f , %i%--.nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031300/1831-12-15/ed-1/seq-5.pdf · ppppi^^...

ppppi^^ ^<*vi^ jejrpFtseof ''' > ^Ul<ws|or*-wo(idfei)'j -j .> : jiFT*- ;a*.-«^fc appear* ihaMbo Anjl f 2d,'3d, 4tb,-5th, 6th, and 7th, as they stand this year.'aod addjng die vote of the eighth as given fast, tlie whole nuinber ia the soven districts, is 106,733, ,T}«f is dying away mneh in the usual banner, and. we doubt not it will die a Vermont death noit fall, to the great annoyance and final djs J cpnifitu^Qith^ s *f%-l«».W^ P M 'y of this State. In thefirst,district the Ami ma *s6nie»p*rty is not yet organised,, therj^. ajro how- ever several thousand antimasons in this, .district arid the candidate opposed to the present admin- istration received 9,214, which added to the Aritimasonic vote make 115,936, this we ar,e in- clined to think will put at rest the vain boasting of the |tewo*ncy parly, that they "have jt majority iatlnVsato. . . , _ v SS#Iiawdsi Jnt?ths liquid ma ( is KSkdy^tlbj^l^ftt^fs^df^ of Fhm ce^il^^ajtfe3rfo*^3i degrees, and a Ia» JoCW!|^^i?^lr^^t'hlhese^rfe/t'cacte* r. |lfWitwf>ft||elf-wUh"rauch appa. Thp ^0^s&^% IJef a14 states, that & riitlll^e^^e^tio; Railroad has Brearly'^^|'nJ&iipet8»to^ltedomestic 9>e h0mh if- B**;a tef le'a k f^rfo^i|||«lipt|pjJtptefintents that *1fM^f»tM4fejDf F jpwtow of .g»;#lii^-4«iC!:ww<j city will be |roirght^ithiinta,hiiJf.»i : d»y , 8 r|d« of their loon. •'?'%lik*-.'' ."* : -" i S o f e . ^ l i i 6 f cr^—TTe have 'be. ire\ai!S^t^iiJ!r^m;(r«>y, Lincoln coun. r, wjtj6|38Me*^uaf, on the third of last iontt,'§fn^t|hjjfrt of that place put in be TfrariJggijto ? a Jctter, addressed to a ^mmisslbn ih6use in this city, containing $lod%Ql#0fibt4fe United States Bank P& ^ • «.^^^*i^P'° i ^* 0 * M ' T y Sotd*™" gone- ^.'•^W n i.%l|S>i'.l# i! town of Scbagti. ^l«>S;"B?^ c >1|^^If^ 1 4S»>9*y» <?««ob Y a t e s , i|'.;'^sq' d)$fg^t$je- -^Hth year of his age P ^Alfc.^l^^W^'*^'' captiired Gen '<»' *' p €«ufgoyl ! ^i|d;i|;'\vats believed that be 'as the^iist?^ur^iving captain who frftight • the1& jjgte ^ I ^ t i l t w ^ e r ^ T ? ^ Budget If it, •"•^ r »! rhjclt|ne=^^^1ife^revokttijt»n secured to lepe^weSifefil|^-tepubHc. , He was* J^d^is Strong's Iteply.~We this week con- clude Judge Strongs fteply to a cominii^, en- quiring.bis opinions of the«ba*ac^er and tenden- cies of Speculative Freemasonry, which is valua- ble in many respects, as his early and familiar acquaintance with the institution, and his subse- quent opportunities in Congress and other pub- lic stations to witness its influence and judge of its tendencies, entitle his opinions to serious con- sideration j coming as they do from a man retired' from public life, they can not fail of being read* with interest by all M ho wish to see aristocracy exposed in all its- forms, Our Republican neighbour of the St. Lawrence Republican,jm the course of his AT goose read- in|s has discovered that the Lyons Countryman aWws paper, edited by Myron Holley Esq. is to be discontinued, arjd as we presume that he needs "thore light^' we respectfully inform lum, Tiis dignity to tbe contrary notwithstanding, that sincd Antimasohry has, gene down in this State, Mr. Holley has gone down to Washington to Edit the Republican Heruld, and being one of the ablest political writers of this Country, we doubt much whether the aiders-and abettors of the an- ci*nt and honorable, will gain much by. bis go- ing down. —-— - JEf&JLady'S Book.—Tho December No. of this work, i s cswCuted in a style far superior to any •of its predecessors":*'- J*e' selections wetliink wel| adapted to tbe taste of thai class of readers for whom it is intended. Its contents are pr.ncip illy Moral Tales, Poetry, and items of general intelli- gence The next nmnher will be tlie commencement of a new volurae,and the publishers are making exer- tions to increase its interest. Thoy offer premi- ums for the best original articles, for the partic- ulars of which we refer to $n advertisement in this days paper, and would suggesMo those who wish tbe work the propriety of ordering iuhajprs- cnt month, as the publishers express their deter- mination to print but a limited edition. *MWfcL_, ..„, tew'miWn$* -iMMSHlfte Brifoe, wher^ |,g has i^lvM i-4*oerai and ivett sel^ted albrtho'en^l'., 7 ' . Hardware, Groceries, —.-^ one door west of tnVn" old slatid, %fifee tltey'Tali'e just reeteked from Ne*<" r Forfi' iit addition to<^J«r)^i|!i^pJy^ittf Ogdenshurgh, Deo. 7,1831*. «NP ^sr m Dress Maker, "" R ESPECTFULLY jnlorms ^ L a - dies rf 0gdensburgl|,and *'U?hj^r, that she has commenced tire above b|i«i- ness, in the iVeto Marble Building*, 'Mrst dom west of H, Thonjas*'Store, Waterlis.t,, where she will leeeive ail oideis itifB^i line and execute them with iieatttbss |,iid despatch. H. M. having serveda reg». lar time in oiie of the most respectable; houses iu Montreal, hopes front uiirernitJ ting attention and assiduity to business, to give general satisfaction. Willi respect she offers her services to the; Ladies of this Village vyjjo rimy favor her -witbjtln^ij^ tiouage, and engages to UejB|) 8»|S., % " A e\v Vor!f Fashions. ' »„.. , N.B., Leghorn attc| Stra%. bleached^jnid, repaired on ihf shortest notice. December 7, 1831. 23u B<)«5 ^—Stray Calves, Q TRAYj^D Irom the subscribertn<he kJ monthof Jqne-last, two Cakes, both ruptured,one -dark red »iid the other light Rrd, and of good size. Whoever wiii return them to the subscriber or give in- formation where they may be found, shall be generously .rewatded. ""I JAMES CARK Oswegatchie,35ec. 6, 1831. 23d The Annual Meeting O F the St. Lawrence County Medi- eaA.AatieXyV>wll be held at thf house«of Hirain Wayton, 1n Madrid, on (Ttieaday the I7th dayof January next. it IO o'clock A. M. Physicians of the county are earnestly invited to attend, as the^e rf.basiness of importance to be transacted at tbat time.—Dated Decem- ber 1«, 1831. . DARIUS CLARg, SccVy. HUSfiflTD&EC>B»lB'Eil 15,1831. FORTUNES HEAD QUAK- TIHR& D- Judson's Capital Pri«e Lottery Office. Drawn numbers of Extra class No. 35. 60 19 8 52 11 28 49 51 10 LOOK JI/IMD. s On the 14th Dec. Kegular clas.« No. 12. ' Capital's,- 40,000, $20,004- $10,000; #5,000,5J0 ol g4,0JO, 20 of $3,000 20 of *2,000, 2Oo/«l.lW0, e •' 20(1 of #500, &^. Tickets only $10, halves $5, quarts}*. $2,50 eights jrl^tf... , ( 1 b*6 numbers,10 ballots,22 tickels in package i Ex^a Cioss^o. 3Q, tbr l831", DraxVft L>ec. aut. T ettpltsa Prize, fyZOflm*-*- ' Tickets ^5-, Half. $2,50, Qrs 01,25. \ . 54 numbers a drawn ballotts 18 in package j'' Ttnhvls, Packages, and Shares, ip a yurie%luf|.V fortunate numbers, j n the above j&rtern' i ej* i |ii% "' sale at ti. Judsuti's Lucky Lnttory;"^|ic^igi : ^ Persons at a distance wishing obtain them, by enclosing Cash eu, (tetters^jr^dJ'JuUWrtjsii. Current and uncurrent Money and sold ! ' ment of Ladies', Geutleinen's. and Cbil .dreh'a. .. / r :r . - « - ''• ••-.•^•^ '•' ha|. b'e^% commodioirSly litled «p> and Trojin their assprlmeiit and yajjeiyj they datter tliemselvei that iiiev shajl be abjc tojsupniy all who my favor thsjfl*. ^v*th a call. Particular attention willbe paid to ihe;Ladj«s. '.-'>?; ' ',. -ALSO,-' ."•• '. FOR SdLEgl.L KINDS OF , LAS l y of .aU,aj$£ti a«»d deseritious,— Also a complete assortment of Shoe Tools and Fetidings. .!, N.B: CASH MID,TOR HIDES AND SKINS. - ***-.. . Ogdejjsburgh, Oe(, .tT« J831, w. is edington 6c Nash. AVE'j^^ejeivejl; »0 bbisi*iVlacketel, 10 half do. 30 kittrf do. 50 boxes Raisins, f do Herring, -• Ihs .Loaf Sugar, brown do __ cod Fisli, Which they ofler for sale at the lowest prices. - Ogdensburgh, Oct. 10, 1831. ~~'2fi 20 2000 4000 do 2000 do IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. H9HE subscribers, owners of Ennnon li^Iiiiproyed Threshing Macliine icir th eounty of Jeflferson, excepting the totenb AnUverp, respectfully inform the farmers of said county, that they are now ready to soil said machines,which will be prompt ly furnished to. order at the village of Wa- tertown. Tho Machine calculated for horse power, can-be offered at FIFTY DOLLARS, in- cluding the right, for hand powerVatthir- ty five dollars. This machine is capable of thrashing from sixty to one hundred and twenty bushels of wheat., with two men and one horse; and by hand power, two men to ttirn, and a boy to feed, Wjill thrash from thirty to sixty in orje day .per, fectly clcarj. 'fire subsonBefs„ar? willing to warrant this'machine to' thrash sixty bushels of good wheat, in one v day, with two men and one horse enjployed; and no is'alp, if it fail to do so. They might add *NBP 1 ' on £l* 8 ' of Certificates concerning .the , Ji|iTrttU|fy and Value of the macliine* bwpre- 'M£k-; fer that Farmers should .come and jee, ex- amino^nd Aid^eforthc'inselves. k - . * N. B. A machine will be in dipefaM ' Sujjientaca' of tje aiatoi. . ^>w-DEMt>'C RATIC ANTlSl'iiONrO NOMINATION. '-.^sffSi" fPf^JfaXSIDKItT, ' - '^tf)s faia£k%!m> •rina T\entistry.—MR. WOOD JL/ has arrived and taken rooms at W. B. Ha SKINS' HOTEL, whete he will stay a few days in the practice of Dental Surgery, in all its branches- He has make such airangements thai he vyill be. able to visit Ogdensburgh twice every year, and hopes to meet with liberal pa. tronage. Rehjretiee mav be had to his fortifier jpracfici in'tHis village. * ' Ogdensburgh, Dec. 12, ,J83Jk 24 BJE|fTf.Sf|? . Mr.Hartson, iRATtVfi Sf R&BON DEN- F,ivili attend to all calls iu the flitfe of hirp'rofessiou at the Ogdensburgh 'Hotel.' "* Prc*id*ni[i;&lu**g«>—\Vi> recoivod thin Docd-.| wnt Ti^ay^fivening; butjio much of our mat ir waaalfciadyja,type, Unit we could not giva it lioa^^^i 1 *#^ *** ^ P 1 *^ 1 bnsitjese airwtit andfieherallymuch siipcrioi to hut for- cohtrauilications. Some; paragrtplis however oo^h to oriticisrn, and some arc mere puffs on grMt.ibmgs that-he has d«ne, intended aa a.o^ga]5]ii!8|tra|t ^o tfbhjbt, and wecjhal» ake ftim re Mmi -on; .whai "^ve deem error* and sftcti^pir >tsj puBlicpaion, premising however W di|;Chll!f Magistrate is like other Saints, ing'l^s^j'e^uenrtyin faith than in practice. i ' •i>jlfV»,"^»1i.«-f j V l - " I . I . I I I ! I.I II fl &P*flj-ii i iif&nfrrui.—Tlie election of Speak - : is ^^*;j|ou;fe«d upon as indicative of the ircngt|||f|irtti|l; in "Congress, and if the prcs- tf v^il^^i ! % n s r d 9 r e ^ characteristic, the ipu||r||yWf the administration is* beyond, all irn^il^plfsnti. %i^fl|iii«gft : 0jf Virginia was elected on tlie it ballot by a iha|or?ty of one vote. Dr. Suth- rhnd ^fphifadelphii received the next highest lote,, j|ojtfejb«sege.nrtenicn-l^!orig to tho whole ib'nt^ngfiipr wron^'patty, af»d we'^erenota ttfe gurppy that Ihe great National Republican Mtyp|||» ,^|^tit{i»-.iioi^nttt«.He t ' Clay tothe *•* m^g0t^H in order to slj^whiaittength. be rMito^lefto ibis phoriornenon in politics un ^blo^W|ha|,|ha.Clay party -havelaiddown; ielr|^l 3 ?S^|«nolactBd.'|| eirry burdens &r- I rand M&ite^ Jackson, aniMme \vill unfold tho *m0mtefifr oFtiii**Oamion. 'I'liesAd N EWitBERtA MOLlisSES] p, article of very superior qB*litj>--v i^af Sale by s~~~ - — -~ r<~- .'-^-^-^T^i J. G. LKU-U & co. QfARU&TePfims <Mtfffy, ^»r S^BJI O lfir^wr"oTtKebirdge,*hy " ^ - J. aRAJ^ER. ', Dee. 14, 1831. V SO- those who wish ihe best Wbj'tsMtraili _J. edLamp Oil—tho subscribors'can recom- mend theirs now on £«le. . ". ' " % •.., '• , w , ( ^||«fii'4or*fall ofin-iifnation last it^aeMr; AdamVcondescQwied to tahe a . ^|^"biBt-'noti«' of thwn sound tho w o f ^ l l discord on thf .loelion of Mr. Clay -•» ^ ^ f c ^ ^ ' c t o - H uAdwbtaliy d i * r . .mtttBM**-*-'-*.^-,. - •• ^»..« w |iliJMijBI ) ,. F IG BLUE, for safe a t the corner of the Bridge^ by n ,. lfia J a BARTER, Dec. 14,>1S31. Dealers with . Hair,, Curl and Side Combs, 6/e;, of an excellent ^jiiality, as low ns can be purchased in J f W York city. •' % ''' v -£& r. c.l&!li & co. . Ogdehifyurgh, Nov. ,2fe,lB3| •>-«; j c - ,--—-—.<••.—..... , HB first pun* ciplesand tm^.$Mq^-$toA f W 5 ta .consequence pf ?eyeral .ap|»ficiiti«ti» of l«t» fur suchu^vvork. thnHidi.«rn..£Il,i..Jkj ?•»"'* such lAyork, lUjiBsnbscriliers hdyeliiderttkw to n^utl^jS^ti.will mmjf^^^ 9 It will coiisist of the Lcwjstoii Report, LeRoy |»Convention r "and a history of tlr^ l i t effort* ta I ferret out the horrid minder, of VViIljIm"JIorg«n, the vttrjo,tW trials «-f tfte^djdVfclori!J#lihe oadw of Freemasonry, the dofuM »f ^fasopit Lodges in "relation 1 fo the Atiductiou, renunciations of Ma- sons, doirigroFe^Mventioit*, Report* of special Attorneys, Letter^ of Colden, RashiiAdamkand', Wirt, with sach miscellaneous article* a* will throw light on the whole subject. "'„ The work will be put in painphbrt iorm r 75 cents a copy, and wilt be put to press a* won *a 10(10 copies are subscribod for. , <: *."f SowTork.'Nov.ai', I»31* ^ . ,, T fy&Sabscriptonsjbt the above work rccttv- * id at this Ojjice. i r 9 ed -- ..I i..^..A& lUdUUIUli will be in operation at •°!*Sht.r(rol f John Gotham's in this tow^, by the ' firet of next harvest,, whichjoiay'lift.iseen, IHE Subscribers will Ornish by JT^^^^^^ *^' ^ " IDr; J. W. SMITHS' Dr. Wm. "A. CA%F1ELD + JR^erentesU Dr: 3, A. CHAMBERS, Wr. ft. N. BIGELOW, ""' *JD>. Sv N. SHERMAN. 1 O O bbls - SALT Po'SaitwCo.*- *-•** mUtftm, at the corner ofahe Bridge, bv _ J. C. BARTER. • Dec. 14, 1 # 1 . A MI *ftionic Almanacs for 1832- for sale at the comer of the bridge by J. a BARTER. Dee ' l4 ' 1881, '• G O T T O ^ W1CK1NG, of * good quality, for sale by - J. €. BARTER.* De<V 14, 1 # 1 . ""...' . .... •','•". .'• M A t?A BOY SiM U F F , {tntezi arm -sneeze,) for tale by ..-'.' J*<? 4 BAHTER. n „_ . ,.JsjeribW;feepi' coastkritly on' hana\ at hu shop, a few doors etfst '^'f&jififafyh Lottery QflSce, Ford-street OgdehsbuVgh, a complete assortment dj Cbiiafehfslfhtie*, _* v f [The tateaddifiott'i to hisf6rmer9^|.ltS5 made his assortment completepuM«|uch as all who call, cannot fail of being#u;it- «d bothinirjualfty*tfd"n^c<?.^ \ The above artt^ei^aris warranted/twd sold wholesale aud reUil. - ' ••!•*•-'t^&^Uw&L' , November 17,18ak", - "»* Wanted: Immediately, FIVE Journey- men, to yvork on morocco' and stuff'Work. ";'.-•, ." y ".' JF>W. y*a&tt$ tffe&iv and desira After thrashing, the straw is left whole and unbroken, in good- coiSaiiip*^' fpr bin- ding, m. .if..'.,. s%: The machines are bniltJaXa.8lt6p near the Old Factory, in thlsivillafe- TRtll^TOOX. JOHN GOTHAM. Watertown, Julv l2tli^83l. ' ft9. CTfcAjp'Elk #lhIcorner »f the ' Bridge?—Kjeep-couvantly for sale sale at favorable pli^S. » general assort- ment of L rovisionsahd Groceries, com- nrisii.g : '|gf' •.. Pork, Salmon, JSrShad, Mackere Herring, , . A^choviea, Trenton Cheese, t^ffilitet, Potatoes, ,., '>. -Molasses, Tea, Coffee, .§% Chocolate, Salt, Candles,||C Strong Beer, Vinegar, •r^fi |*amp Oil* ?^e&.Suga^ i ^alad^M |!v ^,,_ Raisins, _ Almonds, Saltpetre, fPastey do^ Salaeratus, ,;p i ..Copperas, %i%--. . . . . . . . f onfectionary, ;,< ; Dried Peaches, atent P a | | ^ ^ n g h | Najla,. Crackers, ' Ikr Soap, [Fine Shaving, ^Basket*, do j Tob>cco, Papery Plug, 4o Pocket Combs, Factory Cotton* Ginger, Mustard, Cigars, _ - Boots & Shoes* nkstands, lupenor- SnufiS Cotton, Ifarn ble Merehandise, received today. '•"'' ' 4 - ^ ' - - . ",- : -^'0.-iiBWIS&co. FINED TA- . ^^^^."tor Sale in large i|.|M|i(pitid Whits P.per M % *ild^| thii Offiw, bj- tb* mu f ^.sm^ do Powder, Shot Bar Lead," Stone Pots ItiJnga, Bake Kettles, Pofs, Needles, Pjna* Thread, ^ Whejsl H««t&% Shovels, Spades, Ctockeiyrslates, Cotton WigKthg, Colrn«r;%^tvBrob«i»i W ROUqUTT IRON, theforgeof tho tub- scriber at Matildii, (nine miles south of Potsdam village) is now in operation .and hav- ing a good supply of slock on hand, and a-JSjaj** rate workman, hefluttershimself he shall be «iri- ~* allied to supply all demands, iucluding drafts for y cart and waggon tyre, or any others, usually f made.under it thrgc naujiner, on short notice A supply of iron will bo kept on hand at tbe -stone store of W. W. (loulding & Co. in- tbe village of Potsdam, as, also at the forge, wn^»o Mr Hiram Pierce is authorized to sell-the same The price for common flat and bar iron,, is $80, per tor, foa cash.—To old customers, I oi n say, that the Iron nasv making is equal td'a- uy which has been made at caid forge, and to others, that it is not inferior to any Bloom in the county. SAMUEL PARTRIDGE. Potsdam Sept 6, ISsJi. 1& COMMENCEMENT OF A NEW SEBIKa, I N catering for ihe'amusemontof their patron* the publisbers'-liave sought to obtain, m*t«- ruds of an interesting novel and diversified char- acter, and although :hoy have not' been abia hitherto to present much in the shape of original contributions, they have always cherish*d * nat- ural regard for Native Talent, and have been zealous and persevering in their . effort* to obtain it. With this view, it will be seen tbat a liharal PREMIUM OF TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS Iras been offered by them for the best American Tale, and therefano doubt the compe- tition for the honor ofthe award will be contfst. ed by writers of tbe highest disiinotion;:f A *•-<' •*. * condary Premium of FIFTX J0S^0.vk * a|s» oflered for tbe best Tofai suitable •fjjffiSfflb* a lication in the Lady's Book. * lti»m«8§!(pfrt^-r- ctinclude then that the attractions of t^ ; *uc3>d«' %% ing numbers of the work, will be ^maBifiik|»^ t& they will be increased both in th* .C^arac'ttt^f^' its contents and the beauty• Of it*««xterni«p-V * pearanco. The publishers littve 4 n l * i : # ^ » ^ * ments for a now and excellent papflr on which to print it; and, they also propose' to make (ottw improvements^ in its tvpiiraphical appearanca. The Mu»ic, jTyne whicEdiey haye selected for their use is of the most approved kind, and jn fu- ture the a«omp*n'nnents'enii^]Tt'i|l KL,giv*n with tbetnusic they select for publication. ' " The publisher* have* ftweopie* of th* last six numbers on haiid, with winch th«y Will be happy to supply new aub^ribers^-Hl* tthS** will forniyi.connexion-with the future nirmbert, all who tle"Sirenhe work complete will of coir** coronjencewithtteipr. - *-.' .. • . '^H'St ", Per*ons w'hn li'n«Sf*«» • .i-*'s-l.> -••••> have a Tlie publisher* are' desirous _ of obrtinmi a». early in the succeeding month a* possiblei «n «K timate of th*-number of rook* of their-woir 1 - ... — .~ , ra~»'» y*vuuni oi ineir 'Wont' .". — which may lie; *UDscTio*dJmy « , 1kit&tom&&» know what edition tbJey wiUitf|>yi^a|ri|oJf'aii$ lisli—it is earnestly Tequested"«^«St%rMiFith; the* m new order, for th^Book m * | ^ S s t | l m d m ? i 1 oace, byldoing «o, thoie ^ S ./(vllPijp^ltha'i"Vlsf 'M c ?%L°f ? l wH. no * bad«»ppcrp!ris1a|'^irit^^ir^ _„, at*«!J the 3d vpjum'e of {"he w « * . 8opl^PA»» , fl!?f puhlisliorswill hava «ho worK„PP*5HgJ up, and itibject'to the order* o'f the ffla ffj The Lady^feBoolt is pu^i*hed«;onVM|*«iIgeW|i every month—t;o%ina, rncariy «0 togeWtfrlftlli^^f 118 ChernVt'tfrletJplio^j^a. -^^m rwfm pubiwher* orm^Mfmm^^mM-^-'f Ji. •. led by «sense vUA^^ImhS'SmM^^^ ^eir work, anianxlon* to,impMfe;itf e t ^ ANTIMASOJTfC ALMAJUrJ^ pOR S^e Inr .the JQMM* JjL DkweiiLOC Single, hr ^ t Pp. PARTRID6K. rotsdam, Dec. 1,1831. 22 U K.B. JPnce^r^petdoasen^ortWelye and a half cent* tangle. $o*. dtiHisai*»^ % * h f *HS* |^*li *<* by •veryweansin their newer, hay*i*ff rmii to offer th* following premium*,; vix'i^-Fo'r ttie , best Original Tale, writieftfor uSfcJid|J»Book; t800.^^anAfcfr the best Original Poem, *uit»bi ' Competitor* for these premium*, wilt *>ddf*M, th»ir«o«i»iK»nications, free of pottage, t o l * A* Goody & Co No, 113 Chewux street, Phd«d*l^ phi*, before thefirttday of June, 183», at whtdf time, as many a* ibtll have Jieent«Miv«J, W«Jl bo submitted to a committee of literary p*r*o«* whose jndgmeht*h»lld^fermin*d»«u»di*frib(fcv '- .' tioo o f prize*. * « ^ ^ "»-» * Ac«c4ij^yiiY«KAeiimWBwatia^ Ufth»wj$ermust l»tilhW*h«i. »iec«cy ** * , preferred, the name may be eoclOMd W *«*pa* rata* *e«|ed enveloae, wbichw* not ba «ip*Md > w;c«pt;ia the Case «f tbe *ucces*ful candidat*. Xt will, of course b*und4r*itood that all arne)ta 3 ^&i submits for the** prammoM will b* febsoktahr Wtl aUbfrdtacrtfion oFtW'pnb!nih«r%: . ^ % \J!M The publication of tb* Tali* mS Ptiftur w i t v be commenced immediately a f l w ^ award m _ hnaiffc - , - j>ri Tfrm ARXIOLKi-fA3SKHE ^ InvenW» Curt M.ple Lampay which, i t n bthe^ved will itiawrr tbe p o ^ pote better: Ih.^anv heretofore iBtaa*^ .- W». 6. Water-.treet, 0«t* $8. t Ogdensburgli, Oc*. ^O, JtdS-J m If* 3tf T v i C?y *5l!Sr$ii^§!!?Wli *>*te K x^ Ik

Transcript of f , %i%--.nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031300/1831-12-15/ed-1/seq-5.pdf · ppppi^^...

Page 1: f , %i%--.nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031300/1831-12-15/ed-1/seq-5.pdf · ppppi^^ ^:jiFT*-;a*.-«^fc appear* ihaMbo

ppppi^^ ^<*vi^


'''>^Ul<ws|or*-wo(idfei)'j -j .>:jiFT*- ;a*.-« fc appear* ihaMbo Anjlf

2d,'3d, 4tb,-5th, 6th, and 7th, as they stand this year.'aod addjng die vote of the eighth as given fast, tlie whole nuinber ia the soven districts, is 106,733, ,T}«f is dying away mneh in the usual banner, and. we doubt not it will die a Vermont death noit fall, to the great annoyance and final djsJcpnifitu^Qith^s*f%-l«».W^ PM'y of this State. In the first, district the Ami ma *s6nie»p*rty is not yet organised,, therj . ajro how­ever several thousand antimasons in this, .district arid the candidate opposed to the present admin­istration received 9,214, which added to the Aritimasonic vote make 115,936, this we ar,e in­clined to think will put at rest the vain boasting of the |tewo*ncy parly, that they "have jt majority iatlnVsato. . .

, _ v SS#Iiawdsi Jnt?ths liquid

ma (is KSkdy^tlbj^l^ftt^fs^df^ of Fhm ce^il^^ajtfe3rfo*^3i degrees, and a Ia» JoCW!|^^i?^lr^^t'hlhese^rfe/t'cacte* r. | l fWitwf>ft | |e l f -wUh"rauch appa.

Thp ^0^s&^% IJef a14 states, that & riitlll^e^^e^tio; Railroad has

Brearly'^^|'nJ&iipet8»to^ltedomestic 9>e


if- B**;a



k f^rfo^i | | | « l ipt |pjJtptef intents that

*1fM^f»tM4fejDf F jpwtow of .g»;#lii^-4«iC!:ww<j city will be

|roirght^ithiinta,hiiJf.»i:d»y,8 r|d« of their

loon. •'?'%lik*-.'' ."*: -" i S o f e . ^ l i i 6 f cr^—TTe have 'be.

ire\ai!S^t^iiJ!r^m;(r«>y, Lincoln coun. r, wjtj6|38Me*^uaf, on the third of last iontt,'§fn^t|hjjfrt of that place put in

be TfrariJggijto ? a Jctter, addressed to a ^mmisslbn ih6use in this city, containing

$lod%Ql#0fibt4fe United States Bank

P& ^ • « . ^ ^ ^ * i ^ P ' ° i ^ * 0 * M ' T y Sotd*™" gone-^ . ' • ^ W n i . % l | S > i ' . l # i ! town of Scbagti. ^l«>S;"B?^c>1|^^If^1 4S»>9*y» <?««ob Yates, i | ' . ; ' ^ s q ' d)$fg^t$je- -^Hth year of his age P

^ A l f c . ^ l ^ ^ W ^ ' * ^ ' ' captiired Gen '<»' *'p€«ufgoyl !^i|d;i|;'\vats believed that be

'as the^iist?^ur^iving captain who frftight • the1& jjgte ^ I ^ t i l t w ^ e r ^ T ? ^ Budget

If it,

• " • ^

r » !

rhjclt|ne=^^^1ife^revokttijt»n secured to lepe^weSifefil|^-tepubHc. , H e w a s *

J^d is Strong's Iteply.~We this week con­clude Judge Strongs fteply to a cominii^, en-quiring.bis opinions of the«ba*ac^er and tenden­cies of Speculative Freemasonry, which is valua­ble in many respects, as his early and familiar acquaintance with the institution, and his subse­quent opportunities in Congress and other pub­lic stations to witness its influence and judge of its tendencies, entitle his opinions to serious con­sideration j coming as they do from a man retired' from public life, they can not fail of being read* with interest by all M ho wish to see aristocracy exposed in all its- forms,

• Our Republican neighbour of the St. Lawrence Republican,jm the course of his AT goose read-in|s has discovered that the Lyons Countryman aWws paper, edited by Myron Holley Esq. is to be discontinued, arjd as we presume that he needs "thore light^' we respectfully inform lum, Tiis dignity to tbe contrary notwithstanding, that sincd Antimasohry has, gene down in this State, Mr. Holley has gone down to Washington to Edit the Republican Heruld, and being one of the ablest political writers of this Country, we doubt much whether the aiders-and abettors of the an-ci*nt and honorable, will gain much by. bis go­ing down. —-— -

JEf&JLady'S Book.—Tho December No. of this work, i s cswCuted in a style far superior to any •of its predecessors":*'- J*e' selections wetliink wel| adapted to tbe taste of thai class of readers for whom it is intended. Its contents are pr.ncip illy Moral Tales, Poetry, and items of general intelli­gence

The next nmnher will be tlie commencement of a new volurae,and the publishers are making exer­tions to increase its interest. Thoy offer premi­ums for the best original articles, for the partic­ulars of which we refer to $n advertisement in this days paper, and would suggesMo those who wish tbe work the propriety of ordering iuhajprs-cnt month, as the publishers express their deter­mination to print but a limited edition.

*MWfcL_, . . „ , tew'miWn$* -iMMSHlfte Brifoe, wher |,g has i^lvM i-4*oerai and ivett sel^ted albrtho'en^l'., 7' .

Hardware, Groceries, — . - ^ one door west of tnVn" old slatid,

%fifee tltey'Tali'e just reeteked from Ne*<" r Forfi' iit addition to<^J«r)^i|!i^pJy^ittf

Ogdenshurgh, Deo. 7,1831*. «NP


m Dress Maker, "" RE S P E C T F U L L Y jnlorms ^ L a ­

dies rf 0gdensburgl|,and *'U?hj^r, that she has commenced tire above b|i«i-ness, in the iVeto Marble Building*, 'Mrst dom west of H, Thonjas*'Store, Waterlis.t,, where she will leeeive ail oideis itifB^i line and execute them with iieatttbss |,iid despatch. H. M. having serveda reg». lar time in oiie of the most respectable; houses iu Montreal, hopes front uiirernitJ ting attention and assiduity to business, to give general satisfaction. Willi respect she offers her services to the; Ladies of this Village vyjjo rimy favor her -witbjtln^ij^ tiouage, and engages to UejB|) 8»|S.,%" A e\v Vor!f Fashions. ' »„.. ,

N.B., Leghorn attc| Stra%. bleached^jnid, repaired on ihf shortest notice.

December 7, 1831. 23u


^—Stray Calves, Q TRAYj^D Irom the subscribertn<he k J monthof Jqne-last, two Cakes , both ruptured,one -dark red »iid the other light Rrd, and of good size. Whoever wiii return them to the subscriber or give in­formation where they may be found, shall be generously .rewatded.

""I JAMES C A R K Oswegatchie,35ec. 6, 1831. 23d

The Annual Meeting OF the St. Lawrence County Medi-

eaA.AatieXyV>wll be held at thf house«of Hirain Wayton, 1n Madrid, on

(Ttieaday the I7th dayof January next. i t IO o'clock A. M. Physicians of the county are earnestly invited to attend, as the^e rf.basiness of importance to be transacted at tbat time.—Dated Decem­ber 1«, 1831.

. D A R I U S C L A R g , SccVy.

HUSf i f lTD&EC>B»lB'Ei l 1 5 , 1 8 3 1 .


D- Judson's Capital Pri«e Lottery Office. Drawn numbers of Extra class No. 35.

60 19 8 52 11 28 49 51 10 LOOK JI/IMD. s

On the 14th Dec. Kegular clas.« No. 12. ' Capital's,-

40,000, $20,004-$10,000; #5,000,5J0 ol g4,0JO, 20 of $3,000

20 of *2,000, 2Oo/«l.lW0, e •' 20(1 of #500, & .

Tickets only $10, halves $5, quarts}*. $2,50 eights jrl^tf... ,( 1

b*6 numbers,10 ballots,22 tickels in package i Ex^a Cioss^o. 3Q, tbr l831", DraxVft L>ec. aut.

T ettpltsa Prize, fyZOflm*-*- ' Tickets ^5-, Half. $2,50, Qrs 01,25. \ .

54 numbers a drawn ballotts 18 in package j ' ' Ttnhvls, Packages, and Shares, ip a yurie%luf|.V

fortunate numbers, jn the above j&rtern'iej*i|ii% "'

sale at ti. Judsuti's Lucky Lnttory;"^|ic^igi: ^ Persons at a distance wishing

obtain them, by enclosing Cash eu, (tetters^jr^dJ'JuUWrtjsii.

Current and uncurrent Money and sold !'

ment of Ladies', Geutleinen's. and Cbil .dreh'a. .. /r

:r . - « - ''• ••-.•^•^ '•'

ha| . b'e % commodioirSly litled «p> and Trojin their assprlmeiit and yajjeiyj they datter tliemselvei that iiiev shajl be abjc tojsupniy all who my favor thsjfl*. v*th a call. Particular attention wi l lbe paid to ihe;Ladj«s. ' . - ' > ? ;

' ',. • - A L S O , - ' ."•• '.


, LAS l y of .aU,aj$£ti a«»d deseritious,— Also a complete assortment of Shoe Tools and Fetidings. .!,


Ogdejjsburgh, Oe(, .tT« J831, w.


edington 6c Nash. A V E ' j ^ ^ e j e i v e j l ;

» 0 bbisi*iVlacketel, 10 half do. 30 kittrf do. 50 boxes Raisins, f

do Herring, -• Ihs .Loaf Sugar,

brown do __ cod Fisli,

Which they ofler for sale at the lowest prices.

- Ogdensburgh, Oct. 10, 1831. ~~'2fi

20 2000 4000 do 2000 do

IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. H9HE subscribers, owners of Ennnon li^Iiiiproyed Threshing Macliine icir th

eounty of Jeflferson, excepting the totenb AnUverp, respectfully inform the farmers of said county, that they are now ready to soil said machines,which will be prompt ly furnished to. order at the village of Wa-tertown. Tho Machine calculated for horse power,

can-be offered at FIFTY DOLLARS, in­cluding the right, for hand powerVatthir-ty five dollars. This machine is capable of thrashing from sixty to one hundred and twenty bushels of wheat., with two men and one horse; and by hand power, two men to ttirn, and a boy to feed, Wjill thrash from thirty to sixty in orje day .per, fectly clcarj. 'fire subsonBefs„ar? willing to warrant this'machine to' thrash sixty bushels of good wheat, in one vday, with two men and one horse enjployed; and no

is'alp, if it fail to do so. They might add *NBP1 ' o n £ l * 8 ' o f Certificates concerning .the

, Ji|iTrttU|fy and Value of the macliine* b w p r e -'M£k-; fer that Farmers should .come and jee , ex-

amino^nd Aid^eforthc'inselves. k - . * N. B. A machine will be in dipefaM

' Sujjientaca' of tje aiatoi. . >w-DEMt>'C RATIC

ANTlSl'iiONrO NOMINATION. ' - . ^s f fS i" fPf^JfaXSIDKItT,

' - '^tf)s faia£k%!m>


T\entistry.—MR. WOOD J L / has arrived and taken rooms at W. B. Ha SKINS' H O T E L , whete he will stay a few days in the practice of Dental Surgery, in all its branches- He has make such airangements thai he vyill be. able to visit Ogdensburgh twice every year, and hopes to meet with liberal pa. tronage. Rehjretiee mav be had to his fortifier jpracfici in'tHis village. * '

Ogdensburgh, Dec. 12, ,J83Jk 24

BJE|fTf.Sf|? . Mr.Hartson, iRATtVfi Sf R&BON DEN-

F,ivili attend to all calls iu the flitfe of hirp'rofessiou at the Ogdensburgh 'Hotel. ' "*

Prc*id*ni[i;&lu**g«>—\Vi> recoivod thin Docd-.| wnt Ti^ay^fivening; butjio much of our mat ir waaalfciadyja,type, Unit we could not giva it

l i o a ^ ^ ^ i 1 * # ^ *** ^ P1*^1 bnsitjese airwtit and fieherally much siipcrioi to hut for-cohtrauilications. Some; paragrtplis however oo^h to oriticisrn, and some arc mere puffs on grMt.ibmgs that-he has d«ne, intended aa a.o^ga]5]ii!8|tra|t ^o tfbhjbt, and wecjhal»

ake ftim re Mmi -on; .whai " ve deem error* and sftcti^pir >tsj puBlicpaion, premising however W di|;Chll!f Magistrate is like other Saints,

ing'l^s^j'e^uenrtyin faith than in practice. i ' •i>jlfV»,"^»1i.«-f j V l - " I . I . I I I ! I.I I I fl

&P*flj-iiiiif&nfrrui.—Tlie election of Speak -: is ^^*;j|ou;fe«d upon as indicative of the ircngt|||f|irtti|l; in "Congress, and if the prcs-tf v^i l^^i ! %nsrd9re^ characteristic, the ipu||r||yWf the administration is* beyond, all irn^il^plfsnti. %i^fl|iii«gft :0jf Virginia was elected on tlie it ballot by a iha|or?ty of one vote. Dr. Suth-

rhnd ^fphifadelphii received the next highest lote,, j|ojtfejb«sege.nrtenicn-l^!orig to tho whole ib'nt ngfiipr wron^'patty, af»d we'^erenota ttfe gurppy that Ihe great National Republican Mtyp|||» ,^|^tit{i»-.iioi^nttt«.Het' Clay tothe

*•* m^g0t^H in order to slj^whiaittength. be rMito^lef to ibis phoriornenon in politics un ^blo^W|ha|,|ha.Clay party -havelaiddown; ielr|^l3?S^|«nolactBd.'|| eirry burdens &r-

Irand M&ite Jackson, aniMme \vill unfold tho *m0mtefifr oFtiii**Oamion. 'I'liesAd

N EWitBERtA MOLlisSES] p , article of very superior qB*litj>--v

i af Sale by s~~~ - — -~ r<~- .'-^-^-^T^i J. G. LKU-U & co.

QfARU&TePfims <Mtfffy, ^»r S^BJI

O lfir^wr"oTtKebirdge,*hy " ^ - J. aRAJ^ER. ', Dee. 14, 1831. V SO- those who wish ihe best Wbj'tsMtraili

_J. edLamp Oil—tho subscribors'can recom­mend theirs now on £«le. . ". ' " %•.., '•

,w,(^||«fii'4or*fall ofin-iifnation last it^aeMr; AdamVcondescQwied to tahe a

. ^ |^"biBt-'noti«' of thwn sound tho w o f ^ l l discord on thf .loelion of Mr. Clay

-•» ^ ^ f c ^ ^ ' c t o - H uAdwbtaliy di*r. .mtttBM**-*-'-*.^-,. - •• ^»..«w|iliJMijBI),.

F IG B L U E , for safe a t the corner of the Bridge^ by

n , . l f i a J a B A R T E R ,

Dec. 14,>1S31.

Dealers with . Hair,, Curl and Side Combs, 6/e;, of an excellent ^jiiality, as low ns can be purchased in J f W York city. •' %'''v-£&

r. c.l&!li & co. . Ogdehifyurgh, Nov. ,2fe,lB3|

•>-«; j c - ,--—-—.<••.—....., HB first pun* ciplesand tm^.$Mq^-$toA fW5 ta .consequence pf ?eyeral .ap|»ficiiti«ti» of l«t» fur suchu^vvork. thnHidi.«rn..£Il,i..Jkj ?•»"'* such lAyork, lUjiBsnbscriliers hdyeliiderttkw to n^utl^jS^ti.will mmjf^^^ 9

It will coiisist of the Lcwjstoii Report, LeRoy |»Conventionr"and a history of tlr^ l i t effort* ta I ferret out the horrid minder, of VViIljIm"JIorg«n, the vttrjo,tW trials «-f tfte djdVfclori!J#lihe oadw of Freemasonry, the dofuM »f ^fasopit Lodges in "relation1 fo the Atiductiou, renunciations of Ma­sons, doirigroFe^Mventioit*, Report* of special Attorneys, Letter^ of Colden, RashiiAdamkand',

Wirt, with sach miscellaneous article* a* will throw light on the whole subject. "'„

The work will be put in painphbrt iormr 75 cents a copy, and wilt be put to press a* won *a 10(10 copies are subscribod for. , <: *."f

SowTork.'Nov.ai', I»31* ^ . ,, T

fy&Sabscriptonsjbt the above work rccttv- * id at this Ojjice. • i r



- - . . I i . . ^ . . A & l U d U U I U l i will be in operation at •°!*Sht.r(rolf John Gotham's in this tow^, by the ' firet of next harvest,, whichjoiay'lift.iseen,

IHE Subscribers will Ornish b y J T ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ *^ ' ^

" IDr; J. W. SMITHS' Dr. Wm. "A. CA%F1ELD+

JR^erentesU Dr: 3, A. CHAMBERS, Wr. ft. N. BIGELOW,

""' *JD>. Sv N. SHERMAN.

1 O O b b l s - S A L T Po'SaitwCo.*-*-•** mUtftm, at the corner ofahe Bridge, bv

_ J. C. B A R T E R . • Dec. 14, 1 # 1 .

AM I *ftionic Almanacs for 1832-for sale at the comer of the bridge

by J. a BARTER. Dee' l 4 ' 1 8 8 1 , '•

G O T T O ^ W1CK1NG, of * good quality, for sale by -

J. €. B A R T E R . * De<V 14, 1 # 1 . "". . . ' . ....•','•". .'•

MA t?A BOY SiM U F F , {tntezi arm -sneeze,) for tale by

. . - ' . ' J*<?4 BAHTER.


„ _ . ,.JsjeribW;feepi' coastkritly on' hana\ at h u shop, a few doors etfst

'^'f&jififafyh Lottery QflSce, Ford-street OgdehsbuVgh, a complete assortment dj

Cbiiafehfslfhtie*, _*vf [The tateaddifiott'i to h i s f6rmer9^ | . l tS5 made his assortment completepuM«|uch as all who call, cannot fail of being#u;it-«d bothinirjualfty*tfd"n^c<?.^ \ • The above artt^ei^aris warranted/twd sold wholesale aud reUil.

- • ' ••!•*•-'t^&^Uw&L' , November 17,18ak", - "»*

Wanted: Immediately, FIVE Journey­men, to yvork on morocco' and stuff'Work.

";'.-•, ." y ".' JF>W.

y*a&tt$ tffe&iv and desira

After thrashing, the straw is left whole and unbroken, in good- coiSaiiip*^' fpr bin­ding, m. .if..'.,. s%:

The machines are bniltJaXa.8lt6p near the Old Factory, in th ls iv i l la fe-

T R t l l ^ T O O X . JOHN GOTHAM.

Watertown, Julv l2t l i^83l . ' ft9.

CTfcAjp'Elk # l h I c o r n e r »f the • ' Bridge?—Kjeep-couvantly for sale

sale at favorable p l i^S. » general assort­ment of Lrovisionsahd Groceries, com-nrisii.g : ' | g f ' •.. Pork, Salmon, JSrShad, Mackere Herring, , . A^choviea, Trenton Cheese,t^ffilitet, Potatoes, ,., '>. -Molasses, Tea, Coffee, .§% Chocolate, Salt, Candles,||C Strong Beer, Vinegar, •r fi |*amp Oil* ? ^ e & . S u g a ^ i ^ a l a d ^ M | ! v ^ , , _

Raisins, _ Almonds, Saltpetre,

fPastey d o ^ Salaeratus, , ;p i ..Copperas, %i%--. . . . . . . .

fonfectionary, ;,<; Dried Peaches, atent P a | | ^ ^ n g h | Najla,.

Crackers, ' Ikr Soap,

[Fine Shaving, ^Basket*,


j Tob>cco, Papery Plug, 4o Pocket Combs, Factory Cotton* Ginger, Mustard, Cigars, _ -Boots & Shoes* nkstands, lupenor- SnufiS Cotton, Ifarn

ble Merehandise, received today.

'•"'' ' 4 -^' - - . " , - : -^ '0 . - i iBWIS&co .

FINED TA-. ^ ^ ^ ^ . " t o r Sale in large

i | . | M | i ( p i t i d Whits P.per M % *ild^| thii Offiw, bj- tb* mu


^.sm^ do Powder, Shot Bar Lead," Stone Pots ItiJnga, Bake Kettles, Pofs, Needles, Pjna* Thread, ^ Whejsl H««t&% Shovels, Spades, Ctockeiyrslates, Cotton WigKthg,


WROUqUTT IRON, the forge of tho tub-scriber at Matildii, (nine miles south of

Potsdam village) is now in operation .and hav­ing a good supply of slock on hand, and a-JSjaj** rate workman, he flutters himself he shall be «iri- ~* allied to supply all demands, iucluding drafts for y cart and waggon tyre, or any others, usually f made.under it thrgc naujiner, on short notice A supply of iron will bo kept on hand at tbe

-stone store of W. W. (loulding & Co. in- tbe village of Potsdam, as, also at the forge, wn^»o Mr Hiram Pierce is authorized to sell-the same The price for common flat and bar iron,, is $80, per tor, foa cash.—To old customers, I oi n say, that the Iron nasv making is equal td'a-uy which has been made at caid forge, and to others, that it is not inferior to any Bloom in the county.

SAMUEL PARTRIDGE. Potsdam Sept 6, ISsJi. 1&


IN catering for ihe'amusemontof their patron* the publisbers'-liave sought to obtain, m*t«-

ruds of an interesting novel and diversified char­acter, and although :hoy have not' been abia hitherto to present much in the shape of original contributions, they have always cherish*d * nat­ural regard for Native Talent, and have been zealous and persevering in their . effort* to obtain it. With this view, it will be seen tbat a liharal PREMIUM OF TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS Iras been offered by them for the best American Tale, and there fa no doubt the compe­tition for the honor of the award will be contfst. ed by writers of tbe highest disiinotion;:f A *•-<' •*. * condary Premium of FIFTX J0S^0.vk * a|s» oflered for tbe best Tofai suitable •fjjffiSfflb* a lication in the Lady's Book. * l t i»m«8§!(pfrt^-r-ctinclude then that the attractions of t^;*uc3>d«' %% ing numbers of the work, will be ^maBifiik|»^ t& they will be increased • both in th* .C^arac'ttt^f^' its contents and the beauty• Of it*««xterni«p-V * pearanco. The publishers littve 4nl* i :#^»^* ments for a now and excellent papflr on which to print it; and, they also propose' to make (ottw improvements in its tvpiiraphical appearanca. The Mu»ic, jTyne whicEdiey haye selected for their use is of the most approved kind, and jn fu­ture the a«omp*n'nnents'enii^]Tt'i|l KL,giv*n with tbetnusic they select for publication. ' "

The publisher* have* ftweopie* of th* last six numbers on haiid, with winch th«y Will be happy to supply new aub^ribers -Hl* tthS** will forniyi.connexion-with the future nirmbert, all who tle"Sirenhe work complete will of coir** coronjencewithtteipr. - *-.' .. • . '^H'St ",

Per*ons w'hn li'n«Sf*«» • . i - * ' s - l . > -••••> have a

Tlie publisher* are' desirous _ of obrtinmi a». early in the succeeding month a* possiblei «n « K timate of th*-number of rook* of their-woir1-. . . — .~ ,ra~»'» y*vuuni oi ineir 'Wont' .". — which may lie; *UDscTio*dJmy « , 1kit&tom&&» know what edition tbJey wiUitf |>yi^a|ri |oJf'aii$ lisli—it is earnestly Tequested"«^«St%rMiFith; the* m new order, for th^Book m * | ^ S s t | l m d m ? i 1 oace, byldoing «o, thoie ^ S ./(vllPijp^ltha'i"Vlsf 'M c?%L°f ?l wH.no* bad«»ppcrp!ris1a|'^irit^^ir^

_„, at*«!J the 3d vpjum'e of {"he w « * . 8opl^PA»»,fl!?f puhlisliorswill hava «ho worK„PP*5HgJ up, and itibject'to the order* o'f the fflaffj

The Lady feBoolt is pu^i*hed«;onVM|*«iIgeW|i every month—t;o%ina, rncariy «0 togeWtfrlftlli^^f

118 ChernVt'tfrletJplio^j^a. -^^m

rwfm pubiwher* orm^Mfmm^^mM-^-'f Ji. •. led by «sense vUA^^ImhS'SmM^^^

^eir work, anianxlon* to,impMfe;itf e t ^

ANTIMASOJTfC ALMAJUrJ^ p O R S^e Inr .the JQMM* JjL DkweiiLOC Single, hr

^ t Pp. P A R T R I D 6 K . rotsdam, Dec. 1 ,1831 . 22 U K.B. JPnce^r^petdoasen^ortWelye

and a half cent* tangle.

$o*. dtiHisai*»^ % * hf

*HS* | ^ * l i *<*

by •veryweansin their newer, hay*i*ff rmii to offer th* following premium*,; vix'i -Fo'r ttie

, best Original Tale, writieftfor uSfcJid|J»Book; t800. ^anAfcfr the best Original Poem, *uit»bi

' Competitor* for these premium*, wilt *>ddf*M, th»ir«o«i»iK»nications, free of pottage, to l* A* Goody & Co No, 113 Chewux street, Phd«d*l^ phi*, before the firtt day of June, 183», at whtdf time, as many a* ibtll have Jieent«Miv«J, W«Jl bo submitted to a committee of literary p*r*o«* whose jndgmeht*h»lld^fermin*d»«u»di*frib(fcv '- .' tioo of prize*. * « ^ ^ "»-» *

Ac«c4ij^yiiY«KAeiimWBwatia^ Ufth»wj$ermust l»tilhW*h«i. » i e c « c y ** * , preferred, the name may be eoclOMd W *«*pa* rata* *e«|ed enveloae, wbichw* not ba «ip*Md > w;c«pt;ia the Case «f tbe *ucces*ful candidat*.

Xt will, of course b*und4r*itood that all arne)ta3 ^&i submits for the** prammoM will b* febsoktahr Wtl aUbfrdtacrtfion oFtW'pnb!nih«r%: . ^ % \J!M

The publication of tb* Tali* mS Ptiftur w i t v

be commenced immediately a f l w ^ award m _ hnaiffc - , - j>ri

Tfrm ARXIOLKi-fA3SKHE ^ InvenW» Curt M.ple Lampay which, i t n bthe^ved will itiawrr tbe p o ^ pote better: Ih.^anv heretofore iBtaa*^ .-

W». 6. Water-.treet, 0«t* $8. t

Ogdensburgli, Oc*. O,



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