FAQs MACRA MIPS - Quanum™ · FAQs: MACRA Quality Payment Program 1. What is the Quality Payment...


Transcript of FAQs MACRA MIPS - Quanum™ · FAQs: MACRA Quality Payment Program 1. What is the Quality Payment...




Quality Payment Program .................................................................................................................... 5

1. What is the Quality Payment Program (QPP)? .......................................................................... 5

2. Is the QPP the same as the MACRA? ....................................................................................... 5

3. What is the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS)? .................................................... 5

4. Where can I get up-to-date information on the QPP? ................................................................ 5

5. How do I contact the QPP for questions? .................................................................................. 5

6. Does Quanum EHR offer educational opportunities to learn more about the MIPS? ................. 5

7. What reporting measures does Quanum EHR support? ............................................................ 5

8. Do I have to do MIPS? .............................................................................................................. 6

Merit-based Incentive Payment System reporting ................................................................................ 6

9. What are the performance categories for the MIPS? ................................................................. 6

10. When can I start reporting? ................................................................................................... 6

11. How does the QPP (QPP) define a reporting period? ............................................................ 6

12. What timeframe should I use? ............................................................................................... 6

13. If I choose to submit a 90-day performance period, does every category have to be the same

90-day performance period? ............................................................................................................ 6

14. Is it better to submit for a full year or 90 days? ...................................................................... 6

15. What is “attestation”? ............................................................................................................. 6

16. What are the ways I can Report MIPS / participate in the QPP? ............................................ 7

17. What is the minimum I can do in 2017 to avoid a penalty? .................................................... 7

18. How much incentive am I going to earn? ............................................................................... 7

19. Can I use different reporting methods for each performance category? ................................. 7

20. Am I a group or an individual? ............................................................................................... 7

21. Can we report on other measures not available in Quanum EHR? ........................................ 8

22. How do we report on measures if we choose to use a qualified registry or using our

specialized registry from Quanum EHR? .......................................................................................... 8

23. Who is responsible for charting in the EHR for MIPS? ........................................................... 8

24. Who is responsible for tracking the progress of the MIPS categories (ACI, IA, Quality)? ....... 8

25. How will I run my reports if I choose to do group reporting? ................................................... 8

26. Do I have to reach 100% to earn any incentive money? ........................................................ 8

27. What’s the threshold I need to have to get some of the $500 million?.................................... 9

28. What happens if I don’t report enough information in a category? Will I fail MIPS reporting

and not earn any incentives at all? ................................................................................................... 9

Advancing Care Information ................................................................................................................ 9

29. How do I enter the information in Quanum EHR for 2017 Transitional Advancing Care

Information Objectives? ................................................................................................................... 9

30. How do I run my reports for ACI? .......................................................................................... 9

31. How often should I run my EHR Use Metrics reports? ......................................................... 10

32. Why do the reports in Quanum EHR differ from the titles of the ACI objectives? ................. 10

33. Additional information on 2017 transitional ACI ................................................................... 10

34. Base, performance and bonus points. What do these mean and how do I earn them? ........ 10

Quality ............................................................................................................................................... 11

35. How do I enter information in Quanum EHR for quality measures? ..................................... 11

36. How do I run my reports for quality measures? .................................................................... 11

37. Why did I receive an error when I tried to open the encrypted file I downloaded from the

physician scorecard? ..................................................................................................................... 11

38. How often should I run my quality measure reports? ........................................................... 12

39. How will I know when a quality measure is satisfied for a patient? ....................................... 12

40. Which quality measures should I choose? ........................................................................... 12

41. Will I submit my quality measures by attestation or Registry? .............................................. 12

42. Does reporting quality measures cost any money?.............................................................. 12

43. Who will have access to the Quality Measure Reporting module? ....................................... 12

44. What is the minimum number of patients I need to have for any quality measure? .............. 12

Improvement Activities ....................................................................................................................... 13

45. What are Improvement Activities (IA)? ................................................................................. 13

46. Do ECs need to perform IA if their practice is a certified Patient Centered Medical Home

(PCMH)? ........................................................................................................................................ 13

47. Additional information on IA ................................................................................................. 13

48. How does Quanum EHR submit the reports to CMS? ......................................................... 13

Quanum EHR MIPS Service Offering ................................................................................................ 13

49. Does Quanum EHR have a MIPS attestation service? ........................................................ 13

50. Will Quanum EHR perform the Security Risk Analysis for us? ............................................. 14

Quanum EHR: General Information ................................................................................................... 14

51. When will Quanum EHR be ready for 2017 MIPS? .............................................................. 14

52. When will Quanum EHR a 2015 certified product? .............................................................. 14

53. Will the help documents be made current? .......................................................................... 14

54. Due to my patients’ insurance I can’t send patient bloodwork to Quest Diagnostics. Is it

possible to collect data for measures that require LOINC codes from my local hospital laboratory?


55. Since Direct Exchange has not been available will that affect my score? ............................ 14

Accountable Care Organization (ACO) .............................................................................................. 15

56. If I report my quality through the ACO, how do I report my ACI and IA? .............................. 15


Quality Payment Program

1. What is the Quality Payment Program (QPP)?

o The QPP improves Medicare by helping you focus on care quality and the one thing that matters

most — making patients healthier.

o The Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA) ended the Sustainable

Growth Rate formula, which threatened clinicians participating in Medicare with potential payment

cliffs for 13 years. If you participate in Medicare Part B, you are part of the dedicated team of

clinicians who serve more than 55 million of the country’s most vulnerable Americans, and the QPP

will provide new tools and resources to help you give your patients the best possible care. You can

choose how you want to participate based on your practice size, specialty, location, or patient


2. Is the QPP the same as the MACRA?

o On October 14, 2016, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued its final rule with

comment period implementing the QPP that is part of MACRA. The QPP policy will reform Medicare

payments for more than 600,000 clinicians across the country, and is a major step in improving care

across the entire healthcare delivery system. You can choose how you want to participate in the

QPP based on your practice size, specialty, location, or patient population.

3. What is the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS)?

o MACRA replaced three Medicare reporting programs with MIPS (Medicare Meaningful Use, the

Physician Quality Reporting System, and the Value-Based Payment Modifier). Under the

combination of the previous programs, you would have faced a negative payment adjustment as high

as 9% total in 2019, but the MACRA ended those programs, reduced the potential negative payment

adjustments in the early years, and streamlined the overall requirements. While these 3 programs

will end in 2018, if you have participated in these programs in the past, you will have an advantage in

MIPS because many of the requirements should be familiar.

4. Where can I get up-to-date information on the QPP?

o https://qpp.cms.gov/about/resource-library

o About > Library > Resource Library > Subscribe to Updates

5. How do I contact the QPP for questions?

o Electronic Mail: [email protected]

o Telephone: 1.866.288.8292

6. Does Quanum EHR offer educational opportunities to learn more about the MIPS?

o We provide weekly live webinars with a Quanum EHR instructor

Quanum EHR Online Training

Quanum EHR

Page 2

MACRA/MIPS 2017 Live Webinar

7. What reporting measures does Quanum EHR support?

o 2017 transitional Advancing Care Information (ACI) objectives and measures

o 34 quality measures

o A selection of Improvement Activities (IA) that correlate to Quanum EHR ACI and quality measures

There are 92 IA. Eligible Clinicians (ECs) are not limited to activities supported by the certified

electronic health record technology. ECs are responsible to select, document, and report their

applicable IA.

8. Do I have to do MIPS?

o It’s not mandatory if you are MIPS-eligible. However, a negative 4% adjustment will be applied to

your Medicare Part B claims starting in 2019 if you do not participate.

Merit-based Incentive Payment System reporting

9. What are the performance categories for the MIPS?

o Advancing Care Information

o Quality

o Improvement Activities

o Cost

10. When can I start reporting?

o January 1, 2018 – March 31, 2018

11. How does the QPP (QPP) define a reporting period?

o The MIPS payment adjustment is based on the data submitted.

o An EC may choose to submit data for an entire year calendar year (January 1 – December 31) or

any 90-consecutive-day performance period within the calendar year.

o If an EC only reports 90 days, you could still earn the maximum adjustment. There is nothing built

into the program that automatically gives an EC a lower score for 90-day reporting.

12. What timeframe should I use?

o An EC can choose to report for a full year or any 90 consecutive days for their MIPS performance


o An EC may use different 90-day performance periods for each MIPS performance category, but all

measures in that category must use the same 90 days.

Example: First quarter may have the best data for quality reports, fourth quarter may have the

best ACI data, and third quarter may have the best IA data.

13. If I choose to submit a 90-day performance period, does every category have to be the same 90-

day performance period?

o An EC may use different 90 day performance periods for each MIPS performance category;

however, all measures within that category must use the same 90-day performance period.

14. Is it better to submit for a full year or 90 days?

o The MIPS payment adjustment is based on the data submitted. An EC may choose to submit data

for an entire year or a 90 consecutive day performance period.

o If an EC only reports 90 days, you could still earn the maximum adjustment. There is nothing built

into the program that automatically gives an EC a lower score for 90-day reporting.

15. What is “attestation”?

o Attestation is the process of manually entering data or uploading files certified for use in the MIPS

o When the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) publishes further details Quanum

EHR will communicate the information in a broadcast message and update Quanum EHR webinars.

16. What are the ways I can Report MIPS / participate in the QPP?

o This document contains information about what to report on if you are included in MIPS


o You can choose how you want to participate in the QPP based on your practice size, specialty,

location, or patient population. This will determine how you will report.

o If you are eligible for MIPS you can report by:

Test: If you submit a minimum amount of 2017 data to Medicare (for example, one quality

measure, one improvement activity or all 4 base ACI measures) you can avoid a downward

payment adjustment.

Partial: If you submit 90 days of 2017 data to Medicare, you may earn a neutral or up to the max

positive payment adjustment.

Full: If you submit a full year of 2017 data to Medicare, you may earn a positive payment


o Data submission methods:



CMS Web Interface (for groups with over 25 ECs)

Qualified Registry

Qualified Clinical Data Registry (QCDR).

17. What is the minimum I can do in 2017 to avoid a penalty?

o If you submit a minimum amount of 2017 data to Medicare (for example, one quality measure, one

improvement activity or all four base ACI measures) you can avoid a downward payment adjustment.

18. How much incentive am I going to earn?

o ECs can receive a 4% negative payment adjustment to their Medicare claims if they choose to not


o ECs can receive a 0% payment adjustment for meeting the QPP minimum requirements.

o ECs can earn up to a 4% positive payment adjustment for completing the QPP requirements

(percentage will depend on measure percentiles)

o ECs may also earn a portion of the high performer bonus ($500 million set aside to be split among all

ECs who score greater than 70%).

19. Can I use different reporting methods for each performance category?

o Yes, ECs can use different reporting methods for each performance category.

o ECs cannot use multiple submission methods for a single performance category.

Example: reporting some quality measures by attestation and reporting other quality measures by


20. Am I a group or an individual?

o An individual is defined as a single clinician, identified by a single National Provider Identifier (NPI)

number tied to a single Tax Identification Number (TIN).

o Each EC participating in MIPS as a group will receive a payment adjustment based on the group's


o Under MIPS, a group is defined as a single TIN with 2 or more ECs (including at least one MIPS

EC), as identified by their National Provider Identifiers (NPI), who have reassigned their Medicare

billing rights to the TIN.

21. Can we report on other measures not available in Quanum EHR?

o Most Qualified Registries and QCDRs require interfaces to an electronic health record.

o Quanum EHR does not have plans to interface with Qualified Registries and Qualified Clinical Data

Registries (QCDR), other than the current QCDR offering, in 2017.

22. How do we report on measures if we choose to use a qualified registry or using our specialized

registry from Quanum EHR?

o ECs will need to verify what data format requirements a qualified registry has.

o Most qualified registries require an interface to an electronic health record.

o Quanum EHR does not have plans to interface with qualified registries in 2017.

o Contracting the specialized registry through Quest Diagnostics and Quanum EHR does not qualify

the provider to use the registry for MIPS reporting. The connection is for the ACI bonus measure,

specialized registry.

23. Who is responsible for charting in the EHR for MIPS?

o Each office determines who will be adding information to the chart.

o Each office will be different based on their workflow, size, specialty, etc.

24. Who is responsible for tracking the progress of the MIPS categories (ACI, IA, Quality)?

o The practice designates a person within their practice to generate reports and track progress

o Quanum EHR does have a MACRA/MIPS Premium service available

25. How will I run my reports if I choose to do group reporting?

o Quality

Quanum EHR needs the group tax identification number (TIN) and the providers to whom it


The Quality Measure Reporting module cannot aggregate quality data across separate Quanum

EHR organizations.

Once the group TIN is added the entire practice patient data will need to be processed.

ECs, (Quanum EHR provider role) can create a Quality Reporting Document Architecture III

(QRDA III) xml for the group.

The QRDA III can be submitted by the EC.

The group can use Quanum EHR’s QCDR for quality.


ECs generate ACI reports and aggregate the report data for their group

Reporting via attestation

o IA

ECs document and track IA for the group

Reporting via attestation

26. Do I have to reach 100% to earn any incentive money?

o An exceptional performance bonus of $500 million will be split between Providers who meet the 70%

threshold. https://www.federalregister.gov/d/2016-25240/p-179

o There is currently no historical data available to determine a break-even score. But CMS has

planned for providers earning 3 points of the 100-point composite score to avoid a penalty in 2017,

but not earn an incentive. This is also known as a neutral payment adjustment and is likely to be the

lowest bar in the beginning. Those with zero points for not participating will see a negative payment

adjustment of 4%. Those earning 4 to 69 points will see a positive payment adjustment, but are not

eligible for an exceptional performance bonus. Those earning 70 points and over will receive a

positive payment adjustment and are eligible for an exceptional performance bonus.

27. What’s the threshold I need to have to get some of the $500 million?

o An exceptional performance bonus of $500 million will be split between providers who meet the 70%

threshold. For more information visit https://www.federalregister.gov/d/2016-25240/p-179

28. What happens if I don’t report enough information in a category? Will I fail MIPS reporting and not

earn any incentives at all?

o You must earn at least 3 points in MIPS to avoid a negative payment adjustment.

o You can earn 3 points for submitting any data on any 1 quality measure for the Quality category,

meaning you have at least 1 patient in the numerator and at least 1 patient in the denominator.

o You can earn 12.5 points for completing the four base measures in the ACI category (you must

complete all four base measures in order to receive any points for ACI),

o You can earn 10 points for completing a minimum of 1 Improvement Activity medium-weighted

measure if you are in a practice of 15 or more ECs; you can earn 20 points for completing a

minimum of one Improvement Activity medium-weighted measure if you are in a practice of 14 or

fewer ECs; you can earn 20 points for completing a minimum of one Improvement Activity high-

weighted measure if you are in a practice of 15 or more ECs; you can earn 40 points for completing

a minimum of one Improvement Activity high-weighted measure if you are in a practice of 14 or fewer


Advancing Care Information

29. How do I enter the information in Quanum EHR for 2017 Transitional Advancing Care Information


o We provide weekly live webinars with a Quanum EHR instructor

Quanum EHR Online Training

Quanum EHR

Page 2

MACRA/MIPS 2017 Live Webinar

30. How do I run my reports for ACI?

o 2017 Transitional ACI measures:

Log into Quanum EHR

Select the Reports tab, then click the “Meaningful Use” link

Select the “EHR Use Metrics” tab

The radio button should default to “Meaningful Use – Stage 2”

If it does not, select “Meaningful Use – Stage 2”

Choose the Measurement Year as “2017”

Choose the Measurement Period as either 90 days or Full Year depending the EC’s reporting


Choose the “Provider”

Select a measure

Click “Generate Request”

Repeat for each measure you wish to generate

Results can be retrieved from the “Report History” tab

31. How often should I run my EHR Use Metrics reports?

o The EHR Use Metrics reports will apply to both Medicaid Meaningful Use attesting providers and


o We recommend generating and reviewing the EHR Use Metrics weekly or bi-weekly.

32. Why do the reports in Quanum EHR differ from the titles of the ACI objectives?

o Quanum EHR currently supports 2017 Transitional Advancing Care Information Objectives.

o The naming convention of the reports currently reflects their origin from Meaningful Use.

o The reports calculate the denominator, numerator, and percentage for each objective correctly based

on the data entered into Quanum EHR by the users.

33. Additional information on 2017 transitional ACI

o ACI required base objectives (to earn 12.5%)

Security Risk Analysis – Practices must perform a Security Risk Analysis yearly

Failure to do so results in a zero score for the entire ACI category

ePrescribing – Quanum EHR report: “Percent of Permissible Prescriptions Sent Electronically”

Provide Patient Access – Quanum EHR report: “Percent of Patients with Patient Electronic

Access”, Measure 1

Health Information Exchange – Quanum EHR report: “Percent of Transitions for which Summary

of Care Provided”, Measure 2

o ACI performance score objectives (above the 12.5% required base measures) with translation to

current listing in Quanum EHR:

View, Download, Transmit – Quanum EHR report: “Percent of Patients with Patient Electronic

Access”, measure 2

Patient-Specific Education – Quanum EHR report: “Patient-Specific Education Resources

Identified by Certified EHR”

Secure Messaging – Quanum EHR report: “Percent of Patients using Electronic Secure


Medication Reconciliation – Quanum EHR report: “Percent of Times Medication Reconciliation

Performed when Patient Transferred to Provider”

Immunization Registry Reporting – No report in Quanum EHR. You must show active

engagement to earn an extra 10%

Syndromic Surveillance – Quanum EHR is not participating at this time

Specialized Registry – No Report in Quanum EHR. Client must show active engagement to earn

an extra 5%

34. Base, performance and bonus points. What do these mean and how do I earn them?

o For the ACI category see: https://qpp.cms.gov/docs/QPP_ACI_Fact_Sheet.pdf

o See page 5 of the ACI fact sheet for performance rates/measure

o See page 8 for the performance bonus points

o For the 2017 ACI Transitional Measures, there are four base measures. You are required to pass all

four base measures in order to receive any ACI category points. When completed, base measures

are worth 50% of your ACI category score. The ACI category score is worth 25% of your overall

composite score, so the base measures are worth 12.5% of your overall MIPS composite score.

o Performance points are the points you earn for having a percentage for that measure. If your

percentage for that measure is between 1% and 10%, you will receive an additional 1% towards your

ACI category score. Add this to your base points and you now have 13.5% of the 25% possible for

the ACI category.

o Bonus points are awarded for participating in specific registries or IA. Reporting “Yes” to 1 or more

additional public health and clinical data registries beyond the Immunization Registry Reporting

measure will result in a 5% bonus. Reporting “Yes” to the completion of at least 1 of the specified IA

using CEHRT will result in a 10% bonus.


35. How do I enter information in Quanum EHR for quality measures?

o We provide weekly live webinars with a Quanum EHR instructor

Quanum EHR Online Training

Quanum EHR

Page 2

MACRA/MIPS 2017 Live Webinar

36. How do I run my reports for quality measures?

o Quality measures before Oct 21, 2017:

Log into Quanum EHR

Select the Reports tab, then click the “Meaningful Use” link

Select the “Quality Measures” tab

The radio button should default to “Meaningful Use – Stage 2”

If it does not, select “Meaningful Use – Stage 2”.

Choose the Measurement Year as “2017”

Choose the Measurement Period as either 90 days or Full Year depending the EC’s reporting


Choose the “Provider”

Select a measure

Click “Generate Request”

Repeat for each measure you would like to run

Report results can be accessed from the Report History tab.

o Quality measures after Oct 21, 2017:

Log in to Quanum EHR

Select the Reports tab, then click the “Quality Measures” link

Enter your Quanum EHR user ID and password

Select the “Quality Measures” app

The screen defaults to the Quality Measures Dashboard

The default period is year to date

Clicking on any one measure on the left displays the selected measure on the right by provider

Selecting the Physician Scorecard icon allows the user to choose measures and request an

aggregated report of the selected measures and their corresponding patient worklists

37. Why did I receive an error when I tried to open the encrypted file I downloaded from the physician


o The compressed file contains patient health information and is encrypted.

o The default compressed file application provided by Microsoft operating systems does not support


o There are free and paid compressed file programs that will open the encrypted compressed file. 7-

Zip, WinRAR, WinZip are examples of compressed file programs that will open the encrypted

compressed file.

38. How often should I run my quality measure reports?

o Running quality measure reports is unnecessary just to see “Where are we today?”

o Prior to October 21, 2017 the “Guidelines by Condition” page displays current Quality Measure


Reports > Guidelines.

o After October 21, 2017 users view measure percentages in the Quality Measure Reporting module.

39. How will I know when a quality measure is satisfied for a patient?

o Run the report using Quality Measure Reporting module then review the data the next day (refreshes

every 24 hours)

40. Which quality measures should I choose?

o We recommend focusing on 9 total quality measures

o ECs need one outcome measure; if no outcome measure is available, select one high-priority


o ECs will submit a minimum of 6 quality measures

41. Will I submit my quality measures by attestation or Registry?

o If one of the quality measures you wish to submit is only possible to report through EHR attestation,

all of your measures will need to be submitted through EHR attestation.

o If all of the quality measures you choose can be submitted via a registry, you can do so. Submitting

data via a registry requires an extra fee for the service.

42. Does reporting quality measures cost any money?

o The Quality Measure Reporting module is free to all Quanum EHR practices.

ECs have access to tools that allow them to submit their quality measures via attestation

o ECs can report via the QCDR

The QCDR is a premium service

The cost to each participating EC is $275.00

The service is limited to 29 of the 34 available quality measures

43. Who will have access to the Quality Measure Reporting module?

o Providers (Quanum EHR role) and the practice’s delegated administrators (Quanum EHR role) have

access to the module

Providers have access to the Quality Measures Dashboard, the Physician Scorecard and its tools,

and Data Submission.

Delegated Administrators have access to the Quality Measures Dashboard, Measure Settings and

the Physician Scorecard and its tools

o Providers may request additional staff be given access if needed.

44. What is the minimum number of patients I need to have for any quality measure?

o Class 1 – Measures can be scored based on performance measures that were submitted or

calculated that met the following criteria:

The measure has a benchmark and,

Has at least 20 cases and,

Meets the data completeness standard (generally 50 percent)

Receive 3 to 10 points based on performance compared to the benchmark.

o Class 2 – Measures cannot be scored based on performance and instead are assigned a 3-point


Measures that were submitted, but fail to meet one of the class 1 criteria.

Measures either:

Do not have a benchmark,

Do not have at least 20 cases, or

Do not meet data completeness criteria.

Receive 3 points.

50% of data completeness

Improvement Activities

45. What are Improvement Activities (IA)?

o In this new performance category for 2017, clinicians are rewarded for care focused on care

coordination, beneficiary engagement, and patient safety.

o The IA performance category within MIPS assesses how much you participate in activities that

improve clinical practice. Examples include ongoing care coordination, clinician and patient shared

decision-making, regular implementation of patient safety practices, and expanding practice access.

Under this performance category, you’ll be able to choose from many activities to demonstrate your

performance. This performance category also includes incentives that help drive participation in

certified patient-centered medical homes and APMs.

o Most participants: Attest that you completed up to 4 IA for a minimum of 90 days.

o Groups with fewer than 15 participants or if you are in a rural or health professional shortage area:

Attest that you completed up to 2 activities for a minimum of 90 days.

46. Do ECs need to perform IA if their practice is a certified Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH)?

o No. You will automatically earn full credit.

47. Additional information on IA

o Reported by attestation.

o EC tracks and documents their IA.

o You must attest by indicating "Yes" to each activity that meets the 90-day requirement (activities that

you performed for at least 90 consecutive days during the current performance period).

o You may report activities using a qualified registry, via certified EHR Technology), QCDR, the CMS

Web Interface (for groups of 25 or more), or attestation. These intermediaries will need to certify that

you performed the activities as indicated.

o You can choose to attest to the set of activities that are most meaningful to your practice since there

are no subcategory reporting requirements. That is, you don't have to select activities in each

subcategory or from a certain number of subcategories.

48. How does Quanum EHR submit the reports to CMS?

o The EC will submit by the following options:

ACI – attestation

IA – attestation

Quality – attestation or QCDR

The QCDR is a premium service.

The cost to each participating EC is $275.00.

The service is limited to 29 of the 34 available quality measures.

Quanum EHR MIPS Service Offering

49. Does Quanum EHR have a MIPS attestation service?

o Yes. The service provides guidance and direction to help enable an EC to meet the requirements of

the CMS MIPS under the MACRA.

o The service is delivered remotely.

On-site services are available.

EC agrees to pay the service fee plus all related travel expenses.

o The cost is $1,500 per provider for the first two providers in the practice.

$1,250 per provider for additional providers in the practice.

50. Will Quanum EHR perform the Security Risk Analysis for us?

o Every practice is unique and the Security Risk Assessment is an opportunity for the practice to

review their reasonable and appropriate administrative, physical and technical safeguards.

o Quest can supply a reference document

Quanum EHR: General Information

51. When will Quanum EHR be ready for 2017 MIPS?

o Quanum EHR is ready now. Users can generate reports in Quanum EHR today for ACI objectives

and quality measures.

o After October 21, 2017 quality data will be transferred to the Quality Measure Reporting module.

o Practices will be migrated in groups beginning October 21, 2017.

o Access will be granted once all practice data is processed and ready.

52. When will Quanum EHR a 2015 certified product?

o Quanum EHR is in the process of upgrading features within the electronic health record in

preparation for certification.

o Certification should be complete in the first quarter of 2018.

53. Will the help documents be made current?

o Yes

54. Due to my patients’ insurance I can’t send patient bloodwork to Quest Diagnostics. Is it possible

to collect data for measures that require LOINC codes from my local hospital laboratory?

o Quanum EHR has many existing interfaces with laboratories nationwide.

o Your Regional Sales Representative can answer questions about adding an existing results


o Laboratory results and LOINC cannot be entered manually into Quanum EHR.

55. Since Direct Exchange has not been available will that affect my score?

o One of the required ACI base measures known as Health Information Exchange, requires that EC’s

send a summary-of-care document electronically to another EC when a patient is referred to another

setting of care.

o This can be done without Direct Exchange if the EC is referring a patient to another EC who is also

using Quanum EHR.

o If the EC to whom the patient is being referred is not using Quanum EHR, then direct exchange is

required to successfully deliver that summary of care document.

o Direct Exchange will be available during the 4th quarter of 2017 and will be available to successfully

pass the Health Information Exchange measure.

o If an EC is reporting only for 90 consecutive days that Direct Exchange is available, they can receive

a higher performance score than if the EC is reporting for the entire year.

Accountable Care Organization (ACO)

56. If I report my quality through the ACO, how do I report my ACI and IA?

o If you are participating in an ACO, you will likely attest to your ACI objectives as an individual.

o Your IA is credited for your participation in an ACO.

o Your quality measures will be reported with the ACO.

o Contact your ACO for guidance. There are different ACO types and the requirements differ

depending on the ACO.