f Published Twice a WeekMonday and...

VOL XXV NO Published Twice a WeekMonday and Thursday GAINESVILLE FLORIDA MONDAY MARCH IL IHOdT I ONE DOLLAR A Y i L r H K r p f r I > = 600 MOROS ARE SLAIN IN BATTLE lABftrican Troops Lot FiftH En iited men AMERICANS CAPTURE MONT DAJO Action Resulted In the extinction of a of Moro Outlaws Who Had Stirred Up a Dangerous Condition of Affaffira Manila March Important ctlon between American forces and Hostile Moms Las taken place near Jolt Fifteen enlisted men were kill ed a commissioned officer was wound ed four enlist1 men were wounded and a naval contingent operating with the military sustained S2 casualties The MuroH lust Jon men killed Major icneral Leonard Wood Dander of the division of the Ihllip Pines reports ns follows from Jolt capital of the Zulu Islands A were action between twerps a detachment and constabulary- and hostile Mnros has taken place at lloun Da jo roar lolo TIlt engage went oi encd during the afternoon ol larch tab rend tided In tin morning of March S The action Involved the captutt of Mont Dajo a lava cone feet ht lrr with a crater at sum silt iiiil extremely steep The last 4A wore at an angle of fiO de- grees and there were f 0 perpcndlcu lar ridges covered with a growth of tlirlx r and strongly fortified and de frrtlti by aa invincible force of Mo- ro The army casualties were cnlltsttd men killed a commissioned officer nail four enlisted men sounded The naval caMwItlis num- bered thirtytwo Ensign H I Cooke Jr of the V fl S IampunKo commanding the Pam pangs fort was severely wounded and Coxswain Oiltnore was severely In- jured In the elbow The conatubiilart casualties were Captain John R White wounded In the thigh severely three enlisted men killed and thlrteeen wounded Captain Tyne Rivers sustained a slight flesh wound In the thigh Lieutenant or don wax slightly wounded in the right band Lieutenant Vyllc T Conway- of the Sixth Infantry was slightly wounded In the left eye All the wounded are doing well Joseph W Duncan of the IJKti Infantry directed the operations All te ikfender f the Moro strong brim were killed Six hundred bodies worn found on the field The action results In the extinc- tion of a band of outlaws who recog- Blzlnj no chief had been raiding frltnr Morns and owing to their de flnnn of the American authorities had stirred up a dangerous condition of af- fair The artillery was lifted by block tackle n distance of 300 feet In a position on the lip of the crater Brigadier Control fuss and myself were piecnt throughout tho action Tim attacking columns aero com- manded by Major Omar Hundy K P Iixvton Captain Rivers Captain L M Koehlcr Captain Me- Glachlin and Lieutenant Johnson The ollicers and men rngagod high- ly commend the Moro constabulary who did work their casual- ties numbering seventeen out of tin force of engaged- It is impossible to conceive a tronger natural position that that at- tacked Alabaman in Moro Battle Birmingham Ala March 10 IJcu tenant Gordon Johnston Jr who Is re- Ported to have been wounded in the fight with the Moros at Jolo Is a son of General Rob rt D Johnston of liar ttlngham recently npjwdnted commls stoner of the federal land office at Montgomery lit Is also a nephew- of former Governor Joseph F of this state Relatives of Lieu- tenant Johnston recently received a letter from him saying he was about to co away on an expedition as an aide 0n General Woods star Captain Rivera Tennesaeean- baahvllle March to Captain Tyree 10An Its ire t fin tn seer llflO I Cap- tain excellent frrnr i r land l V 1 coin- s t o naval 1 a a k r the- n u l and r 1 f arty j John- ston V r > <> ¬ ¬ ¬ Rivers motioned In the IV K een on of the wounded In a light with the Moro In the Philippines is a native of Tennessee his home bring Pulas He a graduate of West Point Md a member of one of the most prominent families of the state ENGLISH WANT GEORGIA LANDS Syndicate May Purchase 150000 Acre From Dodge Dublin Ga March 10 A gentle In position to know who has for Several years connected with the land Interest of Norman W Dodge In Laurens Montgomery and Dodge counties was in Dublin a few days So and stated that a large syndicate of Englishmen was now negotiating with Mr Dodge for the purchsae of bout lfo M acres of land In this sec- tion of Georgia Tb syndicate represents English cotton mill men and while nothing def- inite Is known It Is not thought that their purpose te to culti- vate all this large tract of land In Their plan tray also be to etsab- llsh cotton mills near by The Dodge Intern comprise some of the finest land for the raising of cotton In the south Most of the tin INT ha been cut from It and It would take only n short time to have It pro- ducing thousand of bales of cotton Engineer Will Be Probed iharleMon S C March 10 Sena- tor Till man has been asked by n num- ber of citizens to take come steps for an Investigation of the removal of Lieut until 1 G W Walker In charge- at the Charleston navy yard It being thought that pollloal Influence of the contracting company of the dry duck Is again hrhlnd the detachment of the office KnplnetT Walker asked for the removal of n foreman of the work an I upon tine refusal of the department to do so he asked for the transfer and It Is feared that the work of the yard may suffer In consequence Engineer Walkers side of the contention has not been printed and the hearing which Senator Tlllman will ask for will probably bring out the facts to Wrecking Train New York March 10 Four young men who were arrested near Paisiac N J charged with attempting to wreck an Buffalo express train on the Delaware tackawanna and Western railroad have confessed that this was their sixth attempt at train wrecking All of the attempts were made In the vicinity of Passalc They said the only reason for the act was a desire to witness the excitement hlch would attend a wreck Robbers Youngstown 0 March 10 Threo went Into the saloon of William Lewis In East Youngstown and pre- sented revolvers at the wife of the proprietor who rushed In with a re- volver They fled and a running followed Justice W C llazellon was In the neighborhood and took a part in the chase Two men were captured and give their names as Rich- ard Fagan and Charles Connors Recover Damages from SaloonlsL Goshen Ind March lOClrcult court Judge lodge held that Mrs Eliza Swartz could recover damages from George I Smith a saloons and his bondsmen for giving her J year old so much liquor that he became intoxicating Ml and was injured and his earning capacity for support of his mother Is cut off Smith treated the kd to beer Tho mother wants 11000 Alleged Slayer Balled Gainesville Ga March 10Henry OShlelds who was foun guilty of the killing of his wife and sentenced to the penitentiary for voluntary man- slaughter has been released upon the of a bond of 41000 Motion now trial overruled by Judge Klnwcy Till case has been d to the supreme court Dry Goods Firm Falls Marion O March 10The dry firm of D B Goodseil Co The ItoMBtle are 128000 with assets dispatches as I kl Is man been eastbound bat- tle making a goods have filed a petition In bankruptcy or O The creditor b- DetNlt ftrm with c otCoot A uclattd- I Press I un- likely cot- ton Removal Confessed with men boy for app ah L 110aN 31a t ¬ ¬ ¬ > > THREE DIPLOMAS TO THE STANDARD GO Tampa State Fair Association Recognizes Merits of Goods LARGE MODERN PLANT With a Capacity of ISO Tons Day One of the Largest and Most Mod ernly Equipped in the South Em- ploying a Largo Fore The Standard Fertilizer Company of city wha own and operates one of the largest faetorir of It kind in the South hat received three diploma from the Florida MidWinter Slate Fair Affectation for in excellent din play at the State Fair held in Tampa- in November of year One diploma was for the pener al dirplay of rfKctaM fertilizerii an- other for the best general display of fruit and vine and another for the general display at the Fair The diplomat art hamUomely engraved and have pla d in neat frames and in the the mm puny at 111 Eiwt Main street N where they may be seen The Standard Fertilizer Comptin- ywa established in IM9 The firm ii Lean Woods president- C I Baird and J F Hunch tecrctary hud treasurer The plant it a new and modern one of one hundred and fifty Un capacity day and i located in South Giine yule Every modern science and mt chine known to the manufacture of highRrnde fertilizers i employed and the plant i driven by an enor moot electric motor In all the corn pang it one of the mot in thv South and employs a large num- ber of hindi The products of plant are used from one end of Florida- to the other and the best evidence that the goods are right it th fut that or are from the tame eon omen year alter year At the Alachua County Fair held in this city in 1W2 the Standard Fertilii er Company was awarded a diploma for the lull general display of fertilia STREETS BEING OPENED South Factory Now Extends to Cof fin Extensions There hat been a long sad continued cry for the opening of certain streets- in the city which have bees elosed for many years This was not absolotply necessary until within the rut few months since the city hat been grow- ing but for the pat few weeks there baa been a demand that every thor- oughfare be opened in order that ac- cent may be secured to property which hat been placed on the market The street committee of the Oily Council determined to give the prop- erty owners of the city thtt right to which they are entitled have begun the work of opening the streets Sev- eral thoroughfares have been cleared principal among which is South Fac- tory street to the factory of the Gaines- ville Planing and Coffin Company South liainetville This thoroughfare- has been opened n a uniform width for the entire length and will prove of great benefit to those who have oc caiion to ute the tame It it understood that Middle street Eat will opened in a short time This will place upon the market some of the most desirable property in the city which will no doubt be readily sold According to a letter received by C H Van Hayek a prominent ornithol- ogist spending the winter in St Peters- burg from the game warden at Palma Sola the government has through the efforts of the National Andobon So- ciety set apart Bird Key u ii govern- ment reiervatiou to be known u In dian Bird Key Reservation A knitting and thread maaufac to be established at Lake BUr will OOB nave a baak the teek all toieg takes bj kerne A a lat brit been suspended of Composed of It per I ftc Itd en FactoryOther be Lake pee this best otlice viet preidenl up4o date the den ii City pie ¬ > < > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ DAVIS FOR LEGISLATURE Democrat Thinks He I Right Man For Right Place Editor Son The next Legislature- will be one of the most important ones ever assembled is Florida as there will come before it for settlement A greater number of great problems affectiag the future welfare and pro of our State than have ever presented tbemsetve before any of its predeeessors One at least of these questions will vitally touch AlachM eounty We will seed in that body a- we have never needed before men who can look after oar interests keen far- seeing vigilant energetic men men who can think and plan and speak men trained to meet emergencies to overcome difficulties to cope with their fellows men accomplished politicians and nkilful debaters Feeling that these things were to realizing the neeeisity for having as out Representatives such strong progressive men I have for some time been looking about for one to fill the bill and IJfeel sure I have frond him in tin person of lion Rob- ert E Davis of city Could he be induced to act for u I feel ure our interest would be committed to faith- ful and Cftpihlr handf A strong ef- fort will l made to repeal or cripple the IliiRkman law In such an emer- gency Mr Dtvit brain and will would b a tower of strength Let us hear from you Mr Dim DKMOCKAT REDEMPTION OF TAXES Largest Sum on Record Has Been Sent to Comptroller Croom Diring the month of February there collected in Alachua county on of tnxes sure of 115337 which it the largest on record since the county was estab- lished The money has been sent to Comptroller A C Crown at Tnliana seeClerk Wirnges through the hands of whom the money passes tate that already this moath he has collected about 700 and March premises ta be a If the present tate of collections in this department coatinaes Mr Wlenges naturally feels very good over ueers in this dinetloa for two reasons The first i that he ia glad to get the mosey and the aeeoad it because the collections tend to ia- dicate that the property IB better position financially and are re deeming their laud Some of the de llnquent payments extend a far beak a 18S8 ighteaaiyear LOCHLOOSA NOTES Misfortunes of a Fish Fry Party Mat- ter of Personal Interest Lochloosa Mareh 10 J C Cochran returned home Wednesday after be- ing off to hunt a new location The lever ear and all the tools of this section are under attachment and all the hands are having a big time nowOur school was out Monday Marsh 5 and teacher left for Rochelle Thursday The fish fry glees at this plane Wednesday was enjoyed by all prev- ent although the had a bad day It was raining and the people gathered at J Rowell to eat the fish and while at the table the floor fell It was gives for the benefit of the school teacher Morristoa i spending awhile with his lister Mrs J E Cecil Justice Coknana Court I- la 0 isaaas court Saturday morning Carter ROM colored ar reigned upon a charge of aggravated BtttBlt Carter arrested by Dep- uty iraager and brought ta- Gine Mii bat iaaaauMk a the charge against him was not ef a very nature he wa permitted to plead guilty and a fine of sad or three months IB the gaag was M- sesed paid fine promptly and wa released The fair at Miaaii i a big iBaeesa and the dlf y ef frait and vegv- MMet I b very IB We will and redemption the enormous his owners are the I A T Gore of ran Jus lee hIT N eat defendant hit grew ri d strong this was reeord breaker was was r emus The to ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ + + I WOMAN KILLS SISTEI IN FIT OF JEALOUSY- Said To Have Been IimirMl By THIN RETURNED TO OWN HOMffJ After PiHnf Fatal Shvte Woman Up Over Phone Asked If Nor SlsUr Was Dssrf Later She Surreii stored U the Peltee Atlanta March 10 Oae of the meat sennntlonal that ever stirred tho city of Atlanta ocurred Friday morning when Willie Staadlfer 25 years old went to the hone of D 1 Durham and la a mad at of Jeal- ousy MtUl to have bees Inspired by a letter which her husband Ed Martoa- Staudlfvr IH said to have written to her xtMer Miss Chapel Wlscnant shot her sister to death Miss Wlscaaat who wax killed by her sister being shot six times In rapid succession IS years old Had not her life ba ended In such a sudden manner would have on next Tuesday married Hilton of Seneca 8 C to whom she had been engaged for some time Mrs Stundlfcr went to police head quarters Imedlaaely after ahe learned that her tiMer was dead and gave her self up She accompanied by her husband who was the uawltttog cause of the tragedy He finally was hlm eir dctnlned the pollcp oJScers de cldliiK that It would bo best to hold him until a thorough investigation of the caw could be made Will Abandon State Srartanhurg 8 C March 10 The Misses Verne Sheridan and May the lady members of the Nothing But Money theatrical conaaay wke figured an leading witnesses for the state la th trial and coavlcUaa el George Manly at 8 C have returned to their hone la New Yerk They were accompanied to the trate by a large party of Qaffaey treads who said geodhy Miss Dlshop stated to actjualaUacee that decided to abaadosi the etafe devote her life to Baralac MM will at oaco eater a traialag MkeeJ to prepare herself for the duties ef her new profession The of ills Sheridan are sot known but It k probable that she wtU eaatknasj lair career a an Convicts Went en String Jackson Miss March 10 News ol a serloua outbreak among the coavtct the state prison here has be- come known The affair started a a strike among the ISO convict employ- ed la the tablo shop and before the guardii locked them the sea Pitch- er Terry of tho prison baseball teats had severely beateR Keeper Laraatle The strikers were kept la their cell four days It I said that the bolt em of the contracts la the table offered the mea 25 cent each U a cer- tain amount of work was turned out This was not done it 1 said and when the men were refused the extra com pcnsatioa the trouble came Quirt en ttallewe- nirmlHRhaia March 10 CemfeeolBf on the gallows that be asardered Wil- liam D Hill prontaeat tithes ef Jef- ferson county for the eursoee ef bery Jim Walker Jr was baaced county jail yard Friday awrmlBg hU confession the negro ted tee for the first time of nun the gaskets of Mr 11111 after he was shot down ta cold blood sear Saaythe Mining eaaaf eleven aaoathn axe Walker de- clared that his father Jim Walker- Sr who given a life aeatesee for complicity la the trim was iaaoeeat and knew nothing of the atarder aatll he told him about Bowling Retard Broken Salt lAke City Itah Much At the tournament of tha Vcajra Bewl Ing i Ktppafer E of Denver bro all national t- tournarp at la t e tv Her HtubanL tragedies Mrs I Gale affectionately has and just Hope ales It con r A r to6 A a Call- ed and was she n was 4 bish- op F t she plea I actress t- In rap r r Confessed 1 rote la- the a- In was z and cors ream ra of 1 z g max put fir Te ¬ > < >

Transcript of f Published Twice a WeekMonday and...

Page 1: f Published Twice a WeekMonday and Thursdayufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01421/00802.pdfVOL XXV NO Published Twice a WeekMonday and Thursday GAINESVILLE FLORIDA MONDAY MARCH


Published Twice a WeekMonday and Thursday
















lABftrican Troops Lot FiftHEn iited men


Action Resulted In the extinction of aof Moro Outlaws Who Had

Stirred Up a Dangerous Condition

of Affaffira

Manila March Importantctlon between American forces and

Hostile Moms Las taken place nearJolt Fifteen enlisted men were killed a commissioned officer was wounded four enlist1 men were woundedand a naval contingent operating withthe military sustained S2 casualties

The MuroH lust Jon men killedMajor icneral Leonard Wood

Dander of the division of the IhllipPines reports ns follows from Joltcapital of the Zulu Islands

A were action between twerps adetachment and constabulary-

and hostile Mnros has taken place atlloun Da jo roar lolo TIlt engagewent oi encd during the afternoon ollarch tab rend tided In tin morningof March S The action Involved thecaptutt of Mont Dajo a lava conefeet ht lrr with a crater at sumsilt iiiil extremely steep The last4A wore at an angle of fiO de-grees and there were f 0 perpcndlcular ridges covered with a growth oftlirlx r and strongly fortified and defrrtlti by aa invincible force of Mo-

roThe army casualties were

cnlltsttd men killed a commissionedofficer nail four enlisted mensounded The naval caMwItlis num-

bered thirtytwoEnsign H I Cooke Jr of the V

fl S IampunKo commanding the Pampangs fort was severely wounded andCoxswain Oiltnore was severely In-

jured In the elbowThe conatubiilart casualties were

Captain John R White wounded Inthe thigh severely three enlisted menkilled and thlrteeen wounded CaptainTyne Rivers sustained a slight fleshwound In the thigh Lieutenant ordon wax slightly wounded in the rightband Lieutenant Vyllc T Conway-of the Sixth Infantry was slightlywounded In the left eye All thewounded are doing well

Joseph W Duncan of theIJKti Infantry directed the operationsAll te ikfender f the Moro strongbrim were killed Six hundred bodiesworn found on the field

The action results In the extinc-tion of a band of outlaws who recog-Blzlnj no chief had been raidingfrltnr Morns and owing to their deflnnn of the American authorities hadstirred up a dangerous condition of af-

fairThe artillery was lifted by block

tackle n distance of 300 feet In aposition on the lip of the crater

Brigadier Control fuss and myselfwere piecnt throughout tho action

Tim attacking columns aero com-

manded by Major Omar HundyK P Iixvton Captain Rivers

Captain L M Koehlcr Captain Me-

Glachlin and Lieutenant JohnsonThe ollicers and men rngagod high-

ly commend the Moro constabularywho did work their casual-

ties numbering seventeen out of tinforce of engaged-

It is impossible to conceive atronger natural position that that at-


Alabaman in Moro BattleBirmingham Ala March 10 IJcu

tenant Gordon Johnston Jr who Is re-

Ported to have been wounded in thefight with the Moros at Jolo Is a sonof General Rob rt D Johnston of liar

ttlngham recently npjwdnted commlsstoner of the federal land office atMontgomery lit Is also a nephew-

of former Governor Joseph Fof this state Relatives of Lieu-

tenant Johnston recently received aletter from him saying he was aboutto co away on an expedition as an aide0n General Woods star

Captain Rivera Tennesaeean-baahvllle March to Captain Tyree



ire t

fin tn


llflO I






r land



1 coin-st











l andr1

f arty



V r


< >




Rivers motioned In theIV K een onof the wounded In a light with theMoro In the Philippines is a nativeof Tennessee his home bring PulasHe a graduate of West PointMd a member of one of the mostprominent families of the state


Syndicate May Purchase 150000 AcreFrom Dodge

Dublin Ga March 10 A gentleIn position to know who has for

Several years connected with theland Interest of Norman W Dodge InLaurens Montgomery and Dodgecounties was in Dublin a few daysSo and stated that a large syndicate

of Englishmen was now negotiatingwith Mr Dodge for the purchsae ofbout lfo M acres of land In this sec-tion of Georgia

Tb syndicate represents Englishcotton mill men and while nothing def-inite Is known It Is not thought

that their purpose te to culti-vate all this large tract of land In

Their plan tray also be to etsab-llsh cotton mills near by

The Dodge Intern comprise someof the finest land for the raising ofcotton In the south Most of the tinINT ha been cut from It and It wouldtake only n short time to have It pro-ducing thousand of bales of cotton

Engineer Will Be ProbediharleMon S C March 10 Sena-

tor Till man has been asked by n num-ber of citizens to take come steps foran Investigation of the removal ofLieut until 1 G W Walker In charge-at the Charleston navy yard It beingthought that pollloal Influence of thecontracting company of the dry duckIs again hrhlnd the detachment of theoffice KnplnetT Walker asked forthe removal of n foreman of the workan I upon tine refusal of the departmentto do so he asked for the transfer andIt Is feared that the work of the yardmay suffer In consequence EngineerWalkers side of the contention hasnot been printed and the hearingwhich Senator Tlllman will ask forwill probably bring out the facts

to Wrecking TrainNew York March 10 Four young

men who were arrested near PaisiacN J charged with attempting towreck an Buffalo expresstrain on the Delaware tackawannaand Western railroad have confessedthat this was their sixth attempt attrain wrecking All of the attemptswere made In the vicinity of PassalcThey said the only reason for the actwas a desire to witness the excitement

hlch would attend a wreck


Youngstown 0 March 10 Threowent Into the saloon of William

Lewis In East Youngstown and pre-

sented revolvers at the wife of theproprietor who rushed In with a re-

volver They fled and a runningfollowed Justice W C llazellon

was In the neighborhood and took a

part in the chase Two men were

captured and give their names as Rich-

ard Fagan and Charles Connors

Recover Damages from SaloonlsL

Goshen Ind March lOClrcultcourt Judge lodge held that Mrs

Eliza Swartz could recover damages

from George I Smith a saloons and

his bondsmen for giving her J year

old so much liquor that he becameintoxicating Ml and was injured and

his earning capacity for support of his

mother Is cut off Smith treated the

kd to beer Tho mother wants 11000

Alleged Slayer Balled

Gainesville Ga March 10HenryOShlelds who was foun guilty of

the killing of his wife and sentenced

to the penitentiary for voluntary man-

slaughter has been released upon theof a bond of 41000 Motion

now trial overruled by Judge

Klnwcy Till case has been d

to the supreme court

Dry Goods Firm Falls

Marion O March 10The dry

firm of D B Goodseil Co

The ItoMBtle are 128000 with assets

dispatches as I

kl Is







goodshave filed a petition In bankruptcy

or O The creditor b-

DetNlt ftrm with c otCoot

A uclattd-I









for app ah


110aN 31at








Tampa State Fair AssociationRecognizes Merits of Goods


With a Capacity of ISO Tons DayOne of the Largest and Most Modernly Equipped in the South Em-

ploying a Largo ForeThe Standard Fertilizer Company of

city wha own and operates one ofthe largest faetorir of It kind in theSouth hat received three diplomafrom the Florida MidWinter SlateFair Affectation for in excellent dinplay at the State Fair held in Tampa-in November of year

One diploma was for the peneral dirplay of rfKctaM fertilizerii an-other for the best general display offruit and vine and another for the

general display at the Fair Thediplomat art hamUomely engravedand have pla d in neat framesand in the the mmpuny at 111 Eiwt Main street N wherethey may be seen

The Standard Fertilizer Comptin-ywa established in IM9 The firm ii

Lean Woods president-C I Baird and J FHunch tecrctary hud treasurer Theplant it a new and modern one of onehundred and fifty Un capacityday and i located in South Giineyule Every modern science and mtchine known to the manufacture ofhighRrnde fertilizers i employedand the plant i driven by an enormoot electric motor In all the cornpang it one of the mot inthv South and employs a large num-ber of hindi The products ofplant are used from one end of Florida-to the other and the best evidence thatthe goods are right it th fut that or

are from the tame eonomen year alter year

At the Alachua County Fair held inthis city in 1W2 the Standard Fertiliier Company was awarded a diplomafor the lull general display of fertilia


South Factory Now Extends to Coffin Extensions

There hat been a long sad continuedcry for the opening of certain streets-in the city which have bees elosed formany years This was not absolotplynecessary until within the rut fewmonths since the city hat been grow-

ing but for the pat few weeks therebaa been a demand that every thor-

oughfare be opened in order that ac-

cent may be secured to property whichhat been placed on the market

The street committee of the OilyCouncil determined to give the prop-

erty owners of the city thtt right towhich they are entitled have begunthe work of opening the streets Sev-

eral thoroughfares have been clearedprincipal among which is South Fac-

tory street to the factory of the Gaines-ville Planing and Coffin CompanySouth liainetville This thoroughfare-has been opened n a uniform widthfor the entire length and will proveof great benefit to those who have occaiion to ute the tame

It it understood that Middle streetEat will opened in a short timeThis will place upon the market someof the most desirable property in thecity which will no doubt be readilysold

According to a letter received by CH Van Hayek a prominent ornithol-ogist spending the winter in St Peters-burg from the game warden at PalmaSola the government has through theefforts of the National Andobon So-

ciety set apart Bird Key u ii govern-

ment reiervatiou to be known u Indian Bird Key Reservation

A knitting and thread maaufacto be established at

Lake BUr will OOB nave a baakthe teek all toieg takes bj kerne




beensuspended of

Composed of It



ftc Itd









viet preidenl

up4o date






















Democrat Thinks He I Right ManFor Right Place

Editor Son The next Legislature-will be one of the most important onesever assembled is Florida as therewill come before it for settlement A

greater number of great problemsaffectiag the future welfare and pro

of our State than have everpresented tbemsetve before any of itspredeeessors One at least of thesequestions will vitally touch AlachMeounty We will seed in that body a-

we have never needed before men whocan look after oar interests keen far-seeing vigilant energetic men menwho can think and plan and speakmen trained to meet emergencies toovercome difficulties to cope withtheir fellows menaccomplished politicians and nkilfuldebaters Feeling that these thingswere to realizing the neeeisity forhaving as out Representatives suchstrong progressive men I have forsome time been looking about for oneto fill the bill and IJfeel sure I havefrond him in tin person of lion Rob-ert E Davis of city Could he beinduced to act for u I feel ure ourinterest would be committed to faith-ful and Cftpihlr handf A strong ef-

fort will l made to repeal or cripplethe IliiRkman law In such an emer-gency Mr Dtvit brain and will wouldb a tower of strength Let us hearfrom you Mr Dim DKMOCKAT


Largest Sum on Record Has BeenSent to Comptroller Croom

Diring the month of February therecollected in Alachua county on

of tnxes sureof 115337 which it the largest onrecord since the county was estab-lished The money has been sent toComptroller A C Crown at Tnliana

seeClerk Wirnges through the handsof whom the money passes tate thatalready this moath he has collectedabout 700 and March premises tabe a If the presenttate of collections in this departmentcoatinaes

Mr Wlenges naturally feels verygood over ueers in this dinetloafor two reasons The first i that he iaglad to get the mosey and the aeeoadit because the collections tend to ia-

dicate that the property IB

better position financially and are redeeming their laud Some of the dellnquent payments extend a far beaka 18S8 ighteaaiyear


Misfortunes of a Fish Fry Party Mat-ter of Personal Interest

Lochloosa Mareh 10 J C Cochranreturned home Wednesday after be-

ing off to hunt a new locationThe lever ear and all the tools of

this section are under attachment andall the hands are having a big time

nowOurschool was out Monday Marsh

5 and teacher left for RochelleThursday

The fish fry glees at this planeWednesday was enjoyed by all prev-ent although the had a bad day Itwas raining and the people gathered atJ Rowell to eat the fish andwhile at the table the floor fell Itwas gives for the benefit of the schoolteacher

Morristoa i spendingawhile with his lister Mrs J E Cecil

Justice Coknana Court I-

la 0 isaaas court Saturdaymorning Carter ROM colored arreigned upon a charge of aggravatedBtttBlt Carter arrested by Dep-uty iraager and brought ta-

Gine Mii bat iaaaauMk a thecharge against him was not ef a very

nature he wa permitted toplead guilty and a fine of sador three months IB the gaag was M-

sesed paid finepromptly and wa released

The fair at Miaaii i a big iBaeesaand the dlf y ef frait and vegv-MMet I b very IB

We will


redemption the enormous


owners are



A T Gore of


Jus lee


N eat

defendant hit


ri d strong



reeord breaker




















Said To Have Been IimirMl By


After PiHnf Fatal Shvte WomanUp Over Phone Asked If Nor

SlsUr Was Dssrf Later She Surreiistored U the Peltee

Atlanta March 10 Oae of the meatsennntlonal that ever stirredtho city of Atlanta ocurred Fridaymorning when Willie Staadlfer25 years old went to the hone of D1 Durham and la a mad at of Jeal-ousy MtUl to have bees Inspired by aletter which her husband Ed Martoa-Staudlfvr IH said to have written toher xtMer Miss Chapel Wlscnant shother sister to death Miss Wlscaaatwho wax killed by her sister beingshot six times In rapid successionIS years old Had not her life baended In such a sudden mannerwould have on next Tuesday married

Hilton of Seneca 8 C to whomshe had been engaged for some timeMrs Stundlfcr went to police headquarters Imedlaaely after ahe learnedthat her tiMer was dead and gave herself up She accompanied byher husband who was the uawltttogcause of the tragedy He finally washlm eir dctnlned the pollcp oJScers decldliiK that It would bo best to holdhim until a thorough investigation ofthe caw could be made

Will Abandon StateSrartanhurg 8 C March 10 The

Misses Verne Sheridan and Maythe lady members of the Nothing

But Money theatrical conaaay wkefigured an leading witnesses for thestate la th trial and coavlcUaa elGeorge Manly at 8 C havereturned to their hone la New YerkThey were accompanied to the trateby a large party of Qaffaey treadswho said geodhy MissDlshop stated to actjualaUacee that

decided to abaadosi the etafedevote her life to Baralac MM

will at oaco eater a traialag MkeeJto prepare herself for the duties efher new profession The of illsSheridan are sot known but It kprobable that she wtU eaatknasj laircareer a an

Convicts Went en StringJackson Miss March 10 News ol

a serloua outbreak among the coavtctthe state prison here has be-

come known The affair started a astrike among the ISO convict employ-ed la the tablo shop and before theguardii locked them the sea Pitch-er Terry of tho prison baseball teatshad severely beateR Keeper LaraatleThe strikers were kept la their cellfour days It I said that the boltem of the contracts la the tableoffered the mea 25 cent each U a cer-tain amount of work was turned outThis was not done it 1 said and whenthe men were refused the extra compcnsatioa the trouble came

Quirt en ttallewe-nirmlHRhaia March 10 CemfeeolBf

on the gallows that be asardered Wil-liam D Hill prontaeat tithes ef Jef-ferson county for the eursoee efbery Jim Walker Jr was baaced

county jail yard Friday awrmlBghU confession the negro ted tee

for the first time of nun the gasketsof Mr 11111 after he was shot down tacold blood sear Saaythe Mining eaaafeleven aaoathn axe Walker de-

clared that his father Jim Walker-Sr who given a life aeatesee forcomplicity la the trim was iaaoeeatand knew nothing of the atarder aatllhe told him about

Bowling Retard BrokenSalt lAke City Itah Much At

the tournament of tha Vcajra BewlIng i Ktppafer E

of Denver bro all national t-

tournarp at la t e tv

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