Face Recognition

A Project Report On (Face Recognition) Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements For the award of the degree of Bachelor of Technology In Computer Science and Engineering By (Ramesh Kumar Verma) Roll. No. 1309710918 Semester VII Under the Supervision of (Mr. Lucknesh Kumar) Galgotias College of Engineering & Technology Greater Noida 201306 Affiliated to 1



Transcript of Face Recognition

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A Project ReportOn

(Face Recognition)

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirementsFor the award of the degree of

Bachelor of TechnologyIn

Computer Science and Engineering

By(Ramesh Kumar Verma)Roll. No. 1309710918

Semester VII

Under the Supervision of (Mr. Lucknesh Kumar)

Galgotias College of Engineering & Technology

Greater Noida 201306

Affiliated to

Uttar Pradesh Technical UniversityLucknow


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This is to certify that the project report entitled “Face Recognition” submitted by

Ramesh Kumar Verma, Deepak Kumar And Arun Kumar to the Dr. A.P.J. Abdul

Kalam Technical University , Utter Pradesh in partial fulfillment for the award

of Degree of Bachelor of Technology in Computer science & Engineering is a

bonafide record of the project work carried out by them under my supervision during

the year 2015-2016.

Dr. Bhawna MallickProfessor and HeadDepartment of CSE

Mr. Lucknesh KumarDesignationDepartment. of CSE


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The significant contribution in the preparation of this project would not have been possible without mentioning few names, which have extended substantial support.

It is with great pleasure that we present our project report on “Human Face Detection and Recognition” to Department of Computer Science Engineering in “Galgotias College of Engineering & Technology Greater Noida”.

I am grateful to Galgotias College of Engineering & Technology for permitting me to undergo for a research project on “Human Face Detection and Recognition”. While developing this project, I have learnt a lot. This will be an un-forgetful experience. While developing this project, a lot of difficulties were faced by me. But it was the help of some special people that I have gained much confidence and developed the project quite well.

On the submission of our thesis report on “Human Face Detection and Recognition”, we would like to extend our gratitude and sincere thanks to our supervisor Mr. Lucknesh Kumar, Department of Computer Science and Engineering for his constant motivation and support during the course of our work in the last one year. We truly appreciate and value his esteemed guidance and encouragement from the beginning to the end of this thesis. We are indebted to him for having helped us shape the problem and providing insights towards the solution.

I would like to thank all the Staff of “Galgotias College of Engineering & Technology Greater Noida” for their support and for making my training valuable.

Ramesh Kumar Verma Deepak Kumar Roll no.-1309710918 Roll no.-1209710033

Arun Kumar Roll no. - 1209710024


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Keyword: PCA (principal component analysis), MPCA, LDA, EgineFace and OpenCV.

Human face detection and recognition play important roles in many applications such as video surveillance and face image database management. In our project, we have studied worked on both face recognition and detection techniques and developed algorithms for them. In face recognition the algorithm used is PCA (principal component analysis), MPCA(Multilinear Principal Component Analysis) and LDA(Linear Discriminant Analysis) in which we recognize an unknown test image by comparing it with the known training images stored in the database as well as give information regarding the person recognized. These techniques works well under robust conditions like complex background, different face positions. These algorithms give different rates of accuracy under different conditions as experimentally observed. In face detection, we have developed an algorithm that can detect human faces from an image. We have taken skin color as a tool for detection. This technique works well for Indian faces which have a specific complexion varying under certain range. We have taken real life examples and simulated the algorithms in C# (.NET) successfully


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Figure Title Page

3.1 Lagrangian Droplet Motion 70

4.1 Vertical Manifold 95

4.2 20O Bend Manifold 95

4.3 90O Bend Manifold 95

4.4 Spiral Manifold 95

4.5 Spiral Manifold Configuration ( θ = 225o) 96

4.6 Spiral Manifold with Different Flow Entry Angles (20O, 32.5O and 45O) 96

4.7 Helical Manifold (Helical Angles 30O, 35O, 40O, 45O and 50O) 97

4.8 Spiral Manifold 97


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Title Page






1.1 Introduction 71.2 Face Recognition 7


2.1 Software Requirements 92.2 Hardware Requirements 9


3.1 Modules 103.2 Flow Diagram 13


4.1. Mathematical Background 144.2. PCA Algorithm 18


5. Conclusion 22

References 23


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Humans are very good at recognizing faces and complex patterns. Even a passage of time

doesn't affect this capability and therefore it would help if computers become as robust as

humans in face recognition. Face recognition system can help in many ways:

Checking for criminal records.

Enhancement of security by using surveillance cameras in conjunction with face

recognition system.

Finding lost children's by using the images received from the cameras fitted at public


Knowing in advance if some VIP is entering the hotel.

Detection of a criminal at public place.

Can be used in different areas of science for comparing an entity with a set of entities.

Pattern Recognition.

This project is a step towards developing a face recognition system which can recognize

static images. It can be modified to work with dynamic images. In that case the dynamic

images received from the camera can first be converted in to the static one's and then the

same procedure can be applied on them. But then there are lots of other things that should

be considered. Like distance between the camera and the person, magnification factor,

view [top, side, front] etc.


The face recognition algorithms used here are Principal Component Analysis(PCA), Multilinear Principal Component Analysis (MPCA) and Linear Discriminant Analysis(LDA). Every algorithm has its own advantage. While PCA is the most simple and fast algorithm, MPCA and LDA which have been applied together as a single algorithm named MPCALDA provide better results under complex circumstances like face position, luminance variation etc. Each of them has been discussed one by one below.


Principal component analysis (PCA) was invented in 1901 by Karl Pearson. PCA involves a mathematical procedure that transforms a number of possibly correlated


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variables into a number of uncorrelated variables called principal components, related to the original variables by an orthogonal transformation. This transformation is defined in such a way that the first principal component has as high a variance as possible (that is, accounts for as much of the variability in the data as possible), and each succeeding component in turn has the highest variance possible under the constraint that it be orthogonal to the preceding components. PCA is sensitive to the relative scaling of the original variables. Depending on the field of application, it is also named the discrete Karhunen–Loève transform (KLT), the Hotelling transform or proper orthogonal decomposition (POD).

The major advantage of PCA is that the eigenface approach helps reducing the size of the database required for recognition of a test image. The trained images are not stored as raw images rather they are stored as their weights which are found out projecting each and every trained image to the set of eigenfaces obtained.

2.1.1 The eigenface approach

In the language of information theory, the relevant information in a face needs to be extracted, encoded efficiently and one face encoding is compared with the similarly encoded database. The trick behind extracting such kind of information is to capture as many variations as possible from the set of training images. Mathematically, the principal components of the distribution of faces are found out using the eigenface approach. First the eigenvectors of the covariance matrix of the set of face images is found out and then they are sorted according to their corresponding eigenvalues. Then a threshold eigenvalue is taken into account and eigenvectors with eigenvalues less than that threshold values are discarded. So ultimately the eigenvectors having the most significant eigenvalues are selected. Then the set of face images are projected into the significant eigenvectors to obtain a set called eigenfaces. Every face has a contribution to the eigenfaces obtained. The best M eigenfaces from a M dimensional subspace is called “face space” Each individual face can be represented exactly as the linear combination of “eigenfaces” or each face can also be approximated using those significant eigenfaces obtained using the most significant eigen values.


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Tools/Environment Used

Software Requirements:

Operating System : Windows operating system

Language : C#

Hardware Requirements:

Processor : Pentium processor of 400MHz or higher.

RAM : Minimum 64MB primary memory.

Hard disk : Minimum 1GB hard disk space.

Monitor : Preferably color monitor (16 bit color) and above.

Web camera.

Compact Disk drive.

A keyboard and a mouse.


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Add Image/Registration

Image Capture


Eigen face Computation


A module is a small part of our project. This plays a very important role in the project

and in coding concepts. In Software Engineering concept we treat it has a small part of a

system but whereas in our programming language it is a small part of the program, which

we also called as function in, some cases which constitute the main program.

Importance of modules in any software development side is we can easily understand

what the system we are developing and what its main uses are. At the time of project we

may create many modules and finally we combine them to form a system.

Module Description

Add Image/Registration

Add Image is a module that is considered with adding image along with the user id for

login of the person of whom we are taking image. In this we add Image by capturing

from web camera and store them in our system. During registration four images are

captured. Each image is stored four times as minimum of sixteen images are required for

the algorithm of comparison.

Image Capture Module


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This module is used to capture image using web camera. This is written as a separate

thread to avoid system hanging. This module is used to capture image in login module

and registration module.


This modules function is to compare the captured image with stored images in the

system. This module uses Eigenface computation defined in next modules for


Eigenface Computation

This module is used to compute the "face space" used for face recognition. The

recognition is actually being carried out in the FaceBundle object, but the preparation of

such object requires doing lots of computations. The steps are:

* Compute an average face.

* Build a covariance matrix.

* Compute eigenvalues and eigenvector

* Select only sixteen largest eigenvalues (and its corresponding eigenvectors)

* Compute the faces using our eigenvectors

* Compute Eigenspace for our given images.


This module contains the functionality to take the image from above module and it

compares or searches with the images already there in the database. If any image is

matched then a success` message is shown to the user.


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Identifying the image

Saving the username & image for future use

Register your image RegistrationCreate Username


Processing the Request

Authentication DeclinedAuthentication Provided

Enter Password (image)Enter Username

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Flow Diagram:

Stages of face recognition:



Capture Image Enter Login Id



Success Message Failure Message

Capture Image


Login Register


Face location detection

Feature extraction

Facial image classification

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5.1 Mathematical Background

This section will illustrate mathematical algorithm that are the back bone of Principal

Component Analysis. It is less important to remember the exact mechanics of

mathematical techniques than it is to understand the intuition behind them. The topics are

covered independently of each other and examples are given.

Variance, Covariance, Covariance Matrix and Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues are basis of

the design algorithm.

a. Variance

The variance is a measure of the spread of data. Statisticians are usually concerned with

taking a sample of a population. To use election polls as an example, the population is all

the people in the country, whereas a sample is a subset of the population that the

statisticians measure. The great thing about statistics is that by only measuring a sample

of the population, we can work out what is most likely to be the measurement if we used

the entire population.

Let's take an example:

X = [1 2 4 6 12 25 45 68 67 65 98]

We could simply use the symbol X to refer to this entire set of numbers. For referring to

an individual number in this data set, we will use subscript on the symbol X to indicate a

specific number. There are number of things that we can calculate about a data set. For

example we can calculate the mean of the sample. It can be given by the formulae:-

Mean = sum of all numbers / total no. of numbers

Unfortunately, the mean doesn't tell us a lot about the data except for a sort of middle

point. For example, these two data sets have exactly the same mean (10), but are

obviously quite different: [0 8 12 20] and [8 9 11 12]So what is different about these two

sets? It is the spread of the data that is different. The Variance is a measure of how spread

out data is. It’s just like Standard Deviation.


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SD is "The average distance from the mean of the data set to a point". The way to

calculate it is to compute the squares of the distance from each data point to the mean of

the set, add them all up, divide by n-1, and take the positive square root. As formulae:

b. Covariance

Variance and SD are purely 1-dimensional.Data sets like this could be: height of all the

people in the room, marks for the last CSC378 exam etc. However many data sets have

more than one dimensions, and the aim of the statistical analysis of these data sets is

usually to see if there is any relationship between the dimensions. For example, we might

have as our data set both the height of all the students in a class, and the mark they

received for that paper. We could then perform statistical analysis to see if the height of a

student has any effect on their mark. It is useful to have measure to find out how much

the dimensions vary from the mean with respect o each other.

Covariance is such a measure. It is always measured between 2 dimensions. If we

calculate the covariance between one dimension and itself, you get the variance. So if we

had a three dimensional data set (x, y, z), then we could measure the covariance between

the x and y dimensions, the x and z dimensions, and the y and z dimensions. Measuring

the covariance between x and x, or y and y, or z and z would give us the variance of the

x, y and z dimensions respectively.

 The formula for covariance is very similar to the formulae for variance.

How does this work? Let’s use some example data. Imagine we have gone into the world

and collected some 2-dimensional data, say we have asked a bunch of students how many

hours in total that they spent studying CSC309, and the mark that they received. So we

have two dimensions, the first is the H dimension, the hours studied, and the second is the

M dimension, the mark received.


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So what does the covariance between H and M tells us? The exact value is not as

important as its sign (ie. positive or negative). if the value is positive, then that indicates

that noth dimensions increase together, meaning that, in general, as the number of hours

of study increased, so did the final mark.

If the value is negative, then as one dimension increase the other decreases. If we had

ended up with a negative covariance then would mean opposite that as the number of

hours of study increased the final mark decreased.

In the last case, if the covariance is zero, it indicates that the two dimensions are

independent of each other. 

c. The covariance Matrix

A useful way to get all the possible covariance values between all the different

dimensions is to calculate them all and put them in a matrix. An example. We will make

up the covariance matrix for an imaginary 3 dimensional data set, using the usual

dimensions x,y and z. Then the covariance matrix has 3 rows and 3 columns, and the

values are this:

          cov(x,x)  cov(x,y)  cov(x,z)

C =     cov(y,x)  cov(y,y)  cov(y,z)

          cov(z,x)  cov(z,y)  cov(z,z)

Point to note: Down the main diagonal, we see that the covariance value is between one

of the dimensions and itself. These are the variances for that dimension. The other point

is that since cov(a,b) = cov(b,a), the matrix is symmetrical about the main diagonal.


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d. Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues

 If we multiply a square matrix with any other vector  then we will get another vector that

is transformed from its original position. It is the nature of the transformation that the

eigenvectors arise from. Imagine a transformation matrix that, when multiplied on the

left, reflected vectors in the line y=x. Then we can see that if there were a vector that lay

on the line y=x, it is reflection of itself. This vector (and all multiples of it, because it

wouldn't matter how long the vector was), would be an eigenvector of that transformation

matrix. Eigenvectors can only be found for square matrices. And not every square matrix

has eigenvectors. And given an n x n matrix that does have eigenvectors, there are n of

them. Another property of eigenvectors is that even if we scale the vector by some

amount before we multiply it, we will still get the same multiple of it as a result. This is

because if we scale a vector by some amount, all we are doing is making it longer,


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 Lastly, all the eigenvectors of a matrix are perpendicular, ie. at right angles to each other,

no matter how many dimensions you have. By the way, another word for perpendicular,

in math talk, is orthogonal. This is important because it means that we can express the

data in terms of these perpendicular eigenvectors, instead of expressing them in terms of

the x and y axes. Every eigenvector has a value associated with it, which is called as

eigenvalue. Principal eigenvectors are those which have the highest eigenvalues

associated with them.

5.2 PCA Algorithm

a. Eigen faces Approach

Extract relevant information in a face image [Principal Components] and encode that

information in a suitable data structure. For recognition take the sample image and

encode it in the same way and compare it with the set of encoded images. In

mathematical terms we want to find eigen vectors and eigen values of a covariance

matrix of images. Where one image is just a single point in high dimensional space [n *

n], where n * n are the dimensions of a image. There can be many eigen vectors for a

covariance matrix but very few of them are the principle one's. Though each eigen vector

can be used for finding different amount of variations among the face image. But we are

only interested in principal eigen vectors because these can account for substantial

variations among a bunch of images. They can show the most significant relationship

between the data dimensions.

Eigenvectors with highest eigen values are the principle component of the Image set. We

may lose some information if we ignore the components of lesser significance. But if the

eigen values are small then we won't lose much. Using those set of eigen vectors we can

construct eigenfaces. 

b. Finding EigenFaces 

(1) Collect a bunch [say 15] of sample face images. Dimensions of all images should

be same. An image can be stored in an array of n*n dimensions [ ] which can be

considered as a image vector.

{i∨i=1,2 ,………… .. , M }


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Where M is the number of images.

(2) Find the average image of bunch of images.

ψ= 1M



i (1)

(3) Find the deviated [avg - img1 , avg - img2, ......... , avg - img.n] images .

ϕi= i-ψ; i=1,……..M. (2)

(4) Calculate the covariance matrix.

C=AAT , (3)

C=[ c (1,1) c (1,2 )⋯ c (1 , d )⋮ ⋱ ⋮

c(d ,1) c (d , 2)⋯ c (d ,d)]where                                  

But the problem with this approach is that we may not be able to complete this operation

for a bunch of images because covariance matrix will be very huge. For Example

Covariance matrix   ,where dimension of a image = 256 * 256, will consist of [256 * 256]

rows and same numbers of columns. So it’s very hard or may be practically impossible to

store that matrix and finding that matrix will require considerable computational


So for solving this problem we can first compute the matrix L.  

       L=AATA (4)

And then find the Eigen vectors [v] related to it

Vi (i=1,……..M)

Eigen Vectors for Covariance matrix C can be found by


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Where ui (i=1,…….M)

Are the Eigen Vectors for C.

(5) Using these Eigen vectors , we  can construct eigen faces . But we are interested in the

eigen vectors with high Eigen values . So eigen vectors with less than a threshold Eigen

value can be dropped .So we will keep only those images which correspond to the highest

eigen values. This set of images is called as face space. For doing that in java, we have

used colt algebra package. These are the steps involved in the implementation -->

i) Find  L=ATA [from 4]

Convert it in to a DoubleDenseMatrix2D by using colt matrix class.

ii) Find the eigen vector associated with that by using class  :-


This will be a M by M [M = number of training images] matrix.

iii) By multiplying that with 'A' [Difference image matrix] we'll be able to get the actual

eigenvector matrix [U] of covariance of 'A'. It will be of M by X [Where X is the total

number of pixels in a image].

c. Classifying Face Images

The eigenfaces derived from the previous section seem adequate for describing face

images under very controlled conditions; we decided to investigate their usefulness as a

tool for face recognition. Since the accurate reconstruction of the image is not a

requirement, a smaller number of eigenfaces are sufficient for the identification process.

So identification becomes a pattern recognition task.


1. Convert image into a matrix [ ] so that all pixels of the test image are stored in a

matrix of  256*256[rows] by 1 [column] size. 

2. Find weights associated with each training image. This operation can simply be

performed by,


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Weight Matrix = TransposeOf (EigenVector-of-CovarianceMatrix) *


This matrix will be of size N by N, where N is the total number of face images. Each

entry in the column will then represent the corresponding weight of that particular image

with respect to a particular eigenvector. 

2. Project   into "face space" by a simple operation, this operation is  same as defined

above. But here we are projecting a single image and hence we will get a matrix of size N

[rows] by 1 [columns].Let's call this matrix as 'TestProjection' matrix.

for k=1,2.....N. Where N is the total number of training images.

3.  Find the distance between the each element of the testProjection matrix and the

corresponding element of Weight matrix. We will get a new matrix of  N [rows] by N


4. Find the 2-Norm for the above derived matrix. This will be a matrix of 1 [rows] by N

[columns]. Find the minimum value for all the column values. If it is with in some

threshold value then return that column number. That number represents the image

number. That number shows that the test image is nearest to that particular image from

the set of training images. If the minimum value is above the threshold value, then that

test image can be considered as a new image which is not in our training image set. And

that can be stored in our training image set by applying the same procedure [mentioned in

section 5.2]. So the system is a kind of learning system which automatically increases its

knowledge if it encounters some unknown image [ the 1 which it couldn't detect ].


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1. The user will be authenticated not only with the username also with the image of the user

2. For the processing, some of the lines on the face will be used so that the image can be identified with the different angles.

3. The image processing process is good enough to provide security for the website.

Future Enhancements

1. The project can be enhanced for processing 3D images.2. Authentication can be implemented by capturing video clip of a person.3. This can also be used to process the signatures of a person for providing the

authentication.4. We can also use this in real time application.5. Authentication can be embedded into web application which will be an added

advantage for providing the login for the websites.


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[01 ]Yong Zhang, Member, IEEE, Christine McCullough, John R. Sullins, Member, IEEE Hand-Drawn Face Sketch Recognition by Humans and a PCA-Based Algorithm “IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS, MAN, AND CYBERNETICS SYSTEMS AND HUMANS, VOL. 40, NO. 3, MAY 2010.

[02] K. W. Bowyer, K. Chang, P. J. Flynn, and X. Chen, “Face recognition using 2-D, 3-D and infrared: Is multimodal better than multisampling?”Proc. IEEE, vol. 94, no. 11, pp. Nov.2012.

[03] G. Medioni, J. Choi, C.-H. Kuo, and D. Fidaleo, “Identifying no cooperative subjects at a distance using face images and inferred three-dimensional face models ,” IEEE Trans. Syst., Man, Cybern. A, Syst.,Humans, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 12–24, Jan. 2009.







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