FAMILY NUTRITION · more to understand...

FAMILY NUTRITION CENTER 1663 W. Henderson St. Cleburne TX 76033 (817) 645-1993 Newsletter Date: July/Aug/Sept 2015 Issue 6 Hormones May Be Slowing Your Fat Loss! Have you ever wondered if hormones could be in your way of losing weight or just slowing you down in life? Did you know that there is a relatively large group of people, women and men aged between late 20s and 50s, who find it difficult to lose weight because they are hormonally `stressed` or imbalanced? Hormonal imbalance is very high particularly if stress is prominent in your daily life and your diet includes everyday meats and poultry which are laden with hormones and chemicals, or meats cooked in microwaves and stored in plastics. All are a by-product of living in the chemically-laden 21st century. It is important to actually make a concerted effort to stave off the chemicals. Yet, there is more to understand here, and it has to do with biochemical stress. So what does that mean exactly? Biochemical stress is a by- product of our 21st century western society where there is an over-use of chemicals in foods, household products, pesticides, added hormones in chickens and antibiotics in meats (unless they are organic or free range). If you have been overtraining, feeling stressed, regularly consuming protein sources that are laden with hormones, growth hormones and antibiotics (eggs, chicken, meat and poultry) then you may be a candidate for estrogen dominance. What is estrogen? Estrogen is important for the maintenance of normal brain function and the development of nerve cells in both males and females. It is a steroidal hormone produced that stimulates the development of secondary sexual characteristics and, in women, induces menstruation. If the balance between estrogen and progesterone gets disrupted in any way, estrogen dominance then results, creating a number of common symptoms that get overlooked as hormonal imbalance between the two hormones - estrogen and progesterone. What is estrogen dominance? Estrogen dominance is a condition that occurs when there is not enough progesterone (a foundational hormone in all vertebrates) due to too much stress, consumption of chemicals and adrenal exhaustion (which at least 85 per cent of the population suffers from at some stage). All of these give rise to higher levels of estrogen in relation to progesterone. Even men, due to depletion of testosterone from overtraining and consumption of commercial chemically laden chickens, can start to develop weight gain around their middle region, due to excess estrogen in relation to those foundational hormones (testosterone and progesterone). What are some typical symptoms of estrogen dominance? Water retention & bloating Weight gain Cellulite in women Abdominal fat in men, even stretch marks Loss of energy Decreased libido Headaches Inability to lose weight no matter what Higher per cent of fat storage and more. Continued page 3………. Of Special Interest Pg.2 & 6 Stop Osteoporosis by Using Vitamin C Pg.3 Hormones May Be Slowing Your Fat Loss! Pg. 4 Improve Hair, Skin and Nails Naturally Pg.5 Nutrient Combo Reverses Hair Loss in Women Pg. 7 Coupons Pg.8 Garden Corner Pop a Probiotic To keep yeast infections at bay, head for the vitamin aisle. Supplementing with "good" bacteria (for example, Lactobacillus or Bifidobacterium) may help restore the balance of bacteria living in the female genital tract and inhibit the growth of yeast in women with recurrent infections. Foods such as naturally fermented sauerkraut, kimchi, and kefir, as well as yogurt with active cultures, also contain these bacteria. From: These Statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Transcript of FAMILY NUTRITION · more to understand...

Page 1: FAMILY NUTRITION · more to understand here, and it has to do with biochemical stress. So what does that mean ... Cellulite


1663 W. Henderson St. Cleburne TX 76033 (817) 645-1993 Newsletter Date: July/Aug/Sept 2015 Issue 6

Hormones May Be Slowing Your Fat Loss!

Have you ever wondered if hormones could be in your

way of losing weight or just slowing you down in life? Did you know that there is a relatively large group of people, women and men aged between late 20s and 50s, who find it difficult to lose weight because they are hormonally `stressed` or imbalanced? Hormonal imbalance is very high particularly if stress is prominent in your daily life and your diet includes everyday meats and poultry which are laden with hormones and chemicals, or meats cooked in microwaves and stored in plastics. All are a by-product of living in the chemically-laden 21st century. It is important to actually make a concerted effort to stave off the chemicals. Yet, there is more to understand here, and it has to do with biochemical stress.

So what does that mean exactly?

Biochemical stress is a by-product of our 21st century western society where there is an over-use of chemicals in foods, household products, pesticides, added hormones in chickens and antibiotics in meats (unless they are organic or

free range). If you have been overtraining, feeling

stressed, regularly consuming protein sources that are laden with hormones, growth hormones and antibiotics (eggs, chicken, meat and poultry) then you may be a candidate for estrogen dominance.

What is estrogen?

Estrogen is important for the maintenance of normal brain function and the

development of nerve cells in both males and females. It is a steroidal hormone produced that stimulates the development of secondary sexual characteristics and, in women, induces menstruation. If the balance between estrogen and progesterone gets disrupted in any way, estrogen dominance then results, creating a number of common symptoms that get overlooked as hormonal imbalance between the two hormones - estrogen and progesterone.

What is estrogen dominance?

Estrogen dominance is a condition that occurs when there is not enough progesterone (a foundational hormone in

all vertebrates) due to too much stress, consumption

of chemicals and adrenal exhaustion (which at least 85 per cent of the population suffers from at some stage). All of these give rise to higher levels of estrogen in relation to progesterone. Even men, due to depletion of testosterone from overtraining and consumption of commercial chemically laden chickens, can start to develop weight gain around their middle region, due to excess estrogen in relation to those foundational hormones (testosterone and progesterone).

What are some typical symptoms of estrogen dominance?

Water retention & bloating Weight gain Cellulite in women Abdominal fat in men, even stretch marks Loss of energy Decreased libido Headaches Inability to lose weight no matter what Higher per cent of fat storage and more.

Continued page 3……….

Of Special Interest Pg.2 & 6 Stop Osteoporosis by Using Vitamin C Pg.3 Hormones May Be Slowing Your Fat Loss! Pg. 4 Improve Hair, Skin and Nails Naturally Pg.5 Nutrient Combo Reverses Hair Loss in Women Pg. 7 Coupons Pg.8 Garden Corner

Pop a Probiotic

To keep yeast infections at bay, head for the vitamin aisle. Supplementing with "good" bacteria (for example, Lactobacillus or Bifidobacterium) may help restore the balance of bacteria living in the female genital tract and inhibit the growth of yeast in women with recurrent infections. Foods such as naturally fermented sauerkraut, kimchi, and kefir, as well as yogurt with active cultures, also contain these bacteria.


These Statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Page 2: FAMILY NUTRITION · more to understand here, and it has to do with biochemical stress. So what does that mean ... Cellulite


Stop Osteoporosis by Using Vitamin C

(NaturalHealth365) When a woman is diagnosed with either “osteopenia” or “osteoporosis” – taking either a calcium supplement or a bisphosphonate drug is not only the wrong treatment, but dangerous. Unfortunately, conventionally-trained physicians are NOT being taught how to properly educate their patients about bone strength. But, no worry, just educate yourself about natural remedies for bone loss.

Discover how Vitamin C can Improve Bone Density

Researchers at Mount Sinai School of Medicine have shown that Vitamin C actively protects against osteoporosis, the findings are published in the October online edition of Plus ONE. One study was with mice whose ovaries had been removed, a procedure that reduces bone density. And, the results were very interesting. The mice with who had their ovaries removed were divided into two groups; one group received large doses of Vitamin C for over eight weeks, and the other were given a placebo. The third control group of mice kept their fully functional ovaries. Can you guess what happened next?

Vitamin C Success!

The mice that received vitamin C had roughly the same bone mineral density as the group who had kept their ovaries. The mice not given vitamin C had a much lower bone mineral density than the controls. Large doses of vitamin C, when ingested orally by mice, actively simulated bone formation, by inducing osteoblasts, or premature bone cells, to differentiate into mature, mineralizing specialty cells, which is what is needed for bone mineral density.

Western Medicine has made a BIG Mistake

When diagnosed with “osteopenia” or “osteoporosis” – the first piece of advice taught is to up one’s calcium intake and/or use drugs called bisphosphonates. But, there is a serious flaw to this “modern” medical advice. Calcium pills cause calcified blood vessels and heart valves. For example, a drug used in high blood pressure (a thiazide diuretic) causes the body to retain calcium and lose magnesium and potassium, which leads to calcification of the large arteries throughout the body. Does this sound healthy to you? Continue page 6……………

Conventional treatments for Osteoporosis can cause heart attacks

A study in the British Medical Journal reviewed more than 10 studies, including the Women’s Health Initiative, looking at heart attack and stroke risk related to calcium supplements. Turns out, those who took these had a 10 to 30 percent higher risk. By the way, this risk is NOT present when the calcium comes from a natural food source.

Fosamax and Boniva, well known bisphosphonate drugs, as well as Novartis’s Reclast are drugs, which actually lead to weaker bones and contribute to femur fractures, esophageal cancer, and osteonecrosis of the jaw, a painful disfiguring crumbling of the structural makeup of the jaw. Do your research before taking any pharmaceutical drug.

Now, for the good news about Vitamin C

Vitamin C mineralizes bones and stimulates bone forming cells to grow, while preventing too much degradation of bone by inhibiting bone absorbing cells. Vitamin C is vital to collagen synthesis and lessens oxidative stress. Our frame consists of mainly collagen; this is the glue that holds together ligaments, tendons and bones.

Studies have shown that elderly patients who have fractures have significantly lower levels of vitamin C that those not prone to fractures. Bone mineral density tests show that those with good vitamin C levels have healthy bones independent of estrogen levels.

Managing Hormones in Women

Fruits and vegetables:

Include at least three servings of vegetables and two to three servings of fruits in your diet daily. Vegetables like spinach, fenugreek, broccoli and capsicum are rich in fiber. Fiber helps in maintaining insulin levels in the bloodstream. It also makes you feel fuller for a longer time since it is emptied into the gut very slowly, thereby giving one a feeling of satiety. This helps in decreasing hunger pangs, which occurs a lot in those suffering from PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome), due to the sudden spike and fall in insulin levels.


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Page 3: FAMILY NUTRITION · more to understand here, and it has to do with biochemical stress. So what does that mean ... Cellulite


Hormones May Be Slowing Your Fat Loss! Continued

What is the safest way to balance estrogen dominance?

When estrogen becomes the dominant hormone, it can potentially become toxic to the body; and the need for progesterone to balance it is increased. Therefore progesterone has a balancing or mitigating effect on estrogen. Estrogen dominance therefore, can be overcome with its counter-hormone - progesterone. By simply withdrawing estrogen and replacing it with more progesterone, hormonal balance takes place much more naturally over weeks and months, especially if the use of hormone-laden meats and chickens are reduced from the overall diet.

So what is progesterone?

Progesterone is a steroid hormone made by both men and women. In women, it is made in the corpus luteum of the ovary and in smaller amounts by the adrenal glands. In men, it is produced in adrenal and testicular tissue. Progesterone receptors are present in men, women and children of all ages; therefore progesterone is a fundamental hormone. It is essential for life to all vertebrates: fish, reptiles, birds and mammals, including humans. It has countless functions in both males and females of all ages including regulating blood sugar, developing intelligence, building bones, enhancing brain activity and much more. Our bodies make it all the time.

Why is this important?

Progesterone is made in our body from cholesterol and is the essential raw material from which the body makes many of the other steroid hormones, including cortisol and testosterone. Progesterone is converted by the adrenal glands into other hormones such as cortisone, estrogen, testosterone and others. It is involved in reproduction; but not being exclusively a sex hormone, it does not impart any secondary sexual characteristics. Research has shown that women with good progesterone levels had less than a fifth of the amount of breast cancer, and less than a tenth of all the cancers that occurred in women who were low in progesterone. These outcomes suggest that having a normal level of progesterone protected women from nine-tenths of all cancers that might otherwise have occurred.

Getting progesterone back into your body.

Natural progesterone or bio-identical progesterone is routinely used in fertility clinics around the globe to help sustain pregnancy in high-risk situations. Please note, bio-identical progesterone is not the wild yam creams that are touted as progesterone replacements.

How did bio-identical progesterone cream come about?

In 1943 Russell Marker made progesterone cream from the plant steroid diosgenin. He used the

Mexican wild yam (dioscorea villosa) as a source plant; however, diosgenin has now been found in many other plants, including the spice fenugreek and the soya bean.

There is much confusion in the minds of both the public and the professions between progesterone on the one hand, and the progestins or progestogens and `yam extracts` on the other. Progesterone is a natural hormone made by the body and which is now being made from the plant extract diosgenin. Progestogen, on the other hand, is a synthetic hormone (with a molecular structure that differs from that of progesterone) used by the drug companies in oral contraceptives and hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in preference (for commercial reasons) to the natural hormone. The contraindications, precautions, and adverse reactions of these synthetics make horrifying reading. Many people confuse natural bio-identical progesterone with yam extracts and yam creams, which do not contain progesterone. The yam creams can have a beneficial adaptogenic effect on the body but, unlike progesterone, they cannot correct hormonal imbalances such as excessive levels of estrogen or estrogen dominance. A study published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology (June 1999) states that `In order to obtain the proper (effective) serum levels with use of a progesterone cream, the cream needs to have an adequate amount of progesterone in it [Dr. Lee recommends up to 20 milligrams per day]. Many over the counter creams in the US have little [for example, 5 milligrams per ounce] or none at all. In addition, the creams that are made from Mexican yams are not metabolized to progesterone by women.’ If natural progesterone has so many benefits, why don`t physicians routinely prescribe it? Progesterone cream is currently being used by thousands of women in the western world to ensure they maintain progesterone balance. The speed with which the cream relieves symptoms varies depending upon both the health problem itself and the quality of the cream being used. Some women find relief within five days, while in others it can take three months or longer. The reversal of osteoporosis, however, could take six months. In summary, estrogen dominance is becoming much more common in our western society because of the use of chemicals, pesticides added to our foods, and hormones given to our livestock and the use of plastics. There exists a very simple test without the need for blood, urine or saliva samples that can help you identify if you are estrogen dominant and to what extent. It just might shed some more light on your current weight loss battle, especially if you have been over-training and struggling to lose weight and/or gain lean muscle tissue.


- Eating raw radishes

can help prevent some

viral infections like the

cold and the flu.

- Chocolate was once

used as currency in

ancient times. Today

it is known for


antioxidants like

pyruvate. It

moderation, chocolate

is actually good for


- Herbal teas like

chamomile, passion

flower and lavender

calm the nervous

system and facilitate

a good night’s sleep.

- Age spots respond

well to Aloe juice

being applied twice

per day, virtually



- Folic acid has been

shown to lessen

depression symptoms.

This can be found in

orange juice, Spinach

and Kale.

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Page 4: FAMILY NUTRITION · more to understand here, and it has to do with biochemical stress. So what does that mean ... Cellulite


The 7 Best Vegetarian Foods for Selenium

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Improve Hair, Skin and Nails Naturally

Enjoying a healthy diet on a regular basis not only helps the body function internally, but can help it be at its best outwardly. For example, dry skin or brittle nails not only end up acting as a source of embarrassment for some, but also may be indicators that underlying health issues are at hand.

However, it's possible to correct such issues simply by eating foods that can help turn these conditions around. For example, according to the Mayo Clinic, nails with a yellow tinge may mean that chronic bronchitis is affecting an individual. If there are indentations running horizontally on the nail, the issue can range from a zinc deficiency to pneumonia.

Nails - It's likely that the solution to help improve nails exists right in people's own homes; foods known to boost overall nail

health include pumpkin seeds, garbanzo beans and flax seed oil. Of course, they're good for the immune system too, helping the body function better.

Hair - When it comes to hair, many people often complain of it lacking luster, seeking more vibrancy and "life." Rather than

turning to pricey shampoos likely laden with harmful chemicals, or trying the too-good-to-be-true infomercial products, there are other, more natural methods that can help. Tara Sowlaty, a natural foods chef and registered health coach, says that eating more walnuts, lentils, spinach and sweet potatoes are great ways to keep scalp oils circulating and renewing hair growth cells, resulting in stronger, healthier-looking locks. Just like foods that help improve nail health, these foods too are healthy choices regardless of hair condition. Regular consumption of them keeps the body functioning optimally. Castor oil is another way to bolster hair health. It's been drawing a great deal of attention lately, with many people noting that massaging it on the scalp and leaving it in the hair for just a few times a month amounts to not only increased hair growth, but noticeably shinier strands as well.

Skin - As for dry skin, many times a vitamin deficiency is behind the reason for itching, cracking, flaking and resulting

redness. Foods such as tomatoes and cantaloupe help skin retain moisture, broccoli and oranges help restore skin's elasticity, and bananas and avocado improve cracking, especially around the corners of the mouth.


About the author: Raw Michelle is a natural health blogger and researcher, sharing her passions with others, using the Internet as her medium. She discusses topics in a straight

forward way in hopes to help people from all walks of life achieve optimal health and well-being. She has authored and published hundreds of articles on topics such as the raw food diet and green living in general.

Page 5: FAMILY NUTRITION · more to understand here, and it has to do with biochemical stress. So what does that mean ... Cellulite


Nutrient Combo Reverses Hair Loss in Women

Your hair may be just as happy with your choice to load up on Omega-3s and antioxidants as your body is, according to new research published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology.

A group of 80 otherwise healthy women with mild female pattern hair loss (picture thinning in a horseshoe-like shape, starting at the crown) took fish oil, blackcurrant seed oil, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, and lycopene supplements every day for 6 months. The result: hair density increased for 62% of the women, hair became measurably thicker in diameter, and 90% of the women reported a decrease in overall hair loss. (A control group didn't supplement at all—and didn't see the same results.) According to the study, 92% of the women who took the supplements were happy with the outcome.

Though women's hair loss typically stems from hereditary, inflammatory, and hormonal factors, the researchers believe the fatty acids and antioxidants found in the supplements likely support the health of the blood vessels, cell membranes, cell growth, and anti-inflammatory activities in and around hair follicles.

While many vitamins that claim to boost your hair only work if you're seriously lacking in key nutrients, you don't have

to be a slacker in the diet department to see a benefit from this combo - researchers excluded any women with nutritional deficiencies.

If you're interested in giving it a try, be sure to check with your doctor first (blackcurrant seed oil can lower blood pressure further in people who already have low blood pressure, and it can also slow blood clotting). Here are the supplements and doses the women in the study took:

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Fish oil: 460 mg Blackcurrant seed oil: 460 mg Vitamin E: 5 mg Vitamin C: 30 mg Lycopene: 1 mg

Don't worry if you can only find the supplements in larger doses (especially lycopene and

vitamin E, which are almost always sold in amounts larger than those used in the study) - a little extra won't hurt. Also keep in mind that, like any hair loss treatment, you'll likely need to keep up with the supplement cocktail to maintain the results.


Page 6: FAMILY NUTRITION · more to understand here, and it has to do with biochemical stress. So what does that mean ... Cellulite


Stop Osteoporosis by Using Vitamin C Continued……

Most people on a whole food (organic) diet know that greens are good for osteoporosis, which usually is attributed to its calcium and potassium levels. However greens are a good source of antioxidants including Vitamin C, beta carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, and Vitamin K.

Do NOT be fooled by

the conventional dairy magazine ads

Commercial dairy hasn’t slowed the rate of osteoporosis, because it’s not the answer. A diet high in vitamins and minerals including enough Vitamin C seems to be the

solution. Osteoporosis, like most conditions, is a product of poor lifestyle choices. In nature, calcium isn’t an isolated nutrient – it is in plants that contain all the other essential vitamins and minerals for optimal health.


About the author: Blanche Levine has been a student of natural healing modalities for the last 25 years. She had the privilege of working with some of the greatest minds in Natural Healing including Naturopaths, Scientist, and Energy Healers. Having seen people miraculously heal from all kinds of disease through non-invasive methods, her passion now is to help people become aware of what it takes to be healthy.

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Page 7: FAMILY NUTRITION · more to understand here, and it has to do with biochemical stress. So what does that mean ... Cellulite


Save this quarter on these great Nature’s Way products…..

Page 8: FAMILY NUTRITION · more to understand here, and it has to do with biochemical stress. So what does that mean ... Cellulite


About us!

Family Nutrition Center was established in 1990, and has been operated by the Adams’ family since 1996. With a focus on education and customer service, we are able to bring you a total shopping experience for better health. Family Nutrition Center is the largest natural foods market in Johnson County. Our staff of over 20 people includes a registered nurse, a certified nutritional consultant with a bachelor’s in natural health, a certified herbalist with a degree in horticulture. We continually receive education on our products and services to aid in achieving our goal of educating our customers and providing excellent customer service. We offer a wide selection of natural and organic foods and fresh organic produce, special diet foods (non-GMO, gluten-free, dairy-free, soy-free, sugar-free, & more), bulk foods, vitamins, minerals, herbs, supplements, bulk herbs, natural cosmetics and other fine health and beauty aids, a book store, natural pet foods, a wide selection of Crocs shoes, and a smoothie bar with lots of choices. Plus we take phone orders and will gladly ship to all 50 states. If you are looking for answers to better health, give us a call. Better yet - stop by, meet us and let us take the time to help you!

Family Nutrition Center 1663 W. Henderson St. Suite C Cleburne, TX 76033 Phone (817) 645-1993 E-mail [email protected]


Mon-Thurs: 9am-7pm

Friday: 9am-6pm

Saturday: Closed

Sunday: 10am-5pm

We’re on the Web! See us at:

Bev’s Garden Corner Now is the time to enjoy the gardening fruits of your labor! It’s rewarding to enjoy the squash, lettuce, green

beans, potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, etc. from the garden. If you can’t grow your own, buy organic –

it’s so much better for your health.

The spring rains, storms, hail, and flooding have been challenging, but don’t give up. Learn from it. If your

garden flooded, try a higher area or raised beds. We are blessed to live on a slope, so even though the beds

flooded, they drained well.

Field peas, squash, okra, tomatoes and peppers can still be planted for later summer and fall harvests. Now is

the time to start planning for a fall garden. Popular fall crops include green and yellow beans, root crops like

beets and carrots, greens (arugula, Bok choy, collards, kale, Mizuna, mustard, spinach, Swiss chard, and turnips),

lettuce, peas (English and snow/snap), and broccoli. Cilantro, dill, and parsley are all herbs that do well in cool

weather. Flowers too - Hollyhocks started now and poppies planted in the fall will both bloom next spring.

Snapdragons and pansies and can be planted in the fall and will bloom throughout the winter and spring.

Remember that most crops will need some shade when planted in July and August before it cools off in the fall.

The hoop house you used in the winter can be converted to summertime protection for plants by putting shade

cloth on the top instead of plastic sheeting.

Happy Gardening!


“Fear not, for I am

with you;

Be not dismayed, for

I am your God.

I will strengthen you,

Yes, I will help you,

I will uphold you

with My righteous

right hand.”

-Isaiah 41:10

New King James Version

These Statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.