Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey & protected species … · 2015-02-04 · EXTENDED PHASE 1 HABITAT...


Transcript of Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey & protected species … · 2015-02-04 · EXTENDED PHASE 1 HABITAT...

Page 1: Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey & protected species … · 2015-02-04 · EXTENDED PHASE 1 HABITAT SURVEY & PROTECTED SPECIES SURVEY / ASSESSMENT - Land off Lower Lane, Longridge,



- Land off Lower Lane, Longridge, Lancashire, PR3 3PQ -

Page 2: Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey & protected species … · 2015-02-04 · EXTENDED PHASE 1 HABITAT SURVEY & PROTECTED SPECIES SURVEY / ASSESSMENT - Land off Lower Lane, Longridge,



- Land off Lower Lane, Longridge, Lancashire, PR3 3PQ -

A report for

Avalon Chartered Town Planning

2 Reedley Business Centre,

Redman Road

BB10 2TY

Report authors

PENNINE Ecological 24 The Highgrove




Tel/Fax. (01204) 844545

email: [email protected]

web: www.pennineecological.co.uk

Robert N. Leatham B.Sc. (Hons.), P. dip.

August 2014

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- Land off Lower Lane, Longridge, Lancashire, PR3 3PQ -



1.1 Reasons for Survey 1

1.2 Site Location 1

1.3 Site Status 1

1.4 Survey Constraints 2


2.1 Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey 3

2.2 Protected Species Surveys 7


3.1 Evaluation of Survey & Recommendations 9


4.1 References 12

APPENDIX 1: Map 1: Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey

Site Photographs

APPENDIX 2: Desk Top Study

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Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey & Protected Species Survey / Assessment

- Land off Lower Lane, Longridge, Lancashire, PR3 3PQ -


PENNINE Ecological 1

August 2014



PENNINE Ecological have been commissioned by Avalon Chartered Town Planning, to

undertake an Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey and protected species survey / assessment of

Land off Lower Lane, Longridge, Lancashire, PR3 3PQ.

The study includes a vegetation and badger survey, together with assessment for other

potential protected species issues. The study also includes a desk top ecological data search

with Lancashire County Council.

The report includes a full evaluation of the ecological significance of the survey findings.

The surveys are required due to proposals for site development.


The site is located on the southern urban edge of Longridge to the south of the B5623 Lower

Lane. The sites central National Grid Reference is SD 608 368.

The locations of the habitats surveyed are shown on Map 1 Appendix 1.


A desk top study was commissioned as part of the survey. This included searches for both

statutory protected sites and non-statutory sites within 500m radii of the site survey boundary.

The data request also includes records of protected species within 500m radii of the site.

Lancashire Environment Record Network (LERN), were consulted to provide details of non-

statutory sites and protected species records.

1.3.1 Statutory Sites:

Details of statutory sites were sought from the Natural England web site search:


There are no statutory wildlife sites with in 500m of the site.

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Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey & Protected Species Survey / Assessment

- Land off Lower Lane, Longridge, Lancashire, PR3 3PQ -


PENNINE Ecological 2

August 2014

1.3.2 Non-Statutory Sites:

There are two Biological Heritage Sites (BHS) within 500m of the site boundary. These are as


Alston Reservoirs: Site Code 63NW01: Approximately 320m SW at nearest point to site.

This site is important for wintering wildfowl and species-rich grassland embankments.

College Wood: Site Code 63NW02: Approximately 420m SE at nearest point to site.

This site includes semi-natural ancient woodland and is listed on the Lancashire Inventory of

Ancient Woodland (Provisional), English Nature, 1994.

The full site details are provided in Appendix 2.

1.3.3 Protected Species / Habitat Data:

N.b. Refer to Appendix 2 for full details of protected species records and other species.

The data search reveals no records that can be related directly to the site. There are five

Lancashire Key species records. These are; hedgehog, bluebell, a moth species, swallow and

pipistrelle bat species. The bat species record is from 1998 and is approximately 150m north

of the site at its nearest point.

A full list of species within the search area is shown in Appendix 2.


The survey was conducted on 15th

August which is an optimal time for Extended Phase 1

Habitat Survey.

There were no constraints to other protected species surveys / assessments and the site was

fully accessible.

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Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey & Protected Species Survey / Assessment

- Land off Lower Lane, Longridge, Lancashire, PR3 3PQ -


PENNINE Ecological 3

August 2014



2.1.1 Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey Methodology:

An Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey (Nature Conservancy Council 1990) of the study area

was undertaken August 15th

2014. The site’s habitats were mapped and higher vascular plant

species were recorded and given abundance values according to the standard DAFOR scale,


D = Dominant

A = Abundant

F = Frequent

O = Occasional

R = Rare

Where appropriate these values can be prefixed by the letter L (locally) or V (very), to

provide more subtle biogeographical data.

2.1.2 Habitats Present:

A2.2 Scattered scrub (in hedgerow)

A3.1 Scattered broadleaved trees (in hedgerow)

J1.1 Arable

J2.1.1 Intact species-rich hedge

J2.1.2 Intact species-poor hedge

J2.2.1 Defunct species-rich hedge

2.1.3 General Description:

This site is approximately 185m by 90m in maximum dimensions, located on very gently

sloping ground with a southerly aspect.

The site is open in nature and had been recently ploughed prior to the survey.

Areas of semi-natural vegetation relate to mature hedgerows on the northern, eastern, western

and part of the southern boundaries.

All hedgerows are dominated by hawthorn. The hedgerows on the western and southern

boundaries are species-rich.

Two mature pedunculate oak and an ash tree are present in the hedgerows.

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Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey & Protected Species Survey / Assessment

- Land off Lower Lane, Longridge, Lancashire, PR3 3PQ -


PENNINE Ecological 4

August 2014

2.1.4 Target Notes:

Target Note 1: Intact species-poor hedgerow (eastern boundary):

The hedge on the sites eastern boundary runs alongside a farm track. The following species

were recorded;

Hedge (woody species):

Species: Abundance:

Hawthorn D

Elder R

Pedunculate oak (sapling) R

Rowan R

Hedge bottom species:

Species: Abundance:

Cock’s-foot F

Yorkshire-fog F

Bramble F

Common nettle F

Garlic mustard O

Bittersweet R

Target Note 2: Intact species-poor hedgerow (northern boundary):

The hedge on the sites northern boundary runs along the back gardens of properties on Lower

Lane. The following species were recorded;

Hedge (woody species):

Species: Abundance:

Hawthorn D

Grey willow VLF

Hazel VLF

Blackthorn VLF

Elder O

Horse chestnut R

Holly R

Ash R

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Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey & Protected Species Survey / Assessment

- Land off Lower Lane, Longridge, Lancashire, PR3 3PQ -


PENNINE Ecological 5

August 2014

Target Note 2: Intact species-poor hedgerow (northern boundary): Cont:

Hedge bottom species:

Species: Abundance:

Cock’s-foot A

Yorkshire-fog A

Cleavers LA

Bramble F

False oat-grass LF

Creeping buttercup LF

Hedge bindweed LF

Ivy LF / O

Cow parsley O

Raspberry VLF

Great willowherb VLF

Target Note 3: Intact species-rich hedgerow (western boundary):

A short length of hedge on the sites western boundary. The following species were recorded;

Hedge (woody species):

Species: Abundance:

Hawthorn D

Blackthorn F

Blackthorn/wild plum cross (Prunus sp.) VLF

Crab apple R

Elder O

Dog rose R

Hedge bottom species:

Species: Abundance:

Yorkshire-fog A

False oat-grass LA

Cock’s-foot F

Common nettle F

Bramble F

Hedge bindweed LF

Cleavers LF

Great willowherb O

Bittersweet O

Male-fern R

Foxglove R

Greater plantain R

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Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey & Protected Species Survey / Assessment

- Land off Lower Lane, Longridge, Lancashire, PR3 3PQ -


PENNINE Ecological 6

August 2014

Target Note 4: Mature pedunculate oak in hedge associated with Target Note 6:

A mature oak tree in the sites south west corner within the hedge associated with Target Note

6 has a bat box installed on the southern side of the main trunk.

Target Note 5: Mature ash in hedge associated with Target Note 2:

A mature ash tree is present on the sites northern boundary within the hedge associated with

Target Note 2. The tree has a dense cover of ivy on the main trunk which has potential to

support bat roosts.

Target Note 6: Defunct species-rich hedgerow (southern boundary):

A defunct hedge on the sites southern boundary, with only a few gaps. A ditch is present in

mid-section, holding shallow (<5cm deep) water after recent heavy rain prior to the survey.

The following species were recorded;

Hedge (woody species):

Species: Abundance:

Hawthorn D

Elder F

Hazel LF

Crab apple VLF

Pedunculate oak R

Holly R

Hedge bottom species:

Species: Abundance:

Cleavers LA

Yorkshire-fog F

Bramble F

Common nettle F

Bittersweet LF

Hogweed LF

Great willowherb LF

Ivy LF

Floating sweet-grass VLF

Broad buckler-fern O

Soft-rush R

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Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey & Protected Species Survey / Assessment

- Land off Lower Lane, Longridge, Lancashire, PR3 3PQ -


PENNINE Ecological 7

August 2014


During the Phase 1 Habitat Survey additional surveys were undertaken where appropriate for

the presence of other potential protected species. The following surveys were undertaken.

2.2.1 Badger Survey:


A badger survey was undertaken of the site. The badger survey used standard techniques for

establishing the use of the site by badger, and includes searches for evidence of badgers


• Setts

• Pathways

• Footprints

• Latrines

• Foraging areas

• Scratching posts

• Boundary searches for runs, pathways and latrines.

The survey results are outlined below.


Sett Search:

The survey found no setts on site.

Search for Foraging Signs and Pathways:

The site was thoroughly searched for badger pathways and signs of foraging. No sign of

badger activity was found therefore it can be concluded that the species is not using this area

for foraging or commuting.

Boundary Search:

All of the boundaries of the site were walked and examined for potential runs, pathways and

latrines. The search found no evidence to suggest badger activity along any of the site


The absence of any activity signs indicates that badgers are not entering the site. The absence

of latrines indicates a lack of territorial activity in the near vicinity of the site.

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Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey & Protected Species Survey / Assessment

- Land off Lower Lane, Longridge, Lancashire, PR3 3PQ -


PENNINE Ecological 8

August 2014

2.2.2 Bats:

During the survey an assessment of bat roost potential and foraging habitats was undertaken.

One ash tree on the sites northern boundary supports dense ivy cover on the main trunk that

has bat roost potential. An oak tree on the sites south west boundary hedgerow has a bat box


The sites boundary hedgerows have value as bat foraging habitat.

2.2.3 Other Protected Species:

Issues in relation to other potential protected species where no specific survey was undertaken

are assessed in the following section.

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Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey & Protected Species Survey / Assessment

- Land off Lower Lane, Longridge, Lancashire, PR3 3PQ -


PENNINE Ecological 9

August 2014



The following section evaluates the site in relation to statutory/non-statutory sites, protected

species and species/habitats listed on the former UK Biodiversity Action Plan Priority List,

Section 41 Species/Habitats of Principal Importance in England (NERC) Act 2006, and the

Lancashire Biodiversity Action Plan.

3.1.1 Statutory Sites:

There are no statutory wildlife sites associated with the site. There are no statutory sites

within 500m of the site.

3.1.2 Biological Heritage Sites/non statutory designations:

The area affected by the proposed works fails to meet any of the guidelines for selection

associated with the Lancashire Biological Heritage Site scheme.

There are no County Biological Heritage Sites (BHS) associated with the site.

3.1.3 Sites Habitats & Higher Plant Species:

The habitats lost to development do not meet any guidelines for Lancashire BAP habitat

status. The habitat (arable / ploughed field) and plant species recorded on site are common

and widespread and are considered to be of local (Parish) value.

The hedgerows on the sites boundaries are all Section 41 Habitats of Principal Importance in

England (NERC) Act 2006. However none of the hedgerows qualify as an ‘Important

Hedgerows’ under the Hedgerow Regulations (1997). It is understood that the boundary

hedgerows are largely unaffected by proposed development, although there is likely to be a

requirement to remove a short section of hedge alongside the track (Target Note 1) for site


The data search reveals no records that can definitely be related directly to the site.

Recommendations: Habitats & Higher Plant Species:

There are no requirements for further surveys.

The development must ensure that there is no disturbance to the boundary hedgerows, other

than gaining site access. All remaining lengths of boundary hedgerow must be retained with

the provision of an undeveloped fenced buffer zone, particularly along the northern, western

and southern hedge lengths.

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Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey & Protected Species Survey / Assessment

- Land off Lower Lane, Longridge, Lancashire, PR3 3PQ -


PENNINE Ecological 10

August 2014

3.1.4 Protected Species:


Badgers are protected under Schedule 6 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, and under

the Protection of Badgers Act 1992, which prohibits deliberate interference with the animal or

its sett.

The survey found no evidence of historic, recent or current use of the site by badgers for

foraging, commuting or occupation and the species is considered to be absent.

Recommendations: Badgers;

There are no issues in relation to badgers arising from the development. No further surveys

are required.


Bats are comprehensively protected by European legislation.

One ash tree on the sites northern boundary supports dense ivy cover on the main trunk that

has bat roost potential. An oak tree on the sites south west boundary hedgerow has a bat box

installed. All other trees on site have no bat roost potential.

The site is considered to have some value as bat foraging habitat.

Recommendations: Bats;

It is understood that the ash and oak trees are unaffected by the works. However should this

not be the case then more detailed bat roost inspections of these trees will be required.

Boundary buffer zones around the whole site perimeter should be maximised/enhanced to

ensure potential foraging routes are maintained. In all cases illumination of boundary features

(hedgerows and mature trees must be avoided). Where lighting is required this must be low

level, directed downwards and of low intensity.

Great Crested Newt:

Great crested newt is comprehensively protected under European legislation.

There are no waterbodies on the site, other than a short section of ditch which held shallow

(5cm deep) ephemeral water following heavy rain, prior to the survey. This ephemeral

waterbody is considered totally unsuitable for the species and will be subject to frequent

drying out throughout the year. There are no ponds within 250m of the site.

Recommendations: Great Crested Newt;

There are no requirements for further survey and the species is considered absent from the

site, beyond reasonable doubt.

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Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey & Protected Species Survey / Assessment

- Land off Lower Lane, Longridge, Lancashire, PR3 3PQ -


PENNINE Ecological 11

August 2014


All breeding birds (with only minor exceptions) are protected under the Wildlife and

Countryside Act (1981) as amended.

The boundary hedgerow and trees have potential to support breeding birds.

Recommendations: Birds;

No strategic bird surveys are required. However before any development and in order to

minimize impacts on birds any site disturbance including removal of trees / hedgerow

sections should take place outside of the breeding season, i.e. between the end of August and

end of February. Following the felling of trees/scrub etc, piles of brash should be removed

from the site, failure to do so could provide potential nest sites if left in situ until the

following breeding season.

If removal of woody vegetation is envisaged during the breeding season, then checks should

be made to establish any nesting or breeding activity, prior to removal.

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Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey & Protected Species Survey / Assessment

- Land off Lower Lane, Longridge, Lancashire, PR3 3PQ -


PENNINE Ecological 12

August 2014



Lancashire County Planning Department, (1998) Biological Heritage Sites. Guidelines for

Selection. Lancashire County Council

Nature Conservancy Council (1990) Handbook for Phase 1 Habitat Survey – A Technique for

Environmental Audit. Nature Conservancy Council.

Rose, F. (1981) The Wildflower Key. Warne.

Stace, C., (1997) New Flora of the British Isles (Second edition). Cambridge University Press.

Web Sites:

Biodiversity Planning Toolkit - Association of Local Government Ecologists (ALGE) et al.

Google Earth.

Lancashire Biodiversity Partnership website.


Natural England – Nature on the Map.

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Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey & Protected Species Survey / Assessment

- Land off Lower Lane, Longridge, Lancashire, PR3 3PQ -


PENNINE Ecological 13

August 2014


Map 1: Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey

Site Photographs

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Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey & Protected Species Survey / Assessment

- Land off Lower Lane, Longridge, Lancashire, PR3 3PQ -


PENNINE Ecological 1

August 2014

Site Photographs: August 15th 2014

Target Note 1: Hedgerow and site (ploughed field)

Target Note 1: Hedgerow

Target Note 1: Hedgerow and site (ploughed field)

Target Note 1: Hedgerow and site (ploughed field)

Target Note 2: Hedgerow and site (ploughed field)

Site viewed from northern boundary, looking SW


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Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey & Protected Species Survey / Assessment

- Land off Lower Lane, Longridge, Lancashire, PR3 3PQ -


PENNINE Ecological 2

August 2014

Target Note 2/5: Hedgerow and mature ash tree with dense ivy cover providing potential for bat roosts.

Target Note 2: Hedgerow and site (ploughed field), looking east from western site boundary.

Target Note 3: Hedgerow and site (ploughed field), looking south along western boundary.

Target Note 4: Bat or large bird box (front elevation not visible form site).

Target Note 6: Hedgerow and site (ploughed field), looking east.

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Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey & Protected Species Survey / Assessment

- Land off Lower Lane, Longridge, Lancashire, PR3 3PQ -


PENNINE Ecological 3

August 2014

Target Note 6: Shallow short length of ephemeral standing water in ditch at the base of the hedgerow.

Site general view looking west from eastern boundary.

Site general view looking north west from eastern boundary.

Site general view looking north from southern boundary.

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Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey & Protected Species Survey / Assessment

- Land off Lower Lane, Longridge, Lancashire, PR3 3PQ -


PENNINE Ecological 1

August 2014


Desk Top Study

(Note data in separate file)