Fall 2, 2011 Editionielp.uno.edu/images/newsletter/fa22011news.pdf · Homeschooling vs. Schools ....

Fall 2, 2011 Edition International Voices

Transcript of Fall 2, 2011 Editionielp.uno.edu/images/newsletter/fa22011news.pdf · Homeschooling vs. Schools ....

Page 1: Fall 2, 2011 Editionielp.uno.edu/images/newsletter/fa22011news.pdf · Homeschooling vs. Schools . For many decades parents have been educating their children by themselves, in the

Fall 2, 2011 Edition

International Voices

Page 2: Fall 2, 2011 Editionielp.uno.edu/images/newsletter/fa22011news.pdf · Homeschooling vs. Schools . For many decades parents have been educating their children by themselves, in the

Ekaterina Ashurova – Level 6 “Ability is nothing without opportunity.” – Napoleon Bonaparte 1769-1821 (French soldier, emperor)

This famous expression was once said by a great person. He was the French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte. Everyone knows him as a very extraordinary and strict military man, politician, and twice a country’s leader in World History.

He was born in a big and, best say, not poor family. Oppositely, his parents were from the wealthy Corsican nobility social class. Apart from him there were 7 children in his family. This kid, to stand out from all the children, had to work on his personality and character really hard. Of course after working on his talents and his strong abilities, Napoleon got a good opportunity to enter the military academy at Brienne. It was really lucky for him that his mother knew some necessary people and his father had a rank in society. If they hadn’t, Bonaparte’s abilities would have gone to pieces. Furthermore in the future for the emperor-to-be there were a lot of such cases when he understood that not only his grand abilities helped him but also many opportunities, and of course, fortune.

Now I will try to explain you how I understand the quote “Ability is nothing without opportunity.” In my opinion, that means not only talents, flairs, or nature gifts are important to become famous, rich, popular but also (and it is really important) opportunity, perhaps a chance encounter, or even a stroke of luck. I can agree with Napoleon’s opinion about it. Some talented people just do routine work because they cannot manage to find a good paying job related to their talents.

I will explain it with some examples. Let’s imagine (I know, I use “let’s imagine” too often in my journals but what to do if I like this collocation?). “Let’s imagine I am a very, very gifted girl. For instance, I am really good at figure skating whereas I was born in impoverished family. Over and above I live in a town with really poor infrastructure. We have an ice skating rink; to be exact we have a building with a title on it “Skating rank”. Sometimes it works! Sometimes… I come there three times a week. I am 16 years old now but still have a dream to perform wearing new (not my shabby) skates and a sparkling costume I usually see on TV. I don’t have a coach however all my friends tell me I am really talented. If I speak to mom about my dreams and future she usually answers, “Sweetie, you have to study hard and not dream lest you won’t be able to get grants to enter college.” This is my life. My parents cannot afford even buying a new pair of skates for me. I don’t have an opportunity to reach my dream and to reveal all my potential talents kept inside of me. Henceforth in the future I am going to become someone like an accountant and to get money so my kids do not feel the same as I feel now.”

That example illustrates to us how it is sometimes complicated and difficult to express your skills and to “shine”, if you don’t have a chance or opportunity. Of course some people may say something like, “Oh, dear! Don’t wait for opportunity! Create it by yourself!” but I cannot agree with them. There are such cases in our lives when we indeed cannot do anything better but to wait… On other hand, in some instances you do have to do something. Everything depends on a situation you are in.

Generally speaking, Napoleon Bonaparte was not only a good leader but also a wise person. Therefore I don’t think he would had said such a phrase without thinking over it.

Astrid Bogran – Level 6

Homeschooling vs. Schools For many decades parents have been educating their

children by themselves, in the past mothers had the responsibility to teach their children and gave them the education that they needed. Different from our century, home-schools are not really common and some parents prefer having their children at home and getting their education in their own house. Different from past times, in actuality it is not a good decision have children’s in home-schools, especially for the social environment that they get, in spite of the cozy spots that they could have in the ir house, the education is not the same and also parents are not prepared enough to teach their children. In the first place, parents should put their children in public schools especially for their social environment will be different and plenty of relationships between other students

Leonardo Luna – Level 6

Preservationism & Conservationism

For this occasion I would like to

discuss a topic that has come to be important, as the mankind has become aware of his current practices regarding the use o f natural resources. I’m referring to two similar concepts that were born after the same idea, but with different meaning, and consequences. These are Preservationism and Conservationism.

Preservationism sees the environment as a place with intrinsic values that should be preserved by making as little change to it, while conservationism view the environment as having attributes that can be use in a way that won’t compromise the long-health of the ecosystem. Both ideologies safeguard the nature status, but just one of them consider us a part of it.

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and teachers. Different form home school where they won’t have the opportunity to socialize with other kids who are in the same age, in schools children could have de opportunity to communicate with the rest of the society, also play with other kids, and have good relationships. The communication is going to be

difficult for children, due to, when they grew up and see their atmosphere will be different, some of they could be shy, or introverts, because of the way that they were raised, some of they could grow up without any contact with the rest of the population.

As is noticed, parents are not prepared enough to teach their own kids. Have their own parents as a teacher is not good idea, because, they will teach things that they think could be better for their children without any new technology that maybe could be teaching in regular schools. Moreover all the public schools have the same system, the same way for evaluate students, because the government is responsible for the evaluation of education; so the government has the responsibility to indicate which books and classes should use.

Another key point is that the education is not the same. At home children could lose many opportunities to improve their knowledge or show their own skills, they just show that their parents want. To think in give children’ a better world to live with any kind of opportunities, parents should try to send their kids at public schools because they will have more opportunities to develop their skills. The education that they will receive will be different, they could have access to search their homework, would have the technology that they could need, and also they will find spaces where they could recreate their minds, they could get access to study spaces, libraries and also if they are good students could have scholar ships among others. The education that children receive in regular schools is totally different from home-schools, as it shown above children could lose a lot of opportunities.

In spite of the good vantages which have regular schools, some parents prefer stay at home educating their children there, some of they think if they send their children out from their house they could find many danger situations, such as, find racist, rapist, thief and many other kind of people; or some parents are doing this for religion believes, which is good having this kind of believes, but in our times the world is changing, now we have more technology, more knowledge, and many other modern things. Under those circumstances children will lose a lot of opportunities for their future and keep touch with others, for socials events.

In essence, it is not a good decision to choose take children in home-schools; people in our century have to try to think as an open mind persons, and also can reflect their future in good conditions of living, but the only way to achieve this, is getting good education with trained teachers and have social relationships with others.

Environmental preservationism emerged in the United States as an idea to preserve wild places just as they supposed to be without human interference. Such idea worked pretty well given that it was applied in places where nobody lived. The same idea came apart once it was tried to be implemented in other countries such as Brazil. They didn’t expect the social conflict they faced by enclosing areas of the amazon forest that were inhabited by several tribes. They were trying to preserve intact from human hands, a region that had been home for some people for hundreds, or maybe thousands of years. With the time, some preservationist realized that at least in some parts of the world, there is people that don’t have other alternatives than hunting, fishing or harvesting wild creatures and plants. As an Arab proverb says, “Before the palm tree can be beautiful, our bellies must be full of dates.” A way of explaining that survival comes before aesthetic.

In the other hand, conservationism understands both, the importance of preserving a healthy environment, and the need that we humans, as other animal that cohabit this planet, have for it. It’s a matter of balance between us and our leaving place. Now, the question is, how can we maintain such balance? How much can we take from the environment without affecting it? In order to answer such questions, it’s necessary to make several studies about the ecosystem that wants to be used. All these studies will help us determine what is called the “Sustainable yield.”

I thought about bringing this theme to the journal because sometimes, it just seems so easy for some people to make “Green decisions,” that are not necessarily correct. We have to remind ourselves we are also part of this planet, it would be an error to support a policy that blocks and condemns the use of the environment by the human, instead, we should be encouraging the use of resources with measure, with conscience. We want to keep on leaving here for a few years more.

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Grecia Teran Gonzalez – Level 6

Is it cruel to keep animals in zoos? Have you really considered all the factors involved in keeping animals in a zoo before judging? Many people are against zoos, but do not hesitate when buying furniture, paper, or any other product in a wide variety that come from animal’s habitats. Moreover, some people think the only reason to keep animals in a zoo is for human entertainment. There are many reasons to support zoos. Two of the main reasons are that animals have good life conditions and health care, and that human beings have destroyed or disturbed their habitats.

In the first place, zoo staffs give animals good life conditions and health care. Zoos try to simulate the animals’ natural conditions in their real habitats. In addition to this, animals are always fed, and can receive health care whenever they need it. Actually, they get constant attention and check up. Coupled with good life conditions and health care, animals deserve to have a place with the conditions they need. Since human beings have used environmental resources to develop and create many products for their use, habitats animals have been disturbed in such a way that animals are in risk while being there. Many species are actually in risk of extinction because of the activities the human have developed, causing pollution and destruction of their natural conditions. Some might say animals have the right to be free. Be that as it may, many animals are in more risk being free in their habitat than being kept in a zoo. While being in zoo, animals are protected from harmful agents they would find in their habitat, such as hunting, pollution, and other disturbances of their natural environment. Given these points, people must think twice before attacking zoos. Whether they think about the benefits animals get, or the harm humans have caused to the environment, zoos are not a cruel and mean institutions that just want to take advantage of animals, and receive a profit from them. Zoos give animals what we have taken from them. They give animals a home.

Ekaterina Ashurova – Level 6

Is it cruel to keep animals in zoos? In the present, less than 1,000 Giant Pandas are still alive. Conversely, only about 800 of them live in wild. The rest of the 200

live in zoos all around the world. Just imagine, they live far away from their usual place of living, their climate zone, their home… It is not only about pandas, but also about many other species living in zoos. Consider this fact: I think it is cruel to keep animals in zoos. There are a lot of reasons for that.

Talking about big animals (such as elephants, bears including pandas, gorillas, camels and so on) we have to remember they need a lot of space. Moreover, they need to be kept in special climate conditions (e.g. temperature, light, sun, humidity, and also many other factors). Not every zoo can afford this and often the only ones who suffer are innocent animals. As an illustration we can take a camel. Camels are used to habiting in the hot desert but suddenly we change their place of living. Can you imagine their condition, their feelings? I can. They are not happy, believe me.

Another key point is feeding animals in zoos. Many people will say that animals living in captivity get more food and its quality is better. I can’t be agree with them. I am sure all the animals should get fed by themselves to support a life chain in nature. And they should eat plants or other animals in the region they usually live in. Returning back to pandas I would like to add that those who live in zoos almost don’t eat bamboo. In reality panda’s (who live in the wild) diet is 99% bamboo. Of course in zoos they eat oranges, bananas, or even meat, but they are not their common way of eating.

To say more, some people are deadly sure that animals in danger of extinction must be kept in zoos lest they disappear. My opinion is different; zoos are not only the way to save animals. People create special parks, areas, zones (in the wild, I mean) and animals there are still safe. However they are located in their usual environment.

On the whole, animals shouldn’t be kept in zoos. They also, like humans, can feel, they have emotions, habits and we have to admit that. We have to protect animals not to show the…

Page 5: Fall 2, 2011 Editionielp.uno.edu/images/newsletter/fa22011news.pdf · Homeschooling vs. Schools . For many decades parents have been educating their children by themselves, in the

Kariny Gomes – Level 6 "Adopting the right attitude can convert negative stress into a positive one."- Hans Selye Many of us have a hard time dealing with stressful situations and conditions. Some try to control themselves by hiding their frustration or anger pretending that isn't bother them while others explode like a powerful volcano. As a result of such difficulty on dealing with this issue, a brilliant doctor dedicated his lifetime to help people get educated about this topic. He wrote this quote above decades ago and for many people it has proved to be very helpful. Our mind and attitude play an important role when it comes to stress. It is very important to find a balance when we are

dealing with a stressful situation or condition that is beyond us to resolve. Adopting t he right attitude can prevent a series of other stressful problems that can come along when we are under difficult circumstances, especially if the problem won't be resolved soon. Sometimes an illness, an accident, a bad marriage or even the death of someone that we depend on can cause serious traumas and a lot of stress, changing our lives forever. If we let our mind concentrate only on our pain and allow frustration to take over our emotions, it will be impossible to stand to the stressful situation without causing more damage than the stress itself. A lot of people have found good results in concentrating their attention and energy not in themselves or their pain but in what they can learn from that and how they can improve their perseverance. If you can't get out of stressful problems or even overcome the situation, learn how to leave with it in a positive way. Live a day at a time and step by step learn how to live with

that inconvenience in your life. Don't get desperate or hopeless on how you'll be able to stand to that problem. Remember that nothing is forever. The pain and anger will become tolerable if you focus your energy and mind in something bigger and grater than yourself and the stress itself. Find activities that can keep your mind occupied and learn how to control your anger and frustration. Don't look at yourself as a victim but a fighter and survive and always remember how strong you are and how you'll control your mind and emotions towards to the situation and the future. Don't blame yourself or even try to justify what happened to you. Instead adapt a good attitude and learn how to be thankful for all the things and people that you still able to enjoy. Don't look behind but always ahead confident that good things will come and overcome those bad feelings. Don't give up hope, faith and learn how to live again after all.

Group therapy and honest conversation with your closest friends will give you strength and help you to adjust and deal with it. Many things in this universe we can't explain, control or even change. But we learn how to live with it and don't let it get to us so much. Also spiritual advices are always a comforter and a powerful tool in dealing with stressful conditions.

Remember, you are not alone and like you many other people are also going through stressful situations. Try to help others. It will give you the strength you need to understand that you are also capable of dealing with that. And don't allow bad feelings or anger to take control over you. Adopt a good attitude towards the problem and you will see that it won't look so unbearable like you thought in the beginning. And never forget to embrace life with all the good and bad that comes with it. After all still being is a gift.

Werner Meran – Level 6


In world history the censuring of any kind of topics has always been a big discussion. Especially during or after the second world

war the problem became acute in Europe, because it was the time when two opposite society systems became important in the west and the east, with the liberal thinking of the west and the censuring in the east. Analyzing the censuring from this short period of history it will definitely be clear to almost everyone that the censuring has failed and the less censuring a state ha s, the better the system works.

First of all you can see it in the development of the countries. The more liberal they are the more advanced they are, because man can create new technology and new ways of solving problems without being censured. They can share their ideas at a high level and do not have to interfere with their politicians and ask them about their opinions, which are always doubtfully because they are not able to value and understand the complicated topics of technology and similar.

Second, you are going to see it in art and music. Although east people have a lot of inspiration and high feelings about their countries, many of them emigrated to the west, because their they had the possibility of being involved actively at contemporary topics, make their statements and so inspire people and government to change things and make a better world. Things like that could not happen in countries with high censuring, because the

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leading government has the only goal to save their power Third, and for everyday life, their are many people now asking if it would not be better censuring some art, TV shows, New papers or Movies because they are going "the wrong way" not being good for society. But censuring is always going a step backwards, because like any time in history, people have to try to deal with new problems and try to solve them by being more responsible. Especially towards children and teenagers, which at a young age have to be protected from things like violence, sexual matters but also drugs and many other dangerous instigation. Concluding I think censuring the less possible is one way to make the world a better place, because if problems are going to be solved not in public but underground, they almost always are becoming worse. But public discussion of emerging topics may help resolve them before they are exploding. Find the right balance of censuring might be one of the biggest issues for the future.

Eduardo Adrianza – Level 6

Marijuana: Should smoking be legalized?

Throughout recorded history, cannabis has been

cultivated by men as a source of industrial fiber, seed oil, food, recreation, spiritual enlightenment, and medicine. Today, one of the biggest and best-known controversies is the legality of marijuana, which has been illegal in many countries since the beginnings of the 20th century. Be that as it may, people are still using it while no appropriated studying has been done to determine what are the pro s and the cons that this plant has to offer. One thing is for sure, as long as this plant exists, people will always be trying to have access to it no matter what the legal policies are. Legalization of cannabis would have an impact in the economy, rate of use by the population, and medicine.

It is impossible to count how many drug cartels there are, most of which traffic marijuana as one of the world's most used drugs. The impact that this has on the economy is completely negative. While the US government spends billions of US dollars each year on a drug war, another significant amount of money is being invested in the black market by those trying to obtain drugs. This means that all the money spent by drug users goes out of the country to the drug cartel, who washes the money afterwards.

Another fact about cannabis is that its rate of use is higher in those countries with stronger legal regulations. According to Louisa Degenhardt, "the US has the highest rate of use at 42.4%,

while in countries which have more liberal drug policies, such as the Netherlands, only 19.8% reported marijuana use.

And last but not least, because of its legal status no proper studying has been done to cannabis, so there is no scientific evidence to

understand the risks and benefits of medical marijuana. If legalized, cannabis would have mandatory labeling standards of concentration or purity, which means that doctors would have a better understanding of what they recommend to their patients. Cannabis should be legalized so we can properly study and regulate it.

Even though cannabis has been classified as a harmful drug and turned into a taboo of modern society, there is no scientific evidence which can backup such discrimination. In fact, the role that cannabis plays in modern medicine and other areas

Grecia Teran Gonzalez – Level 6 “If it’s a good idea… go ahead and do it. It is much easier to apologize than it is to get permission.” – Grace Hopper

As the quote clearly says it, it is easier to ask for forgiveness than going

through the process of asking for permission, which can actually have a negative answer.

It is a good advice that can be applied in many situations, but it must be taken in a good sense. People should consider that if it could hurt or affect someone badly, maybe it would be a better idea to think twice before acting.

Acting before getting permission is sometimes useful. It would work perfectly in a labor situation. For instance, if someone is in a job where he or she is required to ask for permission before doing things, there might be many occasions where it would be a better choice to make decisions in order to solve situations instead of going to talk to the boss, who might be busy with other issues, or actually think that what this person is proposing is absurd. There are two possible outcomes from this point, whether what they do works and makes everyone happy, or does not work and they have to go asking for assistance to the boss. However, it is important to keep in mind that who doesn’t take risks never wins.

Now, even though this quote must have been said with a good intention, some people might use the advice given in a very inappropriate way. The most recent example I can give is the Benetton advertising campaign UNHATE, which I saw about two days ago. Benetton might have taken too seriously the suggestion given by Grace Hopper many years ago. The company just didn’t pay attention, or didn’t care about the consequences, they just thought about the benefits they would get with this strategy. Since the idea was to create controversy, they found a perfect way to do it. They decided to disrespect important people in the politics and religion in order to make people talk about them. It was a very clever idea, but was it ethical? I don’t think so.

In this matter, if people think about it, Benetton has always done this kind of advertisements, where they use pictures of controversial situations to impact people, and create a reaction. This might not be a positive reaction, but it still works for them. At the end of the day, they would remove the ads, and apologize for it, but no other measures would be taken against them. So they have nothing to lose, but a lot to gain.

I just hope people learn to act in a wise way. There is no

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such as cosmetics, seed oil, food and others, is a reminder that perhaps we should reconsider its legalization to take advantage of it as a resource.

In other words, legalization of cannabis not only would help decrease the rate and risks of use, but also would decrease the waste of money invested on drugs and the war against them. We would also improve the economy, decrease drug traffic, violence, and crime; the black market would shrink, medicine would improve, we would have a source of fiber usable for making paper and compound woods, which would help stopping deforestation; these and countless benefits would be to the reach of our hands.

need to run over people to get what you want. So, even when it may seem a good idea to act, and then apologize, try to think how much you can damage others with the decisions you make. If you find out that nobody would be harm, or that it would not be something bad, then you can definitely be sure that it is a good idea, and you should go for it.

Elisa Lampis – Level 4

World Peace done! During G20 what was always impossible comes true.

The Presidents of the main

countries in the world signed a historic pact, after one-week meetings at G20.World peace and wars anymore to build a great future where people will live with more respect and humanity together. It was Barrack Obama-the Us President-the prime mover about this great event without precedents, anyone e xpects its and from years the question has been discussed after a lot of deaths of soldiers and innocent people and unjust devastations around the world specially in the poorest countries. Nato and Onu welcome the pact with great satisfaction and exultation, their help is still necessary? Yes because the impartiality in a world oppressed by economic interests is indispensable. It’s been a long tractative among Obama, Sarkò, Merkel, Camerono, Monti –the new Italian Premier after Berlusconi dismiss himself- Harper, Singh, Roussef, Medved and Noole. The center of the pact is been the plan to withdraw all the soldiers about Navy and Army in all the countries occupied by them. With this event they would close a long sad and expensive age about massacres and begin a new political way to help other populations in a government crisis.

”Speakers not arms” is the slogan about it. All the soldiers will come back within 2012,beyond 280 Americans soldiers are dead just in Afghanistan, young lifes sacrificed trying to give there a best future. Countries voted on unanimity an inviolable pact, if one of them breaks it will subjected to pay an huge amount to poorest community of Africa, Asia and South America. All the questions, problems and negotiations will be face just talking and closing capital markets. However, how manage a situation like that in Libya? -The last war that ‘s interested U.S., France, UK and Italy-How ménage revolts by citizens against the Dictator who order to shoot against them? Not more invasions by European countries but just dismissal of these political figures and supports to the countries with able and authoritative politicians to engage the point. They should come from Onu or other important

Assane Diallo – Level 4

Knowledge which Shouldn’t Exist Some knowledge has no reason to be. How the knowledge that man seeks only to harm his fellow should exist? It just shouldn't to be! Some people have only for job to make weapons which have for goal to kill whether adult or worse children.

With these weapons which have been made through knowledge of some human beings have allowed the murder of great personalities such as Martin L. King, Malcolm X, John F. Kennedy, M. Gandhi, Thomas Sankara.... and many others. The list is not exhaustive. This illustration only enough to show how that ''knowledge'' don't have reason to be, but we cannot talk about the weapon's misdeeds without talk about the wars especially the two world wars. From 1939 to 1945 the last world war, the second. Humanity has experienced war the deadliest of its existence. Almost sixty fiv e million victims who were men, women, children, so it's just catastrophic. All this had been promoted first by arrogance of some leaders, and that famous ''knowledge'' which allow us to make weapons as devastating as the atomic bomb, the H-bomb, missile, or even this little gun that helped this young teenager to kill this poor taxi driver who refused to buy him tobacco. Unfortunately the good needs evil to exist!

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international organizations, they will nominate special ministries of these subject capable just in this. That’s all just for now, a new beginning is coming to characterize a new world, the porpoise of its is reducing and then wiping out the dirty interests around business wars. Everybody hopes that world could live in a new positive dimension made by peace and strong humanity. The Bigs of the Earth can do it?

See you next session! January 6, 2012

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IELP Student Class List Fall II 2011 (October 17 – December 14)

Level 1 Laurie, Myra Level 2 Marguerite, Myra

Mohammed Alabuadulla

Fahad Alharbi

Sakron Chompoothat

Somjai Phromcharoen

Oznur Zenk

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia




Ksenia Derevyanko

Geoffrey Galiotto



Level 3

Katrina, Jamie

Level 4A

Karen, Antonio

Roqaia Alalawi

Yousef Alhabsh

Fatima Aljilawi

Ahmed Alnimer

Nawaf Alotaibi

Serdar Aydin

Mohammed Bin Omira

Ali Ghawwas

Laura Malagon Garza

Luay Merdad

Sara Omar

Ana Pereira

Martha Polo Arrigui

Mambaye Tall

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia


Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia


Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia


Saudi Arabia





Abeer Albadrani

Abdulaziz Aldossary

Saad Aldossary

Faraj Aldossary

Duygu Aydin

Alessio Gallitto

John Ibrahim

Ana Maria Lagos Escobar

Momar Ndiaye

Hao Ruan

Laura Valli

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia








Level 4B

Phoebe, Marguerite

Level 5A

Jessica, Bethany

Fisal Albishi

Abdulaziz Alshammari

Sooji Cha

Giorgio Degani

Assane Diallo

Linghuiyuan Du

Al Housseyni Gallo

Sami Ghannam

Elisa Lampis

Mohammed Mostanteq

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia








Saudi Arabia

Abdulrahman Aldossary

Baidaa Alkholaifi

Mohamed Amasha

Elizabeth Diaz Carmona

Gustavo Gonzalez Batista

Cyril Lahmar

Tu Nguyen

Sultan Qutaim

Ni Yan

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia






Saudi Arabia


Page 10: Fall 2, 2011 Editionielp.uno.edu/images/newsletter/fa22011news.pdf · Homeschooling vs. Schools . For many decades parents have been educating their children by themselves, in the

Level 5B

Jamie, Bethany

Level 6A

Bethany, Jessica

Abdulmohsen Aldukair

Abdullah Alharbi

Mohammed Alotaibi

Yesid Ducon Navarro

Svitlana Koncha

Yepeng Liang

Diego Ortiz

Denis Pansolin

Natalya Shemetova

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia







Eduardo Adrianza

Ahmed Alshammari

Ekaterina Ashurova

Astrid Bogran

Giulia Caldara

Ahmed Elkenawi Awad

Kariny Gomes

Pamela Izquierdo Lazo

Leonardo Luna

Werner Meran

Grecia Teran Gonzalez


Saudi Arabia










Level 6B

Antonio, Phoebe

Shavkatbek Bahromidinov

Rossana Barrios

Nahad Baunsele

Monica Caporusso

Omar Ibrahim

Selda Karatas

Dihan Ou

Alena Petrova

Maria Way

Yali Zeng









