Facetz DMP English 2014

FACETz DMP Audience insights at your service FACETz DMP

Transcript of Facetz DMP English 2014

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FACETz DMPAudience insights at your service


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FACETz DMP*aggregates and synthesizes anonymous

behavioral data on most Russian consumers





65 million unique profiles

90% reach of .RU monthly

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URLs visited, search and shopping queries, files and media downloaded and streamed...

installs, usage, carrier, device, geoposition...

age, gender, status, family, friends, likes, check-ins, subscriptions etc.…

purchases, parking, utilities, POS, loan applications, loyalty / points!...

Online data Mobile Social Offline data

DemographicsLocation PreferenceIntent

avg. 25 facts per user daily 1000+ live segments

5 min. recent to 3 months deepfrom <1 mile, city-specific

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Two-way CRM sync

Real-time triggers for on-site, retargeting, email

and SMS activations

Incident-based tracking enrichment

The Next Big Thing

ScoringDigital marketing Client Service

Efficient targeting

Content Personalization

Contact-centre job prioritization

Behavior-based credibility scoring

Prediction of consumer income or affinity

Enriching client’s own scoring model with

behavioral data

FACETz DMPDriving business efficiency

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SmartData-driven marketing

FACETz DMP may return demographics, social and behavioral features of visitors, which can boost engagement rate.

Use case:

Use FACETz data in your on-site ad server or CMS module to push specific credit offer banners or pop-ups to visitors with specific car brand preference in-market for new car.

FACETz DMP may use your offline scoring methodology and models to perform online scoring in next to real-time

Use case:

Before going to your contact centre all leads may be assigned various «scores» to prioritize those who are more likely to be «Sales-Qualified» over «Marketing-Qualified».

Personalize web content towards the interest and behavior of your visitors

Sort and prioritize your leads by their score in real time

FACETz DMP is leveraged by DSPs and similar ad tech to ensure relevant messaging to the target audiences at proper moments of their lives.

Use case:

You can now buy only impressions for extremely targeted audience groups with high affinity or explicit interest for the product in question and customize your messaging based on the facets of their profile.

Minimize wastage on your display advertising while improving ROAS

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FACETz returns predicted user score and trust rank (probability) of prediction.

Assign lead scores in real-time based on user’s behavioral profile FACETz DMP offers granular

taxonomy that helps define individual profiles to generate client-specific bespoke segmentation. !Behavioral data points may be used alongside 3rd party data (credit bureaus, industry-specific data agencies and other data providers).

Enrich scoring profile with behavioral profile

FACETz may help you obtain extrapolation of a given user income level by analyzing typical online and offline behaviour. !In production the engine may return predicted income level id and trust rank of prediction for every given visitor.

Predict user income brackets

To return the score FACETz DMP may use different types of «IDs» to score users: social network ID, cookie ID, hashed contact details etc. !Different score prediction models are supported (decision tree, logistic regression, bayesian methods as well as «blackbox» models such as SVM, Random Forest, GBM and such)

Online Lead Scoring

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Enrich your B2C CRM with specific facets of consumer behavior such as recent intent, geolocation, brand preference etc.

For B2B CRM you can additionally create aggregate profile of your client’s organization that can be built using collection of individual user profiles and features.

FACETz DMP will keep constant track of such triggers and inform your platform to enable relevant follow-up.

Examples: Relocation, new job, change of income brackets

suspicious behavior or search keywords

critical change (reduction) of credit / trust score

Boost efficiency of your CRM

Follow up on your client’s life events

Accelerate «bad client» detection

FACETz DMP may provide evidence-type information for internal corporate defense systems.

Examples: Geolocation

visited URLs

search keywords

social network profiles and status

FACETz DMP analyzes patterns of consumer behavior, tracks dependencies between actions and events and may predict the right moment for your messages to help boost conversion rates.

Examples: search for new car before applying for a loan

jump to new income brackets — increased affinity for bank deposit

repeated search for a new flat — higher affinity to respond to a mortgage offer

Identify «in-market-now» consumers before rivals (The Next Big Thing!)

Intelligent Customer Service

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«Data-Centric Alliance’s team is cutting edge in Big Data application development and deployment, FACETz DMP enables

access to high-quality audience-based data at scale. Both advantages are extremely rare in Russia.»

Evgeny Isupov Big Data Lead @ HomeCredit Bank

FACETz team helps build behavior-driven online scoring system

✓ delivery of behavioral data ✓ online / offline data matching

«Platform capacity and behavioral data coverage provided by FACETz DMP satisfy our need to enrich loaner profiles for our internal systems and models»

Ivan Zimin e-business division @ Alfa-Bank

FACETz enables higher repeat sales to active loan users, better scoring for new

loan intenders

✓ delivery of behavioral data ✓ contribution to creation of behavioral scoring model ✓ behavioral data enrichment for new leads

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Testimonials (2)

«We haven’t just multiplied our display engagement and conversion rates thanks to bespoke FACETz segmentation, we became capable of mining extremely valuable consumer insights which we can now

use to deliver more relevant digital messaging»

Sergey Pervikov Trade Marketing Director @ Urban Group

FACETz enables dramatic improvement of display campaign efficiency

✓ delivery of behavioral data ✓ online / offline data matching ✓ look-alike data modeling ✓ real-time optimization of campaign targeting

«Data-Centric Alliance have proven to be reliable partner capable of solving trickiest of tasks and building most sophisticated

solutions in Big Data space»

Alexey Arshinov CEO, banki.ru

FACETz team helps builds rick management product, uplift lead generation performance

✓ delivery of behavioral data ✓ development of behavior-driven scoring model ✓ development of income-level prediction model ✓ delivery of audience segmentation model ✓ look-alike segmentation ✓ enrichment of internal CRM with behavior data ✓ development of data-driven lead-gen campaign manager app

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Testimonials (3)

Andrey Molev MD at Amnet Russia

(ATD of Dentsu Aegis Network)

«… We use multiple data providers both global and local, and we acknowledge that FACETz delivers well on our expectations of precision and coverage. It’s

now a lot easier for our clients to deploy demo, behavioral and bespoke strategies leveraging FACETz data. And it’s critical that the data have been and

can be verified by TNS and other trusted parties…»

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Partnership scenariosWhile LabelDeployed using your infrastructure with required level of isolation. D.C.A. provide technical support to enable seamless operations, regular system and data updates.

PaaS Platform as a Service — deployed using D.C.A. cloud-based infrastructure. FACETz DMP is accessible as an online service with agreed SLA.

Raw data Leverage the power and flexibility of your own data matching and segmentation platform and enjoy most up-to-date user behavior streamed straight into your DMP

Big/Smart Data Consulting D.C.A. experts are happy to share the experience and practical know-how to facilitate the roll-out of Data-heavy applications for your organizationOr


Bespoke segments Brand / category preferences, credit score / credibility, specify intent signals, income brackets etc.

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Please stay in touch

Konstantin Kruglov !

CEO & Co-founder D.C.A. Data-Centric Alliance


[email protected]