Face of Freedom

01.06 Assignment Read the question below and use your knowledge of the time period to write your response. You are welcome to refer back to the lesson; however, all writing should be in your own words. Question: Explain how freedoms for African Americans were socially, politically, and economically limited from 1865 to 1900? Your response should consist of at least three paragraphs including one paragraph for each of the following: social limitations political limitations economic limitations You should also include at least one person, term, or event from the lesson in each paragraph. Life for African Americans gradually got better after the Civil War, but it took over 30 years for them to get their full equality. Socially, the African Americans were not allowed to do jury duty due to the Black Codes. The Black Codes were a set of discriminatory laws put in place by the southern state, as well as some northern state, governments after the Civil War. They also allowed labor to remain inexpensive. African Americans also were not allowed to marry white women or travel without permits. A group known as the Ku Klux Klan was formed in 1868 by confederate Civil War veterans. They began causing many riots against black people and people who supported the beliefs of equality. The secret group wanted to restore the white supremacy idea in the states. The KKK would burn down schools and houses for black people, intimidate them during voting season, and even do acts known as lynching. This was basically a public hanging without the freedom of a jury to defend the person for their actions. The KKK eventually disappeared, for the most part, by the 1870s due to the Enforcement Acts that were put in by the government. The last major difficulty for African Americans to be socially equal was the Jim Crow Laws. Jim Crow was a man who would powder himself black to make fun of the African American community. These laws allowed racial segregation in hospitals, restaurants, voting polls, and more.


World History 1A Face of Freedom

Transcript of Face of Freedom

01.06 AssignmentRead the question below and use your knowledge of the time period to write your response. You are welcome to refer back to the lesson; however, all writing should be in your own words.Question: Explain how freedoms for African Americans were socially, politically, and economically limited from 1865 to 1900?Your response should consist of at least three paragraphs including one paragraph for each of the following:social limitationspolitical limitationseconomic limitationsYou should also include at least one person, term, or event from the lesson in each paragraph.

Life for African Americans gradually got better after the Civil War, but it took over 30 years for them to get their full equality. Socially, the African Americans were not allowed to do jury duty due to the Black Codes. The Black Codes were a set of discriminatory laws put in place by the southern state, as well as some northern state, governments after the Civil War. They also allowed labor to remain inexpensive. African Americans also were not allowed to marry white women or travel without permits. A group known as the Ku Klux Klan was formed in 1868 by confederate Civil War veterans. They began causing many riots against black people and people who supported the beliefs of equality. The secret group wanted to restore the white supremacy idea in the states. The KKK would burn down schools and houses for black people, intimidate them during voting season, and even do acts known as lynching. This was basically a public hanging without the freedom of a jury to defend the person for their actions. The KKK eventually disappeared, for the most part, by the 1870s due to the Enforcement Acts that were put in by the government. The last major difficulty for African Americans to be socially equal was the Jim Crow Laws. Jim Crow was a man who would powder himself black to make fun of the African American community. These laws allowed racial segregation in hospitals, restaurants, voting polls, and more.Not only were African Americans socially limited, they were also politically limited. The Black Codes were also used to deny the right to vote and own weapons to African American people. In 1868, these laws were taken out in the 14th amendment which said that state governments were prohibited from depriving "any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law. This did not stop state governments from discriminating though. Literacy tests and poll taxes were put in place which also barred African Americans from voting. Generally African Americans didnt get good schooling because they didnt have a lot of money, so they would fail the literacy tests. The poll taxes were an extra tax put on by the state governments that, when paid, would allow that citizen to vote. African Americans had a tough time getting jobs that paid well enough, so they wouldnt be able to pay the poll taxes. Sharecroppers also had a hard time paying those taxes so the government created the Grandfather Clause. This clause stated that anyone whose father or grandfather had been eligible to vote before January 1, 1867 was guaranteed the right to vote. January 1, 1867 is an important date because that was the year that slaves were given the right to vote. The economic life for African Americans was very difficult. After the civil war, African Americans couldnt own land in most places and they were arrested for being poor or for not owning homes. Later on, they were discriminated against all the time. They generally couldnt get good jobs and they also werent able to live in certain areas because of the real estate agents not wanting them there. In restaurants if business was down they were fired. Eventually this all led to the Great Migration of the early 1900s when a majority of the African American population moved to the North and the West. *****Anything in bold is new information that I put in for the retake*****