Fall 2015 Preparing For Persecution · 2015. 12. 11. · Therefore, the best proof of Gods...

Christian Family Chapel Senior High- Seniors Class #3: Part 2- The Inerrancy of Scripture; How Do We KNOW The Bible Is True? Fall 2015 Preparing For Persecution

Transcript of Fall 2015 Preparing For Persecution · 2015. 12. 11. · Therefore, the best proof of Gods...

  • Christian Family Chapel Senior High- Seniors

    Class #3: Part 2- The Inerrancy of Scripture; How Do We KNOW The Bible Is True?

    Fall 2015 Preparing For Persecution

  • Our Starting Point “This book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:8-9

  • Are You Ready To Make A Defense?


    1. LOGIC (Pain & Suffering): “A good God would not allow or cause bad things to happen. Bad things happen. Therefore, God must not exist.”; “You can’t trust the Bible, it is full of contradictions!”

    2. SCIENCE: "You are morons if you believe the Earth is only 6,000-10,000 years old!”; “Science has proven the Bible wrong!”; “Why do you reject science and believe God created the universe in six days only thousands of years ago?”

    3. MORALITY/ETHICS: “There is no absolute standard of morality”; “Society decides what is right or wrong …”

  • Do You Believe The Bible Is Absolutely True?

  • Standards Used In Determining Truth

    Do you know what they are? (Hint- the main areas of attack against God in last 150-200 years I mentioned earlier in the presentation!)

    Laws of Logic

    2. Science and Technology (Uniformity of Nature )

    3. Morality or Ethics

  • 1. Rationality by definition is the correct and valid reasoning based on logic! Laws of Logic are required to reason rationally, and prescribe the correct chain of reasoning between truth claims. One standard to determine truth.

    2. Laws of Logic assume universality of their principles because they are immaterial, universal, invariant, abstract entities.

    3. This requires that we live in a non-random universe, one that is created. So the biblical God must exist in order for reasoning to be possible.

    4. Therefore, the best proof of God’s existence is that without Him we couldn’t prove anything at all!

    5. God cannot lie (Hebrews 6:18; Titus 1:2), Scripture claims All Scripture is inspired by God… 2Timothy 3:16, and He would cease to be God if He breathed out errors and contradictions, even in the smallest part, …

  • Science VS. Christianity

    What I Was Taught In Graduate School!

    “Some evolutionists have argued that science isn’t possible without evolution. They teach that science and technology actually require the principles of molecules-to-man evolution in order to work. They claim that those who hold to a biblical worldview are in danger of not being able to understand science!” (Theodosius Dobzhansky’s 1973 essay)

    You will have to defend: “If you believe the Bible you can’t do science”!!!

  • Scientific Thinking


  • Implications Of The Ability To Do Science -Uniformity of Nature When we perform a controlled experiment using the same preset starting conditions, we expect to get the same result every time. The ‘future reflects the past’ in this sense. Scientists are able to make predictions only because there is uniformity as a result of God’s sovereign and consistent power. Scientific experimentation would be pointless without uniformity; we would get a different result every time we performed an identical experiment, destroying the very possibility of scientific knowledge. Lisle, Jason- The Ultimate Proof of Creation

  • The Tool Of Science

    The Future Reflects The Past! Ever Stub Your Toe or

    Burn Your Hand? EVERYONE Assumes Uniformity of Nature- We Do Not Learn Everything All Over Again

    Every Day!!!

    The critic says: You only know what you observe! We must ask: How do you know, have you “observed” on Tuesday what happens on Friday?

  • “I’m very concerned about the religious indoctrination of children. I want to show how faith acts like a virus that attacks the young and infects generation after generation . . . It’s time to question the abuse of childhood innocence with superstitious ideas of hellfire and damnation. And I want to show how the scriptural roots of the Judeo-Christian moral edifice are cruel and brutish. What in the 21st century are we doing venerating a book [the Bible] that contains such stuff?” Dr. Richard Dawkins - TV program broadcast in the United Kingdom

    Science VS. Christianity?

  • “Evolution is unproven and unprovable. We believe it, however, because the only alternative is an act of creation by a God, and that is unthinkable.” Sir Arthur Keith

    “Evolution can’t be proven, you have to have faith. Hopefully the evidence is enough to convince you.”

    “It takes a giant leap of faith to get from a single cell to a multi-celled organism.” PhD Associate Professor – Organic Evolution Class

    Reminder this is a SIN problem not an intellectual one!!!

    Science VS. Christianity?

  • Science has been hijacked by those with a materialistic

    worldview and exalted as the ultimate means of obtaining

    knowledge about the world. Proverbs tells us that the fear

    of God, not science, is the beginning of knowledge. All

    knowledge and wisdom are in Christ!!! (Colossians 2:3)

    In a biblical worldview, scientific observations are

    interpreted in light of the truth that is found in the Bible.

    If conclusions contradict the truth revealed in Scripture,

    the conclusions are rejected. The same thing happens in

    naturalistic science. Any conclusion that does not have a

    naturalistic explanation is rejected.

    Don’t Be Deceived!!! Applying Colossians 2:3

  • The Christian Worldview

    1.The biblical creationist expects there to be order in the

    universe because God made all things (John 1:3) and has

    imposed order on the universe

    2.Since the Bible teaches that God upholds all things by

    His power (Hebrews 1:3), the creationist expects that the

    universe would function in a logical, orderly, law-like


    3.God is beyond time (2 Peter 3:8) and has chosen to

    uphold the universe in a consistent fashion throughout

    time for our benefit

    4.God upholds the universe (what we would call the “laws

    of nature”) so it will not arbitrarily change.

    (Genesis 8:22)

  • Therefore, under a given set of conditions, the

    consistent Christian has the right to expect a given

    outcome because he or she relies upon the Lord to

    uphold the universe in a consistent way.

    These Christian principles are absolutely essential

    to science & to life on this Earth!!!!!!

    Lisle, Jason Ph.D Astrophysics- The Ultimate Proof of Creation

    The Future Reflects The Past- Uniformity of Nature!!!

  • Connecting The Dots

    •The tool of Science requires “Uniformity of Nature” to exist •If we lived in a random universe we could not have “Uniformity of Nature” i.e. the future reflects the past; we would have to learn everything all over again every day! •Since we have “Uniformity of Nature” and can use the tool of Science to prove things, we must live in an orderly, logical, created universe •If the Universe has to be created, there has to be a creator •That creator would have to reveal himself in order for us to know He exists or know anything about Him • The Bible is that revelation (‘special’) per its own claims •So if the Bible was not true, science would not be possible!

  • Standards Used In Determining Truth

    “Only the Bible can make sense of the standards by which we evaluate whether

    or not something is true.”

    Laws of Logic

    Science and Technology (Uniformity of Nature )

    3. Morality or Ethics

  • The Christian Worldview Applied


    “In the evolution worldview (atheist), right and wrong can be nothing more than electro-chemical reactions in the brain– the result of time and chance. If the Bible were not true, if human beings were merely the outworking of millions of years of mindless chemical processes, then why should we hold to a universal code of behavior?”

    You will have to defend “Absolute Truth” so don’t shrink back, turn the tables on the critic and ask the hard questions!!!

  • Naturalism

    Naturalism is a fundamental pillar for all the variants of Secular Humanist philosophy such as socialism, communism, fascism, and Marxism. However, there is an underlying problem with this point of view. If the natural world is all there is, where do order, logic, mathematics, morality, ethics, justice, and love come from? How do we know that the extortionist, scam artist, or mass murderer is wrong in his beliefs? How do we know right from wrong? If we came from chance processes, how can we even trust our own thinking? Scientific Suicide by Vernon R. Cupps, Ph.D.

  • Christophobia: Confronting the Problem of Religious

    Discrimination on Campus

    Article ID: DC630

    By: Paul Copan

    Tolerance has come to mean the acceptance or

    “celebration” of all views as true. True tolerance, however,

    recognizes the real difference in religious truth claims, yet

    allows others to think differently. All persons are equal,

    but all beliefs are not equal. Moreover, the fact that many

    religious beliefs exist (religious diversity) does not mean

    that they are all true (religious pluralism).

    More and more, our culture seems to take the position that

    believing deeply in the tenets of one’s faith represents a

    kind of mystical irrationality, something that thoughtful,

    public-spirited American citizens would do better to avoid.

  • The one heresy on university campuses is orthodox

    Christianity. The Christian who rejects religious pluralism

    and who maintains that public reasons (i.e., objective

    evidence) can be given for God’s existence and for the

    historical Jesus is singled out for censure. Why? Because

    she has rejected the default position that religious truth is

    purely personal and subjective. Truth, however, is more

    basic than tolerance since genuine tolerance presupposes

    that some things are true while others are false. Tolerance,

    unfortunately, no longer means a willingness to put up

    with something we believe to be false; it has come to mean

    acceptance of everything as true.

    Tolerance not only presupposes that (a) truth and error

    exist and that (b) different viewpoints exist but also that (c)

    coexistence is important — even if we do not celebrate the

    views of those with whom we disagree.

  • A Christian worldview regarding Genesis as literal history

    is necessary for understanding

    (1) Why there is a moral code

    (2) Why everyone knows about it

    (3) Why no one can live up to it completely

    This provides a rational, logical, and consistent foundation

    for morality that has led to modern laws that prohibit

    and punish immorality.

    Morality and the Irrationality of an Evolutionary Worldview

    by Dr. Georgia Purdom and Dr. Jason Lisle May 13, 2009

    The Christian Worldview Applied

  • Standards Used In Determining Truth

    “Only the Bible can make sense of the standards by which we evaluate whether

    or not something is true.”

    Laws of Logic

    Science and Technology (Uniformity of Nature )

    Morality or Ethics

  • •“Logic- In order for us to reason logically; there must be laws of logic.” •“Uniformity-In order for us to study nature, the universe must have an underlying orderliness; it must have some regularity in time and space.” The future reflects the past! (Genesis 8:22) •“Morality is required if we are to argue that people ought to have a rational basis for their worldview.” •“Knowledge (Sciencia) does not require a profession of belief in biblical creation- but does require that biblical creation is true.” (Colossians 2:3)


  • You cannot do Science. You cannot do Logic. You cannot do Ethics, nor can you talk about the Dignity of man, and be an unbeliever.

    Science requires predictability (uniformity of nature), Logic requires universality of its principles, and Morality requires absolutes, which all require we do not live in a random Universe. [i.e. the result of random evolutionary processes]

    Dr Greg L. Bahnsen -Apologetics for Young People


  • How We KNOW The Bible Is True!!!

    1. If the Bible were not true, Science & Technology would not be possible!

    2. If the Bible were not true, you could not account for Morality or Ethical absolutes!

    3. If the Bible were not true, you could not prove it nor could you know anything at all!

  • Jesus Christ, as the Son of God, said, “I am the

    truth” (John 14:6) and “God’s word is truth” (John

    17:17). Jesus claimed to define what truth is, and

    He said God’s Word is the ultimate judge of truth

    (John 12:48). No truth exists apart from Him. As

    the Bible explains it, “In him are hidden all the

    treasures of wisdom and knowledge”(Colossians


    So the Bible clearly claims an exalted position as

    the ultimate authority. Part Two: Seven Compelling Evidences Special Section: Can We Prove the Bible Is True? by Mike Matthews February 23, 2011

  • We KNOW The Bible Is True

    Because Jesus Is Alive!!!

    The Bible affirms Jesus and Jesus affirms the Bible!!! (The Bible claims to be the Word of God & proves it)

    Acts 17:30, 31



    Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9

    For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline. 2Timothy 1:7

    Put These Up On Your Mirror

  • A Fully Devoted,

    Spirit Empowered Christ Follower

    Lives Under The Authority Of Scripture!

  • How Do I Grow Into A Fully Devoted,

    Spirit Empowered Christ Follower

    Living Under The Authority Of Scripture?

  • It Begins Here!!! Submit To Its Authority

    Obey Its Commands Trust Its Promises

  • OBEY


    How Do You Spell Love?

    John 14:15 “If you love Me, you will keep My commandments. Exodus 20:3-17; Deut 6:3-9 Philippians 2:8 (NLT) He humbled himself in obedience to God and died a criminal’s death on a cross.

    Matthew 22:36-40 (Love God & Love Others)

  • READ GOD’S WORD DAILY!!! (Professor Grant Horner Bible Reading System)!!! http://masters.edu/horner's-bible-reading-system-goes-global.aspx STUDY GOD’S WORD w/ Daily Prayer!!! (Dallas Theological Seminary Professor & Bible Scholar Howard Hendricks’- Living By The Book) JOIN OR FORM A SUPPORT TEAM (Local church and Local Christian Organization for Bible Study, Fellowship & Support)!!! READ: Walking As Jesus Walked- Dann Spader; One Perfect Life- John MacArthur; Trusting God – Jerry Bridges; Christ for Real: How to grow into God’s Likeness- Charles Price; Indwelling Life of Christ- Major Ian Thomas; With Christ In The School Of Prayer- Andrew Murray Walk As Jesus Walked- “INCREASE IN STRENGTH” (Acts 9:22) by Walking in the Spirit every day!!! (PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE)


  • We can read John 15:4-5 ("Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me. I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.") and say, “Yes, that’s right. Without Him I can do nothing.” We agree with it because it is in the Bible. Jesus said it, so it is true. That’s well and good. That’s knowledge; that’s ginosko. But to actually learn to depend on Christ, our theoretical knowledge has to become experiential knowledge. It has to grow from ginosko to epiginosko. This is characteristic of genuine Christian growth. Example: Matthew 9:35-10:1, 5 Compassion-Prayer to Beseech the Lord of the harvest-Be Willing to Go yourself!!! Bridges, Jerry (2012-01-13). The Transforming Power of the Gospel

  • What Should Our Response Be To God’s Word?

    Believe it (John 6:68, 69) Honor it (Job 23:12) Love it (Psalm 119:97) Obey it (1 John 2:5) Guard it (1 Timothy 6:20) Fight for it (Jude 3) Preach it (2 Timothy 4:2) Study it (Ezra 7:10)

    John MacArthur The MacArthur Bible Commentary

  • Be careful how you walk. Walk as wise men & women knowing the days are evil!!!

  • Questions?

  • Christian Family Chapel Senior High- Seniors

    Class #3: Part 2- The Inerrancy of Scripture; How Do We KNOW The Bible Is True?

    Fall 2015 Preparing For Persecution