Family systems paper_1

Family Systems Paper Elizabeth Wolf Lynn University FAMILY SYSTEMS PAPER 1



Transcript of Family systems paper_1

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Family Systems Paper

Elizabeth Wolf

Lynn University


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Client: Marie Jaques



Psychosocial history of Jaques family:

Marie, 31, who was born in Freeport, Bahamas reports being physically abused by her

father. At age 19 Marie met Samuel’s father who sexually assaulted her, but because of her

religious beliefs decided to keep the baby. Soon after Samuel’s birth Marie met Jean at 20 and

got married. At first they were in the honeymoon stage where everything was perfect, but Jean

wanted Marie to stay at home raise the kids and take care of the house, despite the fact that she

wanted to enroll in nursing school. Soon thereafter the battering started he was possessive,

wouldn’t let Marie see or talk to her family and wouldn’t let her go anywhere or say anything.

Marie stated she felt trapped, after getting help from a caseworker that was referred to her by a

neighbor Marie and the children moved into a homeless shelter for months, then a domestic

violence shelter, and finally ending up in section 8 housing. Since the most recent attack Marie

states that she is always tired, has little or no appetite, unable to get out of bed, and in frequent

pain, but refuses to take any pain medication. Currently Marie is living in Section 8 housing.

Jean went to a psychiatrist and was diagnosed with Bipolar disorder with psychotic

symptoms. Jean started taking his medication and things were fine for a while, he obtained a job.

Then Jean stopped taking his medication and started using drugs (crack) and drinking alcohol.

He lost his job and they were evicted from the house. He started taking his medication again, but

then stopped and quit his job. The most recent domestic violence attack was the most severe he


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assaulted her with a baseball bat, Samuel tried to intervene but Jean threw him across the room

as he ignored the children’s crying and screaming. Josh called the police and now Jean is in jail.

Samuel, 13, is aggressive with the children at school and friends. Has been diagnosed

with ADHD and has learning disabilities, states he likes to start fires.

Josh, 11, seems to be reserved, obese, deshelved, and his fingernails seemed to be bitten

down to where they were bleeding. He has asthma, frequent nightmares, trouble sleeping, and

bad hygiene. Josh stated he likes to play video games and fish in the cannel behind their house.

Valerie, 9, appears small, thin, withdrawn, but it is my assumption that she wants to

please people. She gets straight A’s in school and gets along with peers in school but does not

socialize with them outside of school.

Miranda, 6, appears too happy but has a distant affect about her. Her teachers state that

she does not pay attention in school or follow direction; she appears to be off in space. Miranda

seems to have a very active imagination, but wets the bed daily.

Matthew, 4, seems very physically active. Matthew is in the Head Start Program at

school and has trouble saying the alphabet and identifying colors and numbers. Also seems to

have no fear, Matthew jumped off the second story of the house and appears to be rough with his

other siblings.

Presenting Problem and Reason for Referral:

Domestic violence and a dysfunctional family, all five children present behavioral

and emotional problems reported by shelter staff, Child Protective Service worker, and the Marie

(mother). Marie is unemployed and states that she is depressed, therefore unmotivated to find a

job, take care of household tasks, or taking on a parental role. Marie and children stated that they


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had a fear that Jean will get released from prison and find them and kill Marie. Marie was first

referred to a caseworker by her neighbor, but after this hospitalization Child Protective Services

referred her. While Marie was in the hospital the five children were placed in an emergency

shelter until Marie was discharged from the hospital. Marie is now unemployed and states she

feels unable to work.

Dynamics of family:

Valerie is the caretaker of the family now and does all the household duties. Josh

does all the "manly" duties of the house like taking out the trash and takes care of his younger

brother Matthew. Within this family there are unspoken rules about who does what. The oldest

siblings are taking care of the younger ones, but mostly Valerie is the caretaker of the house,

who gives the younger siblings affection and attention. And Josh is the man of the house. The

boundaries within the household are invisible. Sammy is violent and aggressive with other

siblings, which causes friction within the house. There is a hierarchy within the house between

the siblings; Valerie, Josh, Matthew, then Sammy. The subsystems within the family;

interactions and within the hierarchy are inter-related. All boundaries are invisible, but everyone

knows their place within those boundaries. There are unspoken rules about what is expected of

each child within the family. Josh gets along well with Valerie. Valerie is Mallory’s support

system and comforting person within the family, when Mallory wakes up in the night due to

nightmares or wetting the bed Mallory will sleeps with Valerie. Matthew responds well to

Valerie and seems to want affection and attention from her. There are also alliances within the

children of the house; Valerie and Miranda, Valerie and Josh, and Valerie and Matthew; there is

very little interaction from Sammy to the other children of the house because they make fun of


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him; Sammy states that they call him black. There is an under-functioning of the family as a

whole, but within that dysfunction they make it work within the family unit.

None of the children socialize outside of school with other peers, but when in school

Valerie is the only one who will socialize with the other children, but will never socialize with

her peers outside of school.

Marie is the identified client, but the caseworkers of this particular case the caseworker

cannot call the police or report the domestic violence only Marie can. But as caseworkers we

have a duty to call the child abuse hotline because of the physical and emotional abuse the

children are receiving from Jean.

The life cycle of this particular family is typical of the domestic violence cycle. First the

honeymoon stage, where the husband or abuser is loving and supportive. Second the restrictive

phase where the abuser does not allow the victim, Marie, to speak or see anyone. Third stage is

the battering stage, and then back to the honeymoon stage where the abuser, Jean, begs to comes

back and says things will be different this time and might feel remorseful about his past actions.


In my observations, the whole family suffers from Post- Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Marie has states she has depression and a fear that her husband will find her and kill her. Sammy

the first born has been diagnosed with Attention- Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and appears to

have Conduct disorder. Joshua has anxiety and a fear of his father. Valerie is seems to be a

people pleaser, and a perfectionist. Miranda give the impression that she suffers from an

undiagnosed disorder of Attention- Deficit Disorder- inattentive type. And Matthew I assume

has Oppositional Defiant Disorder.


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Goals and Objectives:

1.) Social Security Income, apply within a two weeks

a.) go to

b.) go to Social Security office and apply for SSI

2.) Food Stamps, apply within a week

a.) go to

b.) apply for food stamps

3.) Apply for Medicaid, within three weeks

a.) go to and look at the criteria for meeting the requirements for

receiving this

b.) go to your local Social Security office and apply

4.) Find local community resources, within a month

a.) go to

1.) Locate closest community center and do the following services

a.) Family counseling

b.) Individual counseling

c.) Psychiatric evaluations

d.) go to a support group for victims of domestic violence for


4.) Get a job, within a month

a.) go to Labor Finders in Palm Beach County and they will help place you in a job

5.) Take parenting classes, within a month


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a.) go to, which will tell

you the location within Palm Beach County and the classes available