F. A. MER · Prison, suys It writer III Ponr 1II0nths 90n's 'Vocltly, yllll Illlly of ton heur the...

the best on hand. or single. Whips, Dusters and Brushes n spccioll \'. ir:ng done while yO\1 wnit at The Old Stand ." Hat Pins, 25c. to 1112.60; Bracelets. Chain and Band, $2 to !II, 0 i Scarf Pins. 26 c. to $5 ; Cuff Links, 26c. to S7.60; Gents' sets cuft links and tie pin, 46 c. to S2.60 i Ladies' Brooches 26c. to 9.00 : Necklets, gold and stone settings, 1060 to 12.00 ; Gents' and Ladies Albert and lorgnette G,hains,also fobs 2 00 to 2.00 , locke.s 26c to 5.00. , , Enameled Beauty, Baby and SOllvenir Pins l also Souvenir spoons, in sliver and plate. Don't forget us when you need anything. F. A. MER.CER D. S. HARVIE TlICPEOPLESJEWEl.RYSTOIU Treherne Jewellery, Wa.ch and Cloclt Repairing

Transcript of F. A. MER · Prison, suys It writer III Ponr 1II0nths 90n's 'Vocltly, yllll Illlly of ton heur the...

Page 1: F. A. MER · Prison, suys It writer III Ponr 1II0nths 90n's 'Vocltly, yllll Illlly of ton heur the All tho hoy 18 nll"lc by hllllt! It.s. shurp, slIInclpng roport of 11 dynlllllto

the best on hand. or single.

Whips, Dusters and Brushes n spccioll \'.

ir:ng done while yO\1 wnit at

The Old Stand ."

Hat Pins, 25c. to 1112.60; Bracelets. Chain and Band, $2 to !II, 0 i Scarf Pins. 26 c. to $5 ; Cuff Links, 26c. to S7.60; Gents' sets cuft links and tie pin, 46 c. to S2.60 i Ladies' Brooches 26c. to 9.00 : Necklets, gold and stone settings, 1060 to 12.00 ; Gents' and Ladies Albert and lorgnette G,hains,also fobs 2 00 to ~ 2.00 , locke.s 26c to 5.00. , ,

Enameled Beauty, Baby and SOllvenir Pinsl also Souvenir spoons, in sliver and plate. Don't forget us when you need anything.




Jewellery, Wa.ch and Cloclt Repairing

Page 2: F. A. MER · Prison, suys It writer III Ponr 1II0nths 90n's 'Vocltly, yllll Illlly of ton heur the All tho hoy 18 nll"lc by hllllt! It.s. shurp, slIInclpng roport of 11 dynlllllto

the bath, LIB .



JAMItS DINGWaLL; IE .... WDliamstown, Ont., Juty 27th 1901-

"I BUffered all my life from Chroniot Constipation and no doctor, or remedy: I ever tried belped me ... Fmlt .... ti~ promptly cured me AI80(lut ~riA. I bad. bad _tlode of BI,A.OOER aad JODNEY TROUBLE and the doct_ pvc me up but "Fruit-a.tins" ...... Illy life. I am IIOW over eighty yean of _'" and 1 Itrongly recomme .... .. Frwt .... tives.. for ConstipatiOD ... 1tldD~ Tronble" •

~~.:l~;fl~~?I;~ of "conversational "i: n a certnm Eastern col

(SIgned) ]AHRS DmGWALI.. soe. box, 6 for $2.50-0r trW box, $

-et de_l~ or 1l'0III Pmlt ... th' • LImited, Otta_

"tiS u 11\ ely mademOIselle nl)\S !lro gro,,,. tip llOre Oil top of 'tho-­Just ovor" Ono bright uftornoon sho IJUre Illoor, fourteen hundred feot abo, I>­

stoppod two girls yory oxcitedly She sou lUI d "untlld to buy Iln "uponge pour lu Tho tlllrd jeu. sccs lho II"" field grow bam," btlt sho <luI noC know whnt to lIIg" crop of secas, nnd lhe SUIIlO crop­usk ,for tI Buth spongo Toll tho salos 18 taken for lhe next yenr also TIU'1l IIllln YOtl wuut 0 bIg b,tth sponge to COllies anothel eroJ' of "swedes," nnd tallO i.omo with you sllld tho gIrls]n rtcr thnt the IlInd I. 1It\l1 do" II IULo. chorus, nnd they nccompllnled hor to tho lIenl pllsture Ryo ~rnss, willte v.lloge drug store A young clerk step 1·;.lnv,,, lIlellllow grnss, trefOIl, eocles!oot, (lod fonvltrd ],IlIdemol8011e nd. ancO(l othor gruss seed. uro Ill,xed mill brnvely "Plea"o," sho sn.d, sllllhn~IYI SU1\11 ut tho rute of thlft) SIX pound~ "" III YOIl kmdl,v talte 1110 hOlllo Itnd gil 0 to tho Itere

~~l'~:~]·,~e~;:;l:I't:~o~~1 me a big sponge buth'" 'rhoso pllsturcs prouuco flne crops 01: ;CIUIltr.y; hill J uot, of course, as he'll) us thORt).. • , grown III tho low country, but lory

THE PRISON ON THE MOOR sweot nnd cloun When not put up fllr ;TXTAND'FJRINQ ncross tho 1II00r WIth hill, tho ptlstllres WIll clls.ly feod ono . "".' ID It Illlio or two of Prmcotown ullocl, to thd' nClo during tl". "UllInll ....

Prison, suys It writer III Ponr 1II0nths 90n's 'Vocltly, yllll Illlly of ton heur the All tho hoy 18 nll"lc by hllllt! It.s. shurp, slIInclpng roport of 11 dynlllllto nn mlll s.ght to seo hllif t hnndred 1ll0" elll tlldge SonlctlOJes tlllS cOllies from tossmg hllY hy hnnd 1'ou C 11I't trust the bIg 'qunrry on tho /lnnk of He8suy 0 whole gllng w.th sucb cllngerous 1';0111'

but of ton from some dlstllnt pOI t ot on8 liS 11Itchforl<s

fnTm 'I'he IllCluJO\\B Ilfl\ 0 to be Illuccl occn Inu .• '," cllse It Illenns thnt con slOnlllh, or .. Ise they get 1II0SSI I'lllstlo"

hllsy -clonrmg for crop. nrc also n plllglle 'rhe low ground no" ... of tim fOllr squlIlo Jlllies tb. B1nck Brook, willch IS n tflbutary lhe present hUllts of the f tho Dllrt, grows Iwlt' y crups ot rllsh08.

Ihey lire lIsod for thntchlllg fleks

In the

LEARN )BARBER TRADE Only light wllb required. Fr .. Tool.

POll£ione eecured at 11& to .ZO per week.

Wonderlul demnnd lor barberl. Gall or write for FrfM] IUutrahcl Oataloga8

Call ana lee Oanada'i larrttt and fined Barb~r Shop

Page 3: F. A. MER · Prison, suys It writer III Ponr 1II0nths 90n's 'Vocltly, yllll Illlly of ton heur the All tho hoy 18 nll"lc by hllllt! It.s. shurp, slIInclpng roport of 11 dynlllllto

It finallJ lawyer with its LarUIDeD •. elllliamcd "

I. You menn the notIfication wIll aJ? pear as If mIsdIrected orl~tnally, ' said B~iW°D;~:~fra(~c~ Dorothy "An oxcollont Idea" l vo,mIlatIY:

, Perhnps you Wlll composo tho noto at ooco' SRld GllfrlSOn, pushing vaper, pen, aod IDk neross tho dOBIe 'You mny loa~e tho rest wIth the nddrcss, te me J "

HIB VIsItor hosltatod for a moment os if her doclSlOn wavered In tbls vital rna 1Il0nt of plunglUg into unknown fate, but .ho took up tho pon and wroto the Dote and addrc8. w tit commondable breVIty

Garrison was walklDg up nnd down ~be omco

"rho noxt .top- he startod to say but h,s, lsi tor mtorruptod

.1 Isn't tbls tho only step nec08sary to take ontll 8omothlDg arlsos malung oth OJ'll oxpodlont!"

"Thero IS ono shght thlDg romain lOll " ho answoredl taking up her card , ~ou aro In a pr vnto rosldonco'"

"Yes fho cnretaker, always thoro '

'Have you ncqulllntod tact of your marrlnllef '

"CcrtnlUly Sho 18 Iln Enghsh Ber vnnt 8ho I1IIks no questlols But I told hor my husbnnd Is nwny from town nnd Itl"w'L'

will be nbBont almost constantly for tho c~~~e~~I~I;I!tl~~~~t:il~l next two or threo months ' .1

Garflson slightly olovnted h,s ID neknowloclgment of tho thor(IU~:hn,esli I -(It bor Ilrr:lngomQnts

'I hnvo nevor attompted much uctmg _a little at pm ato theatricAls /I ho -tGl!1 hor 'but of courso wo sholl both 111o obliged to ploy thIS httle domestIc eomedy with BOlne degreo of art'

Sho Beeme 1 propnrod for tbnt also, despIte tho ~I dden crunBon of hor .:Ioeeks

'Certnmly , "Ono more dotn I he uddod '

bavo probablv found It necessary to withhold cortnln focts froUl my know ledge I truBt I shllil 1I0t be led Into nwkwnrd blundurs I .hl1l1 do my bost, alld for tho rost-[ beg of you to con <Il1et tho nffnlr aecordlllg to your own roquirements nn,l Judgmont "

fho slightly veIled sl11110 In '!·~ift;~;.":'1 <lId not osenpo her ohservntlon tholoss, she accoptod IllS proposnl .'u •••.. , as a muttor of courso

I Thnn k you I ILln glad you rnllnv'nr! 1110 of tho necosslty Of~I~[e!~i~I~.j~~:~~ L 6neh auggostion t think for tho prosont" S~b~ti~;;'!!t d,)~n. Angering her gloye ! tho tllhle for a momont ur two hundrod dollnrs talnor! '


i •

rei cllted IllS qloshon, ronclllug out Illld not nil eh Got your moner, out I'm tailing hllll by thu urm go n to dOl I to l uu myself

No' lio now absently responded YOII bo)s Ilre bllrred bll tho old Shu IS no botter' • mun gets through plnym', ' be wblsper 1 hen u spasm U8 of pnlll 8hot Deros" cd to two Ilayora liS ho wnlkod IIruund

IllS fuee us ho druppod quI' orlng lnto n to tho dOlilor S sont cblur by tl c tllble Why HUllk, bnve • Wlut for1 'OIlO of the n sullenly de n t you beurdY Sho IS de Idl be qUllv mnnded WllI1t 8 tho muttor WIth my ored IllS \Oleo broul(Jug PltOOll81y, In moncy1 It S liS glOd lIS IllS n I rock spIte of tho clrort I 0 Dlude to bold It on 0\ en Db my Ood wbnt um 1 to do Hllnk S 0) e8 f1nshed Wickedly lind h a "Ithollt I or! HUlIk 8ho wns nil the hnnd droppod to lbo hutt of U 0 rovolver wurld 10 DlO, she "U8 1111 tbnt 1 bud to Iylllg n tlo open drnwor benc Ith tbo hve for 1" 18h I could (ho ~oo tuhlo YOI hcurd m~ tulkl Ie sn Ip

Oh )0 I IIIUStu t fcel thut n WU) ped fiXlng tho othor WIth nn unWIl\ orlug eld pnrduerl HilI k respon led tll8 guzo 'Yo11 IIro burred tIll 1 auy "hon \OlCa conllug deop Ilnu tremulous WIth No" shut up, or get out "> npllthy us ho lenned fonvnrd and In Id An IIgly bluo hnrrol durte,1 up be81de

hllud u)'un IllS shouldor l' ou hll vc tho dell I bo", nt slgbt of "h leh tho uther frlonds to 11\ c for tbnt 8 some pro uptly subSIded. \\ ben-who .. (lid sho goT" Alalmm shook 11111 qUllcrcd ItS "Ith

A IIllst of tenrs swept mtn Alub 1111 S pnls\, liS ho drew In8 lono golt! 00 11

Ind.d blue oyes nnd hIS moutb qUlvored lro 1\ h,s p el,el 011 the h gh cnr 11 WIth omotlou ull hIS burriels of resorve hr filII \~led tn.SIOJ( It UI' n the t Ihlo WOllt down boneuth Hllnk S cOmpnS"lOn "Put It whore It ,,,11 got qUIck netlon, lite air Abont nu hour ngo ho Rob r CIlI t 10"' bod 'And II nk sho knelV 100 rIght (corge lOW I' rched III the lo[\,out B to the end ' be I natened on IllS touo selLt, 911ppr~B.Ad n S 11110 ns h s Wilt I ful Olle of 1Il1llglnd gnef 1I11d JO) Sho WUH ' 's <I JLect~ I HI Ill' 5toul II pc "I' ht the tnlklUg to II c when tho enu cllmo poor cnr S III the box n queen WIIS 111 posl IIttlo WIfe sho lenew sbo wus dymgl tlon to lose a fnur 10 v II "llIdl 1IIe ,ul Jobnny, denr I usbund sho slllll nt tbo d 'I"ler to \hlb n Ihou"w ftcr thnu

lus\ tho good JJord bus enlled n o,to I1ght [[unk S 9npplo lingors IIlO' ~(I nnd loa, e you 1I0W I lid 1 n ust go 1 have u Illllncle \"a I urforllocl Instonl01 tho boon hnpl J "lIh lOU Jobuny, you queen, tho four WI K Ilr'" I aw ftly fr III hnvo boou u good husbund to 1110, )OU tho box lellvlllg the 'l.feen to bo the have done tho uost you could rhore IS wmnmg curd olle t1lng mure tl at I wunt JOu to do Whnt ,III I tell )ouT Alubull crow for lIIe 1 \II nt ~ou to lui," 1110 buck el I Imcw tho LOTlI WIIS WIth 11101 to dOll! 0101 \illbulIIlL, I wllnt to ho hud T kllo\l 1 would WID' JJot t nll go a. It to rost under tho codnrs In tbe httlo I .. " Ibs teeth wore chatto, 111( WIth flll1l1ly bur) IIIg groulld b) Illy 1I0ther tho olCCltement of It wborc lOU IIIHI 1 used to wlllder III our \1;11 HIIIII, drow onr Is from tho box, hupp) .woetbenrt dnls WIll) 011 prom ulld ugnl I AlubulII "01 Alld Ugllil alld

to do t Jol nnyt Db, HUllk IIglLlIl the 8tltitc e ,eh tllno doubling lind eOlhl I SU) to thllt? 1--' It lust gro\l IDg 1U10 II hellp of gold 80

You [lrollllscd her, of course Hllnk lurg I 118 to DrrO$t thu IttClltlOn of tb. wten Ipted prol rIOt or III 109\\Or to his frOlV1I ot

'Iellrs stllrto,1 afresh fro III Alubum 8 uugr) IIIqUItJ' Hllnk boel(~llod to him oyes Yos, I d~d ho sobbed Halik 11 S 1111 r gbt he wllls(lerod In hI! 1 would h IVa proll1l90d hor any tIling lD cnr "I know whnt 1 III ,10m Chnrge tbo worl II 1 Just hnd tlDlO to sllY tho It up to mo, nil thAt ho wmB words when dellth clLlue unu tho s IlIle \ucl h S omplo, er be" Ildered but mol t brought to h~r d~!lr fllce J. lholo yet "flod pnssou on

l3ut, Hunl, r coulcln t soo bow I wus Al ,bum Y oxe 10010nl hId IIIcrellsed In gOlllg to keep mv prolD se r know It r roportlOlI WIth IllS WlIlIIIIIgS though would cost n lot of monev to tuko her 1118 boart "'lIB pouudmg tho blood JIlto nnd ull I hnd JU tho world WIl" fh 0 1101 hIS elLrs "Ith II ronr thllt denfonod h m, Inrs ;rt IIcurly dl 0\ 0 lIle crazy flLco wn. ghnstly willto IIlld bnteh hut kneohng there hy llOr sldo holillng und lork ng m sp"sn odIC uflcolltrol ber poor doad bnnd In nllne I praycel hn I sh[ (led 10 v duwn III 1118 chnlf, the good Lord to bolp me-Yes I d)(1 IllS eh n slIDle on bls brol at IllS brlun Hunk tho first prnyer I vo prlt~ eel ID ,\118 fllst cloudmg 0110 glanco frolll B IIDny a ) onr I prn~ cd WIth 111 tho for pi ySIC liD III I ho woull huvo boon pro ,or of my bOlllg lod the Lord answered lIollncCll 011 tbe ,er~e of coli ILl so 110 plamly liS I om tnlkmg to you Oh lord doo t go 1 lick " IDa Hun Ie Ho toW 1110 to como !lown hore lOW ho prnyod 118 words co IlIng ullcl W Il tho 1II0ney plnymg (uro lind IIlmblcd un I sCArcoly nuhblo GIve thut 8 \vhy I hllvo cOllie ' 110 ]ust 0110 1II0re turn Lord nn,l I will

Georgo moved UIIOIISlly In hIS chRlr, hn\ 0 onough It 1B not for m~ solf that 1111(1 n muttorod onth escllpcel 1118 hps I want tho mOlloy t I. for the doar 118 feellug wos thnt of tho dovll Ipon WIfe .) ou hn, e til keD frolll lIle wbon hal) wator has beeu sprmklod 'I:'nn. Lora lot mo-wlD-Just-one-­II e cn80 \coeper nod tho two plnyors snt more-turn ' starn g ot Aillbl m ID 8110llt opon m lIls vOIce ,110 1 nw,y III a broken whls od wOlldor [lor '1 hro Igh lis fnst glllzllg oyos he

No 10, old paruoer YOll IIIUStll t .IIW Honk "wlftl~ drl wile ud froll the do OilY ~allbhn' lowl" tho doLler ob IlOX1 SIlW hlln reneh IlltO tho lmwor nn,l Jectcd, Ills, olec co IIIng III husky cronke ngnlll do Ible the lonl of gold 01 the

You keep tho money You vo beon tl hlo then he all I I 1\ II.) fr) II bls chOIr huclClu' tillS gamo for ten YOI rs n, ,I to tl e tioor you've no\or qUIt "lUnor >et you ellll t Honrt fn lurel foo III loh excite w n I lIIe It I ' IUlllluuce I Lbo hastily BUU mon

Oh lOS I clln-uowl ' AIllbnlll me eel 11 lin of Iledlelllc [ Clln t do nny ololU cd IllS face I1ghtlll~ up "Ith tho tllIllg ho> B ho R {lend ' glow fllith I know I DOYOr hnve II,"k wus 1(1 zIng {lioon Ily lit George. "on )OU I've buckod thIS gUlllo I reclton thAt puts It I P to 110 to tnko

"'~~:;~~~~~il;;ilr~,~~~tl~~'J.11;~;~~;I~ci·i~':~ to AIIZOOIL, hOI'"g triP to Alnbllllln ho frownel II I ~: ,lnv'·t" "",kn II winning big ollongl t lI11'olll to 10DO tho II ue Ithor '

'(!oin','.':t;d} ~;I{~~~~:~~:~~. her to 1 nopo wI oro r "ho coul<1 h" 0 curod

,',,]Bllt J no, er once thought to nsk tho THE FRAGILE GIRAFFE holp mo 1'\0 done thnt now OInA] FE I. an uugnlllly cronture

tI ough nnd He hos told mo thllt I sbull 0\ 011 lit I O~le and when he ill Wlll Why Honk I cOllldn t loso now wrcsto{! from IllS not1\ 0 8011 nnd If I wero to try 1 t np II tlo IlIrrOlV conill OS of Cllpt v

George s eyes 11let Hunle 8 for on III ty hIS oxtrnordlullry lougth of IUllb ulll necle lS very much III tho wny It 19

forehe II 8111d til ,t thoro Is 0110 ordor thllt nn mol IInsbly SCfIllllbhDI;l down from I IS collector. 110\ CI I 1'0 10 flil-thnt for ..

Hllole pillcou IllS !rm Ilround the 11, 0 IlJrnfTe s shollider, ' Oomo 611 WIth mo LIOIIS tlgors find pythons Ire OIlSY

c-:cc,.·,.AIllbam' ho SUIlIIll gentlo to cuptmo e mporod with the g rn~o Ic,illlllllln,J; You don t 1111\ e to gumble rllllt long loggeil, long DUel(ed bOllst cnn

thc mOlloy ) ou 1I0ed tho Lord oco Sill 011. Dnd henr II lunter mllos awoy Dlonn It thllt 11 woy Ho 1Il0nll~ Pltl tlla nro worse thun 1IRelc.a for ..

.L.w"s golU to pUSH the hut UroUII~ girnllo woul I bo certDlIl to brenle ItS logs ,........ bO'8 tOlllgbt Ihnt S whnt or noel, f It t IIl1bloel IUtO 0110 A trap

to do, I II rnlSO all '11 strong el ough to hold Ihe powerful crea 011 now, uUlI go .U[lol',. would crush Its elehcllto legs Ilko

Page 4: F. A. MER · Prison, suys It writer III Ponr 1II0nths 90n's 'Vocltly, yllll Illlly of ton heur the All tho hoy 18 nll"lc by hllllt! It.s. shurp, slIInclpng roport of 11 dynlllllto


A FILE OF THIS PAPER OAN BE seen nt the office of Messrs E. & 1':':"~~-'-~-:-:-":"":"'-c':""';:":"-7:-,c.:.:..:":"-~:':""1

'I. Hardy & 00., 30, 31 and 32 FlcatSt., .,,-, .",-.. ondon, Eng., free of charge; nnd that .• i~·rlil:;~:ti~~;~·;."D;j'e~~.i~L f1rm will be glad to receive 'lows, sub- '"n,,,,',, !>criptions nndndvcrtiscments on bohalf .tUl',lDterlor,

of The Time~.

Pl'l1.sel·vc the Land

"wo th!ut:!l arc ueeded farllling a SIICcc!Js-Brnills dustrr.

A man lI1ay know the right me-thods to bring abol1t the beet

snits. II e m n}' • however 110 t 1':"--":';~":':"';-'--:--'-:~;-:-:--'-:~7::;:'-:+:C'II=;;;;;;::~77t Stl pply Lhe illd IIsLry to make a i'l success of his knowledg-e •• ,Brains, therefore, wi thOll t i lid u~try will dc\'clop n failure just the smile as illd Itslr}' will wilhout brains. .

Dating back a hundred years :lg.p history shows tiS Lhnt nil agrictll- -'-----,..:.:...,.;,-..;...,,-~,

turnl' districts lhat have become

J • • • ,



I,allies' patent Hluch­er,dull calf lop military Ilee!. Good\'car welt, all attractivc, drcgs ghoe n t. , . . $.f. so

r,allie~' Vid kirt ll1llch· Cl', paletl! lill. Good­YCII r welL, the '1110(' rOl

Rel1ernl slt t:(.'l wen r, at . . .•. ', $·1.50

_______ ..;..~---.~~_~-----.---.--;..=-----~-.--..... --UII_~~~' __ ~' __ "~~ 7e11- per ce11·t. ojj" all cash purchases front

5Q c. ujJ, g-rocerz'es excepted. ~--~--~--------------------------------------~=---------~----................. eO ................. oj..... ........ ...... • .......... eo •••

............................. _ ............. _ ................... ~ ..

COUPON for Tro\vsdale &. McDonald's MONTtILY BLOTTERS

7vitholll obligatioll, 1'0111' mOllthly b/otft:r eat'h iIIll;!tl,

lVAIJ{E. ,

• I • . , . . . . . . . . ADIJNESS ~ ... , ... . . . .

:': ... ;, .. ;;.; •. ".,'.;.;;;.,', ..... , .... ; .• ;;;,.,' .... ,"';;"' .. , .. ,: ... ' .. , ..... ;" .. ; .. , ... ~ .......................................... -................................ ..

-'---1 .& ,McEJONALJJ -

T'nhenze, ik1 anz'toba



, •

? tl

.. \

... I


. .

Page 5: F. A. MER · Prison, suys It writer III Ponr 1II0nths 90n's 'Vocltly, yllll Illlly of ton heur the All tho hoy 18 nll"lc by hllllt! It.s. shurp, slIInclpng roport of 11 dynlllllto

Lehigl. Cement . • _ • 1

Lt:ol'e rO\lTorder~ at once faT Ihe LEHIGH CE(VlENT,. the be,t brant! ill1lhe Uniterl SIn res, , I

300 Bushels of Oats for sale


• • • • • • • J 1I5t A rrivi!c\, Intending' pmchascrs will do "'toll to ~ec and have its t11un~- good Icntllrcs pointed out.

Fnirbanks-~f orse Gasoline Engines

• •• :rs. Hill. of Russell, Manitoba,

, b,t childrc.n. is father. Mr.

I •

TO r"'£ LADIES..,,.,

Who Care, And where cOl1ld be fonnd onc that .lr csn'r? \Vdllh)s b lhe hlor}:-

, ::hnncc~ 10 get tirsr picking from somc Ulnnufm:lurer's stocks.

\Ye were not slow \0 profit hy it yotl.may be Sl1re, because it g-O\'C liS ~ome tip top lend"rs

in the worlt! of slJoe fnshion. , .

1'he~e' wc It:\\'e now on displny. 'And Ih~y make jllst nbout the showiest colleclion of· Ladies' ,hoes Ihot yon hCI'c CI'el h!!cn nsi!t'd 10 lank at:

, Shocs thnt nrc rumons at $:3.00. $:3.25. $4.00. anti liP 10 $6.00. WIll the

I.!ldles ple,.nse look.

Mal<ing Both Ends Meet .. Grows monotonOll~. \Vh)'

not make one end

<FISH ! wo or three tin' cs a week. Our prices are ensy and fish cXllc\lcnt. A !ish fcftst for little money. Let liS

~lIpply yOlll' wants.

Rcgnlnr !lnih' dcllvory nrnumlloWIl: cHllun Lo hu in lIot.lntur than U 1\.1J1. Country Ol!itlrls doll yorelliu lInor rillg Wtl~OIl ' ordors t.o bo in pru\ 10UB tillY.


Geo. S. Staples, Prop.

- ---------- - --_._----

This is the seasoll whell el'ery­body begins to !i~l1re on pulling up lIew hl1i1dings or repairiug old ones. \Vc have :lnticipatt'd the needs of IIsel s and Ita I'C ~tockecl 11]1 with Ihe choicest assortment of

Select lumber and \

BuUding Material ever offered in this section. Ollr prices 1\1 e absolutcly right lind bill of qlla tit hies figllrecl ct;lrrecti \'. So no moller what YOII wunt--one piece of lllmber or a completc hOllse or barn bill-

Let us figure on your bill.

~S!S!~~~~~~~~~~ t-l ,. t ~'·S. Vigar ~:;, .~ Grn'C\u~t'e:'erld .Silver Medalist It .~ Teiicher of Plnno lind Organ ,. '} I~ (Mnudullu nnd IlnnJu Ir ue,\rod) ,. t

t( \\tli nho lCHlouliI: ill Trehttrn.l~# ' *'-l I\t. tho r6f!fllouco nf Hrt'o_ ThonlO. .'1 Lo." UrondwRY, o\or)' SIIt.urelA)' tt( rram 11.00 n,m I emUlt18I1cioJ: l'"ohrunry Jet '" ~U.. ,.

(~.~~a •••• :;r. •• "

Wc dcsire to announce the nrrival of nil exqltisite

New Stoch. which is worlh your careful inspee­

lion, as rt menns

Your Choice at the lowesl Price

.il of

, .


, .. , . 'I :

': : :


, , '1

" , , i \

~1 1

1 '1 .',

.1 1 1

, . , I

" l , \

I r I

, ' 1 l

.. \

; /

. ~


Page 6: F. A. MER · Prison, suys It writer III Ponr 1II0nths 90n's 'Vocltly, yllll Illlly of ton heur the All tho hoy 18 nll"lc by hllllt! It.s. shurp, slIInclpng roport of 11 dynlllllto

"I don't Tho pall1t1ng hnd beoa purchased In Berlm m 1873 bl mo I S Mrs Kato C Johnson Sho Bont It to Snn FranclBco whero It

lDloro.c",whoth"r.'J,ou:are really Lost, Stra"ed and to/en "US plnced on exblbltlOn nt tho art gnllery of Snow &; :r.Iay

I :::::~~~~,or not )OU aro, nnd the 1:1 TIllS publicity sOlved to arouse tho Interost of a gnng of pIe 1: on hn\ 0 no dcslfo to en 1I8asterp,oeces turo thlo, CS of tho lugl 08t order of tnlent n. louuor WB. John

{",l.to'n' mo on theso mattors Cnn ~O\l 1'.11 (Jurrnll wh) YOIl WIsh to protond thnt I 010 ml'ht "Illlo confodorates romllDed a Itsldo on watch,

nm your husband'" (By Roso C Tillotson) Currnn pnod open tho wl\ldow of tho storo slllppod tho Clln "I do not WlSh to d,scuss tbnt aspect ____ vns rrOID Its framo

l nnd got snfely nway WIth It But Curran

1~~~~~~~~:±f=~~=;~~!~~!~s~aaaliiillii~I~~~~b~~~it~~~1I~~tho~a.np=t~~n~'~ oo~udoEbIS~8s~lona.nd~hlsBu~~sln~illlq saId "It IS purely n business proposl thIDgB aro moro prono to adventure than pictures To dctcctl\ eB that ho hrl ggod nbollt h B doed to h s fflonds thnt should Inst no moro who are not familinr WIth the hazardous hlstorls8 ITo 0' on lD\lted them to lL pn,ato 'ICW of tho picture at Ius

~£rini~:;~o~rolt;~wo at most and then lelrmm" world's famous PlLIDtIDg& thoro would soem no 10<l~IDgs it I would profer to have I,~~ti~:~;~i~'d tranquil or wcll reguillted than tho hfo of an 11118 WIlS h18 llndolDlZl for whllo tho thlOf lLnd hIS frlonds Tho !'roposition

W [TH the hum of Now below, and all abollt IDg bls pulsos ~~~''',-,,','~~''.~B

mental actlvltlos, 10rold llOrt crlmlDologlst stood nt tho wiJldow of hiS reccntly opelled office, looking ilIon tbo roofs and streots of tI 0 With 11. now scaso of prulo Ilnd power hIS bolul1

Now ~orlt at lastl He was here-unknown nnd nlone It

was true-but c1l!lrgod WIth nn energy !lint ho proposod Manhattan should feol

IIe WIlS III most ponnlless, WIth hIS of /lco ront, 1118 I1cons08, and othor expellsos paid, but bo shook IllS tist nt tho cltr. 10 snoer good D!lturo lind confidonco In bls strength desplto tho fact thnt ho had wUlted a weok for expocted e lIploy ment, und notltll g ut prescat loollle 1 upon tho hon.on

His I nst In n slIIall OhIO town wns behlntl hlln He blotted It out without lCgrOt-or BO lit loast he sllld to hml self-o\ en as to all tho glldod lopes wblch had on co seomcd hIS all upon elLrth If 1118 heftrt was oat wholo no New York oyo should 8eo Its wounds­lind tho healing process had begun

Ho was part of tho \ lLst about him, tbo 1811;1 ty b,am os of tho grent Amorlcan nation

lIo pnced the length of 1118 rooml

und ginn cod nt tho door [ho holf Poa ntcd sIgn 011 the frosted gl""s wns loglble, ro "crsod, ns tho artl8t had loft It


lie hnd haltad tho pRinter hlmsel£ oa tho nDmc lUI tho lottoring appearod fanCIful-not 8umlllonlly pllLin or bold

Whllo ho stood thero a foil upon tho glnsB Someone .uts de, In tho hnll As If tho owner of tlio shadow " momont-and dl8!l1 poarod tompted to OpOD tho door aDd 11r:D"'.rv lIaturnl OUfloslty rOllllLlIIocl boslde deSK :r.lochllUlcally IllS hand, which upon a book entitled ' A 1'rOl&tlBo POIsons' closcd tho volulllo

IIo w"" stIli wl1.lching tho door The shadow returned tlto knob was rovolvod, and thrro, II bho oallOn frall1o, stood a tall ) OUI g wom III of oxtraordlnary beauty, richly tt ough qUlOtly drosBed. lind SWIftly chllnglUg color WIth OXCltO mont

Pnle u Jloxt, Ilnd 1I0r powor on an offort to bo presentor! 1\ strllngcly II)lpenhng tbantlllg figure to tho 1111111 ac:ros8);110 70001 Braverl W 1M blll7.lllg In 1C US bh"vll eye9, ,,"cl firmnoss ClIllle upon liar U1l1oner a8 .he stoppod mSldo, cl08

the door 1111<1 Riiol t1y cal fronted tho

of tow a as much as POB 011 An old 1 lUster IS IDvanably an obJoct of ad were admlfIDg 't laine,' tho pohce doscended upon tho party, It IS pllmpered and gunrded by ItS custodians, lind capturod (Jurran and roeo\ orcd tho paIDtlDg

'A grollt mnny haphaznrd deductIons alwa)s accorded tho spot light of attention when placod on The story of Vandyko s lost strll~ol or Btolcn IInstorp1eco prosont thomsolves to my mlUd" ho pubhe vIew Desplto these ndvantagos, tho career of 11. canvns 'Oharles I 'willeh after mllsquorndlDg aB a dusty "duub" saId, "hut all aro doubtless Illaccnrate IS not WIthout Its pOrlls and ad,onturos for mlLny of our for ovor two hundrod YOllrs, finally turnod up In an actor's I havo no morbid curIosIty coneernlDg very best masterp,occB havo boon lLmlctod WIth a maRla for bOl1.rtll1 g house ID Fobruary, 1000 IS a romnnco whIch will your affairS but thIS thIDg would In gettlDg lost, strnyed or stolon Ight any 10' or of m)story voh e 11 0 nlmost as much as 'ourself As tho number of thoso paintlllgs can no\ or incronse, their 1'ho pertrnlt Was suppoll,lld to hnve peflshod III tho firo by lts vory naturo " ,aluo can never dlmlDlsh Oonsequontly thoy aro rogllrded of Wlutchnll ID 1601, alld \I hero It has heon 111 the 11 ter n IS

IIls brows wero knlttod ID IDdecIslon as an absolutoly "safo" IDvestmont, and, by tho same tokon L mnttor of eonJoet Ife rho BousntlOlItnl cl BCO\ ory was Tbero was sllonco ngaln between thoy havo suffercd ovor fronl tho cupIdIty of thlOVOS Though mndo by an actor Josoph KllIllZ, of the Imporlal Burg Theatre

thcm II,s vIsItor pro80ntly saId pIcture pirates bavo writton many " strange cbapter mto 10 V,onna TIllS IS bow the thing happenod "If I coulc1 offor you moro than the tho lives of tho mnstorploces avarlCO IS not nlwnys rospon KnIDz possossod a strong tllStO for nrtistlC surrouudlUg&

fi~ e hundrod dollars I would gladly do slbio for tho dlsappenronco of famous pnmtlngs Somo soem and spont tho grooter part of h s salnry on furmturo clunn m(I,"Br. h",tI" so II to be posscssod of a restless rovmg spirIt, for thoro aro ro ulIcl old carP9ts In bls room ,.as a largo opon firoplaco

"Oh, tho feG IS IlLrge enough, for up cordod cas os ID which an old ploturo has mysteriously stray nnd boms III doubt as to what ho sheuld plnco ovor It ho dato I have had no employment or ed away, only to turn up agaID III an unoxpocted mnnnor VISIted a den lor ID antlqucs Ihore he purch Lsod for one hun

ovon a prospect of work' sllld Gar Others havo been mado tho V1CtlDlS of tho Jealousy or ndmlrn dred dollars an old canvas, prosullnbly a copy of Vandyko " rIson "I hope you Will not bo offonded tlon of some poor artist, who, m lL frenzy of lo~ 0 or loatlung portrnlt of Oharles I As tho p cturo was 1U poor cend tlon when I soy that I ha~o recontly bccome hns cut tho canvns frem Its frame and blddon It away so tlo actor hod It restored by an "lIrtlst a cauhous man" thnt nono but ho mIght: new ItS splondor For those and Soon nftorward a famous palntor fronl Berhn come to

"I know how strango It appears for othor roasolls, many romances, mysterlos and mIshaps havc V,ennll nnd "sltod KalOz Ho nobcod tho portra1t, and mo to como hero wlth this extrnordmary beon wovon around theso, tho most precIous obJocts m tho bogged to bo allowed to uso a Indder to OXILm no tho hoad of requcst" ngreod Mrs FaIrfax "I world-tho few scoro works of art from tho brusbos of the KlOg Charles '1 hus was tho long lost VandJ Ito l,sco\ ored hardly know how I havo dono so But great mnstors AmerIca has beon tho hldmg ~Iaco of mnny fnn ous I umt thore was no ono to bolp me I hope Tho most fllmous dlslLppoaranco of a famous PlLllItI,g oc IIl\(S but perbups tho most pocu IIlr dlscovory 0\ or mndo III )OU WIll not conSIder tho muttor for un eurred last yeur whon "Tho Young Mothor' took I1lght from thiS country wus the II110arthn g In January, 1908 of FlrllBn other momont If you foel that elther of tho Lennox Library m New York 10 so mystorlous a mannor Girard S musterpleeo 'A VISIt to a FlorIst s Consor\ ntory " us cannot trust tho otber In a WILY, I thnt tho art world of Amorlcl1. was thrown mto a fevor of Th,s p,cturo hnd dlsappenred 10 1803 Whllo Journoy ng from UII1 plnclDg my honor m your keeping CUrIosity The portraIt, ono of tho collection loft to the hb Paris to Amonca WIth olovon othor palntlDgs undor the caro far more thnu you IUO plaCing yourself rury by the WIdow of Robort L Stunrt was only sovon by of tho 1!'ronch governmont for exhibItion at tho Ch cago ] nu lD charge of mlDe ' DIDO lDchos lU SIZO, and was thus oaslly concoalod beneath a "hen tho pnlDtlU\(S nrrlved at Ohlcugo two had mysterIOusly

Gnrrlson lookod lLt hor steadIly, and capo or coat Whon lL pal;!o of the hbrary went mtll tho Stuart ,anlsbed Investlgntlon rosultod III no cluo of tho mlss1Dg s0lll0tlllDg akm to sympathy-somothlDg room, oarly on tho morning of Fobruary 8 ho dlscovorod that r~:~ures, And aftor yoars of soarch thoy woro glvon up lLS that bllrncd hk9 WlllC of romanco III hiS thiS partIcular pnnel pam ted by ADtolDo Emllo Plasan m But, 10 tho w ntor of 1806 a h mtor who Iive8 lD tho Mon blood-WIth zest of adventure nnd n 1858, and purchasod hy Mr Stuart ID 1801, wns mlsslDg froDl

f t t d h I tczuma marsbos surroundlDg Syracusc New York camo upon surgo 0 gonerosl y owar t IS un Its accustomod p nce n sOllml and wrmkled canvas bur od m the snow nn 1 80nkod lmown g rl-tmglod 10 all hIS bOlDg Exammlltion dlsclosod thut tho portrnlt bnd beon cut from In rum Talo11g It homo, ho clealled It ns bost ho could and Sometlllng m hor helplessness appenled Its frame, for tbls was stili screwed to tho wall hung It ur on IllS wnll to IllS 1m ato ch ,airy That lLvanco was not tho motlvo of tho thIef was ns.umod Se, om yonrs nftor the man sold tho oanvns to LeWIS

Oalmly howo,er, lie took a now OStl from tho fact that on both sId os of tho ompty frame wor~ WIll, a prommcnt c t,zon of Syracuse, for u SI1 all sum Ho, 11Dto of her chnrnator notwlthstnndmg pallltlllg& of far grenter value than tho stolen panel Both III turn oxlnbltod it to a frlOnd

l un nrt connOisseur wbo took

tho funt tlllLt h,S first, most rehable 1m wero on canvns and would havo been much OlLSlor to cut from ono look lit It nnd proclam od t 0 picture ono of 1!'lrll1au Gtr prcsslOn hnd bocn 10 bor favor theIr frames Accordmg to tho hbrary attendnnts but few ard s linost How tho pa ntmg camo to bo III tho swami and

'Well," ho said} after a moment, bad vIsltod tho place the morning of the tboft, and nono was whero Its lost I1nto I. IS stHI an unsolved mystory seen to leave III a SUSpICIOUS mnnner It wns behoved that Though P'Ct IrO plundorlDg has nlwuys arousod the ndlg. tho paIDtlD~ wns carnod off by somo ardont admirer Stroa nahon anel mtor06t of tbo worlel, no thoft evor crontcd sllolo uous mvcstlgahon resultod 111 no alue along thIS hne As yot, L sons Lbon ns the robbory of the groat GBlDsboroul'h The It IS not known whother tho pamtmg IS lost, strayod, or stoleu story of tho fllllOUS Duchess of Dovonshlro s ' d1Sl1ppOa7

Perhaps tho most darmg robbor;:: ovor attemptcd by u anco from EngllLD(l nnd subsequent recovery u AllIor ell a plcturo thlof took place In Spnlll on November 5, 1874 When qunrtor of n contI ry lator, IS a romnnco so rcmarll1.blo as tn the sncnstaa of tho eathodrlll of Sovllle wont to the blLp road more hl<e flct10n tban fact tJsteryahapol to drnw tho curtnms w1th Wh1Ch the Ulght 'Tho palUtll g was not stolon for rewllrd snlel tbo Inte boforo, ho had sllolded Murillo's great pamtlDg "1'he A[ Pllt Sheody whoso COUIIOCt all with tho (Ilmous cnso 11 ndll

of tho ChrIst Ohlld to St Anthony of Padua, ho 111m a l1guro oL LDternatlOnal IOterost Adam WITtI the to hiS horror that the plcturo was a wreak anel that the tluor who afterwnrd sank 10 [loverty I1nd dlOd 1D Onhfurnla

portrlllt of St Anthony hnd beon cut from Its frill 101 \Vlth IlOnllOlvod tho plan of slonltn(! tho GnlUsborough to foreo tb. m an hour all Sevlllc wns III nn uproar gront art donlors to go ball for sonte of Ill. gllng who wore

The plcturo was its most precIOus tronsuro Moreover, ItS thon lU JIllI rhOlr hbemt 01 Up011 a to.hUlaal· tJ spoiled hI! olghteen foct of height and ton foet of WIdth mnde It the lluns IIml left lum With tho Ontnsborougb on h1S I n Ids for IL

of tho mnstor's cam 1150S It wus pflcolcss qunrto! of a eontur) Stolcn pnn bngs nrc bnd !lssots-for of \\Tolhngton hnd many yoars boforo ,vantod thlOvos Tho moro v!lluablo a pIcture 18 tbo Ics. 1t IS worth­

tronsuro Ho hncl offorod to pay us much gold as to robbers 'I hoy ennnot show It IIncl If thoy nttempt to .wllUl.d ,covor Its surfaco-about two hundrod tbousand dolinrs, soli I t they are alm08t cortnm to I'0t cuught

uv~u,.u,.. ,offor had boon indignnntly spurnod ' Wllth put h s stolon POSSOSSI011 mto lin old trunk ani yenrs Its prIce hnd Increased until Ilt the tllne of stored It 1D IL \Joston warohouso Evory one knowB hmv I wns Simply mcalcull1ble thro Igh my noqualntnnce With WIrth reBtored tho lost paInt boca me known that tho Plctt ro was stolon tllO IDg to ItS rlgl tful owners Illded by tho PlDkertoua \V ,,110

g~rid'i~:~(~n~:~t~t~0~ok~r,~1I1~:casuros ut onoe to rooovor ItS tronsllro, WIIS anxIous to g~t rId of tho platuro wh ch had bocolllo IL ii and of the m SS111g fmg wblte olophant nn hlB hnnds and "as ghld to pllrt \Vlth It 11ft

world 0\ or dor cond,tIons favorablo to bun tlio thlof coolly walkod on Now tho Ga nsborough hna hoe I rostorod to ItS nghtful

WIth hiS plunder all hIS shou,~d~I::.lllnco lD tho I1rt world and IS 0110 of the collection ownoc! by for a tIme and he oscapod all T Plorpont MOlgan who Pllid $125000 for It "

of tho £ollowIDg yeM, W,l!Jnm As a rcward to Pnt Shoody for hlB fnond shIp Ada", York wns vlsltod by a Spanmrd Wirth mndo hlO' a presont of unothor old mUHtor wh1ch 10 hRll

Gurcln who told of a fanuly hOIr stolcn-nothmg ICBS than tho 'Mngdalon' hy MUrillo WIth wlueh under pressure of I1d Shoedy IlUothor tlmo nt a hint from tho J'rlOndly thlof prud

n VISIt to RnlBuh the prlnco of nil modorn bandIts, nnd bought from 11m ono other long I~st mnstorploce CorrogglO 8 "Vlrgm Mothor /I


rrUAr tho lllotrlC systom 19 bOIng foroet! on the public m .. Illgh I anclc land tyralllllcni UUDnor IS tho odltorml op n Ion of Amorlann MedlclUo (Now l' 0111) Whnt It calls

the tyrnnny of tho motrlc nclvocntes IS only ono Instnnco "" It thmitsl of POlsocutlOn by on trenched outhoflt) Tho wrltor

thnt It un. boon po ntod out a thousand tll110S that tho popu"'r ,"onsufCS woro 0' 01. ct! for pmctlClal uso by com 111011 pooplo thCUlsohos, who must bavo unIts oaslly dlvlslblo

two or throo, wh Ie tho sClontists bM e ovolvo<1 nlothor rM"stom fUI n are eonvollleut to tholll au(l thcn have trlod to

It all poopla who call not uso It Further Fow unctlucntoc1 pOlLBuoh nro ablo to d,vldo 11 U1ousur"

mto tOil IMrts and whoro tho motllc systom has boon Imposed on tholll, thoy Illvo Immedmtely deVIsed I ali quartor and Olghth \ DltS IIkc OUI commercml dhlslons of tho dollnr lind dime In certal\! of f urOJlO the poasants stIli uso tholr ages aiel mcas tho motTlc system IS tho only logal ono rhov other\vlso lind tho nttompt to forco them to tho shows gross Ignoranco of psyohology on tho pllrt motrIc IIlvocatcs '1housnnds of yolU1!

roacls will still be a milo apnrt oven If tho cbstances II doclmals of a kilometer It

senslblo for tho common poople to r so In Inws makmg It IllOg1I1 to uso m Inbora thlLn tholr prllctlcal monsuros-Indood

tho SClontlsts clln do 11 Inconvon tho pensunt can not tho ronsons

.. I'

/' • I


• •

Page 7: F. A. MER · Prison, suys It writer III Ponr 1II0nths 90n's 'Vocltly, yllll Illlly of ton heur the All tho hoy 18 nll"lc by hllllt! It.s. shurp, slIInclpng roport of 11 dynlllllto

.f •

Will you be con-' get cc SALADA" l and 70c per lb. -

Best Grain Cleaner the World has aver known ~!~~~ " ~ ,'\ "

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THE NEW 1II0DEL ".ruMBO" carrie! morc HerOOll Burraco n t. lohmUflcnUy CODHtructcd Uuough­out, run,. easior, and haft.. groater cnpnC\ty thBn nuy otb~ graIn chmnor ovor invunlcd. You can make fnnni!llt pny bottor If ,"OU URO n Now Modol II,Tumbo" GraIn otctlner.

Buy a ""'umbo" Capacity: 100 bushels' por hour. Sold on trial .ubJect to


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You PI, lIothlng ~xtr.

Riach Piano indicates the nre !lskeil to pay repre­

a small la~toQ'. profit add­pay for pialloB/only; no

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1 1{;',~!'~~i~!~~!~~~ bargain driv-',."'",, whioh .... ill


, _ • r ~


• i

j J



.. \


• if.

Page 8: F. A. MER · Prison, suys It writer III Ponr 1II0nths 90n's 'Vocltly, yllll Illlly of ton heur the All tho hoy 18 nll"lc by hllllt! It.s. shurp, slIInclpng roport of 11 dynlllllto


• I •



Pa/'nt Br'ushes: }(atsol11Z1ze ,Brushes, 1(a/so111..tlze; j;7ar1tz"slz

a11d S taz'~lts - M t -