f r I Hows I RHEINAUER3 I t I The Best Years in Ladies ne...

I e I t f C > ci I OCALA EVENING STAR TUESDAY JULY 23 1903 0 THREE Not r I i How H 91 VaUC t but how good is the question f that every one bhoulJ ck In buynjj t t I candy The old saying that a man is 4 iclptd by the can ly he gives J hold good today same as always Buy the LestJont take the just as pass kind Nothing quite equals r I famous BonBons and Chocolates J They are in a distinctively exclu- sive class to themselves I Orders receive 1 prompt and care Jfnl attention just Jive us the name and address and Uicle Sam does i Ithe rest r 1 W TROXLER 24 MAIN ST- Veterinary Surgeon Office opposite Tompkins Livery Stable I up GUERRATIVISS- BLAGK IXCELSIOR ¬ SMITH SHOP VAUGHN LANE acksmithing Wheelwrighting and Horse Shoein- ge do all kinds of repairing on lagons and Buggies Wood Work d Painting at Low Prices Horse oelng a specialty All work guar teed > rth Magnolia Street Opposite Car michaela Bar Ocala F- laIIBJERSEY MILK FROM TESTED COWS livered every morning at your door jfc ilk per quart lOc ream pint 20c luttermilk per quart6 c Call the White Wagon or Phone 114 iawatha Lake Dairy H IT 4 is difficult to select THE BES- TEvereii I 1t I ecause Ever ts aro uniform in- ualitya condition peculiar to VERETT PIANOS I This ccndi on grows out of the of that the Genius who created HE EVERETT is alive I and super h tends the construction of each verett piano That which he had the genius to reate he has the ability to con ftruct of uniform quality fveretts are manufactured by The verett Piano Co Boston Mass wned by The John Church Co- A R HARPER PIANO CO 306 Main Street Jacksonville Fla FOLEYS- ONEYTAR t I I 0 The original iXATiVE cough remedy for coughs colas throat and lung oubles No opiates Xonalcoholic od everybody Sold everywhere The genuino OLEYS HONEY and TAR is in I Yellow package Refusesubstitutsl- Prepared only by Foloy Ilk Company Chicago FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS OCALA OCCURRENCES Odd Fellows meet tonight- 15c hose all colors 8c at the Globe- Dr D M Boney Is quite ill at his hom Ladles klmonas nice designs just come in 19c at the Globe Mrs T T Munrbe Is visiting friends in Jacksonville Fishels- Mr Win the punch bowl on display at J W Sylvester has returned from his visit to St Petersburg President suspenders sold every- where ¬ for 50 39c at the Globe Mr F W Ditto came up from the lake yesterday Tents for sale or rent The Ocala Furniture Company Pillow cases full size 9c at the Globe Mrs Hardy Croom and little son are visiting friends at Brooksville Boys bloomer wash pants solid col- ors ¬ 19c at the Globe MI1 P Phillips went clown to Dunnellon this afternoon Ladles lawn waibts all sizes 23c at the Globe- Lightning roach paste kills em 25 cents at the Post ftkc Drugstore Mens all wool blue serge pants 1 9S at the Globe Full size bed sheets 39c at the Globe Spaldings baseball goods at the Ocala Uews Co liens 50c half hose silk lisle all colors 29c at the Globe 30Inch brown sheeting 5c per yard- at the Globe George H Ford has gone to Canada- to spend a month Beacon 3 shoes white canvas all sizes 138 at the Globe Use Planks Chill Toinc Guaran ¬ teed Price 25c Sold by all druggists Elastic seam drawers all sizes 39c at the Globe Mrs L J Lummus went down to the lake today to spend several days with Mrs McRae Tenquart size flaring tin pails for tOe at the Confession Sale of the Globe- H D Bassett the Inverness phos ¬ phate man was a guest of the Ocala House yesterday- Mrs R E Cole and little son re ¬ turned to the lake yesterday after- noon > FOR RENT Three nicely furnsh- ed rooms light housekeeping Mrs H C Jones- Have you seen the new visible Fay I Sholes typewriter R C Davis Co general agents- WANTEDA few boarders Apply- to Mrs C E Ball 21 Watula street near square Miss Ruth Boney and Beatrice Boney are home after a pleasant visit- to St Petersburg- Mens pants just the kind for the time of year seeing means buying- 75c at the Globe Mrs Archie Mclver returned today from a visit to her sister Mrs John- L Davis at Irvine Born to Dr and Mrs J H PIttman- on Saturday morning a daughter Jacksonville Metropolis WANTED mule for its feed Will pay one dollar a week besides Ap- ply ¬ to R L Parks with the Ocala Printing Co s Charlie Rogers of Lynne was in the city yesterday accompanied by Mr and Mrs Ed Lynne who went to At ¬ lanta for a visit with fiends Foleys Orino Laxative the new lax- ative ¬ stimulates but does not irritiit t It is the best laxative Guaranteedor- your money back Sold by all dealers Col and Mrs John M Martin have gone to Asheville N C to spend the summer with their daughter Mrs Howard Munroe FOR RENT The C V Roberts residence in third ward Apply to Mrs C V Roberts at residence near Ocala High school building- Dr George E Yancey came up from- a visit to his parents at Umatilla this morning and is a guest of the Ocala House LOSTBird dog color white and brown spots wears collar and chain 500 reward for his delivery to me at Lady Lake J M Walton- A T Gunter and wife of Waldo arrived in town yesterday to consult a doctor about Mrs Gunters health Mr Gunter is a prosperous liveryman- at Waldo- If you want a pretty reading lamp to icnnect with your electric light cur- rent ¬ in the library or hall of your home see Walter Tucker the elec ¬ trician about it Mr and Mrs Eugene Dozier and their interesting family with Mr Do- zier s aunt Mrs Brown are happily settled at 337 East Forsyth street Mr Dozier is with the Southern Railway I Jacksonville Metropolis Hows ThisO- ne Quart Robertsons PURE GRAPE JUICE Guaranteed only 40c SWEITZER AND BRICK CHEES- EIf you want Al Lima Beans or Succotash we are selling- for a short time I the FAMOUS ROYAL SCARLETBRAND the best at 15 cents a can Try a can and you will have no other TEAPOT GROCERYB- ASEBALL Result of Yesterdays Games in the South Atlantic League Savannah 2 Macon 0 Jacksonville 3 Charleston Columbia 0 Augusta 7 Where They Play Today Savannah at Macon Columbia at Augusta Jacksonville at Charleston Standing of the Clubs- GamesWonLostPC Jacksonville S6 64 22 744 Savannah 87 49 38 565 Columbia 79 36 43 456 Charleston 84 38 46 452 Augusta S6 36 50 419 Macon I 92 34 58 370 A Little Jules Verne one of the subjects at the Berlin theater last ev- ening ¬ was one of the best ever seen in the city It was a story of a little boy who read himself to sleep over one of the great Flenc mans ro ¬ mances and dreamed that he boarded- an airship from the window of his bed room ascended to the clouds and viewed the world from the deck of his aerial craft Struck by lightning the airship was wrecked and the little boy dived to the bottom of the sea to find himself in the company of many beau- tiful ¬ mermaids These however were soon replaced by a great crab In fighting which the dreamer tore his bolster to pieces and woke himself up The Inn Keepers Wife a story of the Spanish coast line was quite a little romance Mrs Wood excelled- even her own artistic playing on the piano one would have thought there were two performers at the Instru ¬ ment instead of one If you dont go to the Berlin when you want amuse ¬ ment you cheat yourself- The Metropolitan Band will give its customary concert in the band stand Friday night Several members of the band have been out of town re ¬ cently which accounts for the fact that we have had no concerts for the past three weeks Fire Chief Chambers has added a couple of feet of wire netting to the fence around the firemens zoo in or ¬ der to keep the latest addition the fawn from escaping The pretty lit ¬ tle animal has been named Daisy Bell in honor of Miss Daisy Judge Bells sister and invaluable assistant- In his office wor- kBERLIN ELECTRICAL THEATER CHANGE Of PROGRAM DULY Program for this Evening SQUIRES VERSUS BURNS International Heavyweight Contest for the Worlds Championship at Ocean View Calif July 4 DR SKINNER THE BURGLAR AND OLD MAID Special Music Tomorrow Night Mandolin and Piano by MISS BAILEY and MISS HANDLEY Open Promptly at 3130 P M Admission 10 Cents Children 5 Cents H M WOOD PROPi North Magnolia Street Opposite Me Iver MacKays WEATHER FORECAST Washington July lS Sliowers to ¬ night and Wednesday- A REVELATION- It is a revelation to people the sev- ere cases of lung trouble that have been cured by Foleys Honey and Tar It not only stops the cough but heap and strengthens the lungs L M Ruggles Reasnor Iowa writes The doctors said I had consumption and I got no better until I took Foleys Honey and Tar It stopped the hemorrhages and i pain in my lungs and they are now as sound as a bullet Sold by all dealers j A BIG BARGAIN j FOR SALEOue entire stock of shoes and fixtures Big bargain to j the right party O fer good for only I ten days Marion Shoe Co I J M Sleffert Proprietor Ocala Fla I Barber James who was convicted of selling liquor and sentenced in the j city court has paid his fine amount ins to 260 and we understand the county has taken up his case I A LOVELY RECEPTION- Given + by Miss Mixson in Honor of I Miss Mathews Complete and elegant in every de ¬ I tail was the beautiful reception given last afternoon by Miss Anna Mixson- at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs C J Phillips on South Third street The honoree on this happy occasion was Miss Annie Mathewfc j who will be married to Dr George E I Yancey tomorrow at noon in the Episcopal church All of Ocala is in- terested in this wedding for Miss Mathews is one of the most popular I young ladies ever reared in Ocala Miss Mixson will be maid of hon- or ¬ at the wedding- The I Phillip home is well appointed- for large entertainments The lower floor can be thrown together by open ¬ ing the folding doors On last after ¬ noon the decorations were particularly effective the color motif being pink white and green Smilax fell in graceful festoons around the walls Vases filled with beautiful pink roses or handsome white flowers were seen on mantle cabinets and piano Luxuriant and rare potted plants were placed in cute little nooks and alcoves Miss Mixson and Miss Mathews cordially greeted the guests in the spacious reception hall As the ladies passed into the parlor they were re ¬ ceived by Mrs Phillips and Mrs E L Carney and another welcome was I extend9d in the rear parlor by Miss and Miss Josie Wil- liams ¬ In the library punch was serv- ed ¬ by Miss Florence Mellon of Tam- pa ¬ and Miss Emily Askew of Savan- nah ¬ Gat who are to be brides maids- at the marriage tomorrow and are now guests of Miss Mathews In cutting the beautiful ornamented wedding cake Mrs John Taylor was the first one to cut and got the thim- ble ¬ The ring was cut by Miss Mc ¬ her Miss Hendon got the dime Miss Liddon the penny and Miss Helen Brown took the button Instrumental music by Miss Fuller and vocal solos by Mrs J H Taylor added greatly to the many other pleasant features of the afternoon Later on cake and cream were serv ¬ ed the color scheme being prettily carried out in the refreshments On I the napkins were cupids piercing small pink hearts with their ever busy little arrows Miss Mixson is always a charming hostess and this delightful affair will be remembered most pleasantly by all her happy guests- A WORLD RENOWNED CONTEST Something Unusually Interesting at the Berlin One of the subjects at the Berlin theater this evening is the famous pugilistic contest at Ocean View Cal July 4th between Burns and Squires- for the heavyweight championship of the world This is a faithful repro ¬ duction of a famous fistic battle and enables one to see for a dime what many people crossed the continent and paid big money to witness There are other good subjects as you can see by the program There will be special music tomor- row ¬ evening mandolin and piano duets by Misses Bailey and Handley- two of Ocalas young musical favorites- and their friends mustnt fail to turn out and hear them- A CARD- C E Connor and family wish to re ¬ turn thanks to the fire department- and the may friends who assisted them during and after the fire that destroyed their residence on Earl street Monday morning I The Doctor Away from Home When Most Needed I People are often very much disap- pointed ¬ to find their family physician I Is away from home when they most need his services Diseases like cramp colic and cholera morbus require I prompt treatment and have in many instances proven fatal before medicine could bej procured or a physician sum ¬ moned The right way is to keep at hand a bottle of Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy No physician can prescribe a better med ¬ I these diseases By having It in the house you escape much pain and suffering and all risk Buy it now druggists- A it may save life For sale by all new shipment of skirts blue tan- I I and cream 4 values at 2S7 at the Globe I STARVED TO DEATH- is what truthfully could be said of man children who die They have worms poor little thingsthey dont know it and you dont realize it If your child is cross fretful pasty complexioned and loses weight for no I aprarent reason give it Whites Cream Vermifuge you will be surprised at I the results and how quickly it picks i up Sold by AntiMonopoly Drugstore- CONFEDERATE MONEY FOR SALE Have 5400 in Confederate money for sale It may assist some one to com- plete office a collection Inquire of the Star j I RIGHT TO THE SPOT I is where it goes when you need some- thing I to revive you in hot weather and take a little pure rye whisky A j toddy a gin fizz or a claret punch that are so delicious and bracing in i sultry weather will reach the spot I when made from the choice wines or liquors from KEATING CO Phone 22 OCALA FLA RHEINAUER3 The Best Offerings Years in Ladies t Shirt Waists- We have taken the largest possible advantage of the n favorable market conditions to make this the greatest sale of its kind that we have ever held OFFERING VALUES LIKE THESE Lot No Consists of 200 shirt waists all this I seasons stylesformer price 8350 now 26Q Lot No Consists of 150 shirt waists all new styles former price 84 now 298L- ot No3Consists of 100 shirt waists plain- or t tucked linen former price 8450 now 389 Lot No 4 Consists of 150 shirt waists novelties former price S5 now 415- Lot No 5Consists of 175 shirt waists the sea sons highes novelties former price 6 to S7 now 468R- HEINAUER COMPANY BAY SHORE HOTELESP- IRITU SANTO SPRINGS FLA a Formerly Green Springs Located right on the Bay 40 room hotel Nice shady yard Table supplied with fresh fish chickens and Wes- tern beef Plenty of fresh milk and butter from hotel dairy Vegetables from home garden Hotel run on fam- ily style Rates 2 per day 8 to 12 per week- T ROY YOUNG Proprietor SPECIAL DINNERS- The dinners at the Elk Cafe for 50 relit are the best in the city The best 25c box of paper we have ever put across the counter Danish Cloth at the Postoffice Drugstore Professor Yocum of Gainesville ar ¬ rived in the city this afternoon to visit his daughter Mrs W T Gary Mrs A J Leavengood of Stanton who has been visiting her son Mr P V Leavengood returned home this afternoon Miss Margaret Taylor returned to ¬ day from attending the summer nor may at Vanderbilt University Nash- ville ¬ Tenn FOR RENTEightroom cottage bath and electric lights Apply at 95 Scuth Third street or to Mrs R D Fuller Mrs Townley Porter went down to Lady Lake this afternoon She was I accompanied by her niece Elizabeth Teague Rev and Mrs G H Harrison will go down to Woodmar tomorrow to spend a month at that delightful sum ¬ mering place Mrs L L Horne with Miss Beulah j Horne and Miss Bertha Sandlin of York were guests at the Ocala House today Seventyfive pairs of ladies tan ox ¬ fords the 225 kind 149 at the Globe I H M Sherouse of Reddick Sam Blackman of Summerfield and Dr I Smith of Oxford were business call ¬ ers in town today The two new autos for A B and Dl Kibler of Dunnellon sold to them by Mr J H Spencer of the Ocala Gash Engine Works have arrived They- are I of the Buick make They are both handsome and expensive cars j and the Messrs Kibler are justly i proud of them I Sunday night union missionary ser- vices ¬ I were held in the Presbyterian J church Dr Dodge gave a very inter- esting ¬ address There was some good singing by the choir and a beautiful- solo by Mrs Mote The next meet ¬ ing will take place in August and will be held in the Methodist church I I Harry Palmer came up from Inver- ness I yesterday to attend the Yancey Mathews wedding which takes place I tomorrow morning r FOR RENT Two nice furnished I rooms with private bath Apply at j the Star office Miss Hattye Smith left yesterday I for Williaton whefe she will spend a few days with her mother and will then go to Jacksonville for a few weeks visit to friends The Woodmar Sand Stone Co has the contract to law a cement sidewalk- on Lemon street the principal busi- ness ¬ thoroughfare of Palatka Mrs J P Hilburn wife of the pres- ident ¬ I of Sutherland College is here on a visit to her sisters the Misses Mar- garet ¬ and Pauline Peace Read about the guessing contest at Fishels A MILLIONAIRES BABY attended by the highest priced baby specialist could not be cured of stom- ach I or bowel trouble any quicker than your baby if you give it McGees Baby Elixir Cures diarrhoea dy =entary and all derangements of the stomach- or bowels Price 25 cents and 50 cents Sold by AntiMonoply Drug ¬ store 104 Pepperell sheeting bleached worth 35c per yard 25c at the Globe HAD BETTER REMAINED AWAY Toledo Ohio July 28 Returning to his wifes home after an absence of sixteen years Louis Armour aged 50 murdered the woman yesterday fired- a bullet at his daughter and tried to commit suicide The revolver failing him Armour disappeared and is now being sought by a posse of police and citizens Jealousy because of the refusal of his wife to take his back is attributed- as the cause for the shooting J BARBERSHOP FOR RENT Apply to Dr R A Toph Montezuma Hotel I- AN OPPORTUNITY- Can accommodate two or three persons who desire an outing on Lake Weir Inquire at this office SMALL STORE FOR RENT- A good location and reasonable rentx Apply to Dr Toph at Montezuma ho ¬ tel Mr and Mrs Kenneth McPherson went down to Eastlake yesterday af- ternoon ¬ to spend several days with Sirs Royal Cole i Mr Dempsey Mayo went to Jack sonville yesterday to visit his sister Mrs Bennett Mayo Soft bleaching without starch 4thc per yard at the Globe FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN My house south of the school house with nearly two acres of land House consists of eight rooms also pantry bathroom and toilet Celled and hard oil finished Acetylene gas plant hghts entire house Stationary lava- tories ¬ with hot and cold water up stairs Good servants house two rooms with fireplaces Price 30001 Easy terms can be arranged Furnl ture books etc also for sale includ- ing piano at a sacrifice A E Hand- le BICYCLES BICYCLES- JNO S PEDRICK SON Never too late to mend If your b- in cle needs mending no matter what- is the nature of the trouble call to ice us Bicycles for sale or rent Ap- ply ¬ to Jno S Pedrick Son Next Door South of Ocala Fire Station CI1I Fred G B- WEIHE T 4 THE JEWELER AND OPTICIAN We Have One of the Largest Most New and Complete Stocks of JEWELERY OF ALL KINDS WATCHES RINGS PINS EMBLEM PINS CHAINS FOBS HAIR ORNAMENTS ETC That has Ever Been Shown in this City n Cut Glass Fine China Sterling and Plated Silverwirc Souvenir Postal Cards Clocks Etc we do Not Ack- nowledge ¬ a Better Stock in this Sec ¬ tion ALL KINDS OF W i H E REPAIRING DONE SOUTH SIDf OF SQUARE I

Transcript of f r I Hows I RHEINAUER3 I t I The Best Years in Ladies ne...

Page 1: f r I Hows I RHEINAUER3 I t I The Best Years in Ladies ne ...ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/00908/0100.pdfOCALA EVENING STAR TUESDAY JULY 23 1903 0 THREE Not i r I How VaUCH

I e



fC > ci


Not rI

iHow H 91

VaUC tbut how good is the question fthat every one bhoulJ ck In buynjj tt

I candyThe old saying that a man is 4

iclptd by the can ly he givesJ hold good today same as alwaysBuy the LestJont take the justas pass kind

Nothing quite equals


I famous BonBons and ChocolatesJ They are in a distinctively exclu-sive class to themselves

I Orders receive 1prompt and careJfnl attention just Jive us the nameand address and Uicle Sam does i

Ithe rest r



Office oppositeTompkins Livery Stable





acksmithing Wheelwrighting andHorse Shoein-

ge do all kinds of repairing onlagons and Buggies Wood Workd Painting at Low Prices Horse

oelng a specialty All work guarteed

> rth Magnolia Street Opposite Carmichaela Bar Ocala F-



livered every morning atyour door


ilk per quart lOcream pint 20cluttermilk per quart6 c

Call the White Wagon orPhone 114

iawatha Lake Dairy

H IT4 is difficult to

selectTHE BES-





ecause Ever ts aro uniform in-

ualitya condition peculiar toVERETT PIANOS


This ccndi on grows out of theof that the Genius who created

HE EVERETT is alive I

and superhtends the construction of eachverett piano

That which he had the genius toreate he has the ability to conftruct of uniform quality

fveretts are manufactured by Theverett Piano Co Boston Mass

wned by The John Church Co-

A R HARPER PIANO CO306 Main Street Jacksonville Fla





0 The originaliXATiVE cough remedy

for coughs colas throat and lungoubles No opiates Xonalcoholicod everybody Sold everywhere

The genuinoOLEYS HONEY and TAR is in

IYellow package Refusesubstitutsl-Prepared only by

Foloy Ilk Company ChicagoFOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS


Odd Fellows meet tonight-

15c hose all colors 8c at the Globe-

Dr D M Boney Is quite ill at hishom

Ladles klmonas nice designs justcome in 19c at the Globe

Mrs T T Munrbe Is visitingfriends in Jacksonville



Win the punch bowl on display at

J W Sylvester has returnedfrom his visit to St Petersburg

President suspenders sold every-where


for 50 39c at the Globe

Mr F W Ditto came up from thelake yesterday

Tents for sale or rent The OcalaFurniture Company

Pillow cases full size 9c at theGlobe

Mrs Hardy Croom and little son arevisiting friends at Brooksville

Boys bloomer wash pants solid col-ors


19c at the Globe

MI1 P Phillips went clown toDunnellon this afternoon

Ladles lawn waibts all sizes 23cat the Globe-

Lightning roach paste kills em25 cents at the Post ftkc Drugstore

Mens all wool blue serge pants 1 9Sat the Globe

Full size bed sheets 39c at theGlobe

Spaldings baseball goods at theOcala Uews Co

liens 50c half hose silk lisle allcolors 29c at the Globe

30Inch brown sheeting 5c per yard-at the Globe

George H Ford has gone to Canada-to spend a month

Beacon 3 shoes white canvas allsizes 138 at the Globe

Use Planks Chill Toinc Guaran ¬

teed Price 25c Sold by all druggists

Elastic seam drawers all sizes 39cat the Globe

Mrs L J Lummus went down tothe lake today to spend several dayswith Mrs McRae

Tenquart size flaring tin pails fortOe at the Confession Sale of theGlobe-

H D Bassett the Inverness phos ¬

phate man was a guest of the OcalaHouse yesterday-

Mrs R E Cole and little son re ¬

turned to the lake yesterday after-noon


FOR RENT Three nicely furnsh-ed rooms light housekeeping MrsH C Jones-

Have you seen the new visible Fay I

Sholes typewriter R C Davis Cogeneral agents-

WANTEDA few boarders Apply-to Mrs C E Ball 21 Watula streetnear square

Miss Ruth Boney and BeatriceBoney are home after a pleasant visit-to St Petersburg-

Mens pants just the kind for thetime of year seeing means buying-75c at the Globe

Mrs Archie Mclver returned todayfrom a visit to her sister Mrs John-L Davis at Irvine

Born to Dr and Mrs J H PIttman-on Saturday morning a daughterJacksonville Metropolis

WANTED mule for its feed Willpay one dollar a week besides Ap-ply


to R L Parks with the OcalaPrinting Co s

Charlie Rogers of Lynne was in thecity yesterday accompanied by Mrand Mrs Ed Lynne who went to At ¬

lanta for a visit with fiendsFoleys Orino Laxative the new lax-


stimulates but does not irritiit tIt is the best laxative Guaranteedor-your money back Sold by all dealers

Col and Mrs John M Martin havegone to Asheville N C to spend thesummer with their daughter MrsHoward Munroe

FOR RENT The C V Robertsresidence in third ward Apply toMrs C V Roberts at residence nearOcala High school building-

Dr George E Yancey came up from-a visit to his parents at Umatilla thismorning and is a guest of the OcalaHouse

LOSTBird dog color white andbrown spots wears collar and chain500 reward for his delivery to me at

Lady Lake J M Walton-

A T Gunter and wife of Waldoarrived in town yesterday to consulta doctor about Mrs Gunters healthMr Gunter is a prosperous liveryman-at Waldo-

If you want a pretty reading lamp toicnnect with your electric light cur-rent


in the library or hall of yourhome see Walter Tucker the elec ¬

trician about it

Mr and Mrs Eugene Dozier andtheir interesting family with Mr Do-

zier s aunt Mrs Brown are happilysettled at 337 East Forsyth street MrDozier is with the Southern Railway


Jacksonville Metropolis

Hows ThisO-

ne Quart Robertsons PUREGRAPE JUICE Guaranteedonly 40c


EIf you want Al Lima Beansor Succotash we are selling-for a short time I theFAMOUS ROYAL SCARLETBRAND

the best at 15 cents a canTry a can and you will haveno other



Result of Yesterdays Games in theSouth Atlantic League

Savannah 2 Macon 0Jacksonville 3 CharlestonColumbia 0 Augusta 7

Where They Play TodaySavannah at MaconColumbia at AugustaJacksonville at Charleston

Standing of the Clubs-GamesWonLostPC

Jacksonville S6 64 22 744Savannah 87 49 38 565Columbia 79 36 43 456Charleston 84 38 46 452Augusta S6 36 50 419Macon I 92 34 58 370

A Little Jules Verne one of thesubjects at the Berlin theater last ev-


was one of the best ever seenin the city It was a story of a littleboy who read himself to sleep overone of the great Flenc mans ro ¬

mances and dreamed that he boarded-an airship from the window of hisbed room ascended to the clouds andviewed the world from the deck of hisaerial craft Struck by lightning theairship was wrecked and the little boydived to the bottom of the sea to findhimself in the company of many beau-tiful


mermaids These however weresoon replaced by a great crab Infighting which the dreamer tore hisbolster to pieces and woke himself upThe Inn Keepers Wife a story ofthe Spanish coast line was quite alittle romance Mrs Wood excelled-even her own artistic playing on thepiano one would have thought therewere two performers at the Instru ¬

ment instead of one If you dont goto the Berlin when you want amuse ¬

ment you cheat yourself-

The Metropolitan Band will give itscustomary concert in the band standFriday night Several members ofthe band have been out of town re ¬

cently which accounts for the factthat we have had no concerts forthe past three weeks

Fire Chief Chambers has added acouple of feet of wire netting to thefence around the firemens zoo in or ¬

der to keep the latest addition thefawn from escaping The pretty lit¬

tle animal has been named DaisyBell in honor of Miss Daisy JudgeBells sister and invaluable assistant-In his office wor-



Program for this EveningSQUIRES VERSUS BURNS

International Heavyweight Contest forthe Worlds Championship at OceanView Calif July 4



Special Music Tomorrow Night

Mandolin and Piano by


Open Promptly at 3130 P M

Admission 10 CentsChildren 5 Cents

H M WOOD PROPiNorth Magnolia Street Opposite Me

Iver MacKays


Washington July lS Sliowers to ¬

night and Wednesday-

A REVELATION-It is a revelation to people the sev-

ere cases of lung trouble that have beencured by Foleys Honey and Tar Itnot only stops the cough but heap andstrengthens the lungs L M RugglesReasnor Iowa writes The doctorssaid I had consumption and I got nobetter until I took Foleys Honey andTar It stopped the hemorrhages and i

pain in my lungs and they are now assound as a bullet Sold by all dealers j


FOR SALEOue entire stock ofshoes and fixtures Big bargain to j

the right party O fer good for onlyI

ten days Marion Shoe CoI

J M Sleffert ProprietorOcala Fla


Barber James who was convictedof selling liquor and sentenced in the j

city court has paid his fine amountins to 260 and we understand thecounty has taken up his case



Given+ by Miss Mixson in Honor ofI

Miss MathewsComplete and elegant in every de¬


tail was the beautiful reception givenlast afternoon by Miss Anna Mixson-at the home of her parents Mr andMrs C J Phillips on South Thirdstreet The honoree on this happyoccasion was Miss Annie Mathewfcjwho will be married to Dr George E

I Yancey tomorrow at noon in theEpiscopal church All of Ocala is in-

terested in this wedding for MissMathews is one of the most popular

Iyoung ladies ever reared in Ocala

Miss Mixson will be maid of hon-or


at the wedding-The


Phillip home is well appointed-for large entertainments The lowerfloor can be thrown together by open ¬

ing the folding doors On last after ¬

noon the decorations were particularlyeffective the color motif being pinkwhite and green

Smilax fell in graceful festoonsaround the walls Vases filled withbeautiful pink roses or handsomewhite flowers were seen on mantlecabinets and piano Luxuriant andrare potted plants were placed in cutelittle nooks and alcoves

Miss Mixson and Miss Mathewscordially greeted the guests in thespacious reception hall As the ladiespassed into the parlor they were re ¬

ceived by Mrs Phillips and Mrs EL Carney and another welcome was


extend9d in the rear parlor by Missand Miss Josie Wil-


In the library punch was serv-ed


by Miss Florence Mellon of Tam-pa


and Miss Emily Askew of Savan-nah


Gat who are to be brides maids-at the marriage tomorrow and arenow guests of Miss Mathews

In cutting the beautiful ornamentedwedding cake Mrs John Taylor wasthe first one to cut and got the thim-ble


The ring was cut by Miss Mc ¬

her Miss Hendon got the dime MissLiddon the penny and Miss HelenBrown took the button

Instrumental music by Miss Fullerand vocal solos by Mrs J H Tayloradded greatly to the many otherpleasant features of the afternoonLater on cake and cream were serv¬

ed the color scheme being prettilycarried out in the refreshments On I

the napkins were cupids piercingsmall pink hearts with their ever busylittle arrows

Miss Mixson is always a charminghostess and this delightful affair willbe remembered most pleasantly by allher happy guests-


Something Unusually Interesting atthe Berlin

One of the subjects at the Berlintheater this evening is the famouspugilistic contest at Ocean View CalJuly 4th between Burns and Squires-for the heavyweight championship ofthe world This is a faithful repro ¬

duction of a famous fistic battle andenables one to see for a dime whatmany people crossed the continentand paid big money to witness Thereare other good subjects as you can seeby the program

There will be special music tomor-row


evening mandolin and pianoduets by Misses Bailey and Handley-two of Ocalas young musical favorites-and their friends mustnt fail to turnout and hear them-


C E Connor and family wish to re ¬

turn thanks to the fire department-and the may friends who assistedthem during and after the fire thatdestroyed their residence on Earlstreet Monday morning

I The Doctor Away from Home WhenMost Needed

I People are often very much disap-pointed


to find their family physicianI Is away from home when they mostneed his services Diseases like crampcolic and cholera morbus require

I prompt treatment and have in manyinstances proven fatal before medicinecould bej procured or a physician sum ¬

moned The right way is to keep athand a bottle of Chamberlains ColicCholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Nophysician can prescribe a better med ¬

I these diseases By havingIt in the house you escape much painand suffering and all risk Buy itnowdruggists-


it may save life For sale by all

new shipment of skirts blue tan-


I and cream 4 values at 2S7 at theGlobe

I STARVED TO DEATH-is what truthfully could be said ofman children who die They haveworms poor little thingsthey dontknow it and you dont realize it Ifyour child is cross fretful pastycomplexioned and loses weight for no I

aprarent reason give it Whites CreamVermifuge you will be surprised at I

the results and how quickly it picksi up Sold by AntiMonopoly Drugstore-


Have 5400 in Confederate money forsale It may assist some one to com-pleteoffice

a collection Inquire of the Star




is where it goes when you need some-thing


to revive you in hot weatherand take a little pure rye whisky A j

toddy a gin fizz or a claret punchthat are so delicious and bracing in i

sultry weather will reach the spotI

when made from the choice wines orliquors from


RHEINAUER3The Best Offerings Years in Ladies


Shirt Waists-We have taken the largest possible advantage of the n

favorable market conditions to make this the greatest saleof its kind that we have ever held


Lot No Consists of 200 shirt waists all thisI seasons stylesformer price 8350 now 26QLot No Consists of 150 shirt waists all new

styles former price 84 now 298L-ot No3Consists of 100 shirt waists plain-


tucked linen former price 8450 now 389Lot No 4 Consists of 150 shirt waists novelties

former price S5 now 415-Lot No 5Consists of 175 shirt waists the sea

sons highes novelties former price 6 to S7now 468R-



Formerly Green Springs

Located right on the Bay 40 room hotel Nice shadyyard Table supplied with fresh fish chickens and Wes-tern beef Plenty of fresh milk and butter from hoteldairy Vegetables from home garden Hotel run on fam-ily style Rates 2 per day 8 to 12 per week-

T ROY YOUNG Proprietor


The dinners at the Elk Cafe for 50relit are the best in the city

The best 25c box of paper we haveever put across the counter DanishCloth at the Postoffice Drugstore

Professor Yocum of Gainesville ar¬

rived in the city this afternoon tovisit his daughter Mrs W T Gary

Mrs A J Leavengood of Stantonwho has been visiting her son MrP V Leavengood returned home thisafternoon

Miss Margaret Taylor returned to ¬

day from attending the summer normay at Vanderbilt University Nash-ville



FOR RENTEightroom cottagebath and electric lights Apply at 95Scuth Third street or to Mrs R DFuller

Mrs Townley Porter went down toLady Lake this afternoon She was I

accompanied by her niece ElizabethTeague

Rev and Mrs G H Harrison willgo down to Woodmar tomorrow tospend a month at that delightful sum ¬

mering place

Mrs L L Horne with Miss Beulah j

Horne and Miss Bertha Sandlin ofYork were guests at the Ocala Housetoday

Seventyfive pairs of ladies tan ox ¬

fords the 225 kind 149 at theGlobe


H M Sherouse of Reddick SamBlackman of Summerfield and Dr I

Smith of Oxford were business call ¬

ers in town today

The two new autos for A B and DlKibler of Dunnellon sold to them byMr J H Spencer of the Ocala GashEngine Works have arrived They-are


of the Buick make They areboth handsome and expensive cars j

and the Messrs Kibler are justly i

proud of themI

Sunday night union missionary ser-vices


were held in the Presbyterian J

church Dr Dodge gave a very inter-esting


address There was some goodsinging by the choir and a beautiful-solo by Mrs Mote The next meet ¬

ing will take place in August andwill be held in the Methodist church



Harry Palmer came up from Inver-ness


yesterday to attend the YanceyMathews wedding which takes place I

tomorrow morning r

FOR RENT Two nice furnished I

rooms with private bath Apply at j

the Star office

Miss Hattye Smith left yesterday I

for Williaton whefe she will spend afew days with her mother and willthen go to Jacksonville for a fewweeks visit to friends

The Woodmar Sand Stone Co hasthe contract to law a cement sidewalk-on Lemon street the principal busi-ness


thoroughfare of Palatka

Mrs J P Hilburn wife of the pres-ident

¬ I

of Sutherland College is here ona visit to her sisters the Misses Mar-garet


and Pauline Peace

Read about the guessing contest atFishels


attended by the highest priced babyspecialist could not be cured of stom-ach


or bowel trouble any quicker thanyour baby if you give it McGees BabyElixir Cures diarrhoea dy=entaryand all derangements of the stomach-or bowels Price 25 cents and 50cents Sold by AntiMonoply Drug¬


104 Pepperell sheeting bleachedworth 35c per yard 25c at the Globe


Toledo Ohio July 28 Returning tohis wifes home after an absence ofsixteen years Louis Armour aged 50murdered the woman yesterday fired-a bullet at his daughter and tried tocommit suicide The revolver failinghim Armour disappeared and is nowbeing sought by a posse of police andcitizens

Jealousy because of the refusal ofhis wife to take his back is attributed-as the cause for the shooting J


Apply to Dr R A Toph MontezumaHotel I-


Can accommodate two or threepersons who desire an outing on LakeWeir Inquire at this office


A good location and reasonable rentxApply to Dr Toph at Montezuma ho ¬


Mr and Mrs Kenneth McPhersonwent down to Eastlake yesterday af-ternoon


to spend several days withSirs Royal Cole


Mr Dempsey Mayo went to Jacksonville yesterday to visit his sisterMrs Bennett Mayo

Soft bleaching without starch 4thcper yard at the Globe


My house south of the school housewith nearly two acres of land Houseconsists of eight rooms also pantrybathroom and toilet Celled and hardoil finished Acetylene gas planthghts entire house Stationary lava-tories


with hot and cold water upstairs Good servants house tworooms with fireplaces Price 30001Easy terms can be arranged Furnlture books etc also for sale includ-ing piano at a sacrifice A E Hand-le


Never too late to mend If your b-in cle needs mending no matter what-is the nature of the trouble call toice us Bicycles for sale or rent Ap-ply


to Jno S Pedrick Son NextDoor South of Ocala Fire Station

CI1I Fred G B-


We Have One of the Largest MostNew and Complete Stocks of




That has Ever Been Shown inthis City

n Cut Glass Fine China Sterling andPlated Silverwirc Souvenir PostalCards Clocks Etc we do Not Ack-nowledge


a Better Stock in this Sec ¬
