Exposing the New Jew Age

Exposing the New (Jew) Age New Agers are in complete denial of the Jewish problem, the central core of the movement is healing for the self and the world, so any authentic New Age healer would have to address the issue of the Jews who wage total war on the world because of their beliefs but New Agers, as a whole, completely skirt this issue. http://newjewagedestroyer.blogspot.com/2011/01/new- agers-are-pandering-to-jewish-money.html New Agers are Spinning a New Grave for Humanity New Agers are in complete denial of the Jewish problem, new age "healers" are tapping in to the great sums of upper middle class money, the New Age mecca are the West Coast from Vancouver, BC all the way down to Jewish owned Hollywood. If you want to be a New Age superstar then all you have to do is validate the Torah in some way, you can respin the Bible all you want so long as you validate the Jewish experience. This is why New Agers are totally full of shit; any authentic shaman, healer, New Age thought leader, book writer or lecturer would address the number one problem of our age, the Jewish mental patterns that are causing death and destruction to our


New Agers are in complete denial of the Jewish problem, the central core of the movement is healing for the self and the world, so any authentic New Age healer would have to address the issue of the Jews who wage total war on the world because of their beliefs but New Agers, as a whole, completely skirt this issue.

Transcript of Exposing the New Jew Age

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Exposing the New (Jew) Age New Agers are in complete denial of the Jewish problem, the central core of the movement is healing for the self and the world, so any authentic New Age healer would have to address the issue of the Jews who wage total war on the world because of their beliefs but New Agers, as a whole, completely skirt this issue.


New Agers are Spinning a New Grave for Humanity

New Agers are in complete denial of the Jewish problem, new age "healers" are tapping in to the great sums of upper middle class money, the New Age mecca are the West Coast from Vancouver, BC all the way down to Jewish owned Hollywood. If you want to be a New Age superstar then all you have to do is validate the Torah in some way, you can respin the Bible all you want so long as you validate the Jewish experience.

This is why New Agers are totally full of shit; any authentic shaman, healer, New Age thought leader, book writer or lecturer would address the number one problem of our age, the Jewish mental patterns that are causing death and destruction to our world. The very idea of a healer is to heal, if our world is in trauma then an authentic healer would address the issue of the Jews who wage total war on this world because of their beliefs.  New Agers are too busy cashing in to be bothered by truth.

You can have all that glitters as gold so long as you never step on any sacred Jewish teaching of Zionism or mention the butchery of Palestine.  Nothing Jewish should transcend the end of this age, Jewish memes are of racial dominance and superiority of one tribe over all others has destroyed freedom in America, bombed whole nations into ruin like Iraq.   Judaism is destroying the world, incorporating Torah memes into the New Age pantheon will only infect the New Age with destructive Jewish thought

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patterns. Judaism is insanity itself.  New Agers have seemingly escaped evil mainstream Judaic religion only to dig a new grave for humanity.

There are hundreds of New Age "head shops" along the coast. New Age "healers" are tapping in to the great sums of upper middle class money, if I lectured on my shamanism down there I would be revered, so long as I never talked about Zionism or any sacred Jewish "teaching".  New Agers are milking the Jewish titty, as that saying goes: "tough titty said the kitty bit the milk tastes good".

Hollywood is totally dominated by Jews, they have the money and anybody catering to these elites better not stray into "anti-semitic" land by describing the Jews as pyschotic butchers that they are. There is an unwritten code within the New Age movement, never say anything that would upset the Jews. The New Agers insist that we are all one, but have seemed to have totally forgotten about that part of the self called Palestine. Never mention anything of real importance concerning the actual problem of this world and you can be a New Age healer.  Welcome to New Age la la land, a population of clueless, self indulgent, pharmacutically drugged, centrist pretenders, doped on mainstream media Zionist thought patterns.

Take for instance New Age superstar Gregg Braden who's semi scientific polemic affirm the Torah/Old Testament and other Jewish holy books at every turn.  He never talks about political reality, that the United States is owned by the Jewish Federal Reserve and American foreign policy is dictated by Israel, that 9112001 was an inside job by Israelis and he never ever talks about what Israel is doing to Palestine.  That would be inappropriate, in bad taste, it would upset the "higher vibration" New Age love vibe. 

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Gregg Braden is successful because he doesn't upset the apple cart, he puts his rubber stamp of approval on the Jewish memes.  He authenticates the Jews and their unholy books in his book The God Code by saying that the oldest name of god in the world just happens to be the Jewish name of god.  Instead of describing the Jew war god as the deranged psychotic personality of power mongering Rabbis, he not only affirms the Jewish god but even says the Hebrew letters YHVG (Yahweh) are imprinted on human DNA!


"Braden wants us to believe that the “Jewish” Yah/Yahweh is the oldest name of God in the world."

"How can Braden claim YHVH (aka Jehovah) is the “oldest name” of God, when Ra, Brahman, Amen, Osiris, Isis, Obatallah, Shiva and Gwan Shur Yin predate Yahweh/YHVH by tens of thousands of years."

Easy, Braden knows who is buttering his bread, he never says anything "antisemitic".  In this game if you want to be a new age superstar then you have to validate the Torah, you can respin the Bible all you want so long as you validate the Jewish experience in some way.  The Bible is authentic according to Gregg Braden because there is a secret mathematical code within.  So how are we to heal the world if thought leader Gregg Braden affirms the very document that is destroying us?

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Now you might want to defend this guy but the facts are in about Jehovah, Richard Dawkins lays it on the line with the best description every penned about the Jewish god in his bestseller The God Delusion, certainly scientist Gregg Braden reads Dawkins:

"The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully." 

Atheist Richard Dawkins, a thought leader that is actually honest about the Jew god.  Dawkins parrots the standard new age idea of self responsibility:  "There is something infantile in the presumption that somebody else has a responsibility to give your life meaning and point… The truly adult view, by contrast, is that our life is as meaningful, as full and as wonderful as we choose to make it."

Gregg Braden proves his cluelessness in his book The Isaiah Effect: Decoding the Lost Science of Prayer and Prophecy because first of all there was no science back then, the Judeo memeplex is a spell on the human mind, its not science but black magic.  The Isaiah effect is the complete destruction of the planet, he doesn't mention that Isaiah's prophecy might have something to do with Jewish totalitarian control of the world in our times.  His pandering to Jewish interest is pathetic.

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Neale Donald Walsch has bigger cojones than Braden, when questioned about the Holocaust he says the Jews co-created their experience with the Nazis.  I totally agree.  He said what was on his mind and bruised the Jew superego, he did not validate their victim mindset.

http://www.spiritualcritiques.com/author-criticisms/neale-donald-walsch/"This point is especially contentious because Walsch says, or seems to say, the Jews co-created their deaths in the Holocaust, and Hitler actually did them a favor by killing them."

Holy hell! Neale Walsch just kicked over the beehive, he is saying the Jews caused their own deaths, and you can bet that he just ignited a firestorm because the whole idea of Judaism is that Jews are victims, eternal victims of their judging god.  This is not radical thinking within the New Age movement, it is standard fare that we are responsible for what is happening to us.  You'd think more New Agers would make the obvious connection that the long suffering Jews are experiencing karma.

Neale Walsch stars in the thought plagiarized movie Moses Code, James Twywan is just another Jew fraud takes standard New Age ideas of manifesting and puts a big Torah stamp of Moses on it.  That's standard Jewish deception as detailed by internet writer John Kaminski.  The goal is obvious, the New Age will be spun so that Jews dominate the psychic space just as they do now.

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James Twyman has been cashing in on the Indigo cult that he created. Neale Walsch also stars in the terribly lame movie Indigo produced by Twyman, see this scathing review:

 INDIGO:THE COLOR OF MONEY (http://www.selectsmart.com/twyman.html). 

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I wrote my own scathing review here:  http://indigobrats.blogspot.com/:

America is the land of overly coddled brat children, so I almost laughed out loud about indigo child traits: "They come into the world with a feeling of royalty (and often act like it)." 

Sure, lazy children act like royalty and order their parents to do everything for them. This is the result of an American cultural standard of putting children on a pedestal. A spiritually advanced person doesn’t put oneself above everyone else.  

 I have to agree with your analysis that the concept of Indigo children is actually a new cultural meme.   I also liked Neale Walsch's CWG books but he's terrible in this lame movie. Self proclaimed ‘Emissary of Light’ Twyman no doubt convinced him to take part in the project.  

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Christians are gospel spellbound and steeped in denial just like the New Agers, the won't talk about the real problem. Do you think if Jesus was here today he wouldn't address the Jewish problem?  He would stage outrageous anti Jew media events because what the Jews are doing to our spirit requires complete outrage, he would overthrow the money changers and call Jews snakes, but there is no Jesus so what we must do is do it ourselves, but the New Agers and Christians are to busy cashing in there Jew greenbacks to be bothered by truth.

Pastor Texe Marrs takes on the Jews but not the Torah, how can any preacher disavow the Bible?  He laces his Jewish expose' with quotes from the Bible which only affirms the Jews.

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The New Age is spiritual fraud because it is Judaism respun, obviously if we are to have a "new age" then the Torah and the rest of the Jewish books that caused the current dark age would have to be superceded.  New Agers are pushing snake oil,  like books on channeling "Abraham" from across the Universe in a galaxy far, far away the advanced spiritual being just happens to have a Jewish name! What a coincidence!

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David Icke is another big headline New Ager that is a huge fraud, he frames the conspiracy in science fiction shapeshifting lizards and absolutely refuses to say or see that Judaism and the Torah are the source of Zionism, he says instead that it is a Rothschild conspiracy.  Rothschilds are Jew practicing Satanists hiring other Jews to do their dirty work, no one is forced to work for them.  Its not aliens, its the Jews and if Icke can't say then maybe it's time for him to retire.  He refuses to get with the program, I am now calling him out as a disinformationist:




This is the first essay on exposing the gigantic fraud of New Age Jew ass kissers.

Phishna17 Jan 2011

What did one New Ager say to another after reading this?  "That Phishna dude is getting us down with all this negativity, he should go meditate on his inner child and do some emotional clearing exercises and activate his love

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Do you see that "reality" is "negativity" to the New Agers deep in denial.  The reality is that humanity is being destroyed by Jews and their holy books, not talking about is cultural suicide.

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