Eylin & Maria's Composition

How does the technology affect families? Nowadays we are living times where communication makes our lives easier, like: cell phone, chat, internet, social networks, etc, this group of novel devices that give us, day by day, a world of possibilities that our ancestors didn’t had. Sociologists say that technology simplifies the life of many sectors of the society. For example some families think that internet means saving them time, money and effort. In fact, technology can give us many benefits. We can communicate with our families in other places, we can enjoy playing together in family, and also we help children with their schoolwork. The irony of our time is that despite of we have all systems and equipment necessaries to connect us, many people are farther from the loved ones... It is not common when we enter to a restaurant, we can see a family sitting together but with their minds in other place. Hundreds of couples that don’t speak, they seem immersed in their own world instead of connecting with their partners. Hundreds of people aren’t communicating properly because they can’t avoid the abuse of these technological devices. At home, it is also common that each member of the family is “plugged in” to their screens and in that way the person doesn’t have any interaction with the people around him. Because of this and other situations that happen every day, we could think if technology can be blamed for the lack of family communications. But before judging it, we need to consider a little bit more, because, it depends on how it is used. When young people watch TV, parents can sit with them and have a sharing experience, but if they prefer being sending messages or talking by video with their friends, it’s a private experience and parents have to stay outside of the moment.


English Composition, technology

Transcript of Eylin & Maria's Composition

Page 1: Eylin & Maria's Composition

How does the technology affect families?

Nowadays we are living times where communication makes our lives easier, like: cell phone, chat, internet, social networks, etc, this group of novel devices that give us, day by day, a world of possibilities that our ancestors didn’t had.

Sociologists say that technology simplifies the life of many sectors of the society. For example some families think that internet means saving them time, money and effort.

In fact, technology can give us many benefits. We can communicate with our families in other places, we can enjoy playing together in family, and also we help children with their schoolwork.

The irony of our time is that despite of we have all systems and equipment necessaries to connect us, many people are farther from the loved ones...

It is not common when we enter to a restaurant, we can see a family sitting together but with their minds in other place.

Hundreds of couples that don’t speak, they seem immersed in their own world instead of connecting with their partners.

Hundreds of people aren’t communicating properly because they can’t avoid the abuse of these technological devices.

At home, it is also common that each member of the family is “plugged in” to their screens and in that way the person doesn’t have any interaction with the people around him.

Because of this and other situations that happen every day, we could think if technology can be blamed for the lack of family communications. But before judging it, we need to consider a little bit more, because, it depends on how it is used.

When young people watch TV, parents can sit with them and have a sharing experience, but if they prefer being sending messages or talking by video with their friends, it’s a private experience and parents have to stay outside of the moment.

Parents shouldn’t get angry with the technology and blame it; they should be part of it and always promote the communication and activities where they can have a great moment together.

On the other hand, if you let your children from a young age to watch television for several hours a day, to keep them entertained, because this is easier than putting attention to their demands, maybe they will become isolated in this screen world, they will be accustomed to this lack of communication with others.

Today we believe that smartphones are separating families, but in other times was the television when the family was having dinner, or adults reading newspapers and ignoring the calls of attention of their children; we must reflect about these devices and think that they aren’t bad at all, it depends on how we use them and the limits that adults set (they must establish schedules and moments to know when they can be used). Parents have to care for and preserve spaces for meeting, linking and family communication.

Page 2: Eylin & Maria's Composition

But how can you know if the misuse of technology is hindering family togetherness?, so far, there is no single indicator to know that the abuse of technology is blamed for the family problems, but a person can know it by answering some questions and find out if his/her behavior is putting on danger their personal and family relationships:

Do you stop a conversation with your family to answer a call on your cell phone or a chat? Have you ever been scolded for using technological devices in inappropriate places? Do you find difficult to switch off your phone in intimate moments, like having dinner or a

conversation? Do you feel anxiety, frustration, anger or fear when you can’t use your cell phone or your computer? Would you stop doing your job to spend more time on the internet or with your mobile? Do you prefer talking with your friends by chat than in person? Do you irritate when you don’t receive many messages in the day?

If your answer is yes to two or more of the questions above, you should think about the use and the time you spend with technological devices, because these situations are removing your family and friends as a result of the distractions that technology generates and this is not a good signal; you can lose many precious moments in your life because of the unlimited abuse of technology.

If your family is addicted to technology, the recommendations are:

First they must accept the problem. Talk about the problem: people should be clear that the abuse of new technologies have consequences

for their physical and emotional health. Although it seems to be exaggerated, we must understand that the use of technology should have a control by parents or responsible relatives.

Warn about the danger of revealing personal information, or that talking to strangers can bring serious problems for you and the whole family. That awareness is essential to prevent problems with the internet harassment.

Encourage hobbies: the free family time should be used in other activities, like outdoor sports or hobbies.

Be the Example: if parents set an example, children will try to make a right use of technology; this is the best way to educate them.