Fall 2019 Events, cont. - Yeshiva University...Fall 2019 Events, cont. Speakers Kwame Anthony...

S. Daniel Abraham Honors Program at Stern College for Women S. Daniel Abraham Honors Program at Stern College for Women Fall 2019 Events, cont. Speakers Kwame Anthony Appiah-September 4 The prominent philosopher and cultural theorist Kwame Anthony Appiah, a professor of philosophy and law at NYU, gave a talk, “Managing Our Many Identities,” that drew upon his book, The Lies that Bind: Rethinking Identity, examining the ways gender, class, country, race and culture intersect to form human identities that are ERWK VROLG DQG ÀXLG VHWWOHG DQG FRQWHVWHG Etgar Lefkovits-September 12 After a casual group dinner, Etgar Lefkovits gave a talk, ³5HÀHFWLRQV RI D )RUPHU -HUXVDOHP &RUUHVSRQGHQW´ and focused on recent events in Israel and the Middle (DVW /HINRYLWV ZDV D -HUXVDOHP FRUUHVSRQGHQW DW WKH Jerusalem Post DQG DOVR ZRUNHG DW WKH -HUXVDOHP bureau of the New York Times. He subsequently worked DV ,VUDHO DQG 0LGGOH (DVW DQDO\VW WR WKH 86 &RQJUHVV DQG )RUHLJQ $IIDLUV 'LUHFWRU WR ,VUDHO¶V 0LQLVWHU IRU 6RFLDO (TXLW\ Mordechai Raskas-December 4 )ROORZLQJ D FDVXDO JURXS GLQQHU WKH <8 DOXPQXV 0RUGHFKDL 5DVNDV &KLHI 0HGLFDO ,QIRUPDWLRQ 2I¿FHU 'LUHFWRU RI 7HOHPHGLFLQH DW 30 3HGLDWULFV JDYH D talk about his work as a pediatric emergency medicine physician, the use of big data in healthcare, and the future of telemedicine (the practice of caring for patients UHPRWHO\ WKURXJK WKH XVH RI WHFKQRORJ\ Dara Horn-December 16 7KH SURPLQHQW -HZLVK QRYHOLVW 'DUD +RUQ ZKR LV LQ UHVLGHQFH RQ WKH %HUHQ &DPSXV WKLV VHPVWHU GHOLYHUHG D WDON ³2Q -HZLVK /LWHUDWXUH DQG %HOLHI´ 7KHQ 5DEEL 'RY /HUQHU ZKR LV LQ UHVLGHQFH WKLV \HDU DW <8¶V =DKDYD DQG 0RVKDHO 6WUDXV &HQWHU IRU 7RUDK DQG :HVWHUQ 7KRXJKW PRGHUDWHG D 4 $ 'DUD +RUQ¶V most recent work Eternal Life: A Novel, was selected as a New York Times Notable Book of 2018, and one of her earlier novels, The World to Come, received the 1DWLRQDO -HZLVK %RRN $ZDUG IRU )LFWLRQ (Learn more about our panelists on the next page.) &KLQD¶V XQSUHFHGHQWHG HFRQRPLF growth increased national wealth, and income, to the point where not only did malnourishment decrease, EXW DOVR REHVLW\ URVH $V SHRSOH were able to spend more on higher quality food, their preferences turned toward an unhealthy “Western” diet consisting of meat and sugars, increasing the demand for these foods, resulting in a spike RI LPSRUWV IRU WKHVH JRRGV +LJK rates of pollution, dietary changes, and rises in obesity quickly manifested themselves in rises in certain non-communicable diseases such as lung disease, diabetes, and KHDUW GLVHDVH 7KH H[WHQW RI &KLQD¶V economic growth as well as their unusually large population allowed IRU WKHVH UDWHV WR EH XQXVXDOO\ KLJK These diseases do have costs of WKHLU RZQ KRZHYHU $V SHRSOH GLH “The Consequences of Growth: How Chi- na’s Economic Boom Has Prompted a Rise in Non-Communicable Diseases” Alyssa Wruble Leadership Sessions Happiness Studies and Judaism- November 5 'U 7DO %HQ 6KDKDUD ZRUOG UHQRZQHG DXWKRU DQG VSHDNHU LQ WKH ¿HOG RI SRVLWLYH psychology, who created the popular course LQ +DYDUG &ROOHJH¶V KLVWRU\VSRNH DERXW WKH relationship between Happiness Studies DQG -XGDLVP 7KLV OHDGHUVKLS HYHQW WRRN SODFH DW WKH 0RRW &RXUW 5RRP RI <8¶V &DUGR]R /DZ 6FKRRO 7 Ways to Lead with Purpose- November 25 $Q LQVSLUDWLRQDO EXLQHVVZRPDQ -HDQQHWWH )HUUDQ $VWRUJD RIIHUHG WKH OHDGHUVKLS VHVVLRQ ³ :D\V WR /HDG ZLWK 3XUSRVH´ 6KH LV 9LFH 3UHVLGHQW RI &RUSRUDWH 5HVSRQVLELOLW\ at the Ascena retail Group (which includes eight brands for women, including Ann Taylor) where she leads the global team responsible for corporate responsibility, supply chain sustainability, global diversity & includsion, corporate philantrhopy, and $VFHQD )RXQGDWLRQ A sampling of honors students’ Senior Projects completed in Fall 2019 focusing on public health and scientific research. , JUDGXDWHG IURP 6WHUQ LQ After completing medical school at $OEHUW (LQVWHLQ &ROOHJH RI 0HGLFLQH I interned at NYU-Winthrop Hospital, and I am now completing D QHXURORJ\ UHVLGHQF\ DW 0RQWH¿RUH 0HGLFDO &HQWHU 0\ ZRUN LQYROYHV direct patient care in both inpatient and outpatient settings, with some involvement in clinical research and teaching medical students during WKHLU QHXURORJ\ URWDWLRQV 1H[W , ZLOO pursue a fellowship in behavioral neurology and neuropsychiatry at &ROXPELD 8QLYHUVLW\ 0HGLFDO &HQWHU 7KH +RQRUV 3URJUDP HPSKDVL]HV rigorous study, diligence, and academic excellence, all of which are important skills in medicine, or DQ\ FDUHHU 0\ GLVFXVVLRQV ZLWK teachers and fellow students were enriching, and I enjoyed the work of FRPSOHWLQJ P\ 6HQLRU 3URMHFW HYHQ ZKLOH XQGHU WKH ZLUH IRU GHDGOLQHV , HDUQHG P\ 6WHUQ &ROOHJH GHJUHH LQ -HZLVK HGXFDWLRQ DQG SROLWLFDO science in 2014, and then I HDUQHG P\ PDVWHUV IURP $]ULHOL DQG VWDUWHG ZRUNLQJ DW 0D¶D\DQRW ZKHUH , DP QRZ LQ P\ IRXUWK \HDU I love teaching Tanakh and running religious programming, and in the summers, I serve as assistant GLUHFWRU RI 1&6< 0LFKOHOHW , DSSOLHG WR WKH +RQRUV 3URJUDP ZLWKRXW IXOO\ UHDOL]LQJ KRZ LW ZRXOG LPSDFW P\ 6WHUQ H[SHULHQFH 'HYHORSLQJ P\ 6HQLRU 3URMHFW ZDV UHZDUGLQJ - physically combing through outdated periodicals unavailable online (without Google), trying to formulate an original idea (that was true) and working with a mentor to create something to be proud RI KRSHIXOO\ , ORYHG P\ \HDUV DW 6WHUQ DQG WKH +RQRUV 3URJUDP played a critical role in helping me transform my passions into an LQFUHGLEO\ PHDQLQJIXO FDUHHU “Methylated arginine nucleoplasmin tail inter- acts with at least three extended Tudor domains of TDRD6 in vitro” Neda Shokrian “The Medicalization of Childbirth in America: Midwife to Doctor” Shoshana Gofman WINTER 2019 WINTER 2019

Transcript of Fall 2019 Events, cont. - Yeshiva University...Fall 2019 Events, cont. Speakers Kwame Anthony...

Page 1: Fall 2019 Events, cont. - Yeshiva University...Fall 2019 Events, cont. Speakers Kwame Anthony Appiah-September 4 The prominent philosopher and cultural theorist Kwame Anthony Appiah,

S. Daniel Abraham Honors Program at Stern College for Women S. Daniel Abraham Honors Program at Stern College for WomenWinter 2018 Winter 2018

Fall 2019 Events, cont.Speakers

Kwame Anthony Appiah-September 4The prominent philosopher and cultural theorist Kwame Anthony Appiah, a professor of philosophy and law at NYU, gave a talk, “Managing Our Many Identities,” that drew upon his book, The Lies that Bind: Rethinking Identity, examining the ways gender, class, country, race and culture intersect to form human identities that are ERWK�VROLG�DQG�ÀXLG��VHWWOHG�DQG�FRQWHVWHG�

Etgar Lefkovits-September 12After a casual group dinner, Etgar Lefkovits gave a talk, ³5HÀHFWLRQV�RI�D�)RUPHU�-HUXVDOHP�&RUUHVSRQGHQW´�and focused on recent events in Israel and the Middle (DVW��/HINRYLWV�ZDV�D�-HUXVDOHP�FRUUHVSRQGHQW�DW�WKH�Jerusalem Post DQG�DOVR�ZRUNHG�DW�WKH�-HUXVDOHP�bureau of the New York Times. He subsequently worked DV�,VUDHO�DQG�0LGGOH�(DVW�DQDO\VW�WR�WKH�86�&RQJUHVV�DQG�)RUHLJQ�$IIDLUV�'LUHFWRU�WR�,VUDHO¶V�0LQLVWHU�IRU�6RFLDO�(TXLW\��

Mordechai Raskas-December 4)ROORZLQJ�D�FDVXDO�JURXS�GLQQHU��WKH�<8�DOXPQXV�0RUGHFKDL�5DVNDV��&KLHI�0HGLFDO�,QIRUPDWLRQ�2I¿FHU��'LUHFWRU�RI�7HOHPHGLFLQH�DW�30�3HGLDWULFV��JDYH�D�talk about his work as a pediatric emergency medicine physician, the use of big data in healthcare, and the future of telemedicine (the practice of caring for patients UHPRWHO\�WKURXJK�WKH�XVH�RI�WHFKQRORJ\��

Dara Horn-December 167KH�SURPLQHQW�-HZLVK�QRYHOLVW�'DUD�+RUQ��ZKR�LV�LQ�UHVLGHQFH�RQ�WKH�%HUHQ�&DPSXV�WKLV�VHPVWHU�GHOLYHUHG�D�WDON�³2Q�-HZLVK�/LWHUDWXUH�DQG�%HOLHI�´�7KHQ�5DEEL�'RY�/HUQHU��ZKR�LV�LQ�UHVLGHQFH�WKLV�\HDU�DW�<8¶V�=DKDYD�DQG�0RVKDHO�6WUDXV�&HQWHU�IRU�7RUDK�DQG�:HVWHUQ�7KRXJKW��PRGHUDWHG�D�4��$��'DUD�+RUQ¶V�most recent work Eternal Life: A Novel, was selected as a New York Times Notable Book of 2018, and one of her earlier novels, The World to Come, received the 1DWLRQDO�-HZLVK�%RRN�$ZDUG�IRU�)LFWLRQ�

(Learn more about our panelists on the next page.)

&KLQD¶V�XQSUHFHGHQWHG�HFRQRPLF�growth increased national wealth, and income, to the point where not only did malnourishment decrease, EXW�DOVR�REHVLW\�URVH��$V�SHRSOH�were able to spend more on higher quality food, their preferences turned toward an unhealthy “Western” diet consisting of meat and sugars, increasing the demand for these foods, resulting in a spike RI�LPSRUWV�IRU�WKHVH�JRRGV��+LJK�rates of pollution, dietary changes, and rises in obesity quickly manifested themselves in rises in certain non-communicable diseases such as lung disease, diabetes, and KHDUW�GLVHDVH��7KH�H[WHQW�RI�&KLQD¶V�economic growth as well as their unusually large population allowed IRU�WKHVH�UDWHV�WR�EH�XQXVXDOO\�KLJK��These diseases do have costs of WKHLU�RZQ��KRZHYHU��$V�SHRSOH�GLH�

“The Consequences of Growth: How Chi-na’s Economic Boom

Has Prompted a Rise in Non-Communicable


Alyssa Wruble

Leadership Sessions

Happiness Studies and Judaism- November 5'U��7DO�%HQ�6KDKDU�D�ZRUOG�UHQRZQHG�DXWKRU�DQG�VSHDNHU�LQ�WKH�¿HOG�RI�SRVLWLYH�psychology, who created the popular course LQ�+DYDUG�&ROOHJH¶V�KLVWRU\�VSRNH�DERXW�WKH�relationship between Happiness Studies DQG�-XGDLVP��7KLV�OHDGHUVKLS�HYHQW�WRRN�SODFH�DW�WKH�0RRW�&RXUW�5RRP�RI�<8¶V�&DUGR]R�/DZ�6FKRRO�

7 Ways to Lead with Purpose-November 25$Q�LQVSLUDWLRQDO�EXLQHVVZRPDQ��-HDQQHWWH�)HUUDQ�$VWRUJD��RIIHUHG�WKH�OHDGHUVKLS�VHVVLRQ�³��:D\V�WR�/HDG�ZLWK�3XUSRVH�´�6KH�LV�9LFH�3UHVLGHQW�RI�&RUSRUDWH�5HVSRQVLELOLW\�at the Ascena retail Group (which includes eight brands for women, including Ann Taylor) where she leads the global team responsible for corporate responsibility, supply chain sustainability, global diversity & includsion, corporate philantrhopy, and $VFHQD�)RXQGDWLRQ�

A sampling of honors students’ Senior Projects completed in Fall 2019 focusing on public health and scientific research.

,�JUDGXDWHG�IURP�6WHUQ�LQ�������After completing medical school at $OEHUW�(LQVWHLQ�&ROOHJH�RI�0HGLFLQH��I interned at NYU-Winthrop Hospital, and I am now completing D�QHXURORJ\�UHVLGHQF\�DW�0RQWH¿RUH�0HGLFDO�&HQWHU��0\�ZRUN�LQYROYHV�direct patient care in both inpatient and outpatient settings, with some involvement in clinical research and teaching medical students during WKHLU�QHXURORJ\�URWDWLRQV��1H[W��,�ZLOO�pursue a fellowship in behavioral neurology and neuropsychiatry at &ROXPELD�8QLYHUVLW\�0HGLFDO�&HQWHU��7KH�+RQRUV�3URJUDP�HPSKDVL]HV�rigorous study, diligence, and academic excellence, all of which are important skills in medicine, or DQ\�FDUHHU���0\�GLVFXVVLRQV�ZLWK�teachers and fellow students were enriching, and I enjoyed the work of FRPSOHWLQJ�P\�6HQLRU�3URMHFW��HYHQ�ZKLOH�XQGHU�WKH�ZLUH�IRU�GHDGOLQHV����

,�HDUQHG�P\�6WHUQ�&ROOHJH�GHJUHH�LQ�-HZLVK�HGXFDWLRQ�DQG�SROLWLFDO�science in 2014, and then I HDUQHG��P\�PDVWHUV�IURP�$]ULHOL��DQG�VWDUWHG�ZRUNLQJ�DW�0D¶D\DQRW��ZKHUH�,�DP�QRZ�LQ�P\�IRXUWK�\HDU��I love teaching Tanakh and running religious programming, and in the summers, I serve as assistant GLUHFWRU�RI�1&6<�0LFKOHOHW��,�DSSOLHG�WR�WKH�+RQRUV�3URJUDP�ZLWKRXW�IXOO\�UHDOL]LQJ�KRZ�LW�ZRXOG�LPSDFW�P\�6WHUQ�H[SHULHQFH��'HYHORSLQJ�P\�6HQLRU�3URMHFW�ZDV�UHZDUGLQJ�- physically combing through outdated periodicals unavailable online (without Google), trying to formulate an original idea (that was true) and working with a mentor to create something to be proud RI���KRSHIXOO\����,�ORYHG�P\�\HDUV�DW�6WHUQ��DQG�WKH�+RQRUV�3URJUDP�played a critical role in helping me transform my passions into an LQFUHGLEO\�PHDQLQJIXO�FDUHHU�

“Methylated arginine nucleoplasmin tail inter-acts with at least three

extended Tudor domains of TDRD6 in vitro”

Neda Shokrian

“The Medicalization of Childbirth in America:

Midwife to Doctor”

Shoshana Gofman


Page 2: Fall 2019 Events, cont. - Yeshiva University...Fall 2019 Events, cont. Speakers Kwame Anthony Appiah-September 4 The prominent philosopher and cultural theorist Kwame Anthony Appiah,

S. Daniel Abraham Honors Program at Stern College for Women S. Daniel Abraham Honors Program at Stern College for WomenWinter 2018 Winter 2018

Fall 2019 Stern College for Women Honors Courses ARTS 10826ARTS 10909BIBL 11185BIBL 11186BIBL 11184BIOL 10595BIOL 10721BIOL 11182&+(0�� �����&+(0�� �����&+(0�� �����&+(0�� �����ENGL 10570ENGL 10660ENGL 10569ENGL 10951-+,6� � �����-8'6�� �����-8'6�� �����-8'6�� �����3+<6�� �����36<&�� �����36<&�� �����

Introduction to Art1<&�$UFKLWHFWXUH��8UEDQ�'HVLJQ,QWUR�WR�([HJHVLV��3DUVKDQLPBiblical Exegetes III; Radak1DKPDQLGHV��3DUVKDQXW�RI�5DPEDQ%LRORJ\�3ULQFLSOHVBiochemistry LectureMedical Biochemistry*HQHUDO�&KHPLVWU\Biochemistry LectureBiochemistry Lab3K\VFLDO�&KHPLVWU\�,)UHVKPDQ�+RQRUV�6HPLQDU)UHVKPDQ�+RQRUV�6HPLQDU)UHVKPDQ�+RQRUV�6HPLQDU7RSLFV��-HZLVK�/LWHUDWXUHHistory of Oral Law in Medieval Europe0RGHUQ�-HZLVK�3UREOHPV��$YRGDK�=DUDKAdvanced TalmudAdvanced Talmud,QWHUPHGLDWH�3K\VLFV�,,QWURGXFWRU\�3V\FKRORJ\Research Seminar I


Cultural Events

Fiddler on the Roof in Yiddish-September 19We enjoyed a night of theater at the Off-Broadway production of Fiddler on the Roof in Yiddish (with English subtitles) that has ZRQ�UDYH�UHYLHZV�DQG�PXOWLSOH�DZDUGV�LQFOXGLQJ������'UDPD�'HVN�$ZDUG�IRU�%HVW�0XVLFDO�5HYLYDO�

Museum of Modern Art-November 17We enjoyed guided tours, which focused on the theme of the “Modern Woman,” at the Museum of Modern Art and then had WLPH�WR�H[SORUH�RQ�RXU�RZQ�WKH�0R0$¶V�LQFRPSDUDEOH�FROOHFWLRQ�RI�PRGHUQ�DQG�FRQWHPSRUDU\�DUW��




Ilana Aidman - Kosloff Torah AcademyRachel Benoff - Bruriah HS for Girls

Ellie Berger - YUHSG6DUDK�%HUPDQ���0D¶D\DQRW





Shira Hagler - Bruriah HS for GirlsMichelle Herman - Bruriah HS for Girls



Rachel Klibanoff - Kushner Yeshiva HighNaama Kobrin - SAR HS


$OL]D�/HUPDQ���6WHOOD�.��$EUDKDP�+6�IRU�*LUOVRachel Levy - Bruriah HS for Girls

6LPRQH�0DURFFR���)XFKV�%HLW�6HIHU�0L]UDFKLArielle Miodownik - Bruriah HS for Girls



Shira Siegel - Berman Hebrew AcademyLeeba Sullivan - YUHSG

Michelle Weingarten - YUHSGMarnie Weingarten - YUHSG


� � � 3KRQH��������������� � � \XDGPLW#\X�HGX� � � ZZZ�\X�HGX�VWHUQ�XJ�KRQRUV


����/H[LQJWRQ�$YH��6XLWH����New York, NY 10016

Fall 2019 Events