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Scenario Title: Eye of The Last Hour – An Eberron Scenario

Author: John Battle

Design & Cartography: Ruben Smith-Zempel

Illustrations: David Vieira

Cover Illustration: Walt Robillard

Playtesters: Walt Robillard, Alex Carlson, Erich Hagan, Shawn Merwin

Appropriate for Levels: 1-4

Blurb: The adventure sends a party of four 1st level characters on a mission to recover the memory of a refugee from Cyre who once knew important information relating to the destruction of his homeland. As the adventure progresses, the PCs quickly discover that they are not alone in seeking to recover this valuable information, and that others will go to any lengths to ensure that they hold the answers to what happened during the infamous Day of Mourning. However, is everything as it appears…?With adjustments to encounters, this adventure can be used for groups of adventurers smaller or larger than four as well.To get the most out of this adventure, you need copies of the following D&D books: Players Handbook, Dungeon Master’s Guide, Monster Manuals I,II & III and the Eberron Campaign Setting. Also of use, though not necessary, is the Expanded Psionics Handbook, and D&D miniatures.The adventure also makes mention of the Korranberg Chronicle which offers a handy barometer to events occurring in Khorvaire and abroad. Should you wish to use the Korranberg Chronicle in your game, please be aware that the Korranberg Chronicle campaign begins1st Lharvion 998YK. For further information, review www.kchronicle.com.

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Plot Synopsis

Act 1 – Reclaiming MemoriesThe PCs are contacted by Gabriel ir’Davarask, apparently the last surviving member of a group dedicated to the safe-keeping of the memories of Zanilath d’Cannith, a refugee from Cyre who has apparently lost not only his memories but also his mind. Gabriel sets the characters the task of journeying to meet him in the rural hamlet of Bloodfall in eastern Breland, however when they arrive they find Gabriel dead, murdered by Shaska ir’Ventrass. After an encounter with Shaska in Bloodfall, the PCs are directed to the sunken church and crypts wherein Gabriel has placed the artifact containing Zanilath’s memories. Unfortunately, his passing coincided with the end game of two warring vampire lords who have claimed the crypts to enact their final battle against one another.The PCs investigations within the dank crypts are fraught with dangers, not least the undead that stalk the halls, waging their own war among the tombs.

This adventure continues in two further acts, which will be uploaded to the Korranberg Chronicle website. The second act will be available soon and follows the storyline presented here.

Act 1Reclaiming Memories

An Opening SceneThis cut-away scene serves to show to the players that their characters have already – even at the beginning of the adventure – come to the attention of dark forces.

She comes forward dressed in silken shadow, the illumination from the twin braziers either side of the archway revealing her in all her terrible beauty.She is Sumara, the Scarlet Bitch, one-time handmaiden to The Daughters of Sora Kell, now ascended to a position at Incandevarus’ side.“I hope for your sake that you bring more information on these four than the last lackey you sent to whine beneath me.” Incandevarus smiles, black lips peeling back over needle sharp teeth. “He carried a…bitter taste.”“Nevertheless, you must enjoy the piquancy; he’s the fifth servant of mine you’ve eaten in a week.”“You have a surfeit of messengers, Sumara.”“But as their numbers dwindle, we lose the capacity to report on events of interest.” Sumara’s eyes narrow, she bites at her painted

lip. “You’ve no lessons for me to learn, woman.”“Yet I have the information you wish to hear…dragon.”Incandevarus rises in his great obsidian throne. “I could parley with you for a year and not tire of it. Truly…you are a bitch.”Sumara shakes her head. “Correction: I’m the bitch.”“Then tell me of the four; have they become the Bound Quartet?”Sumara appears to hesitate momentarily, her eyes drifting to the floor. “The… binding is in progress, even as we speak.”“Good, good,” Incandevarus murmurs. “…and do we now know their names; all their names? The idiot who last graced my gullet knew too little, yet spoke to me as though he equalled my intellect.”“Then he was truly a fool,” Sumara replies coolly, and then, on her next breath: “Their names are known to us; everything is coming together. The planes are aligned as written and the four have come forward. We must watch events closely.”“They will come to us, in time,” Sumara says assuredly. “And we will pick the truth from between their bloodied bones.” For a moment only her delicate features slip, the perfect illusion of beauty flickering to reveal the canker beneath. In the next instant the beauteous smile is returned, a lure that has broken (and will continue to break) hearts, once witnessed…

The following letter is sent to the PCs wherever they begin the adventure. It is suggested that Sharn makes a suitable city to start in, and this adventure assumes The City of Towers is used as the PCs base of operations. If you use a different starting location, amend the text in the letter and introduction to suit the PCs locale.

FriendsAs your names are known to me, I feel it prudent to offer you mine:Gabriel ir’Davarask. I doubt whether the name means much to you. In truth, I have conducted my business, by necessity, in the shadows. It is here that a great deal of the rebuilding work of Khorvaire takes place; amongst the foundation stones, so to speak.In retrieving this message you have taken your first step in aiding the cause that the common man has fought for generations.I ask you to take another step and complete your journey. Your assistance is greatly required in the hamlet of Bloodfall, in the eastern reaches of Breland. All required

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documentation has been prepared for your travels – a journey that will take you across the nation by lightning rail to Faith’s Leap, west of Starilaskur, where you will be transferred to House Orien coach, arriving at Bloodfall during the first week of Lharvion.I trust to your faith in boarding the lightning rail. Although I cannot – for obvious reasons – detail specifics as to the nature of your employment, I can tell you two things. First, your time and efforts will be handsomely rewarded, even should you wish to decline my offer when we meet. Second, and most tantalisingly, I can assure you that revelations will be uncovered by your hands; the truths you uncover will usher in a new age of glories to our troubled nation.I will remain in Bloodfall, at the Inn of Five Ravens, for two weeks and await your company.I’m certain the questions you prepare on your travels will find their answers within the Inn of Five Ravens.I extend my thanks, in appreciation of your time, and my hopes, for us all.

Gabriel ir’DavaraskGuardian of Truth

Once you have concluded the introductory letter, allow the PCs to make whatever preparations they feel are necessary for the trip. Depending on the pace you – and you players are comfortable with – you can head directly to the events detailed in the Players Introduction, below. If you feel that a series of encounters based on a Lightning Rail journey to Faith’s Leap (and then via coach to Bloodfall) are required, then feel free to introduce an element of action at your discretion. Such events are, however, beyond the scope of this adventure.Whatever your decision, once the PCs arrive in Bloodfall, read the following introduction aloud to your group:

Players Introduction

A Murder At Midnight (EL2)

Mol, Lharvion 1st 998YK. As evidenced by articles in The Korranberg Chronicle, Khorvaire is becoming an increasingly dangerous place to live. After the turmoil of The Last War, these past few years have settled into an uneasy truce between the nations, where bitter conflicts are played out in the shadows and political intrigue determines the fate of thousands. The covert arena has become your place of

power lately, the mysterious note that finds its way into your hands signalling the beginning of a journey that has carried you across much of Breland by Lightning Rail, eventually reaching the small hamlet of Bloodfall by Orien trade road. It is here that your mysterious benefactor will reveal himself and the questions raised by the letter received will be answered…

The characters arrive late at night on the 1st Lharvion, 998YK (or at a date suitable for your own campaign if you are not using the Korranberg Chronicle website as a basis). Bloodfall has a population of only 1500 farmers and land workers; 75% human (90% native Brelanders, 7% Aundair, 2% Cyre refugees, 1% other), 15% half elf, 8% elf, 2% other. With midnight ready to toll on the church to Arawai that dominates the hamlet, the characters prepare for their meeting with the messenger known as Gabriel ir’Davarask, arriving at the marketplace to discover a far more volatile situation…As the coming encounter may well offer a severe test to the PCs – there’s nothing like starting an adventure with a bang! – allow them to ready whatever items or spells they see fit before launching into the following read-aloud:

The faintest breeze stirs scraps of ragged cloud across the midnight sky, carrying the scent of night-blooming jasmine in its swirling passage through the muddied streets of Bloodfall. As you approach the marketplace you see the everbright fountain’s shimmering glow, warming the area with an illumination that dances in the waters. The marbled centrepiece informs the cobblestone plaza with a majesty that many larger towns and cities would shame themselves to accommodate. The Inn of Five Ravens stands opposite, the large building looming tall, against a backdrop of duskwood and oak trees that border the hamlet on its western edge.Yet even as the church bell rings out the hour of midnight, you come to see that this rural hamlet is not that dissimilar to its shameless city cousins after all and that – as evidenced by the corpse lying sprawled upon the stones – the dark threat of unknown forces can be uncovered anywhere in these uncertain times.

Ask for the PCs actions. A Spot check opposed by Shaska’s Hide skill allows the PCs to spy him lurking in the darkness of a nearby building. It is his intention to come forward whether spied or not, and when he does (at a time that is suitably dramatic), read aloud or paraphrase the following text:

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A deep, male voice suddenly rises from the shadows of the building to your left. “It’s a fell night, to be sure. The unwary traveller should be cautious.”A black robed figure steps into view, face partially hidden by a Dhakaani death mask, steel boots scraping over the cobblestones as he crosses to the corpse.“This poor fool took undue risks,” he says, flicking his glittering gaze from the inert body at his feet to meet your own eyes. “It remains to be seen whether you’ll greet the dawn as fools yourselves or think better of such a pitiful end and head back the way you came. Take a step forward and I assure you – with no hint of humor – that your souls will find a rapid passage to Dolurrh should you interfere here tonight.” Indeed, there is no humor in his voice, and the practiced way he holds the bloodied steel mace in his right hand seems to attest to the man’s confidence in his own ability.

Light: MoonlightSound: Breeze through trees, laughter from the Inn, far away wolves (automatic)Reaction: Shaska is hostile and steps forward to test out the PCs ability if they attempt to search the corpse or otherwise defy him.

Shaska ir’Ventrass Male Half-Elf Clr1: Medium Humanoid (Elf); HD 1d8+2(Cleric) ; hp 10; Init +0; Spd 30; AC 16(Flatfooted:16, Touch:10); Atk +2 base melee, +0 base ranged; +2 (1d8+2, Mace, heavy); +2 (1d8+3, Mace, heavy); SQ: Immunity:

Sleep Effects (Ex), Low-light Vision (Ex), +2 Saves vs. Spells and Spell-like Effects; RF: Elven Blood; AL LE; SV Fort +4, Ref +0, Will +5; STR 15, DEX 10, CON 14, INT 14, WIS 17, CHA 15.Skills: Concentration +6, Diplomacy +8, Gather Information +4, Heal +4, Hide –4, Listen +4, Move Silently –4, Profession (Astrologer) +6, Search +3, Spellcraft +6, Spot +4.

Tactics: Shaska casts Cause Fear or Bane during the first round, following this with Inflict Minor Wounds to help give himself an edge. He never really doubts his ability to win the fight, and keeps up a steady discourse of insults (see below). Should he be taken to 2hp, however, he decides to flee, casting whichever spell (Cause Fear or Bane) that remains in his repertoire. He has a tendency to strike against the muscle in the team, if only to test his own combat skills against a worthy opponent.

Shaska’s Insults and Fighting Talk

• “Your stink is worse than the fishwives of Sharn, my friend. I should strike at your knees rather than your head to lessen the times you have to raise your arms to defend yourself.”

• “I sense you’re slowing, friend. Perhaps you should flee now and practice awhile before you’re better suited to challenge me.”

• “I see the fear in your eyes, the uncertainty. If you leave off now, we can all forget this ever happened.” (perhaps said in a sly voice after successfully casting ‘Cause Fear’)

• “I’d expect such poor quality weapon-handling from a novice in the art of combat. Once you’re dead beneath my feet I’ll take the contents of your purse in payment for the lesson.”

• “Is such nonsense the syllables of arcane trickery or are you better suited to Starilaskur Asylum with your random gibbering?”

• “You flap your (insert weapon name) like you do your tongue: poorly. You’ve neither the wits nor the combat prowess to better me.”

• “If you’re the ones poor Gabriel intended to meet then I pity him his folly. His life’s spent on a fool’s errand and you’ll follow him to the lime pits in due course.”

Use a scattering of insults as you see fit to spice up the combat. If Shaska flees, he attempts to make it into the Grove. Should he be killed or captured, PCs can determine their next move in combination

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with a search of Gabriel’s corpse.

Searching Gabriel’s CorpseA thorough search DC10 of Gabriel’s corpse reveals the following (after four rounds spent searching):

• one leather drawstring purse containing 12cp, 3sp and 15gp

• Identification papers that reveal him as Gabriel ir’Davarask of Wroat, Breland

• Holy Symbol, Flametouched Iron – sacred to the Church of the Silver Flame

• Letter of Revelations – sewn hastily into the inner lining of the Darkweave cloak – any character taking and wearing the cloak will notice the parchment after a short while (see below)

• Gabriel also wears a Darkweave Cloak (cost 150gp) – ECSB p.122 confers +1 Hide bonus on wearer in shadowed or dark conditions

• A steel dagger with a dulled blade that is now worthless

Development: A choice of options may well present themselves after the encounter with Shaska. If Shaska has escaped, he will attempt to lure the PCs into the Grove where he plans to utilise the Feral Guard against them. Should this happen, follow the adventure from the section ‘Grove of The Feral Guard’, below. Of course, should the PCs discover the letter of revelation within the Darkweave cloak, they should be directed to the sunken Bloodfall Church. If they linger in the area, the watch arrives 1D10 rounds after closure of the encounter with Shaska. A group of 1D6 members of the watch arrive with questions as to what has happened here. A truthful portrayal of the incident will enable the PCs to walk away, however the watch ask enough uncomfortable questions to turn this into a potentially difficult roleplaying encounter.

Letter of Revelations

FriendsExcuse this hastily scribbled note. It was my intention to inform you of the specifics of the job during our meeting at The Five Ravens, however, as you are reading this then the situation has gone poorly for me.You must trust to the information revealed herein; the lives of many good folk - and the soul of a great man - depend upon my mission’s completion: a task that is now appointed as yours.I shall be as brief as possible.Within the sunken crypts south of Bloodfall I have hidden an artifact that belongs to a great man, once of Cyre, now relocated against his will to Starilaskur Asylum. The artifact appears

to be a fist-sized emerald, glowing with an inner light, but is altogether more than this, containing as it does the memories of a man known to a handful of watchers – yourselves now included – as Zanilath d’Cannith.Yet there are others that wish to claim Zanilath’s memories – memories that relate directly to the fall of Cyre and the events relating to what happened on The Day of Mourning. I don’t doubt that your path will be shadowed, hence my decision to hide The Eye of The Last Hour in a place no-one would ever think to look for it. If I have fallen then my notion to do so has been proved correct. The artifact must not be allowed to fall into the wrong hands.I bid you venture to the sunken Bloodfall Church, recover the gem and take it to Starilaskur Asylum. Beware the guardians of the crypt which I inadvertently stirred with my passage, they now unknowingly defend something far more valuable than the bones of those long gone.Be ever watchful, friends.

Gabriel ir’Davarask.Guardian of Truth

Watch Questions

• “Who are you – do you have your identification papers?”

• “What happened here?”• “The body appears to have been

disturbed; possessions removed. You wouldn’t happen to know anything about this, would you?”

• “What is your business in Bloodfall? You’ve not been seen in these parts before.”

• “Have you any witnesses to back up your claims as to your actions here tonight?”

The watch members are considered to be 1st lvl fighters, (AC18, hp 12 each, AL: LN) as per stats given in the NPC section, DMG p.117. Ideally, combat should not occur here with the watch members, and therefore stats are not given, other than those defined above and referenced in the DMG.The watch are led by a tall, bearded Half-Elf male known as Taldan Reyas. He is a stern individual and takes his posting seriously, following the Galifar Code of Justice to the letter. As such, he considers bribery as an affront to all he holds dear and will react accordingly should PCs attempt such an action. His Sense Motive skill (+6) is sufficient to detect most bluffs that come his way. Should the PCs really foul up the encounter they will end up in

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the hamlet’s gaol for the remainder of the night, until a thorough search of Gabriel (and also Shaska’s corpse if events dictate as such) reveals the PCs purpose. Taldan will quickly come to realise the significance of the mission the characters have been set, and will – sooner or later – assist them in finding their way to the Bloodfall crypts. He will not accompany them or offer the assistance of any of the watch, however, deeming this adventuring lark as nothing but ‘dangerous gallivanting that unearths more trouble than is necessary.’ Should a character employ use of the Gather Information skill to learn about the history of the Bloodfall Church, a check against DC10 will allow that character to learn – perhaps from members of the watch – or indeed the landlord or patrons of The Five Ravens – the information shown in the Bloodfall Church section of the adventure.

Grove of The Feral Guard (EL3)

If Shaska flees from the midnight encounter with the PCs, he attempts to make his way to the Duskwood Grove where his minions are waiting for further command. A Spot check DC15 is required to spy the four were-rats that await Shaska’s return within the grove.

Light: Deep pools of shadowed darkness, midnight gloom striated with moonbeams through the overhead canopySound: Wind whistling through trees, growling were-rats, Shaska’s laughter, distant wolves (automatic)Reaction: The were-rats are commanded to attack, and are hostile towards the PCs.

Wererat: (Hybrid Form): Medium Humanoid (4) HD1D8+1 plus 1D8+2 (11hp); Init +3, Spd 30ft.; AC16 (touch13, flatfooted 13); Base Att/Grapple +1/+2; Attack Rapier +5 melee (1D6+1/18-20); SA Curse of Lycanthropy, disease; SQ Alternate Form, Rat Empathy, Damage Reduction 10/silver, low light vision, scent; Saves Fort+6, Ref+5, Will+4; AL LE; Abilities STR13, DEX17, CON14, INT10, WIS11, CHA8; Skills Climb+4, Handle Animal+3, Hide+5, Listen+4, Move Silently+4, Spot+4, Swim+9Monster Manual p.173

Tactics: The Wererats are intelligent creatures and will group to take down the most prominent threat from the party, initially targeting spellcasters first and then the group’s fighters. If the group is faring badly, Shaska, who watches from the shadows, steps in to halt the fight.Should this occur, read the following aloud:

A voice rises from the darkness at the tree-line and you momentarily catch a glimpse of the

robed individual who got you into this situation in the first place.“Your fight is lost…” he calls out. “Should I call my guards off? Say the word and we’ll discuss this matter like the friends we still could be…”

Allow the PCs to make a choice. If they continue fighting, Shaska leaves the scene. He will reappear later in the adventure. However, should the PCs opt to end the fight and discuss the situation with Shaska, read the following:

The rat-mens master steps forward, calling off his guard with a sharp command word.At the instruction, the feral humanoids lower their weapons and back away slowly, hissing through their crooked teeth.“Ah, it would appear that you’re not the fools I’d thought you were,” the robed man says.

Shaska attempts to control the discussion that follows, utilising his Feral Guard as leverage should it appear that the PCs disagree with his plan. Use the following quotes to direct the flow of conversation as you see fit:

• “We should begin with names. I apologise for any inferred rudeness on my part, however our initial meeting dictated my hasty retreat. My name is Shaska ir’Ventrass, and I have a business proposition for you all: one that you’d be foolish not to consider.” He indicates the creatures standing in the grove, as if to prove a point.

• “Forgive me the wounds you have suffered. I would not have called my guard to defend me had you not been so quick to show me violence. Hear me out and I’ll explain the truth of the situation, the true facts you’ve yet to have in your possession.”

• “Sometimes, acts of divine providence must be accomplished using means that are, how should I say…distasteful.” Shaska rolls his shoulders. “This would appear to be one of those occasions. The proposition I have for you is not to be taken lightly, and should I divulge the truth of the matter you’ve quite literally stumbled upon, I take it that your silence will be your badge of honor.”

• “The man who you found in the marketplace was known as Gabriel ir’Davarask, a servant of a great man who fled the destruction of Cyre. Gabriel’s mind has long since soured, however; his escape from Starilaskur asylum has only been kept from The

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Korranberg Chronicle by a cabal of men and women more powerful than I. Doubtless his initial contact with you promised truth and glory, but all he has to offer are the labyrinthine lies he’s created during midnight hours spent chained to his bed.”

• “Gabriel fled the asylum and made his way here, that much is true. Has he told you of the artifact he took with him? The Eye of The Last Hour? He stole the artifact from his mentor, effectively stealing the memories of the one man who understands the cause of Cyre’s destruction. He looks to sell the artifact to the highest bidder, whilst I seek the Eye to return it to the man himself.”

• “The Great man is a Cyre refugee by the name of Zanilath d’Cannith, now grown insane with the loss of his mind and memories…”

• “We tracked Gabriel to the Bloodfall Church a few miles south of the hamlet. I would bid you head to this fallen place and find the Eye of The Last Hour that Gabriel, in his lunatic state, hid there. Then, once you’ve found the artifact, you hand it over to me and your part in the saving of a great man’s mind is complete.”

• “I would rather not divulge my master’s identity at this time. Prove yourselves by recovering The Eye, however, and I’ll find a way to grant you an audience with him.”

If the PCs agree to find the artifact for Shaska, read the following:

Shaska nods, running a hand through his long, lank hair. “Then you are free to go, as my allies in this venture. My master will be greatly impressed by the courage you’ve shown in accepting this task, and also at your skills of perception. I don’t doubt that the path ahead will be fraught with dangers, however I expect you to overcome all and in due course meet me again, with The Eye in your possession.”

Shaska knows that the PCs quite probably don’t believe him. All he concerns himself with is that the PCs do his bidding. In order to serve his true motives (and those of his master) Shaska would rather let the PCs live than kill him, and will only use force to coerce the PCs to his plan. These true motives are discussed in full detail in Acts II & III. Shaska’s Bluff skill (Charisma based) is +2; his Sense Motive skill (Wisdom based) is +3.

The Dhakaani Deathmask

Shaska’s mask is an ancient item that he discovered in ruins while journeying in Droaam. Made of polished obsidian and studded with curved barbs that resemble ivory tusks, the half-face Deathmask confers upon its wearer a +2 bonus to the Intimidate skill while worn. It is worth 830gp.

The Feral Guard

The Feral Guard are the soldiers of the Black Dragon, Incandevarus, who is Shaska’s true master. Employed at the Dragon’s whim, he has sent out a platoon (of twenty) to aid Shaska. The remainder are grouped in Shaska’s nearby camp.The Feral Guard have no leader amongst themselves and operate at the command of a localized master, in this scenario, Shaska. They are, first and foremost, servants of Incandevarus and are held to his service by the promise of power within his Midnight Network.They operate as Wererats (in their various forms) as described on page 173 of the Monster Manual.

Development: At the end of the encounter with Shaska, be it in the marketplace or in the grove, the PCs should be in possession of sufficient information to lead them to the sunken Bloodfall Church. If they don’t have this information – for whatever reason – have the watch, led by Taldan Reyas, discover the letter sewn into Gabriel’s Darkweave cloak, and employ the PCs to discover the artifact hidden in the Church.Once you – and the PCs – are ready, head on to Bloodfall Church, detailed below.


Bloodfall is an old hamlet that sprang up along the

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fast-flowing Shifnaralt river from its humble origins as a logging camp in 135YK. Throughout that time, the hamlet has been marshalled by the Arkaster and Gavarist families, who helped the community in its defence against vicious humanoids that poured through from the southeast in an almost continual tide during a three-hundred year long period. Perhaps eventually realising that the villagers spirit would not be broken, the humanoid raids eventually petered out, leaving the hamlet in a state of peace that was only disturbed with the onset of The Last War, and then only in the sons and daughters of Bloodfall leaving to join the ranks of Breland’s armies. The war itself never arrived at Bloodfall and the people lived their lives under the care of the Arkaster and Gavarist families.The hamlet is self-sufficient, with grape orchards, vegetable plots, cultivated fields, sheep and Brelish cows all evident. Denver’s Mill sits atop Hobart’s Rise on the edge of the Shifnaralt, and farms radiate out from the central hub of the hamlet, beyond which the marshland takes hold. Arkaster Hall serves as a community meeting point (and was the place folk rushed to as a defensible position in ages past) while The Inn of Five Ravens is under the ownership of Flimbargee Trebblethorpe (a Zilargo gnome who’s become quite the cause celebre – having fought in the war and come back filled with plenty of tales from the outside world, along with a rod of magic missiles that now serves as his left arm, which was torn from its socket by a troll, if you’d believe Flim’s account of events!) Other places of note that the DM can embellish upon are:

• Candleskin’s Supplies – carries a quantity of one of most equipment from the PHB that costs 20gp or less. Giselle Candleskin – a luscious half-elf female – and delight of the males attentions – is a shrewd businesswoman, and receives a bi-monthly stock update from Starilaskur

• Gilligan Croom’s House of Herbal Remedies – Gilligan is a halfling male who carries the Mark of Healing. He would be more than happy to tend to wounded PCs

• Jasper Tembleturn – Inventor of Wondrous Delights

• Harka D’ashbaranson – Ranger’s Lodge – horse-trainer and expert in local geography

The Sunken Bloodfall Church

DM’s Note: The current church in Bloodfall is the recently built Church of Arawai. The sunken church lies several miles south of the hamlet, and the two should not be confused with each other.

A History of Warring LordsThe great Arkaster and Gavarist families ruled over Bloodfall for six hundred years until their lineages died in the early 700’s (as detailed below). During that time, the Arkaster and Gavarist dead were brought to the Bloodfall church. Both families were served by the inhabitants of Bloodfall, however the Wychlarch family secretly looked to despoil both family’s glories and turn the villagers against their masters, though they had done them no wrong.In 685YK, Kaspar Wychlarch murdered Edovara Arkaster, the wife of Randall Arkaster and mother to his five children. Upon the discovery, and with Kaspar guilty at the scene of his crime, Randall drove the murderer from Bloodfall, held back from outright murder himself by the hands of his friend and confidante, Ilyan Gavarist. He swore that, should Kaspar return to Bloodfall, he would kill him and sleep all the easier for doing so.Kaspar fled, roaming the wildlands until he was, perhaps at the intervention of fate, discovered by a travelling vampire lady by the name of Estelle Travenia. Her bite brought Kaspar into the twilight world of the undead. Possessed of a fresh insight and with his mind bent on revenge for the injustices his fevered thoughts deliberated upon at the command of both Arkaster and Gavarist edicts, he returned to Bloodfall, looking to settle matters once and for all. In due course he found Randall Arkaster and in a frenzy of bloodlust, killed him.Of course, in his rage, Kaspar had not ended the life of Randall Arkaster. He’d merely given the same undead life to Randall that he possessed. Randall railed at his lot; to become such a thing was against his every moral and spiritual fibre. He promised that he would follow Kaspar to the end of the world if necessary, and make him pay for his crimes against the Arkaster family and the hamlet of Bloodfall.That journey has been long and eventful. Having outlived his relatives and friends by hundreds of years, Randall has crossed Khorvaire in pursuit of Kaspar. Throughout the war he has tracked him many times across warring nations’ borders, their frequent encounters evenly matched between the two with neither side gaining the upper hand.And so the war has continued between these two Vampire Lords, recently returning to Bloodfall and in particularly the church that once served the hamlet. Arriving first, Kaspar took to the graveyard and unearthed those corpses and skeletons of the aged dead – those servants to the Arkaster and Gavarist families that were buried here up until 720YK or thereabouts: a potential army of over eighty undead souls. Shortly therafter, Randall returned to Bloodfall and upon his discovery of the travesty at the church forced access to the ancient crypts beneath, with a mind to raise his old friends and ancestors from

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the family vaults and so purge the black pall that has so overshadowed the hamlet for these many years.Now, as the adventurers arrive on the scene, the battleground has been staked out, with Kaspar taking the upper crypt levels and church with his undead force. Unwittingly, Gabriel found his way into the church and lower levels as Kaspar marshalled his forces, only fleeing as the undead war party returned to seal off the site and end the conflict once and for all.Randall has since revived his friend Ilyan Gavarist, his own ancestors, successors and those of the Gavarist family. They await the coming tide while preparing themselves for the onslaught.Both sides are oblivious to the artifact that has been hidden in the lower levels held by Randall, and the adventurers must find their way to the deepest vault (and beyond) to recover The Eye of The Last Hour.Once they have this, all they have to do is get back out again…

The Journey To Bloodfall Church

Bloodfall Church lies three miles south of the hamlet, the site built during the reign of Galifar, now grown decrepit and abandoned. It was to this site that Gabriel hid The Eye from his pursuers…and it is to this site that the PCs arrive, searching for the same as directed by Gabriel’s letter.Depending on prior circumstances, the PCs will have come here by their own will or bent to the task at Shaska’s behest, having failed to overcome his Feral Guard. In such an instance, the PCs must figure out a way to find The Eye and then evade recapture by Shaska.Read (or paraphrase) the following read-aloud when the PCs decide to venture to the church.

The route to the church lies through farmland and pastoral meadows, herds of long-haired Brelish cows roaming the land, occasionally raising their heads to watch you pass. The trail quickly becomes a rugged, worn wagon-track, nothing like the Orien trade roads that you have become used to journeying across Breland, no – this trail suggests that you are moving into untamed wilderness.

The route south to the crypts should be uneventful and serve as a brief respite before the PCs arrive at their first, real test – the church and the crypts themselves. As such, allow the group to take on board whatever healing and preparatory measures are required, and then read the following aloud:

The track is now little more than an overgrown

memory to an age long passed. It has been almost an hour since you set off from the hamlet of Bloodfall but already the lands about you have become wild and ungoverned.As you bridge the grassy rise of a hill festooned with bluepetal flowers and briars you make your first sighting of the Bloodfall Crypts and the ruins of a church that once marked the site, nestling in a sheltered vale a short distance away, almost hidden from view by the enclosing grove of yew trees that surround the site. The sound of running water from a nearby stream can be quite clearly heard. All else is quiet and peaceful, except for the breeze that carries whispers through the trees in the grove ahead.

The area has seen signs of recent disturbance. A Track/Survival check DC10 is sufficient to learn that someone – Gabriel (though the PCs wouldn’t know this unless they looked closely at the soles of Gabriel’s leather boots earlier) – made his way down here, leaping the stream (boot prints in the soft earth on the far side) and later, in the grove, saplings with snapped branches and the ground underfoot scuffed, as though in hurried movement. Indeed, once within the grove, and approaching the sunken church and crypts, anyone following Gabriel’s tracks will notice that his own boot prints are joined by other prints, as though many bony feet have crossed the soft ground, scraping at the earth…

The Grove, The Church and The Undead Host

Light: filtered sunlight through treesSound: the whir and buzz of nature (automatic)

The following descriptive text used throughout the encounter areas described below assume the PCs arrive during daylight hours. Modify the text as required should the PCs make their way here during the hours of darkness. Once the PCs have crossed the stream (it’s only four feet deep) and entered the yew tree grove, read the following aloud:

The grove carries within it a stale, musty smell. The ground underfoot is swampy and sucks at your every step. Fat, bloated flies dart about you, the drone of their limitless number creating a resounding buzz. In fact, the air is alive with insect life; dragonflies and butterflies swoop and dance about you, while the bees’ nest in the bole of a gnarled yew tree gathers to it an army of defenders.Rising out of the swampland, approximately 100 feet ahead is a large church, now extensively ruined, its fallen stones claimed by moss and

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wild flowers. Large, black ravens cry out at your approach and their cries echo loudly throughout the glade.

The Church was dedicated to the Sovereign Host during its construction and consecration some eight hundred years ago. It was used as a place of worship by the Arkaster and Gavarist families of Bloodfall during their rule here at that time, and their descendants have been buried here until 728YK when the last of their line, Jaunak Gavarist, died without further lineage. Its crypts filled, the church became forgotten and abandoned by the folk of Bloodfall, with talk of strange lights and bandit activity keeping many people away from the site. The encroachment of swamp-land from the leaking tributaries of the Shifnaralt river has caused the building to crumble upon itself, claiming much of its grandeur. Now the church is ruined – the bandits that have called this place home over the years having looted much of the treasure once buried here.Yet as the PCs arrive, they find the church and crypts have become the site for a tremendous fight between two warring undead parties; the skeletal remnants of the Arkaster and Gavarist families under the control of Randall Arkaster and the undead host of the families servants who were buried in the graveyard outside the church, and have recently been revived at the will of the vampire-

lord Kaspar Wychlarch. These two vampires, one good – the other evil, have sworn to destroy each other and this last encounter is simply the latest in a series of escalating fights that have been played out throughout the ages. Here, the PCs will have to decide whether to serve good or evil, and make their own minds up as to where their allegiances might lie in order to recover the Eye. Once the PCs decide to take a closer look at the church…

The church is a derelict and appears wholly unsafe. The tower has fallen away to lie in rubble among the trees. The tiled roof is shattered in many places and has collapsed upon itself. The swampy environs have claimed the building entirely, the ground giving way so that the church has sunk partially into a bed of reeds and unstable land, the remnants of the building leaning at such an angle that it appears it may keel over at any given moment. In fact, the only feature of the church to have escaped the dereliction is the entrance itself, the vast, engraved stone arch housing a pair of heavy oak doors that lie ajar as though still welcoming the pilgrim or weary traveller.

Several areas of exploration present themselves here: the fallen rubble pile, the graveyard, the grove itself and, not least, the entrance to the church and

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the interior. Each is discussed below.

The Fallen Tower (EL3)The fallen tower (to the left of the entrance and easily visible) has recently become home to a Carrion Crawler, drawn to the environment by the wild deer and other animals that are regularly claimed by the swamp. It has also found sustenance in the group of bandits that Kaspar decimated as they attempted to take control of the church a few days previously, and whose corpses were subsequently hidden in the trees near the rubble pile. Now, anyone searching through the rubble (or climbing over it) will find a nasty surprise awaiting them. The rubble pile is approximately 10 feet high at its highest point and requires a Climb DC10 to scramble to the top. A search check of DC20 will enable a character to glimpse treasure hidden in the depths of the rubble pile. This is a golden buckle from one of the bandit’s trouser belts, the corpse of the bandit dragged into the Crawler’s lair (within the great bronze bell that fell along with the tower) and feasted upon. Sufficiently gorged as it is, the Carrion Crawler will only attack an interloper into its lair on a cumulative 20% chance; therefore, a second attempt to reach the ‘treasure’ causes the creature to rise up on a 40% chance on a d% roll. A character can grab the buckle to the belt (which contains the bandit’s money purse) on a successful hit against AC12. Only weapons of medium size or longer will be able to snag the buckle and draw it away, simply reaching in with an outstretched arm will be insufficient to reach the prize. The Crawler will attack only once before returning to its lair, wishing only to warn intruders away from its meal…Read the following aloud should anyone climb or look through the rubble:

The rubble of the church’s fallen tower trails away into the trees, large stone blocks and shattered stonework – complete with engraved gargoyles now crumbled and split – form a pile approximately 10 feet high, all strewn with moss, trailing ivy and liberally spattered bird excrement. Several large openings are apparent to the top of the pile, and you can see within the fallen bronze bell which once tolled within the tower before the building fell to ruin. You can detect the scent of rot and decay on the faint breeze, intermingled with the scent of the swampy ground and wild flowers.

A spot or search check DC10 enables a PC to note that the area surrounding the rubble pile appears to have seen recent activity. A search/spot check of DC20 enables the PC to note smears of dried blood upon the stone. A further track/survival DC20 allows that PC to note the tell-tale signs of

a many-legged creature making its way to the top of the pile.If a PC disturbs the creature read the following aloud:

The rubble pile suddenly becomes unstable as, with an ear-piercing shriek, a powerful force rises up from the darkness beneath.

Ask for a Balance check DC15 for anyone standing atop the rubble. Anyone failing the check will be unable to use their Dex bonus to counter the coming strike from the Carrion Crawler…

As you struggle to keep your balance on the shifting stone blocks, a large, slug-like head erupts from the rubble, followed by a long, sinuous, multi-legged body that rises into the air, numerous tentacles weaving before a toothy maw that snatches at you, mandibles clacking together as though to capture its next meal.

Carrion Crawler: Large Aberration HD3D8+6 (hp13); Init +2; Spd 30ft.; AC17 (touch 11, flatfooted 15); Base Attack/Grapple +2/+8; Attack Tentacle +3 melee (paralysis); Full Attack 4 tentacles +3 melee and bite –2 melee (1D4+1); SA paralysis; SQ Darkvision 60ft, scent; Saves Fort+3, Ref+3, Will+5; Abilities STR14, DEX15, CON14, INT1, WIS15, CHA6; Skills Climb+12, Listen+6, Spot+6; Feats Alertness, Combat Reflexes, TrackMonster Manual p.30

Tactics: As noted previously, the aberration will only strike until it senses the threat to its lair has been nullified. The Carrion Crawler bears the wounds of previous skirmishes, and four of its tentacles have been torn from its maw, lessening its attacking value. Once a paralysed PC falls from the top of the rubble pile (taking 1d6 damage) the Crawler retreats. If pressed, however, it will fight hard for its domain.If retrieved, the belt buckle is worth 20gp to a collector in one of Breland’s larger cities. Hawked in Bloodfall or in a similar hamlet, it claims only 25% of its worth. The leather purse attached to the belt, however, contains a further 30gp and an inset emerald ring worth 200gp (again, this piece of finery will only fetch 25% of its price at Candleskin’s in Bloodfall or at a vendor in a similar sized hamlet).Kaspar is aware of the Carrion Crawler’s lair and gives the rubble pile from the fallen tower a wide berth.

The Grove The yew trees that surround the church lead away to a distance of approximately 50 feet. The bodies

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of six bandits who attempted – and failed – to claim the Church as their own, now lie scattered amidst the trees close to the rubble pile where the Carrion Crawler makes its lair (as detailed above). Anyone venturing into the trees can easily detect these corpses (Spot DC5). If spotted, read the following aloud:

A short distance into the trees you spy a figure lying propped up against the trunk of a gnarled yew tree, head lolled forward and unmoving. The figure appears quite dead and you can see bloody gashes across its leather-jacketed torso.

If a PC investigates, read aloud the following:

As you make your way closer to the unmoving figure you notice the corpses of several other humanoids lying in the long grass nearby.

Should anyone investigate the scene for clues:

The grass itself appears to have been flattened, as though these bodies were dragged to their current positions and left here to rot.

The bandits have indeed all been dragged here from the interior of the church where they were set upon by Kaspar and his skeletons. Kaspar decided against utilising the bandits for the coming war as their combat prowess was poor and he has a romantic notion of keeping the fight between the lords of Bloodfall and their servants, with no other influence. Instead, he has taken their weapons… A search check (DC5) of the corpse resting against the tree reveals the following:

Your search of the human male who lies propped against the tree uncovers the peculiar

trophy that he won before death claimed him: a skeletal lower jaw gripped in his left hand. Other than this curio, the human possesses nothing significant or of worth.

The same story is repeated among the other corpses strewn about the grove, however one of the corpses (which you can pick at random) is lying next to a patch of fungus spores which explode should the corpse be turned over in the event of a search. The fungus spores will affect any PC remaining in a 10’ vicinity (diameter) of the corpse for up to 10 rounds and causes a painful itching of the skin which costs a PC 1hp and a –2 circumstance penalty to physical skills such as Climb, Balance, etc. and also AC as the character begins to scratch uncontrollably. The condition lasts for 1d4 hours and – at the discretion of the DM – can also affect social skills. After all, no-one wants to socialize with a frantically scratching adventurer!The corpse that triggers the fungus spores does have an item of interest upon his person. Upon a preliminary search of the church – before Kaspar discovered the bandit group – this particular bandit discovered a steel disc (no larger than the palm of his hand) lying in the debris. Unbeknown to him, the steel disc opens the contents of a false crypt, wherein the treasure of the Church still lies, awaiting eager adventurers…(see The Halls of Twilight, Encounter Key 6)None of the corpses have any weaponry upon them. The bandit group’s swords and daggers have all been taken by Kaspar to better equip his undead army that waits patiently in the darkness below.

The GraveyardThe Graveyard to the rear of Bloodfall Church has been completely excavated, the graves of those families who served the Arkaster and Gavarist families dug up by Kaspar as he attempts to build an army with which to overthrow his arch enemy, Arkaster himself.Read the following aloud should the PCs head to the rear of the church.

As you make your way around the church – feet sinking into the mired ground – you notice that the earth has been churned up by the passing of many feet. The easily discernible tracks appear to lead to the entrance of the church itself. Quite a sight awaits you as you cross the marshy land to the rear of the ruined building. Here, in the large graveyard that lies before you, bordered by rusted iron railings and an open portcullis gate, you see that extensive excavations have been underway. Graves

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lie open to the sky everywhere you look, headstones toppled and rivulets of water trickling into eroded burial pits. Elsewhere, coffins have been dragged to the surface, opened and ransacked of their contents.

Allow the characters to take a look around should they so desire. It will quickly become apparent to them that something is missing: the corpses and skeletons of the dead who were buried here. Kaspar has raised them all in preparation for his fight with Arkaster’s forces and led them into the church (hence the track-marks leading to the entrance). The PCs may construct other conspiracies as to what occurred here and you should let them wonder as to whether this is indeed the work of bandits and treasure-hunters. The surprise when they enter the church will be all the more shocking if the DM places his own subtle misdirection on the scene. In addition to the corpses having climbed from their resting places, all treasure buried with the deceased (which, as their station as servants dictates would only be a paltry sum) has been claimed by Kaspar and taken into the church. Only a few copper pieces should be reclaimed as leftovers spilled from the graves if the PCs decide to search the marshland graves, a laborious process at the best of times. Should anyone read the inscriptions on the headstones, use the following descriptions:

• Wensley Burrigan, 551YK-623YK. Much loved father of Amial; servant to Lindon Arkaster

• This headstone inscription has been worn away by the ravages of time. All that remains decipherable are the words ‘serves Arkaster still.’

• Culkin Tawner – 483YK-540YK. Master brewer. His recipe lost with him. Servant to Kelsha Gavarist

• Samlin Sheafner – 660YK-710YK. Claimed by fire. His memory is kept alight. Servant to (indecipherable) Arkaster.

• Ralstaff Tiplight – 388YK-452YK. Beloved of Neith. Tireless servant and protector of Lord Gavarist.

It should become apparent to the PCs that the graveyard was once filled with the servants of the Gavarist and Arkaster families. Should the PCs enquire as to the fates of these great families of Bloodfall if they return to the hamlet, no human knows a great deal about them other than journal entries written at the time. The elves may know a little more and so, if you wish to detail such information for your players, this is left open for your own ideas to give the adventure more

flavour and detail should you so wish. Perhaps an Arkaster or Gavarist journal entry tells tales of hidden treasure in the locale, and so offers your PCs further opportunities for exploration around Bloodfall. Of course, such events are left to the discretion of the DM and are not explored further in this adventure.

The Church EntranceThe following section of the adventure serves to bring to a climax events in Act 1. It is here, within the lower crypts of the church, that Gabriel hid The Eye artifact before the warring vampire lords claimed the building to prepare for their fateful end game. Gabriel fled, returning to Bloodfall to await the PCs, but was duly slain by Shaska. In the interim period, both Wychlarch and Arkaster have been governing their allies. Now, as the PCs enter the church, they have to deal with these ancient lords in order to search the crypts and escape with the artifact, however depending on their encounter with Shaska, they may yet face other choices when they leave the ruined building…There are four levels to the church and its crypts. Each one is explored in detail as described below:

• The Church Ruins – Interior Ground Floor• Bloodfall Crypts – The Halls of Twilight • Bloodfall Crypts – Arkaster and Gavarist

Family Halls• Bloodfall Crypts – Thistleback’s Lair

Stats for the two major personalities that dominate these areas are shown in the appendix. They are, of course, Kaspar Wychlarch – an evil murderer and now, undead vampire lord. He has been fought throughout the ages by Randall Arkaster, a good man who sought to avenge the death of his wife at the hands of Kaspar in a time lost to the memory of the humans living in Bloodfall.

The Church Ruins – Interior Ground Floor

Unless noted otherwise, encounters within this level of the church ruins are rated as EL2.

Depending on the time of day or night that the PCs arrive at the church there will be different levels of activity within. Other than dealing with the recent bandit raid, Kaspar has directed his undead host to remain within the church, noticeably within the Interior Ground Floor level and also The Halls of Twilight. However, should the PCs make sufficient noise outside the church (and if it is night-time), then Kaspar will become aware of them, manoeuvring his troops as required. If the PCs arrive during the day, Kaspar is resting within his coffin in the Halls of Twilight and his army of undead are mainly located

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here, most informed with a defensive command, and others left to their own devices, patrolling the Interior Ground Floor level. In the event of the PCs attacking a patrol of skeletons (each patrol contains 1D4 skeletons) there is a chance that Kaspar will become aware and rise from his resting place. The percentage chance is indicated below, dependant on where the PCs are when they attack:

• Interior Ground Floor – 10% chance per round of combat

• The Halls of Twilight – 25% chance per round of combat

Church Interior Ground Floor Map

The following Encounter Key areas are all marked on the Bloodfall Church Interior Ground Floor map. When PCs arrive and push through the main doors, read the following text:

Encounter Key Area 1 – Church Interior Ground Floor Map:A continuous stream of water runs off from the elevated marsh-land that has claimed

the church, sluicing down the steps and disappearing between the cracks in the stone-slabbed entry-way ahead.The interior of the church is much as you might expect, to judge from its ruined exterior. The roof overhead is holed in many places, and shafts of light filter through upon the fine marble pews that sit in rank either side of the central aisle. The iron stairwell the once led up to the bell-tower overhead lies twisted and broken, leading nowhere. At the far end, beyond the fallen pulpit stands another set of iron stairs that wind down, presumably, to the church crypts. All that remains of the altar is a pile of rubble.

Light: Filtered sunlight through roof, deep shadowsSounds: the sounds of nature outside (automatic) – the noises of creatures stirring in the depths (Listen DC20)

The church interior is 150 feet x 60 feet. The interior is shadowed and offers many hiding places. The floor is uneven, the stone slabs having ruptured and broken up as the church has sunk over the years. Anyone running over this terrain must make a DEX DC10 to avoid falling. After two rounds in the church interior, a patrol of skeletons rises up the far stairwell. Should this happen, read the following aloud:

From the far stairwell you hear loud movement, the grinding of iron echoing with the weight of whoever – or whatever – is ascending from the depths below.

The skeletons have been commanded to patrol the church interior, and to attack anyone gaining entrance. The patrol consists of 1d4 human skeleton warriors. The skeletons head from the stairwell to the front entrance, pausing for four rounds at the entrance, looking out through the ajar doors (unless someone closed them, in which case they do not notice this and simply wait here, as though inert) before returning back the way they have come. As noted, the PCs can hide easily in the church, between the marble seats and in the shadowed alcoves of the walls. If there is no combat, the skeletons return the way they have come, back down the stairs. Another patrol will emerge 1D20 rounds later. However, should the PCs engage the skeletons in combat, refer to the percentile chance of waking Kaspar from his rest.

Waking Kaspar (EL5)It is highly likely that the PCs will awaken Kaspar as they pursue a course through the church and its sub-level, the Halls of Twilight. Kaspar will

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approach the PCs after sending another patrol to test their mettle, stepping out behind the melee to introduce himself. In the event of waking – and duly meeting – Kaspar Wychlarch, read aloud (or paraphrase) the following text. This encounter could take place anywhere within the church interior ground floor and Halls of Twilight levels.

You see a tall man dressed in a dirtied travelling cloak, his chest bare beneath. He wears torn trousers upon which a longsword hangs at his hip. His unbuckled boots, and his dishevelled appearance suggest that this man has only recently woken from rest. As he approaches, he runs a hand through his long, tousled black hair, his black eyes staring deeply at you. Behind him, fanning out with his every step, is a guard of undead, mainly comprised of ragged skeletons and ghouls who are only held back from an imminent attack by the man’s raised hand.“And so you stumble upon the last great battle of Bloodfall’s history.” He pauses, and a smile crafts its way to his gaunt face, mouth opening to reveal incisors lengthening over his lower lip. “But such is the hour that you may yet have a part to play in these dark moments.”

Kaspar intends to use the PCs to front his attack against Randall Arkaster and the forces that his arch enemy has prepared in the crypts below. As such, Kaspar first of all attempts to coerce the PCs into helping him kill Randall Arkaster. If this fails and the PCs cast doubts on their use in his plan, he uses his Dominate ability on the PCs. This he does to each of the PCs in consecutive rounds, requiring a Will save DC14 to shrug off. Dominated characters are sent immediately on their mission, as discussed below. For any characters that do not become dominated, ask those players what course their character will take as their companions fall under Kaspar’s mind influencing ability.Kaspar will reveal most – if not all of the following information in conversation (and also with dominated – and thought to be dominated – PCs). Read the following points aloud as the conversation progresses.

• “I have need of fine adventurers such as yourselves. A great evil lies below us, in the crypts, gathering power to itself even as we speak. I would implore you to aid me in the destruction of this malignant abomination, a vampire no less; once a man, now a creature of darkness with a heart as black as the very depths of Khyber. He murdered my wife, slaughtering her in cold blood before savaging me and, in an ironic twist of fate, recreating my life in the

shadow of the creature who sought to take it. My name is Kaspar Wychlarch and my nemesis awaits below, a lord of the undead by the name of Randall Arkaster.”

• “I have fought Arkaster for centuries, across Khorvaire, through peace and through war. It is no coincidence that he would seek the final battle here, in the embrace of the families he has raised to serve him, and to fight for him.”

• “Ah yes, I should explain that this…” Kaspar draws out a silver rod from the folds of his cloak, “was used, much to my shame, in raising the dead from their slumber in the graves outside. But know this: I have committed such an indecent crime only through being driven to such acts by the vileness that lies below our feet.”

• “I have lived for too long to see Randall Arkaster flee from this situation. Promise me that, should things go awry, you’ll hunt him down for me.”

• “If we succeed today I swear on all that is holy to the Sovereign Host that I shall await my deserved death at your hands. To be honest with you, I’d be glad to have it end here, in glory and retribution, my wife’s death avenged.”

Of course, these are all lies; Kaspar has twisted the tale to offer a plaintive plea to the PCs. If it appears as though they’re not going for it, he drops all facades and uses his Dominate ability, as detailed above.Indeed, he hardly thinks that they’re up to the challenge of facing his enemy, and sends them forward with a mind to draw off Randall’s undead guard so that he, Kaspar can make a swift and forceful strike to the heart of Arkaster’s domain below. And if they lose their lives in the hunt, then no matter…If the PCs decide to strike back against him, Kaspar drops the ruse and attacks with lethal force, not wishing to expend his supernatural abilities, but more than willing to put his blade to good use. Kaspar is unwilling to expend more skeletons and ghouls in attacking the PCs at this point.

Encounter Key Area 2 – Church Interior Ground Floor MapThe Interior ground floor is lined to either side with shallow – yet nonetheless shadowed – alcoves, in which characters can hide. An alcove allows one person access. Of the twelve alcoves (six to either side, leading from entrance to rear wall and shattered pulpit) the alcove marked EK2 holds

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a hidden lever sculpted into the scene of rural tranquillity. Read the following description aloud to whoever looks, or hides, in this particular alcove.

The alcove is quite narrow, fronted by marble sculpted trees whose canopies rise to form the arch overhead. The sides and rear wall of the shallow alcove continue this natural scene, as though a path leads away to the rising sun above the meadows depicted upon the back wall. An illusion of course, crafted by a hand with no little skill. And even as you look, you notice more and more features intricately cut into the stone: a group of travellers (or pilgrims) upon the road, apparently heading to a church that perhaps at one time looked a little like the one you’re now within.

A character searching the alcove, and succeeding on a DC20 notices…

The sun’s rays strike the embossed golden bell in the church’s tower, which appears to be worn quite smooth.

The embossed bell is actually a concealed button. Randall Arkaster had this work commissioned hundreds of years ago by a master artisan. Its purpose was to open a hidden weapon cache in the foot of one of the marbled pews (Encounter Key 3, below). Here, Randall hid a Masterwork Longsword, +1 vs Evil, blessed in holy waters and kept safely in the church should the Arkaster or Gavarist families ever have need to repel invaders. The sword was used only once during Randall’s life, and placed back in its hidden vault after successfully aiding in the defence of the church. Unfortunately, Randall had little time to recover the sword during his most recent visit, instead fleeing to the lower levels with Kaspar fast on his heels with a host of undead allies brought forth from the graveyard.

Encounter Key Area 3 – Church Interior Ground Floor MapThe embossed church bell button opens a small hatch in the foot of this marble pew. Within lies the masterwork longsword, +1 vs. Evil, as described above. Use the following description to anyone discovering the hidey-hole.

A small niche hole has opened in the foot of the marble pew. Within, you can see an object partially covered in sack cloth.

For anyone drawing forth the sword:

You reach in and pull out the object, which unwraps from its coverings to reveal a

magnificent sword. The blade is even, sharp and shines as though banishing away the gloom, while the pommel is formed from a flawless ruby, rising into the grasp of a leather bound hilt. You sense an undeniably holy presence about the blade.

Anyone of Evil alignment will immediately be repelled by the blade, suffering 1D4 points of damage each round it is held. Any other alignment will suffer no damage from holding the weapon.

Encounter Key Area 4 – Church Interior Ground Floor MapThe rusted spiral stairs lead down to Level 2 – The Halls of Twilight. Read the following:

A narrow metal staircase that has rusted with age leads down into a gloom that is dispersed by a pale, flickering, cold-blue light, throwing shadows crazily against the sides of the stairwell. A slight breeze rises from below, accompanied by a chill that seeps readily into your bones.

Only one person can ascend/descend the stairs at a time, meaning that a strict marching order must be applied here. As the stairs are ancient and rusted, there is a risk that an excess weight may cause the metal staircase to collapse. Should this do so, any PCs on the stairs take 2D6 damage (Reflex save for half damage). The resulting noise would be sufficient to instantly wake Kaspar, instigating his arrival as detailed earlier. Refer to the chart below to detail the effects weight has on the stairs, which descend 20 feet to the Halls of Twilight.

0-100lbs – The staircase can readily bear the weight upon it101-200 – The staircase groans and moves slightly201-300 – The staircase groans loudly and sways precariously as though no longer moored to its fastenings upon the wall. There is a 25% chance per round that the staircase collapses301-400 – The staircase groans noisily, twists and sways and appears near collapse. There is a 50% chance per round that the staircase collapses401+ The staircase twists, buckles and collapses, the rusted moorings breaking away from the stairwell.Damage taken is as indicated above. The staircase can no longer be climbed, and any characters on the staircase are deposited in The Hall of Twilight, Encounter Key 1.

Skeletons Attack!

As with the Kaspar Awakes section as detailed

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earlier, the following descriptions can be used as and when required. There are four descriptions (each to detail a patrol of 1-4 skeletons); use whichever proves most suitable:

1: You see a lone human skeleton dressed in the ragged tatters of its burial robes. Its bones are yellowed and appear brittle with age; indeed it only possesses one arm and its ribcage has collapsed. Dust and dirt pours from its cavities as it moves forward in stilting fashion, hairless skull creaking as it surveys the area, as though searching for something, or someone. The skeleton possesses no weapon, simply flexing its bony, claw-like fingers as it moves forward.

2: Two human skeletons lurch awkwardly into view; one wears a torn leather helmet that covers its skull, revealing only the pits of its eye sockets and unhinged jaw. Both appear to have been dead for a long time, their bones are discoloured and their stuttering movements serve to make them appear quite frail.

3: A trio of human skeletons stand in the gloom ahead. Each carries a longsword which drags on the floor as though the strength is lacking in hefting the weapons with any degree of mettle. Ragged patches of flesh cling to their bones, and one of their number appears to wear a ragged mask of human flesh as though in testament to what it once was.

4: Four human skeletons patrol this area, all of them surveying their surroundings with some considerable purpose, occasionally swiping aside the shadows and cobwebs with sweeps of their swords, striking sparks from the stone. All appear to wield scimitars, wear rotted leather armor strapped over their frames and hold round wooden shields.

The following stats should be used for the skeleton(s) indicated above, amended to suit presence of armor and weapons as required.

Skeleton: Human Warrior (medium undead) HD1D12 (5hp); Init+5; Spd30ft.; AC15 (touch 11, flatfooted 14); Base Attack/Grapple +0/+1; Attack Scimitar +1 (1d6+1/18-20) or claw +1 melee (1d4+1); Scimitar as above or 2 claws +1 melee (1d4+1); SA -; SQ Damage Reduction 5/Bludgeoning, darkvision 60ft.; immunity to cold, undead traits; Saves Fort+0, Ref+1, Will+2; Abilities STR13, DEX13, CON -, INT -, WIS10, CHA1; Feats Improved Initiative Monster Manual p.226

Optional rule – as DM, it may be prudent to use the

skeletal attacks by ascending number of assailants, with each encounter becoming progressively tougher than the last. Stats for the human skeleton warrior can be found in the Monster Manual p.226. All that requires altering is the AC and weapon type wielded to match the description.

Bloodfall CryptsThe Halls of Twilight

Unless otherwise noted, encounters within this level of the church are rated as EL3.

It is here that Kaspar has brought his force of undead to bear; a staging ground for the battle that will soon ring out beneath the foundation stones of Bloodfall church. The following Encounter Key should be used in conjunction with The Halls of Twilight map. Generally, visibility is good, with the eldritch lights burning blue in the braziers upon the walls where Kaspar has had his lieutenants set torches. The air is cold. When describing locations to your players let them know that an unnatural chill pervades their bones. This place is meant to be creepy, and you should attempt to make every atmospheric conceit available at your disposable. (NB: it’s your choice if you decide to turn down the heating in the gaming room!)

Encounter Key Area 1 – Bloodfall Crypts Halls of Twilight Map

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This area leads directly to Encounter Key Entry 4 – the Interior Ground Floor level stairs above. Depending on how the PCs arrive here, there may now be no way back up to the church from this area, if they’ve collapsed the staircase. The stairwell is 20 feet deep from top to bottom. Its walls are finished stone, sculpted into a depiction of rising souls heading up towards a stylised sun. The staircase leads out to an entry chamber, as described below.

The stairwell opens through an ornate archway into a chamber of worked stone 60 feet square. An identical arch, sculpted as though angelic figures are rising from the ground, stands in the centre of the wall opposite. Flickering torchlight, a pale azure that washes everything in a chill, sombre color rises from three braziers inset in the walls. A wide well with a low ringed wall of chiselled stone lies in the centre of the chamber, and the light from the torches reflects the stagnant water within up onto the ceiling overhead. Trailing ivy runs the length of the walls and the uneven floor is awash with run-off from the numerous cracks in the ceiling that drip-drip with an ominous echo all about you.

Listen checks in this chamber are subject to a –1 penalty due to the echoing effect of water splashes all around. Cracks in the floor having been created over hundreds of years by the shifting foundations and marshland, meaning that the water run-off dissipates quite easily into the level below. Characters searching the area discover nothing of worth, however glancing into the waters of the pool shows a vision of the future. This pool was once known as the Pool of Revelations, the spirits of the dead who swam beneath the surface offering visions of peace and serenity to leave visitors of the families buried here with soothing memories and hope for the future. Now, however, all that has changed. The spirits in the pool have become disturbed by Kaspar’s presence and they cannot now see any hope nor reclamation of peace. Their visions have become, by degrees, more chaotic. Roll 1D4 and read out the vision relating to the result. The spirits in the pool turn away from the surface after 4 visions, decrying the bitterness that has become their lot. Therefore, a maximum of four visions can be shown to the players. Each of these represents a possible occurrence that can be played out during the course of the adventure, from Acts 1 –3.

1: The grimy water in the pool swirls as though directed by something unseen beneath the surface. For an instant you see an image of a huge, bloated spider rearing up on its legs. With a swiftness that belies its size, the spider

lunges forward. As the spider draws back, you see that a body lies in its jaws, and as its head tilts back, you see that the body is yours, your eyes gazing lifelessly up at the cavernous ceiling overhead as the spider retreats into its webbed lair with its prize. The waters swirl once more and the vision is gone.

This vision relates to the Thistleback’s lair encounter, detailed later in this Act.

2: The grimy water in the pool swirls as though directed by something unseen beneath the surface. For an instant you see an image of a cowled figure, dressed entirely in scarlet robes. As though sensing your scrutiny the figure raises a hand and lowers the cowl, revealing a beautiful human face that, even as you watch, becomes a thing of mockery, losing all semblance of humanity. “You’re mine,” the once beautiful lips mouth as the wrinkled flesh of the woman’s face becomes ever more corrupt.The waters swirl once more and the vision is gone.

This vision relates to the Scarlet Bitch, Sumara who figures in events during Act II.

3: The grimy water in the pool swirls as though directed by something unseen beneath the surface. For an instant you see an image of a mortuary, filled with corpses laid out upon cold, steel plinths. All manner of exotic implements hang from chains upon the ceiling. Some of the corpses appear to have been experimented upon and as the scene moves closer to one of the tables, you recognise one of the figures as yourself, still alive and bound to the plinth by iron manacles.The waters swirl once more and the vision is gone.

This vision relates to Ixian Varr’s experiments laboratory, as detailed in Act III. 4: The grimy water in the pool swirls as though directed by something unseen beneath the surface. For an instant you see an image of leathery, black wings unfolding in the darkness. Droplets of yellow acid splash at your feet as you look up into the penetrating gaze of large reptilian eyes staring down at you. “Poor mortal fool,” the Dragon intones. “I see your fear. You have the eye of the last hour, the unblinking moment when the realisation of your place in the scheme of matters suddenly dawns upon you. Now, you understand the truth. And you will weep.”

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The waters swirl once more and the vision is gone.

This vision relates to the PCs meeting with Incandevarus at the end of the adventure.

The visions above, if witnessed, can cause despair in PCs. A Will save DC10 is required to stave off the effects of this despondency, which cause a –2 penalty to all character actions, including initiative checks, feat usage, etc. The despair effect lasts for 1D20 rounds. During this time, a PC is also unable to draw upon the use of Action Points. The effect cannot be countered through use of magic or psionic abilities.If anyone stirs the waters of the pool, they threaten the integrity of the spirits that lurk in the deeps. Should this be the case, the five Wraiths of Revelation (known as Salfaa, Shiaa, Calmiaa, Flaziaei and Vultamaa – all women who were happily bound to the pool to serve Arkaster and Gavarist mourners and to allay their fears of the unknown) break the surface to rebuke the PCs. All the wraiths are lawful, and they pity the PCs for their arrival in this place at this time.

Suddenly the waters break at the disturbance caused. The ghostly forms of five wraiths swirl about the chamber, eyeing you with pitying stares. “You should know better than to disturb the rest of the dead,” one of them says.“Would they know wise-hoods, sister Shiaa? Perhaps they come seeking the dead. Perhaps that is their purpose.”The five wraiths giddy the air, chilling it with their presence.

The wraiths are uninterested in the PCs mission, though they are aware of Gabriel, who passed this way on his flight to hide the Eye. The Wraiths have a vision of Gabriel and can be persuaded to show the PCs if they prove lawful and respectful in nature. If so, reveal Gabriel’s vision below. The Wraiths will allow the PCs to continue if they swear to act against the warring vampire lords that have taken this place as their own. As they know, one carries an evil taint and the other is pure of heart, though they have no way of telling which is which, only that one will lie and tell them untruths:

The grimy water in the pool swirls uneasily, stirred by the wraiths below. As you watch, a familiar scene appears; Bloodfall marketplace, everbright fountain illuminating the cobblestones.“I have done as requested, Shaska. Are you certain of this?” the thin, gaunt man asks.Shaska grins slyly. “Yes, Gabriel. This course of action is…necessary.”

A moment later Gabriel clutches at his heart as Shaska withdraws the bloody curved dagger, wiping it on the man’s cloak and replacing it in the sheathe upon his belt.“You deserve a rest, Gabriel. Think of your death as being just that, a reward for a job well done.”Gabriel slips, quite dead, to the cobblestones.Hearing a noise, Shaska slides easily into the shadows as a group of travellers arrive on the scene, their faces – yours – clearly visible in the light from the everbright fountain. “It’s a fell night, to be sure. The unwary traveller should be cautious,” Shaska tells you, stepping from his place of hiding.The waters swirl once more and the vision is gone.

This vision should cause the PCs to ask questions as to the nature of their ‘employer’ – Gabriel. Yet, without answers, (these will surface in Acts II & III) they must follow the clues and their current path in order to discover the truth of the plot that they’ve been woven into.

Encounter Key Area 2 – Bloodfall Crypts Halls of Twilight MapThis 120 feet connecting passage between Encounter Key 1 and 3 is broken and ruined. It also contains a guarded portcullis at its far end. Read aloud:

Venturing through the archway, you find yourself in a 10 feet wide passageway that leads ahead into distant gloom. The stone floor is awash with stagnant water, and trailing roots have broken through the ceiling slabs overhead. Cobwebs flutter in the slight breeze and the ever present drip-drip of water breaks the silence.

If any of the PCs succeed on a Spot check DC10, they see the following:

In the distance you catch a glimpse of movement. Peering ahead you see two human skeletons standing in the passage-way, as though guarding the portcullis that is raised behind them.

The skeletons have instructions not to allow any living soul in through the portcullis, and though a patrol passes through here frequently to check on the ground floor level, the skeletons will not seek assistance, seeking to obey their master’s will by striking down any intruders that they see. The human skeleton warriors are as per their entry in the Monster Manual, with the difference being that they carry longswords and possess no armor.

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NB: The portcullis has been wedged open by a skull fixed into the winch mechanism by the side of the raised gate. A strength check DC10 is required to free the skull, at which point the portcullis comes crashing down. For anyone beneath the portcullis at this time, a Reflex save DC15 is required to leap out of harm’s way or risk 1D6 points of damage. Once the portcullis is down it takes a Strength check DC15 to lift the gate back into its raised position. As the portcullis ‘lock’ position has worn away, an object will be required – similar to the skull wedge – to keep the portcullis raised. For every round spent lifting, a Strength check DC15 is required, with a cumulative –1 addition to the DC each round. A maximum of two others can assist in the lifting check, though only PCs of medium size or larger are tall enough to lift the portcullis to its full height. Once a PC moves (or looks) beyond the portcullis, read aloud or paraphrase the following:

The passageway beyond the portcullis is in a state of disrepair even more noticeable than that which you have journeyed through so far. The stone slabs upon the ceiling have become fractured, as have the blocks cut into the walls, falling down to the uneven, cratered

floor. At the far end, some 20 feet beyond the portcullis, the passage drops away into a shaft that radiates an amber glow.

Investigating PCs discover that a series of stone chiselled steps lead down to the First Hall of Twilight. Read aloud:

A flight of steep, stone-cut steps leads around the edge of the rough, un-worked circular stone shaft that penetrates deep into the rock below to well over 100 feet. There is no hand-rail and the stairs are quite narrow. Filigreed into the outer wall of the stair-shaft are thin veins of mineral that radiate a bright, soothing amber color. The illuminating pattern swirls throughout the rock to the foot of the shaft.

A PC can estimate that the shaft descends some 200 feet. There is also a 20% chance that, as the PCs descend, a patrol of 1D4 skeletons begins to ascend. The filigreed mineral is known to geologists as Korodite. Created naturally over many years, Korodite contains a phosphorescent algae that solidifies into trailing veins throughout rock formations, most noticeably in areas that carry a heavy marshland or residual land mass that seeps through and into the rock beneath. The Shadow Marches hold massive reserves of Korodite in vast caverns beneath the surface. If Korodite is struck, its illumination blazes even brighter. Korodite can be cut from rock and is often used in the creation of Sun Rods by magewrights and artificers. A PC with the Knowledge Arcana, Geography, Dungeoneering (Caverns), or Stoneworking & Engineering skills will know about Korodite on a DC10 success. Anyone with the Craft Rod or Create Wondrous Item feat will automatically know about Korodite.

Encounter Key Area 3 – Bloodfall Crypts Halls of Twilight MapHere, the fine finished stone-work and sculpted niceties of the church above and the entry to this level disappears. A large cavern houses the First Hall of Twilight, in which several mausoleums have been constructed over the ages. The buried dead within have all been raised by Randall Arkaster and he has since fled to the lower crypts. Now, the mausoleums house Kaspar Wychlarch’s undead host, and – if he hasn’t already been wakened – Kaspar waits here as well, resting in preparation for his final battle with Randall Arkaster. Read the following descriptive text aloud to your players:

The cavern that lies ahead of you is immense, its vaulted ceiling reaching high above, rock walls – all striated with the blazing amber mineral – bathing the expanse in a warm glow. And by

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the light you can see that ornate mausoleums have been constructed into the cavernous walls whilst others stand bordering wide avenues that range the length of the cavern itself.

The scene here may be further altered by the PCs prior actions. If they have alerted the undead host and Kaspar to their presence, numerous skeletons and ghouls roam this area. If they have not – as yet – alerted Kaspar and his minions, only two human skeleton patrols (1D4 each) roam this area, with the remainder of skeletons and ghouls in position within the mausoleums.

Kaspar’s Undead HostKaspar has managed to raise 60 skeletons, 10 ghouls and 10 zombies to fight for him. His own carriage has been hidden from the PCs (they will not find it above ground) and his coffin has been brought down to Mausoleum #6 by his attendant zombies. The following stats are standardised from the Monster Manual and should be amended to suit the particulars of a given encounter, specifically – weapons and armor available for use.

Skeleton: Human Warrior (medium undead) HD1d12 (5hp); Init+5; Spd30ft.; AC15 (touch 11, flatfooted 14); Base Attack/Grapple +0/+1; Attack Scimitar +1 (1d6+1/18-20) or claw +1 melee (1d4+1); Scimitar as above or 2 claws +1 melee (1d4+1); SA -; SQ Damage Reduction 5/Bludgeoning, darkvision 60ft.; immunity to cold, undead traits; Saves Fort+0, Ref+1, Will+2; Abilities STR13, DEX13, CON -, INT -, WIS10, CHA1; Feats Improved Initiative Monster Manual p.226

Ghoul: (Medium undead) HD2d12 (11hp); Init +2; Spd 30ft.; AC14 (touch12, flatfooted 12); Base Attack/Grapple +1/+2; Attack Bite+2 melee (1d6+1 plus paralysis); Full Attack Bite as above and 2 claws +0 melee (1d3 plus paralysis); SA ghoul fever, paralysis; SQ Darkvision 60ft., undead traits, +2 turn resistance; Saves Fort+0, Ref+2, Will+5; Abilities STR13, DEX15, CON -, INT13, WIS14, CHA12; Skills Balance+6, Climb+5, Hide+6, Jump+5, Move Silently+6, Spot+7; Feats MultiattackMonster Manual p.119

Zombie: (Human Commoner Zombie) (Medium undead) HD2d12+3 (15hp); Init -1; Spd 30ft.; AC11 (touch 9, flatfooted 11); Base Attack/Grapple +1/+2; Attack Slam +2 melee (1d6+1) or club +2 melee (1d6+1); Full Attack as above; SA -; SQ single actions only, damage reduction 5/slashing, darkvision 60ft., undead traits; Saves Fort+0, Ref-1, Will+3; Abilities STR12, DEX8, CON -, INT -,

WIS10, CHA1, Feats ToughnessMonster Manual p.266

Skeletons 1-40 – no weapon, no armorSkeletons 41-50 – longsword, no armorSkeletons 51-55 – longsword, leather armor, shieldSkeletons 56-60 – DMs choice (left to the DM to detail as he/she sees fit, thus upping the ante if a specific challenge is required that does not incorporate Kaspar)

Ghouls 1-5 – no weapon, no armorGhouls 6-10 – no weapon, leather armor

Zombies 1-5 – no weapon, no armorZombies 6-9 – no weapon, chainmail armorZombie 10 – mace, chainmail armor

Where armor and/or additional (or different) weaponry is apparent, you should spend a little time in preparing amended attack damage and AC ratings.

Encounter Key Area 4 – Bloodfall Crypt Halls of Twilight Map

Mausoleum #4

The mausoleum is a three part building, with a front porch, a mourning chamber and the tomb itself. Each is discussed below. This mausoleum holds a troop of 4 skeletons (from the 51-55 range) and one zombie (pooled from 1-5 range). Anyone approaching the mausoleum sees the following:

The mausoleum ahead is crafted from stone, its sculpted entrance forming the depiction of angels rising to the skies. Fluted pillars flank an entrance that stands ajar.

Anyone with the architecture skill will be able to note that this design style dates back to the age of Galifar on a DC15 success.

The Front PorchThe stone door is heavy and grinds audibly (listen +1 bonus) should it be moved. In its current position, it can allow access to one medium creature at a time. The room beyond is described as follows:

This small chamber is 30 feet square and is simply adorned. An etching in the floor shows a stout tree whose branches reach to the far wall and the closed door set therein. Beneath the tree you can read the word ‘Gavarist Family’ chiselled into the stone.

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Characters making a listen check within this chamber DC5, can detect that many creatures await beyond the far door. There is a 50% chance that, every round the PCs remain here, the far door opens to allow the Zombie his entrance as he checks the mausoleum. If this should happen, read the following aloud:

Without warning, the far door swings open to reveal a ragged-looking human with rotted flesh hanging from its bones. Its lower jaw has fallen away and its one remaining eye fixes you with a terrible stare. Upper lip peeling back to reveal broken teeth, the creature hisses through ruined vocal chords, clawing the air as it begins to advance upon you…

The zombie fights in a frenzied fashion but will not leave the mausoleum, as instructed by Kaspar. Should the PCs leave the mausoleum, the zombie drags the stone door closed. You can tell the players (or at least those players whose characters have a high 15+ wisdom) that it’s almost as though the undead host are biding their time, as though awaiting some greater purpose.

The Mourning ChamberRead the following aloud:

This once sumptuously decorated chamber has fallen into decay; fine tapestries now lie rotted upon the stone-worked floor, little more than woven patches of indecipherable dust with only the vaguest hint of a scene upon the fabric. An archway in the wall opposite, that at one time held a curtain affixed to the golden rail above, reveals a marble plinth in the room beyond whose lid has been lifted off.

This chamber and the tomb beyond houses the remainder of the undead waiting here. Use the following description to detail this fact:

The chamber houses a force of undead that turn at your arrival, eyeless sockets staring at you as bony hands reach out to claim you and drag you into their embrace.

The TombIt was in this tomb that Gideon hid the Eye, lifting the marbled lid from the plinth and dropping it inside. However, with Randall’s passing, he raised the individual, a man known as Kelsha Gavarist as he swept through the majority of mausoleums to build his own army in reply to Kaspar’s. Once raised, Kelsha moved forward with the Eye unwittingly in his possession. Unfortunately, Kelsha met his fate (again) as he was dragged into Thistleback’s lair, as detailed in that section, following. Now,

nothing remains in the tomb, not even its original occupant. The tomb is 30 feet square, has a lone stone door entrance/exit that leads to the Mourning Chamber.

Encounter Key Area 5 – Bloodfall Crypt Halls of Twilight Map

Mausoleum #5

This description can be used to detail the eight mausoleums noted on the map as Encounter Key 5. These mausoleums serve as the majority of those constructed in the Halls of Twilight. They are uniformly similar and have the same format as that detailed in Mausoleum #4: Entry Porch, Mourning Chamber, Tomb. Descriptions of each area follow. For anyone approaching these mausoleums, read aloud:

The squat, stone structure sits behind a low stone wall. A simple, stone cut door stands flanked by fluted pillars that rise to a raised roof which, at one time or another appears to have been struck by a falling stalactite. Stone debris litters the front of the building. Entry PorchThis entry porch is 30 feet square, with the heraldry of the Gavarist family – a wide canopied tree – carved into the stone slabs upon the floor. A stone door lies closed in the far wall opposite the entrance.

Mourning ChamberThis 30 foot square chamber has fallen to ruin and is littered with the debris of a fallen stalactite that has at one point crashed through the ceiling. An unlit brazier lies across the floor and an offering bowl of dusty incense brings a faint aroma of exotic spices into the air.

TombThis 30 foot square chamber contains only one item of note; a marble plinth that has been opened and now lies empty. The ceiling overhead has been shattered by the force of the stalactite whose remains litter the previous chamber. You can see the blazing mineral-striated cavern ceiling overhead through the hole.

Of course these chambers will be filled with the undead threat, pooled as you see fit from the host that Kaspar has assembled. See the ‘Kaspar’s Undead Host’ sidebar to fill these areas. None of the undead within these mausoleums will leave their place of hiding, as per instructions from Kaspar.

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Encounter Key Area 6 – Bloodfall Crypt Halls of Twilight Map

Mausoleum #6

This mausoleum holds Kaspar Wychlarch in his coffin, brought down from his carriage hidden in the wilds above (that Kaspar has used to travel Khorvaire, dominating the minds of men and women over the ages to keep him from harm and drive him from places as diverse as Sharn to the Lhazaar Principalities, and back again). Read the following description aloud:

This mausoleum seems far more grand than those in the avenue you’ve left behind. Standing atop a flight of chiselled steps the walls of the building rise to an elegant, sculpted roof that possesses two spires, each magically lit by an everbright effect. Double doors stand closed to the front of the building, which itself sits enclosed behind a low stone wall. Two skeletal humans dressed in torn leather armor that hangs loosely from their shoulders stand guard at the entrance, unmoving, with longswords held in their grip.

Draw these skeletons from those detailed in the sidebar. These two human skeletons have been ordered to protect the mausoleum at all costs and will fight until their bones have been crushed by whatever weaponry the PCs bring to bear. Kaspar is resting (unless previously roused) in his coffin within the Tomb chamber of the mausoleum. The format of the mausoleum is as previously noted and as described below. However, in this instance, the Double Doors, constructed from lacquered duskwood and possessed of a fine, polished finish, are locked. Kaspar has the key (which had been left in the double doors all these years) on his person. To unlock the mechanism holding the doors locked, a DC20 is required. The doors are AC15, Toughness 10 and have 20hp.

Entry Porch Moving through the double doors, you enter a chamber 60 feet square. Its walls are lined with stone statues of reverential priests, hands clasped together, heads bowed. Each statue is intricately carved. Elsewhere, another lacquered door stands in the far wall opposite. A sculpted tree, with branches reaching out across the stone floor bears the engraving ‘Gavarist Family’.

The steel disc found upon the body of the bandit in the church grove fits into the belt buckle of one of the statues. Once replaced, the statue revolves

to form a hollow encasing that reveals a ladder leading down into a treasure room. A spot DC8 is required to notice that the statues all have silver discs in their belt buckles except for one of their number. Should the characters descend the ladder, you climb down into a small chamber, 15’ square directly beneath the entry porch, that contains the following:

1 suit of masterwork Valenar elf chainmail armor1 longsword +2/+3 vs. goblinoids1 Everbright Lantern1 chest (unlocked) containing 260gp, a pouch of five rubies worth 100gp each, and a ring of protection +1

Mourning ChamberThis 60 foot square chamber contains a central pillar of fire that burns golden upon a raised dais. An archway opposite leads to an ante chamber in which several marbled plinths stands closed. Within the flames of the pillar, spirits weave and dance, turning as their notice your intrusion. “This place has fallen,” they tell you. “There is nothing here but soured dreams and revenge.”

These spirits were bound to the elemental pillar of fire four hundred years ago. They have served to soothe those mourners of the Gavarist family once buried here. The proximity of Kaspar has – as it did with the Wraiths of Revelation – disturbed their equilibrium and now they have turned their thoughts inward. As such, after their initial notice, they are difficult to talk to and will obstinately refuse to reply, unless a Diplomacy DC20 is successful. If this is made, the spirits know the following:

• “A man came here and released Falstath Gavarist and his eldest son, Undal.”

• “A great force of undead have been brought here by the man who rests in the tomb beyond.”

• “The man is a vampire lord, and we have heard that he has planned this place as the site of one last great battle with his nemesis.”

TombFive marble plinths lie within this 30 foot x 60 foot chamber. These once held members of the Gavarist family led by Falstath Gavarist. He and his son have since been raised by Randall Arkaster and led to the crypts below. Now, if he has not been disturbed, Kaspar rests in the coffin placed behind Falstath’s tomb. The remaining crypts have been emptied, with Falstath’s other family members brought into the embrace of Kaspar’s host.

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Encounter Key Area 7 – Bloodfall Crypt Hall of Twilight map This narrow tunnel has been partially blocked by a fallen stalactite. Many years ago it was used by bandits who discovered a cave in the wilds beyond the graveyard to the rear of the church. The natural tunnel descended into the cavern that was known as The Halls of Twilight. It has since become the lair of a Choker. A Search check DC20 is required to notice the tunnel beyond the fallen stalactite (and even then this can only be spied by characters 0-20 feet away). A climb DC15 is required to clamber up and drop down into the tunnel beyond. The Choker lurks in the cave at the top of the tunnel. Read the following text aloud:

The rock-cut tunnel appears to be naturally formed, rising steeply like a stair.

Should PCs ascend the tunnel, they eventually clamber out into the lair of the Choker.

Ahead, you can see daylight (or moonlight) filtering in at the top of the tunnel. Ascending further you climb out into a shallow cave, feeling the breeze against your face from the opening some 30 feet distant. The floor of the cave is littered with bones and the stench of carrion is almost overpowering.

The Choker seeks to grab the last character to rise out of the tunnel. If the Choker gains surprise (an opposed Spot/Hide check should be made) read the following to the last PC:

Clambering out of the tunnel, you catch your breath, dusting yourself down. You have barely a moment to register movement in the cavern ceiling directly above you before two rubbery arms reach down to pull you off your feet and into the darkness above.

Choker: (Small Aberration) HD3D8+3 (16hp); Init+6; Spd 20ft., climb 10ft.; AC17; Base Attack/Grapple +2/+5; Attack Tentacle +6 melee (1D3+3); Full Attack 2 tentacles +6 melee (1D3+3); SA Improved Grab, Constrict (1D3+3); SQ Darkvision 60ft., Quickness; Saves Fort+2, Ref+5, Will+4; Abilities STR16, DEX14, CON13, INT4, WIS13, CHA7; Skills Climb+13, Hide+10, Move Silently+6; Feats Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Stealthy; AL CEMonster Manual p.34

If defeated, the Choker’s lair proves profitable, with characters unearthing the following on a search DC20 success:

40gp212sp2 potions of healingclothes, boots and travelling cloaks2 x sunrodsfive human skeletons (unanimated)2 deer corpses (fresh)

Encounter Key Area 8 – Bloodfall Crypt Hall of Twilight map Ilyan Gavarist began a sculpture upon one the giant stalactites to the rear of the cavern; this, he surmised would be the crowning achievement of the First Hall of Twilight: a tribute and sanctification to Dol Arrah in the form of a human shining with holy radiance, sculpted in such a location as to have the Korodite mineral shining fully onto the face of the stalactite and imbuing it with light. Ilyan thought to include a sculpture of Boldrei on the stalactite to the other side of the Great Arch, but never managed the task, failing in his sculpting during the work on Dol Arrah. Most of the work has fallen and crumbled away, half of Dol Arrah’s face lies on the floor to stare up at anyone coming close. A PC successful on a Religion check DC10 will be able to learn who the statue might once have been dedicated to. NB: It was here that one of the slain bandits discovered the steel disc that opens the treasure room, as noted in Encounter Key Area 6 – Bloodfall Crypt Hall of Twilight map.

Encounter Key Area 9 – Bloodfall Crypt Hall of Twilight mapThis area forms the entrance to the Second Hall of Twilight. Read the following aloud:

Carved into the side of the cavern is an elaborate archway, the remains of an iron gate hanging rusted within. The white marbled façade has been stained by the ravages of time and excrement from the bats that have, over the years, found a home above, in the roof of the cavern.

This gate is not locked and hangs ajar, allowing easy access to anyone who pushed through. A search of the area DC15 uncovers a dirtied Ring of Protection +1 in the earthen floor to the side of the gate. This was lost by Sannoranta Gavarist some three hundred and twenty years ago when it slipped from her finger as she traversed this path to pay her respects to long dead ancestors in the crypts below.

Encounter Key Area 10 – Bloodfall Crypt – Hall of Twilight map This area has been completely claimed by gigantic fungal growths that fill this small cavern. This

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forest of mushrooms is a recent addition to the cavern, having sprouted over the course of the last fifty years. The mushrooms are not poisonous and can be quite nutritional if cooked. A success on a Survival check DC25 can name the mushrooms as Lycandim fungus. Read the following aloud:

The archway leads through to a cavern in which a forest of fungal growths have sprouted from the rock floor, looming like peculiar trees up the stalactites overhead. In the centre of the cavern lies a large, gaping hole, 20 feet in diameter. A steel brace arcs overhead into the mushroom canopy, carrying three iron chains that descend into the abyssal depths of the shaft.

If anyone approaches the shaft…

As you approach, an ethereal voice intones:

Through age of light and sunWhere man may roam and wanderThere is a thought that rings aloudAnd tears the world asunder

Through age of spirit and the lostWhere darkness cannot reachThere is a thought that rings aloudThat sorrows cannot breach

Through age of love and life and wonderWhere trials and journeys allBecome the words of legendAnd save us from the fall

There is a thought that rings aloudA calling to the lostThere is a price for fear of love‘Tis the heart’s own named cost

The intoned voice then asks the following question: “Why are you here?” Should a character answer along the lines of love, memory and remembrance, the voice intones the following: “I wish you and yours the love of life, the sanctity of death and memories trailing your deeds. Please wait.” Should characters do as instructed, read the following:

From the depths beneath you comes the grinding of iron chains as the brace above takes the strain, winding the chains into its mechanical arm, quite smoothly. After what seems like an eternal wait, a large metal disc, fully supported by the three chains rises into view.

The disc can ably support the weight of twenty,

and therefore has no problem with a group of adventurers upon it. The disc slowly and purposefully descends 100 feet to the Arkaster and Gavarist family crypts below two rounds after the last PC steps aboard.NB: This mechanism was constructed by the once famed artificer Ralashalass, a friend to the first Lord Arkaster, who knew he had to find a way to ferry people down to the crypts he’d had built where his friend Sholdarc had fallen, after clambering down on his adventures.

Bloodfall CryptsArkaster and Gavarist Family Halls

Unless noted otherwise, encounters within this level of the church ruins are rated as EL3.

This level comprises the entire Arkaster and Gavarist crypts, now used by Randall to govern his forces for their final battle against Kaspar Wychlarch. It is entirely likely that, as the PCs arrive and journey throughout the crypts, they are brought to the attention of Randall himself, who watches the characters with a keen interest.

Meeting Randall Arkaster (EL5)When Randall decides to show himself to the PCs, use the section below to roleplay the encounter:

Ahead of you, the darkness is swept aside by a tall man with greying hair, hooded lamp held high in his outstretched hand. “Name yourselves or suffer the fate of the damned!” he exclaims.

Give the characters a chance to name themselves. If they do not, Randall thinks of them as a threat and sends forward two human skeleton warriors to deal with them. He instantly calls them off in the event of the characters naming themselves. If the skeletons attack, read the following aloud:

Two skeletons dressed in ragged burial robes stumble forward out of the penumbra glow of the raised lantern. Their bones are almost crumbling to dust with each step they take as they advance upon you. They carry no weapons and wear no armor.

The skeletons will not strike first in combat.Use the following points to develop a conversation between the PCs and Randall.

• “My name is Randall Arkaster and, for my folly, I am lord of all that surrounds you.”

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• “What brings you here, and more to the point, what news do you have of the evil that stirs above us in the Halls of Twilight?”

• “No doubt Kaspar has twisted your minds against me. I would presume he attempted to utilise you against me, perhaps soften up those I have raised to defend their very own legacy. You have stepped into a war, make no mistake, travellers.”

• “Kaspar Wychlarch was a servant to the Arkaster family in Bloodfall many long years ago. He murdered my wife, Edovara. I chased him from the hamlet, though he later returned, and it was here that I learned what he had become – a force for evil. As a vampire, he sought to take my life, though the power that coursed through his veins flowed into mine and I was brought into undeath as his opposite – a force for the powers of light against the darkness. My beloved was dead, a needless waste of life. I have sought vengeance against Kaspar over the intervening ages, tracking him across Khorvaire until, at last we meet here.”

• “Forgive me this act of necromancy. If I were to live a thousand years I would wish for this one act to be wiped from my memory. These skeletons are my ancestors and the ancestors of the Gavarist family. Some…those I shared my life with, are also my friends, and I include my good friend Ilyan Gavarist amongst their number.”

• “The stakes could not be higher. Your arrival here coincides with the last act of a personal war that has raged between myself and Kaspar Wychlarch for centuries. If you so desire, I would have you fight at my side and overcome the powers of darkness.”

• “Should we win this struggle, I want your word of honour that you will finish the task: end this travesty and destroy me. Believe me when I say that I will thank you for the kindness. I have been apart from my beloved for too long.”

• “Of course, if you wish no part in the ensuing battle, I cannot help you, but neither will I hinder your escape.”

If a character makes mention of their mission, Randall tells them the following:

• “Describe what it is that you search for.”

• “There is an abomination that lairs beneath us, having broken into these crypts from passages that lead down into forgotten tunnels. It crept forward recently and took with it several of those poor souls I’d revived to help fight beside me. I followed the creature, a great spider, back to its lair and there found it hunched over a large gem whose magical light illuminated the cavern in which it sat.”

• “I can spare only a handful of my host, should you wish to engage this entity. However, should you accept this offer of assistance I would urge you to repay the favour and offer your own aid in my struggle against Kaspar.”

• “Be back here within the hour, I beg of you, if you plan to assist me.”

The Arkaster and Gavarist crypts are a series of chambers cut into the rock, finished in white marble and dressed with everbright lanterns at the junctions of connecting corridors and in the chambers themselves.

Randall Arkaster’s Undead HostRandall has managed to revive 30 skeletons, and 1 Wight (Ilyan Gavarist) to fight for him. He has used the Ring of Undead Creation for this task, severely depleting its charges. His own carriage has been hidden from sight (they will not find it above ground) and still contains his coffin. He plans to finish this battle before he has a need to return to sleep.

Skeleton: Human Warrior (medium undead) HD1D12 (5hp); Init+5; Spd30ft.; AC15 (touch 11, flatfooted 14); Base Attack/Grapple +0/+1; Attack Scimitar +1 (1d6+1/18-20) or claw +1 melee (1d4+1); Scimitar as above or 2 claws +1 melee (1d4+1); SA -; SQ Damage Reduction 5/Bludgeoning, darkvision 60ft.; immunity to cold, undead traits; Saves Fort+0, Ref+1, Will+2; Abilities STR13, DEX13, CON -, INT -, WIS10, CHA1; Feats Improved Initiative, AL LG Monster Manual p.226

Wight: (Medium undead) HD4d12 (21hp); Init +1; Spd30ft.; AC15 (touch 11, flatfooted 14); Base Attack/Grapple +2/+3; Attack Slam +3 melee (1d4+1 plus energy drain); Full Attack as above; SA Create spawn, energy drain; SQ Darkvision 60ft., undead traits; Saves Fort+1, Ref+2, Will+5; Abilities STR12, DEX12, CON - , INT11, WIS13, CHA15; Skills Hide+8, Listen+7, Move Silently+16, Spot+7; Feats Alertness, Blind-Fight; AL LGMonster Manual p.255

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Skeletons 1-30 – no weapon, no armorIlyan Gavarist (Wight) – no weapon, no armor

Ilyan Gavarist (EL3)

Use the following description should the PCs (as they undoubtedly will) encounter Ilyan. You can place this encounter anywhere on this level. The stats for Ilyan are noted above.

A chill permeates the air here. Hunched in the shadow is a figure that resembles a human corpse, leathery skin drawn tight over its bones. It watches you interestedly, a gleam of intelligence shining in its eyes.“Do you fight for, or against, Randall?” he asks in a raspy voice.

Ilyan Gavarist knows the following:

• “I’m Ilyan Gavarist. Come no closer to me. I’m uncomfortable in the presence of living folk.”

• “We’ll be hard pressed to win this war, mark my words. Kaspar has outfitted his troops, while we’ve been dragged from our crypts in whatever robes we were buried in. Most of us have only these rags to hide our modesty.”

• If you seek the devourer, make your way to the eastern wing. The creature’s lair is beyond the ruined wall, at the end of the passage…”

Encounter Key Area 11 – Arkaster and Gavarist Family Crypts mapUse this description as the PCs descend to the entry chamber.

The elevator disc drops smoothly through the cave to the full extent of the chains that are taut above you. “It is requested that you honor the dead at peace within these halls,” an ethereal voice intones as the disc halts a foot off the chamber floor. The chamber itself is 80 feet square with two arched exits in opposite walls. Everbright torches illuminate the chamber with a soft, warm glow that reflects off the white marble worked stone of the walls and floor.

The archway to the left is engraved with the name Gavarist, while the archway to the right is engraved, Arkaster.After the characters step off the disc, the ethereal voice tells them: “Bid me rise when you wish to leave these hallowed halls.” If a character does so, the steel disc will indeed take them back to the Halls of Twilight above. The voice is entirely

magical, triggered by the presence of anyone of Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral or Chaotic Good within 30 feet. In years gone by, the Lords of both Gavarist and Arkaster families used the enchantment to test the heart of those they travelled here with. It was here that Randall first learned of the canker lurking in Kaspar Wychlarch’s heart when he accompanied Randall on a sojourn to the crypts to complete repair work when they were both alive. Not long thereafter the tragic incident that sparked this personal war occurred and Randall’s next journey here was to bury his own wife.

Encounter Key Area 12 – Arkaster & Gavarist Family Crypts map Use this description for the various hallways the characters traverse on their journeys through the crypts.

The hallway is 10 feet wide and 10 feet high, constructed in polished white marble and lit at 30 feet intervals by everbright torches fixed into iron sconces.

Encounter Key Area 13 – Arkaster & Gavarist Family Crypts map Use this description for the Gavarist and Arkaster chambers that the characters enter on their travels through the crypts.

This chamber is 40 feet wide and almost 80 feet in length. The ceiling is higher than that of the connecting hallway, rising 20 feet off the marble floor. The floor itself has become a litter of opened coffins; coffins that have been emptied of their original occupants. There is no exit other than that by which you entered.

There is nothing of value left with these chambers. All trophies that were buried with the dead have been collected by Randall and his growing army.

Encounter Key Area 14 – Arkaster & Gavarist Family Crypts mapsThis chamber houses Edovara, Randall Arkaster’s wife who was slain by Kaspar. Randall has vowed not to raise his wife, and she still rests here, untouched in the tomb afforded her, or so Randall believes, The stone door to this chamber is firmly sealed, and Randall has the only key. Should characters force entry into the chamber they will almost certainly inflame Randall’s anger, and they will need a good reason to avoid his wrath. Fortunately, that reason is readily apparent…The chamber is 40 feet square and the door has been sealed for centuries. Unfortunately, the chamber has suffered the ravages of time and the eastern wall has crumbled away, revealing passages that lead off to a vast underground

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labyrinth. The treasure that was buried with Edovara has been looted by the humanoids that lair nearby, and Edovara’s bones have been strewn about the floor and tunnel entrance. Characters passing by the sealed door to the chamber who succeed on a Listen DC20 can hear the distant sound of drums (though they know not what the sound may be as they listen) coming from far away behind the door. If Randall is made aware of the state of his wife’s chamber, he becomes morose and bitter, and it will require all the PCs skill at leadership in turning his dark thoughts aside. Read the following text aloud if Randall comes to learn of the desecration of Edovara’s crypt:

Lord Arkaster stands for a moment in the doorway to his wife’s crypt, his face stern and impassive. Then, his resolve appears to crumble before your very eyes and he sinks to his knees. “This is not what I had wished for you, my love,” he says, looking across the crypt floor to the bones that lay strewn about, the cracked plinth of the tomb and the yawning tunnel that leads into a twisting passageway beyond the ruined far wall. “All is lost, then. There can be no victory.” He turns to stare at you. “We are all forsaken.”

If the PCs cannot rouse Randall from his morose state, he remains here until well into the battle, hoping that Kaspar will come to seek him out. However, for maximum dramatic impact, have Randall come to the fore when the PCs need him most, say, at the climax to the act, or if they come face to face with Kaspar, himself.The tunnels that lead away from here have been left open for you to explore and fill as is required. Perhaps the drums sounding in the distance are not those of a humanoid camp but something altogether more sinister, at your discretion…

Encounter Key Area 15 – Arkaster & Gavarist Family Crypts mapThis area of the crypts has been claimed by Thistleback, the giant spider that lairs below. Read the following:

You enter a dark, dank hall that smells of decay and the weight of years. The sconces upon the walls no longer hold everbright torches as are fixed elsewhere within these crypts; instead cobwebs hang from the ceiling and walls, covering the floor as though it is layered in a thick mist. Fist-sized spiders scuttle away at your scrutiny.

The hall is 40 feet wide and 100 feet long, however the floor has fallen away in the far corner of the chamber, claiming a section 20 feet x 30 feet,

which leads down into pitch darkness. The spiders in this chamber have been drawn to the area by Thistleback, who has discovered her prize (the Eye that Gabriel hid in the crypts) on her last excursion through the halls to discover who so disturbed her rest. These spiders are disinterested in the PCs though and allow them to make their way through the hall. Should characters arrive at the far corner, have them make Listen checks (DC 10). Those who succeed can hear the sound of water rushing through the darkness below. Due to the cobwebs layering the floor, there is a good possibility that a PC falls through the wide hole, landing on the bank of the river, 20 feet below. The hole drops through 10 feet of rock before entering the cavern beneath. A rope secured to one of the sconces fixed to the walls in this chamber will be sufficient to hold a PC descending into Thistleback’s lair.

Playing Out The Vampire Lords WarThe battle between Randall Arkaster and Kaspar Wychlarch should be an event that the PCs witness from the periphery, as they are kept busy fighting the skeletons and other undead more suited to their level. However, they should be allowed to make a difference, as both vampires will be too interested in fighting one another to concern themselves over much with the petulant strikes from those thought of as a mere annoyance. The characters could fight for either side, depending on their choices throughout the church and their interaction with the two major NPCs. The battle may be fought anywhere in the complex; allow the PCs to act as strategists for whichever side they choose to fight with. As a gauge of which way the battle is turning, factor the ease with which the PCs fight through their enemies. If they are struggling, then their enemy’s Lord is winning the fight.

For a description of Randall fighting Kaspar, if required, use the following:

The two vampire lords are engaged in bitter fighting, with Kaspar utilising his sword, raking hands, and teeth while Randall moves with a fluidity that belies his apparent years, weaving a fine defence before him. And as the combat takes to the air, with the two swirling about each other in a series of dizzying manoeuvres, each appears to be the other’s equal, winning cuts from his opposite here, defending skilfully there. The dance is vicious and fought with every ounce of power and from your position, you cannot readily see which way this battle will play out.

If fighting for Kaspar, and he wins against Randall,

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then he looks upon the characters as potential allies that he can use in the future. Should this scenario play out, Kaspar Wychlarch could become a sponsor for evil aligned characters, however such sponsorship is not detailed within the scope of this adventure. Should the characters fight for Kaspar and Randall wins, he looks upon the PCs pityingly. He fears for their souls, but asks them to redeem themselves by finishing him. Alter the read aloud text below to meet this change in circumstance.If fighting for Randall, and he wins against Kaspar, then he is eternally grateful for the assistance they have offered. Should the characters fight for Randall and Kaspar wins, he treats the PCs like playthings, promising them that he will let them live, if only to haunt them and make a mockery of their faith.

Read the following aloud should Randall win:

“My friends, you cannot understand the joy, and the heartache I feel at this moment. Joy, in the very fact that evil has, at last, been vanquished from this place. Heartache in the knowledge that my existence has been driven all through these timeless years in vengeance; such a purpose that I would not wish upon anybody. And now, I am called to my beloved’s side. I would have you end my story here. Khorvaire does not need my bitterness during these years of healing. It needs good folk such as yourselves. Now, let us waste no more time. Destroy the mockery I have become and send my soul on its way. I have a mind to seek the whereabouts of Edovara.”

A Note on Reviving The DeadBoth Kaspar and Randall utilise magical items in order to revive their undead army. It would be prudent to suggest that under no circumstances should the PCs get their hands on these artifacts as such an ability would create an unbalanced group of PCs. If they do manage to get the ‘undead creation rings, well…unfortunately the charges have just run out, or possibly these items were tied to powerful undead and will only work in their lifeless hands…The two rings of undead creation do not raise a corpse and bring it back to life; simply the magic allows the corpse to be revived in its undead state, to retain memories of its past life and to operate at an undead level that is similar to the level possessed in life. This is why a range of assorted undead are present in the Bloodfall church area.

Bloodfall Crypts – Thistleback’s Lair

It is here that Thistleback, a Large Monstrous

Spider, lairs. She has claimed this place for many years, using the access tunnel that leads to the surface to find her prey and bring it back here. Recently, she has become aware of intruders to the crypts above and during her last visit she came across a glittering prize and unbeknownst to her, took the artifact that the PCs are looking for. She has become besotted with the large gem, luxuriating in its magical radiance. She will not readily give up her prized possession.

Encounter Key Area 16 – Thistleback’s Lair mapCharacters descending from Encounter Key 15 arrive here, on the western bank to the fast flowing underground river. Read the following aloud:

You descend into a cavern through which sweeps a fast-flowing river. The sandy riverbank is cluttered with broken flagstones fallen from above. Cobwebs coat the ceiling. On the far side of the river, which is approximately 10 feet wide and appears quite deep, the far riverbank leads up to another tunnel, again wreathed in thick, fluttering cobwebs. An outcrop of rock extends partially over the river a short distance along this side of the riverbank.

Characters can easily jump across the river using the rock outcropping (Jump DC5). The river is quite deep (6 feet) and its current is strong. Anyone falling into the river must succeed on a Swim DC15 or be swept along beneath the rock outcropping to Encounter Key Area 17.

Encounter Key Area 17 - Thistleback’s Lair map The river pours out here into a wide underground pool. A natural stair rises to the pool’s side and leads to Encounter Key 19. Read the following to anyone swept here. Alter the text if PCs come this way via the stair.

You are swept over the edge of a roaring waterfall into a wide underground pool, breaking the surface and kicking out for the sandy shore ahead. The cavern is large and a natural rock stair leads up to a crack in the far wall. The cavern is striated with the amber mineral you’ve seen about the caves on your journey here, and lends the cavern and the water in the pool a fiery glow.

A large chest (constructed from Soarwood) has been washed up on shore, partially buried by the sands. A spot check DC20 or Search DC10 is required to find it. The chest was originally placed in Encounter Key 15 by Ilyan Gavarist many years ago. With the subsequent collapse of the stone

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floor in that area the chest fell into the river, was swept over the waterfall and came to lie here. It is locked and trapped, though anyone bypassing these discovers the following named items, below. The trap trigger on the chest is sprung if the lock is tampered with, with two needles coated with poison flicking out from hidden compartments either side of the lock. There is no reset for the mechanism once sprung. There is no bypass option as the owner of the chest originally meant for no-one to open it without the required key. Both Search and Disable Device DCs are 20. Should the trap be activated, a Reflex Save DC20 is required to move before the needles strike. The viper poison on the needles has dried over the years to the effect that a scratch now only causes 1 point of damage. The chest contains the following:

600gp in a woven sack, tied with red silk3 vials of Potion of Healing2 rings of Protection +1, 1 Ring of Feather Falling & 1 Ring of Climbing – wrapped together in cloth1 Scroll of Darkvision1 Mace +11 suit of Masterwork Chainmail +1

The water in the pool is 12 feet deep. A Swim DC10 is required to gain the shore.

Encounter Key Area 18 – Thistleback’s Lair map As the PCs move through the archway connecting Encounter Key 16 to Encounter Key 19, they come upon Jerdek the dwarf, last of a company of dwarves who were ambushed by Thistleback and brought down to her lair. Having roused himself and torn free from the web, he’s escaped and is looking for a way out. Unfortunately, he made a wrong turn…

An ashen-faced dwarf charges around the corner of the tunnel ahead, his eyes wide with fear. He is virtually wrapped in cobwebs, lending him a most peculiar appearance, but as he sprints towards you he screams out at the top of his voice: “RUN!!!”

Jerdek halts 30 feet away from the characters. Read the following:

The dwarf comes to an abrupt halt, his hands going up to his neck. Suddenly his eyes roll back in his head and he falls forward, unmoving on the sandy passage floor.

Thistleback is not far away, having begun her chase of Jerdek. However, when the dwarf meets the PCs she waits just out of sight around the tunnel corner, listening to who has discovered her lair and

what their intentions are. She is loathe to leave her ‘prize’ -as she thinks of it - for any length of time however, and after four rounds (if not sooner if the PCs approach) retreats to her lair, there to ambush anyone thinking to steal her possessions or do her harm. Jerdek has been overcome by Thistleback’s poison. If anyone rushes to help him, they only have chance to hear him say:

“Beware the Thistleback…”

:…before he dies on the spot. Jerdek has nothing of note on his person, but a successful Spot check DC15 allows PCs to note the twin fang marks on the dwarf’s shoulder that have left a residue of poison and blood upon his clothes and flesh.

Encounter Key Area 19 – Thistleback’s Lair map (EL4)

This encounter should play out as the potential climax of this Act as the characters, having come this far, could theoretically leave via the exit tunnel, with the Eye in their possession. Thistleback has made her plans in the interim, however, retreating back from Encounter Key 18 to find a suitable place to lurk and catch the flies coming to her domain. As characters enter her lair, read aloud the following:

The tunnel rises, opening into a large cavern. The walls are striated with blazing amber mineral though cobwebs blanket the majority of the floor and ceiling. Natural alcoves, stalactites and cracks in the cavern wall abound, and several other tunnels branch off from the cave. Hanging from the webs in the ceiling you can see the unmistakable shape of three unmoving, cocooned dwarves. To the back of the cave, an eldritch light pulses rhythmically. An unnatural quietness lingers over the area, and you have the unmistakable impression of being watched.

Have the players roll D20. This roll serves merely to keep them on their toes, but they don’t know that. Thistleback is perched in the ceiling recess above the Eye, and cannot see the characters as they enter the cavern. She can detect them through use of her tremorsense skill when they come within 60 feet. It therefore holds true that the PCs cannot see Thistleback when they enter; indeed they will not see her until it’s – possibly – too late.There are several areas (marked A, B & C) on the Thistleback Lair area 19 section of the map. Use this in conjunction with the following notes to run through this encounter. NB: The following notes are Read Aloud entries:

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A) A short distance away, through a tear in the cobwebs upon the floor is a shallow pool. You can see the bones of animals and, perhaps more disconcertingly, those of humanoids lying beneath the waters and heaped high around the edges. A glowing scimitar hangs in the webbing above the pool, illuminating this area of the cavern.

The sword that hangs in the webbing was put here as a trophy by Thistleback. The thought that someone may tear it from the web and use it against her hasn’t crossed her mind. She is altogether too proud to suffer a fit of self doubt. The sword is a +1 Flaming Longsword, the power in this sword automatically arising once the sword is wielded with the command ‘Phoenix’ etched into the blade in Draconic. Read the following when used with the command word:

The sword suddenly blazes to fiery life as you sweep it in a downward arc, testing the weight and balance in your grip.

B) Ahead of you, in a deep alcove wreathed in cobwebs, a fist sized gem lies upon the floor, radiating a strong, magical light. The shadows in the walls and ceiling overhead shift with every pulse of the gem’s illumination.

Ask the PCs to rollD20. This is a spot check. A success on DC15 allows the PCs to note that there is no ceiling above the alcove; rather a natural rock chimney leads upwards. It is here that Thistleback waits, ready to drop on anyone stealing her gem. She is aware of the PCs through her tremorsense skill, and is anticipating the kill with some considerable excitement. So much so, in fact that her thick saliva is spilling from her jaws. If anyone succeeds on a DC10 Spot check, read the following:

You notice a thin stream of liquid falling from the blackness in the roof of the alcove. Slime spatters the rock to the side of the gem…

Anyone listening on a DC25 success can hear Thistleback manoeuvring slowly, and quietly, into position. Should anyone attempt to grab the gem, as they must surely do, read the following:

With a keening shriek, a great spider drops from the rock chimney into the alcove, its bulk easily filling the space. Hissing in fury it scuttles forward to attack, the thick hairs on its back bristling as it weaves towards you, eyes

glittering maliciously, jaws opened, ready for the kill. Tactics: Thistleback attacks ravenously and with scant disregard for her own safety; often throwing herself against one character after another, diverting her attacks to the closest PC. Thistleback is unusual for her kind and possesses a modicum of intelligence, having fed upon arcane energies whilst patrolling the corridors of Khyber in time long passed.

Thistleback: (Monstrous Spider, Large Vermin) HD4d8+4 (22hp); Init +3; Spd 30ft.; AC14 (touch 12, flatfooted 11); Base Attack/Grapple +3/+9; Attack Bite +4 melee (1d8+3 plus poison); Full Attack as above; SA Poison, web; SQ Darkvision 60ft., tremorsense 60ft., vermin traits; Saves Fort+5, Ref+4, Will+1; Abilities STR15, DEX17, CON12, INT4, WIS10, CHA2, Skills Climb+11, Hide+3, Jump+2, Spot+4, AL CN Monster Manual p.289

Use the following descriptions to maximise this combat:

• The spider leaps onto the cavern wall, head swivelling to fix you. With an enraged hiss, it leaps again, this time in your direction.

• The creature strikes out with its foreleg and then, quick as a flash darts in behind the feint, snapping at you with its slavering jaws.

• The spider rears back, and then with a shriek leaps forward once again.

• As though sensing your abilities, perceiving your attack patterns, the spider backs away, seeking an opportunity to strike through your defence.

• The spider leaps up onto the wall and from there to the ceiling, moving swiftly overhead, attempting to disorientate you as it drops down directly before you.

• The spider recoils, seething at the wound you’ve inflicted upon it.

• The creature’s jaws pin you up against the stalagmite, tearing through the protective clothing about your thigh. The pain is intense, but followed almost instantly by an icy numbness.

• Weaving away in pain, the creature drips bloody ichor from its mouth.

• Striking at the creature’s eye you almost lose your weapon as two powerful forelegs snap up to deflect the intended blow.

• Your strike severs the spider’s leg,

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spewing rancid smelling gore all over the cavern floor as it darts back to safety.

• The creature’s jaws close about your arm, and already you can feel a numbness spreading up into your shoulder.

Once Thistleback is finished, read the following:

The monstrosity’s legs buckle beneath it and with a tremendous shriek of rage it collapses, bloody ichor oozing from numerous wounds. With one last trembling shudder, the spider breathes its last.

Development: With Thistleback dead, the characters have nothing more to fear here. The Eye of The Last Hour is theirs for the taking, and if they so choose, they can leave the Bloodfall Crypts behind by taking the tunnel up into the forest above ground. Should anyone pick up the Eye, read the following:

You reach down and take the gem. It is roughly fist sized and glows with a green luminescence.

Anyone Appraising the gem DC15, realises that it is an emerald, and it is quite flawed. A detect magic spell cast upon the gem reveals that it is imbued with a magical essence, though quite what that essence is, is not revealed.

C) You notice a definite breeze flowing down this passageway, which rises quite steeply as far as you can see.

This tunnel leads upward, emerging in the forest a ¼ mile away from Bloodfall church. Characters searching this area (DC15) will come across the remains of Jerdek’s - and his fellow dwarves – encampment. If required, should the PCs be requiring healing potions, an unlocked chest lies here, complete with rations and 3 potions of healing. The camp is also replete with tents and firewood that the dwarves collected before they were ambushed by Thistleback. A small amount of gold (50gp) is also located at the camp.

Finishing Act I

If the PCs have emerged here having fought Thistleback and won the Eye, but have not played out the final encounter between Randall Arkaster and Kaspar Wychlarch, it is their choice whether they head back to the church, flee the area or head back to Bloodfall (and Shaska, if he still lives). Should they decide to leave the warring Vampire

Lords to their business, so be it. Regardless of their choices, once the PCs exit the church with the Eye of The Last Hour in their possession the adventure continues in Act II and the PCs are woven ever deeper into a foul plot in which no-one can be trusted…

Use the following cut-away scene as a tantalising taster of things to come.

The Closing Cut Away

The corpse’s hand falls limply from the slab and the man in the pool of light stands back, away from his experiment, attention diverted by the slight noise at the entrance to his laboratory.“Time to prepare yourself, Ixian,” the woman in the doorway says, her voice little more than a seductive whisper, carrying over the chamber of dead bodies like a chill breeze.Ixian shivers, mopping his brow, leaving a streak of blood that dribbles down, past his eye, to the corner of his creased mouth. Unconcerned, he steps forward.“Another wasted mind,” he tells her.“All that is set to change. I’ve a surprise for you.”“There’s nothing you nor that damned wyrm Incandevarus could do that would surprise me,” he tells her, pushing the bizarre apparatus of his studies (all needles and clamps) aside as he comes forward.“Oh, come now…we’ve become friends, surely?”“People who look for a position of power rarely have friends.”The Scarlet Bitch smiles. “True. But I tell you this, events are in motion that demand our attention, and your undeniable…skills…are required. After this, we’ll each of us have all we ever yearned for, and,” she casts an eye at the corpses in the room, “you’ll have no need of friends, living or dead.”“Then tell me your plans.”“Come walk with me,” she tells him. “I have a tale or two to tell regarding events at Bloodfall in eastern Breland…”

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Kaspar WychlarchKaspar Wychlarch, Male Vampire Spawn Undead4/Clr3: Medium Undead ; HD 4d12(Undead) , 3d8(Cleric) ; hp 43; Init +6; Spd 30; AC 21(Flatfooted:19, Touch:12); Atk +7 base melee, +6 base ranged; +7 (1d6+4, Slam); +7 (1d3+3, Unarmed strike); +4 (1d8+3, Longsword, Masterwork); +0/-1 (1d8+3, Longsword, Masterwork; 1d3+1, Unarmed strike); SA: Energy Drain (Su) , Blood Drain (Ex) , Domination (Su) ; SQ: Racial Traits: Undead Traits, Gaseous Form (Su), Spider Climb (Ex), Turn Resistance +2, Damage Reduction 5/Silver, Darkvision 60 ft., Fast Healing 2, Cold Resistance 10, Electricity Resistance 10, AL CE; SV Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +8; STR 16, DEX 14, CON --, INT 13, WIS 13, CHA 14.Skills: Bluff +16, Concentration +7, Diplomacy +8, Disguise +4, Forgery +3, Hide +4, Knowledge (Geography) +2, Knowledge (History) +2, Knowledge (Local) +2, Listen +10, Move Silently +5, Search +5, Sense Motive +5, Spellcraft +6, Spot +7, Survival +2. Feats: Alertness, Deceitful, Dodge, Extra Turning, Improved Initiative, Leadership, Lightning ReflexesSpells Prepared (Clr 4/3/1): 0 – Detect Magic, Inflict Minor Wounds, Read Magic, Resistance; 1st – Bane, Cause Fear, Command; 2nd – Death Knell.Possessions: Weapons: Longsword, Masterwork (315 gp).Armor: Elven Chain (8,300 gp).Shields: Shield, light steel, Masterwork (168 gp).Goods: Undead Creation ring

Randall ArkasterRandall Arkaster, Male Vampire Spawn Undead4/Clr8: Medium Undead ; HD 4d12(Undead) , 8d8(Cleric) ; hp 65; Init +6; Spd 30; AC 15(Flatfooted:13, Touch:12); Atk +11/6 base melee, +10/5 base ranged; +11 (1d6+4, Slam); +11/6 (1d3+3, Unarmed strike); +13/8 (1d8+3, Mace, heavy, Masterwork); +9/4/+3 (1d8+3, Mace, heavy, Masterwork; 1d3+1, Unarmed strike); SA: Energy Drain (Su) , Blood Drain (Ex) , Domination (Su) ; SQ: Racial Traits: Undead Traits, Gaseous Form (Su), Spider Climb (Ex), Turn Resistance +2, Damage Reduction 5/Silver, Darkvision 60 ft., Fast Healing 2, Cold Resistance 10, Electricity Resistance 10; AL CG; SV Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +11; STR 16, DEX 14, CON --, INT 13, WIS 13, CHA 14.Skills: Bluff +6, Concentration +8, Diplomacy +8, Heal +8, Hide +6, Knowledge (Geography) +4, Knowledge (History) +4, Knowledge (Local) +4, Knowledge (Nature) +2, Listen +7, Move Silently +6, Search +5, Sense Motive +5, Spellcraft +13, Spot +7. Feats: Alertness, Armor Proficiency: heavy, Armor Proficiency: light, Armor Proficiency: medium, Dodge, Extra Turning, Improved Critical: Slam, Improved Initiative, Leadership, Lightning Reflexes, Shield Proficiency, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Weapon Focus: Mace, heavy.Spells Prepared (Clr 6/5/3/3): 0 – Cure Minor Wounds, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Guidance, Light, Read Magic; 1st – Bless x2, Cure Light Wounds, Detect Evil, Magic Weapon; 2nd – Aid, Bull`s Strength, Zone of Truth; 3rd Cure Serious Wounds, Dispel Magic.Possessions: Weapons: Mace, heavy, Masterwork (312 gp).Armor: Splint mail, Masterwork (550 gp), Undead Creation ring

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