Ezra Levant: Freedom Hypocrite

22 Instances of Ezra Levant’s Fight Against Freedoms 1. In reality, Ezra Levant is actually a very selective freedom proponent. All of his so-called fights for freedom have coincidently benefitted only his cause or ideology. For example, Pattison Outdoor, a billboard company, in which its owner, Jim Pattison, has strong Conservative connections , regularly features ads promoting tarsands but recently refused to rent space to a Greenpeace message about an oil spill, without explanation. Where is Ezra Levant’s outrage when dialogue is censored? 2. Ezra Levant brags endlessly about Sun News, his soapbox carrier. For him, Sun News represents freedom. However, I was banned from the Sun News comment pages – as I’m sure 100s of “leftists” have been – and for nothing even close to the endless racist, bigoted comments I see flying from the keyboards of those on the Right . One would assume that with Ezra Levant’s tenure at the Sun chain, and his supposed stature of a “Freedom Warrior,” that he would do something to have all these unfair and biased bans revoked. *As a side note, I was banned after posting criticism of Israel’s foreign policies.


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Transcript of Ezra Levant: Freedom Hypocrite

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22 Instances of Ezra Levant’s Fight Against Freedoms

1. In reality, Ezra Levant is actually a very selective freedom proponent. All of his so-called fights for freedom have coincidently benefitted only his cause or ideology. For example, Pattison Outdoor, a billboard company, in which its owner, Jim Pattison, has strong Conservative connections, regularly features ads promoting tarsands but recently refused to rent space to a Greenpeace message about an oil spill, without explanation. Where is Ezra Levant’s outrage when dialogue is censored?

2. Ezra Levant brags endlessly about Sun News, his soapbox carrier. For him, Sun News represents freedom. However, I was banned from the Sun News comment pages – as I’m sure 100s of “leftists” have been – and for nothing even close to the endless racist, bigoted comments I see flying from the keyboards of those on the Right. One would assume that with Ezra Levant’s tenure at the Sun chain, and his supposed stature of a “Freedom Warrior,” that he would do something to have all these unfair and biased bans revoked. *As a side note, I was banned after posting criticism of Israel’s foreign policies.

3. Where is Ezra Levant’s defence of Canadian scientists? He has never, ever even addressed this issue. Since when is it acceptable for “Freedom Warriors” to hide from pertinent rescuing of those being censored? Even CornwallFreeNews understands that, “What characterises a democracy more than anything else, however, is freedom of the news media to report on

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whatever is happening, regardless of the governing party’s interest.” This is not allowed in Canada when it represents something opposite to Prime Minister, Stephen Harper. Harper has dictated a muzzling frenzy on Canadian Scientists’ reports on climate change. The Toronto Sun Star protected Canada’s press freedoms when it headlined, Harper’s Reckless and Undemocratic Muzzling of Scientists. Harper’s draconian policies of censorship have never been addressed by the Sun Media chain, or by Ezra Levant.

4. Most Canadians advocate an atmosphere where one can enjoy to display one’s art, thoughts, and expressions freely, as long as it is within the confides of the law. But oddly, Ezra Levant was more than happy at the servitude of displacing one’s freedom to display a mural in Toronto. The strange mistranslation and then charge of this mural’s inscription as a “Jihadist battle cry” by Ezra Levant and his cohorts was severely laughable. While most rational Canadians waited patiently for this so-called ‘chaos of Jihad’ to pluck Canadians from under their bed, Ezra Levant was busy trying to censure one’s freedom by signing and advocating a petition to have the mural removed:

5. Ezra “Roma” Levant throws the term “anti-Semitic” around loosely. He has thrown it around so much that it is now like an overused antibiotic – it just

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doesn’t work anymore. Crying “anti-Semite” from the same guy who wants to do away with human rights commissions on hate speech seems highly hypocritical. Sorry, Ezra, but you can’t have it both ways:

6. A New York-based local newspaper, Journal News, published, well within their rights, an interactive Google map legally showing the names and addresses of gun owners in Rockland and Westchester. And, even if this was in irresponsible taste, Ezra Levant was incensed about this paper exercising the Freedom of Information Act. Apparently, only a hypocritical, freedom-warrior such as Ezra Levant can exercise such rights.

7. Ezra Levant often attacks other countries for their lack of press freedoms. However, he always fails to mention his beloved Israel’s attack on journalists and that approximately 100 nations have better freedom of press stature than Israel. His selective criticism of some country’s press freedoms over others makes him a very unreliable “freedom warrior.”

8. Ezra Levant and his followers got all up in arms recently when there was threat of a libel lawsuit against Levant for alleged defamation of character and slander. Sun News and Ezra Levant attempted to turn this into a travesty; that Freedom of Speech in Canada was under attack. What Sun

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News and Ezra Levant didn’t tell anybody was that Levant himself launched a libel lawsuit in 2007 against the newspaper, Fast Forward Weekly. Levant even once threatened to sue dissident MP, Chuck Strahl. Levant’s attempts to sweep his own lawsuit threats under the carpet certainly lose the appeal of being branded some kind of “freedom warrior.” As this blog states perfectly, “Ezra Levant is not defending free speech, he is defending himself from an accusation that he crossed the line and abused free speech. He is not a hero defending our rights; he is a media celebrity defending his actions.”

9. In September, 2012, The Toronto Sun Star published news of an important undemocratic event in Canada: RCMP Orders Union Plane Towing Anti-Harper Banner Over Ottawa to Land. What was Levant’s take on this blatant attack on free speech in Canada? He denied that the RCMP forced it down, even though RCMP spokeswoman, Cpl. Lucy Shorey, stated that the “RCMP requested the plane to land.” Again, Ezra Levant goes to great lengths of skewing truths to avoid fighting for all freedom.

10. Ezra Levant has never once stood up for WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange’s freedom to publish documents to newspapers. Assange never stole any documents and he was in his journalistic right to publish them at will. Instead of defending Assange, Levant was quick to quip, “Why isn’t Julian Assange dead yet?” While real journalistic heroes, such as Assange and Glenn Greenwald risk their lives publishing world-altering information, Levant instead self-justifies his own journalistic existence by publishing nothing more than some 2nd-hand-already-published cartoons.

11. Calgary mayor, Nenshi, had a Twitter war with Ezra Levant. There has never been a real animosity between the two as they have known each other for some time. So when Nenshi used the ever popular ‘loaded question’ “When did you stop beating your wife,” it send Levant into a rant. Levant used this moment – not to defend Nenshi’s freedom to use loaded questioning as an argument’ -- but instead as a moment to have a hissy-fit. Whether or not this loaded question is in bad taste it was enough to bring Ezra ‘Freedom warrior’ Levant to tears and seeking an apology.

12. Ezra Levant regularly interviews various persons whom hold adverse viewpoints to his own. However, showing his viewers only the things he wants them to see such as the skewing of facts are detrimental to free speech.

13. Ezra has freely thrown around the word “terrorist” often and never misses the opportunity to label someone he opposes as one. Whether it is the CBC, environmentalists, Muslims, and so on, this is what one has come to expect from this man-child. However, when former editor of the Toronto Star, John Miller, alluded to Levant’s Freedom Weekend as a terrorist weekend getaway, Levant had a temper tantrum.

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14. When foreign MP, George Galloway was banned from speaking in Canada, Levant spun freedom and justified this by stating that “Galloway is not a Canadian citizen; he does not have a right to come to Canada.” Yet, he was hypocritically all for non-Canadian, Ann Coulter exercising her ‘non-right’ to come speak in Canada (even though she has made many violent and terror-induced comments). Ezra Levant then used his abused freedom of speech to dupe his followers into believing Coulter was “forced” to cancel her speaking engagement while it was Levant and Coulter themselves who cancelled it.

15. Ezra Levant blocks persons on Twitter with impunity. Yet, Levant can freely dish out dozens of tweets to Pierre Trudeau, David Suzuki and whomever else he’s currently obsessing over and they don’t exercise the same cowardice. Perhaps, some people are just hurting Ezra’s feelings at some point. #WhenConservativesCry

16. Ezra Levant does exercise his freedom to maintain a largely fake Twitter base of followers. According to StatusPeople.com, Ezra Levant has over 8,000 fake followers and almost half of the living ones that are following him are inactive, bored followers. Here, Ezra Levant is practising freedom of embarrassment:

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17. Even though Ezra Levant is pro-fracking, real freedom fighters might say something about lifetime gag-orders placed on children due to a fracking lawsuit settlement. But this would go against Levant’s agendum, therefore no warrior here!

18. Ezra Levant likes to verbally attack the freedoms of Saudi and Qatar in his comparisons to freedom in Canada. He uses Saudi as an example of “conflict oil” in contrast to some kind of spun “ethical oil” here in Canada. However, Levant very much supports the elements of OPEC and “conflict oil” as shown in Ethical Oil: Exposed. As for his numerous attacks on a lack of freedom in Qatar, Levant has never once criticized Stephen Harper and the Conservatives for having the friendliest Canadian/Qatari relationship in Canadian history.

19. In 2011, Ezra Levant and Robert ‘anti-brown persons’ Spencer, teamed up to deliver breaking news of a maniacal, failed used-car selling Iranian plotting to unleash terror abroad. This pair of bumbling “journalists” never knew that the story was indeed fake, anti-Iranian propaganda. Neither Ezra Levant nor Robert Spencer retracted their false claims. Levant clings on to the idea that his freedom of speech allows him to make mislead his Fox North followers, further deepening their decline of intelligence.

20. As of early 2014, masked right-wing Venezuelan thugs headed to the streets, marching violently with bricks, clubs, and Molotov cocktails. Ezra Levant used his freedom of speech to support the gang’s aim of overthrowing the democratically-elected Maduro government. So on one hand, he complains about “thugs” and “gangs” of protesters in Canada, and on the other, backs “thugs” and “gangs” when it suits his own agendum. Hmmm.

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21. On March 1, 2014 Ezra Levant traveled to Copenhagen to receive something of an award called the Sappho Award. Ezra Levant sits on the board of a fringe right-wing group that call themselves the International Free Press Society. Brownphobia sufferers, Robert Spencer and Geert Wilders are also members of the board. Apparently, this is a Klan clan that like to hand out awards to each other or to themselves. Congratulations Ezra Levant! You’re your own lucky recipient this year!