FABY INFINITY · Ciocab is a hot drinks dispenser that can work with hot chocolate, milk, mulled...


Transcript of FABY INFINITY · Ciocab is a hot drinks dispenser that can work with hot chocolate, milk, mulled...

Page 1: FABY INFINITY · Ciocab is a hot drinks dispenser that can work with hot chocolate, milk, mulled wine and hot tea. The mixing of the product happens by means of a vertical stirrer
Page 2: FABY INFINITY · Ciocab is a hot drinks dispenser that can work with hot chocolate, milk, mulled wine and hot tea. The mixing of the product happens by means of a vertical stirrer


Page 3: FABY INFINITY · Ciocab is a hot drinks dispenser that can work with hot chocolate, milk, mulled wine and hot tea. The mixing of the product happens by means of a vertical stirrer


Innovazione, Progettazione e Realizzazione sono le tre componenti vincenti che hanno sempre caratterizzato la CAB nella sua storia trentennale. Le innovazioni apportate dall’ufficio tecnico guidato dal Sig. Caiano, le rivoluzionarie scelte progettuali e la meticolosità nella realizzazione dei prodotti, seguendo elevati standard qualitativi nei processi produttivi, hanno permesso all’azienda di essere sempre competitiva e dinamica nei differenti mercati nel corso degli anni, riuscendo a sviluppare un prodotto che possa lavorare in maniera ottimale in qualsiasi tipo di condizione e temperatura.

Innovation, Design and Manufacture are the three winning key points that have always characterized CAB in its thirty-year history. Innovations made by the technical department led by Mr Caiano, the revolutionary design choices and the meticulousness in the manufacture of the products, following high standards of quality in production processes, have allowed the company to be more competitive and dynamic in various markets over the years. It has succeeded in developing a product that can work in an optimal manner in any type of conditions and temperature.

Innovation, Conception et Réalisation sont les trois composants gagnants qui ont toujours caractérisés CAB dans ses trente années d’histoire. Les innovations apportées par le bureau d’étude dirigé par Mr Caiano, le choix des conceptions révolutionnaires et la méticulosité dans la réalisation des produits, le respect des standards de qualité élevés dans les processus de production, ont permis à la société d’être toujours compétitive et dynamique sur les différents marchés au cours des années, réussissant ainsi à développer un produit en mesure de travailler de manière optimale et dans n’importe quelle condition et température.

Innovación, Diseño y Realización son los tres componentes ganadores que desde siempre caracterizan a CAB en su historia treintañera. Las innovaciones realizadas por la oficina técnica bajo la dirección del Señor Caiano, las revolucionarias elecciones de diseño y la meticulosidad de la realización de los productos, siguiendo estándares elevados de calidad en los procesos productivos, le han permitido a la empresa ser siempre competidora y dinámica en los distintos mercados a lo largo de los años, logrando desarrollar un producto que pueda trabajar perfectamente en cualquier tipo de condición y temperatura.

FABY INFINITY / pag . 04 FABY SKYLINE / pag . 06FABY SK. EXPRESS / pag . 08

FABY IGLOO / pag . 10FABY CREAM / pag . 12CARESS / pag . 14

BLAZE / pag . 16NAMI / pag . 18


LUKE / pag . 20 ZIPPY / pag . 22

CHOKOBLAZE / pag . 24 CIOCAB / pag . 26BARLEY / pag . 28

Page 4: FABY INFINITY · Ciocab is a hot drinks dispenser that can work with hot chocolate, milk, mulled wine and hot tea. The mixing of the product happens by means of a vertical stirrer


Faby Infinity è un granitore multifunzione che è in grado di produrre ed erogare prodotti come granita, creme, yogurt, sorbetti e prodotti a base alcolica. Grazie alla capacità delle vasche, si presenta come la soluzione ideale per coloro che hanno un consumo giornaliero di prodotto elevato. Il progetto esclusivo che sfrutta un impianto frigorifero estremamente performante consente di ottenere prestazioni d’eccellenza anche in condizioni di temperatura estreme, riducendo significativamente i tempi d’attesa. Il design innovativo del Faby Infinity lo differenzia dalle altre macchine presenti sul mercato, proponendosi così come un modello unico nel suo genere.

Faby Infinity is a multifunction slush machine that can produce and dispense products such as slush, cream, yogurt, sherbets and alcohol-based products. Thanks to its tank’s capacity, Faby Infinity presents itself as the ideal solution for those who have a high daily consumption of product. The exclusive project which exploits a very high-performance cooling system allows to obtain excellent performances even in extreme conditions, significantly reducing waiting time. The innovative design of Faby Infinity differentiates it from the other machines already on the market, proposing itself as a unique model of its kind.

Faby Infinity est une machine à granita en mesure de produire et distribuer des produits tels que la granita, les crèmes, les yaourts, les sorbets et des produits à base d’alcool. Grâce à la capacité des réservoirs elle est la solution idéale pour tous ceux qui ont une consommation journalière élevée de produit. La conception exclusive qui utilise un système de réfrigération extrêmement performant permet d’obtenir d’excellentes performances, même dans des conditions de température extrêmes, réduisant considerablement les temps d’attente. La conception innovante de la Faby Infinity la différencie des autres machines du marché en s’offrant comme un modèle unique en son genre.

Faby Infinity es una granizadora multifunción que puede preparar y erogar productos tales como granizados, cremas, yogures, sorbetes y productos a base alcohólica. Gracias a la capacidad de las cubetas, Faby Infinity se presenta como una solución ideal para quienes tienen un consumo diario de producto elevado. El proyecto exclusivo que expolta un equipo frigorífico extremadamente eficiente permite obtener prestaciones de excelencia, incluso en condiciones extremas de temperatura, reduciendo drásticamente el tiempo de espera. El diseño inovador de Faby Infinity la diferencia de las demás maquinas en el mercado, proponiéndose como un modelo único en su género.


Page 5: FABY INFINITY · Ciocab is a hot drinks dispenser that can work with hot chocolate, milk, mulled wine and hot tea. The mixing of the product happens by means of a vertical stirrer


mod. cm lt watt

FABY INFINITY 1 25 x 57 x 86 1 X 12 32 600

FABY INFINITY 2 47 x 57 x 86 2 X 12 54 950

FABY INFINITY 3 69 x 57 x 86 3 X 12 71 1200


Tap cleaned at every dispensing with the new self-cleaning system

Big customizable area on the front panel

Transparent insulated tanks for a better product insulation


Page 6: FABY INFINITY · Ciocab is a hot drinks dispenser that can work with hot chocolate, milk, mulled wine and hot tea. The mixing of the product happens by means of a vertical stirrer



Faby Skyline è un granitore multifunzione che è in grado di produrre ed erogare prodotti come granita, creme, yogurt, sorbetti e prodotti a base alcolica. Grazie ad alcune scelte progettuali ed all’uso dei pannelli in plastica, è stato possibile realizzare un design che consente di avere la miglior circolazione d’aria della categoria, rendendo l’impianto frigorifero duraturo nel tempo e con elevate prestazioni anche in condizioni estreme.

Faby Skyline is a multifunction slush machine that can produce and dispense products such as slush, cream, yogurt, sherbets and alcohol-based products. Thanks to particular design choices and the use of plastic panels, it has been possible to create a design with the best air circulation in the category, giving the cooling system a long life and high performance even in extreme conditions.

Faby Skyline est une machine à granita en mesure de produire et distribuer des produits tels que la granita, les crèmes, les yaourts, les sorbets et des produits à base d’alcool. Grâce à certains choix de conception et à l’utilisation de panneaux en plastique, nous avons pu réaliser un design qui permet d’avoir la meilleure circulation d’air de la catégorie tout en rendant l’installation frigorifique durable et en offrant des performances élevées même en conditions extrêmes.

Faby Skyline es una granizadora multifunción que puede preparar y erogar productos tales como granizados, cremas, yogures, sorbetes y productos a base alcohólica. Gracias a algunas opciones de diseño y al uso de paneles de plástico, ha sido posible obtener un diseño que permite disponer de la mejor circulación de aire de su categoría, y de un equipo frigorífico de larga duración y con elevadas prestaciones incluso en condiciones extremas.

Page 7: FABY INFINITY · Ciocab is a hot drinks dispenser that can work with hot chocolate, milk, mulled wine and hot tea. The mixing of the product happens by means of a vertical stirrer


mod. cm lt watt

FABY SKYLINE 1 22 x 48 x 80 10 x 1 29 530

FABY SKYLINE 2 42 x 48 x 80 10 x 2 51 850

FABY SKYLINE 3 62 x 48 x 80 10 x 3 67 1100


Protection of the switches through the side door

LED lighting in the back of the tank that highlights the product and illuminates the cover

Easy to clean and maintain


Page 8: FABY INFINITY · Ciocab is a hot drinks dispenser that can work with hot chocolate, milk, mulled wine and hot tea. The mixing of the product happens by means of a vertical stirrer


FABYSKYLINE EXPRESSFaby Skyline Express è un granitore multifunzione dalle prestazioni uniche nel suo settore. Consente di produrre ed erogare prodotti come granita, creme, yogurt, sorbetti e prodotti a base alcolica, riducendo drasticamente i tempi d’attesa, conservando un consumo energetico contenuto. Grazie ad un progetto esclusivo che sfrutta un impianto frigorifero estremamente performante, la Faby Skyline Express si propone come il granitore più veloce sul mercato dalle performance sorprendenti anche in condizioni di temperatura estreme.

Faby Skyline Express is a multifunction slush machine with performance unique in its sector. It allows you to produce and dispense products such as slush, cream, yogurt, sherbets and alcohol-based products, significantly reducing waiting time with low energy consumption. Thanks to an exclusive design that uses a very high-performance cooling system, the Faby Skyline Express is the fastest slush machine on the market with amazing performance even in conditions of extreme temperature.

Faby Skyline Express est une machine à granita multifonctions aux performances uniques dans son secteur. Elle permet de produire et de distribuer des produits tels que granita, crèmes, yaourts, sorbets et produits à base d’alcool en réduisant considérablement les temps d’attente tout en conservant une consommation électrique contenue. Grâce à une conception exclusive qui exploite une installation frigorifique extrêmement performante, Faby Skyline Express se présente comme la machine à granita la plus rapide sur le marché aux performances surprenantes même en cas de températures extrêmes.

Faby Skyline Express es una granizadora multifunción de prestaciones únicas en su sector. Permite preparar y erogar productos tales como granizados, cremas, yogures y productos a base alcohólica, reduciendo drásticamente el tiempo de espera, con un consumo de energía contenido. Gracias a un diseño exclusivo que utiliza un equipo frigorífico extremadamente eficiente, la Faby Skyline Express se presenta como la granizadora más rápido del mercado, por sus prestaciones sorprendentes incluso en condiciones extremas de temperatura.

Page 9: FABY INFINITY · Ciocab is a hot drinks dispenser that can work with hot chocolate, milk, mulled wine and hot tea. The mixing of the product happens by means of a vertical stirrer


mod. cm lt watt

FABY SK. EX. 1 33 x 48 x 80 1 x 10 32 580

FABY SK. EX. 2 46 x 48 x 80 2 x 10 53 1100

FABY SK. EX. 3 62 x 48 x 80 3 x 10 69 1400


Larger machine to house a bigger refrigerating system

LED lighting in the back of thetank that highlights the productand illuminates the cover

Best air circulation in the category thanks to the innovative design of plastic panels


Page 10: FABY INFINITY · Ciocab is a hot drinks dispenser that can work with hot chocolate, milk, mulled wine and hot tea. The mixing of the product happens by means of a vertical stirrer


Faby Igloo è un granitore multifunzione in grado di ottenere performance sorprendenti. Consente di produrre ed erogare prodotti come granita, creme, yogurt, sorbetti e prodotti a base alcolica, riducendo al minimo i consumi energetici grazie ad un progetto esclusivo che sfrutta il doppio isolamento delle vasche, rendendolo il granitore più veloce sul mercato. La totale assenza di condensa sulle pareti esterne è un ulteriore caratteristica che rende la Faby Igloo un granitore unico nella sua categoria.

Faby Igloo is a multifunction slush machine able to reach amazing performances. It allows you to produce and dispense products such as slush, cream, yogurt, sherbets and alcohol-based products, significantly reducing energy consumption thanks to an exclusive project which exploits the double thermal tanks insulation, making Faby Igloo the faster slush machine on the market. The total absence of water condensation on the external sides of the machine is another characteristic which makes Faby Igloo a unique machine in its category.

Faby Igloo une machine à granita multi-fonctions en mesure d’offrir des performances surprenantes. Elle permet de produire des produits comme les granités, les crèmes, les yaourts, les sorbets et produits à base d’alcool, en réduisant au maximum les consommations d’énergie grâce à un projet exclusif qui exploite la double isolation des bacs faisant d’elle la machine à granite la plus rapide du marché. L’absence de condensation sur les parois externes est une des caractéristiques qui font de Faby Igloo une machine à granite unique en son genre.

Faby Igloo es una granizadora multifunción capaz de alcanzar prestaciones sorprendentes. Permite preparar y erogar productos tales como granizados, cremas, yogures y productos a base alcohólica, reduciendo drásticamente el consumo de energía gracias a un proyecto exclusivo que expolta el doble aislamiento térmico de las cubetas, haciendo de Faby Igloo la granizadora más rápida del mercado. La total ausencia de condensación en las paredes externas de las cubetas es una característica ulterior que convierte a Faby Igloo en una máquina única en su categoría.


Page 11: FABY INFINITY · Ciocab is a hot drinks dispenser that can work with hot chocolate, milk, mulled wine and hot tea. The mixing of the product happens by means of a vertical stirrer


Removable filter for condenser Easy opening of the Igloo to fill the tanks

Protection of the switchesthrough the side door

mod. cm lt watt

FABY IGLOO 1 27 x 55 x 85 1 x 10 34 530

FABY IGLOO 2 47 x 55 x 85 2 x 10 58 850

FABY IGLOO 3 67 x 55 x 85 3 x 10 77 1100



Page 12: FABY INFINITY · Ciocab is a hot drinks dispenser that can work with hot chocolate, milk, mulled wine and hot tea. The mixing of the product happens by means of a vertical stirrer


Faby Cream è un granitore multifunzione che è in grado di produrre ed erogare prodotti come granita, creme, yogurt, sorbetti e prodotti a base alcolica. Grazie alla capacità limitata delle vasche, è la scelta ideale per coloro che hanno un limitato consumo giornaliero di prodotto. Nonostante le dimensioni ridotte è una macchina che conserva performance elevate in qualsiasi condizione climatica.

Faby Cream is a multifunction slush machine that can produce and dispense products such as slush, cream, yogurt, sherbets and alcohol-based products. Thanks to the limited capacity of the tanks, it is the ideal choice for those who make a limited daily consumption of product. Despite its small size it isa machine that gives high performance in all weather conditions.

Faby Cream est une machine à granita en mesure de produire et distribuer des produits tels que la granita, les crèmes, les yaourts, les sorbets et des produits à base d’alcool. Grâce à la capacité limitée des bacs, elle représente la solution idéale pour tous ceux qui ont une consommation journalière de produit limitée. Malgré les dimensions réduites il s’agit d’une machine qui maintient des performances élevées dans n’importe quelle condition climatique.

Faby Cream es una granizadora multifunción que puede preparar y erogar productos tales como granizados, cremas, yogures, sorbetes y productos a base alcohólica. Gracias a la capacidad limitada de las cubetas, es la elección ideal para quienes tienen un consumo diario limitado de producto. A pesar de su tamaño reducido es una máquina que cuenta con un rendimiento elevado en cualquier condición climática.


Page 13: FABY INFINITY · Ciocab is a hot drinks dispenser that can work with hot chocolate, milk, mulled wine and hot tea. The mixing of the product happens by means of a vertical stirrer


mod. cm lt watt

FABY CREAM 1 22 x 48 x 68 6 x 1 20 250

FABY CREAM 2 42 x 48 x 68 6 x 2 32 650

Protection of the switches through the side door

Electromechanical system which makes the machine reliable at any temperature

Best air circulation in the category thanks to the innovative design of plastic panels



Page 14: FABY INFINITY · Ciocab is a hot drinks dispenser that can work with hot chocolate, milk, mulled wine and hot tea. The mixing of the product happens by means of a vertical stirrer



Caress è una macchina con sistema di movimentazione verticale brevettato che consente la produzione ed erogazione di prodotti come granita, creme, yogurt, sorbetti e dessert freddi. L’agitazione verticale permette di ottenere una perfetta omogeneità del prodotto senza formazione di schiuma. Le dimensioni contenute ed i consumi ridotti fanno della Caress una macchina unica nella sua categoria.

Caress is a machine with patented vertical movement system that allows the production and dispensing of products like slush, cream, yogurt, sherbets and cold desserts. The vertical stirrer allows perfect homogeneity of the product without foaming. Compact dimensions and low power consumption make Caress a unique machine in its category.

Caress est une machine équipée de système de mouvement vertical breveté qui permet de produire et de distribuer des produits tels que granita, crèmes, yaourts glacés, sorbets et desserts froids. Le mélange vertical permet d’obtenir un produit parfaitement homogène sans formation de mousse. Les dimensions et les consommations réduites font de Caress une machine unique dans sa catégorie.

Caress es una máquina con sistema de agitación vertical patentado que permite preparar y erogar productos tales como granizados, cremas, yogures, sorbetes y postres fríos. La agitación vertical permite obtener un perfecto producto homogéneo sin formación de espuma. El tamaño reducido y el bajo consumo de energía convierten a Caress en una máquina única en su categoría.

Page 15: FABY INFINITY · Ciocab is a hot drinks dispenser that can work with hot chocolate, milk, mulled wine and hot tea. The mixing of the product happens by means of a vertical stirrer


Seal-less vertical movement system

Electromechanical system which makes the machine reliable at any temperature

Lid block system

mod. cm lt watt

CARESS 1 22 x 50 x 70 5,5 x 1 20 250

CARESS 2 43 x 40 x 70 5,5 x 2 30 650



Page 16: FABY INFINITY · Ciocab is a hot drinks dispenser that can work with hot chocolate, milk, mulled wine and hot tea. The mixing of the product happens by means of a vertical stirrer



Blaze è un mini granitore con sistema di movimentazione verticale brevettato che consente la produzione ed erogazione di prodotti come granita, creme, yogurt e sorbetti. Con le sue dimensioni contenute è l’ideale per coloro che hanno un limitato consumo di prodotto giornaliero. Il consumo energetico estremamente ridotto ed il look innovativo, rendono la Blaze un funzionale e moderno oggetto d’arredamento.

Blaze is a mini slush machine with patented vertical movement system that allows the production and dispensing of products like slush, cream, yogurts and sherbets. With its reduced dimensions it is ideal for those who have a limited daily consumption of product. The very low power consumption and innovative look make the Blaze a modern and functional decor object.

Blaze est une machine à granita équipée de système de mouvement vertical breveté qui permet de produire et distribuer des produits tels que granita, crèmes, yaourts et sorbets. Ses dimensions réduites la rende parfaite pour tous ceux qui ont une consommation journalière limitée de produit. La consommation d’énergie très réduite et le look innovant, font de Blaze une machine fonctionnelle et un objet de décoration moderne.

Blaze es una mini granizadora con sistema de agitación vertical patentado que permite preparar y erogar productos tales como granizados, cremas, yogures y sorbetes. Gracias a su tamaño reducido es un equipo ideal para quienes tienen un consumo diario de producto limitado. Su consumo de energía extremadamente bajo y el aspecto innovador, convierten a Blaze en un objeto de decoración funcional y moderno.

Page 17: FABY INFINITY · Ciocab is a hot drinks dispenser that can work with hot chocolate, milk, mulled wine and hot tea. The mixing of the product happens by means of a vertical stirrer


mod. cm lt watt

BLAZE 16 x 36 x 52 2 x 1 14 150

Extremely Easy to clean Seal-less vertical movement system

Regulation via an easy to use knob


Page 18: FABY INFINITY · Ciocab is a hot drinks dispenser that can work with hot chocolate, milk, mulled wine and hot tea. The mixing of the product happens by means of a vertical stirrer



Nami è una macchina con sistema di movimentazione verticale brevettato che consente la produzione ed erogazione di prodotti come frozen yogurt, creme gelato e dessert freddi a base alcolica. L’utilizzo di un agitatore appositamente realizzato per questo tipo di macchina consente la lavorazione di qualsiasi tipo di prodotto, rendendo Nami una macchina versatile ed affidabile.

Nami is a machine with patented vertical movement system which allows the production and dispensing of products such as frozen yogurt, soft ice cream and cold alcohol-based desserts. The use of a stirrer specially made for this type of machine allows the processing of any type of product, making Nami a versatile and reliable machine.

Nami est une machine avec un système de mouvement vertical breveté qui permet de produire et de distribuer des produits tels que les yaourts glacés, les crèmes glacées et les desserts froids à base d’alcool. L’utilisation d’un agitateur spécialement conçu pour ce type de machine permet l’élaboration de n’importe quel produit et rend Nami polyvalente et fiable.

Nami es una máquina con sistema de agitación vertical patentado que permite preparar y erogar productos tales como yogures helados, helados cremosos y postres fríos a base alcohólica. El uso de un agitador realizado específicamente para este tipo de máquina permite elaborar cualquier tipo de producto, convirtiendo así a Nami en una máquina versátil y fiable.

Page 19: FABY INFINITY · Ciocab is a hot drinks dispenser that can work with hot chocolate, milk, mulled wine and hot tea. The mixing of the product happens by means of a vertical stirrer


mod. cm lt watt

NAMI 32 x 50 x 70 5,5 x 1 26 700

Seal less vertical movement system

Temperature control via electronic display

Tap cleaned at every dispensing with the new self-cleaning system


Page 20: FABY INFINITY · Ciocab is a hot drinks dispenser that can work with hot chocolate, milk, mulled wine and hot tea. The mixing of the product happens by means of a vertical stirrer



Luke è un refrigeratore di bevande che consente la produzione ed erogazione di thè freddo, succhi di frutta e caffè freddo. Le vasche a sezione rettangolare rendono più semplice lo smontaggio e le operazioni di pulizia. L’ingombro limitato della macchinala rende adatta anche ai locali più piccoli, con capacità di lavorare in condizioni estreme, mantenendo comunque consumi energetici limitati.

Luke is a cold drink dispenser that allows the production and dispensing of cold tea, fruit juices and cold coffee. Rectangular tanks make disassembly and cleaning simpler. The limited dimensions of the machine makes it suitable for small outlets too, with the ability to work in extreme conditions with low power consumption.

Luke est un réfrigérateur de boissons qui permet la production et la distribution de thé glacé, jus de fruits et café glacé. Les bacs à section rectangulaire rendent plus simple le démontage et les opérations de nettoyage. L’encombrement réduit de la machine en permet l’adaptation même dans les locaux les plus petits avec la capacité de travailler en conditions extrêmes tout en maintenant une consommation d’énergie contenue.

Luke es un refrigerador de bebidas que permite preparar y erogar té frío, zumos de fruta y café frío. Las cubetas de sección rectangular hacen más sencillo su desmontaje y las operaciones de limpieza. El tamaño reducido de la máquina permite utilizarla en lugares más pequeños, con capacidad de trabajar en condiciones extremas, manteniendo siempre un consumo de energía bajo.

Page 21: FABY INFINITY · Ciocab is a hot drinks dispenser that can work with hot chocolate, milk, mulled wine and hot tea. The mixing of the product happens by means of a vertical stirrer


mod. cm lt watt

LUKE 2 JUNIOR 30 x 3 0x 60 6 x 2 23 150

LUKE 2 MAJOR 30 x 30 x 70 9 x 2 24 160

LUKE 3 JUNIOR 45 x 30 x 60 6 x 3 30 250

LUKE 3 MAJOR 45 x 30 x 70 9 x 3 32 260

Product mixing with vertical stirrer that prevents the formation of foam

Extremely easy to use Best air circulation in the category thanks to the innovative design


Page 22: FABY INFINITY · Ciocab is a hot drinks dispenser that can work with hot chocolate, milk, mulled wine and hot tea. The mixing of the product happens by means of a vertical stirrer



Zippy è un refrigeratore di bevande che consente la produzione ed erogazione di thè freddo, succhi di frutta e caffè freddo. Le vasche a sezione rettangolare rendono più semplice lo smontaggio e le operazioni di pulizia.L’elevata capacità delle vasche in policarbonato consente di soddisfare le esigenze di coloro che hanno un elevato consumo giornaliero di prodotto.Disponibile nella versione a una,due o tre vasche da 12 litri ciascuna. Zippy is a cold drink dispenser that allows the production and dispensing of cold tea, fruit juices and cold coffee. Rectangular tanks make disassembly and cleaning simpler.The large capacity of the polycarbonate tanks meets the needs of those who have a high daily consumption of the product.Available in the versions with one, two or three 12-liter tanks. Zippy est un réfrigérateur de boissons qui permet la production et la distribution de thé glacé, jus de fruits et café glacé. Les bacs à section rectangulaire rendent plus simple le démontage et les opérations de nettoyage. La capacité élevée des bacs en polycarbonate permet de satisfaire les exigences de tous ceux qui ont une consommation journalière de produit élevé.Disponible dans la version à un, deux ou trois bacs de 12 litres chacun. Zippy es un refrigerador de bebidas que permite preparar y erogar té frío, zumos de fruta y café frío. Las cubetas de sección rectangular hacen más sencillo su desmontaje y las operaciones de limpieza. La elevada capacidad de las cubetas en policarbonato permite satisfacer las necesidades de quienes tienen un consumo diario de producto elevado.Está disponible en la versión de una, dos o tres cubetas de 12 litros cada una.

Page 23: FABY INFINITY · Ciocab is a hot drinks dispenser that can work with hot chocolate, milk, mulled wine and hot tea. The mixing of the product happens by means of a vertical stirrer


mod. cm lt watt

ZIPPY 1 20 x 40 x 65 12 x 1 14 180

ZIPPY 2 40 x 40 x 65 12 x 2 26 250

ZIPPY 3 60 x 40 x 65 12 x 3 32 350

Product mixing with vertical stirred that prevents the formation of foam

Best air circulation in the category thanks to the innovative design

Extremely easy to use


Page 24: FABY INFINITY · Ciocab is a hot drinks dispenser that can work with hot chocolate, milk, mulled wine and hot tea. The mixing of the product happens by means of a vertical stirrer


CHOKOBLAZEChokoBlaze è un mini distributore di bevande calde che può lavorare con cioccolata calda, latte, vin Brulè e thè caldo. La miscelazione del prodotto avviene mediante un agitatore verticale che evita la formazione di schiuma, conservando il gusto del prodotto inalterato. Il sistema bagnomaria è in grado di riscaldare il prodotto senza bruciarlo, quindi senza alterarne il gusto. Con le sue dimensioni contenute è l’ideale per coloro che hanno un limitato consumo di prodotto giornaliero. Il consumo energetico estremamente ridotto ed il look innovativo, rendono la ChokoBlaze un funzionale e moderno oggetto d’arredamento.

ChokoBlaze is a mini hot drinks dispenser that can work with hot chocolate, milk, mulled wine and hot tea. The mixing of the product happens by means of a vertical stirrer that prevents the formation of foam, preserving the taste of the product unchanged. The bain-marie system is able to heat the product without burning it, so without altering its taste. With its reduced dimensions it is ideal for those who have a limited daily consumption of product. The very low power consumption and innovative look make the ChokoBlaze a modern and functional decor object.

ChokoBlaze est un distributeur de boissons chaudes qui élaborer le chocolat chaud, le lait, le vin chaud et le thé chaud. Le mélange du produit se fait avec un mélangeur vertical qui évite la formation de mousse, en conservant le goût inaltéré du produit. Le système à bain-marie est capable de réchauffer le produit sans le brûler et sans en altérer le goût. Ses dimensions réduites la rende parfaite pour tous ceux qui ont une consommation journalière limitée de produit. La consommation d’énergie très réduite et le look innovant, font de ChokoBlaze une machine fonctionnelle et un objet de décoration moderne.

ChokoBlaze es un mini distribuidor de bebidas calientes que puede trabajar con chocolate caliente, leche, vino Brulè y té caliente. La mezcla del producto se realiza a través de un agitador vertical que impide la formación de espuma, manteniendo el sabor del producto inalterado. El sistema baño María es capaz de calentar el producto sin quemarlo, y por lo tanto sin alterar su sabor. Gracias a su tamaño reducido es un equipo ideal para quienes tienen un consumo diario de producto limitado. Su consumo de energía extremadamente bajo y el aspecto innovador, convierten a ChokoBlaze en un objeto de decoración funcional y moderno.

Page 25: FABY INFINITY · Ciocab is a hot drinks dispenser that can work with hot chocolate, milk, mulled wine and hot tea. The mixing of the product happens by means of a vertical stirrer


mod. cm lt watt

CIOKOBLAZE 16 x 36 x 52 1 x 2 10 450

Bain-marie system Tap cleaned at every dispensingwith the self-cleaning system


Page 26: FABY INFINITY · Ciocab is a hot drinks dispenser that can work with hot chocolate, milk, mulled wine and hot tea. The mixing of the product happens by means of a vertical stirrer



Ciocab è un distributore di bevande calde che può lavorare con cioccolata calda, latte, vin Brulè e thè caldo. La miscelazione del prodotto avviene mediante un agitatore verticale che evita la formazione di schiuma, conservando il gusto del prodotto inalterato. Il sistema bagnomaria è in grado di riscaldare il prodotto senza bruciarlo, quindi senza alterarne il gusto. Le dimensioni contenute e la facilità d’uso e di pulizia rendono la macchina versatile, adatta a qualsiasi tipo di locale.

Ciocab is a hot drinks dispenser that can work with hot chocolate, milk, mulled wine and hot tea. The mixing of the product happens by means of a vertical stirrer that prevents the formation of foam, preserving the taste of the product unchanged. The bain-marie system is able to heat the product without burning it, so without altering its taste. The reduced dimensions and ease of use and cleaning make the machine versatile and suitable for any type of outlet.

Ciocab est un distributeur de boissons chaudes qui élaborer le chocolat chaud, le lait, le vin chaud et le thé chaud. Le mélange du produit se fait avec un mélangeur vertical qui évite la formation de mousse, en conservant le goût inaltéré du produit. Le système à bain-marie est capable de réchauffer le produit sans le brûler et sans en altérer le goût. Les dimensions contenues et la facilité d’utilisation et de nettoyage rendent la machine polyvalente et adaptable à n’importe quel local.

Ciocab es un distribuidor de bebidas calientes que puede trabajar con chocolate caliente, leche, vino Brulè y té caliente. La mezcla del producto se realiza a través de un agitador vertical que impide la formación de espuma, manteniendo el sabor del producto inalterado. El sistema baño María es capaz de calentar el producto sin quemarlo, y por lo tanto sin alterar su sabor. El tamaño reducido y la sencillez de uso y limpieza convierten la máquina en un equipo versátil e idóneo para cualquier tipo de local.

Page 27: FABY INFINITY · Ciocab is a hot drinks dispenser that can work with hot chocolate, milk, mulled wine and hot tea. The mixing of the product happens by means of a vertical stirrer


mod. cm lt watt

CIOCAB 23 Ø x 50 5 x 1 6 900

Tap cleaned at every dispensing with the self-cleaning system

Water level indicator


Page 28: FABY INFINITY · Ciocab is a hot drinks dispenser that can work with hot chocolate, milk, mulled wine and hot tea. The mixing of the product happens by means of a vertical stirrer


BARLEYBarley è una macchina per prodotti solubili che è in grado di produrre ed erogare prodotti come orzo, ginseng, guaranà, cioccolata ed altro. Il design innovativo ed il gioco di luci LED ad ogni erogazione la rendono adatta ai locali di tendenza. Il controllo delle dosi tramite display ed il filtro anticalcare rendono la macchina estremamente affidabile e personalizzabile nel gusto. Il controllo delle erogazioni può essere gestito da una smart card che permette di verificare il numero di dosi erogate in qualsiasi momento. Il lavaggio automatico della macchina, la facilità di pulizia e riempimento del serbatoio dell’acqua, rendono la Barley una macchina estremamente semplice nell’utilizzo.

Barley is a Hot Beverage Dispenser that can produce and dispense products such as barley, ginseng coffee, guaranà coffee, herbal teas, hot chocolate and other hot drinks. Its innovative design and the Led lights game at every dispensing make of Barley a suitable machine for cool locals. The control of doses by display and the anti-scale filter make Barley extremely reliable and user adjustable to suit the users taste. Every dispensing can be controlled by a smart card which allows to check the number of dispensed doses at every moment. The automatic washing, the facility of cleaning and of the water tank filling, make Barley extremely easy to use.

Barley est une machine pour produits solubles en mesure de produire et distribuer des produits tels que l’orge, le ginseng, le guarana, le chocolat et d’autres boissons. Design innovant et le jeu de lumière des LED à chaque préparation la rendent appropriée à tous les locaux à la mode. Le contrôle des doses par le biais de l’écran et le filtre anti-calcaire rendent la machine extrêmement fiable et personnalisable. Le contrôle des préparations peut être géré à travers une smart card qui permet de vérifier le nombre de doses distribuées à tout moment. Le lavage automatique de la machine, la facilité de nettoyage et le remplissage du réservoir d’eau rendent Barley une machine extrêmement simple à utiliser.

Barley es un distribuidor de bebida scalientes que puede preparar y erogar productos tales como cebada, café al ginseng, café al guaranà, tés de hierbas, chocolate caliente y otras bebidas calientes. Su aspecto innovador y el juego de luces Led a cada erogación hacen que Barley se adapte perfectamente en los bares de moda. El control de las dosis por medio del dispaly y el filtro antical hacen que Barley sea una maquina extremadamente fiable y personalizable según las preferencias de los consumidores. El control de las erogaciones puede ser comprobado por medio de una smart card que permite verificar el numero de dosis erogadas en cada momento. El sistema de lavado automático del distribudor, la facilidad de limpieza y de relleno del contenedor del agua, hacen de Barley un distribuidor extremadamente fácil de utilizar.

Page 29: FABY INFINITY · Ciocab is a hot drinks dispenser that can work with hot chocolate, milk, mulled wine and hot tea. The mixing of the product happens by means of a vertical stirrer


mod. cm g watt

BARLEY 1 10 x 48 x 52 500 x 1 8 1200

BARLEY 2 20 x 48 x 52 500 x 2 11 1300

BARLEY 3 30 x 48 x 52 500 x 3 15 1400

Water tank filling thanks to comfortable frontal door

LED lighting system


Page 30: FABY INFINITY · Ciocab is a hot drinks dispenser that can work with hot chocolate, milk, mulled wine and hot tea. The mixing of the product happens by means of a vertical stirrer


Page 31: FABY INFINITY · Ciocab is a hot drinks dispenser that can work with hot chocolate, milk, mulled wine and hot tea. The mixing of the product happens by means of a vertical stirrer


Recapito TelefonicoPhone Number+39 081 526 11 11

Informazioni Generali

General [email protected]

Ufficio Commerciale ItaliaItaly Sales Office

[email protected]

Ufficio Commerciale EsteroExport Sales Department

[email protected]

Ufficio AcquistiPurchasing Department

[email protected]

Canale YoutubeYoutube Channel


Contatto SkypeSkype Contact


Page 32: FABY INFINITY · Ciocab is a hot drinks dispenser that can work with hot chocolate, milk, mulled wine and hot tea. The mixing of the product happens by means of a vertical stirrer

CAB S.p.A.Via Campana, 233

Pozzuoli (NA) Italy

Tel 081 5261.111



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