Fall 2008 Newsletter

Friends of the North Fork of the Shenandoah River Dedicated to protecting and enhancing the purity, beauty and natural flow of the North Fork F riends’ 2008 Fish Fry promises to be the best yet and a great time to raise money to protect the North Fork of the Shenandoah River . You’ll want to attend just to enjoy a beautiful setting. Jack and Sherrie Wain have generously oered to host our annual event at their home on a spectacular bend of the North Fork, near Toms Brook. From “Grand View” you look across fields to the River and Massanutten Mountain rising rising to the east . This year’s Fish Fry auction features “River Visions in Terra Cotta. More than 20 members of our community - from high school teachers to a world renown artist - have volunteered to design water-related themes on terra cotta planters, and each planter will be filled with goodies including books, wine, and possibly plants! Join us on October 11 from 2-5pm for an afternoon of friend- ship, good food ( by Shaers) and wonderful music by Amanda and Ricky Wilkins. 1 Volume 19, Number 3 Summer/Fall 2008 Friends of the North Fork Invites YOU to our 4th Annual Fish Fry - Saturday, October 11, 2008! Please visit Friends’ website www.fnfsr.org to buy tickets online, mail in your invitation or call us at the office 540-459-8550 and join us at on October 11, 2008! Please rsvp by October 5, 2008. THANK YOU! An example of the terra cotta planters that will be auctioned North Fork Notes from Leslie Mitchell-Watson, Friends’ Executive Director There are many challenges facing the health of the North Fork and the people, live- stock, fish, wildlife and plants that depend on the river for drinking, irrigating, carrying away our wastes and providing habitat. We are deeply concerned about the quality of the river and how pollution from numerous sources is impacting our river and streams and, thus, our community. The North Fork needs a defender, and Friends has served as that defender for over 20 years. Help us continue to be the “voice” for the North Fork by attending our 4th An- nual Fish Fry on Saturday, October 11. The Fish Fry is our major fundraising event of the year and we depend on this afternoon of friendship and good will to support our eorts to protect the River. Please join Friends as we celebrate the North Fork and our commitment to its protection and enhancement. Our thanks to everyone who is helping Friends make


Newsletter for Friends of the North Fork of the Shenandoah River

Transcript of Fall 2008 Newsletter

Page 1: Fall 2008 Newsletter

Fr i e n d s o f t h e N o r t h Fo r k o f t h e S h e n a n d o a h R i v e r

Dedicated to protecting and enhancing the purity, beauty and natural flow of the North Fork

Friends’ 2008 Fish Fry promises to be the best yet and a great time to raise money to protect the

North Fork of the Shenandoah River. You’ll want to attend just to enjoy a beautiful setting. Jack and Sherrie Wain have generously offered to host our annual event at their home on a spectacular bend of the North Fork, near Toms Brook. From “Grand View” you look across fields to the River and Massanutten Mountain rising rising to the east.

This year’s Fish Fry auction features “River Visions in Terra Cotta.” More than 20 members of our community - from high school teachers to a world

renown artist - have volunteered to design water-related themes on terra cotta planters, and each planter will be filled with goodies including books, wine, and possibly plants! Join us on October 11 from 2-5pm for an afternoon of friend- ship, good food (by Shaffers) and wonderful music by Amanda and Ricky Wilkins.


Volume 19, Number 3 Summer/Fall 2008

Friends of the North Fork Invites YOU to our 4th

Annual Fish Fry - Saturday, October 11, 2008!

Please visit Friends’ website www.fnfsr.org to buy tickets online, mail in your invitation or call us at the office 540-459-8550 and join us at on October 11, 2008! Please rsvp by October 5, 2008. THANK YOU!

An example of the terra cotta planters that will be auctioned

North Fork Notes from Leslie Mitchell-Watson, Friends’ Executive Director

There are many challenges facing the health of the North Fork and the people, live-stock, fish, wildlife and plants that depend on the river for drinking, irrigating, carrying away our wastes and providing habitat. We are deeply concerned about the quality of the river and how pollution from numerous sources is impacting our river and streams and, thus, our community. The North Fork needs a defender, and Friends has served as that defender for over 20 years. Help us continue to be the “voice” for the North Fork by attending our 4th An-nual Fish Fry on Saturday, October 11. The Fish Fry is our major fundraising event of the year and we depend on this afternoon of friendship and good will to support our efforts to protect the River. Please join Friends as we celebrate the North Fork and our commitment to its protection and enhancement. Our thanks to everyone who is helping Friends make

Page 2: Fall 2008 Newsletter

Education and Outreach CornerCindy Frenzel, Education Coordinator - [email protected] Related Experiences in South Africa........ In July, my entire extended family traveled to South Africa to participatein a Globe Learning Expedition (GLE). GLOBE (Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment), an organization that my father works with, is a world wide hands-on, school-based science and education program that promotes investigations of the dynamics of Earth's environment. Or as some participating students said on their blog: “Inspiring the next generation of earth system scientists”. We experienced the coming together of students and teachers from 51 countries and saw them thinking globally as they presented their local research projects involved with environmental and atmospheric monitor-ing. Students worked on projects through GLOBE “clubs” in their schools to learn more about science and their community’s environmental condition. Many schools collaborate with other schools in their regions and internationally. (see www.globe.gov) As I watched students from Spain and Africa each present carefully made slide shows about the health of their rivers at home, I had that rare opportunity to see us as a global community. We all have the same problems, and understanding them through science is the key for us all to make things better. In addition, many GLOBE schools are proactive in advising policy makers in local and regional governments about the identified problems and ways to improve the health of the environment. I saw the GLE touch hundreds of people, and bring them together as one group from one planet speak-ing the same language (not just English, which everyone we met spoke). I saw my children and my brother’s American children make friends with science-minded kids from Croatia, South Africa, Holland and the United States, as they went on field trips and attended the nightly cultural programs put on by the students. Yes, we saw penguins on the beach, the Cape of Good Hope, King Protea and Bird of Paradise flowers growing wild, and baboons on the side of the road. But one of the best parts for me was seeing the hope for the Earth held in the hearts of those students and their teachers.

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Saturday, November 8, 10:00am-12:00pm at the Edinburg School $20 or $10 for FNFSR Members

What’s under your sink and in your closets?!?! Many of our everyday house household products - chlorine bleach, floor and toilet clean-ers, all purpose cleaners, insect sprays, moth balls and more contain toxic substances, defined by the Environmental Protection Agency as “any chemical or mixture that may be harmful to the environment and to human health if inhaled, swallowed, or absorbed through the skin (EPA http://www.epa.gov/kidshometour/toxic.htm).” These chemicals are around us and our chil-dren everyday - absorbed through our skin and lungs, they irritate our eyes and yes, eventu-ally end up in our river and ground water when we pour these products into our sinks, toilets, bathtubs, and washers or spray chemicals into our air. What can you do? Learn how to make your own non-toxic home cleaning products! You will be able to make them and take them home with you at the end of the workshop. Deadline to register is October 22. For ages 13 and older. Register with the Shenandoah County Parks and Recreation Department. For infor-mation, visit their website at www.scpr.info. Please tell them that you are a member of Friends of the North Fork to receive the discount. Look for additional Friends of the North Fork Workshops in the spring, such as “Making A Rain Barrel”, naturalist programs, and Shenandoah River exploration trips - www.fnfsr.org.

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Volunteer Opportunities!!!

Friends is a membership based organization, which means we need YOUR help to in order to do the hard work to protect the North Fork and its tribu-taries. We have lots of options for volunteering your time and effort, from office tasks to water monitoring to cleanups. So, please have a look at the different opportunities and email us or give Leslie or Cindy a call at the office if you see something that sparks your interest - [email protected] or 540-459-8550.Education and Outreach - With help from our edu-cation committee we developed and have had a suc-cessful year of getting out into the community with

our presentation, “The North Fork: My River, My Community, My Choice”. Want to help? We need your creative tal-ents to update our

presentation, develop more water related work-shops and explore new ideas for connecting with North Fork watershed residents! Call Cindy at 459-8550 for more information.Get to Know Your Town - defend your river at the local and state decision making levels. We need Friends’ members to attend local town council meet-ings (Strasburg, Woodstock, Mt. Jackson, New Mar-ket, Timberville, and Broadway) and county board of supervisor meetings (Shenandoah and Rockingham) to keep track of the water related issues that go before these decision makers. Water resources need to be a primary consideration in local decision making. Want to make sure they are? Call Leslie 540-459-8550.

Raise Funds to Help Friends Help the North Fork - Friends needs help creating and organizing fundraising events throughout the year. Do you like throwing a party for a good cause? Please call Leslie at 540-459-8550.

Get your feet wet! Our monitoring team needs your help. You can get involved by monitoring a site along the North Fork or one its tributaries. We are hoping to expand our surface water moni-toring effort to in-clude bacteria and macroinvertebrate (critters living on the streams bottom) monitoring and we need your help to do this. Call Leslie at 540-49-8550 if your interested in hands on activities! Volunteer Coordinator - Are you a people person? Lots of Friends’ members are interested in helping to protect the North Fork and that means we need help organizing everyone so we can make the most of their time and energy. Please call Leslie if you would like to help - 540-459-8550.Cleanup Coordinator - Does seeing trash along river banks and in our waterways get you hot under the col-

lar - us too! Would you like to do some-thing about the problem? Help us find trash and then organize groups to conduct cleanups about 4 times a year -

late fall, winter and spring are the best months for cleanups. We’d like to get high school students, civic and church groups involved. If you’re inter-ested in helping out please call Leslie at 540-459-8550.

Friends of the North Fork would like to congratulate long time member George Sylvester for being recog-nized by the Shenandoah County Board of Supervi-sors for his Outstanding Service to Shenandoah County. George served as chairman of the County’s Water Resources Advisory Committee for many years and has been a force for water resource protection in Shenandoah County.

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Calendar of EventsSeptember 24 - Shenandoah County Community Planning Meeting, 7pm at Central High SchoolSEPTEMBER 27 - Woodstock Chamber of Commerce Business Expo, Ft. Valley Nursery in Woodstock - Visit Friends!OCTOBER 11 - FRIENDS” FISH FRY October 18 - Linville Creek Cleanup in Broadway, 12-3pm at Broadway Park NOVEMBER 8 - Friends’ Workshop on Making Your Own Home Cleaning Products from 10am-12pm - visit www.scpr.info to register!

Friends Board Members and StaffRon Falyar - PresidentGary Proctor - TreasurerMary Gessner John Holmes - Science Committee ChairMargaret Lorenz - Advocacy Committee ChairJack LorenzKim Uhl - Governance Committee ChairCindy Frenzel - Education CoordinatorLeslie Mitchell-Watson - Executive Director

Please Join Us or Renew Your Membership with Friends of the North Fork!!

Membership Application/Renewal Form Advocate: $250

Ally: $100

Supporter: $60

Basic Annual Membership: $35 Student: $20


Name: ____________________________________Address: __________________________________City: ________________ State: ___ Zip: ______Phone: __________________________________Email: ____________________________________ ____: Please contact me about Volunteering!Make checks payable to: FNFSR Address: P O Box 746 Woodstock VA 22664

E M A I L F R I E N D S : F R I E N D S @ S H E N T E L . N E T

Addressee Name4321 First StreetAnytown, State 54321

FNFSRP.O. 746Woodstock, VA 22664

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