Fahrenheit 451 Vocabulary Maps

Fahrenheit 451 Vocabulary Maps By: Adanze Nnyagu


Fahrenheit 451 Vocabulary Maps. By: Adanze Nnyagu. Minstrel Man. Olfactory. Ballistics. Stolid . Proboscis. Multi-faceted. Trajectory. Subside. Cadenced. Monologue. Suffused. Sieve. Gibbering. Submission. Diverted. Gobbledegook. Aesthetic. Mannikin. Anesthetized. Quarry. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Fahrenheit 451 Vocabulary Maps

Page 1: Fahrenheit 451 Vocabulary Maps

Fahrenheit 451 Vocabulary MapsBy: Adanze Nnyagu

Page 2: Fahrenheit 451 Vocabulary Maps

Minstrel Man

Definition: an entertainer who performs songs, dances, and snappy patter with other, who are similarly made up

Evidence from Novel: “ He knew that when he returned to the firehouse, he might wink at himself, a minstrel man, burnt-corked, in the mirror.”

Sentence: Proud and enlightened, the minstrel man welcomed his newcomer on the stage with outspread hands.


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Definition: relating to the sense of smell

Evidence from Novel: “Nights when things got dull, which was every night, the men slid down the brass poles and set the ticking combinations of the olfactory system of the Hound and let loose rats in the firehouse areaway, and sometimes chickens, and sometimes cats that would have to be drowned anyway, and there would be betting to see which of the cats or chickens or rats the hound would seize first.”

Sentence: Eyes closed, breath pervading, Annika waited for the beast, its olfactory senses honed in on her smell.


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Definition: the study of the flight characteristics of projectiles

Evidence from Novel:”It’s like a lesson in ballistics.”

Sentence: Stubborn and determined, Miguel studied hard to get an A+ on his ballistics tests.


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Stolid Definition: calm and showing little emotion

Evidence from novel: “With his symbolic helmet numbered 451 on his stolid head, and his eyes all orange flame with the thought of what came next, he flicked the igniter and the house jumped up in a gorging fire that burned the evening sky red and yellow and black.”

Sentence: Imagining a huge punishment awaiting him at home, Ash puts on a stolid face.


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ProboscisDefinition: an elongated sucking organ of an insect; a nose

Evidence From Novel: “Three seconds later the game was done, the rat, cat, or chicken caught half across the areaway, gripped in gentling paws while a four-inch hollow steel needle plunged down from the proboscis of the Hound to inject massive jolts of morphine or procaine.”

Sentence: Stomach growling, vision blurring, the mosquito plunged its proboscis into to its host.


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Multi-facetedDefinition: of an eye: having a number of lens-like visual units

Evidence From Novel: “Below, the Hound had sunk back down upon its eight incredible insect legs and was humming to itself again, its multi-faceted eyes at peace.”

Sentence: Looking for an escape route, Atem locked his eyes back at the demon, its multi-faceted eyes looking everywhere and at him.


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TrajectoryDefinition: the path an object moving under the action of given forces

Evidence From Novel: It has a trajectory we decide for it.”

Sentence: Senses tingling, Mikey slammed the bat against the baseball, already predicting its trajectory.


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SubsideDefinition: to become les intense, violent, or severe

Evidence From Novel: “Montag did not look back at his wife as he went trembling along the hall to the kitchen, where he stood a long time, watching the rain hit the windows before he came back down the hall in the grey light, waiting for the tremble to subside.”

Sentence: Realizing that she was in the way, Hermione walked to the edge of the cave, awaiting her master’s attacks to subside.


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Definition: balanced, rhythmic flow of poetry or oratory

Evidence From Novel: “His name was Faber, and when he finally lost his fear of Montag, he talked in a cadenced voice, looking at the sky and the trees and the green park, and when an hour had passed, he said something to Montag and Montag sensed it was a rhymeless poem.”

Sentence: Calming herself down, Tea took control of Trinara, her Appaloosa horse, until the became cadenced.


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MonologueDefinition: a long speech by one person

Evidence From Novel: “An hour of monologue, a poem, a comment, and then without even acknowledging the fact that Montag was a fireman, Faber with a certain trembling, wrote his address on a slip of paper.”

Sentence: Tired and jaded, Mr. Incredible waited for the quickly arriving monologue to spew out of Syndrome’s mouth.


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SuffusedDefinition: gradually spread over or through

Evidence From Novel: “In the hall Mildred’s face was suffused with excitement.”

Sentence: Imagining the pain Thantos would be going through, her face suffused with pleasure like the acid suffused on the decaying walls.


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Definition: a utensil of wire or plastic mesh used to separate coarser particles from finer particles

Evidence From Novel: “His hands were tired, the sand was boiling, the sieve was empty.”

Sentence: Wishing her worries and ambitions could be separated by a sieve, Mira looked to the heavens.


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Definition: speaking in a manner that is unintelligible or meaningless

Evidence From Novel: “It was a plea, a cry so terrible that Montag found himself on his feet, the shocked inhabitants of the loud car staring, moving back from this man with the insane, gorged face, the gibbering, dry mouth, the flapping book in his fist.”

Sentence: Staring back at this strange creature with its gibbering mouth, Nymphodora was speechless.


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Definition: the act of yielding to a superior force or strong person

Evidence From Novel: “The people were pounded into submission.”

Sentence: Lungs exhaling, Sonia knew Sielkadoom was out of submission.


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Definition: drew the attention of; distracted or entertained

Evidence From Novel: “Montag had only a glimpse before Faber, seeing Montag’s attention diverted, turned quickly and shut the bedroom door and stood holding the knob with a trembling hand.”

Sentence: Ideas materializing, Fern diverted the bandits’ attention from her brother.


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Definition: (informal) pompous or unintelligible jargon

Evidence From Novel: “Scientists give us gobbledegook about friction and molecules.”

Sentence: Tired of the gobbledegook drooling out of Bryce’s mouth, Karen dove underneath the table.


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Definition: having a pleasing appearance

Evidence: “Antibiotic, aesthetic, practical.”

Sentence: Imagining an aesthetic sun leaping out from behind the mountains, Annie started a prayer.


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Definition: a jointed model of the human body

Evidence From Novel: “And then he was a shrieking blaze, a jumping, sprawling, gibbering mannikin, no longer human or known, all writhing flame on the lawn as Montag shot one continuous pulse of liquid fire on him.

Sentence: Using her illusion magic, Mistral created a mannikin of the King.


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Definition: induced with a drug that causes insensitivity to pain

Evidence From Novel: “He was afraid to get up, afraid he might not be able to gain his feet at all, with an anesthetized leg.”

Sentence: Eyes opening, conscious regaining, Adam looked down at his anesthetized legs.


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Definition: a person or thing being chased or hunted

Evidence From Novel: “Never since its first use in tracking quarry has this incredible invention made a mistake.”

Sentence: Imagining the quarry beyond the gates, Leon’s determination was strengthened.


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Definition: to burn or scorch with intense heat

Evidence From Novel: “What could he say in a single word, a few words, that would sear all their faces and wake them up?”

Sentence: Skin searing, lungs burning, Percy knew he had to get to the sea, and fast!


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Definition: an overwhelming, advancing force that crushes everything in its path

Evidence From Novel: “He saw a great juggernaut of stars form in the sky and threaten to roll over and crush him.”

Sentence: Eyes widening, Amy looked up to see s juggernaut heading towards her location.


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Definition: an association of people for a common purpose

Evidence From Novel: “Now the guild of the asbestos-weavers must open shop very soon.

Sentence: Anger rising, hatred boiling, Lyra stood tall to protect her guild from the invaders.
