Exposition 2700

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  • 7/31/2019 Exposition 2700


    Name : Juwita Purnama Sari

    NIM : 208321035

    Class: Ext. 08 A

    The example of Exposition Text

    English Teacher Should Has Education Background

    Language is a tool of communication. Every nation has their own language to communicate

    with others. Some of the languages become the top of the global languages. These languages are

    English, Arabic, and Mandarins. But the most famous language is English. However, many people

    have known English because English is the most global spoken language. Because of that, if a man

    wants to be a competent in global world, of course he / she have to have ability in English.

    Every people consider that English is the International language. English can make people

    from different country communicate each other although they didnt understand the other

    language, but by being understood English language; they can speak to other nation easily. English

    can be the first language or the second language in some countries, such as British English,

    American English, and Australian English. These names of English are used as the first language

    in these countries. Although some countries have their own language or mother language, they also

    use English as their second language even they use English in their daily communication.

    English is also used in speaking or writing by many people around the world. Furthermore,

    we also will find manual instructions of many things written in English. The simple example is in

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    instant noodles pack, English writing is used in ingredients, or in how to make the noodles

    (cooking instruction). Or in Indonesian advertisement, sometimes they mix the Indonesian and

    English language to make one sentence or to make their tag line of their commercial show.

    Besides the above factors, the most easily seen in the importance of English is that the most top

    requirements in looking for and getting for job is the ability in using English although passive or

    active. The job applicants who have ability in English are more acceptable than the other who has


    Because of these factors, English become one of the sources of the peoples income.

    Because many people want to have ability in English, so it makes many English courses appear in

    every region. And of course, English teacher become one of many favorite job which are lacking

    for. In fact, we can not refuse that many graduation of English language, especially English

    education are acceptable in many job field. And because of that, many graduation of senior high

    school choose English education as their majority in university. Because they think that by having

    ability and certificate in teaching, they can be a teacher, and of course they will be accepted in

    every school or at least in English course or moreover they can make a job field by built an English

    course. Although there are many graduation of senior high school choose English education as the

    their majority in university, there are still many school and English course which are lacking

    human resources to teach English in their school.

    However, many people are competing in looking for job by relied on English ability as the

    one of their source of income. One of the promising job of having English ability is being the

    travel guide for foreigner is one of the sources of income which is looked for people. Because as

    we know, being a travel guide is very different than being a teacher in school or in organization or

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    moreover as a private teacher. If teaching English at school or private, we as a teacher must teach

    about how to make a good sentence or we called it as study of structure, but in travel guide, the

    structure of the sentences is not very important thing. The important thing in being a travel guide is

    we can understand each other what of our opposite speaks about.

    The easiest job which we can get by having English ability is being a teacher in English

    course or as a private teacher (teacher door to door). Because of that, many people who did not

    graduate from English education, teaching English in school or being a private teacher. This case

    occurs because there are many people who want to have ability in English, whether it is in writing

    or in speaking, and moreover whether it is passive or active.

    My thesis in this essay is that there are many people who are not graduated from English education

    can be teaching English in some school and also in English course or moreover as a private teacher

    in some houses, and actually the English teacher should have education background.

    Based on this situation, actually education is the main factor of nations and country

    development, because of that, to increase the education quality, the school must prepare the good

    skillful resource man to make it balance. Teacher as educator should have the basic teaching skill

    or we know it as the competency of teaching. Because by having a competency of teaching, the

    teacher is hoped that there will be an effective situation teaching process that can be brought a

    feedback relationship between teacher and students, students and students. But in fact, there are not

    many of the resource man want to be a teacher because they think by being a teacher, their life is

    not improve because as we know, the salary of teacher is very in small amount.

    Furthermore, besides the competency of teaching, the teacher must have a professionalism

    because professionalism is one of the requirements to held a good teaching learning process for

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    getting the goal. It becomes a reference to determine that is the output good or not. One of the

    indicators of professionalism in education institution is running a job description in education

    process. The material of the lesson that delivered by teacher must be suitable with the teachers

    education background.

    The goal of professionalism can be fulfilled if it is held education because of the good

    process. The wishes which are concept is the improvement and the usage of the human potential as

    the source of think. So, the changing will happen from the bad side into a good one by teaching

    learning process.

    Many citizens or moreover the education expert thinks that one of the professionalism in

    education process is a teacher must teach a subject of study which is suitable with his / her

    education background. What is to be taught must be suitable with the department that he / she took

    when she / he in university. If she / he graduated from the mathematic department, of course she /

    he must teach mathematic. Because based on our mind, a mathematics bachelor must be fluency

    in teaching mathematic than art. And thats so on, to make it more effective and efficient.

    But, if the problem is in practice of mainstream in this country, of course they will appear

    some question that is Does the education process in Indonesia have applied a well job


    The answer may be yes, but of course must be not all of them, because there are so many

    institution of education in Indonesia which given facility to the student such as teacher who

    teaches the subject of study which is not appropriateness with his / her education background.

    Consider or not, this majority has happened in institution of education which is in the village or in

    isolated region. And again, the most specific is the institution of education in elementary school.

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    For the education expert, of course this problem is very dramatic, because they think that the

    education process like that will not run as well as maximal. The expert of education also thought

    that the inapproriatness of the job description is one of the factors which are caused the educations

    quality in Indonesia is very far from the western country and moreover our own neighborhood

    country like Malaysia or Singapore. The worst job description is a sign of the collapse of the

    quality in education process.

    But this thought will be rejected if this professionalism which is based on the

    appropriateness of the teacher taught the subject of lesson with his graduation is asked with one of

    the question How about if there is a teacher who teach inappropriateness with his / her subject of

    lesson or graduation but his teaching is better than the teacher who teach appropriateness with the

    subject of the lesson or graduation? As I told about in the some cases above, of course there is

    many person like that, and in fact, fortunately the students who are taught by her / him are more

    easily understand with this teacher than the teacher who are teach appropriateness with his / her

    department when he / she in the university. This is more than a competency that he / she has, a

    competency that is more than education background that he / she has.

    Considering what this teacher has did, of course it is very sad if the obligated people asked

    he / she to move from this job to his / her appropriateness educations background. But if it is

    continued, the teacher who is appropriateness with the subject of study will not get a job. As we

    seen, in English course, there are some teachers who are not come from English education.

    Moreover they come from linguistic department. And the funniest thing is the owner of the English

    course accepts them as the teachers in the English course. Actually, it can not happen, because it is

    same with decreasing the field of job for people who graduated from English education. And the

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    linguistic department should consider this, because however, every department has had each job of

    the job field.

    Besides English course and some of elementary school in village or isolated region used

    teachers who are not appropriateness with their department they brought, there are also some

    school in big city used them. These schools are plus national schools. Plus national schools are

    schools that put international curriculums like foreign language as their communication media.

    And because English is the international language, so the language that they used and the

    curriculum wants is English. This plus national school is the completing action of national

    education department Indonesia for national school in comparison side between teachers and

    students. Except that, there is international standart which is used to prepare the students in this

    globalization era. To fulfill these requirements, plus national school used teachers who have ability

    in speak English without consider their education background. Nowadays, there are so many

    teacher whom their education background is non-education in bachelor teach in plus national

    school. Teacher non-education is teacher who never gets knowledge about the competency in

    teaching which of absolutely has gotten by the teachers of education.

    Phenomenons which appear in teachers non-education is happening turn-over or move

    from the job which can happen moreover in the middle of study year or moreover in the middle of

    semester which is done by the teachers who are from non-education. The job moving which they

    done is because they have found job which is very appropriateness with their education

    background, such as working in the office, being a travel guide, etc. One of the causes of happen

    the job moving is commitment. Commitment is the important thing for researched because the

    teachers commitment is the important factor in education and students achievement, especially

    for the young students who are very need teachers commitment to help them in their growth

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    process. The young students here means that the students in play group or kindergarten and

    moreover students in Elementary school.

    In commitment side, there are some differences in jobs commitment between teacher who

    graduated from education and who is not. For example in how long they will be survive in that

    school. For teacher who graduated from education, of course they will fell enjoy in doing their job

    as teacher, but for the teachers who did not graduated from education will feel bored and of course

    they will find the other job which is appropriateness with their department when they took in

    university, although they have ability in English at least, but they did not have the competency in

    teaching and how to solve students problem in class.

    When there are teacher who graduated from education and there are who did not, of course

    there are some differences in teaching between of them. For example, the students will easily

    understand if they are taught by the teacher who graduated from education because at least the

    teacher knew how to teach the students and how deliver the material of study; we know it as the

    competency; while when the teacher who graduated not from education or we called it as non-

    education taught in school, of course the students can not easily understand than the teachers who

    are from education, because surely they did not know how to teach or deliver the material of study

    because they never get it in their department when they were in university.

    Considering some effect mentioning above about the non-education teacher can teach

    English and the other subject of study at school or English course, the government should make

    rules about this incident, except to make the students can understand the lesson easily, that can also

    make the teacher who is from education did not lose their job as a teacher, and of course it is also

    improve the quality of education in Indonesia.

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    In my opinion, the teacher especially English teacher should have education background to

    teach in school, English course, and moreover as a private teacher in some houses.