
TOM HAGARTY 0800982 Exsternal Postioning


Looking at the world and how my work can get out there

Transcript of Exsternal

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TOM HAGARTY0800982Exsternal Postioning

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Before my third year

My third year

A plan for the future, who can help, what has been done/can I do.

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Paper Co



IllustrationScreen PrintingLino (relife printing)PhotographyBook MakingVector ArtFilmAnimation

Visiting AIRSIDERAG Factory Exhibition

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Airside is a highbride design studio doing a bit of everying from an exhibition insterlation, branding, Illustration to animation, adapting to the brief and client. When we visted Airside we had a small tour of the studio and then taken to the meeting room to talk and look at the pevious 3rd years posrtfolios learning how to lay them out for industry.

What I learnt from the visit was:

Telling a stroy with you work. Starting off from the conseps of your work and idea to the final outcome

For illustrations having them loss for the clients to play with and look at more freely. In a box and never having a problem with landscape and portaite. Bigger prints for images. Story boreds or sketched can be on a single spread.

If you are going to show your work there is no need to having explanations as you are there to explain. The explanations will work well on a PDF.

Having a clear idea of how you work so the client knows hows to use you.

If using a background make sure it works well with the imagry and typography. Grey or black creates the colour stand out.

Personal work is always good to see, not everything has to be client bassed. Being able to see who you are, but seeing a brief set work can show how well you answer the briefs. So a mixtur of the two will work well.

With photographing work make sure it is a continus feel through out. eg all objects shot on the grass or a white background.

The new illustrator should be able to animate their work or direct their. Also an illustratotion is different to an animation with its fine still imagery telling the story in one shot, while an animation can be relaxed and take several movements to tell the story.

We got given a canvas bag and calander afterwards as they had some left over. Airside is a big studio of different skills and I feel that i would work well in a colabritave like Airside.

Their work inspires me a lot and I feel that there bold colour full designs link well with how I work.


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In part of the Make me Think weeks there was a chance to get work in an exhibition, which was set up by two students Ruth Page and Jade Sibley, from their design investigation they looked into creative and art direction / exhibition curators and decided that’s what they want to do with their life’s. I felt this was a great opportunity to get peoples work out in to the open and gain an experience of being in an exhibition. The work they wanted was either from the Make Me Think weeks or any old work that linked well with the Make Me Think. I entered my lino cuts and photographs, one big print and lots of 6x4 prints for the photograph wall.

I gave up my time to go down on Monday to help set it all up, which I’m glad I did because I have understood how hard setting up and organizing and exhibition is. Jack Young and me put the photograph wall up together as the girls where rushed off their feet luckily they where happy with what we put up and how we laid it out. Giving enough space between each photograph and not bunching them all up to tight, as this would make them loss their individuality.

For my big photograph I didn’t want it to be behind glass as I felt the viewer would not be able to see it in full detail with all the lights around it and at different angles. When talking to Ken Garland about my work he was saying how he loved that I did not want glass in the frame and then pointed out that from where we were standing we could not see some artwork because of the glass. For my Lino prints I placed them on bulldog clips as I felt a frame would make it loses its personality.

On the exhibition day I got to speak with Ken Garland about my work, which was really helpful, and we shared an interest in using Matt photographic paper than using glossy. The exhibition day was a good opportunity to meet people and publicises my own work and the talent within the university.

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Live Event

For the live event we have came to a conclusion of hosting 6 stools/displays of different ways of reusing old or junk paper. Making an engaging and creative environment for all the family and letting them know that paper is not just to write letters or draw on.

The event will be portable so there can be lots around an area such a Covent Garden or even a University.

Example of the Stools/ Displays





6 Paper Mache Sculptors


Make your own paperPaper masks

Paper airplanes

Paper templates

House hold items made from paper mache. This will be an installation piece where people can walk round and be hands on with the items.

Creating amazing objects that people will keep i.e. flowers. Teaching and selling origami and letting people create their own origami.

Showing how to make you own paper from scrap paper and letting the public make their own. Which is a 10 minuet process.

Everyone likes to hide behind a mask and be somebody/thing else. Masks can be used in plays and are loved by children.

Create your personal paper airplane and see how fare it can go. If the plane fly’s over a certain distance you will win a prize.

Handing out templates of any shape to create at home or at the event. Displaying information about paper co and the close loop system.


To express the ideas of clossed loop recycaling

Everything has a beginning but doen’t have to end

Recycled is just as good as virgin paper

Paper is a way to be creative

Encourage Reycling

Working alongside the DM group we created the concepts of our project. Our aim for this advertising brief was to focus on the concept of closed loop recycling. We sat in on the DM groups meeting, getting ideas for our strategies of advertising as well as helping them with their ideas. The direct-mail that they wanted to produce was a 3D hexagon that came flat through the post and popped up to form its shape. Each hexagon would display different Paper Co information as well as be a different weight of paper. As soon as we had no information we needed we started planning for our advertising strategy.

The targeted audience were designers, printers, publishers and businessmen. In this modern age there are so many different gadgets, smart phones being one of them. A high percent of our targeted audience would have a smart phone. So we wanted to incorporate this fact into our strategy by using the QR codes. These codes can be read by using the camera on a smart phone and take them to a direct link of any website so desired. The codes will only be a small part of the advertising strategy.

There will be several advertisements to promote a live event where people can see the different ways of being creative with paper and not wasting resources. The advertisements will be a set of continuous posters flowing after each other. They will be placed in public areas where people on a route or naturally forced to take that route such as the tunnels in the underground. These will be seen by many commuters businessmen, designthe gpublic travelling into London. The same idea will be placed in magazines, where a small hexagon will be placed on each page like a footnote. At the very last page a tear out larger hexagon can be found displaying information about the event and Paper Co as well as a small QR code.

That event will have six stands/displays that show how paper can be used in a fun and creative way and not wasted. This event will be for all ages of the family, a businessman could bring his child and let him or her enjoy the event while is a businessman looked around gathering information for his company, the same for a designer or printer. Being hands-on is a key fact to this event people enjoy and gain personal attachments to what they create. So being able to make origami or their own paper will create a strong memory of the event taking place. The event can be portable so that they can be held in different locations such as Covent Garden or a university.

Close to the end of the project the DM group changed their idea. We decided to carry on with what we have already planed out and use what they create as handouts at the event.



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Promoting the Event

Within a magazine a small hexagon will be randomly placed on every page. This will be seen by the reader and create him or her to think why its there up to the last page where a tare out hexagon will be. The tare out hexagon will promote the event and have information about Paper Co and the close loop recycling system.

Magazine Advert

Poster Advert A continuas pattern like the magazine advert but a secence of posters. Displayed on a route that the public take like a bus route or the escalaters in the underground. All posters will have a QR code which will take them to a website about the event and about Paper Co.

QR CodesQR codes can be read by Black Berrys and iPhones which in todays curent market alot of people have either one. They create a striagh link to any website you so dessire. The QR code will be used as part of the advertising plan to promote Paper Co. Try ME

At the Event

Promoting Paper Co at the event is the main objective. Business men and designers will turn up and by having a good time will remember it from the different keep sakes that can be made. Posters will be next to the stools explaing what there all about. Displaying the barcode each poster having a link to Paper Co.

Hand outsThese Mobius Strip designed by are DM group will be handed out at the events and left on each stool.

The Hexagon

6 steps of closed loop recycling

6 sides of a hexagon

While working with the DM group we came to the conclusion of a hexagon would be best to help promote the closed loop recycling system. The DM group wanted to create a pop-up 3D hexagon, displaying information on each hexagon.

When made it would look like a globe. This would resemble nature and the planet and the idea of one big cycle. The item would be a keep sake as it can sit on the side of a table and be rolled or thrown around between people.

The DM group changed there design but still kept the same Concepts.



Here are the four boards Iain Bugen and I made. The brief was to find a way to sell or publicize an other group’s idea who was working on a different brief.

While working on this competition I found out how hard it is sometimes to work with someone else that I did not know very well. I feel that we spent some time deciding one what to do and confusing each other. In the end though we came out with a very nice idea we where happy with.

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COMPETITIONSPuffin Student Awards 2012RSA: Stamp Breif A



IllustrationScreen PrintingLino (relife printing)PhotographyBook MakingVector ArtFilmAnimation

Handmad & Bound


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BriefThe Penguin student awards 2012 contains two briefs both to re-design book covers. One for the Penguin adult books and the other Puffin children books.

I have chosen to do the Puffin book cover of the Brother Grimm’s Fairytales. The brief specifications are for the cover design to include all the cover copy as supplied and be designed to the specified design template (cut-down B format, 178mm high x 129mm wide, spine 28.2mm wide).

What they are looking for a striking cover design that is well executed has an imaginative concept and clearly places the book for its market of both children (to pick up and buy for themselves) and adults (to buy for children). While all elements of the jacket need to work together as a cohesive whole, remember that the front cover needs to be able to work on its own and be eye-catching within a crowded bookshop setting. It also needs to be able to work on screen for digital retailers such as Amazon.

Looking at the pastI have looked at a few penguin designs to see how they have designed the book and used the typography amoungst the designs.

The book design of “Through The Looking Glass” is something quite captivating. With the design covering both sides of the book, the book takes the role of mirror. With the back cover displaying Alice coming through the the mirror in to the fantasy world. The typography is reversed only readable on the front cover or if placed next to a mirror.

Playing with the front and back cover so they link is a very nice way of changing the way a book can be viewed and designed.

Island has a very interesting design by linking in photography with a hand drawn element. Now the story is set on a fictional island called Pala and who it mixes the East and West traditions. With this in mind the mixed meduim work well with its content. I have not read the story fully but what I am looking at is this mixture of meduims.

Now, the books “Self and Others” and “Scootering” both have a strong overlaying colour design. With ‘self and others’ the colours mix where thy over lay, this represents a strong meaning with the book how your self and others are conected in different ways and how they are effected. For ‘scootering’ the design is slighty different as there is no mix of colours when overlayed. The halftoned image over the top of the colours give detail to the silluets of colour, in a way helping the viewer see what it is. The title it self obverusly tells you what its about but the images as well clearly expresses the same thing.

Is the title even rellivant?


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The Grimm FairtalesFrom the land of fantastical castles, vast lakes and deep forests, Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm collected a treasury of fairy stories full of giants and dwarfs, witches and princesses, magical beasts and cunning children. From classics such as ‘The Frog-Prince’ and ‘Hansel and Grettel’ to the delights of ‘Ashputtel’ or ‘Old Sultan’, all hold a timeless magic which has enthralled children for centuries.

Grimm’s Fairy Tales has been translated into more than 160 languages and was first published in English in 1812. Puffin will be celebrating the book’s 200th anniversary in 2012.

The BooksBy looking at the penguin and puffin books that have alredy been published. As well as the Wordsworth book with the complete fairy tales and has illustrations by Arther Rackham.

Both penguin and puffin books are within the classics, displaying the black and white banner.

The Puffin book has the red apple from snow whitein the hand of the witch. The green from the background is used on the title creating a link with the image. The typography of the title is in a hand drawn script. This works with the time of when the stories where writen to a gothic german era.

For the Penguin book the story illustrated is Little Red Cap. The title is a sans serif typeface. I believe this brakes the normal steriotypes of a gothic German typeface. This modern typeface crates a good contrast with the illustration.

The Wordsworth fairytale book is very tradishtional. This hard back book has all the stories writen by the brothers. Its ornimental designs work well with its fabric covering yet I find that the front cover is very complicated to be sectioned in the chillderns books section. This is more aimed to the perants or older fans of the stories.

After looking at these books I felt that my books design would need to interesting yet clever as the target aduiance is the childern and the perants to buy for the chillderen. To apeal to a child a book needs to stand out with colours and inviting illustrations. For an perant they will look for an readable quality as well as a smart/educational side.

I would like to also look at the dark side of the stories and how they link together. This has been inspired by the ‘scootering’ and ‘Self and Others’ book designs using overlaying colours. Using the book to its full design capeabillities like the ‘Alice Through the Looking Glass’ design.

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GRIMMS FAIRYTALESBy looking at different stories from the book I have drawn up two iconic characters from three different stories. Little Red Cap, Rupunzal and Hansle and Gretal.

To use both sides of the book I have designed the illustrations to have the secondry charater to be on the front cover so when looking they will just look like a wolf, a bird and a prince looking towards the spin/back cover of the book. My intentions are so the viewer will look at the whole book and be intreaged to find out what the book is about.

The illustration has the capeability to be titleless, but the rules are to have a title on the front cover. If a title is going to be used it shall only be to suply a suportive secondry role to the illustration and content of the book. I feel that this book would be visualy intresting if there was no title on the front cover. Standing out to the other books on self for no title, braking the normal view of everyday book selfs.

The title would be contaned on the spine. So there is no compleat mistery of the book.

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Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm

Grimm’s Fairy Tales

Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm

Grimm’s Fairy Tales

Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm

Grimm’s Fairy Tales

Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm

Grimm’s Fairy Tales

Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm

Grimm’s Fairy Tales



I S B N 978-0-141-33120-1

9 7 8 0 1 4 1 3 3 1 2 0 1



U.K. £7.99CAN. $5.99U.S.A. $4.99


and W

ilhelm G


Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm

Grimm’s Fairy Tales


m’s Fairy Tales

Let the Brothers Grimm take you on an amazing adventure . . .

From the land of fantastical castles, vast lakes and deep forests, Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm collected a treasury of fairy stories, full of giants and dwarfs, witches and princesses, magical beasts and cunning children. From classics such as ‘The Frog-Prince’ and ‘Hansel and Grettel’ to the delights of ‘Ashputtel’ or ‘Old Sultan’, all hold a timeless magic that has enthralled children for centuries.



I S B N 978-0-141-33120-1

9 7 8 0 1 4 1 3 3 1 2 0 1



U.K. £7.99CAN. $5.99U.S.A. $4.99


and W

ilhelm G




’s Fairy Tales

Let the Brothers Grimm take you on an amazing adventure . . .

From the land of fantastical castles, vast lakes and deep forests, Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm collected a treasury of fairy stories, full of giants and dwarfs, witches and princesses, magical beasts and cunning children. From classics such as ‘The Frog-Prince’ and ‘Hansel and Grettel’ to the delights of ‘Ashputtel’ or ‘Old Sultan’, all hold a timeless magic that has enthralled children for centuries.

Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm

Grimm’s Fairy Tales

Titles If im am going to use a title i have looked to these small ideas.

To use a modern sans serif or a gothic German typeface for the title.

From looking at most Grimm books they use a very old serif typeface and talking to other students, what they would be thinking about using for the book, most saying an old german typface for the title.

So I have gone with not using an old german front. But i have looked in how it would look on the cover. I feel that it does not fit to the colourful design of the book.

Using a moderm font over this design has a nice sutelty to the design. I have played around with a title in a box so it would not be lost to much with the design. But maybe with out the box it seem to look like its floating through the design not being contatined or fixed down.

Boxed or no box they both crate a strong uptodate design. So a modern sans serif can work.



I S B N 978-0-141-33120-1

9 7 8 0 1 4 1 3 3 1 2 0 1



U.K. £7.99CAN. $5.99U.S.A. $4.99


and W

ilhelm G


Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm

Grimm’s Fairy Tales


m’s Fairy Tales

Let the Brothers Grimm take you on an amazing adventure . . .

From the land of fantastical castles, vast lakes and deep forests, Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm collected a treasury of fairy stories, full of giants and dwarfs, witches and princesses, magical beasts and cunning children. From classics such as ‘The Frog-Prince’ and ‘Hansel and Grettel’ to the delights of ‘Ashputtel’ or ‘Old Sultan’, all hold a timeless magic that has enthralled children for centuries.

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I S B N 978-0-141-33120-1

9 7 8 0 1 4 1 3 3 1 2 0 1



U.K. £7.99CAN. $5.99U.S.A. $4.99


and W

ilhelm G




’s Fairy Tales

Let the Brothers Grimm take you on an amazing adventure . . .

From the land of fantastical castles, vast lakes and deep forests, Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm collected a treasury of fairy stories, full of giants and dwarfs, witches and princesses, magical beasts and cunning children. From classics such as ‘The Frog-Prince’ and ‘Hansel and Grettel’ to the delights of ‘Ashputtel’ or ‘Old Sultan’, all hold a timeless magic that has enthralled children for centuries.

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I S B N 978-0-141-33120-1

9 7 8 0 1 4 1 3 3 1 2 0 1



U.K. £7.99CAN. $5.99U.S.A. $4.99


and W

ilhelm G




’s Fairy Tales

Let the Brothers Grimm take you on an amazing adventure . . .

From the land of fantastical castles, vast lakes and deep forests, Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm collected a treasury of fairy stories, full of giants and dwarfs, witches and princesses, magical beasts and cunning children. From classics such as ‘The Frog-Prince’ and ‘Hansel and Grettel’ to the delights of ‘Ashputtel’ or ‘Old Sultan’, all hold a timeless magic that has enthralled children for centuries.


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The purpose of this brief is to celebrate and inspire the art of letter writing through the design of a unique set of stamps. The stamp designs should be so enticing and engaging that they prompt the customer to want to send a letter using the stamp.

With this in mind I came up with some ideas, I feel the best was a personal approach between the sender and reader and an other looking at famous writers to inspire and encourage people to write more.

I have played around with both ideas, as I want not to sure which one to do. Creating small sketches of the ideas and testing them out.

First stamp I made was for the personal idea. I feel this looks a bit to cheese but the idea is strong.

So I decided to try my other idea. After some time I went with having the persons name creating their own face. I choseWilliam ShakespearZadie SmithGeorge OrwellJ.K. RowlingJane AstinOscer Wild

A Text Didn’t Cut it

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These six designs are very strong visually but they are off brief. I realized this after I put them all in to stamps. If the brief was for historical writers then it would work.

I tried them out in colour but some work really well in this style but some look a bit odd. Its best to keep them black and white.

Looking at both of my ideas I can see I got carried away with the letter faces. When I had a good idea working for a personal touch between the writer and receiver. Now I need to work on some ideas for drawings to work with the words.

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Letters AreForever


LettersAre A Secret



LettersAre Timeless






Letters AreForever


LettersAre A Secret



LettersAre Timeless






Letters AreForever


LettersAre A Secret



LettersAre Timeless




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Letters AreForever


LettersAre A Secret



LettersAre Timeless






Letters AreForever


LettersAre A Secret



LettersAre Timeless






Letters AreForever


LettersAre A Secret



LettersAre Timeless






Letters AreForever


LettersAre A Secret



LettersAre Timeless





All six stamps are different prices set buy the brief. I have chosen the 41x30 landscape size stamp as I feel that the illustrations work well to the side of the typography.

The illustrations are the prime and the typography is supporting, giving a clear understanding. If the stamps just had the words “Letters Are” I feel the imagery could work well to replace the last word.

I have made a 1:1 scale of the stamps here to see if they work well, being clear and easy to read.

I feel that the stamps have a strong idea and might have room for improvement on the illustrations and design of the stamps. A tweak here and there might improve them before handing in to the competition.

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Handmade & Bound is a small zine/craft fair. A group of friends at university managed to get a table and asked people if they wanted to enter some work to sell. I saw this as a grate way to sell some of my work out in the real world.

I chose to sell a small zine I was working on about bike posters. I made 10 books by hand; using the skills from bookmaking workshops run by the university. I sold the books for £3 considering how much it cost to print out the books.

I was hoping bike lovers would buy the book and enjoy the collage/ redesigning of old posters. I only sold two, which is not to bad for my first book, but I would of liked to of sold them all.

Also I took my lino prints 4 different designs 10 of each. In total I printed 40. Selling them for £5 each. The prints all have there own meaning touching on the worlds society or nature. I was able to sell two prints.

In total I made £16. The experience was truly great; I would like to do it again at some point. The only thing I would change would be how much work was on he table. I felt it was over cluttered and gave to much to look at.


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Here is the Handmade & Bound video that me Justin Devon Moore and James Devereaux-Ward put together.Justin asked me and James to help out filming as he felt more cameras would be better, as it was so busy. I loved working and helping out a friend, more so when its for something so amazing as Handmade & Bound. I have had some filming experience before so I felt comfortable.

While at the event some people got very moody with filming but others didn’t mind at all as it was for the event. As it was in a new venue, we also got footage of around and in St.Brides. The letterpress workshop was very interesting to film with all the small leadings and typography on show.

When editing the film we had a lot of footage between us and picking out what was good to use took some time but it was worth it in the end. The final outcome is very pleasing and shows the busy vibes of the event.


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Placements Website

FreelancePublishing Design Company/ Colective




Real World Expirance

IMPROVMENTSTypography skill will need to be improved as if i master that having illustration and typography skill will incress the standerd of my work.

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My future after university is only a few months away and I need to start thinking of what possible things I can do to get a job within the next 5 years of so. And to hopefully get meet my graphs expectations of merging how I work to the real world and getting paid for it.

A website and placement is key to my future. This will help me find out what I would like to do and create contacts with the design world. Also to make some money from my website selling posters of some work or on the off chance get a client job.

I have a blog at the moment but I feel it needs to be professional as I feel a blog is not a strong way of displaying ones work.

With the different skills I have I find it hard to figure out what I want to do. I would love to be able to do it all, so I have looked at a few freelance illustrating designers to see how they work and get jobs. A key part of working I freelance is to know other freelancers and have contacts, but a website is the most useful to a freelanced designer.

Rian Hughes: http://www.devicefonts.co.uk/cgi-bin/device3.cgi?action=contact

Nicholas Chaffe: http://www.nickchaffe.com/index.php?/selected-works/build-my-dreams/

Working for an agency would help me get jobs suited to my style of illustrations. This would be helpful with the first years of working so I could get a name for myself and if i felt to go freelanced.

Publishing and Companies would put me in a working area with other people. Hopefully after working in placements I can get a feel of working with other people in these areas learning new skills as I go.

The next pages are of people and companies I have looked at to help understand where I could go and what to do.







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“One of the most successful and prolific designer/illustrators of the past 20 years” [Roger Sabin, Eye magazine]

Graphic designer, illustrator and typographer Rian Hughes has drawn and designed comics on both side of the Atlantic, illustrated book covers and CDs for obscure indie labels and mainstream music acts, designed advertising campaigns, Hawaiian shirts, watches for Swatch and recently collaborated with a Spice Girl on six children’s books. His comic strips have been collected in Yesterday’s Tomorrows, and his eclectic range of font designs are available via his own label, Device Fonts. [Blurb from his book Cult-ure]


Rine Hughes TalkWithin the talk Rine Hughes goes through his work, giving advise about how to handle clients and how to go about ideas with working in a group or on your own.

When collaborating and using the other artists designs you need to show a mock up of your idea to explain clearly how their illustration would be used.

One little trick is to stop a client using a rubbish design try n say your idea is their own.

Sometimes cheese ideas work, If you can carry it well.

Look back at old designs when redesigning. Take the good points of the old designs and polish them up within your new design.

Ask the right questions to the client. Why did not the first design work? maybe it was too dark for the story.

Study the content and create the work to the content not the target audience. If you where selling a dark vampire story for girls you would not want a pink flowery cover.

Rian Hughes works in a lot of different areas. His illustrations are very inspiring and how he uses a bold colour these can be linked in to my work within the lino and screen prints. Working with as a freelanced designer selling his own typefaces and t-shirts, this is something I could do as well creating work to sell. Fist things first is to make a website to sell my work and to be contactable to clients.

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NICHOLAS CHAFFEHis love for graphic design grew from skateboarding in the late 80s where colourful artwork adorned skate decks and magazine design began to break new ground. He later found an interest in advertising after watching a Spike Lee TV commercial for Nike Air Jordans on MTV at his grandma’s house.

Areas of work: Graphic design, art direction, branding, advertising, exhibition design, moving image, trend research and illustration.

I was able to email Nick and ask him a few questions about how he found starting off after university.

1) Q: After finishing your BA in Graphics did you know that this is what you wanted to do?

A: I was also always told to specialize. I never could. I think after university my aim was to be a music video director, as at the time there was some truly inspiring work being produced.

Illustration: I’ve always enjoyed this and entered a competition on YCN years ago for Orange, they bought lots of images for a nice chunk of cash. From this I would build a portfolio, but I would always find it hard to stick to a style + styles became copied so much.. I now have one style of illustration represented by YCN and another style about to be represented by a separate agent. Unfortunately getting an illustration agent is as difficult as getting a job as an art director in an ad creative department.

2) Q: Within your illustrations I can see a very playful style even though they differ with techniques of analog and digital. Do you like creating different outcomes now and then? With the different ways you work.

A: Yes change is good, although having a distinct style and mastering it shows ability beyond the competition. 3) Q: I can see you have worked with other people on some projects. When I am working in group projects sometimes it can get a bit stressful with trying to keep every one happy and pleased with the outcome. While doing your degree and out in the ‘real world’ did you ever feel the same?

A: Work with people who agree that the outcome should be all about the idea. It should be obvious which is the biggest and most original idea. Find peoples strengths or what they are happy doing and let that flow. College is the real word.

These are just some key points from what he answered. It feels good to see that it’s human to want to work in different areas. With Nick’s help in answering my questions I can see that it can be hard to get started up and with perseverance anything can be possible.

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PUBLISHINGI have looked in to a few publising compaines that I would like to work for. I would like a very creative and fresh group to work with, one which could help me grow as an designer.

PENGUIN BOOKSPenguin books have been involed for most of my life as a child and from working on the Penguin stedent awards I have grown a very great interst with working for them.

There is a wide section of jobs and section to work in from penguin, pufin, ladybird and penguin classics.They offer some placements to designers to help out the design team. Hopefully getting a placment here can help me out for the future and even giving me a job for the future with Penguin.

BLACK DOG PUBLISHINGBlack Dog Publishing work within a creative book industry. From books about graphic design to books on music, art and film.

They offer internship to work with the in-house design team. To work acrose a wide range of the design projects. Working on edeting, page layouts and much more, skills needed would be Photoshop and InDesign.

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This past semester and the year before has given me some opportunities to externalize my work and get an understanding for client based briefs.

With working on the competition briefs I have realized how looking back at the history of the subject matter helps when redesigning and getting a understanding the brief. Taking the good parts of an old design and polishing them up for the new design.

Working on my ideas I have decided to try and focus on how well they fit with the brief. This could be done by looking at my designs and idea to the brief through out instead of at the beginning and end.

Looking at other designers, going to talks and sending emails I have seen how being self-publicized helps a lot with a web site and business cards to help with my future. After this my next step will be finding placements.

This semester has helped me realized how to organize my work and life to get a job.

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