Exploring host–microbiota interactions in animal...

REVIEW Exploring host–microbiota interactions in animal models and humans Aleksandar D. Kostic, 1,2,3,4 Michael R. Howitt, 1,2,3 and Wendy S. Garrett 1,2,3,4,5 1 Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts 02115, USA; 2 Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 02115, USA; 3 Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, Massachusetts 02115, USA; 4 The Broad Institute of Harvard and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, Massachusetts 02141, USA The animal and bacterial kingdoms have coevolved and coadapted in response to environmental selective pres- sures over hundreds of millions of years. The meta’omics revolution in both sequencing and its analytic pipelines is fostering an explosion of interest in how the gut microbiome impacts physiology and propensity to dis- ease. Gut microbiome studies are inherently interdisci- plinary, drawing on approaches and technical skill sets from the biomedical sciences, ecology, and computa- tional biology. Central to unraveling the complex biology of environment, genetics, and microbiome interaction in human health and disease is a deeper understanding of the symbiosis between animals and bacteria. Experimen- tal model systems, including mice, fish, insects, and the Hawaiian bobtail squid, continue to provide critical insight into how host–microbiota homeostasis is constructed and maintained. Here we consider how model systems are influencing current understanding of host–microbiota in- teractions and explore recent human microbiome studies. The distinctive body plans of animals offer many niches for members of the archaeal and bacterial kingdoms. While the lumen of the human distal gut is one of the most densely populated ecosystems on our planet, humans and other animals harbor several microbiomes on and within their body surfaces such as the respiratory and urogenital tracts and the skin. As the gut has evolved from the relatively simple tube of the ancient cyclostomatida to the more highly compartmentalized gastrointestinal tracts of mammalian species, the diversity and complexity of the microbial inhabitants of those spaces has increased as well (Fig. 1). Use of model systems with differing levels of microbial complexity reveals how host genes impact the microbiome and how the microbiome regulates host genetic programs (Table 1). Here we broadly explore not just the gut microbiota, but the chronic colonization of mucosal epithelia by extracellular microbes. Model organisms provide opportunities to perturb, en- gineer, and study host–microbiome interplay with a level of experimental control that is not achievable in human studies. Both vertebrates and invertebrates have been essential for discovering the microbial-associated molec- ular patterns and host pattern recognition receptors re- quired for sensing of pathogenic and symbiotic microbes. In many cases, tractable genetics in the host and microbes have proven essential for identifying both microbial and host factors that enable symbiosis. Model systems are also revealing roles for the microbiome in host physiology ranging from mate selection (Sharon et al. 2010) to skeletal biology (Cho et al. 2012; Sjo ¨ gren et al. 2012) and lipid metabolism (Wang et al. 2011; Semova et al. 2012). With an ever-increasing number of human microbiome studies completed and under way, experimental systems employing models organisms will prove essential tools to interrogate and validate the associations identified be- tween the human microbiome and disease. Model systems Hawaiian bobtailed squid The coastal waters of Hawaii teem with microbial life. Less than 0.1% belong to the species Vibrio fischeri (Lee and Ruby 1992; Ruby and Lee 1998). Despite this numer- ical challenge, the tiny Hawaiian bobtail squid (Euprymna scolopes) selectively acquires V. fischeri from its environ- ment to create one of the most well-understood models of bacterial–animal symbiosis. Unlike the systems dis- cussed later in this review, E. scolopes does not harbor V. fischeri within its gut, and this symbiosis does not contain a consortium of microbes. Instead the squid forms a naturally occurring one-on-one relationship with V. fischeri within a ventrally located cavity called the light organ. Bobtail squid feed at night in shallow open stretches of water, where the presence of moonlight or starlight can cast shadows revealing the squids’ presence to predators lying below. To camouflage themselves, squid use counter- illumination from light generated by V. fischeri con- tained within the light organ. Juvenile squid are born without V. fischeri and must rapidly acquire and selec- tively populate their light organ with these symbiotic bacteria if they are to survive in the wild (McFall-Ngai and Ruby 1991). However, in the laboratory, both squid [Keywords: microbiome; microbiota; model organisms; symbiosis] 5 Corresponding author E-mail [email protected] Article is online at http://www.genesdev.org/cgi/doi/10.1101/gad.212522.112. GENES & DEVELOPMENT 27:701–718 Ó 2013 by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press ISSN 0890-9369/13; www.genesdev.org 701 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press on May 19, 2018 - Published by genesdev.cshlp.org Downloaded from

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Exploring host–microbiota interactionsin animal models and humans

Aleksandar D. Kostic,1,2,3,4 Michael R. Howitt,1,2,3 and Wendy S. Garrett1,2,3,4,5

1Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts 02115, USA; 2Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 02115,USA; 3Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, Massachusetts 02115, USA; 4The Broad Institute of Harvard and MassachusettsInstitute of Technology, Boston, Massachusetts 02141, USA

The animal and bacterial kingdoms have coevolved andcoadapted in response to environmental selective pres-sures over hundreds of millions of years. The meta’omicsrevolution in both sequencing and its analytic pipelinesis fostering an explosion of interest in how the gutmicrobiome impacts physiology and propensity to dis-ease. Gut microbiome studies are inherently interdisci-plinary, drawing on approaches and technical skill setsfrom the biomedical sciences, ecology, and computa-tional biology. Central to unraveling the complex biologyof environment, genetics, and microbiome interaction inhuman health and disease is a deeper understanding ofthe symbiosis between animals and bacteria. Experimen-tal model systems, including mice, fish, insects, and theHawaiian bobtail squid, continue to provide critical insightinto how host–microbiota homeostasis is constructed andmaintained. Here we consider how model systems areinfluencing current understanding of host–microbiota in-teractions and explore recent human microbiome studies.

The distinctive body plans of animals offer many nichesfor members of the archaeal and bacterial kingdoms.While the lumen of the human distal gut is one of themost densely populated ecosystems on our planet, humansand other animals harbor several microbiomes on andwithin their body surfaces such as the respiratory andurogenital tracts and the skin. As the gut has evolved fromthe relatively simple tube of the ancient cyclostomatida tothe more highly compartmentalized gastrointestinal tractsof mammalian species, the diversity and complexity of themicrobial inhabitants of those spaces has increased aswell (Fig. 1). Use of model systems with differing levels ofmicrobial complexity reveals how host genes impact themicrobiome and how the microbiome regulates hostgenetic programs (Table 1). Here we broadly explore notjust the gut microbiota, but the chronic colonization ofmucosal epithelia by extracellular microbes.

Model organisms provide opportunities to perturb, en-gineer, and study host–microbiome interplay with a level

of experimental control that is not achievable in humanstudies. Both vertebrates and invertebrates have beenessential for discovering the microbial-associated molec-ular patterns and host pattern recognition receptors re-quired for sensing of pathogenic and symbiotic microbes.In many cases, tractable genetics in the host and microbeshave proven essential for identifying both microbial andhost factors that enable symbiosis. Model systems arealso revealing roles for the microbiome in host physiologyranging from mate selection (Sharon et al. 2010) toskeletal biology (Cho et al. 2012; Sjogren et al. 2012) andlipid metabolism (Wang et al. 2011; Semova et al. 2012).With an ever-increasing number of human microbiomestudies completed and under way, experimental systemsemploying models organisms will prove essential tools tointerrogate and validate the associations identified be-tween the human microbiome and disease.

Model systems

Hawaiian bobtailed squid

The coastal waters of Hawaii teem with microbial life.Less than 0.1% belong to the species Vibrio fischeri (Leeand Ruby 1992; Ruby and Lee 1998). Despite this numer-ical challenge, the tiny Hawaiian bobtail squid (Euprymnascolopes) selectively acquires V. fischeri from its environ-ment to create one of the most well-understood models ofbacterial–animal symbiosis. Unlike the systems dis-cussed later in this review, E. scolopes does not harborV. fischeri within its gut, and this symbiosis does notcontain a consortium of microbes. Instead the squidforms a naturally occurring one-on-one relationship withV. fischeri within a ventrally located cavity called thelight organ.

Bobtail squid feed at night in shallow open stretches ofwater, where the presence of moonlight or starlight cancast shadows revealing the squids’ presence to predatorslying below. To camouflage themselves, squid use counter-illumination from light generated by V. fischeri con-tained within the light organ. Juvenile squid are bornwithout V. fischeri and must rapidly acquire and selec-tively populate their light organ with these symbioticbacteria if they are to survive in the wild (McFall-Ngaiand Ruby 1991). However, in the laboratory, both squid

[Keywords: microbiome; microbiota; model organisms; symbiosis]5Corresponding authorE-mail [email protected] is online at http://www.genesdev.org/cgi/doi/10.1101/gad.212522.112.

GENES & DEVELOPMENT 27:701–718 � 2013 by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press ISSN 0890-9369/13; www.genesdev.org 701

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and V. fischeri can be grown independently, therebypermitting detailed study of the initiation, developmen-tal consequences, and molecular steps necessary for thishighly specific microbial symbiosis.

The juvenile light organ is morphologically very differ-ent from the adult organ, since its primary function is toharvest V. fischeri from surrounding seawater and initiatethe symbiosis. Newly hatched squid have light organswith two sets of ciliated appendages that beat seawatertoward pores leading to the interior of the organ. Within1–2 h of hatching, peptidoglycan from environmentalmicrobes trigger secretion of mucus outside the lightorgan (Nyholm et al. 2002). This mucus further aggregatesGram-negative bacteria outside the light organ, which,within a few hours, becomes dominated by V. fischeri(Nyholm et al. 2000; Nyholm and McFall-Ngai 2003). By4–6 h after the squid hatch, V. fischeri begin to migrateinto the pores of the light organ through the epithelial-lined ducts and settle into the deep crypts (McFall-Ngai

and Ruby 1998; Nyholm et al. 2000). Once inside the lightorgan, V. fischeri ‘‘signal’’ their presence to the host byrelease of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and peptidoglycan,classic examples of microbial-associated molecular pat-terns (Foster et al. 2000; Koropatnick et al. 2004). Inresponse to the bacteria, the light organ undergoes amaturation process resulting in rapid attenuation of nitricoxide production, constriction of the ducts, and a dra-matic morphogenesis that includes full regression of thesurface appendages and cilia (Nyholm and McFall-Ngai2004). While human–microbial symbiosis is far morecomplex, such observations in the squid raise questionsof how much of human postnatal development is influ-enced by the microbes.

The development of the light organ only occurs witha specific association with V. fischeri, as squid raisedwithout V. fischeri remain uncolonized by other bacteria,and the light organ fails to mature (McFall-Ngai and Ruby1991, 1998). The enrichment for squid-specific symbionts

Figure 1. The structure of the microbiota across species. Although there can be significant interindividual variation in thecomposition of the microbiota, broad trends exist within a given species, particularly at the phylum level. Phyla are represented bycolor, and the relative abundance of the lower taxonomic levels is indicated by font size. This figure was produced with data adaptedfrom Arumugam et al. (2011), Brinkman et al. (2011), Chandler et al. (2011), and Roeselers et al. (2011).

Table 1. Considerations in choosing a model organism for studying the microbiome

Advantages Disadvantages

Bobtail squid Single-organism symbiosis; microbial genetics Host not genetically tractableDrosophila Powerful host genetic system; simple, culturable microbiota No adaptive immune systemZebrafish Powerful host genetic system; adaptive immunity Very simple digestive tractMice Many similarities to the human digestive tract; controlled environment Limited throughputHumans Most clinically relevant Limited experimental control

The researcher must weigh the costs and benefits of a simple versus complex microbiome, interactions with the immune system,throughput and time scale of experiments, and regulatory considerations.

Kostic et al.


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is so selective that a fish-associated strain of V. fischeriis unable to initiate colonization. Genomic comparisonof V. fischeri strains that colonize either fish or squididentified a gene encoding a two-component sensor kinaseas ubiquitously present in the genomes of squid symbionts,while this gene is absent in half of the fish-associatedstrains (Mandel et al. 2009). Expression of this single genein a fish symbiont conferred the ability to colonize squid atlevels comparable with the natural squid symbiont. Thisfinding illustrates the important and widely applicableconcept of how minor genetic changes in a bacterium caninfluence the evolution of symbiont host range and spec-ificity (Mandel et al. 2009).

Interestingly, the squid and V. fischeri symbiosis fol-lows a diel rhythm, temporal pattern, where each dawn,the squid expel the majority of bacteria from their lightorgan, allowing the remaining V. fischeri to regrow duringthe day. Both the squid and the symbiont undergo pro-found changes throughout this diel cycle (Wier et al.2010), but perhaps the most obvious difference is theincreased microbial luminescence that occurs at nightand during the squid’s active period. These observationsraise curiosity about how day–night cycle changes inlight, temperature, and nutrient availability impact ani-mal–microbe symbioses.

Mutants in the quorum-sensing system of V. fischerifail to produce light but can initially colonize the lightorgan. Light production may represent a metabolic cost toV. fischeri, since quorum-sensing mutants outcompetewild-type strains in carbon-limited growth medium (Boseet al. 2008). This potential metabolic advantage for non-luminescent bacteria could undermine the function ofthe light organ if these microbes chronically colonizedthe squid. However, several studies have demonstratedthat the quorum-sensing mutants are unable to initiatethe normal light organ developmental program and aresignificantly less capable of persistent colonization (Visicket al. 2000; Lupp et al. 2003; Bose et al. 2008; Chun et al.2008). How the squid monitors bacterial luminesce is notas well understood, but the light organ does share somesimilarities to the eye. Both organs have a lens and re-flective tissue, and the light organ expresses many of thesame photodetection genes found in the eye (Tong et al.2009).

The symbiosis of the squid and V. fischeri is a fascinat-ing illustration of the mutualism that exists betweenmicrobes and animals. In particular, this model offersseveral experimental advantages, as it is a naturally oc-curring one-on-one relationship where each participantcan be grown independently. The use of microbial genet-ics with V. fischeri has provided surprising and powerfulinsights into the molecular and even photoluminescentdialog that mediates a productive relationship betweenmicrobes and their hosts.

Fruit fly

The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster has contributedgreatly to the understanding of basic cellular and de-velopmental biology over the past decades. Owing to

their tremendous experimental tractability and wealthof genetic tools, Drosophila are a powerful model toexplore innate immunity and microbial pathogenesis(Dionne and Schneider 2008; O’Callaghan and Vergunst2010). Scientists first discovered Toll receptors whilestudying Drosophila embryogenesis almost 30 years ago(Anderson et al. 1985), and it is now apparent that toll-like receptors (TLRs) function as critical innate immunesensors in evolutionarily diverse organisms, includinghumans. However, in contrast to their use in host–pathogen studies, the interaction of Drosophila with theirsymbiotic microbiota is only beginning to emerge as amodel system for symbiosis.

Numerous studies have surveyed the gut microbes ofDrosophila and identified bacterial communities far lesscomplex than mammals (Corby-Harris et al. 2007; Coxand Gilmore 2007; Ren et al. 2007; Ryu et al. 2008;Chandler et al. 2011; Wong et al. 2011). An analysis ofboth laboratory-raised and wild-caught flies found a max-imum of 30 operational taxonomic units (OTUs), a proxyfor species commonly employed in 16S rRNA gene se-quencing analysis, associated with some wild Drosophila,and an average of 6.3 OTUs with laboratory-reared flies(Chandler et al. 2011). The most prevalent microbesidentified in the Drosophila gut microbiota belong tothe families of Acetobacteraceae, Lactobacillales, andEnterobacteriaceae, with diet being the most powerfuldeterminant of species composition of these gut microbialcommunities (Fig. 1; Corby-Harris et al. 2007; Chandleret al. 2011). These microbes are either aerotolerant orobligate aerobes, suggesting that, unlike mammals, oxy-gen is able to penetrate across the entire diameter of theDrosophila gut (Chandler et al. 2011; Charroux and Royet2012). The aerobic growth of these gut microbes com-bined with their relative taxonomic simplicity has allowedlaboratory culturing of virtually the entire gut microbiotain some laboratory Drosophila stocks (Shin et al. 2011).The ability to culture large proportions of the Drosophilamicrobiota combined with the vast collections of mutantflies and rapid growth and high reproductive capacity ofDrosophila has produced a model of symbiosis withenormous potential to reveal new insights into host–symbiont interactions.

An example of one such unexpected interaction betweenflies and bacterial symbionts concerns mate selection:Drosophila prefer to mate with flies harboring similar gutmicrobes (Sharon et al. 2010). Initially, the investigatorsfound that flies maintained on separate diets of eitherstarch or molasses preferred mating with flies fed thesame diet, yet this preference could be abolished withantibiotics. To precisely define the contribution of mi-crobes to mating preference, flies were treated withantibiotics and then recolonized with a defined micro-biota. Remarkably, colonization with a single symbioticorganism, Lactobacillus plantarum, was sufficient toinfluence Drosophila mating preference (Sharon et al.2010). While this study used antibiotics to reduce theindigenous microbiota, other studies have used axenic orgerm-free (GF) flies grown from the time of birth withoutany bacteria.

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To generate GF flies, eggs are washed with sodiumhypochlorite solution (bleach) and hatched under sterileconditions. The resulting GF flies are viable and can beeasily maintained in laboratory conditions (Ridley et al.2012). However, several studies show that GF larva growsignificantly more slowly than conventional larva, lead-ing to delayed time to pupariation (Shin et al. 2011;Storelli et al. 2011; Ridley et al. 2012). This delay ofgrowth is further exaggerated when GF larva are feda nutritionally limited diet (Storelli et al. 2011) and caneven result in death at first instar when larva are raisedon a more minimal diet (<0.1% yeast or casamino acidssubstituted for yeast) (Shin et al. 2011). By culturingthe five principal bacteria found in their laboratoryDrosophila stock, Shin et al. (2011) demonstrated thata single bacterial species, Acetobacter pomorum, wasable to restore normal growth by stimulating insulin/insulin-like growth factor. To discover the bacterial fac-tors that aid larval growth, the investigators screeneda transposon mutant library of A. pomorum in developingflies. Bacterial mutants in the pyrroloquinoline quinone-dependent alcohol dehydrogenase (PQQ-ADH)-dependentoxidative respiratory chain were able to colonize Dro-sophila at levels commensurate with wild-type bacteriabut produced larva with developmental defects andadults with smaller body size. In Acetobacter, PQQ-ADH is the primary dehydrogenase in the ethanoloxidative respiratory chain that generates acetic acid(Yakushi and Matsushita 2010), and accordingly, thedevelopmental defect in flies colonized by PQQ-ADHmutants could be complemented by the addition of aceticacid (Shin et al. 2011). Interestingly, feeding acetic acidalone to GF flies does not restore growth to conventionallevels, indicating that Drosophila developmental physi-ology requires both acetic acid-dependent and -independentmicrobial metabolism.

Much like mammals, the microbiota of Drosophilacontributes to gut homeostasis by promoting the integ-rity of the epithelial barrier, which separates gut luminalcontents from the rest of an animal’s body. Underconventional conditions, the gut epithelium of adult fliesis renewed by intestinal stem cells (ISCs) every 1–2 wk(Micchelli and Perrimon 2006). In GF Drosophila, boththe number of mitotic ISCs and the rate of epithelialrenewal are reduced, since gut bacteria activate JAK–STAT signaling to induce ISC proliferation (Buchon et al.2009). However the rate of cell turnover in the Drosophilagut is dynamic and responds to pathogenic infection ordamage by dramatically increasing ISC proliferation torenew the entire mid-gut in 2–3 d (Buchon et al. 2009;Jiang et al. 2009). Balancing a capacity to respond ap-propriately to pathogens while not mounting an inap-propriate, inflammatory response to symbiotic mi-crobes is critical for both Drosophila and mammals.Understanding the cellular and molecular mechanismsregulating the differential responses to pathogens andsymbionts remains a central goal of immunology andmicrobiology.

A particular challenge arises in trying to distinguishpathogenic microbes from microbes that transiently and

chronically colonize a host, especially since they share somany molecular features. Drosophila are proving a usefulmodel system for understanding this aspect of host–microbe interaction. Peptidoglycan, a component of bac-terial cell walls that is common to both pathogenic andcommensal microbes, can activate the innate immuneresponse in both Drosophila and mammals (Royet andDziarski 2007). In flies, the recognition of peptidoglycanoccurs through peptidoglycan recognition proteins (PGRPs),which can induce either the Toll or immune deficiency(IMD) pathways, leading to release of antimicrobial pep-tides (AMPs) and reactive oxygen species (ROS) (Tzouet al. 2000; Ha et al. 2005), However it is vital that flieshave the capacity to negatively regulate this immuneresponse because of the endogenous microbes they harbor(Zaidman-Remy et al. 2006; Ryu et al. 2008; Paredes et al.2011). While some members of the PGRP family caninitiate an immune response, other members of thisfamily can act as negative regulators of the IMD pathway(Zaidman-Remy et al. 2006; Lhocine et al. 2008; Paredeset al. 2011; Bosco-Drayon et al. 2012). Mutation of PGRPssuch as PGRP-LB, the PGRP-SC family, or the interactingpartner PIMS (PGRP-LC-interacting inhibitor of Imdsignaling) results in aberrantly high levels of AMPs inthe presence of their resident microbiota and higherfly mortality when colonized by relatively innocuousGram-negative bacteria (Lhocine et al. 2008; Paredeset al. 2011).

Even with the negative regulation of IMD pathways,the presence of indigenous Drosophila gut microbes canstill induce activation of inflammatory pathways—spe-cifically, the nuclear translocation of the NF-kB homologrelish. However, while pathogenic infection drives trans-location of relish to the nucleus and triggers expression ofimmune factors, indigenous Drosophila gut microbes donot trigger production of AMPs, as would be expected(Ryu et al. 2008). To understand how some microbesavoid triggering production of AMPs, Ryu et al. (2008)analyzed expression of the homeobox transcription factorcaudal, which regulates AMP production in some epi-thelial cell types. They found that caudal was specificallyexpressed in the gut epithelium of adult flies and thatknockdown of caudal with RNAi led to AMP productionin the presence of resident Drosophila gut microbes. Inturn, the overexpression of AMPs due to disruption ofcaudal dramatically restructured the gut microbiota,thereby resulting in high levels of epithelial cell apoptosisand death of the flies.

The Drosophila model leverages substantial genetictools with a relatively simple microbiota to create anexperimentally tractable system to discover the molec-ular underpinnings of host–commensal interactions. Insome instances, Drosophila can reveal relationships be-tween hosts and microbiota that are applicable to otherinsects, including those that act as vectors of infectiousdiseases or are of importance to agriculture (Douglas et al.2011). In other cases, the implications of Drosophila–microbiota interaction may uncover broader conceptsof mutualism that are conserved among higher-orderorganisms.

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A distinguishing feature that marks the evolution ofvertebrates, in contrast to the squid and the fruit fly, isthe appearance of adaptive immunity. The cells of theadaptive immune system, principally B and T lympho-cytes, express antigen-specific receptors that permit ver-tebrates to recognize and remember microbes. Vertebratesalso exhibit a complex, resident microbiota, whereas theinvertebrate gut microbiota is composed of only a smallnumber of species and tends to be shaped by the microbialcomposition of the environment (McFall-Ngai 2007). Ithas been proposed that the ability of the adaptive im-mune system to recognize and remember specific organ-isms has facilitated the expansion of the resident micro-biota in vertebrates (McFall-Ngai 2007; Maynard et al.2012). Therefore, the zebrafish Danio rerio, with a diversemicrobiota but still among the simplest vertebrate models,is emerging as a powerful model system for studying thecomplexities of host–microbiota interactions.

The zebrafish has a number of features that make it anattractive experimental system. These include externalfertilization and optical transparency of zebrafish embryosand larvae that allow for the visualization of developingcells as well as colonizing microbes by time-lapse micros-copy. The rapid development of organ primordia (within 5 dpost-fertilization [dpf]) and onset of adult metamorphosis(within 14 dpf), together with small size, make zebrafishan invaluable resource for forward genetic and chemicalscreening. Methods for genetic screening include ENUmutagenesis, retrovirus-based insertional mutagenesis,zinc finger nucleases (Amacher 2008), morpholino-basedgene knockdown (Nasevicius and Ekker 2000), condi-tional loss of function by RNAi (De Rienzo et al. 2012),and, most recently, genome editing with the use of theTALEN system (Bedell et al. 2012). There is a high degreeof homology between zebrafish and mammals not only inthe adaptive immune system, but also in the digestivesystem. Zebrafish have a pancreas, gall bladder, liver, andintestine. Furthermore, the cells of the intestinal epithe-lium include absorptive enterocytes, goblet cells, andenteroendocrine cells similar to mammals. Relativelysimple methods have been developed for rearing GF andgnotobiotic zebrafish during early post-embryonic devel-opment (Pham et al. 2008) and up to 30 dpf (Milligan-Myhre et al. 2011). To date, most GF zebrafish studieshave centered on the early post-embryonic period andtherefore focused on the impact of the microbiota on theinnate immune system, as the adaptive immune systemhas yet to fully develop at that time.

To investigate geographic variation in the zebrafish gutmicrobiota and determine whether there is a shared orcore microbiota in zebrafish, 16S rRNA gene sequencingof gut microbial contents was carried out on zebrafishcollected from their natural habitat and from severalresearch laboratories in different geographic locations(Roeselers et al. 2011). Members of the g-Proteobacteriaand Fusobacteria classes were the most dominant con-stituents of the microbiota and were shared by all fish,despite the relatively large geographical and generational

distances that separated them. The selective pressures ofthe zebrafish intestinal environment appear to favor ahighly specific collection of microbes influenced by hostanatomy, physiology, nutrient availability, and immunol-ogy (referred to as gut habitat effects) much more stronglythan the effects of dietary differences or environment (forexample, an animal’s parents [referred to as legacy ef-fects]), which may be expected to be important factors inmammals.

In an elegant test of gut habitat versus legacy effects,a reciprocal gut microbiota transplant was performedbetween GF zebrafish and mice (Rawls et al. 2006). Thegut microbes of the zebrafish microbe-transplanted miceresembled the gut microbes of conventional mice, ratherthan that of the mouse gut microbe-transplanted zebra-fish. Similarly, the gut microbes of conventional zebrafishresembled the gut microbes of mouse gut microbe-trans-planted zebrafish. These experiments demonstrate thatthe gut sculpts the community it has to work with intoa predefined shape heavily influenced by the host. Theobservations of Rawls et al. (2006) raise the question ofwhat host factors perform this sculpting and suggest thatzebrafish will be a very useful model system to identifysuch factors.

Studies that compare conventionally raised versus GFzebrafish larvae have revealed insights into many mech-anisms of host–microbiota relationships. The gut micro-biota stimulates intestinal epithelial cell proliferation(Rawls et al. 2004; Bates et al. 2006) through MyD88signaling and not inflammation (Cheesman et al. 2011),promotes a shift in epithelial glycan expression (Bateset al. 2006), and stimulates the infiltration of gut-associ-ated immune cells (Rawls et al. 2004; Bates et al. 2007).

Zebrafish sense microbes by detecting microbe-associ-ated molecular patterns (MAMPs), principally by the useof TLRs and nucleotide oligomerization domain (NOD)-like receptors (NLRs) operating at the cell surface or thecytoplasm. Therefore, one possible mechanism to pro-mote regulated and appropriate responses to symbioticbacteria is to limit the exposure to and detection of MAMPs.Intestinal alkaline phosphatase (IAP) is an enzyme that isexpressed at the apical surface of the brush border ofintestinal epithelial cells that serves to detoxify the lipidA moiety of bacterial LPS by dephosphorylation. IAPactivity is induced in response to microbial colonizationin conventionally reared zebrafish but is not induced inGF zebrafish (Bates et al. 2006). In a seminal set of ex-periments, Bates et al. (2007) demonstrate that the de-toxifying activity of IAP prevents an inappropriate in-flammatory response to the resident gut microbiota inzebrafish. Bates et al. (2007) also demonstrate that IAPforms a negative feedback loop that prevents excessiveTLR activity and inflammation. Interestingly, subse-quent studies by other groups support that IAP is a highlyconserved symbiotic factor promoting host–microbe ho-meostatic interactions in squid and mice (Goldberg et al.2008; Rader et al. 2012).

The composition of the zebrafish gut microbiota canhave direct impacts on disease pathogenesis. Inflamma-tory bowel disease can be modeled in zebrafish using

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a chemical called oxazolone, which induces intestinalinflammation (Brugman et al. 2009). By treating zebrafishwith the antibiotic vancomycin, Fusobacteria became thedominant phyla in the gut microbiota, and the inflam-matory response observed in response to oxazolone wasmarkedly decreased. Treatment with colistin sulfate treat-ment results in a g-Proteobacteria-dominated gut micro-biota, and these zebrafish developed intestinal inflamma-tion in response to oxazolone treatment. These resultsdemonstrate that certain members of the microbiota,such as the g-Proteobacteria, may help drive intestinalinflammation in an experimental model of colitis. Inhuman diseases, it is often difficult to discern whether achange in the gut microbiota is a cause or effect of theunderlying disease, and expansions of gut microbiotaProteobacteria have been observed in human chronic in-flammatory diseases. This study in zebrafish suggests thatmembers of the Proteobacteria may increase propensity forinflammatory responses in the gastrointestinal tract.

In a recent study of the contributions of the microbiotato dietary lipid absorption, Semova et al. (2012) effec-tively used the transparent zebrafish embryo to monitorhow fatty acids are absorbed in the presence and absenceof microbes. Conventionalized zebrafish show increasedfatty acid absorption compared with GF fish under bothfed and starved dietary conditions. Conventionalized fishalso exhibit higher fatty acid export to the liver andincreased lipid droplet size regardless of diet, suggestingthat the microbiota may directly affect fatty acid storage.Previous studies have shown that caloric intake can in-fluence the relative abundance of Firmicutes and Bacte-roidetes (Ley et al. 2006, 2008; Turnbaugh et al. 2008b);generally, Firmicutes are expanded in high-calorie diets.GF zebrafish were monocolonized with a Firmicutes rep-resentative, a Bacteroidetes representative, or a Proteo-bacteria representative. The Firmicutes representativewas below the level of detection under starved conditionsbut robustly colonized under fed conditions, and only theFirmicutes-colonized zebrafish had an increase in lipiddroplet number relative to GF fish. This study demon-strates that the intestinal microbiota is integral to fattyacid metabolism and absorption and that specific com-ponents of the microbiota carry out prescribed roles inthis process. It also provides insight into observationsabout the altered gut microbiota in obesity—specifically,how the gut microbe of obese humans may contribute toa maladaptive fatty acid metabolism in these individuals.


The laboratory mouse has been instrumental for estab-lishing roles for the gut microbiota in many aspects ofmammalian physiology: angiogenesis (Stappenbeck et al.2002; Reinhardt et al. 2012), bone mineral density (Choet al. 2012; Sjogren et al. 2012), brain development andbehavior (Sudo et al. 2004; Bravo et al. 2011; Diaz Heijtzet al. 2011; Ezenwa et al. 2012), obesity and malnutrition(Turnbaugh et al. 2006; Smith et al. 2013), hepatic function(Dapito et al. 2012; Henao-Mejia et al. 2012), intestinalresponse to injury and repair (Rakoff-Nahoum et al. 2004;

Swanson et al. 2011), and innate and adaptive immunefunction (for reviews, see Garrett et al. 2010b; Littmanand Pamer 2011; Hooper et al. 2012). Ninety-nine percentof mouse genes are shared with humans at the hostgenetic level, and they share key similarities with thehuman gut microbiome at the phylum through familylevels (Fig. 1), making them a powerful model systemfor evaluating host–microbiota interactions applicable tohuman biology (Spor et al. 2011). Mouse genetics; theavailability of both inbred and outbred strains and col-lections of knockout, knock-in, and transgenic mutants(International Knockout Mouse Consortium [IKMC, http://www.knockoutmouse.org], Knockout Mouse Project[KOMP, https://www.komp.org], and Mutant Mouse Re-gions Resource Center [MMRRC, http://www.mmrrc.org]); and forward genetic approaches (e.g., in vivo RNAi,insertional mutagenesis, and N-ethyl-N-nitrosurea [ENU]-based mutagenesis-based screens) make mice a usefulmodel system for studying the role of host genetics inhost–microbiota interactions. An ability to select breed-ing strategies, alter housing conditions and littermates,manipulate diet, regulate light cycles, and subject mice todefined exposure facilitates study of how environmentalexposures impact host–microbiota interactions. How-ever, all of these experimental opportunities come withsome caveats. Mouse skin, fur, orapharyneal structures,compartmentalization of the gastrointestinal tract, andbehavior (e.g., coprophagia) clearly differ significantlyfrom humans and may influence microbial communities.Experimental and animal husbandry practices, includingbedding materials and exposure of immunodeficient linesto prophylactic antibiotics, can all impact the micro-biome, too. When aware of the environmental and legacyeffects in mouse models and their implications for micro-biome experimental design, mice can still be a stalwarttool for unraveling mechanisms of host–microbiota in-teractions relevant to humans.

Using mice to parse the contribution of geneticsto configurations of the gut microbiota

A major question in microbiome studies is what hostgenetic features impact the assembly, temporal stability,and resilience of microbial communities. Mouse modelswould appear to provide a straightforward approach tounderstanding the impact of host genotype of the micro-biome. However, in some cases, confounding factors havemade drawing conclusions from the impact of mousegenetics on the microbiome far from clear. Acknowledg-ing this complexity and the potential pitfalls is not meantto suggest that using mice for host–microbiota studies isa flawed approach; rather, the point is to highlight thatstudying host–microbiota interactions in mice requirescareful experimental design. Single and double geneknockout studies, often but not always in the context ofdisease phenotype, have provided insight into how genet-ics regulating host immune function and energy balanceimpact the gut microbiome. Of the many studies exam-ining the impact of single and compound gene knockoutsin mice on the microbiome, we highlight a few that focus

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on genes involved in sensing conserved features of themicrobiota. Generally, these one to two genes or ‘‘fine-scale’’ host genotype and microbiota studies use micewith hypomorphic gene function, global loss of genefunction, or cell type-specific deletion using Cre-loxtechnology.

Many mouse genotype perturbation–microbiome stud-ies have examined the gut microbiota of mice deficient ingenes involved in host response to microbe-associatedmolecular patterns. Several studies have examined theeffects of TLR and NOD family members on the gutmicrobiota. Effects of Nod2 mutations have been a focusbecause Nod2 mutations are a risk factor for humanCrohn’s disease, a disease that exemplifies dysregulatedhost–microbiota interactions. Nod2 expression in the in-testine is dependent on the presence of a gut microbiota,and Nod2 knockout mice are more susceptible to coloni-zation by intestinal mouse pathogens (Petnicki-Ocwiejaet al. 2009). Mice deficient in Nod1 and Nod2 have alteredgut microbiota composition as compared with theirheterozygous littermates (Natividad et al. 2012). NLRP6is a NLR family member that functions in inflammasome,type 1 interferon, and NF-kB signaling. Inflammasomesare multicomponent protein complexes that detect infec-tion and cellular injury. Inflammasome activation resultsin caspase-1 activation and subsequent caspase-1 proteo-lytic activation of two proinflammatory cytokines: IL-1b

and IL-18 (Franchi et al. 2012). NLRP6 inflammasome-deficient mice have an altered gut microbiota notable foran expansion of Prevotellaceae. Although why this bac-terial family expands remains unclear, this microbiota isfunctionally significant, as it increased colitis severityinduced by a chemical that disrupts the epithelial barrierand causes colitis (Elinav et al. 2011). NLRP6 is a negativeregulator of inflammatory signaling, and its loss activatesMAP kinase and NF-kB signaling pathways downstreamfrom TLRs and increases circulating monocyte numbers(Anand et al. 2012). These cellular and signaling alter-ations may explain why NLRP6-deficient mice have anincreased resistance to a number of pathogenic bacteriaand an altered endogenous microbiota (Anand et al. 2012).Caspases are cysteine proteases that play wide-rangingroles functioning in apoptosis to inflammation. Caspase-1cleavage of IL-1b and IL-18 contributes to regulatinginflammatory tone in the gut and thus may modulate themicrobiome. The gut microbiota of Capsase-1-, Capsase-3-,and Capsase-7-deficient mice were recently evaluated incomparison with wild-type mice using 16S rRNA genefecal profiling, and significant differences were observedacross several families, including Lachnospiraceae, Por-phyromonodaceae, and Prevotellaceae (Brinkman et al.2011).

MyD88 is an adaptor protein common to IL-1 and IL-18signaling and to several TLRs (TLR1, TLR2, TLR4, TLR5,TLR6, TLR9, and TLR10). Thus, loss of MyD88 may beexpected to impact a wide range of innate immune sensingof the microbiota. The absence of MyD88 in the nonobesediabetic mouse strain led to an altered microbiota com-position with enriched abundance of Lactobacillaceae,Rikenellaceae, and Porphyromonadaceae (Shen et al. 2010).

In another recent study, loss of MyD88 was examinedfrom both a microbial ecology and host transcriptomeperspective along the length of the small intestine andcolon (Larsson et al. 2011). The small intestinal micro-biota of MyD88-deficient mice was notable for an enrich-ment of segmented filamentous bacteria (SFB) and greaterinterindividual variation. Recently, SFB have garnered in-creased attention, as they promote a population of T cells,called T helper 17 (Th17) cells, which function in immu-nity against extracellular bacteria and fungi. The hosttranscriptome data set of Larsson et al. (2011), which usesboth GF (discussed below) and MyD88-sufficient and-deficient conventional mice, is available as a commu-nity-wide resource at Encyclopedia of Tut MicrobiotaRegulated Genes (http://microbiota.wall.gu.se). Targetedintestinal epithelial deletion of MyD88 using Villin-Cre 3

MyD88-Flox mice has revealed that such mice have re-duced levels of the polymeric immunoglobulin receptormucin-2 and antibacterial peptides (Frantz et al. 2012).MyD88 regulation of the expression of RegIIIg, an anti-bacterial lectin that lyses Gram-positive bacteria, is ofspecial importance, as RegIIIg restricts the localization ofbacteria and ensures its proper segregation from the innermucus layer of the intestinal mucosa (Vaishnava et al.2011).

There have been several studies of the impact of theTLRs upstream of MyD88. Investigations of TLR5-de-ficient mice have revealed phenotypes resulting in met-abolic syndrome (Vijay-Kumar et al. 2010) and colitis(Vijay-Kumar et al. 2007), with coincident alterations inthe microbiota and transient elevations in the proteobac-teria and, in particular, enterobacteria species in coliticTLR5 knockout mice (Vijay-Kumar et al. 2010; Carvalhoet al. 2012). While there have been other observationssupporting that alterations in TLR signaling impact themicrobiota (e.g., that there is an altered colonic mucosalmicrobiota in TLR2-deficient mice) (Kellermayer et al.2011), other studies have challenged the magnitude of theimpact of TLR signaling perturbations on the gut micro-biome. A denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis andfluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH)-based investiga-tion (Loh et al. 2008) and a more recent study using deep16S rRNA gene surveys both call into question whetherTLRs or MyD88 alter the gut microbiota in a genotype-dependent fashion (Ubeda et al. 2012). Ubeda et al. (2012)generated MyD88-, TLR-2-, TLR-4-, TLR-6-, and TLR-9-deficient mouse lines from heterozygote 3 heterozygotebreeding strategies. Interestingly, they did not detectstatistically significant differences in community com-position or diversity in cecal luminal, ileal luminal, orileal 16S rRNA gene surveys in these mice compared withtheir littermate controls. They also did not detect statis-tically significant differences in microbial communityresponse after an antibiotic (vancomycin) perturbation.However, differences were observed between wild-typeand TLR mutant colonies that had been maintained asseparate lines from homozygous 3 homozygous crossesfor many years. These results raise awareness about theimportance of considering lineage or legacy effects inmicrobiome studies, and it should be noted that these

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effects were considered in several of the cited studies(Vaishnava et al. 2011).

TLRs and NLRs are not the only molecules involved inhost response to the microbiota. Defensins are cationicproteins found in both the animal and plant kingdom thathave broad antimicrobial activity against bacteria, fungi,and viruses, and the microbiota of mice with alteredenteric defensin activity have been investigated. In miceand humans, defensins are principally produced by smallintestinal Paneth cells and also by intestinal absorptiveenterocytes. Intestinal tissue and luminal samples fromtransgenic mice expressing one or two copies of thehuman a defensin (DEFA5) and knockout mice deficientin the metalloprotease MMP7, which proteolytically acti-vates a-defensins, were analyzed using 16S rRNA genesurveys, quantitative PCR (qPCR), and FISH and carriedout with appropriate experimental genotype, housing,and lineage controls (Salzman et al. 2010). Several sta-tistically significant differences were observed at thephylum to species level, and notably, SFB were markedlyreduced in the DEFA5 transgenic mice. While it mayseem intuitive that antimicrobial molecules, TLRs,and NLRs would impact the microbiome, the micro-biome field is relatively young. Thus, there is a need todefine the impact of such genes on the microbiota andclarify whether changes are stochastic or host genotypedriven.

Beyond TLRs, NLRs, and defensins, several geneticmouse models of colitis have been interrogated regardingtheir microbiome patterns before, after, and during activeinflammation, which can perturb the microbiota asoxidative stress and antimicrobial molecules increaseduring inflammation (Morgan et al. 2012). Mouse modelsof colitis, including FVB.mdr1a�/� (Nones et al. 2009),BALB/c.T-bet�/�3 RAG2�/� (Garrett et al. 2010a) and IL-10R2�/� 3 TGFBRII�/� (Bloom et al. 2011) mice, havebeen profiled using multiple methodologies inclusive ofculture-dependent and -independent techniques andrevealed distinctive patterns with the gut microbiota.The Enterobacteriaceae Klebsiella pneumoniae and Pro-teus mirabilis were associated with colitis in T-bet�/� 3

RAG2�/� mice (Garrett et al. 2010a), while Bacteroidesthetaiotaomicron was associated with disease in IL-10R2�/� 3 TGFBRII�/� mice (Bloom et al. 2011), suggest-ing that a variety of genes may impact colonization andfitness of specific gut microbes in the setting of an inflamedepithelium and genetic immune perturbations. Miceprovide significant opportunities in GWAS (genome-wideassociation studies) and MWAS (microbiome-wide asso-ciation studies) to interrogate the contribution of geneticrisk alleles to disease phenotype and the presence ofgenetic risk alleles to microbiome patterns. While in-flammatory bowel disease has been a focus of suchstudies in mice (Parkes 2012), hopefully, mice can beused to assess causality of genetic risk alleles and theirassociated microbiota in a variety of disease states. Whilethe studies highlighted here have focused on single ordouble gene knockouts or transgenics, mice also provideopportunities for investigating the impact of host genet-ics on a larger scale.

Using mice to parse the contribution of geneticsto configurations of the microbiota

The first inbred mouse strain was generated >90 yearsago, and there are now >450 inbred strains described.Inbred strains are a valuable tool for genetics and immu-nology research not only because of isogenicity withina given strain, but also because of the differences ingenotype and phenotype between different inbred strains(Beck et al. 2000). Mouse genetic background has beenobserved to impact the composition, diversity, and rich-ness of the gut microbiota in both wild-type and knock-out mice (Esworthy et al. 2010; Buchler et al. 2012). Morethan 10 years ago, a collaborative effort was initiated toestablish a resource for mouse experimental populationsfor high-resolution quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis.This consortium, called the Collaborative Cross (CC)project (http://compgen.unc.edu), provides a powerfulplatform not only for mouse systems biology, but alsofor unparalleled opportunities for examining host geno-type effects on the microbiome (Threadgill and Churchill2012; Welsh et al. 2012). Although not completed, the CCis already providing important insight into complex traitanalysis of the microbiome. Campbell et al. (2012) ana-lyzed the gut microbiota of the eight core inbred CC using16S rRNA gene-based surveys. While litter and cohousingeffects on the microbiota were discernible, there weresignificant correlations and distinctive community clus-tering observed between the mouse strains. Strain-spe-cific microbiota patterns were detected. Some strainshave more interindividual variability than others, andother strains have more sex-dependent clustering in theirmicrobiomes. A microbiome QTL investigation examin-ing >600 mice from an intercross between C57Bl/6J(inbred) and an ICR-derived (outbred) line has provideda rich data set on host genetic factors influencing themicrobiome (Benson et al. 2010). In Benson et al. (2010) asin Campbell et al. (2012), the litter and cohort hada significant effect on gut microbiota composition; how-ever, there were discernible host genotype effects onmicrobiome variation as well. Numerous QTL were ob-served at the family and genus levels across Bacteroidetes,Clostridia, and Bacilli. There were also QTL signals forCortiobacteriaceae Turicibacter and Helicobacter. Nota-bly, no QTL were detected at the genus level for Lactoba-cillus, and, as lactobacilli are a genera remarkable for manyspecies host-adapted populations, this prompted furthertrait mapping for the Lactobacillus reuteri, johnsonii/gasseri, and animalis/murinus groups that did revealtwo significant QTLs. Collectively, these two studies byCampbell et al. (2012) and Benson et al. (2010) provide astrong foundation for integrating genetic, phenotypic andmicrobiome data and identifying QTL and genes thatshape microbiome function from large limbs of the phylo-genetic tree out to its strain-level branchlets.

Approaches to perturb and design the microbiomein mice

Conventional mice, those in traditional mouse coloniesand with wide availability from commercial sources,

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have provided insight into the gut microbiota. For severaldecades, immunologists have appreciated that some in-flammatory-associated phenotypes have varied acrossvivaria and vendors, and considering these environmentalinfluences and microbiome differences is useful for un-derstanding functional consequence of the microbiota.Vendor differences between CD4+ IL-17- and IL-22-pro-ducing cells (Th17) in the intestine of the same mousestrain led to the recognition that SFB play a critical role indriving Th17 development in mice (Ivanov et al. 2009). Awhole-genome shotgun sequencing analysis of mousemicrobiota across international vivaria will be availablein the near future and will provide a very useful resourcefor mouse microbiome studies and understanding pheno-typic differences across isogenic strains at different loca-tions (SD Ehrlich, pers. comm.).

Antibiotics are an effective means to perturb the gutmicrobiota. By following communities before, during,and after treatment with antibiotics, significant insightcan be gained into not only basic questions of microbialecology and microbiome function (Maurice et al. 2013),but also how antibiotics—among the most widely usedpharmaceuticals—impact susceptibility to infectious mi-crobes and disease susceptibility. The temporal changesin luminal and mucosal microbial populations and theircoincident impact on intestinal lymphoid populations,epithelial gene expression, and peripheral lymphoid tis-sues have been examined in response to antibiotics (van-comycin, metronidazole, neomycin, and ampicillin 6

amphotericin-B) provided in the drinking water or bygavage (Hill et al. 2010; Reikvam et al. 2011). Antibioticperturbations of the mouse microbiota have shed insightinto how vancomycin-resistant enterococcus (VRE), anorganism that causes significant morbidity and mortality,can come to dominate the gut microbiome and set thestage for VRE bacteremias, which are increasingly seen inhospitalized patients (Ubeda et al. 2010). Recently, micehave been used to understand the mechanisms underpin-ning how low-dose antibiotics promote growth in live-stock, and this study raises concern for the judicious useof antibiotics in pediatric populations as juvenile obesityis becoming a global epidemic (Cho et al. 2012). Cho et al.(2012) examined the impact of several different classesand combinations of antibiotics (at low doses similar tothose given to livestock) as an early-life exposure in mice.They examined several host metrics—weight, body fat,bone density, and metabolic parameters—by microarrayand serum measurements. Concurrently, Cho et al. (2012)examined microbiota responses using 16S rRNA gene andinternal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequencing and qPCR toassess composition and gas chromatography to examinemicrobiota metabolic capacity, focusing on short chainfatty production. Many human infants are exposed duringparturition, post-partum, in their first year of life, andthroughout childhood to antibiotics directly and indirectlythrough the food supply. The findings of Cho et al. (2012)fuel current interest in how antibiotics may impact obesity,skeletal development, and insulin sensitivity in children.

The impact of many early-life exposures on the micro-biota can be evaluated in mice. Breast milk represents an

early-life exposure common to all mammals, and theimpact of breast milk on the microbiome has beeninvestigated in mice by culture-independent profilingof microbiome composition in mouse neonates (Schlosset al. 2012). Milk has been manipulated in vivo by usinglactating female mice deficient in sialyltransferasegenes, which influence milk silalylactose levels. Mousepups exposed to these altered milks showed changes intheir microbiota composition and a heightened colitissusceptibility in later life (Fuhrer et al. 2010). Interest-ingly, maternal diet as well as maternal inflammatorystate lead to milk with proinflammatory properties thatcan influence the health of exposed litters (Madsen et al.2002; Garrett et al. 2010a; Du et al. 2012). Dietaryinterventions in mouse models have been the topic ofseveral outstanding recent reviews and papers, and micehave been an excellent model to examine intersections ofthe microbiome, diet, genetics, and obesity and metabolicsyndrome as well as intestinal inflammation (Ley et al.2005; Turnbaugh et al. 2006, 2008a, 2009; Hildebrandtet al. 2009; Faith et al. 2011; Tilg and Kaser 2011; Devkotaet al. 2012; Tremaroli and Backhed 2012). Housing, line-age, and legacy effects all impact the microbiome. Whilethese variables may appear to just confound experimentalinterpretation, they can be used to study the assemblyand stability of the microbiome (for review, see Spor et al.2011).

Engineered microbiomes in mice

Gnotobiotics is the science of well-controlled microbialenvironments within and for biological specimens (Wardand Trexler 1958), encompassing the generation andmaintenance of both GF and defined microbial commu-nity animals (Ward and Trexler 1958). While gnotobioticmice are discussed here, there are gnotobiotic fish, flies,rats, pigs, and foals. Gnotobiotic techniques have beenessential to mechanistically interrogate host–microbiotainteractions in mice (Yi and Li 2012). Rederivation of anycombination of genetic mutant mice is possible viaembryo transfer into GF pseudopregnant mice or asepticharvesting of a gestational uterine package and transfer ofthe fetuses to a GF foster female. It is important to realizethat although GF mice do not harbor live bacteria orarchaea, they are not naive to microbial-associated mo-lecular patterns, as they encounter them in their steril-ized (by autoclave or irradiation) food, water, and bedding.Microarray-based comparisons of host tissues from GFmice and their conventional counterparts have beena successful approach to understand the broad impact ofthe microbiome on physiology (Cash et al. 2006; Larssonet al. 2011; Yamamoto et al. 2012). Microarrays of GF andconventionalized mice even have shown that the gutmicrobiota modulate host gene expression post-transcrip-tionally by altering expression of host microRNAs withinthe small and large intestine (Dalmasso et al. 2011).

Colonization of GF mice with one or two bacteria hasbeen useful both to understand the features of microbesneeded to colonize the intestinal ecosystem and todissect how specific microbes contribute to immune

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system development and disease. Monoassociations ofmice with Bacteroides fragilis have shown that B. fragiliscontributes to immune homeostasis by balancing CD4+

Th1 and Th2 lymphocyte populations and guiding FoxP3+

T regulatory cell populations in the intestine. In addition,gnotobiotics have been a helpful tool for establishing thespecific role of B. fragilis polysaccharide A (PsA) in theseprocesses (Mazmanian et al. 2005; Round and Mazmanian2010; Round et al. 2011). PsA is an example par excellenceof using mouse models to identify symbiotic factors withimportant roles in host immune regulation. Similarly,monoassociations of mice with SFB have been importantin establishing how SFB can drive expansion of intestinalIgA-producing plasma cell populations and Th17 cells(Klaasen et al. 1993; Gaboriau-Routhiau et al. 2009; Ivanovet al. 2009). The host pathways engaged by SFB andidentification of specific features of SFB that influencehost immune responses remain an area of active interest.Monoassociations with the model human gut modelsymbiont B. thetaiotaomicron were an integral part ofgroundbreaking experiments performed more than a de-cade ago by Hooper et al. (2001), wherein they examinedmicroarrays from B. thetaiotaomicron-associated miceversus GF mice. B. thetaiotaomicron was found to in-fluence host responses spanning xenobiotic metabolism,angiogenesis, intestinal maturation, mucosal barrier func-tion, and nutrient absorption, and, using laser capturemicrodissection, the responses observed were linked tospecific intestinal cell subsets (Hooper et al. 2001). Whilea precis of the discoveries stemming from monoassocia-tion experiments of mice is beyond the scope of thisreview, a few technical innovations that are adding to theinsight that can be gained from monoassociations areworth noting. Recently, Goodman et al. (2009) employedinsertion sequencing along with genome-wide transposonmutant libraries of B. thetaiotaomicron and used wild-type, mutant GF, and defined community mice to iden-tify the genetic determinants of B. thetaiotaomicronfitness in the gut. Such approaches hold tremendouspromise for unraveling the contributions of both hostand microbiota genetics for coadaptation (Goodman et al.2011). Hapfelmeier et al. (2010) developed a system of‘‘reversible colonization’’ by developing a triple mutantstrain of Escherichia coli K12 with three auxotrophicdeletions. When fed to gnotobiotic mice, these live butnonreplicating bacteria resulted in mice that were tran-siently colonized and, as such, provided a system to probequestions of immunological memory regarding antibac-terial IgA production in the gut (Hapfelmeier et al. 2010).As a result of the facile nature of bacterial genetics, rapidlyevolving meta’omics technology, and the surge of interestin gnotobiotics, continued technical ingenuity in highlysimplified microbial community mouse model systemsshould be expected.

Gnotobiotic mice can be colonized with several bacte-rial strains and maintained with these communities overmany generations. One model microbial communityused since the 1960s and introduced to standardize themicrobiota of laboratory mouse strains is referred to asthe Altered Schaedler Flora (ASF). The ASF consists of

eight species: Five are from the genera Clostridium,Eubacterium, and Bacteroides; one is a spirochete fromthe Flexistipes group (Mucispirillum schaederli); and twoare Lactobacillus species. The laboratory of Jeffrey Gordon(Goodman et al. 2009; Faith et al. 2011; McNulty et al.2011) has employed consortia of 10–15 human gut bacteriain several studies and used these communities to predictand test the response of the microbiota to diets and tounravel factors involved in model bacterial symbiontfitness in vivo (Goodman et al. 2009; Faith et al. 2011;McNulty et al. 2011). The laboratory of Kenya Honda(Atarashi et al. 2011) has used chloroform treatment ofintestinal contents, which enriches for spore formers, asinocula into GF recipients as well as a cocktail of Clostridiastrains. These approaches were useful for establishing thatClostridium species play an important role in colonic Tregulatory cell development (Atarashi et al. 2011). Com-munities can be constructed in several ways, and with thesequencing and annotation of an increasing number of gutbacteria, the possibilities for more complex and rationallyconstructed communities becomes more achievable.

Inoculating mice with consortia of human gut bacteriaor human feces is a way to construct humanized micro-biome mice (HMM) (Faith et al. 2010). HMM have beenuseful for examining questions about the functionality ofthe microbiome and establish that human microbiomescan alter the metabolic capacity of mice. Specifically,when microbiota have been transplanted from obesehuman donors or, in another recent study, from womenin the third trimester of pregnancy, these microbiotaconferred some of their host’s phenotypes to the mouserecipients: weight gain, increased adiposity, and insulinresistance (Turnbaugh et al. 2006; Koren et al. 2012). Incontrast to prior studies of obesity and Western dietarypatterns, a study of the microbiota of malnutrition wasrecently published. Smith et al. (2013) performed fecalsurveys of the microbiota in a Malawian twin cohort studyof severe malnutrition and generated HMM from afflictedchildren. These HMM mice lost a substantial amount ofweight and also provided important data on how themicrobiota responds to dietary interventions used to treatmalnutrition. Thus, HMM can be an extremely usefultool to understand the role of human gut microbiomes indisease, how diet reconfigures gut microbiota composi-tion and function, and how nutritional interventions canbe optimized to restore human health.

Under certain circumstances, it appears that there ishost specificity for which members of the human or ratmicrobiota can colonize the mouse small intestine; whenthese microbiome differences are linked to easily measur-able immune phenotypes, as was observed by Chung et al.(2012), it provides the chance to explore the time scales,environmental factors, and genetics (both host and mi-crobe) required for coadaptation. GF mice, simplifiedmicrobial community mice, and humanized microbiotamice are an ‘‘artificial’’ system. However, they have pro-vided and will continue to provide insight into the wide-ranging effects of the gut microbiota on mammalianphysiology and the mechanisms that permit and regulaterelationships between animals and their microbiota.

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Microbes and human development across the stages oflife An integral aspect of human development is theacquisition of our microbiota. The human infant is bornwith an essentially sterile gut, and although there can bedramatic variation in microbial diversity in early child-hood, the adult gut microbiota eventually takes on aconfiguration that is ‘‘conserved’’ across humans, featur-ing the dominance of the Bacteroidetes and Firmicutesphyla (Fig. 2). Therefore, there are strong evolutionaryforces acting on both humans and microbes, whichoperate in the development of a very specific constellationof the gut microbiota. Although many of the mechanismsby which these forces operate remain to be elucidated,recent metagenomics studies have shed light on the majorfeatures of the developing gut microbiota.

Prior to birth, a major remodeling of the mother’s gutmicrobiota occurs throughout the course of pregnancy(Koren et al. 2012). The interindividual diversity in thegut microbiota is dramatically increased in the thirdtrimester of pregnancy relative to the first trimester, witha particular increase in Proteobacteria and Actinobacte-ria. However, this new bacterial community acquired latein pregnancy is not transferred to the newborn; the child’sgut microbiota is more similar to its mother’s microbiotain the first trimester than in the third. This is consistentwith other studies that have reported that the infant’s gutmicrobiota is shaped by the mother’s vaginal, rather thangut, microbiota (Dominguez-Bello et al. 2010) and thatsimilarities between the child’s and mother’s microbiotaincrease with the age of the child (Yatsunenko et al. 2012).

Although historically the infant has been consideredsterile prior to birth, recent evidence shows that theamniotic fluid is host to a diversity of microorganisms(DiGiulio et al. 2008). Nevertheless, the meconium, thefirst stool sample produced by the infant, has both a verylow bacterial density (Palmer et al. 2007) and a very lowphylogenetic diversity (Koenig et al. 2011). In a study thatmeasured bacterial load using qRT–PCR, most babies had

an overall fecal bacterial density of <106 rDNA genecopies per gram of stool in the first 2 d after birth, andthe only two babies delivered by planned cesarean sectionin the study had low bacterial counts that continued untilthe seventh day after birth, as might be expected fromnewborns that were not exposed to a burst amniotic sacor to the vaginal canal (Palmer et al. 2007). After ;1 wk,the bacterial density rose and then stabilized to 108–109

rDNA copies per gram of stool for most infants.Mode of delivery appears to play a substantial role

in determining the structure of the newborn’s micro-biota not only in the gut, but also in other body habitats.Dominguez-Bello et al. (2010) collected samples fromskin, oral mucosa, nasopharyngeal aspirate, and stoolfrom a set of 10 newborn infants as well as skin, oral, andvaginal samples from their mothers immediately prior todelivery and analyzed them by 16S rDNA pyrosequenc-ing. The composition of the microbiota was relativelyhomogenous across all sampled body sites of the new-borns. Notably, the newborn’s bacterial community wasdetermined by mode of delivery, closely resembling thebacterial composition of the mother’s skin for a babydelivered by caesarian section (in which Staphylococcusand Propionibacterium spp. dominated) or the mother’svagina for those babies delivered vaginally (which in turnwere principally composed of Lactobacillus, Prevotella,Atopobium, or Sneathia spp.). A mother’s vaginal com-munity was more similar to her own baby’s microbiotathan to that of other babies; however, this was not true ofthe mothers’ skin microbiota in those newborns thatwere delivered by caesarian section, suggesting that non-maternal sources contributed significantly to shaping themicrobiota of these babies.

The composition of the gut microbiota is unstable inthe first 3 yr of life. Following initial colonization, thematuration of microbiota involves an increase in diver-sity and stability; communities undergo several consec-utive changes until an ‘‘optimal’’ community is acquired(Lozupone et al. 2012). Palmer et al. (2007) followed thegut microbiota in 14 infants through their first year of life

Figure 2. The structure of the human intestinal microbiota across the life cycle. The composition of the gut microbiome changesthroughout the course of life. The infant microbiome shows great interindividual variability and relatively low diversity but becomesmore diverse and converges into an ‘‘adult-like’’ structure by 3 yr after birth. Pregnancy is associated with an increase in Actinobacteriaand Proteobacteria and increased diversity, but the gut microbiota returns to its original structure sometime after delivery. Old age(>65 yr) is associated with a number of changes in the microbiota, including an increase in the abundance of Bacteroidetes.

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using a 16S rRNA gene-based microarray. Although thephylum-level diversity is still relatively limited, therewas an enormous amount of variation at the genus levelbetween newborns (Palmer et al. 2007). The early colo-nizers tend to be strict aerobes (for example, Streptococcusand Staphylococcus), whereas strict anaerobes generallycolonized later (most notably Clostridia spp.). Large fluc-tuations in the composition of the microbiota were com-mon in the first few weeks, as were ‘‘uneven’’ populations(communities dominated by a single taxonomic group),but the populations became more stable over time. Theinfants’ gut microbiota converged to a profile that weremore similar to one another and to the microbiota of adultstool samples, suggesting that the gut microbial commu-nities converge to a generic ‘‘adult-like’’ microbiota after1 yr of age. This ‘‘adult-like’’ community was character-ized by dominance of the Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes anda very low abundance of Proteobacteria and Gram-nega-tive bacteria (see Fig. 2).

A similar study focused on a single infant, monitoringthe gut microbiota by 16S rDNA sequencing and shotgunmetagenomics of stool specimens for a period of 3 yr(Koenig et al. 2011). The phylogenetic diversity of theinfant’s microbiota had a steady increasing trend overtime, with the lowest diversity on the first day of life. Byclustering OTUs identified in the infant’s stool across allof the time points tested, a clear, discrete set of commu-nity structures emerges that correspond to specific lifeevents: the breast feeding period, the start of rice cerealand table foods and the cessation of breast milk, and theincidence of fever and antibiotic treatments. Metage-nomic analysis identified changes in functional genedynamics that are associated with the developing micro-biota, such as the enrichment of lactose, galactose, andsucrose utilization genes during breast feeding; the ap-pearance of genes involved in plant-derived polysaccha-ride metabolism prior to beginning a diet of solid food;and the presence of genes involved in xenobiotic com-pound breakdown and vitamin biosynthesis after wean-ing. This work reveals the remarkable modularity withwhich the microbiome changes, adding and replacinggene functionalities to fit the metabolism of the ever-fluctuating infant diet.

Other major contributors to the developing microbiotainclude diet and geography. In a study that looked atvariations in the microbiota across geography and age,stool samples were collected from both children andadults from the United States, Malawi, and Amerindiansfrom Venezuela (Yatsunenko et al. 2012). Consistent withother studies (Palmer et al. 2007; Dominguez-Bello et al.2010), they observed an adult-like configuration of the gutmicrobiota by 3 yr after birth. The bacterial diversityincreased with age at an exponential scale within the first3 yr and continued to increase, although at a lower rate,thereafter. Interpersonal variation was significantly greaterbetween children than between adults. Monozygotic twinswere no more similar in their microbial composition thandizygotic twins, whether from Malawi or from the UnitedStates, underscoring the importance of environmentalrather than genetic determinants in shaping the micro-

biota. In a related study, the gut microbiota of youngchildren living in a remote village in Burkina Faso werecompared with children living in urban Florence, Italy(De Filippo et al. 2010). The African children (BF children)had a diet high in fiber and low in animal protein, whereasthe European children (EU children) had a typical westerndiet high in animal protein, starch, and sugar and low infiber. The BF microbiota was dominated by the Bacte-roidetes; however, the EU microbiota had a high abun-dance of Firmicutes and much lower level of Bacte-roidetes and also a higher level of Proteobacteria. The BFmicrobiota also had a higher richness and biodiversity. Ahigh Firmicutes-to-Bacteroidetes ratio and low microbialdiversity is indicative of a high-calorie diet and obesity(Ley et al. 2006; Turnbaugh and Gordon 2009), suggestingthat the association of the Western diet with poorer healthand greater disease risk may be directly linked to the gutmicrobiota.

Comprehensive characterizations of the ‘‘healthy’’ hu-man adult microbiota have been carried out by theEuropean and Chinese-led Metagenomics of the HumanIntestinal Tract (MetaHIT) Consortium and the NationalInstitutes of Health (NIH)-sponsored Human MicrobiomeProject (HMP). MetaHIT focused on shotgun metage-nomic sequencing of fecal samples from 146 Europeanindividuals, uncovering the presence of a minimal gutgenome and metagenome based on taxonomy and genefunctionality (Qin et al. 2010) and the clustering ofindividuals into one of three enterotypes, identified byvariation in the level of the Bacteroides, Prevotella, andRuminococcus genera (Arumugam et al. 2011). The HMPcarried out both 16S rRNA gene sequencing and meta-genomic sequencing on 15 (for males) or 18 (for females)body sites on each of 242 healthy adults in the UnitedStates samples on three separate visits (The HumanMicrobiome Project Consortium 2012a). The gut andtooth habitats were found to harbor the greatest be-tween-subject microbial diversity but also the lowestbetween-visit variability, whereas the skin had lowerbetween-subject diversity but much higher between-visitvariability (The Human Microbiome Project Consortium2012b). Although there was strong variability in bacterialabundance at the taxonomic level in almost every bodysite, the gene-level metabolic pathways were highlystable, in agreement with previous results that werelimited to fecal microbiota (Turnbaugh et al. 2008b).

The gut microbial composition of the elderly showsa decrease in the Firmicutes-to-Bacteroidetes ratio andgreater variability than that of younger adults (Claessonet al. 2011), and this trend may be more pronounced incentenarians (Biagi et al. 2010). Recently, the fecal micro-biota composition in 178 elderly individuals was assessedby 16S rRNA gene sequencing (Claesson et al. 2012). Theinvestigators observed a clear clustering in gut micro-biota patterns according to whether the subjects live in acommunity residence or a long-term care facility, witha distinctly higher level of Bacteroidetes among the long-term care patients. Diet was a major determinant ofmicrobial diversity, which was highest in those with a‘‘low-fat/high-fiber’’ diet and lowest with a ‘‘moderate- or

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high-fat/low-fiber’’ diet. Microbial diversity showed clearhealth associations using multiple clinical parameters ofgeriatric health. This work demonstrates that the micro-biota continues to change in old age and is closely linkedto diet and health status, suggesting the possibility thatmicrobial profiling may serve as a clinically useful bio-marker in geriatric care.


Model systems and the microbiota

The microbiome field has undergone a renaissance inrecent years and is uncovering the many dependencies ofthe host on the microbiota in the maintenance of healthand also a substantial role for symbionts in the initia-tion and propagation of disease. The similarities of host–microbiota interactions across model systems are strik-ing. Each model plays host to a specific community ofmicroorganisms that is conserved across members ofthe species and employs a collection of host factors thatmaintains the structure of this microbiota. The Hawaiianbobtail squid is the ultimate ‘‘reduction of complexity’’system for understanding host–microbiota interactionson a one-to-one basis and harbors a bacterium withtractable genetics. The fruit fly offers the advantage ofa greatly reduced microbiota, <30 species, that is aerobicand culturable, therefore affording microbial manipula-bility in the context of a highly genetically manipulablehost. The zebrafish bears the physiological and immuno-logical features common to all vertebrates as well as acomplex microbiota but greater throughput potential anda higher degree of genetic tractability than that of highervertebrates. The mouse is highly similar to humans atboth the host genetic level and the taxonomic levels ofthe microbiota and has been by far the most productiveworkhorse for dissecting host–microbiota functional re-lationships to date. Going forward, the microbiome fieldcan benefit in a synergistic manner by combining thesemodel systems and others to understand the underlyingprinciples that govern host–microbiota interactions.

Perspective and future directions

We have begun to understand the dynamics of the humanmicrobiome through human life stages, largely driven bysequencing technology developments in recent years thathave fueled metagenomics. Large systematic efforts suchas the MetaHIT and HMP consortia have contributedvastly to our understanding of the composition of the‘‘normal’’ microbiome and so pave the way for futureefforts to study its perturbations in disease. Much workremains to be done. We are moving from a phylogeneticdefinition of our microbiota and are beginning to appre-ciate its gene content and functionality and, by extension,are beginning to acquire a dynamic metatranscriptomicand metametabolomic view of our gut. In order to facilitateexpansion into these new fields, more effort must becontributed to the sequencing and annotation of newbacterial reference whole genomes, as is currently under

way. Recent progress has been made to develop newculturing technologies so that we can grow previously‘‘unculturable’’ organisms in the laboratory environment(Vartoukian et al. 2010). We have expanded our view of themicrobiome beyond bacteria and into the virome (viruses)(Minot et al. 2011) and mycome (fungi) (Ghannoum et al.2010) and have begun to investigate the reciprocal in-teractions between these constituents (Kane et al. 2011;Kuss et al. 2011). The microbiome holds great potentialfor breakthroughs in translational medicine, includingthe promise of precision tools that will allow us to ‘‘sculpt’’the microbiome with diet, prebiotics, probiotics, andtargeted antibiotics to prevent and treat disease. Goingforward, model systems will be essential for conductingthe experimental perturbations and interventions re-quired to understand the complexities of host interac-tions with the microbiota.


We thank members of the Garrett laboratory for discussion.Work from our laboratory is supported by grants from the NIH(AI078942, R01CA154426, R01DK092405, and GM099531 toW.S.G., and F32DK098826 to M.H.), the Burroughs WellcomeFund, the Searle Scholars Program, the Lavietes Fund, and theCancer Research Institute to W.S.G.


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  Aleksandar D. Kostic, Michael R. Howitt and Wendy S. Garrett 

microbiota interactions in animal models and humans−Exploring host



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