fail to plan

"Organization’s that fail to plan are planning to fail". Do you agree or disagree with t Explain your position. Plan means a detailed proposal for doing or achieving something. Plans can be formal or ormal plan is used by multiple people which are more li!ely occur in diplomacy careers campaign sports games and business whereas informal plans are created by individuals i pursuits. #ccording to business point of view plan means a written document that descri a new business is going to achieve its goals. # business plan will lay out a written fro mar!eting and operational viewpoint. $ometimes a business plan can be prepared for an es business which is moving in new direction. Planning is measuring our business motion ag baseline of assumptions and pro%ections we made in our plan. Planning allows us to see when the plan was written or where our research and assumptions s!ills need wor!. Planni way of discussing the goals ob%ectives strategies and tas!s that we need to accomplish a plan is li!ed a par!ed bi!e planning is ta!ing that bi!e on a trip. $imilar 'uote ()e who fails to plan is planning to fail* is once said by +en%amin ran!l founding fathers of the ,nited $tates. & do agree with this statement (Organization’s th planning to fail*. Every business needs a plan it’s li!e a road map. -e can’t except to unless we !now which step we need to ta!e from starting point to our final destination. is important. -ithout a clear defined plan and set of goals any organization will wander aimlessly. Pl direction about what the organization does and what and why it needs to achieved so that as a whole !nows exactly what they are re'uired to do. Employee need a reason to come to day without a planned focused future morale falls and their interaction becomes vague strategic plan sheds light on who is doing what why they are doing it and how they indiv contribute to success of the organization. Planning reduces uncertainty reduce the usag ma!es easy to do our wor!s increase the possibility to achieve the goal. Planning is ve something effectively and efficiently. -e are always planning something in our subconsci doing something but in management it should be pre planned. &f we fail to plan firstly t achieve our goal. et’s tal! about #pple &nc. #pple iPhone demand was so high that it covers /01 of mar!et re'uired large amount of labor force for the production. &n order to have lower labor co planning center of #pple decided that to settled the factories into #sian countries tha labor cost and plenty of labor supply. &f they had manufactured iPhone in ,$ rather than to pay 23.4 billion more than current cost. 5hat’s why plan is important. &f they fail t external plan they would have to spend more in labor cost which increases the price of i ma!e them difficult to compete with li!es of $amsung $ony etc.


fail to plan s kasd sdasd

Transcript of fail to plan

"Organizations that fail to plan are planning to fail". Do you agree or disagree with this statement. Explain your position.Plan means a detailed proposal for doing or achieving something. Plans can be formal or informal. Formal plan is used by multiple people which are more likely occur in diplomacy, careers, military campaign, sports, games and business, whereas informal plans are created by individuals in all of their pursuits. According to business point of view plan means a written document that describes in detail how a new business is going to achieve its goals. A business plan will lay out a written from a financial, marketing and operational viewpoint. Sometimes a business plan can be prepared for an established business which is moving in new direction. Planning is measuring our business motion against the baseline of assumptions and projections we made in our plan. Planning allows us to see how smart we are when the plan was written or where our research and assumptions skills need work. Planning is an active way of discussing the goals, objectives, strategies and tasks that we need to accomplish. In simple words a plan is liked a parked bike, planning is taking that bike on a trip.Similar quote He who fails to plan is planning to fail is once said by Benjamin Franklin, one of the founding fathers of the United States. I do agree with this statement Organizations that fail to plan are planning to fail. Every business needs a plan, its like a road map. We cant except to reach our goals unless we know which step we need to take from starting point to our final destination. So strategic plan is important. Without a clear defined plan and set of goals any organization will wander aimlessly. Plan provides a direction about what the organization does and what and why it needs to achieved so that the organization as a whole knows exactly what they are required to do. Employee need a reason to come to work every day, without a planned, focused future morale falls and their interaction becomes vague and lifeless. A strategic plan sheds light on who is doing what why they are doing it and how they individually contribute to success of the organization. Planning reduces uncertainty, reduce the usage of resources, it makes easy to do our works, increase the possibility to achieve the goal. Planning is very needed to do something effectively and efficiently. We are always planning something in our subconscious mind before doing something but in management it should be pre planned. If we fail to plan firstly then how can we achieve our goal.Lets talk about Apple Inc. Apple iPhone demand was so high that it covers 60% of market, so Apple required large amount of labor force for the production. In order to have lower labor cost, the production planning center of Apple decided that to settled the factories into Asian countries than other due to lower labor cost and plenty of labor supply. If they had manufactured iPhone in US rather than in Asia they had to pay $4.2 billion more than current cost. Thats why plan is important. If they fail to come up with this external plan they would have to spend more in labor cost which increases the price of iPhone, which will make them difficult to compete with likes of Samsung, Sony etc.