Fabric of the Universe

It was a full moon day of July 1985. I got up to go to my regular morning Osho Dynamic meditation at the Big Muddy Ranch in Oregon. It was still dark outside. The morning chill filled the thin desert air and penetrated deep into my bones. It was a glorious full moon with thousands of flickering stars scattered all around the dark sky. There was a heightened sense of fullness and grandeur everywhere I looked. It felt magical and surreal standing on the Earth and being surrounded by all the moons, planets, and stars aimlessly floating within the limitless universe. Eliza Mada Dalian The Fabric of the Universe fractal Art by Dan Wills/http://ultraiterator.blogspot.com/


As seen in Science to Sage Magazine.

Transcript of Fabric of the Universe

Page 1: Fabric of the Universe

It was a full moon day of July 1985. I got up

to go to my regular morning Osho Dynamic meditation at the Big Muddy Ranch in

Oregon. It was still dark outside. The morning chill filled the thin desert air and

penetrated deep into my bones. It was a glorious full moon with thousands of

flickering stars scattered all around the dark sky. There was a heightened sense of fullness

and grandeur everywhere I looked. It felt magical and surreal standing on the Earth

and being surrounded by all the moons, planets, and stars aimlessly floating within

the limitless universe.

Eliza Mada Dalian

The Fabric of

the Universe

fractal Art by Dan Wills/http://ultraiterator.blogspot.com/

Page 2: Fabric of the Universe

I slowly made my way to Buddha Hall,

feel ing physical ly and mental ly exhaus ted w i t h sea r ch i ng f o r

enlightenment and not knowing what it is supposed to feel like. All I knew

was that I had reached a point of absolute exhaustion. I thought to

myself, “If my body drops dead, I will not resist. I would welcome death with

open arms.” I was prepared to surrender everything, including my

quest for enlightenment, and say goodbye to the world. There was

nothing holding me back. I had no material possessions to worry about,

and no attachment to anyone. I knew that if I were to die, my ex-husband

would take care of my daughter and the community would take care of my


I don’t know how the first phase of the meditation, the chaotic breathing,

started. I remember observing myself breathing, and felt my body becoming

increasingly lighter. Then the breathing started happening on its own, without

any effort on my part. As the music changed and the second phase of the

meditation began, my body started vibrating with the music. Waves of

energy started moving up through the body into my head and turning into a

radiant white light as they reached the third eye. Then came an enormous

explosion of light, which illuminated

my entire body, turning it into a bright ball of light. I was literally standing in

light! The light was blinding but cool. It was as though thousands of suns

suddenly arose from inside every cell of my body and transformed it into

pure light. It seemed like the entire universe with all its suns and solar

systems had suddenly jumped into my body.

Everything disappeared except for the all-observing consciousness, which was

the Truth itself. I disappeared as a

person and became the universe. I felt a sense of overwhelming Joy that I can only describe as Absolute Ecstasy.

Our worldly happiness seemed like a faint light compared to this Joy. This

was the Joy of Creation that permeates the entire Universe. I suddenly saw

that everything within the Universe vibrates with Joy.

Then came an enormous explosion of light, which illuminated my entire body, turning it into a bright ball of light. I was literally

standing in light!

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I realized that Joy is the true essence of

everything in existence – an outcome of n e v e r - e n d i n g c r e a t i o n t h a t

spontaneously arises from within the empty belly of the Universe. We refer to

this creation as God.

In a microsecond the entire fabric of

the universe was revealed to me. For the first time I truly understood that

consciousness is the only true reality there is. It is eternally present in the

here and now, abiding within the empty co re o f everyone and

everything in existence, regardless of its form. Consciousness is within our

being that like a thread connects all moments between life, death, and re-


If I hadn’t practiced grounding my

awareness in my body for years, I would have probably died from the intensity

and magnitude of such a grand experience, and would have not been

able to contain it in my body. I quickly moved my awareness into my center,

then into my feet and into the Earth. Just like the Bodhi tree that had helped

the Buddha anchor his awakening experience and stay in his body, the

Earth helped me to stay in mine.

U p r o a r i o u s l a u g h t e r a t t h e

r id iculousness of my search for something that was already inside of me

welled up as I stood witnessing the

ignorance of my ego-mind. I saw how

my mind had been keeping itself alive by focusing on the goal of attaining

enlightenment somewhere there and preventing me from knowing the truth

of what is already here in this moment.

I realized that my entire search had been an illusion. I

was in the same place where I had

always been from the beginning of time. I was looking for enl ightenment

somewhere outside myself so my mind could remain needed. All my questions

suddenly dissolved, melting away the inner turmoil created by the search. I

was also able to identify the original imprint and belief that caused the

manifestation of the energetic block, pain, and illness. I then challenged

myself to find ways to quickly remove the repressed thought forms, emotions,

and beliefs that were hardwired in the body's cellular memory and transform

what was unconscious in people into consciousness.

Consciousness is within our being that like a thread connects all

moments between life, death, and re-birth.

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I finally understood, first-hand, what

the mystics down the ages have been saying about the pilgrimage being the

goal. I realized that life is simply a series of moments without an end. I had finally

understood that existence is an eternal

mystery that can never be solved, only lived moment to moment. I also

understood that the universe is and would always remain unknowable. We

can only see what it is ready to manifest into a tangible form, but

when and how this will happen can never be known. And once the

manifested has fulfilled its purpose, everything would once again return

back into emptiness, the void, until something new is again ready to

materialize. Having found what I had been searching for over many lifetimes

left me with nowhere to go and nothing more to look for. I had finally

come home.

The intensity of this experience faded with time, but the consciousness it

evoked rema ined pe rmanent l y ingrained deep within my cells. Having

had this experience did not mean that my life was now over and I had

nothing else to learn. I went on with

my life, thinking of it as just another

experience. There was one big difference, however, I now had a sense

of peace and wholeness within myself independent of what was happening in

my life on the outside. I felt something inside me had radically changed. My

inner tension of looking to attain something outside of myself had

suddenly dropped. My self-imposed stress of having to achieve something

was no longer there. I felt the Joy of my aloneness even stronger. I

continued with my usual daily life of “chopping wood and carrying water

from the well” as the Zen saying goes, b u t w i t h a n e w l y h e i g h t e n e d


Ten years later, quite by chance I reconnected with an ability I had as a

child of being able to “read” thought forms and emotions

repressed in people’s body and energy with 100% accuracy. I

decided to explore this ability in the f i e l d o f hea l i ng and pe r sona l

development. As I began working with people, to my surprise I started

“hearing” the many interconnected layers of the unconscious patterns in

people’s energy.

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By 1997 , I had deve l oped a

completely new light-speed healing method, known as the Dal ian

MethodTM (DM for short). Many pract i t ioners o f var ious other

alternative healing arts started asking me to train them to do what I was

doing. After careful consideration I decided against it because I saw that

it would be difficult to find people who had done enough work to be able to

witness and dis-identify from their own ego-mind. I needed people who

c o u l d w o r k w i t h o t h e r s unconditionally and without projecting

their own mind, and judgments onto their clients.

This challenge lead me to the creation

of the self-healing version of my method, which people could use on

their own and at their own pace. It was also clear that more and more

people were now ready to look inside and find ways to take charge of their

own healing and transformation. After several years of tremendously

successful experimentation, the self-healing version of the Dalian Method

(DM) was born.

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T h e f u n d a m e n t a l c o r e o f D M i s consciousness. DM helps to unveil each person's inner consciousness in order to create a permanent transformation physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. This method helps people access and remove the repressed thought forms, emotions, and beliefs that cause energetic blocks, pain, fear and illness. It puts the power back into each person's hands and has the potential to transform millions of people into health and awakened consciousness!

The recent research conducted on the self-healing DM with Dr. Korotkovʼs GDVtechnology (see images in the articleby Krishna Madappa) illustrates impressive results. Just one session with the self-healing DM helped people:

• Balance thei r r ight and lef t bra in hemispheres

• Decrease or eliminate physical and emotional pain

• Increase self-awareness and self-confidence

• Transform insecurities into self-empowered consciousness

• Enhance the luminosity of the bioenergetic field

The following were typical descriptions of the post DM session experience: feeling “lighter, at peace and tranquil inside,” feeling “clearer, fresh, and open,” “getting in touch with a higher being within” “able to see past emotions and thoughts and feeling much

more relaxed in the body and mind" feeling “more centered, calm and a greater sense of presence," "light, almost weightless", "more grounded,” "light, relaxed & free," "calm, relaxed, hopeful, anticipatory" "peaceful, centered, calm, empty." These were attributed to the release of the thought-forms and belief patterns from the body and energy, causing the body to feel lighter, more peaceful, and relaxed. All of the participants were eager to use the Dalian Method regularly.

There is no doubt in my mind that if used by thousands of people simultaneously, this evolutionary method has the power to instantaneously transform the collective pain and suffering of humanity.

In 2012 look for Eliza Mada Dalian's HEALING INTO CONSCIOUSNESS WITH THE DALIAN METHOD: A Light Speed Self-Healing System for the New Humanity book and 2 CD set. To pre-order your copy go to:  h t t p : / / m a d a d a l i a n . c o m / s e l f - h e a l i n g -preorder.php

Eliza Mada Dalian, affectionately known as Mada, is a modern day mystic, self-

realized spiritual guide, best selling multi-award winning author of In Search

of the Miracu lous: Heal ing into Consciousness, creator of several CDs,

and founder of the light-speed Dalian Method™ for Health and Consciousness.

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In Search of the Miraculous: Healing into ConsciousnessAmazon link

This step-by-step spiritual guidebook is a simple yet profound map of everyoneʼs journey to enlightenment. With a detailed description of how our ego-mind and consciousness develop hand-in-hand, Eliza Mada Dalian guides us with wisdom and encouragement towards self-transformation and liberation from fear, pain, and suffering. Bursting with specific exercises and techniques to help heal mental and emotional blockages into consciousness, this book is extremely practical. In Search of the Miraculous: Healing into Consciousness is a timeless jewel for personal growth and true awakening!

No-Yes Active Meditation CDAmazon link:

The No-Yes Active Meditation is a powerful tool for detoxifying the body of suppressed negative emotions that cause energetic blocks, inner unrest, anxiety, and depression. Practicing this meditation will allow the experience of an authentic "yes" that leads to inner joy and celebration of life. Even if practiced occasionally, this meditation will help maintain a sense of inner balance and peace, gain new insights about yourself, and strengthen your awareness in the now.

Transcending the Fear of Death & the UnknownLink: Transcending the Fear of Death is a powerful meditation, written and guided by Eliza Mada Dalian. It can help you dis-identify from your fear of death and the unknown, heal your physical, mental, and emotional pain, and allow you to let go of your attachments to your body, emotions, things and people. It will help you surrender to the abundance available all around you and open your consciousness to many new possibilities. During the meditation you will have an opportunity to finish your unfinished business, openly express what's in your heart and mind, and experience the joy of your inner being.