Fall 2015 Noncredit Class Schedule

www.clcillinois.edu/wpdi CLC Classes 2015 Fall noncredit courses Explore Career Training and Professional Development Courses Personal Enrichment Youth to Adult Classes Discovery Program Active Adults


Career Training and Professional Development courses; Personal Enrichment Youth and Adult classes; Discovery Program short-term classes, tours and trips classes for active adults

Transcript of Fall 2015 Noncredit Class Schedule


CLC Classes 2015 Fall noncredit courses

ExploreCareer Training and Professional Development Courses

Personal Enrichment Youth to Adult Classes

Discovery Program Active Adults

Explore the College of Lake County: Professional Development and Personal EnrichmentLearning new knowledge and skills—whether it’s for professional development or personal enrichment—can reveal possibilities never imagined for you, your family, your career or your business. The College of Lake County offers classes, workshops, training, tours and courses for all ages, all levels and in a variety of topics and subjects.

Explore your potential

Our professional development courses and training can help you, your staff or your organization gain the knowledge and skills to succeed. Our short-term courses are ideal for quick mastery to hone current skills or explore new fields. Do you need customized training to meet a specific need for your department or organization? Our Client Solutions group provides powerful, outcome-based training tailored to fit your company or industry.

Grow your business

The counselors in the Small Business Development and International Trade Center are available to provide their expertise through free one-on-one, confidential sessions. Whether you’re starting a new business, positioning your business for growth or seeking to expand globally, the SBDC/ITC can help.

Expand your horizons

Explore a new hobby: learn to paint or to dance. Challenge your brainpower! Study a new language, delve into history or tackle technology. From music to fitness; from photography to wellness for adults, kids or seniors, our personal enrichment classes are engaging for all members of our community.




Grayslake Campus 19351 W. Washington St., Grayslake, Illinois 60030

Lakeshore Campus 33 N. Genesee St., Waukegan, Illinois 60085

Southlake Campus 1120 S. Milwaukee Ave., Vernon Hills, Illinois 60061

Workforce and Professional Development InstituteTechnology Building, Room T30219351 West Washington Street, Grayslake, IL 60030(847) [email protected]/wpdi

Keep this schedule through December 2015. The information contained within is accurate as of July 2015, but is subject to change.

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Center for Personal EnrichmentClient SolutionsContinuing Professional DevelopmentIllinois Small Business Development and International Trade CenterJudicial Services

The College of Lake County is always looking for ways to improve, to keep our community green and to provide you with the best educational possibilities available.

We are enhancing our communication with you by delivering one convenient schedule that contains all lifelong learning options: personal and professional.

We are committed to sustainability by reducing the number of schedules printed and being environmentally conscious. And, we continually update our workshops, courses, programs and training to offer you what you want to learn no matter your age, to offer you cutting-edge professional development and to offer training to advance your career or earning potential.

Affordable and local, explore the College of Lake County and connect to your future.

Leadership Principles for Gen Y Series – page 7

Table of Contents for Fall 2015 Noncredit Schedule

Professional Development Aviation 28Business Management 4Business Skills 1Communication Skills 9Computers – Basic Skills 12Computers – Basic Skills with Mac 13Computers – Microsoft Office 14Computers – Tablet 13Concealed Carry Licensing 25Creative Presentations 11Customer Service Skills 8Event Planning 23Forklift Operator Training 28Graduate School Test Prep 30Graphic Design 15Home Inspection 27Hospitality 22Human Resources 6Interpreting 24Leadership Principles for Gen Y 7Local Government 24Mobile Marketing 3Online Classes 33Personal Success Program 31Project Management 5Protective Services 26Real Estate 27Social Media 10Teacher Education 30Truck Driver Training 29Video Game Making Online 16

Healthcare and NursingCPR 17Healthcare 16Massage Therapy CEs 20Nursing Education 18Personal Care Aide 18Pharmacy Technician 19Veterinary Assistant 19

Small Business CoursesAccounting and Finance 36Online Classes 36Social Media 35Start-Up and Business Planning 35

Personal EnrichmentCreative Arts 37Culinary Arts 39Dance 39Financial Management 42Fitness 40Gardening 42Languages 43Music – Instrumental 45Music – Vocal 45Online Classes 33Organizing 46Outdoor Recreation 46Paranormal 47Personal Health and Wellness 41Photography 48Sign Language 44Trips and Tours 49Writing 50

Explore Program - Youth ClassesACT Test Prep 51Engineering 52Math 52Online Classes 53 Video Game Making Online 52

Discovery ProgramCurrent Events 55Film 55History 56Sociology 58Trips and Tours 49World Religions 58

Steps to Apply, Register and Pay 59

Youth Registration Form 54

Judicial Services 60Client Solutions 61

Accounting And FinAnce For non-FinAnciAl MAnAgers Every successful person in the workplaceuses financial information to aid ineffective decision making. Learn thefinancial concepts and accountingprocesses used in most businesses andthe practical techniques that will increaseyour effectiveness and career success. Geta foundation for understanding the sevensteps in the accounting cycle and usingfinancial information in decision making.

4453 PPRO 31-800September 8 to October 2Online, 24/7$195 S. deFonteny

supervisory And leAdership2 credit hoursEnsuring the efficiency of your team is the key to your success and is your mostimportant responsibility. Learn abouteffective delegation, performancemanagement and writing performancereviews. Discuss the specifics of thesupervisor’s role and responsibilities and strategies for improving your overalleffectiveness as a leader. After completingthis class, you will be able to self-assessyour own competencies, know what youneed to do to maximize your effectivenessas a supervisor and employ strategies tocreate productive and cooperative staffrelationships. New and experiencedsupervisors and managers will gainpractical, easy to understand andinsightful leadership methods.

4454 PPRO 47-800September 8 to October 30Online, 24/7$395 Staff

Business coAching2 credit hoursMentoring and coaching, used frequentlyin organizations to improve leadershipcompetencies and provide employeesupport, will benefit both employer andemployee. Develop skills in thedevelopment, implementation andsupport of coaching and mentoringprograms in your workplace. You will earn a certificate and take home the much-awaited toolkit you have beensearching for to improve your employees’performance and create a rewardingworking environment for your employees.

4455 PPRO 48-800September 8 to October 30Online, 24/7$295 M. Johnson

Business Skills


Professional Development

Prepare yourself with new abilities for today’s changing work environment.

CLC’s Professional Development classes are affordable, convenient and taught by industry experts.

Explore the possibilities.

prActicAl MAth For the WorkplAce Gain confidence by reviewing the math skills required for the workplace!This course is for anyone interested inunderstanding and performing commonbusiness activities such as payroll,banking, invoicing and purchasing.Students need to buy a textbook:Schaum’s Outline-Basic BusinessMathematics, Second edition,Eugene Don, Ph.D., Joel Lerner, Ph.D., ISBN 978-0-07-161158-9

4452 PPRO 30-800September 8 to October 2Online, 24/7$145 C. Yates

poWerFul presentAtions And eFFective speAking Learn everything from voice and speechbasics such as proper breathing, dictionand enunciation, all the way to specificpresentation templates and techniques.You will learn how to effectively deliver apresentation to one person across thetable, in front of a small group in aboardroom, from the stage for a largeaudience or hosting webinars online.There are several critical factors that everyspeaker must master, and this class willteach you to deliver your presentationswith ease and confidence.

4456 PPRO 49-800September 8 to October 2Online, 24/7$195 Staff

neW! stress MAnAgeMentStress isn’t the enemy. It is ourperceptions of stress that amp our anxietyand use up all our steam. Events happenevery day. How we interpret those eventscan set the stage for how we feel and howwe react to others. Reducing stress is aseasy as understanding what stress is,understanding what stress is to you andusing that knowledge to restructure yourthoughts. Turn stress into a steppingstone, not a stumbling block!

4430 PGOT 2-800November 2-27Online, 24/7$145 M. Brown

neW! designing successFulWeBinArsWebinars are a meeting format that save money and reach more people than in-person meetings. Use them forcustomer education, staff meetings andtraining, presentations, virtual seminarsand much more. The technology is simple,but good webinar presentation techniquesare critical. Learn the four key strategies tomake your webinars more successful.Acquire techniques and tips that will make your webinars winners with your audiences.

4443 PGOT 15-800October 5-30Online, 24/7$195 W. Draves


FundAMentAls oF supervision And MAnAgeMentIf you have recently been promoted to asupervisory or management position orwant to learn how to become a moreeffective manager, this course will helpyou master the basics of business bylearning the language of management. Youwill learn how to make a successfultransition from employee to manager andhow to manage your time so that you candeal with the constant demands of amanagerial job. Learn the people skillsrequired to motivate and delegate and thetools needed to solve problems andresolve conflicts.

Register for an ed2go instructor-led or self-paced Online course. Turn to page 33 formore information. Or visit www.ed2go.com/clc.


Business Skills

Mobile MArketing seriesThe way consumers are interacting withbrands and connecting to the world ischanging because of mobile devices. Findout about location-based marketing,mobile payments, QR codes, applicationsand mobile coupons. You will learn howmobile marketing can increase yourcapabilities to retain current customersand gain new ones. Then get step-by-stepinstructions on how non-technical userscan build, deploy and market smartphoneapplications across Android, iPhone andBlackberry platforms. Finally, learn how toimplement a mobile marketing plan foryour organization. Find out aboutproximity marketing, mobile marketingmetrics and developing a mobilemarketing campaign. This series includes“Mobile Marketing,” “Creating Cell PhoneApps for Your Business” and “AdvancedMobile Marketing.”

4460 PPRO 53-800September 8 to November 27Online, 24/7$595 Staff

tAke the series And sAve!

Business Skills and Mobile Marketing Series


INFORMATION: (847) 543.2615www.clcillinois.edu/professional

series clAsses cAn be tAken individuAlly:

Mobile MArketingMore than half of U.S. consumers who’vemade purchases on their smartphoneshave done so in response to mobilemarketing messages. The way consumersare interacting with brands and connectingto the world is changing because ofmobiles. Find out about location-basedmarketing, mobile payments, QR codes,applications and mobile coupons. You willlearn how mobile marketing can increaseyour capabilities to retain currentcustomers and gain new ones.

4457 PPRO 50-800September 8 to October 2Online, 24/7$195 S. Salt

creAting cell Phone APPs for your businessCell phone apps are the latest way smart businesses are reaching theircustomers. Smart organizations areinvesting in building cell phone apps for their businesses. We will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how non-technical users can build, deploy and market smartphone applicationsacross Android, iPhone and Blackberryplatforms. The course is ideal for thosewho want to understand how smartphoneapplications can be inexpensively builtand also for technical users who want tounderstand how to quickly deploysmartphone applications.

4458 PPRO 51-800October 5-30Online, 24/7$245 D. Belhassen

AdvAnced Mobile MArketingGain the knowledge to implement amobile marketing plan for yourorganization. Find out about proximitymarketing, mobile marketing metrics anddeveloping a mobile marketing campaign.Learn how to promote your app on theweb, build a landing page for your app andadvanced tracking of your applicationusage. Then take home a blueprint forcreating guidelines and standards for yourmobile marketing effort and how tomeasure its success. You will leave thiscourse with the knowledge to implement amobile marketing plan for yourorganization.

4459 PPRO 52-800November 2-27Online, 24/7$245 S. Salt

WANT TO REGISTER FOR AN ONLINE CLASS? Turn to page 12 for registration information.


Business MAnAgeMent series

Enhance your management skills throughthis program for supervisors, managersand emerging leaders. Nothing createssuccess like a solid foundation. Discoverthe keys for effectively managing youremployees. Find out how to create clearexpectations, engage and motivateemployees and increase youreffectiveness. Then learn how to improveyour management of time andproductivity. Get tips and techniques youwon’t get anywhere else for managingtime and increasing productivity. Finally,get the keys to manage differentgenerations in your workplace. Discoverwhat motivates each generation at work,what incentives they respond to and whatmessages they value.

4448 PPRO 4-800 September 8 to November 27Online, 24/7$595 Staff

tAke the series And sAve!

MAnAgeMent Boot cAMpEnhance your management skills throughthis course for supervisors, managers andemerging leaders. Discover the keys foreffectively managing your employees, howto create clear expectations, engage andmotivate employees and increase youreffectiveness through use of the DiSCpersonality profile (included). By the endof the course we will have you managinglike a pro—quickly and with confidence.

4445 PPRO 1-800September 8 to October 2Online, 24/7$295 S. Klauss

tiMe And productivity MAnAgeMentHow effectively you manage your time and productivity can affect your businessand personal life in many ways. You’ll gain tips and techniques you won’t getanywhere else for managing time andincreasing productivity. Whether you aremanaging your own or others’ time, comeaway with proven tips to put into practiceon Monday morning.

4446 PPRO 2-800October 5- 30Online, 24/7$195 W. Draves

MAnAging generAtions in the WorkplAceGain an understanding of managingworkers from different generations in the workplace and what motivates eachgeneration at work, what incentives theyrespond to and what messages they value.Come explore these unique generationalcharacteristics then identify practical,how-to tips and techniques for managingBoomers, Gen Xers and Gen Yers in theworkplace.

4447 PPRO 3-800November 2-27Online, 24/7$175 K. Dellabough

series clAsses cAn Be tAken individuAlly:

HOW TO REGiSTER fOR ONLiNE BUSiNESS SkiLLS CLASSESOur Online Business Skills classes are instructor-led courses that cannot be accessed through Blackboard. Please contact our office for access information to these online courses. Call (847) 543-2615 or email [email protected].

Business Management and Project Management


iNfORMATiON: (847) 543.2615www.clcillinois.edu/professional

project MAnAgeMent series (2.5 credit hours)Interested in getting your Project Management Professional (PMP®) certification? Completion of these three classes will provide you with the 35 professional developmentunits (PDUs) required to obtain your PMP Certification and prepare you for the PMP exam.With these dynamic courses, taught by Andy kaufman, a certified PMP, trainer and author, you can make this the year that you become a certified PMP.

4623 PPRO 88-001Select SaturdaysSeptember 19 to November 78:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m5 SessionsGrayslake Campus, Room T333 $1,349 A. Kaufman

tAke the series And sAve!

essentiAls oF project MAnAgeMent 1 credit hourDoes your organization struggle with delivering projects on time and on budget?Would you like to help your teams work together to deliver projects more reliably? Perhaps you’re interested in pursuing certification as a Project Management Professional (PMP)? Join us for our Essentials of Project Management Workshop. This two-day, hands-on session, led by a certified PMP, will giveyou practical insights on how to deliveryour projects more reliably. In addition, you will qualify for 14 PDUs toward yourproject management certification.

4620 PPRO 85-001Saturday, September 19-268:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.2 Sessions Grayslake Campus, Room T333 $525 A. Kaufman

AdvAnced project MAnAgeMent 1 credit hourSeasoned project managers are asked to successfully deliver despite increasingcomplexity. Our Advanced Project Management workshop is designed to go beyond the essentials of basic projectplanning. Based on the Project Manage-ment Institute’s (PMI®) PMBOK® Guide,you will get in-depth instruction on moreadvanced topics such as earned value,procurement management, stakeholderrelationship management, qualitymanagement and team leadership. Acertified Project Management Professional(PMP®) will provide practical insights onadvanced topics to help experiencedproject managers improve projectoutcomes.

4621 PPRO 86-001Saturday, October 10-178:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.2 SessionsGrayslake Campus, Room T333$525 A. Kaufman

project MAnAgeMent proFessionAl(pMp) exAM prep .5 credit hourJoin us for this intensive, one-day sessiondesigned to get you on the path to achieving your goal of becoming PMP certified. What should you focus on? What are some tips to keep in mind to help answer the tough questions? You will leave with everything you need toprepare for passing the exam. Compre-hensive study material is provided,including a hard copy of the ProjectManagement Body of Knowledge(PMBOK® Guide), a top rated exampreparation book and a CD that providesa simulated exam testing experience.The session is facilitated by a certifiedPMP with experience helping peopleprepare and pass the certification examworldwide.

4622 PPRO 87-001Saturday, November 78:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.1 Session Grayslake Campus, Room T333$425 A. Kaufman

Are you a licensed pMp?

PMP holders need to earn 60 professional development units(PDUs) over three years to maintainthe credential. Your certification cycle starts the day you pass the PMP certification exam and ends on thesame date three years later. If you arelooking for a convenient way to refreshyour skills and earn PDUs, sign up fora special section of the class. You willearn 14 PDUs for Essentials of ProjectManagement and 14 PDUs for Advanced Project Management. Call (847) 543-2615 for details.

PLEASE NOTE: Experience, education and exam requirements are needed to obtain PMP certification in addition to the project management education fulfilled by the three courses offered here. For more information, visit www.clcillinois.edu/professional/projmgmt.

Check out PCTR 70, Introduction to Microsoft Project, on page 15!

series clAsses cAn Be tAken individuAlly:

neW! Applying leAn sigMAto hr FunctionsLean principles can be used to streamlineprocesses in the human resourcefunctions such as recruiting, hiring,training, compensating and managingperformance. Find out about Leanconcepts, tools and methods and usethem to benchmark and assess problemsand lead continuous improvement efforts.

4444 PGOT 17-800October 5-30Online, 24/7$245 S. Schmall


huMAn resource series (1 credit hour)Develop your skills and knowledge in order to make yourself a well-rounded jobcandidate or take on additional responsibilities in your current role. If you are new to HR or need to get up to speed quickly on the basics, this series of courses will provide the information you need. It will also help you learn where you need to go when you need even more details and the “fine print” of regulations. The four coursesin this certificate cover the HR life cycle from recruiting to what you need to do after

someone leaves the company. Topics covered include hiring, compensation, benefits,training, performance management and HR laws

4547 PHRS 1-001Fridays, October 2-23, 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.4 SessionsGrayslake Campus, Room T334$625 K. Stevens

series clAsses cAn Be tAken individuAlly:

Finding And hiring the right personFinding the right person for the job can bedifficult. Understanding the job you needto fill, the skills needed to do the job andwhere to look can make it easier to find theperfect candidate. Once you find thatperson, you’ll need to offer a competitivecompensation and benefits package. Learnhow to write job descriptions, pay the rightamount, develop a benefits package,source and recruit, interview, conductbackground checks and write offers.

4548 PHRS 10-001Friday, October 2, 8 a.m. to 12 p.m1 SessionGrayslake Campus, Room T323$179 K. Stevens

getting the Most FroM your eMployeesOnce you’ve hired a new employee, whathappens next? A good on-boardingprocess and solid training andperformance management programs willhelp ensure your new employee starts offon the right foot and continues to be asolid contributor. Learn how to make thefirst day and first week a good one, how todetermine when training is needed andhow to run a solid performancemanagement program.

4549 PHRS 11-001Friday, October 9, 8 a.m. to 12 p.m1 SessionGrayslake Campus, Room T323$179 K. Stevens

MAintAining your WorkForce: understAnding BeneFits And BeyondFinding the right employee is only the firststep in managing the multiple employ-ment issues you will encounter. Learnabout leaves from FMLA to vacation, howto avoid discrimination and keep pay fairand key issues in offering health andretirement benefits. You’ll also learn aboutterminations: voluntary, involuntary andreductions in force.

4550 PHRS 12-001Friday, October 16, 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.1 SessionGrayslake Campus, Room T323$179 K. Stevens

legAl requireMents And coMpliAncein your orgAnizAtionUnderstanding legislation is the key tokeeping your HR practices and yourcompany in compliance with state andfederal laws. Learn how to determine ifyour company is covered by variouslegislation and how to comply with keylaws and provisions not covered in othermodules including FLSA, ERISA, HIPAA,ADEA and USERRA.

4551 PHRS 13-001Friday, October 23, 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.1 SessionGrayslake Campus, Room T323$179 K. Stevens

tAke the seriesAnd sAve!

Human Resources and Leadership Principles for Gen Y


iNfORMATiON: (847) 543.2615www.clcillinois.edu/professional

tAke the seriesAnd sAve!

neW! leAdership principlesFor gen yFind out what it takes to become aneffective leader. Discover your style ofleadership. Discuss task completion, build relationships with your subord-inates, become socially perceptive tochanges in the workplace, use youremotions in a positive and effectivemanner and address challenging goals.

4522 PGOT 18-800September 8 to October 2Online, 24/7Face to Face: Friday, September 259 a.m. to 3 p.m.$199 C. Yates

neW! developing leAdershipskills For gen yDiscover the key concepts of being aleader and the best strategies fordeveloping your leadership skills andinfluence. Learn the unspoken secrets thatleaders know and the strategies theyemploy/exhibit in for influencing others.

4523 PGOT 19-800October 5-30Online, 24/7Face to Face: Friday, October 239 a.m. to 3 p.m.$199 W. Draves

neW! developing proFessionAl cAreer skills For gen yHave you ever wondered how do I get tothat next level in my career? What does ittake? This course will help you identifythose skills that all great leaders possess,while learning new skills that will help takeyou to the next level. Whether you areleading a department or a organizationyou will gain the knowledge you need tobe successful. Learn how to incorporate adeveloped image and communicationskills that will rocket you to that next level.

4524 PGOT 20-800November 2-27Online, 24/7Face to Face: Friday, November 209 a.m. to 3 p.m.$199 T. McLaurin

series clAsses cAn Be tAken individuAlly:

neW! leAdership principles For gen y series

Geared for emerging leaders in the Millennial generation (born 1980-1999), this blendedcertificate series in leadership principles provides how-to practical information onadvancing your leadership potential and making a difference both in the workplace andin society. At the end of completing the three-course certificate, you will come away witha new understanding, a new toolbox of leadership skills and the information to moveyour leadership development into high gear.

4525 PGOT 25-800September 8 to November 27Online, 24/7$549 Staff

This series consists of 3 online classes and will meet face-to-face on three fridays at theCollege of Lake County Grayslake campus. These sessions will be led by a millienialemerging leader and will include facilitated discussion, group activities, leadership casestudies and networking with diverse young professionals and emerging leaders fromthroughout Lake County.

Leadership Principles: Friday, September 25, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Developing Leadership Skills: Friday, October 23, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Developing Professional Career Skills: Friday, November 20, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

HOW TO REGiSTER fOR ONLiNE BUSiNESS SkiLLS CLASSESOur Online Business Skills classes are instructor-led courses that cannot be accessed through Blackboard. Please contact our office for access information to these online courses. Call (847) 543-2615 or email [email protected].


series clAsses cAn Be tAken individuAlly:

keys to custoMer service Learning to build your customer serviceskills will have a powerful impact on yourcareer success as well as success in otherareas of your life. Discover the direct relationship between service skills and career achievement as you become skilledat being an exceptional service provider.

4449 PPRO 17-800September 8 to October 2Online, 24/7$145 N. Sanders-Cobb

extrAordinAry custoMer service Transform your customer service intosomething extraordinary, gain more repeatbusiness and improve your bottom line.Extraordinary customer service comesfrom focusing on the few essentialelements that yield big results. You’ll take away a customer service plan that will help you focus on the key elements toget you started on a pathway to success

4450 PPRO 18-800October 5-30Online, 24/7$145 F. Bayley

custoMer service skills series

The customer service series combines the two classes, “Keys to Customer Service” and“Extraordinary Customer Service” at a discounted price. Learn customer service skillsthat will enhance your career skill set, improve productivity and increase yourorganization’s success. You will gain some extraordinary customer service techniquesyou won’t find anywhere else.

4451 PPRO 19-800September 8 to October 30Online, 24/7$245 Staff

tAke the seriesAnd sAve!

HOW TO REGiSTER fOR ONLiNE BUSiNESS SkiLLS CLASSESOur Online Business Skills classes are instructor-led courses that cannot be accessed through Blackboard. Please contact our office for access information to these online courses. Call (847) 543-2615 or email [email protected].

Customer Service and Workplace Communication


iNfORMATiON: (847) 543.2615www.clcillinois.edu/professional

series clAsses cAn Be tAken individuAlly:

neW! WorkplAce coMMunicAtion series

Good communication in the workplace ismore important than ever and is critical toyour career advancement and success.Discover a workable conflict managementmodel, along with successful and practicalconflict management strategies. Then workwith a pro to learn how to improve yournegotiation skills for a win-win outcomethat will help others to get what they wantso you get what you want. Find out moreabout yourself and others usingpersonality profiles for better workperformance. You will learn from some ofour more popular instructors and takeaway new how-to skills that work. Thecertificate is composed of three classes:conflict management, negotiation skillsand a personality profile to help youimprove your work performance.

4442 PGOT 14-800September 9 to November 27Online, 24/7$595 Staff

tAke the series And sAve!

neW! conFlict MAnAgeMentThe average manager spends more than20 percent of their day engaged in orreacting to conflict situations. Discover a workable conflict management model,discuss case studies in conflictmanagement and take away successfulconflict management strategies to applyin your workplace.

4439 PGOT 11-800September 8 to October 2Online, 24/7$245 S. Klauss

neW! negotiAtion:get WhAt you WAntNegotiation is a key skill for success in business and everyday life. Knowingstrategies to clarify what you want andhow to prioritize needs will help you learnhow to plan, implement and win in thebargaining process. Save time, grow yourbusiness network and gain confidencewhen dealing with even the shrewdest of deal-makers.

4440 PGOT 12-800October 5-30Online, 24/7$195 L. Harpine

neW! using personAlity proFilesto iMprove Work perForMAnceUnderstanding yourself and others willincrease your overall effectiveness at work,home and in all of your relationships.Learn how to improve your communicationwith others, convey your ideas effectivelyand improve your ability to understandwhat is important to those who don’t shareyour same style. Course fee includes yourown DiSC Behavioral Personality Profileassessment and review.

4441 PGOT 13-800November 2-27Online, 24/7$295 S. Klauss

Social Media neW! sociAl MediA essentiAlsBusinesses count on talented staff toengage in social media, but few areactually trained in it. Shouldering thissignificant responsibility requires anunderstanding of marketing principles andpractices used specifically for businesssocial media. This four-unit class will coverthe fundamental steps to reach customersand generate revenue with social media.Learn to set up a social media marketingplan, the essential steps and analyticsnecessary to create messaging thatmatters, determine the when and whys ofusing Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter andthe options and procedures needed tostrengthen your marketing outside oftraditional platforms.

Course Prerequisites: Potential studentsshould possess a basic knowledge of theInternet, be familiar with social media andhave a general understanding of business.This course is designed as a beginner tointermediate level program.

4642 PSME 15-001Monday, September 14 to November 27-9 p.m.8 SessionsGrayslake Campus, Room T009$699 A. Horowitz


Social media is not a trend; it represents the present and future of businesscommunication. Large companies and small businesses alike need technicalprofessionals who can navigate the social media arena and properly markettheir products and services in a whole new way. Social media professionals canbroaden a company’s scope of business and keep them on the cutting edge ofcommunication with their customers.

The intended audience for thes0e social media classes includes: marketingprofessionals, web designers and developers, recent marketing graduatesseeking to add appeal to their resumes and anyone who desires to implementand manage social media effectively at work. Each class is tailored to meetdifferent skill levels, reach different educational outcomes and meet yourunique professional needs.

sociAl MediA MArketing certiFicAte3 credit hours

Do you want to move to the next level in your development as a social media marketingprofessional? This all encompassing virtual course is a comprehensive social mediacertificate that will prepare you for the next step in your career. Sessions includemarketing, media platforms, management and a final portfolio project designed forparticipants to validate and showcase their knowledge and expertise. The intendedaudience for this in-depth program is individuals who are or will be fully responsible forsocial media planning and execution including marketing and web professionals as wellas those willing to invest in a new career. Through 16 highly focused virtual sessions, theprogram will cover the core competencies required for businesses to generate revenueusing social media. You will acquire real-world experience as you develop a social mediamarketing plan for an actual business.

Course Materials: The course material is distributed electronically, allowing students tolog in to the course through any Internet connection. Each session has its owncurriculum that includes study material, student activities and an assignment. Sessionmaterial is displayed on screen during class and accessed via a personal login.

Course Prerequisites: Potential students should possess a high-level of Internet and/orcomputer skills, experience with multiple social media platforms, a generalunderstanding of marketing or business and a strong commitment to learning. Thecertificate program is designed as an intermediate to advanced level course.

Certificate Requirements: To receive a certificate, students must attend 75 percent ofclasses, complete 100 percent of assignments and prepare and present a completesocial media marketing plan endorsed by the course educator.

4641 PSME 14-800Tuesday and Thursday,September 1 to December 157-9 p.m. (virtual meeting)$1495 C. Hilbert

neW! sociAl MediA AdvertisingBusiness can no longer rely solely onorganic reach to make an impact throughsocial media. With the advancement ofNews Feed algorithms and tech-savvyusers, the best way to reach and managepotential audiences is through paidadvertisements. This four-weekintermediate level program is dedicated topaid social media ads. Discover how todeliver personalized ads to a targetedaudience at the right moment in theselling cycle. Gain hands-on learning andexperience in h developing laser focusedad campaigns on three major social mediaplatforms: Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.

Course Prerequisites: Potential studentsshould have experience with Facebook,LinkedIn and Twitter and have a generalunderstanding of marketing or business.This class is considered an intermediatelevel course.

4643 PSME 16-001Monday, November 9 to December 77-9 p.m.4 SessionsGrayslake Campus, Room TBA$349 A. Horowitz

Creative Presentations

neW! voice-overs...noW is your tiMeYou've heard Brian Thon on TV and radiocommercials! Now hear Brian LIVE as heillustrates how YOU could actually beginusing your speaking voice forcommercials, films and videos! Mostpeople go about it the wrong way. Brianwill show you a unique, outside-of-the-boxway to cash in on one of the most lucrativefull- or part-time careers out there! This isa business that you can handle on yourown terms, on your own turf, in your owntime and with practically no overhead! AndNOW is the best time to make this happenas new companies are looking for newvoices like never before. This exciting andfun class could be the game changer youhave been looking for! Brian Thon’s voicecan be heard on work from professionalsports teams to Fortune 500 companies,from GE Healthcare to Fox News.

4591 CPER 19-001Thursday, October 22, 7-9 p.m.1 SessionGrayslake Campus, Room A145$69 B. Thon (Such A Voice)

neW! preziBring your vision to life with Prezi andleave PowerPoint behind! Take a journeyinto the world of creative presentations!Learn how to use and engage your creativeside for amazing presentations. Youraudience will be stimulated with what you are presenting as well as how you are presenting.

4431 PGOT 3-800September 8 to October 2Online, 24/7$195 K. Green

neW! grAphic design For visuAl presentAtionsMake your visual presentations lookprofessional and communicate effectively.Get the latest and most advancedtechniques on graphic design principles,including page layout, typography andbasic design considerations. Take awaynew skills to help you create an effectiveand beautiful visual presentation on anypresentation software program.

4432 PGOT 4-800October 5-30Online, 24/7$195 J. Soard

Social Media and Creative Presentations


iNfORMATiON: (847) 543.2615www.clcillinois.edu/professional

neW! photoshop For presentAtionsAcquire the skills to navigate an extensivelist of Photoshop features. Practice themost commonly used methods, such asmanaging text, working with layers andimage file properties. You will find out thepurpose of each photo-editing tool andwalk away with the skills to use them.

4432 PGOT 4-800November 2-27Online, 24/7$195 D. Hood

neW! podcAstingLearn how to take your business or hobbyand turn it into a podcast. This step-by-step class will take you from start to finishand cover the required elements neededto get your show online. Come to classwith your idea and end with your showonline for all to hear.

4435 PGOT 7-800September 8 to October 2Online, 24/7$245 T. Allison

neW! selF-puBlishing eBooksWith the release of tablet computers,eBooks are becoming more popular than ever, Companies are using eBookpublishing as a way to market products,services and ideas. Learn what makes agreat eBook and how you go aboutcreating, formatting and publishing it.Learn to create your eBook with text,photos, illustrations, audio, videos andhyperlinks to websites and the options you have in self-publishing anddistributing your eBook.

4436 PGOT 8-800October 5-30Online, 24/7$195 Staff

neW! MArketing eBooksHaving a book idea and publishing it isonly half the recipe for success. Find outhow to get the word out to your targetmarket and the various marketing avenuesfor your book. Acquire information onwhich social media sites make sense foryour audience and how to maximize youreffort by minimizing your time online. Youwill create a marketing plan so you canmap out your marketing steps all the steps from start to finish.

4437 PGOT 9-800November 2-27Online, 24/7$195 Staff

neW! eFFective copyWritingWhether you are sending out a pressrelease, communicating internally with amemo or promoting your own skills onLinkedIn, strong writing skills are the keyto success. Come away with the tools andtechniques you need to improve yourcopywriting skills and learn how to avoidthe common writing mistakes that canhold you back.

4438 PGOT 10-800October 5-30Online, 24/7$195 Staff

Beginning coMputer – level 1This course is designed for the individualwho is afraid of the computer and hasnever taken a computer class. Class willcover terminology, turning the computeron and off, mouse control, file manage-ment, beginning word processing andbasic Internet searching using personalcomputers and a Windows operatingsystem. Call (847) 543-2022 for textbook information.

4573 CDiS 39-001FridaySeptember 25 to October 23, 2-4 p.m.5 SessionsGrayslake Campus, Room L032$115 S. Freeman

Beginning coMputer – level 2This course is for those who havecompleted Beginning Computer – Level 1and want to continue learning. Topicscovered will be email (includingattachments), advanced Internet skills, MS Word editing, formatting and adding graphics to documents.

4574 CDiS 40-001FridayNovember 6 to December 11, 2-4 p.m.5 SessionsGrayslake Campus, Room L032$115 S. Freeman

google is More thAn just A seArch engineCome explore all the free tools Google hasto offer. Learn how to use Google's wordprocessing, spreadsheet, presentation,drawing and forms software along withsetting up your calendar and blog andcreating a place to share photos withfriends and family.

4603 CDiS 38-001Friday, October 2-16, 4:30-6:30 p.m.3 SessionsGrayslake Campus, Room L032$69 S. Freeman


HOW TO REGiSTER fOR ONLiNE BUSiNESS SkiLLS CLASSESOur Online Business Skills classes are instructor-led courses that cannot be accessed through Blackboard. Please contact our office for access information to these online courses. Call (847) 543-2615 or email [email protected].

Computers-Basic Skills

introduction to MAc – yoseMite And BeyondNew to a Mac and need some guidance?Get expert help and practical tips at acomfortable pace with Jim Hayward. Get up to speed on the latest Mac OS XYosemite operating system features.Topics will include: setting up yourpreferences, organizing your desktop,using Finder, email, contacts, calendars,Safari, maps, iCloud (including Keychain)and iPhoto, syncing your devices andbacking up your computer. Class will beheld in a Mac lab. Bring to class your fully charged Mac updated with OS XYosemite. Class size is limited. There is an additional fee for the requiredtextbook/resource guide.

4598 CCMP 39-001Saturday, October 3-31, 9-11 a.m.5 SessionsGrayslake Campus, Room T220$115 J. Hayward


coMputer skills For the WorkplAce-onlineGain a working knowledge of the computerskills you’ll need to succeed in today’s jobmarket. This course is designed to providethe fundamental computer competenciesyou need to survive and prosper. You willlearn how to implement the powers ofmodern office software to work faster andmore efficiently. We’ll focus on practicalapplication for software most common to the workplace.

Register for an ed2go instructor-led or self-paced Online course. Turn to page 33 formore information. Or visit www.ed2go.com/clc

ipAd – level 1Learn how to get the most out of the AppleiPad technology in this interactive classdesigned for new users and users new totechnology. Join Erin Lopez, instructor andtechnology expert, and begin tounderstand basic settings, gestures,navigation, keyboard and hidden keysuse, app organization and management(including downloading and deletingapps), search tools, the control center andthe multitasking feature. Learn the basicsabout the Apple-installed applicationsSafari, Notes and Mail. This class will betaught at a slower pace to introduce thistechnology, but those comfortable withtechnology are invited as well. Bring yourfully-charged iPad (updated with the mostrecent version of iOS 8), power cord, AppleID and iTunes password to class with you.

4599 CCMP 41-001Saturday, September 12, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.1 SessionGrayslake Campus, Room T334$35 E. Lopez Saturday

ipAd – level 2Continue to interact with your device inthis follow-up course, designed for userswho have taken a previous iPadIntroduction course or who are alreadyfamiliar with common settings, basic useand navigating through the iPad. Exploreand understand the following Apple-installed Apps: Safari, Notes, Mail,Camera, Photo Album, Photo Stream,Calendar, Contacts, Notifications and Siri.Gain an understanding of the concept ofthe Cloud, backing up and syncing. Bringyour fully-charged iPad (updated with themost recent version of iOS 8), power cord,Apple ID and iTunes password to classwith you. Prerequisite: familiarity withMultitasking and the Control Center, either from a previous class orindependent study.

4600 CCMP 42-001Saturday, December 12, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.1 SessionGrayslake Campus, Room T334$35 E. Lopez

Computers and Tablets


iNfORMATiON: (847) 543.2615www.clcillinois.edu/professional

Tablets-AppleComputers-BasicSkills with Mac

MicrosoFt Word 2013: level 10.5 credit hourEffectively create, edit, format, save and print letters, business documents and other professional documents, usingMicrosoft Word. Modify the appearance of text, insert special characters andgraphical objects, organize data in tables,proof and print a Word document. A textbook is required and may bepurchased in the CLC Bookstore prior to class.

4499 PCTR 10-001Friday, October 9, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.1 SessionSouthlake Campus, Room V102$225 S. Bajt

MicrosoFt Word 2013: level 20.5 credit hourExplore some of the more sophisticatedfeatures of word processing for increasedefficiency using Microsoft Word. Learnabout creating and using variousdocument styles, customizing tables andcharts, modifying pictures in a document,creating customized graphic elements,inserting content using QuickParts andusing the mail merge function. A textbookis required and may be purchased in theCLC Bookstore prior to class. Prerequisite:PCTR 10, Microsoft Word Level 1 orequivalent knowledge.

4500 PCTR 11-001Friday, November 6, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.1 SessionSouthlake Campus, Room V102$225 B. Salita

MicrosoFt excel 2013: level 10.5 credit hourLearn to create a basic worksheet andmodify the contents and appearance. You will perform calculations, modify the appearance of data within aworksheet, manage Excel workbooks and print the contents. A textbook isrequired and is available for purchasein the CLC Bookstore.

4503 PCTR 15-003Friday, October 2, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.1 SessionSouthlake Campus, Room V102$225 B. Pistella

4501 PCTR 15-001Thursday, September 17, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.1 SessionGrayslake Campus, Room L032$225 B. Salita

4502 PCTR 15-002Tuesday, Wednesday, ThursdayOctober 20-22, 6:15-9 p.m.3 SessionsGrayslake Campus, Room L032$225 A. Sarrazine

MicrosoFt excel 2013: level 20.5 credit hourLearn how to work faster and moreproductively by using many of Excel’spowerful features. Organize worksheet and table data using various techniques.Create and modify charts, work withgraphic objects, calculate with advancedformulas, sort and filter data and analyzedata using PivotTables, Slicers andPivotCharts. A textbook is required and is available for purchase in the CLCBookstore. Prerequisite: Microsoft ExcelLevel 1 or equivalent knowledge and use of advanced formulas.

4505 PCTR 16-002Friday, October 23, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.1 SessionSouthlake Campus, Room V102$225 B. Pistella

4504 PCTR 16-001Thursday, October 8, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.1 SessionGrayslake Campus, Room L032$225 C. Horwitz

4506 PCTR 16-003Tuesday, Wednesday, ThursdayNovember 17- 19, 6:15-9 p.m.3 SessionsGrayslake Campus, Room L032$225 A. Sarrazine


Computers-Microsoft Office

CONTiNUiNG EDUCATiON VOCATiONAL CREDiTSContinuing Education Vocational Credits do not apply to any degree or certificateprogram offered at the college in the academic divisions. Vocational credits will not be added to a student’s academiccredit hours or included in the GPA. Studentsreceive a grade of P (Pass) or N (No Pass). Call the department at (847) 543-2615 foradditional information.

MicrosoFt excel 2013: level 30.5 credit hourExplore tools that automate some commonExcel tasks. Learn to analyze, import andexport data and to collaborate with othersusing workbooks. You will structure thoseworkbooks using XML and integrate Exceldata with the web. A textbook is requiredand is available for purchase in the CLCBookstore. Prerequisite: Microsoft ExcelLevel 2 or equivalent knowledge

4507 PCTR 17-001Friday, November 13, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.1 SessionSouthlake Campus, Room V102$225 B. Pistella

4508 PCTR 17-002Thursday, December 3, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m1 SessionGrayslake Campus, Room L032$225 A. Sarrazine

MicrosoFt Access 2013: level 10.5 credit hourUse this powerful database as you learnthe purpose of and terminology associatedwith a relational database and Accessobjects. Learn to store, locate, print andautomate access to any type of importantinformation. Explore how to design adatabase and how to create, view and editrelational tables. Create and modifyqueries, forms and reports. A textbook isrequired and is available for purchase inthe CLC Bookstore.

4510 PCTR 20-002Friday, December 4, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.1 SessionSouthlake Campus, Room V102$225 S. Bajt

4509 PCTR 20-001Monday, October 19, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.1 SessionGrayslake Campus, Room L032$225, J. Besser

MicrosoFt Access 2013: level 20.5 credit hourIncrease efficiency by sharing Access-stored data with other applications.Improve and customize tables, queries,filter records and create custom andadvanced forms and reports. Modify thedesign of a table to streamline data entryand maintain data integrity. A textbook isrequired and is available for purchase inthe CLC Bookstore. Prerequisite: MicrosoftAccess Level 1 or equivalent knowledge

4521 PCTR 21-001Monday, November 9, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.1 SessionGrayslake Campus, Room L032$225 J. Besser

MicrosoFt poWerpoint 2013: level 10.5 credit hourPowerPoint is an intuitive, powerfulpresentation graphics program thatenables you to create dynamic,multimedia presentations for a variety of functions. You will create, design anddeliver a presentation by learning to insert and modify a chart, inset tables and graphs, use clip art and animation to enhance your presentation. A textbookis required and may be purchased in the CLC Bookstore.

4519 PCTR 30-001Friday, October 16, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.1 SessionSouthlake Campus, Room V102$225 C. Horwitz

MicrosoFt project: 2013 level 10.5 credit hourCreate a project plan file and enter projectinformation. Learn to create a workbreakdown structure by organizing andsetting task relationships, assign projectresources and finalize the project plan file.A textbook is required and is available forpurchase in the CLC Bookstore.

4520 PCTR 70-001Friday, October 30, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.1 SessionGrayslake Campus, Room L032$225 J. Besser

AdoBe photoshop: level 10.5 credit hourCreate and enhance graphics for marketingmaterials, newsletters, blogs andwebsites. If you are a professional whowants to prepare photos for print or web,or enhance your work for the web or print,you will benefit from the skills learned inPhotoshop. You should be familiar withthe basic functions of their computer’soperating system such as creating folders,launching programs and have the basicskills such as copying and pasting objects,formatting text and saving files. A textbookis required and is available for purchase inthe CLC Bookstore.

AdoBe photoshop: level 14665 PCTR 40-001Monday, November 2, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.1 SessionGrayslake Campus, Room L032$225 J. Berek

digitAl photo storAgeDuring this two-hour session you will learnhow to transfer photos from your camera(or your camera’s memory card) to yourcomputer. Once the photos are on thecomputer, you will learn how to organize,name and tag them in order to easilysearch and archive them. You will need to bring either your camera (with storedphotos on it) with the proper equipment to connect it to a computer or the memorycard from your camera (with stored photoson it) and a flash drive so that you can takehome your organized photos. If you have a laptop and are able to bring it to class, it will make this class a very authenticexperience. If you bring your owncomputer, you do not need to bring a flash drive.

4601 CCMP 43-001Friday, November 6, 4:30-6:30 p.m.1 SessionGrayslake Campus, Room L032$25 S. Freeman

iNTERESTED iN LEARNiNG QUiCkBOOkS? Turn to page 36 for information.

Computers and Graphic Design


iNfORMATiON: (847) 543.2615www.clcillinois.edu/professional

Graphic Design

online video gAMe MAker 101: perilous pyrAMidLearn how to design and modify your own exciting arcade-style video games.Learn how to control characters, objectsand outcomes in your game, then increasethe difficulty level and add more features.Graphics design and graphics animationtopics will also be covered. The self-pacedclass is available online for 49 consecutivedays from your first login. Check systemrequirements at http://tinyurl.com/a9cy8tq. Call (847) 543-2022 or [email protected] to confirm yourcontact information so we can email yourvoucher number for class access. Students14-17 may register for this class throughthe Explore program. Call (847) 543-2615for more information.

4485 CCMP 92-801September 14 to November 1Online, 24/7$179 All About Learning

online video gAMe MAker 2: invAder!Learn how to design and modify excitingarcade-style games including soccer, aBreakout-style game, Alien Invader and a secret game at the end of the class!Control characters and outcomes, increasethe difficulty level and add more features.Graphic design and animation, sprites,objects, room creation, instances andbonus levels will be covered. This self-paced class is available online for 49consecutive days from your first login. Call (847) 543-2022 or [email protected] to confirm yourcontact information so we can email yourvoucher number for class access. Students14-17 may register for this class throughthe Explore program. Call (847) 543-2615for more information.

4486 CCMP 93-801October 26 to December 13Online, 24/7$179 All About Learning

spAnish For MedicAl proFessionAlsAre you frustrated by the communicationgap that can occur between you and yourSpanish-speaking patients? This Spanishclass, designed specifically for healthcareprofessionals, will help you bridge thatgap. You will practice the basic, practicallanguage skills needed to effectivelycommunicate with your Spanish-speaking patients and their families.

4423 PALH 4-800October 5-30Online, 24/7$145 Staff

spAnish For MedicAl proFessionAls 2If you have successfully completedSpanish for Medical Professionals, thisclass will expand your knowledge of theSpanish language. You will learn aboutthe near future, present progressive, thecommand or imperative tenses, directobjects, increase your medical vocabularyand practice interviewing patients andtaking health history.

4424 PALH 30-800November 2-27Online, 24/7$145 Staff

deMentiA cAreYou will gain essential knowledge and understanding about neurologicaldiseases that affect cognition and memoryand practical application of effective skillsfor supporting persons with dementia. Youwill come away with increased knowledgein how to care for persons with dementia.

4469 VALH 15-800September 8 to October 30Online, 24/7$495 Staff


Video Game Making



THESE ARE iNSTRUCTOR-LED, ONLiNE COURSESTHAT CANNOT BE ACCESSED THROUGHBLACkBOARD. Please contact our office for access information to the online course. Call (847) 543-2615 or [email protected]

heArtsAver cpr With Adult, child And inFAnt trAiningThis course is designed for the generalpublic and is not intended for healthcareprofessionals or healthcare students. It isideal for day care providers, teachers andanyone interested in taking a CPR course.This is an American Heart Associationcourse. Certification is good for two years.

4540 PALH 6-001Wednesday, October 7, 7-9 p.m.1 SessionGrayslake Campus, Room T335$65 S. Frankson

4541 PALH 6-002Saturday, November 14, 9-11 a.m.1 SessionGrayslake Campus, Room T335$65 S. Frankson

4556 PALH 8-001Saturday, August 22, 9-11:30 a.m.1 SessionGrayslake Campus, Room T334$75 S. Frankson

4557 PALH 8-002Saturday, August 29, 9-11:30 a.m.1 SessionGrayslake Campus, Room T335$75 S. Frankson

4558 PALH 8-003Saturday, September 12, 9-11:30 a.m.1 SessionGrayslake Campus, Room T335$75 S. Frankson

4560 PALH 8-004Friday, September 25, 3-5:30 p.m.1 SessionGrayslake Campus, Room T334$75 S. Frankson

4554 PALH 7-006Saturday, August 29, 1-3 p.m.1 SessionGrayslake Campus, Room T334$65 S. Frankson

4542 PALH 7-001Saturday, September 12, 1-3 p.m.1 SessionGrayslake Campus, Room T335$65 S. Frankson

4543 PALH 7-002Friday, October 2, 3-5:30 p.m.1 SessionGrayslake Campus, Room T334$65 S. Frankson

4561 PALH 8-005Saturday, October 10, 9-11:30 a.m.1 SessionGrayslake Campus, Room T335$75 S. Frankson

4562 PALH 8-006Grayslake Campus, Room T334Friday, October 23, 3-5:30 p.m.1 Session$75 S. Frankson

4563 PALH 8-007Saturday, November 7, 1-3:30 p.m.1 SessionSouthlake Campus, Room R004$75 S. Frankson

4564 PALH 8-008Wednesday, December 2, 6:30-9 p.m.1 SessionGrayslake Campus, Room T335$75 S. Frankson

4544 PALH 7-003Wednesday, October 28, 6:30-9 p.m.1 SessionGrayslake Campus, Room T335$65 S. Frankson

4545 PALH 7-004Saturday, November 7, 9-11 a.m.1 SessionSouthlake Campus, Room R004$65 S. Frankson

4546 PALH 7-005Saturday, December 5, 9-11 a.m.1 SessionGrayslake Campus, Room T335$65 S. Frankson

Video Game Making, Healthcare and CPR


iNfORMATiON: (847) 543.2615www.clcillinois.edu/professional

cpr BAsic: Bls heAlthcAre providerThe BLS Healthcare Provider course is designed to provide a wide variety of healthcareprofessionals the ability to recognize several life-threatening emergencies, provide CPR,use an AED and relieve choking in a safe, timely and effective manner. The course isintended for certified or noncertified, licensed or nonlicensed healthcare professionals.

cpr reFresher: Bls heAlthcAre providerThe BLS Healthcare Provider course is designed to provide a wide variety of healthcareprofessionals the ability to recognize several life-threatening emergencies, provide CPR,use an AED and relieve choking in a safe, timely and effective manner. The course isintended for certified or noncertified, licensed or nonlicensed healthcare professionals.Current AHA BLS Healthcare Provider certification card is required to attend this course.

personAl cAre AideHere’s the perfect opportunity to gain thebasic skills you need to begin a new careeror to confidently provide companionshipor care for an elderly or disabled familymember or friend. These skills include:

• Person-centered communication techniques

• Basic hygiene and infection control

• Assistance with personal care tasks

• Housekeeping, cooking and nutrition

• Use of adaptive equipment such aslifts, wheelchairs, walkers and grabbars

• Recognizing and responding to anemergency

• Understanding legal requirements andlimitations

• HeartSaver CPR and awareness ofblood borne pathogens

This course exceeds the home serviceworker training requirements of the IllinoisDepartment of Public Health. Classes willbe held in a hands-on skills lab and skillswill be assessed by a competencyevaluation. Upon completion, studentswill receive a vocational certificate and anAmerican Heart Association CPR card goodfor two years. A text book and a materialskit are required and are available in theCLC Bookstore. Students are encouragedto pass a criminal background check priorto the first day of class. There is anadditional fee for this service. Call (847)543-2615 for registration information.

4627 VALH 12-001Saturday, October 3-24, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.4 SessionsGrayslake Campus, Room D228$299 J. Burns


cnA recertiFicAtion 1 credit hourDesigned for those who have already completed the Certified Nurse Assistant course and who have successfully completed the Illinois Nurse Aide Examination, but who nolonger are listed on the Illinois Nurse Aide Registry. You must first contact the IllinoisDepartment of Public Health (IDPH) at (217) 785-5133 to request a recertification packet.

Health requirements:You must have a current 1-Step TB test prior to the first day of class. The course willprovide re-certification of the 21 skills and offer a review for the State Examination.

Background Check and fingerprinting ProcessTo participate, you must undergo a UCIA criminal background check. Fingerprints need to be done yearly. If your fingerprints on the registry are older than one year, then fingerprinting will be required prior to the first day of class.

• You will need to fill complete the Healthcare Worker Disclosure and AuthorizationForm. Forms are available for download at http://www.idph.state.il.us/nar/home.htmor you can call (847) 543-2615 to request the form to be mailed to you.

• Once the Healthcare Worker Disclosure and Authorization Form is completed, theform must be submitted to the Nursing Education Office. It can be returned threedifferent ways:

o In person to Room D208; or in the drop box outside D208 if the office is closed.o Emailed to [email protected] Faxed to (847) 223-9524

• Allow a minimum of 48 hours for your form to be processed.

• After processing the Healthcare Worker Disclosure and Authorization Form, you will be contacted by phone or CLC email to complete the Livescan fingerprint process.

For detailed course information go to www.clcillinois.edu/professional/nursingCEsOr call our office for an information packet at (847) 543-2615.

4471 VALH 10-001Monday and TuesdaySeptember 28 and 29, 5-10 p.m.2 SessionsGrayslake Campus, Room D228$379 S. Kadera

4472 VALH 10-002Wednesday and ThursdayNovember 4 and 5, 1-6 p.m.2 SessionsGrayslake Campus, Room D228$379 S. Kadera

phArMAcy techniciAn trAining7 credit hoursThe U.S. Department of Labor estimatesthat pharmacy technician jobs willincrease 32 percent by 2020, much faster than the average for all occupa-tions. With the growing need forpharmaceuticals and a rapidly expandinghealthcare field, the timing has neverbeen better to begin a career in theindustry. About 71 percent of pharmacytechnician jobs are in retail pharmacies,grocery stores or mass retailers.

CLC’s professional Pharmacy TechnicianProgram will put you on the path to a newcareer. The 105 hours of classroominstruction are designed to teach you thefundamentals and practical skills neededto prepare you for entry level work in apharmacy setting. The program is taughtby pharmacy professionals who bring reallife experience to the classroom.

Program requirements: High schooldiploma or GED, adequate knowledge ofninth and tenth grade math (algebra),proficient in English (verbal and writtencommunication skills), no prior criminalrecord, 18 years old (some exceptions),hand to eye coordination and finger agility.

Note: All pharmacy technicians mustbe nationally certified. This course will prepare you for both nationalcertification exams.

4380 VALH 95-001Mondays and WednesdaysSeptember 9 to December 16,6-9:45 p.m.28 SessionsGrayslake Campus, Room T323$1,499 V. Vojvodic

4381 VALH 95-002Saturdays, September 12 to December 198 a.m. to 3 p.m.14 SessionsSouthlake Campus, Room R228$1,499 A. Miller



iNfORMATiON: (847) 543.2615www.clcillinois.edu/professional

veterinAry AssistAnt trAining 7 credit hoursIf you have a nurturing spirit and a desire to help animals, consider a career in theveterinary field! This course trains you to assist veterinarians and veterinary techniciansin providing medical care to sick and injured animals. You will also learn how to help inthe office (customer relations) in addition to examinations, hospital procedures, surgicalpreparation and laboratory tests.

Part of the 150-hour course is a 60-hour clinical externship experience. Please note that the clinical externship will most likely take place during normal business hours andsuccessful completion of the externship is required to complete the course. Externshipdates will be given in the first month of class to ensure ample time to inform employersof your training, if needed, as time off from work may be required depending on your schedule.

Course Prerequisites and Special Notes:A high school diploma or GED is required. Students must be fluent English speakers andable to read, write and comprehend English at a high school level.

In addition, because of the inherent requirements of the profession, students must havethe following minimum abilities sufficient for safe and successful practice of veterinaryduties: psychomotor skills (eye-hand coordination and finger dexterity), visual acuity(normal or corrected) and the ability to lift 30 pounds in the clinical setting.

Students must complete a background check at an approved provider in order toparticipate in the clinical externship portion of the program. Prior felony convictions may prevent participation in the program. The fee for this service is NOT included in the course fee.

Students may be required to meet specific health requirements and drug testing prior to placement in the clinical portion of the course. This is based on the requirements of the externship site and will be determined at placement. Any fees to meet healthrequirements are NOT included in the course fee.

4644 PVET 1-001Tuesdays and ThursdaysAugust 27 to December 17, 6-9:45 p.m.24 SessionsGrayslake Campus, Room T323$2,199 Staff

prenAtAl MAssAge1 credit hourJoin us for this 21-hour prenatalcertification course to be certified as a Prenatal Massage Therapist. The courseis approved by the American PregnancyMassage Association and is also eligiblefor 21 CEs through NCBTMB. You will learnhow to work with clients during pregnancyand labor. Through lecture, discussion andhands-on practice, including a sessionwith a pregnant client, you will receiveimmersion in what makes the maternityclient unique, benefits and contrain-dications of prenatal massage and how to design a session for a pregnant client including unique techniques andapproaches. Included is an overview of labor massage.

4672 VALH 85-001Thursday and FridayNovember 12 and 13, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.ANDSaturday, November 14, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.3 sessionsGrayslake Campus, Room T334$525 E. Winick

exploring BAch FloWer reMediesBach flower remedies are extremedilutions of flower material developed by Edward Bach, an English homeopath, in the 1930s. Bach believed that dewfound on flower petals retains the healingproperties of that plant. The remedies are intended primarily for emotional andspiritual conditions, including but notlimited to depression, anxiety, insomniaand stress. This class is eligible for 3 CEsto licensed massage therapists

4670 PWEL 6-001Thursday, October 15, 6:30-9:30 p.m.1 SessionSouthlake Campus, Room R228$65 D. Fazio

MeditAtionThis introduction to meditation will reviewthe benefits of meditation; spiritual,mental, emotional and physical. “Joti” in Sanskrit means “light,” and this form of meditation focuses on seeing the innerlight, a primal manifestation of theuniverse. We will learn this techniqueduring practice time. It is quite simple and brings great benefits that can beexperienced by anyone with a littlepractice. This class is eligible for 2 CEs to licensed massage therapists.

4668 PWEL 4-001Southlake Campus, Room R228Thursday, November 5, 6:30-8:30 p.m.1 Session$55 D. Fazio

introduction to hoMeopAthyHomeopathy is a safe, gentle and naturalsystem of healing that works with yourbody to relieve symptoms, restore itselfand improve your overall health. Homeo-pathic medicine views symptoms of illnessas normal responses of the body as itattempts to regain health. Many commonillnesses and injuries can be quickly andeasily treated with homeopathy at home.Learn how to incorporate homeopathy into your massage practice. This class is eligible for 3 CEs to licensed massage therapists.

4669 PWEL 5-001Thursday, December 3, 6:30-9:30 p.m.1 SessionSouthlake Campus, Room R228$65 D. Fazio

inFAnt MAssAgeWant to learn how to teach infantmassage? Join this class to learn thebenefits of infant massage, how to teach infant massage classes to parents or caregivers and ways to market yourservices. You will leave with all resourcesyou need to begin teaching right away.Please bring a doll on which to practice,preferably rubber or plastic. Call (847) 543-2615 for suggestions. This class is eligiblefor 2.5 CEs to licensed massage therapists.

4671 PWEL 8-001Wednesday, September 23, 6:30-9 p.m.1 SessionGrayslake Campus, Room T326$59 E. Winick

neW! hArA shiAtsu: clAss i —history, Function And hArAIn this busy world, people are verystressed. We need high touch for this high-tech society. The focus is to offer a place ofsolace for them to relax in your work. Thiscourse provides you an introduction tooriental healing theory, emphasizing thepractical application of traditional shiatsu.You will learn the the locations of the 12meridians, plus gentle stretches, rotationsand two-hand technique with flow. Thiscourse teaches students how to perform afull body Hara “S”hiatsu session. Everytime you lay hands on another human, youhave an opportunity to expressmindfulness and compassion. This firstclass will cover the History and Functionsof Shiatsu and Quality of Touch, Transitionand Hara. These classes are taught as anongoing program, building on oneanother.

4696 PWEL 21-001Saturday, October 3, 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.1 SessionGrayslake Campus, Room T335$150 S. FullingtonEligible for 6 CEs

neW! hArA shiAtsu: clAss ii — proneLearn how to give a session in prone position.

4697 PWEL 22-001Grayslake Campus, Room T333Saturday, October 24, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.1 Session$75 S. FullingtonEligible for 3.5 CEs


Massage Therapy

The College of Lake County is now approved by the National Certification Boardfor Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) as an approved continuingeducation provider. Our cours0es are intended for licensed massagetherapists, certified body workers or estheticians and are eligible for CE hourstowards license renewal. Provider # 451802-11.

reiki level 2: prActitionercertiFicAtionBuild upon the skills you learned in ReikiLevel 1, and after completing this class youwill be certified to practice Reikiprofessionally. You will receive a secondattunement to increase the flow of energyand be introduced to and practice usingsacred Reiki symbols to enhance all facetsof Reiki work. This includes new healingtechniques and protocols for distant andsurrogate transmission of Reiki and a briefoverview of the use of healing crystals.Practical, business-building strategies formassage therapists and energypractitioners will be discussed. Text andother materials are included. Eligible for 6CEs to licensed massage therapistsPrerequisite: Reiki Level 1

4618 PALH 73-001Friday, October 16, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.1 SessionSouthlake Campus, Room R228$250 H. McCutcheon

4619 PALH 73-002Friday, December 11, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.1 SessionSouthlake Campus, Room R228$250 H. McCutcheon

the science Behind energy MedicineJoin us to pull the curtain back on ancienthealing techniques. You will learn the true nature of our existence as powerful,energetic beings. See examples of Westernmedicine using technology to emulate ournatural abilities and find out how energyexchange with others can impact all facets of our lives and how to manage it.Experience your own energy fields andthose of everyone around you. Eligible for2.5 CEs to licensed massage therapists.

4615 CBOD 25-001Friday, October 30, 1-4 p.m.1 SessionGrayslake Campus, Room T326$65 H. McCutcheon

Massage Therapy


iNfORMATiON: (847) 543.2615www.clcillinois.edu/professional

reiki level 1: reiki chAnnelLearn to channel life force energies as you take the first step in understanding and usingthe healing energy of Reiki. You will learn standardized protocols for the treatment ofclients as well as the history and philosophy of working with Reiki. Reiki is beingincorporated into hospital treatment plans across the country as medical and non-medical personnel have come to recognize its ability to reduce stress and expeditehealing. Thanks to modern technology, scientific data now corroborates mountains ofanecdotal evidence. Reiki is ideal for healthcare professionals and massage therapists.The class will be taught in CLC’s Massage Therapy Clinic. All materials are included in theclass fee. Eligible for 6 CEs to licensed massage therapistsClass size is limited, so register early.

4616 PALH 72-001Friday, September 18, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.1 SessionSouthlake Campus, Room R228$150 H. McCutcheon

4617 PALH 72-002Friday, November 13, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.1 SessionSouthlake Campus, Room R228$150 H. McCutcheon

heAlthier living nAturAllyFor the Mind, Body And soulLiving healthier today is not easy. Join usas we discover practical and simple stepsto a healthier lifestyle. We will explore andlearn about the amazing health benefits ofnature, addressing the body, mind andspirit and using medical research as ourguide for well being. Christina Hall is anauthor, blogger and certified health coachwhose two eBooks, Healthier LivingNaturally and Health, Healing and Hope hit#1 and #2 on Amazon in “MedicalEducation and Training” and “HealthierLiving” categories respectively. She blogsat homeremedies4mom.com. This class isnot eligible for Massage CEs.

4628 CBOD 21-001Wednesdays, September 2-23, 6-8 p.m.4 SessionsGrayslake Campus, Room T332$59 C. Hall

stress reduction throughMindFulness prActicesExperience and become more focused andefficient, spend less time worrying aboutthe future and/or brooding about the past,feel more rested and less stressed, enjoylife more! Deepen your connections in theworld. Worry, stress and fear are a part ofour everyday life. Through learning andincorporating mindfulness practices intoyour day, you can build a new relationshipwith worry and stress. Break free from yourstruggles and open up new possibilities inyour life at home, work, relationshipsand/or school. Through four weeks ofexperiential exercises and discussion, youwill learn how to better handle whateverlife sends your way, strategies to use for alifetime. This class is not eligible forMassage CEs.

4595 CBOD 29-001Tuesday, October 20 to November 106:30-8 p.m.4 SessionsGrayslake Campus, Room T333$59 P. Heigert


introduction to nAturAlheAlth And heAling-onlineLearn how to promote wellness, balanceand health in all aspects of your daily life.Explore naturopathy and proper breathingtechniques that enhance health and thevalue of hydrotherapy, diet, biorhythmsand fasting. We’ll also examine brainfunction tests, visualization and relaxationtherapies, as well as vitamins, minerals,antioxidants, free radicals and the basicrequirements that constitute a healthydiet. Discover herbal healing, aroma-therapy, body therapies; massagetechniques, osteopathy, chiropractic, T’ai Chi, reflexology, yoga, Feng Shui,therapeutic touch and natural remediesfor common emergencies.

Register for an ed2go instructor-led or self-paced Online course. Turn to page 33 formore information. Or visit www.ed2go.com/clc

BeverAge And Alcohol sellersAnd servers educAtionAltrAining (BAsset)Protect your liquor license and reduce yourrisk as an alcohol server. Liquor licenseowners, alcohol sellers and servers learnhow to determine servability of patrons,the physical and psychological effects ofalcohol, local ordinances of alcoholconsumption and driving, Blood AlcoholConcentration and determination of properIDs. BASSET is certified by the IllinoisLiquor Control Commission and is requiredby the Lake County Commission andvarious other municipalities for facilitieslicensed to serve and sell alcohol. Thecourse does NOT prepare individuals to bebartenders. Requests from past andcurrent students to replace a BASSET“Certificates of Completion” will behonored for up to three years from the class date.

4632 PHOS 1-001Monday, September 21, 6-10 p.m.1 SessionGrayslake Campus, Room T326$49 A. DeMarco

4633 PHOS 1-002Saturday, October 24, 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.1 SessionGrayslake Campus, Room T323$49 C. Parr

4634 PHOS 1-003Monday, November 16, 6-10 p.m.1 SessionGrayslake Campus, Room T326$49 A. DeMarco

4635 PHOS 1-004Monday, December 7, 6-10 p.m.1 SessionGrayslake Campus, Room T334$49 C. Parr

As of July 1, 2015, all current and futureBASSET cardholders will need to renewtheir certification every three years.



progrAMA educAtivo deentrenAMiento pArA vendedores yservidores de BeBidAs AlcohólicAsProteja su licencia para licores y reduzca el riesgo como servidor de alcohol. Losdueños de licencias para licores, losvendedores y los servidores de alcoholaprenderán a determinar cómo servir a losclientes, los efectos físicos y psicológicosdel alcohol, ordenanzas locales sobre elconsumo de alcohol y el manejo de autos,la Concentración de Alcohol en la Sangre,y la determinación de identificaciónapropiada. El programa BASSET estácertificado por la Comisión de Control de Licor de Illinois, y es requerido por laComisión del Condado de Lake y variasotras municipalidades para comercios con licencia para servir y vender licor. Este curso NO enseña a las personas acómo preparar bebidas alcohólicas.

4636 PHOS 2-001Monday, October 12, 6-10 p.m.1 SessionGrayslake Campus, Room T267$49 J. Alvarez

FundAMentAls oF MeetingAnd event MAnAgeMent2 credit hoursLearn strategies to develop meetings andspecial events. You will be introduced to the many considerations involved inplanning an event. You will learn how to conduct a needs analysis, balancemultiple presentation formats, developconference space schematics, create aprogram planning and event timeline,develop a budget and understand thebasics of marketing and promotion.

4539 PHOS 10-001Mondays and WednesdaysOctober 5 to November 11, 6-9:15 p.m.12 SessionsGrayslake Campus, Room T326$299 C. Harris

Food sAFety certiFicAtion/re-certiFicAtionBased on the most recent food safetyregulations, this course will prepare you to be certified or re-certified through theIllinois Department of Public Health. Youwill cover all major sanitation points,including how food becomes unsafe,proper precautions, personal hygiene,food contamination, regulations andinspection standards. Prior to class, it ishighly recommended to read the entiretextbook. The nationally recognizedServSafe exam is given at the end of theclass and upon successful completion, you are eligible to apply for the FoodService Sanitation Manager Certificationlicense. A textbook for this class isrequired and can be purchased at the CLC Bookstore.

4637 PHOS 5-001Wednesday, September 308 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.1 SessionGrayslake Campus, Room T332$99 J. Keyes

4638 PHOS 5-002Thursday, November 128 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.1 SessionGrayslake Campus, Room T323$99 J. Keyes

sAnidAd en el serviciode AliMentos/re-certiFicAciónBasado en las más recientes normas desanidad en el servicio de alimentos, estecurso lo preparará para ser certificado ore-certificado por el Departamento deSalud Pública de Illinois. Usted cubrirátodos los puntos principales de sanidad,incluyendo cómo los alimentos seconvierten peligrosos para la salud, lasprecauciones adecuadas, higienepersonal, contaminación de los alimentos,regulaciones y estándares de inspección.Antes de la clase, es muy recomendableleer todo el libro. El examen ServSafe,reconocido nacionalmente, se da al finalde la clase, y al completarlo exitosamente,usted es elegible para aplicar para lalicencia “Food Service Sanitation ManagerCertification”. Se requiere un libro de textopara esta clase, el cual se puede adquiriren la librería de CLC.

4639 PHOS 6-001Thursday, October 29, 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.1 SessionGrayslake Campus, Room T323$99 Staff

Massage Therapy and Hospitality


iNfORMATiON: (847) 543.2615www.clcillinois.edu/professional

proFessionAl interpreterBAsic trAining3 credit hoursEnhance your skills or begin your career asa professional interpreter. The focus of thiscourse is on critical concepts forinterpreting in medical, legal andcommunity settings. This training enablesinterpreters to meet their responsibility ofplacing Limited English Proficient (LEP)persons on an equal footing with thosewho understand English. Courseparticipants will be empowered with aguide to professionally approach eachcommunicative event by observingestablished strategies, protocols andcodes of conduct.

Specific topics addressed in this coursewill include the fundamentals and modesof interpreting and translating, the role ofthe interpreter and the Codes of Ethicsproposed by the National Council onInterpreting in Health Care (NCIHC) and the International Medical InterpretersAssociation (IMIA). Participants willpractice and implement interpretingtechniques in small groups, listen to and critique recordings of interpretingscripts and record and critique their own renditions.

Note: While this course is open tospeakers and interpreters in any language,the instructor is bilingual in Spanish andEnglish. Students will be responsible fortheir own vocabulary development inpreparation for any certification exams.The course will be taught in English.

Students will be required to purchase a book on the first day of class at the cost of $45.

Prerequisite: Students must have college-level proficiency in English speaking,reading and writing in order to besuccessful in this course.

4527 PLNG 20-001Saturdays,October 3 to November 148:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.6 SessionsGrayslake Campus, Room T334$749 S. Arteaga


Local Governmentinterpreting

neW! running For locAl oFFiceMake a positive difference in your community and let your voice be heard. Raiseawareness for issues that are important to you and your neighbors. Get your name on theballot or manage a campaign to support candidates and platforms that you believe in!This exciting, interactive course will be facilitated by CLC political science facultymembers and will feature special political guest presentations offering diverseperspectives from experience in local, state or national campaigns. The course willprovide a non-partisan overview on such essential topics as understanding the electionsprocess, assembling a campaign team, articulating your platform, raising funds, gainingvoter support and responding to critics and mudslinging. Launching a campaign can bean expensive endeavor. Enrolling in this course may be your best invest-ment for gettingyour campaign off and running effectively.

4580 PGBS 10-001WednesdaysSeptember 30 to November 186:30-9 p.m.8 sessionsGrayslake Campus$199 A. Shriberg

conceAled cArry license trAining -16 hoursThis course satisfies the legal trainingrequirements for eligible residents whowish to apply for permission to carry aconcealed firearm. In this course, firearmknowledge, safety and personal protectionare emphasized in order to gain theappropriate mindset and skills needed forresponsibly exercising the right to carry.Includes live fire range qualification aswell as the required classroom hours,which will thoroughly cover the directivesand restrictions outlined in the new law.Participants must be at least 21 years ofage, and if a resident of the state ofIllinois, be eligible to possess a valid FOIDcard. All participants are required toqualify on the range and will attendclassroom topics covering state andfederal laws relating to the ownership,storage, carry and transportation of afirearm as well as weapons handling asdefined in the statute and administrativerules.

4531 PPSi 30-001Saturday, September 26, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.ANDSunday, September 2711 a.m. to 3 p.m. and 5-9 p.m. at range2 sessionsGrayslake Campus, T335$299 R. Tapkowski

4702 PPSi 30-002Grayslake Campus, Room T335Monday-Thursday, November 9-126-10 p.m.4 sessions$299 R. Tapkowski

interpreting, Local Government and Concealed Carry


iNfORMATiON: (847) 543.2615www.clcillinois.edu/professional

On July 9, 2013, Public Act 98-63, the firearm Concealed Carry Act, becameillinois state law. This course will satisfy the legal training requirements foreligible residents who wish to apply for permission to carry a concealedfirearm. All participants will be required to qualify on the range and will attendclassroom topics covering state and federal laws relating to the ownership,storage, carry and transportation of a firearm as well as weapons handling as defined in the statute and administrative rules.

Requirements and Course information: Participants must be at least 21 years of age and if a resident of the State of Illinois, be eligible to possess a valid FOID card.

Those who own a 9 mm or a 38 special will use their personal weapon and provide theirown ammunition as part of their range exercises. Based on availability, participants whodo NOT own a handgun may be able to rent a weapon at a small additional fee in order tocomplete the range qualification. Students interested in this option should discussavailability with the instructor on the first night of class.

The College of Lake County is a weapons-free location.

Students are prohibited by law from bringing firearms to campus. This includes allbuildings and parking lots. Students should not bring their firearms on campus or toclass. Weapons should only be brought to the final class meeting, which is held at ashooting range.

Prior Training: The 12- and 8-hour training classes are listed as department consent.Prior proof of training MUST be received before a student can register for either section.Call (847) 543-2615 for more information. For participants with prior training, please referto chart at www.clcillinois.edu/professional/concealedcarry. All documentation orcertificates proving completed prior training must be submitted to CLC via email [email protected] or delivered in person to Room T317 at theGrayslake campus no less than five business days prior to the start date of any class.

conceAled cArry license trAining – 8 hoursThis class is only for those students who have completed eight hours of previous trainingapproved by the Illinois State Police. Any previously completed training must beauthenticated by the College of Lake County prior to a student attending class. Alldocumentation or certificates proving completed prior training must be submitted to CLC via email at [email protected] or delivered in person to Room T317 at the Grayslake campus. CLC must receive thesedocuments no less than five business days prior to the start date of any class.

4532 PPSi 32-001Sunday, September 2711 a.m. to 3 p.m. and 5-9 p.m. at range1 sessionGrayslake Campus, Room T335$199 R. Tapkowski

4533 PPSi 32-002Grayslake Campus, Room T335Wednesday and ThursdayNovember 11 and 12, 6-10 p.m.2 sessions$199 R. Tapkowski

12-HOUR TRAiNiNGA 12-hour training option is also available for students with four hours of qualifiedprevious training.

Concealed Carry Licensing

security oFFicer BAsic trAining1.5 credit hoursAre you interested in finding a career inthe security field as an unarmed securityguard or would you like to enhance yourpresent job skills and earn statecertification? Security officer basic trainingwill prepare new security officers andexperienced employees for employmentwith a certified agency under the IllinoisPrivate Detective, Private Security andPrivate Alarm Act. This course covers thesecurity code of ethics, public and humanrelations, Illinois Criminal code, fire andaccident prevention, patrol procedures,liabilities, report writing, use of force, fire and safety equipment and search and seizure procedures.

4530 PPSi 5-001Monday-Friday, September 14-186-10 p.m.5 SessionsGrayslake Campus, Room T333$199 R. Tapkowski

security oFFicer FireArM trAining1.5 credit hoursThis course is for individuals who havecompleted the 20-hour security officerbasic training course as mandated by theIllinois Private Detective, Private Securityand Private Alarm Act. Course topicsinclude legal use of firearms, liability while armed, firearms safety andmaintenance, range procedures and range qualifying. A written test, firing range practice and final qualificationfollow classroom instruction. A currentIllinois Firearm Identification Card (FOID) is mandatory to receive firearms training.Prerequisite: Security Officer BasicTraining course or proof of equivalent training.

4553 PPSi 6-001Monday-Friday, October 12-16,6-10 p.m.5 SessionsGrayslake Campus, Room T335$249 R. Tapkowski


Protective Services

coMMunity service oFFicer 3 credit hoursThis five-day course was designed with input from police departments in our region. Itprepare students to work in a police department as a Community Service Officer (CSO).This non-sworn position augments police departments with uniformed civilian personnelauthorized to operate police vehicles. Some of the duties include issuing parking tickets,traffic control, handling motor vehicle accidents and animal complaints.

Note: To be employed as a CSO, individuals must meet department standards, whichmay include: 21 years or older, high school diploma, valid Illinois driver license with aclean driving record, no criminal history and they must pass a department written examand interview. Criteria for employment are set by individual law enforcement agencies.

4596 PCJi 1-001Saturdays, September 26 to October 248 a.m. to 5 p.m.5 SessionsGrayslake Campus, Room T326$399 C. Parr

Broker pre-licensing topics5 credit hoursThis course, with the Broker Pre-LicensingApplied Principles course (PRLE 3), fulfills the new education requirements forobtaining an Illinois Real Estate Brokerlicense. You are required to attend allsessions which include: introduction tothe license law and real property; basicsof agency, seller and buyer relationshipsand counseling; local, state and federallaws effecting real estate; brokerage,marketing and advertising; marketanalysis and appraisal; financing,contracts, independent contractor andemployee status, occupational disciplinesand business planning. A textbook isrequired and should be purchased at theCLC Bookstore prior to class.

4624 PRLE 2-001Thursdays and TuesdaysOctober 1 to November 35:30-10 p.m.ANDSaturdays, October 3-318 a.m. to 2 p.m.15 SessionsSouthlake Campus, Room V328$699 W. Paprocki

Broker pre-licensing topics—hoMe study5 credit hoursHome study is an option for completing 75 hours of the broker pre-licensingcurriculum (course code PRLE 02).Students who select this option mustcomplete and submit assignments thatfulfill the class time requirement. Thecourse is self-paced and studentscorrespond with the instructor throughemail and phone as needed. This allowsstudents the freedom to complete theapproved classes without having to at-tend regular class meetings. Home Studystudents are required to come to theGrayslake campus only to take the finalexam. An additional home study packetmust be purchased in the bookstore.

4625 PRLE 2-981September 24 to November 24Home Study$699 W. Paprocki

hoMe inspection4 credit hoursThis pre-licensing course, approved by the state of Illinois, prepares future home inspectors for the state licensingexamination. Illinois home inspectorsmust be licensed to comply with state law. All areas of home inspection will becovered in the 60-hour course, includingexteriors, electric, heating and codecompliance. As part of the course,students will be required to participate in field events. These hands-on trips maybe scheduled outside of class, based onthe availability of students, instructor and sites. Be aware that to open a homeinspection business, there are additionalcosts such as insurance and equipment.Prerequisite: This course is intended for people who have some workingknowledge of the building trades.

4552 PRLE 40-001Mondays and WednesdaysSeptember 14 to December 26-9:30 p.m.24 SessionsGrayslake Campus, Room T334$799 K. Fulara

Broker pre-licensingApplied principles1 credit hourThis course, with the Broker Pre-LicensingTopics course (PRLE 2), fulfills the neweducation requirements for obtaining anIllinois Real Estate Broker license. Thisinteractive course includes role play,situations, case studies and demon-stration examples. You are required toattend all sessions, which include: listing presentations, buyer representa-tions, agency disclosures, purchaseagreements, handling offers, negotiating,market analysis, closing costs, escrowmoney, fair housing and anti-trust. Atextbook is required and should bepurchased at the CLC Bookstore prior to class.

4626 PRLE 3-001Thursdays and TuesdaysNovember 5 and 10, 5:30-10 p.m.ANDSaturday, November 7, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.3 SessionsSouthlake Campus, Room V328$199 W. Paprocki

Protective Services and Real Estate


iNfORMATiON: (847) 543.2615www.clcillinois.edu/professional

prepare to be a real estate agent!

The College of Lake County is approved by the Real Estate Bureau, part of theillinois Department of financial and Professional Regulation. A student mustmeet all the requirements to be able to take the Broker’s or Managing Broker’sExamination given by the State of illinois.

Broker RequirementsPRLE 2 and PRLE 3 fulfill the required broker pre-licensing exam courserequirements. Attendance for all class hours and a passing score of 75 percentor better on the final exams are required, as mandated by the IllinoisDepartment of Financial and Professional Regulation. In addition to meeting thecourse requirements, an applicant for the State of Illinois licensing examinationmust be a high school graduate (or GED recipient) and 21 years of age, or 18years of age and have two years of college course work. For more information onstate requirements, please review http://www.idfpr.com/DPR/RE/realmain.asp

Real Estate


ForkliFt operAtor trAiningForklift Operator training providesparticipants with knowledge and skills to operate a powered industrial truck(forklift) in a safe and professionalmanner. Training combines formalclassroom instruction, practical hands-on training and evaluation of workplaceperformance. Training is held atEquipment Depot, 1014 Progress Drive, Grayslake.

4461 PSfT 30-001Tuesday, August 18, 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.1 sessionEquipment Depot$135 J. Colangelo

4462 PSfT 30-002Tuesday, September 15, 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.1 sessionEquipment Depot$135 J. Colangelo

4463 PSfT 30-003Tuesday, October 20, 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.1 sessionEquipment Depot$135 J. Colangelo

4464 PSfT 30-004Tuesday, November 17, 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.1 sessionEquipment Depot$135 J. Colangelo

4465 PSfT 30-005Tuesday, December 15, 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.1 sessionEquipment Depot$135 J. Colangelo




The federal Aviation Administration estimates that as many as 7,500commercial unmanned aerial vehicles could be flying in national airspacewithin a few years. The unmanned aircraft industry hopes that there will be100,000 people with drone-related jobs by 2025 (Time, 2013).

privAte pilot ground school3 credit hoursPrivate Pilot Ground School is the first step to becoming a pilot and gaining theknowledge needed to begin a career in the aviation industry. In addition to preparing you for the FAA Private Pilot knowledge test in your quest toward pilot certification, thiscourse will also provide you with skills for operating Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs or “drones”), a career path showing signs of significant growth.

Take the first step to begin a new career in the aviation industry! Be prepared for yourfirst flight by learning the basics of radio communications, navigation and trip planning,emergency procedures, weather, runway and airspace logistics, flight safety and FAAregulations. You will also become acquainted with aircraft components, maintenanceand aerodynamics. This course is designed to fulfill FAA regulations to meet the privatepilot certification requirement CFR 61. Upon completion of this course, students will beprepared for the FAA Private Pilot knowledge test. Students who successfully pass theFAA test will be qualified to pursuit a Private Pilot License.

4666 PTEC 70-001Mondays, September 21 to December 146-8:45 p.m.13 sessionsGrayslake Campus, Room T333$499 C. Karp

Truck Driver Training

(MVR) from the Secretary of State’s Officeprior to enrollment. Students must nothave any physical limitation which thataffects their driving ability and have use of all their limbs, both eyes, corrected ornot and not be legally deaf. Studentscurrently on bond or parole are not eligiblefor the program. Because all CDL testing is conducted in English, students must be able to speak, read, write andunderstand English

4376 PCDL 1-001Monday-Friday, August 3 to September 47:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.20 SessionsGrayslake Campus, Room T335$4100 J. Clark

4377 PCDL 1-002Monday-FridaySeptember 8 to October 97:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.20 SessionsGrayslake Campus, Room T335$4100 J. Clark

4378 PCDL 1-003Monday-FridayOctober 12 to November 137:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.20 SessionsGrayslake Campus, Room T335$4100 J. Clark

4379 PCDL 1-004Monday-FridayNovember 16 to December 187:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.20 SessionsGrayslake Campus, Room T335$4100 J. Clark



iNfORMATiON: (847) 543.2615www.clcillinois.edu/professional

get on the road to a Better career!

You can begin a new career as a professional truck driver. The U. S. Departmentof Labor predicts that there is a need for almost 200,000 new truck driversthrough 2022. The median annual wage for heavy and tractor-trailer truckdrivers with CDLs was $38,200 in May 2012, according to the Bureau ofLabor Statistics.

Gain the knowledge and skills to prepare for and pass the State of illinoisissued Commercial Drivers License (CDL-A) exams.

Training provided by Eagle Training Services and Job Placement Assistance is Provided!

for more information, visit www.clcillinois.edu/professional/truckdriver or call (847) 543-2615.

truck driver trAining (cdl-A) 10 credit hoursThis 160-hour basic training course will prepare students for a career as a commercialtruck driver. The course will provide students with the knowledge and skills to prepare forthe state-issued Commercial Drivers License (CDL-A) exams, including the permit test,pre-trip inspection test, skills tests and road tests. Students will learn CDL laws, use ofcontrols, safe driving techniques and defensive driving. The course includes classroominstruction and behind-the-wheel training. Students will take practices tests designed toprepare them for the CDL Class A permit exam.

Prerequisites: Students must have a valid Illinois Drivers License Class “D” or above.They may not have committed a serious traffic violation in a commercial motor vehiclewithin the past 12 months. Students must provide a copy of their Motor Vehicle Report

connect to a new career!

Learn more about Truck Driver Training by attending a FREE information session on Thursday evenings August 20, October 1 or November 5, 2015 at 6 p.m. in Room T335 at the Grayslake campus. Check outwww.clcinfosessions.eventbrite.com for more information.

iNfORMATiON: (847) 543.2615www.clcillinois.edu/professional

suBstitute teAching prepArAtionTo be a substitute today, it takes studentrespect, skills and a portfolio of ideas andworkable presentations. Understand whatis expected of a substitute and how tomaximize your value to a school. Find outabout how to develop a sub notebook,understand classroom management, thelatest techniques in developing lessonplans, how to use your own portfolio toassist in teaching and much more.

4470 PTCH 25-800October 5-30Online, 24/7$145 D. Reilly

sociAl MediA And onlinetools For k-12 teAchersFacebook, Twitter, YouTube—everyonetalks about ways the Internet lets themstay in touch and see what others aredoing, especially your students. Learnabout GoogleDocs, Adobe ConnectNow,iGoogle, Flicker, animoto, earth album,Teacher Tube, blogs and virtual labs.Discover tips to use a variety of socialmedia and online tools to help yourstudents. This course is for any teacherinterested in social media, from begin-ners to advanced social networkers.

4466 PTCH 41-800November 2-27Online, 24/7$145 D. Torrez

students With Asd (AutisMspectruM disorder)Today, every school in America hasstudents who have been diagnosed with ASD (Austim Spectrum Disorder)—a neurological disorder on the autismspectrum. The effects of this disorder varywidely, but it is important for every teacherto understand how to recognize behaviorsthat may indicate Asperger’s Syndrome.You will take away strategies for workingeffectively with Asperger’s students and parents to create the most positivelearning environments for children andteens with this disorder.

4467 PTCH 42-800October 5-30Online, 24/7$145 J. Coates

using cell phones in the clAssrooMClass, turn your cell phones—on! Most ofyour students have cell phones, and nowyou can use this valuable tool in yourclassroom to engage and involve yourstudents more in their learning. Discoverhow to implement cell phones in yourclassroom from a teacher who has done itsuccessfully. Come away with a step-by-step how-to plan on enhancing yourstudents’ learning and your teaching.

4468 PTCH 43-800November 2-27Online, 24/7$145 R. Moore

Graduate SchoolTest PreparationneW! gre test prepArAtionGain the edge to score your best on the GRE and impress graduate schooladmissions committees by completing thisthorough test preparation class. Studentswill receive face-to-face instruction andtutoring in a small group setting. The classwill prepare students for the quantitative,verbal and analytic writing portions of theexam with practice questions, sampletests and guidance on effective studyhabits and test taking skills.

4631 PGRD 10-001Saturdays, September 19 to October 249 a.m. to 12 p.m.6 sessionsGrayslake Campus, Room T332$249 Staff


Teacher Education

cAreer explorAtionExplore the world of work with such topicsas getting and keeping a job, employmentreadiness, time management skills,getting along with co-workers andsupervisors, team building, careerexploration, job searching techniques,completing an application, resume andinterviewing skills. This program is thecore of the personal success program andis required for first-time participants.

4597 PPSP 1-001Thursdays, September 17 to December 1710 a.m. to 12 p.m.13 sessionsGrayslake Campus, Room T334$425 G. Johnson

coMputer skills iThis course is designed to introducestudents to the essential computer skillsneeded to successfully secure and keep ajob in the contemporary workplace. In thishands-on class, students will learn basicworkplace computer skills including howto create and save folders and files,printing, sending and receiving emails andcreating basic documents, letters, memosand spreadsheets using Microsoftsoftware. Students will also learn Internetsafety and security and identification ofinternal and external personal computercomponents.

4640 PPSP 10-001Fridays, September 18 to December 1810 a.m. to 12 p.m.13 sessionsGrayslake Campus, Room L032$425 S. Freeman

childcAre skillsWould you like to prepare for a job in achildcare center? Learn the types ofpersonality and character traits that areimportant in caring for children frominfancy to pre-school age. Having a betterunderstanding of the children in your carewill prepare you to understand eachdevelopment stage. Learn how to preparenutritional meals and snacks, safety andsanitation guidelines and how to applydevelopmental and age appropriatebehavior reinforcements. Make childcarefun and educational for the little ones inyour care. You will develop educational,safe and age-appropriate activities for pre-school age children. Explore activities inthe areas of fine and gross motor skills,music, reading, listening, math, scienceand self-help skills.

4602 PPSP 12-001WednesdaysSeptember 16 to December 1610 a.m. to 12 p.m.13 sessionsGrayslake Campus, Room T323$425 G. Johnson

introduction to nAturAl FoodsAn extension of the PSP Food Service skills program, Introduction to NaturalFoods will teach students about thegrowing consumer demand of naturalfoods in restaurants, grocery stores andlocal farmer's markets. The class willreinforce basic food safety and foodhandling skills, introduce students to thenutritional benefits of natural foods andprovide hands-on experiences in foodproduction and preparation.

4604 PPSP 16-001WednesdaysSeptember 16 to December 1612:30-2:30 p.m.13 sessionsGrayslake Campus, T323$425 G. Johnson

pet cAre iAre you a cat or dog lover? By taking thePet Care 1 course, you will learn how yourability in caring for animals can turn into a successful career. Gain a better under-standing of pet health, development and nutritional needs. Learn trainingtechniques to promote good behavior andobedience and fun activities that you canenjoy with pets. Discover the great numberof job opportunities that exist in the petcare industry. This class is designed toprepare students for entry-level employ-ment in pet care. Jobs that students mightconsider upon completion include: dogbather/groomer assistant, dog walker, pet sitter, or employment at a pet store or animal shelter.

4606 PPSP 20-001Tuesdays, September 15 to December 1510 a.m. to 12 p.m.13 sessionsSouthlake Campus, Room V326$425 A. Wienckowski

Teacher Education, Graduate School Test Prep and Personal Success Program


Personal Success Program

The Personal Success Program (PSP) offers a variety of vocational courses tomeet the needs of students 18 years and older with mild to moderate cognitiveimpairment. The program’s focus is on gaining vocational skills to acquireentry-level employment.

Each class is led by a content expert who has experience teaching people withdisabilities. A special education teacher will be present in most classes toprovide additional supports. The curriculum is designed to be delivered at alevel and pace that is appropriate to the needs of each student.

All students must register through Continuing Professional Development. Call the Customer Service Center for information at (847) 543-2615 or visitwww.clcillinois.edu/professional/personalsuccess for more information and a fall 2015 registration form.

retAil skills 1No matter what your interests are, there is a potential job for you in the retailindustry. From video games andelectronics to fashion, sports and food,there is an abundance of exciting retailstores that need new employees yearround. In Retail Skills 1, students will learnsome of the key elements that stores arelooking for. Learn to provide excellentcustomer service, work in a team andresolve problems on the job. Students will also be introduced to the concepts of sales and merchandising, inventorymanagement and the typical store layoutsand organizational structures of major U.S.retail companies.

4608 PPSP 25-001Thursdays, September 17 to December 1712:30-2:30 p.m.13 sessionsGrayslake Campus, Room T338$425 G. Johnson

neW! FinAnciAl literAcyFor young AdultsWhile making money is important,independent adults must also know how to spend, borrow and save money.Students will learn basic moneymanagement and financial literacy skills needed to complete important life tasks. Topics covered include thebasics of banking, using a debit or creditcard responsibly, balancing a monthlybudget, paying bills, understanding yourpaycheck and preventing identity theft.Students will practice these skills throughinteractive lectures and hands-onactivities, including work with Excelspreadsheets and calculators.

4610 PPSP 33-001Tuesdays, September 15 to December 1512:30-2:30 p.m.13 sessionsSouthlake Campus, Room V326$425 P. Palmersheim

neW! personAl cAre Aide - pspThis course is specially designed toprovide students with cognitive or learningdisabilitites an opportunity to gain thebasic skills needed to begin a new careeror to confidently provide companionshipor care for an elderly or disabled familymember or friend. These skills include:

• Person-centered communicationtechniques

• Basic hygiene and infection control• Assistance with personal care tasks• Housekeeping, cooking and nutrition• Use of adaptive equipment such as lifts,

wheelchairs, walkers and grab bars• Recognizing and responding to an

emergency• Understanding legal requirements and

limitations• HeartSaver CPR and awareness of blood-

borne pathogens

This course exceeds the home serviceworker training requirements of the IllinoisDepartment of Public Health. Classes willbe held in a hands-on skills lab, and skills will be assessed by a competencyevaluation. Upon completion, studentswill receive a vocational certificate and anAmerican Heart Association CPR card goodfor two years. A text book and a materialskit are required and are available in theCLC Bookstore.

4667 PPSP 40-001Fridays, October 16 to November 2012:30-4:30 p.m.6 sessionsGrayslake Campus, Room D228$425 J. Burns



Professional Development/Personal Enrichment Online Classes

Courses start every month!

Instructor-ledExperienced professionals lead instruction.

Learn from the comfort of your computer.

• Hundreds of engaging courses

• Most courses meet for 6 weeks (12 lessons)

• Classes start every month—Sept. 16, Oct. 14, Nov. 11, Dec. 9

• Start as low as $115

Self-paced Tutorials Course work is completed independently based on your schedule.

• Hundreds of self-paced courses

• Start when you want

• Self-directed courses—you set the pace

• Range from $99 – 399

Learn More. When and where you want!

College of Lake County offers a variety of online courses including:

• Computer Skills

• Web Programming

• Graphic and Multimedia Design

• Business Communications

• Management and Leadership

• Health and Wellness

• Teaching and Education

• Arts and Crafts

• Family, Home and Parenting

• Language

• Photography

• Writing

Two online options: Hundreds of engaging courses

For registration details or to learn more call(847) 543-2615 or visit www.clcillinois.edu/professional/onlineclasses

iNfORMATiON: (847) 543.2033www.clcillinois.edu/sbdc-itc


Illinois Small Business Development and International Trade CenterCelebrating 30 Years of Small Business Success

Explore business solutions and training and �nd new opportunities for your business to start, grow and succeed. Whether you’re starting a new business, positioning your company for growth or seeking to expand globally, we can help. Our business services include:

• Free, con�dential, one-on-one business advising in English or Spanish with noted experts

• Assistance in developing business plans and �nancial statements

• Guidance in forming strategic marketing plans

• Support in securing loans with local lenders and service providers

• One-on-one strategic export counseling

• Customized international market and trade research

• Foreign market access and matchmaking programs

• Export transaction and regulatory assistance

• Interactive, low-cost workshops

Connect with us. We are your business partner to success.

Schedule a free, one-on-one counseling session with one of our small business advisors or with our International Trade Specialist.

(847) 543-2033 [email protected] www.clcillinois.edu/sbdc-itc

The Illinois Small Business Development & International Trade Center is funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, and the College of Lake County. Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least two weeks in advance. Please contact the center at (847) 543-2033 or TDD: (847) 223-0134.

Save the Date!Small Business Success in Lake County Goes Global

Thursday, November 5, 2015

8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Visit www.SmallBusinessSuccessInLakeCounty.com for details.

Felix Castillo of Felix’s Famous Cookies

“The business expertise and management advice from my small business advisor has been extremely helpful from our �rst meeting and to this day. He has helped me create a clear vision for the future of my company and a detailed action plan to execute it.”

– Laura Castillo, Owner of Felix’s Famous Cookies

stArt strong Business Boot cAMpThis accelerated small business bootcamp will explore business fundamentalsneeded to start and run a new business.Evaluate your business idea includingpersonal objectives, business feasibility,market potential and financial strength.This class will provide the resources,support and motivation to prove that adream of business success is within reach.Individualized counseling by a certifiedbusiness advisor is included to addressspecific concerns and challenges.

4395 TBSM 2-600Tuesdays, October 6-27, 6:30-8:30 p.m.4 SessionsGrayslake Campus, Room T334$100 J. Osmond

stArting your Business in illinoisStarting a business in Illinois isn’t assimple as pressing a button. There arelaws, regulations and reports a companymust abide by and produce. Learnimportant aspects of business owner-ship and receive handouts that includeinformation on agencies to contact. Don’tbe sorry, be safe. Learn what is required to start a business in Illinois.

4396 TBSM 10-001Tuesday, September 29, 6:30-8:30 p.m.1 SessionGrayslake Campus, Room T334FREE J. Osmond

4397 TBSM 10-002Tuesday, November 3, 6:30-8:30 p.m.1 SessionGrayslake Campus, Room T334FREE J. Osmond

THiS CLASS iS ALSO OffERED ONLiNE. Turn to page 36 for details.

neW! eMAil MArketing:A top revenue generAtorEmail marketing is one of the mostunderutilized tools in your marketingarsenal. Yet studies consistently showemail in the top three for revenuegeneration. This highly versatile toolreaches your audience on any device, inany format and goes directly to their inbox.As one of the only direct communicationsyou have with customers and prospects,email can quickly become the mostvaluable tool you use to market with lesseffort to generate more results.

4652 TBSM 17-001Wednesdays, October 14-21, 2-4 p.m.2 SessionsSouthlake Campus, Room V328$65 C. Hilbert

neW! Boost reAch WithFAceBook AdsDramatically improve your Facebookresults by targeting the audience you want most. With organic reach less than 10 percent, businesses are boosting posts and placing ads to increase pageexposure and generate new customers.This workshop will cover the different adsFacebook offers, examine the applicationof audience filters, cover how to set up anad budget and control spending, reviewthe difference between ads and sponsoredstories, explore ad placement options and review the importance of ad analytics.Come learn how to use ads effectively to attract more people even on a tight budget.

4651 TBSM 23-001Wednesdays, September 16-23, 6-8 p.m.2 SessionsSouthlake Campus, Room V328$65 C. Hilbert

neW! WhAt you don’t knoW ABoutsociAl MediA - onlineAre you using social media to reachprospects and customers? Do you know how well it is working? Is the time investment paying off? Social media platforms, like Facebook, havemade it harder than ever to connect toyour audience. Many pages reach only a fraction of their followers. If you wantsocial media to achieve tangible results,you need to fully understand how theseplatforms (Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter)are used and what to communicate oneach to grow your business. Find outexactly what you need to do to produceand verify social media results and getthe answers to your most challengingquestions. Meet for one hour once a week from the comfort of your own desk. This is a live virtual classroomenvironment where you will discover how your business can capitalize on this elusive marketing channel.

This workshop cannot be accessedthrough Blackboard.

4679 TBSM 24-800Tuesdays, September 22 to December 15(No class Tuesday, November 24)3:30-4:30 p.m.12 SessionsONLINE$175 C. Hilbert

neW! hoW to control youronline reputAtionAn Internet search provides buyerseverything they need to know before theyever contact you. Today, even newbornbabies have an online shadow becauseeverything ever said or published online,stays online. How do you make sure whatpeople find reflects positively on you andthe products and services you offer? Whatcan be done if it doesn’t? How can youchange the online shadow of yourbusiness? Your reputation’s online, even if your business isn’t. Take control of how people view your business andprotect your bottom line.

4680 TBSM 57-001Wednesdays, November 11-18, 2-4 p.m.2 SessionsSouthlake Campus, Room V328$65 C. Hilbert

Small Business Workshops


Start-Up and BusinessPlanning

Social MediaIllinois Small Business Development and International Trade CenterCelebrating 30 Years of Small Business Success

Explore business solutions and training and �nd new opportunities for your business to start, grow and succeed. Whether you’re starting a new business, positioning your company for growth or seeking to expand globally, we can help. Our business services include:

• Free, con�dential, one-on-one business advising in English or Spanish with noted experts

• Assistance in developing business plans and �nancial statements

• Guidance in forming strategic marketing plans

• Support in securing loans with local lenders and service providers

• One-on-one strategic export counseling

• Customized international market and trade research

• Foreign market access and matchmaking programs

• Export transaction and regulatory assistance

• Interactive, low-cost workshops

Connect with us. We are your business partner to success.

Schedule a free, one-on-one counseling session with one of our small business advisors or with our International Trade Specialist.

(847) 543-2033 [email protected] www.clcillinois.edu/sbdc-itc

The Illinois Small Business Development & International Trade Center is funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, and the College of Lake County. Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least two weeks in advance. Please contact the center at (847) 543-2033 or TDD: (847) 223-0134.

Save the Date!Small Business Success in Lake County Goes Global

Thursday, November 5, 2015

8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Visit www.SmallBusinessSuccessInLakeCounty.com for details.

Felix Castillo of Felix’s Famous Cookies

“The business expertise and management advice from my small business advisor has been extremely helpful from our �rst meeting and to this day. He has helped me create a clear vision for the future of my company and a detailed action plan to execute it.”

– Laura Castillo, Owner of Felix’s Famous Cookies

Sponsored by

introduction to quickBooksThis class is designed for users who haveless than six months’ experience workingwith QuickBooks. Topics include setup of new files, processing banking, accountsreceivable and accounts payable trans-actions, reconciliation of bank and creditcard accounts and running basic financialreports. This class does not cover thecloud/online version of QuickBooks.Prerequisite: Able to use MicrosoftWindows products.

4412 TBSM 20-001Thursday, September 24, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.1 SessionGrayslake Campus, Room L032$150 R. Ritzwoller

4413 TBSM 20-002Wednesdays, October 28 to November 116:30-8:45 p.m.3 SessionsGrayslake Campus, Room L032$150 R. Ritzwoller

interMediAte quickBooksLearn how to analyze financial data tobetter understand your business. Createand customize reports, track and pay sales tax. Learn payroll functions such as setting up payroll information andschedules, payroll tracking and processing payment of payroll taxes.

4414 TBSM 21-001Wednesday, December 2, 5-8:45 p.m.1 SessionGrayslake Campus, Room L032$100 R. Ritzwoller

stArt strong seriesThis series of four workshops will identifythe steps you need to take to start yourbusiness on a firm foundation.

Enroll in an individual workshop or takethe series and save. Series cost $150, a$200 value.

Are you reAdy?Assess your entrepreneurial readiness.Estimated time to complete: two hours.$50

stArting your Business in illinoisLearn what rules and regulations arerequired to start a business. Estimatedtime to complete: one hour.FREE

Building your Business teAMWho should be on your team? Estimatedtime to complete: four hours.$75

Business plAnning MAde eAsyBuild your roadmap to success. Write yourown business plan. Estimated time tocomplete: eight hours.$75

groW strong seriesThis series of four workshops provides aplan that will take your business to thenext level of success.

Enroll in an individual workshop or takethe series and save. Series cost $200, a$240 value.

strAtegic plAnning For sMAllBusinessDevelop a plan that can propel yourbusiness to higher levels of success.Estimated time to complete: eight hours.$100

cAsh FloW—liFeBlood oF yourBusinessIt is a simple fact that cash is king!Estimated time to complete: one hour.$50

MArketing For successDevelop and implement a multi-facetedmarketing plan. Estimated time tocomplete: three hours.$50

MAxiMize your relAtionshipsBuilding successful relationships are vitalto your success. Estimated time tocomplete: one hour.$40


Online learning for the Small Business Owner

illinois SBDC international Trade Center offers online classes for the newto the experienced business owner including:

• Entrepreneur Readiness • Strategic Planning• Business Start-up • Cash flow• Business Planning • Marketing

Connect and learn at your convenience. These online classes are self-pacedonline learning modules and cannot be accessed through Blackboard.

To register or for more information, visit www.clcillinois.edu/SBDConline or call (847) 543-2033.

Classes are provided by Small Business Spoken Here.

Accountingand finance


neW! glAssBloWing pAperWeightsIntended for beginners with little or no hot shop experience, this hands-on classwill concentrate on making three differentround paperweights using variousprocesses and colors: Glo-ball, Shard-ball and Cane-ball. Leave with three ofyour own paperweight creations and abetter appreciation for working with hotglass. Proper attire is mandatory: long-sleeved cotton shirt, long pants, socks,closed-toed shoes, a pair of sunglasses.Class time may vary depending on thenumber of students. Course fee covers all materials.

Class is held at Peter PattersonGlassworks, 888 Tower Road, Unit E,Mundelein. Students 14-17 may register for this class through the Explore programand attend with a registered parent orother authorized adult. Call (847) 543-2615for more information. Parent must sign awaiver with Patterson Glassworks.

4473 CCRf 2-031Monday, September 28, 6-10 p.m.1 SessionPeter Patterson Glassworks$125 P. Patterson

4474 CCRf 2-032Monday, November 9, 6-10 p.m.1 SessionPeter Patterson Glassworks$125 P. Patterson

4475 CCRf 2-033Monday, December 14, 6-10 p.m.1 SessionPeter Patterson Glassworks$125 P. Patterson


Personal Enrichment

Make the time to enjoy life and pursue your passions.

CLC’s Personal Enrichment classes are affordable,

fun and taught by local experts.

Browse our listings tofind something perfect for you!

Creative Arts

neW! Beginner seWing: seW hAppy togetherHere’s a fun class to show you and yoursewing machine how to “sew happytogether.” Get acquainted with yourmachine: needles, threading andtroubleshooting. Learn how to read apattern and choose fabric. Enjoy cutting,assembling and completing your ownsewing project. Bring your own sewingmachine, sharp scissors and a box of pinsto the first class. The instructor willdiscuss additional supplies in class. Classsize is limited to six. Students 14-17 mayregister through the Explore program andattend with a registered parent or otherauthorized adult. Call (847) 543-2615 formore information.

4576 CCRf 31-001TuesdaysSeptember 22 to October 276-8 p.m.6 SessionsGrayslake Campus, Room TBA$199 M. Wagner-Webb


neW! Beginning glAssBloWingLearn the secrets of the ancient art of glassblowing in this class intended for beginnerswith little or no hot shop experience. Starting with a simple gather, we will work our wayup to blowing a glass vessel, exploring different techniques in shaping, forming andcoloration of the glass and even experimenting with specialty glass, such as Dichroic or“Glo Glass.” Expect to complete eight to 12 pieces. Class time may vary depending onthe number of students. Class fee covers all materials. Proper attire is mandatory: long-sleeved cotton shirt, long pants, socks, closed-toed shoes and a pair of sunglasses.Class meets at Peter Patterson Glassworks, 888 Tower Road, Unit E, Mundelein. Students16-17 may register through the Explore program and attend with a registered parent orother authorized adult. Call (847) 543-2615 for more information.

4476 CCRf 4-031Wednesday and ThursdaySeptember 23-24, 6-9 p.m2 SessionsPeter Patterson Glassworks$400 P. Patterson

4477 CCRf 4-032Tuesday and WednesdayDecember 15-16, 6-9 p.m.2 SessionsPeter Patterson Glassworks$400 P. Patterson


neW! itAliAn style FlAir cookingWelcome to Italy! Through demonstrationand hands-on participation, in a state-of-the art professional kitchen, learn to makemeatballs with ground beef and pork,fresh herbs and kale. Incorporate theminto a delicious version of Italian WeddingSoup. Discover how to make a simplemascarpone trifle dessert with fruit. Enjoysampling the fruits of your labor. Allsupplies are included in the per personclass fee. Students 14-17 may register forthis class through the Explore program andattend with a registered parent or otherauthorized adult. Call (847) 543-2615 formore information. Class meets at WholeFoods, 760 Waukegan Road, Deerfield.

4710 COOk 9-031Tuesday, September 296:30-8:30 p.m.1 SessionWhole Foods, Deerfield, Kitchen$49 T. Wemlinger

neW! AsiAn FlAir cookingImmerse yourself in a fun evening of Asiancooking. Through demonstration andhands-on participation in a state-of-the-artprofessional kitchen, learn to make springrolls with dipping sauce and a deliciousbanana Matcha tea ice cream. Finish theevening by enjoying samples the class hasprepared. All supplies are included in theper-person class fee. Students 14-17 mayregister through the Explore program andattend with a registered parent or otherauthorized adult. Call (847) 543-2615 formore information. Class meets at WholeFoods, 760 Waukegan Road, Deerfield.

4709 COOk 4-031Monday, October 26, 6:30-8:30 p.m.1 SessionWhole Foods, Deerfield, Kitchen$49 T. Wemlinger

BAllrooM dAncingBallroom dancing is not just for your firstdance! Feel confident whether on a cruiseor out on the town. Just like the TV show“Dancing with the Stars,” learning classicdance moves will help you have fun andimpress the competition. Start your Fridaynight out with the right foot forward!Instruction includes fox trot, waltz, cha cha and tango. Couples encouraged; class fee is charged per individual. Getprofessional dance instruction with lots of personal attention at an incredibleprice. Register quickly; space is limited!

4594 CDAN 2-001Fridays, September 11 to November 207-9 p.m.10 SessionsRound Lake Area Park DistrictSports Center, Mezzanine$109 R. Sealander

interMediAte Modern dAnceThis course is designed for students whowant to go beyond the fundamentals ofmodern dance and develop their moderndance technique. It is for beginningdancers, teachers of theater movement,athletes or persons interested in dance as a fine art. Great choreographers will be explored and imitated through variousclass sessions. Prerequisite: must havepreviously taken the college credit class.

4589 CDAN 12-001Saturdays, August 29 to December 1210:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.16 SessionsGrayslake Campus, Room P106$129 Staff

interMediAte yogADeepen your study and practice of yoga as it applies to dance. Master basic know-ledge while studying advanced poses andbreathing techniques. The course looksmore deeply into Indian philosophy,responding in writing to portions of India’sclassic text, the Bhagavad-Gita. Specialattention will be paid to anatomy andkinesiology as it applies to the dancer. By the end of the course, you willdemonstrate an advanced kinestheticawareness of the body, the ability toperform advanced poses and a deeperunderstanding of the philosophy andscience of yoga. Prerequisite: Must havepreviously taken the college credit class.

4590 CDAN 15-001Mondays and WednesdaysAugust 24 to December 1611:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m.32 SessionsGrayslake Campus, Room P106$129 T. Crews

Creative Arts, Culinary Arts and Dance


iNfORMATiON: (847) 543.2615www.clcillinois.edu/personalenrichment

Culinary Arts Dance


iNfORMATiON: (847) 543.2615www.clcillinois.edu/personalenrichment

pilAtes4537 CfiT 1-001Tuesdays and Thursdays, 11-11:50 a.m.T. Wheeler

4538 CfiT 1-002Mondays and Wednesdays, 5-5:50 p.m.Staff

kickBoxing4555 CfiT 6-001Wednesdays, 9-10:50 a.m.T. Wloch

Fencing skills4565 CfiT 10-001Mondays, 8-9:50 p.m.F. Delgado

AeroBic dAnce4566 CfiT 16-001Mondays and Wednesdays, 6-6:50 p.m.D. Paul

tABAtA4567 CfiT 20-001Tuesdays and Thursdays, 6-6:50 p.m.Staff

Body toning - WoMen4568 CfiT 21-001Mondays and Wednesdays, 7-7:50 p.m.D. Paul

introduction to running4569 CfiT 25-001Saturdays, 8-9:50 a.m. (8 sessions)Staff

spinning4570 CfiT 29-001Tuesdays and Thursdays, 5-5:50 p.m.K. Watanabe

4571 CfiT 29-002Mondays and Wednesdays, 12-12:50 p.m.G. Edwards

zuMBA4572 CfiT 50-001Mondays and Wednesdays, 11-11:50 a.m.L. Lancaster

Beginning Aikido skills4559 CfiT 7-001Wednesdays, 8-9:50 p.m.C. Tseng

interMediAte Aikido skills4645 CfiT 8-001Mondays, 8-9:50 p.m.J. Scanlan

AdvAnced Aikido skills4646 CfiT 9-001Fridays, 7-8:50 p.m.C. Tseng



Stay active! Stay fit! From cardio to strength to sports-focused classes, Personal Enrichment offers a variety of classes to keep you active. Thesenoncredit classes are not taken for a grade, but offer reasonably priced fitness education with highly educated instructors.

Visit www.clcillinois.edu/personalenrichment/fitness for complete classdescriptions.

All classes are held in the P.E.Center, Building 7, Grayslake Campus and are $129 each.

Register now! Classes start the week of August 24 and are 16 weeks long.

yogAYou may have always wanted to try yogabut never got around to it. Well, now isyour time. Whether you come at lunch orafter work, let CLC help you make fitnesspart of your routine. This course introducesstudents to basic yoga exercise and issuitable for all experience levels. Space is limited, so register early!

4534 CBOD 1-001Tuesdays and ThursdaysAugust 25 to December 17, 7-7:50 p.m.32 SessionsGrayslake Campus, Room 0706$129 T. Skarbalus

4536 CBOD 1-002Tuesdays and ThursdaysAugust 25 to December 17, 12-12:50 p.m.32 SessionsGrayslake Campus, Room 0706$129 T. Wheeler

t’Ai chi chih® - BeginningT’ai Chi Chih form consists of 19 move-ments and one pose. The movements are simple and easy to learn, but haveprofound effects on the body and mind.T’ai Chi Chih is practiced softly andeffortlessly through relaxed and gentleflowing movements. With practice, it offers such benefits as: stress reduction,increased inner peace and control overevents. Physical benefits include improvedbalance, blood pressure, energy level andcreativity. This moving meditation may bedone standing or sitting. It is not affiliatedwith martial arts or exercise.

4535 CBOD 4-001Wednesdays, August 26 to December 167-8:50 p.m.16 SessionsGrayslake Campus, Room TBA$129 D. McElhose

t’Ai chi chih® interMediAteThis intermediate course will coverrefinement of all 19 movements and onepose. The emphasis is on deepening yourunderstanding and exploring personalpractice. Your practice may bring moreprofound harmony of mind and body andphysical benefits through the balancingand circulation of the Chi.

4673 CBOD 5-001Tuesdays, August 25 to December 151:30-3:20 p.m.16 SessionsGrayslake Campus, Room 0706$129 D. McElhose

tAi chi chuAnAn introduction to Tai Chi, an ancientChinese system of movement, meditationand Qigong, meaning “breathingexercises.” Through a series of slowmovements, students develop balance,form and mental calmness. Slowstretching and gentle exercises will bringincreased strength, flexibility and a deepsense of serenity. Practicing Tai Chi andQigong helps relieve stress and promotesa sense of physical and mental well-being.

4593 CBOD 2-001Wednesdays, August 19 to December 97-9 p.m.16 SessionsGrayslake Campus, Room D212$129 R. Schwartz

fitness and Personal Health and Wellness


Personal Health and Wellness

retireMent plAnning todAyLiving a rich life takes more than money.Because of tax law changes and theuncertain future of Social Security, a soundfinancial plan has never been more vital.Learn five strategies to manage investmentrisks, 11 ways to save money on taxes,questions to ask before buying insurance,how to handle your company retirementplan and how to calculate savings neededto retire. Couples may attend for a singleregistration fee. A $25 fee for the 235-pagetextbook is payable to instructor at thefirst class.

4605 CfiN 2-001Thursdays, September 10-24, 7-9:15 p.m.3 SessionsGrayslake Campus, Room T332$65 R. Babjak

4607 CfiN 2-002Tuesdays, September 15-24, 7-9:15 p.m.3 SessionsGrayslake Campus, Room T332$65 R. Babjak

rejuvenAte your retireMentYou worked hard to manage funds for a comfortable retirement. But currenteconomic conditions require a secondlook at them. This comprehensive coursefocuses on issues and financial conceptsimportant to retirees. In straightforwardlanguage it explains financial strategiessuch as tax-efficient income planning,lifestyle preservation, inflation protectionand providing a legacy. However, money is only one aspect of post-retirementplanning. The course introduces fulfillingactivities such as travel, hobbies, sports,crafts, business ventures and lifelonglearning to help make the most of yourretirement years. A 143-page illustratedworkbook per couple is included withyour tuition. Couples may attend together for a single registration fee.

4609 CfiN 6-001Tuesdays, October 13-20, 9-11:30 a.m.2 SessionsGrayslake Campus, Room T332$59 R. Babjak


putting your gArden to Bed For the WinterIt’s easy to just let the garden go at theend of the season–but there are helpfulthings that you can do this fall to get yourgardens (and your gardening equipment)ready for winter, and ultimately ready forthe following spring. Learn what steps youcan take now, toward easier and moreproductive gardening next year!

4592 CGAR 11-001Wednesday, September 30, 7-9 p.m.1 SessionGrayslake Campus, Room T326$29 S. Gaughan

WAnt to leArn At hoMe on your oWn?

stArt your oWn ediBle gArden -onlineGrow delicious, nutritious fruit andvegetables in your own backyard! In thiscourse, you’ll learn how to give yourgarden a healthy start and keep it growingstrong all season. Discover which type ofgarden is right for you based on your time,space, climate and sunshine. After that,discover how to properly prepare a gardenbed so your crops have the best oppor-tunity to thrive. Since healthy soil is thekey to a great garden, you’ll see how toidentify problems in pH and drainage andfix them. You’ll even learn to understandfertilizers and make compost!

Register for an ed2go instructor-led or self-paced online course. Turn to page 33 for moreinformation. Or visit www.ed2go.com/clc



financial Management

conversAtionAl spAnish iSpanish is one of the most rapidly growinglanguages in the United States! Immerseyourself into the Spanish-speaking world,language and culture in this fun andinteractive class. The primary focus will beon comprehension and production of thespoken language through introducing anactive vocabulary, basic grammaticalstructures, idioms, functional andculturally authentic communicativeactivities and dialogues. Start usingSpanish to talk about personal interests,favorite books, sports, food, yourprofession, current events, culturaltraditions and other common topics. No prerequisite. A textbook is required.Unsure which class level is best for you?Call (847) 543-2615 for assistance andregistration information. Students ages 14-17 may register for this class and attend with a registered parent orauthorized adult.

4487 CLNG 2-001WednesdaysSeptember 16 to October 2112:30-3 p.m.6 SessionsGrayslake Campus, Room T334$125 M. Lefebvre

4488 CLNG 2-002ThursdaysSeptember 17 to October 226:30-9 p.m.6 SessionsGrayslake Campus, Room T334$125 E. Rosiles Zavala

4489 CLNG 2-021MondaysSeptember 14 to October 196:30-9 p.m.6 SessionsSouthlake Campus, Room V222$125 L. Nelson

interMediAte conversAtionAl spAnishEager to learn and practice expressingyour ideas, wishes and desires in Spanishin the present, past and future tenses?This course will help you acquire a goodworking knowledge of Spanish verbtenses, allowing you to understand andmake yourself understood in everydaysituations. The emphasis will be oncomprehension and production of thespoken language through the introductionof communicative activities and dialogues.Broaden your use of the Spanish languageto talk about personal interests, favoritebooks, television programs, events andcultural traditions. Prerequisite: AbsolutelyBeginning Conversational Spanish I,Beginning Conversational Spanish orprevious experience with the Spanishlanguage. A textbook is required. Unsurewhich class level is best for you? Call (847)543-2615 for assistance and registrationinformation. Students ages 14-17 mayregister for this class and attend with aregistered parent or authorized adult.

4490 CLNG 3-001ThursdaysOctober 29 to December 106:30-9 p.m.6 SessionsGrayslake Campus, Room T334$125 E. Rosiles Zavala

4491 CLNG 3-021MondaysOctober 26 to November 306:30-9 p.m.6 SessionsSouthlake Campus, Room V222$125 L. Nelson

conversAtionAl gerMAn iLearn conversational German in a coursethat focuses on communication skills andimmediate use of the language. Thisinformal, practical approach is designed todeal with everyday situations. Theemphasis is on basic grammar andbuilding a useful vocabulary so you canuse the language for traveling, reading andconversation. A textbook is required.

4492 CLNG 11-021Tuesdays, September 15 to October 2010 a.m. to 12 p.m.6 SessionsSouthlake Campus, Room R024$125 A. Burbach

conversAtionAl gerMAn iiWillkommen! Continue to hone yourlistening, speaking, reading and writingskills with applicable real-life situations.Communicate almost entirely in Germanwhile exploring Germany’s language andculture. This is an excellent foundation forpersonal development, business or travel.Prerequisite: Conversational German I orprevious German language experience.

4493 CLNG 12-021Tuesdays, October 27 to December 110 a.m. to 12 p.m.6 SessionsSouthlake Campus, Room R024$125 A. Burbach

conversAtionAl itAliAn iThis is an introduction to the Italianlanguage and culture using simpleconversational patterns and phrases.Students will learn basic Italian vocab-ulary and phrases to deal with everydaysituations. The course is designed to help a beginning Italian speaker conversecomfortably. A textbook is required.Students 14-17 may register for this classand attend with a registered parent orother authorized adult. Call (847) 543-2615for more information.

4494 CLNG 15-001MondaySeptember 14 to October 1912:30-3 p.m.6 SessionsGrayslake Campus, Room T334$125 I. Pavlos

4495 CLNG 15-002WednesdaysSeptember 23 to October 286-8:30 p.m.6 SessionsGrayslake Campus, Room T333$125 I. Pavlos

financial Management, Gardening and Languages


iNfORMATiON: (847) 543.2615www.clcillinois.edu/personalenrichment


conversAtionAl itAliAn iiA continuation of Conversational Italian I,this class focuses on using commonphrases, grammar and vocabulary tofurther enhance speaking and commun-ication skills. A textbook is required.Students 14-17 may register for this classand attend with a registered parent orother authorized adult. Call (847) 543-2615for more information.

4496 CLNG 16-001WednesdaysNovember 4 to December 16(No class November 25)6-8:30 p.m.6 SessionsGrayslake Campus, Room T333$125 I. Pavlos


Beginning conversAtionAl French - onlineLearn to communicate easily andcomfortably with those who speak French.You’ll learn practical, common phrasesthat will make your trip to the manyFrench-speaking regions of the world morepleasant. By learning dialogue specific tovarious settings, you’ll be surprised howeasy it can be to speak another language!

Register for an ed2go instructor-led or self-paced Online course. Turn to page 33 formore information. Or visit www.ed2go.com/clc.

AMericAn sign lAnguAge level iIf you have always wanted to learnAmerican Sign Language, now is yourchance! Sign up with a friend to learn ASLin an engaging and interactive class. Idealfor students in high school or older whowant to begin to understand thisexpressive and rich language. A textbookis required. Students 14-17 may register forthis class and attend with a registeredparent or other authorized adult. Call (847)543-2615 for more information.

4497 CLNG 30-021WednesdaysSeptember 16 to November 186:30-8:30 p.m.10 SessionsSouthlake Campus, Room R004$189 C. Moresco Hagan

AMericAn sign lAnguAge level iiA continuation of American Sign Language Level I, this class will placeheavy emphasis on receptive andexpressive signing. Prerequisite: AmericanSign Language Level I. Students 14-17 may register for this class and attend with a registered parent or otherauthorized adult. Call (847) 543-2615 for more information.

4498 CLNG 31-021MondaysSeptember 14 to November 166:30-8:30 p.m.10 SessionsSouthlake Campus, Room V232$189 C. Moresco Hagan


gospel choirPerform diverse sacred music of theAfrican-American tradition, includingspirituals and gospel music, past topresent. Techniques of correct singing areaddressed. No audition required. If collegecredit is desired, enroll in MUS 120-004 .

4581 CMSC 1-001Mondays, August 24 to December 147-9 p.m.16 SessionsGrayslake Campus, Room D100$50 C. Hayes

clc singersThis student-based ensemble engages in the enjoyment, study, preparation and performance of diverse choral music,including madrigals, ballads and popularmodern idioms. Emphasis is given totechniques of correct singing. An auditionis required. For audition informationplease call Jeffrey DeLay at (847) 543-2000ext. 31168 or email [email protected] college credit is desired, enroll in MUS 120-001.

4582 CMSC 2-001Tuesdays and ThursdaysAugust 25 to December 17, 12:30-1:45 p.m.16 SessionsGrayslake Campus, Room D100$50 J. DeLay

choir oF lAke countyComprised of members of the communityat large, as well as students, this choirseeks to serve the artistic needs of thecommunity. Its singers participate in theenjoyment, preparation and performanceof traditional choral literature, from earlyRenaissance to present day. Techniques ofcorrect singing are addressed. Open to allfor credit or noncredit without audition. If college credit is desired, enroll in MUS 120-003.

4583 CMSC 3-001Tuesdays, August 25 to December 157-9 p.m.16 SessionsGrayslake Campus, Room D100$50 J. DeLay


Sign Language Music


chAMBer singersThe Chamber Singers is CLC’s newest vocal ensemble. The ensemble providesthe opportunity to study and performchallenging repertoire at an advancedlevel. An audition is required. For auditioninformation, please contact IngridMikolajczyk at (847) 543-2000 ext. 33214or [email protected]. If collegecredit is desired, enroll in MUS 120-002.

4588 CMSC 9-001Wednesdays, August 26 to December 166-8 p.m.16 SessionsGrayslake Campus, Room P105$50 I. Mikolajczyk


Wind enseMBleOffered for the enjoyment andconvenience of individuals who wish to play their instrument and do not needcollege credit. Also offered to provideband experience and opportunities for the college community. An audition isrequired. For audition information, pleasecall Dr. Michael Flack at (847) 543-2566. If college credit is desired, enroll in MUS 123-001.

4584 CMSC 4-001Thursdays, August 27 to December 177:30-9 p.m.16 SessionsGrayslake Campus, Room P101$50 M. Flack

jAzz enseMBle iOffered for individuals who wish toperform big band jazz and who do notwant or need college credit. Also offered to provide big band experience andopportunities for the college community.An audition is required. For auditioninformation, please call Dr. Michael Flack at (847) 543-2566. If college credit is desired, enroll in MUS 223-001.

4585 CMSC 5-001Mondays, August 24 to December 147:30-9 p.m.16 SessionsGrayslake Campus, Room P101$50 M. Flack

concert BAndOffered for the enjoyment andconvenience of individuals who wish toplay their instrument and do not want orneed college credit. Also offered to provideband experience and opportunities for the college community. No audition isrequired. If college credit is desired, enrollin MUS 123-002.

4586 CMSC 6-001Wednesdays, August 26 to December 167:30-9 p.m.16 SessionsGrayslake Campus, Room P101$50 J. Mojziszek

jAzz enseMBle iiOffered for individuals who wish toperform big band jazz but do not want orneed college credit. Also offered to providebig band experience and opportunities forthe college community. No audition isrequired. If college credit is desired, enroll in MUS 223-002.

4587 CMSC 7-001Tuesdays, August 25 to December 157:30-9 p.m.16 SessionsGrayslake Campus, Room P101$50 D. Hibbard

OperaneW! THE MARRIAGE OF FIGAROThe Marriage of Figaro opera presentationthat precedes The Marriage of Figaro LyricOpera Tour on October 21. See page 49.

Languages, Sign Language and Music


iNfORMATiON: (847) 543.2615www.clcillinois.edu/personalenrichment

orgAnize And enhAnce your WArdroBe And iMAgeGet dressed for success! Achieve the optimal look for your goals, bothprofessional and personal, in this fun,hands-on class. Learn how to organizeyour closet, choose clothes that flatteryour body type and define the image youwant to achieve. From image and wardrobeconsultant Suzanne Newman, you’ll learnthe basics of de-cluttering, organizing andenhancing your wardrobe following her topten image inventory questions. Find yourown personal style and discuss how tochoose clothing, accessories and makeupthat flatter your appearance. Register withsome friends for a great girls’ night out!Students 14-17 may register for this classand attend with a registered parent orother authorized adult. Call (847) 543-2615for more information.

4647 CiNT 12-001Thursdays, October 1-8, 7-9 p.m.2 SessionsGrayslake Campus, Room T332$45 S. Newman

neW! Bird WAlk, And tour oFindependence grove’s nAtive gArden And south BAyJoin a Lake County Forest PreserveNaturalist on a bird walk at IndependenceGrove Forest Preserve, where you may see migrating waterfowl and warblers.After your bird walk, take a guided tour of Indepencence Grove’s lovely NativeGardens and South Bay, where you willlearn how a sterile gravel quarry wasreclaimed to become this unique forest preserve.

4661 CREC 30-001Saturday, September 19, 7-9:30 a.m.1 SessionLake County Forest Preserves$19 G. Marcinkovich

neW! WAlk With A nAturAlist Andgreen Building tour oF ryersonWoods’ WelcoMe centerJoin a Lake County Forest PreserveNaturalist on a guided hike of the rarenothern flatwoods forest of the Edward L. Ryerson Conservation Area. After yourhike, learn about the sustainability of the Welcome Center, which has earnedPlatinum certification in LEED, Leadershipin Energy and Environmental Design.

4662 CREC 32-001Saturday, October 3, 9-11:30 a.m.1 SessionLake County Forest Preserves$19 G. Marcinkovich


Organizing Outdoor Recreation


AMericA’s BoAting courseGet ready for safe summer water sports!Presented as a public service by theWaukegan Sail & Power Squadron, a unitof the United States Power Squadrons, the first five sessions will include boatterminology, required equipment andregulations, boat handling, navigationrules, aids to navigation, emergencyconditions, marine communications, water sport safety, trailering, PWCoperation and knot tying, followed by areview and examination conducted thesixth session. This module is specificallydesigned for those who desire to boat oninland lakes and waterways. For thoseinterested in boating on open water suchas Lake Michigan, the course continueswith nautical charts, the magneticcompass, plotting and basic pilotingtechniques in the seventh and eighthsessions and an examination at the ninthsession. A textbook fee of $30 will becollected at the first session of the class.Piloting tools will be available for purchaseat a nominal fee for those who requirethem. For further details, contact TenneyFord at (262) 222-3078. Students 14-17may register for this class and attend witha registered parent or other authorizedadult. These youth students earn anIllinois boating safety education card bycompleting the first six sessions and an exam. Call (847) 543-2615 for more information.

4575 CREC 23-001ThursdaysSeptember 24 to November 197-9:15 p.m.9 SessionsGrayslake Campus, Room T333$39 T. Ford III

ghosts And spirit entitiesHow are spirits understood globally andwhat social roles do they play? Learnabout the different types of hauntings and phenomena and develop a newperspective about what Western societiesconsider ghosts, spirits and the para-normal. Learn the various kinds of entities, their behaviors, capabilities and interactions with us. By examiningpsychological, physical and spiritualaspects, determine the best way to handle experiences. Real-life para-normal investigations will be discussed.

4630 CPER 33-001Wednesdays, September 23 to October 77-9 p.m.3 SessionsGrayslake Campus, Room B245$79 M. Marshall

pArAnorMAl investigAtionWho or what could you discover? In this introductory class, you will learn the fundamentals behind paranormalinvestigation, including the scientific,psychological, technical and spiritualaspects of paranormal investigation/research and develop the ability topractically apply this knowledge. Learn to properly hypothesize, examine andcritically analyze data. You will be intro-duced to a multidisciplinary approachnecessary for the investigation processthat includes examination of the sciencesinvolved, the use of equipment/software,the evidence review process, includingpotential pitfalls and different types of spirit entities. Real cases will bepresented, analyzed and discussed.Whether you are a true believer or acommitted skeptic, you will benefit from learning the research techniquesused in the field.

4629 CPER 32-001Wednesdays, October 14 to November 187-9 p.m.6 SessionsGrayslake Campus, Room B267$149 M. Marshall

Organizing, Outdoor Recreation and Paranormal


iNfORMATiON: (847) 543.2615www.clcillinois.edu/personalenrichment


Be An iMAge MAker not A picture tAkerBecoming a good photographer is as much about having a creative vision as it is about being a good technician. Learnfrom professional photographers, MikeCaplan (also a meteorologist and proudCLC graduate) and John Petrovic, thefundamentals of exposure and comp-osition and the importance of applyingthat knowledge to craft captivatingphotos. Discover how to improve yourimages dramatically as you use your mindas well as a camera to tell stories with yourimages. Learn to recognize when the lightis good and when it’s bad, to preparethoughtfully for a shoot, to execute photosskillfully and to apply the “art sauce” inthe digital darkroom. Weekly photochallenges may be shared with the class for gentle critique. All skill levels arewelcome. Requirements: Bring your digitalcamera with manually adjustable settingsand owner’s manual to class. You must be familiar with the basic controls of your camera.Note: Classes will meet on Thursdayevenings with one outside workshop in thefield on Saturday, October 10 from 7-9 a.m.(Rain date October 11). You must provideyour own transportation to the fieldlocation. Students 14-17 may register andattend with a registered parent or otherauthorized adult. Call (847) 543-2615 formore information.

4479 CPTO 3-001MondaysSeptember 21 to October 197-9:30 p.m.ANDSaturday, October 10, 7-9 a.m.(Rain date: Sunday, October 11)6 SessionsGrayslake Campus, Room B258$225 M. Caplan

Beginning With A digitAl cAMerAWant to shoot without using the auto-matic setting? Learn from a professionalphotographer how to set up and use yourcamera to capture beautiful imagesthrough simple tips that will dramaticallyimprove your photos. See instant results!Bring the following to each class: yourdigital camera, fully charged batteries andowner’s manual. You must be able to loadimage (jpg) files onto a USB flash drive orCD. The digital camera must be adjustable(have a manual (M) setting allowing you tochange shutter speed, lens aperture/f-stop, ISO, etc. manually) and can be either a point-and-shoot or one withinterchangeable lenses (DSLR). Students14-17 may register and attend with aregistered parent or other authorizedadult. Call (847) 543-2615 for more information.

4480 CPTO 20-001TuesdaysSeptember 8 to October 13(No class September 29, 2015)6:30-9:30 p.m.5 SessionsGrayslake Campus, Room T326$209 L. Nettelhorst

4481 CPTO 20-021TuesdaysSeptember 8 to October 13(No class September 29, 2015)12:15-3:15 p.m.5 SessionsSouthlake Campus, Room V328$209 L. Nettelhorst

designing your photogrAphsDon’t be satisfied just taking pictures,learn to design them! Discover seeingdifferently, tap into your creativity andcompose beautiful photographs as youexpand your awareness of subjects. Learn by doing with the understandingassistance of a professional photographer.Bring the following to class: five samplesof your photos in jpg format on a USB flashdrive or CD and your digital camera, eitheran iPhone/android phone camera, a point-and-shoot or one with interchangeablelenses (DSLR). You must be able to loadimage (jpg) files on to a USB flash drive orCD. Students are welcome to repeat thecourse. Students 14-17 may register andattend with a registered parent or otherauthorized adult. Call (847) 543-2615 formore information.

4482 CPTO 25-001TuesdaysOctober 20 to November 246:30-9:30 p.m.6 SessionsGrayslake Campus, Room T326$249 L. Nettelhorst

4483 CPTO 25-021TuesdaysOctober 20 to November 2412:15-3:15 p.m.6 SessionsSouthlake Campus, Room V328$249 L. Nettelhorst




neW! THE MARRIAGE OF FIGARO lyric operA tourJoin us at Lyric as the resourceful Figaro gets ready to marry his lovely Susanna andendeavors to get his fiancée to the altar with her virtue still intact! His boss, the Count,has designs on Susanna and sees no reason to let her escape his noble snare, even if itmeans breaking the heart of his own long-suffering bride. But there’s rebellion in the airin a comedy that boasts more salon drama and backroom maneuverings than a wholeseason of Downton Abbey.

Tour informationTours will leave from the location or locations specified under each description. Sometours will have more than one pickup site and time. Plan to arrive 15 minutes before the departure time for your tour. An effort is made to conduct all tours as described.Substitutions may be necessary when situations arise that are beyond our control.Cancellations for tours may be made up to seven business days before the tour. After that no refund is possible.

4663 CTRP 14-001Wednesday, October 21, 12-6:45 p.m.1 SessionSouthlake Campus, Room V138$135 A. Isaacs

neW! THE MARRIAGE OF FIGARO operA presentAtionJoin us for a presentation that will prepare you musically for the Lyric Opera performanceof The Marriage of Figaro. Learn about the background of the Beaumarchais FigaroTrilogy, the characters in this opera, plot synopsis and a little about Mozart’s life with an emphasis on the time period in which he created Marriage of Figaro. Examinecontemporary musical and political history. Listen to and discuss specific excerpts from the opera including the awesome overture, arias, duets, ensembles from a varietyof characters and musical forms as well as other opera elements. You may register for the presentation, the tour or both.

4478 CMSC 32-021Wednesday, October 21, 9-11 a.m.1 SessionSouthlake Campus, Room R004$19 I. Mikolajczyk

neW! introduction to Fine Art photogrAphyCreativity begins with the vision of thephotographer, but without knowing the fullpotential of the tools at hand, that visionmay not be fully realized. Concentrate on abetter understanding of the capabilities ofyour digital camera so you can realize andpotentially expand your vision. Throughlecture, demonstrations, critique andshooting assignments, learn how technicalaspects of your camera impact the image,how to use multiple exposure and how toexecute interval timer shooting. You will be introduced to photo editing software.Bring your digital SLR camera withinterchangeable lens to class. Students14-17 may register and attend with aregistered parent or other authorizedadult. Call (847) 543-2615 for more information.

4611 CPTO 31-001SaturdaysOctober 3 to November 14(No class October 10)9-11:30 a.m.6 SessionsGrayslake Campus, Room T333$175 J. Harold

Photography and Trips and Tours


iNfORMATiON: (847) 543.2615www.clcillinois.edu/personalenrichment

Trips and Tours

neW! MAgniFicent chicAgo AutuMn AFternoonIndulge in a relaxed autumn trip todowntown Chicago. Sit back and enjoydoor-to-door service in a comfortablemotor coach. Enjoy the luxuries thatdowntown and Michigan Avenue have to offer. You may even want to startChristmas shopping. Shop at your ownpace, eat what and when you please and then enjoy a relaxing ride home.

Tour informationTours will leave from the location orlocations specified under eachdescription. Some tours will have morethan one pickup site and time. Plan toarrive 15 minutes before the departuretime for your tour. An effort is made to conduct all tours as described.Substitutions may be necessary whensituations arise that are beyond ourcontrol. Cancellations for tours may bemade up to seven business days beforethe tour. After that no refund is possible.

4650 CTRP 17-001Wednesday, October 21, 12-6:45 p.m.1 SessionSouthlake Campus, Room V138$99 T. Johnson

creAting colorFul chArActersWhether the characters in your writing are biographical or fictional, learn totransform flat characters into lively, vivid,memorable people. Learn how to give theskeleton of your characters muscle, heart,a mind and soul. Build multifacetedcharacters for your novel or memoir in this class, which incorporates lecture,discussion and multiple writing activities.Previous students are welcome to repeatthis class for further insight into character development.

4579 CWRT 62-001Thursday, November 10, 6-9 p.m.1 SessionGrayslake Campus, Room T334$39 S. Engstrom

neW! holidAy Writing WorkshopThis holiday season create a unique giftthat will be treasured for years to come.This festive class will incorporate stream of consciousness techniques to free yourinner writer and the holiday ink will flow!Have fun creating and sharing your writingwith others as we inspire each other towrite a heartwarming piece to share withfriends and family. A $5 per person supplyfee is payable to the instructor. Students14-17 may register and attend with aregistered parent or other authorizedadult. Call (847) 543-2615 for more information.

4614 CWRT 14-021SaturdayNovember 21, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.1 SessionSouthlake Campus, Room V232$49 L. Ehrke

unleAsh the Writer WithinNow four sessions! The focus of the firsttwo weeks, relevant to all kinds of writing,will be on feeling entitled and free to write.Learn how to release your inner voicewhile quieting the critical voices. In thesecond two weeks, learn to develop a lifelong writing habit, whether forpleasure, profit or personal growth. Thisclass will incorporate lecture, discussionand many valuable writing activities.

4578 CWRT 15-001Thursdays, October 15 to November 56-8 p.m.4 SessionsGrayslake Campus, Room T332$99 S. Engstrom

Writer’s circleExperience the joy of writing in thisbeginning writers’ group. Exploretechniques to unleash creativity and get inthe habit of writing on a regular basis.Receive supportive group critique toinspire and improve your writing. Examineother works for inspiration, discuss the artof writing and have fun creating andsharing your own writing.

4612 CWRT 40-021Fridays, October 2-23, 1-3:30 p.m.4 SessionsSouthlake Campus, Room V232$125 L. Ehrke


Writing For children - onlineJoin author and writing mentor SteveAlcorn and discover what you need toknow to write for children. If you’re abeginning writer, this course will help youtransform your book idea into a finishedproduct that could potentially land in thehands of an editor or agent. And if you’realready a successful writer, this course willhelp you explore new opportunities andmarkets for your work.

Register for an ed2go instructor-led or self-paced Online course. Turn to page 33 formore information. Or visit www.ed2go.com/clc.






Explore: ACT Test Prep

Act prep (grAdes 10-12)Begin preparing now for that all-importantACT test. Using the new Barron’s ACTtextbook by Brian Stewart as a guide, learnto identify deficiencies in content areas inwhich you need further study and how topull out critical information relevant to thetest. Perform warm-up drills that willmaximize the effectiveness of practiceexercises and equip you to identify thebasics for each test section. Completepractice exercises to help choose the bestanswers and avoid common mistakes.Bring a pen, a highlighter, your schoolplanner and a new (not used) ACT textbookto the first class. This class does not offerthe actual ACT exam but will prepare you for the ACT test. Recommended forstudents who are entering their junior year of high school or younger studentswho have had high school algebra andgeometry. Be prepared to be fully engagedand do at-home practice exercises inpreparation for subsequent classmeetings. Upcoming ACT test dates are October 24 and December 12, 2015.

4648 CEXP 50-001Saturdays, September 12 to October 179 a.m. to 12 p.m.6 SessionsGrayslake Campus, Room T323$225 D. Zegar

4649 CEXP 50-021Saturdays, October 24 to December 5(No class November 28)9 a.m. to 12 p.m.6 SessionsSouthlake Campus, Room V222$225 R. Boyd


Academic enrichment cleverlydisguised as fun for Grades 1-12.

Year-round innovative academic enrichmentprograms taught by experiernced instructorswhose passion for education will inspireyour kids.

introduction to AutocAd (grAdes 6-9)Join licensed civil engineer and CLC credit instructor Karen Schweiss for anintroduction to the fundamental featuresand commands of AutoCAD, an electronicdrafting software. Use this electronicdesign tool to draw new objects. Topicsinclude: basic drawing and editingcommands, understanding and creatinglayers, dimensioning and plotting. Bringyour own flash drive to class. Returningstudents or those familiar with the basicsof AutoCAD are welcome to enroll for more independent work and exploration.

4484 CSCC 3-001Saturdays, October 3-24, 9-11 a.m.4 SessionsGrayslake Campus, Room T127$99 K. Schweiss

conquering Word, visuAl And logicMAth proBleMs (grAdes 4-8)Join popular math instructor Rich Rolloand start the semester with new strategiesfor solving those tough word, visual andlogic math problems. The required book isMr. Rollo’s Number Cross Puzzles, whichmay be purchased in class.

4613 CEXP 74-021Saturdays, September 19 to October 109-11 a.m.4 SessionsSouthlake Campus, Room V222$99 R. Rollo

online video gAMe MAker 101: perilous pyrAMidLearn how to design and modify your own exciting arcade-style video games.Learn how to control characters, objectsand outcomes in your game, then increasethe difficulty level and add more features.Graphics design and graphics animationtopics will also be covered. The self-pacedclass is available online for 49 consecutivedays from your first login. Check systemrequirements at http://tinyurl.com/a9cy8tq. Call (847) 543-2022 or [email protected] to confirm yourcontact information so we can email yourvoucher number for class access. Students14-17 may register for this class throughthe Explore program. Call (847) 543-2615for more information.

4485 CCMP 92-801September 14 to November 1Online, 24/7$179 All About Learning

online video gAMe MAker 2: invAder!Learn how to design and modify excitingarcade-style games including soccer, aBreakout-style game, Alien Invader and a secret game at the end of the class!Control characters and outcomes, increasethe difficulty level and add more features.Graphic design and animation, sprites,objects, room creation, instances andbonus levels will be covered. This self-paced class is available online for 49consecutive days from your first login. Call (847) 543-2022 or [email protected] to confirm yourcontact information so we can email yourvoucher number for class access. Students14-17 may register for this class throughthe Explore program. Call (847) 543-2615for more information.

4486 CCMP 93-801October 26 to December 13Online, 24/7$179 All About Learning


Explore: Video Game Making Online

Explore: Engineering Explore: Math

iNfORMATiON: (847) 543.2615www.clcillinois.edu/personalenrichment


Explore - Youth Online


the Arts• Drawing for the Absolute Beginner• introduction to Guitar• Music Made Easy

computers• keyboarding• Microsoft Office Courses

computers – Web savvy• Creating Web Pages • Designing Effective Websites• Web 2.0 fundamentals

Math• introduction to Algebra • Math Refresher

science• Human Anatomy and

Physiology i and ii • introduction to Biology• introduction to Chemistry

test preparation• Prepare for the GED® Math Test• Prepare for the GED® Test• SAT/ACT Preparation –

Part 1 and Part 2

Writing• Beginner’s Guide to

Getting Published• Grammar Refresher

and Editing Classes • introduction to internet

Writing Markets• introduction to Journaling• introduction to Screenwriting• The Pleasures of Poetry• Romance Writing

Visit www.ed2go.com/clc for a complete course list.

Classes begin September 16, October 14, November 11 andDecember 9.

Classes start as low as $115.


Need registration assistance?Call Center for Personal Enrichment (847) 543-2615 or e-mail

[email protected]. Visit www.clcillinois.edu/youth for class listings,scholarship information and withdrawal forms.

Course Number (i.e. 4886) Course Title and Course No. (e.g. CEXP 40-001) Cost

Please allow at least five business days to process this registration. TOTAL

OFFICE USE ONLY: CLC ID___________________ Hold ______________ Date Registered _____________ Comments: _________________________

DATE SENT TO ADMISSIONS:_________________________________ by (Initials) _________________

DIVISION: Late Registration Approved: ____________________________ Section Change from/to __________________________________________

instructions: Register early. Complete the information below and signthe Parental Approval portion. Information is protected under FERPAand remains confidential.

Mail or fax the completed form.fAX to (847) 543-3061MAiL to Office of Admissions and Records

Attn: Youth Program, College of Lake County19351 West Washington Street, Grayslake, IL 60030-1198

Student information (Required-please print clearly)

_________________________________________________________________Last Name First Name Initial

Date of Birth _______ / _______ / _______ Gender: ❏ Male ❏ Female

_________________________________________________________________Preferred Email Address (required for class confirmation)


_________________________________________________________________City State Zip

Primary Phone ( __________ ) ____________ — _______________________

School _______________________________________ Current Grade _______

Where did you hear about us?



Parental Approval (Required)/Payment informationI accept financial responsibility for class fees and I understandthat fees are due after the registration form is processed. Iagree to provide payment to the College of Lake County within10 business days of registration. Payment can be made inperson or by phone at the CLC cashiers office (847) 543-2085.For my protection, I will not include payment with this form.

Cancellation Policy: If my child cannot attend, I will submit the required withdrawal form to the Center forPersonal Enrichment at [email protected] at least fivebusiness days prior to the class start date. I have read andunderstand the parental approval and cancellation policy. I understand that the withdrawal form is available atwww.clcillinois.edu/youth.

__________________________________________________________Parent / Guardian Signature


❏ Father ❏ Mother ❏ Legal Guardian

Explore Classes fall 2015youth registration Form

Clery ActThe College of Lake County is committed to maintaining a safeand secure educational environment. For more information, seepage 24. This report is available on the CLC Police Departmentwebsite at www.clcillinois.edu/clery.

the lAW on screen: justice served coldOur first series on courtroom trials went so well we’re trying four more. The jury will be out as Henry Fonda fights a lynch mob, Humphrey Bogart looks forstrawberries and Australians arrange afiring squad. When this series holds courtfor the second time, you’ll be the judge ofwhether justice prevailed at the box office.

4511 CDiS 5-001Mondays, October 5-26, 1-3:30 p.m.4 SessionsSouthlake Campus, Room R024$75 J. Kupetz

trAcking spencer trAcySpencer Tracy made some 75 films beforehe died in 1967. This series will look at fourof the movies that show why Tracy ranksamong the most respected actors inscreen history. To examine this brilliantand bedeviled actor, students will seeTracy dodge a lynch mob, beat up ErnestBorgnine and–of course–make out withKatharine Hepburn.

4512 CDiS 7-001Mondays, November 16-December 71-3:30 p.m.4 SessionsSouthlake Campus, Room R024$75 J. Kupetz

Discovery:Current Events

illinois’ FinAnciAl crisisIllinois faces bankruptcy. For over adecade, our state has approved fallac-ious budgets and now we must face the consequences–all of which areunpleasant. This will not be an exercise in finger pointing but rather an analysis of what happened and then what our real choices are.

4513 CDiS 60-001Saturdays, September 12-1910 a.m. to 12 p.m.2 SessionsSouthlake Campus, Room R024$35 G. Midkiff



Discovery: film

Discovery: PROGRAMS fOR ADULTS 50+

Short-term classes and tours are offered in a variety of topics in a relaxed atmosphere withother interested adults presentedby knowledgeable instructors and guides.

This program is specially designed to fityour schedule and lifestyle!

presidentiAl histories – reconsidering the legAciesPresidential maven and professionalhistorian Barry Bradford leads a thought-provoking class that takes a second look at the legacy of four controversialpresidents. Some presidents leave officedespised but look better as years go by;others see their popularity wane. Eachweek will offer an insightful analysis of adifferent presidency.

4514 CDiS 61-001Mondays, October 12-November 27-8:30 p.m.4 SessionsSouthlake Campus, Room R024$75 B. Bradford

Building the trAnscontinentAl rAilroAdThe tale of how the Union Pacific Railroadand the Central Pacific Railroad linked eastand west is a tale of risk, courage, geniusand swindle: risk and courage from themen cutting through granite mountainsand crossing alkaline deserts; and geniusand swindle from the railroad directors,who found a way to make a bundle even if not a single train ever ran. The story of the railroad’s construction and thetransformation that followed is anunforgettable one.

4515 CDiS 63-001Monday, November 9, 1-3 p.m.1 SessionSouthlake Campus, Room R024$19 J. Haworth

AndreW johnson, AccidentAl presidentIf John Wilkes Booth had had his way,Andrew Johnson, Abraham Lincoln’s vicepresident, would have been murdered onthe same night as Lincoln. But Johnsonsurvived, and the task of guiding thenation through the difficult years right afterthe Civil War fell to him: a drunken andunsophisticated man, not up to the job ofpresident. His administration reveals thewounds and deep tensions that existed inAmerica following the Civil War.

4516 CDiS 65-001Monday, November 16, 9:30-11:30 a.m.1 SessionSouthlake Campus, Room R024$19 J. Haworth

25 yeArs into the gerMAn uniFicAtion: insights And perspectivesThis October the Germans will celebratethe 25th anniversary of their unification.Join German Historian Anette Isaacs for a fascinating discussion of how Europe’smost populous nation overcame thechallenges of bringing two very differentcountries together. We will also focus onhow the 16 million East Germans dealtwith the tremendous transformationprocesses that the unification brought to them.

4517 CDiS 66-001Thursdays, October 22-29, 1-3 p.m.2 SessionsSouthlake Campus, Room R024$45 A. Isaacs

the richest AMericAns – pArt 2By popular demand, master storytellerBarry Bradford returns with an all new class on the lives of the richest Americansof all time! From robber barons to techmillionaires, these stories are filled withcharacters who are charismatic, complexand controversial. Learn the secrets behindsome of the greatest fortunes of all time.

4518 CDiS 67-001Mondays, November 16 to December 77-8:30 p.m.4 SessionsSouthlake Campus, Room R024$75 B. Bradford


Discovery: History

courtrooM drAMA – greAt AMericAn triAlsOur always popular Monday night classesare back! In this exciting new class,historian Barry Bradford will unravel themystery behind four of the most famousand controversial murder cases of all time.Each week we will examine the case andlearn what light modern forensics andanalysis can shine on the verdict.

4528 CDiS 74-001Mondays, September 14 to October 57-8:30 p.m.4 SessionsSouthlake Campus, Room R024$75 B. Bradford

the liFe And tiMes oF lizzie BordenWhat do Lizzie Borden and O.J. Simpsonhave in common? We will review her lifeand the evidence of her case and find out.We will then render our 21st century verdicton who really killed her parents!

4526 CDiS 69-001Wednesday, October 21, 1-3 p.m.1 SessionSouthlake Campus, Room R024$19 H. Olson

there’s no such thing As Free speechBrigitte Bardot on trial, cartooniststargeted, campus trigger warnings andspeech codes. Free speech is a relativelynew idea. After a brief look at the historyof the concept, we will address the legaland social limits on free speech in theU.S. and around the world.

4653 CDiS 62-001Wednesday, October 7, 1-3 p.m.1 SessionSouthlake Campus, Room R024$19 W. Clugston

victoriA Woodhull And BelvA lockWood: the WoMen Who rAn For presidentPrimarily biographies of the first twowomen to run for president, we will also look briefly at every major-partyfemale candidate. Victoria Woodhull was nominated by the Equal Rights Partywith Frederick Douglass as her vicepresident, but she was too young toqualify for electoral votes. BelvaLockwood, who was also the first woman admitted to practice before the Supreme Court, was the first woman to run who was fully qualified.

4654 CDiS 64-001Tuesday, September 29, 1-3 p.m.1 SessionSouthlake Campus, Room R024$19 W. Clugston

john kennedy – the cuBAn Missile crisis And civil rightsPresident Kennedy was assassinated over50 years ago, but we still remember hischarisma and deep impact on our nation.This two-part series will examine his rolein relationship to two important issues–one international and one domestic. Gaina deeper appreciation of his political skill,finding a constructive path betweenviolently opposed points of view.

4655 CDiS 68-001Saturdays, October 3-1010 a.m. to 12 p.m.2 SessionsSouthlake Campus, Room R024$35 G. Midkiff

the sAleM Witch triAlsIn 1692, four pre-teen girls began havingbizarre and disturbing fits. They claimedthat witches in the community werepersecuting them. What followed was the execution of 20 people, communityhysteria and repentance and ultimately, a stain that has never fully left our nation.This tells the story of one of the strangestand most painful episodes in 17th-century history.

4656 CDiS 70-001Friday, October 30, 1-3 p.m.1 SessionSouthlake Campus, Room R024$19 J. Hawort



iNfORMATiON: (847) 543.2615www.clcillinois.edu/personalenrichment

gerMAny And isrAel – 50 yeArs oF An unlikely FriendshipIt is quite obvious that throughout the lastseven decades, Israel and Germany havebeen connected through the Holocaustand its aftermath. What at first glanceseems to be a rather unlikely relationshiphas evolved over time into a blossomingfriendship and successful economic bond.Join German Historian Anette Isaacs forfascinating insights into this specialrelationship, which will include ascreening followed by a discussion of the compelling Israeli-German movie Walk on Water.

4658 CDiS 73-001Tuesdays, November 10-17, 1-3 p.m.2 SessionsSouthlake Campus, Room R024$45 A. Isaacs

looking BAck, looking AheAd – top neWs stories oF 2015 And predictions For 2016This is one of the most popular andeagerly awaited programs every year. Barry Bradford will summarize the top 10news stories of 2015 and boldly predictwhat will be the top news stories of 2016!He’ll also grade himself on how well hepredicted this year.

4659 CDiS 75-001Monday, December 14, 7-8:30 p.m.1 SessionSouthlake Campus, Room R024$19 B. Bradford

civil WAr proFiles – joshuAlAWrence chAMBerlAin AndstoneWAll jAcksonNeither of them sought glory but both ofthem achieved immortality: a liberal artscollege professor and a deeply religiousmilitary college instructor. One the hero of Gettysburg and the other the hero ofChancellorsville.

4657 CDiS 72-001Saturdays, November 7-1410 a.m. to 12 p.m.2 SessionsSouthlake Campus, Room R024$35 G. Midkiff

A long tiMe Ago: the history oF stAr WArs through neWspApersThere has never been a culturalphenomenon like Star Wars. When themovie premiered on May 25, 1977, itreshaped not only expectations aboutwhat cinema could deliver but also theimaginations of the nation and world.There has not been an area of societyuntouched by its influence–from politicsto entertainment. Much of that influencewas cataloged in newspapers during the1970s. Join CLC sociology professors MariaJose Tenuto and John Tenuto as they sharetheir research from over 2,000 newspaperarticles charting the very earliest mentionsof Star Wars and exploring, in depth, howthe culture reacted and was influenced byStar Wars from 1977 until 1980. Throughstories, forgotten trivia and rarephotographs, this presentation is a funand fascinating sociological look at theworld’s newest mythology–Star Wars.

4660 CDiS 85-001Saturday, September 2610 a.m. to 12 p.m.1 SessionSouthlake Campus, Room R024$19 J. Tenuto

controversies in religionRabbi Rami Shapiro, a popular author whooften debates the status quo, recentlywrote an article questioning the usualthinking about religion. For example:“Prayer doesn’t work the way you think itdoes,” “Anything you claim to know aboutGod is a product of your imagination” and“Religious terrorists are no less religiousfor being terrorists.” Explore RamiShapiro’s 14 statements–agreeing withsome, disputing others, but alwayssavoring the challenge Rabbi Rami sets before us.

4529 CDiS 76-001Tuesdays, October 6-13, 1-3 p.m.2 SessionsSouthlake Campus, Room R024$35 J. Leitner


Discovery: Sociology Discovery:World Religions

Steps to Apply, Register and Pay1. Apply for Admission

• New students and students who have not attended classes in severalyears must submit a Student Admission Form in one of two ways:

INTERNET: www.clcillinois.edu/applycontedIN PERSON: At the Admissions and Records Office, Building Eon the Grayslake Campus

2. Obtain CLC iD Number and Create myLogin• Allow two working days to process your admission form.

You will receive your CLC student ID number in the mail or by email if you provided one on your admission form.

• With your CLC ID Number go to www.clcillinois.edu/newlogin to create your login for the my CLC Student Portal. Follow theprompts to complete the process.

3. Register for Classes by internet at www.clcillinois.edu/register• Click on myCLC student portal

• Click on “Search for Classes”

• Specify the semester and then a subject, to view the classes available

• When you find a specific open class section you want, click “Select Class” to add to your Shopping Cart.

• Click on “Shopping Cart” check the box next to your selected class and click “Enroll.”

• When you add or drop a class, check for a ‘success’ or ‘error’ message.

4. Where and when to Register in PersonOn-site Registration HoursMonday-Thursday 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., Fridays 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.Online Registration is available 24/7

• Grayslake Campus–19351 West Washington Street, Grayslake

• Lakeshore Campus–111 North Genesee Street, Waukegan

• Southlake Campus–1120 South Milwaukee Avenue, Vernon Hills

5. Pay Tuition and fees• Payment of tuition and fees is required prior to the start

date of your class regardless of the registration date.

• Login to myStudentCenter select view, pay or set up an installment payment plan.

• Students will not be dropped from continuing education classes for nonpayment.

• It is your responsibility to formally withdraw within the refund period or you will be obligated to pay.

Note: financial aid is not available for continuing education classes.

6. Billing and financial Obligation• Paper billing statements will no longer be mailed. Email

notifications will be sent to your student email once your statementis ready to view on your myCLC Self-Service. It is the students’responsibility to meet their payment deadlines. Payment is dueprior to the first day of class regardless of when the studentenrolled in the class.

• Financial Obligation: Students must officially withdraw by the refund dates listed in the class schedule to cancel theirfinancial obligation. To locate your refund deadline(s), signonto myCLC and click on the academic calendar deadlines iconnext to the class within your term schedule under Academics.

Withdrawals• Students who do not plan to complete an enrolled class are

responsible for officially dropping the class online. Tuition and fee refunds will be issued to eligible students based uponthe effective date of withdrawal, which is recorded in the system at the time the student drops the class.

• Students who stop attending class, but do not officially drop,will remain responsible for all tuition/fees for the class. It is not sufficient to tell an instructor or counselor that you want to drop a class. You must complete the drop/withdrawal actionyourself. The official deadline for dropping or for withdrawingare defined individually for each class.

• Students who withdraw from certificate programs or seriesoffered by Continuing Professional Development prior to thefirst day of class will receive a 100 percent refund. Refunds forwithdrawals after the first day of class will be applied by CPDminus the cost of any materials consumed or returned in lessthan new condition.

Refund Schedule• To check the deadline dates, log on to myCLC and choose

“My Class Schedule.” When your schedule appears, click onthe calendar icon next to the class and the deadline dates willbe displayed.

• If you are not sure of the deadlines, please check with theOffice of Admissions and Records at (847) 543-2061.

• Semester-long classes:Withdrawal on or before start of class = 100 percent refundWithdrawal before 15 percent of class time

passes = 100 percent refundWithdrawal after 15 percent of class days pass = no refund

• One-day and “Series” Classes:Withdrawal the day before class = 100 percent refundWithdrawal on or after day of class = no refund

for more information about payments, call (847) 543-2085.

We’re going paperless! clc paper tuition billare being replaces by e-bills.

Senior CitizensThe classes in this schedule are offered though the continuing education department and are intended for personal enrichmentand/or career development. All in-district residents who are 65 ofage or older at the time of registration may enroll in vocational creditcourses offered by continuing education at one-half the regulartuition rate, with all other fees remaining unchanged. The seniorcitizen tuition waiver does not apply to ContinuingEducation/Personal Enrichment classes.

clery ActThe College of Lake County is committed to maintaining a safe andsecure educational environment. Each year prior to October 1, theCollege publishes its Annual Security Report. This report containsinformation regarding campus security, personal safety includingtopics such as, crime prevention, college police law enforcementauthority, crime reporting policies, crime statistics for the most recentthree year period and disciplinary procedures.

This report is available on the CLC Police Department website at www.clcillinois.edu/clery. If you would like a printed bookletcontaining this information, please contact the CLC Police Depart-ment at 19351 W. Washington St., Room A151, Grayslake, IL 60030 orby phone at (847) 543-2081.

college of lake county is a smoke-Free campus.



Save lives with defensive drivingJudicial Services o�ers opportunities to improve your future and the future of your community through courses, workshops and volunteer opportunities.

Partnering with the 19th Judicial Circuit Court for over 20 years, Judicial Services o�ers the National Safety Council’s award-winning Defensive Driving Courses including the “Alive at 25” program.

Distracted driving is on the rise. Motorists of all levels can bene�t from learning defensive driving skills. Register for a course today.

“I just missed being killed by about three seconds.”

– Christine Burke praising CLC’s defensive driving course.

Christine Burke of Lake Barrington enrolled in our Defensive Driving Course. While driving less than a week later, she used a lesson from the course to narrowly avoid getting smashed broadside by a car that ran a red light.

Burke said that she hesitated at the intersection, recalling a tip she learned in the defensive driving course called “delayed acceleration” waiting two or three seconds before entering an intersection if yours is the �rst car there. She credits this decision with saving her life.


(847) 543-2185 (courses)

(847) 543-2100 (volunteering)

[email protected]


(847) 543-2615

[email protected]

“ One of the best places to invest in your career is right here, at the College of Lake County. Beyond the expert insights you’ll get from the instructors, there’s also great networking with people from some of the best companies in the area. Invest in your career for less money and minimal time away.”

— Andy Kaufman, speaker, author, executive coach and president of Institute for Leadership Excellence and Development, Inc.

Invest in your team

Client Solutions

Bring powerful, results-driven training and consulting programs to your organization and show your employees that you’re serious about their futures and professional growth. Empower your team and achieve organizational goals and objectives through customized training delivered by Client Solutions.

Client Solutions also offers national training options through Global Corporate College (GCC). As one of the founding members of the GCC, the College of Lake County offers corporations the delivery of consistent training across multiple locations – nationwide and worldwide.

EXPLORE the College of Lake County: Training, consulting and cutting-edge courses for businesses, professionals and the community

CoursesItalian-Style Flair CookingThrough demonstration and hands-on participation, learn to make classic Italian dishes. Details on page 39.

Beginning GlassblowingLearn the secrets of the art of glassblowing in this class for beginners with little or experience. Details on page 38.

Social Media EssentialsBusinesses count on talented staff to engage in social media. This class covers the fundamental steps to reach customers and generate revenue using social media. Details on page 10.

Running for Local OfficeMake a positive difference in your community and let your voice be heard. Launching a campaign can be an expensive endeavor. Enrolling in this course may be your best investment for getting your campaign off and running effectively. Course details on page 24.

CLC’s Personal Enrichment and Professional Development classes are affordable, convenient and taught by local experts. Turn to page 37 for the complete list of Personal Enrichment classes and page 1 for Professional Development.

TrainingCustomized SolutionsDoes your company have a unique training need? Client Solutions brings powerful, results-driven training to your organization. Visit www.clcillinois.edu/solutions or call (847) 543-2615 to learn more.

Community Awareness Distracted driving is on the rise. Motorists of all levels can benefit from learning defensive driving skills. Judicial Services offers training in partnership with the 19th Judicial Circuit Court. Turn to page 60 for information.

Services Small Business OwnersExplore business solutions and training and find new opportunities for your business to start, grow and succeed. Whether you’re starting a new business, positioning your company for growth or seeking to expand globally, the Illinois Small Business Development and International Trade Center can guide you to success. Turn to page 34 for information.

Classes for the Whole FamilyConnect with your family while learning together. These classes are designed for youth and adults to learn side-by-side. Fall classes include:

• America’s Boating Course

• American Sign Language Levels I and II

• Asian Flair Cooking

• Be an Image Maker, Not a Picture Taker

• Beginner Sewing

• Beginning Glassblowing

• Beginning with a Digital Camera

• Conversational Italian I and II

• Conversational Spanish I and II

• Designing Your Photographs

• Glassblowing Paperweight Class

• Holiday Writing Workshop

• Introduction to Fine Art Photography

• Italian Flair Cooking

• Online Video Game Maker I and II

• Organize and Enhance Your Wardrobe and Image

For registration information, call (847) 543-2615 email [email protected] or visit www.clcillinois.edu/personalenrichment/familyfriendly.

College of Lake County Board of Trustees

Richard A. Anderson, SecretaryPhilip J. Carrigan, Ph.D., Vice Chairman Jeanne T. Goshgarian William M. Griffin, Ed.D., ChairmanAmanda D. Howland Barbara D. OilschlagerLynda C. PaulYesenia Mata, Student Trustee

College President, Jerry W. Weber, Ph.D.

Save this schedule through December 2016

Communities of Excellence is coming to Lake County!Communities of Excellence, a public sector professional development series, is coming to Lake County! This initiative provides leading-edge training on the skills and topics required for public sector employees to grow professionally, to contribute to their organization and to cope with change in government.

Visit www.clcillinois.edu/professional for the complete series details and course dates.


College of Lake County 19351 West Washington StreetGrayslake, Illinois 60030-1198

CLC Classes (USPS 014-085) is published by the College of Lake County monthly exceptJanuary, February, March and September with an additional issue in August. Periodicals Postage paid at Grayslake, IL with additional entries.

POSTMASTER: Send change of address toCredit Class Schedule, College of Lake County19351 West Washington Street, Grayslake, IL 60030-1198

August 2015 – Volume 21, No. 1

Noncredit CLC Classes Fall 2015