F N TC T CIr , - Library of Congresschroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88064630/1867-12-12/… ·...

n s^xaIt..K'1~~ L~LBI2~~l~Y ~ . .'. 1.~ 5 I~3i~i .;Y.. {rV l j S Y lf ~ il }rV. Y~' _t `" . , 4: [in' Y. f ... k ' ' - i y 1 1 , "`ii , f , L .F 'i. ,/ k . i . ~ri- . 3LJ( X r + " ?r ` t .ty.c, . f dy'f F `ti'L , i 12 f .r +; ' i '' s t , ., . ""- * yty -n _ .i7. F : .u4 ! {'; "j ++.t r _ =it ! x.. S' + . ;h .--- 1.- _. ;s +. ~?iF f y:. F7 +` 'E . F s , r # ".e r ix 9 x "i. .Y3i ,, '<X t Lf r . ; . rs: E r:i i:H -: . ~ r~j'I~t~-In-~ off Z *-I "Si +" X if rs;"): 1. 2YY ./;J, BE 1 167 N TC T CIr , !i "7" lie- t tem,~ lines in 'i d all otbers ub1Iired for 6be ben&a gsd6 t-i f iif t a te al4y 1. ' .: - sf ! 's maintenance th rities 41 it ,W t igs m tar Sfthe lvt au thore siit-t Ie reaow. W I a -a i... r ." .. ,or ptech nt s are th andm wfllht to r .,t|r :• " urea tieinn -ilta.r po_ wetU e iOituion' hl leianly tiet i"at igstfa pbin Ii airifiipress o inducem&enws, tha Geead ra adnourmtes Smaintenance of the iie lae oif triea ntud thfittibn t lambe and . t u ahewful'it eritleoii e o Shoulher, b vort se oud be. .The by f are no' t ifinq d Xsintr y the i bvl litr -, o thob fltbeai corpusn th aijf'i e p re.s to1f 'ae byo of na ntural ~g its of per- tsnd e rnaights ofe property muow•.e ,bre oeed to .. . e. a.. .. q upr 4r ,ea " will "`'it e he m afb d tee .d iitiuton. Swtlm tey ar• eaen- -ti1 is thi v!e, tertl an. a'idinegs' ofs t y. pPlq ae, •p. Tiurful the strongest of ad offece commit:ted in this d betrict musto be referedt tnhe ceusrileration rnd judgment of tlie reular civl triba- nals,piud the nautib als willbt supper- Shouland there be violations oo existing preawe which are n. t inqinired int y the tivil magistrates, or should failures in tne atmiusitutotion of justice by the oti•lute coph iaiutd oe theap aes willof ,e.re opled to iee'ea d thatersr, wheng •lue•i. yders ~ pec ade asni my bes wh.tle tincs committed thu indh Districts must. be trefpect r the colirties oflthe -aeopte, he wa hes all to understand that ar .d insurrectiof ts or forcivble tri- naf•~•, th i t will be instantly'be sup.r- thould there be violations ot existing resed bwhic arem s.t ir int by the fivl lodgistraugs, or sthould fatlures in The r.avmiEislftion of h tice fy ithe sdour shia coh jthe ec of, tione' 'cses will most .ikamte nt of theeidtal papers, then lhiae rtdieria Evening Expressa, editori- a:ly irse the u ead ers tnshat "retures afrose. Lousid rwa tct the liertipeope oft ethat S4itc, Zt a iarp ta majoit, nare rotedw to hold. a Gonsthtutioatl tOontention." eThis is sily all to und. Tine ptopthat arofm the ttrectiof oisiana, a a ge neral- eleigoln. Aof exatmpue that. has been etfollo thed tnr hout ti be iSouth.tl san prTies provions of ine Military Bill nler which ohureleeionws were hneri, iDrel>" provides hat a majority of tIn nmostil l or otcrs regitf rl papermust bce Prlacld to secure a convExpress, i di thi aly tiheurie: er of negrs thatoes regetered about. douaed that of thle whites, plt veawit h thie, s a lar njoge, ity e rotewly o .sil d. a Cit. Our ntionll rn frieniods." Tahi rlys impl the facts tliit these coen- vfollntions abo.t t to aenbie Sin th li ire rovirions of trresntatini ot the ne-ill direct aitagonisn to tions nterests and les to help ourselves, we aro e necessarily dorced to rsiguedly submit to what cacn oily bte rear dcd •f gigantic wrisred about aoubleN tNtY of the rhiteV, Th his gTlsh this arovantaei-o it natrobwlg Paris elyp reveal a n ew style of thecftn by wtion Jewelrut t i a ess timised. The pro e or of the inrgentious device tie- sets himselt io tIhe iop ula detaler in dictamonds angonim to tprl, ind tersks to set some small unset uones. ele is well pronpper of our hpe a•l. Brinag dofwsr- hiess to l prove, le isarobliged to bessrilyg his eye o sinear to tiue ms that he can pick theu upwith the tip of his tonigue, ond ie keeps them i his mntouth until out of the shop. If he fears deteti Ptreasurwhen reve a tnhe sl name of t swallow-iteraw" given ito this cass ofhe professor of thre it lou u don e ppice pre- artists bimsy tin thieves fof raternity. Oine diamonds c ad prls, aindl onks to sene of them wahc aught recently. The di-a o nd njerchant, put upon lis guard by soa etim, ald he had no small stones, hut would have a large scpply the next dOamrdr wereh td out uepon paper hre- dviously npregnatd with an extreamely Tih stones arelid befoe hin, scoriad o litter drag, which, when the thief gavel onhis lick, acted so violently on his sense of tasfte that ho the a oin to reject wnat he had just takem. The policeman ap- pearel, and the res"swallow-it-raw" was s taken in the aect. ner FoR LoVERts ONr.•'-e'.Why is a kiss like ..scandal. Beicause It goes from SChloroform wasdiasco'-eedtl adout thui- ]ty sears ago .ani hihn~ot at the same ally brought along bagsI g n bakets to [put it in. :Tcup n of V areauns aptea : select seemnittepce 4 150 geatteamen. -'the names of whom we o pit.t .•- ino! isile the Prelident "4 iCoe grees relative topthoe'iresenti eoiodtioi oft the state, wlai i;tW"e4y 4i4 ollowir: The undereigte• eithies of the State orLoaiuislan, respectffallo repesent that, the potticual developmeeto of the. past !•w months have demonutraited the fa+t tbt't the ieconstratiou Acts of Congress itll, if persisted in, produce a ioutliet 't ranees, whiea must renlt in the'deso- lation of thae ountryi and the serious, if ltot Irreparable, injury of both races: in thae Sathern .States. That through the stringent interpre- tilo of the disfranchilsingelause of the netion Acts, so large a number ohe hite citizens have been excluded from :registration that the white voters are redaced to nearly. oeb-half, the ranm- ber of colored, though the census exhib- its an excess of white population, That vast frauds and irrgularitie have been committed in the reg stratiod, whioehare sufficiently indicated by the registration of one voter for every three of the negro race.-against one for every ten of the white population. That in consequence of these frauds and irregu- larities in the administration of the Re- construction Acts, the. white population are powerloss-subject to the domiuation of the negro race, which, through the influence of indiscreet persons, has been incited to bitter hostility and jealousy towards the white citizens of the State, whose interests require them to munm- tain relations of kindness and good will to all elasses and conditions of persons residing in their midst. That sountd, policy, no less than hu- inanity, demands the exercise of the kindest feelings and the most liberal disposition of the white to the colored people; and, that nothing is further from the purpose or desire of our people than the adoption of laws or measures to op- press the freedmen, or to deprive them of the benefit of just and equal laws for the protection of their persons, their property, and their liberty. That so far from displaying any con- tumaacy or falctious opposition to the recoustruction acts of Congress, the white citizensof this State have gener- ally endeavored to register, but have been refused, as your memorlalists be- lieve, in much greater numbers than was contemplated by Congress. That the negroes in this State are or- ganized into secret bands termed loyli Leagues sworn and combined against] the white citizens of the State in order to obtain control of the govcernlmenlt; That this credulous race has beenl de- luded by degigning men into the be'ief thalt the property of the white citizens will be divided Amongast them; That under thesell de:nloralizing influ- (cices, they are daity refusing to fulfill their contracts or to labor lor tihe sup- port of themselves and their families; That in conseqlaence of this demlloriali- zntion, planting in this State has result- ed in the ruinous ftilure of a large miajor- ity of our pl;anter, andtl, of course, in the necessity of its abandonment; That before the close of the piresent year the negroes, with but few excel)- tions, will have colasutned or wasted all their wages, or share of the crops, !ilndl be destitute of tihe mloans of subsistence; that thlie white race will be c)mpelled to liimit their planting in:ainly to their own families, and the lnelrn.es will not have the meanls, if they had the capacity., to plant on their own account. Under these circunanstalees, famine, willh all jit ata•tlndanmt horrors, must soon come upion this iinprovicldent race. In view of these impending calamities, the undersigned would earnestly suppeitll to the Presient and Congress to give prompt attentioni to this vitally inpilor- tnat nmatter, and provide inmntediintcly such remledy as in their wisdulhlm can be devised to arrest the ruin which, unlless arrested, imusit speedily come upon uis. Immigrants bring into this country an averlage of t we hundred dollars in gohl. This gives us an ann iaul total of sixty mnillions in gold from thils soullrce. The sales of 11. B. Clathin & Co., tiew York, for the yoar 184ifi, reached the enllOrmlus stint of sleveint.-tli'rIe umiliions ot dlollirs, being time largest ibusinuess oft any strictly wholesale house int the world. There are patient spirits, suggests Dr. Holmeacs, that hiave waited lioln eternity ianld niever founld lplarents lit to be born of. The Augnst.i, Georgia, Clhrolticle begs thecottoll plantetrs of the Stare to give at least one-fourth of their best lands this year to wheat, assuring them that thle latter will prove thie more profitable crop. The majority against fetnale srnirafcfra in Kainsas is 845,, out of a total vote o" 18,511. The nmajority ugailtst Inegro tsuffrage is 7368. Thle majority for the disRranchiaeneint of disloyal piersons is 651. The Legislature is largely Itepub- lican. The Charlotte, N. C. papers sa3 the people in that neighborhood have dis- countinued the nse of smoke-houses, as neither bricks, locks nor strong bolts could keep the black confiscationists from their bacon. Nothing was so much dreaded in our sbeolol-boy days as to be punished by beingmade sit between twogirls. All, Sthe force of education I In after years Swe learn to submit to such things with- out aBeddnag a tar. Eitunied Ge. Mwwew, On the 3rd.it,.; Gem. U mcook tammed tbefeollowin order: iieut. Col. W.ar. H Wood, lst U. 8. Infantry, will, without. maseesary ale- lar, relieve, temzporarily, Brevet Aat. Gea. Joseph A. Mower, Colonel 39th . I 8. Infantry, from duty ase omsmander of a the District of Louisiana, emabraxcing 1 the State of Louisiana and the poste of Marshall and Jefferson, Texas, asd Shilp Island, Mass. Lient. Gol Wood wall also relieve Gen. a 'Mower, 1emporarily, foom duty as Colt- I missioner of the Bureau of Iefugees, I Freedmen and Abandoned Lands for I the Startoof Loulaiana. 1 Uptou being relieved from duty, as a above required, Brevet Maj. Gen. Jos A. a Mower will proceed to join the headquar- ters of his. regimeont, which will be es- I tatblished at Greenville, La. KIssMa BY IBULE.-A youhg lady i writer, , whom practice has doubtless 1 made perfect, lays down the following rule for kissing, which we are willing to I adopt-on a fair opportunity-merely to test the efficacy of her sweet rule: Therec is as much difference in kisses f as in individuals, and I am sure I woerd a not like to be kissed by every one. No, indeed; for some would give such an a overwhelming smack it would almost I aeafeu me. Now kissing can be reduced to rules, one or two of which I will give. The head should always be turneds slight- t ly to the right, as such motions give. grace, and prevent the concussioni cG the olfactory organs. The lips aihouldt then be pressed closely and sweetly together as you. sip the nectar of the long kiss, but no smack should be hiearsd. I speakl particularly ion this subject, because I 1 consider kissing a part of our nature, and because few people appear to nunder- 1 standtl the value of a kiss, and the usaIa- ncr in which said salutation with the 1 lips should be rendered. CUnrIOSITY OF PI'rTOGtocAl y.-Pllo-. togralphers have taken 'the sun himself,' when in eclipse; they have caught an t mnpression of a shell whizzing through 1 the air, discharged from the mouth of a 32-inch mnortatr; they have caught the I wave as it broke on the shore; the sun depicting even the drops falling from its toppling crest; snore, they have not tail- ild in getting a "good impression" of the t head of a, criminal executed by the guil- , lotinll, catching the head in mid-air as it fell into the basket below. Photograph- ic Iook-marks and visiting cards are t sol Iby thousandls, while the photlogra- t plaic shirt studs sand waist-coat buttoiss, n orunnsentted with mnicroscopic miuiia- tIres, are (mow being daily prodhuced in countless numnbers at the Il tton alman-x- factories inll l'rllssi; portraits of a pop- tlpen'la.asou, (oarihaldi t•rinstance, h eing ordered by the hunldrted thousaand iat, a 1 tiuie. Oil the authority of a ear eaful English writer, all this photogralhing requires the i se of no less than twenty t tons of silver per annmiass. NEW YORK CITY EC'LECTION.-Thse whole vote pdlled at the electisix in New York city on the 3rd l)ecenlaher, was 1014,132, a rediction of :about 8000 lroulm theI vote alt the election I:rsl; Isamotlh, and 31,00) less than the registered voters of the city. All of the Aldlermen elected arl D)Ienl- ocrats, and:ll l hibut three were, the T''.lll- ismmay noininees. The cosucil-ena elke- tedil wire all Tlm'mnap sl, aen. Of'seven scllool carllinsissionslers three are tepul)llliCani. '1. 11. L:ane (Taallllllanslv) was elected civil justice by a large ama- The election w:ast one of lthe quietlest ever held in the city; haut fiw arrest.s for illegal vaoting were made. Ms.etilngs were helm) at variaius political heahlg nal - tars sand speeches were mia:dtle by Isaiah ltynders. )n. JiiINsscaN LO)V5I) TIrE NuvsPA- PI+:R.--Ir. Johnson ;u aed to appreciate nleWsllapers. lie onllce wrote: "I nle\'Vle deri\e more benetit, or see more pleasure for the time, than readingt a ni,,wslc:aper which hais lattely issalste fro•on thie iress..; I do really believe tlhat noting adds so munch glory to my country sas newspa- I le's. Liberty is stamp)ed leagilyl,- 11 eon its pages. and even th, IsailI is mark-d with ireedomis. Do "oa1 wanist to hailow hlow your country thr-ives ? I moist you to the press. Tlsieri yui sala:l lind lt piecea under the head of h,-isl-.ti\ye. Are you fnsd of misc cellany? look lihele I WIshat hook essn isfil•m.•h studh gos.dl sass- coilsnts of misa rdler, rw hlrsy, ns,.tidtxl tsa, xImaarsi;sgcS, sncs.-li ta. s, assi(x saa:xsay other such tising's ! itiader all thiem, (-,nisialer- ationss, who is the's i " h is sltI 1"is lad of ilet•elo:n that wiil not :sitteali to ;ass oI)bject so worthly Isis regardl." P.SNKRUrT(v..-It will bie seen bi- re- fereince to thie Intexrnal ]teveanue Iecord that tlhc period is 1passisag rlapidliv away withina which insol\va-st debtors of p:Ist years may sam uil themsslsei's ot the Na- tional llankaru)pi Law, with sta.is sslavsaxa- tages as they IIo\w possess. After the: 2d of Marclh, 1Si.t, no debitor wi!l ble able to outain a dischlrsge in blankrtplatey n!•ess Ishis assets shall pay' lilty per cent. of his inldeltednases, ,r by assent in writing of a mn;iority in snrn- bcr and value of his c-reditor.s. This tact is not gener-ally known, andl anay one desiring to olbtain the beneit ,i" the act has no0 time to loss'. Not qnite thlree months remain and a diseharge cannot in asay case be obtained in less thian three monthls, and where there is opposition more time is required. In Madison, Florida, a boy of fonrteeu was joined in wedlock, recently, to a mrfty old widow with Aive children. . si. s Aute'iriA J. Evila =-.Who thatm has read Beulahor, BtL Etiae, -has uot a deeire to see ou nor InorPWtt pt isig of the personal .appearanaoe. of te" fasir ou- teores• of those almost flbiltless literary proeaduieratl We haive" often wonder- ed. and asked ourselve'whlat' smaUaer of lady slle .uuldIbe who had poatributeld such a•lsdalnt feasts to, the rowmance- lovjng world, and electriaedt the- entire comtiieunt with her eloqueneee and !attos---iad In our imagination bad, ofcourse, painted her as we thought shue haboid appear; but we were wide of the mark. The following pen-portrait, by a correspondent of the New Orleaos Picayune, sketiihed from observations of her dAring a ride in the ears. will be read with, iteresot by her many admirers and friends : "1She was habited plainly-but neatly, in a blue mruslini dress, which fitted her aduii'ithly and which I was told was cut out and made by hmerself. A fash- ionable hat, triummed with blue, suited the dress. Two veils, one black and the other blue, entirely concealed her fet- tures, which vexed we. because I was curious to ascertain whether the features they hid .ecrrespou•led with the faultless form of tl:oe lady. She was of medium size, small w.aisted, with a well develop. ed bust, a neck very fair and a perfect model for a sculptor. ITer feet nud iands were those of a. Southern lady. very small and tidy. She looked as if slhe would weigh about 115 pounds, anill to the eyes of an artist resembled Power's 'Greek Slave more thttu the Veitnus de Medicis, or the Venus of Canova. Afterwarils I 'had the pleas- are of seeing lher face to facee, aid was surprised to find her a blonde, with light hellsnut hair, soft exlremseive, but bril- lilnt hazel eyes, Grecian featuires, with a nose slightly aquiline, fiorehead a little higher and broader thall Pl'syches', eher- ry red lips, well curved with Cutpid's lhows, iand slightly llptiurlned at the c,.r- lers, iudicating a smothered pro pensity for lfun. 11er cheekli were ineantifally tinted with the uitaiden blhitsl of he:alth and innocence, I was told that she is thirty years old; but how younig site looked I I decideald that her age could not, be Inore thau 21. I was anmused at her blue dress, but there was niothinig of the "blue stocking" about her. Lhe were the blue veil to relieve a. temporary iutl:inmmation of the eye lids, caused by too much rcadmig and writing at aight, or other imlprludence. I was told by an icquaintance that the itfectiou as no; ionstitutionlal or habituial. I have said that her hands are small a(nd tidy, but they are not dimpled. There ne.ver was a paitnter, poet. mlimsicnau, or any itige- nious, indnstrious, or lusell womani with iilldIhiet lands. Ilers are beautiful, but madtle to work as well as to soothe, to knit anld sew, to touch the cherds of musice, aiml to wield the p-In of genins. Iler voice is eClear, solf t, anid iielolioans, aiind its tones sink into the hearl't ; atid wl.hen I hea:rd it soothing anid chieeriiog tle, I felt nlisell strengthened for mn" work. ALT.1A 3AMA.--l)ispl;tches firom Mlont- gomnery of the 41hln Decemlber, say.s: Alm'anmiing excesse.s have recen.Ltly been commiittehd Iy blicnks inll lillock eounity, in I he neiglnl'mothood of Perote. The colored loyal Leagtuers organiized and resisted pltee.+ses, issuaod b• the civil authuortie is, unitder instructiom s f.om 'ol- oedtl emi.ss:ariecs. They hIlnt'e lformnid a demtli of I -s to governm thI negro )oili- ;ltioll, anditl e(liu' t :t cintt t, ofllielerel d :i:td org.iatized, arrem.ting by ighllt all blacks whio opllpose their iunl:wlul a uro:eellime, and ilzave ,arrieid IUmislimeit Sui 1na1r t aii t lair \ ia:timns aliplied to t he civil :lllluthor- ities for plrotectionll. The hlirck sherli i i' aind his demputy were finally arrestltd, buat the otiher inisurret lionary lead I_ t.- oi- g:.'tized uegroies a•t t matde amried resiN- tanlte. Aid f'rom other" learguars wa 'l'ih' Iliack,•s flocked to Tinionl Sprin s, thlreate-ninlg a gtiuei'nal ri.in, :m itd " t'i'r- litialatimll of tie whiitm.s, atild taking lip- s'ssiiti of thle comintr . The bl:mtai 1ll. erms wo'•n t to the plantations and b•re d- laborers to join t.hall for veni•.It e- showin~ l retentuded o'dehaims looimi Gml-it mli vi.Iayne-tihat thy hail a riaght to iailn all resistinig ltheir authority. l;A tini thin- ex'iiltiamin-nt liht nle ro church ait I'- rat t- w:i ni , ie hy l nkiv it mlilm• :l I:n i•-, allegied by the bliek hlmen;maems, lt i:dl:1 tIme negroes. 'T'me whites uni'11 ,et al y regret it. The white' citizen.s ormganize(d " pr- teetion and mGeil. SwVaylie was :i ll4•,i liii to, wlHi sellt a, detalhriellemt oi trool, promptly to tie sRcellmct af troilllle leto ric- store aimdtcr. m Filtelen bIl:iick it;r atreic t iot- "st IihaVe lit-a-tn at te.-teald mnni I la•igd•g in intl. 'l"im-y will hi' ttied by the civil maim. thimrites. At last :Iaccouts ordur \was r.eAitordtl anid all was quiet. A Geraman forest keeper, eighty-two years. ohl, niot wishing to carry to llie' gr.lve witih hiim an inltmortanl s;ccr-et, has ilbilmlihtited in t1ie Leipsic .Jamn 1 urll: re- .inilpt hIe iihas used for fifty yeaRs, ;l lll wvlhicmh, lie says, has sa iva-m s'eve'ral mmmii nildl a gret a itiiinmimer of a:ii lllmls fromil a inmirible dcleath l-y bhydiroplhohi. TIhe hite imuist be bathed as h noint as paio.ihhe wil withc rmim i-,- l-" aind hwater,miand -inllti his his dl ried, l few ilrolls of nlmuri:itic tnidl !poiiedl uitoii thie wound will destroy time poi on•t of the saliva, iania relieve the ipatient framti all prcsctit atitl futnre pain. Ill New York Iotmnan was elected mayor of the city by a majorityof 22,00(1 over ltlh Wood and 1)arling.- ,'ood had 22,000 votes f ntl Iind rling 18,000. The smallest watch at the Paris EX- position was so diminative that it was set it a g•ld peneil ea. -- It iaase'wg e#. ail purboit•••z i not"as yet ro1w for thelet. iR climnate admits, w ui: wear sandals covering oy tie' 8 the foot. .%, rFe, . 9I~ . t1 whole of he toot apo a leg, in a material althi•t air anrd moisture, and -geher1 ~- -!; fortably hard and rigid. Thecolor An jo,1ish of our boots atre dirt1ip ly A•l ted to attriCt -the 6a:utnrayKi a ,!r enamel or patent ,lea .Ildtt tug on. ordinary celf-i te t and solidify th6e , ub'stnce, oe^` pores, and mukiing 1 Xli'utight r 4', portion of the itdy which aezpt4u gprg t,; leerslapittisn thman anyzoher a - , jectedl to greaterstrpnt., Our boots inin ni~ r: i ltbil et , in a warin 'bath;- ttid tr hwinthlQhtf e:, them in an icySnvolope;' It is: 4•• p4Ui' if wet feet are, in themnaelvas, very eon- !deiuro to ilishi , % "liedl~ac i•nlent tt;,J oontrary notwithtsandtag; -bn r-.ampf s confleaoment of the feet ian 7 t. "y i-old. envelope, generated by perspi•'•tiDn chilled by the exteriat'aitiioslhti •t shutting the iimprisoned feet a•most air- tight, is as unihealthy ad it:is icomfor-., For hot weather thorn is' hardly any shoe so agreeable as that 1tUtroawe•,c within the past thiee pr .. fo as, kuown as the army siroe, and e.save- ly used by base-ball pia ye.rs. 'rt is of heavy canvass and unlbljike4d leather. It is cool amlid remarkably eaty to the fieet. The texture of the canvnse allow, the escaieef lf tlih Irlliiatien. aud: th1 color of the shoe does not attract ,thi heat of the sunt. It would seem that. theplan of cover- lug ot her portions of bur bedleh" with material pervious to air emight advarn- tageously be extonded to our feet... There is no I:latural reason why our feet sh•oultl so mucih less sensitjye than out hantls. They hetoutie iujluriated and de- prived of their natural activity by ,long, close coutintaent. The people of warm clianates, who use their tbes as we do our fingers, :lau the bare footed rslhool boy, who aic'ks •Ip and throwrs pebbles with his feet, show that the foot of .the civilized adult in our clima4te is a much abused utenlther. A mIore flexible and pirotoit material ' for ouri hIots ad shoes ( night.i satev us fiont many of those terribleatinoyanoes, which, in the form of corns and bunions, make tour Ipilgr.mlage one of, pa n.-Sco. Aintricint. What is the ditfference between; a. child that full trlrot tl telo laudip,..to the bhotoan one and a traveler Vistitng Niaa;ara T One falls down the stirs' and the other stares down the. thi•sl NA1 ror.i-ON's N -I.F:Ix.1 GUN.-The em- ipror, antihQr and arehitect hits again :appieiiarel' its aqn inventor. In his otttli - sible desire to prelpare his nationtl-fo the. ml:altt'niiwn ' I at vigorous peace, ho bn•: cotltri'ived ai new gunll, concerning, which. nIothing is real:y known, but reportaf-. fitlns ise he ltot terrible wetaponl yet it-' vented, a single dismharg4 heilnr expect- ed to destroy it battalion. The tvork- mltul who are eg.gdll;ri in mantnifetti•ring I his arm are Isevetr :Illotwedi tO leave the It're'i•iw, letin lockel ulip day lnid night t he Eltleror him•tself keeping the key. In the trii!s, the cannon, carriages nitd aultnit tion are Illhl~ ht in leather iuhines, andt thle liring takes place hbind a slc.etln of` o:11rls. It is known that at' a2l)tit tiet the balls pierce an ieon plalto .,ight-tet llhs of an incl thick. Each .llnno;t fir ei t wenty shotS in at minntO*, and I1 woe nit- sufllfe for the transT1prta- Iinu of tho field-jliere, with its earriage, ailtl unltit ionn, &c. •lays a French notice of a late trial: "A clump of trees, 500 ti;'et 'listlunt, was mowed down ill a few mi llutes, like :i grain field by. a steam mlower. It Wa•n positively frightful. The iitihs.-l whoi is nacCserl of Ilra':skin: a yo'itil' manlt's heal'rt, has t•eit i,,,ihod \er'l in the bolnds of matri-uny to keelC the lii:eces. Ta 3 r L: A ,NT. A : o0' LATI.--A t'+' all thie Lain Ihmrases ill the statlutt so Iihit, t he c(l1111lojifl people could finder- :1all th,':n. The exq]!site folly otf•i tii a m-.ue:8lii' "v'-. by no ;.ufltis obhviotts to the great. b.lv of the Assectnbl)y. A -,l :,l aid : rgmn , nt against it woult prebal•y have ca n ri ed it through. h.h l:•,ti: (');ntpdiket toik the gronnd tbl-t- it wS 8'i : vi-ianat : - to intre thie phaple unili'rt:mdl theilt lawI. 'iThey .were not :ltairl of anyuthingi which thlte uder- s-,ood. It was ti:c.hse Latin words th:t they w-re a'.:h21, of. "Nr. Speaker, thiere~ wa a "a:'n: a iln South Ki ngston :ulout ltwenty . : -r.; ngo, a farl'eet ui- 5s2IIneaIutl tobot:. ktmw how to get r•i of him. One day he was hoeing cbrt :2ld lI cs:tw the sherilT comilng with a p:iiWr, and hIe asked wlut it, was. . 2ow i" hle had told him it was a writ, What would he hav\e earcd ? I Bt hie t~id'ht it. w':s t ci.-ii:i ad sR:ths. fatriendota;,dgd the m:t'11 dropped hit- hoe and- ran,. -tdt has not been iheard of snwe. u j utas tihe proposition to trandiatt the 1t4iu wotldds in the stalntee. .- - Mrs. Howell, diedl at Mi~tit&ii•bfThe 26th Novzoluer. She mai rted AWtdlP of G eu. Howell, of'"ei~" eti f r61ellel- tionary fatme,t who ,a' 1P~l S[ iresident Jefla n bsw i• t •. . ,,,,' Art.t" l A` a. WasW inu,, s.. C.'Ca jIPbiy2 .t T0eAPLIN 6' ii0Ni t A-.; A P''" "Wff S' A.~ 1'AL AA.j ? y! T?$OR(XYA1 , d 1 r,!. Na.;,; Ntcira~ch s~ ".s ,.~iiJACK & PIERSON I 4? A77OIRNVYS 4COUNSELVOaI 4T L4*, Ofce on St. Deuis strest--. .1taiohicona; a . M. D. TUCKER, ATTORNEY. AT j I , 0 ffic ont. iUanis street - .Ait.s IA. s. ][. IW1YXU, P. A. 303536., HV.k'Y~IS ;&1WOiR~~i~8NI AT7ORNEYS.I COUNSELORLS AT LAW, Ofice oi lt. Denle street- A.' LEMEE,:> ATTORNEY Al LAW4, lBe on St. Dennis street- lKatchttolee. 1*~:.. C. F..Dd I SATTORNkY .ATZA' ;JAi" , Otr d on St. Denis street-- *. A. U. PUfl KsD, W. VY L4iYt. LEVY & PI7WRSON, A rfr o z N S r AT A W,; Natchit~ochc , La, It W. TURNEfl , A ttorney at Iaw, Bellevue, La., All business entrusted to Win will receive prompt and e uerzctic attez.tion. A. TV. R~OY SDOY,., Atto.ruey at Law, Ske' epoit, Let. W. l..,GULLETT. W'\r. CRT•Os. aw/Lt1,, , CARLOSS & Co., COTTON FACTOR S Commission Merchauts, No. 33 Natcicz streot, d5 1mrn New Orltans, La. g..Liberal advanceu nmade on Cousignments. WINSTON MORRhISON & Co. COTTON FAC'TORl -AND- COM MISSION ME rCIi.~TS, dLy No.46 Union street, N. O. D. DeJllA PEI, with LEE CORANDALL & 4o., COTTON FACTORS -and- Comnmissiton Merchants, 198 Grnvier street. New Orleant Mco ombi.e dI h r ida d6as y 61 Broad Street, N;ew York J.M. '1rooks Ilngh MacDonaldl. L. H. Legay BROOKS MACDONA.rD & C, COTTON FACTORS, -and- Comntission Mierl'au ts, d5 9nm 59 Carondeletstreet, N, O. 0o0 . S. RNatLL. 4O. M. PRArTrIn. S'PENTELL &. PRAT1IER OOTTON FACTOl S - and- Commission M•erchant,'i No. 13 Carondelet Mreot, N O. . 8.Au'tL. BAnRRIr. usae LS.Sasiuau BARRETT & LISA8S8ER." COTTON FACTORS... AND General Comanlaulok Merelatmt. No. 118 Carondelet street, New Orleans. Thee. M. Scott, Joo. T. Sibley. 8. D. Oliver. S. 8. Heard. THOS. M. 9sOTT A. 'o., COTTON FACTORS, -and Geaeral Ooammission Merchants, .=24 Ctll.deldt street, New Orlent WILLIAMS, NIXON & CO., COTTON FACTO S. No. 48 Union street, ew Orleans. IR L. CAPE•RS, of Claiborne pnrish, Agent fo LmteWlasa north of Red River. T. KINLOCO FA•tT-LE-tROY, with . . m t •Yt'Y dA Co, Wholale e.Gro•crs ined COMMISSION A M IERCAnXTS, S . 4• Canal and 61 Colnmmon staveta, N 0. Are~7 to.make cash advance. on Cotton, gua, s #ri produce consigned to thew, .and dti te ptege of their friends and the publip. S T'fLEDIANQI Cf omaslun Mer~besat, •o. 10 Unmon street, New Orleans, La. giUibebd& advanceneIts on aonaii entts.* Oit. L. Perot, late of NatcLahochs perisbh will be foun there, and 1 be happy to wee his e d Mriends.

Transcript of F N TC T CIr , - Library of Congresschroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88064630/1867-12-12/… ·...

Page 1: F N TC T CIr , - Library of Congresschroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88064630/1867-12-12/… ·  · 2010-10-15sdour The shia r.avmiEislftion coh jthe ec of of, h tione' tice 'cses

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lines in 'i d all otbers ub1Iired for 6beben&a gsd6 t-i f iif t a teal4y 1. ' .: - sf ! 's

maintenance th rities41 it ,W t igs m tar

Sfthe lvt au thoresiit-t Ie reaow. W I a

-a i... r ." .. ,or

ptech nt s are th andm wfllht tor .,t|r :•"urea tieinn -ilta.r po_ wetU

e iOituion' hl leianly tiet i"atigstfa pbin Ii airifiipress o

inducem&enws, tha Geead ra adnourmtesSmaintenance of the iie lae oif trieantud thfittibn t lambe and. t u ahewful'it eritleoii e o

Shoulher, b vort se oud be. .Theby f are no' t ifinq d Xsintr y thei bvl litr -, o thob fltbeai corpusnth aijf'i e p re.s to1f 'ae byo ofna ntural ~g its of per-

tsnd e rnaights ofe property muow•.e,bre oeed to .. . e. a.. ..q upr 4r ,ea " will "`'it e he m afb

d tee .d iitiuton. Swtlm tey ar• eaen--ti1 is thi v!e, tertl an. a'idinegs' ofst y. pPlq ae, •p. Tiurful the strongest ofad offece commit:ted in this d betrict

musto be referedt tnhe ceusrilerationrnd judgment of tlie reular civl triba-nals,piud the nautib als willbt supper-Shouland there be violations oo existing

preawe which are n. t inqinired int y thetivil magistrates, or should failures intne atmiusitutotion of justice by the

oti•lute coph iaiutd oe theap aes willof,e.re opled to iee'ea d thatersr, wheng

•lue•i. yders ~ pec ade asni my beswh.tle tincs committed thu indh Districts

must. be trefpect r the colirties oflthe

-aeopte, he wa hes all to understand thatar .d insurrectiof ts or forcivble tri-naf•~•, th i t will be instantly'be sup.r-thould there be violations ot existing

resed bwhic arem s.t ir int by thefivl lodgistraugs, or sthould fatlures in

The r.avmiEislftion of h tice fy ithesdour shia coh jthe ec of, tione' 'cses will

most .ikamte nt of theeidtal papers, thenlhiae rtdieria Evening Expressa, editori-a:ly irse the u ead ers tnshat "retures

afrose. Lousid rwa tct the liertipeope oftethat S4itc, Zt a iarp ta majoit, nare rotedw

to hold. a Gonsthtutioatl tOontention."eThis is sily all to und. Tine ptopthatarofm the ttrectiof oisiana, a a ge neral-

eleigoln. Aof exatmpue that. has beenetfollo thed tnr hout ti be iSouth.tl sanprTies provions of ine Military Bill

nler which ohureleeionws were hneri,iDrel>" provides hat a majority of tInnmostil l or otcrs regitf rl papermust bcePrlacld to secure a convExpress, i di thi

aly tiheurie: er of negrs thatoes regeteredabout. douaed that of thle whites, plt

veawit h thie, s a lar njoge, ity e rotewlyo .sil d. a Cit. Our ntionll rn frieniods."

Tahi rlys impl the facts tliit these coen-vfollntions abo.t t to aenbie Sin th liire rovirions of trresntatini ot the ne-ill

direct aitagonisn to tions nterests and

les to help ourselves, we aro e necessarily

dorced to rsiguedly submit to what cacnoily bte rear dcd •f gigantic wrisred

about aoubleN tNtY of the • rhiteV, Thhis gTlsh this arovantaei-o it natrobwlgParis elyp reveal a n ew style of thecftnby wtion Jewelrut t i a ess timised. Thepro e or of the inrgentious device tie-sets himselt io tIhe iop ula detaler indictamonds angonim to tprl, ind tersks to set

some small unset uones. ele is well

pronpper of our hpe a•l. Brinag dofwsr-hiess to l prove, le isarobliged to bessrilyg

his eye o sinear to tiue ms that he can

pick theu upwith the tip of his tonigue,ond ie keeps them i his mntouth untilout of the shop. If he fears deteti

Ptreasurwhen reve a tnhe sl name of tswallow-iteraw" given ito this cass ofheprofessor of thre it lou u don e ppice pre-artists bimsy tin thieves fof raternity. Oinediamonds c ad prls, aindl onks to sene

of them wahc aught recently. The di-ao nd njerchant, put upon lis guard bysoa etim, ald he had no small stones,

hut would have a large scpply the next

dOamrdr wereh td out uepon paper hre-dviously npregnatd with an extreamelyTih stones arelid befoe hin, scoriad o

litter drag, which, when the thief gavelonhis lick, acted so violently on his senseof tasfte that ho the a oin to reject wnathe had just takem. The policeman ap-pearel, and the res"swallow-it-raw" was staken in the aect. ner

FoR LoVERts ONr.•'-e'.Why is a kisslike ..scandal. Beicause It goes from

SChloroform wasdiasco'-eedtl adout thui-]ty sears ago .ani hihn~ot at the same

ally brought along bagsI g n bakets to[put it in.

:Tcup n of V areauns aptea: select seemnittepce 4 150 geatteamen.

-'the names of whom we o pit.t .•-ino! isile the Prelident "4 iCoe greesrelative topthoe'iresenti eoiodtioi oft thestate, wlai i;tW"e4y 4i4 ollowir:

The undereigte• eithies of the StateorLoaiuislan, respectffallo repesent that,the potticual developmeeto of the. past!•w months have demonutraited the fa+ttbt't the ieconstratiou Acts of Congressitll, if persisted in, produce a ioutliet't ranees, whiea must renlt in the'deso-lation of thae ountryi and the serious, ifltot Irreparable, injury of both races: inthae Sathern .States.

That through the stringent interpre-tilo of the disfranchilsingelause of the

netion Acts, so large a numberohe hite citizens have been excluded

from :registration that the white votersare redaced to nearly. oeb-half, the ranm-ber of colored, though the census exhib-its an excess of white population,

That vast frauds and irrgularitiehave been committed in the reg stratiod,whioehare sufficiently indicated by theregistration of one voter for every threeof the negro race.-against one for everyten of the white population. That inconsequence of these frauds and irregu-larities in the administration of the Re-construction Acts, the. white populationare powerloss-subject to the domiuationof the negro race, which, through theinfluence of indiscreet persons, has beenincited to bitter hostility and jealousytowards the white citizens of the State,whose interests require them to munm-tain relations of kindness and good willto all elasses and conditions of personsresiding in their midst.

That sountd, policy, no less than hu-inanity, demands the exercise of thekindest feelings and the most liberaldisposition of the white to the coloredpeople; and, that nothing is further fromthe purpose or desire of our people thanthe adoption of laws or measures to op-press the freedmen, or to deprive themof the benefit of just and equal laws forthe protection of their persons, theirproperty, and their liberty.

That so far from displaying any con-tumaacy or falctious opposition to therecoustruction acts of Congress, thewhite citizensof this State have gener-ally endeavored to register, but havebeen refused, as your memorlalists be-lieve, in much greater numbers thanwas contemplated by Congress.

That the negroes in this State are or-ganized into secret bands termed loyliLeagues sworn and combined against]the white citizens of the State in orderto obtain control of the govcernlmenlt;

That this credulous race has beenl de-luded by degigning men into the be'iefthalt the property of the white citizenswill be divided Amongast them;

That under thesell de:nloralizing influ-(cices, they are daity refusing to fulfilltheir contracts or to labor lor tihe sup-port of themselves and their families;

That in conseqlaence of this demlloriali-zntion, planting in this State has result-ed in the ruinous ftilure of a large miajor-ity of our pl;anter, andtl, of course, inthe necessity of its abandonment;

That before the close of the piresentyear the negroes, with but few excel)-tions, will have colasutned or wasted alltheir wages, or share of the crops, !ilndlbe destitute of tihe mloans of subsistence;that thlie white race will be c)mpelled toliimit their planting in:ainly to their ownfamilies, and the lnelrn.es will not havethe meanls, if they had the capacity., toplant on their own account. Underthese circunanstalees, famine, willh all jitata•tlndanmt horrors, must soon come upionthis iinprovicldent race.

In view of these impending calamities,the undersigned would earnestly suppeitllto the Presient and Congress to giveprompt attentioni to this vitally inpilor-tnat nmatter, and provide inmntediintclysuch remledy as in their wisdulhlm can bedevised to arrest the ruin which, unllessarrested, imusit speedily come upon uis.

Immigrants bring into this country anaverlage of t we hundred dollars in gohl.This gives us an ann iaul total of sixtymnillions in gold from thils soullrce.

The sales of 11. B. Clathin & Co., tiewYork, for the yoar 184ifi, reached theenllOrmlus stint of sleveint.-tli'rIe umiliionsot dlollirs, being time largest ibusinuess oftany strictly wholesale house int theworld.

There are patient spirits, suggests Dr.Holmeacs, that hiave waited lioln eternityianld niever founld lplarents lit to be bornof.

The Augnst.i, Georgia, Clhrolticle begsthecottoll plantetrs of the Stare to giveat least one-fourth of their best landsthis year to wheat, assuring them thatthle latter will prove thie more profitablecrop.

The majority against fetnale srnirafcfrain Kainsas is 845,, out of a total vote o"18,511. The nmajority ugailtst Inegro

tsuffrage is 7368. Thle majority for thedisRranchiaeneint of disloyal piersons is651. The Legislature is largely Itepub-lican.

The Charlotte, N. C. papers sa3 thepeople in that neighborhood have dis-countinued the nse of smoke-houses, asneither bricks, locks nor strong boltscould keep the black confiscationistsfrom their bacon.

Nothing was so much dreaded in oursbeolol-boy days as to be punished bybeingmade sit between twogirls. All,

Sthe force of education I In after yearsSwe learn to submit to such things with-out aBeddnag a tar.

Eitunied Ge. Mwwew,On the 3rd.it,.; Gem. U mcook tammed

tbefeollowin order:iieut. Col. W.ar. H Wood, lst U. 8.

Infantry, will, without. maseesary ale-lar, relieve, temzporarily, Brevet Aat.Gea. Joseph A. Mower, Colonel 39th . I8. Infantry, from duty ase omsmander of athe District of Louisiana, emabraxcing 1the State of Louisiana and the poste ofMarshall and Jefferson, Texas, asd ShilpIsland, Mass.

Lient. Gol Wood wall also relieve Gen. a'Mower, 1emporarily, foom duty as Colt- Imissioner of the Bureau of Iefugees, IFreedmen and Abandoned Lands for Ithe Startoof Loulaiana. 1

Uptou being relieved from duty, as aabove required, Brevet Maj. Gen. Jos A. aMower will proceed to join the headquar-ters of his. regimeont, which will be es- Itatblished at Greenville, La.

KIssMa BY IBULE.-A youhg lady iwriter, , whom practice has doubtless 1made perfect, lays down the followingrule for kissing, which we are willing to Iadopt-on a fair opportunity-merely totest the efficacy of her sweet rule:

Therec is as much difference in kisses fas in individuals, and I am sure I woerd anot like to be kissed by every one. No,indeed; for some would give such an aoverwhelming smack it would almost Iaeafeu me. Now kissing can be reducedto rules, one or two of which I will give.The head should always be turneds slight- tly to the right, as such motions give.grace, and prevent the concussioni cG theolfactory organs. The lips aihouldt thenbe pressed closely and sweetly togetheras you. sip the nectar of the long kiss,but no smack should be hiearsd. I speaklparticularly ion this subject, because I 1consider kissing a part of our nature,and because few people appear to nunder- 1standtl the value of a kiss, and the usaIa-ncr in which said salutation with the 1lips should be rendered.

CUnrIOSITY OF PI'rTOGtocAl y.-Pllo-.togralphers have taken 'the sun himself,'when in eclipse; they have caught an tmnpression of a shell whizzing through 1

the air, discharged from the mouth of a32-inch mnortatr; they have caught the Iwave as it broke on the shore; the sundepicting even the drops falling from itstoppling crest; snore, they have not tail-ild in getting a "good impression" of the thead of a, criminal executed by the guil- ,lotinll, catching the head in mid-air as itfell into the basket below. Photograph-ic Iook-marks and visiting cards are tsol Iby thousandls, while the photlogra- tplaic shirt studs sand waist-coat buttoiss, norunnsentted with mnicroscopic miuiia-tIres, are (mow being daily prodhuced incountless numnbers at the Il tton alman-x-factories inll l'rllssi; portraits of a pop-tlpen'la.asou, (oarihaldi t•rinstance, h eingordered by the hunldrted thousaand iat, a 1tiuie. Oil the authority of a ear eafulEnglish writer, all this photogralhingrequires the i se of no less than twenty ttons of silver per annmiass.

NEW YORK CITY EC'LECTION.-Thsewhole vote pdlled at the electisix in NewYork city on the 3rd l)ecenlaher, was1014,132, a rediction of :about 8000 lroulmtheI vote alt the election I:rsl; Isamotlh, and31,00) less than the registered voters ofthe city.

All of the Aldlermen elected arl D)Ienl-ocrats, and:ll l hibut three were, the T''.lll-ismmay noininees. The cosucil-ena elke-tedil wire all Tlm'mnap sl, aen.

Of'seven scllool carllinsissionslers threeare tepul)llliCani. '1. 11. L:ane (Taallllllanslv)was elected civil justice by a large ama-

The election w:ast one of lthe quietlestever held in the city; haut fiw arrest.s forillegal vaoting were made. Ms.etilngswere helm) at variaius political heahlg nal -tars sand speeches were mia:dtle by Isaiahltynders.

)n. JiiINsscaN LO)V5I) TIrE NuvsPA-PI+:R.--Ir. Johnson ;u aed to appreciatenleWsllapers. lie onllce wrote: "I nle\'Vlederi\e more benetit, or see more pleasurefor the time, than readingt a ni,,wslc:aperwhich hais lattely issalste fro•on thie iress..;I do really believe tlhat noting adds somunch glory to my country sas newspa-I le's. Liberty is stamp)ed leagilyl,- 11 eonits pages. and even th, IsailI is mark-dwith ireedomis. Do "oa1 wanist to hailowhlow your country thr-ives ? I moist youto the press. Tlsieri yui sala:l lind ltpiecea under the head of h,-isl-.ti\ye. Areyou fnsd of misc cellany? look lihele IWIshat hook essn isfil•m.•h studh gos.dl sass-coilsnts of misa rdler, rw hlrsy, ns,.tidtxl tsa,xImaarsi;sgcS, sncs.-li ta. s, assi(x saa:xsay othersuch tising's ! itiader all thiem, (-,nisialer-ationss, who is the's i " h is sltI 1"is lad ofilet•elo:n that wiil not :sitteali to ;ass oI)bjectso worthly Isis regardl."

P.SNKRUrT(v..-It will bie seen bi- re-fereince to thie Intexrnal ]teveanue Iecordthat tlhc period is 1passisag rlapidliv awaywithina which insol\va-st debtors of p:Istyears may sam uil themsslsei's ot the Na-tional llankaru)pi Law, with sta.is sslavsaxa-tages as they IIo\w possess.

After the: 2d of Marclh, 1Si.t, no debitorwi!l ble able to outain a dischlrsge inblankrtplatey n!•ess Ishis assets shall pay'lilty per cent. of his inldeltednases, ,r byassent in writing of a mn;iority in snrn-bcr and value of his c-reditor.s.This tact is not gener-ally known, andl

anay one desiring to olbtain the beneit ,i"the act has no0 time to loss'. Not qnitethlree months remain and a disehargecannot in asay case be obtained in lessthian three monthls, and where there isopposition more time is required.

In Madison, Florida, a boy of fonrteeuwas joined in wedlock, recently, to amrfty old widow with Aive children.

. si. s Aute'iriA J. Evila =-.Who thatmhas read Beulahor, BtL Etiae, -has uot adeeire to see ou nor InorPWtt pt isig of thepersonal .appearanaoe. of te" fasir ou-teores• of those almost flbiltless literaryproeaduieratl We haive" often wonder-ed. and asked ourselve'whlat' smaUaer oflady slle .uuldIbe who had poatributeldsuch a•lsdalnt feasts to, the rowmance-lovjng world, and electriaedt the- entirecomtiieunt with her eloqueneee and!attos---iad In our imagination bad,ofcourse, painted her as we thoughtshue haboid appear; but we were wide ofthe mark. The following pen-portrait,by a correspondent of the New OrleaosPicayune, sketiihed from observations ofher dAring a ride in the ears. will beread with, iteresot by her many admirersand friends :

"1She was habited plainly-but neatly,in a blue mruslini dress, which fitted heraduii'ithly and which I was told wascut out and made by hmerself. A fash-ionable hat, triummed with blue, suitedthe dress. Two veils, one black and theother blue, entirely concealed her fet-tures, which vexed we. because I wascurious to ascertain whether the features

they hid .ecrrespou•led with the faultlessform of tl:oe lady. She was of mediumsize, small w.aisted, with a well develop.ed bust, a neck very fair and a perfectmodel for a sculptor. ITer feet nudiands were those of a. Southern lady.very small and tidy. She looked as ifslhe would weigh about 115 pounds, anillto the eyes of an artist resembledPower's 'Greek Slave more thttu theVeitnus de Medicis, or the Venus ofCanova. Afterwarils I 'had the pleas-are of seeing lher face to facee, aid was

surprised to find her a blonde, with lighthellsnut hair, soft exlremseive, but bril-

lilnt hazel eyes, Grecian featuires, witha nose slightly aquiline, fiorehead a little

higher and broader thall Pl'syches', eher-ry red lips, well curved with Cutpid'slhows, iand slightly llptiurlned at the c,.r-

lers, iudicating a smothered pro pensityfor lfun. 11er cheekli were ineantifallytinted with the uitaiden blhitsl of he:alth

and innocence, I was told that she isthirty years old; but how younig sitelooked I I decideald that her age couldnot, be Inore thau 21. I was anmused at

her blue dress, but there was niothinig ofthe "blue stocking" about her. Lhe

were the blue veil to relieve a. temporaryiutl:inmmation of the eye lids, caused by

too much rcadmig and writing at aight,or other imlprludence. I was told by an

icquaintance that the itfectiou as no;ionstitutionlal or habituial. I have saidthat her hands are small a(nd tidy, butthey are not dimpled. There ne.ver wasa paitnter, poet. mlimsicnau, or any itige-

nious, indnstrious, or lusell womani withiilldIhiet lands. Ilers are beautiful, but

madtle to work as well as to soothe, toknit anld sew, to touch the cherds ofmusice, aiml to wield the p-In of genins.Iler voice is eClear, solf t, anid iielolioans,aiind its tones sink into the hearl't ; atidwl.hen I hea:rd it soothing anid chieeriiogtle, I felt nlisell strengthened for mn"work.

ALT.1A 3AMA.--l)ispl;tches firom Mlont-gomnery of the 41hln Decemlber, say.s:

Alm'anmiing excesse.s have recen.Ltly beencommiittehd Iy blicnks inll lillock eounity,in I he neiglnl'mothood of Perote. Thecolored loyal Leagtuers organiized andresisted pltee.+ses, issuaod b• the civilauthuortie is, unitder instructiom s f.om 'ol-oedtl emi.ss:ariecs. They hIlnt'e lformnid a

demtli of I -s to governm thI negro )oili-;ltioll, anditl e(liu' t :t cintt t, ofllielerel d :i:td

org.iatized, arrem.ting by ighllt all blackswhio opllpose their iunl:wlul a uro:eellime,and ilzave ,arrieid IUmislimeit Sui 1na1r t aiit lair \ ia:timns aliplied to t he civil :lllluthor-ities for plrotectionll. The hlirck sherli


aind his demputy were finally arrestltd,buat the otiher inisurret lionary lead I_ t.- oi-g:.'tized uegroies a•t t matde amried resiN-tanlte. Aid f'rom other" learguars wa

'l'ih' Iliack,•s flocked to Tinionl Sprin s,thlreate-ninlg a gtiuei'nal ri.in, :m itd " t'i'r-litialatimll of tie whiitm.s, atild taking lip-

s'ssiiti of thle comintr . The bl:mtai 1ll.erms wo'•n t to the plantations and b•re d-laborers to join t.hall for veni•.It e-showin~ l retentuded o'dehaims looimi Gml-it mli

vi.Iayne-tihat thy hail a riaght to iailnall resistinig ltheir authority. l;A tinithin- ex'iiltiamin-nt liht nle ro church ait I'-rat t- w:i ni , ie hy l nkiv it mlilm• :l I:n i•-,allegied by the bliek hlmen;maems, lt i:dl:1tIme negroes. 'T'me whites uni'11 ,et al yregret it.The white' citizen.s ormganize(d " pr-

teetion and mGeil. SwVaylie was :i ll4•,i liiito, wlHi sellt a, detalhriellemt oi trool,

promptly to tie sRcellmct af troilllle leto ric-store aimdtcr. m Filtelen bIl:iick it;r atreic t iot-

"st IihaVe lit-a-tn at te.-teald mnni I la•igd•g inintl. 'l"im-y will hi' ttied by the civil maim.

thimrites. At last :Iaccouts ordur \wasr.eAitordtl anid all was quiet.

A Geraman forest keeper, eighty-twoyears. ohl, niot wishing to carry to llie'gr.lve witih hiim an inltmortanl s;ccr-et, hasilbilmlihtited in t1ie Leipsic .Jamn 1 urll: re-.inilpt hIe iihas used for fifty yeaRs, ;l lllwvlhicmh, lie says, has sa iva-m s'eve'ral mmmii

nildl a gret a itiiinmimer of a:ii lllmls fromil a

inmirible dcleath l-y bhydiroplhohi. TIhehite imuist be bathed as h noint as paio.ihhewil withc rmim i-,- l-" aind hwater,miand -inllti

his his dl ried, l few ilrolls of nlmuri:itictnidl !poiiedl uitoii thie wound will destroytime poi on•t of the saliva, iania relieve theipatient framti all prcsctit atitl futnre pain.

Ill New York Iotmnan was electedmayor of the city by a majorityof 22,00(1over ltlh Wood and 1)arling.- ,'oodhad 22,000 votes f ntl Iind rling 18,000.

The smallest watch at the Paris EX-position was so diminative that it wasset it a g•ld peneil ea.

-- It iaase'wg e#.ail purboit•••z inot"as yet ro1wfor thelet. iRclimnate admits, w ui:wear sandals covering oy tie' 8the foot. .%, rFe, .9I~ . t1whole of he toot apo aleg, in a material althi•tair anrd moisture, and -geher1 ~- -!;fortably hard and rigid. Thecolor Anjo,1ish of our boots atre dirt1ip ly A•lted to attriCt -the 6a:utnrayKi a ,!renamel or patent ,lea .Ildtttug on. ordinary celf-i te tand solidify th6e , ub'stnce, oe^`pores, and mukiing 1 Xli'utight r 4',portion of the itdy which aezpt4u gprg t,;leerslapittisn thman anyzoher a -,jectedl to greaterstrpnt.,

Our boots inin ni~ r: i ltbil et ,

in a warin 'bath;- ttid tr hwinthlQhtf e:,them in an icySnvolope;' It is: 4•• p4Ui'if wet feet are, in themnaelvas, very eon-!deiuro to ilishi , % "liedl~ac i•nlent tt;,Joontrary notwithtsandtag; -bn r-.ampf sconfleaoment of the feet ian 7t. "y i-old.envelope, generated by perspi•'•tiDnchilled by the exteriat'aitiioslhti •tshutting the iimprisoned feet a•most air-tight, is as unihealthy ad it:is icomfor-.,

For hot weather thorn is' hardly anyshoe so agreeable as that 1tUtroawe•,cwithin the past thiee pr .. fo as,kuown as the army siroe, and e.save-ly used by base-ball pia ye.rs. 'rt is ofheavy canvass and unlbljike4d leather.It is cool amlid remarkably eaty to thefieet. The texture of the canvnse allow,the escaieef lf tlih Irlliiatien. aud: th1color of the shoe does not attract ,thiheat of the sunt.

It would seem that. theplan of cover-lug ot her portions of bur bedleh" withmaterial pervious to air emight advarn-tageously be extonded to our feet...There is no I:latural reason why our feetsh•oultl so mucih less sensitjye than outhantls. They hetoutie iujluriated and de-prived of their natural activity by ,long,close coutintaent. The people of warmclianates, who use their tbes as we doour fingers, :lau the bare footed rslhoolboy, who aic'ks •Ip and throwrs pebbleswith his feet, show that the foot of .thecivilized adult in our clima4te is a muchabused utenlther.

A mIore flexible and pirotoit material 'for ouri hIots ad shoes ( night.i satev usfiont many of those terribleatinoyanoes,which, in the form of corns and bunions,make tour Ipilgr.mlage one of, pa n.-Sco.Aintricint.

What is the ditfference between; a.child that full trlrot tl telo laudip,..tothe bhotoan one and a traveler VistitngNiaa;ara T One falls down the stirs'and the other stares down the. thi•sl

NA1 ror.i-ON's N -I.F:Ix.1 GUN.-The em-ipror, antihQr and arehitect hits again:appieiiarel' its aqn inventor. In his otttli-

sible desire to prelpare his nationtl-fo the.ml:altt'niiwn ' I at vigorous peace, ho bn•:cotltri'ived ai new gunll, concerning, which.nIothing is real:y known, but reportaf-.fitlns ise he ltot terrible wetaponl yet it-'vented, a single dismharg4 heilnr expect-ed to destroy it battalion. The tvork-mltul who are eg.gdll;ri in mantnifetti•ringI his arm are Isevetr :Illotwedi tO leave theIt're'i•iw, letin lockel ulip day lnid nightt he Eltleror him•tself keeping the key.In the trii!s, the cannon, carriages nitdaultnit tion are Illhl~ ht in leather iuhines,andt thle liring takes place hbind aslc.etln of` o:11rls. It is known that at'a2l)tit tiet the balls pierce an ieon plalto.,ight-tet llhs of an incl thick. Each

.llnno;t fir ei t wenty shotS in at minntO*,and I1 woe nit- sufllfe for the transT1prta-Iinu of tho field-jliere, with its earriage,

ailtl unltit ionn, &c. •lays a French noticeof a late trial: "A clump of trees, 500ti;'et 'listlunt, was mowed down ill a fewmi llutes, like :i grain field by. a steammlower. It Wa•n positively frightful.

The iitihs.-l whoi is nacCserl ofIlra':skin: a yo'itil' manlt's heal'rt, has t•eit

i,,,ihod \er'l in the bolnds of matri-unyto keelC the lii:eces.

Ta3 r L: A ,NT. A : o0' LATI.--A t'+'

all thie Lain Ihmrases ill the statlutt soIihit, t he c(l1111lojifl people could finder-:1all th,':n. The exq]!site folly otf•i tii

a m-.ue:8lii' "v'-. by no ;.ufltis obhviotts tothe great. b.lv of the Assectnbl)y. A-,l :,l aid : rgmn , nt against it woult

prebal•y have ca nr ied it through. h.hl:•,ti: (');ntpdiket toik the gronnd tbl-t- itwS 8'i : vi-ianat : - to intre thie phapleunili'rt:mdl theilt lawI. 'iThey .were not:ltairl of anyuthingi which thlte uder-s-,ood. It was ti:c.hse Latin words th:tthey w-re a'.:h21, of. "Nr. Speaker,thiere~ wa a "a:'n: a iln South Ki ngston:ulout ltwenty . : -r.; ngo, a farl'eet ui-5s2IIneaIutl tobot:. ktmw how to get r•iof him. One day he was hoeing cbrt:2ld lI cs:tw the sherilT comilng with ap:iiWr, and hIe asked wlut it, was. . 2owi" hle had told him it was a writ, Whatwould he hav\e earcd ? I Bt hie t~id'htit. w':s t ci.-ii:i ad sR:ths. fatriendota;,dgdthe m:t'11 dropped hit- hoe and- ran,. -tdthas not been iheard of snwe. u j utastihe proposition to trandiatt the 1t4iuwotldds in the stalntee. .- -

Mrs. Howell, diedl at Mi~tit&ii•bfThe26th Novzoluer. She mai rted AWtdlP ofG eu. Howell, of'"ei~" eti f r61ellel-tionary fatme,t who ,a' 1P~l

S[ iresident Jefla • n bsw i• t •. .

,,,,' Art.t" l A`

a. WasW inu,, s.. C.'Ca jIPbiy2. t T0eAPLIN 6' ii0Ni t A-.;

A P''" "Wff S' A.~ 1'AL AA.j

? y! T?$OR(XYA1 , d 1 r,!.Na.;,; Ntcira~ch s~ ".s


Ofce on St. Deuis strest--. .1taiohicona; a


0 ffic ont. iUanis street - .Ait.s IA.

s. ][. IW1YXU, P. A. 303536.,


Ofice oi lt. Denle street-


lBe on St. Dennis street-lKatchttolee. 1*~:..


Otr d on St. Denis street-- *.

A. U. PUfl KsD, W. VY L4iYt.

LEVY & PI7WRSON,A rfr o z N S r AT A W,;

Natchit~ochc , La,

It W. TURNEfl ,A ttorney at Iaw, Bellevue, La., All businessentrusted to Win will receive prompt and

e uerzctic attez.tion.

A. TV. R~OY SDOY,.,Atto.ruey at Law,

Ske' epoit, Let.

W. l..,GULLETT. W'\r. CRT•Os.aw/Lt1,, , CARLOSS & Co.,


Commission Merchauts,No. 33 Natcicz streot,

d5 1mrn New Orltans, La.g..Liberal advanceu nmade on Cousignments.



COM MISSION ME rCIi.~TS,dLy No.46 Union street, N. O.

D. DeJllA PEI,with


-and-Comnmissiton Merchants,

198 Grnvier street. New OrleantMco ombi.e dI h r ida

d6as y 61 Broad Street, N;ew York

J.M. '1rooks Ilngh MacDonaldl. L. H. LegayBROOKS MACDONA.rD & C,


Comntission Mierl'au ts,d5 9nm 59 Carondeletstreet, N, O.

0o0 . S. RNatLL. 4O. M. PRArTrIn.


- and-Commission M•erchant,'i

No. 13 Carondelet Mreot, N O. .



General Comanlaulok Merelatmt.No. 118 Carondelet street, New Orleans.

Thee. M. Scott, Joo. T. Sibley.8. D. Oliver. S. 8. Heard.THOS. M. 9sOTT A. 'o.,


Geaeral Ooammission Merchants,.=24 Ctll.deldt street, New Orlent

WILLIAMS, NIXON & CO.,COTTON FACTO S.No. 48 Union street, ew Orleans.

IR L. CAPE•RS, of Claiborne pnrish, Agentfo LmteWlasa north of Red River.


. . m t •Yt'Y dA Co,Wholale e.Gro•crs ined

COMMISSION A M IERCAnXTS,S .4• Canal and 61 Colnmmon staveta, N 0.

Are~7 to.make cash advance. on Cotton,gua, s #ri produce consigned to thew, .anddti te ptege of their friends and the publip.

S T'fLEDIANQICf omaslun Mer~besat, •o. 10 Unmon street, NewOrleans, La.

giUibebd& advanceneIts on aonaii entts.*Oit. L. Perot, late of NatcLahochs perisbh

will be foun there, and 1 be happy to wee hise d Mriends.