Fast Random Projections - GitHub Pages

Fast Random Projections Edo Liberty Joint work with Nir Ailon.

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Fast Random Projections

Edo Liberty

Joint work with Nir Ailon.

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Dimensionality reduction

(1− ε)∥∥xi − xj

∥∥2 ≤


2 ≤ (1 + ε)∥∥xi − xj



)distances are ε preserved

Target dimension k smaller than original dimension d

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Simple image search example

Simple task: search through your library of 10,000 images for nearduplicates (on your PC).

Problem: your images are 5 Mega-pixels each. Your library occupies22 Gigabytes of disk space and does not fit in memory.

Possible solution: Embed each image in a lower dimension (say500). Then, search for close neighbors in the embedded points.

This can be done in memory on a moderately strong computer.

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Random projections

A distribution D over k × d matrices Ψ s.t.

∀x∈Sd−1 PrΨ∼D

[|‖Ψx‖2 − 1| > ε] ≤ 1/n2



)pairwise distances are preserved w.p. at least 1/2.

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Johnson Lindenstrauss Lemma

Lemma (Johnson Lindenstrauss 84)Ψ = uniformly chosen k dimensional subspace (projection)

Pr [|‖Ψx‖2 − 1| > ε] ≤ c1e−c2ε2k

k = Θ(log(n)/ε2) → Pr ≤ 1n2

DefinitionSuch distributions are said to exhibit the JL property.

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What is this good for?

We get:Target dimension k independent of dTarget dimension k logarithmic in nΨ chosen independently of input points

These make random projection extremely useful in:Linear Embedding / Dimensionality reductionApproximate-nearest-neighbor algorithmsRank k approximation`1 and `2 regressionCompressed sensingLearning


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Johnson Lindenstrauss proof sketch

The distribution over the choice of Ψ is rotation invariant, thus:

Pr [|‖Ψx‖2 − 1| > ε] = Prx∼U(Sd−1)

[|‖Ikx‖2 − 1| > ε]

Informally: projecting a fixed vector on a random subspace isequivalent to projecting a random vector on a fixed subspace.

From an isoperimetric inequality on the sphere,the norm of the first k coordinates of a random unit vector is stronglyconcentrated around its mean.

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Dense i.i.d. distribution

Lemma (Frankl Meahara 87)

Ψ(i , j) ∼ N (0, 1√k

) → JL property.

Proof.Due to the rotational invariance of the Gaussian distribution:

‖Ψx‖2 ∼√


k ≈ N (1,1√k


Which gives the JL property

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Dense i.i.d. distributions

Lemma (Achlioptas 03, Matousek 06)

Ψ(i , j) ∈ +1,−1 uniformly → JL property.Ψ(i , j) ∼ any subgaussian distribution → JL property.


‖Ψx‖22 =k∑


〈Ψ(i), x〉2 =k∑



The random variables yi are i.i.d. and sub-Gaussian (Due toHoeffding).

The proof above is due to Matousek.

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The need for speed

All of the above distributions are such that:Ψ requires O(kd) space to store.Mapping x 7→ Ψx requires O(kd) operations.

Example: projecting a 5 Megapixel image to dimension 500:Ψ takes up roughly 10 Gigabytes of memory.It takes roughly 5 hours to compute x 7→ Ψx .(very optimistic estimate for a 2Ghz CPU)

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Sparse i.i.d. distributions

Can the projecting matrix be made sparser?

Dasgupta, Kumar, Sarlos 09Kane, Nelson 10Braverman, Ostrovsky, Rabani 10

Lemma (Kane, Nelson 10)

Number of non zeros in Ψ can be O(d log(n)/ε), factor ε better thannaive.

Lemma (Dasgupta, Kumar, Sarlos 09)This cannot be improved much.

Proof: Consider input vectors like [0,0,1,0,0, . . . ,0,1,0]T

Can the projection be sparser if the input vectors are not sparse?

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Sparse i.i.d. distributions

If the vectors are dense, the projection can be sparse!

Lemma (Ailon Chazelle 06, Matousek 06)

For some q ∈ O(η2k) ≤ 1:

Ψ(i , j) =


q w .p. q/2−1/√

q w .p. q/20 w .p. 1− q.

→ JL property

for x such that ‖x‖∞/‖x‖2 ≤ η (i.e. not sparse).

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FJLT: random-sign Fourier + sparse projection

O d log d

x∈S d−1 S x ∈ℝk

Project: Sparse projection matrix

∥S x∥2≈∥x∥2∥ x∥2=∥x∥2

Preprocess: Random-sign Fourier


∥ x∥∞=O k /d

Requires operations O k 3contains non zeros in expectation

Lemma (Ailon, Chazelle 06)Let Φ be HD:

H is a Hadamard transformD is a random ±1 diagonal matrix

∀x ∈ Sd−1 w.h.p. ‖Φx‖∞ ≤√


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FJLT: random-sign Fourier + sparse projection

O d log d

x∈S d−1 S x ∈ℝk

Project: Sparse projection matrix

∥S x∥2≈∥x∥2∥ x∥2=∥x∥2

Preprocess: Random-sign Fourier


∥ x∥∞=O k /d

Requires operations O k 3contains non zeros in expectation

Lemma (Ailon, Chazelle 06)

After the rotation, an expected number of O(k3) nonzeros in S issufficient for the JL property to hold.

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FJLT: random-sign Fourier + sparse projection

O d log d

x∈S d−1 S x ∈ℝk

Project: Sparse projection matrix

∥S x∥2≈∥x∥2∥ x∥2=∥x∥2

Preprocess: Random-sign Fourier


∥ x∥∞=O k /d

Requires operations O k 3contains non zeros in expectation

Lemma (Ailon, Chazelle 06)SΦ exhibits the JL propertyComputing x 7→ SΦx requires O(d log(d) + k3) operations

This is O(d log(d)) if k . d1/3

The belief is that O(d log(d)) time is possible for JL property for all k.

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FJLT using dual BCH codes

Can we remove this constraint by derandomizing the projection matrix?

Consider the distribution Ψ = AD:A is a fixed k × d matrix.D is a diagonal matrix, D(i , i) = s(i) (Rademacher).

We have that:

‖ADx‖2 =



A(i)D(i , i)x(i)







= ‖Ms‖2

where M(i) = A(i)x(i).

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FJLT using dual BCH codes

Lemma ((L, Ailon, Singer 09) derived from Ledoux, Talagrand 91)For any matrix M:

Pr[|‖Ms‖2 − ‖M‖Fro| ≥ ε

]≤ 16e−ε


Since Ms = ADxif ‖M‖Fro = 1 (true if A is column normalized).and ‖M‖2 = O(k−1/2).

Pr [|‖ADx‖2 − 1| ≥ ε] ≤ c1e−c2ε2k

We get the JL property

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FJLT using dual BCH codes

Holder’s inequality

‖M‖2→2 ∈ O(∥∥∥AT


)LemmaA← four-wise independent code matrix (concatenated code matrices)∥∥AT

∥∥2→4 ∈ O(d1/4k−1/2).

Computing z 7→ Az requires O(d log(k)) operations.

LemmaΦ← concatenated random-sign Fourier transforms‖Φx‖4 = O(d−1/4) w.h.p.Computing z 7→ Φz requires O(d log(d)) operations.

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FJLT using dual BCH codes

O d log d

x∈S d−1 B x ∈ℝk

∥B x∥2≈∥x∥2∥ x∥2=∥x∥2

Preprocess: Iterated random-sign Fourier


∥ x∥4=O d−1 /4

Require operations O d log d Applicable in timeProject: 4-wise independent matrix

Lemma (Ailon, Liberty 08)

Exhibits JL property and applicable in time O(d log d)Construction exists for k . d1/2.

The constraint on k is weaker but still there...

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Motivation from compressed sensing...

We want to get rid of the constraint on k altogether.

On the one hand:

Preprocessing becomes a bottleneck for k ∈ Ω(√

d).We need to avoid it.

On the other hand:

Sparse vectors seem to require it.

There is hope:Sparse Reconstruction (Compressed Sensing) constructions naturallydeal with reconstructing sparse signals...

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Motivation from compressed sensing...

Definition (Restricted Isometry Property (RIP))for all r -sparse vectors x :

(1− ε)‖x‖2 ≤ ‖Ψx‖2 ≤ (1 + ε)‖x‖2

Lemma (Rudelson, Vershynin 08, Candes, Romberg, Tau 06)

Ψ← r log4(d)ε2 random rows (frequencies) from Hadamard matrix,

then w.p. Ψ is RIP.

The same approximate isometric condition as random projectionsDeals with sparse vectors without preprocessingNo constraint (e.g.

√d upper bound) on r

Very simple construction

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Almost optimal JL transform


Hadamard Matrix





k=O log n polylog d /4



JL property

kd D

LemmaFor any set X of cardinality n, with constant probability:

∀ x ∈ X (1− ε)‖x‖22 ≤ ‖1√k

ΦDx‖22 ≤ (1 + ε)‖x‖22.

Fast for all k .Very simple construction (application time is O(d log(d)))

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Almost optimal JL transform

r=O log n/2



k−1/2D k−1/2D



x x

largest entries in x

We break x to two vectors.x = x + xx is the r -sparse vector containing the r largest entries in x .x contains the rest. ‖x‖∞ ≤ 1/

√r .

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Almost optimal JL transform

r=O log n/2




x 2x

k=O log n log4d /4


Lemma (Rudelson, Vershynin 08)

w .p. ∀ x ∈ X∥∥∥ 1√


∥∥∥2= ‖x‖2 + O(ε)

Using the RIP property as black box.

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Almost optimal JL transform

k−1 /2D k−1/2D

x xT

2 =O


w .p. ∀ x ∈ X 2k (ΦDx)T ΦDx = O(ε)

Not hard to show using Hoeffding’s inequality.(Note that this function is linear in random bits supporting x)

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Almost optimal JL transform






x x


Main technical lemma:

Lemma (Extension of Rudelson and Vershynin, and Talagrand.)

w .p. ∀ x ∈ X∥∥∥ 1√


∥∥∥2= ‖x‖2 + O(ε)

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Almost optimal JL transform

From Talagrand:∥∥∥ 1√


∥∥∥ = ‖x‖+ O(ε) if:

‖ 1√k

ΦDx‖22 ∈ O(



)where Dx is diagonal matrix with x on its diagonal.By triangle inequality:

‖ 1√k

ΦDx‖22 = ‖1k

Dx Φt ΦDx‖2 ≤ ‖1k

Dx Φt ΦDx − D2x‖2 + ‖D2


By the choice of x : ‖D2x‖2 = ‖x‖2∞ ≤ 1/r = ε2/ log(n)

To conclude the proof we need a similar bound for


Dx Φt ΦDx − D2x‖2.

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Main technical lemma

Lemma (Rudelson, Vershynin + careful modifications)



∥∥∥∥D2z −


DzΦt ΦDz

∥∥∥∥]∈ O

(α log2(d)√



Substituting our choice of α2 = 1/r = ε2

log(n) and

k ∈ Ω

(log(n) log4(d)



Satisfies the required bound and concludes the proof.

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This approach seems to actually give dependence ε−3 instead ofε−4 as presented.Krahmer and Ward 10 show that any RIP construction becomes aJL construction if you add a random sign matrix.This fixes the dependence on ε to the correct ε−2. It also uses RIPconstructions as a black box.

Future work:Eliminating the polylog(d) factor for JL with no restriction on k .This will also give an improved RIP construction.Improving our understanding of random projections for sparseinput vectors, e.g. bag of words models of text documents.

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