Fall 2011, Issue 4

VOLUME Fall, ISSUE 4 THURSDAY, November 3, 2011 SINCE 1936 The Lakeland College The Mirror is an award winning member of the Society of Professional Journalists, Associated Collegiate Press, Wisconsin Newspaper Association and College Media Advisers. Meet Lakeland's new pub manager PAGE 5 Student Life Men's soccer fails to make NAC tournament PAGE 11 Issue Highlights Sieglaff in the Fun House! Again... PAGE 9 Fun House INDEX OPINIONS Features A & E STUDENT LIFE FUN HOUSE SPORTS Page 4 Page 5 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Sports "Our job is only to hold up the mirror - to tell and show the public what has happened." -Walter Cronkite L akeland is doubling its bandwidth on Nov. 9. The pipe controlling Lakeland’s Internet traffic is being upgraded from about 50 mega bits per sec- ond (mbit/s) to 100 mbit/s. “As of right now with a 50 [mbit/s pipeline] we’re hitting our max during the evening and a couple times during the night,” said Director of IT Operations Larry Marcus. “The way that we shape now is a little bit different. We take what we refer to as criti- cal traffic, normal traffic, and low traffic, and then we carve out spe- cific percentages of the whole.” This was done recently to help alleviate bandwidth cap issues, but, according to Marcus, from now on the college should just be able to keep increasing its amount of bandwidth. He hopes to be able to double LC’s bandwidth again as soon as a couple years from now. One of the biggest consumers of Internet traffic is multimedia— YouTube, Netflix, Hulu, and oth- ers. According to an article by Chikodi Chima titled “Report: Netflix hogs 32 percent of peak Internet bandwidth,” Netflix, HTTP, YouTube, and BitTorrent rounded out the top services of Internet traffic and accounted for 64.4 percent in North America. Because of this, multimedia streaming is given low priority in residence halls and normal prior- ity in classrooms. Internet speeds will vary depending on the time of day one is using an Internet con- nection and the type of traffic. For some, anything more than an instant can feel like too long of a period to wait for one’s Facebook page to load. But Lake- land students can rest a little easier next week know- ing they can waste less time waiting for their social media sites to load and have more time to study for classes. Time War- ner will remain as LC’s Internet service provider. Previously, Time Warner installed a fiber optic cable that is capable of delivering up to 1 giga bits/s, but budget limits the utilization of the pipeline’s full ca- pabilities. Lakeland to double Internet bandwidth Stream faster starting Nov. 9 "Living Room Professor" wins faculty award Lucretia Crawford nominated by Lakeland alumni W hen a woman wear- ing a flannel shirt and jeans walked in the classroom on the first day of Rob Pockat’s Core 1 class during his fresh- man year, he thought she might be a janitor or a house- keeper. “All of a sudden she in- troduces herself and says, ‘I’m Lucretia Crawford,’” he said. “Going over her cre- dentials, she says ‘I have my Ph. D., but don’t call me Dr. Crawford, just call me Lu- cretia.’ That easy, laid-back style wasn’t your typical col- lege professor.” That “laid-back” style of teaching is what Craw- ford, an associate professor of English who has taught composition, Core, and hon- ors classes since she was hired at Lakeland in 1983, called her “living room teaching philosophy.” “I want to treat my students as if they are in my living room,” she said. “I want to have conversa- tions with them, I want to be en- gaged with them, I want to know what they’re thinking about. A lot of the time I’ll ask this question that says, “Invent your own ques- tion” to get them to be the author- ity. I really think of my classroom as being my living room.” Pockat, an IT graduate as- sistant, graduated last year with degrees in Education and English. He had Crawford frequently for his English classes, and said he gained respect for her “living room teaching philosophy,” and tries to emulate it when he teaches. “I like people who are them- selves, who are genuine, and she’s a real genuine person. She gets along with everyone on campus. She’s always in a good mood. I just have a lot of respect for her and what she’s been able to accom- plish,” he said. Pockat respected her so much that he nominated her for the Out- standing Faculty Award, an award given to Lakeland professors who are also alumni. Crawford is a Lakeland alumna. She graduated in 1980 with a degree in Ger- man and went on to receive her master’s in English from the University of Notre Dame in 1983. In 2002, two years be- fore getting her doctorate in English from UW-Milwaukee, she won the Underkofler Ex- cellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award. And on Oct. 15 at the Alumni Celebration Banquet, with her husband, son, and sister in attendance, Crawford won the Outstand- ing Faculty Award. She talked about her stu- dents (past and present) now working at Lakeland in her speech. “I’m just so lucky that I get to see the results of what I do. In this building I could go upstairs and find one of my stu- dents, [or] I could go downstairs and talk to Rob, who was one of my students. I’m so lucky that I get to see that I did make a differ- ence because they’re here.” Lucretia Crawford with her Outstanding Faculty award BY DANNY SPATCHEK Editor-in-Chief [email protected] BY MICHAEL KNAAK Managing Editor [email protected] DANNY SPATCHEK/[email protected] Top 10 Classes of Internet Activity for Oct. 1 - Oct. 31


Lakeland Mirror

Transcript of Fall 2011, Issue 4

VOLUME Fall, ISSUE 4 THURSDAY, November 3, 2011

SINCE 1936

The Lakeland College

The Mirror is an award winning member of the Society of Professional Journalists, Associated

Collegiate Press, Wisconsin Newspaper Association and

College Media Advisers.

Meet Lakeland's new pub manager


Student Life

Men's soccer fails to make NAC tournament


Issue Highlights

Sieglaff in the Fun House! Again...


Fun House



A & e

sTUdenT LIFe



page 4

page 5

page 7

page 8

page 9

page 10


"Our job is only to hold up the mirror - to tell and show the public what has happened."

-Walter Cronkite

Lakeland is doubling its bandwidth on Nov. 9. The pipe controlling Lakeland’s

Internet traffic is being upgraded from about 50 mega bits per sec-ond (mbit/s) to 100 mbit/s.

“As of right now with a 50 [mbit/s pipeline] we’re hitting our max during the evening and a couple times during the night,” said Director of IT Operations Larry Marcus. “The way that we shape now is a little bit different. We take what we refer to as criti-cal traffic, normal traffic, and low traffic, and then we carve out spe-cific percentages of the whole.”

This was done recently to help alleviate bandwidth cap issues, but, according to Marcus, from now on the college should just be able to keep increasing its amount of bandwidth. He hopes to be able to double LC’s bandwidth again as soon as a couple years from now.

One of the biggest consumers of Internet traffic is multimedia—YouTube, Netflix, Hulu, and oth-ers. According to an article by

Chikodi Chima titled “Report: Netflix hogs 32 percent of peak Internet bandwidth,” Netflix, HTTP, YouTube, and BitTorrent

rounded out the top services of Internet traffic and accounted for 64.4 percent in North America.

Because of this, multimedia

streaming is given low priority in residence halls and normal prior-ity in classrooms. Internet speeds will vary depending on the time of

day one is using an Internet con-nection and the type of traffic.

For some, anything more than an instant can feel like too

long of a period to wait for one’s Facebook page to load. But Lake-land students can rest a little easier next week know-ing they can waste less time waiting for their social media sites to load and have more time to study for classes.

Time War-ner will remain as LC’s Internet service provider. Previously, Time Warner installed a fiber optic cable

that is capable of delivering up to 1 giga bits/s, but budget limits the utilization of the pipeline’s full ca-pabilities.

Lakeland to double Internet bandwidthStream faster starting Nov. 9

"Living Room Professor" wins faculty awardLucretia Crawford nominated by Lakeland alumni

When a woman wear-ing a flannel shirt and jeans

walked in the classroom on the first day of Rob Pockat’s Core 1 class during his fresh-man year, he thought she might be a janitor or a house-keeper.

“All of a sudden she in-troduces herself and says, ‘I’m Lucretia Crawford,’” he said. “Going over her cre-dentials, she says ‘I have my Ph. D., but don’t call me Dr. Crawford, just call me Lu-cretia.’ That easy, laid-back style wasn’t your typical col-lege professor.”

That “laid-back” style of teaching is what Craw-ford, an associate professor of English who has taught composition, Core, and hon-ors classes since she was hired at Lakeland in 1983, called her “living room teaching philosophy.”

“I want to treat my students as if they are in my living room,” she said. “I want to have conversa-tions with them, I want to be en-

gaged with them, I want to know what they’re thinking about. A lot of the time I’ll ask this question that says, “Invent your own ques-tion” to get them to be the author-

ity. I really think of my classroom as being my living room.”

Pockat, an IT graduate as-sistant, graduated last year with degrees in Education and English. He had Crawford frequently for his English classes, and said he

gained respect for her “living room teaching philosophy,” and tries to emulate it when he teaches.

“I like people who are them-selves, who are genuine, and she’s

a real genuine person. She gets along with everyone on campus. She’s always in a good mood. I just have a lot of respect for her and what she’s been able to accom-plish,” he said.

Pockat respected her so much

that he nominated her for the Out-standing Faculty Award, an award given to Lakeland professors who are also alumni. Crawford is a Lakeland alumna. She graduated

in 1980 with a degree in Ger-man and went on to receive her master’s in English from the University of Notre Dame in 1983. In 2002, two years be-fore getting her doctorate in English from UW-Milwaukee, she won the Underkofler Ex-cellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award. And on Oct. 15 at the Alumni Celebration Banquet, with her husband, son, and sister in attendance, Crawford won the Outstand-ing Faculty Award.

She talked about her stu-dents (past and present) now working at Lakeland in her speech.

“I’m just so lucky that I get to see the results of what I do. In this building I could go upstairs and find one of my stu-

dents, [or] I could go downstairs and talk to Rob, who was one of my students. I’m so lucky that I get to see that I did make a differ-ence because they’re here.”

Lucretia Crawford with her Outstanding Faculty award

By Danny [email protected]

By Michael knaakManaging [email protected]

dANNy SPATCHek/[email protected]

Top 10 Classes of Internet Activity for Oct. 1 - Oct. 31


Danny SpatchekEditor-in-Chief

Michael KnaakManaging Editor

Skye Sieglaff Copy Editor

Nicole GeurtsFeatures Editor

Jenni HeinrichLayout Editor

Paul Elzinga

Sports Editor

Greg HeinenAdvertising Manager

Craig DekarskeAl Fairchild

Josh GraminskeReina Katoh

Stephanie RebekRob SchoettlerJulia WilliamsGarrett Morris

Staff Reporters

Danny SpatchekMichael KnaakJenni HeinrichNicole GeurtsPaul Elzinga

Layout Staff

Dawn HogueAdviser

The Lakeland College Mirror is printed by Port Publications Inc.

The Mirror is published every two weeks during the first and second semesters while classes are in ses-sion and is distributed free of charge to students, faculty, and staff on the Lakeland College campus.

The Mirror is a member of the Associated Collegiate Press, Univer-sity Wire, College Media Advisers, College Publisher, and Wisconsin Newspaper Association.

2 Issue 4, November 3, 2011 News The Lakeland CollegeM I R R O R

2010 three-time award winner at the Best of the Midwest

2007 Best of the Midwest Best Overall Newspaper printed less than weekly at a four-year college

2005 Best of the Midwest Best Overall Newspaper printed less than weekly at a four-year college

2005 Society of Professional Journalists Mark of Excellence Award First Place in Region 6 for newspapers published not more than once per week

The Lakeland College


The Lakeland College


The Lakeland College

The Lakeland College


Since the early 1990s, Lake-land has hosted 13 Great Lakes Writers Festivals

(GLWF). Tonight and tomor-row’s festival will bring that number up to 14.

Karl Elder, fessler profes-sor of creative writing, poet in residence, and coordinator of this event at Lakeland, describes this festival as a “two day event in celebration and recognition of the art form.”

During the 11 a.m. convo-cation today, Joyce Dyer and Hailey Leithauser, the featured writers, will be reading in the Bradley auditorium.

Dyer writes mainly non-fiction, and, according to the GLWF website, is the John S. Kenyon professor of English at Hiram College in Hiram, Ohio. She has written four books and was the editor for “Bloodroot: Reflections on a place by Appa-lachian Women Writers.”

Dyer has had her work pub-lished in multiple magazines and anthologies. She has won multiple

awards for her writing. She was also a co-winner of a chapbook [a small book/pamphlet contain-ing poems, ballads, stories, etc.]

contest that was sponsored by Word of Mouth Books and El-der’s “Seems.”

Leithauser writes, for the

most part, in the poetry genre. According to the GLWF website, Leithauser currently lives in Silver Spring, MD, coordinating the Café

Muse reading series. She has had numerous publications and is also the recipient of numerous writing awards.

On Nov. 3 and 4 there will be different events taking place throughout the day to celebrate the GLWF. These events begin

with the convocation today at 11 a.m. and will end with workshops taught by Dyer and Leithauser throughout the day tomorrow. The workshops are set up for high school students as well as Lakeland stu-dents and the general public. If you wish to at-tend one of these work-shops, you must sign up to attend today before the convocation.

Thursday there will be an additional, more informal, reading in the Pub at 7:30. Students will not receive convoca-tion credit for attending this reading. However, there will be refresh-ments. If you are inter-ested in learning more about this festival go to

greatlakeswritersfestival.org/events for descriptions as well as a full detailed schedule of the festival.

Convocation today in the Bradley building

Romeo. Romeo. Wherefore art thou Romeo?

Dyer and Leithauser kick off the Great Lakes Festival

In the Bradley auditorium November 10-13

By Jenni HeinricHLayout [email protected]

When Charlie Krebs asked students last year what they

thought of doing Romeo and Ju-liet as this fall’s play, they told him that they didn’t want to do an old-fashioned production of it.

No one who sees Lakeland’s version of Shakespeare’s famous story of star-crossed lovers will call it that after seeing one of the shows, said Krebs, Lakeland’s as-sociate professor of theater and speech, and the play’s director.

Instead of the “proper” music associated with a typical 1600s court playing during the ballroom scene, Lakeland’s Romeo (sopho-

more Andy Kay) will meet Juliet (senior Kayann Botana) to music that might be heard in the pub.

Instead of wearing old-fash-ioned garments like the Capulets and Montagues wore in the origi-nal fair Verona, the entire cast will wear all-white clothing, so that running images shot from an LCD projector will be visible on their clothing and so that in scenes with, say, swordplay, lightning flashing on the duelers will give the scene an even more foreboding feel.

After Romeo poisens him-self, instead of having him squirm for a second and seemingly stop squirming forever, he will take off the white, revealing the black clothes underneath, and be a new character, the ghost of Romeo,

whom only the audience can see. Krebs said that they also cut

about an hour out of the show–it’s now roughly two and a half hours–but that all the crucial parts of the play remain.

“One of the questions I was asking myself was, ‘How has Shake-speare survived for four hundred years?’” said Krebs. “I think it’s be-cause his themes are universal. We all know what it feels like to be in love, or to fall out of love, or to lose somebody that means something to us. I was trying

to create something [that the] stu-dents could connect to.”

Opening night is a week from today. For more information on ticket prices and show times, go to lakeland.edu and click on the “Calendar of Events” link.

Charlie Krebs directs cast members at a recent rehersal.

By Danny [email protected]

Residents of the suites trick or treated Oct. 31 as part of a program by Resident Assistant Joey Lehto..

DaNNy Spacheck/[email protected]

JeNNi heirNich/[email protected]

The Lakeland College

The Lakeland College


3News Issue 4, November3, 2011The Lakeland College


The Lakeland College

The Lakeland College


Lakeland’s Community Ser-vice Initiative (CSI) group raised $120 for the World

Food Programme of United Na-tions (WFN/UN) at a Sundae Fundraising event on Nov. 1.

CSI members served ice cream with a variety of toppings for $1 in the campus center. The money they raised will be sent to WFN/UN - a worldwide organization which supplies food aid to coun-tries whose people are suffering from hunger and poverty in addi-tion to facing natural disasters – at the end of this semester.

“Overall, the event was suc-cessful because we raised more money than we expected,” said the president of CSI, Akniet Rys-bek Kyzy, a senior criminal justice

major from Kyrgyzstan. She also said that she was

glad to see generous people with an understanding of the situations people face in other countries, and know how many children in Haiti can be saved by the money they donated.

“I think that the important thing is not only donating money, but also knowing the world pov-erty [from those statistics],” she continued.

Rysbek Kyzy has worked for WFP/UN since the ninth grade in the United States, and was very willing to introduce the signifi-cance of CSI and WFP/UN to ev-eryone at Lakeland.

“Because most of our charity events are held outside of campus, the majority of the students [here] really don’t know what CSI is actually doing, and who for,” she

said. Last year, CSI groups across

the country collected over 1,000 shoes for Haiti, and sent care packages to American troops in Afghanistan.

“Even though one dollar seems to be a very small amount of mon-ey to us, that dollar will be able to provide food for four people for one month in Africa,” she added.

For Rysbek Kyzy and other CSI members, the fundraising event was a good opportunity not only to inform people on the seri-ousness of the world poverty, but also to introduce them to the ac-tivities of CSI. She explained that CSI’s main goal is simply to make someone’s life better.

Rysbek Kyzy thanked Mark Wagner, interim director of din-ing services, who agreed to donate the ice cream for this event, as well

CSI helps the hungryIce cream sundaes really do make things better

CSI serves ice cream sundaes to students who came to help the cause.

By Reina KatohStaff [email protected]

Student Association (SA) is becoming a more active stu-dent government this year

by getting their name recognized on campus.

Jayna Vande Voort, the presi-dent of SA, said, “SA really wants students to be aware that they can make a difference on campus, and their opinions will be heard. If there is anything that they would like to see changed, then all they have to do is talk to me or anyone else on SA, and we can relay that information to the right people.”

Vande Voort said SA has played an important role in the following: creating a Food Advi-sory Board, Pub renovation, She-nanigans in the Pub, creating aca-demic committees, and cleaning the woods.

The goal of the Food Advisory Board is to determine what stu-dents would like to see served in the cafeteria – be it healthier food, themed dinners, multi-cultural cuisines, or more home-made items.

Pub renovation is also a ma-jor task on campus, and SA is go-ing to be helping to make the Pub look and feel more like a sports bar by creating a more appealing atmosphere for people to hang out and relax in. Several things will be changing for the Pub; there will be four new flat screen TVs, an Xbox Kinect, new color schemes, new curtains, and Lakeland College sports memorabilia on the walls. SA also worked to get the Pub open during lunch time.

“Shenanigans in the Pub” is sponsored by SA on the last Thursday of every month with free pizza, music, and a chance

to speak your mind. They plan on asking students to fill out a survey on the cafeteria, housing, the Pub, and other areas on campus where they would like to see change.

The Academic Committee, Curriculum Committee, and Con-vocation Committee are the new committees that have been formed by SA in order to discover what students are academically inter-ested in. This will allow them to help suggest classes to have dur-ing May term or for specific ma-jors. Students will also be able to give input on the different convo-cations they would like to attend.

At the beginning of Octo-ber, Student Association teamed up with Eco Friends to clean the woods. People who participated cleaned up brush to make paths easier for walking. This also ben-efits Lakeland’s wrestlers, who often have to run through the

woods. “Student Association is

here for the students. If a club needs help sponsoring an event because they don’t have enough members or participation, SA will co-sponsor it with them. We are also here to help other organizations fund activities or events,” said Vande Voort.

Student Association is try-ing to become more accessible. They have created a Facebook page, will be able to post things on the my.lakeland page, and are going to have a bulletin board in the Campus Center. This is so that people can see what SA is doing and contact them more easily.

Student Association meet-ings are open to anyone. Meet-ings start with the cabinet members speaking, followed by committee updates, and cover-

Student Association—making a difference at LCBy Stephanie ReBeKStaff [email protected]

People to People, BSU, and The Faculty Outreach Com-mittee will hold the Melt-

ing Pot Jam on Nov. 5 from five to eight in the evening at St. Luke Methodist Church in Sheboygan.

The Melting Pot Jam is a pot luck supper that recruits people to house international students and attempts to connect Lakeland College with the community.

“This event creates relation-ships with domestic and interna-tional students,” said Ron Haas, professor of math and computer science, who is leading the event as part of the faculty Outreach Committee.

Along with the pot-luck, the

event will include a problem-solving challenge. In the one given last year, small groups were given drinking straws and masking tape to construct a mechanism that would allow an egg to survive a ten foot drop. Later, groups were given crayons and a sheet of paper on which to draw a picture of their country’s flag.

“This problem-solving exer-cise allows people from different backgrounds to bond when they have sweated and worked togeth-er on a task,” Haas said.

Haas expects around 50 stu-dents to show up to this event. There will be transportation pro-vided to and from the Jam. For more information, or to sign up, students should contact Collin Steller at [email protected].

Melting Pot JamBy RoB SchoettleRStaff [email protected]

Fight 9-Oct Campus CenterFire Alarm 10-Oct BrotzMedical Incident 9-Oct Campus CenterFire Alarm 10-Oct BrotzMedical Incident 12-Oct Bossard HallBooted Vehicle 12-Oct LOT BFire Alarm 13-Oct GrosshueschMedical Incident 19-Oct Daycare

Hit and Run Auto 21-OctCampus Center Lot

Misuse of Safety Equipment 26-Oct HoferConcern for welfare 29-Oct BrotzHarassment 29-Oct KruegerHarassment 30-Oct KurtzMinors in Possession of Alcohol 29-Oct ApartmentsMedical Incident 31-Oct Near Bradley

as James Trazile, a se-nior music education major and Leo Liu, an ELI (English Lan-guage institute) stu-dent, for volunteering to perform music at the event.

CSI is planning to have another fund-raising event, in which they will serve hot chocolate this Decem-ber. The money will go to Haiti though WFP/UN.

If you want to know more about the organization and how the money will be used, please check WFP/UN’s website, wpf.org.

S.A. works to become more accessible for student bodyage of events being hosted, and end with a guest speaker to get different perspectives. Meetings only last about 30 to 45 minutes, and are held the last Thursday of every month.

Crime log

ReiNa Kato/[email protected]

ReiNa Kato/[email protected]

4 Opinions The Lakeland CollegeM I R R O R

Issue 4, November 3, 2011

EDITORIALSThe Mirror’s staff editorial

topics are agreed upon by the entire staff.

The editorial board collabo-rates on ideas and writes the


All individual columns, cartoons, and letters are the opinions of the author and

do not necessarily reflect the beliefs of the editorial staff, The Mirror, or Lakeland’s administration, faculty, or

student body.


Lakeland’s students, faculty, and staff are welcomed to write let-

ters to the editor to express their opinions on public issues or in

response to editorials printed in The Mirror.

Letters can be typed or handwrit-ten and should not exceed 700 words. Letters must be signed

by the author. Names will not be witheld unless circumstances or

issues of safety demand it.

The Mirror reserves the right to edit all submissions for length.

Expletives will be deleted.

Submissions will be printed as space allows. They may be held for publication at a later date.

Mail:The Lakeland College Mirror

P.O. Box 359Sheboygan, WI 53082-0359

E-mail:[email protected]

Phone:(920) 565-1316

By Jenni HeinricHLayout [email protected]

By Al FAircHildStaff [email protected]

I was expanding my original list of “Ways to Recognize a Non-trad,” when Jenni

Heinrich, who writes the col-umn above this one, saw my ideas and asserted that I was only writing about “old” non-trads.

She was right. Non-trads come in a variety of flavors—old, young, tall, short, male, fe-male… you get the picture. Any-one who took a break after high

school—be it for four years or 40—is a non-trad. Those in the Kellett School are usually non-trads, although some of

their classes are incorpo-rated into traditional

programs.I don’t think

there really is an of-ficial, in-depth defi-

nition, but I’d say that part-time students are definitely non-trads, while full-timers who live on campus and who are working their way

through school are not. Go figure.

I took an informal survey around the Mirror office, ask-ing how everyone defined non-trads. The two who answered

with something other than, “Go away, I’m writing,” said that if you commute—even if you entered college directly out of high school and you carry a full load of classes—you’re a non-trad. Congratu-lations, Jenni, and welcome to the club.

My point is this:Stereotyping our crowd

by using such a narrow defi-nition serves only to reduce the pool of available subjects for me to write about. That makes finding ideas for this column really hard, and I don’t want that. So when I attribute something to a non-trad from now on, I’ll try to specify what kind of non-traditional stu-dent I’m talking about.

For instance: “You can always tell who we cranky old non-trads are, because we usu-ally show up for classes early, then rush out to the restroom two minutes before they be-gin.” And, of course, we are the only ones who don’t look puzzled when someone says, “In A Gadda Da Vida.”

Or, “You can recognize a non-trad commuter who’s been stuck behind a tractor pull-

ing a leaky honey wagon down the highway be-cause, when you ask why she’s late, she’s liable to rush to the Wehr Cen-ter, drag back a tread-mill, and scramble to the greenhouse and get a cactus, which she might then glue to the treadmill belt and hold your head down on it with a four-inch spike heel up your nostril while she cranks the belt to warp speed, and then—each time the cactus comes around—holler something at you like, “GO AHEAD JERK. ASK ME AGAIN!”

Yeah. She might re-ally do that. And believe me, it’s painful.

Here’s the bottom line: students at Lake-land are individuals, whether they are non-trad or not. Keep that in mind and be sensitive. And be very careful of commuters who arrive late to class.

I’ll be heading over to Health Services now.

Have you ever walked through a door and waited an extra few moments to hold the door for

the person behind you, only to have them completely ignore your act of kindness?

I’m not saying that every time I hold open a door for someone I expect him or her to stop, shake my hand, and thank me. I don’t expect a written thank you.

A simple nod of the head, wave, or “thank you” should not, however, be ne-glected.

Nodding your head takes about a second. Lifting your hand in the air takes about two. A simple thank you also takes about two seconds, one if you just say “thanks.”

I get that sometimes your hands are full. Or maybe you’re caught up in con-versation with someone else. But taking up to three seconds to show even the slightest bit of appreciation is not too much to ask of a person that probably took the same amount of time to hold the door for you.

This same principle can be applied to driving.

Have you ever been driving and stopped to let someone cross the road, or let a car go at a stop sign before you, and had them completely blow off the fact that you waited for them to cross/go?

Again, I don’t expect the person crossing to come up to my window and personally thank me for letting them cross. I do, however, think it’s rude when there is no acknowledgement of this.

I also don’t expect that the driver of the car that I let go before me will stop, get out of the car, and regale me with thanks. I just don’t think that a simple nod or wave is too much to ask.

People don’t always do nice things with the expectation that others will do something in return, or even with the expectation that they will be acknowl-edged for it.

However, if everyone stops recog-nizing when someone does something simple like this, it could very well af-fect the amount of people that continue to perform these simple acts of human kindness.

Lakeland College…we care about your education so you don’t have to!”

This statement was made to me a few years ago by a col-league as a sarcastic suggestion for a potential marketing slogan. This colleague was suffering from a high level of frustration around this same time of year after spending countless hours working with students that were either unable or unwilling to engage in their academic and personal endeavors at the col-lege. I laughed off that sarcas-tic comment back then, but as I have now spent 3+ years working and playing a role at Lakeland in which President Gould asks me to do all I can to support student

success and development, I, too, find myself with that same level of frustration after countless hours of student meetings, departmen-tal staff meetings, and executive level strategic planning sessions focused on how to make all of our students successful.

“Do I care about their educa-tion so they don’t have to?”

“Do I want it more than they do?”

These are the questions that I cannot get out of my mind lately.

At times when I feel as if I am reaching my breaking point, I do what I have always found com-fort in: I talk to my good friends and colleagues here at Lakeland. In one such conversation, a very trusted and wise colleague re-minded me that I could do one of

two things: 1) Spend additional time and

effort lamenting and worrying about students that choose not to take advantage of the incredible opportunities that we provide.

2) Take the time to show my genuine appreciation for students that actually see Lakeland College as an opportunity to learn about their academic discipline and themselves, and give back to the institution as much as they receive (in reality, the majority of the stu-dents at Lakeland).

I have decided to focus on the latter.

Thank you to the students who see their classes as opportu-nities to gain knowledge that will help them serve themselves and others in the future, not as unnec-

essary interruptions in their social lives. Thank you to the students who go about their business ev-eryday treating others with the re-spect and dignity that they would like shown to them instead of be-ing those students who disregard displays of normal human interac-tion, like a simple “Good morning,” in passing on the sidewalk, and demonstrate with their words and actions how [they feel] everyone and everything else around them are problematic. Thank you to the students who realize that the people working here consider this place a home, and take their work seriously, instead of believing that the people who work here con-sider this just a “job,” and thinking that everyone is out to make their lives miserable and treat them like

children.I’ve decided that instead of

feeling that I care about your edu-cation so you don’t have to, I will spend more time thinking about, and investing in, those members of this community (students and faculty/staff alike) that demon-strate they do care. Will I “want it” more? I’m sure I will, for some, but rest assured that I will contin-ue to bring my best to this institu-tion, day in and day out, because for those of you that do care - you deserve the best.

As the late Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple, said: “We don’t get the chance to do that many things, and everyone should be really excellent. Because this is our life.”

Letter to the editor: Giving thanks to the silent majorityBy nAte deHneVice President for Student [email protected]

5FeaturesThe Lakeland CollegeM I R R O R

Issue 4, November 3, 2011

Pub becomes more interactive with new changesSupper clubs to pub parties: the story of Steve Diederichs, pub “man”agerBy Jenni HeinricHLayout [email protected]

When he’s not repre-senting himself as a furniture-manu-

facturing representative, Steve Diederichs, Lakeland’s new pub manager, is working to renovate the pub and make it more com-fortable for students.

Steve has two associate’s degrees—one from UW-Manito-woc and the other from UW-Mil-waukee, in arts and science and business respectively, and is cur-rently taking classes at Lakeland to fulfill his bachelor’s degree in business.

Managing wasn’t something that Steve went to school for spe-cifically. It has been a second job. Coming from a position managing Pizza Garden, a supper club in Manitowoc, he wanted something different, and Lakeland presented an opportunity for that.

“[The adjustment has been] fun, interesting, just different, different pace,” said Steve, who started at Lakeland during the

summer. “[Students] obviously want different things, different food, than a middle-aged adult.”

Working with college stu-dents is a definite change from the mostly middle-aged patrons he had been used to; not only with the dif-ference in taste, but in the way they act as well.

“All I can say is you see people on campus during the day, and then you see them after a pub party, and you don’t look at them quite the same the next time you see them during the day.

“After they come in between the hours of 7:30 p.m. and 2 a.m. they’re certainly a dif-ferent person when you see them the next time around,” he laughed.

Steve is working hard to renovate the

Pub. He has many ideas and is ex-tremely excited to jump into these projects. One of the things he has started is “Lunch in the Pub.” From 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. every-day, the Pub now offers a variety

of sandwiches, flatbreads, sides, chips, and, of course, drinks.

The drink menu has been ex-panded with a new cocktail menu, a selection of featured wines, and the Muskie mixed drink—a fruity mixed drink.

The drink and food menus are continuing to grow as Steve experiments with new food and drink specials, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic.

Steve is aiming to always have something new going on, to keep things fresh and interesting and to keep people coming in. Mostly, though, he is trying to make the Pub more alluring during the day.

“My biggest goal right now is to make the Pub more interactive during the day time by bringing in the lunch food, which [students] can use their Muskie money for, bringing the pool tables up to speed, and bringing in some new-er TVs.”

Along with the changes in food and drinks, the Pub will also be undergoing a mini-renovation. It will begin with a new paint job and blinds, four flat screen TVs,

an Xbox with Kinect, and possi-bly a Wii at some point.

Steve also hopes to introduce weekly activities, such as pool and dart leagues, in addition to the beanbag league that will be starting up soon.

Steve wants to continue im-proving the Pub in an effort to make it more interactive. The budget, however, doesn’t allow for a whole lot at this point, he said. He has plans for fundrais-ing in the future to bring in more money to allow for even more renovations.

Though he does have ideas in mind, he doesn’t want to get students excited if some of them don’t work out; as a result, he’s not divulging that information at this point. Steve encourages stu-dents to share both what they’d like to see in the Pub, as well as what types of fundraisers they would be most interested in.

“Input from students, and people who visit the Pub, is always welcome,” said Steve. “They’re the people we’re trying to make it more enjoyable for.”

Plaza dedication brings alumni, storiesBy Danny [email protected]

A land of opportunities— that’s what Lakeland was for him, says Mark Schow-

alter.Before he graduated in 1979,

Mark was in the band, choir, and theater programs at Lakeland. He even carried Lakeland’s mail into Sheboygan—before diabetes took his sight in his senior year.

Oct. 15, Homecoming Satur-day, 20 mph winds whip through campus. Mark stands in front of Old Main, next to his mother, Joyce, who went to Lakeland for a year but left in 1957 to work when she and Mark’s father, George, got married. He wears a black jacket and his hair is gray. Unless you’re standing close, you can’t tell he’s blind. He is just one of the many in a crowd of alumni and friends of the college at this dedication ceremony for the newly opened Sesquicentennial Plaza and front entrance.

He’s just one of many who lis-tens as the Lakeland Singers belt “O God, Our Help in Ages Past,” the hymn of the college, past the wind. Who listens to Chaplain Kelly Stone preside over a Lake-land ceremony for one of the last times before she goes to work at Wellesley. Who listens to three speeches made in honor of the occasion: one by married alumni Ralph and Dianne Mueller, class of ‘58 and ’57, respectively, one by senior Margarita Barraza Diaz, and one by President Stephen Gould.

They all describe their unique stories with the college.

Mark doesn’t take the po-dium – but not for a lack of feel-ing about Lakeland. He cares plenty about the college. He’s on the Lakeland Alumni Association Board. When he mentions he’s a part-time minister at a United Church of Christ congregation in Iowa, he feels it’s necessary to mention UCC churches are “con-nected to the college.” He calls the plaza he can’t see “beautiful.”

He’s just one of the many here, in this crowd. Is it possible they all have stories like Mark’s? That every person here feels he or she has a story set at Lakeland or because of Lakeland?

Look at them. Why would an attorney from Sheboygan, Bob Melzer, who didn’t go to the Lake-land but to Northwestern, not only volunteer to be on the col-lege’s Board of Trustees, but still be volunteering 40 years later? Why would Paula Gaumer, coor-dinator of a program at Lakeland that offers high school students course credits, transfer from the University of Illinois to Lakeland in the early 70s and be standing here today? Why else would Linda Schlaak – a Menasha resident who never graduated from Lakeland, lived three years in Krueger Hall in the early 80s before leaving for Fox Valley Tech, but never gradu-ated – be here this morning and be on her last payment for one of the $150 bricks that is helping fund this Sesquicentennial construc-tion project, and say that, after all these years, she’d “love to come back and finish.”

But look: the ceremony has ended. Now, the stories are min-gling. Dianne Mueller talks about

one of her college memories with Judy Taylor, who graduated a year after she did and who today wears her jacket hood tightly over her head because even now that she doesn’t have to stand still as oth-ers talk the wind is cold.

“There used to be a barn where you could keep your horses. It was by where the science center is now,” Mueller says. “Paul Krue-ger, the president’s son, kept his horses there and several other stu-dents kept their horses there. And then the barn burned, but they got the horses out.”

They talk near pavestones with their names on them. Taylor points to her paver: “Judy Taylor 1958 / In Memory Of All / Lake-landers Not With Us / To Leave Their Mark.”

Mueller and her husband Ralph, class of ’58, bought three pavers, one in memory of their parents, one in memory of their

brothers, and one thanking former college Presidents Krueger, Mor-land, and the current president, Gould, the man who moments ago in his speech said, “Every brick, every building, every space on this beautiful campus is there because someone else, a friend of the col-lege, a member of the alumni, cared.”

Someone else stands near the fountain in the middle of the plaza. It’s Dorothy Mohr, anoth-er donor. She talks of attending Lakeland from 1938-40, transfer-ring to Milwaukee State Teach-er’s College because she couldn’t become a kindergarten teacher with a degree from Lakeland, her husband George who attended the academy, college, and semi-nary at Lakeland and passed away 27 years ago, her three sons who went to Lakeland, and holding ev-ery office in the Lakeland women’s auxiliary.

When she’s just gotten to the part about how, until it dis-banded, the auxiliary always used to serve tea and food at Lakeland graduations, a man named Bill appears with a woman in a puffy green jacket and glasses. This is one of President Morland’s daugh-ters, Letitia, he tells her. Whatever came next is forgotten.

“Oh for heaven’s sake—Leti-tia!”

That’s what Dorothy says. For her, today, that’s part of what Lakeland is. A land in which Leti-tia, an old character from a story she remembers, has returned.

Editor’s note: As of Nov. 1, 543 peo-ple have sponsored bricks or pavestones that are funding the donation campaign the front entrance project is part of. On the Lakeland website there’s a running list of their names. It takes eleven min-utes to get from A to Z, from Kyung-Jun Ahn to Leeann Zoeller.

New pub manager Steve Diederichs pours a cold one.

JENNI HEINRICH/[email protected]

Mark Schowalter stands in Sesquicentennial Plaza with his mother.

6 Issue 4, November 3, 2011 Features The Lakeland CollegeM I R R O R

7A&EThe Lakeland CollegeM I R R O R

Issue 4, November 3, 2011

Low-Budget Scary Movies: Trick or Treat?

You be the judge.


Summary: Five teenage strangers find themselves locked in an underground dungeon. They soon realize they are part of a sadistic experiment to see how far humans will push themselves

to survive. Left with only barrels of water and a scalpel, they must fend for their lives.

Review- The film pretty much goes as you would expect from the title. The participants, led by the eldest male for a while, grow weak and finally realize they have to dine on one of the members. The doctor of the group and voice of reason refuses to partake in the feast, probably due to her being a vegetarian and the lack of proper wine to go with the flesh. This movie provides little shock value like you would expect, and has more to do with the weird, silent man who put them there because of his own encounter with cannibalism.

Why should it be scary? This film might be scary to some-one with a fear of being kidnapped only to find themselves in an unfamiliar place with no way to get out, or anyone who doesn’t want to be torn to pieces.

Is it scary? Sadly, this film feels like Saw, without the in-teresting story and twist ending. The goriest scenes aren’t even shown in this film like in Saw.

Best scene/line- The best scene of this film has to be when the younger male character is eating and blurts out, “Don’t look at me while I’m eating! What did I tell you about looking at me while I’m eating!?”

Death Row (2006)

Summary: College students are making a documentary on an aban-doned prison on Isla de la Roca. Unbeknownst to the crew, they are not alone. Another gang has landed on the island after robbing

a jewelry store. Unbeknownst to both parties, they are all not alone. Ghosts haunt the abandoned prison!

Review- This film had me extremely excited from the start with its biggest star, the son of legendary actor Gary Busey. Although his son’s name is Jake, I’m going to refer to him as Lil’ Gary Busey. As I tried to stay somewhat excited that Lil’ Gary Busey was flashing those gums and acting chops, the movie’s story completely took me out of it. No climax or even remotely memorable scenes besides those involving Lil Gary Busey.

Why should it be scary?:Who among us hasn’t dreamed about filming a documentary about an abandoned island prison where ghosts still reside?

Is it scary?:This movie did start off somewhat interesting/creepy with the story behind the haunted prison, but the poor graphics and ter-rible acting, besides Lil’ Gary Busey, make this just another TV movie done wrong. It falls short to even be considered a bad scary movie. Leave this one on the rack at Family Video.

Best scene/line- The best scenes are the ones featuring, of course, Lil Gary Busey and his amazing hair. His hair is so amazing that it can grow and retract into Lil Gary Busey’s head throughout the film. Lil’ Gary Busey also delivers the best line after one of his stooges says, “You’ve been huffing and puffing all day long.” Lil’ Gary Busey responds, “Well how about I just blow your house down.”

Bear (2010)

Summary: After their car breaks down in the middle of nowhere, a group of friends are continuously harassed by a (*SPOILER ALERT) bear. Review: Let me start off by saying that, within the first five

minutes, I already hate every character in this movie (there are only four, excluding the bear), and they do little to change my opinion throughout the course of the film. Within fifteen minutes the bear shows up and flips the car, and I’m left wondering, “Where the hell does the movie go from here?”Once the film does all it can with the bear (which includes revenge, flip-

ping the car, and flipping the car again), the story becomes more about the menial personal problems and grievances that plague the people trapped in the car. In fact, a majority of the film revolves around these awful people and their dislike for one another. A more accurate title for the movie would have been People Who Are a Pain in the Ass to Each Other, and an Appearance by a Bear.The end of the film, much like “Crocodile 2,” drags out to the point of it getting out of hand. The bear becomes more of a therapist (or bearapist, if you will) than an actual threat, a stupid turn for the movie to take.There are reoccurring technical annoyances in the film; during action scenes, the camera shakes, and the film is so poorly lit that it’s hard to figure out what’s actu-ally happening. Why should it be scary? The film features two things that most people are afraid of – bears and being trapped with terrible people.Is it scary? Look, if I were trapped in a car with the four characters from this film, I would be scared too. I’d beg to be grizzly maimed. Best line: (Angry man to bear): “I’m gonna eat your f***ing babies!”

Bloodz vs. Wolvez(2006)

Summary: Two rival gangs – the Wolvez, poor thugs who live on the streets of New York, and the Bloodz, rich realtor vampires

– try to end their century-long rivalry when the Bloodz offer the Wolvez housing and jobs in a new building. However, sabotage from within the Bloodz sets off a chain of unfortunate events that keep the rivalry alive. Review: What are you doing right now? Reading The Mirror? That can wait. Go rent this movie, right now! This movie has

everything that one is looking for in a terrible horror film: bad actors, bad cam-era work, corny one-liners, horrid special effects, and – the best part – IT’S ENTERTAINING! The other three movies I reviewed failed in this element; they were movies I watched, shook my head at, and thought, “Who would greenlight this?” Bloodz vs. Wolvez, however, is the movie that I want to invite all my friends over to watch. Simply put, it’s so bad that it’s good. As ridiculous as it may seem, the storyline for the film is kind of cool. However, the film’s low budget doesn’t allow for certain scenes to be shot as the director had intended (which is evident when the Wolvez rob a bank, which is just a white room with a person in it). There are also a lot of awkward jump cuts dur-ing dialogues; it becomes an obvious distraction. The film is full of moments that don’t need to be there, but seem to add to the ridiculousness of the film, signaling that the director probably didn’t/couldn’t take this project seriously (such as the lesbian subplot, and when one of the Wolvez goes to the bathroom), and who could blame him? In all seriousness, gather your friends together, watch this film, have some laughs, and feel better about the direction your life is heading. Why should it be scary? Wolvez and Bloodz are spelled with a “z” – a “Z!”Is it scary? This movie ceased to be scary when the first Times New Roman title credits hit the screen. Best line: Wolvez gang member 1: “I heard Jay-Z is a werewolf.”Wolvez gang member 2: “He’s more like a were-camel.”Leader of Wolvez: “Yo, I heard of were-camels; they got those.”

Ben Endres and Pat Meyer took a stroll down to the local Family Video in hopes of finding movies to review. In the Halloween spirit, they decided to rent some scary movies (italics are supposed to be spooky). However, they decided not to rent well-known, well-made horror films, but rather obscure, assumed poorly-made horror films. Ben and Pat came to two conclusions: 1) Family Video has a lot of obscure,

poorly-made horror films, and 2) If Family Video sold all their awful stock of horror movies, they could probably buy, at least, three good Crite-rion Collection films.

Anyway, Ben and Pat selected a handful of “scary” movies to review for you, the beloved Lakeland student body (even though Halloween will be over by the time you read this). Pat reviewed “Hunger” and “Death Row.” Ben reviewed “Bloodz vs. Wolvez” and “Bear.” Enjoy, or don’t.





8 Student Life The Lakeland CollegeM I R R O R

Issue 4, November 3, 2011

The Career Development office offered mock phone interviews for the

first time; 22 students and nine employers participated. This is due in part to the recent rise in phone interviews during the hir-ing process.

“They were greatly suc-cessful,” Director of Career De-velopment Lisa Stephan said. Stephan went on to explain that employers were given a rubric and scored students on voice quality, maturity/poise, person-ality, qualifications, quality of resume, preparation, direction, and overall quality of the inter-view.

“It was a great experience. I liked how I received feedback from an employer, and it will help [me] when I am actually looking for jobs,” said Tom Sea-worth, senior business manage-ment major.

Employers were given the students’ resumes and put into contact with them via e-mail. The student and employer set up a time to conduct the phone in-terview. This made the logistics very easy for the Career Develop-ment office.

The Career Development office has ten employers set up

for Nov. 9 and 10. Employers at-tending include but are not lim-ited to Aquity, Kohler, SEEK, and J.L. Fench. Career Development has tried to contact a wide vari-ety of employers so students may choose who they want to inter-view with.

“The mock interviews are be-ing set up in the next few weeks, and students should act fast,” said Jess Lambrecht, assistant direc-tor of career development. Lam-brecht urges students to take part in these mock interviews. Because of the narrow job market in this day and age, there is no room for error, and having practice with interviewing skills reduces your chance of making a mistake in your search for a job.

“A myth about the mock in-terview process is that Career De-velopment does not offer a mock interview in their field, but every mock interview is a chance to net-work and connect with other em-ployers,” said Lambrecht.

The mock interviews are go-ing to be videotaped; that way stu-dents may review their interviews. Students will also be reviewed by the employer using the same cri-teria as the phone interviews. In addition to those criterion, body language and appearance will be critiqued, and students will re-ceive a resume critique.

Mock interviewsPhone interviews a successBy RoB SchoettleRStaff [email protected]

Sometimes it feels like every trip to Wal-Mart is the same. If you know what you are looking for, you can walk straight to the place in the aisle and get it. Even the seasonal displays repeat items from year to year. When the big box blues get you down, it is probably time to try shopping

somewhere new; maybe it’s time to try one of these three ever-changing local stores:

Feed mill shops, Elkhart Lake - These stores are small in size, but make

up for it with atmosphere. This building has a gift shop, a grocery store, and a restaurant. The gro-cery store has a limited selection, but it can be nice to pick up a few items that they don’t stock at the Muskie Mart, and maybe some of their delicious gourmet candy bars as well.

The gift shop is a lot of fun, and features many chic seasonal displays, which help to make the ever-changing store feel festive. Prices can be fairly high end - I paid $25 for a tiny set of brightly colored ceramic animals meant to be children’s party decorations. You can, however, sometimes find things on sale for reasonable prices. Seasonal items are quickly slashed to more than half their original price; you can pick them up for under ten dollars if you don’t mind picking up seasonal items close to the date of the holiday.

Two Fish Gallery, Elkhart Lake - An-other Elkhart Lake

must see is Two Fish Gallery. It is full of hand-made items within varied price ranges. It has a lot more than just paint-ings, including hand-blown glass, brightly-colored clocks, and screen-printed cloth bags. It is a very fun place to visit, and has a garden that thrives year-round, along with a friendly cat that goes in and out. The gallery is in an old house, which gives the feel of visiting someone’s trendy apartment rather than just going shopping. It makes you want to wander around and study all the beautiful art pieces. I bought a set of hand- made salt shakers for my moth-er that, at $50 for the pair, were not cheap, but, in my opinion, were well worth the price.

St. Vincent de Paul, Sheboygan - While very close by, it is easy to

dismiss St. Vincent de Paul be-cause of its location near a drab strip mall. However, it can be a great place to find strange and interesting things. It is one of the biggest resale stores I have ever been in, and the sheer amount of clothes and furniture can be overwhelming. It is also surprisingly cheap. I bought a vintage 80s desk phone for three dollars, and a wool sweater for one dollar. I have also run across pastel typewriters, posters of Jesus that must have come from a church, many bizarre, ugly lamps, and metal tricycles. All of these items were priced un-der $20.

Unique area stores worth second glanceBy Julia WilliamSStaff [email protected]

MIKE KNAAK/[email protected]

MIKE KNAAK/[email protected]

JENNI HEINrIcH/[email protected]

The Lakeland CollegeM I R R O R

Issue 4, November 3, 20119Fun House

March 21 - April 20 June 22 - July 23

The eleventh will be a good day to be crazy, be yourself, and not care what anyone thinks. There is a chance that you will end up embarrassing yourself and possibly change the way people view you, but in the long run, having a crazy day this month will benefit you.

Watch out for any days that end in “y,” as they will not be friendly to you until the 14th. Watch out for anyone wearing a brightly-colored sweater. Engaging in conversation with them will lead to something bad.

A sibling is thinking about you today. Pick up the phone and call home, but don’t ask for money or rejection is inevitable. Be careful of stalls with no toilet paper.

A man wearing a red and white-striped sweater will appear in a distant crowd today. Refrain from yelling “I found Waldo!” You will be the only one amused by this.

Make sure you offer assis-tance if you see an older woman struggling on the 16th. It will bring you great luck.

The catchphrase “No pain, no gain,” has never seemed truer to your life. Take a deep breath, and shoul-der through it. There is no point asking “Why me?” The answer will appear soon enough.

The 13th will be a bad day for you, but it will be worse for someone close to you. Take care to set aside your own problems and aid that person with theirs to the best of your ability. The 15th will bring a great surprise.

August 23 - September 22

September 23 - October 22

October 23 - November 21

November 22 - December 21

December 22 - January 20

January 21 - February 19

February 20 - March 20

You will be sorely tempt-ed to leave your expensive radio in the bathroom so that other people can enjoy music while they shower as well. Do everything in your power to keep from giving in to this temptation. If you give in, you will find yourself out an expensive radio, and someone else will make quite a bit of money from selling it online.

A close friend will accuse you of never listening to the advice they give you (or any-thing else they say) on the fifth. After thinking about it for a minute, you will decide that they could not be more wrong, and ignore what they have said. You will only realize the irony of this after someone points it out to you.

April 21- May 21

May 22 - June 21

Beware of leaving your place of residence with-out your key. If you leave thinking that someone else is still there, they will do the same thing, and you will both be locked out. The kindness of strangers will help you the first time, but after that, you’ll be on our own.

A professor will ask you to do a favor for them that you prob-ably will not feel like taking the time out to do. If you choose not to do it, be pre-pared to be subjected to a humiliat-ing “volunteer” experience the next time you have class.

July 23 - August 22

Horoscopes aplentyBy Skye Sieglaff

On the tenth, you will discover that those cute notes you have been receiving are not from a secret admirer, as you had thought. Disappointment will fill you when you discover who they are from, but don’t write the person off – they could turn out to be very important to you in the near future.

Thumbs Up

Thumbs Down

#1 Waaaaazzzz-zuuuuuuuuuuuup!



#2 Comics class — sign up or be left with

a bunch o’ trolls

#2 I can’t tell who’s carrying a gun


When planning this lat-est issue of the paper, the rest of The Mirror

staff and I were discussing what kinds of stories would be being published. Thinking it would be funny, I volunteered to write a Funhouse article completely con-sisting of malapropisms. My offer was met with blank stares.

“Uh, what?” one of the other editors asked me, confusion etched on the faces all around me.

“You know…malapropisms?” I said, thinking that they had just misheard me. The response to this clarification was more blank stares, followed by a gen-eral admittance that they had no idea what the heck I was talking about.

I stood there, rooted in shock. The other editors, junior and senior level college students, had managed to make it this far in life without knowing what a malapropism was. I was stunned that they didn’t know this – not because I thought that all col-lege students should know what malapropism is (though, now that I think about it, it isn’t a bad literary term to memorize), but because both my freshman and ju-nior year English teachers in high school adamantly insisted that I

couldn’t get through my first year of college without knowing what a malapropism was.

These guys were living proof that my former teachers were wrong. I was also told that I wouldn’t be able to make it through all four years of college without reading/watching the Lord of the Rings trilogy, and yet here I am, almost a full semester in and still without ever having watched and/or read a single one of them [The verdict is still out on that one.].

“A malapropism,” I repeated, “you know, from the 1975 play The Rivals, by Richard Sheridan? One of the main characters was a lady named Mrs. Malaprop, and she was famous for always using the wrong word. She’d use a word that was similar in sound, but completely different in meaning. That’s where the term came from; it was coined after her. So, it’d be like someone saying, ‘I had no detention of hurting you,’ instead of, ‘I had no intention of hurting you.’”

Their faces were now cleared of confusion, and I received nods of understanding.

This conversation ultimately led to a decision on my part (and, I suppose, on the part of Editor-in-

Chief Danny Spatchek) to forgo the idea of writing an article con-taining malapropisms and instead start writing a column in each is-sue. And what better topic for the first one than the aforementioned conversation? I thought to myself, “If the rest of the Mirror editors are clueless as to what a mala-propism is, then perhaps others in the Lakeland community are, as well.”

To end with, I thought it would be nice to throw in some well-known unintentional uses of malapropisms from some well-known people:

“This is unparalyzed in the state’s history.” - Gib Lewis, Tex-as Speaker of the House

“He’s going up and down like a metronome.” - Ron Pickering

“The police are not here to create disorder; they’re here to preserve disorder.” - Richard Da-ley, former Chicago mayor

“Republicans understand the importance of bondage be-tween a mother and child.” - Dan Quayle, Vice President “Well, that was a cliff-dweller.” - Wes Westrum, about a close baseball game

“Be sure and put some of those neutrons on it.” - Mike Smith, or-dering a salad at a restaurant

Falling from the SkyeBy Skye SieglaffCopy [email protected] are crate fun

The Lakeland CollegeM I R R O R

Issue 4, November 3, 2011Sports10

The Muskies remained un-beaten in conference with a 20-7 win over Wisconsin

Lutheran three weeks ago.Lakeland’s offense proved to

be balanced once again and the defense delivered in clutch situa-tions, keeping the Muskies perfect in conference play. Lakeland had 325 total yards of offense with 167 on the ground and 158 through the air. They also dominated in time of possession, holding onto the ball for 40:59 as opposed to Lutheran’s 16:38.

The Muskies led at halftime 14-0 with both scores coming in the second quarter. Senior run-ning back Adam Miller opened the scoring with a one-yard touch-down run, and sophomore quar-terback Dylan Van Straten scored on a seven-yard run.

Van Straten led the Muskies in rushing with 89 yards on 27 car-ries. He went 9-for-18 on the game, including a 31-yard TD pass to se-nior receiver Justin Groeneveld in the fourth quarter.

The Warriors finished with 232 total yards. Sophomore line-backer Tyler Oslund had a team-high seven tackles, and made a key stop on Lutheran’s final drive which sealed the victory. Senior safety Tony Faller added six tack-les for the Muskies.

“Great team win today,” head football coach Kevin Doherty said. “We knew we had to contain their offense, and the best way to do that was to monopolize time of possession, which we did. Our of-fensive line was great and our de-fense only had to play for 43 snaps, and we got the ball in the end zone when we needed to. We just have

to build off this. It was an emo-tional game with homecoming, but we had a great crowd.”

“We just stuck to the game plan,” Van Straten said. “We work hard in practice all week, and our offensive line was outstanding to-day. I don’t think I got touched on hardly any of my passes. It all starts with them and they did an awesome job.”

With the Muskies winning against Lutheran it set up a big matchup for this past weekend as they took on Concordia who was coming off a big win and is in sec-ond place in the NAC.

Lakeland suffered their first loss dropping a 21-7 decision to Concordia University Chicago.

While the Muskies recovered three fumbles and picked off a pass the offense couldn’t seem to find their rhythm.

Lakeland scored first, grab-bing a 7-0 lead. Van Straten found junior wide receiver Logan Hugh-ley with a 14-yard touchdown pass on the first play of the second quarter.

The Cougars, who average 28 points per game, tied the game at seven when quarterback Jake Koe-hler found receiver Jamal Thomas on a 57-yard touchdown pass. Koehler connected with Thomas on a 3-yards touchdown pass as well with five seconds left before halftime giving Concordia the 14-7 lead.

Concordia sealed the win when Andrew Maddox scored on a 19-yard touchdown run with 2:37 left on the game.

Lakeland would finish the game with 302 total yards. Van Straten went 16-35 with 194 yards. Groeneveld had seven catches on the day going for 111 yards.

The Cougars had 400 total

yards as Koehler finished 19-31 with 214 yards. Thomas caught five passes for 85 yards, and Mad-dox finished with 16 carries for 97 yards.

Faller had a game-high of 13 tackles, one fumble recovery, and one interception.

Coach Doherty had this to say about the team’s performance.

“Hats off to Concordia they have a fantastic team, but we just didn’t play well today. I think our defense played well in the second half had some great stops. Offen-sively we just didn’t convert on third downs; we had a lot of drops and didn’t run the football effec-tively. We were in the red zone twice and didn’t score and you’re

not going to beat good teams by doing that. It’s unfortunate, but we got to get up on that horse. We have a tough trip to Benedictine and we will try to rebound and play well.”

This past Saturday the Musk-ies suffered their second loss in conference falling to the NAC leader Benedictine. Benedictine, the only undefeated team in the conference, shut the Muskies down 28-19.

While the Muskies saw op-portunity plays on special teams and put together their most im-pressive offensive performance of the year. Their inability to score in the red zone proved to be costly for the second straight week.

Lakeland failed to capitalize on two first-half scoring opportu-nities. The first opportunity came after Kyle Stowers recovered a fumbled punt giving the Muskies the ball on the Eagles 18 yard line. Lakeland got the ball inside the five yard line, but couldn’t punch it in and went on to miss a 21-yard field goal. On the next play the Muskies special teams recovered a missed snap on the nine yard line. The Muskies would go on to turn the ball over on downs.

The Eagles scored first on a 25-yard run by John Borsellino early in the second quarter. This finished off a nine yard play on a total of a 96 yard drive. They would tack on another score on a three-yard reception by Brandin Austin with 23 seconds left in the first half. They would head into the locker room leading 14-0.

In the second half Lakeland blocked a punt early in the third quarter and Van Straten went on to throw a 12-yard pass to Groe-neveld for the touchdown.

When trailing 21-6 the Musk-ies answered with a three-play, 74 yard drive which was highlighted

by Dennis Ware’s 73 yard run to the one-yard line. Van Straten would then punch it in for the touchdown.

Lakeland’s defense came back to life in the fourth quarter when comeback was on their minds. A 15-yard TD pass from Van Straten to Groenveld cut the lead to 21-19. The Eagles would return the next kickoff for 56 yards to the six-yard line. Borsellino scored on the next play to give the visiting team the last score of the game.

The Muskies totaled 365 yards of offense, 119 for passing and 246 for rushing. Van Straten continued his solid conference play completing 14 of 25 passes for 119 yards and had two touch-downs. He also led the team in rushing having 156 yards on 27 carries and scored once.

Ware finished with three car-ries for 77 yards. Groenveld was the team’s leading receiver catch-ing four passes for 42 yards and scoring twice.

Benedictine finished the game with 306 yards of offense, 207 for passing. Lakeland junior Evan Dieringer and Bruce Romagnoli each had a team-high of 11 tackles. Romagnoli had two for loss and one sack. Faller added nine tack-les, one for loss, two pass break-ups, and a blocked kick.

“The difference in the game was our inability to take advan-tage of their mistakes,” said Do-herty. “We had some chances to go ahead early, but we continued to struggle in the red zone. I’m proud of the way we fought back and the way we played in the sec-ond half. We just came up a little too short this week.”

The Muskies play the season’s final home game on Saturday, Nov. 5, when they host Marana-tha Baptist on senior day. Kickoff is scheduled for noon.

Football suffers its first loss of the seasonMuskie football team goes 1-2 over last three weekendsBy Nicole GeurtsFeatures [email protected]

Senior wide receiver Justin Groeneveld attempts to juke past a Concordia University Chicago defender.

Lakeland’s defense gang-tackles a Concordia University Chicago player.

JENNI HEINRICH/[email protected]

JENNI HEINRICH/[email protected]

11Sports Issue 4, November 3, 2011The Lakeland College


Muskies finish season strong, but come up short of tournament birthMen’s soccer team finishes season 8-7-3 overallBy Garrett MorrisStaff [email protected]

The Muskies took the field against Aurora University Oct. 15 to start their final

road towards the tournament at the end of the season. The Musk-ies fell short, though, dropping this Northern Athletics Confer-ence (NAC) game 2-0, conceding goals in the 39th and 40th minutes of the game.

Oct. 19, the Muskies looked to overcome the tough loss at Au-

rora when they went to battle at MSOE. Although they found late goals off the feet of senior defender Joey Salazar in the 77th minute, and forward Ben Koepsell in the 84th, the Muskies were unable to rally back. They lost this game 3-2, dropping their second straight conference game.

The Muskies looked for and got redemption Oct. 22nd against Wisconsin Lutheran. The Muskie offense came to life in a large way this game, erupting for six goals, including three off the foot of Koepsell. This marked the first

career hat trick for Koepsell. Two goals were also scored by senior forward Jeremy Hardy: one in the 24th min-ute, and the other in the 66th minute.

Oct. 25 was the final regular season game left for the Muskies, and it was against Marian. The Musk-ies ended their regular season with an exclamation point, winning by a final score of 4-0. Goals were scored by Jeremy Hardy (22nd min-ute), Danny Spatchek (27th),

Farouk Dadzie (40th), and Bobby Rublee on a penalty kick (72nd).

Whether or not the Muskies would make the playoffs rested on the hope that Rockford could beat Benedictine. Rain de-layed the game, and play resumed the fol-lowing day. Rockford lost their game to Benedic-tine, which eliminated the Muskie soccer team from a playoff spot.

Several seniors replied to the questions, “How can you sum up your career as a Lakeland college soccer player?” and, “What did it mean to you when you put on the Muskie jersey?”

Midfielder Craig Deka-rske said, “It was a lot of fun, and a great experience. The bonds that the players

Women’s soccer finishes 5-14

On Wednesday, Oct. 26th, the Lakeland College women’s soccer team suf-

fered an 8-0 loss to Edgewood Col-lege in the team’s final game of the season, which they finished 5-14 overall, and 4-8 in conference.

Lakeland freshman goalkeep-er Katelyn Streeter recorded 10 saves to increase her season tally to 81. Senior Lindsay Rogers ends her Lakeland career with 40 goals and 23 assists. Seniors Kristi Borts and Dana Schmidt chipped in with

27 and 16 goals, respectively.Edgewood took a 1-0 lead in

the 15th minute and capped goals at the 24:35 and 42:17 minute marks to take a 3-0 advantage at halftime.

The Eagles scored five goals in the second half to take a con-vincing conference win. Elaine Gerry and Kristina Santaga led Edgewood with two goals apiece, and the team advances to the NAC Tournament on Oct. 30.

The Muskies finish the sea-

son with a 5-14 overall mark, 4-8 in the NAC.

Lakeland recorded a 1-0 win over Wisconsin Lutheran College on Oct. 22. Senior Dana Schmidt scored in the 60th minute on an assist from senior Kristi Borts to lead the Muskies on the senior day conference loss to North Cen-tral College on Oct. 17 and a 5-0 setback to the Milwaukee School of Engineering on Oct. 18.

Volleyball sets for sevenBy Paul elzinGaSports [email protected]

On Saturday Oct. 29 the woman’s volleyball team traveled to Naperville,

Ill. to battle in the Eagle Classic, hosted by North Central College. The ladies lost both matches in straight sets. First they played North Central College, losing 17-25, 16-25, and 14-25. The second match did not fulfill the inten-sions of the ladies as they lost to

Wheaton College 16-25, 18-25, and 11-25. Senior middle hitter Al-lison Davis was named to the all-tournament team.

The Lakeland Women’s Vol-leyball had been awarded the seventh seed in the Northern Ath-letics Tournament (NAC). Bat-tling against second seeded Bene-dictine for a chance to advance to the semi-finals of tournament play, they were defeated in three straight sets. Benedictine never gave up more than 17 points to the muskies and kept them to a 0.037

hitting percentage. “We lacked defensive inten-

sity tonight,” said Lakeland head coach Jon Staabs. “They took ad-vantage of our lack of intensity and were the better team on the court tonight. They just wanted it more than we did.”

Unfortunately this puts an end to the women’s volleyball season. The team loses Davis, but next year will look to come back stronger than ever, with higher aspirations in mind for the NAC tournament.

made with each other were spe-cial. When I put on the Muskie jersey I knew that I had teammates that would have my back through thick and thin.”

Salazar said, “I feel that the seniors this year made an impact on the way the college and the conference perceives soccer and the team. I like to think I have played to a level that has been recognized by other players and coaches. I took advantage of the fact I was able to put the jersey on for four years. It still has not set in

that I dressed for my final game one week ago. It meant a lot to be able to wear it, and I believe that it is something that will stick with me for the rest of my life.”

Koepsell said, “It’s hard to sum up my career as a collegiate athlete. There were a lot of ups and downs throughout my four years, but it was pretty special be-ing able to put on the jersey every day. I am proud to say that I was a collegiate athlete for four years and I was very fortunate to play

SEE MEN’S SOCCER/PAGE 12Junior midfielder Daiya Akiyama sprints toward the ball after beating his defender.

JENNI HEINRICH/[email protected]

Senior midfielder Craig Dekarske defends in a win against Wisconsin Lutheran College.

JENNI HEINRICH/[email protected]

Freshman Stephanie Rock looks to take a quick shot against an Edgewood defender.

JENNI HEINRICH/[email protected]

Sophomore Melissa Christiansen sets the ball for seniorAllison Davis.


Seniors Rogers, Borts, and Schmidt wrap up careers with rough home loss to Edgewood

The Lakeland CollegeM I R R O R

Issue 4, November 3, 2011Sports12

Heartbreaking minutesBadgers disappoint manyBy Paul ElzingaSports [email protected]

Three weeks ago you and I could have been sitting in class talking about how

the Wisconsin Badgers football team had a decent chance for a BCS Championship. Dropping 16 spots after the two games against Michigan State and Ohio State the Badgers will have to reevaluate their strategies for the rest of the year if they plan to make any kind of statement.

For this to happen once is unfortunate. For it to happen the following week is unworthy for any sort of compassion from any true Badgers fan. A lack of funda-mentals was a clear downfall for the players as well as the coaches in both the games.

When Kirk Cousins threw the Hail Mary, the Wisconsin de-fensive coordinator should have played a basic man-to-man and dropped some big ass safeties into the end zone that would swat the ball down. I am embarrassed to call myself a Badger fan after these two kinds of losses. I would have enjoyed watching the Bad-gers lose in a less shameful way rather than having it come down to the last minutes and seconds of the game.

Watching these football games was like watching a movie that had a great plot and climax, but the conclusion somehow ru-ined the entire show. I do give credit to Ohio State and Michigan State offenses for a stellar and ex-tremely professional finish. Both teams never gave up, but I believe this hurt the Badgers tremendous-ly.

Ohio State and Michigan State have proven to the country

that the Big Ten is a more stable conference than what was predict-ed in preseason. Wisconsin plays Purdue University on Saturday Nov. 5 in Madison, and I predict that the Badgers will win fact win with home field advantage. Anger from Wisconsin’s last two games should also be shown on the field, with intentions of proving that they may be better than what they have already shown to us.

with the teammates that I had. It was a fantastic group of guys and we had a lot of fun; it’s kind of up-setting that it’s over.”

“Playing soccer has always been a huge part of my life and I am really grateful I was able to continue to play soccer for four more years competitively at col-lege,” Rublee said. “I have had a great time doing the dirty work for this team and have some really close friends because of it now. Putting on that jersey meant a lot to me because it meant I was there for my fellow teammates, and I can’t let my fellow defender Joey down!”

“Playing soccer has always been a huge part of my life and I am really grateful...”


Wisconsin’s offensive line failed to block for quarterback Russell Wilson.


Junior forward Farouk Dadzie challenges for a header against Wisconsin Lutheran.

JENNI HEINRICH/[email protected]