Falls Prevention for Primrose

Falls Prevention: Understanding the Mind-Body Connection



Transcript of Falls Prevention for Primrose

Falls Prevention:

Understanding the Mind-Body Connection

Today’s topics

The Mind/ Body Connection Using this connection to prevent Falls Overcoming Fears while remaining


My Dad

Statistics: From CDC website One out of three adults age 65 and older falls each year.1,2 In that group, it is the leading cause of death. In 2007, over 18,000 older adults died from unintentional fall injuries.3

Jack Lalanne Dr. Bernie Siegel Dr. Deborah Kern:

Psychoneuroimmunology Dr. Deepak Chopra Dr. Andrew Weil Candace Pert Dr. Christiane Northrup Dr. Norm Shealy: Neurosurgeon Carolyn Myss Louise Hay

Two ways mind and body communicate What are they?


1) cholines; of which acetylcholine is the most important one;

2) biogenic amines: serotonin, histamine, and the catecholamines - dopamine and norepinephrine

3) amino acids - glutamate and aspartate are well known excitatory transmitters, while gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), glycine and taurine are inhibitory neurotransmitters.

4) neuropeptides,- these are formed by longer chains of amino acids (like a small protein molecule). Over 50 of them are known to occur in the brain, and many of them have been implied in the modulation or transmission of neural information.


Nervous System Like the Conductor of an Orchestra

Spine Protects the Nervous system

Spine can create stress on the Nervous System

Levels of disconnection Complete Separation

No joint surface is intact Dislocation

Small part of the joint surfaces intact Partial Dislocation (subluxation)

Most of joint intact

How do subluxations or joint misalignments and Pain contribute to falls?


Other important factors…


Urgency to urinate

Fear of falling

Which comes first?


Action/ Re-action

Using the Mind-Body Connection

Free of interference Visualization Framing in the positive Asking “is it true” and is the opposite

more true. I am going to fall…

Overcoming fears yet being conscientious

Use fear to get you to take action!! Don’t be scared stiff!

Awareness if surroundings Start out slow and simple Keep moving Focus on remaining safe

It’s too late…

Mary Nicholson wasn’t an exerciser. But two years ago she changed all that — at age 71.

What is in your community

Get involved with existing programs PALS VINE Exercise Classes where you live Silver Sneakers Program

Start your own!

Prevention versus Rehab.

Age Well Network, Mankato


Partners in Active Living for


Tips for Caregivers

Frame communication positively Give encouragement

References:Center for Disease Control WebsiteAssociated PressThe National Center on Physical Activity

and Disability

915 S. Front St. Mankato MN625-9355www.gentlebackcare.com