F. A. Clark Co.nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn93063604/1914-03-26/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · Facts and...

Facts and Fallacies JOB PRINTING of all fcfeda exeeriiecJ promptly, an* at .reasonable prices, at thre office. Advertisements this Week. L . : S , R i c e •••• .... ' ;•.•; ..'. " \ ; , •' : " : Spring Suits-^MtMatin. .. Lambert—-B. F, Harrik &'-'Sons'-. You Nffd Us-r-Ypun^ Bn>.i. t Afoirn . ' • . Hank by Mail—First National IXfink Livtry and Trucking—MittrmW. Allrn Annual Horse Salt— Santa Clara list m bey Co, -Saloon League Cloak for Stntrter Movement Train* Leave Brushton x 350 No, 242 7:45 a. m. 11,'S3 a. nau 5;S3 p. m. Milk Tram leaving Brashtori 9:09 a. m. will carry passengers between Moira and Malone daily; on Sunday between all.statioBa. oorna WEST No. 24i ;- .No. gw;; •; no. 2m 9:09 a. m. 5:23 p. m. 10:54 p. m. Milk Train leAving Brushfcm at 3:Stf p. m. will carry passengers between all stations daily. Trains Nos. 250 and fc57 between Cher- . nbnsco and Ogdenabnrg onl5% Trains on N. Y. 0 0* GOING NOBTH H:2e». m, abrsra SOTTTH 10:09 a. a . Moira 4:04 p . m . p. Saturday is registration E, Dana Dustin went to Montreal Tuesday evening to visit friends fora short time.' A. B; Conger has issued a catalog ofj Franklin County farms for sale: \i in- terested ask him for a copy. California Katei••Or-a'bees at special prices thb.'tVf?fk- onl\—*'/*> c^rst. -orange* at 34:cents a'domi, 3o' e^tlt size.'23 cents a tlpzen, at Central Market, W. H, Smith.'.. ... •••;.' -_• .;•'. / Ady : Frank McDonald, an okl and re- apeeted re&ufeut of fchii place, died Wednesday mdrn.Ina; at nine o'clock after along, and .-lingering iHoes*, aged 73 years last September, The funeral will be held at the home just north of this village Friday afternoon at.-one- o'clock. Besides MM «ife he letm-soue son, Boyai ©f :Pt <,*«vin»tou, add two daughters, Mts. Benj, Pirpree of Burke and Mrs, Bart Bowers of r/arhhviile. Two brothers also survive, David of thl» place, and John of Moira and one sister, Mrs; Kate Torry, of Clinton Co. Mr. McDonald was a veteran M'-\ the Civil War and served ~lm -cwuo|ry-i Well, seeing natjch autivo ser,viee. He was one of the detaih«ient that captured': Booth, the assassin of President Lin- coin, 'and he shared .in ihe reward money ottered for Booth's eaptqre, ,| IN BUFFALO STRIKE. Easter post cards are now on sale at {Smith's. : ••/-•-. Turnkey RaySaylescame home from~ Malone Saturday forenoon aod reniain- wl notil Monday morning, .'; ' •-.- The Bombay basketball team defeat- ed the Co. K team at Bombay last week by a seore of 22 to! .6 .-,.'.' Will Hutchens of Johustown visited Saturday and Sunday at Mrs James Pickering's. ' Mi&s Jessie Bero of Ho^Hnsburg spent the week end in Brushtonj returning to her school work in jlalane Monday raorniog. Mrs. Charles Macl>onald and two children of Potsdam have been visiting friends and relatives in Breshton thi» week, . ' '• . ':•••'-.•"; .-"-.. •-' The Northern ISTew;York Conference of the M. E, Ch-urch- convenes'at Borne ©n April" 25th; Bishop William Hurt, 1>. D i LL. I> , of Buffalo will preside. A calf without a tail was bora on the Frank McDonald place recently; with the exception of the lack of the caudal appendage the animal is normal. The subject of Rev. C. Sha?r*s ser- mon next Suniiay porpirtar at the Christian chnrch will be^'^The All Conquering Christ;^ .;-.'' ' - . Moira TenCi K O/T. M , will serve new maple.sugar and. a h^ht lunch io the Maceabee hail, Moira, Saturday eve* fnng, March 28tli. A l l a r e .cordially in- vited. '•' ..-;.• ,'•;.; '•'."..•-;••• ••- • Horaeseekers escarsionii to i\tanitoba, Saakatchewan and Albertii. March to October 1914, inclusive. For rate«, etc. apply to Gen, W.: Hams, C..P-. K, Agt, Brnehton... Adv. 13 w-2 . The annual nieetiag of the Woraan'8 Siigeionary Socfety of the Christian ehiircb will be h«ld at Mrs.^ M. W. Wright'a Thursday afternoon, March 26$hu This is also a fmtebox naeetiag. Mrs, Jahn Barlow and her son Will ^ar^daughter Misa Ptjarl of Worcester, Mass. are visitiog at the borne of her sister, Mrs, ThosV Baridvf, and other relatives and friends i.a .^Torthefn Kew " - Y o r k . ' -. " ; "'" ; ' " • . . 1; ••'•.•.-' . : " : - • . . '• The ChateangBy villaseeiectiOQ,was another surprise ksfc jjveek Tuesday. JDast year the villag^^Qt wet, Tues- day the villasre elected -ftufus B. Ham- phrey, Prohibitionistv village president,, by 61 majority. ' - While Oregon has enjoyed <equal suffrage bnt a little omr a year and the won«n have bad but a short time in which to exert their influence as to affairs of government; much good has come of it. Organized greed and or- ganised vice »ee the handwriting upou the wall wherever equal suffrage pre- vaih.—Governor West- "•"- ..... "':• Joseph Kew.h&H, '--the well known traveling salesman, died of poeur>ionia Slouday night in the Afary Fletcher Hospital, Burlington^ Vt, after an ill- ueas of about ten days, Mr. Xewhall had been traveling through Northern New York for some twenty tive years . and had many friends m Brusbton. He wa* the representative of Decartur- Hopkins Co , of Boston, a wholesale hardware house. Mr. Newhall was un- married and lived with jb» sister \a West Newton, Mass.»4o which place the body was taken Tuesday. The fuueral will be held there today, Thurs- day, •••'.. •_"•-'•. , . ; •: ; ""--• ; : Last Sunday was ' Go-to-Chureh Sun- day " in Brushton and; much interest was aroused by the campaign of the two pastors, R«v. C, Shaw of tile - Christian church and Rev. M. H. Bowd of the Methodist church, and as a re- sult of their endeavors both. churches were well tilled. Mariy had the pleasure of listening to good sertnons and en- joying the sood church music that they have denied themselves 4 <>r many weeks and it is to be hoped % uow the ice »s broken, that they will continue to take adVaotsge of fh©opportunities afforded them and enjoy these benefits every S u n d a y . - - ' . ••••'.' V " " - - . - '.-./• One Killed, Many Wounded, When Mob •-•• •_'. Attacks:.-Striker-:Breakers. Fata) rioting, ift* \cii:ieii. a nioLV of more than TQi> irmi"'^aftifipated, with flytnj? stones arid bit}lets, broxigrht death to one Touth and wmintjs to many when "an attack was made 'on a traJ a rucry ti"ig strike breakers to. tiie. dvAihi t-Vr, jier plant -at Lancaster, near Buff's io. . Stanislaus .SkoliMlsiii years okl. a .member .of the aiol;».. .wiih'a. bullet'.through", .his .the rifles of-the guards oh the jrain Shortly after the .'ittaek began ; unidentified yonfh u-aa shot the leg, and several of the s "tftinetT minor .wmjriids.; Many of th*-.; -innrds and strike breakers on.-the tivti* by Qyixig rack A. . . THE BRIGHTON SCHOOLS Rrpart.jbt attenQaBtce tor"-weel; ending 0/; Mh20 1&14 ... • '• ' : No. registered High Sehool S6 Training Class, 18 Gramnuir Dfpt. . #0.. 5th atid 6th Grades . 34 M 3rd an* 4th Grades . 2 5 . " . -BO Primarj ".'.-.. •.. 43, . • 7 8 84.4 8-5 DRUELTf TO Th© Old Ti"m» Custoipm of •'Plowing ' ' ' Horss'sTati.?"-.'' '/ _;. _ Animals seem- to have no idea of exr ercising to keep warm, They just turn their backs to the TOUCI sad crouch, but perhaps if one"'.had only a limited amount of ta&l. it w&ald be better Ju?£. to keep a, spark, alive till the snap was over than.^to h-xtm It all oat ra a few: first legislation against cruelty Jo animals is fui& to have 'been an eaact- nient passed in the. days -o£ Queen Elizabeth prohibiting "plowing at, the .horse's. tail," "«;s -then' : praetk-ed - in-. 1i-e- l a n d . 4 .-- •;.''. '• - . ''.-'•...'. " ' -.- ' ; -'- .•'•'. This custom'"'consisted ia iasliliig the ^16w beam to the; horse's tail with a bit of rope and then,, while one 'man held the plow,.- another .walked back- ward before the animal, guiding it with blows of a stick. It seems as though tillsVplan must have, cocked the plow so high into the air that the pofat •would take no hold on the soil. It seems also as if only th> most spirit- less of equines would have submitted to the treatment, but that; it was fre- quently done the act against it proves. The cruelty of the praetiee peeils no demonstration^ it eould not have been profitable, but was .perhaps preferable to starvation. Whether the .English-leg', islators were moved solely by pity of the miserable beast or whether they desirM 'tq'-wn&ke 1 -- a market for English plowf and tiarness does apt appear.— From "A Farmers Notebook," by C, F; Dl Pfielps; .••"•.' TALK. In ah AtfvertisemeM He Put tn the Paper in 1837; Advertising in the Bian three-quarters \t a eentnry ago wag worded more pic- :aresqHe!y than it is now iiv some re- spects. No big-, type was used, but the advertisem«its hit th&; mark-,-without its did. \'.li is to be dowbted if some of the. 'a'dv.er'tiseineuts- whteh- appeared then eowld get into pi'mt now, -for'they- were . ontspakeii fo'. a tt»?gree which would offend modero susceptibilities/ For example, herein an adrttrtiseniettt which appeared io the S«n;of May 2t3, •To Shoemakers-^ 10 "Kuckaien The svib^erlb'er gfl.v-es : Uie -highest city, wages for good work and begs/those: worthies who would Ulcti hlrn of tils stuffs itot to" visit him. -It ..would b<e ait -agree-. ejble surprise to Him if Jqhn Keaip, Thom- as Pr'mgle, Isaac Morgan and a few oth- »rs wpuW bring In the-work they have so long ••forgotten" io return. JOHftF LEGG, 164 8th avt-iiue: : The trade supplied cheap and good. "Kackmen" seems to have gone out of use completely. It is not given in any of the modern dictionaries, but one of them has ** : ca«k, a baby's shoe/' which it calls shoeniatei-s* eant: - :. In the same niiniber of the Srtn T. Baxter of. 8 Fulton' street .• advertised• that he wanted broken bottles, but he did not state his use foi- them. Tfcere are several advertisements tor men to go on whaling, .voyages.'--,S<•«<.. \osk, S u n . ' : •• '. ••";':•• ••-.••;•• •'.''. .'• t^tvery Trucking I am now prepare*! to «3o a general li?ery hnsine^* 1 have good rigs &mi horses and prices are reasonable. Trucking of ail kinds will receive prompt attention. . MILTON W. ALLEN, - BRUSHfOK at residence opposite grist tc ill MFS, ROOSEVELT SURE 0? G M E L ' S SIFEIY Positive Party Wasn't Brazilian Wildei Hurt In in spite of-a brief dispatch ahnounc. Ing :hat his expedition had met with a se: ious accident in the Brazilian wil- derness, friends of Colonel I Theodore lloorevelt believe that he, wit» the rest of t' e r»arty, is safe. . A! hough in his latest letters receiv- ed ir New York C'ofonel Roosevelt said that he intended, to take Fiala with him, there 1H a possibility-" than: hemay. havt.' irhanared M? plans ami that; ho and ! ;i iala may hit ve s-eparatfdV Tfifs vfev-. seem*s to be borne.out. from the A-XT-flOXY LNIO.W A*\i>':• S C E ^ E " /ON- AMAZQX BIVER.- •'• .-. . : '.'•;••' fact'that .Fiala- spoke only ;of. his own safety and . made no reference- to the leader of-the expedition. Mrs, Fiala, however, said tiat froru the latest letters site had received from her husband she believed •'that- he ahd Golotiel Roosevelt were together..'"'OB tbe other . liand, Theodore"; l|oqseyelt, Jr., and TLawrenee Abl+ott In the other view. '. . Mra, Theodore Hoosevelt she had received no cHreet v> Colonel iR.ooseveit since' the retorted in a brief.'.cablegrti Aathojiy Fiala, but. that she in the least oneasy. "WANTS •EEed to ltd that rd from accident ni from, was: not ceat Want, Lost, FonM, To Bent, f otter like notiees insertec head for pne-balf word each. Week. with orfler. Minimum Charge 10 Ce> KorSale under a'- •' • HO0SE TO EEKT—In Brusaton, ply to L. S. Eice, Brushton. FOB SALE—S heller calves from well bred hi^ producing dftmsand sire; $25 eabh. '-B. B. Cooafer. 13»w2 WANTED—For the next two week I will buy. tobacijo tags and eouppns* W, O. Brady at Central Market. FOE SALE—Homeon Belanbey Ave., also 573^ acres laml 2: miles north of Brtishtdff. Mrs. Fi 8. Paly, FOE S A L E—Village proiberty, X% acres of land, good fruitR. «xe(»llant lo catfd a, 10 rof>ni. house with fur aaco and in good repair, modern barn 40x50, nndci'grottnd cellar, v Fine well. Will sell at a bargain. Sarah A. Phelps, Brnsuton. 13tf Cid CFCAMERY FOB SALE lishei, up to-dnte in all macWo patronage, a money maker, right or exchange for good 'faro C o n g e r . . • ' '•'•''"'•' •'•' •-••'•'• MOBE EGGS, better fowls assured by Pratts Poultry Regulator. Sa1iij" r guaranteed or money refnnde|d, andi guaranteed by I. Peck, WANTED—Highest cash price paid for calf skins and heavy hides. Central Market, W. H. Snaith. BBYIO O D—A quantity wood and 4 foot wood for sale, of Ernest Drake, Brusbion, Bt. MEN'S SUIT3 ©leaned iatf estab- _ , good Will sell A, B; •is-w-s Satisfaetion SoW 12wS 4443 of stove Enquire t . 4tf from 50 Clothing Store." Brttsliton. pressed M ' Leave $t ^cMann's Mrs. •W FOB SAIiE—At this office 4 5 oent& a bundle, old newspapers. Franklin Real Estate Agency, RealEstate, Loans,Inves^menta Farms and G«neral Prolp^rty Selling Farms a Specialty. Call before or (selling Property WM. St. MARY, MA10NEVN. Y. Let us show } r ou our f 5.56 Stii is. ; They are •'•bar^ .gains at $9.00. Better look 'e.rn over, $6.50 the Price We can save you $ ]on. our $7.50 Suits- p -etty- ^strong statettient, but; Viet;us show you;" $7.50 the Price Ask to se;e- our $10 -B.iiie. -• Senje Suits. You'll like it, ..ypu'll take it and ] we euarantee you'll be .satisfied with it, $10thePrice I ;Othei" makes^ Including St}'1e-Ptus $17 «P to $22, in all tire latest English modeia. Spring Overcoats in "Eal- . maccaria." ••;'• ^ • : ilflll Head-|o-Foot Outfitter Braslitcm, VILLA VrGTflB IS BATTLE. Federals i&eing Slowly 0Hvi&n Bapk Towartl Beleaguered 6|ty of. Torreon, Meager News df JEngagjemenfc, JGfeneral Villa and fate ariity ai?e,ln possession -of- t h e village of Bei'mejiUe, aa'<3. the federal aimy is being slowly driven, hack tow-afci. the oeieaguerml city of ToiT^on; : .•'-.•' •.'.'•.-"'•.<•'-•."•• gh meager news of the engage. ' -which resulted In the capture of Berraejillo has altered tarougn th« fed eval ceaso.pstilp, It is known ''-that a desperate battle, lasting. more r tufln An hemr precedeA the rebel decmpatidji of tlie suWrb. , : ' L ;/': - ; .,-" •' .."' ..'•"'•''•'"•";-.••• General.Villa was personally in com •niand of tfie main body of Ms army Qi 12,000, which struck the Severe Wow at tue.federal defense. ; At the same time .that Villa was at- tacking Bermejillo, ^General E- '.X Benevides, at ; the bend of the fammig Zaragosa brigade; of whieh: REoxti ; M.a. dero was ^second, in cottunanii, todh the suburb of TilhtiaHilo afteridespe?- ate resistaBee.froBi: a detachment oi Huerta'sarmy,: : . .; Hogarth i-orgot, : Hpgarth, the fanjoms artist, vain aiid very absent tnihded.. Wjfeen tht> .sale; of his plants bad' nlade hiin oire he set up. d carriage and day went io it to.. visit fehe lord I „ While he was in the Maiisioti House tbe weather became stormy, and Ho- gitrth, who happened to .go. out at. a different doorj after vainly s for a hackney ;coach,'w^aikec! through the rain and.was soaked to the sfein. He had entirely forgotten 3 Cooks Corners ^ 8-~Seyeral from here attend©*! | the danqe at Lewis Glad to see Levi Brows and little; j Brown ID oar town last Wedriestlaj, J Sorry•'•*£ learn that one of Mrs, Mar^f ^erritt's sistew in Platt^burgh Was dead! Mrs. Burt Ellsworth, who, has very ill, is onthe gain, Miss Minnie Merritfc, who- him havinar the rheHtaatism the past weekPj isbefier. "•"-.-...' ..... /• Mr. and Mrs. Chester Clary were sruests 1 at the Home of their father, Ezr* " | l a s t S u n d a y . ; -. •• •':';•. .' •'. -..•-. -McDonald was in '"town-- this j | . [ ' ;M rs.. Btirt- Ashley- Was the .guest rif _ M i-ss' i Maggie Condon last Sarorday, '•>' "• .-' {. Qnite a ntiHiber of people atteh.*lF-<3 Egbett Wiison'ssale last-f'n.esday-iy" '.'• ". Little Eva Hatbbins"#as the guest of tier aunt, Ha Eowell^ iu BacoaviUe day lasf week, •'.'.- •.•'.'.••' .. . ,N/^. Gibbs wasin towa last Tveefe. F. A. Goto Clark Co. For Floor Oil Cloths Heriip and Wool Carpets Stanipld and Inlaid LiMleums •.'•"-. : -•.'••'; : .:.-i;•••••. : - : :-••.-• ':-• ...... : : ' Wall Pai>er and Window Shades Also a full line of Rubbers Bangui* fMES TO IN AGiEMENT March 23—r-Btill storminef ajid ^'Winter lingers in the lap of Spring. V .The farra- ers are bosy plowlng-^plowiiii? out the snow-drifts, ; •',. " -•"--" •;.-• ••:',:•--.\ ••'•'". '. H. B. Bo'aob's daughter;Buby ^enfc to the Ogdensbur^ City Hospital for treat- tBjent last .week; -Mrs. Edith Wilson aa- eoiripamed heft . Miss Yina JBarnam has gone : this weeU to the sar»e hospital, and Mrs., Hazel Ghapija has gone with her little son Lawrence to have his tonsils r e m o v e d , . '.-',/. ">-.";-"'- ~ A .-"_. .'•••[ •_ ':.- '.."--'•' The matrqnB r : contest held in the TJnioB cbttrch. last Friday evening waswell attended, Mrs. MareiajDavis re» ceiled the medal. The stork passet! thtougli here.-last" week, arid left a beautiful little Charles Roys', , : /.•'• -"'•"•'•_'.. Annual Hotee Sale Santa Clara Lumber Co, Topper Days-^-Tiiesdayj Wednesday and ''' Thusdy ; Ma.rch 31st, April 1 <5 2nd 125 Head Brood Mares and Geldings •"• Tobe Sold Without Beserve, g from six to nine years old; We^lits from 1350 to ld0O poands.4JPX:pre8S and , delivery Horses. Drafters and Per^ cberoo Farm Teams, : Tp« are sare to * And what yon want. Make your choice eturiy. All these horses are accEmated ••: aad retidy : . : for work. Many, of these horses have been in thewooas onlj: six weeks. ^Fhis year we will sell 12.5 head, Oqx Biggest Sale. Onr Best Stock, Santa Glara Uimber Compsmy LaKe, Nf. Tf.« '. •.'.•."' - : '. Terra Wild McReynolds. Pens When you L>U) ! a Fountain •n-buy.a i^oo,].uiu :: - :l . Parker Luck Curve ;• ^Tnere's nevt;r a hkcli or skip. in flow of ink a Farkrr fen. The-department of Wice announce Made; plain Or. v, ;ith .--ok? or that it c-ompjete agreetudut- for the di's : .j stiver mounting-.. . Sio.ndard sol-a'Ciozi of the New tork New Ha ve« style Parker- Lih k 5 / • Cu aad Hartford Kailroad eouipauv and j p ofYO <t, . . 1 *.. v- i * i> \P I ve its and water traiisportati been reaehetl. \ j A. decree embody-ing thj to be submitted to the; district court for the southern district of New York. An .important feature of tue decree will be that' the court maitertead the periods within which ttie Kew Hrtven's stockfioJders ixi anj- of ,tte; ooppaulesiiit cowtrols must be sspld if good cause for is shown by the New Haven. statement ex- Jsothlngas said in the planatbry.-.-.QJE the agreement in regard to the. disposition ofthe other water terminal privilege's and possessions of the New Haven. trolley on lines had agreement is United States the extension wharfage and cfepartnaent of* justice l|as contended that these properties ajnd privileges should be : surrendered with the New Seven's stirrencler "of control over its water ttattsportatidaroui:es. Th« New BEaven has com batted this proposal. /•][:•' '- Ready Remedy. v Author—I amtroubled! vita insomnia. 1 lie awat^ at n%ht nour after bom thiiiki?ig about my literary w.ork.. His Frieitd-—How veryfoolish of youj Why don't you get up und read por tions of it? Eat€?feange Office "-- Mileages hf>ug:ht, sold aad exchanged M W ; HAKEIS, Ticket A Brushtou. N. X. ; Parker Jaiuk Knife Safety Pen never leaks when xanted m any pocket like a short pencil Per*.- knife . "size • -(or ladies' purse. Price,'$)•.<:<:>',alcurdnig- .to the size and oi.u-,njr' 5 nfe PARKER SELf ' A demand for .? pen'has "led the. V'M MLLEftS pi to put out; .oil the';rxiarkef 1 .put tile" pen poj t and .push the i pen is ready to ft fill j 1 butter? ller }'— jusr- ibtr irik a'ud the P ens ; -All : - Parker under a' written gwarj n u-e. Many- styles to st-lectTroni at Charles H. [Smith's, BERT WEAR, RUBBERS Just ^eceiyecl a targe Assortment <# Infants* Whijte Muslin Dresses and Children's ^hite Muslim Gingham, andPerca and Rompers Russian Suits;, Infants' Bonnets and Cloaks. Some wry attra ctive mmon L S. RICE, are A Comparison Proves ttle Value pi this Car - THe intrinsic value of m\y irtwife is easily detjermined by ccmrparisofi, : ! h Series CLanibert;is; iTntisual ;a^-"cp^pared;^|ir-ith-.any. other car in its pric^ class. >- L JO.-! choi.ee.o.f--thosfe two- known; £a\ r a'raBl:y : Tht;:"'vv- : :.rM;ove •'.'.-'.,'BI^riiry"pt. rodin : to',seat-.five passengers comfortably-— rich, .'deep.upholstery—-:!o •.} £~ b ; a S e^el : ectdc..lightS:'aii<J'';starter^.La Gearless Transmission—and si> the motor is concerned—take yQr the Contmental or Rutenber; - : : ; >v.' : And the-priqe;is $1200., ; ; | -. • -.•••• : •':.. The big Lambert orgaBizatioii'^.big machine jshops—skilled, mechanics" b{ manufacturing, has ma^e it possible. iar a.: It's while to kn<)w more;about this;cair. BRUSHTON, N, Y. •rea SPEGIIieATIONS #ive, center tfive: t toSO niiles peir hour. TlBBS—3^xSJ in. with quick detachable % i Sft'H.'.-F. pump. Magrneto (stttaranteed for Hfe.) SP4-BK' COII*—t^nd^r hood.; : •": ••• "---.-- ; ' -,'.- v ; - -: - . feed; aod force leed. OIL GAiPAClTCy-Qnegallon, ; : [-••''•;- "-." .:'.'" •'• • .". QASOIilNE TANK—Ten gallons/trader eowl. TBA5JSptlSSiON—Lambert PataDted Gearlesg TDrive, BEABINGS—Hyafet roller and aoflnalar bail. FRAME—Pressed ste<il, .;••. '•..:/"'; : -y ;\ :; oi 8emi-eLlir>if groiiBl STRING, rear—Fnll ehiptie, ground an.* AXIiES r front - I Beam Section, . EAD—56-inch.;-. -"./' •" •:' •••; AKES—Internal expanding' aod Vertical, tabtxiar. F > justments. i-r-IS in. maLo»any iiua.. BATIO-.16 to 1 on high; hutr. ENDEBS--Heavy metal with side BDD1 MATERIAL—Metal oasubstantial «• HOLSTEB1> T O-High grade artfstio rolls, good sptingstiUfl DOOB LATCHES-irrsiae body. BOABBB-' ydiu .;/;,;•• \ V;.;- ••'• m^0ULAk EQIUIPMENT Eleetrie Hghtlng and starting. ; : r Mohtor top, side curtains and top coyer, windshield, spe^dosnejber, eleefric lacap^, black , conaplete ^et atItodh,^ tire repair kit, pomp, etc. •Xtl-i nickel- coat rail, niekle irisamirigs, wheel Price Complete ,...,:. .„: $1,200 B.F, Age tns for Franklin and BRUSPONN. Y. Lawrence Couiities

Transcript of F. A. Clark Co.nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn93063604/1914-03-26/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · Facts and...

Page 1: F. A. Clark Co.nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn93063604/1914-03-26/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · Facts and Fallacies JOB PRINTING of all fcfeda exeeriiecJ promptly, an* at .reasonable prices,

Facts and Fallacies

JOB PRINTING of all fcfeda exeeriiecJpromptly, an* at .reasonable prices, atthre office.

Advertisements this Week.L . : S , R i c e • • • • . . . . ' ; • . • ; ..'. " \ ; , •' : ":

Spring Suits-^MtMatin. ..Lambert—-B. F, Harrik &'-'Sons'-.You Nffd Us-r-Ypun^ Bn>.i.t Afoirn . ' • .Hank by Mail—First National IXfinkLivtry and Trucking—MittrmW. AllrnAnnual Horse Salt— Santa Clara list m bey Co,

-Saloon League Cloak for Stntrter Movement

Train* Leave Brushton

x 350 No, 2427:45 a. m. 11,'S3 a. nau 5;S3 p. m.

Milk Tram leaving Brashtori 9:09 a.m. will carry passengers between Moiraand Malone daily; on Sunday betweenall.statioBa.

oorna WEST• No. 24i ;- .No. gw;; •; no. 2m9:09 a. m. 5:23 p. m. 10:54 p. m.

Milk Train leAving Brushfcm at 3:Stfp. m. will carry passengers between allstations daily.

Trains Nos. 250 and fc57 between Cher-. nbnsco and Ogdenabnrg onl5%

Trains on N. Y. 0 0*GOING NOBTH

H:2e». m,abrsra SOTTTH

10:09 a. a .


4:04 p.m.


Saturday is registrationE, Dana Dustin went to Montreal

Tuesday evening to visit friends forashort time.'

A. B; Conger has issued a catalog of jFranklin County farms for sale: \i in-terested ask him for a copy.

California Katei••Or-a'bees at specialprices thb.'tVf?fk- onl\—*'/*> c rst. -orange*at 34:cents a 'domi, 3o' e^tlt size.'23cents a tlpzen, at Central Market, W.H, Smith.'.. ... •••;.' -_• .;•'. / Ady :

Frank McDonald, an okl and re-apeeted re&ufeut of fchii place, diedWednesday mdrn.Ina; at nine o'clockafter along, and .-lingering iHoes*, aged73 years last September, The funeralwill be held at the home just north ofthis village Friday afternoon at.-one-o'clock. Besides MM «ife he letm-soueson, Boyai ©f :Pt <,*«vin»tou, add twodaughters, Mts. Benj, Pirpree of Burkeand Mrs, Bart Bowers of r/arhhviile.Two brothers also survive, David ofthl» place, and John of Moira andone sister, Mrs; Kate Torry, of ClintonCo. Mr. McDonald was a veteran M'-\the Civil War and served ~lm -cwuo|ry-iWell, seeing natjch autivo ser,viee. Hewas one of the detaih«ient that captured':Booth, the assassin of President Lin-coin, 'and he shared .in ihe rewardmoney ottered for Booth's eaptqre, ,|


Easter post cards are now on sale at{Smith's. : ••/-•-.

Turnkey RaySaylescame home from~Malone Saturday forenoon aod reniain-wl notil Monday morning, .';' •-.-

The Bombay basketball team defeat-ed the Co. K team at Bombay last weekby a seore of 22 to! .6 .-,.'.'

Will Hutchens of Johustown visitedSaturday and Sunday at Mrs JamesPickering's. '

Mi&s Jessie Bero of Ho^Hnsburg spentthe week end in Brushtonj returningto her school work in jlalane Mondayraorniog.

Mrs. Charles Macl>onald and twochildren of Potsdam have been visitingfriends and relatives in Breshton thi»week, . ' '• . ' : • • • ' - . • " ; .-"-.. •-'

The Northern ISTew; York Conferenceof the M. E, Ch-urch- convenes'at Borne©n April" 25th; Bishop William Hurt,1>. D i LL. I> , of Buffalo will preside.

A calf without a tail was bora on theFrank McDonald place recently; withthe exception of the lack of the caudalappendage the animal is normal.

The subject of Rev. C. Sha?r*s ser-mon next Suniiay porpirtar at theChristian chnrch will be^'^The AllConquering Christ;^ . ; - . ' ' ' -

. Moira TenCi K O/T. M , will servenew maple.sugar and. a h^ht lunch iothe Maceabee hail, Moira, Saturday eve*f n n g , M a r c h 2 8 t l i . A l l a r e . c o r d i a l l y i n -

v i t e d . '•' . . - ; . • , ' • ; . ; '•'."..•-;••• ••- •

Horaeseekers escarsionii to i\tanitoba,Saakatchewan and Albertii. Marchto October 1914, inclusive. For rate«,etc. apply to Gen, W.: Hams, C..P-. K,Agt , Brnehton... Adv. 13 w-2

. The annual nieetiag of the Woraan'8Siigeionary Socfety of the Christianehiircb will be h«ld at Mrs.^ M. W.Wright'a Thursday afternoon, March26$hu This is also a fmtebox naeetiag.

Mrs, Jahn Barlow and her son Will^ar^daughter Misa Ptjarl of Worcester,Mass. are visitiog at the borne of hersister, Mrs, ThosV Baridvf, and otherrelatives and friends i.a .^Torthefn Kew

" - Y o r k . ' -. " ;"'" ; ' " • . . 1;••'•.•.-' .:":- • . . '•

The ChateangBy villaseeiectiOQ,wasanother surprise ksfc jjveek Tuesday.JDast year the villag^^Qt wet, Tues-day the villasre elected -ftufus B. Ham-phrey, Prohibitionistv village president,,by 61 majority. '

- While Oregon has enjoyed <equalsuffrage bnt a little omr a year and thewon«n have bad but a short time inwhich to exert their influence as toaffairs of government; much good hascome of it. Organized greed and or-ganised vice »ee the handwriting upouthe wall wherever equal suffrage pre-vaih.—Governor West- "•"-....."':•

Joseph Kew.h&H, '--the well knowntraveling salesman, died of poeur>ioniaSlouday night in the Afary FletcherHospital, Burlington^ Vt, after an ill-ueas of about ten days, Mr. Xewhallhad been traveling through NorthernNew York for some twenty tive years

. and had many friends m Brusbton. Hewa* the representative of Decartur-Hopkins Co , of Boston, a wholesalehardware house. Mr. Newhall was un-married and lived with jb» sister \aWest Newton, Mass.»4o which placethe body was taken Tuesday. Thefuueral will be held there today, Thurs-d a y , • • • ' . . • _ " • - ' • . , . ; •: ; " " - - • ; :

Last Sunday was ' Go-to-Chureh Sun-day " in Brushton and; much interestwas aroused by the campaign of thetwo pastors, R«v. C, Shaw of tile

- Christian church and Rev. M. H. Bowdof the Methodist church, and as a re-sult of their endeavors both. churcheswere well tilled. Mariy had the pleasureof listening to good sertnons and en-joying the sood church music that theyhave denied themselves 4<>r many weeksand it is to be hoped % uow the ice »sbroken, that they will continue to takeadVaotsge of fh© opportunities affordedthem and enjoy these benefits every

S u n d a y . - - ' . • • • • ' . ' V " " - - . - ' . - . / •

One Killed, Many Wounded, When Mob•-•• •_'. Attacks:.-Striker-:Breakers. •

Fata) rioting, ift* \cii:ieii. a nioLV ofmore than TQi> irmi"'^aftifipated, with

• flytnj? stones arid bit}lets, broxigrht deathto one Touth and wmintjs to many when"an attack was made 'on a traJ a rucryti"ig strike breakers to. tiie. dvAihi t-Vr,jier plant -at Lancaster, near Buff's io. .

Stanislaus .SkoliMlsiiiyears okl. a .member .of • the aiol;»...wiih'a. bullet'.through", .his.the rifles of-the guards oh the jrainShortly after the .'ittaek began ;unidentified yonfh u-aa shotthe leg, and several of the s"tftinetT minor .wmjriids.; Many of th*-.;-innrds and strike breakers on.-the tivti*

by Qyixig rack A. . .


Rrpart.jbt attenQaBtce tor"-weel; ending0 / ; M h 2 0 1&14• . . . • '• ' : No. regis teredHigh Sehool S6Training Class, 18Gramnuir Dfpt. . #0..5th atid 6th Grades . 34 M3rd an* 4th Grades . 2 5 . " . -BOP r i m a r j " . ' . - . . • . . 43, . • 7 8


DRUELTf TOTh© Old Ti"m» Custoipm of •'Plowing

' ' ' Horss'sTati.?"-.'' '/_;. _Animals seem- to have no idea of exr

ercising to keep warm, They just turntheir backs to the TOUCI sad crouch,but perhaps if one"'.had only a limitedamount of ta&l. it w&ald be better Ju?£.to keep a, spark, alive till the snap wasover than.^to h-xtm It all oat ra a few:

first legislation against cruelty Joanimals is fui& to have 'been an eaact-nient passed in the. days -o£ QueenElizabeth prohibiting "plowing at, the.horse's. tai l ," "«;s -then' :praetk-ed - in-. 1 i-e-

l a n d . 4 . - - • ; . ' ' . '• - . ' ' . - ' • . . . ' . " ' - . - ' ; - ' - .•'•'.

This custom'"'consisted ia iasliliig the^16w beam to the; horse's tail with abit of rope and then,, while one 'manheld the plow,.- another .walked back-ward before the animal, guiding it withblows of a stick. It seems as thoughtillsVplan must have, cocked the plowso high into the air that the pofat•would take no hold on the soil. Itseems also as if only th> most spirit-less of equines would have submittedto the treatment, but that; it was fre-quently done the act against it proves.The cruelty of the praetiee peeils nodemonstration^ it eould not have beenprofitable, but was .perhaps preferableto starvation. Whether the .English-leg',islators were moved solely by pity ofthe miserable beast or whether theydesirM 'tq'-wn&ke1-- a market for Englishplowf and tiarness does apt appear.—From "A Farmers Notebook," by C,F; Dl Pfielps; . • • " • . '

TALK.In ah AtfvertisemeM He Put tn

the Paper in 1837;Advertising in the Bian three-quarters

\t a eentnry ago wag worded more pic-:aresqHe!y than it is now iiv some re-spects. No big-, type was used, but theadvertisem«its hit th&; mark-,-withoutits did. \'.li is to be dowbted if some ofthe. 'a'dv.er'tiseineuts- whteh- appearedthen eowld get into pi'mt now, -for'they-were . ontspakeii fo'. a tt»?gree whichwould offend modero susceptibilities/For example, herein an adrttrtisenietttwhich appeared io the S«n;of May 2t3,

•To Shoemakers-^ 10 "KuckaienThe svib^erlb'er gfl.v-es: Uie -highest city,wages for good work and begs/those:worthies who would Ulcti hlrn of tils stuffsitot to" visit him. -It ..would b<e ait -agree-.ejble surprise to Him if Jqhn Keaip, Thom-as Pr'mgle, Isaac Morgan and a few oth-»rs wpuW bring In the-work they have solong ••forgotten" io return.

JOHftF LEGG, 164 8th avt-iiue: :The trade supplied cheap and good."Kackmen" seems to have gone out

of use completely. It is not given inany of the modern dictionaries, but oneof them has **:ca«k, a baby's shoe/'which it calls shoeniatei-s* eant: - :.

In the same niiniber of the Srtn T.Baxter of. 8 Fulton' street .• advertised•that he wanted broken bottles, but hedid not state his use foi- them. Tfcereare several advertisements tor men togo on whaling, .voyages.'--,S<•«<.. \osk,S u n . ' : • • ' . • • " ; ' : • • • • - . • • ; • • • • ' . ' ' . . ' •

t^tvery TruckingI am now prepare*! to «3o a general li?ery

hnsine^* 1 have good rigs &mi horsesand prices are reasonable.

Trucking of ail kinds will receive promptattention. .

MILTON W. ALLEN, - BRUSHfOKat residence opposite grist tc ill


Positive Party Wasn'tBrazilian Wildei

Hurt In

in spite of-a brief dispatch ahnounc.Ing :hat his expedition had met witha se: ious accident in the Brazilian wil-derness, friends of Colonel I Theodorelloorevelt believe that he, wit» the restof t' e r»arty, is safe.. A! hough in his latest letters receiv-ed ir New York C'ofonel Roosevelt saidthat he intended, to take Fiala withhim, there 1H a possibility-" than: hemay.havt.' irhanared M? plans ami that; hoand !;iiala may hit ve s-eparatfdV Tfifs

vfev-. seem*s to be borne.out. from the

A-XT-flOXYL N I O . W • A*\ i> ' : • S C E ^ E " /ON-

A M A Z Q X B I V E R . - •'• .-. . : ' . ' • ; • • '

fact'that .Fiala- spoke only ;of. his ownsafety and . made no reference- to theleader of-the expedition.

Mrs, Fiala, however, said t iat froruthe latest letters site had received fromher husband she believed •'that- he ahdGolotiel Roosevelt were together..'"'OBtbe other . liand, Theodore"; l|oqseyelt,Jr., and TLawrenee Abl+ott Inthe other view. '. .

Mra, Theodore Hooseveltshe had received no cHreet v>Colonel iR.ooseveit since' theretorted in a brief.'.cablegrtiAathojiy Fiala, but. that shein the least oneasy.


•EEed to

ltd thatrd fromaccidentni from,was: not


Want, Lost, FonM, To Bent,f otter like notiees insertec

head for pne-balfword each. Week.

with orfler.Minimum Charge 10 Ce>


a ' - •' •

HO0SE TO EEKT—In Brusaton,ply to L. S. Eice, Brushton.

FOB SALE—S heller calves from wellbred h i ^ producing dftmsandsire; $25 eabh. '-B. B. Cooafer. 13»w 2

WANTED—For the next two week Iwill buy. tobacijo tags and eouppns* W,O. Brady at Central Market.

FOE SALE—Homeon Belanbey Ave.,also 573 acres laml 2: miles north ofBrtishtdff. Mrs. Fi 8. Paly,

F O E S A L E—Village proiberty, X%acres of land, good fruitR. «xe(»llant locatfd a, 10 rof>ni. house with fur aaco andin good repair, modern barn 40x50,nndci'grottnd cellar, v Fine well. Willsell at a bargain. Sarah A. Phelps,Brnsuton. 13tf

CidCFCAMERY FOB SALElishei, up to-dnte in all macWopatronage, a money maker,right or exchange for good 'faroC o n g e r . . • ' '•'•''"'•' •'•' •-••'•'•

MOBE EGGS, better fowls assured byPratts Poultry Regulator. Sa1iij"r

guaranteed or money refnnde|d,andi guaranteed by I. Peck,

WANTED—Highest cash price paidfor calf skins and heavy hides. CentralMarket, W. H. Snaith.

B B Y I O O D—A quantitywood and 4 foot wood for sale,of Ernest Drake, Brusbion, Bt.

MEN'S SUIT3 ©leaned


estab-_ , good

Will sellA, B;•is-w-s


of stoveEnquiret . 4tf

from 50Clothing Store."Brttsliton.

pressedM 'Leave $t ^cMann's


FOB SAIiE—At this office 4 5 oent&a bundle, old newspapers.

Franklin Real Estate Agency,RealEstate, Loans,Inves^menta

Farms and G«neral Prolp^rtySelling Farms a Specialty. Call before

or (selling Property

WM. S t . MARY, MA10NEVN. Y.

Let us show }rou our f 5.56Stiiis.; They are •'•bar^

.ga ins at $9.00. Betterlook 'e.rn over,

$6.50 the Price

We can save you $ ] on.our $7.50 Suits- p -etty-^strong statettient, but;Viet;us show you;"

$7.50 the Price

Ask to • se;e- our $10 -B.iiie.-• Senje Suits. You'll

like it, ..ypu'll take it and ]we euarantee you'll be.satisfied with it,


I ;Othei" makes^ IncludingSt}'1e-Ptus $17 • «P t o

$22, in all tire latestEnglish modeia.

Spring Overcoats in "Eal-. m a c c a r i a . " ••;'• ^ • :

ilflllHead-|o-Foot Outfitter


VILLA VrGTflB IS BATTLE.Federals i&eing Slowly 0Hvi&n BapkTowartl Beleaguered 6|ty of. Torreon,

Meager News df JEngagjemenfc,

JGfeneral Villa and fate ariity ai?e,lnpossession -of- the village of Bei'mejiUe,aa'<3. the federal aimy is being slowlydriven, hack tow-afci. the oeieaguermlc i t y o f T o i T ^ o n ; : . • ' - . • ' • • . ' . ' • . - " ' • . < • ' - • . " • •

gh meager news of the engage.' -which resulted In the capture of

Berraejillo has altered tarougn th« fedeval ceaso.pstilp, It is known ''-that adesperate battle, lasting. morertufln Anhemr precedeA the rebel decmpatidji oft l i e s u W r b . ,: ' L ; / ' : -;.,-" •' .."' . . '•" '• ' '• '"•";-.•••

General.Villa was personally in com•niand of tfie main body of Ms army Qi12,000, which struck the Severe Wowat tue.federal defense.; At the same time .that Villa was at-

tacking Bermejillo, ^General E- '.XBenevides, at; the bend of the fammigZaragosa brigade; of whieh: REoxti ;M.a.dero was ^second, in cottunanii, todhthe suburb of TilhtiaHilo afteridespe?-ate resistaBee.froBi: a detachment oiHuerta'sarmy,: : . .;

Hogarth i-orgot,: Hpgarth, the fanjoms artist,vain aiid very absent tnihded.. Wjfeentht> .sale; of his plants bad' nlade hiin

oirehe set up. d carriage and

day went io it to.. visit fehe lord

I „ While he was in the Maiisioti Housetbe weather became stormy, and Ho-gitrth, who happened to .go. out at. adifferent doorj after vainly sfor a hackney ;coach,'w^aikec!through the rain and. was soaked tothe sfein. He had entirely forgotten 3

Cooks Corners

^ 8-~Seyeral from here attend©*! |the danqe at Lewis

Glad to see Levi Brows and little; jBrown ID oar town last Wedriestlaj, J

Sorry•'•*£ learn that one of Mrs, Mar^f^erritt's sistew in Platt^burgh Was dead!

Mrs. Burt Ellsworth, who, hasvery ill, is on the gain,

Miss Minnie Merritfc, who- himhavinar the rheHtaatism the pastw e e k P j i s b e f i e r . "•"-.-...' . . . . . / •

Mr. and Mrs. Chester Clary were sruests 1at the Home of their father, Ezr* " |l a s t S u n d a y . ; -. •• •':';•. .' •'. - . . • - .

-McDonald was in '"town-- this

j | .

[' • ;M rs.. Btirt- Ashley- Was the .guest rif _ M i-ss' iMaggie Condon last Sarorday, '•>' "• .-' {.

Qnite a ntiHiber of people atteh.*lF-<3Egbett Wiison'ssale last-f'n.esday-iy" '.'• ".

Little Eva Hatbbins"#as the guest oftier aunt, H a Eowell^ iu BacoaviUeday lasf week, •'.'.- •.•'.'.••' .. .

,N/^. Gibbs wasin towa last Tveefe.

F. A.Goto

Clark Co.For

Floor Oil Cloths

Heriip and Wool Carpets

Stanipld and Inlaid LiMleums• . ' • " - . : - • . ' • • ' ; : . : . - i ; • • • • • . : - : • : - • • . - • ' : - • . . . . . . : : ' •

Wall Pai>er and Window Shades

Also a full line of Rubbers



March 23—r-Btill storminef ajid ^'Winterlingers in the lap of Spring. V .The farra-ers are bosy plowlng-^plowiiii? out thes n o w - d r i f t s , ; •',. " -•"--" • ; . - • ••:',:•--.\ ••'•'". '.

H. B. Bo'aob's daughter;Buby ^enfc tothe Ogdensbur^ City Hospital for treat-tBjent last .week; -Mrs. Edith Wilson aa-eoiripamed heft . Miss Yina JBarnam hasgone: this weeU to the sar»e hospital, andMrs., Hazel Ghapija has gone with herlittle son Lawrence to have his tonsilsr e m o v e d , . ' . - ' , / . " > - . " ; - " ' - ~A .-"_. .'•••[ •_ ':.- '.."--'•'

The matrqnBr : contest held inthe TJnioB cbttrch. last Friday eveningwaswell attended, Mrs. MareiajDavis re»ceiled the medal.

The stork passet! thtougli here .-last"week, arid left a beautiful littleC h a r l e s R o y s ' , , : / . • ' • -"'•"•'•_'..

Annual Hotee SaleSanta Clara Lumber Co,

TopperDays-^-Tiiesdayj Wednesday and

' ' ' Thusdy ;Ma.rch 31st, April 1 <5 2nd

125 Head Brood Mares and Geldings•"• To be Sold Without Beserve,

g from six to nine years old; We^litsfrom 1350 to ld0O poands.4JPX:pre8S and

, delivery Horses. Drafters and Per^cberoo Farm Teams,: Tp« are sare to

* And what yon want. Make your choiceeturiy. All these horses are accEmated

••: aad retidy:.: for work. Many, of thesehorses have been in the wooas onlj: sixweeks. ^Fhis year we will sell 12.5 head,Oqx Biggest Sale. Onr Best Stock, •

Santa Glara Uimber CompsmyL a K e , Nf. Tf.« '. •.'.•."' - : '.

TerraWild McReynolds.

PensW h e n you L>U)! a F o u n t a i n•n-buy.a i^oo,].uiu : :- : l .

Parker Luck Curve;• ^Tnere's nevt;r a hkcli or skip.in flow of ink a F a r k r r fen .

The-department of W i c e announce Made; plain Or. v, ;ith .--ok? orthat it c-ompjete agreetudut- for the di's:.j stiver mounting-.. . Sio.ndardsol-a'Ciozi of the New tork New Ha ve« style Parker - Lih k5/ • Cuaad Hartford Kailroad eouipauv and j p o f Y O <t, . .

1 *.. v- i * i> \P I

veitsand water traiisportatibeen reaehetl. \ j

A. decree embody-ing thjto be submitted to the;district court for the southern districtof New York. An .important featureof tue decree will be that' the courtmaitertead the periods within whichttie Kew Hrtven's stockfioJders ixi anj-of ,tte; ooppaulesiiit cowtrols must be

• sspld if good cause for

is shown by the New Haven.statement ex-Jsothlngas said in the

planatbry.-.-.QJE the agreement in regardto the. disposition of theother water terminal privilege's andpossessions of the New Haven.

trolleyon lines had

agreement isUnited States

the extension

wharfage and

cfepartnaent of* justice l|as contendedthat these properties ajnd privilegesshould be: surrendered with the NewSeven's stirrencler "of control over itswater ttattsportatidaroui:es. Th« NewBEaven has com batted this proposal.

/•][:•' ' - R e a d y R e m e d y .v Author—I am troubled! vita insomnia.1 lie awat^ at n%ht nour after bomthiiiki?ig about my literary w.ork..

His Frieitd-—How veryfoolish of youjWhy don't you get up und read portions of it?

Eat€?feange Off ice "--

Mileages hf>ug:ht, sold aad exchangedM W ; HAKEIS, Ticket A

Brushtou. N. X. ;

Parker Jaiuk Knife Safety Pennever leaks when xanted many pocket like a short pencilPer*.- knife . "size • -(or ladies'purse. Price, '$)•.<:<:>', alcurdnig-.to the size and oi.u-,njr'5nfe

PARKER SELf' A demand for .?

pen'has "led the. V'M



to put out;.oil the '; rxiarkef 1.put tile" pen poj t» tand .push the ipen is ready to


j 1 •


ller• }'— jusr-ib t r i r ik

a'ud the

Pens; -All:- Parkerunder a' written gwarj n u-e.

Many- styles to st-lectTroniat

Charles H. [Smith's,


Just ^eceiyecl a targe Assortment <#

Infants* Whijte Muslin Dresses and

Children's ^hite Muslim Gingham,andPerca


Russian Suits;,

Infants' Bonnets and Cloaks.

Some wry attractivemm on



A Comparison Proves ttle Value pi this Car- THe intrinsic value of m\y irtwife is easily detjermined by ccmrparisofi, :! h

Series CLanibert;is; iTntisual ;a^-"cp^pared;^|ir-ith-.any. other car in its pric^ class.

>- LJO.-!

choi.ee.o.f--thosfe two- known; £a\ra'raBl:y: Tht;:"'vv-::.rM;ove

•'.'.- '.,'BI^riiry" pt. rodin:to',seat-.five passengers comfortably-— rich, .'deep.upholstery—-:!o•.}£~b;aSe^el:ectdc..lightS:'aii<J'';starter^.La Gearless Transmission—and si>the motor is concerned—take yQrthe Contmental or Rutenber; - :

:;>v.' : And the-priqe;is $1200.,;; | -. • -.••••:

•':.. The big Lambert orgaBizatioii'^.big machine jshops—skilled, mechanics"b{ manufacturing, has ma^e it possible.

i a r a.:

It's while to kn<)w more;about this;cair.



S P E G I I i e A T I O N S#ive, centert f i v e :

t toSO niiles peir hour.TlBBS—3^xSJ in. with quick detachable %

i Sft'H.'.-F.pump.

Magrneto (stttaranteed for Hfe.)SP4-BK' COII*—t^nd^r hood.;: •": ••• "---.-- ; • ' -,'.- v

;- -: - .feed;

aod force leed.O I L GAiPAClTCy-Qnegallon, ;:[-••''•;- • "-." .:'.'" •'• • .".QASOIi lNE TANK—Ten gal lons/ trader eowl.TBA5JSptlSSiON—Lambert PataDted Gearlesg TDrive,

BEABINGS—Hyafet roller and aoflnalar bail.FRAME—Pressed ste<il, .;••. '•..:/"'; :-y ;\ :;

oi 8emi-eLlir>if groiiBl

STRING, rear—Fnll ehiptie, ground an.*AXIiESr front - I Beam Section, .

E A D — 5 6 - i n c h . ; - . - " . / ' •" •:' •••; •

AKES—Internal expanding' aod

Vertical, tabtxiar.



i - r - I S in. maLo»any iiua..BATIO-.16 to 1 on high;


ENDEBS--Heavy metal with sideBDD1 MATERIAL—Metal oasubstantial «•

HOLSTEB1>TO-High gradeartfstio rolls, good sptingstiUfl

DOOB LATCHES-irrsiae body.B O A B B B - '


.;/;,;•• • \ V; . ; - ••'• m^0ULAk EQIUIPMENTEleetrie Hghtlng and starting.;: r

Mohtor top, side curtains and top coyer, windshield, spe^dosnejber, eleefric lacap^, black, conaplete et atItodh,^ tire repair kit, pomp, etc.

•Xtl-i nickel-

coat rail, niekle irisamirigs, wheel

P r i c e C o m p l e t e ,...,:. .„: $1,200

B.F,Age tns for Franklin and

• BRUSPONN. Y.Lawrence Couiities