FAQ · 2018-06-29 · 204 Daedalus | Installation I cannot install Daedalus properly. 7 203...

- 1 - # Category Issue Page 101 Cardano Blockchain | Explorer Where is the Cardano Blockchain Explorer? 3 102 Cardano Blockchain | Staking Is Ada minable? 3 103 Cardano Blockchain | ICO How do I get certificates? 3 104 Cardano Blockchain | Ada Redemption Was I Force vended or Paper vended? 3 105 Cardano Blockchain | Ada Redemption I cannot redeem my encrypted certificate via Regular/Forced redemption. 4 106 Cardano Blockchain | Ada Redemption I cannot redeem my paper vend certificate. 4 107 Cardano Blockchain | Ada Redemption Force vended: How do I match the Ada code from my receipt to a certificate if I have multiple certificates? 4 108 Cardano Blockchain | Ada Redemption How do I decrypt my encrypted certificate? 4 200 Daedalus | Support How can I get help for my technical problem with Daedalus wallet? 5 201 Daedalus | Installation Will we support iOS and Android? 6 202 Daedalus | Installation Is there a Win32 installer? 6 204 Daedalus | Installation I cannot install Daedalus properly. 7 203 Daedalus | Installation I cannot open the installer file. 7 205 Daedalus | Connection I get couldn't run the node (it didn't start after 5s) error on Daedalus launch. 7 207 Daedalus | Connection I am stuck at the loading screen, it says Connecting to network. 7 Fix A Sync time on your computer to the network. 7 Fix B Restart your computer. 8 Fix C Ensure the user account name on your computer uses only Latin characters. 8 Fix D Launch Daedalus and leave it for a while. 8 Fix E Free up port 8090. 8 Fix F Use a different Internet Service Provider (ISP). 8 208 Daedalus | Connection My screen is stuck at Connecting to network after updating the wallet. 9 IOHK TECHNICAL SUPPORT DESK - CARDANO DAEDALUS FAQ

Transcript of FAQ · 2018-06-29 · 204 Daedalus | Installation I cannot install Daedalus properly. 7 203...

Page 1: FAQ · 2018-06-29 · 204 Daedalus | Installation I cannot install Daedalus properly. 7 203 Daedalus ... enter your wallet's password in the Password field for the ... Daedalus is

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# Category Issue Page

101 Cardano Blockchain | Explorer Where is the Cardano Blockchain Explorer? 3

102 Cardano Blockchain | Staking Is Ada minable? 3

103 Cardano Blockchain | ICO How do I get certificates? 3

104 Cardano Blockchain | Ada Redemption

Was I Force vended or Paper vended? 3

105 Cardano Blockchain | Ada Redemption

I cannot redeem my encrypted certificate via

Regular/Forced redemption. 4

106 Cardano Blockchain | Ada Redemption

I cannot redeem my paper vend certificate. 4

107 Cardano Blockchain | Ada Redemption

Force vended: How do I match the Ada code from my

receipt to a certificate if I have multiple certificates? 4

108 Cardano Blockchain | Ada Redemption

How do I decrypt my encrypted certificate? 4

200 Daedalus | Support How can I get help for my technical problem with

Daedalus wallet? 5

201 Daedalus | Installation Will we support iOS and Android? 6

202 Daedalus | Installation Is there a Win32 installer? 6

204 Daedalus | Installation I cannot install Daedalus properly. 7

203 Daedalus | Installation I cannot open the installer file. 7

205 Daedalus | Connection I get couldn't run the node (it didn't start after 5s) error

on Daedalus launch. 7

207 Daedalus | Connection I am stuck at the loading screen, it says Connecting to

network. 7

Fix A Sync time on your computer to the network. 7

Fix B Restart your computer. 8

Fix C Ensure the user account name on your computer uses only Latin characters. 8

Fix D Launch Daedalus and leave it for a while. 8

Fix E Free up port 8090. 8

Fix F Use a different Internet Service Provider (ISP). 8

208 Daedalus | Connection My screen is stuck at Connecting to network after

updating the wallet. 9



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209 Daedalus | Syncing I am stuck at the loading screen, it says Syncing blocks at

X.X%. 9

Fix A 9

Fix B 9

211 Daedalus | Balance My wallet balance is showing a wrong Ada amount. 9

213 Daedalus | Operation When I launch Daedalus, installer starts running instead

of the application. 11

214 Daedalus | Installation When will the Linux version be out? 11

215 Daedalus | Restore When I restore my wallet, the application freezes. 11

216 Daedalus | Installation I cannot download the installer because antivirus

software is blocking it. 11

217 Daedalus | Transaction I've made transactions/redemption but it's not being

shown in the summary. 11

218 Daedalus | Operation I forgot my spending password. What should I do? 11

219 Daedalus | Transaction Transaction is stuck at Pending after sometime. 12

220 Daedalus | Backup How do I backup my wallet? 12

221 Daedalus | Installation Will uninstalling/reinstalling the application delete my

wallet data and coins? 12

222 Daedalus | Operation I cannot copy or paste the address. 12

223 Daedalus | Transaction Inability to send Ada to addresses that are 101

characters. 13

Fix for Receiving 13

Fix for Withdrawing 13

224 Daedalus | Transaction What is a Change address? 13

225 Daedalus | Operation How do I place of receive a transaction? 13

226 Daedalus | Transaction How can I see my transaction details in the Daedalus

wallet? 14

227 Daedalus | Installation Your computer time is out of sync. 14

228 Daedalus | Connection Local block data is corrupted. 15

229 Daedalus | Operation Launching node without admin rights. 17

230 Daedalus | Installation File(s) missing. 17

231 Daedalus | Installation Not enough space to store block data. 17

234 Daedalus | Operation Network error. 18

235 Daedalus | Installation User name contains non-Latin characters. 18

236 Daedalus | Operation ‘open.lock’ file has been corrupted. 18

237 Daedalus | Operation Firewall is blocking connection 21

240 Daedalus | Transaction Where did my Ada go? My transaction isn’t showing in

the transaction summary? 21

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101 Cardano Blockchain | Explorer Where is the Cardano Blockchain Explorer?

The cardano blockchain explorer can be found at https://cardanoexplorer.com/.

102 Cardano Blockchain | Staking Is Ada minable?

You will be able to participate in the proof of stake protocol on Shelley which is the next major update

for Cardano. To check our ongoing development, please check


103 Cardano Blockchain | ICO How do I get certificates?

Certificates were issued to the people who participated the Ada pre-sale which was held between

October 2015 and January 2017. IOHK has no plans for issuing more certificates.

104 Cardano Blockchain | Ada Redemption

Was I Force vended or Paper vended?

Regular vend

People who purchased Ada at a pre-sale were issued a certificate at the Ada Voucher Vending Machine

(AVVM) during the pre-sale period. Customers obtained certificates at this time. They were issued a

certificate and an encrypted certificate and a 9 word passphrase required to decrypt the certificate. If a

certificate is lost, an encrypted certificate and 9 word passphrase are required to redeem Ada.

Force Vended

If the Ada exchange was unable to contact you via email or phone, and/or you did not go through the

AVVM, then you were probably force vended on March 25th, 2017. In addition, some users who were

vended through the AVVM may have been force vended as well because of technical issues. In this case,

your AVVM certificate(s) will not be redeemed, you must use the ones received in your email. Note that

all force vended emails were sent from [email protected]

An E-mail titled Your Ada Certificate / Ada 証明書 has been sent to customers who were not issued

certificates via AVVM within the specified period. An encrypted certificate is attached to this email.

Customers using this encrypted certificate need a receipt. All force vended customers received receipt

by email. The subject of this email is ET301. The receipt includes some information like Ada passcode,

Ada amount etc...

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Customers should upload the encrypted certificate to Daedalus, and enter their passcode and Ada

amount. The redemption key will appear when the customer has submitted all required information.

Paper Vended

During force vending, some emails failed to deliver. In this case, the certificate was mailed via certified

mail. The redemption key is encrypted, so you must use the ‘Paper vend redemption’ tab to redeem.

105 Cardano Blockchain | Ada Redemption

I cannot redeem my encrypted certificate via Regular/Forced


Please note that if the wallet you are trying to redeem to is protected by a password, you will have to

enter your wallet's password in the ‘Password’ field for the redemption. The Mnemonics (9-word

passphrase) for the encrypted certificate should be entered in the ‘Passphrase to Decrypt the Ada

Voucher Certificate’ field.

Also note that if you are trying to redeem a non-encrypted certificate, you will only need to enter your

wallet's password in the Password field.

106 Cardano Blockchain | Ada Redemption

I cannot redeem my paper vend certificate.

Unfortunately, the font used on the certificate makes it difficult to distinguish between 0 (zero) and O

(capital o); and I (capital i) and l (lowercase L). You may need to try different combinations of 0, O, l

and I to redeem your paper vend certificate.

107 Cardano Blockchain | Ada Redemption

Force vended: How do I match the Ada code from my receipt to a

certificate if I have multiple certificates?

The only way to decrypt the force vended certificates is with the secret information sent to you at your

receipt. You will need to try all combinations of receipt information to certificate to decrypt.

108 Cardano Blockchain | Ada Redemption

How do I decrypt my encrypted certificate?

You can drag and drop your decrypted or encrypted certificate into the Daedalus redemption box. To

decrypt, enter the 9-word passphrase given to you during vending.

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200 Daedalus | Support How can I get help for my technical problem with Daedalus


The IOHK Technical Support Desk team will be able to respond to Daedalus wallet support issues much

faster if you submit a log.

Please provide the following information when you submit a request for help:

1. The version of both your computer operating system and Daedalus

2. Describe the Daedalus wallet support issue you are experiencing in detail and attach

screenshots if needed. If possible, specify when the error occurred exactly.

3. When did this Daedalus wallet support issue occur (exact date)?

4. Do you have any idea how this happened?

5. Attach your pub folder (it contains a technical log but no private information):

How to attach your pub folder (log)


1. Go to C:\Users\[your user name]\AppData\Roaming\Daedalus\Logs (You can access them by

typing %appdata% in Windows Explorer.)

2. Compress the pub folder. For example: Right click the pub folder, select Send, then select

Compressed (zipped) Folder if you are sending an email to the support team at [email protected].


1. Open the Finder

2. Go to the Menu Bar and open the ‘Go’ menu

3. Select ‘Go to Folder’...

4. Enter the following path (for the standard installation): ~/Library/Application Support/Daedalus/Logs

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Note that if ‘Library’ is set as a hidden folder, you cannot go to Daedalus folder. For general

information on how to show the ‘Library’ folder got to http://osxdaily.com/2016/12/12/show-


5. Right click on the 'Pub' folder and select ‘Compress Pub’. Then you will see the pub

compressed file created in the Logs folder.

201 Daedalus | Installation Will we support iOS and Android?

At this time there is no client for mobile but there will be in future. Daedalus is what is known as a ‘Full’

or ‘Thick’ client because Daedalus is running the Cardano protocol and participating directly in the

network. Full clients are usually unable to run on a mobile operating system because it lacks the

resources to run the client.

In future Cardano will also have ‘Light’ or ‘Thin’ clients. Light clients hold only transaction information

and private keys, and interact indirectly with the protocol. Usually light clients interact through a

service or public network node. Light clients unique security concerns and therefore take more time to

develop, that is why they will be developed later than the full client Daedalus.

202 Daedalus | Installation Is there a Win32 installer?

No, Daedalus is not available for 32-bit Windows at this time. Only 64-bit Windows is supported.

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204 Daedalus | Installation I cannot install Daedalus properly.

The Windows installer requires PowerShell to be installed. You can test to see if PowerShell is installed

on your computer by running powershell.exe in the command line. PowerShell is included in all recent

Windows versions. Please install the latest Windows Service Pack, if you have any doubts.

We advise you to restart your computer before running the installer. Also, you must run the installer as


You may want to check here for more info on running programs as an administrator. Visit



203 Daedalus | Installation I cannot open the installer file.

If you downloaded the installer using Internet Explorer, try downloading it using another browser

(Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari) instead.

205 Daedalus | Connection I get couldn't run the node (it didn't start after 5s) error on

Daedalus launch.

Please close the error message and launch Daedalus again.

207 Daedalus | Connection I am stuck at the loading screen, it says Connecting to network.

First, please restart your computer and check your internet connection. Note that connecting might

take up to half a minute in some cases. If you are using an antivirus, make sure Daedalus and cardano-

node are in the exceptions list and try restarting.

Windows: Please make sure that you launch Daedalus using either shortcut created during the

installation (Daedalus shortcut on the desktop) or the daedalus.bat file located at the installation

directory (the default location is: C:\Program Files\Daedalus\daedalus.bat).

If this did not help you, here are list of things you can do to fix the connection issue.

Fix A: Sync time on your computer to the network.

If the time on your computer is off by 20 seconds or more from the internet time Daedalus will

not be able to connect to the network. To fix this issue you need to synchronize the time on

the computer with NTP (Network Time Protocol) servers, by using the settings of their

operating system.

Instructions on how to fix this issue:

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1. Click on Win+S

2. Type in ‘Settings’

3. In ‘Find a setting’ field type in ‘Date’

4. Go to ‘Date and time settings’

5. Click on ‘Additional date, time & regional settings’. New window will pop up.

6. Click on ‘Set date and time’

7. Go to ‘Internet time’ tab

8. Click on ‘Change settings’

9. Click on ‘Update now’

Note: there should be a message like The clock was successfully synchronized; if there's an

error, try clicking on Update again or change the server from the dropdown menu.


1. Quit the application

2. Click the clock that is located on the top right of the screen

3. Select ‘Open Date & Time Preferences’

4. Unlock the preferences

5. Uncheck the ‘Set date and time automatically’

6. Restart the application

Fix B: Restart your computer.

When the user closes Daedalus, in rare cases the Cardano node which is running in the

background is not completely shut down. This causes a connecting to network problem the

next time that Daedalus is started.

Fix C: Ensure the user account name on your computer uses only Latin characters.

After successful installation Daedalus may be unable to start if the computer’s user account

name contains certain non-Latin characters. An error occurs in the generation of certificates

during the installation process that are used to encrypt and secure communication between

Daedalus. Uninstall Daedalus and reinstall using a user account name on your computer that

uses only Latin characters.

Fix D: Launch Daedalus and leave it for a while.

If you shutdown Daedalus while wallet was being recovered this fix my help to resolve your

connecting to network issue. A while may equal hours depending on your computer and your

internet connection.

Fix E: Free up port 8090.

In some cases Daedalus can’t use port 8090 because it is already used by some other process

on the user’s device or is blocked by a firewall. We do not have detailed instructions for this

because it's fairly technical. Future releases of Daedalus will include functionality to detect

this issue.

Fix F: Use a different Internet Service Provider (ISP).

Some ISPs block the Daedalus connection. You can try an alternate internet Service Provider

or you can try to connect to the internet using a Virtual Private Network (VPN).

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208 Daedalus | Connection My screen is stuck at Connecting to network after updating the


Remove and reinstall the Daedalus wallet. This problem is caused by missing files due to the update.

209 Daedalus | Syncing I am stuck at the loading screen, it says Syncing blocks at X.X%.

Fix A

If Daedalus is stuck at the same value for several minutes (X.XX%), please check your internet

connection and restart the Daedalus wallet.

Fix B

If the internet connection is stable and syncing is still freezing after Daedalus restarts, reset

the blocks in your PC.

Please note that blocks are synced in steps, each of which might take up to a minute.


1. Type %appdata% on the explorer’s address bar

2. Open the Daedalus folder

3. Delete the content of the ‘DB-1.0’ folder


1. On the Finder’s menu bar select ‘Go’

2. Click ‘Go to Finder’…

3. Type ~/Library/Application Support/Daedalus

4. Delete the content of the ‘DB-1.0’ folder

211 Daedalus | Balance My wallet balance is showing a wrong Ada amount.

Before you proceed, please make sure to take a screenshot so we can analyze your problem. The

screenshot must show addresses from the receive tab with the wallet balance.

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After you've taken your screenshots, please provide following information as well as screenshot to

[email protected]:

1. The Address that you've used to receive Ada so we can verify them on the explorer.

2. Your Daedalus/PC version.

3. The date you've encountered this issue

4. The Steps you've taken (Please describe it in detail as much as possible.)

5. Archived/Zipped file of your pub folder


1. Go to C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Daedalus\Logs

2. You can access them by typing %appdata% at the explorer.

3. Right click the ‘Pub’ folder, select ‘Send’, then select ‘Compressed (zipped) Folder’


1. Open the Finder

2. Go to the Menu Bar and open the ‘Go’ menu

3. Select ‘Go to Folder’...

4. Enter the following path (for the standard installation): ~/Library/Application


5. Archive or zip the ‘Pub’ folder

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213 Daedalus | Operation When I launch Daedalus, installer starts running instead of the


If you're using a Windows computer, make sure you're using desktop mode when running Daedalus.

We do not support the application when the computer is in tablet mode.

214 Daedalus | Installation When will the Linux version be out?

We have a Linux version of Daedalus which is currently in beta testing see this link for more

information: https://forum.cardano.org/t/iohk-statement-a-beta-release-for-daedalus-on-linux/10316.

215 Daedalus | Restore When I restore my wallet, the application freezes.

This is not an error, Daedalus is actually trying fetch whole transaction history. The reason why it takes

such a long time is because it is traversing through the whole blockchain to get the wallet synced. It

may take up to 10 hours for the wallet to restore.

216 Daedalus | Installation I cannot download the installer because antivirus software is

blocking it.

Please report this issue to [email protected]. You should be able to download it by adding

daedaluswallet.io to the virus checker’s exception list.

217 Daedalus | Transaction I've made transactions/redemption but it's not being shown in the


This is because the Daedalus is not being updated properly. Please restart Daedalus to see if your

transactions show up. If they do not show up, please report it to [email protected].

218 Daedalus | Operation I forgot my spending password. What should I do?

In order to reset your password, you'll need to delete the wallet and recover it using the 12-Word

recovery phrase. To restore your wallet, please click ‘Add Wallet’ then select ‘Restore’.

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219 Daedalus | Transaction Transaction is stuck at Pending after sometime.

Please report this issue to [email protected]. You should also try to delete and restore your wallet to see if

it fixes the issue.

Caution: If you do not have your 12-word recovery phrase, do not delete your wallet.

220 Daedalus | Backup How do I backup my wallet?

To back up your wallet, you'll need a 12-word recovery phrase that you created when you created your


To restore the wallet, click ‘Add Wallet’ and then select ‘Restore’ and type in your 12-word recovery


221 Daedalus | Installation Will uninstalling/reinstalling the application delete my wallet data

and coins?

No, it will not. Regular re-installation/uninstallation will not delete your wallet data. Daedalus is an

online wallet so even if your computer is not functioning, you can still restore it with another computer

using recovery phrase.

Caution: If you do not have your 12-word recovery phrase, do not delete your wallet.

222 Daedalus | Operation I cannot copy or paste the address.

Currently you cannot use the copy/paste function using right click. Please use the shortcut key which is

Ctrl + C for the copy and Ctrl + V for the paste.

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223 Daedalus | Transaction Inability to send Ada to addresses that are 101 characters.

The error reported is: Not enough Ada for fees. Try sending a smaller amount.

These addresses are distinguished by being 3 characters shorter than normal addresses, i.e. 101

characters rather than 104 characters.

Fix for Receiving

The solution is to request a new address from the receiver if the address you are sending Ada

to is 101 characters long.

Fix for Withdrawing

The solution for withdrawals from the exchanges is to generate a new address in Daedalus

and use it for the withdrawal instead of the shorter address.

224 Daedalus | Transaction What is a Change address?

Sometimes you only need to send a smaller amount than you have stored in your address. All funds

must be spent from the address when a transaction is placed so two transactions are made. One to the

receiving address and one back to your wallet. This is done to an unused address in your wallet for

security reasons.

225 Daedalus | Operation How do I place of receive a transaction?

Transactions are made of ‘senders’ and ‘receivers’, (sometimes seen as ‘from’ and ‘to’ in the user


When you click receive in Daedalus you will have the option to use your existing receiving address or

generate a new address

When you click send on Daedalus, you will have a form to input an address to send to, along with the

amount you would like to send. After you enter the information and click send, the transaction is made

and sent to the network.

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226 Daedalus | Transaction How can I see my transaction details in the Daedalus wallet?

To see the transaction, click on the transaction in your transaction list which can be found on the

summary tab or the transaction tab. Here you will see:

Ada Sent: the time the transaction was sent

From Address: The address in your wallet the transaction was sent from.

To Address: Here, you will see two addresses. One is the address you sent to, and the other is

the Change address.

Transaction ID: This number can be used in the Cardano Explorer (cardanoexplorer.com) to

find your transaction. If you don’t see your transaction in the explorer, you transaction was

not completed.

227 Daedalus | Installation Your computer time is out of sync.

After analyzing your issue, we have determined that you need to synchronize your computer's time

with internet time.

If the time on the user’s machine is off by 20 seconds or more from the internet time it is not possible to

connect to the network. To fix this Issue you need to synchronize the time on your computer with

Network Time Protocol (NTP) servers, by changing the settings of your operating system.


1. Click on Win+S

2. Type in ‘Settings’

3. In the ‘Find a setting’ field type in ‘Date’

4. Go to ‘Date and time settings’

5. Click on ‘Additional date, time & regional settings’. New window will pop up.

6. Click on ‘Set date and time’

7. Go to the ‘Internet time’ tab

8. Click on ‘Change settings’

9. Click on ‘Update now’

Note: there should be a message like The clock was successfully synchronized; if there's an error, try

clicking on Update again or use a different server from the dropdown menu.


1. Quit the Daedalus wallet application

2. Click the clock icon or time that is located on the top right of the screen

3. Select ‘Open Date & Time Preferences’

4. Unlock the preferences

5. Uncheck the ‘Set date and time automatically’ option

6. Restart the Daedalus wallet application

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228 Daedalus | Connection Local block data is corrupted.

After analyzing your issue, we have determined that your local block data is corrupted. To fix this issue,

please delete the content of the ‘DB-1.0’ folder.


1. Type %appdata% on the explorer’s search bar

2. Go to C:\Users\[your user name]\AppData\Roaming\Daedalus\DB-1.0 and delete the content

of the folder ‘DB-1.0’


1. On the Finder’s menu bar select ‘Go’

2. Click ‘Go to Finder’…

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3. Type ~/Library/Application Support/Daedalus

Note that if Library is set as a hidden folder, you cannot go to Daedalus folder. For general

information on how to show the Library folder got to http://osxdaily.com/2016/12/12/show-user-


4. Delete the content of the ‘DB-1.0’ folder

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229 Daedalus | Operation Launching node without admin rights.

After analyzing your issue, we have determined that you need to launch the application with

administrator access.

Check the following links for general instructions on launching programs with administrator access.






230 Daedalus | Installation File(s) missing.

After analyzing your issue, we have determined that you need to reinstall Daedalus.

Caution: If you do not have your 12-word recovery phrase, do not delete your wallet.


Check this link for general instructions on how to uninstall an application in Windows:



Check this link for general instructions on how to uninstall an application in MacOS:


231 Daedalus | Installation Not enough space to store block data.

After analyzing your issue, we have determined that you do not have enough disk space on your

computer. For both Windows and Mac there are many ways to create space on your computer.

Two simple ways are:

1. Empty the trash. If that does not work,

2. Find and delete large files if you have any like unwanted movies or software installables. Don’t

forget to empty the trash after you do this.

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234 Daedalus | Operation Network error.

After analyzing your issue, we have determined that you should try a different internet connection

(with a different internet service provider). Alternatively you may wish to temporarily disable your virus

checker to see if this resolves the issue.

If neither of these solutions work then please log another support ticket with your log file via

[email protected]. Please describe in detail what you did to try to resolve this issue.

235 Daedalus | Installation User name contains non-Latin characters.

After analyzing your issue, we have determined that you should change your computer’s username so

that it only uses Latin-characters.

After successful installation, the Daedalus wallet may not be able to start if the computer’s user

account name contains certain non-Latin characters (e.g. Chinese characters).

In some cases, the Daedalus wallet installation completes successfully, but an error occurs in the

generation of certificates during the installation process that are used to encrypt and secure

communication between Daedalus and the Cardano node that is running in the background on your


236 Daedalus | Operation ‘open.lock’ file has been corrupted.

After analyzing your issue, you need to delete ‘open.lock’ file by following the instruction below.

This issue occurred because the Cardano node was not shut down properly.


1. Quit the Daedalus wallet application

2. Type %appdata% on the explorer’s search bar

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Note that if Library is set as a hidden folder, you cannot go to Daedalus folder. For general

information on how to show the Library folder got to http://osxdaily.com/2016/12/12/show-user-


3. Open the ‘Daedalus’ folder

4. Open the ‘Wallet-1.0’ folder and delete the file open.lock

5. Start the Daedalus wallet application


1. On the Finder’s menu bar select ‘Go’

2. Click ‘Go to Finder’…

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3. Type ~/Library/Application Support/Daedalus

Note that if Library is set as a hidden folder, you cannot go to Daedalus folder. For general

information on how to show the Library folder got to http://osxdaily.com/2016/12/12/show-user-


4. Open ‘Wallet-1.0’, delete the file open.lock

5. Start the Daedalus wallet application

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237 Daedalus | Operation Firewall is blocking connection

To fix this Daedalus wallet support issue, please try another internet connection (with a different

internet service provider) you may also wish to try to temporarily disable your virus checker to see if

this resolves the issue.

If that didn’t work please log a support ticket and include your log file via [email protected].

240 Daedalus | Transaction Where did my Ada go? My transaction isn’t showing in the

transaction summary?

Exchanges have requirement for number of blocks to confirm before approving the coins for trading. It

will take some time for the transaction to be confirmed on the Cardano blockchain. In addition,

sometimes a transaction is not seen in the network for various reasons. If you do not see your

transaction in the exchange, please check https://cardanoexplorer.com.