Fast Ways to Lose Weight Like Jordin

8 Fast ways to lose weight like Jordin Sparks


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Fast ways to lose weight like Jordin Sparks

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At age 17, Jordin Sparks took home the title of American Idol at a size 14. Known as the curvaceous contestant – Sparks embraced her body in lieu of backlash from MeMe Roth, self-appointed head of her own political action group – the National Action Against Obesity. Roth declared Sparks as over-weight and predicted a sea of health challenges in her future. Sparks took the high road – stating that Roth and others should “just get over it” in May 2007 issue of Us Magazine.

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But a couple of years later, Jordin is sporting a brand new body as a result of her healthy weight loss plan. Now a size 8, the 21-year-old says she’s feeling more confident – and it shows in her first-ever bikini shoot with PEOPLE.

“I’ve always felt cute, but now I feel sexier,” the singer said to PEOPLE magazine.

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Finding a healthy weight loss program has been a challenge for Sparks. In the past she tried to go vegetarian to lose weight, “but I smelled a steak and was, like, ‘I can’t do this!’ “She says of her failed attempt at having a weight loss diet plan. She even tried quick weight loss fixes like the Master Cleanse diet plan. “I lasted a day,” she admits.

Sparks has been tweeting about her fitness exercise program over the past couple of months, which includes hot yoga exercise, P90X Low Down, cardio exercise like running and aqua fit. But she also has a few other tricks up her sleeve when it comes to the secret of her weight loss.  She also credits her weight loss to taking Zumba classes and sticking to her new healthy lifestyle. Says the singer: “I was determined.”

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“I made fitness exercise a priority instead of just talking about it,” she told Access Hollywood of her healthy weight loss plan. “I’m very happy, so that helps as well, and just watching portion sizes – that’s my weight loss diet plan.”

The best part of her weight loss diet plan? While she admits that it’s "really cool” to see her new body in the mirror, she says she loves herself at any weight. ”I feel good. I think I look good in any shape or size, but I think I look good in this one as well. You’ve just got to work with what you’ve got,” she told Access, of her healthy weight loss plan.

But don’t worry. Sparks assures her fans she’s not going to take her weight loss too far. “I definitely didn’t want to lose my curves,” she says. “I’m in a good place now.”Want to achieve the same weight loss as Sparks? You can follow the same fitness exercise program that she did.

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American Idol Jordin Sparks’ Fitness Training Exercise Program

Fitness Exercise Tip #1: The P90X Low Down

The secret to this lose weight technique is in muscle confusion. Switching up fitness exercise programs so your muscles don’t know what’s coming next, it prevents unwanted plateaus. Each hour-long fitness training is designed to burn up to 600 calories per hour. Like Sparks, don’t beat yourself up about catching some extra shuteye – you can do the exercises in the comfort of your own home and still feel just as satisfied as you would at the gym! This full-body P90X move works your shoulders, abs, butt, thighs, hamstrings and calves:

Sneaky LungeStand on balls of feet with legs together. Stay on tiptoes as you lunge forward with left leg, reaching arms up until body forms a straight line (as shown). Step back to start. Repeat on opposite side for 1 rep. Do 20 reps.

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Fitness Exercise Tip #2: Running

This is one of the best fitness exercise programs if you want to achieve quick weight loss, and the high intensity cardio exercise is ideal for people on the go like Sparks. A 6 mph jog burns up 11 calories a minute; taking it a notch and running up stairs burns 16 calories a minute. You’re looking at scorching 644 to 967 calories an hour! Running also contributes to your overall health – from training your mind to preventing muscle and bone loss to stress relief.

Stick The LandingMost runners strike the ground on their toes or heels, but ideally, you should land on the balls of your feet and push off. Heel strikers jam themselves into the ground, risking lower-back problems. Landing on your toes puts excess strain on your calf muscles.

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Fitness Exercise Tip #3: A Dancing Do

Put on Jordin Sparks’s ”S.O.S.” and get pumped for a Zumba class! As Sparks seems to be finding out, a fitness exercise program doesn’t have to be so serious all time. Sparks, who recently brought her mom to a Zumba fitness class balances family bonding time while sweating her way to weight loss. A Zumba class can burn 500 to 1,000 calories an hour, and it keeps you constantly in motion so those sixty minutes feel like fifteen! Toning, strengthening and cardio moves are all incorporated to target every major muscle group in your body.

Cross Step CrouchStand with left leg crossed behind right, arms out to sides at shoulder level. Crouch and touch floor in front of you. Return to start. Repeat 30 seconds. Switch legs; repeat.