Extending Expectation Propagation for Graphical Models Yuan (Alan) Qi Joint work with Tom Minka.

Extending Expectation Propagation for Graphical Models Yuan (Alan) Qi Joint work with Tom Minka
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Transcript of Extending Expectation Propagation for Graphical Models Yuan (Alan) Qi Joint work with Tom Minka.

Page 1: Extending Expectation Propagation for Graphical Models Yuan (Alan) Qi Joint work with Tom Minka.

Extending Expectation Propagation for Graphical Models

Yuan (Alan) Qi

Joint work with Tom Minka

Page 2: Extending Expectation Propagation for Graphical Models Yuan (Alan) Qi Joint work with Tom Minka.


• Graphical models are widely used in real-world applications, such as wireless communications and bioinformatics.

• Inference techniques on graphical models often sacrifice efficiency for accuracy or sacrifice accuracy for efficiency.

• Need a method that better balances the trade-off between accuracy and efficiency.

Page 3: Extending Expectation Propagation for Graphical Models Yuan (Alan) Qi Joint work with Tom Minka.


Computational Time



What we want

Page 4: Extending Expectation Propagation for Graphical Models Yuan (Alan) Qi Joint work with Tom Minka.


• Background on expectation propagation (EP)

• Extending EP on Bayesian networks for dynamic systems– Poisson tracking– Signal detection for wireless communications

• Tree-structured EP on loopy graphs

• Conclusions and future work

Page 5: Extending Expectation Propagation for Graphical Models Yuan (Alan) Qi Joint work with Tom Minka.


• Background on expectation propagation (EP)

• Extending EP on Bayesian networks for dynamic systems– Poisson tracking– Signal detection for wireless communications

• Tree-structured EP on loopy graphs

• Conclusions and future work

Page 6: Extending Expectation Propagation for Graphical Models Yuan (Alan) Qi Joint work with Tom Minka.

Graphical Models


( Bayesian networks)


( Markov networks)

x1 x2

y1 y2

x1 x2

y1 y2



ipai ppp )|()|()( )()( xyxxyx, a

aZp )(

1)( yx,yx,

Page 7: Extending Expectation Propagation for Graphical Models Yuan (Alan) Qi Joint work with Tom Minka.

Inference on Graphical Models

• Bayesian inference techniques:– Belief propagation (BP): Kalman filtering

/smoothing, forward-backward algorithm– Monte Carlo: Particle filter/smoothers,

MCMC• Loopy BP: typically efficient, but not accurate

on general loopy graphs• Monte Carlo: accurate, but often not efficient

Page 8: Extending Expectation Propagation for Graphical Models Yuan (Alan) Qi Joint work with Tom Minka.

Expectation Propagation in a Nutshell

• Approximate a probability distribution by simpler parametric terms:

For directed graphs:

For undirected graphs:

• Each approximation term lives in an exponential family (e.g. Gaussian)


afp )()( xx a

afq )(~

)( xx



)|()( ajaia xxpf x

)()( aaf xx

Page 9: Extending Expectation Propagation for Graphical Models Yuan (Alan) Qi Joint work with Tom Minka.

EP in a Nutshell• The approximate term minimizes the

following KL divergence by moment matching:


||)()((minarg \\

















Where the leave-one-out approximation is



Page 10: Extending Expectation Propagation for Graphical Models Yuan (Alan) Qi Joint work with Tom Minka.

Limitations of Plain EP

• Can be difficult or expensive to analytically compute the needed moments in order to minimize the desired KL divergence.

• Can be expensive to compute and maintain a valid approximation distribution q(x), which is coherent under marginalization. – Tree-structured q(x): )()( iji xq,xxq



Page 11: Extending Expectation Propagation for Graphical Models Yuan (Alan) Qi Joint work with Tom Minka.

Three Extensions1. Instead of choosing the approximate term to

minimize the following KL divergence:


||)()((minarg \\










use other criteria.2. Use numerical approximation to compute moments: Quadrature or Monte Carlo.

3. Allow the tree-structured q(x) to be non-coherent during the iterations. It only needs to be coherent in the end.

Page 12: Extending Expectation Propagation for Graphical Models Yuan (Alan) Qi Joint work with Tom Minka.

Efficiency vs. Accuracy

Computational Time



Extended EP ?

Monte Carlo

Loopy BP (Factorized EP)

Page 13: Extending Expectation Propagation for Graphical Models Yuan (Alan) Qi Joint work with Tom Minka.


• Background on expectation propagation (EP)

• Extending EP on Bayesian networks for dynamic systems– Poisson tracking– Signal detection for wireless communications

• Tree-structured EP on loopy graphs

• Conclusions and future work

Page 14: Extending Expectation Propagation for Graphical Models Yuan (Alan) Qi Joint work with Tom Minka.

Object Tracking

Guess the position of an object given noisy observations









Page 15: Extending Expectation Propagation for Graphical Models Yuan (Alan) Qi Joint work with Tom Minka.

Bayesian Network

ttt νxx 1

noise tt xy

(random walk)e.g.

want distribution of x’s given y’s

x1 x2 xT

y1 y2 yT

Page 16: Extending Expectation Propagation for Graphical Models Yuan (Alan) Qi Joint work with Tom Minka.



1111 )|()|()|()(),(t

tttt xypxxpxypxpp yx


111111 )(~)(~)(~)(~)()(t

tttttttt xoxpxpxoxpq x

Factorized and Gaussian in x

Page 17: Extending Expectation Propagation for Graphical Models Yuan (Alan) Qi Joint work with Tom Minka.

Message Interpretation

)(~)(~)(~)( 11 tttttttt xpxoxpxq

= (forward msg)(observation msg)(backward msg)



Forward Message

Backward Message

Observation Message

Page 18: Extending Expectation Propagation for Graphical Models Yuan (Alan) Qi Joint work with Tom Minka.

Extensions of EP• Instead of matching moments, use any

method for approximate filtering.– Examples: statistical linearization, unscented

Kalman filter (UKF), mixture of Kalman filtersTurn any deterministic filtering method into a

smoothing method! All methods can be interpreted as finding

linear/Gaussian approximations to original terms.

• Use quadrature or Monte Carlo for term approximations

Page 19: Extending Expectation Propagation for Graphical Models Yuan (Alan) Qi Joint work with Tom Minka.

Example: Poisson Tracking

• is an integer valued Poisson variate with mean )exp( tx


Page 20: Extending Expectation Propagation for Graphical Models Yuan (Alan) Qi Joint work with Tom Minka.

Poisson Tracking Model

)01.0,(~)|( 11 ttt xNxxp

)100,0(~)( 1 Nxp

!/)exp()|( tx

tttt yexyxyp t

Page 21: Extending Expectation Propagation for Graphical Models Yuan (Alan) Qi Joint work with Tom Minka.

Extended EP vs. Monte Carlo: Accuracy



Page 22: Extending Expectation Propagation for Graphical Models Yuan (Alan) Qi Joint work with Tom Minka.

Accuracy/Efficiency Tradeoff

Page 23: Extending Expectation Propagation for Graphical Models Yuan (Alan) Qi Joint work with Tom Minka.

Bayesian network for Wireless Signal Detection

x1 x2 xT

y1 y2 yT

s1 s2 sT

si: Transmitted signals

xi: Channel coefficients for digital wireless communications

yi: Received noisy observations

Page 24: Extending Expectation Propagation for Graphical Models Yuan (Alan) Qi Joint work with Tom Minka.

Extended-EP Joint Signal Detection and Channel Estimation

• Turn mixture of Kalman filters into a smoothing method

• Smoothing over the last observations

• Observations before act as prior for the current estimation

)( t

Page 25: Extending Expectation Propagation for Graphical Models Yuan (Alan) Qi Joint work with Tom Minka.

Computational Complexity• Expectation propagation O(nLd2)

• Stochastic mixture of Kalman filters O(LMd2)

• Rao-blackwellised particle smoothers O(LMNd2)

n: Number of EP iterations (Typically, 4 or 5)

d: Dimension of the parameter vector

L: Smooth window length

M: Number of samples in filtering (Often larger than 500)

N: Number of samples in smoothing (Larger than 50)

EP is about 5,000 times faster than Rao-blackwellised particle smoothers.

Page 26: Extending Expectation Propagation for Graphical Models Yuan (Alan) Qi Joint work with Tom Minka.

Experimental Results

EP outperforms particle smoothers in efficiency with comparable accuracy.

(Chen, Wang, Liu 2000)

Signal-Noise-Ratio Signal-Noise-Ratio

Page 27: Extending Expectation Propagation for Graphical Models Yuan (Alan) Qi Joint work with Tom Minka.

Bayesian Networks for Adaptive Decoding

x1 x2 xT

y1 y2 yT

e1 e2 eT

The information bits et are coded by a convolutional

error-correcting encoder.

Page 28: Extending Expectation Propagation for Graphical Models Yuan (Alan) Qi Joint work with Tom Minka.

EP Outperforms Viterbi Decoding


Page 29: Extending Expectation Propagation for Graphical Models Yuan (Alan) Qi Joint work with Tom Minka.


• Background on expectation propagation (EP)

• Extending EP on Bayesian networks for dynamic systems– Poisson tracking– Signal detection for wireless communications

• Tree-structured EP on loopy graphs

• Conclusions and future work

Page 30: Extending Expectation Propagation for Graphical Models Yuan (Alan) Qi Joint work with Tom Minka.

Inference on Loopy Graphs

Problem: estimate marginal distributions of the variables indexed by the nodes in a loopy graph, e.g., p(xi), i = 1, . . . , 16.

X1 X2 X3 X4

X5 X6 X7 X8

X9 X10 X11 X12

X13 X14 X15 X16

Page 31: Extending Expectation Propagation for Graphical Models Yuan (Alan) Qi Joint work with Tom Minka.

4-node Loopy Graph


2x 3x



afp )()( xx

Joint distribution is product of pairwise potentials for all edges:

Want to approximate by a simpler distribution)(xp

Page 32: Extending Expectation Propagation for Graphical Models Yuan (Alan) Qi Joint work with Tom Minka.

BP vs. TreeEP


2x 3x



2x 3x


2x 3x

1x1xBP TreeEP

Page 33: Extending Expectation Propagation for Graphical Models Yuan (Alan) Qi Joint work with Tom Minka.

Junction Tree Representation

p(x) q(x) Junction tree

p(x) q(x) Junction tree

Page 34: Extending Expectation Propagation for Graphical Models Yuan (Alan) Qi Joint work with Tom Minka.

Two Kinds of Edges

• On-tree edges, e.g., (x1,x4): exactly incorporated into the junction tree

• Off-tree edges, e.g., (x1,x2): approximated by projecting them onto the tree structure


2x 3x


Page 35: Extending Expectation Propagation for Graphical Models Yuan (Alan) Qi Joint work with Tom Minka.

KL Minimization • KL minimization moment matching

• Match single and pairwise marginals of

• Reduces to exact inference on single loops– Use cutset conditioning


2x 3x



2x 3x



Page 36: Extending Expectation Propagation for Graphical Models Yuan (Alan) Qi Joint work with Tom Minka.

Matching Marginals on Graph

(1) Incorporate edge (x3 x4)

x3 x4

x5 x7

x1 x2

x1 x3 x1 x4

x3 x5

x3 x6

(2) Incorporate edge (x6 x7)

x5 x7

x1 x2

x1 x3 x1 x4

x3 x5

x3 x6

x6 x7

x5 x7

x1 x2

x1 x3 x1 x4

x3 x5

x3 x6x5 x7

x1 x2

x1 x3 x1 x4

x3 x5

x3 x6x5 x7

x1 x2

x1 x3 x1 x4

x3 x5

x3 x6

Page 37: Extending Expectation Propagation for Graphical Models Yuan (Alan) Qi Joint work with Tom Minka.

Drawbacks of Global Propagation

• Update all the cliques even when only incorporating one off-tree edge – Computationally expensive

• Store each off-tree data message as a whole tree– Require large memory size

Page 38: Extending Expectation Propagation for Graphical Models Yuan (Alan) Qi Joint work with Tom Minka.

Solution: Local Propagation

• Allow q(x) be non-coherent during the iterations. It only needs to be coherent in the end.

• Exploit the junction tree representation: only locally propagate information within the minimal loop (subtree) that is directly connected to the off-tree edge.– Reduce computational complexity

– Save memory

Page 39: Extending Expectation Propagation for Graphical Models Yuan (Alan) Qi Joint work with Tom Minka.

x5 x7

x1 x2

x1 x3 x1 x4

x3 x5

x3 x6

x3 x4

x1 x2

x1 x3 x1 x4

x5 x7

x1 x2

x1 x3 x1 x4

x3 x5

x3 x6

x5 x7

x1 x2

x1 x3 x1 x4

x3 x5

x3 x6

x3 x5

x6 x7

x5 x7

x3 x5

x3 x6

(1) Incorporate edge(x3 x4)

(3) Incorporate edge (x6 x7)

(2) Propagate evidence

On this simple graph, local propagation runs roughly 2 times faster and uses 2 times less memory to store messages than plain EP

Page 40: Extending Expectation Propagation for Graphical Models Yuan (Alan) Qi Joint work with Tom Minka.

New Interpretation of TreeEP

• Marry EP with Junction algorithm

• Can perform efficiently over hypertrees and hypernodes

Page 41: Extending Expectation Propagation for Graphical Models Yuan (Alan) Qi Joint work with Tom Minka.

4-node Graph

TreeEP = the proposed method GBP = generalized belief propagation on triangles TreeVB = variational tree BP = loopy belief propagation = Factorized EP MF = mean-field

Page 42: Extending Expectation Propagation for Graphical Models Yuan (Alan) Qi Joint work with Tom Minka.

Fully-connected graphs

Results are averaged over 10 graphs with randomly generated potentials• TreeEP performs the same or better than all other methods in both accuracy and efficiency!

Page 43: Extending Expectation Propagation for Graphical Models Yuan (Alan) Qi Joint work with Tom Minka.

8x8 grids, 10 trials

Method FLOPS Error

Exact 30,000 0

TreeEP 300,000 0.149

BP/double-loop 15,500,000 0.358

GBP 17,500,000 0.003

Page 44: Extending Expectation Propagation for Graphical Models Yuan (Alan) Qi Joint work with Tom Minka.

TreeEP versus BP and GBP

• TreeEP is always more accurate than BP and is often faster

• TreeEP is much more efficient than GBP and more accurate on some problems

• TreeEP converges more often than BP and GBP

Page 45: Extending Expectation Propagation for Graphical Models Yuan (Alan) Qi Joint work with Tom Minka.


• Background on expectation propagation (EP)

• Extending EP on Bayesian networks for dynamic systems– Poisson tracking– Signal detection for wireless communications

• Tree-structured EP on loopy graphs

• Conclusions and future work

Page 46: Extending Expectation Propagation for Graphical Models Yuan (Alan) Qi Joint work with Tom Minka.


• Extend EP on graphical models:– Instead of minimizing KL divergence, use other

sensible criteria to generate messages. Effectively turn any deterministic filtering method into a smoothing method.

– Use quadrature to approximate messages.– Local propagation to save the computation and

memory in tree structured EP.

Page 47: Extending Expectation Propagation for Graphical Models Yuan (Alan) Qi Joint work with Tom Minka.


• Extended EP algorithms outperform state-of-art inference methods on graphical models in the trade-off between accuracy and efficiency

Computational Time



Extended EP


Page 48: Extending Expectation Propagation for Graphical Models Yuan (Alan) Qi Joint work with Tom Minka.

Future Work

• More extensions of EP:– How to choose a sensible approximation family (e.g.

which tree structure)

– More flexible approximation: mixture of EP?

– Error bound?

– Bayesian conditional random fields

– EP for optimization (generalize max-product)

• More real-world applications, e.g., classification of gene expression data.

Page 49: Extending Expectation Propagation for Graphical Models Yuan (Alan) Qi Joint work with Tom Minka.

Classifying Colon Cancer Data by Predictive Automatic Relevance Determination

• The task: distinguish normal and cancer samples

• The dataset: 22 normal and 40 cancer samples with 2000 features per sample.

• The dataset was randomly split 100 times into 50 training and 12 testing samples.

• SVM results from Li et al. 2002

Page 50: Extending Expectation Propagation for Graphical Models Yuan (Alan) Qi Joint work with Tom Minka.


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