Eye Wonder: Dinosaur

Open your eyes to a world of discovery Eye Wonder

Transcript of Eye Wonder: Dinosaur

Open your eyes to a world of discovery

Eye Wonder

Open your eyes to a world of discovery

Eye Wonder

Eye Wonder


4-5 What is a dinosaur?

6-7 Dinosaur times

8-9 Skeletons

10-11 Different dinosaurs

12-13Dinosaur world

14-15Little and large

16-17 On the move

18-19 Plant eaters

20-21 Hungry herds

22-23Meat eaters

24-25 Pack hunters

26-27 Tough tactics


Written and edited by Sarah Walker and Samantha Gray

Designed by Janet Allis

Publishing manager Mary LingManaging art editor Rachael Foster

US editors Gary Werner and Magaret ParrishJacket design Chris Drew

Picture researcher Jo HaddonProduction Kate Oliver

DTP Designer Almudena DíazConsultant David Lambert

First American Edition, 2001

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Gray, SamanthaDinosaurs / by Samantha Gray and Sarah Walker -- 1st American ed.

p. cm -- (Eye wonder)ISBN 0-7894-7851-X -- ISBN 0-7894-8179-0 (lib.bdg.)

I. Dinosaurs--Juvenile literature. [I. Dinosaurs.] I. Walker, Sarah. II. Title. III. Series

QE861.5 .G76 2001567.9--dc21 2001017278

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28-29 Camouflage


32-33 Nests and nurseries

34-35 High flyers

36-37 Under the waves

38-39 Brain power

40-41 Death of the dinosaurs

42-43 Digging up dinosaurs

44-45Building dinosaurs

46-47 Glossary and

Animal alphabet48

Index andacknowledgments


Sharp teeth lined thepowerful jaws of manymeat-eating dinosaurs.

Birds have feetlike those ofmany dinosaurs.

Feathered friendsIt is likely that not all dinosaursdied out 65 million years ago.Some small, feathered dinosaursmay have survived. Today’s birdsprobably descend from them.

Lizard legsLike modern reptiles, most dinosaurshad scaly skin, a long tail, teeth, andclaws. Today’s reptiles have legs thatsplay sideways. Dinosaurs had straightlegs directly below their bodies.

Dinosaurs roamed the Earth for over 150 million years, thenmysteriously died out. These reptilesvaried from fierce killers to gentleplant eaters. Lifelike models help usto imagine what they looked like.

What is a dinosaur?

Motherly loveClues to how dinosaurs behavedcome from today’s reptiles.Crocodiles are survivors fromprehistoric times. They feed theirbabies and protect them. Somedinosaurs probably did this, too.

Short armswere used forgrasping prey.

Large tail helpeddinosaurs tobalance as theyleaned forward.

Some dinosaurs hada row of spines alongtheir backs, fromhead to tail.

Creature featuresDinosaurs had different features to equipthem for survival. Meat-eating dinosaurshad sharp teeth and claws for hunting.Some plant eaters grew to vast sizes.Others had natural weapons such as horns.

Muscular hind legsallowed meat eatersto chase their prey.

Most dinosaurs hadbumpy, scaly skin.

• Dinosaurs were the biggestland animals of all time,although some whales, such as the blue whale, are larger.

• Flying reptiles lived at thesame time as the dinosaurs,but no dinosaur could fly.

• There were prehistoricswimming reptiles, but nodinosaurs swam in the sea.

Dinosaur facts

Dinosaur timesThe age of the dinosaurs isknown as the Mesozoic era.Thisstretched from 248 to 65 millionyears ago. It divides into threeseparate time spans: the Triassic,the Jurassic, and the Cretaceous.

Triassic world At the start of the Mesozoic era, thecontinents were joined together intoone supercontinent – Pangaea. Thiswas surrounded by a massive oceancalled Panthalassa.

Jurassic worldOver millions of years,Pangaea split into twocontinents, Gondwana andLaurasia. As these driftedapart, different groups of dinosaurs evolved on each continent.

Small beginningsThe Triassic world saw the first small dinosaurs. Like most early dinosaurs,meat-eating Herrerasaurus(he-rair-a-sore-us) walkedon its hind legs.

The Triassic periodlasted from 248 to 206 million years ago.

Cretaceous worldThe continents continued todrift apart and Earth began tolook like it does today. The vastmountain ranges of the Andesand the Rockies were formed.

Land of the giantsLate in the Jurassic period,giant sauropods roamed inhuge conifer forests, whileStegosaurus (steg-oh-sore-us) ate low-growing plants.Ichythyosaurs (ick-thee-oh-sore-us) swam in the seas.

Dinosaur heydayThe great variety ofCretaceous dinosaursincluded horned plant

eaters like Pentaceratops(pen-ta-serra-tops) andhuge meat eaters such as Tyrannosaurus Rex(tie-ran-o-sore-us recks).

The Jurassic periodlasted from 206 to 144 million years ago.

The Cretaceous periodlasted from144 to 65 million years ago.


A skeleton tells a story. Teeth or bony beaks give information aboutwhat dinosaurs probably ate. Featuressuch as horns show how they defendedthemselves. Small braincases tell uswhich dinosaurs had small brains!

Spiky plant eaterA Late-Jurassic dinosaur, Stegosaurus(steg-oh-sore-us) was probably no more than 9ft (3m) high. It had bony plates along its back. Its spiky tail was flexible and most likely used for defense.

Small head


Massive meat eaterMeat eaters like Tyrannosaurus rex(tie-ran-oh-sore-us recks) had massivejaws. They could open these extra wideto swallow large mouthfuls of flesh.

Small sprinterA fossilized skeleton shows thatCoelophysis (see-low-fye-sis) hadlong legs for its small size. Only10ft (3m) long, it could run fast.

Stiff, heavytail helpedbalance

Narrow jawwith sharp teeth

Tyrannosaurus rex could have swallowed a person whole.

Bony plate

Long back legs

Large headwith huge,hinged jaws

Powerfulhind legs

Shortfront legs

Tail spike


Birdlike dinosaurA fossilized skeleton of Struthiomimus(strooth-ee-oh-meem-us) shows that ithad features in common with today’sostrich. These include a small headwith a narrow beak, a long neck, and

powerful hind limbs.

Jurassic giantThe longest of all the dinosaurs, sauropods likeDiplodocus (di-plod-o-kus) had small skulls containingsmall brains! Despite its length, Diplodocus weighedno more than two large elephants.

Horned headThe Late Cretaceous Triceratops (try-serra-tops)was hunted by Tyrannosaurus rex. It probablyused its horns to defend itself. A plant eater, it had a tough, toothless beak.

From head to tail, vast Diplodocus measured about 90ft (27.2m) .

Wide rib cagesupportedbulky body

Short arms

Bony frill

Long, stiff neck

The sauropod’s skull is tinycompared to its body.

Long, stronglegs for runningat high speed

Short,sturdy legs

Long neckTail helped balancewhile leaningforward to sprint

Nose horn


Small head


Different dinosaursDinosaurs are divided into two main groups, according totheir hip bones. Some had hips arranged like a lizard’s, and others had hips arranged like a bird’s.

LizardlikeThis group includes two-legged meat eaters suchas Tyrannosaurus rex (tie-ran-oh-sore-us recks) as well asplant-eating sauropods likeDiplodocus (di-plod-o-kus).

Bird bones All bird-hipped dinosaurswere plant eaters. Some ofthe most familiar faces ofthe dinosaur world arefound in this group!

Iguanodon (ig-wahn-oh-don)lived in the Cretaceous period.

It grew to 30ft (9.3m) long.

Giant Saltasaurus(salt-tah-sore-us)lived in the LateCretaceous period.


• Strangely, experts thinkthat today’s birds evolved fromlizard-hipped dinosaurs, notbird-hipped dinosaurs!

• To date, over 300 species of dinosaur have been foundand named. Every few monthsmore are discovered!

Dinosaur facts

Triceratops (try-serra-tops)lived in the Cretaceous period. Its three sharp

horns grew up to 3ft (90cm)long.

Stegosaurus (steg-oh-sore-us) lived in theLate Jurassic period. It had a toothless beakand a tiny brain!

Tyrannosaurus rex(tie-ran-oh-sore-us recks)lived in the Late Cretaceousperiod. It stood over 20ft (6m) tall.

Gallimimus (gally-meem-us)lived in the Late Cretaceousperiod. It probably reachedspeeds of 43mph (70kph).

Feeding on fernsNo grass grew in the prehistoric

landscape. Instead, many types of ferns thrived on the forest floor.Stegosaurus (steg-oh-sore-us)munched on ferns and seed cones.

• Duck-billed dinosaurs couldchew through really toughplants because their jaws andteeth were so powerful.

• Flowering plants spreadmore quickly than other plantsand soon became widespreadthroughout the world.

Dinosaur facts


CycadsWhile dinosaurs ruled theworld, palmlike plants calledcycads were plentiful. Theystill grow in some parts ofthe world today, althoughthey are rare.

Flower feastFlowering plants, such asmagnolias, first appearedin the Cretaceous period.They were probably eatenby plant-eatingdinosaurs.

Dinosaur worldThe dinosaurs’ world was hot and sunny, like today’s tropics. There were areasof desert, and forests of conifers and ferns.Later, the first flowering plants appeared.

MammalOne of the

first small mammals,Megazostrodon (mega-zos-

troh-don) lived alongside earlydinosaurs. This furry model is based on a tiny skeleton.

Insect survivorSome familiar insectsfluttered in prehistoricskies. Modern dragonflieslook very much like thisfossilized dragonfly, whichlived 140 million years ago.

Low lifeSmall meat eaters such asCompsognathus (komp-sog-nay-thus) hunted lizards and insects.They ran fast, chasing their preythrough low-growing plants.

Prehistoric puzzleMonkey puzzle trees thrivedon Earth long before thedinosaurs. Today’s monkeypuzzles are related to these.


Mighty meat eaterTyrannosaurus rex (tie-ran-oh-sore-us recks) was one of the largest meat-eatingdinosaurs. It would havebeen tall enough to peer into an upstairs window.

Small but speedyCompsognathus (komp-sog-nay-thus) was the size of a turkey. It may have beensmall, but its long legs meantit was built for speed. Itcould sprint fast after prey.


Dinosaurs of many shapes and sizesroamed prehistoric Earth. Theyvaried from small, birdlike dinosaursto the most enormous creatures everto live on land. Largest of all werethe giant, long-necked sauropods.

Skyscraping sauropodsHuge sauropods such asBarosaurus (barrow-sore-us)could nibble leaves fromtreetops as tall as a five-storybuilding. They were somassive that nothing daredto attack a healthy adult.

Little and large


Gallimimus might have run at 43mph

On the movePlodding along

With their huge bodiesand short legs, sauropods

like Saltasaurus (sal-tah-sore-us) were among the

slowest of the dinosaurs.They probably never moved

any faster than people walk.

Taking the fast trackGallimimus, meaning “chicken mimic,”may have been the speediest dinosaur.With its light body and long legs, it could sprint away from predators.

Dinosaurs are often thought of aslumbering creatures. Four-legged, heavy-footed types probably did moveslowly, but there were also athleticdinosaurs. The fastest were probably the two-legged ornithomimids – the “ostrich mimics.”


(70kph), which is faster than a winning racehorse.

OOPS A DAISY!It is not known if large, meat-eatingdinosaurs could run fast. Theirshort arms could not break afall if they lost their balance. AnAllosaurus (allo-sore-us) found with14 cracked ribs probably injured itself while running after prey.

Road runnersLike ostriches, Gallimimus (gally-meem-us) had powerful legs for striding out.Unlike ostriches they had long tails,which helped them to keep their balance.

Fancy footworkFrom footprints it is

possible to see if a dinosaur was two-legged or

four-legged. They also show whether a

dinosaur was walking,trotting, or running.

Gentle giantA huge sauropod, Barosaurus(barrow-sore-us) had a long, muscularneck for reaching food. It may havereared up on its thick hind legs to reach foliage high up in the treetops. A long tail helped it to keep its balance.


Sauropods were the biggest planteaters ever to walk the Earth.Most lived during theJurassic period. Smallerplant-eating dinosaursflourished before andafter these giants existed.

Strong teeth

Plant eaters

Beak billedHadrosaurs (had-row-sores) hadducklike beaks for ripping upvegetation. They had more than 40 rows of teeth. They probably ate pine needles, seeds, twigs, and low leafy plants.

Ground grazerWhile sauropods

munched treetopgreenery, other dinosaurstackled low-growing plants. Edmontonia(ed-mon-toe-nee-a) atemainly ferns and mosses.


Sauropods such as Apatosaurus (a-pat-oh-sore-us)ate huge amounts of greenery each day to supporttheir massive size. They did notchew the tough plants beforeswallowing. Instead theygulped down stones thatground up the food in their stomachs!

Peglike teeth

Tearing teeth For stripping leafy twigs, Diplodocus(di-plod-o-kus) had teeth right atthe front of its jaws. Perhaps thissauropod ate conifers, cycads, ferns, and tree ferns.

Ducklike beak

Duck-billed dinosaurscould store food intheir cheeks, likehamsters.

Forest friendsGiant herds of hadrosaurs, such asCorythosaurus (ko-rith-oh-sore-us),roamed through Cretaceous forests.

They had hoofed fingertips forwading through swamps.

Dinosaur facts

• Herd dinosaurs probably hadexcellent eyesight, hearing, andsense of smell to detect danger.

• Hadrosaurs are also knownas duck-billed dinosaurs.

• Herds may have been noisy.Calls to each other probablywarned of nearby predators.


Some plant-eating dinosaursformed herds. There was safetyin numbers, and they couldwarn each other of predators.They may also have traveledtogether to find food.

Hungry herds

Some hadrosaurs had head crests in weird and wonderful shapes.

Hiding in the crowdTraveling as a herd makes it moredifficult for predators to pick out justone animal. Today, as many as onemillion wildebeest herd together.

Warning callThe hadrosaur Parasaurolophus(pa-ra-sore-oh-loaf-us) had a long,hollow head crest. It probably blewthrough this to make honkingnoises. In this way it could warnthe rest of the herd of any danger.

Horned defenseHerds could have used groupdefense tactics. Triceratops(try-serra-tops) may have formeda circle for protection, turningtheir horns outward to face anattacker.


Following the tail in frontSome herds of plant-eating dinosaurs may havetrudged vast distances to find good grazing land.Herds of Pachyrhinosaurus (pack-ee-rye-no-sore-us)may have walked from Canada to northern Alaskaeach spring to feed on large-leaved plants.

During the Cretaceous period,enormous, meat-eating dinosaursruled the land. Other creatureshad to be on their guard againstthese ferocious hunters!King of the reptilesTyrannosaurus rex (tie-ran-oh-sore-us recks) wasone of the biggest meat eatersever to liveon Earth.

Meat eaters


• Tyrannosaurus rex had upto 60 teeth that were as longas knives, and just as sharp.

• The largest flesh-eatingdinosaur was Giganotosaurus(jig-anno-toe-sore-us). Thishuge creature weighed anenormous eight tons!

Dinosaur facts


Scary skullA relative of Tyrannosaurus rex,Albertosaurus (al-bur-toe-sore-us)was a frightening sight! It hadenormous curved teeth and couldmove quickly after its prey.

Fearsome fish eaterSuchomimus (sue-koh-mime-us) was anenormous, fish-eatingdinosaur with a head likea crocodile’s! It probablywaded out into rivers andlakes to catch fish with itsjaws or clawed hands.

HARD HEADED HUNTER!Although Tyrannosaurus rex was a ferocioushunter, its huge size may have prevented itfrom running very fast. It is possible thatTyrannosaurus rex charged at andheadbutted its prey to stun them. Then itprobably used its shortarms to grip its victimswhile it ate them!

Crocodile smileLike Suchomimus, Baryonyx (barry-on-icks),lived near water and ate fish. In addition to snappy jaws, Baryonyx had a large curved claw for spearing fish.

Long powerful jaws werelined with more than100 razor-sharp teeth.

Some of the smaller, meat-eatingdinosaurs snapped up prey such as lizards,small mammals, or eggs. Others probablyganged up in packs to overpower largervictims. Hunting in this way demandedteamwork and intelligence.

Terrible talonVelociraptor had a large, sharp clawon the second toe of each hind foot.Held off the ground for walking, theclaw could sweep out like a switchblade knife to slash prey.

Pack attack! Savage hunters, Velociraptor (vell-oss-ee-rap-tor)might have used group tactics to single out andattack victims. Raptors were well equipped

to kill, with sharp claws, toothy jaws, andagile bodies. These intelligent dinosaurs

may have circled and ambushed theirprey as lions do.

Pack hunters


Defend or die!All was not over for Protoceratops(pro-toe-serra-tops). Its sharpbeak was a useful weapon as itcharged its enemy like a small rhinoceros.

Present-day packsToday’s pack animals perhaps huntin the same way as Velociraptor. In awolf pack, some members herd whileothers lie in wait to ambush prey.Successful scavengers

Coelophysis (see-low-fye-siss) was a nimble,meat-eating dinosaur that lived and hunted inpacks. They were not picky eaters and snappedup any creature they were able to swallow!

Flexible neckfor swoopingdown on prey.

• It is likely that Velociraptorused its muscular legs to stampon small prey, like secretarybirds do today.

• Coelophysis had hollowbones and was a light, agile,and speedy predator.

• Velociraptor andProtoceratops both livedduring the Cretaceous era.

Dinosaur facts

Plant-eating dinosaurs were particularlyat risk from predators. They neededprotection from hungry meat eaters likethis huge Giganotosaurus (jig-anno-toe-

sore-us). Some had heavy coats ofarmor. Others made weapons

of their claws, tails, or horns.

Tough tactics

Large, sharpteeth easilypierced thetough skinof victims.

• Lots of the smallerdinosaurs did not have methodsof defense. If attacked, theywould simply run away!

• Ankylosaurus (an-kye-low-saw-rus) was covered in armorplating. Even its eyelids wereprotected! Only its underbellywas free from protection.

Dinosaur facts

Sharp thumbIguanodon(ig-whan-oh-don) was a peaceful planteater, but itcould use itsspiky thumb tostab its enemy if attacked.

Barosaurus could inflict astinging blow with its tail

Thin, bony platesstuck up fromStegosaurus’s neck,back, and tail.

Terrible tailsEuoplocephalus

(yoo-op-loh-sef-ah-lus)probably swung its hefty tail club from side to side.

A Euoplocephales tail clubwas a dangerous weapon!

Whippy weaponBarosaurus (bar-oh-sore-us)may have used its long tail tolash out at its enemies.

Plated protectionStegosaurus(steg-oh-sore-us) was a huge dinosaur aboutthe length of a truck! To put off predators, it had very tough skin and pointed, bony plates.

Fading into forestsLarge plant-eaters likeIguanodon (ig-whan-oh-don) probably had greenscaly skin. Prowlingpredators would havefound them hard to spotamong the forest ferns!

Markings break upan animal’s outlineso that they blendinto the background.

• Living relatives of dinosaurs,such as birds and crocodiles,show how some dinosaurs mayhave been colored.

• The modern-day elephant isdull-colored in much the sameway as large, plant-eatingdinosaurs may have been.

Dinosaur facts

The coloring of dinosaurs is unknown, but there are clues from today’s animals.Dinosaurs were probably colored andpatterned for camouflage in their habitat.


Looking leafyToday’s lizards also have scaly skins.Like Iguanodon, this iguana lives inleafy surroundings. Its emerald-greenscales hide it from predators inits rain forest home.

Scaly storyDinosaur scales didnot overlap. Theyfitted together like floor tiles.Sometimessmall scalessurroundedlarger ones.

... or pale skin withdark patches likeleopards?

... or black stripeson reddish-yellowlike tigers?

Lying in waitSome meat-eating dinosaurs may also havehad green or brown scaly skin. By blending intothe background, they could sneak up on prey.See how this hunting crocodile looks like a log! Predator in disguise

Velociraptor (vell-oss-ee-rap-tor)most likely had a leopardlikecoloring. A light, sandy skinwould match its desert habitatwhile spots broke up its outline.

Did Velociraptorhave green skinlike iguanas?

Beadlike scalesvary in size andshape.

Scales may have beendifferent colors toform a pattern.


In the animal world, the strongestor most splendid-looking malehas the best chance of attractinga female. Some dinosaurs mayhave challenged one another totrials of strength. Others showedoff crests or frills.

Hard casePachycephalosaurus(pack-ee-seff-allo-sore-us), the “thick-headed lizard,” had a dome of thick boneon top of its head. Maybe rival males head-butted or nodded to threaten each other.


A thick bony domecrowned the top ofthe head.

Rival males may have shoved each other to show off their strength.

Battle of the boneheadsIn dinosaur herds, males faced a lot of competition to win a mate.The strongest males were most likely to be chosen to father young.Pachycephalosaurus males perhapsbattled it out head to head.


• By choosing the winningmales as mates, females chosehealthy fathers for their young.

• Pentaceratops frills hadskin-covered “windows” in thebone, creating spots of color.

• Corythosaurus crests mayhave had amazing patterns.

Dinosaur facts

Locking hornsLike some dinosaurs, some malemammals today seek to impresspotential mates with displays ofstrength. Rams lock horns and tryto push each other backward. The one losing ground finallyslinks away from the winner.

Fantastic frillsMale Pentaceratops(pen-ta-serra-tops) hadlarger frills than the females.These were decorative, andmales probably showed themoff to attract a mate or tofrighten rival males.

Colorful crestsCorythosaurus (ko-rith-oh-

sore-us) had tall head crests.These were hollow and helpedproduce trumpeting calls.Males’ tall crests may also have scared off rival malesand impressed the females.

Spiky skullThe vast neck frill of

the “spiked lizard”Styracosaurus

(sty-rack-oh-sore-us)was fringed with six

spikes. Males mayhave used these toimpress females.

Nose horn mayhave been usedfor jousting withrival males.


Eggs and nestsLots of dinosaurs laid their eggs in nests. Somenests were simple pits dug into the earth, whileothers were built with mud. The egg shells werebrittle like those of birds’ eggs, so that babydinosaurs could break through them to hatch.

Young Leallynasauramay have squawkedto get their parents’attention!

Nests and nurseries

Parental protectionThis Oviraptor (oh-vee-rap-tor) diedwrapped around her nest. She mayhave been trying to protect her brood.It is likely that she was smothered bywet sand. This probably happenedduring a rainstorm more than 80 million years ago.

• Maiasaura (my-a-sore-a)means “good mother lizard.”These gentle dinosaurscarefully looked after theirbabies when they were born.

• Some dinosaur eggs weretiny, yet the babies often grewinto enormous creatures!

Dinosaur facts

Like most reptiles, dinosaurs laid eggs.Baby dinosaurs developed inside theegg. Some dinosaurs were caringparents. Others laid their eggs, thenleft their babies to fend for themselves.

Parents probablybrought food forthe baby dinosaurs

Happy familiesLeaellynasaura (lee-el-in-a-sore-a) may have nestedtogether in big groups like some seabirds dotoday. There is safety in numbers! After the eggs hatched the parents probablylooked after their babies for several months. It is likely theykept them warmand protectedthem frompredators.


While dinosaurs roamed the land,the skies were ruled by flyingreptiles called pterosaurs. Largepterosaurs most likely flew overwater, swooping down to catch fish. Smaller ones probablysnapped up insects

in the air.

High flyers

Giant of the skyThe biggest flying

animal that ever lived,Quetzalcoatlus (kwet-zal-

koh-at-luss) may have weighedas much as a large humanbeing. To support its weight,this Late-Cretaceous pterosaur

had a wingspan like that of a light aircraft.


Bat wingsLike modern-day bats,pterosaurs had wings ofleathery skin that stretchedbetween their legs and fingerbones. Their bodies mayalso have been furry.

Soaring over the seaGliding over the Late-Cretaceous

seas, Pteranodon (ter-an-oh-don)had no need to flap its wings

once in flight. It had along, bony head crest.

Warm in all weatherTo keep warm, the Late-Jurassic Sordes(sor-deez) seems to have had a thick,hairy coat. This is unusual for reptiles,which normally have scales, whilemammals have hair.

Sky divingA Jurassic pterosaur,Dimorphodon (die-morf-oh-don) flapped its wingsto fly. It most likelyskimmed the seas,maybe diving after fishlike puffins do today.

• The first-known bird wasArchaeopteryx (ar-kee-op-terricks). It had feathers, wings,and a wishbone like a bird, buta reptile’s teeth and bony tail.

• The modern-day hoatzinbird has claws on its wings. It uses these for climbing, likeArchaeopteryx probably did.

• Velociraptor (vell-oss-ee-rap-tor) may have folded itsarms sideways like wings. Itmay even have had feathers!

Dinosaur facts


Speedy swimmerIchthyosaurus (ick-thee-oh-sore-us)means “fish lizard.” These reptileslooked like dolphins but swam likesharks, flicking their strong tails from side to side. They gave birth to live young underwater.

Under the wavesThe world was much warmer when thedinosaurs lived, and there were no icebergs inthe seas. No dinosaurs lived underwater, butprehistoric oceans brimmed with a variety ofother weird and wonderful reptiles.

The enormous neck of Elasmosaurus grew up to 23ft (7m) long

Shark survivorsSharks have existed for millions of years.They have swum inthe world’s oceansbefore, during, and after the time of the dinosaurs.

Fearsome hunterLiopleurodon(lie-oh-ploor-oh-don)had vast, powerful jaws that snapped shut onits unfortunate victims.

• Prehistoric seas teemedwith familiar animals – fish,crabs, jellyfish, and snails.

• The prehistoric monsters ofthe deep were reptiles thatcame to the surface to breathe.

• Sea turtles and crocodilessurvived the death of dinosaursand sea reptiles.

Dinosaur facts



People claim to have seen a sea serpent swimming in LochNess in Scotland. “Nessie” is described as lookinglike an Elasmosaurus. Whatever killed thedinosaurs killed Elasmosaurus too, butLoch Ness is very deep. Some peoplebelieve that Nessie hides in the depths.

Giant sea serpentElasmosaurus (ee-laz-moe-sore-us) had two pairs offlippers. It flapped these likewings to glide through thewater. Females probably cameashore to lay their eggs in thesand, risking dinosaur attacks.


A simple way to measure intelligence is to compare the size of the brain to thesize of the body. The brightest dinosaurshad bigger brains in relation to their bodysize than the less-intelligent dinosaurs.

Brain power

Dinosaur dunceSauropods were among the leastintelligent of the dinosaurs. Theyhad vast bodies but tiny heads,with space for only a small brain!

Not so bright!Dinosaurs most likely didnot have the brain powerof today’s mammals andbirds. Roaming Earth

for millions of years, they still had enough brain power

for successful survival.

Small headhoused asmall brain.

Birds are next in intelligenceto mammals.

Dinosaurs were lessintelligent than today’s birds.

Modern reptiles are less intelligentthan some of thesmall huntingdinosaurs were.

Modernmammals likethe tiger arenear the top

of the class for animalintelligence.


The brightest of allCompared to other dinosaurs,small hunters like Troodon(troh-o-don), had large brainsin relation to their body size.Troodon probably used itsintelligence to hunt in packs.

• The size of a tall humanbeing, Troodon had very largeeyes. These helped it to hunt atdusk, and spot small prey.

• Troodon means “piercingtooth.” It probably ate anythingit could slash with its claws andtear apart with its teeth.

Dinosaur facts

Hundreds of different dinosaurs roamed the Earth 75 million years ago. Yet 10 million years later, all but theirdescendants the birds died out. What happened is still uncertain.

Death of the dinosaurs

Huge hollowAn enormous crater hidden in the Gulf of Mexicowas caused by a giant asteroid hitting Earth. The impact occured 65 million years ago, at the same time that the dinosaurs disappeared. It dramatically changed the Earth’s atmosphere,and may well have led to the death of the dinosaurs.

The asteroid would have hit Earth at an incredible speed!


• Today’s birds may haveevolved from some of thesmall, feathered dinosaurs.

• An asteroid hitting Earthmay not have caused thedinosaurs to die out instantly.This probably occurred as theclimate began to change.

Dinosaur facts

Over a long period oftime, movements deepwithin the Earth forcethe skeleton towardthe surface.

Deadly impactThe asteroid created avast crater, similar tothis one, when it hitEarth. Huge clouds ofrock and dust blockedthe Sun. These shieldedout light and destroyedalmost all plant life.

Rare rewardFossils are the remains ofthings that lived long ago.Dinosaur fossils are a rarefind. They are usuallyfound in rock layers thatformed at the bottom ofswamps, lakes, or rivers.

The wind and rainwear away the rock.Scientists discover thedinosaur bones andbegin removing themfrom their tomb.

In time, the layerscovering the dinosaurturn to rock. The bonesbecome incredibly hardover millions of years.

Survival of the toughestSome animals lived throughthe changes in the Earth’satmosphere. Scorpions, turtles,birds, and insects were justsome of the ones strongenough to survive!

When this dinosaurdied, it was quicklyburied under layers ofmud and river sludge.



Buried bonesRemoving dinosaur bones from a tomb of rock is a skilled job.Experts chip away carefully atthe rock face to reveal bonesthat have not seen the light of day for millions of years.

• The experts that dig upand rebuild dinosaur skeletonsare called palaeontologists.

• Plant experts look for leafremains in rock to learn aboutthe prehistoric landscape.

• Fossilized droppings showwhat dinosaurs ate.

Dinosaur facts


Fossilized dinosaur bones can lie hiddenin ancient rock. Dinosaur detectives,called palaeontologists, search forburied fossils. Sometimes they findfossilized bones, teeth, and footprints.The most exciting finds are wholedinosaur skeletons.

Plaster protectionPalaeontologists wrap bonesin bandages and runnyplaster. This sets hard,protecting the surface of the bone like plaster casts protect broken legs.

Careful cleaningThe bones are takento a museum wherethe plaster is cutaway. They may evenarrive still inside therock. Cleaning thebones is a skilled job.

Digging up dinosaurs

Palaeontologistspiece together aPliosaurus skeleton.

Prehistoric puzzleRebuilding a prehistoricskeleton from a jumble ofbones is a tricky task. Itis like putting together a difficult jigsaw puzzle!

Rebuilding a dinosaur is a lengthy process.Fossilized bones are removed from ancientrock. Experts then make a copy of these.Getting the replica bones ready for display isvery complicated and can take a long time!

Building dinosaurs

Making the moldAn expert begins by carefullypainting each of the fossilizedbones with liquid rubber.When the rubber dries,it makes a flexible mold.

Filling the bones!Liquid plastic is pouredinside the hollowmolds. This setsinto a stiff foam.

Putting it all togetherThe molds are removed

from the bones andcoated in liquid plastic.This forms the outsideof the replica skeleton.

Finishing touchesThe outer molds are removed toreveal the replica bones. They arepieced together and painted to looklike real bones. The replica skeletonis then displayed for everyone to see!

Each limb bone ismolded in two halves


Recreating the pastThis lifesize copy of a Barosaurus (barrow-sore-us) skeleton is displayed in a NewYork museum. Metal rods are weldedtogether to keep it in position. It ismounted on a supporting metal frame.

This replica isover 49ft (15m)high. It towersover visitorsto the museum!






ring up





Guide ropes keep thereplica steady as it ismoved into position.


Jurassic The middle period of thedinosaur age. It began about 200million years ago and ended about140 million years ago.mammal A warm-blooded animalwith a hairy body and a backbone.Female mammals produce milk tofeed their young. migration The regular, seasonaljourney of animals from one place to another to find food, warmerweather or to breed. Mesozoic The age of the dinosaurs.This includes the Triassic, Jurassicand Cretaceous periods.paleontologists Experts that dig up and rebuild dinosaur skeletons.predator An animal that huntsanother animal for food. prehistoric Belonging to a timebefore history was recorded inwritten form. prey Creatures that are hunted byother creatures for food. reptile A cold-blooded, egg-layinganimal that is covered in scales.scale A small, thin plate thatprotects the skin of reptiles and fish.scavenger An animal that eats theremains of a creature that anotheranimal has killed.species A group of animals orplants made up of related individualswho are able to produce young withone another. Triassic The first part of thedinosaur age. It lasted from about245 to 200 million years ago.Dinosaurs evolved toward the end of the Triassic period.

Glossaryasteroid A lump of rock that orbitsthe Sun.camouflage Camouflage is usuallyskin coloring that makes animalslook the same as their surroundings.This is to avoid being seen bypredators.carnivore An animal that eats theflesh of another animal.conifer An evergreen tree thatproduces seeds in cones. continent One of the Earth’s greatland masses. crater A hollow in the ground, ascaused by an explosion or an objectfrom space hitting Earth.Cretaceous The last period of thedinosaur age. It started about 140 million years ago and ended about 65 million years ago.cycad A stumpy plant similar to a palm tree. Cycads and cycadlikecycadeoids were very common duringthe dinosaur age.era A long stretch of prehistoric, or historic, time made up of periods.evolve All living things change overlong periods of time. These changesoccur gradually over generations,allowing creatures to adapt to theirsurroundings.

extinction The death of a wholespecies.

fossil The preservedremains of a creature

or plant that was once alive.

habitat Theplace where a creature or

plant naturallylives or grows.



Every dinosaur and prehistoric creaturefeatured in this book is listed here, alongwith its page number, its characteristics,

and when it lived.

Iguanodon 10, 27-29A two-legged plant eater. It could run on two legs or walk on four. (Cretaceous)

Leallynasaura 32-33 A two-legged plant eater.(Cretaceous)

Maisaura 32 A two-legged plant eater.(Cretaceous)

Oviraptor 32A two-legged meat eater.(Cretaceous)

Pachycephalosaurus 30A two-legged plant eater.(Cretaceous)

Pachyrhinosaurus 21 A four-legged plant eater.(Cretaceous)

Parasaurolophus 21 A two-legged plant eater.(Cretaceous)

Pentaceratops 7, 31A four-legged plant eater.(Cretaceous)

Protoceratops 24-25 A four-legged plant eater.(Cretaceous)

Saltasaurus 10, 16Four-legged plant eater.(Cretaceous)

Sauropods 7, 9, 15, 16, 18-19, 38Four-legged plant eaters.(Jurassic, Cretaceous)

Stegosaurus 7, 8, 11, 12, 27A four-legged plant eater.(Jurassic)

Struthiomimus 9 A two-legged dinosaur. It ate both plants and meat.(Cretaceous)

Styracosaurus 31A four-legged plant eater.(Cretaceous)

Suchomimus 23A two-legged fish eater.(Cretaceous)

Triceratops 9, 11, 21A four-legged plant eater.(Cretaceous)

Troodon 39A two-legged meat eater.(Cretaceous)

Tyrannosaurus rex 7-11, 14,22-23A two-legged meat eater.(Cretaceous)

Velociraptor 24-25, 29, 35A two-legged meat eater.(Cretaceous)

Other animals

Archaeopteryx 35A prehistoric bird (Jurassic)

Dimorphodon 35A fish-eating flying reptile. (Cretaceous)

Elasmosaurus 36-37 A fish-eating sea reptile.(Jurassic)

Ichthyosaurus 7, 36A meat-eating sea reptile. (Jurassic)

Liopleurodon 36A meat-eating sea reptile. (Jurassic)

Megazostrodon 13A tiny meat-eating mammal.(Jurassic)

Pliosaurus 43 A fish-eating sea reptile. (Jurassic)

Pteranodon 35A fish-eating flying reptile.(Cretaceous)

Animal alphabetPterosaurs 34-35Flying reptiles that livedthroughout the Mesozoic Era.

Quetzalcoatlus 34A meat-eating flying reptile.(Cretaceous)

Sordes 35 An insect-eating flying reptile. (Jurassic)

Albertosaurus 23A two-legged meat eater.(Cretaceous)

Allosaurus 17 A two-legged meat eater.(Jurassic)

Ankylosaurus 26A four-legged plant eater.(Cretaceous)

Apatosaurus 19 A four-legged plant eater.(Jurassic)

Barosaurus 15, 18, 27, 45A four-legged plant eater.(Jurassic)

Baryonyx 23A two-legged fish eater.(Cretaceous)

Coelophysis 8, 25A two-legged meat eater.(Triassic)

Compsognathus 13, 14A two-legged meat eater.(Jurassic)

Corythosaurus 20, 31 A two-legged plant eater.(Cretaceous)

Diplodocus 9, 10, 19A four-legged plant eater.(Jurassic)

Edmontonia 19A four-legged plant eater. (Cretaceous)

Euoplocephalus 27A four-legged plant eater.(Cretaceous)

Gallimimus 11, 16-17A two-legged meat eater.(Cretaceous)

Giganotosaurus 22, 26A two-legged meat eater.(Cretaceous)

Hadrosaurs 19, 20-21Plant eaters that could walk on two legs or four. (Cretaceous)

Herrerasaurus 6A two-legged meat eater.(Triassic)


ferns, 12-13flowering plants, 12-13flying reptiles, 5, 34-35footprints, 17fossils, 41-45frills, 30-31

Gondwana, 6

herds, 20-21, 30hip bones, 10horns, 5, 8, 21, 30

insects, 13, 41intelligence, 38-39

jaws, 8, 12Jurassic period, 6-7

Laurasia, 6legs, 4lizard-hipped

dinosaurs, 10-11lizards, 4, 24, 29Loch Ness monster, 37

mammals, 13, 24, 31,38meat-eating dinosaurs,17, 22-25

claws, 5, 23, 24colors, 29 hunting, 13, 24-25teeth, 5, 23

Mesozoic, 6monkey puzzle trees,13movement, 16-17

“Nessie”, 37nests, 32-33noises, 20-21oceans, 36-37

pack hunters, 24-25palaeontologists, 42-43Pangaea, 6Panthalassa, 6 plant-eating dinosaurs,13, 18-19

colors, 29defenses, 26-27herds, 20-21size, 5teeth, 19

plants, 12-13, 19predators, 21, 22, 27

reptiles, 4, 32, 34, 37

scales, 28-29sea reptiles, 7, 36-37sharks, 36skeletons, 8-9, 41, 44-45skin, 4, 27-29stomachs, 19

tails, 4, 17, 27teeth, 4-5, 8Triassic period, 6

weapons, 26-27whales, 5wings, 34-35wolves, 25

armor, 26-27asteroids, 40-41

baby dinosaurs, 4, 32-33bats, 35beaks, 8-9, 19bird-hipped dinosaurs,10-11birds, 4, 11, 33, 35, 38,40-41bones, 8-9, 41-45brains, 8, 38-39

camouflage, 28-29claws, 4-5, 24colors, 28-29continents, 6-7courtships, 30-31crests, 21, 30-31Cretaceous period, 6-7crocodiles, 4, 29, 36cycads, 13

death of dinosaurs, 40-41defenses, 21, 24, 26-27dragonflies, 13duck-billed dinosaurs,12, 20

eggs, 24, 32-33eyes, 20, 39


Picture creditsThe publisher would like to thank the following for their kindpermission to reproduce their photographs:a=above; c=center; b=below; l=left; r=right; t=top;

American Museum Of Natural History: D Finnin 32tr; J Beckett 24tl. BruceColeman Ltd: Bruce Coleman Inc 16-17; Dr Hermann Brehm 10-11; Gerald SCubitt 1tc; Gordon Langsbury 4tl, 5tl; Jeff Foott 31br; Jens Rydell 22; JulesCowan 6tl; Pacific Stock 36bc; Tore Hagman 2tl, 3tr, 18. getty images stone:14-15; Darryl Torckler 37. Natural History Museum: 17tl, 30tr, 31tr. N.H.P.A.:Daniel Heuclin 12, 24-25; John Shaw 28-29; Kevin Schafer 1c; Kevin Schafer13br, 26; Martin Wendler 4bl, 5bl, 39. Oxford Scientific Films: 21tr; Daniel JCox 25tr; Mark Deeble and Victoria Stone 4bl. Planet Earth Pictures: M & CDenis Huot 21cla. Royal Tyrell Museum Canada: 9tc, 9br, 10cb, 10c, 19br,39crb. Science Photo Library: Francois Gohier 41tl; Jim Amos 42; Julian Baum40tr; Peter Menzel 43c; Philippe Plailly 43tr, 43cla; Photo libraryInternational/ESA/SPL 40bl. Senekenberg Nature Museum: 8ca, 8c, 8-9cb.State Museum of Nature 8tr. Woodfall Wild Images: A Leemann 6bc; AlanWatson 20, 46tl, 47tr; Heinrich van den Berg 17tr; Ted Mead 29cla.

Jacket: Bruce Coleman Ltd: Bruce Coleman Inc front jacket/bc; Jules Cowanback cover. Royal Tyrrell Museum Canada: spine

Useful websiteswww.enchantedLearning.com/subjects/dinosaurs/Everything you need to know. Lots of facts about alldinosaurs, plus quizzes, games, and printouts. http://www.bbc.co.uk/dinosaurs/Takes you on an interactive journey! Lots of fact files,games, and articles by experts.

AcknowledgmentsDorling Kindersley would like to thank:Hilary Bird for preparing the index, Jon Hughes for digitalillustrations, Andrew O’Brien for additional digital artworkp18, Clare Shedden and Mo Choy for design assistance,and Rachel Hilford for picture library services.