Fall 11 Internship Orientation


Transcript of Fall 11 Internship Orientation

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Welcome to the Fall Internship Course!

This presentation will provide a brief orientation about the course and how things will work this semester.

Read all of it carefully! There will be a quiz at the end.

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Introductions: Us

Ben Wyeth is the TA for the internship course

and is the main point of contact for you this semester.

Dr. Cunningham is the Advertising Department Chair and the instructor for the internship course

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Introductions: You

• There are 141 of you enrolled this semester

• You’re interning for more than 100 different organizations

• 50% of you are in paid positions, up from 30% last Fall

• UT Interns rock (but you already knew that).

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What Comes Next

We’ve divided the rest of this orientation into two parts:

The Nuts & BoltsCourse Requirements, Assignments, Deadlines, etc.

The Spit & PolishAppearance, Work Ethic, Hygiene, etc.

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Basic Requirements:• You must work between 180 and 200 hours during the semester.

• Your work must be relevant to your field of study.

• Your work should be under 20% clerical work.

• You should not be working from your home or your supervisor’s home.

• You are not allowed to use personal computers and software acquired using University of Texas licenses.

• Any related expenses you incur must be refunded by the company.

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Course Assignments:• Reading Assignment 1: Due September 29 (Thursday) by midnight.

• Reading Assignment 2: Due October 6th (Thursday) by midnight.

• Midterm Evaluations: Due October 13th (Thursday) by midnight.

• Reading Assignment 3: Due November 10(Thursday) by midnight.

• Final Paper: Due November 21st (Monday) by 4 P.M.

• Final Evaluations: Due December 1st (Thursday) by 4 P.M

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Evaluations• Evaluations will be sent to you and your supervisor separately

via email.

• It is the student’s responsibility to ask/remind supervisors to complete the evaluation forms (and many of your supervisors will need plenty of reminding).– Late forms will affect your grade for the course.

Deadline for the Midterm is October 13th

Deadline for the Final is December 1st

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Final ReportThis is the culmination of your internship and one of the main ways your grade is determined. Make sure you read and understand the expectations for the paper carefully. – Your paper should be (at least) 6 pages, typed and double spaced– It should discuss your overall experience in your internship. – Be honest. If this internship wasn’t a good fit, tell us why.

• We use your feedback in determining which organizations are able to continue to receive interns from our department.

– Write well, organize your paper clearly and edit!– Read and follow the guidelines posted in Blackboard.– Late Reports will not be accepted for any reason, so plan ahead.

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Work Ethic

• The #1 complaint we get about our interns:– They aren’t proactive enough.

• So what does that mean for you?– Don’t be timid! – Actively come up with ideas and pitch them– Be proactive in seeking out something to do• Especially if you’re bored or with out a responsibility

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Work Ethic

• Remember, you’re enrolled in this internship as a course, so you should be learning and gaining experience.

• Let us know if circumstances at your internship change and you are no longer being utilized the way you think you should be.

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• Make sure you are dressed appropriately for your work environment.

• A good rule of thumb is to look around you and see what everyone else is wearing. Then dress one notch above that. – Ex: Casual for them = Business Casual for you