Exploring Creative Social Intelligence PRESENTERS: Inez S. Bush + Asma Kazmi The Imaginative...

Exploring Creative Social Intelligence PRESENTERS: Inez S. Bush + Asma Kazmi The Imaginative Reinvention of Education Grand Arts in Kansas City, MO February 25 and 26, 2011

Transcript of Exploring Creative Social Intelligence PRESENTERS: Inez S. Bush + Asma Kazmi The Imaginative...

Exploring Creative Social Intelligence


Inez S. Bush + Asma Kazmi

The Imaginative Reinvention of Education

Grand Arts in Kansas City, MO February 25 and 26, 2011

Imagination is more important than knowledge.

– Albert Einstein, 1879-1955 Physicist, Nobel Prize for Physics

For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand,

while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.”

– Albert Einstein, 1879-1955

Physicist, Nobel Prize for Physics

“It’s your imagination…everyone’s got one,

you’ve just got to find it.”

– 10 year old student, 2003

A recent IBM poll of 1,500 CEOs identified Creativity as the No. 1

leadership competency of the future.

The Creativity Crisis, Newsweek, July 10, 2010

Q:Are we consistently nurturing and developing creativity through our

current educational practices?

The three key motivators for humans are autonomy, mastery and purpose.

– Daniel H. Pink

autonomy: compliant vs. engaged

Q:While we strive for students to

be engaged, how often does the concept of teacher and administrator

engagement get addressed?


Q:What if schools carved out time for

“non-commissioned” work, for autonomy?

mastery: Have you ever experienced being so focused and challenged that

you lost track of time?

Flow is the mental state in which a person in an activity is fully immersed

in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and success in

the process of the activity.

– Conceived by Mihály Csíkszentmiháyi, Professor of Psychology and Management and founding

Co-Director of the Quality of Life Research


Q:How often do we provide students

the opportunity to access flow?

How often do we provide teachers & principals with that same opportunity?

The element is the place where the things you love to do and the things

you are good at come together.

– Sir Ken Robinson

Q:What happens to someone

who never has the opportunity to discover their element?

educe: to draw forth from within

Q:Is there more value in asking

questions or learning answers?

What if the educational system’s focus was on the process of inquiry

and collaborative discovery?

Reggio Emilia

purpose: how vs. why

Grace Living Center

shared purpose

knowledge-as-participation dialogue vs.


Debating Through the Arts: a creative exchange for social change

debate • caucus • collaborate • create • present

Debating Through the Arts: a creative exchange for social change