO F riday , J a s u a ry 1943




r a n - r D E t o t r .»g e d vC H .\F T m XXI

T b a i jV i h a re b « o * wiUieu. Cood pecple oa t i tv l in . to the *^c0ayill3jisjfsl o l xny U ie't pur­pose. You h » « irrr. Uie .m inncr or lu Ptrhaps you »ould h fw the mr'Jiod of it. Pcrhapi. too, to tin d m u a d the rtaion* lor tu t»i2fnAk:nc.

I t loUoTs. t h i t you m iaiUstfn y ti. ncSiLc.

Aad c<3 lo a i x r no ' sHrr Ihe taou is or Uir K m i World i» r —to • inu< rabln W the war- t i s lorraU oJ Cif Cawadc moan-

I la the s u ie cti Woililntion. U T»s a Iwiuutul eailn. »cl be- *Wt * n iih lnc rlvfr. And Uifre » frc n\T pco;'> Uyir-s m it, o:ie of tis« c B-w Jo!in t 'r jc . Tlirre o tiiffi « tre Johii JT je's »U r. aixl his cTflw—S bov. 'and h li Ir.JaJil daaih:»r. -n-.f I tlil i. ar.d la il * Norman Tir.krr. John Pr?'# and N ccaaa 'Dr.ker w rrt Kjual part-

a Ix 'iro -s cntrr;irlie. Norman T tn tr r wa.i

» you JiA\c mci m iiiy urll* tRf. ajid itfT i ille Uirrrln. umlfr th t n a » e of \Vpx!fj- Hope Mrrrl* m rlhfr— Coliinrl.

Jo in FT5# and Norm&n Tinker m rrt d i l f tr tn l .'orU ol men. al- loeeihrr. P.irLr lu rtnc rJili) hud

about in a ir.Minfr Bhlcli »ai. a t IfiJt 10 Jo!in h'oe. fur- p rw n ,\

f r r t had «K5e back Irora Hie wars In France to hU wite and his son and his vrr>- new tiaugh- tfr. and he hart brouKhl wlllt lilmcrrUJii dtM&lUtlfs or llie body »W :h «oii!d no t b*' hrli>pa by rtsumptlon of hU Job In the i IjUc»J laboralorlei of a N orlhenl o r ] U a s eorapany. Kla docton him to look ou t o f doors for healUi and a lor.s life. People lold lilm— one a-M here a:id aiiolhrr Uicre— tha t Norman T inker wa.i the fellow tor him to »e«.

Tinker m a c«Uec« m hlauelf. they ta ld . but will) a crazy pa.woa for proipccllriB In net f ir l i i—irold. Mlver. jilaUnunj. any Ihlnj. lie Ivad found ;.o.iie j.uccm, h rrt and there, to a At lei:.t he not »ortlnfi on a jJiocstrlnK. He W th e l e i j m ao for Jobn P rje lo Jeok up.

So J<>hn Prj-c did look liim up, a.*>d found him !n CUicaso, found a ke«5-<,iTd. Qulel->-oloed miuj som t' »ha t o iie r Uian hlimelf. . .»ho » a s cool, and dliUiiil. and a Jltlie dlfn ru ll to know. Tlielr firsl talk tf^eUier was not crta tly pro- du.'Urr. Norman Tinker .^ald he had no nes: ptBjecu at the ment. H e mlKht, if he found find 11 useful to ensace ftvilalAiice. And la the meantime he *-ould « • amine John Ft^-e's ttvord and at- talomenta. In h is o^ n way. and prl- Talely.

WiUitn a montii, Jolin P rjp w.is iummone\l to aiioUier nireUnK. Norman T inker w tiiinl nelUier tlit nor w ordi arrtv lns » t the point:

* l h .v e le a m e d - l t d o e jn l tjm ter how—of c rria ln landi In the aUte of W aihlnglon whlc]) m»y yield Tx^uable drpcslts. I liavo Tlnrtd a»pelf th a t you can I , help to me. B ut It b neee.vMiry for

Acaln, the reason docs not matter. Aad ta I make you a proposal:

-You and 1 wlU ko to ihU coun­try I speak of. and explore Its pa '- alhmuea. And you will be WTllSen

for ooe-thlrd of anyihbj we may Had.*

\\Til<A was « te rfroxu Ihlns to do. Indeed.

John Ftyc v a s Immeiiifly pleas­ed. He was not a man of force and be had never been »ex>oned lo m a a y 'o f the s'.em reallile.v Ufe had a««aimoc!aied him to a philos­ophy of aequlensim re. and lo a al SM shock of surprise ahen any fortune fell’ h is wa.v. If Nomiati TLnker.had offcrrd him a dccrnt weekly wace. h e would ha\-« been

ulUfled, ]!aw wonderful lo become a porinerl

It would not, perhaps, be exag- itrtU on to *ay th a t John Frye w u a wrak mxn. Not morally, of course, hut lenjpprnnitntally. " was eailly led by tlronKcr Ilul, like all people who are called ttfak. he had a pen ’cr«o alloy of the thing which Is known as ttub- bomneM. And now UUs Biubborri' n n i look fire In a condition whicli he offered lo N orm an Tinker.

Ke was overjoyed a t Uie oppor­tunity. But he would not Uilnk of solng on Uie expedition unless he could lake Ills family wCQi him. Tills was not In Norman 'Dnkir's book, and he scoffed a t the notion,

is atourd, nnd furthermore It danKerou-i, he said. John Prye

Mid. In reply, U iat ills wife and children were nbsolulely neccsmry

) him after his year In the wars Eo tlie Klroni; roan and Uie itub-

bom man wre.uled Uie matter, and Uic strong man surrendered because he. also powM.ved of slubboranesj Uiough of a tll f f rn n l weave, ' (lelemilnM tliat John Frye wa

I remember th a t cabin , , prtcbely delnlled palnlhic of It

■re u|X)n the wall before my eyes this moment. I t wii.i like paradbr.

Tlic Doii|;!a.s firs UiM reacliKl Uielr mannlflcenl spires toward Uie rky. (he swift cold water. Uie beasts Uiat came down lo store n t us. Uie trout and Uie .lalmon th a t fmelled so fine ngalnst Uie smell of coffeo In Uie eveiilni;.

And I rrnieiiiber as vividly nlslit John Fryo cnme In. very tired. wlUi a sack full of new sam­ples. Tliey were, h e said, from a rather curious oulcropplns In Uie ne it valley, He and Norman Tin­ker went lo the workbench which Uiey had built In the end of llie room, and got down vcs.iela and tools and bottled chemlcaLi, while a t Uie other end of Uie same room MarUia Prye lium nird to her bnby Kirl and the liL-.nliii: nf the frjlni; pan wa.s loud In the ulr.

I Tlie next- th in s . H sla n rg o l n ich other and saying. "Good Lord. m an -U ia t can t be Uuel" '

Tlie new and curious outcrop- pln« which John Fn'e had found was a ailnK of inr.'.iimable worUi. Early nex t m om lns Uic two nyn were gone, and Uicy came back changed ftltOKMhcr fro:n Uie two men of yesterday, ^'or they were rich Indetxl. and the excllemenl of tha t kowIedKe was a grave Uilng lo bear IlKhtly.

WarUia m e Joined easerly In their excitement, ojienlng a bottle of red wine which slie had saved, against on lllne.is nnd sharing the toasts to fortune which were lifted In lour volcc.i. Bven Uie boy-wlilcli boy was I —cuiiclit more Uian t touch of th e frv rr and grew in' with ovnrlce, wliii Uie suddrn. fabu. loiis assurance Unit here were whlw ponies hitched to b.isket earls, and Bodo ))op beyond nil dreaming, buckets of cwidy. nnd a tolerant Eeneroslly towiird ihc ler.ver men of Uie ichool bark home.

I t wn.1 a iilKlit of hurly-burly, •lUi Uie litd tryhiK to understand flien these inyMerlous crealures,

Iho Krown-ups. urtted eacli other bo cnlm—urKcd tha t thrre might yet be n fliiw In Uie great dL-<overy.

Tliere wa.i no fluft\ n ie next ly ’s expltirjillon.t. and Ihe next

day's fonlflK l even ' hoi>e.(To He Conllnurdl


SHE ear hon\6 ©he tr.\eo 'to M #^ k e 'up a. eWB LITTLE ISO SOME MILK, POAK 6RAMV AT .BOTWETHREVJASTRJKE , ^Oh4CE/— '^EAT HER. vjrm *mB BorruE * ^ market rr as food


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F r id w , Jw iu iirjr 5 3 . 1M3 TIMES.NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Page Nine




WANT- AD BATESCD Co»t-per'«eril

I tUj — fte wort9 (Jari_____ <0 per word p«r8 ^«)T per wortf per

A « ls \ te u m of 10 »ort« U rwjulwl in »nr «i* cUmIJM *4


IN T W IN FALLS p h Q n e 3 9 o rS 0

IN JE R O M E CONTACT MJW.u i E u l All) PhoM q60*n

D E A D U I^^W«(k U ». Iti.

Sund»y, 0 p- m. Sfttunia;

paper iul>*er)l>M to M’t codt of aUile* of ih i Atfodilloi) of Newsp*pcr Clautfltd Advir* Uilne Managers and reur;-^ Uli rtght to edit and r*Jtci »n> olw* uriid kdverlUlns. "Blind idl" carrylrn • Tlinu^NtKi boi oum* ber ars itrleUr conddenllil »nd no InformaUpn can ba jivin In rrpirt} to th i adverlUw.

c rren tliould be r e p o r t tin* me4isi«l7. No i>lloviinp4 wilt tn {»•(]> for morv than 9T9 r»rt iwefUcm,

Life’s Like That B y N e h e r .HAY, GRAIN AND FRED

T O D irtndln# JPhooi w U i e tf

\IV E 8 T 0 C K FX)R S A L E


UIOKEST c u h prl9M p«ki for poul. try. ind*p*nd*nt Mm ( Oc«np«ny Phont )lT

WAKTEO: B«r«nO rvlomlno udrfi*hon«*, iMlttoni, |t!dlnsa. orroir<4. II to II h«ndv>I.OM lo IJM pound*-4 to • y n r i old. Mmm S »un4 awtviihoul blrmkh, rooct cQn>arma< iloii and co!drn color WlU) wjitl*

aiul UU*- W ritf full p*r< UoiUr* and pHct Ui Qox 3<, ■nrnM-Nfi*.

POULTRY tX)R SA L ETWO >-oun« brtiadtbrfailfd B ro n n

\u tko- tobbJeix Phon# KimiJfrly.

PER§0N A I^COLLIERS, AmarlMtv W anan'l

Horn* Companion. H monUu flXKI, u luuM. J. »IU, W ’Vf.

F1R6T of yaar ranew tli o r (ubierlp- t^cm« popular tnacttJnes, rticinoH7. .Mull,

a c iio o is AND THAININOJtBEDED a t once; At I m t I t

p«ople to tMcorrio (cereUrlM. 0< i your IralnlnB pnd t>i placed In » tw lU on Uirough Uie T*'*!' J'o'l* BuUnrsd University.


X-RAYS ftHura accunl* #(tju»t- menis. Dr. nnrvlln- 130 |Ji>in norUi. T«ltp}ions S3i(. ;

b e a u t y s h o p s

PERMANENTS, 13.00. Mrs. Dnuncr. Phone :« 1 . over Independent M eal Market.

laCTRA fpeclal prlcta aa a ll penna- n e su . OeAuUr Arta A »deIa;•A ^ tUUa Oe«ul7 BaJoo.

rBRMANENTS. S1.M. MO Jttfirson i i m i . phoni is a s ^ . Maym* K Jrn UoOabo.

•FXC1AL-4J.00 oil p « m u i« t , » J00: ia .00 oU p c ro a a ra t UJK)

- Idaho BwbCT <J)d |St»ut7 Sbop ^ o n e u i

"I cnn w«or lojiR panta »ny time I » » n l l o . . . I'm ji Hcrtflc* becAuu of Uie wool ih o r u n * >' BABY CHICKS


fURNISJIED apm m cnL W tluctd r* u j . Close in. 319 Eixt^ ATcnuo mU

TWO room efficiency apartment, B \a, Ou\sW« ttilT inet. Two PHon« IBM.

T IIR ES room* dovnstaln, prlvote biU i ind e n tra n o . 8Sfl Blue L akn norUi.

VACANCV one Of two room uparu •menu, fully modem. Prlvaio bath. muvi.

MOPffRW one largo room apart­m ent. AdulU. 719 Third Avenue norUi,

nO A R D a n d r o o m

F U n N I9 n £ D ROOMS



L 05T : 0 \-erlond uprlng from light tm K . Reward. DloxJian, !',» e r ' of W u h ln ito n »chool- Route i.

SJQHT Rod Irish itl le rmale pup. Lost ChrLslmiu eve. n « v trd . Phone 19BS<R. Key bum.

QLtr< and W hiu CoUon blcy«l»^ Jim while light on front fender. Boy n i« u badly for » p e r dellv* ery. n n d e r return to Tlm»i*N*»i office, n t^ 'trd .


rig tto r, married, v u t a work. Ptwne U»-W.

EXPEIUEKCED oJUraUon lady w ant! tU ady employaenC. 6aUi‘ faction guaruiteed. Sox 91 Timu»N««-<.


a Sox jS , t^avi’Tltnet.

H E L P W A N T E D -M E NEXPERIENCED Irr tn to r . married

man w ith family preferred. Phone 3-J3, gden._________

® WAKTED: Car waaher a tBroynlCLf Auto company. Apply


erford. Phone 8T3, CutloJord.

BTOJOORAPHER. O ne irllilnj to Iram ipeeU l work with leedi. Olot>e Seed and Peed company.


VACANCVl BelltTine apartmenU. T eo roomi. BaUi. mira-mudeni. Pt;on« i 5 « ^ .

THREE roomu nnd bnlli, Pebniary U t. |1 ( . Irrigated Ltinrti -6am ' pany.


ALMOST new lu a ltn i < r<«m h o w . AdiiltJi. 1J25 TciiUi avctme eaai. Phone 20.


BABV c h lcb av»Uatil9 e « fi W ed. neadiy. Swjft aptj Cgmpimy. Phona Its. T*1H PalU.

WELL tmprored K «crt3 cn p*T*d rrud. Deep heavy wU. IU3.00 par acre. H acrw nortn aide- Seme u n d . H .000M . 8anger>pickfor4-

SELECTED <'A (n d e baby chlck4 bnmtclaUly «; S e m '

Roebuck Cccnponf, T v in Folia. Phone IfitO.

eo ACRES,»!.«» do»n. MccUs h« - No rock, small houu'. tou thve«; Je ran e . Kelsj In m tm e n t Coen- p»ny, Jerwne.

TRlPLE-BRED Whit# U g h o n u atvl Hampahlrea Irotn .Sale* and Bourkp llatehery. Booking nowl Qlobe Seed and m d Company.

w n x located 160 acTM good land. Well, electrlcltj. Will divide thU In two BO'S and lell wpanitcly. ~ take rtildence or am alltr

TURK{:\* poulia, bro*d>br««ated type. Qooktng now for April de- liverr. Olobe Seed and Teed Com pony.


- amooUi deep soil |U 5 t ...........Offered for one week onli\ Also Bood, q u ilt tj Nory\ Side 60, gTuv- Ity, Mmevliat mlUne. fa ir im - prorem enij. *10.000. Would take good city dstUins. clear. K. U Jenktn.1.


coo ACRES gCKid Urm land atrlckcr ranch Iw rent. Lucy Slacker.

80 ACRES good Und « lih e^julp* nienl. CaiJi. crop or partnenJilix 120 eixlA avenue norm a tle r ‘ “ o r Bo* 7W, O lenu T tn y .

145 ACRES, r i n t sfjregauon nortlt •Ide. Excellent besn, pea growing section, tiome pouto land. Itenter m ust liave tracior eouiixntnt and plrnt,- help: a l» f im n c a. Box 30. Tlmea-Ncv*.

R E A L ESTATE FO R S A L E0CX3D MC acre north aide m nchi

JIO.OOO home, iheep c^utpmeni. TAylor graiing and lo :« l reserre. Price 1160.00 per acre. Would aell ftheep with ranch. ,

Good fire room house for sale. M ight rent.



80.300iACRES. Hiive flnan\e. eoulp- m ent tnc lu illn rnew 'trac iir. refer­ence*. Phono 23 M uruiiah. c- wrtU Norrlj Qoodman. llMelton.


I have a e u h buyer for i or a room residence In Blue Lakes addition. Also cflsh buyera for one to ten acre trncia improved.


HOMES FOR SALETiniEE-roem liouic- Tttkc jlock aa

p a rt pgyrotnt. Bo» iU . Wttr.

flV E room home, modem except heat. Bargain. Phone 38J-J — 31M.W.

SEVEN room house, close In. mod­em except heat, sroail down pay- ment, 41B P lfth Avenuo aosu

NEARLY n i« choice modem home on o t» a c n In tine location. B ooa », rideuey Bank Bldg. w . e. Son-


SMALL modem apartm ent. Bui imp. i v a JUfflberly Road. Phooe

rm , modem except heat _ . | 3 s ur a i, modem, ateom h e a t __ UMOrm , raodeni. atcam heat,

cJooe ,ln on pavement..------- $C50< rm , raodtni except h e a t___ |3U 04 rm , modem except h e a t __ iSiOO< rm., new, modern. furaace..|}400 t rm. duplex, o n i apartment

fumUhed, m odem except

22* ACRE ditry r ia th — you'vp tw n looking lor! J » acre river boi:o.nj land >cUh 1831 «-»tcr right. Has JIO.OOO.OO mociem home, moflem chicken' house, m lltm g b .m \ foe 4 t TOw». co« lvjm.v c;ilf b.»rii.\ Mc<-;ifnt ho j pqulpmeni. All .'enc«l and cr<».\- fcnced. Price JW.OOO. gjo.ooo cft-v*i wilt handle. Balsnce »3,COO per year. Robens A: Phone653.


JONATHAN and Rixnt Beauty ai>- p> s for u lf . W* (lallvcr. U. W. Rledtm an, CJtC-JI.



DIRECTORYAdding JUaehines

U aln E . r iio»e CC-J.

Appliance Hcpairinff

B a lh t and UtatsageiTtlO SU.W tlL 0 7 Main W. Ph. lU.

Bicycle Salca and ServiceBLAaitJS GYCLERY

/mec{ 'Exterm inatorBed Big (umlsiUon. T. P. Ploral co,

Floor SandingPfelfU. 73] U cu^t. Ph. |»oe*J.

Sandfi^E dger n e t b ; h r. Gambia^.

In su ra n c ep(V Plre and C«.sualiy Iniurance.

Surely and PIdellly Bonds, it< BTtm InTMtmant Co, Paugh 0l4g.

Heu Shop

MimtiOffraphingr . p . Businiu University. Phone 3H.

M oney to Loan

0. JONES for HOMES and LOANS. {Im. I. Bank Truat Bldg. Pit. 2M1

SALARY LOANS EtnoUy confldenUal

|S t« |M to employed people on your own algnaturo

OABU OflEDtT COMPANY Room I. BurUiolder Bldg. Ph. 778.

0 $teopathlc PhyalclanDr. a W nose DO M N Ph BJ7-W.

Plum bing and UcatingAbbott plumbing Co. Pn. fii-W.

Taxicab ScrviccCheckered cab—Teleplions JSO,

TrailersOem Trailer Company. Phone 43o.

Type6}rlteraB tla , nnulM and i fn ie e . Pii. 00.

U pkolstering

ENS l I S K E D A i y

SOUTH PASADENA. Calif, Jan. 79 01.(9—Police reported today Utat a m an woe «hot down from a speed* mg automobile whLla Uieater crowds looke<t on and th a t a second lulo- mobile whUked him away a i h« lell.

T h e police lald blood stains on the ilrtewBlk bore out the theater goen' story of the shooting.

WltnesMa agreed tha t the had been ahot dowTi from ont auto- mobile and bundled Into a swond an(l ca trted s.w»y before he could V>e IdenUIIed.

Homeward bound theater patrow said Uie crock of a gun startled them Ju tl u they |o l on the street. They glancod to th e olher side }u»l In time, they u ld , to lee a man shst.

U ut before they could aid him he crumpled and dropped Into the trm i of "severa]" men who drove up in another car. Tlie wllnewe* sold the second-car then drove iwav,

Inveillgatlng officers founi] m iall spot of blood on the stdewalk A crau tho itree i from tlie Uiciter, bui no furUier cluee.



DeLAVAL separator No. 18. electric motor and handle, f ey 0 . W. Mar­tin. B north. 5 ea.M, 1 north Oood-


COAL and Oil heaters, furnace;. Oood auonm eni o! sues arid types new and lued. Robert Lee Sales.

EASY waslilng machine, cxcellcnl condition, aw nline or rlectrlc, Bo* 23, ^mes-News.

r.- 6 . ' f t i l lY Epnco H caler-lurKe capacity—econa-nlcal. Co-op OU Company.

O F ? nn all \j»ed e 'tc trte and coal ratigeis. until end of month. C. C. Aiitlcrinn,

JU.'lT received .'hipincni of platform rocken>. M2JS to M3A0, Gamble S toro .

WANTED; Oood iiml »r*ing clilne, al«o prruure cooker, phone 50^.

WASHINQ mschinrj, electric tors, coal rancr.-.. \acuum clean­ers. Western Auio-

A REAL good saddle Hone, l.OC 1.100. Box JH or Phone J73I, W en- delL

WAWIEX>: Wood or wire tiansera. tn good eondiuon. Mio each Troy <V plk&L

IBON. all kinds meuU. eoiton raga. co tton mattrrn.'rs. I<laho Jtm k UOUM.

CASH paid f e o •o d elfculior Phone 9.

WE PAY CASH for your r.ir

DcOROFF-WOOU .MOTOR 3 il Main t u \ \

ONE used fanning mill. E ircllent condlUon. .Mounuin S u tca Im ­plem ent Company.


CLEAN un on all Mees of coal heat, ers »i)rclBlly pricod for <julek sale Oanibis Stores.

DKAUTIPUL Jivfl piccB hardwood bedroom set, only IMSJW. W citem Auto.

PRACTICALLV new W arm M om- liiK ivirlor fnmace, 100 pound pnsliy. lste.li feolures, 510 Third uvriiup MPrlli. Phono 1301.

NEARLY new fumlalilnga for 8*, room homp—nrw Kim ball contol- ettc, 3 beilroom lultca , parlor suite, dinini: room suite, breakfast m i , oiJifr artlclK. O. J . McCarliiy, 329 Ensi Avenue A, Jerom e, Phone



All niodel) nrc now on dUplnyl ROBERT E. LEE BALES CO.

RADIO AND M USICfUXORDIKQ biiriionc and French

hnm. Wonderful bargains. Adatn'i Muilc store.

YOUNO horje. bean cuIUTalor. bean cu ller. 2-way plow. co.\I ran jr . .* 1 h o m e u , <lUc. M. ) . Uaeaw, fSler.

JOHN Deere hay baler.J0-30 McConnlck-Deerlng Iracioc

w/Lh 3 bottom It'tneh gang plow. UOO Mc-DRO. Tractor on steel. 33-lNCH Caie grain separator wiUi

s«ed. attaehmenta.0A TO3 MACHINE KJOP, Wendell

S E E D S AND PLANTSLARGE heo ltw Boston fe n u Jurt

received^ Specially p^c*d. 15c K IM 'S Bostme&t.

BLXnS TAO seed jwtatoe*. Order now for spring and w re t Globe Seed and Feed.

F O R SA L E OR TRADETHREE rooms and bath for f a ro (

acreage. Immediate Jo h n B, Robertion.

GOOD small slock ronrh. WetxleU dUtrlcU Priced rlgbt. Phone

FU RmSH ED trailer house. Cabla for ren t, llgljls. water rum lihed. 110. 3 » Elm.

FIVE room homo In Los Aagele&. Tub and Uie lU U sliower. uie k it­chen. lot 40x133 feet, 3 car fo r­age. together w ith all new fumU ture including re f r ln n to r , tn s

-atore. Would t n d e for I r i ^ t e d land—m u it bar* ImproeeaienU co u m e . GUI Hleb, U4T Borrlnf Crou street, Los Angeles. Calif.

V Mocb Real E s ta i t 'w T U a ln West.



STO V E repairs, order th u a now! Sw eet's FUTTUwre Storo. pa o n i ISM.

CCC SALVAGE good* - rmlncoata, o rm o a ta . panu. sliirt*. under* WTor. qu ilu . Idaho Junlc Home.

______ 4 drawer steel filing cabl'neta. T enta and tarp«. Red'a Trod- Irig Post. 215 Bhoshone south.

W OOD for sale out by JIUIop"! Or* c hard . See .Mrs. Miller, 03S3-J3.

S U im o u G H S adding maehtnc, column. 13 inch c ^ a g t . Mr*. B. 2 . "niaytT. HkUey,

FR IO ID A IR E with 3 hole lc« c rrtm com partm enl; scales, ca»h reffla- t« r:. add in s machine. 113 T^ixJfUt a tfw t north . BuhL

F O R SALE o r wlU trade for U. a cuTTTOcy; I sBiail safe. I pool U - blc. M. A. BUhop. Jsrom*. Phooe 3® -W .

^RXKO la t&at bmkea window b*< for« tlicre U a ahonage of i lu o . No c h a r t t for wtttng. Fhooe •. Vfica'M.

industrta l power ..............R«w. G atea Uachme Shop, Wen- delL ^

o o o o assortment ol rubber belt- tttg. Also good selecUon of end- l e s b t iu . Sean-Itoebuck Co. T w ta FaUa. Phooe IHO.

GOOD used console O enaral Elec­tric radio, late model. B(4il5. Terms, Wll.'OH*Catc.i.

LYON and Healy grand piano, ex- crllent condition. 430 Tlilrd Ave­nue east.




JO Sre MAY JONES,Plaintiff.

D. W. MURPHY and Mrs.D. W. Murphy, Ills wife,



YOU ARE HEREBY COMMAND­ED to appear In Uie above entitled Court to be held In said County and Preclnot In the above entitled cause within 6 days from Uie dale of tho service of this Summons upon you, U served within thin Coonty, or. It acrved elsewhere, Uien w ithin M -days fnim the data of service of Uita Summon.i ui>on you,

1 plead to plaintiff's coinplnlni flic In ^aid Court, or plnliitlff

wlU take Jiirtumml aimlnsi you prayed In raid mmplolnt.

This iclion h brouglii for the purpose of ^ec lrlnl; Jiidcnirnt agninii you for J377.t4. toectiier wlUi inlftr.'.V Sto.W nimrnry fee, and coots of r.ult. Plaintiff ha.i caused to be AltaclirH t O-E elpctric nefrlserslor, the property of the defendant.'.

WITNKSB My hand thla \IW\ day of Janusr>'. 1043.

HARRY n, JENNINGS. Jtutlcp of the Peace.

EARL E. WALKER, reMdlnR a t Twin Vatu. Irtaho, Alton\ey for Plftlnlllf.

Publish: Jan. IS. 23, M: Feb. a. 13. 1943.

PIANOS and band Inatriimenta. New and used. D um ai-W am er Com' pany.

A U T03 FOR SA L Em » C H E V noL rr sedan, good con.

dltion. Oood tlrea. Inqulf# 331 Jelfereon.

1941 8TUDEBAKEH Champion - dan a t $TJJ. J3S SevcnW avenue north.

•41 Ford super deluxe, radio, heater, spoUlght «vd MU Urea.

'43 Commander. Complelc. Leas than P.OOO mile*.

•«l,PpnUao aedan. Very clean.




1938 I ’.i-TON in tcm aU onal truck. 3 speed axlt, good rubber; 1U1 4 - to n ChiTTolet pickup, excellent condition; U4l n - lo n C h m o te t pickup, good rubber. O ates Ma< chine Shop, Wendell.


n fg l* ^^ tiT « li« ^e cllo n wUl nib« tr a c t 30.000.000 m an-hours from the nimiber aroilable for regular v-ehlde tna lo lrn an c r.'


Deceased.Notice li hereby Riven by the un-

derflgned Eieoitnr and Exrcutrl* of the Estate rf Hans P. L an tn . <1e- eeased, to the eredllorA of nnd all perMjns hnvlns claims #8aln.it the •uld decenr.al. to exlilbll tlipin

ncceyao' 'ouchen.. w ithin elx monllu nlier tlie fl . l publication 6f Uils notice, 10 the said Executor and Exccutrlx at Uic office of Ed­ward Unbeofk. iittnriicy for ^ald e.<utc, loc.itf\I In the Klilpllty N a­tional Rnnk DuIldliK,'. In the city of TU’hi KalH. Counlv of Twin yall.i. SUte of Idftlio, ti l t ' bclnif the place fixed for the---iranvicllon of the bm lnea of raid esUK".

Dated January 3(1, 1D43.RUfiSELL C, LARSEN.ANNA- ,M. L.MISE.N-.

Kiecuior und Executrix of Uie Estate of Hans P.

I.ar-rn. Deceo-'ed. P\ibhah: 0»n, 39; Ftb . S. 12. 10. lf i«

cfiLsrd.Notice h lierrby glvm by Uie tin*

derilgned Executrix of the E .iutc of Wm. A Babcock, deceased, to Uie creditors of and all -f>er»oiui havlns claims osaliui-lhe-salil decea-'cd, eihibii them with tJte nece.v-ir^’ voucliera,- altjiln six monUu aft/:r Uie firat publ'ieaUon of th is notice, to the said Execulrlx a i Uie Low O f­fices of E d « rd Habcock' located fn the Fidelity National Bank Oldjf. City and County ol Twin Falls. State of Idslio. Uils bclns the place JUed for the traiisacUon of the bus- ineu of said eslatp.

Dated Jan. Cth, 19«.'ORA A. BABCOCK.

Executrix of the e.^tate of Wm. A Babcock, deceased.

PublL\h: Jan. 8. 15. 33, 29. lOU.

Mrs. Ix)la Moreland has r e t u / i ^ to Jerom e after visiting s i thn home of Mr. and Mr<, Leon More­land.

Mrs. W illiam Cline U (ha

Fiavel. who hsa left for Oalnrlllf, Tex., to make her home while her hiuband Is staUoned o l Camp Hoiire.

Mr*. W. J . T apper has soi Soda Springs to visit relaUves for two werks.

T . B. BrujJi spenl several dsy. NslUi h b wife and C. E. Sysler at Clear Lake.

Jun ior Sanford hex left for BoUe to taka hU army medical exami­nation*.

Lorei\8 P tU rson. J ttw ne, ua» i gue.'t of Faye Wilson.

Louis Hase has reuim ed from e U-lp to the mlridlewMtem states. Tlie Staley family h a j returned to the Ptlger rat\ch where they make the ir home. , ,

Mr. and ^fr^. John Noyes were called to Bcllevtie by Ihf death of

member^ of the family pre.ient. Mrs. H urst was found frozen to death In a snow d r if t near her home.

Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur MeOaudhey have moved to Richfield feoiti Tutlti Pnll*.

Mr. and M rt. W. J . H unter haji arrived from Mowow to vLilt their dnuRhtcr. MIm Mary L oul« Hunter, teacher In the high KhooL

Bills Introduced

INTHEHENATESB 73 bj- counties and county

boundarle.i committee — Amending tlio law to require Uial property of llic viiluo of JKO OP more may be sold a t piiblU: ur private sale.

SB 74 by rountlcB and eounly boiindiirle.',-RplaUng to salaries of rotiniy ctm m luloners and reclassi* fylng several countlea,

SB 73 by rouniles and county boui;dorlr.< committee — Amending the law fixing tho salarle.i of proie- ru ling ationicys.

SB 79 by judlcisr?- and corpom. lion.' com m lttrt-A uthorlxlng use of microphotography for prescpvtni

• record.i.- .J 77 by Judlclarj- nnd corpora-

tinnn conunltipp—Amending the law teU\tlni5 to prcjxirty exempt from taxation belonRlnc to dlr-vbled vet-

ratij of .lecond World war.SB 78 by stale affairs committee

—AbolUlilng ccrtiiln J ^ l f t l fundi In Uie atatc treajurv and prwldltvi Uiey fliall lirreaftcr be paid from the general fund.


City.Mr. and M rs. Julius Newman had

ai dUincr f u e s u Mr. and Mrs. *d Brune and family, Greenwood, and the Rev. M. H. Zsgel, Twin FalU.

Pvt. Donald Webb le ft for Shep. herd field, IVx., sfte r spending a H -day furlough With his parenla, Mr. and Mrs. George Webb, and family.

P rtd Mllar, Pocatello, who coma to a ttend the funeral of Mr. Sm ilh Olllham, visited friends In this com*munlly.

P tnon# from tjils eommunlty who attended the funersi of Mr. Smith O lllham In Twin Fplls wer» Mr. and Mrs. L ester Staley. U r. and &frt. Clare.-ice S e a n And dsughter, June; i t n . E arl Sears and daugh* ler, Mr. and M rs. E dgar Moormaa and Mr. and M rs. Charles Stephen- 60!1.

CASTLEFORDBob Klnyon. who Is employed s i

Uic Vega a irc raft p lan t In Angelrs. la vUlUng a l the hom t of hU mother, M rs. Grace Klnyon, snd other relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pritohsrd vlilicd In Burley a t the home of Uielr daughter, M rs. Robert

'Amende, snd family.Bob K Im broush vUlted friends a t

the Albion S la te Normal.Bin Izflper, a member of the

cowit guard who has been tta tlonsd St Alameda. Calif.. Is being sen t to New Jersey to a radio school. He telephoned hU parentji. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Leaper, from Ogden, en rmile to h is deallnslloa

Mr. and M rs. Lon Montcomery have relum ed from Marble, A rk , tthere they wer> called by death of n relative.

Mrs. BllllniUin anti daush* te r of BlackfooC visited relaUves here.

John Bames haa returned to his home a fte r vl.-dUng In Arkansas and Miiwjurl for stvertkl mcmth*.

MlM Lenorc-W heeler Is teaching it Northvlew near Buhl for the

'remainder of thU year.G trald AndreoW snt! hU slater.

Miss v iola Andreolf, who hav t been emplo}-ed a t th e Northrop a ircraft plant, Los .Angeles, vlalted the ir parcnU. M l« Andrcoff has left California to resume 'h e r duties, but her brother p lan t to ettVcr tlve armed servlcc.

MI.1S Belva BJackham, who teach* •I a l Bruneau, Tlslted a t the honte

of her parents, M r. and Mrs. Morley Blackhnm.


Tlie ldr.ll lime for applying a re- cnn is when the tjre Is worn to the point where on^ ihlrty-jccond of an Inch of irrad remain.';.

MIm ESouUe M welond. Bolae, vUlted he r p a rm ts, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Moreland.

Miss Mary Ellen Davis has left fo r BoLv. where ahp will be emploj'Cd.,

Mrs. Q untr SdcnQUlat, Lea A n- ^ gele/, la vLslUng her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Frank DeKlolr.

Mr. end Mrs. J . F. Gullck and famll)- aro moving to a farm they ttcet\Uy p\irchoa«d th ree miles norUieast of Buhl. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Lonca,Mer are moving to the farm vacatfd by the Oullcks, which they have rented.

Eusette Holler, Tacoma, Is 'lU ltinf relaUves here.

Wayne stuU m an. stationed a t th* navy yard a t Ban Franclico. Is tlsU - liis his mother, Mrs, Sade StuU*

Mrs, Blanche Brumet. who has been vLMUng h e r daughter, Lois, a t I<os Angelc}, h a s gone with h e r daujhter to Shawnee, Okla, Mias Brumet wlU da defense wock Ut th a t city.

Earl Hammerqulst and Dr, K . Comey, Pierre. 8 , Dak., en route to Alaika to make Uielr homes, visited ' a t Ihe IL E. Hammerqulst home.

Guy Wiuio has e nu red Uie coun­ty h u p lu i for medical treaUnenl-

Mrs. J . T . H onhbarser u v lilttn i her son. Elmer, who li aUUontd a t O rcat Falls, Mont,


PLBLIC NOTICE NoUce I.1 hereby Kl'en Uial on

Monday. February- 15. 1943, sealed bids w tl be opened for the sale of lumber contained In tho stm cture of the he^»e-^l^ed a l Sxcelslor •checl. Bids should be flubmlttcd by that Uri« to B. A. Walton, clerk. DtMlilor school. Hanien. Idaho. The board r»ser\es ih« right to re­ject any or all bids.

8. A. WALTON.CHrfc. ExceWor fWiooJ,

FubUah: Jan. 39, Feb. 5 .1 9 0 .

One of Uie tanL^ produced by the automotille industry can push over any tree up to 15-lnch diam eter and 3J-U>ch Utcs after three pushes.

I: dUlKllo Solution Of Yesterday's Pual*s. D<buHat^n

L U tlliiratt

7 - r - i r f 4 <0 '1

IS /« n

/AZl Zl ;d iS

u '■‘7 ' i m

30 }> a tv tV »!>

U u U .*•M •la♦/

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r-t [U »s'liVA

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:X * » i i

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4. fsl'efi. L>Mi5I\aUQa

I p K . .jO. KUMic u 7 . » iib fcith^ vo'sti

a k r -St. Rcsr<i«nuillT«


» . Inpi«m<nt ter! X ”“

a S f S " ’" '

4t.4t. PmwfV pop*

St s ?.

Page 10: FDR VISITS LIBERIA, BRAZILnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF068/PDF/1… · I" iW IN F A L L S COUNTY’S SC K A P Q UOTA 1.980 TONS Collecled so^ar 1.972 toos

F a p e T en T I M E S - N E W S , T W I N F A L L S , I D A H O F riday , J a n u a ry 29, 194*—


By WW r.ALI.Ar.llKRU.1ED JiEADQUAnTEna : n

NOflTU AFUICA, Jan. 23 i-1’—O cn. lUnrl nonore Glrnud ilrcUrtil loday tli»l Uicrr ttfrr no of biiv *liwlc iiiilttd Prcncii riiovrmfnl nl Uie prc.'.ciil ilnip niul U)ui the only acrfftneiu bftv.cfii lllIIl^p|{ and Grii. DrCiaiillr would be one ••of lliilv):i on niimHr)-, eco­nomic nml Iliuiirial iiintifrn-

CilfAurt. lildi rnmmU'.lontr for ?'rfncli ..............................

tnkf . lip "ilifr Iliat r had l:

wllliFrfiirli n l'fn H'c tofiptlirr fliiiUiE CliiirctilU corifrrn

II of >: llir KUhtlns 0 ttr r r brouKlit Jir Ho<wrvelt* nl Cnjnblincn.

iifsilaii of B ilnRlo invriiifii! lliroUKll-lilt prf.-icnt time."

Ol:»ud U)H Ilir roiifrrc Mllliis tf> Klve tlir Jfw* tn ^ o r l l i Afrifa bark th rlr prnprrlv nllrt. ol- lo r JrwlMi rtilklrrn In th f &chool5, Imi ad-!rci ilin! -tlK.-.c r.ovf? mustb« mnilt K.-artiiivIlv."

ntfnrp (he cnnt'-rrncf ihe Rfnfrnl l.vufd » loiiK f.u trtrpn i, much of It rrp^illr.K mulprlal prpvlnii'ly cov- crrcl bill raylni: In nrt.llimn tlial th r (ll-,cui'lon ulth D r ar.villc nl Ca?n- blaiicft 'lA ' a prr1lnilnnr>’ 'i tP 1“ ollirrj uhleh «ou1rl hr tnkrn.

Spenklnc of llir Jeu l'l i qufslioii la lrr lie kbM he hntl nr> nympithy « llh Oenniin vlea* Uierenn bill »dded lha l Uie quMilnn In nnrih Alrlra 'la.'i "nil Internal or.( in *1ilch the wnrld as • whole h u no Interest."

Second Gibb Boy Enters Marines;

3rd May FollowA wconil »on of A.ulslant Fire

Chlff J . S . Gilil) ntl Mrj. OIbb, m3 Walnut i»lrefi, drpiirtfd Tliurnln' for 6 ilt Lake City, where h( *11 be nworn Into the marine corp.r

lie 1.1 M nnln Olrn Qlbtj. 19. f grndunti! of the Twin FalU hlKh school and for a tim e « *ludcni ' the Unlverslly of Idaho, Moseov

n u older brolher. Dewey, was • woundM while fishtlne with • the

marlne.1 n t the battle of Midway Ant' since hM been honorably dlv elmreed.

Tlie father »er\-cd In Uie marine corps during World war I.

Another ton, Emmett. Is em­ployed In tlie Haw-nllan Ulandi by the M orrlsoii-Knud«n Comiruc- tlon company. His fatlier said he expected him home soon to enlist In t^ie marines.

E. E. Jones Named By Credit UnionErie E. Jone*. Tw in Palli, was

elect«I president of the federal cre­d it union sponjored bj- Uie Twin Palls county Pomona OranKe a i the orsanliaUon meeUng held Tliursday n lsh t In the Parm ers Auto Insar- a n u company bulld ln ; on Main ave­nue norUi-

Otiier officers electcd were Harry Nchon. Twin Palls, vice-pre.^ideut; J, M, Pierce. Twin Pnlb, trciuiirrr. and B. M. Do.\ielt. m ite one. Twin Falls, clerk. Ttiese. with I. T . CrnM, rout« iwo, T «ln Falls, constitute ihe board of dlrtctora.

Two committtes were elected at the orsanlzatlon mectlnE. boUi of which WIIJ pick th e ir own chnlmien a t metUnKS to be held soon. ? ber» of the credit committee a :. ... M. Oldii imd Prank Barton, both of Twin Palis, and Carroll A. Holloway, route one. Twin Falls, Members of the supervl.ioo' committee are Ltw- Li P. Jones and Lyons Smith, boUi of Ttt'ln Fnlls. and Mrs. Roy Durk. Kimberly.

Eleven rppresentatlvea of QmnKes nliended the m n ... which waa presl<iert over by Euxfne n. Malnwnrins, Salt I.ike City. Held representative for th e fe«lrnil creilli union. Pony m em ben of the neo credit union «crc on ttie books ni tlie time of the ornanltAtloii meet. IhK, Tlie credit union Is chartered by Ihe federal Kovemmcnt, niembernhlp Is open to nil mrr of the Omnse In Twin P.ills c


T hrouth a day and a n ljh t, thU totlir tri«J r i l i ■ llie body of hii friend, a ■lre-h»iffd tffrV r t r s In I’nrtlanU, Orr. The cotUe t ta j td a t his f;t«s^'» irai rrm orrd.

. Former Resident Of Gooding: Dies

OOODINO. Jnn. W -W ord !in.i been received Mere of\ihe denih of Mr:., \Mnrt;arci ainioiw, fUte.- of Mr«. fjeorce B.icon, A\ resident \r>f Goo<llnV slncfl 1010, Mr*. SlinoW left hen- In AURiist. 10<2, for Wusli- UiBton. Slie WHS (U venri old o*i Jnn. 10, She died nt a niirslnt), home In Tneoina. Wn.'li. '

Mrr. Simons nnd Mr.s. Bscon operated ft millinery nnd woroenV wear apparel shop here for al­most 25 years. She wm a . po.'t noble Krand of the Rrbeknh lortEc, She leiivcs four m iu nnd three dnuRhtetTi, rone of whom have IHW here, Tlie funeral r.er\lce wns held Wednesday In WoAhlngton.


WASHI.NOTDN, Ja :i. r j p j— .Men ascd 18 through 3* wno will be dratted under the i;cw combined calls for a il armed se fi lc o w hlth Uke effect Monday *U1 face tou jh -

phyjlcal exam m a'Joni than Uiose w tlven a t arniy inaucUon cen­

ters.The new physical standards have

been aBfced upon by the army, na'.y. marine corps and th e coas; guartl,

the combined call prosraai inounced by th e MlecUve »erv'

Icc bureau of war manpower com' mlislon yeslerday the announce­ment described Uiem a* "'higher' Uian those of Ute army.

I t was evident ih a l W ar Man' power Ccinmlavloner Paul V. Mc' N utt h id failed to penuadc the

be comp.irabIc to those of the amiy. McNutt, who had s.-vld he was seek........tuch re la ia tlon . won his jilrifor standordUallon. however.

.Men m eetlns Uie new phy.'Ical landards will be apportioned amonu

the various force.t. b u t all Hit •Jected for failure to m eet the n

iiindnrtls after exiim lnatlon by arroy-nnvy m edical board will

not be autom atically deferred. Hv stead, the army can take U w e res- liirants whoae m inor physlcnl de- feels tna ie them aeceptnble for lim­ited trtvlce. or a n r sen lce Uiey were considered able to perform i tier the army's form er standards.

Youth Week Will Be Church Event

Tlie youns people of the Pln.1 Chrl.'tlan church today were mnk* Ins preixiratlon.1 to ob^erve "youtli wrek," beRlnnliiS Sunday.

Tlie younK people have been In­vited to te.ich th e church school cUv.fs Sundftj', T hey will nlio pa r­ticipate In th e In tcr-C hurch Youtli Bllilaltlon m eetlns a t Uio Pre.'by- terlan church from 0:30 to 1:30 p. ni. Uial day.

Tlie sermon theme n l Uie evening church jen lces will be 'T lie Royal Way of U fr.-

On Tiiei.day evenlnK tliere will be a meetliiR of the youlli council In the ‘'coracr room" of the church to

'd t ^ v s the prriRrnni for the year. Tliur'dBy nenlnR the L^yal Women's eln.%' Ptiierialn the sroup nt a party In the church b.i.'rmer

Salurdny rvaiUiK. Feb. 0. has bei ^eleftc^l for a m eetlns a l the church

lUtllne plans for Uie Sunday evenlnc service on Jnn. 7. Tlie

leeilns, scheduled to »tarl a t 0:30 . m, will be followe<l bv n dinn

Wrny’s cafe, nfter which a theater iwrty Li scheduled. TJie foUowlnK Sunday momlnK. th e youns people

\will have a special p a rt In the wor- ihin se n lce.

T liai evenlni: officers will be In- .tnlle<l and a con:MraUon servlo will be held durln« th e ChrLitlan todeavor hour. They al.-.o will have full chartie of the evenlnc church service wlUi a program planned.

Ex-Resident of West End Hurt

In Stove BlastM n. O arram Moore. Portland, a

ftjrmer resident of the Dri-ii creek dh trlc l near Bulil. recelvetl pnlii- ful Injuries when the water p.icket of a itove a l her home rxiilixlcd Jan . 17.

Mrs. Moore received revere buras and bruises on her Ick's. niu«le!i and lu u n c n ts of the left let: beliit; jiartlcularly Mverely Injured. She woa hospliallied for -•"everal diiys, but haa been relea.-cd Jrom the hospital.

Before h e r accident Mrs. Moore was employed In the ofllce of the Oregon Shlpbulldlni; coriioriillo:i. where Mr, Moore Is employed as a union melt operator, t3he L' noi ex­pected to resume her duties lor some time.

Dy OEW ITB 5IACKENZIE Wide World W ar AnalrH

NEW D E U n . Jan. M—iDelayed) —Tlie RooMvelt-Churehlll Casa- blanca conferejice seems bound U give a fu rU ie r'llf t to the already Mxirlnj allied morale but IH Mk'nlficance naturally m ust 1 111 m ilitary Importance and a basis Uierc arc iwo outstanding fncts t« note.

First, th a t Uie United Hallo war effort has been w ratlsfjctory n» to perm it n g rra l new offenrUe program which Uio conJerencc has laid down.

fc'econd. th a t Uie allied leailers.'ilp Ls dhpiuylnf energetic InltlaUve In capltaiiung on the prt.sent hiKlily iavonlble m lllU o ' situation.

Tills coniblnaUon of success utu' InlUatlve which ha-s been tncreu!>liii{- ly apparent In recent monUvs Is hnv- Ins an excellent effect on the mornle wnnng Uie United NaUons In th b p a ri of the world.

Trend for V]elory Some Indians had been entertain­

ing tioubtji as to the llkellMood of an allied victory-. However. Uu' trend of flRlitlnic north Africa, flu^'.ln and Uie Pacific upix-ars to have re­moved th a t itncertalnty.

Chinn, while not queAllonliiit un ultimate allied succe.u. has been ex­tremely dK^atlsflid with the itrutc- Ky of devoUns Uie main allied rner- ty to knocking out HlUer first. My obsen'a llon la th a t while that feel­ing nUlI exLsUs China Is ncccpUng the sltuntlon more pbllQ.iophlcnlly In view of the recenl ullltd 8uccr?.\ci, One would cxpecl Uie Cnsnblniicik :onfercncc to have a furtfier good effect among our comnvdes.

Tli«r»j«rlslon to continue offensive operallon>\whlch will draw ns miit welRht ns W .ilb le off Uio Ru'.-.ln nrmlrs is Ui^ lojjlcal outcome of tl trend of the European conflict.

S ew O perstloni? nnturnlly envisages Uie bi

Klnnlntr of new major operations iijinlwt Hiller.

However. I t sW kes me thi s no reason to jum p to the .Ion Uiat Uie allied InlUnU')e confined to Uie western Uieater. While H iller Is Uic keystone of Uie nxls structure. It Ls ei.scntlnl to keep Uie Jup:uies<? so Uiorouahly engaged th a t Uiey will be unable to uxifler- Uiko any rfscue operaUon on behalf of ihelr O ermnn ally.^ H itle r undoubtedly wouW Klve hLi rlRht arm if he could pefsuj Jnpaiie.\e to atUick Ruisla t . . .

to undertake the mvuslon of . Tlius I t Is the business of the

United N ations lo keep the mlfcido's forces on Uie defense.

■ E R P I iO li l iA I I

PETTV OFFICER II. E. DRESSER , . . C hltf boatswain's mate who

has been aboard the famed U.SH Han Kraneltro (or seren years, lie U now viUtlng In Jerome. (.SUff Enrravl#ei

Hunt Choir Sings Twice in Jerome

JEROME. Jim . St o n - T lie Mini- oka miuvs d io lr of 83 voices Ircim lun:. prrseiitPd two proKrnnu In erome Thursday, our for hlsli rliool studrnt-s In the nftem oon ntul nolher for the ptiblln nl iiIbI'I nl n

priNr.un ^pon^or^^l by the Jerome MlI1L terlill a.v,orlatlon.

■mbrrs of th r choir nre res- )f the Japanese relocation t H unt.nolr. which Incluclen severnl

........... jlng maslclnns frtnn Uienortliwe.si i.tates. l.i to prc.'ent it pro-

in Twin Falls Feb. B.

•Die r

Rubber cushioning for plane en* inrs now belni; developed will tx -

tend the plnnc's usefulne.M by les- ■ IK vibration strcM, provltllng

er flrr prrcUlon nnd more as- e bomb aiming.

Parolee Receives Ten-Day SentenceWilliam Delfclder. Dlackfoot, wa.n

lenicnced to 10 days in Jail when he appeared before Probate Judge C. A..Dailry w ith a plea of guilty to a charse of "tisulng cheeks with­out lu ffie^n t funds." Tlie complaint was sljr.ed by Howard Gillette, clile.' of police.

Pcllce lild when Delfclder was orrr.;ed 'r everal days ago tha t he was recently paroled from Uie Id.i- ho Mate peiilientUry. where he was ferviiis a sentence for forgery, and that he pfohably would be taken back 10 Ilolse as a parole violator.

EDENO nll Stephens and W. S. Phil­

lips hnve left for Hnwthome. Nev.. where they will be employed In war work.

l.yle MnrUn, Dremerion. Wath.. son nf Mr, nnd Mr.. Will MarUn, Is speiidlMK a week's furlough here with Ills pnrents,

Mr. nnd Mrs. Roy Van Bruen nnd .'mall son. Twin Fall*, were gue.sts n t the George Lattlmer home.

Mr, nnd Mrs. W alter Nlms, Twin Fall.", werr vUltors a t the. home oC Mr. nntl Mr.s. Frank Greene.

Russian Jewel Is Good Luck Charin

Of Navy OfficerJEROME, Jan , 29-H om c on

Iou;;li to vl.-.lt his v,lfc, u re.-^ldent of Jercm c. nnd to vh lt relaUves In Caldwell, Chief Uo.-it.'iWaln'.s Mate H, E. Dre.-IMT. who ha.-; seen notion and plenty of 11 In past rccent mcm;

on board Uie U, S. S. San Pri cisco th.1t partlcli>iit«\l In Mx mii tatUe.s In th r Pi.clflc,

D rtiiicr will return to "Ute hero ship" Ja n . 31.

I t m lglit be Uial the Jewel which Drei.^e^ carrlcs. and which he ob­tained from Rus.Ma, has brought him good luck nil UiLs time, De- causp Dre.'.-;er hns emerged Iroir inia.%hlnK rea battles without Injury Tliere are three of his shliunates who nko carr^’ similar Jewels from Runsl.i.

Dre.v.er hns U’cn on board Uie San FVnncl.sco for seven y ean . He Is n native of Idaho nnd was graduat­ed from Ciildwell lilgh nchool wlUi the claw of 1B33,

He was advanced to chief boat­swain’s mule Jan. 1.

Daughter Seeks Estate Handling

L etters of udmlnistrullon for Uie e.statc- of Roy C. Jlobcrt-son. who died a t Lu.s Veans, Nev,. In Decem­ber, lire .NOUKht In u praUon filed In probate cuun by Adalcne Robert-

)ii Miller. Twin Fall.«. a dnughter. Property Itited Includes a United

Stiile.'s bond nnd o i;av(-lii'L-k. the to­il vu lu t of the e.vlate i;ild not to tcetxl 1225,AnoUirr liclr. in adilllliin lo Ihu

pnUtlonrr, Is Caiul Hobert.-.oll HalKht, II ti,;ii^iiler. Slocktcn. Calif.

P robatf Jud;;i' C, A, Bailey « t Uie lit.-uriii:i lor 10 a. in., 1-Vb. 10.


Jo n ts has been Informed thnt her ■n. Dale, hn.s completed entrance :amlnntlons for th r navy nnd trnlnlng a t ParraKUt, liln.

W, J. WUde. Boise. eU le price specUllJt for the office of price ad> mlnlstraUon. will hood a delegation of government men ultendlng the Soutli Central Idaho food clinic lo be held here Sunday, according to Informalioii received from Prniik D. WUicii. «t#te secretary of the Ida­ho A/wcl4llon or neWll Food Dis­tributors.

*W« hnve mnde nrraiigementB to ha 'e all govemmenl reguiaUons ex­plained hi detwll," kald Secretary Wilson. "Nothing has been spared In an effort to cover nil m att dealing wiUi rc;;uIatloas ImpcMd the food dlitrlbuUon business, that tho^e cnr.aged In th a l pursuit will have A better understanding w hal tliflr rejponslblllUes arc.

"'Ilatliin s;amp baidclng" will be 111 openiUon several days prior lo Uie meetlnit. but very few will hnve an unrterAandlnK of 1L opemUon, Tills also will be ohciw ed by these from tlie slat/- OPA ofllce. m everyone will hnve a knowledge of the ration stamp bunking program. A film will be I.110W11 in ,it wlii give a dear picture of the meclinnlcs of Uie plan,"

Tiic clinic will be held n t the Park hotel, beginning nt 11 a, m.. wlUi lunch ut 13:30, and a banrjuet In Uie - rnlng.


"It 1- ■grettable Uiat such meet mgs jmve lo be held on Sunday, Slid Wll.-ron. "but under present wn condltloiu II Is aImo.li mandatory. A full day's meeting will allow mi and a m e n encagL'd In the busliit of food dlMrlbuUon to receive clearer picture of Just w hat U goli - ' Uintllne.

. eo- pliu:.,will be reprejei ...........gram. All Jobbers In the Twin PnlU' area will be pre.M'iii to ti-11 of Uielr dl.'^trlljullon problem.-, and the ture o( Uie food supply. F\xxl ]) e:j.nis jening the rL-tnllrrs will be on hand, .■iiich a-. wa«oii dhlrlbutors. bilker, iiiul mr.it (wcki dlliig prc-liice Mippllrs f lit lo i>reK,-iil a picture of tin- frcfill fruit and vcKct.iij!e Industry.

High School Boys Join “Vol” Co. 4

Twelie hliih .%eliool boy* were en­listed In Co. i . Twin Falls county baHsllon. Idaiio volunteer re.-.erve*. whieh Is commanded by Cnpt, Loyal I. Pero', at the weekly meeting of thnt organization.

Tlie new "vols," who will training In radio ond semaphore communleaUons. arc Johnny D Davlj, Jim Hayden, Jam es E, Pen- nock, Bob C. Artixm.’on. Maurice Tadloclt. Harold M. PutJler. W Gardner. Bill Hedrrson. W noache. Robert Hoffmnstcr. Roljert E. Wood.1 onri John Durwnrd,

Ratllo work Is under tho directlnn : L>'U Weatherby. S«U L arry Hall

had charge of the platoon receiving first aid Instruction.


P e n e t r OFor rol J i ' eousbi. owsl eonCMtlon. musdii tche«K«l!'eocIn>—rtiodeAuiedjraU'naiaii mutton auet Use. SU, douUo supply 3 <.

TRUCK OWNERS! AHENTION!Wc have the foUoicing size tru ck tires,

le t Grade rubber, pre-war tir e s :17— 750x16 TRUCK TIRES, 6 and 8 p lv

- 1 2 -7 5 0 x 2 0 TRUCK TIRES. 8-ply 1 ^ 0 0 x 2 0 /3 0 x 5 TRUCK T IR E S. 8 p ly 1—700x20 TRUCK TIRES. 8 ply 1—650x20 TRUCK TIRES, 6 ply

Also 600x16,4 p ly pre-war tires f or, certifica te holders o f passenger, grade tir e s

Magel Automobile Go.Phone 540 Tw in Falls


^ T e n E m d b tn u of HONTHIV^

Female WeaknessWUcH mtkM yoa CRANKY, KEItVOUSLrdU E. nnxhim 'i VeceUbie Com- pouaS U mifle f jprrtally /or ifom»n 10 rtiltrv periodic i>aln with wrsk. oeneuj, bius ff»llni»—dm to funo- Uanil tuDQlhlr dUturbaoces. TaUa rttul*rl7 — riakham's Compound heir* build up mtstance an ln st •ucs iTwptoms. rollow UtMl dlrec- Uoci. Tboutuiili beucnt«dl .


BOISE. Jun, 28 OJ.R)—Toble S. Da- Lon, . r., DoLsc motor court openi- ir. w.vs to_bc .'.enlenced Inter today 1 third dlitrlcl court for Involun­

tary mnmlnughter In Uir fnlal rcI.?- .ors-jtabblng of W. L. Oootle. Dallas.Tex, jale.'ni I ln.M Ort. 3.

DavLson. a forrner BorRrr. Tex. councilman, wns charge<l wlili see ond degree murder, but the Jurj' la.v iilght returned n verdict of man' slaughter v 'hlch carries ii senltnci of not to exceed 10 >'rnrs In thi state prbon.

Four Borgec men testified In Da- Vl.son's behalf belorc eonclu.'.lon of

il today—Uyron Anilre.-.s, ayor: J, D. MUh-r. Oi-org

.. nnd Dr. M, M. Slcveiw. J . S, Dugan of Houston wiUi uI.mi a c aclcr wltne.'.s for Uie defrndan

Jap ro fighters nre trying to nt- Flying Fortresses by bomb-

lem from nbove ns Uirlr mii- gun fire liaa been IneffecUve.


H j jon .s- L. CCTTEIlWASHINGTON. Jan . 20 fUi5_Scrme opponenl.1 and fome supporter* of - Edward J, Flynn said today ihnl they thought Flynn might ask Pres- Idem RocBCVflt lo withdraw hb nomination to be m hititer lo Aas- tralla If there b any chancc nest WNk Uiat It win be defeated In the

Opiwnenta predicting sucli action would not pennlt u.%c of the ir nnme.%

/(linlnbtm llon Hiptwrters ndmlt- tfd ihnl sueh action wns eoncclv- ,« , able. But Uiey said Uiey tlld not t i l>tlltve It wa,s belnK coiuMdercd be- auie they believed the iinmlnatlon rould be approved when It comes lo

vott next week,Uasbi for the belief nmong op-

IwicnLs thnt Flviin mUhl withdraw name. wa.s Flynn's i.wiement to foreign reliillons ccmn'ltlte last

k. He n ild 'th e n tha t h r would . have let his nam e br Mibmltted

for the post hi'd he believed that It would subject Ihe Pre.sldent. n clmo penonal friend for 20 years, lo crill- cbm.

Flj'nn's opponentn conUnd' Uiat defeat of liLs nomlnnllon would em- birrn.'.^ Uie iidmlnL-.lrallon and be­lieve thftl If‘ ll loobi like the voto will be n(:aln.-.t l-lynn, th a t the for-

Democrallc imtlonal tommlltee clmlnmiii will ;.iiare,Uie Presirtent

il defe;itm lnbtratlon .'.upporters have •de;l Uiat the vote will be close, iver the week-end they orr ex-

pecletl to exert pre-s.-iure on doubtful .'.enalors to keep th r break .In party llnev from being lyrnter tlian It wns 111 coinmlitei! when three Democrats voted agaliy t Flynn.

---------------------------- ,HEAD TIMBS-NEWS WANT ADS.

FOR SA IJ':— 70 ACRES 0 Miles from low-n. Fair home, bani, corral. IB Acres pasture. Balance very good soli, tlSO ocre.

n ir .L COIIBERLY Ph. 43m Kvrs. 444 4th Are. N.

NOTICETo com ply w ith WPB orders lim iting dealers o f m otor fuels and service sta­tions to 72 hours per week


7:30a.m. to 7:30p.m.W eek Day8 and



Ihe AP Am fik

"Quilc a discussion some of the bo>-s were laving down a t lodge mcelinR Insl nicht. JudRc...you know, in llie antcrewm before ilic clcclion of o/Ticcrs."

"Sure was...and Herb was dead wronjt. The alcoliolic bevcrafrc.industry don ac­count for tnore taxes than any other indus- iry. I ditcked the fteures in my ofTice iht# morning. Why the figure on alcoholic bcv- eraces is pretty dose lo a billion and a half dollars a year. Lutky thing we haven't got

prohibition or the government would have to make up the money some other way. And Ihere'B only oneanswcr lo that—more taxes. You know what tliat would odd up to?... about $25 more taxes a year for every roan and woman in the country. In other words JTDU nnd Sue wotUd hare to pay about $50 more in some form of tax. I gueu about the only ones who'd come out ahead on that deal would be Uie bootleggers and gangEters.”

011 want your head blown

i . ■IN AP m an ,^ . A. M. Coode, climW aboard

AtJmiral Sampson’i fiagjliip, TIte New • York, of! Key Weil on April 20. 1898 anti v u greeted gniflly by ihe Admiral:

"So you want lo come aboard and Rel your head blown o(T! !r« foolish!"

Il WM iho first time a reporter ever had been illowed aboard a warship in action and it had taken praidcntial approval, over llie navy's proIesU, lo arrange il.

Such daring and rcsoureefulncjs »tl new journalistic records during the Spanlsh-Aroer* itan war—and before. As early as 18%. in fact, the AP assigned F. J. Hilgert to Havana >»hero the nztivca were seemingly waging a hopdcM fight for independence from Spain.

_for-liTO-yeari Hilgert worked in secrecy, andin danger, smuggling out his graphic reports since General Weyler had forbade all news-

. paper work under threal of the firing squad.Wilh Hilgert’s dramatic fUsh. ‘The Maine

h« b«n blown up,” AP was ready. It as* Kfnbled a trained war staff and assigned ■. Itolilb of diipaldi boats that made newipapcK hiiloiy. Correspondents aboard the dispalclr boals wilh the blockading fleet o? Santiago were under fire and frequently mislakeafor the eticniy.

Today AP men arc making newspaper his* tory again in the sama tradition—AP men wilh the Mediterranean fleet, AP men in the Allan* tic, in iheiPadlic, AP men wherever there's duty—and danger.


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