Fan Friday Case Study - Phoenix Rising for Haiti gains more Volunteers & Donors using Facebook

Building prosthetic legs, teaching physical therapy and caring for wounds all while fighting exhaustion may be an impossible day for most of us, BUT to Billy Abril … it's all in a day's work! And, always done with a smile & a positive attitude. His work ethic reminds you of, quite honestly, A SAINT. Billy and his team, Phoenix Rising for Haiti, travel to Haiti four times per year, particularly to the poorest regions, such as, St. Louie du Nord to provide complete Orthopedic care. Often their seven to ten day trips meet and help hundreds of leg amputees from dawn to dusk, under the most primitive of conditions. In 2008, Billy took his first trip to Haiti. After a heart-moving, exhausting but very successful trip he thought, "WOW … there is so much more to do." Known for his inspirational humor and outlook as well as a solutions guy, Billy recruited a team of prosthetists, orthotists, physical therapists & orthopedic technicians to join his next trip where they planned complete care to those less fortunate. But, on this next trip, Billy and his team assessed the need greater than their capability to meet it. So, how did they recruit more medical volunteers, more capital, and more public awareness? Two words: SOCIAL MEDIA to the rescue, ESPECIALLY FACEBOOK! "I found these members with the same passion as myself to help those in Haiti." With a successful Facebook page for Phoenix Rising for Haiti’s mission, Billy explains that social media “gives me the opportunity to reach many like-minded and like-hearted people.” Consistent social media marketing on his part has brought in people and donations. He posts a few times per week, thanks his new fans for 'liking' his page, sends new fans his newsletter, and jumps into conversations within his newsfeed as his page. When he adds value to these conversations, his page's thumbnail shows and intrigued prospects click on his logo or his hyperlinked page name ... more 'likes' that way! Uploading photo albums gives donors, amputees, and fans front row a real-life look at how lives are being changed; this has created a viral community and brought in more donations of supplies and money. Prospective donors enjoy a pictorial view of where their money would be spent. Oh, here's a tip: each album has a "caption box" in which you can write a quick story with a link to a secured donation page or other calls-to-action. Live posting while on their trips keeps Fans current with needs and victories. Here he stays in touch with donors and fans giving them LIVE updates on the legs he has fixed and the LIVES he has healed. Phoenix Rising for Haiti Gains More Volunteers and Donor Money with Facebook by Friday, November 11, 2011 at 11:02am


Get the full details on how a Scottsdale-based non profit started using a Facebook business fan page and conversations on the fan page wall to build relationships and ultimately gain more fans, volunteers and donors for their Haiti friends. Billy Abril gives a full, detailed account. Follow these action items and you could model his social media success. Article by Donna Newman of

Transcript of Fan Friday Case Study - Phoenix Rising for Haiti gains more Volunteers & Donors using Facebook

Page 1: Fan Friday Case Study - Phoenix Rising for Haiti gains more Volunteers & Donors using Facebook

Building prosthetic legs, teaching physical therapy and caring for wounds all while fighting exhaustion may be an impossible day for most of us, BUT to Billy Abril … it's all in a day's work! And, always done with a smile & a positive attitude. His work ethic reminds you of, quite honestly, A SAINT.

Billy and his team, Phoenix Rising for Haiti, travel to Haiti four times per year, particularly to the poorest regions, such as, St. Louie du Nord to provide complete Orthopedic care. Often their seven to ten day trips meet and help hundreds of leg amputees from dawn to dusk, under the most primitive of conditions. In 2008, Billy took his first trip to Haiti. After a heart-moving, exhausting but very successful trip he thought, "WOW … there is so much more to do."

Known for his inspirational humor and outlook as well as a solutions guy, Billy recruited a team of prosthetists, orthotists, physical therapists & orthopedic technicians to join his next trip where they planned complete care to those less fortunate. But, on this next trip, Billy and his team assessed the need greater than their capability to meet it.

So, how did they recruit more medical volunteers, more capital, and more public awareness? Two words: SOCIAL MEDIA to the rescue, ESPECIALLY FACEBOOK!

"I found these members with the same passion as myself to help those in Haiti."

• With a successful Facebook page for Phoenix Rising for Haiti’s mission, Billy explains that social media “gives me the opportunity to reach many like-minded and like-hearted people.” Consistent social media marketing on his part has brought in people and donations. He posts a few times per week, thanks his new fans for 'liking' his page, sends new fans his newsletter, and jumps into conversations within his newsfeed as his page. When he adds value to these conversations, his page's thumbnail shows and intrigued prospects click on his logo or his hyperlinked page name ... more 'likes' that way!

• Uploading photo albums gives donors, amputees, and fans front row a real-life look at how lives are being changed; this has created a viral community and brought in more donations of supplies and money. Prospective donors enjoy a pictorial view of where their money would be spent. Oh, here's a tip: each album has a "caption box" in which you can write a quick story with a link to a secured donation page or other calls-to-action.

• Live posting while on their trips keeps Fans current with needs and victories. Here he stays in touch with donors and fans giving them LIVE updates on the legs he has fixed and the LIVES he has healed.






Phoenix Rising for Haiti Gains More Volunteers and Donor Money with Facebook by                                Friday,  November  11,  2011  at  11:02am  



Page 2: Fan Friday Case Study - Phoenix Rising for Haiti gains more Volunteers & Donors using Facebook


• Links to videos on his Wall: this has created a new way for fans to engage and to really experience the conditions in Haiti and see first-hand how their well-earned money has made a permanent difference.

Billy’s story is one that shows selflessness, passion and an amazing gift that has helped more people than imaginable. Because of these qualities, Phoenix Rising for Haiti’s most recent trip was the largest team yet with over 21 volunteers - thanks in large part its Facebook Community. During the trip the team helped 12 amputees, 350 patients and countless disabled children and elderly people. Phoenix Rising for Haiti brings hope, light and inspiration to Haitians and every American volunteer. If you've got a tug on your heart to volunteer your time, talent or treasure, feel free to check out their Facebook page: or their website:

Enjoy your Fan Friday, everyone!!

~ Stacy Bennett Youth Blogger

~ Donna Newman Getting the Dish with Donna

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